THE NMGlwtoU' tflflBGOKIA MTJHtfANOVEMBBK 4, 1-90JH to vgomo Entered at the Postofflce at Portland. Oregon, i as second-class matter. REVISED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Br Mall tpotftge prepaid). Ih Advance . Ial!r. with Subbbv, per moiUk.........$. ;89 Daly, Sunday excepted, per year 7 XJO Dally. wrh Sunday, per year . W Sunday, per year ........... ....... .... 2 oo Th Weridr, per year 0 The "Weekly. 3 month To City Subscribers . Dally, per week, dell ered, Sundays eceptca.ije Dilly. per week, delivered. 8undayB lecluded.20a POSTAGE RATES. United States. Canada and Mexico: 10 t 14-page paper ....... ,.,... lc 14 to 2S-page paper ....... -'3 F ereign rate double. Kews or discussion Intended for publication la The Oregonlaa should be addressed Invaria bly "Editor The Oreconlan." not to the Baton oT aay individual. Letters relating to advertl lag. sufeaoriptiena or to any business matter should be addressed simply "The Oregonlaa." 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His life had been an-exceedingly aotlvn One mentally fofrrnany""yjears? ptfjjslcal .fySit 'Tiad .been lnacUveV as ehoWiS1 by the autopsy, to a degree that Invited degeneration oC the muscles and tissues of the vital organs. This meant an ex haustion of vitality ahd forbade the probability, eveb Under the most favor able circumstances, that he would have lived to be very old. - The facta thus developed should be a warning to men who are approaching middle life of the danger that waits upon bodily inactivity combined with great responsibility and mental strain. Throughout all the realm of nature ao tlon Is life, inaction death. Gladstone attributed his great length of years and the perfect health with whioh he was blessed up to almost the very last to the physical exercise that wag part of his daily routine through all of his active and anxious years in politics. President McKlnley's wound might under the best vital conditions have nroved mortal, butahe nuzzled nhvSi- j clans still regard with wonder -and ilnd inexplicable, except upon the hypothe sis that the patleni Was too old for his years, the fact that Nature niade not the slightest effort to repair, the dam age done by the assassin's bullet, but simply let the forces of decay possess unchallenged the Injured tissues. TOD ATS "WEATHER Showers; southerly winds. TESTBRDATS "WEATHER Maximum tem perature, SS; minimum temperature, 42; total preclplt&Uon, 6 P. M. to S F. ZL, none. FORTLAXD, MOITOAV, NOVEMBER. 4. XOWDK1KQ THJEJ TARJFP -WALL. lieast possible legal Interference with the course of industry and of commerce, least possible obstruction by law, is the policy suggested by" reason and ap proved by experience. Every Interference by .government is 4n one way or another an obstruction, even when the avowed object is to aid Industry and commerce; because such undertaking disturbs the course of things in natural movement, and, while at may give advantage in certain direc tions, it will interpose checks upon the natural movement in others. The freest possible -movement, on lines naturally offered ,& production and exchange, is the sound principle. It is not a sound prinoiple to use the power of the gov ernment to force one Industry or set of industries to carry others or to es tablish others. All the "protection" that one sort gets another sort must pay for. It is inevitable that the United States should move in the direotion of freer trade. Development within, and ad vancement into the outer world, are making thl9 course a necessity. Hence the call for "reciprocity"; which, how ever, is only -a first step. It is a sign of unrest, Indeed, rather than a step; for even the proposal to tak it pre cipitates an acute conflict between pro tected and unprotected Interests, and the question is asked whether cruder products and the materials of manu facture from foreign countries are to be let in free of duty, while finished goods are still to have the favor of a protective tariff. Thus, reciprocity, so called, brings up that old burning ques tion of our tariff debates.. What commodities, then, shall be made the subjects cf reciprocity? On this point there is no possibility of agreement. Different sections of the country have different interests, but so long as protection shall be maintained -as a principle or policy there will be powerful protests against even partiar infringements through reciprocity agreements. The oltadel of the protectionist posl tibn of the "West, and especially of the 'Pacific States, is wool; but a strong outwork is fruit Large numbers of our people feel that these interests ust be "taken care of," and for this Jreasoa they will support a general pro 'tectlve policy to a far greater extent than they would be Inclined otherwise to do. The sheep and wool Interest is of high importance in our arid and mountain regions, whore there lg little else; and the vastness and variety of- our fruit production, and the still great er possibilities of it, up and -down Our Coast States from British Columbia to Mexico, bring this Interest into a po 1 sltlon of the first rank in the demand 'for protection. "We have to reckon with this condition. "We cannot escape It Few persons concerned with these mat ters stop to think that the whole sub 3ect Is larger than the circle of their (immediate Interests, and to preserve their own they will vote to uphold a system which they well know runs into many and large abuses. But the policy of protection will ulti mately strangle itself. The domestio market will not, suffice;, the foreign market must be entered, and yet we Shall not be able to get the benefits of the foreign market without 'free, or freer, exchange. "We cannot continue to sell commodities abroad, in jlarge quantities, unless we consent to Itake commodities from abroad in re turn. Her in the Pacific States we want .trade with Asia, but