V THE MOANING OREOOmrK WEDmigDl.Y'oarOBEB 16, 1901. 11 COMMERCIAL AND The -market situation yesterday presented no features of special interest. -There was a good trade in roost lines, and prices were well main tained. The advance in Arbuckle's coffee on Monday xraa expected to bring on new devel opments in the sugar and coffee trouble, but7 thus far they have failed to materialize, al though there is a vague feeling that sugar will bf boosted .slightly In-. few days. In the produce markets, there was very little change In prices. Eggs are still inclined to drag, .and 23c is the top figure. Poultry Is pouring In again in such quantities that low prices for the -week aro inevitable. Veal and pork are steady at unchanged prices. The grain mar kets are Improving a little. Bonk; Gletxringrs. Exchanges. Balances. Portland .'..$503,061 ? 35.933 iiraim ........................ 233.1)02 Seattle 770,502 Spokane . 200,024 PORTLAND MAHKETS. 38,533 264,780 20.76S Grain, Flour, Etc The -wheat market was steady yesterday, "with more Inclination toward higher prices. Some of the buyers have made a pause on account of the strike trouble that is brewing, but it is believed that this wii be only tem porary. Fifty-four cents was bid for Walla "Walla yesterday, and there were reports that higher figures were being paid in the interior, as was the case On the day previous. Valley is jn smaller demand, and prices are easy at 0f54HC with very little moving. Freights are unsettled, and no new transactions are le pprted except the charter of a ship for Feb ruary loading at 35s. Wheat "Walla Walla. Z3vic; Valley, 545? GVac; bluestem, Bi35c per bushel. Flour Best grades. $2 653 50 per barrel; graham, $2 60. Oats Nominal, at 80c$l per cental. Barley Fed. ?1515 50; brewing. $16 per ton. MIHstuffs Bran, ?171S per ton; middlings, $2021; shorts, $13?20; chop, $16. Hay Timothy, ?1113; clover, ?79 50; Ore gon wild hay, ?56 per ton. Meats and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 3ic, gross; dressed, 66Kc per pound: sheep, wethers, 34c gross; dressed, 6c per pound; ewes, 3c, gross; dressed, 6c per pound. Hogs Gross, 6264c: dressed, 77c per pound. Veal-S8c Beef Gross, cows, 33c; steers,. 34c; dressed. 56o per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hnms. 12?ic; -picnic. 10ic per pound; break fast bacon. 15H10c per pound; bacon, 12tfc per pound: nacks, 12Wc; 'dry-salted sides, 1114c: dried beef seta, 36c; knuckles. 18c; lard, Cs. 12c; 10s, 12c; 50s, 12fc; tierces, 124jc; Eastern pack (Hammond's): hams, large, 13jc; medium, 13c; small. 3414c; picnic, 10 105ic; shoulders. 30?ic; breakfast bacon. 11"4 17c; dry-salted sides, lKg12"4c; bacon, sides, 1213"c; backs, 12c per pound; butts, 31ic; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered. 5s, 12; 10s, 12ic: dry-salted bellies. 3112e; bacon bel lies, 12&134c; dried beefs, 15Ua Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery. 2527c: dairy, 18 20c; store, 1415c Eggs 20c for cold storage:"2021c for East ern; 23c for fresh Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ?2 503; hens, ?4; 9310cr per pound; Springs, lie per pound; $3 per dozen; ducks, $34 for young; geese, $0Q7 per dozen; turkejs. live, ll12c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 3213c; Young America, 1314c Groceries, Nuts, Etc Coffee Mocha. 232Sc; Java, fancy, 2CS'32c; 3ava, good. 2024c; Java, ordinary, 3820e; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c: Costa Rica, good. juiujou, osia. -iiica, ordinary. lOifl-c per f..,,,-!,,. ', lZn .,,,, Columbia roast, $11 50; Arbuckle's, list- 3lnn "S11 fM Hcf rtanlm. til t pouna. $12 13 list; Lion. "$11 63 list; Cordova, $11 63 11SU Rice Island, 6c; Imperial Japan No. 1. 5c; No. 2, 5c; New Orleans, 55Hc Sugar Cube, $5 20; crushed, $5 20; powdered. $4 95, dry granulated. $4 85; extra C, $4 35; golden C. $4 25 net per sac's; beet sugar, $4 65 per snekr hair barrels, "4c more than barrels; sacks. 10c per 100 less than barrels; maple. 15016c .per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails. $1 85; two-pound talis. $3; fancy one-pound flats, $2; one-half pound fancy flats, $1 25; Alaska tails, 95c$l; two-pound talis. $210. Grain bags Calcutta. $8 25 per 100 for spot. Nuts Peanuts, 6Vs7c per pound for raw, 9c for roasted; cccoanuts, 90c per dozen; walnuts, 34c per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts.' 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, 124c; filberts, 15c; fancy pecans. 15c; almonds, 1719c per pound. Coal oil Cases, 19c "per gallon; barrels, 35c; tank", A&'fcc. Stock salt 50s. 18 75; 100s, $18 23; granu lated 60s, $24 SO; Liverpool, 50s, $27 50; 100s $27; 200s, $26 50. "Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 8S10c per "pound. Wool Valley, nominal, lltJ?13Sc; Eastern Oregon. i121Sc; mohair, 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearings, 15g20c; short wool. 2535c; medium-wool, SOO'BOc; long-wool. G0c& $1 each. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up wards, 15c; dry kip. No. 1, 15 to 16 pounds, 15c per pound- dry calf, No. 1, sound steers,' CO pounds and over, 78c; do 50 to 0 pounds, 77c; do under 50 pounds. 7c; kip, 15 to 30 pounds, 7Sc; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 768c; do calf, under 10 pounds, Sc; green (unsalted), 3c per -pound less; culls (bulls, .stags, moth eaten, badly cut, scored, halr-sllpped, weather beaten nr grubby), onc-tnlrd less. Tallow 2t4c; No. 2 and grease, 22"Ac per pound. Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $520; cubs, each $2i; badger, each, 1040c; wlld--at, 2575c house cat, 5f20c; fcx. common Cray, 3050c; do red, $1 50(2; do cross, $510r lynr, $23; mink, 50c$l25; marten, dark Northern, $612; do pale pine, $1 502; musk rat, 510c; skunk, 255?35c: otter fland). &rr?7 panther, with head and claws perfect. $25; raccoon, duosac; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 505; prairie wolf or coyote. 600 76e; wolverine. $47; beaver, per skin, large, $56; do medium, per skin, $37; do smalL per skin, $12; do-kits, per skins, 5075c. Yejrctubles, Fruits, Etc. Vegetables Onions, yellow, $lgi 15; cab bage. $1 251 50; potatoes, $11 10 per cental; sweet potatoes, lc per pound; tomatoes." 