Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1901, PART TWO, Page 10, Image 10

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UHHif iji HUipuiiHiiii qmp.lLi II i
By virture of a warrant Issued by the
Clark of tbe County Court of the State
of Oregon lor the County of Multnomah,
to me directed, commanding me to levy on
the goods and chattels of the delinquent
taxpayers named on the delinquent tax
roll for said county for the year 1900 and
city taxes for the year 1901 thereto at
tached, and If none be found, then upon
the real property as set forth and de
scribed in the said delinquent tax-roll, or
so much thereof as shall satisfy the
amount of taxes charged therein, togeKier
with the costs and expenses, I have duly
levied, having- been unable to find any
goods or chattels belonging to the re
spective delinquents hereinafter named,
upon the following described pieces or
parcels of land, as set forth in said tax
list, lying and being In said Multnomah
County, State of Oregon, described and
assessed as follows:
Schmllbauer. M. Lot 16. block 24. A.
L. Minor's Addition 012
SchoflekV A. E. Lots 7. 8. 9, 10, block
33, A. L. Minor's Addition 49
Palmer, George S. Lot 15, block 33,
A. L. Minor's Addition 12
Hughes. John F. Lots 5. 6. block
Ziy. Aiken s Addition to .East rort-
Security Savings & Trust Co. Lots
7, 8, block 317. Aiken's Addition to
Bast Portland
13 82
Lament, Thee. J. Lot 12, block 5;.
lots 4, 5, 6, block 1, Alnsworth
Tract, Ashley's Subdivision- 3 01
Duniway. H. It. Lumber Co. Lot 7,
block 1, Albee's Subdivision of lots
28. 29. Glenhaven Park 11
Simon, Nathan, Sears. Alfred. Jr.;
McGinn, Henry R Lots L 2, block
2. Albee's "Subdivision of lots 28.
29. Glenhaven Park 25
Morgan F. J. Lot 3. block 2 Al
bee's subdivision oE lots 2S, ?,
Glenhaven Park
Knott, May E. Lots 5. 6. block 3,
Albee's Subdivision of lots 28. 29,
Glenhaven Park
Morgan F. J. Lot 6. block 4, Al
bee's "SubdivlsJea of lots 28. 29,
Glenhaven Park
Haae. Jennie Lot L block 5, Al
bee's Subdivision of lots 28. 29.
Glenhaven Park
Rosenthal, Caroline Lots 2, 3, 4,
block 5, Albee's Subdivision of lots
2S. 29. Glenhaven Park
Fischer Rebecca A. Lot 11. block 5,
Albee's Subdivision of lots. 23, 29,
Glenhaven Park
Collins. Nellie Lot 3. block 6. Al
bee's Subdivision df lots 28. 29,
Glenhavon Park
Smyth, Michael Lot 4, block 6. Al
bee's Subdivision, of lots 28, 29,
Glenhaven Park
McGrath. James Lot 5. block 6. Al
bee's Subdivision of lots 28. 9,
Glenhaven Park
Nillson. M. Lots 11. 12. block 1.
Larsen. J. L. Lot IL block 2. Al-
Peoples." Edgar R Lots if 'is, block
2 Alberta
Unknown Owner Lot 1, block 4, Al
berta Fehrenhach. Albert Lots 22, 23, block
4. Alberta
Walker. Abble Lot 24, block L Al
bina r
Spady. Ludwlg Lot 11, block 2. Al
bina Ulzeson. Phllto W. Lots 13. 14.
21 I
4 05
block 4. Alblna 14 1G
Lino, William Lot 21. block 5. Al
blna 12 47
Scofleld. May E. Lots IL 12. block
7. Alblna 1012
Curtln. Michael N. 45 feet lot 2,
block 9, Albina 3 05
Hoobor, J. R Lot 25, block 10, Al
blna 910
Sorcnson. Martin Lot 5. block 13,
Alblna . . .......................... . . 3 04
Marlay, P. H. Lot 9 'block "13" Al
blna . 3 04
Hume. Clair A. W. lot 25, lot 26.
block 13. Albina 4 72
Curtain. Michael N. 39.56 feet lot 14,
lot IS block 14, Alblna 17 53
Barden, W. E. Lot 10, block 15.
Alblna 5 06
Cooley, Susan Lot 11, block 16. Al
blna 5 73
Troup, Eliza J. Lot 23, block 16,
Alblna 5 05
Investors Mortgage Securitv Co. of
Edinburgh, Scotland W. 25 feet N.
Vt lot 8, block 21, Alblna 10 28
Trial. Patrick Lot 20, block 21 Al
blna. 7 08
Leach. George B. W. lots 2. 3.
block 22, Alblna 2157
Gantenblen, John Undivided lots
14 to 20. block 23 Albina IS 03
Bannon. Patrick J. Lot 23, block 24.
Alblna ; 28 31
Kraeft. Arthur T. and Ardella A.
E. 25 feet lot 2, Mock 28. Alblna.... 1 02
Poacher, Wm. E. Lot 3, N. 60 feet
lot 4. block 3L Alblna 35 84
Manning. Jos. M. Lots 10, 11. block
36, Albina H S3
Snell. R N.-Lot 16, block 41, Al
blna . 163
Swing, James R. Lots 5. 6, block
42, Albina X0 79
Manning, Jos. M. Lot 9, block 4S,
Alblna o 22
Wilson, Olof W. lots 17. 18, block
5L Alblna , 20 29
Hansen, Hannls, Peter, Laura Ame
lia E. southwesterly lots 3,
4. block 5S, Albina 792
Montgomery. J. R, Heirs All except
NE. lots 7, 8 (except right of
way), block 69, Alblna 5 05
Mayer. Estolla: FleckonstMn. rhrit
tlan Lot 2, block 72. Alblna 12 471
jvauiiman, asaac ts.L,oi 3, block 1,
Alblna Addition 337
McNlohols. John P. Lot 12, block 2,
Alblna Addition 3 37
Bretana, John F. T. R Lot 4, block
5. Albina Addition 2 36
Jenkins, Cyrus S.-Lots 6.-7, block
2, Albina Heights .? 2 36
Sensel, Henry Lots 13, 14. block 2.
Alblna Heights 2 36
Eensel, Henry Lots 1. 2, block 3.
Albina Heights " t 36
Sensel, Henry Lots 8 to 12, block 2.
Alblna Heights 5 40
Sensel. Henry Lots 1 to 5, blook 4,
Alblna Heights 5
Henderson, John. Lots 8 to 10. blook
4, Alblna Heights 3 37
Taylor S. Grace Lots 11, 12. block
4, Alblna Heights 2 03
Sensel. Henry Lots 13, 14. block 4,
Alblna Heights 2 26
Sensel. Henry Lots 1 to 14, block 5,
Alblna Heights 15 51
Shlelds,Mlchael Lot 9, block B, Al
blna Homestead , 2 03
Marlay, P. BL-SW. V4 lot E, Albina
Homestead 4 S9
Gantenboin. Ambrose C. NE. 4 lot
E, Alblna Homestead 3 71
Marlay, P. H. Lot S, block 1, Al
blna Homestead 2 03
Ahem, Stephen Lot 10, block 1, Al
blna Homestead 152
Swain, Rosena Lo. 12, block 4, Al
blna Homestead 2 03
Schrieber, Henry and Sophia N. &
lot 5, block 5. Alblna Homestead.. 2 7Q
Matlock. W. F. Lot 11. block 5. Al
blna Homestead 2 03
Frakes, Jos. A. Lots 15. 16, block 8,
Alblna Homestead 439
Perrault, Chas. F Lot 2, block 12,
Alblna Homestead. , 2 02
Northern Counties Investment &.
Trust. Ltd. Lots L 2, block 15,
Alblna Homestead 5 57
Colfclt, Alex Lot 10, block 17. Al
bina Homestead 2 C3
Kraft, Alice Lots 1L 12, block 18.
Alblna Homestead 4C5
jfope. xsaoeua lots 1 to 4, Alblna
Homestead Addition. .
Kelly. Penumbra Lot 2Q. block 1.
Albion Addltioa to Albina
Thompson. J. R Lot 24. block 1.
AlbiDa Addition to Albina
Rodney. Lydla and Clementina-
tots 6. 7. diock 3; Albion Addition
to Albina 2 03
Starr. Frank A. E. Lot XL, block 3,
Albion Addition to Alblna .. l 02
Harr, Pauline Lota 18, 19. block 4.