we cannot have tit oa an extensive scale unless we take Asiatic commodities; nor can we build up a trade with the Philippine Islands, or even keep the Philippine Islands, un less we allow the introduction of their produots Into the United States on terms free, or substantially free. How long It will be till these prin ciples shall be demonstrated and ad cepted it is useless to predict But there is Increasing pressure that way. Besistance to these principles will, how ever, be very stubborn. Men never willingly give tip a system through which they suppose, however errone ously, that they have an advantage. . CHEAP OCEAX FREIGHTS. There" has been a remarkable decline In ocean freights out of Atlantic Coast ports within the past three months. Shippers are securing all of the space they need on outgoing steamers 'at rates whioh are in some cases but one fourth th.e figures demanded a year ago. Some owners are keeping their steamers moving at ballast rates in preference to laying them up while others have their fleets tied up wait ing for an Improvement This decline In freights is less marked in the Pa Cific Coast trade than in the Atlantic, although lis effect has been felt here In a decline of about 5 cents per bushel on wheat freights to Europe. That the deollnehere has not been greater Is in part due to the fact that steamers, which are the great freight-regulators of the world's ocean commerce, do not cut as much of a figure on the Pacific as they do elsewhere in the world on shorter routes and more convenient coaling stations than are found on the run from Pacific Coast ports to Europe. A decided shortage In the corn and oats orop through the Middle "West and Southwest has been the greatest factor in weakening freights on the Atlantic Coast, and a record-breaking grain yield on the Pacific Coast has assisted in pre venting a sympathetic slump in freights going to greater extremes than have been reached here. Summarized, the present depression In freights Is due to a heavy increase in the supply of tonnage and a heavy decrease In the demand for that tonnage. One year ago shippers were bidding fiercely for tonnage. Today conditions are reversed and the shipowners are bidding for car goes. The remarkable increase In the world's supply of tonnage could have no other effect than that which Is now noted. Crop failures and periods of de pression in certain localities are aa old as history, and the ocean-carrying trade feels the depression on land almost as keenly as it is felt by the indus tries on shore. Shipowners who have added too much to their fleets may go to the wall or emerge from the present era of bad business in a crippled condi tion. The advocates of the shlrtplng sub sidy will undoubtedly attemptito turn the present Unprofitable shipping sea son to advantage as an argument show ing the impossibility of urisubsidized Americans competing for business on the high seas, when even the foreign ers cannot make it pay." A careful study of the case, however, would in dicate that it will not be of much as sistance in getting shlp-subsldy legis lation through Congress. Last year. When freights werebooming' all over the world, the stock Argument of the subsidy advqeates wris that the bill would result In reducing ocean-carrying charges considerably, thus benefiting the 'American producers. This argu ment -was shallow, of course, and was Shown to be -entirely at variance with the facta Poor, old bounty-ridden France, paying a more liberal subsidy than" was ever paid shipping- by any other nation on earth, was paying so much more for exporting her own prod ucts in French vessels than was de manded by other shipowners that she was obliged to send goods surrepti tiously over to English and German ports for reshlpmcnt to foreign coun tries on. alien Vessels. Now, the American producer is get ting a lower freight rate than was ever promised Him by tha most ardent sub sidy advocate, and he is gettlngUt at will neither Jake South America not let 'anybody lse take M. She does not attempt to colonize It with her own people. She hSS no trade with it to speak of. She admits no responsibility for the outrages and disorders of the pseudo republics which compose South America. Nevertheless, the United States insists that European holdings in "South America shall neither be ex tended nor transferred; that 'immi grants who settle on its soli must leave their flag behind them; that In- event of trouble between a European govern ment and a South American state, sat isfaction must never be sought in the seizure and retention of South Ameri can territory. Mr. Brooks does hot believe that Con tinental Europe will He passive Under this edict 'of the MOhrOe Doctrine for another fifty years. He thinks it Is but a part of the inevitable evolution of things that Europe should some day hurst upon South America. This is the view of an Englishman who be lieves that, were the questiqn to be raised, it would be found that England and the United. States are really at one In desiring io preserve South "America from European encroachments. Mr. Brooks makes a plausible and very interesting aVgUment, but It Is highly improbable, that .Continental Europe will ever be able as a unit to undertake to force the barrier of the Monroe Doctrine With the- sWortL If the South American republics were a, unit In resistance, they could, backed by the United States and England, eas ily repulse invasion, conquest, partition and occupation- Europe Would soon find the game not worth the caftdle. But Continental Europe has never been a unit for anything of consequence Blnce the fall of Napoleon, and is "nqt Jikely to be. AS between South America 'And the partition of China, the CetestFatEnl pire Is a less difficult nut to crak". The United States might not fight 'to save China, but she would fight to preserve South America inviolate from