25c: peas, 23c per pound; green corn, 75cQ'$l per sack; turnips, 6070c; carrots, DOc; beets, $1 per sack. Fruit Lemons, $3 504; oranges, $3 604 per box; bananas, $1 TSg 50; pineapples, 33 50 per dozen; watermelons, 75c$l per dozen; cantaloupes, 50c$l per crate; Persian dates, 6c per pound- grapes, 75c$l 40 per crate; peaches, 4065c; plums. 4050c: aDDles. nfctffi $1 25; crabapples, 24c per pound: Bartlett pears, SOc1?! per box; nectarines, 5075c per crate. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, S9c per pound; sun-dried sacks or boxes, 45c; apri cots, lie; peaches, 89c; pears, 67c; prunes. Italian, 45c; silver, extra choice, 0Q7c; French, 48c; figs. California blacks, 34c; do white. 5r; plums, pltless, white, 6c per round. ATSW YORK STOCK MARKET. Erratic Movement, Endlnjr in Weak ness and General Losses. NEW YORK. Oct. 15. The movement of prices in today's stock market lacked co herency at all times. Opening weakness gave way to a period of strength, which was met by profit-taking, and the resulting reaction, was vigorously wntested by aggressive ma nipulation ot Fennsjlvania. The whole mar ket finally gan way to a weakness, and closed at a level lower than yesterday, net losses reaching a point or over in some of the lead ing stocks. The only aggressive force for a rise in the market Tas what might be called the formal invitation, issued by .the arch ma nipulator in the street to the public to follow his leadership In a speculation for the rise, with a suggestive glance towards Southern Pacific as an available market leader. This Invitation n.ade its appearance in circular form jesterday. with an appropriate demonstration in the market to herald It. -As the author has been associated in the WaH-street mind with the organized support of the United States Steel stocks, those stocks shared In yesterday's demonstration, but the sequence today was less convincing. Southern Pacific, indeed, started off with a flurry, and St. Paul made a preliminary advance of 1. Other stocks to respond were few. and the I obvious ract that heavy realizing was going on In the Pacific group of stocks and St. Paul, served still further to disincline the public to accept the imitation to speculate. A move ment in Pennsylvania, which developed later. x.nd which carried the stock up 2 points, was nnmlcaHy based lyjon th heavy trafflc move-. FINANCIAL NEW ment over the company's lines, but the re membrance of old associations of the author of the invitation referred, to with marked movements -of this stock aroused a suspicion of a possible connection on his part with the movement. The buying was congested, but so also was the selling, one brokerage house being credited wjth sales of 20.000 shares. The last price of the stock showed only a frac tional remnant of the extreme advance. Last week's enthusiasm over the alleged plan of a proprietary company to hold control of Great Northern preferred, Northern Pacific, Burling ton, and the "release of large amounts of tled-up capital" has entirely evaporated, as the release of this capital is seen to be con tingent upon the Investing public taking the minority portion of the stock of the projected new company oft the hands of the projectors. The renewed heavy demand for currency from, the cotton centers was a disturbing factor in the late trading. There were transfers through the Subtreasury of $500,000 to -New Orleans and of $300,000 to St. Louis. On the other hand, a rise in exchange at Chicago to 10c premium marked the cessation of the demand from that cuarter. There were no payments for bonds by the Subtreasury today, the belated settlement of J mat account having apparenuy Deen com pleted, ana the Government institution has withdrawn $1,500,000 from the market since Friday. The downward tendency In sterling exchange was checked, and London was a sell er of stocks In this market. There was a somewhat feverish speculation In Amalgamated Copper, which lifted the stock over a point, then drove it down 3 points and left It with a net loss of 4. Railroad bonds were quite active and gen erally firm. Total sales, par value, $2,710,000. 'United States bondg were all unchanged on the last call". Closing: Stock Quotations. O RAILROADS. Atchison'-. ."... do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd :--..... Canadian Pacific ..... Canada Southern .... Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago & Alton do pfd 27.300 79 97 78 96' 5.1C0J 97 102 93 5,300 300 2,800 103U 93r, 102 93 110 111 110 "46 81 45 36 77& 41 72 120 22 83 43 106 1.700 45: 2,000 37 3B 77 500 Chi., Ind. & Louis 300 41lj i29 41 no prd Chi. & East. Illinois.. Chicago & Gr. West.. do A pfd do B pfd Chicago & N. W Chi.. R.I. & Pacific... 300 .600 100 127 22 85 85 300; 196 196 S00 200 COO 1,200 400 143 143 141 Chi. Term. & Transfer. 20- 20 38$ 06 13 54 24 do pfd C.. a, C. & St. Louis.. 07 97 13 Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ... Delaware & Hudson Del.. Lack. & Western. 13ts 1.000 io6 700 12.700 2,300 1.600 i.70o; "20"6 500 600 100 166 165 165 223 Denver & Rio Grande.. 45 45 92 41 43 91 41 69 55 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa, Central ........... do pfd Lake Erie & Western.. do -pfd i Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Eleated ... Metropolitan Street Ry. Mexican Central Mexican "National Minn. & St. Louis Missouri Pacific . Mo.. Kan. & Texas do pfd ... New Jersey Central.... New York Central..... Norfolk & Western.... do pfd Northern Pacific pfd... Ontario & Western Pennsy 1 vanla Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 42?5 70Vi 57 -69 50 104 IBS 192 53 74 5' 74 143 145 145 40 78 40 40 77 69 78 500 71 70 125 103 119 157 . 300 104 1.300 12,200 '4.4$ 120 159 24 15 23 14 nr.u 300 106 14,100 200 90 20 600 11.200 57400 162 158 162 156 5Q 55 500 08: 98 1.200 S3.300 33 33 147 145 3.3001 41 76 52 42 68" 40- 76 52 42 67 200 900 St. Lculs & San Fran. . do 1st nfd J J oi Lia"" St. Lculs & San Fran. . 600 do 2d nfd 600: St. Louis S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific........ Tol.. St. L. & West.... do pfd .,. .. Union Pacific , do pfd ... Wabash ... do pfd . ... ... Wheeling & Lake Erie. do 2d pfd Wisconsin Central do pfd ............... Express Companies 1.600 57 57 164" 1871 59 9.000 200 75.600 167 188 00 4.600 33 32 500 80 100 40 21 100 68.200 300 2,400 6,000 100 100J 700; Adams ................. American United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper .. Amer. Car & Foundry.. do pfd American Linseed Oil.. do pfd Amer. Smelt. & Refin. do pfd Anaconda Mlnlnc; Co... 62,800 700 300 44 87 OUft 61 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas 93- 219 Cont- Tobacco pfd...... 116 ticnerai Electric Glucose Sugar International Paper do pfd International Power ... Laclede Gas National Biscuit ...... National Lead National Salt do pfd North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.... Republic Steel do pfd Sugar Tennessee Coal & Iron. United States Leather.. do pfd United States Rubber.. do pfd United States Steel do pfd (ex rtlv.) Western Union 258 49, 23 100 42 3i C3 98 100 100 31 03 800 9S 6.100 1.300 45? 44 100$ 106 700; 400 79 220 300 700 12,800 1,900 S00 100 10Dj 21966 10.100 900 15 67 110 12 80 15 44" 9SU 91 Total sales for the day. 717,100 shares. BONDS. ' U. S. 2s, ref. reg.109 do coupon 109 1 Atchison adj. 4s... 97 vj. & is.w. con. 7s. 139 D. & R. G. 4s 102 N. Y. Cent. Ists...l05 Northern Pac. 3s.. 72 do 4s 104 Union Pacific 4s...l05 Wis. Cent lsts.... 88 do 3s, reg. 107 do coupon 10S' do new 4s. reg.l38 do coupon 139 do old 4s, reg. .112 do coupon 112 do 5s, reg. 106 do coupon nesi anore 113 107lSouthern Pac. 4s.. 92 Ex interest. Forclsrn Financial News. NEW YORK. Oct. 15.-The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial' cablegram says: The stock market today was qulet but was encouraged by the war news, particularly the rumor that General Botha had been captured, although the report Is, apparently, unfounded. Investment Issues were In demand on cheap money conditions, although Paris exchange re mains near the gold import point. Austria still is a keen buyer of the meytf. and this is also the season when New York takes gold. American stocks were more active, closing at the top on New York support. London would like to put the market up. but is afraid to take the Initiative. Your correspondent Is pri vately Informed that the steel syndicate fin ished unloading last week. Money on call ruled steady, and discounts are 2 on the low Paris exchange, and the sale of 180,000 In German coin. The Bank of England has engaged 10,000 gold In South America. The White Star Line gives unqualified con tradiction of U10 renewed rumor that Morgan Interests are acquiring control. Money, Exclinngre, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. Sterling on Lon don, 60 days, $4S4; sight, $4 86. Mexican dollars 1747c. Drafts Sight. 5c; telegraph, 7c NEW YORK. Oct. 15. Money on call steady. 33 per cent; last loans. "3per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4S5 per cent. Sterling exchange Steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4 854 83 for de mand, and at $4 83 for 60 days; posted rates, $4 844 85 and $4 87; commercial bills' $4 83. Mexican dollars 45c. Government bonds Steady. State bonds Inactive. Railroad bonds Firm. LONDON. Oct. 15. Money, 11 per cent. Consols, 03 7-lCd. Stocks at London. LONDON, Oct. 15. Anaconda, 7; Atchison, 81; do preferred, 99; Canadian Pacific, 113; Southern Pacific, 82; Northern Pacific preferred, 101; Union Pacific, 102 ; do pre ferred, DOJi. , Prices for Cereals in European and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. Wheat quiet and steady, at -unchanged prices. Barley moder ately Inactive and steady. Oats quiet, but market held firm. Spot quotations were: Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 05c; milling, 97&C $1 02. Barley Food, 7173c; brewing, 7780c. Oats Black for seed, $11 20; red, $1 05 122. Call board sales: Wheat Steady; December, 07: May, $1 02. Barley Steady; December, 6c. Corn Large yellow, $1 571 62. Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO, Oct. 15. A moderate firmness un derlay the wheat market, though It ruled dull and narrow. The best demand was in the first half-hour of business when; under the in fluence of better Liverpool cables and de creased Northwestern receipts, December sold c higher, at 7070c. This caused a fresh awakening of the bullish spirit that had waned at the close yesterday. The advance, however, enticed sellers, and December sagged early to 70c. Later there was news of some fair exports, and shorts covered un,til Decem ber touched 71c. Then the market turned' pro foundly dull, and wheat bought early began to come out again. December closed barely steady, c lower, at 70c haplng sold a shade lower. Corn acted strong throughout the day, though like wheat the market was dull and narrow. December closed steady, a shade higher, at 5656c. Trade Jn oats was dull. December closed steady, a shade higher at 35c. Provisions had another day of dragging mar kets. Hog receipts ware only moderate, but the qualtty was poor and prices were lower, thus bringing an early sliimp In the prices of products. There was more feeling than has characterized the market for some time, but the demand from the shorts kept prices about steady. January pork closed 7c lower, lard 5c down, and rlos 25c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. October so oa $u uw " o"1 su December .... 70 71 May 73 74 CORN. 70 "$ 73 73 October . . December May . . . . : 55 55 50 56 58 5S OATS. 34 34 35 35 37 37 MESS PORK. 55 56 58 35 37 55 50 5S October . . December May ..,.. at 37 October January May . . . 13 60 15 00 15 10 ..15 02 ..15 07 15 02 15 10 14 90 15 00 . LARD. October . . November January .. May 9 37 0 27 8 95 8 95 0 37 9 30 8 07 8 07 0 32 22 -8 92 8 95 0 35 9 25 8 07 8 97 SHORT RIBS. October January May ... 8 20 7 S3. 7 92 7 82 7 87 7 85 7 77 7 92 7 87 Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3 Spring, 6869c; No. 2 red, 7071c. Oats No. 2, 35c; No. 2 white. 3738'c; No. 3 white, 3738c. Rye No. 2, 55c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 5458c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 47; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 48. Timothy seed Prime, $5 555 65. Mess pork $13 65Q13 70 per bbl. Lard $9 379 40 per cwt. Short ribs sides Loose, $8 158 30. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $7 SO? 75. Short clear sides Boxed; $8 708 80. Butter Market easy; creameries, 14 21c; dairies, 1319c. Cheese Steady. 910c. Eggs Firm; fresh, 1718c. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels 36,000 12.000 Wheat, bushels 280.000 37,000 Corn, bushels 303,000 96,000 Oats, bushels 345,000 291.000 Rye. bushels 18,000 1,000 Barley, bushels 12,000 2,000 New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, Oct. 15 Flour Receipts. 30, 411 barrels; exports, 8362 barrels. Market, more active and higher. Winter patents, $3 50 3 75; Winter straights, $3 303 40. Wheat Receipts, 223,400 bushels. Spot easy. No- 2 red, 76c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red, 75 75c elevator: No. 1 Northern DUluth, 77c f. o. b. afloat. Options Oi-ened firm, and were higher for a time on further adverse Argentine news, bull ish cables, foreign buying and covering. Yield ing later on realizing; and closed easy at c decline. May closed 78c; October, 74c; De cember, 76c. Hops Steady. Wool Quiet. Available Grain Supplies. NEW YORK, Oct. 15. Special, cable and telegraphic communications to Bradstreets show the following changes In available sup plies since last report: Wheat United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies, increased 1,037.000 bushels; afloat for a"hd in Europe decreased 400,000 bushels. Total supply increased 1,537,000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 625,000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, west of the Rockies, decreased 425,000 bushels. . European Grain Markets. LONDON, Oct. 15. Wheat cargoes on pas sage, quiet and steady; cargoes Walla Walla, 27s Cd. English country markets steady. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 15. Wheat steady; wheat and flour In Paris steady; French" country markets dull. Weather in England fine. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 14. Wool-Sprlng-Nevada, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; Valr ley Oregon, 1516c; Northern, 6Sc. Fall Southern coast lambs, 6So; San 'Joaquin lambs, 10(g12c: mountain lambs, 78c; San Joaquin plains. 68c; Humboldt and Mendo cino, 1012c. Hops New crop, 1014c. Hay Wheat, $811 50; wheat and oats, $7 5010 50: best barley. $5 508; alfalfa, ?8 10; clover, $5 50B 50 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Vegetables Green peas, l2c per pound; string beans, l3c per pound; tomatoes, 20 30c; cucumbers. 2035c per box; Chile green peppers, 2550c; bay squash, 3035c; egg plant, 2025c per box. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $2122 50; bran, $20 20 50 per ton. Onions Yellow, $11 20. Potatoes Early Rose, 75cS'$l 10; River Bur banks, 4090c; Salinas Burbanks, $11 30; Oregon Burbanks, $1 15; sweet, 5095c per cental. J Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 75c; choice, $2 75; Mexican limes, $66 50. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers. 1416cj do hens, 1416c per pound; old roosters, $3 5034 per dozen; young roosters, $3 504 50; small broilers, $2 252 50; do large, $2 753 23; fryers, $303 50; hens, $3 504 50; old ducks, $33 50; goslings, $1 501 75; old pigeons, $1 251 75; young plgeons $1 501 75 per dozen. Pineapples $1 252 50. Eggs Fancy ranch, 39c per dozen; store, 32c; Eastern, 24c. . Cheese Eastern, 1315c; Young American, llc per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 28c; fancy dairy, 23c per pound. Apples Choice, $1 35; common, 35c per box. Grapes Isabella. 75"85c per box. Receipts Flour, 23,830 quarter sacks; do Washington. 4684 quarter sacks; wheat, 86.C90 centals: barley, 8390 centals; oats, 6110 centals; beans. 11.062 sacks; otatoes. 1255 sacks; onions, 264 sacks; bran, 1665 sacks; middlings, 20 sacks; hay, 300 tons; wool, 1307 bales; hides, 1277; raisins, 500 boxes; quicksilver, 44 flasks: wine, 50.500 gallons. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Oct. 15. Cattle Receipts, 8000. Market steady at Monday's prices. Good to prime steers, none here; nominal, $6 206SO; poor to medium, $3 75p; stockers and feeders, $24 25; cows and heifers, $15; canners, $2 2 25; bulls. $1 754 50; calves. $30 50; 'Texas steers, $2 903 75; Western steers, 3 755 60. Hogs Receipts today, 24,000; tomorrow, 28. 000; left over, 4000. Market, 1015c lower. Mixed and butchers, $66 55; good to choice heavy. $6 20S0 60; rough heavy, $5 100; light,' $5 900 20; bulk of sales, $5 756 25. Sheep Receipts, 20,000. Market active and steady; lamb3 good, strong to 10c higher. Good to choice wethers, $3 504; fair to choice mixed, $33 50: Western sheep, $33 80. OJIAHA, 'Oct 15. Receipts, 7200. Market, steady. Native beef steers, $4 806 25; West ern steers, $3 70D 15; Texas steers, $3 50 Downiiig, Hopkins & Co. ESTABLISHED 18D3. EAT AND Room 4r Ground Floor 7 4 40; cows and heifers, $2 754 40; canners. $1 252 50; stockers and feeders, $2 ,504 20; calves, $35 25; bulls and stags, $23 80. Hogs Receipts, 5200. Market, 10c lower. Heavy, $6 176 Zb". mixed, $6156 20; light. 60 20: bulk of sales, $6 176 20. Sheep Receipts, 1300. Market active and strong; 10c higher. Wethers, $3 103 60; ewes, $2 603 10: common and choice sheep, $2 50 3 25; lambs, $3 504 00. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 15. Cattle-Receipts, 17,000. Market steady. Texas steers, $2 70 3 60; Texas rows, $2102 83; native steers, $50 10; native cows and heifers, $2 605 50; stockers and feeders, $34 50; bulls, $2 254 23. Hogs Receipts, 10,000. Market, 510c lower. Bulk of sales, $66 40. Heavy, $0 356 45; packers, $6406 40; mixed, ?66 35; lights, $5 300 30; yorkers, $5 256 20; pigs. $4 25 5 15. Sheep Receipts, 4000. Market steady. Lambs, $3 754 75; muttons, $2 7503 50. The Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Oct. 15. The local market for tin was dull and without significant feature today. The elbse found spot quoted at $24 90 25 15. At London, tin was 10s higher for spot, at 115 5s, and unchanged for futures, at 10S 5s. Copper was -without change -locally, and was quoted at 1617c for Lake, and 1616c casting, wlille at London values declined 7s 6d for spot to 64 10s, and la lower for futures, at 63 10s, with a fair business executed. The production of copper during September In this country amounted to 21,500 tons. Total pro duction since January 1, 109,026 tons. Lead was Is 6d lower a,t' London, with spot quoted at 11 12s 6d, white locally a dull and unchanged market prevailed, at, $4 37. Spelter was In buyers' favor hert, but un changed, at $4 254 50, and unchanged at Lon don, spot closing at 17 2s 6d. . , Domestic iron markets were nominally steady In tone. PIg"lron warrants, $9 5010-00;-Norl- Northern foundry, $1510; No. 2 foundry Southern, $1415; No. 1 foundry Southern, soft, $14 5016. Glasgow Iron warrants closed at 53s 9d, and Mlddlesboro closed at 45s 5d. Bar silver, 5fc. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. Bar silver. 57c. LONDON, Oct. 15.-"iar silver, 20 9-16d. " Boston . "Wool Market. V BOSTON, Oct. 15. The position of the wool market Is not materially different from last week. The general demand is reported quiet, but prices are" steady. Dealers say" the 'situa tion as a whole Is In excellent position, as the actual consumption of wool In this coun try was never greater than It has beenduilng the past few months. Territory wools con tinue td head the list of sales. Fine territory Is quoted at 4445c, and fine medium at 40JJ 43c. Fleece wools are quiet. Quotations: Territory, scoured basis, Montana Fine, 15 10c; scoured, 444"6c; fine medium, 1517c; scoured, 4243c; staple, 1618c; scoured, 46 48c Utah, Wyoming and Idaho Fine, 14luc: scoured, 4445c; fine "medium, 1415c; scoured, 4043c; staple, 1617c; scoured, 4647c. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices Combi ing superflne,i7072c; super. 6S70c; average,. c. Coffee andL. Sugar. NEW YORK,-- Oct. 15. Coffee Spot Rio steady; No. 7 invoice, 6c Mild steady; Cor dova, 7llc. Futures closed steady at a net de'cllne of 10 points. Total sales, 40,500 bags; October. $5 65; November, $5 55; Decem ber, $5 505 60; January, $5 60; March, $5 75 5 85; April. $5 00; May, $5 95 6. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3 5-16c; cen trifugal, 96 test. 3c. Molasses sugar, 3c. Refined quiet. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. 1 Mrs J Marlon Walker, 'Tacoma F S Whedon, N Y M R Hlbbs & wf. Jo seph - ' C S Pierce, Mlnnpls N H AA'are, Jr, Poif mouth, O I Hanak, San Fran H A Keyer & w. Seattl Sol Hasbrouck. Boise Miss F H Fraser, do M P Callendar, Knapp- ton Clark W Thompson, Cascades Andy McCarthy. S F AV J Ball. San Fr F Rudolph & wf, Chgo MrsF S Btlnson, Seattl Miss Waldron, Seattle A S Flournoy, Kan Cy Mrs N A Flournoy, do Adam Hunter & wife, Dundee, Scotland Geo C Salch & wf. S F F AV Spencer, MoMlnn A F Prescott, USA Miss Olga Hewitt, Al bany Dr Grace Albright, Salem H J Earnest. Spokane av M Mortzau & wife, Colfax Geo H Robinson, N Y J J Wlrtner. San Fr R H Leavltt, USA F C Ramsey. Boise Mrs Geo Shea, N Y Miss Shea, N Y John Leary, Seattle W E De Groat & wf, Los Angeles Percy L Sinclair, Ta- coma G W Todd. Chicago H M Meyers, Chicago AV F Jacobs, San Fr M Y Bridges, St Paul J A Goodln, USA J F Schllngman, S F Mrs J AV Thomas, Butte J Egardt & wf, S F F I Dunbar & w.Salem I Bergman & wf, As toria J R Dodson & wife, Circle W Moore & w, Denver R S Hyde. Case Lks Ar AAr AVatts & wf, De- C L Stamate, Phila - D AA'llson, Spokane A L McLeod, San Fran Henry Shaw. N Y AV A Peters, Seattle Frank I Towle, St Paul D V Gelder, San Fran Burt F Bretherton, NY D T Day & wf. AVash- Ington, D C C H Ruffner, Rochestr P S Mattox, Agt AV H West Minstrels Fred A Krlbs. Minnpls C F Fisher & wf, S F trqlt THE PERKINS. J J Collins, Albany, Or I Mrs W A Cuslck, Sa- John Cratt. Dalies lem AVm Rufenberg, Bay C Mrs W B Morse, do John F Kane, Denver S S Gotberg, San Fr H F Booth, Baker Cltj C AV Hoth. Astoria N-B Standlsh, Lucky Boy Mrs Annie McCrady, Eugene Miss Nellie Standlsh, Salem O B Estes, M D, As toria Mrs Estes, Astoria F S Gunning, Dalles L B Reeder, 'Pendleton W S Cone. Bay City AV H Harlow, Chicago av F Zwlck. Seattle C Smith, Spokane Mrs Smith, Spokane W O Jeffs, Rockland, Mich Mrs Jeffs, do Mrs C M Cowry, do J J Janes, Mitchell J E Keyes. Mitchell G W Hochsteadler, Albany Mrs Hocnsteaaler, do E R Huston, Albany A G Prill. M D, Sclo E W Will. Albany jMrs Reeder, Pendleton a ii irvin, Newport C C Frazler, La Grand AV L Ousley, La Grand R H Buck, Elgin J L Hill, Albany, Or A J Goodman, Indp Mrs Goodman, Indp F S Wilson. Indp C J Howard, Cottg Gr AV F Slaughter, StHlns Mrs Slaughter, St Hlns J C Saylor. Echo D C Brownell, Echo Chas E Saylor, Echo John G Howe,, Detroit M Day, Memphis Mrs Day, Memphis AV C Yeomans, Pe-EU Mrs Yeomans. Pe-Ell Miss Yeomans. Pe-Ell A H Personett. Hamp ton, la R H AVeber. Dalles AV T Carroll, Eugene Alice P Richards, Al bany May J Kelly, do Albert HIndman, Ba ker City Mrs Hindman, do Miss Hindman. do W N Barrett,HHlsboro Mrs Barrett, do J AV Hobbs. McMlnn Miss Maud E Hobbs, do Miss Ethel Harrh, do S U Miller, Dllley J H Honora. Dllley John Du:.n, Two Har bors. Mich A B Copper. Los Angls Miss Lily B Brock, -.AVasco, Or L AA'ebert, Aurora Mrs AA'ebert, Aurora Mrs M I Emerson J G Van Arsdel, The Dalles Mrs Van Arsdel, do Miss Van Arsdel. do Frank L Earl. Pe-Ell D H Ettln, Pasadena J B Thorsen, Elgin, Or u u .aiapes, .igin, ur Chas A Lack. Baker C H L Heath, McMlnn E A Hildreth, Jr, Ash land E E Good, Ashland John A Gross, Helix Mrs J A Gross, Helix F R Mclntyre, San Fr L M Curl. Albany, Or Geo H Riches. Sllvrtn Roy C Fitzgerald, do Mr3 H E Beers, AVasco THE IMPERIAL. C. W. Knowles, Manager. D Maglll. Izee Mrs Maglll. Izee Florence Marshall, Chicago G W Adams, Chicago John Hall, citv F H Wiggins, Salem F D Kuettner, Astoria Mrs Kuettner, Astoria Mrs AV C Bradsley, Tacoma H T Flndlay, Astoria Clark W Thompson, Cascades J H MacLafferty. S F Van B DeLashmutt, Spokane J A Douther, Dalles F B Smith. San Fran Arthur W Morse. USA AV O Jeffs, Rockland Mrs Jeffs. Rockland J M Kutch, Crabtree; Or F M Wilson. Medford J H Butler. Medford ' H C Eccleston, McMIn Mrs Eccleaton, McMlnn R L Harris, Dayton.Or Mrs H G Van Dusen, Astoria J as B Brown, ban Fr Henry B Thlelson, Sa lem, Or M A Wiggins, Salem H W Devalson, Syra cuse L J Adams, Sllvertdn C M Huckle, Sllverton P AA Potter, Sllverton G AV Gordon, Monte- sano F D Shields, Portland Robt Hde, Cascades B E Kennedy, Pendltn L B Geer, Salem Mrs A A Crlskett, Caney. Kan Miss Crlskett, do B W Johnson. Corvalll3 AV B Browne, city E S Johnston, Portland J L Tdmllnson, Albany J R Corliss, N Y G AV uates. Chicago Mrs G AV Bishop, Seattle C C Frazler, La Grnd AA E Love. Pendleton JAlex Gilbert, 'Astoria N J Sorenson, Sumpter G M Morrison. Adams Mrs Gilbert. Astoria H W Sherman. Astoria Bertha Palmer, Bridal Veil. Or Mro L C Palmer, do Mrs Sherman, Astoria G Friederlck. San Fran D H Ettlen, Pasadena THE ST. CHARLES. B D Garlock, Wasco IRov Stillvvell. Tlllamk