Albion Addition to Albina 2-03
Jackson. Wm. Lots 11. 12, blocks,
Albion Addition to. Albina 2 26
Weldman, Rose S. Lot 6, block 1,
Arbor Lodge 10 62
Francis, Wm. C Lots 5, ff, 7, blook
2 Arbor Lodge 337
Lancefleld, R. W. Lots 15 to 17,
blooV- 2, Arbor Lodge 3 37
Passon. Lorena Lots J, to 3, blook 5,
Arbor Lodge 15 51
Laacefield, R W. Lots 1 to 6, block
S, Arbor Lodge 6 41
Cole, Camilla Lots 1 to 4, block 11,
Arbor Lodge 4 39
LancefleW, R W. Lots 4 to 12; block
21. Arbor Lodge 9-44
Mansfield. Susan Hegeman Lots 13.
to 16, block 26. Arbor Lodge 4S&
Mixen. Willis Lot 17. block 26-, .Ar
bor Lodge ! 102
RIchet. Mary Lot 1, S. 30 feet lot
12. blook 2, Atkinson's Addition, to
Portland , 169,
Reed. C. J. Lots 1 to 4. block 1,
Auburn Park, a subdivision of lots
1 to. 1. Mount Tabor Park T3&
Reed. Chas. J. Lot 3, block 2; Au
burn Park 2 07
Glrvln. Colin C .Lot 4, block 2, Au.
burn Park 175
Reed. Chas. J. Lots 1 to 4, block
3. Auburn Park 7 00.
Gicvin. Colin C Lots. 2, 2. block
4. Auburn Park 3.49-
Reed Chas. J. Lots 1, 2, block 5,
Auburn Park ,.,,.,..,.,.,,,,,. 3 49
Reed, Chas. J. Lots 1 to 4 block ..
8. Auburn Park ... , 6 98
Reed, Chas. J. Lot 1, block 10, Au
burn Park ..-. "... .7.. ,.... .'.... 175
Reed. Thos. C Lot 5,t block 3,
Auer's Addition to-East Portland 3 37
Palmer, Howard H. Lots 1 to 12,
block 1, Avalon Tract 10 68
Lawler. M. M. Lot 1, block 3, Ava- '
Ion Tract ., 54
Palmer, Howard H. Lots 1 to 7.
block 3, Avalon Tract 6 40
Naeve, ChaE. and Maggie W. 33
feet of E. 34 feet lot 1p. block 318,
Batch's Addition to Portland 1129
Stipe. John A., guardian for Edith
L Stipe W. 34 feet lot 7, block 323,
Balch's .Addition to Portland 9 10
Barrett, John Lots 8 to 10, 15. 16,
block 4, Barrett's Addition to East
Portland 334
Hendee, Mrs. I. H. Lot 5. W. 16 2-3
feet lot 6, block L Base Line Addi
tion to East Portland 26 29
McGuire, M. J. Lot 4. block 4. Bea
con Heights: strip 30 feet wide E.
of and adjacent lot 4, lot 5, block
4, Beacon Heights; strip 30 feet
wide E. of and adjacent lot 5, Bea
con Heights 4 29
Baumeister, Joseph Lot 6, blocK o,
Bella Vista
Unknown Owner W. 25 feet of E.
100 feet lot 9. Belmont Park, West
Weir. Catherine C W. 25 feet of S.
100 feet, lot 9, B. 75 feet of lot 10.
Belmont Park. West ....
Ewlng. C. L. Lot K. Belmont Villa
Jaques. Abbie L. Lots 1, 2, block 3.
Bernhardt Park
Hughes. Edward Lots 14 to 16,
block 1, Bertha
Hughes, Edward, Cress, John M.
E. Vi lot 1, W. Vi lot 5. block 2.
Holmes, W. H. Lots 6, 7, block 2,
Hughes. Edward, and Cress, John
M. Except S. 70 feet E. of lots
12, 13. 14. 15; except S. 70 feet of W.
lot 16, block 2. Bertha
Hughes. Edward Lots 4. 5, 9, 10,
block 3, Bertha ,
Huches. Edward Lots 1. 2. 6. 7.
2 01
15 2:
block 4, Bertha 1 17
Hughes. Edward Lots 2, 3. 4, blocK
5. Bertha 64
Hooper. Miles T. Lots 9, 10. block
5. Bertha 53
Owens. George W. Lot 13, block 5,
Owens. Emlline Lots 14, 15, 16,
block 5, Bertha
Solum, A. Lot 3. block 6, Bertha..
Cress. Catherine Lot 5, block 6.
Allen. Graviile M. Lots 7. 10, block
6. Bertha
Henry, Chas. H.. trustee Lots 12,
13, 15, blocks. Bertha
Hughes. Edward Lot 16, block 6,
75 1
22 I
22 ,
Hughes. Edward Lots 4 to 9, block
7, Bertha...- 153
Owens, ueorge v. txiis &, , dtock
8, Bertha ..,
Huches. Edward Lots 5 to 12. block
8. Bertha 191
Hughes. Edward Lots 6 to- 9, block
9Bertha 106
Hughes, Edward Lots 3, 4. a. DI00K
10, Bertha
Gates. Wm. Frac lot 3, block 10,
Hughes, Edwird Lot 6, block J2,
Eughea, Edward Lots 6, 7, 8. block
13. Bertha
Stoltz, J. D. Lot 14. bloqk 13. Bertha
Hughes. Edward L.ots b, 10 to iz,
14. 15. 15. block 14. Bertha 17a
Hughes. Edward Lot 13, block 15,
Bertha 22
Mamvarinar, Mary Lots 1, 2, block
17, Bertha 53
Hughes, Edward Lots 3, 4, 5, block
17, Bertha W
Venniscrholz, George Lot 15, block
17. Bertha 22
Hughes, Edward, and Cress. John
M Lot 16, block 17. Bertha 32
Yangel, Frank Lot 7, block 18. Ber
tha 12
Grunbcrg. P. Lot 8. block 18. Bertha 32
Hughes. Edward Lots 13, 14, 16,
block 18. Bertha 75
Wright, Frank Lot 5, block 19, Ber
tha 22
Hughes, Edward Lots 11, 12, block
19, Bertha 43
Griffith, F. E. Lot 16. block 19
Bertha 32
Hughes. Edward Lot 6, block 20,
Bertha 22
Hughes. Edward, and Cross John M.
Lots 7. 8, block 20, Bertha 53
Hughes. Edward Lots 9, 10, block 20,
Bertha ,., , 53
Hughes Edward Lots 1 to 4. 13 to 17,
block 22, Bertha. , 2 12
Hughes. Edward Lots 1, 2, 3, block
24. Bertha So
Hughes. Edward Lots 9 to 15, block
25, Bertha 1 6S
Ladd. Winiam M. Lots 1. 4. 5. 8,
block 9, Blackistone's Addition to
Portland 23 31
Ladd. William M. Lots 1 to 8, block
10. Blacklstone's Addition to .Port
land 60 16
Ladd. William M. Lots 2, 3. 5 to S.
block II. Blacklstone's Addition to
Portland 45 50
Title Guarantee &: Trust Co. Block
15; 30 feet of Watson street west
of and adjoining block 15. Black
lstone's Addition to Portland 152 83
Bowman, B. H. Lots 15. 16. block
1, Boise's Addition to Portland.... 4 72
Bowman. R H Trustee, and Brev
man. Werner and Eugene Lot B,
Boise's Addition to Portland 118
Bowman, B. H. Lot A. block 7,
Boise's Addition to Portland 85
Bowman, B. H. Lots 7, 8. block 9,
Boise's Addition to Portland 135
Bowman, B. H. Lots 7 to 9, block
10, Boise's Addition to Portland... 3 54
Bowman B. H. Lots 18 to 26, block
10. Boise's Addition to Portland.... 10 79
Bowman. B. H. Lot C. block 14.
Boise's Addition to Portland 135
Malre. Joseph Lots l, 2, block 1,
Boston Addition to East Portland..
Buell. Susan Lots 13: to 24, block 1.
Boston Addition to East Portland
Murdock. Charles A. Lots 9 to 12,
block 2, Bo?ton Addition to East
Cation. Alex M. and Jane L. Lots
17 to 2L block 2, Boston Addition to
East Portland .. -. ....
Jones. William E. Lots 5. 6, block
3. Boston Addition to East Port
land Averv. William C Lots 7, 8. block
3. Boston Addition to East Port
land Stinger, Charles W. Lots 11. 12.
block 3. Boston Addition to East
Buell. Jane S. Lots. 15 to 17. block
3. Boston Addition to 'East Port
land ,..,...
Buell Jane S. Lots S to 12. block
4, Boston Addition to East Port
land Fallows, Joseph-Lota 17. 18, block -4.
Boston Addition to East Port
land ., ,
Mattlson. Ernest D. Lots 19 to 24.
block 4, Boston Addition to East
Portland 38
Fallows, Joseph Lots 1 to 6. block
t. .uostoa Addition to East Port
land Shepard. F. H.. Trustee Lots 11 to
i. DiocK 5, Hoston Addition to East
Portland 23
Suringer. A. M-VLot 15. block 5.
Boston Addition to East Portland
Daurel. Peter Lots 1, 2, 3 block 1,
Cleavers. F. M. Lot 19, block 1.
