,THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. STILL CLOSING THBM OUT THE FORMER S. B. & J stock, and must surely find buyers at these prices. Richmond piano, new, $187. Emerson pianos, new, and said to be worth 530O, now $186. Other styles. $218 and $235. Starr pianos, new. almost naif price. Bstey pianos make us an offer. Anything In the neighborhood of $258 for "the best styles (new) goes. So-called fo0 Steinway uprights, less than $450 and some lor $3SC. All on easy payments. Don't mlsa this sale. Remember the street number Ml Washing ton. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Near Eighth. FOR SALK OR TRADE YOUNG AND GEN tle mare, 16 hands, weight 1200. sired by Earl Derby; trade for hay, apples, potatoes, or wnaller horse. Apply stud groom, Vlnce's barn. 292 Pine. New TYPEWRITERS. ah makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies. Coast Agency Co., 200 Stark st UORSE. GOOD, GENTLE FAMILY MARE, weight 1300. Address Patterson &. Rueker, 10W Belmont fit., Portland. Or. SEVERAL SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE horses, cheap, gentle, single, double. S. E. cor Sixth and Washington. 1 10 000 WILL BUY ONE-HALF INTEREST in long - established, paying manufacturing business. M 54, Oregonian. CABINET-MAKERS. MACHINERY, EN glne boilers, etc. Write George W. Wright, Albany. Or. FOR SALE A. FEW SHARES OF VERY rich placer sines. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. N FOR SALE FINE CANARY SINGER. WITH cage and fixtures. Inquire SSI Yamhill, the Leader. Wolfstein buys and sells aV kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. Upright piano $186. cost $300 3 mos. ago; Kim ball $S6 organ $15. 104 First. Upstairs. ALL SCHOOL BOOKS CAN BE HAD AT THE Old Book Store. 22V Yamhill st. FOR SALE-TWO FREH JERSEY COWS. H42 Mallory ave.. Highland. YOUNG. FRESH COWS FOR SALE. ' IN qutre at SSI East Pine st. THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPANIEL PUPS for sale. 82 Shaver st. Pianos. PIANO FOR RENT FAMILY GOING AWAY vwH rent their upright piano six months, to responsible party; $4 monthly. D 10, Orego n.an. HELP WANTED MALE. 100 R. R. LABORERS AND TEAMSTERS. $2, city, call today; 200 Gray's Harbor, Idaho. East Oregon. Vancouver, pass to all; 10 teams R R., $4, near City; 4 city, $4; laborers, city, $2, bridge carpenters, $2.50 up; stone masons, Soc hr. ; laundryman, $10, board; falters, $2 GO, axmen. $2.26; loggers, $2 to $2.50; skid greasr, $1.60. buckers, $2; swampers, $1.75; barkers, $2 to $2.50, ratchet setter, $2.5(1 ; edgerman. $2.25, millhands, $2, yaramen, $1.75 and $J, post cutters, lc each; bolt cutters, 80c and 00c; wood choppers, 85c to $1 lu, farm hands and milkers, $25, open Sun day. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OFFICES FURNISH MALE AND FEMALE HELP FREE TO THE EMPLOYER. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 128 FIRST ST.. P. O. BOX 003. COLUMBIA 487, OREGON GRANT 811. WANTED A GOOD. BRIGHT MAN OR woman to sell small policies costing as low as $1 per month for a big New York old-line lift Insurance company; no previous experi ence necessary, large income guaranteed. Call at 005 Oregonian building, M. T. Kady, superintendent. WANTED MILL HANDS AND LABORERS to buy one of those beautiful acre tracts at St Johns; small cash payment, balance monthly, steady work furnished, to capable hands. Hartman. Thompson & Powers, 3 Chamber of Commerce. MR RODNEY. FOR SEVEN YEARS AT ST. Helen's Hall and 12 years Trinity Church School, N. Y., has charge of our language and mathematical dep'ts. Day and night. Behnke's Com'l College, Commercial block. W ANTED YOUNG MAN, ONE WITH small means, to take halt interest In shoe shop Apply at S. W. cor. Sixth and Flan ders sts - WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER; steady work for suitable man; union bill. Aaaress Anncr JJavls, lioqulam. wash. i W ANTED AN EXPERIENCED MINER. able to handle air drills; state age and refer ences. Address F 10. Oregonian. t- WANTED EDITOR FOR DAILY PAPER IN Oregon. Apply between 11 and 12 A. M., room 404 Imperial Hotel. YOUNG MAN TO READ ONE HOUR DAILY Tor iirt tuition. Behnke's Commercial Col lege, Commercial block. 1 W NTED-GOOD HATTER. WHO KNOWS his business; also canvassers. Phoenix Hat Factor-, 208 Stark st. WANTED COUCH MAKERS AND MAT tress makers. Apply at Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., 210 First at. WANTED FHtST-CLASS SALESMAN: BIO wages; city and country. 215 Commercial bk. BARBER WANTED. AT THE METROPOL k itan Baths. 00 Third; must be first class. WANTEDGENERAL TAILOR, AT ONCE. G. Schulz. Pendleton, Or. BOY TO LEARN DRUG BUSINESS. AD--dress C 1. care Oregonian. HELP WANTED FE3IALE. WANTED. HOUSEKEEPER RELIABLE quiet, middle-aged widow, without children as housekeeper in small family; good refer ence required. Address R 10, Oregonian. WANTED AT RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT Offices Wants cooks, second girls, housework girls, housekeepers, waitresses, laundresses and factory women. 128 First st. COOKS, CITY AND COUNTRY; WAIT- resses, hotels and B.-H.; second girls; cham bermaids and 150 housework, $12 to $23. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. WANTED SINGLE LADY AS COMPANION and clerk to go North; strictly confidential; ood salary; please give phone number. Ad ress E 58, Oregonian. WAITED A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER: good wages and permanent place -to the right party, giveage and references. Address B 10, Oregonian. WANTED TO INTERVIEW MIDDLE-AGED woman who Is willing to learn and engage In a permanent, profitable business. K 53. caro Oregonian. WANTED TODAY COOKS, SECOND GIRLS, housekeepers, general housework girls. St. L uls, 2 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. EnRY ONE DESIRING WORK CALL Girls' Club, room 18 Pussel building. Fourth and Morrison. Mrs. Porter. WANTED A fcAPABLE. ENERGETIC NUR sery governess; references required. Address S H H, care Oregonian. W NTED A GIRL. TO DO GENERAL housework. Inquire 605' Flanders st;, be tween 21st and 22d. LADY WHO CAN SING; GOOD SALARY. Call today. Newman's Theatrical Agency, Seventh and Alder. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR , GENERAL work in small famllj ; good wages. Inquire 770 Irving st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in country; wages $30. Address F 9, Oregonian. W ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN, WHO has tact In addressing strangers. R 0, care Oregonian. RELIABLE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH CHIL dren. 809 Lovejoy, between 24th and 25th. W NTED A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE vf child afternoons. Inquire 704 Alder st. W ANTED - A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Apply C29 East Ankeny st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of child afternoons. Call 304 Alder st. Acme Employment Bureau. 245 Morrison Help free to employers. Both phones. A FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER, REM Ington typewriter. V 10. Oregonian. NURSE GIRL FOR TWa CHILDREN; GOOD wages; reference. 234 10th st. GIRL TO ASSIST m 'HOUSEWORK, SMALL family, cottage 705 Everett. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. .. , . TWO CHAMBERMAIDS, THREE WAPr resses. four girls for housework. The "Work ing Girls' Hoae. 291 Third. Phone Hood 409. 4 WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- lng. 2So College at At once. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 430 Salmon. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 12th. cor. Columbia. 203 WANTED AT 284 MAIN STREET, WOMAN dishwasher. HELP WAKTED-MALE OR FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO REPRESENT US for the best-selling books; special induce ment. Address box 087, Spokane, Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GOOD BOOKKEEPER WANTS SET BOOKS to keep evenings, y CO, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE. NOT LONG IN AMERICA, wishes position In family, with reasonable wages, perfectly reliable. Address Japanese Mission, 393 Flanders st. Phone Clay 7-10. H CAN FURNISH FARM AND DOMESTIC hands; also other help. Japanese Labor Ass'n, 2GS Everett st. Tel. ;Black 092. SITUATION WANTED-BY STRONG JAPA nese boy in any place, to do dishwashing or housework. 53 North Fourth fit. JAPANESE GOOD BOY. WANTS SITUATION in family, do plain cooking and housework. E 57, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION to help cook or do housework In family. S 1, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO cooking or housework, city or country. 124 Fifth st. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS man as head cook. Address X 2, care Ore gonian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS, POSITION to do cooking In family. G 1, care Ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. WANTED TO DO PLAIN SEWING, IN fants and children's sewing a specialty. Call or address 080 E. Stark. Uousckceprs. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES situation as housekeeper, widower's family. Call 2806 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED SITUATION. BY MIDDLE-AGED woman, as housekeeper In small family. Call 735 Raleigh. WANTED-BY A COMPETENT WOMAN. PO sltI6n as housekeeper. Address, for one week, D 0, care Oregonian. WANTED-A SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEP cr to & gentleman. T 10, care Oregonian. Domestics. GIRL WANTS A POSITION FOR GENERAL housework In small family. O 10, care Ore gonian. GIRL "WISHES PLACE TO DO LIGHT housework. 187 21st. Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATION, BY YOUNG WOM an, as candymaker; experienced; references. W 10, Oregonian. FIVE GOOD GIRLS, ONE WORK BY DAY. Working Girls' Home, 291 3d. Tel. Hood 499. WANTEDSITUATION. BY A PLAIN COOK, In private family. Apply 389 Main st. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW HOLI day books. Outfits now ready. Best books; best terms. Otufit sent by mall oft receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. Circulars free on application. S. C Miller & Co., 411 Good nough building, Portland, Or. AGENTS WANTED BEST LIFE OF McKIN ley and Christmas books; 75 per cent dis count. Outfit iree. Freight paid. Credit given. Valuable premium. Our agents get $2000 in gold for Christmas. Henry Nell, 323 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. N WANTED A BRIGHT YOUNG MAN OR woman to represent us in each locality; steady and profitable employment. Union Subscription Book Co., 10 Lewis bldg., 8th ana xaorrison sis., .foruana. y- life of Mckinley we can fill or- ders for either Marshall Everett's or Murat Halstead's books, best editions published. S. C. Miller & Co.. 411 Qoodnough bldg. AGENTS TO SELL "HALL'S PATENT Glass Hones." Send 25c for sample. Address H. Kampe, 18 Mason st. San Francisco. - WANTED TO RENT. WANTED-BY RELIABLE PARTY. A FUR nUhed cottage, 5 or 0 rooms; must be mod ern; state location and price. E 5, Orego nian. WANTED BY RELIABLE PARTY. 8 OR 6 room cottage; must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price, F. W., care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT-r-NICELY FURNISHED flat of small house, in good location, for man and wife. Address P. O. box 1048. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ZIMMERMAN. 214 FIRST. COR. SALMON, pays more for second-hand furniture than any other city dealer. Telephone North 1046. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes 62 North 3d. Phons Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. A SIDE LINE OF GOODS. BY TRAVELING agent, for Oregon and Washington. Address S 10, Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds second-hand goods. Send postal. 86 N. Third. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE; carpet laying. 249 Fifth. Phone Clay 9S4. Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc Kutner & Co.. 32 N. Third. Oregon phone Clay 680. WANTED A GOOD DOUBLE - BARREL shotgun, hammerless. J 10, Oregonian. WANTED MEDIUM-SIZED TEAM. HAR ness and wagon. Call Scott 745. HARES. BARNES' WANTED BELGIAN Market, Portland. Or. s FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. K. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding The moat complete apartment-house In the Northwest; cubic rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE CALUMET. SEVENTH AND ALDER The most elegant rooming-house in the North west; steam heat, electric lights; watcfi. lu every room; porcelain bathB, suites with pri vate baths; every modern Convenience; an Ideal stopping place for the traveling publlcT Rates $1 per day ind upward. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 14TH YEAR; rooms, with board; use of sewing-room; u of library. Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. George. Super intendent. 510 Flanders st THE PLEASANTON, 2SS THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping, sunlight In all rooms; bath included. Most reasonable terms. Transient solicited. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE house; every convenience;, three minutes' "walk from Fifth and Morrison; excellent lo cation. Phone West 657. V THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts Rooms, furnished or unfur nished: all modern conveniences: references. THE STEVENS. 426 ALDER NICELY FUR nlshcd sunny rooms: heat, gas, porcelnln bathB; no children. Telephone. 258 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room; suitable one or two gentlemen; private family; reasonable. , NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR ROOMS; also other desirable robms; bath, gas, phone. 391 YamhllL cor. 10th. LARGE CORNER ROOM. WT3LL FURN1SH cd. suitable for two; bay windows, bath, gas, phone. 514 Morrison. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED roomfi, with use of kltphen, bath and phone. wlSO Park. A VERY DESIRABLE ROOM; BATH, GAS and telephone; flrst-clasa location. 534 Mor rison 8t. Furnished room. $1 week and up; also house keeping rata. Tremont House. 7th and Sverttt FOR RENT. Rooms. THE BONITA, 89 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY Furniahed rooms; breakfast Berved if wished. Cosmos. 2684 Morrison $1 per day; rates rea sonable by month; also housekeeping suites. MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUILD lng. steam heat, new furniture. 311 Stark. ROOMS. FURNISHED, $1.50 A WEEK AND upward. 268 Alder st. Phorie Clay 007. 160 10TH, NEXT DOOR TO MORRISON TWO well-furnished rooms; modern conveniences. 428 WASHINGTON ST. NICEL2 FURNISH ed rooms; reasonable bath and phone. 331 12TH ST. ROOMS. FURNISHED. UN furnished, gas. telephone, bath. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR . suites; modern. 105 10th st. ,, TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, NEW ly papered. 10G 10th st. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED- ROOMS. Morrison. 305 Rooms With Hoard. BEST ROOMS AND BOARD IN CITY AT reasonable rat ex; only first-class people; good cooking and excellent service; everything up to date. The Vendome, 13th and Alder. A LARGE FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOM, with excellent board; gas, bath, etc.; reason able, for two; also table board. 201 13th st. Phone Oak 31. THE COLONIAL, 165 10TH ST. A SELECT family hotel, very desirable suite second floor front; table and service first-class. THE BROWN HOTEL. GRAND AND HAW thorne aves, Pleasant rooms; hot and cold water; good board; "both car lines. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR without board; references exchanged. 713 Washington et. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS; GOOD BOARD; every convenience. The Sterling, 535 Couch. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM; SUITABLE FOR two; board; $10 a month. 555 Morrison. HESPERIAN ROOMS. WITH BOARD; ALL modern conveniences. 533 Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. "WITH board. 141 West Park, cor. Alder. Housekeeping: Rooms. FOR RENT 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; good location; man and wife preferred. 261 King St., end of Madison. TWO FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SELL-ing-Hlrsch building, for sale, complete for light housekeeping. H 10, Oregonian. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; electric light, steam "heat. The Burkhard, East Burnslde and Union ave. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; furnished room for man and wife; bath, telephone. 75 W. Park. FURNISHED ROOM; GAS. PHONE AND bath; light housekeeping If desired; central. 351 Oak, near Seventh. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; closets, pantry and sink; no children. 48S Everett. NICELY- FURNISHED Fi-AT, FIRST FLOOR; central; gas, range and telephone; no chil dren. Call 301 Alder. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $2 per week; also unfurnished rooms. 32 Front st., cor. Ash. TWO OR THREE NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, for -housekeeping; also single room. 265 Fifth st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS and housekeeping rooms. 132 Union aVc, E. Morrison. THREE MODERN UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, to parties without children. 170 10th st. 02 17TH, CORNER FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; private family; no children. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; very convenient; In private family. 28 North Seventh. ! FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING FRONT rooms, first floor; sink; no children. 503 Fifth street. 253 Sixth st.. cor. Madison Furnished house keeping rooms; all conveniences; best location. A SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GAS rangte; no children. 190 West Park. FLAT. FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 225 First st. I Houses. A NEW AND MODERN HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms and servant room. In the choicest resi dence portion; to parties buying new carpets nnd shades. In use only one month. M 9, Oregonian. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. partly furnished; large grounds: beautiful lo cation. J. A. Henkle. 210 Ablngton building. CHOICE, MODERN 0 - ROOM HOUSE; 10 minutes' walk from business portion of city; $25. W. Reidt, Washington building. FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE, new; eight blocks from steel bridge, East Side. Phone Whtte 511 or Scott 724. 7-ROOM HOUSE; BATH, LARGE YARD, CE ment basement; 361 San Rafael si.. Upper Albina. Apply 355 San Rafael St. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE; BEST LOCA tlon, modern Improvements; perfect repair; price $35. C 9, Oregonian. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, CLOSE IN, AND very aesiraoie. Aoarcrs 310 west Park et. Phone Front 1492. FOR RENTV-FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 695 Weldler st. Inquire at 291 North 18th st., Wst Side. COTTAGE. 5; HOUSE. 