AVm Hutton, AA'asco A E Bowman, Newbrsv S S Stearns, city M Fox, Boston STOCK BROKERS v Chamber oF Commerce F M Halght. Fulton B Gbrdans, Fulton H Stevens, Fulton " H Fisher, Woodland M L Cameron, Rldge- fleld r e. Easton, Minn AV R Sparks, Forest G L P Davidson, lone Joe Johnston, Gervals S Powell, AA'oodland Fred Morris, do A Hudson. San Fran R P Burns, Rainier L V Moore & w,.Moro Mrs S E Friedenburg. Hood River M a L Ostrand, do Miss Ostrand, do Alex Helsler, Dalles Mrs A Richardson, do Matilda Bennett, do E E Seeley, The Dalle3 Mrs Qulnn, Woodlawn H L Lawltsen. Dalles I J Anderson. McMlnn AV M Irvln, Needy, Or airs a iJowmon, Gen esee Mrs M Jones, do Dr Butler, Salem C fcJ Bush. LaDu Th03 Talbot, Cornelius W J Stater, Newoerg Geo Horn, Newberg iiarl Jlock. Newbers C H Upton & wf. Min J R Buckler, Majgers neapolis jonn sail, Maygers AV G Rhude, Gray's R D Jones, Fisher, AA'ash J Plerson. AA'alco W P Garlock, AVasco Mrs M A Collins. Gol- AV Haynes. Hood Rlvr AV Ryan. Hood River H von Puymbroecker & wf. Pendleton H T Bagley, Hillisboro J av juoore, union Chas Huston, MtAngel A'B McEwln & wire, Athena Mrs J Taylor, Athena Nels Johnson, Astoria Geo Landers. Astoria Mrs J Sparks, AstSrla J Hlbbard & fy.AVard- ner, Idaho A J Smith, Aurora Mrs D Smith, Kalama Mrs AVadklns, AVestprtl C G Laird. Diamond J C Egffleston. Chicago dendale L Antolne, Goldendale u 2,1 HOYt. Hlllsboro C H Vale, San Fran C L Potter, city Thos Huntington, city u is uison. Astoria Emll Olson, Astoria Amos Dixon. Astoria R S Hyland, Junction C P Houston, do X BT McMillan. A'lento Chas Lund. Skamokawa J M Kitchen. Irving . L P Davidson, Heppner C H Abernethy, Cham-j J B Yeon, Cathlamet Frank Dow, Oak Islnd poeg . Hotel BrarisTvick. Scnttle. European, first-class. Rates. 50c to 31.58. One block from depot. Restaurants near by. TacOma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Donnelly Hotel, Tacoma. European plan. Rates 50c and up. " ' East Side Notes. George Spence, employed at the South ern Pacific carshops, was held up a few nights ago pn East Sixteenth street and relieved of a feAV dollars. John Michael Slefer died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. AV. Wick lne, 998 East Yamhill street. He was .SI 'years and six months old. His wife died November, 1890. . A public reception will be tendered Rev. H. B. Elworthy, newly appointed pastor of the Sunnysjde Methodist Church, Friday evening, in the church. All members and friends will be welcome. All is activity at the Portland Woolen Mills. -The boilers and engine are in po sition in the engine room. Machinery is being set up in the main structure. Work, of building the flume is progressing rap idly. Work on the Marine ways in Supple's shipyard at the foot of Belmont street is progressing rapidly. The long rows of piles for the foundation have all been driven and sawed off. Most of the piles on the bank were-driven 25 and 35 feet, which will provide a solid foundation. " The Eleventh Ward Sub-Board will hold a meeting tomorrow evening-in the Huss Hall, Woodlawn, for the purpose of tak ing action on the new schoolhouse prop osiflon. The meeting will be held in this hall for the reason it Is easily reached by residents of Woodlawn. The sub-structure of the elevated road way on Grand avenue, between East Stark and East Oak streets, is being over hauled. "At the intersection of Grand av enue and East Stark street many new timbers have been put in to strengthen it. North from this intersection the sub structure is very shaky. In order to fa cilitate inspection a plank has been placed under the decking on which a man may walk and examine into the con dition of the roadway. Whea ,a heavily loaded -truck passes over the roadway it trembles. The city engineer will have the roadway strengthened for the new im provement soon to be put down. Pleasant Home Nervs. Rev. John Naugle, well known In Port land and vicinity, preached his opening sermon at Pleasant Home Sunday. His novel methods caused considerable amuse ment, but were ery acceptable to the congregation. Ho has already made many friends in his new field. The road supervisor has had the cycle path regraveled, Avhich will put it In good condition between Pleasant Home and Gresham for the Winter. Joe Holder, caused the arrest and ar raignment of George Beer in Justice Har low's court Saturday on charge of lar ceny of beer. After hearing the evidence the Justice dismissed the case. Wise Bros., dentists, both 'phones. ThQ Failing. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Bnliy Is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayri all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. No Cure No Pay tg-T-B.'M THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A positive way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures you without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the eneratle or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, lmpotency, etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and btrength. Write for circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. room 47-48 Safe Deposit building. Seattle. AA'ash. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Astoria & Columbia ! River Railroad Co. Denot IMfth and I Streets. LEAVES ARRIA'ES For Maygers, Halnier. Clatskanle, Westport. CUftop, Astoria. W'ar renton. Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevena. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore Expt ess. Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 0:40 P. M. Ticket office 255 Morrison st. and Union Deoot. J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. Time Card of Trains PORTLAND Leaves. Arrives. North Coast Limited".. 2:00 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Ttln City, St. Louis & Kan. City Special 11:30 P. M 7:45 P. M. Fuget Sound Limited, for South Be,nd. Gray's Harbor. Olympla, Ta- coma and Seattle 8:35 AM. 5:20 P.M. Two trains dally to Spoane, Butte, Helena, Minneapolis, St, Paul and the East. A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. Geneial Pass. Agt.. 255 Morrison street. Portland. Or. Oregon City, For Salem Way Landings Steamers Altona and Pomuua. tor Salem und way landings, daily except Sunday. (5:15 A. M. Steumer Leona, for Oregdn City, leaves Port land daily and Sunday. U A. M.. 1 and 5 P. M. Leaves Oregon City 7. 