I ' -4matm A r ' -.rffifc ' jr rw.Zfft -. t. VOL. XLL NO. 12,76a. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURRflAY NOVEMBER 7, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. -., rfmvml T' -.- J -. . -&V SfcAM1 BL a t - m w ? i ' -w -k "?,''iKv ; Wifrtrttfjtftfr jK"J'K-TJ-" VVVV V - J- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i AXY SIZE ALL STYLES RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GOODYBHR RUIBBBR COTBJPKNY R. H. PEA8E, President. F. M. SHEPARD. JR.. Secretary. J. A. SHEPARD, Treasurer. EMMA ABBOTT In a letter to the manufacturers of ROBERTINE said: ;T have used I the toilet preparations! of the most celebrated manufacturers of 'Lon don and Paris, but I consider ROBERTINE their superior In purity and excellence." SOLE AGENTS' ' Blumauer-Frank Drug 06. WHOLESALE AND IMPORTING DRUGGISTS. aw's America's ORIGINAL Malt WHSSKY Without a Rival Today BiUniaUer & HoCh, I08 and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributors for Oregox SHAVft VtCMAZ W. G. McPherson, Heating 47 FIRST STREET HOTEL PERKINS fifth and Washinton Streets .... PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN .. . .. . .. Room-Single 75o to ?1.00 per day First-Glaus Checlc Restaurant Rooms Double $1.00 to-2.oo per day Connected Wita Hotel. Rooms Famllr $1.50 to $.1.00 per day 3. F. DAVIES. Prea. St. Charles Hote a? v FRONT AM MORRISOIV-STRJEETS " ot PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. PR AEL, HEGftE & CO., Inc. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Crockery, Glassware and Lamps CUTLERY AND PLATEDWARE RICH CUT-GLASS AND FINE CHINA 100-106 FIFTH STREET, cor. start. PORTLAND, OREGON To play the piano -with the aid of the Pianola, no practice Is necessary. The expression Is absolutely controlled by the plaer. The Pianola Is on exhibition as well as for sale, by The Aeolian Company, and can be seen and heard any time. "Remember the free recitals every Wednesday evening and Saturday after noon. Come out tonight and hear the Pianola. THE AEOLIAN COMPANY SI. B. "WELLS. Sole Jforthsvest Agent, Aeolian Hall, 353-3C5 Washington St. LODGED IN CAVES. SIIss Stone's Captors Were In Bulgar ian Terrltorr Last Week. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 6. The brigands having Miss Stone, the American mission ary! and "her companion, Mme. Tsllka, In their custody, were In Bulgarian territory, near the Turkish frontier, last week, ac cording to authoritative intelligence. The captives were lodged In caves, and fires were lighted to protect them from the severe cold- Since then the brigands and the -women have gone to some place un known. Letter Prom Miss Stone. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. The State "De partment received today a cablegram from Consul-General Dickinson at Con stantinople, saying he had received a let ter from Miss Stone, the missionary held by brigands for ransom, dated October 29. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 6. The offi cials 6f the United States Legation here have received news through Salonica that Indicates the early release of the captives in the hands of the brigands. October 9, Miss Stone and Mme. Tsllka were both well. Bulgarian Monies Arrested. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 6. A dispatch to the Rossiya, from Sofia, Bulgaria, says the monastery has been again subjected to a domiciliary visit, and that some of the monks have been arrested on the charge of complicity In the adbuctlon of Miss Stone, the American missionary, and her companion, Mme. Tsllka. Swallow Convicted of Falsehood. HARRRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 6. Dr. Silas C. Swallow was convicted of false hood by a committee of the Central Penn sylvania Methodist Conference and sus pended from the ministry until the next annual conference. The charges were filed by a brother preacher and grew out of publication In Swallow's paper, tha Pennsylvania Methodist Xlcnragunn Secretary Recalled. MANAGUA, Nov. 6, via Galveston. President Zolaya has recalled- by cable Senor Alexandre Beraaudez, who was Nicaragua's commissioner at the Buffalo Exposition, and' Is secretary of the Jfici raguan Legation at Washington. AKY QUANTITY Horn. 73 and 70 First Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pu and Ventilating Engineer PORTLAND, OREGON C. T. BELCHER. Sea and Tre&s. American Plan . European Plan .. .51.23. 11.00 J1.73 .003. 