Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 03, 1901, Image 1

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    ?3f!?Tp'?'!Tr5w?S5!S5SKr tJ-f'-fW" f-" lyi-isfif-y
""WSFSRH' '',W"," ''"'
VOL. XLL 0. 12,733.
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Captain of the Bear Placed Fifteen
of Them on Ice Floes.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. News has been
received by Admiral Melville that Captain
Francis Tuttle, the commanding officer of
the revenue cutter Bear, placed IS of the
Melville-Bryan drift casks on several of
the largest ice floes to the northward and
westward of Point Barrow. The first
landing -was effected August 19, in lati
tude 72:10 north and longitude 165 -west.
Five casks were placed on this floe. As
the southerly winds had driven the loose
Ice against the main pack, the placing of
tho casks on the main floe was a hazard
ous undertaking. Captain Tuttle then
steamed along the edge of the pack in a
northwesterly direction, and, reaching a
solid floe in latitude 75:50 north and longi
ture 171:33 -west, placed' five casks on that
floe, and later placed five more casks on a
floe in latitude 72:18 north and longitude
185:10 west. About this point the ice
trended to the southward and eastward,
making it extremely hazardous for- Cap
tain Tuttle to continue his work. Admiral
Melville is greatly pleased with the char
acter of the -work done, and says be
thinks Captain Tuttle worthy of .a medal
of honor from the Treasury Department,
if not from Congress.
First Witness for the Admiral
Testified Yesterday.
Advantage Taken of the Presence on
the Stand of a Watch Officer of
the Brooklyn Vixen's Com
mander Testified.
October 8 the Limit for Ransoming
Miss Stone.
gands who carried off Miss Helen H.
Stone, the American missionary, and her
companion, .Mme. Tsika, a Bulgarian
lady have fixed October 8 as the limit
of time for the payment of the ransom,
$110,000, demanded for Miss Stone's re
lease. The hiding place of the brigands
has not yet .been discovered, and the de
lay accorded "by the abductors is taken
to indicate that they consider their re
treat quite secure.
Jolinrm Most Discharged.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Johann Most, who
was arrested September 22 at Corona, L.
I., on the charge of violating the sec
tion of the penal code relating to unlaw
ful assemblages, "was discharged from
custody today.
Identity, of the Brigand.
NEW YORK, ,Oct 2. The report from
Sofia mentioned by the Vienna corres
pondent of the Telegraph throws a new
light on the abduction of Miss Stone, says
the London correspondent of the Tribune.
There is every reason to believe that
the chief of the. band which carried the
woman off to the. mountains was Bous
Sarafou, the ex-President of the 'Mace
donfan Committee at Sofia.
Miss Stone has sent two letters to the
mission at Saraakori, wherein' she begs
that the robbers- may not be, pursued.
When they find hunted they
drag ner from' place to place, and as a
consequence she is so fatigued as to be
unable to walk any longer. ' ,
Liberal Victory In Nova Scotia.
HALIFAX, N. S., Oct 2. The Nova
Scotia, provincial elections today resulted
in the Liberals carrying every county,
except Cumberland.
WASHINGTON, Oct 2. An interesting
turn was given to the Schley court of
inquiry today by the introduction, of the
first witness in Admiral Schley's behalf.
This was Lieutenant James G. Doyle, who
was a watch officer on board the flagship'
Brooklyn during the war witn spam. xne
fact that Lieutenant Doyle was put on
the stand does not mean that the Navy
Department has concluded the presenta
tion of its side of the case. Mr. Doyle
was called by the department, but as it
also had been the purpose of Admiral
Schley to summon him, advantage was
taken of his presence on the stand to
question him as an original witness for
"the applicant." He was under examin
ation by Mr. Raynor In the Interest of the
Admiral when the court adjourned for the
day. Before undergoing examination at
Mr. Raynor's hands, Lieutenant Doyle, at
Captain Lemly's request, explained hls
part in the battle of July 3, and his orig
inal entry in the ship's log concerning the
famous loop and his alteration of that
entry when he subsequently discovered
that his first entry had been erroneous.