McDonald. John Lots 13. 14. hlock
2 75
2, Bralnard 135
ecniosser. ij'red Lot 41, block 2,
Buell. W. C Lots A5, 46, block 2,
Olson, Ole Lot 29, block 3. Bralnard
Glaze. Robert B. Lots. 43. 44, block 3.
1 38
iarainara .. 133
Schlemm. Mary Lot 5, blook 4,
Bralnard 2.29
Iverson. Bertie Lot 6, block 4.
Bralnard , C9
Johnson, Edward Lot 7, block 4.
Bralnard G9
Sclenek. John Lots 40 41.. block 4
Price. Frederick Lots 42 to 44. block
4. Bralnard .- -. 2 52
.feriey. u. m., iicirs JL,ot 8. block 5.
Bralnard ..
Marvin, E. Lot 8. block 6, Bralnard
Trombley F., Jr. Lqt 9, block 6,
Bralnarrt .-
Mowry. Samuel Lot 21, block 6,
jtsratnara , .,
Priestly, H. C Lot 18. " block 7,
Krainnrd ..
Randall. Julia L. Lots 25", 26.- block
1. Diniixaiw, .................. ..... .
Lee, Harriet Lots IS, 19, 20, block
8v Bralnard ..
Corklsh. John Lot 23, block 8, Braln
ard ..
Arunsen, Raymond Lots S. 7. block
h. jsrainara .
Calder. W. T. Lots 11, 12, block 10,
Bralnard .. ..-".......
Redman. W. C Lot 15 block 10,
Bralnard .....,...
RIchet. Maty Lot 18, block lOBraln-
Loslt. Eliza Lots 8, 9. block 13,
Bralnard .'.
Rrezett. John Lots 1, 2; block L
Bralnard Tract ... ........... ....
Burnham. Jennie E. Lot 14. block 1
Bralnard Tract 115
Skarraan. Lottie Lot 7 block 2
Bralnard Tract 113
.tones, iwiza-oetn .Evans LiOta- isk 17,
block 2. Bralnard Tract ... .
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of California Lots 19, 20, block 2,
Bralnard Tract 2 36
Thompson, George C Lots 21, S2,
block 2, Bralnard Tract ...,. 2 36
'Rlggen. Sylvester E. Lots 23. 24, '
block 2. Bralnard Tract 2 70
Thompson. George C Lots 1 to3,
block 3, Bralnard Tract 3 83
Maine. James Lot 12, block 3, Braln
ard Tract 152
McMahon. Mlohael J. Lots 20. 21,
block 3, Bralnard Tract 2 28
Bralnard, William E. Lots 22 to 24,
block 3. Bralnard Tract 3 S8
Warwick, T. B.-Lot 18, block 4,
Bralnard Tract T. 1 52
Smith. C. J. Lots 1 to 4, block 5,
Bralnard Tract .'. 5 06
Bowlby. Ellen Lot 7, bloclc 5, Braln
ard Tract r 118
MoMahon, Michael J. Lot 8, block
5. Bralnard Tract ., 113
Warwick, T. D. Lot 7, block 6,
Bralnard Tract .,. 118
Frush. Mrs. N. A. Lots 8, 9, block
6. Bralnard Tract 2 36
Hodgkin, Frank E. Lots 10. 11, block
6, Bralnard Tract 2 36
Moores. Charles B. Lot 12, block 6,
Bralnard Tract 152
Neppach, 8. A., and Nicholas, Hor
ace B. Lots 2 to 5, block A, Bridal
Veil Heights 190
Neppach. S. A., and Nicholas. Hor
ace R Lots 1, 2, block B, Bridal
Veil Heights 52
Neppach, S. A., and Nicholas, Hor
ace B. Lots 1 to 4, block C. Bridal
Veil Heights 2 76
Sigel. Samuel L. Lot 5, block 4.
Brighton Park Addition to East
Portland 12
Tootle-Weakley Millinery Co. Ldt
. DiocK 5. .Brighton Park Addition
to East Portland 12
Bailey. Augusta Lots 7. 8, block 5,
Brighton Park Addition to East
"Portland Id
I Telf er-Steafiis" Real" Es ta'te Co. Lot
f .4, block 6 Brighton Park Addition
to Ea3t Portland 12
Bailey Augusta Lot3 3 to 16, block -7.
Brighton Park Addition to East
Portland 131
Joplln, F. and W. T. Lot 2L Brook
dale , 4 72
Hallday. E. L.-Lot 26. Brookdale.. 4 03"
Padgham, Flora H. Lots 33. 34.
Brookdale 13 93
Reckard. Alice M. Lot 1, block 1.
I Brown s Addition 6 58
Prentiss. Lizzie B. Lots 1. 3. 5. block
1, Brown's Tract 53
Upham. Henry S. Lots 4, 6. S, block
3. Brown's Tract - 145
Gregory. Wm. M. Lot 9, block 5,
Brown's Tract ... 34
Drew, Newton Lots 4. 5. block 2.
Brush's Addition to East Portland 11 97
Willett. H. Lot 5, block 3. Brush's
Addition to East Portland 3 21
Cawood, Cathlyn J. Lota 1. 2, block
4. Brush's Second Addition to East
Portland , ;.. 1197
Ward. Kate Lots 1, 3, block 1. Bur
field ., 15
Watbur, J. A. Lot 4, block 5, Bur
fleld ,j 10
McArthur. Alex C Lots 1 to 4. block
2, BurfieUl 30
McGovern, J. W. E A lots 6 to 9,
block S, Burfiold ,... 23
Chandler. John Lots 17 to 26, "block
IS. Burflcld 69
Cable. E. E. Xot 31, block 8, Bur
field 06
Peavey, Arthur J. Lots 1 to 4, block
9. Burfield 27
Walsh. Alice Lots 16, 17, 8, block
9. Burfield i.... 17
Cole. -W. G. Lot 3, block 2, Byrnes'
Addition to East Portland 2 87
Clinton, Richard Lot 20, block 8.
Capltan Addition to East Port
land 54
Gohnson, Henry Lof 2L block 8.
Capltan Addition to East Portland 54
Clinton. Richard Lots 23. 24, block
8, Capltan Addition to East Port
land 1C7
Cooper, Henry M. Lots 11. 12. block
11, Capltan Addition to East Port
land , 94
Clmton. Richard Lot 15, block 11.
Capltan Addition to East Portland 41
Copely, J. Lot 16, block 11, Capltan
Addition to East Portland :.. 41
Preston, B. F. Lots 19. 20. block 1L
Capltan Addition to East Portland 81
Booth. Lizzie E Lot 4, block 13.
Capitan Addition to East Portland 41
Clinton. Richard Lots 9, 10, block
13. Catytan Addition to East Port
land 94
Potarf, E. W. Lot 11, block 13. Cap
ltan Addition to East Portland.... 41
Davison. Mrs. M. J. Lot 13, block
13. Capltan Addition to East Port
land , 67
Rankin. Anna A. Lot 4, block 14.
Capltan Addition to East Portland 41
Achstetter, Mrs. Clara Lots 5. 6,
block 14. Capltan Addition to East
Portland 81
Smith. T. E. Lots 11. 12. block 14.
Capltan Addition to East Portland SI
RIchet. Mary Lots 13. 14, 15, block
14, Caijltan Addition to East Port
land , 121
Knapp. Rachel Lot 16, block 14.
Capitan Addition to East Portland 41
Clinton. Richard Lots 17. IS. block
14. Capltan Addition to East Port
land 94
Garvey, John J. Lot 19, block 14.
Capltan Addition to East Portland 41
Clinton. Richard Lots 12. 13, block
15. Capltan Addition to East Port
land sr
Balkie John Lots 1. 2, 3. block 1.
Carson Heights. 169
Balkie, John Lot 9. block 1,, Carson
Heights 68
Echman, A., and Bauman, S. Lot
2, block 5, Carson Heights 68
Oregon, Conference Evangelical As
sociationLot 2, block 19, Carson
Heights 51
Bennett, E. H. Lot 2, block 21, ,
Carson Heights 68
Shupp, Noah Lots 4, 5, block 29,
Carson Heights ,.... 1 02
Balkie, John Lots 7, 8, block 29,
Carson Heights , 118
Coyne. John F. Lots 1 to 12, block
30, Carson Heights w.. 6 74
Welch, John Lot 1. block 5. Car
ter's Addition to East Portland.. 4 05
Northern Counties Investment &
Trust. Ltd. Lot3 2. 3. 4, block 5,
Carter's Addition to East Port
land 13-82
Welch, John Lot 8. block 5, Car
ter's Addition to East Portland ... 4 03
Bowman. Michael and Mollis Lot 5,
block 11. Carter's Addition to East
Portland 287
Mills, Abbott L., and DeLashmutt.