European invasion and appropriation. The range of the MOhroe Doctrine Includes not only South America, but Central Amer ica and Mexico as well. cess, where the least mistake may -mean the rUlrt of a grand enterprise" "What ; Is this "grand enterprise"? The Chinese-are brave enough, and th'ey d6 great things, if they had leadership and discipline. Mr. Chamberlain's statement ih his recent speech, "that the British, in their conduct of the war in South Africa, have done nothing that compares in severity with the horrors of war as exhibited during the tlerman-Francfa struggle of JftO-71, Is correct The Brit ish troops in South Afrita have done nothlhg that excels in severity the action of the Union troops under the orders Of Grhnt, Sherman and Sheridan. Sheridan, under brders from Grant, swept the Shenandoah "Valley com pletely clean of all possible 'supplies for the enemy, burning burns, mills, haystacks, grain, manufactories and farmsteads whenever they were found t6 be places of refuge for spies or guer rillas. Sherrnan was equally merciless in his "march to the 6ea" and through the Carolinas. General Atkins, who commanded a brigade of cavalry under General Kllpatrlck, says that "his route wafj marked by chimney-stacks without houses, and theniountry desolate," and claims for the cayalrrthe burning of three villages, and, besides, the destruc tion of plantatlonhouses. The Ger mans acted. With more severity than we did, because they received deeper provo catlcn for some of the German soldiers were murdered by villagers, and dur-j lng- the fight At Bazellles the inhab itants fired from the houses, treated the German wouhded with cruelty, and the JUstly enraged Germans burned the vil lage. England's conduct of the Boer "War has been most humane under what at times -has been severe provocation. the expense of the shipowners of the world, and not from the American Treasury or the American taxpayers. There is at present more tonnage afloat than is needed, and rates will remain low, and the producers profit accord ingly, until Increased business and pro duction makes a demand for this toh1 nage. The millionaire American ship owners are not profiting by the de pression in freights, but the producers are, and at present there are more pro1 ducers than millionaire shipowners, arid they are satisfied with the opportunity xiow presented to get their products to market by the cheapest methods. OLD BISFORE THEIR TIIHE. The danger of early physical degen eration, known in common phrase as "getting old before their time," as the result of a too sedentary life, was strikingly illustrated by the autopsy tf the late President McKlnloy, Dis tinct fatty degeneration of the muscle fibei of the heart was found. Fat had to a certain extent replaced the muscu lar substance, to the serious detriment of the heart's power. Another marked feature was the presence of brown pig ment In the muscle fibers. "Brown atrophy of the heart" as it is called, is a well-known characteristic of senile change. Though President McKlnley was but 58 years old. the conditions noted were those of a much older man. 1 Europe protests th&t the United States IS THE 3IOXROE DOCTRINE IN DAN GER f Sydney Brooks, an Englishman who knows Americans thoroughly and understands the politics Of Continental Europe, has an admirable article In the November number of the Atlantic Monthly, whose argument Is that the United States will sooner or later wit ness an effort on the part of Russia, Germany ahd France to absorb SoutB America. Continental Europe has "been foiled in its purpose to obtain by con quest exclusive, markets In China by the Amorlcan determination to preserve China to the Chinese, or at least to r slst any scheme of partition which' threatens to put American traders at disadvantage. Europe has nothing to show for tho years work In China but the promise o'f an Indemnity, which may not bear fruit Disappointed In Chinai foiled by the .United States, Continental Europe Is iufnlng a "hungry eye upon South America, a Va'st domain, thlnljj populated, inhabited by Caucasians, Its Interior easily accessible by water, Its soil fertile, its enormous mineral Wealth barely scratched on the surface .from" lack of scientific exploration and de velopment. If South America were as defenseless as Africa, her territory would long ago have been divided among the powers of Europe, but the United States, with the Monroe Doctrine, stands In the path qf the ambition and appetite of Europe, REPORTS OF MURDER TRIALS. The current number of the Atlantic Monthly contains a candid and search ing discussion of "Modern Murder Trials and the Newspapers," by -Charles E. Grlnnell. It is Mr, Grlnnell's opin ion that the space given to voluminous reports of sensational criminal cases Is decreasing. Ih Other words, the news paper does not longer look upon a mur der trial as worthy of large-lettered ex ploitation because crime and all'lte scandalous details and hideous motives is the theme, but determines each case upon Its merits as to Its real Impor tance and genuine interest The rule still is to give much publtoity to such events, and there Is no way clear to Its avoidance; nor 'is there any sound rea son to declare that it should be avoided. Says the writer: The general answer to the question, 'What is the use of such publicity? la that must o It Is of no use, and does hajm, but that much of It Is of use een when It dots harm, because most persons need to be matched la some things, and the evils of the watching have to be en dured for the sake of the good. AVe cannot have public courts ot Justice and a free presa, and the prompt reperln that help Ua to save ourselcs and our friends from dangerous, per sons, without occasional sad libels and tragic Injustice. Thfey are the costly price oT a knowl edge of even a little of thfe actual wickedness that dally aeelW to