Lieutenant-Commander Sharp, who
commanded the Vixen, during the Span
ish War. also gave his testimony during
the day, giving especial attention to the
notes of" the battle of July 3 made by
Lieutenant Harlow, of his ship. Admiral
Evans, Captain SIgsbee and Correspond
ent Dleuaide were all recalled for the
purpose of correcting their testimony, as
given yesterday, and all made additional
statements. Just before the adjournment
for the day, the court announced Its de
cision not to allow any questions concern
ing the blockade of Santiago after July
1, when the Commander-in-Chief, Admir
al Sampson, arrived there.
The Proceedings.
The formalities of the day were begun
with a brief explanation of the - large
chart of the southern coast of Cuba.
This explanation was made by Captain
Lemly, who said that the chart had
been prepared from data collected since
the war with Spain, and was much more
correct than former charts. Captain Par
ker, on behalf of Admiral Schley, said
he "was willing to accept the chart as au
thentic. Admiral Evans appeared for the purpose
of -inaklng corrections iiubls testlBiony of
yesterday. Having made these correc
tions,' Admiral Evans rose and formally
addressing the court, said:
"May It please the court, in connection
with the question asked me yesterday,
unless Admiral Schley objects I will
withdraw it and stop."
Mr. Raynor Could we look at the let
ter? "Certainly," handing It to Mr. Raynor.
"It Is a matter entirely personal to me,
sir. The way the question was put to
me yesterday put me in the position of
having bragged of destroying the whole
identical words were used in a letter pur
porting to come from the Brooklyn, and
published in a Washington newspaper of
July 25, 1898. I immediately went to the
editor of the paper to ascertain the au
thor of such a letter, and he ascertained
that it was a woman who had given, the
Information. At the same time I wrote
to Captain Cook, of the Brooklyn, en
closing the article, and there is his reply.
I should like that letter to go in the'
testimony in connection with the testi
mony, as the words are the identical
words used in this scurrilous letter pub
lished In the newspaper."
Mr. Raynor I-do not object to any ex
planation at all that you may make.
There was nothing wrong In the ques
tion itself.
Admiral Evans The question was put to
me as if I had stated I had "shot the
bow off the Pluton, raked the Theresa,
knocked out the Furors etc." There Is
Captain Cook's letter :denylng that such
a conversation took" place.
Mr, Raynor The point is whether the
conversation was between you and Com
modore' Schley.
Mr. Raynor said he would object to" the
presentation of the letter at this time, but
not when Captain Cook Is on the stand. ,
. Admiral Evans I withdraw it.
Mr. Raynor I am perfectly willing you
shall submit it at the proper time.
After some further colloquy the incident
closed. v-
Mr. Thomas M. Dleuaide, the newspaper
correspondent, made an unimportant cor
rection of his testimony of yesterday.
Yeoman Becker was then recalled and
was excused after brief questioning con
cerning the dispatches prepared by him
at Key West for Admiral Sampson for
Commodore Schley.
Commander of the Vixen.
Lieutenant-Commander Alexander M.
, Sharp, who commanded the converted
yacht vixen during tne spanisn war, was
the first new witness of the day. He tes
tified that he had first fallen in with the
flying squadron the morning of May 24
off Cienfuegos. He said that the weather
on the cruise from Cienfuegos to Santiago
had been "squally," but not sufficiently
bad to interfere with the speed of the
Vixen. The vessel had not, he said, been
In urgent need of cbal May 26.
"If I had been," he said, "and received
orders to coal, I should have tried to do so,
though It would have been an uncomfort
able job .because the Vixen was a very,
small ship."
Commander Sharp said that notwith
standing he had been on board the Brook
lyn several times, Commodore Schley had
never discussed with him the retrograde
movement toward Key West begun May
Describing the service of the Vixen dur
ing the siege of Santiago under Commo
dore Schley, Commander Sharp said that
he had been on packet duty at the east
ern end of the line on May 29 and had con
tinued this duty afterward.. He was about
two or three miles from the mouth of,
the harbor.