Inea W. lots 1. 2. block 12, Car
ter's. Addition to Portland &07
Unknown Owner Lot S.. block 12,
Carter's Addition to Portland .... 8 94
Howes, Enoch T Lot 3, block 39,
Carter's Addition, to Portland 135
Bobbins, M. L N. . lot 6. lots 7, 8,
block 39, Carter's Addition to
Portland .-...... ..,.... 2 7Q
Portland Savings Bank, R. Nixon,
Receiver Lots 3, 4, block 42. Car
ter's Addition to Portland 7 5
The Home Lots- 5. 6. block 42t Car
ter's Addition to Portland 4,39
Campbell, Collna Lots 7, 8, block 42,
carter's Addition to Portland 3 71
Miller. Edwin S. N. lot 3. N. M
of E. 12 feet lot 4. block 43. Car-,
ter's Addition to Portland 2 69
Smith. Preston C, Heirs, and
Smith, Walter V.-Lots 3. 4, block
44, Carter's Addition to Portland.. 12 31
Morris. S. Henry S. 4 feet of W.
92 feet lot 5. block 44. Carter's
Addition to Portland 2 03
Security Savings. & Trust Co. Un
divided lots 3 to T. S. fractional
lot 8. block 52. Carter's Addition to
Portland 18 87.
Gove, Horace Lot 15 block 56, Car
ter's Addition to Portland 1 02
Hill, Sarah V. Lots 7, 8, block 67.
.Carter's Addition to Portland 12 K
Clarke, C. L. W. " 2. block
63, Carter's Addition- to Portland.. 5 04.
Boss. Carl &. E. Lot 8, block 70.
Carter's Addltioa to Portland &9t
Frame, Eliza S. Lots 1, Z. block 71,
Carter's Addition to Portland 28 99
Woodard, Chas. H. Lots 3, 6, block
S3, Carter's Addition to. Portland.. 11 46.
Harrison. L E, E. lots 7.. S. block
85. Carter's Addition to Portland.. 7 59
Werner.. Eva W. lots 7; 8, block
85, Carter's Addition to Portland.. 11 29
Gena, Augusta Lot 8, block 91, Car
ter's Addition to Portland 6 07
Strowbrldge, George H. Block C.
subdivision 24; commencing at the
W. line of Sixteenth street 92 feet
more or less to a point on the S.
line of Chapman L. L. .; thence
westerly 38 feet moro or less to. the
SW. corner of said, claim; thence
westerly on the W. line of Chap
man claim 30 feet to a point 60 feet
distance from the S. line of Market
street, measuring at right angles
to Market street; thence easterly
and parallel with Market street 6
feet; thence westerly and parallel
with the Chapman da.lm line 60
feet more or less to S. line of Mar
ket street: thence easterly 22. feet
to placo of beginning; Carter's Ad
dition, to Portland 1129
Skinner. P. M-Subdivision lot 26.
Si 52 feet of E 7TJ4 feet, sub
division 25. block C. Carter's- Ad
dition to Portland- 24 61
Church, Julia D-. N. 20- feet of S-. 100
feet of E. 110; and N. 23 feet of S.
SO feet of E. 77 feet, subdivision
25, block C. Carter's Addltioa to
Portland .... 9 78
Grooms, William A. Lot 6, block 4,
Caruthera Addition to Portland.... 1416
Fogel, Louis Lot 3. block 6; Car
uthers Addition to Portland. 17 87
Marlay. J. K Lot 1, block- 25;
Caruthcrs Addition to Caruthers
Addition tp Portland ,,,.,,.,....... 19 05
Guaranty Land Co. E. lot, 5, E.
Vi of S. Yt lot 6, block 40, Caruths
ers Addition to Caruthers Addition
to Portland . .- , v.. 3151
Meln'e. Henry A W. lot 5, S. 17
feet W. Vz of S. lot -6.' block 40,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers,
Addition to Portland ; 33 54
Robinson. Susanna E. lots V2.
block li, Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland... 23 33
Dolan, John N. lot 8, blockD;
also a strip 20.5 feet, wide N.-'of
ana aajoinmg. caruthers-Addition
to Caruthers Addition to Portland.'
Marquam. P. A. Lot 6; block 50,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland ?.
Bradley. H. B. T.ots 7 s. hlook bo.
2 70
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland 6 07
Schad. Sophia A strip 20.5 feet wide
S. of and adjoining lot 4. block 50, .
Caruthers Addition to Caruthors
Addition to Portland
Corklsh, John Lot 5, block 59, Car-,
umers Aaaition to carutners Ad- .
ditlon to Portland 60 66
Clark. William A strip 20.5 feet wide
S. of and adjoining lot 4, block 61,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland 2 03
Epstein. M. E. 25 feet of W. 96 feet
of 'lot 5. block 64. Caruthers Ad
dition to Caruthers Addition to
Portland 759
Epstein. Minnie W. 96 'feet lot 6.
oiocK .64, Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition to Portland..
Beach. J. V. S. 50 feet of N. J50 feet
5 40
Ah, J?:, 1W Ieet o10cl1 73' Caruthers
Addition to Caruthers Addition to
Portland 5 0c
T?on3PBon-L Henrv J.. Heirs-Block
79, Caruthers Addition to Caruth
crs Addition to Portland. Commencing-
at the Intersection of the
o. une 01 sorter street and the E.
line of Fourth street as now es
tablished, said point being 63 feet
S. and U.69 feet E. of SW. corner
of block 67, Caruthers to Caruth
ers; thence E. on S. line of Porter
street 77.25 feet; thence S. at
right angles to Porter street 100
feet; thence W. and parallel with
Porter street 59.02 feet to the- E.
line of Fourth street n mm es
tablished; thence northwesterly to
placo of beginning 17 87
DebeneditU. G. Block 79, Caruthers
' Addition to Caruthers Addition to
Portland.. Commencing at a point
on the E. line of Fourth street,
said point being 110 feet S. .91 feet
E. of SW. corner of block 67;
thence W. and parallel with the
S. line of Porter street 10S.19 feet
to the W. line of old Fourth
street extending southerly; thence
S. on the W. lino of Fourth street
25 feet; thence E. and parallel
with the S. line of Porter street
113.32 fet to the W. line of
thence northwesterly .to place of
beginning ,. 135
Fourth street as now established;
Hoyt, Julia 60x100 feet on Hood
street, adjoining block B, Caruth
ers Addition to Caruthers Addition
to Portland 891
Frazer. W. S., Bell. John M. E. H
lots 1, 2, block D, Caruthers Ad
dition to Caruthers Addition to
Portland 23 59
Wakeman, Emma J. W. lot 5,
block E, Caruthers Addition to Ca
ruthers Addition to Portland 3 54
Homeopathic Hospital and Dlspen-
eary 01 jforiiana iiiOCK jl; lots 1
to 8. block M: block N. block O,
Caruthers Addition to Caruthers
Addition to Portland ,...257 65
Browne, J. M F. W. 30 feet lot 8,
block Q, Caruthers Addition to
Portland 2 70
Craw, Geo. W. Lot 2, block 117, Ca
ruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland R E. Assn 16 IS
Tabor, Richara M., Heirs Lot 7,
block 125, Caruthers Addition to
Portland by South Portland R. E.
Chlopeck, ' E. Lot ' i," block 129". ' Ca
ruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland R. E. Assn 19 21
Northern Counties Investment
Trust. Ltd. W. lots 5, 6. block
130. Caruthers Addition to Port
land by South Portland R. E.
At,sn 24 94
Glrvln, Colin O Lot 2, block 136,
carutners Addition to Portland by
South Portland R. E. Assn
Smith, LenaL E. lots 1, 2, block
144. Caruthers Addition to Port
land by South Portland R. E.
Lowitz, Dora Fractional E. of R.
10 28
14 33
R.. lot 6. block 150, Caruthers Ad
dition to Portland by South Port
land R. E. ASsn 4 92
Bayer, Jos. C. Hobkirk, Peter Lots
7. 8. block 152, Caruthcrs Addition
to Portland by South Portland R.
E. Assn 6 74
The Home Lots 1 to 8. block 164,
caruthers Addition to Portland by
South Portland R E. Assn
Walker, Sidney Lot 3 (except right
of way), block 167. Caruthers Ad
dition to Portland by South Port
land R. E. Assn
Rodney, Clementina and Lydla Un
divided lots 1 to 8. block 170.
Caruthers 'Addition to Portland by
South Portland R E. Assn
Wrenn. Sam'l E Lot 1. block 179,
35 39
18 88"
25 89
carutners Addition to Portland by
South Portland R. E. Assn 2
Best, Joseph N. lot 6. block 179,
carutners Addition to Portland by
South Portland R. E. Assn
Marquam. U. S. G. S. lot 6, block
179v Caruthers Addition to PorN
land by South Portland R. E.