7 ROOMS; FINE CON ditlon. and location, 001 East 'Ash. Phone Blue 672. MOUNT TABOR: 5-ROOM COTTAGE; TWO blocks south Hunter's ntatlon. Abply 281 Morrison. 8-ROOM HOUSE AT MONTAVILLA. VERY cheap, furnished or unfurnished. 230 Stark street. 7-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN; FURNACE. Call 163 18th st., near Irving, between 2 and 5. FOR RENT-7-ROOM HOUSE, 60 ELLA ST.; $27.50. Russell & Blyth, 82 Third st. FOR RENT 12-ROOM HOUSE. 440 JOHNSON st. Inquire S. Lowengardt, 33 Park. HOUSE FOR RENT; g ROOMS AND BATH. 250 Dixon st. Phone Bus. 1201. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT ON KEARNEY st, between 20th .and 21st. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE, 708 EVER ett st.; to responsible tenant only; open for Inspection 1 to 4:30 P. M. dally. Wakefield, Fries & Co., Agents, 229 Stark st. FINE FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT; YARD; central; modern; can sub-let rooms; cheap. Portland Adjustment Co., room 815 Allsky building. I- $S PER MONTH: 3 ROOMS, PANTRY, BATH room. furnished for housekeeping; free water and telephone. C34 Seventh st., hear Sheri dan. 6-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. CEN tral location. M. S. Rentery, Sherlock build ing, Third and Oak. cr House tor Rent. Furniture for SnlCi FURNITURE FOR 8ALE OF 6-ROOM FLAT for $125; flat for rent, $12; West Side. Call 610 Marquam building. FURNISHED ROOMING - HOUSES, 8-60 rooms, finest In city, $350 to $5000. Inquire 425 Taylor, 0-HOOM FLAT FOR RENT, HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. Apply 28 10th at. Stores. TO LET-FINE STORE; RENT MODERATE. Inquire .on premises. 107 First st. Offices. FOR RENT DESKROOM NOVEMBER I: desk and everything iurnlshed. Call "240 Stark st E. S. Jackson & Co DUSIXESS CHANCE - FOR HAL.E STOCK OP RESEKIT. xren. chandtse iri good, thriving town; will sell all or part of Stock; want to retire from busi ness the reason for selling. Address X 0. care Oregortlan. ALL ROOMING AND B0ARDING-H0USE8. grocery, candy and cigar stores and business chances Of all kinds are listed with JENNINGS & CO., 300 MORRISON ST. CIGAR. TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY store, doing good business; six housekeeping rooms upstairs; cheap rent. 2SS Grand ave. Goiac away. BUSINESS CHANCES. EXPERIENCE AGAINST CAPITAL-AN UP-to-datc woolen manufacturer of woolen goods of all kinds wants a partner with $20,000 to manufacture blankets, shawls, robes, flan, nelS and dress goods; will pay a profit of twenty thousand first year for use of money; plant, when Tunning, valued at thirty-five thpusand dollars. Address L 9, care Orego nian. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS MAN. ABLE TO devote a small part of his tlmo and give good bond, can obtain local position, check ing royalties and rentals on our patents In his city. Income of $500 to $2500 assured re sponsible party. Coin Controller Co., St. Louis, Mo. OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN THOR oughly established and profitable business en terprises in this city; reliable information furnighed 'parties seeking locations. Ames Mercantile Agency, '205 Ablngton bldg. $850 VERY NEAT GROCERY STORE, IN the city;. clean stock; fine cash trade only; Invoice more than price aakod; reason for selling, owner leaving the state. J. W. Ogll bee. room II, 145 First st,. FOR SALE A LONG-ESTABLISHED, GOQD paying fish and poultry business; good loca tion: reasonable. Address S 0, caro Orego nian. WANTED TO PURCHASE STOCK. OF THE Helena Consolidated Mining Co. I. H. Bing ham, 110 Sherlock building. Phone South 630. FOR RENT BUTCHER SHOP. TOOLS; centrally located. P. A. Coohran, Woodburn, Or. FOR SALE RESTAURANT, AT A BARGAIN If sold at once. Inquire 69 First st. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon their own names; emy p.tyments; strictly confidential. New Era Luan & Trust Co., room 2Ai Ablngton bldg. unice hour, 10 to 4. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or ialary se curity, at low rates C. V. Pullett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 856. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 410. MONEY T?0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co., 602 Commercial b(k. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $5ou; ON ALL classes of security. R. 1. Eckersoti & Co., room 5. Washington bldg. Phune Clay ma. 5 AND UP. IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room lu, Washington bldg. Phune Hood 413. LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, pianos and other securities. 128 Third st., C H. Thompson's Cut-Kate Ticket Ofilce. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Khaw & Co.. 243 Stark st. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck, 321 Morrison at. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other good securities. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON CITS OR FARM property at 0 and 7 per cent. C. F. Plympton, Allsky building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. room u Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith, 3 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc., low rates. Bee us first. Mann & Co., 604 Dekum- bldg. $200 TO $5000, LOW RATES, .NO COM'3. Seo Ward. 323 Allsky building. LOST AND FOUND. DOG LOST-STRAYED FROM ALBANY. OR., Oct. 16, red Irish setter, ruiner thin. 3 years old; owner's' name and address on collar. Finder please notify owner, R. H. Blrdsall, Portland, or D. O. Woodworth, Albany, and receive rewatd. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH, ON THE 0 o'clock Waverly and Woodstock Car. between Morrison and Belmont. Return F. G. Urfer's grocery, Mllwaukle and Beacon sts. Reward. FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS, MORNING OF Nov. 6, near the corner of Fifth and Mor rison Yale and Corbln locks and other keys. Call at Ofegonlan. and pay for notice. LOST A PEARL OPERA GLASS HANDLE; also a red morocco purte, containing papers of value to owner only. Return to Orego nian office, and receive reward. LOST MY FEMALE ST. BERNARD DOG, "Mischief." Information leading to recovery will be rewarded. Samuel O'Connell, 434 Larrabee. Telephone RUss 201. LOST WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DIA mond Russian crown pin, knifcblade Setting. Return to Oregonian office, and receive re ward. ' ' 1 LOST BLACK COCKER SPANIEL PUP. Sunday afternoon. Return 246 North 20th at., ahd receive reward. LOST A FUR COLLAR, NEAR SIXTH AND Washington. Return to Oregonian office, and receive reward. LOST-BUNCH KEYS ON PARK ST., BE tween Morrl.ion and Salmon. Please leave at Oregonian ofilce. LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS, RETURN TO Oregonian office, and receive reward. PERSONAL. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, birthmarks, red nose, permanently removed by electricity. Smallpox plttlngs and wrin kles removed by our special palrtlesa treat ment, rompylng the entire epidermis, giving one a new face, young, bright and clear. This Is the same treatment so successfully undergone lately by both PattI and Bern hardt. Electro-iaclal massage and electro scalp treatment; manicuring. Parlors, 702 Marquam building. New York Electro Therapeutical Co, COSIPLEXION, HAIR AND SCALP SPE olallsut; all facial blemishes removed no scars. Latest American and Parisian meth ods used. Dermatology, massage, electrolysis and beauty culture taught, plastic surgery done; results guaranteed. City references. Pure cosmetics. Trial treatment free. Orleh tal Beauty Parlofcv 342 Wash., rooms 8-12. EDWIN BROWN, 12 YEaRS, VERY LARGE for age, 6 feet 4, wearing gray cap, light coat, long black trousers, black shoes, left Ben Selling's evening of Oct. 28 with pack age addressed to 2S8 N. 18th. Any Informa tion regarding him or package will Be re waraea by His mother. 779 Hoyt. 1 7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM lrrcgulart painful or stoppages, ieucorrhoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old of young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam hill st., Portland, Or Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation tree. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. GO TO THE POLYCLINIC DISPENSARY for the successful treatment of all chronic, special and surgical diseases and diseases of Women. Tdrms, $5 per month, Including medi cines. Poor treated free. Consultation gratia. Address, Washington building, Portland, Or. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT ALL SIZES ,$1 a montn keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, button sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray'a. DR. G. S. MOORE'S SCIENTIFIC HAIR nE storer; positive euro for falling hair, bald ness and eczema; guaranteed or money, re funded; send foe circular. 332 O'Farreil St., San FrancUco. -I MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Rob erts' Nerve Globules. One. month's treat ment. $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, fort- land, or. 1 VIM. VIGOB. , V1TALITYDU PONT ET Cie'n Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for ellher sex: 25a, box by mall. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. DARLING SANITARIUM. MT. TABOR. PRI vatc; women's diseases, confinement: country cases solicited, terms moderate". Address Dr. Darling, Mngr.. Cambridge bldg,, -Portland. Electrolysis parlors have been opened at 210- 211 Failing buiiamg; nupernuous nair ana facial blemishes removed; treatment strictly confidential; experienced lady operator. "The Decameron " "Hentameron," "Convent Life," "Maria Monk' "Her Hidden Charms, "Rosa'B Ciniesslon," "Sappho," "Olivia." 60c each. Schmale, 229 First, YOUR PRESCRIPT1VJS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st.. bet. 1st and 2d. We print vour name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style, 25c 250 business cards. $1. k Brown & Schmale, 229 First. Portland, Or. WEE WHITE MOUSE. Write to I'bur own old Mud. Will be for warded from where ypu wrote last. O, H. Rleger. man'fg Jeweler; full line Jewel ry, silverware and cut glass; fine watch re pairing. 291 Morrison, upstairs. 1000' ELEGANT SWITCHES TO SELE.CT from. Paris Half Store. 308 Washington. MRS. DR. HcCOY, Ross House. 211 1st, oor. Salmon; electric treatment. Rooms 4-5. PERSONAL. BE A. MAN-PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT- RE galns your vjgor and youth; write today. N 58, Oregonian. PERFORMERS, .VOCALISTS. MUSICLVNS. for all occasions. Thcat Agency. 7th & Alder. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED 7 MAR rlago paper. 10c P. O. box GOO. Portland. Or. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN .PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggist. PORTLAND VETERINARY HOSPITAL. DR. Power, 0th and Davis sts. Pjhone South 2121. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, cleaning and re pairing. Zelig, 364 Morrison. Phone Clay 282. FURS REMODELED AT HALF PRICE. G. Konlgsbcrg, 1st and Taylor. Old furs bought. WATCHES. DIAMONDS: EASY PAYMENTS. Open Sat. evenings. W. H. Lesh, 613 Dekum. ELECTRO-VIBRATORY CO., 392 MORRISON. Colored electric light baths for rheumatism. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE instantly. 10 and 23 cents. All druggists. LESSONS GIVEN IN ANTIQUE WOOD carving; carving for sale. 502 Wash. et. NEW YORK MERCANTILE CO.. 205 THIRD; see prices on laces and dress trimmings. SPECIAL NOTICES. Master's Notice. FRENCH BARK LOUIS PASTEUR. CAP taln Tattevln, from Antwerp Neither tne captain nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vejcl will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Kerr. Glfford & Co. DANISH SHIP PRINCESSE MARIE, LY becker. Master Neither the master nor the undersigned will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the above-named vessel at this port. The Portland Flouring Mltls Co., Consignees. Miscellaneous. STATE OF OREGON. EXECUTIVE DE partment, Salem, October 14, 1901. In ac cordance with the provisions of an act en titled "An act submitting to the electors of the State of Oregon, at the general election to be held on the first Monday In June, 100.:. the pending Constitutional Amendment," ap proved February 25, 1901, I, T. T. Geer, Gov ernor Of the State 'of Oregon, do hereby cause the following proposed amendment, desig nated as "Initiative and Referendum Amend ment," to the Constitution of the State of Oregon, as certified to by the Secretary of State, to Be published for five consecutive weeks In The Morning Oregonian, a news paper published In the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Oregon. " Done at the Capitol, at