73c 1.00 PRECAUTIONS IN LEYTE. Provincial Government Objects to Military Operations. MANILA, Nov. 6. The recent develop ments In the Island of Samar have caused the military authorities to take .extraordinary precautions In the Island of Leyte. The provincial government ob jects to this on the ground that by re ducing the authority of the civil Gov ernor, they set a bad example to the people. Disabling of the Warren. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. A dispatch from Manila was received at the War De partment today confirming the news that the transport Warren had been disabled, and stating that the Hancock, which had just arrived at Manila, had been coaled and dispatched to Kobe, Japan, where the Warren now Is, to bring the Warren's passengers to San Francisco. The Con gressional party who has been visiting the Philippines, were among the Warren's passengers. Sailing: of tlxe Twenty-Eighth. WASHINGTON, Nov. ft According to orders published by the War Department today two battalions of the Twenty-eigth Infantry will sail from San Francisco on the Grant about November 15, and the other battalion will sail about December 1, probably on the Hancock. Captain Carter to Have a Rehearing. CHICAGO, Nov, 6. Oberlin M. Carter, now a convict In the Government prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and formerly a Captain in the United States Engineer Corps, is to have a rehearing of hte case In a civil tribunal. He now has the as surance of the Government authorities that all evidence Is to be reviewed acaln before Judge Kohlsaat, in the United , States Circuit Court, In this city, the ncaring 10 xajce piace prooaDiy in a few months. Carter will be called as a wit ness In his own behalf, and for the pur pose of testifying In court he will be re leased temporarily from his place of con finement. This is the result of the suits brought by the Government some months ago In several Federal courts for the, pur pose of recovering the proceeds of 5122,827, which It was proved atthe court-martial that Carter had " embezzled from the United States. ' . k DEATH Of EARL LI China's Shrewdest States man Passes Aftay.' HIS HEALTH HAD BEEN FAILING Effect on the Present Situation In the Orient LI Hnng Chang's Military, Political and Lit erary Record PEKIN. Noy. 7. Li Hung Chang died at U o'clock this morning. At midnight last night ho rallied slightly. 'His family had installed native doctors' In charge df the patient, the regular physicians having refused to attend him unless the Chinese doctors were dismissed. At 9 o'clock last evening Earl LI was still breathing and displaying unexpected vitality. The burial clothes had already been put on. The courtyard of the Yamun was filled with life-size paper horses and chairs, with coolie bearers, which his friends sent, in accordance with Chinese customs, to be burled with him, In order to carry his soul to heaven. Several of the Ministers of the powers called to express sympathy. The Chinese officials are somewhat uneasy concerning the effect his death will have on the populace, and to guard against a possible antl-forelgn demonstration, the Chinese Generals have disposed of fhelr troops about the city In such a way as to com mand the situation. Trouble, however, Is extremely Improbable. The wife of Earl LI and his two sons and daughter were with him. They are greatly distressed. Chinese officials throng the Yamun. Telegrams have been sent summoning Prince -Chlng, who la now on his way to meet the court, and Chou Fou, Provincial Treasurer, from Pao Ting Fu. The former will assume general charge of government affairs and the latter will act as Governor of Chi Li until LI Hung Chang's successor In that office, who will probably be Num Shi Kal, Is appointed. Robert Coltman, an American, one of the physicians attending LI, told the cor respondent of the Associated Prees that when he was called to act with Dr. Velde, of the German legation, Novem ber 1, he "found the patient very weak from a severe hemorrhage, due to ul ceration of the stomach. "The hemorrhage was readily con trolled," said Dr. Coltman, "but owing to the underlying condition of chronic gastritis, with persistent nausea, only the mildest liquid food could be digested. Tuesday he was cheerful and without pain, but at 2 o'clock yesterday morning he became unconscious and was no longer able to get rid of the collection of mucus which he had freely expectorated," Throughout the evening, digitalis was frequently administered Earl Li's per sistent .refusals to refratn-fromv attend ing to government business aggravated his malady, while the refusal of the fam ily to permit certain measures customary in Western medical practice for relieving the stomach contributed to hasten the end. Will Not Affect Treaty Negotiations. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. The death of Earl LI will not, it Is believed here, affect the execution of the undertakings Im posed upon China in the protocol. Cer tainly th6 United States Interests will not be Involved directly, for all that remains to be done at Pekin In which our Gov ernment Is interested is the preparation of trade and commercial treaties, and their lines have been so clearly marked that the work to be done Is almost mechanical, and Is not likely to be retarded by LI Hung Chang's death. A change In the Manchurian situation Is expected. If LI Hung Chang should die, and the United States has a very considerable Interest in the outcome of that matter. Li Hung Chang la regarded here as strongly pro Russian, and It is possible that his death and the coming Into power In China as. the director of foreign affairs of another Prince less friendly to Russia might hasten the day when Russia must relax her hold upon Manchuria and allow the country to be opened up to the commerce of the world. CAREER OF LI HUNG CHANG. China's Greatest Statesman, Soldier and Diplomat. Tho cities that contended for the fame of Homer's nativity were no more numerous than the dates that are assigned to tho birth of LI Huns Chang. The years 1823. 1825 and 1828 hae been named, each by would-be Infallible authority. Onb native record names Jen-Woo, the second year of the Emperor Ta,ou-Kwang. Ll himself once remarked Indeed, many timed, with meditative satisfaction that he was born In the same year with General Grant. That year was 1822, and as It exactly tallies with the native record Just quoted, may well be ac cepted as tho true date. The place of. his birth Is less uncertain. It is the village of Hwel Llng, In the province of Ngan-Wel, In he Yang t so "Valley, and not far from the famous former capital of the empire. Nankin. His Education. Ll was the socond of five sons. Their father was proerhially "poor but respectable," the owner of a small farm, a literary degree, and a boundless ambition for his sons. Tljey be longed to the literary caste. Wherefore they must be educated and tako degrees. No mat ter if the family had to live on rice alono, and a scanty supply at that, the boys must go to school and college. Ll was sent to the village school, and soon became known as one of the brightest of all the scholars. Espe cially did he excel In two respects, In memory and In penmanship; and in these he excelled to his death. At 14 years of age the lad passed his first examination, and took his baccalaureate de gree. It was at Ngan-Klng. the prolnciaI capital. He went thither with half a dozen other boys from Hwel-Ling. and" as many thousands from all parts of the provinces. He passed his first examination at his first at tempt, and with high honors; and came home to Und his family and all the village In gala attire to greet him. In all branches of learning young Ll showed himself most proficient, and he won from bis Instructors and examiners many prophecies of future greatness. In due time he passed his second examination, and secured his master's degree: and then the third, and his doctor's degree. To enable him thus to complete his studies, the family deprived itself of all but tho barest necessaries of life. Even then funds gave out. whereupon the peoplo of the village made up a fund to help him through. His second examination was in the famous compound at Foo-Chow. over the gate of which Is the Dantesque Inscription, "Let none but able scholars enter here." Ll underwent this ordeal, and his name was soon posted on the "Drum Tower" as one of the succesful can didates. For the third and final examination he went to Pekin, where such are always held, and came ou of It In triumph, with a doctor's degreo and a mandarin's button of the fourth grade. Then he became a member of the great Han-Lin College, and apparently settled down to a literary and bureaucratlo Ufa. As a Soldier. Tho Tal-Ping "War was the turning point In. his career. When It broke out he was at his old home. At first he hesitated whether to i join tho rebels, and help them to restore the Ming dynasty, the true Chinese dynasty, to the Dragon Throne, or to remain loyal to the T&Ktar government. But he decided to stand by the Tartar dynasty. His decision was made when 'the rebels In vaded Ngan-Wet. He organized a local militia and led It against them with much success. Truly, ho was a born General. A giant in stature and strength, be had also the supreme gift of mastejy over men. Moreover, having irot his first taste of blood he