destroy olvllllatlcn, aa ag ony and death are the price ot electric con veniences that make a ehort life fuller. That Is to Say, innocent persons are sometimes suspected, arrested, tried and acquitted, and there is no repara tion for the terrible wrong dene by the law itself in its honest and necessary operation. A related subject is newspaper reports of public executions of condemned men. The aggravating" Indecencies committed by some journals In flaunting before their readers, with the familiar ac companiments of yellowism, all the grewsome particulars of the judicial manslaughter are equaled only by the equivalent offense of an occasional newspaper which pretends that It will not print the Story at all. This is jour nalistic Pharisaism, as well as mawkish amateurism. In a neighboring city last week a newspaper used large types on Its first page to announce that it would furnish only the bare announcement of the assassin Czolgoss death, and would print no picture of him at all. This was holier-than-thou yellowism run to seed or, rather, directed into a novel channel The bulletin-board style of announcing Its own singular virtues was followed by a full apcount of the assassin's last hours on earth; and the narrative was carried in all Its fullness up to the Very mornlhg almost the very hour and minute of the electrocu tion. The readers of that amusing jour nal are still up in a balloon In a state of continued-ln-our-next suspense. The terrible story of Czolgosx began on that fateful day In Buffalo, and we did not observe that this particular journal spared Its readers any of the appalling details of the assassination and ensu ing scenes. From its own desire far cheap notoriety it refused to give the last chapter. The Sober account Sent out from Auburn by the Associated Press to its clients was printed in every important newspaper In the United States except those which had their own specials and it has probably not occurred to 'the public that..these jour nals have done aught but their full Quty td it and to themselves. Years and years ago, while abolition of slavery 'was s;lll disputed, our ears were assailed every day with the sound of the fearful words "miscegenation" and 'amalgamation." To most ears of this day they have become obsolete. But now these words are isdUhdlng again, or resounding, just because President Roosevelt asked a "rJgger" whom the Democrats-' of Alabama had sent to seek for offices for them, to stay to dinner. But our- daughters haven't ''married nlggers,r because slav ery was abollBHed, nor will they marry niggers because the President has broken bread with a nigger from Ala bama, who happens to be the ablest and. most distinguished citizen of that State, at the present time. By the recent legislation in France, leveled at certain religious order's, no less than i6.'46S associations were af- 'feoted. Of this number, only,, 6141 have applied for authorization to remain on French sqil, by compllahcewlth cer tain requirements bt the government. This leaves 11,327 which decline the terms and will have to "go." These proceedings, it is regarded as certain, will array a very heavy Influence against the government In the next elections. But Frenchmen are so ac customed to extreme and violent courses that a proceeding whiqh would Upset the politics of any other nation may have little effect In France. There are queer politics in San Fran cisco. Ons Republican newspaper, which is not supporting the Republi can mayoralty candidate, declares that the fight is between the Democratic and Socialist nominees. Ahoiher Republi can paper, which maintains Its party regularity, says it la between the Re publican and Socialist nominees. . A third Republican journal seems to have no Very dlear opinion except that It wants to defeat 'the Republican ticket. Tho Democratio morning paper appefir3 to be trying to defeat Its party nomi nee and elect the Socialist It looks as If the voters will have to settle the ques tion themselves. The Lewis and Clark Centennial will be celebrated There will be an expo sition At Portland. It will be ah at tractive and creditable, yet moderate, thfng. "We shall keep within our means and run to no excess. As the first movement, citizens cf Portland must subscribe $300,000. Mr. Corbett has started it generously. It Is his work that has made the undertaking possible. Before the beginning of the new year this sum should all be subscribed. MORE STEINGENTjENAMIES. 1 "Washington Times. The recent assassination of President McKlnley has uncovered an alarming de fect in the 'Federal staniUs regarding &-' saults on 'the President of the United States. In several parts of the country, if he had even been severely wounded 'and had recovered, his assallafft could not even have been punished To correct jthls anomalous condition Congress will be asked at Its next session to pass a bill which has been drafted by tho Commission far Codifying the Federal Statute. It is framed fts a paragraph of the Federal Criminal code, whleh h&3 how been completed and sub mitted in the form bt a report to the Department of Justice. This new section will mak6kvarious crimes punishable wheh committed la forts,, arsenals, etc., owned by the Gov ernment, ort sites of Postofflces, Custom KouSG8 and other Federal buildings, and within tho shore line on the Great Lakes, and aboard American vessels wherever thoy may bo. In order to secure a larger measure or security for the Chief Magistrate the commission has drafted a separate bill, making it a felony punishable with a ?5000 nne to threaten the life or person of the President, and a capital crime to assault his person. In both Instances thife attack must Tjo on account of the d6ing or failure td do something con nected with his duties as President Much difficulty was experienced in deal ing with the subject of a law t6 protect tho President. In