Marlay. P." " A Lots 5 ' 6. " block " "lii".
Carutners Addition to .Portland by
South Portland R. E. Assn 10 62
Slchel, Mose Lot 5, Cedar Hill 13.15
Green, Charlotte Undivided 2-5 lot
12. Cedar Hill 5 26
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivided
2-s wt ii, ceaar xiui ., 4 zu
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivided
2-5 lots 17 to 21. and 26, 2S to ;:7,
Cedar Hill 77 31
Green. Charlotte, et aL Undivided
2-5 lota 38, 39, & to 47. 54 to 0.
Cedar Hill 11152
Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivided
2-5 lots 61 to 68, 71, 72, Cedar Hill..
Demery. Wm, Lot 16., block 2, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland ....
Williams. L. J. Lot 22, block 3, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland ....
Dalgetty. Kate Lot 5, block 4, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland
Nelson, E. W. Lot 6, block 4, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland ....
Turnbuil. John Lot 2, block 5, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland
-DilnVtAf T TV T .rtf 7 KJrV K fun
62 52
' 81
Addition, to East Portland 107
Hampson, Wm. B. Lot 8, block 5K
Center Addition to East Portland. 81
Reeves, Arthur Lot 4, block 6, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland .... SI
Kavanaugh. Kate, Heirs Lot 7.
block 8, Center Addition to East,
Portland 107
Moore, M. E. Lot 8 block 8, Center
Addition to East Portland
Riches, J. H., and Allen, H. L. Lot
9, block 10, Center Addltioa to
East Portland
Thompson. A- Lot 2 block 12, Cen
ter Addition to East Portland ....
rm.r.n.n.nn XXr XT T r 9 MnxV 10
O.UUllll.nj,!. IT. J.... 'AJ. U, .IU. Urn
Center Addition to East Portland 1 07"
Watson, Edw. B. Lot 11, block 12,
Center Addition to East Portland. 81
Paget, Edwd Lot 10, block 13 Cen
ter Addition to East Portland.... ' 81
Holbrook, Elvira B. Lot 10, block
15, Center Addition to iiast port
land Thayer. W. W., Heirs Lot 1. block
j, center Aumuon Annex to jast
Portland 1 0T
Palmer, Elmer E. Lot 4. block 1,
center Addition Annex to JEnisc
Portland' -
Thayer, W W.. Heirs Lot. 8 block
1, Center Addition Annex to East
Putmop Vi Tfil. 1 hlntrte- 5 Pvnfpr
Addition Annex to East Portland 1 07
Watson. Edwd. B. Lots 4, 5. block
2. Center Addition: Annex to East
Portland 161
Feldberg, Lizzie Lot 3, block 3,
center Addition Annex to jast
Portland -
Unknown Owner Lot 11, block 3,
Center Addition Annex to East
SteDhens. L. S. Vt lot 2. block L
Central Addition to East Portland.
Gantenbeln, Ambrose, E. Lots 6 to
9, block Zr Central Alblna 9 44
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E. Lots 7 to
9, block 4, Central Alblna 6 75
Parker, Erne3t H. Lot 9, block 5
Central Alblna 202,
Mlddteton. John H. Lots 1 to- 3,
block 6, Central Alblna ... 5 40
Gantenbeln, Ambrose E: Lots 1 to
3, block S, Central Alblna 6 7&
Gantenbeln. Ambrose- E. Lots 15, 16,
blocks. Central Alblna 4 72.
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E: Lots 13 to
16 block 10, Central Alblna , S 77
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E. Lots 1 to .
lb. block 13. Central Albina 35 05"
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E. Lots 14, 15,
16, block 19; Central Albina 6 74
Quinns, E. D. Lqt 3, block 25, Cen
tral Alblna 2 03
Kolpcke. Emma Lot 14 block: 27,
Central Alblna. .., 2 03
Davis, Luther M. S. 2 feet of N.
jay. ieet lot a, diock ji, cenirai
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E. Lot 13,
block 31, Central. Alblna. .........
Morrill. Norman S. lot 14, block
31, Central Albina
McMary, Laurence A. Lot li. block
t p.n'.i AihtV... i,inn 1 JK 1
Evanovltch. Peter M.. Hfllrs-Lots3. v t
i u:uuK o, mnirai Aiwiim jiuuv
......I- b ".ri" iWi.i Jl -S
tion. . .3il
Co-Operative Investment Co. Lot 4,
block 11. Central Albina Addition. 8 26
iSelene. Christlne-Lot 3. block 1,
Central Park, East Portland 10 4a
Willis. ParrlBh L.AsPlgnee Lot 1,
block 4, Central Park, East Port
land ; 23 31
KnappAEmmn H. Block 2: begin
ning on S- line of E. Yamhill street
-.53.9 feet E. of W. line of lot 6,
thence westerly 3.9 feet, thence
southerly 100 feet, thence easterly
i.5 feet, thence northerly to begin
ning. Central Park Annex ..: 17
Espey, Lena F. Lot 10, block 2,
Central Park Annex 22 42
Axelson. W. O. Lot 2, 3, block 5,
Charleston Addition 6 74
Axelson, Matilda Lots 18 to 20,
block 6, Charleston Addition 3 21
Marshall, J. P. Lots 3 to 7, lots 15
to 17, block 9, Charleston Addltioa 7 59
Charleston & Marshall Lot 18,
block 9, Charleston Addition 102
Spaulding, Wm. W. Lots 1 to 16.
block 1; lots 1 to 16, block 2; lots
1 to 16 block 3; lots 1 to 16. blorl:
4, Chelmsford 32 36
Jones. Elizabeth Lots 1 to 4, block
B, Cherrydale c6 40
Moore. Frank M. Lot 8, block C,
Cherrydale 3 71
Wilcox, Chas. H. Lots 2 to 11,
Cherrydale First Addition 40 11
Leo. Chas. B., and Arthur S. Lots
10, 11. block 2. Chicago 27
Frazer. A. L. Lots 17, 18, block 4.
Chicago 513
Morehead, Max Lots 10 to 15, block
R Phlriurn 90
Wiseman. Cirrfe F. Lot' 10. block 8.
Morse. Sarah A. Lot 18, block 8,
Chicago .' 4 81
Brown. Geo. W. Lots 13, 14, block
13. Chicago 32
Mann. Peter Lots 15, 16, block 13,
Chicago 27
Blount. Madge Lots 4 to 6. block
1, Chicago Center 23
Cook. Mary B. Lots 7 to 9, block
1, .Chicago Center 23
Blount, Madge Lots 13 to 16. block
1 A, Chicago Center 53
Cook, Mary B. Lots 4 to 10. 16, 17, .
block 4, Chicago Center , 6
Hovedsgaard. James H. Lot 3,
block 3. Chrlstensen's Addition to
Mount Tabor 134
Lewis, Herman A. Lot 13. block 1,
City View Park Addition to East
Portland 68
Gillespie. Philomen Lot 3. block 5.
City View Park Addition' to East
Portland 65
Bnchtel. Josenh Lot 14. block 5. .
City View Park Addition to East
Portland 6S
Knapp. Richard B. Lot 15. block 5,
City View Park Addition to East
Portland 68
Buchtel. Joseph Lot 15. block 8,
Cltv View Park Addition to East
Portland 68
DeLashmutt, Inez Lot 12, block 9.
City View Park Addition to East
Portland 102
Gibson, Willis Lot 7. block 10, City
View Park Addition to Bast Port
land 102
Knapp, Daisy B.-i.ots 6, 11, block 1;
lot 5, block 4; lots 1, 5, 6, block 5;
undivided four-fifths lot 5, lot 7,
block 6; lots 6, 9, 12. block 8; lots
4. 5. 7. 8. 14. hlock 9: lot 3. undivided
four-fifths lots 8. 9. 10. block 10;
lots 3, 4, S. 11, 14. block 12; lot 12.
block 13, City View Park Addition
to East Portland 19 50
Stratton, H. C Lot Q. Clifford's Ad
dition a 2 20
Stratton, Cora A. Lot R, Clifford's
Addition 2 20
Hibbard. Joel C Lots i; 2. block C,
Clinton 92
Clinton, Richard Lots 1 to 5, llock
a: lot c, diock t: lots a to . . e,
block D; lots 1, 2, block E; lota 1
to 10. block F; lots 3 to 6, block
G; lots 4, 7. 8, block H; lots 1 to 4.
7, 8, block I; lots 5. 6, block J; lots
5, 6, block K; lots 1 to 4, 7, 8,
block L, Clinton 23 37
Pague, Donald Lot 8, block 6, Clo-
. verdalo Extension 1 52
Ewart, Robert Lot 9. block 6, Clo
verdale Extension 12
Turgeon, Frank Lot 10, block 7, Clo
verdale Extension 1 33
Moritz. Jacob Lot 14, block 7, Clo
verdale Extension 1 35
Black. Libbla G. Lot 7. block 8, Clo
verdale Extension 1113
Burns, Lizzie Lot 8, block 8, Clover
dale Extension .. 135
DeLashmutt, Inez Lot 14, block 8,
Cloverdale Extension 1 02
Burns, Lizzie Lot 8, block 9, Clo
verdale Extension 1 35
Newcomb. Jasper Lot 19. block 14.