thirsted for moni. So ho soon placed himself and his militia it the service of the Viceroy of the province, and was advanced by rapid stages tq the rank of Taotal, with the command of a division of the Imperial Army In Che-Klang. As his division of the army was tho only ouo that won victories and that did not get sys tematically beaten by the insurgents, it pres ently seemed tb the government advisable to extend Ills authority; so that In 18G1 he was made Footal, or military commander of the prolncc of Klaug-Su, the seat ofsthe rebellion. It was in that capacity that ho met with Gor don, and secured the aid of that Illustrious man In bringing the war to an end. Whether the greater share of credit for tha achievements of the "ever-victorious army" should le given to Gordon or to Ll Is a ques tion that may never be satisfactorily settled Undoubtedly, Ll did much before- Gordon as sumed command. But he did it in the old way. He was a Chinaman, with Chinese Ideas and methods. Just as his opponents were. Per haps the troops of the latter were, on the whole, better than his. It was a tedious con flict, which bade fair to run on for many years and to cost millions of lives. Gordon ggfeigi iftrgHSSh; ' f 'MBreifeM-V THE LATJEJ LI Introduced Into It an entirely new clement, tb w'lt, European Ideas and method. More than that, he brought to it his own marelous per sonality. It was to Li's e erlastlng credit that he recognized the greathess of Gordon, and gave him a free hand, so thnt the latter be came practically the commander-in-chief of the "cvcr-vlctorlous army." The story of hl"j achievements reads like a fairy tale. Armed i uuiy nuu u. rauan wuiiu, viuruun u.s ntr in the forefront of the fight unharmed and tri umphant. Thus bo led assaults upon walled cities, and put to flight armies -10 times the hIzc of his own. Thus he fought and won 33 bat tles in 18 months, and ended a war that had draggrd on for many years. At its close Ll was rewarded with tho Order of the Yellow Jacket, which only the Emperor himself can wear beside. After the fall of Soo-Cbow. Ll took up his abode In the palace of the Chung Wang, whom he had slain, and soon after removed to Nankin, where he be came Governor-General. Ho was made a nobl of tho third class, and received the Order of the Twp-Eyed "Peacock Feather In 18GG ho was sent to the north to crush the rebels of Nlcn-Fi, which he did with dispatch. There after ho was made Goernor-General of tho two provinces of Hoo-Po and Ho-Nan. Again In 1870 he was sent to tho north and west to deal with the Tungans, or Mahometan5?, of Kan-Su and Shan-Sl. Before he met the ene my he was recalled to become Go ernor-Gn-eral, or Viceroy, of Pe-Chl-Ll, but so great was the- terror of his name that the rebls fled be fore tho coming of his army, without striking a blow. As Viceroy. Ll Hung Chang had often been called the Viceroy of China, but Incorrectly. Since 1871 he had been Viceroy of Pe-Chl-Ll; nominally of no higher rank or greater power than the Viceroy of any other province In the empire. But as Pe-Chl-Ll Is the province in which the Imperial capital, Peking, is situated, he had much greater power and closer relations with the Emperor than it he had been ruler of a more remote region. Apart from that circum stance, his pre-eminence in Imperial affairs was entirely due to his own ability and force of character. He had never until recently been a Minister of the empire. He had practically controlled the foreign affairs of China, yet never was Foreign Minister, nor oven a mem ber of the Tsung-Ll-Yamun. Ho had been the head, practically, of the war and nay de partments, the home and colonial departments, the postal and telegraphic departments; In fact, of all the bureaus of the government rolled Into one. Yet there never was a mo ment when With a single stroke of his pen ho might not have been dismissed from all his offices, deprived of all hlo power and retired to private life. It was the Tlen-Tsin massacre that brought Ll into the Governorship of Pe-Chl-Ll. That hideous atrocity camo perilously near upsetting tho Chlng dynasty. Only the strong hand of Ll in the imperial province saed 1L And he was much troubled to know how to straighten out affairs. Ho made his home at Tlen-Tsin, rather than at Pekin, in order to be free from the conventionalities and tho Intrigues of the Forbidden City. He set himself diligently to work to Introduce as many "foreign improve ments" as possible, without actually yielding to fore'gn Influence. He Improved the school system, Introduced telegraphs and railroads, and reorganized the army and