Order to bring the of fense within tho Constitutional pale the crime must be more than a crime against the person. In the eye of tho law at present the President Is not more sacred against assault than the humblest citizen. Moreover, the Constitution glVe3 the states power to punish crimes within their Jurisdiction; and, in spite ot any law which Congress may pass, a state Will still have Jurisdiction to pUnish as saults upon tho President In his private capacity. If the motive of the crime is in no way connected with his official functions the Federal Government can hot step In between the fetate and tho accused. The purpose Ot the new law Is to define as crimes assaults which at directed against the office bf the Chief Executive, as distinguished from the occupant ( of the office. Of such character have been all the assassinations of our Presidehts. In no instance was there any animosity against the President personally. "Wilkes Booth had none, Gulteau specifically dis claimed any, and Czalgos has declared from the beginning that he aimed at tho onice and not the man. No effort has been made to bring such assault under tho head of treason, that crime belng well-defined by the Constitution. Moreover, the death penal ty is Imposed regardless of whether the President is killed or not Under the milder section of tho proposed law, where the penalty Is a mere fine, will come written or spoken threatB against the life or person of tho President, always, providing that the incentive for tho threat Is dissatisfaction with his official acts or policies. Another feature of the legislation which Will be recommended to Congress for the protection of the President Is a provision for nunlshlnK accessories before the fact As advisers 0f or assistant in, the crime," this Is calculated tb reach the anarchists. Af teT the President has been assaulted, if it can be shown that there -were asso ciates who counseled the assault or helped to perpetrate it, they will be held to an equal responsibility with the direct assailant - The commission has practically given over trying to frame written legislation aimed directly at anarchism. Any move In this line trenches so Upon, free speech and is so liable to abuse that it is neces sary to exercise great caution. In de fining tho offenses to which the pro posed law BhalT apply it is difficult to draw the line between a really criminal Intent and an honorable Intent aimed merely at tho reversal of some existing policies or the political overthrow of some person or persons in office, With a sincere view to the ultimate welfare of the country. The commission consists of Alexander C. Botkln, David It. "Watson and William D. BynUm. It has been at work for several years, has finished k criminal cofie. and is now at work bn tho civil statutes. This task will require several years more for Its completion. It Is ex pected that Congress will give early at tention to the proposed law for the pun ishment Of assaults upon tho President either in or out of its regular order. The death of President McKlnley has aroused a widespread popular demand for Mich legislation, and, though there will doubtless bo considerable argument on its Constitutional phase, no serious opposltiOh is hnticipa,led. The Attorney General will undoubtedly make isonic rec ommendation to the President, and this will bo reflected in hifl message. i - . AilOSEMENTS. ' t - Guy Fw Seeley'a comedy, hunting, for Ha-w&Ins' opened 'a week's engagement at Cordray's fast night td a house that filled tne theater as full as It would hold, and judging from Its reception It was a decided hit The comedy Is one of the first seert at Cbrdrays in a good while which has a really funny plot Tho Btory as Unfolded by the author is mdro than Usually aniuslng. and Is full ot sltuatlonfe which give the members of the company all the opportunity they need for provok ing laughter. That they provoked plenty of It last night- Is no lefts a tribute to them than, to ihe play. The adventures of one Hawkins, who is roped in by nn artist friend to imperson ate a poet, form the theme around whioh has been woven all the oemplloatlons that could welt bo crowded Into three acts. The artist is In need of a relative of distinction to give him Standing with his prospective mother-in-law, and annexes the poet fcr that purpose. As soon aa he has his friend Hawkins installed in his household in such character the real poet turns up, and matters begin to get mixed. An indigent dead boat whose "graft" is pretending to be a disreputable relative ofjeveryone -wth whom ho meets, assists in involvlhg affairs, and the in evitable love story two of them, in fact are Interwoven, . Tho company is headed by John L. Kearney, who was last seen here in the leading part of "A Stranger In New York." He has air easy way of doing things that euits the part, and was re sponsible for no small ?hare ot the mer riment. Alf Grant did an excellent piece of work as Owen Touchem, the man who could UBe five, ahd contributed a monologue specialty which created con siderable amusement' Donald Harold made a good Lyman Ashley, and Dick Singleton was sufficiently well pertrayed by Frank C Young, who also threw In a dance as an added attraction. Miss Mamie Conway Was t'ery accept able as Georglana Smith, an bid maid, her work showing that she hus made her self a thorough mlstress of her profes sion. Her song with the canine accom paniment was one or the hits of the even ing. Mls3 Bertie Conway played Mrs. Hawk!fts ns well as need be and Miss Bessie DeVoie was Bertha Ashley, the girl with whdtn Singleton, the artist. Is in love. The remainder of the company is adequate. The play is well mounted, and has plenty of map and action. It will be the attraction all the Week. , -jPOd&AKQ COMMENT 'Thep&thsOf gibry lead bdt to a court of Inquiry. ,, There seems ito- be troubofcfiome kind