Salem, Or1., this 14th day of October, A. D. 1901. (Seal) T. T. GEER, Governor. By the Governor: F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1, (Of the Twenty-first Biennial Session). AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Resolved by the Hquse, the Senate con curring: That the following amendment to the Consti tution of the State of Oregon be, and the same hereby is, proposed: Section 1 of article IV of the Constitution of the State of Oregon shall be, and hereby Is, amended lo read as follows: Section 1. The legislative authority of the state shall be vested in a Legislative Assem bly, consisting Of a Senate and a House of Representatives, but the people reserve to themselves power to propose laws and amend ments to the Constitution and to enact or reject the same at the polls, Independent of the Legislative Assembly, and also reserve power at their own option to approve or re ject at the polls any action of the Legislative Assembly. The first power reserved by tho people Is the initiative, and not more than eight per cent of the legal voters shall be required to propose any measure by such pe tition, And every such -petition shall Include the full text of tho measure so proposed. Initiative petitions shall be filed with the Secretary of State not less than four months before the election at which they aro to be voted upon. The second power la the refer endum, and It may be ordered (except as to laws necessary for the immediate preserva tion of the public peace, health or safety) either by thb petition signed by five per cen of the legal voters or by the Legislative As sembly, as Other bills are enacted. Referen dum petitions shall be filed with the Secretary of State not more than 90 days after the final adjournment of the session of the Legislative Assembly which passed the bill on wnlch the referendum Is demanded. The veto power of the Governor shall not extend to measures referred to the people. All elections on meas ures referred to the people of the state shall be had at the biennial regular general elec tions, except when the Legislative Assembly shall order a special election. Anv measure referred! to tho people shall take effect and become the law when It Is approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon, and not otherwise. The style of all bills shrfll be. "Be It enacted by the people of the State of Oregon." This section shall not be construed to deprive any member of the Legislative As sembly of the right to Introduce any meas ure. The whole number of votes Cast for Justice of the Suprflne 'Court at the regular election last preceding the filing of any pe tition for the Initiative or for the referendum shall bk the basis on which the number of legal voters necessary to sign such petition, shall be counted. Petitions and orders for the initiative and for the referendum shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and In submitting the same to the people he and all other officers shall be guided by the general laws ahd- the act submitting this amend ment, until legislation shall be especially provided therefor. . Adopted by the House, January 27, 1899. JC. V. CARTER, , Speaker of the House. Concurred In by the senate February 2, 1899. T. C. TAYLOR, President of the Senate. Approved February 6, 18C0. T. T. GEER, Governor. Adopted by the House, January 16. 1901. L. B. REEDER. Speaker of the House, Twenty-first Leg islative Assembly. Concurred In by the Senate, January 10, 1901. C. W. FULTON. President of the Senate, Twenty-first Leg islative Assembly. Approved January 31, 1901. T. T. OEER, Governor. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF OREGON. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. I, F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State of the State Of Oregon, and custodian of the seal of said state, do hereby certify that I have compared tne preceding copy of House Joint; resolution No. 1, of the Legislative Assem bly of 1901, "Initiative and Referendum Amendment," with the original copy now on file In this ofilce, and that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom and the whole thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed hereto the seal of the State of Oregon. Done at the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon, this fourteenth day Of October, A. D. 1001. (Seal) F, I. DUNBAR. Secretary of State. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant and Auditor. George T. Murton, 318 Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 450. Bookkeeping, exporting, teaching. Architects. OTTO KLEEMANN, 30 GRAND AVENUE north. Columola phone 5181. Attorneys-atrLarr. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PRACTITION ers. Notaries Public. 602 Commercial bldg. Bamboo Furniture. TOYOKUNI 'CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall. 264 Morrison. Factory. 287 Third st. Book Stores. J. K. GILL CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers, 133-33 3d st. NEW AND SECOND-HAND SCHOOL BOOKS. 225 Morrison, between First and Second. Conl Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam nd blacksmith coalrf. Also foundry coke. Front st. near GUsan. Ore. tel. Red 1766. Clairvoyants. THE WORLD'S FAMOUB CLAIRVOYANT. C. EMERSON HOPE. Are ycu In trouble, perplexed or Worried over any affair, such as love, courtship, mar riage, divorce, business, speculation, mines. Or transactions of any kind? If to, call at once upon the world's greatest, clairvoyant. He reunites the separated, causes speedy and happy marriages, gains for you the love ot your heart's desire, locates mines, wills or mislaid deeds. He changes your bad luck to ttiocess; In fact, ho matter what may be your hope, fear or ambition, come to this gifted medium and find help. He guarantees perfect satisfaction or no charge in made. Cut this OUt AS It Will not appear dally. As his parlors are constantly crowded with his many patrons, who do him more good by their kind words than columns of self-praise. Hours, 10 A. M. to 8 P. II,; Sundays. 10 to 2 P. M. ' - NO. 189 W. SEVENTH ST. Mme. Dr. Herzog, from Berlin, scientific re vealer; tells entire life, past, present and fu tUrrt; consultation on all affairs; 'nothing ex cepted; names given: good advice; sure help; mistake Impossible: Imports genuine gypsy lore powder. Fee. $1: letter. $2. 