Mr. Hanna Could you have seen a ves
sel undertaking to pass out near the shore
under those conditions?
"If she had shown no lights and made
no noise, I do not believe we could."
Commander Sharp said that the Vixen
had carried Commodore Schley from the
Brooklyn tp the Massachusetts May 31
before the beginning of the bombardment
of the Cristobal Colon, and that when he
had asked what course he should pursue
In the approaching action, Lieutenant
Sears had replied for the Commodore that
the latter had directed that Commander
Sharp Keep his craft clear, j as she was
vulnerable and should not assume any
Mr. Hanna Passing on to the battle
of July 3, did you see any portion of the
loop made by the Brooklyn?
"When I first saw the Brooklyn I think
she was headed about south and swinging
very-rapidly under her port helm."
"Did you at any time have any conver
sation with any person in the presence of
Commodore Schley with respect to the di
rection in which the Brooklyn turned on
that occasion?"
"Yes, sir."
"State the circumstances of that con
versation." "I took on board the Brooklyn a copy
of the notes taken by Lieutenant Harlow,
executive officer of the Vixen, during the
engagement, and showed them to the
Commodore. Captain Cook was there, I
think, at one time. The navigator of the
Brooklyn, Lieutenant Hodgson, came In
also. I think Commander Eaton and Cap
tain Barker were In at one time. I was
talking to the Commodor6 about those
notes, and at one part of the conversa
tion, on the way. the helm of the Brook
lyn had been put to form the so-called
loop I stated that the helm was put
to port. Lieutenant Hodgson spoke up
and said: 'No, you are mistaken; helm
was put to starboard.' I said, 'No, no,
you put your helm to port.' "
"Was it conceded finally," asked Cap-
Triennial Convention of the
Episcopal Church.
Oregon Has the Honor of Having the
Senior Attending Bishop Strik
ing Feature o the Ceremonies
Was March of Dignitaries.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 2. The tri
ennial convention of the Episcopal Church
of America was formally organized today
by the election of Bishop Dudley, of Ken
tucky, as president, and Rev. S. Hart, of
service was protracted until quite a late
hour, no one left the church until it was
concluded, and then with only expres
sions of commendation.
During the noon recess the drawing for
seats in the hall took place. The result
caused some dissatisfaction, as some
prominent delegates were thrown Into
obscure positions, New York and Penn
sylvania especially obtaining poor posi
tions. This, however, was remedied later.
Afternoon Session.
It was nearly 4 o'clock this afternoon
when Rev. Dr. Hutchings, secretary of
the last house, brought the convention
to order, and called the roll. As was ex
pected, the results showed a large at
tendance of both clergy and laity, though
many new names were heard; still, there
were such old members to answer to their
names as Dr. Huntington, Dr. John Ful
ton, Dr. Hodges, Dr. Grear, Dr. Fair,
Dr. Bralnard, Dr. Flsk, Dr. McKim, Dr.
Mackay-Smlth, Dr. Cameron Mann, Major
Hooper, E. L. Davis, R. T. Paine, S. H.
Morehouse, Hon. J. M. Woolworth, Cort
land Parker, J. Plerpont Morgan, W. B.
Cutting, George C. Thomas, John H. Stl
ness and Judge L. B. Prince. The secre
tary announced that a majority of dio
ceses were represented and that the first
order of business would be the organiza
tion of the house.
Rev. Dr. Greer, of New York, arose,
c -----
Prominent Figures at tKe Episcopalian Conference.
San Francisco Teamsters
and Longshoremen Win.
Bishop Henry O. Potter, of New
Bishop B. Wistar Morris, of Portland.
J. Plerpont Morgan,
Q--- -fr--o ----------- --- 0
tain Lemly, "that the helm had been
put to port to make' the turn?"
"I am not positive," was the reply, "but
it is my impression that it was."
"Were there any instructions, at that
time to the navigator in regard to the
-entries in the log?"