in the Transvaal. T "Will anybody say why men who build ships should have subsidies, or grants Of motley from the Treasury? SUch subsidies or grants Will all go to men already rich; for Hone except rich men have shipyards', or are lh the shipbuild ing business. The farmer 6? the wage worker will build no ships. Why should they be taxed to Increase the wealth of those who do build them, or may build them if the Treasury can be tapped for the money? hi HENRY'S 3IINSTRELS. Befti Attraction Yet Appending at the Metropolitan. Hi Henry's Minstrels, which openod a week's engagement at the Metropolitan yesterday afternoon to a big house and packed the theater to the doors last night. Is by "long Odds the best attraction which has been seen in that theater. The troupe was enthusiastically received at both per formances, and Without question deserved Its reception. Bath first part and olio have been im proved Since "Mr. Henry's appearance here lafet season. The first part Is. hand somely staged, tho costumes are "bright and new, and the programme Is unusual ly well selected. Billy Clark, one of the best ertd men who has been seen In Port land, was the star of the occasion, elng lng a number of songs in'his best style, and springing an innovation In minstrelsy by cracking Several new Jokes. James Corrlgart, John Dove, Hilly Hall and Bob Stevens are also present, and do their share toward amusing the audience. The vocal numbers which were best received Were "The Game of Eyes," by Will Moore, "Down Where the Cotton Blos soms GroW," by George S. "Van, "I'd Still Believe You True." by Will Coeley. and "My Moonbeam Babe," by Harry Hern ia enway. The olio opens with a concert by Hi Henry's band, which is the best min strel band yet to come to Portland. J. A. Probst follows with a series of imita tions or birds, which are so well done that he Is recalled again and again. Corrigan attd Dove dO a specialty which they en title, "Sweethearts," in which both do Sbrno remarkably grateful dancing. The best dancing of the evening, however, is done by Viola Abt, a clever little girl who comes as nearly examplifylng the poetry of motion as it Ik possible Tor one to do. Cook and Hall are the musical comedians, and their number is good of its kind. The programme concludes with the Mbrrlseys, a man ahd woman, who display some wonderful feats of strength. The Barr brothers' acrobatic feAta arc nothing short of mnrveloiK-. All Of their tricks ere new, and few of them ever have been equaled In Portlond. The show moves rapidly. Is without a single dull feature, and It pleased the house at both performances from beginning to end. It will be the attraction all the week, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. COMIftG ATTRACTIONS. The Germans are In China, evidently, to stay. They are pushing their rall-xoad-bulldlng vigorously in Shan Tung Province. Sixty-two miles have been completed from the port of Klao ChoU, and by next Summer the line Is to be opened to the extensive coal mines hear Wleh Sien, in the central part of the province. This road is then to be pushed to Tsl Nan, the capital of the province, situated near the Yellow River, And Will then have an exten sion of 200 miles Tfrom the coast into the heart'of a great population. But there are Indications that the Chinese are preparing an effort to resist these operations of foreigners in their coun try. The China Dally News says that orders haVe been issued from the Grand Council r of the empire", throdgh the Board of;vtfar, Commanding the mili tary authorities in a.ll the provinces to send td the court with all speed a de tailed report of 'the exact number 1-of battalions "under them, the troops be longing to each, the: number, of modern firearms of the latest patterns, field, nd Siege artillery, guns bf position (quick firing or otherwise), and machine guns attached tcf each 'corpi available for taking the field at ten, or at the most fifteen, days notice. An especial in junction. Is laid on the provisional 'au thorities to tell tha striot truth about the matter, because "upon the accu raY of such, report will depend suc- Thore is a difference In the estimates of the results In Ohio tomorrow. The Republicans claim the state by 40,000 to 75,000; the Democrats claim it by 25, 000 to 30,000. Even greater difference IS presented as to the estimates for New York City. Tammany claims 60,000 ma jority, while Its opponents claim 100,000. When ante-eiectlcm estimates are bo widely variant, there is nothing in them. The torrid quality of the New York campaign may be judged from the headlines over various articles in a single issue of" the New York Times "Mr. Jerome Answers Commissioner Devery," "Edward M. Shepard's Rebuke to Devery," "Croker and Devery Reply to Charges," "Seth Low Replies to Cro ker and Deyery," and go on, The pub lic will reply to all of them Tuesday. Because there still is resistance in the Phlllppires, some of our people Insist that We shall withdraw and quit It was not by withdrawing and quit ting that the English language 4s now spoken all over the globe, and by not less than 140,000,000 people. According to-General Miles, the anll jjahteen law has dohe much good. For a' man Who might get to be President, this may be so. Al any rater keepers o diveg and saloons will quite agree with the General. If Schley 1iad lost dt Santiago it would have been chlby defeat, not any other's: .but since Schley w6n whose victory was it? Maybe we shad' know in a few days, once for all. There Is far less cause or reason to complain Of detentions of commerce between Portland and Astoria than be tween Astoria and the sea. T'hefe 'may be softie consolation in Buffalo that the fair loss was In money only. 