navy on Euro pean models. And all the while he remained a true Chinaman. Ho would not condescend to learn any European language, nor to adopt any European manners or customs. He would not even employ foreigners, except to a "very lim ited extent. His two European aids were two Germans, Mr. Detring and Major von Hanne kin. Ll was not always entirely submissive to the will or caprice of the Tartar Emperor. On one noteworthy occasion a powerful court In trigue was formed against him, and he was ordered to come to Peking. The Intention was to take him severely to task for some of his acts, probably to degrade him, possibly to put him to death. The Viceroy obeyed the sum mons. But be took with him his army of CO, 000 men, drilled and armed according to the best European system, a force easily capable of "clearing out" the whole capital Jn a few hours. He grimly marched his army to the gates of the city, and sent In a message to the Emperor, which was, of course, filled with ail possible Oriental courtesy, but which prac tically amounted to, "Well, here I am. What do you want of me?" The court suddenly die- (Concluded on Second Page.) A DRAMATIC SOENE Raynor Brought, Tars at the ., Naval Courtof Inquiry. SCHLEY WAS DEEPLY MOVED One Woman Fainted and Many Wept Judges, Spectators and Op- -poBingGoancll Congratulated the Maryland Lawyer. WASHINGTON; Nov. 6. The climax of the Schley court of Inquiry came this af t ernoon,. when Mr. Raynor, the chief coun sel for Admiral Schley, concluded a bril liant argument of over three hours with HUNG CHANG. a peroration so eloquent and Impassioned that all within the sound of his Voice were profoundly touched. This remarkable trial, ho said, sought to condemn the man who had brought to a succpgsful termina tion as great a naval triumph as was ever won. In vivid colors he painted the picture of the Brooklyn, with Commodore Schley on the bridge, fighting the entire Spanish fleet until the Oregon appeared out of the smoke. The thunders of the Brooklyn, music for the" ears of his coun trymen, he said, aroused Admiral Schley's envious foes. He pictured the victorious: sailor suffering as few have suffered for three long years while the fires of perse cution leaped around him, and now await ing the hour of his vindication In the ver dict of the court. "And when It comes," he concluded, "he can, from the high, exalted position that he occupies, look down upon his traducers and mallgners, and with pride exclaim: 'I care not for the venomous gossip of clubs, drawing'rooms and cliques, and the poisoned shafts of envy and malice. I await, under the guidance of dlvlno prov idence, the verdict of posterity.' " Thrilling Scene In Court. The scene in the courtroom as he fin ished with those words was thrilling. The attendance had been large all day, and at tho morning session a lady had fainted from excitement. As Mr, Raynor began his eulogy of Admiral Schley, those In the audience, many of whom were ladies, leaned forward In their seats. The spell of his oratory was over them, and when he described the Admiral's gallant deeds and the long persecution to which he had been subjected, many of them broke down and wept. The members of the court dis played evident emotion, and Admiral Schley himself was plainly moved. He sat leaning back, with his hands behind his head. His chin twitched, and as his counsel said he could afford to await the verdict of posterity, two big tears rolled down his cheeks. He moved uneasily to conceal his emotion, and, under the pre tense of adjusting his glasses, brushed the tears aside. For fully 30 seconds after Mr. Raynor closed there was not a sound. Then the tension broke In e loud burst of applause. Admiral Dewey, after about a half min ute, arose to remind the spectators that such a demonstration was out of place. A moment afterward the court adjourned, the Judge-Advocate pleading jthat he could not well go on today. Then another re markable thing happened. As soon as the gavel fell, the entlro audience surged for ward to shake the hands of Admiral Schley and Mr. Raynor. But the oncom ing spectators fell back a moment as they saw Admiral Dewey and his two assistants move around the table, as if by a common Impulse, and congratulate Admiral Schley and his counsel. Even Captain Lemly, the Judge-Advocate, came forward t to join in the congratulations. Then the public had Its inning, and for 15 minutes after the court adjourned, Ad miral Schley and Mr. Raynor were kept busy shaking hands. Mr. Raynors argument consumed the whole day of the court, except for half an hour at the opening, which