"Not that I .remember."
"Did you see the Texas during the bat
tleoff Santiago?" .asked Mr. Hanna.
Position 'of the Texas.
"I saw the Texas about the first time
I saw the Brooklyn," responded the wit
ness. "She was southward to westward
of the Brooklyn. The Texas was then
apparently lying dead in the water. I
remarked to some officers standing near:
'The ship will never start, and those fel
lows will get away.' The Brooklyn was
then swinging around toward the Spanish
"How near was he to the Texas?"
"I could, not give an estimate of the
On ( cross-examination Commander Sharp
was 'questioned In great detail by Cap
tain Parker in regard to the en tries, in
.the log of the Brooklyn for the period'
covering the Cuban' campaign. He re
ferred to the entries concerning the Vix
en's firing upon a locomotive engine on
shore near Santiago, taking It for a gun
boat. He elicited from the witness the
-statement that at the time .the Vixen
musf have been very near the shore.
Captain Parker then questioned Com
mander Sharp concerning the notes made"
of the battle of July 3 by Lieutenant
Harlow, on board the Vixen. This, report
has occasioned no little controversy,! if
being claimed by. some of Admiral Schley's
friends that after a copy of the notes
was delivered to the Admiral (then Com
modore) by Commander Sharp they were
changed somewhat. The witness said that
he had taken a carbon copy to the Com
modore after the battle
Mlddletown, Conn., secretary of the house
of bishops; Dr. John S. Lindsay, of Massa
chusetts, as chairman, and Rev. Charles
Hutglilngs, secretary of the House of
Deputies., No other business of Import
ance was" transacted during the first busl-'
ness session of the convention, which did
not assemble until late in the afternoon.
The Initial service's in connection with
the convention were held this morning
at Trinity " Church, where the delegates
will hold all of their sessions. Trinity
is one of the finest religious edifices on
the Pacific Coast, though a number of
complaints have been made in regard to
its acoustics. The most striking feat
ure of the ceremonies, and one that will
long be remembered by all who witnessed
it, was the solemn procession of bishops
attired in their gorgeous raiments. The
morning was cloudy, and a downpour of
rain at the time first fixed for the ser
vice led to the report that this Impressive
outdoor feature would be omitted. The
clouds lifted, however, shortly before 11
o'clock, and the original programme was
carried "out. 'Thousands 'of people crowd
ed the adjacent streets, and, although
the sidewalk surrounding the church
-was .inclosed with wire rope, the ser
vices' of a squad of police were required
to prevent any'encroachment on, the route
of" the procession. About 75 bishops par
ticipated, and In their robes of office
made an Imposing spectacle. After the
prelates had - entered the sacred edifice
the laity followed, and In a few mom
ents there was scarcely standing room
to be found, although extra galleries had
been erected for the occasion.
' TW services, marking the religious con
secration of the convention, were simple
but 'Imposing. The holy communion was
served, Bishop Tuttle, of Missouri, being
the celebrant.
Bishop Morris' Sermon.
The Epistle was read by Bishop Doane,
of Albany, N. Y., and the Gospel by Lord
Governor Gage Acted as Intermedin
ary in Bringing Ahont the Settle
ment of the Controversy, Which,
Has Been on for Ten Weeks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. The team
sters and longshoremen's strike, which
has been on for the past 10 weeks, was
settled this afternoon. While ttie terms
of the settlement have not been made
public, it is understood that the Dray
men's Association has guaranteed to fill
all vacancies with union men. Nonunion,
men now employed are to be retained.
The association also guarantees the union
men that the present schedule of wages,
hours and overtime is to be maintained
for one year. It Is also said to be stipu
lated that teamsters are to obey all or
ders relating to the disposition of freight.
The Draymen's Association alleges that
the question of the recognition of union
ism, is provided for In the settlement
and that It has won every point con
tended for.