Cloverdale Extension No. 2 1 02
Newcomb, Jasper Lot 20. block 14,
Cloverdale Extension No. 2 1 02
Wyatt, M. E. Lot 24. block 15, Clo
verdale Extension No. 2 102
Plymalo, Ella, and Smith. W. D.
Lots 7, 8, block J, Cloverdale Tract 2 70
Haines. Henry M. Lots 7. 8, block 2,
Cloverdale Tract 4 72
Sherner, H. J. Lot 9, block 2, Clo
verdale Tract 135
WIggln. Mary E. Heirs Lot 10. block
2. Cloverdale. Tract 6 41
SIckafoose, ueorge J-.ot o, diock z,
Cole's Addition to East Portland.. 3 71
Krause. Frank S. lot B. block 2,
Cole's Addition to East Portland.. 1 02
Niedenthal. Chris Lot D. block 3.
Cole's Addition to East Portland.. 51
Hovedsgaardt Caren S. lot 5k
block 5, Cole's Addition to East
Portland 5 57
McBrien. Elizabeth Lot 3. block 6,
Cole's Addition to East Portland.. 11 13
Petrldge. Henry R W. lot 5,
block 8. Cole's Addition to East
Portland 2 20
Wait. E. A. Lot 2. block 12. ColeJs
I Addition to East Portland 3 37
Walt. Ji. A. t,ots A, , c, diock
12. Cole's Addition to East Portland 7 25
Logus. Charles Lots 1 to 18, block
A. College Place 6 41
Frakes. Joseph A. Lots 21, 22, block
8. College Place ". 48
Alfness. Karen Lots 27 to 30, block
8. College Place 95.
Washington National Building Loan
and Investment Association Lots
27. 28, block 17, College Place 9 44
Steeves, R L. Lots 14. 15, block 28,
College Place 41
Olsen, Gunerus Lots 16, 17, block 28,.
College Place 34
Logus. Charles Lots 3 'to 12, 13 to 22,
27 to 3ff. block C: lots 1 to 12. 13 to
18, block D; lots 4 to 30, 31 to 41,
block 2; lots: 4. to 25. 26 to 41, block
3; lots 19 to 22, block 4, College
Place 35 68
Moores. Chas. R Lots 3. 4, block 1,
Columbia Heights ...Z. 169
Silva, Jessie Lot 6, block 1, Colum
bia Heights 85
Motsebman, Emtt-r-Lot 8. block 1,
Columbia Heights , Sa
Buelow, Gustav Lot 13? block 2, Co
lumbia Heights 102
Kramer. Willis Lots 5, 6,. block 3,
Columbia Heights 169
Guinty. Geo. W. Lot 7, block 3.
Columbia. Heights 85
Epping, Laura E. I. Lot 8. block 3,
Columbia, Heights- 85
Marlay, P. H. Lota 23 to 25; hlock
4, Columbia Heights 2 53
McDonald, M. J Lot 1, block 5.
Columbia Heights- S5
Darr. Hiram. L., heirs Lots 2 to 4,
block 5. Columbia Heights 2 53
Murphy. Edward Lot 10, block 5.
Columbia Heights 85
Landsraf, N. Lot 11, block 5,. Co
lumbia Heights ,,..4... 85
Darr, Hiram, L heirs Lots 23 to 26,
block 5, Columbia Heights ... 3 37
Wilbur. Rozel M. Lots 3, 4K block
6, Columbia Heights 169
Shuck, Kate L. Lot 5, block 6, Co
lumbia. Heights. 85
Shuck, Kate L. Lot 18, block 6.
Columbia Heights 85
Shuck. Kate L. Lots. 2L 22, block 6,
Columbia Heights. 169
Wilbur. Rozel M. Lots 23.. 24. block
6. Columbia Heights t. 1 69
Breckinridge. Annie Lot 22, block 7,
Columbia Heights; S5
Ryan, P. Lot 23, block 7, Colum-
bia Heights , J 85
Walllh John L. Lot 6, block 9; Co
lumbia Heights 85
Johnson, Nils Lot 9, block 9. Co
lumbia Heishta : 102
Gardner, F. C. Lot 10-. block 9, Co
lumbia Heights 6S
Cooper, Ruby F. Lot 6. block 10,
Columbia Heights 85
Fletcher. N. V. Lots 13, 14. block
H, Columbia Heights 1 69
Marlay, P. H. Lot 12, block J4, Co
lumbia Heights .. S5-
Butcher. L. H.-r-Lat 7. block 15. Co
lumbia Heights , 68
Smoyer, Walter H. Lot 8, block 13,
Columbia Heights 1 02r
Keiser. J. F. Lot 9, block 16. Co
lumbia Heights. 102
Marlay. P. H. Lot 4. block 17. Co
lumbia Heights 85
Haebllng. Daniel W. Lots 15, 16.
block 17, Columbia Heights 1 88
Morris. Mattie Lot 11, block 18, Co
lumbia Heights iS5
Becker. Barbara Lots 7, S, block. 19.
Columbia Heights 169
Winter", Henrv D. Lots 5, 6. blpck
20, Cqlumbia Heights ..v 169
Healy, Elsie Lots 1 ta 4. block 24,
Columbia Heights 3 54
Kane, John E. and Mary Lots 15, 16,
block. 25. Columbia Heights .. 155,
Moore, M F and Pickens. L. L.
Lots lt 2, N. block 2, Columbia
1 SC
Tlimhull. AmM Tjrt 15 hlnck 2.
Cook's AddMon to Alblna 3 37
Wlfeon. -Olal Lot S. block 4. Cook's
Addition to Albina .X 2 70
Scfiuck, Kate L. Lot 1,' block 9.
Cook's Addition to Alblna : 3 37
Martlh, A. C Lot 5. block 10. Cook's
Addition to Alblna 2 70
Martin. A. C. Lot 8, block 10.
Cook's Addition to Alblna 2 70
Holmes. Mary Lots 14 to 17, block
1. Corona Park 2 73
Iltle Guaranteo & Trust Go. Lots
13, B, block 1. Corona Park- 1 3S
Kfeene, Geo. H., et al. Lots 26, 27.
block T, Corona Park 1 00
Delano. Ella P. Lots 49. 50. block
L Corona Park 1 60
Gee Luey Lots 6, 7, block 3, Cor
ona Park , 1 35
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Lots
1 to 5. block 3. Corona Park 3 66
Johnson. Arthur H., heirs Lot 1,
block 1, Couch Addition to Port
land - 285 57
Johnson. C Fractional lot 1. block
20, Couch Addition to Portland.. 40 78
Johnson, C Lot M, block 20. Couch
Addition to Portland C7 48
Gantenbeln. Ambrose E. N. lot
6. block 24. Couch Addition to
Portland 27 64
Central Trust & Investment Co.
Lot 2, S. 20 feet lot 3, block 25,
couch Addition to Portland 12031
Jackson, J. W. and W. C W. 95
feet lot 6, block 29, Couch. Addi
tion to Portland 59 65
Catlln, John Und. lots 6, 7. block
40. Couch Addition to Portland .. S9 II
Lewis. Leon H. Lot 1. block 44,
Couch Addition to Portland 12S 03
Lewis, Leon H. Lot 4.- block 44.
Couch Addition to Portland 60 66
De Lashmutt, Inez Und. of E.
1-3 lot 2, block 49. Couch Addition
to Portland 5 63
Hayes. Eliza Lot 4, block 71, Couch
Addition to Portland ,. 26 96
Hotaling, A. P. Co. Lot 5, block 11,
Couch Ad.lltlon to Portland 212 31
Central Trust & Investment Co. Un
divided 4 lots 6, 7. block 27, Couch
Addition to Portland 77 27
Lewis, Leon Lots 1. 4. block 74,
. Couch Addition to Portland 63 72
McGinn, Honry E. et al. Undivided
U lot 3. block 85. Couch Addition
to Portland 1096
Maher, Margaret W. 50 feet lot 8.
block 86, Couch Addition to Port
land 14 16
McGinn. Henry E...Lots 2, 3. block
87, Couch Addition to Portland .. 5S 98
Lawler, Jsaac Lots" 5- to 8. block 94,
Couch Addition to Portland 145 59
RIchet, Frank and Thos. E. Lots 6,
7, block 100, Couch Addition to
Portland 94 36
Mayer, F. J. Alex. Lot 8, block 100,
Couch Addition to Portland 4011
Strelblg. Frank J. W. of E. 2-3
lot 2, W. 1-3 of E. 2-3 of S. 1-3 lot
3, block 101, Couch Addition to
Portland 35 73
Dubois, Henrietta A. and Henry
V. Lots 5 to 8. block 124, Couch
Addition to Portland 87 29
Maxwell, Albert. L. Lot 3, block 128,
Couch Addition to Portland 52 91
Dickson, James Lot 6, block 139,
Couch Addition to Portland 23 59
Cook, C. E. Lot 1, block 144, Couch
Addition to Portland .'. 25 28
Whalen, Lizzie E. Vt lots 6, 7, block
161. Couch Addition to Portland.. 44 83
Ballery, John J., Trustee Undi
vided H lots 1 to 4, block 153,
Couch Addition to Portland 65 72
Dosch, Henry E. Lots 5, 8, block
173, Couch Addition to Portland.. 122 00
Cook. C. E. N. lot 3, block 1S6.