Captain Parker, his associate counsel, occupied In concluding. Mr. Raynor took up the spec ifications ono by one. reserving those re lating to the retrograde movement until the last. So far as he was able to do so, he used the testimony of the department's witnesses to prove" his contentions. With regard to the retrograde movement, which he discussed with greater seriousness than the other specifications, he adduced In jus tification not only all of Admiral Schley's reasons for believing the Spanish fleet was not In Santiago, but he argued that every officer charged with the responsibility of command necessarily must be clothed with discration in carrying out instruc tions. He displayed good temper in ad verting to the testimony of most of the officers, especially the ranking officers, who seemed to contradict his client, giv ing them In each case credit for honesty of purpose. But with a few be dealt un sparingly. Wood, Potts and Bristol he held up to ridicule. Captain Lemly will begin tho closing ar gument tomorrow afternoon, as the eourt will not ho.d a session tomorrow morn ing. Mrs. Dewty has been indisposed re cently, and the Admiral will devote thf forenoon tomorrow to removing hr from their heme In the suburbs to their city residence. Captain Parker talked for 25 minute. He maintained that the blockade of San tiago was effective. He defended Commo dore Schley's reconnoissanco of May 31, sa ing he had acted wisely In determining the actual conditions. In this line of pol icy, he said that Commodore Schley's con duct was paralleled by that of Admiral Dewey In Asiatic waters when the latter remained for several days lu Mlrs Bay. Regarding the loop made by the Brooklyn, Captain Parker declared It was the wisest move that could have been made. All talk about the Brooklyn going to the southward ho characterized as 'moon shlne." "If the Spanish gunners could have shot as the Americans did," declared Captain Parker, "Admiral Schley, In stead of be ing on trial, ashe Is today, would be In a sailor's grave." Referring to the Hodgson controversy, Captain Parker said that he really be lieved Hodgson desired to tell the truth. but, unfortunately, he had told a different ! story every time he had opened his mouth ' Captain Parker said he did not know how tho alleged controversy over the danger ) of colliding with the Texas started, except J from the story which had been tool by J the Captain of the Iowa. The speaker i was very sarcastic In his allusion to Cap. tain Evans' alleged statement regarding the damage he had done to the Spanish ships. Captain Parker cortcluded with a glowing tribute to Admiral Schley. Mr. Rnynor's Argument. Mr. Raynor began his argument at 11:25 A. M. He paid a compliment to Judge Advocato Lemly and his assistant, Mr. Hanna. for the "most judicial Impartial ity with which they have managed this case." Mr. Raynor made a plea for the consideration of questions from what was at that time Commodore Schley's point of view. "Let us." he said, "put ourselves in his place and see what the circumstances were. We all know now what It would have been wise to do." Discussing dispatch No. 7, known as the "Dear Schley" letter, Mr. Raynor contended that the order conveyed In that message made it Incumbent upon Commo dore fichley to remain at Clenfucgos. He declared that this was the key to tho whole case, and It did not admit of any other construction than that Schley should remain at Clenfuegos. In support of Ihls contention he read tho departments' or 'dcrs to Admiral Sampson. He then took up the McCalla memorandum, the message delivered by the Eagle to Commodore Schley, and the testimony of Lieutenant Hood, and declared that Admiral Schley was the victim of an unfortunate combi nation of circumstances, that left him In total darkness as to the location of the Spanish fleet. Concerning the question of coaling at sea, Mr. Raynor read the testimony of several witnesses to prove the great dif ficulties such a task Involved. He said that all they wanted to prove was that Admiral Schley was honest when he In formed the department of his increased anxiety regarding- the ""char supply" mid that he acted according to the dictates of his own conscience. He was propared to prove that one ship could not have fol lowed the Spaniards six hours, and have had enough coal left to return to Key West. Coming to the reconnolssance of May 31, Mr. Raynor contended that it had been Commodore Schley's chief Intention to de velop the Spanish land batteries, and in this, he said, he had been eminently suc cessful. He claimed that the man who