The stipulation that present wagc3 will
be maintained for a year Is considered a.
concession to the strikers. Governor
Gage acted as an Intermediary in bring
ing about a settlement of the contro
versy. When the news was made public
this afternoon a wave of relief swept
over the city, t is expected that a largo
number of men will return to work to
morrow. The machinists strike, which has been
on since last May, is not included In tho
"Do these notes state the truth of the Bishop of Newcastle. The sermon was
-ii ... ! oflro1 fantaln , .. , . -r.-i ttti.i.- -r
battle as you saw it?" asked (japtain
Parker, and the witness replied:
"These are Lieutenant Harlow's notes.
He took them, and I am not prepared to
say yes or no, whether they are abso
lutely correct in every particular or not."
"Haven't you read them over several
"I have."
delivered by Bishop Wistar Morris, of
Portland, .Or., the senior attending
The sermon was a strong missionary
plea from the text: "Launch out Into the
deeD and let down your nets for a
j draught," and Joshua's words to the chll
I dren of Israel, "How long are ye slack- to
' go to possess the land?
".Now. are you not prepared to say to THahnn Morris declared that the mission
the best of your knowledge and belief, of tne church of Jesus Christ is to all
they contain a true statement of what nations, ranks and conditions. "She is to
Lieutenant Harlow saw?" launch out and cast her nets Into the
"I cannot tell what Lieutenant Harlow j jeepS 0f ignorance, poverty, unthrlft, sor
saw." . row, shame and crushing grief, the deeps
"You do not know whether the notes of avarjce( too, as well as besotted world
are true or not, from having read them uness ana stupid Indifference," the bishop
over several times, and from your own
knowledge of the battle?"
"In the main essentials I should say
Nthat they are true, but there may be mis
takes, and probably are mistakes, In
"Did you furnish a copy of these par
ticular notes to any one else, any other
officer in that squadron?"
"Not that I remember. There were sev
eral copies printed, but what became of
all of them I do not know."
"Did you take a copy or send a copy
to any other commanding officer or staff
officer of that fleet, except Commodore
"Not that I remember."
"Will you say that you did not?"
"No, sir; I will not say that I did not.
To the best of my knowledge and belief
I did not, of these Identical notes."
Developed Shore Batteries.
Commander Sharp said in response to
questions by Mr. Raynor that one of the
results of the bombardment of the Colon
had been to develop the Spanish shore
Mr. Raynor then asked: "Do you recol
lect a conversation with Commodore
Schley after the Colon recognizance, in
the presence of Lieutenant Harlow, in
said. "It Is for the furtherance of this
work by the use of the best means that
the members of the convention are gath.
ered here In this, to the most of them,
far-off part of the country. As a resi
dent of the Pacific Coast for 30 years, I
feel that I can speak as one who knows
Its needs and Its promises and Is aware",
of the slackness of the church In coming
out to possess this good land."
The bishop quoted from a speech lately
delivered by President Roosevelt at Den
ver, In which the then Vice-President
showed how slow the statesmen of tho
earlier days of our country's history were
to realize that the great West was to be
come an Inhabited and civilized land with
in any reasonable period. This ignorance
was reflected in the church. Opportuni
ties were neglected because of it, and tho
consequent loss to the church is Irrepar
able. Speaking of the suggestion from some
quarter that the missionary organization
needs reconstructing, the bishop placed
himself on record as an unbeliever In the
necessity of radical reorganization. He
said he dlcr not believe the church ever
had a more efficient missionary adminis
tration than at present.
"It Is the old story," he added, "of
and, after expressing the general regret
of everyone that Dr. Morgan Dlx was
not present and could not be unanimous
ly re-elected, as he certainly would be,
placed the Rev. William Huntington, of
New-York, In nomination. Dr. Hodges,
qf Maryland, nominated the Rev. John
sr Lindsay, of, Massachusetts, and was
seconded by I"h- Fulton. Other nomina
tions werer Dr: Cameron Mann, Dr. Dav
enport and Dr. Reese F. Alsop. In a
neat speech, Dr. Huntington declined the
nomlnatioii, and then several delegations
announced that they would support Dr.