Couch Addition to Portland 9 10
Healy, E. P. W. lots 2. 3, block
201, Couch Addition to Portland... 27 64
Murta. Catherine Lot 4, block 206,
Couch Addition to Portland ....... 13 15
Kane, John E. and Sarah Cather
ineLot 4. block 209. Couch Addi
tion to Portland '. 10 11
Jacobsen, Mary Lot 3, block 211,
Couch Addition to Portland 10 11
Moore, Eliza J. Easterly 49 feet by
39-48 lot 7, block 212, Couch Addi
tion to Portland 8 43
Johnson, C Lots 2, 3, S. 37 feet
lot 6. block 213, Couch Addition to
Portland 16 85
Irving, Robert Fractional lot 1, lots
2, 3, fractional lot 4, lots 6, 6. 7.
block 243. Couch Addition to Port
land 60 66
Clarke M. E. Church Lot 5, hlock
252. Couch Addition to Portland.... 15 17
Broud, C. M. Fractional lot 3, block
257, Couch Addition to Portland ... 68
Tay, Chas. R. Mable G. W. lot
10. block 265. Couch Addition to
Portland a 10
Valentine, Jos. H. and Blondlna F.
Lots 17, IS, block 284, Codch Addi
tion to Portland 67 40
Fischer. Henry J. Lots 15, 16, block
285. Couch Addition to Portland.... 90 99
McDonnell. J. R-Lots 18. block 288,
Couch Addition to Portland 25 11
Rodney, Lydla and Clementina
Lots 3 to 5. block 301, Couch Addi
tion to Portland 84 59
Mayer. Mark A. Fractional lot 8,
block 302, Couch Addition to Port
land 2 36
Ahem, Annie Lot 3. block 307,
Couch Addition to Portland 22 58
Gleason. Mary 0. Lots 3, 4. block
308, Couch Addition to Portland.... 48 87
Johnson, C Lots 1 to 4. block W,
coucn Aaaiuon to roruami xoj i
Sumner, Chas. S. Lot 7. block 3.
Crosiers Addition to .aast rorv
land McKenzle, M. Lota 1. 2. 3. block 2.
Crowley'3 Addition to East Port
land vr
Lell. Frank-Lots 12, 13, block 2,
Crowley's Addition to East Port
land Crowley ofc SUvertooth Undivided 4:
lots 1 to 24, block l;'lots 4 to 11.
block 2; lots 14 to 24, block 2; lots 1
to 10, block 3; lots 11 to 24, block 3,
lots 3 to 20, block 4; lots 21 to 24.
block 4; lota 1 to 24. block 5, Crow
lv' Addition to East Portland...
Buck. Fred E. and Clarence H.
Lots 7. 8. block 1 Crystal Springs
Addition to East Portland 162
Hunter, M. M. Lot F, block 1, Crys
tal springs Aaaiuon 10 jiast x-ui .
land Lambert & Sargent Lot 12. block
3. Crystal Springs Addition to East
Portland ....... ....... ........ .......
Metzger, Anna Lot 16, block 4.
Crystal Springs Addition to East
Portland :";'.v"J'
Parrott, Ann E., Archer R., Rlqhard
M. and Armond G. Lot 6, block
3. Dalton's Addition to Portland...
TJoll Tfthn H Lots 9 to 14. block 6.
Dalton's Addition to Portland 14 83
Hall, John H. Lot 15. block 6, Dal-
ton's Addition to Portland ........ 2 36
Hall. John H. Lot 1. block 7, Dal-
ton's Addition to Portland 135
Towery, Patrick West tt lots 5, 6,
block ?, Davenport Tract 8 43
8 9, Davis Addition to Mt. Tabor..
Davis, Luther M. and N. M. Lots 5
to li, block 2, Davis' Highland....
Davis, Luther iL. and N. M. Lots
t C. block 2, Davis' Highland....
-..... ! O- T.f, R a hlnnlr
puller, . -, -
Davis Highland 136
Davis. Luther XI.. and N. M. Lots
A. B, block 3; Davis Highland,,.. U
Fryer. Jamea W. Block 5. DeLash
mutt & Oatman's Little Homes,
Subdivision No, 3..................... 4 89
Morris Olive Lots B, , block H.
DeLashmutt & Oatman's Little
Homes. Subdivision No. 3.......... 268
Morris, Olive Lot 8. block 14. De
Lashmutt, & Oatman's Little
Homes, Subdivision No. 3 85
Phenlme. Annie E. 66 feet S.
block 15, DeLashmutt & Oatman's
Little Homes, Subdivision 3 1 63
SnQdgra&s, J. C Blook 17, DeLash
mutt & Oatman's Little Homs,
Subdivision No. 3 4 b
Dollansky John Blocks 29, 30. De
Lashmutt & Oatman's Little
Homes. Subdivision No. 3 9 78
Johnson, A. M. Lots 3, 4, Delmar
Shavers Addition to Bast Port
land ' 16 85
Shaver. George W. Lot 5, Delmar
Shaver's Addition to East Port
land , 8 4S
Lambert, Albert W. Lot 5, block 4.
Dolan's Addition to East Portland 4 55
Habtghorst. Edw. H.. Trustees-Lot
6. block 8;, Dolan's. Additiou to East
Portland , 3 51
Laddt Wna. M W. 150 f eet of tract
S. of and adjoining block 1, bound
ed on S. by Wilson street, on E. by
Blaqkstone street, on W. by
Twenty-second street, Doscher's
Second Addition to Portland 22 24
Ladd. Wm. M. Tract bounded on S.
by Wilson street, on W. by the E.
line of block 4. North Portland; on
N. by south line of block 2, Dosch
er's Second Addition: on W. by
Twenty-second street, Dosoher's
Second Addition to Portland.... 15 tW
Thumaiv Frank Lot 4, block 9.
Dunn's Addition to East Portland 7 5f
Parellus. Jennie H. Lot 10, block 12.
Dunn's Addition to East Portland. 4 39
Osborn. Eva A. Lot 2, block 13.
Dunn's Addition, to East Portland. 17 IS
Burnham. Henry P. Lot 6, block 1,
East Lynne 5 OS
Halliday, Wm. T. Lots 3, 4, block
3 East Mount Tabor 113
KtnzeL Paul A. Lots 27 to 34 block
3. East Mount Tabor .: 19
Kimber. E. A. Lot 5 block 4, East
Mount Tabcr 10
Taylor, S. W., Trustee Lots 4, 5,
block 6, East Mount Tabor 19
Wagner. Milton A- Lqti 6. 7, block
6, East "V 'iff Til-rr .... . 13
Wolverton. Chas. E. -Lots . 9.
Tsteck S. East Mount Tabor.'. f."
Northern Counties Investment Trust
Lwl. . W ieet rot H,.iXLaisjXJra.Tsiaiac
Springs ?. '. 16 96
Johnson. C Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, block 1.
"East- orrtanfl ..... . 126 tZ
Johnson. C Lots 1. 2, 3, blook 2.
East Portland ...., 5291
Marlay, P. H. Lot 4. block 2, East
Portland 17 19
Jehiteon, C Lots 6. 7, 8, hlook 2,
East Portland - 42 SO
Markle. Geo. B.. Fearson, G. H.
B;ok 6. East Portland ... 161 03
McCary Mary E. E. lot 8, block
22, East Portland 6 C7
Hawthorne Estate Lots 3 to 6, block
48. East Portland 44 49
Stevens, Peter H. and McLood,
Florence M. Undivided lots 1,
2, block 55, East Portland 11 63
Fisher, H. J. Lots 4 to 8, block 55.
East Portland 34 88
Hughes Ellis G. Lot S, block 66.
East Portland" ,.,... 3 43
Multnomah Investment Company-
Lots 1 to 8. block 57. East Port
land Idleman. C. M., and W. J. Undi
77 S3
vided of E. lots 1. 2: undi
vided of W. lots a, 6; undi
vided Vi of W. lots 7. 8, block 60.