'THe Show otherwise was all right. The WoolBrowcra' War on Shoddy. New York World. -, Our woolgrowlng farmers are going, tp SBk Cortgress to pass a law to prevent the sale of shoddy cloth as woolen. Their National Livestock Association will con sider a bill already prepared for this pur pose when It meets In convention at Chi cago on December 8 hertt. Under its pro vlstohs dll goods offered for said as Woolen would have to be tagged or la beled so as to show exactly the percent ages of wool and other fibers in tho same. Legislation calculated to promote hon esty in trade l3 commendable on general principles, but the admixture of Shoddy is bound to be large in American Wodlcn goods so long ns tariff duties aVeragihg 48 per cent ate levied oh Imported clothing wool."?, and 94 per cent on imported Wooleh Clothing. These almost prohibitive duties are a strong temptation to the American woolen manufacturer to mix shoddy, which Is cheap, with wool, which is dear. The poor people In the United States wear Shoddy clothing because this Is the only Nation In the world that puts a tax on wool. Clark, ot the Orej?bnvt Josh Wink, lh Baltimore American. (Captain Clark, ttfho commanded thq Oregon dih-inK ita remarkable dish around Cape Horn and at the naval battle -of Santlatra. 1& like Admiral Schley, one ot the few heroes ot the Spanish-American "War who has not brought himself betote the public by talking or wrltlnfc of his record.) , jfow, here's to Clftvk. Who made his mark. And neVer said s. wordj Who did his died and wrote no fcsreed, But alienee dep preferred. f A health 16 him that fighter grim; Who met the wily Don, u And made his strike mot workmanlike Clark, of the Oregon! j Front feea to sea alone called he, - AVlth ever-ready gurtaj Trent where the tide Is halt-world wldef to where thg loe floe runs; through torching heat to know and sloet, Full speed both night and morn, t His good ship hurled half round the world. From. 'Frisco by Cape Hqrn. ,t 2a6k to the line, swift through tBe.bflrie, "With neither1 swerve not sheer; ' x. Hs met the rtcctup to tho cleat The alexia! flew: "We're here!" All clear and clean, his war machine "Wan trim from Bte.n to bow "If thWe a fight by d&y or night, t "We're ready for it now!" Then came the rade, the thrllilng chaVa' through smoVe and spume and f6am, And eadh shell's- clang In' rhythm Sang: " " 'M Captain sends me home!" Thert back again with cheering men, "When battle smoke grew dim, Ye"l not a word front Clark was' heard His turrets talked for him. j Soi here's to Clark, who made his mark! Ccd send us more, we pray, , , Who do their deed, yet wrlte no screed. And have no sptech to say, . ( - "Who, never talk arid never balk, But fight at dark or dawn. May h$ Have health and joy and wealth Clark, of the Ortgonl "Theodora'' nt the jlnrq. Tonlsht. Tonight, at the Marquam Theater, Min nie Tittell Brune. an actress who has many irionds and admirers In Portland, will" present her bcenic production of "Theodora," in Which she makes her initial anDearancc as a star. She will- have with her Clarence M. Brune as co star, and a large company. Mrs. Brune has in a short time risen rapidly In her profession, and has roached a high place aa a legitimate actress. "Theodora," which has never been in Portland, Is one of the greatest plays in which Mad ame Bernhardt has appeared ami lanks among tho foremost works of tho most famous living playwright. The produc tion is said to be one of unusual sumptu ousness, tho sqenery having been special ly painted, and the costumes designed for jt. The engagement will be for threo nights. "Jens of the Bar Z IUmoh." Tho sale of seats for Misa Alice Arch er, .as "Je?B, of tho Bar Z Ranch." will open tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at the Marquam-Qrand ThCator. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday nights of this Weak are the evenings Miss Archer, In the above play, will the attraction at the Marquam. "Jes?, of the Bar Z Ranch," contains all tho eloments of the success ful modern romantic drama, the piece Is tinged with local color, new to the American stage, and is said to bo as attractive ih Its humor as It Is effective in the stronger and more serious scenes. Tho production is said to be an elab orate one; the scenic Investiture Included four very heavy scenes from the studio of Arthur Voegtlln, painted from de signs and photographs furnished by the author In Mexico. Tho cast includes nearly All the artiste of the original prb-ductlon. Scion-Thompson Change IIIm Tianic. Ernest Seton-Thompson, the writer ot animal stories, has had his name changed by the courts. Irt law Ernest Seton Thompson has become Ernest Thompson Seton. The court's decree carried the change to Mrs. Ernest Seton-Thompson that was, and 3trs. Ernest Thompson Se ton that is. It happens that Thompoh was no part of Mr. Seton's name, Among his ancestors' were two ftohlc Scotch families, the Sctons and the Camerotts. Both were leaders 1n tho rebellion of 1715. The re bellion failed, and to save'the only assets thoy had left their lives they fled from -Scotland. The author's several times greai-grandfathbr later returned to Eng land, arid as there was" a price on His head he assumed the name moBt common in the country, Thompson. Mrs. Seton Was seen at hor home, 80 West Thirtieth street. New York. She said that the name "Thompson" grated on Mr. Seton's nervea ' 4 Footpads are about tha only classo la borers who do not object to night work. It is almost as hard to fortify the Nica ragua Canal as if there wore a Nicaragua Canal. If Wu Ting Fang is recalled, to whom shall Congress and tfee President turn fbr advice , Why remove the shadb tries They will all leave of their" own accord next Spring. Peace again brood3 over Kentucky. There must be another ammunition famine down that Way. Will the Southern papers object to President Roosevelt's oatlng dark meat on Thanksgiving day? The California party who rode 40 miles in all esoaped balloon probably cannot see much fun in a high time. w