Lindsay, whose election followed by a de
cisive majority. During the balloting
the deputies renewed old acquaintances
and discussed matters to come before
the eonvention. At 10 minutes to five
the "tellers announced the result of the
ballot as follows:
The whole number of votes cast was
350. Rev. Dr. Lindsay had 234 votes; Dr.
Mann, 55; Dr. Davenport, 33, and Dr. Al
sop, 23.
The secretary, therefore, declared that
Dr. Lindsay had been elected president
of the House of Deputies. On being escort
ed to the chair, Dr. Lindsay expressed
his high appreciation of the honor con
ferred upon him. and of the responsibil
ities of the position, especially when it
is remembered that it Is to succeed a
man of such rare qualities as Dr. Mor
gan Dlx a man of such dignity, such
graclousness, such delicate sense of hu
mor, such absolute fairness. He spoke
of the significance of this being the first
convention on the Pacific Coast and urged
that It make the most of the time of its
session In devising schemes and passing
laws for the furtherance of the church
in our country. Dr. Lindsay's words made
a distinctly good impression.
The Rev. Dr. Hutchings was unan
mously re-elected secretary of the house.
On motion of Dr. Fulton, the committee
on rules was Instructed to report as soon
as possible the matters of chief Import
ance that are to come before the house,
and such order of precedents as It might
suggest for consideration. This was sub
stituted for a resolution submitted -by
Dr. Huntington, which would have made
a report on the new constitution the first
order of business for tomorrow.
The Honse of Bishops.
In the House of Bishops, Bishop Dud
ley, of Kentucky, was elected chairman,
and Dr. Samuel Hart, secretary. Bishop
Tuttle presented the Right Rev. Dr.
Jacob, Lord Bishop of Newcastle, who
responded In his own behalf and also
presented a greeting from tho Archbishop
of Canterbury.
The House of Bishops passed a resolu
tion suggesting a joint committee to pre
pare an order of business for this ses
sion, with a view of getting the most
Important matters promptly and sys
tematically before the convention In both
houses and preventing their working at
cross purposes
A memorial is to be presented to the
convention from the missionary jurisdic
tion of Olympia, Western Washington,
praying for the election of another mis
sionary bishop rather than the adoption
of any plan for reuniting the jurisdiction
with that of Spokane, Eastern Washing
ton. Bishop Nlles, of New Hampshire, re
ported as not likely to come on account
of his age, has arrived.
Schedule of Wages and Hours Shall
Be in Force for a Year.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 2. The Call will
say tomorrow:
The terms of the strike settlement are
substantially as follows: The Draymen's
Association, through Its executive commit
tee, guarantees that the wages, hours and
overtime schedule in force before the in
ception of the strike shall not be disturbed
within a year; it agrees that former em
ployes shall be reinstated so far as pos
sible, but does not promise the discharge
of efficient nonunion men, and It agrees
that there shall be no discrimination
against? union men. The City Front Feder
ation and the Brotherhood of Teamsters
agree that the teamsters' strike and the
sympathetic geireral ' strike shall be de
clared off, and' the men left free to return
to work. Employes are to Ahey arders
given by the employer In tne 'regular
course of business.
Strike at Port Costa Will C T.tinac.
PORT COSTA. -Cal., Oct 2. PreaAlent
Luce, of tho Warehousemen's Union, ar
rived here today and notified the men to.
night that the strike was called off. and
that they could return to work. The em
ployers say they will take the men back,
paying them SO cents per hour for 10
hours work. The men will not agree to
this proposition. Under these conditions,
the stevedores will not be allowed to work
through sympathy with the warehouse
men. The settlement of the strike in San
Francisco will not change t'he situation
here, unless the employers agree to pay
30 cents per hour for nine hours work and
40 cents per hour overtime.
A New Brigadier-General.
WASHINGTON, Oct 2. The President
today appointed Colonel William H. Bls
bee a Brigadier-General of the regular
Army. He was recommended highly by
Major-Generals Wheaton and MacArthur
for his recent service in the Philippines.
which the Commodore remarked that his , seeking some one else on whom to lay
purpose had been to develop the strength
M those batteries?"