was In command at such a time should be given great discretion, for he must necessarily know more of the situation than the gentlemen who made out battle plans at home or charts with compass and lead pencil, and direct other people thousands of miles away how to fight a battle. Bristol's Vision. Mr. Raynor referred satirically to the testimony of Lieutenant Bristol, saying among other things: "His vision was a divine inspiration. Sextants and stadlmetcrs, compass bear ings, Government measurements and hy drogruphlc plans wero all dim and ob scure in comparison with tho miraculous power of his unaided vision, 'which lit up and Illuminated the entire harbors of Clenfuegos and Santiago, with the uner ring precision of the morning sunbeams. Government experts with mathematical accuracy had measured the heights of Morro Castle, and Zocopa battery, but down they went 100 feet when they en countered Bristol's miraculous eye." " Mr. Raynor next came to the considera tion of Admiral Sampson's interview with the commander of the flyjng squadron, especially referring to Admiral Schley's testlmdny relative to the directions of Admiral Sampson, with reference to at tacks upon land batterlos. He also re ferred to Captain Chadwick's testimony In this, connection, and said that Admiral Schley's statement being affirmative, was much more entitled to credence than was Captain Chadwick's, which was negative.. He said that Captain Chadwick had given testimony as to only one statement that was made In that interview, which could havo been uttered In SO seconds, while Chadwick himself had admitted that the Interview lasted nearly 25 minutes, and Admiral Schley had placed the time at three-quarters of an hour. Mr. Raynor said he thought that Captain Chadwick had been forgetful, but that no charge could bo made against him on that score. Admiral Schley, however, who had given positive testimony, would be guilty' of perjury If his statement was not true. "They must have talked about some thing." he ?ald. "and what would they be more likely to have discussed than the guns on the south coast of Cuba, whither Commodore Schley was then bound?" Reverting to the blockade of Clenfuogos, Mr. Raynor said Captain McCalla had ad mitted on the stand that He himself had disobeyed orders In not leaving the Eagle oft that port when he left for Key West. He did not, he said, mean to criticise Cap tain McCalla, but If he was not to be censured for disobedience of orders, why, he asked, should Admiral Schley be. Loop Was a Success. After luncheon Mr. Raynor discussed tho ninth specification, which dealt with the loop of the Brooklyn on July 3,and the possibility of Colliding with the Texas. Mr. Raynor said he stood upon the testi mony of Captain Cook, who, all things taken together, had the best opportunity I to glvtj all the Information about the loop. What might have happened had the Brooklyn turned to port was purely a matter of conjecture. The turn In the other direction was completely suc cessful. It was Intimated that the turn to the southward had been to get away from the enemy, yet it was an Indisputable fact that the turn had brought the Brooklyn closer to the Span ish fleet, and that she received 30 of the 43 shots which struck the American ships. Captain Cook's testimony, he said, Illu mined this maneuver and he planted him self upon this testimony. Mr. Raynor then discussed the testl- (Concluded on Second Page;) SCHH11TZ 18 MAYO Union-Labor Candidate Won in Sari.Francisco. PLURALITY IS ABOUT 4000 lie Issues a Statement Assuring Mer chants nnd Financiers That They Keed Hmc No Fcnrs That His Pol icy Will Be a Radical One. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. The now complete unofficial returns, as complied by Reglstrir Walsh, show that yester day's election resulted In the choice of the following to fill the principal public offices at tho disposal of the people: Mayor, Eugene Schmttz, Union Labor; Audltorr Henry Baher. Rep: City Attor nev, Franklin L. Kane, Dem: Sheriff, John Lakmann, Rep; Tax Collector Ed ward J. Smith, Rep; Treasurer, Edmond, Godchaux, Dem; County Clerk Albert B. Mahony, Rep: District Attorney, Lewis F. Bylngton, Dem; Coroner, Dr. Thomas B. W. Leland, Dem: Public Administra tor, John Firnham, Rep. The Democrats elected nine Supervisors, the Republicans six and the Union Labor par three. Schmltz was elected by a plurality of 4I5S votes. Wells, tho Republican candi date, ran second in the race and Tobln. Dem, a hopeless third. In the other fights it was n question of personal popularity more than political affiliations that de