11 A. M.. J P. M. Round trip. 25c Phone Main 40. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Ofilce and dock foot Taylor street. TRAVELERS' GLIDE. SIEGON IT AfiD JTKREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. I Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:00A. M. Dally. 4:30P. M. Dally. srirciAL. For the East via Hunt lngton. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eastern Washing ton. t"alln Wfllln T.. 6:00 P. M. Dally. 7:00 A. M. Dally. lston, Coeur d'AIene and ut. iortnern Points ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For the East via Hunt v Ington. 0:00 P. M. Dally. S:10 A. M. Dally. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SANlFRAN CISCO. SS. Columbia Oct. 0. 10. 20. SS. Geo. AA". Elder Oct. 4, 14. 24. From Ainsworth Dock. 8:00 P. M. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. Dally ex. Sunday an Monday. Sat. 10 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Dally ex. Sun. TITlfH mf-r- .. Tl.. j . -'"' iiwuco ana Isorth Beach, atr. Ha? salo. Ash-street Dock. FOR SALEM and way points. atr. E more. Ash-street Dock. (Water permitting.) FOR DAYTON. Orescn City and Yamhill River points. str. ilodoc. Ash-rtreet Dock. (Water permitting.) , 6:43 A. M. Mon.. Wed.. Frl. 7:00 A. U. Tues.. Thurs., Sat. 3 P. 1L Mon., Wed.. Frl. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washlnrtoa. Telephone, Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight vl. connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladlvostock. INDR-AVELLI SAILS OCT. 2S. For rates and full Information call on or ad dress officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. I.cnc lUciiot Kiith unci I I Streets. Arrive OVERLAND LVX PREaii tKAUa. for saiem, tioae burg. Ashland, si; r a m e u to. Ugdeu. ian Fruneuco, Mo Jtve, .Loi Angeles. Ul i'aso, New Or leans und me Eas:. At W o o d b 11:11 idjlly accept iiun day;, morning tram connecu uitn train for ilt. Angel, all eiton. Brown- 1 1 le . SprlnjfnsU and Natron, ana Albany Local tor Mt. Angel and in. vcrton. Albany passenger.. -orvallls passenger Sheridan passenger S:20 P. M. 8::o A. II. 7:43 A. M. 7.00 P. M 4:00 P. M 7:30 A. M. 4:0OP. M. 10:10 A., M. 5:30 P. M. 118:25 A. M. Dally. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale Detween Portland, Sac ramento and.. San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 first class and $14 second class. Second cUu Includes sleeper: first class does not. Hates and tickets to Eabiern pomu and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtalnea from V. A. Schilling. Ticket Agnt. 254 cor. Wahlngton and Third. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, loot or JeQeraon street. Leave lor Oswego dally at 1.Z0. a:40 A. M-. 12:30, 1:55. J:25. 4:40, :25. SMO, HMu P. M.; and u.uo A. M. on bunaays only. Arrive at Portland dally at C:35. 8:o0, l0:5O A. M.: 1:155. 3:10. 4:30. (5:15. 7:40. 10.00 P. M.; 12:4 J A. M. dally, except Monday. 8:30 and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 5:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A. M. PaKpnger train leaves Dallas for Alrllo Mon days. AVednesdajs and Friday at a:50 P. M. Returns Tue.-dnys, Thursday and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. - R. B. MILLER. Gen. Frt, & Pass. Art. Ticket Office, 122 Third St. Phont 630 t tvyvE lThe Flyer, dally to and t from St. Paul. Mlnne- No. 4 Upolls, Duluth. Chicago, COOP. M. J and all points East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dlnlax and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - APV3ERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KAGA-MARU For Japan. China, and all Asiatic points will leave Seattl About October 15th Pacific Coast Steamship Co, For South-Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle 9 P. M. Sieamsnlpa cul'i'AGE ClTl". CITY OF SEATTLE or CITY OF TOPEivA. Sept. 3, 6, a, 12. 1Y. 20. 22. 21; Oct. 2, 5, 7. 12. 17. 20. 22. 27: Nov. I. r fnrt h or information obtain company's folder The comimujr " mo sai mj chance steamers, balling datea and huura ot sailing, without prevlod3 notice. AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington L. Portland. Or.; F. AV CARLETON. N. P. K. R. Dock Tacoma; Ticket Office, CIS First aye., Seattle. M. TALBOT. Corara'l Agt.. C.AV. MIL LER Asst. Gen'l Azt.. Ocean Dock. Seattli; GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen'l Agenu. San Francisco. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. BAILEY GATZERT. DALLES ROUTE. AVlnter schedule Leaves foot Alder street every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ing, 7 A. M. Leave Tne Dalles, every Sunday, AVednesdaj and Friday morning. 7 A, M. YYUailUU&clt. nw -H..fc. e 4AUIU, -I3UI- ler's, Warrendale, Cascade Locks, Stevenson, Nelson Creek. Carson's (St. Martin's Hot Springs). Collins'. Cook's. Drano. AVhlte Sal mon. Hood River, BIngen. Brooks. Mosler, McClure's. Lyle. The Dalles. ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. TAHOMA (Alder-street Dock), Leaves Portland dally every morning at 1 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria, every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone: Main 251. Columbia phone 331. A'C5i9fl5? ? Pa hev ram scsew aooo ! 9o2vLo "'(S.S. SIERRA, SS. SONOMA, Honolulu. Auckland and Syd ney. Thursday, Oct. 24. 10 A. M. SS. AUSTRALIA. ?or Tahiti. Oct. 24. 10 A. M. SS. ALAMEDA, for Honolulu. Saturday. Nov. 2. 2 P. M. J. D.SFHECXEIS k BEDS. Cfi , Eenarai Agco!s.B27 ftrfeiSI Wl Passer Otacs, 843 &rtat SL, ris? Ho. 1, PaciSsSt SlWISBiO "fcauj4j MWN PACIF S:00 P. M. Tues.. Thurs.. Sat. EAST m iSfc ,,w O 0G2ENrSHASlA -! SOUTH &$ EBMaREOTNORTHEBwfl THE PALATIAL HI!-BUM! WI Not a dnrlc oUlce In the bntldlntrt nlolntely fireproof; electric llsrhta and artesian water; perfect unit tlon. and tlioxon'irh. veutllatiou. Ele vator ran utty und night. Rooms. AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician.. 003-609 ANDERSON. GUST AW. Attorney-at-La.w...Gi2 ASSOCIATED PRESS E. L. PoWell. Mngr.SUU AUSTEN. F C. Manager Tor Oregon and AVashlngton Bankers' Llfo Association, ot Des. Moines. la . .... ...302-503 BANKERS LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DE3- MOINES. IA.. F. a Austen. Mgr... ,302-303 EEALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Official U. S. Weather Bureau .........;. 