East Portland 14 16
Meyers. Eliza S. W. 25 feet lots 5
to 8. bloclc 62,VEast Portland 1146
.unriiii', v,. jjois o, ,d, uiuch. oi, r,ast 1
rortiana oz o i
bmith beneca, ,. and McFadden,
W. S.. S. lio feet b'.ock 72, East
Portland 30 33
Montieth. Duncan B.. HeirsUndi
vided lots 1, 2. block 7S. East
Portland 22 23
Emmons, H. H, Lots 1 to 8, block
87. East Portland 6X34
Cully. George Lot 2. block 108, East
Portland 19 53
Cully. George Undivided 9-S1 lot
5. block 103. East Portland 236
Cully, George Undivided 11-81 lot
6. block 103. East Portland 2 36
Rodney, Lydla and Clementina Un
divided lot 4. block 116, East
Portland 49 54
Pomeroy. Harry H E. V of W.
lots 7. S. block 120. East Portland.. 7 25
Bresler. Sarah E. lots 5. 6. block
145. East Portland 59i63
Zimmerman. F. L. Lot 7. block 154. K
East Portland 84-
Hanson. Mary F. Lot 8, block 153,
.East Portland 14 B0
Auiuimiu, iiaui uuis o, t, UlUUA. 4O0,
East Portland 44a5-
Miller. H. R W. 331-3 feet of E.
662-3 feet of lot 5. W. 33 1-3 feet E.
fifi 2-3 fpet of S 22 ffipt lnt R hlnolr
186. East Portland 15 00,'"
Hales, Laura V. Lot 4, block 187, i
EfiRt Portland IS fa '
Espey. W. W. Strip 30x200 N. of and
adjoining lots 1, 8, block 191, East
Pnrllotiif t T1
Ecgleston. Add'le" M." Lot"3,biock I
201. East Portland 1719
Haynes. Charles L. E. lot 5.
S. 23 feet of E. lot 6. block 221.
East Portland 12 14
Logus Charles Lota 1 to 8. block
227. East Portland 7019
Clinton. Richard Lots 5. 6. block
228. East Portland 35 22
Beebe. A. L. N. 30 feet of E. lot 7.
bloclc 241. East Portland 4 45
Smith, J. C W. M lots 7. S. block
262. East Portland 4 39
Batchelor. C. W., and Block. H.
M. E. lots 7. S, block 262. East
Portland 6 07
Leng'.7all, Chas. Lots 7, 8, block 190,
East Portland 133
Oregon R. E. Co. Strip 30x190 feet N.
of and adjoining block HI, East
Portland 1413
Oregon R. E. Co. Strip 30x100 feet
N. of and adjoining block 112. East
Portland 7 0S
Oregon R. E. Co. Strip 30x200 feet
N. of and adjoining block 152, East
Portland u
Lawrence. John E. 25 feet lots 7, 8.
block 281. East Portland 6 58
Thompson, R. W. S. 50 feet of N.
100 feet of W. 100 feet hlock 299,
East Portland 15 84
Monteith. Ima H. Lots 1. 2. block
32?, East Portland 16 S5
Dubolse. Ida A. Lots 10. IL block 15,
. East Portland Heights 14 33
Van Sykle. Miss P. Lot 12. block 15.
East Portland Heights 22&
Stewart, J. L. Lots 4. 5, block 16.
East Portland Heights 4 05
Walte. Ernest P. Lot 6, block L
Bast Portland Park 10
Flynn. William Lots 1, 2. block 2.
East Portland Park 29
Hunsakor, Delia E. Lots 2. 4. 5.
block 2, East Portland Park 29
Walte, Ernest P. Lots 1 to 4, block
3, East Portland Park 5S
Hunsaker. Delia E. Lots 10 to 12,
block 4. East Portland Park 29
Walte, E. P. Lots 12 to 14. block
5. East Portland Park 29
Hunsaker, Delia E. Lots 5 to 8,
block 6, East Portland Park l
Hunsaker, Delia E. Lots 13 to 16,
block 6, East Portland Park 47
Munsell. Horace A. and Cora E. N.
lot 12. block 1, East Tabor Villa 69
Union Savings & Loan Association
N. lot 14, S. 37 feet lot 15,
block 1. East Tabor Villa 8 37
Washington National Building. Loan
& investment co. w. ioi t,
block 3, East Tabor Villa.
Franklin Building & Loan Associa
tion Lot 15. block 4, Eastland....
Osborne. W. H. Lot 4. block 2, Eden
Castaenotti. GuesiODi Lot 9. blook 2.
9 OS
Eden 143
Cross, Catharine M.. Heirs Lots 7,
8 block 3, Edendale 1 61
McWaln, O. G. Lot 3, block 3. Edge
mont . 2-36
Elwanger, Margaret Lots H, 12,
block 7, Edgemont 3 04
Phoenix Land Co. E. 24 feet lot 1,
block 1. Eliza J. Murphy's Addition
to East Portland 270
Keonan, C. A. Lots 3. 4, block 1,
Eliza J. Murphy's Addition to East
Portland 3033
Murphy. Eliza J., Heirs Lots 8, 4.
block 3. Eliza J. Murphy's Addition
to East Portland 1045
Murphy, Eliza J., Heirs, and J. M.
Lots 1, 2, 9 to 16. block 4. Eliza J.
Murphy's Addition to East Port-
land 24'27
Murphy. Eliza J., Heirs, and J. M.
Lots 1 to 10, 13 to 15. block 5. Eliza
J. Murphy's Addition to East Port
land 34-33
Murphy. Eliza J., Heirs, and J. M.
Lots 1 to 9. block 6. Eliza J. Mur
phy's Addition -to East Portland.... 46 51
Bruce. Robert C Lots 8, 9, block 2.
Elizabeth Irving's Addition to East
Portland -" o
The Co-operative Investment Co.
Lot 14. block 2. Elizabeth Irving's
Addition to East Portland 26 63
Hall, A. Lots 15, 16. block 2, Eliza
beth Irving's Addition to East
Portland .:, 1S 3S
Kuhn, Julius J. Lots 5. 6. block 5,
Elizabeth Irving's Addition to East
Portland .. ..t....... ...... .......... 3303
McMahon, Michael J. Lot 5. block
11. Elizabeth Irving's Addition to
East Portland 36 40
Fisher, Henry J., Trustee Lot 11.
block 15. Elizabeth Irving's Addi
tion to East Portland 10 45
Roe. John Lot 3, block 16, Eliza
beth Irving's Addition to East -Portland
Saldern, Lawrence Lots 4 to 6,
block 1, Erwln & Watson's Addi
tion in Albina 26 91
Marlav, P. H. Lots 5, 6, blook 2,
Erwfn & Watson's Addition to Al
blna v -:, ?71
Archambault, Ernest A. Lots 6, 7,
block 2. Excelsior 2 36
Inman, Poulsen & Co. Lots 8, 9,
block 2, Excelsior 2 70
Wilis. Wm. E. Lots 17, 18, block 2, .
Excel&ior 2 70
Long, Edward E., heirs Lot 3,
block 4. Excelsior 113
Losan. Ross C Lot 8, blook 5,
Excelsior 102
Davis, M. M. Lots 1 to 10, block 7,
Excelsior 114?
Davis. M. M. Lots 1 to 8, block 8,
Exoelsior 9 10
Clements. E. D. Lots 1 to 10, block
9. Excelsior 1145
Hlgley. Mrs. M. M. Lots 7, 37. blook
1. Fairfield 102
Shields. Melvin Lot 38, block 1, "
Fairfield ., 51
Taulfest, Eenj. Lot 1, blook 2, Fair
field 8
Taft. R. C Lots 25, 26. block 2,
Fairfield 102
Stout. Francis Lots 38. 30. block 2,
Fairfield ..-.... 1 02
Vermont Marble Co. Lot 42, block
2. Fairfield 51
Simon. Gus Lots 11 to 13, block 3,
Fairfield 153
Fowler, J. Lots 37, 3S. block 3,
Fairfield 102
Lewis. Leaader Lot 7. block 7,
Falrview 33
Rickard. Mattie Lots S, 9, block 10,
Falrview 53
Laybourne, Annie M. Lots 10 to 12.
block 10. Falrview ,., 2 63
Austin, Edward A. Lot 1, block 2,
Falrview Addition to East Port
land , 118
Watson. May M. Lots 1. 2. block
3, Falrview Addition to East Port
land .... 2 20
Clayton. Wm. and Esther Lots 1,
2. block 5. Falrview Addition to
East Portland 2 03
FarrelL Wm. L. et al. Lot 3 block
2, Farrell's Addition 68
Duff. Miles L. Lots 3 to 5, block
4, Farrell's Addition .- 5 90
GoerUtz. August Lola 13. 13. btock
4. Farr Mi's Addition 152
1 1 arrell. Wm. L. Lot IL block 5.