cided the fate of candidates. The success of Mr. Schmltz and the Union Labor party brings a new and im portant factor into California politics. Last May, the members of the Teamsters Union went on a strike, and the City Front Federation, composed of steve dores, marine firemen and othfr water front employes, struck in sympathy. The Employers Association, composed of tho principal merchants and manufacturers, was organized to oppose the strikers, and there was a bitter struggle, lasting for several months. The strlkors held out for a formal recognition of the unions, nnd the employers refused to accede. Finally, the men went to work with the under standing: that their employers would not discriminate against them because thev were union men. and that nonunion men should not be discharged to make room for union men. The result of the strug gle was the formation of the Union Labor party, and the nomination pf a complete, union municipnl ticket. The labor men evidently voted sol'dlv for the had of the ticket, but scattered their votes on candidates for other olhps. They may elect .three Supervisors. UndT the niw charter the Mnvor has groit power, and appoints the Boards of Edu cation. Public Works. Police. Park and Fhs Commissioners. SGIIMITZ ISSUES A STATEMENT. Merchants and Financiers Assured They Have Xothing to Fear. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. Mayor Elect Schmltz today Issued tho following statement: "I wish to say to the merchants nnd financiers of the city that thoy need en tertain no fears whatever of any actions upon my part tending to Inaugurate a radical or revolutionary policy of munici pal government. Invested capital will b given the consideration It deserves, and it will be mv aim to see that business Interests suffer nothing. I will consider nil classes nnd try to harmonlzo all In terests which stand for tho upbuilding of San Francisco." Alojcr Dock Moved. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. P The Algiers dpek was today towed from Chalmettc. whero it anchored at midnight, to the naval site just below Algiers, without mishap. Some hours will be expended In securing the great structure to the now anchorage provided. Tho formal ceremo nies attending the recaption of the deck will take place this evening. SUMMARY OF THE DAY'S NEWS. Schley Inquiry. Attorney Raynor began hi argument In behalf of Schley. Page 1. The applicant and spectators were moved to tears, and one woman fainted. Page 1. Raynor received the congratHlattens of tho court and department counsel. Page 1. Political. Schmltz. Union Labor candidate, elected Mayor of San Franchwo by a plurality of 4158 votes. Page 1. Democrats In Maryland w 111 have a majority on Joint ballot In the Legislature. Page 2. Seth Low's plurality Is 20.81. rage 2. Foreign. LI Hung Chang Is dead. Page 1. The Froch troops have not yet landed at Mltjlcne Island. Pag" 3. The British Cabinet dlacupsed the Franeo-Turk- lsh dispute. Page .1. Domestic. The Panama. Canal has been atTarcd" to tho Isthmian Canal Commission. Page 3. Ten perrons "perished In the burning of a Wis consin theater. Pate 3. General H. C. Corbln and Miss Bdythe Patten were" married at Washington. Page 3. A man and woman were arrested at St. Louis suRfcted of complicity in the Wagner train robbery. Page 5. Sport. Neither !We scored In tlw University of Ore-gon-UnUerslty of Idaho football game. Page R. Al Nelll matched to fight "Mysterious" Billy Smith In Portland. Page 5. Pacific Co nut. The state tolls the Jury what It expects to prove In the Considlne casd. Page 4. Oregon hopgrawers meet and Just about com plete the pool recently decided upon. Page 4. Mllltonalro De La Mar takes a ?200.000 bond on a Southern Oregon copper mine. Page 4. Cnrcmerclnl and Marine. Barks Donna Francisco and Galgorn Castle will load wheat at Portland. Page 11. New dredge of North Pacific Lumber Company tested. Page 11. New York stock market dominated by reported settlement of Northern Pacific controversy. Page 13. Domestic and foreign commercial news and quotations. Page 13. French bark Belen arrives at Astoria, and four vessels put to sea. Page 11. Portland and Vicinity. A proposed new boulevard frem Brooklyn to Sellwood. Pace 10. New Front-street railway franchise presented to City Council. Page 10. Fourth-stretit pavement report adopted by City Council. Page 10. No agreement In Oregon delegation over Fed eral appointments. Page 8. More money for great 1005 fair, theugh stock lists are not ready. Page 8. Narrow gauge railroad from Reno under con tract to build Into Lake County, Oregon. Page 11.