010 BEXJAMIS, R. w... Dentist ,'iU BINSWANGER. OTTO S.. Physician and Surgeon .. 407-403 BROCK. AVILBUR ''F.. Circulator -Oregu- nlan ...., ..........001 BROWN. MYRA. M. D 3U-314 BRUERE. DR. G. E.. Physician.. 412-413-414, BUSTEED. RICHARD 30J 'CAMPBELL. AVM M.. Medical Uefctfe Equitable Life 700 CANINU. M. J u'02-BOJ CAUK1N. G. E., District Agent Travelers Insurance Company ,718 CARDWELL. DR. J. R .500. CHURCHILL. MRS. E J 710-717 eOLLMUlA TELEPHONE COMPANY".'.,. ..-."'.... 604-C05-UO(;-OOT-UlJ-ai4-013 CORNELIUS. C. AV., Phys. and Surseon....20l COVEK. F. C. Ca3hler Equitable Life...30U COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McUulre. Manager 413 DAY. J. G.. & I. N HH DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 71J-714 DWYER JOE E.. Tobaccos ,.403 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth Klooc EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY5. L. Samuel. Mgr.; F. C. Co.-er. Cashier.. 300 EVENING TELEGRAM 323 Alder Street FENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon.30U-10 FENTON. DR. HICKS. C. Eye and Ear. .511 KENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 501) GALVANI. V. H.. Engineer and Draughts man ..COU GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club 214-213-210-2U GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and Surgeon .......212-213 GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon.. 700-71O GILBERX DR. J.ALLEN. Physician. .401-402 GII.LESPY. SHERWOOD. General Agent Mutual Life Ina Co 404-403-iOfl GOUDARD. E. C. & CO.. Footwear...". ' Ground Floor. 120 Sixth street GOLDMAN. WILLIAM, Manager Manhat tan Life Ins Co. pt New York...... 200-210 GRANT. FRANK S Attorney-at-Law....UlT GRISWOLD-& PHEGLEY. Tailors 131 Sixth Streer HAMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian,. T: 300-301-302 HAMMOND. A. IS. 310 HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Physician and Surgeon ..... , 504-Coi IDLEMAN. C M.. Attorney-at-Law.410-17-13 JOHNSON. AV. C.s .313-310-317 KADY. 'MARK T.. Supervisor of "Agentd Mutual Reserve Fund Life Asin 004-G03 L1TTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Surseon.200 MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phys. and Surg. .711-712 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York; AV. Goldman. Manager. .200-210 MARTIN. J L & CO.. Timber Lands.... 001 McCOY. NEWTON. Attorncy-at-Law....7l3. McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer...20l MeGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law-.3II-12 Mckenzie dr. p. l.. Phys. and surg.312-13 METT. HENRY 213 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and Oral Surgeon .......vG03-C00 MUSSMAN. DR. E. P., Dentist 513-514 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSN: Mark T. Kady Supervisor of Agcnt3.G04-003 McELROY. DR. J. G.. Phys. & Sur.70l-70-70J McFARLAND. E B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Company .......'.... ..COO McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher .....413 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York; Sherwood Glllespy. Gen. Agt. .404-5-0 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.713 NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Llfa In surance Company of New York........ ....203 OLSEN. J. F.. State Agent Tontlno Sav ings Association. Minneapolis 211 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-2115-217 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY. - .400-41Q OREGON1AN EDUCATOINAL BUREAU; J. F. Strauhal, Manager 200 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. ;. Ground Floor. 133 Sixth Street. QUIMBY. L. 'P. 'AV.. XJama and Forestry AVarder. : .........513 REED. AVALTER. Optician 133 Sixth street RICKENBACH. DR. J, F Ejei Ear, Note and Throat ....... ...-.. 701-102 ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist, and Min ing Engineer , .....310 RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 515 SAMUEL. L.. Manager EquuaSIe Llte....JUU SHERAA'OOD. J. AV.. Deputy Supreme Com mander K. O. T. M t 517 SMITH. DR. L. B., Osteopath 400-410 STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law.... 817-618 STOLTE. DR. CHAS E., Dentist.,... J04;703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 700 STROWBRIDGE. THOMAS H. Executive Special Agent Mutual Life of Now York 400 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE .....'. 2QL TONTINE SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. Mlfl- , neapolls; J. F. Olscn.. State Agent 211 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-011 U. S. AVEATHER BUREAU.. 007-008-OdO-UlU U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH DIST.. Captain W. C. Langntt, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A SOS U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain AV. C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..810 . WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Llfa of New York ......40a WILSON. DR. EDAVARD N., Physician. and Surgeon ......304-303 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Swrg.706-70t WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. &Surg.50T503- AVILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEP. CO 613 AVOOD. DR. VT. L., Physician 412-410-H4 OfUcea may be liad by applying; o" the superintendent -of the bnlldlns. room 201, second floor. i&pi'f Wfeifian is uHuresieu,ana snomu snow about tho wonderful MAKVtL Whlrfino Sorav h8 New Ladies' Syrlngt Best, Safest. Most Convenient. Patented. A,k Tanil.unrut far !t If h cannot supply tho Mw,- hue ftirift HtmnivfiYrn. t,itt,1 lAAV.ftalAI IF lfVM full particular and directions In- nln-hl.lrlnip M4II1VI rA Far sale by AVocdard. Clarke & Co. and drug, gists generally. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Orlclnnl anil Onlr Sennlne. .SAFE. :-i7irl!ihle Ladle. ukDrard't tor CHIOHJSSTJErfS JOiUUSBL la RED ul Gold mttitllla bqci Mmled irllh blnftrfttlum- Tat nnA nt,. flnftaftn Dangerous. Subitliutfona and Imlto- Hun- uij or jour urqiit. or Koa -c-ia tuip !tr Particular. Testimonials and ItelleC for LaUI,' to. U(rrrby re turn Mall. 10,000 TMflraonlaU. Soldbr all Cniizlitt. Chlchcatcr Chemical Co- aCcatica tbls oaocr.' lladlaou Satiare. pun.., lA. raw wc-tess; v5 fr N