"I really do not remember," -was the
response. "I wish I could."
In response to a question from Mr.
Raynor, Commander Sharp said that the
position of the Vixen during the blockade
was not correctly given by the official
chart He was nearer the shore than
there shown.
On re-direct examination Captain Lemly
brought out the fact as to the change in
the Harlow notes.
(Concluded on Second Page.)
the blame Instead of taking it home to
ourselves. If all the clergy, bishops and
laity had done as well as a few have
done there would have been no occasion
for this cry for the reconstruction of our
missionary system."
The offertory, was read by Bishop Nich
ols, of California, the collection being for
general missions.
The music was rendered by the vested
choir of the parish, assisted by a large
chorus, and was exceptionally fine. The
service was Saint Saens' Communion In
B flat, the Introlt being Gounod's "Unfold,
Ye Portals Everlasting." Although the
Proposed Measure DIscnsscd
Hanna, Frye and Iiittlclleld.
BOSTON, Oct. 2. The Globe will say
tomorrow that an Important conference,
participated in by Senator Hanna, Sena
tor Frye and Congressman Littlelleld, of
Maine, was held here today at which the
features of a new ship subsidy bill, to
be presented to Congress In December,
were discussed. It Is stated that the
proposed bill will meet the objections
raised to the one presented at the last
session of Congress.
The Tammany Ticket.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The city commit
tee of Tammany Hall tonight decided on
Edward M. Shepard, of Brooklyn, as
Democratic candidate for Mayor of New
York. William W. Ladd, Jr., was select
ed for Controller, and George W. Van
Hoezen for president of the Board of
Schley Court of Inanity.
Testimony In behalf of Admiral Scliley wad
introduced Paso 1.
The commander of the Vlxon described tha
battle of Santiago. Pago 1.
No questions concerning Sampson's blocknda
will be allowed. Pacu 1.
Federal Government.
General Corbln explained hla connection with1
Hawkea and HeUtand. Page 2.
Summary of returns relating, to National, bank
reorganization. Pago 2.
The Industrial Commission issued a rert on
labor legislation at home- and abroad.
Page 2.
Secretary Hay may reaign. Pago 2
Harrowing details of the slaughter .of Ameri
cans In Samar. Pago 2.
The President of Balangiga led the assault In
person. Page 2.
A heavy force is being sent to punbb. the
rebels. Page 2.
Boer War.
Boers attacked Kekewlch's oamp near Pre
toria, and were repulsed, withi loss am both
K sides. Pase 5.
In attacks on two British forts, 250 Beees were
killed, rage 5.
Martial law may be declared at Cage ports.
Page 3.
Portland lost to Spokane 11 to 7. Pag 3.
Tacoma defeated Seattle 8 to a. Pag X
A strong wind Is promised for th yacht raco
today. Page 3.
Yacht races will be held on consecutive days.
Page 3.
Teamsters" and longshoremen's strike at San
Francisco has been settled. Page 1.
Bishop Morris, of Oregon, delivered the ser
mon on the opening of tho General Episco
pal Convention at San Francisco. Page 1.
Governor Geer will stump Ohio for the Repub
licans. Pase 4.
Umatilla County farmers evince great Interest
In tho market fair to be held at P&wlletoa
Monday. Page 4.
Steamship Queen makes a record run from
Nome. Page 5.
Several grain ships nearly ready tor sea.
Page 3.
Steamship IndravelU en route from the Orient
Pago 3.
Portland and Vicinity.
Frederick "W. Mulkey resigns as Counellman
from the Fifth Ward. Page 8.
Franchise granted for railroad track In North
Front street. Page S.
Miss Crookham loses a suit against Richard
"Williams. Page 12.
Horse show draws the largest crowd of the
season at Multnomah fleld. Page 3.
Viewers recommend that "White House road
when widened be called "Rlverdale boule
vard." Pase T.