3C3 Alder. MRS. JOHNSON, MEDIUM. CARD READER, can tell you Anything you want to know In future. 313 Washington at, room 7. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist, teaches assaying In all Its branches and ore testing. Course for miners and pros pectors. Instruction individual, enter any time. Open evenings. 204 Washington st. THE MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS, with its assay office and chemical labora tory, have moved from 92 to 100 First st.. cor. Stark. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST, gold dust bought. 228 8tark st. Carpenters and Dailders. JOHN A. MELTON, CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark St.; office and store fixtures uj'lt ind remodeled, altering and repairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. George W. Gordon, counters, office fixtures, fly screens. Third and Salmon. Tel. Clay 388. Chiropodists and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 10. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. MISS DART, manicuring. 50 Union block, cor. First and Stark Hours, 9 to 5. Front 541. Mrs. Davidson treats bunions. Ingrown nails, removes corns without pain. SOS Dekum. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front st.. near Main. Port land, Or Cash advances on consignments. TAYLDR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland. Or. Coal. OREGON FUEL CO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds coal and wood. 344 Morrison. Cornices Skylipfhts. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. ROOFING, Royal furnaces. Tllton & Gerspach, 206 4th. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 203 Second st. Dnnclng. MISS HELEN W. COPELAND. BURKHARD Hall, teacher of dancing; private or class lessons; beginners' class now forming. Open Monday evening, Nov. 4. Telephone Oregon Union 824. MISSES MATTINGLY, ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 209 South 14th. Class or private lessons. MRS. NINA LAROWE. ACADEMY OF DANC lng and elocution. Telephone Black 203C. Dyelns: nnd Cleaning: WE CLEAN, PRESS. DELIVER ONE SUIT each week, $1 per month. Acme Cleaning Co., 261 Third. Oregon phone Clay 797. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. "Red 181. Educational. MRS. NINA LAROWE. TEACHER OF NAT ural and graceful elocution, for parlor, stage or platform. Hall. 23d and Kearney. Vander Nalllen Engineering Schoorf 113 Fulton St., San Fran. Ask for catalogue. Estb. 1864. College preparatory classes Greek, Latin. Ger man. Spanish, all branches. P., 80 Third st. Electroplating. GOLD. SILVER. COPPER. NICKEL. ETC. Peninsular Plating Works, 392 Washington. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works, A. Carlson. 289 East Morrison st. Hair Goods, Turkish Baths. Costumes IMPERIAL HAIR STORE. 329 MORRI30N st.; hair goods and hair dressing; gents toupees a specialty, masquerade costumes for rent; Turkish baths, ladles only. Furniture and Fixtures. FURNITURE AND STORE FITTINGS. COL umns, newels, balusters and all kinds of mill work. Specialty Mfg. Co., 311-13 Front st. Hnlr Dressing: nnd Manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE. 303 WASH. ST.. UF-to-date hair dressers, wigs and toupees for ladles and gents; switched from $1 up. ROSENTHAL SISTERS, 100 5TH. SWITCHES a specialty; hair dressing, manicuring. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness jnfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front nU J. C. P. WESTENGARD, harness manfr.; low . est prices, best materials. 283 Front. insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., 102 First st.: Boyd & Arnold, General Agents. Junk. Hides nnd Pelts. L. Shank & Co., pay highest prices fur old rubber, metals, bottles, Iron, rags, hldea, pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South 091. Laundries. Dainty laundry work, unsurpassed anywhere. Novelty Laundry Co., 40 N. Ninth. Phone 410. Leather and Flndinu-s. fe HE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, nndlngs, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st J. A. Reld, mfr. boot ttnd shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash, st Manufacturers of Ladles' Goods. Our complete lines of silk wraps, dressing gowns, waists, etc. We are leaders In ladle wear. Sing Chong & Co.. 333 Morrison st Massage. YOUNG LADY. JUST ARRIVED, GIVES marsage treatment 303 Washington st, cor. Fifth, room 28. 131 FOURTH ST.: TUB AND VAPOR baths, with massage; everything first class. Phone Columbia 5. MISS CRAWFORD, CHIROPODIST AND manicurist, out of city for few days. 20 Raleigh block. Select massage; lady from S. F.; bath, mag netic treatment Raleigh bldg., room 20. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 268 1st. Mcdlcnl. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. COLORED SPE clallst now offers medicine from $2. 50-$ 10 per week, for a short time only. This old doctor has medicine for every disease ot the body. Come and get examined. If only to hear what alls you. He te'.u you all about yourself, not you him. Private diseases of men and women cured. Also sexual powers restored. Does not except any who have not been operated on. Also all chronic sickness cured. 347 Front st LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN nyroyal Pills are the best. Sate, reliable. Take, no other. Send 4c. stamps, for par ticulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Phllada.. Pa. Mediums. CONSULT HOMER DE MORRISON, world's greatest psychic, clairvoyant and me dium, oiall business, mining, financial, do mestic ami love affairs; locates mines, min erals, etc.. Office 323 Washington st. Ral eigh building, parlors 23-J0. Take elevator. Musical. MRS. MAUDE COY-FLAVIN. VOCAL IN structlon, LampertI method; voices tried Tuesday 2 to 5 P. M.; concert and recital engagements solicited. Resldencc-studlo, 264 7th st. 1 Vocal lessons by Marlon Peters, pupil of Mrs. . Rose Bloch Bauer. 29 20th. Phone Brown 562 LOUIS H. BOLL, TEACHER OF PIANO, studio third floor Auditorium. Naval Architect fc Consulting Engr. FRED A. BALLIN. 43 2d st. Tel. Oak 70. Ves sels and machinery of all kinds designed, su perintended, contracted for or surveyed. Oyster Dealers. Toke Point Oyster Co.. wholesale dealers in oysters, 224 Ankeny st Phone Main 693. Palmistry. LARSEN, the palmist, occult student, reads when leading events in life take place: past and future; readings 50c 216 Allsky bldg. MRS. DREYFUS PALMIST AND CARD reading, 50c $L 211 First st, rooms 6-7. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - Mining; Machinery. Ottumwa, mining nolsu. dynamos, motors, saw mills, etc Tatum & Bowen. 29-35 First t Monuments. White; brousev monument. Send postal; will call. C. R. Donnell. Agent. 264 Stark st. Oregoa VlnTi Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON STS. Send for Health Book. Consultation free. Osteopathy. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. SUITE 416 DEKUM bldg. Pasturngc. LADD'S JEFFERSON-ST. CANYON FARM 13 open to receive stocc F. A. Miller, SupU " ' t Patents. GEISLER PATENTS CO.. CHAM. OF COM. W secure and market patents for Inventions. Pattern Makers. WM. PREHN. SHOP CORNER E. WATER and Yamhill. Phrcnolosy. prof. Mcdonald, world's leading phrenologist, leaves soon; his expert, h0Mt advlee Is a key to success. 129 Sixth eu PROF. GRIFFITH: 21 years' experience; abso lutely no superior. Se him. 2J2 Wa6h. st. Physician and Surgeons. DR. CORA C. TALBOT. SPECIALIST; W years' experience in diseases of women, lat est Improved method In the treatment of kit female trouoles; patients treated -.uecesufuliy by mail. Ofilce 181 First st. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN K1D ney and skin diseases. Odd Fallows' Temjla, Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women and ohlldren a specialty. ORico 517 The Dekum. DR. EMMA GUERTIN. diseases of woman Obstetrics. 181 First. Phone Green J81. Restaurants. SPANISH RESTAURANT, 200 DAVIS. ORK gon phone Clay 812. Genuine chicken tamales.. Sufcs. SAFES, JAILS, BURGLAR-PROOF SAFEd, both new and second-hand. Lockouts opunud and general repair. J. E. Davla, IM1 'Xhlrd. Shov-case and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKB & CO., SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgcson & Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. Specialists. BERTHA A. TRULLINGER. SPECIALIST, complexion, scalp treatments, maniournig. Parlom 4UU, Ablngton bldg. Tel. Clay 63 1. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and psychic lite reader; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent frlenJj : good advice on mines; readings dally, 50c una up. 167 First Jt., otllce 7. Consult tht best. SEEING IS BELIEVING. DE ADMANDUS. European clairvoyant ana nuurai neaier 01 -w yearu' experience, can be consulted dally on business ami all troublesome affairs, lbu 4th. Spirit medium, Jorgen Knudsen, gives sittings 3 to 5 P. M.; circles evenings, 8 o'clock,, ex cept Mondays, free. 75 North West Park st. Larsen, tho palmist, gives life readings for 53c; oast and future; lost month, going to San Fran., Dec. 1. Ofllcts 216 Allsky bulldlngt Mrs. Stevens, spiritual business and life read er, 221 Morrison, room 18. Tel. Front 132. Mrs. C. Cornelius, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son; circles every Friday eve. Sittings dally. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rated low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia 676. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE JlAU at Fred Bicker storehouse. 31 North Front. Storage and Transfer. O. O. PICK, oUlce 88 First, bet Stark and Oak; phone 596. Pianos and furniture mova and packed for shipping; commoUloun tiro proof brick warehouse; tront and Clay sts. Taxidermists. F. J. BRAZEE. 303 THIRD; SPECIMENS of all kinds mounted to order, first class. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale nnd retail; send for catalogue. Turkish Baths. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths; house. Ladles, U to 3; gentlemen, 3:30 to 0. Finest Turkish baths In the city, $1, genta only. 525 Chamber of Com., J. F. King. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. UANK5 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up ?,'M?, Reservd J.vw.wu Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts dpened for sums ot $10 and upwards, and interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ance. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of th United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President .'...A. L. MILLS Cashier G. E. WITHIN GTO.n As slant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier .....W . C . ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available In Europa and the Eastern States. .... ,. Sight Exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston, Chicago. St Louis, St. Paul Omaha. San Francisco and the principal poluts in the Northwest ... Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-cn-the-Maln. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen. Christiania. Stockholm, St Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transact a. General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorablo terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, .Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS FARGO & CO.'S BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... $8,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING ..: MANAOER (San Francisco.) B. LEA BARNES CASHIER JOHN E.' MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Buslnets transacted. Ex change sold and Letters of Credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON 1 President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President. R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest p"ald on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued available In all parts of the world. t , Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCQ BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Ofilce, 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters ot credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city ot the world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Accounts of country banks received. Interest paid on term deposit. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS.- J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vlee-PresMent R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED SPATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued av&M&ble in all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President TACrm "K--vrvr 1 Cashier F. a MILLER