Only a few hundred dollars worth of property was destroyed on Halloween, Have boys ceased to be boys? Kitchener got another drubbing the other day. It Is surmised that a kopje was at the bottom of the trouble. The pallbearers union Intends to see the undertakers keep coffin up. They will demand a stiff price for their services, Oregon continues to tear off a first prise at Buffalo now and then, just to show the other states that the is on the map. Den't call them melancholy days, , The soen will be full merry. For with the snows of Winter eomes Thc gladnome Tem and Jerry. In the case of the Woman who went over Niagara in a barrel the foolkllltr will have no difficulty in establishing an alibi. Perhaps the President may deem It the part of wisdom to commute Whatever sentence may be Imposed on Admiral Sefcley. It Is inferred from the testimony berore the court of inquiry that Admiral Schley's method of disposing of the Spanish fleet was very effective. A New YorKehUrch is going to open a restaurant. If the prices are on the churoh social scale It will make Delmon Ico's loek like a penny wuphouae. "It takes a lot of thinking to get up a name for a new cigar," remarked the rep resentative of a big cigar manufactory. ''The popularity of a cigar 1b influenced more or less by the judicious selection of a name. I've known some that didn't go at all urlder one name to have quite a large sale when put on the market as an other brand. A good name for a cigar is ohc that is 'phort and eatchy. It must sound nice,, for a name that jars oa the ear will hoedoo any cigar. We do a lot of studying when we are about to intro duce a new low-priced cigar to the public At the factory a prize is usually offered fer the best name, and thero Is much con sideration given to the selection of the Rama. The smoker won't stand for a elumsy, unwieldy tlRe, and we have to title judgment If we want to enjoy hia patrORagc."' A man who has studied these things says of the Prince of Wales: "I see that Edward VII intends doing the right thing by hte son. The present King will last only a few years at beat, and England must mkke the most ot the mediocre heir apparent. We are forced to admit that George Frederick on his tour ot the col onies has conducted htmaelf in a thor oughly princely manner, and those ot u who love old Mother England are satis fied that he will get out of his kinks in time and make a satisfactory figurehead. The young man lias not a few titles, but 'Prince of Wales,' the inoet coveted ot all, is not yet among thorn. England is full of Dukes, but there can be only One Prlnfco of Wales. That title is not In herited, and has usually been bestowed by patent and lnvtlture, though in a few caees the heir to the throne has become Prince of Wales simply by being so declared." ' A" crowd of duck shooters who lease shooting privileges on Sauvle'fe Island and pay about J6 per duck for all they bring in are on the war path. When they returned to their hunting grounds last week thoy found the owner of the prop erty waiting for thorn with anger in his heart. He said that a fine fiteor, the pride ef his herd, had received a bullet in his great heart during a recent carnival of duck shooting, and he anked pay for tlio animal, which ho valued at something like $100. He said he only leased the right to shoot duclis; that he would be perfectly willing to allow the hunters to Indulge in the thrilling sport of steer shooting, but the price must be in proportion. The hunters eald they would look into the matter. That afternoon, when they had shot thoir ustUal half dofcen ducks, thoy inquired from a farmer where the steer In question might be found, artd were directed to a spot near the lake over which they shot. Repairing thither, they gazed on the carcass, and discovered that It had been bleaching there for about six mottth3. Having been shooting only since the flrat of September, they withheld pay mont, and they are not altogether satis fled that they are not the victims of a put-up job. Moral: It Is the city man who Is the farmer when In the country. Hnndsome, Handy and Valrmblc. Seattle Trade Register. The. Morning Oregonian has issued a handbook Of Portland and tributary cbun ty that Is certainly a handsome, handy and valuable compilation of information, well illustrated and well put together. rLBASANTUIBS OF rAKAaRAWlCllS Mistress Now, remember, Bridget, the Jon are coming for dinner tonight. Cook Lrtjave It to me. raem. I'll do me orst! they'll never trouble yez again! Harper' Bazar. Mrs. Stalemate I had my fortune told br Professor Ketchum jciterday, and. only think, he tells me 1 shall live to be 00 years ot age. Mrs'. Sharpe What, again Boston Transcript. "My dear, ehe Is the most stupid person " "Reall ? She has a pleasant face." "I knnw. But she Is one of those people who tell th truth aboUt their neighbors oen If It Is pleas ant." Life. Taught by Experience. Mamma If Mrs. Smith gives you a piece of cake, be sure and say "Thank lou." Freddie What good is that' She never gives you any more. town and Country. YVors Looking Than He Felt. Baboony Me boy, fott look as It you had jet atefiped out of a ttahlofl-plate. Crlnkletoh That bo? I knew 1 had rheumatism, but I dldl't suppose I was aa srta as that! Harlem Life. Parental Cruelty. Mr. 8nalf--My son, I want to see If you can't climb to the top ot thH grass-blade and back Inside ot two weeks. Mrs. Soan (rnterposlngly) Hdsband, dear. I think It's wroaz to hurry the child jo. Ohio State Journal. Aa Opporturi Moment. "Will you marry me and preside over y household aa Queen?" be asked. She wa.i Inallncd to laugh his proposal to scorn. "You may never have suoh another ohaoee," he continued, "for I know of a really exeellent servant-girl who la abeut to lea ft her present place, and whom 1 coufd engage at once " Thereupon she fell upon his bosom. , Philadelphia Press.