Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 11, 1901, Image 1

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    sw.33 t-.iep.apa
Portland, - , Oegod
VOL. XLI. 2s0. 12,714.
j r-. .J
I ROTHCHILD BROS., Distributers, Portland, Oregon
Take elevator to BI fi 1113 ISCf
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4x5 Ce&itury Grand Camera
The Most Perfect Plate Camera Ever Made
Free Lectures on Practical Picture Making Every Monday
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I. Samuel. Manager. 305 Oregonlan Build lng. Portland. Or.
European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
Is applied to over one million buildings throughout
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It is no experiment. Investigate. For information address
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Special rates mndc to families and slnsle gentlemen. The manar.
tnent trill he- nlcaaed at nil times to ihow rooms and. dve prices. A mod
ern TnAUh bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manaecr.
"We can sell you a long-focus, reversible
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4x5...$11 5x7.,.$15J
Tou have been paying double these prices.
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Foot of 14th Street, PORTLAND, OR.
The Best Constructed
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For Convenience and Econ
omythe SUPERIOR"
Stoves and Ranges
43.00 PER DAY
'and upward.
President-McKinley Will Re
cover, Say His Physicians.
Possibility of Complications Is Now
Very Remote Able to Take Food
in Usual Manner His Friends
Leave Buffalo.
BUFFALO, Sept 10. The corps of emi
nent surgeons and physicians in attend
ance upon the wounded Pres-dent today
committed themselves without reservation
to the opinion that their patient is out
of danger, and that only the possibility
of complications threatens his life. They
did not give assurance of his recovery
collectively over their signatures in an
oiticlal bulletin, but they went a long
way toward it Individually during the
Each of them, with the exception of
Dr. Rixey, who did not leave the Mllburn
residence, placed himself squarely on rec
ord, not privately to the friends of the
President, but publicly through the agency
of the press, that the 'danger point had
passed and that the President would sur
vive. "Of course, we will feel easier when a
week has passed," said Dr. McBurney,
the dean of the corps. "We would like
to see every door locked and double
locked, but the danger from possible com
plications is now very remote."
The little piece of lead in the muscles
of the back is giving the physicians no
concern whatever. Unless it should prove
troublesome to the President later on, he
v.ill probably carry this grim souvenir
of the anarchist with him to the end of
his days. The doctors say that, once
encysted. It can do no harm. The X-ray
machine is ready for instant use, how
ever, and If there is the slightest In
flammation or pain in the vicinity of the
bullet, an operation will be performed.
President's Friends Leave for Home,
Tho Vice-President, members of the
Cabinet, Senator Hanna and other dis
tinguished friends of the President, who
have remained to await the issue, ac
cepted the verdict of the physicians today
as practically conclusive and there was
an exodus of those who considered their
presence no longer necessary.
- Vice-President Roosevelt left, Ihis even
ing lor his home at Oyster Bay. Senator
Hanna returned to Cleveland on business,
to be gone two days, and Controller
Dawes went back to Washington tonight.
Abner McKinley, the President's brother,'
will remain a few days longer, but his
family have returned home, and Mrs.
Duncan and several other relatives of the
President have gone. Judge Day, long
and closely associated with the President,
returned to Canton this afternoon. The
live members of the Cabinet still here
will remain a few days, rather as friends
who have been intimately associated with
the President for years, than as officials.
The President's physicians have been
impressed with his remarkable recupera
tive powers and the rapidity of his Im
provement. Ordinarily an incision for
such an operation as was made upon the
Chief Executive should heal within three
weeks, but in the President's case he
may be strong enough to be moved a lit
tle sooner. The President will be taken
direct to Washington as soon as It Is sate
to move him.
"Within the sickroom many evidences of
the President's improvement were appar
ent. The President himself began to show
confidence in his ability to care for him
self, and from time to time he would care
fully turn himself to get a more restful
position. Yesterday he took the precau
tion to ask if he might be permitted to
move, but today he changed his position
on his own volition without difficulty.
The nurses naturally observed with care
these evidences of growing strength and
courage, and were ready to see that there
was no undue tax on the President's
strength or the straining of the wound.
These slight movements from side to
side were all that he has attempted thus
far, and It is too early yet to think of.
his sitting up in bed, or of any other
marked use of his muscles.
Again Able to Take Food.
A most Important development of the
day was the private determination,
reached among those In charge of the case
that food should be administered to the
patient by mouth. Not since the shooting
had a morsel of food been given to the
President by natural means, but the
drain on his system has been met by dis
solved foods administered by injection.
The importance of this feeding by mouth
is that it will restore the normal action w
the stomach.
Although the house was fairly embow
ered with flowers today, none of tne
sweet-scented blossoms were taken to
the President's chamber. The most rigid
system of simplicity prevails there and
sentiment 19 not allowed to qualify the
stern requirements of the case.
The only person admitted to the sick
room today, other than the doctors and
attendants, were Mrs. McKinley and Sec
retary Cortelyou. Although the Presldenv
has been pronounced out of danger, no
member of the Cabinet has been within
the sickroom, nor has the Vice-President,
or those closest to the confidence of the
President, such as Senator Hanna and
Judge Day, seen the President.
The dramatic phase of the situation
here is rapidly disappearing. Plans over
thrown by the assassin's bullet are be
ing restored and matters are rapidly as
suming normal conditions. Indiana day
at the exposition, set for Friday of this
week, was Indefinitely postponed when the
President was shot, but the original pro
gramme was restored today, at the sug
gestion of Senator Fairbanks, who says
such a course would not have been
thought of had there been any doubt of
the President's recovery. The exposition
has suffered severely In attendance since
the tragedy, and the members are now
organizing for a great thanksgiving cele
bration, which, they expect not only to ,
prove a great card for the fair, but which
they hope will be made a day of national
A Sllsht Scare.
Late tonight there was a slight scare
at the Mllburn residence, caused by the
protracted visit of the consulting physic
ians, who remained almost two hours,
and this was increased by the announce
ment in the official bulletin, issued just
before midnight, that a slight irritation
of the v.'ound, discovered only tonight,
had necessitated the oRenlng of a few
stitches of the wound.
As stated in the bulletin, which -all
the doctors signed, this irritation, was
attributed to the fact that a small por
tion of the President's coat had been car
ried into the body lHne bullet, and al
though this foreign f&bstance was re
moved, a slight dlstut-bafice developed
which made it necessary to open the
wound. The doctors seek" to allay all ap
prehension by the positive statement that
this Incident cannot give rise to other
complications, and their frankness In giv
ing the news to the public leaves no rea
son, to question their good faith.
The further fact communicated in the
bulletin that the President is now well
enough to begin taking nourishment in
the mouth In the form of pure beef juice,
was of course, gratifying, but to the lay
men the mere mentioned a complication,
however slight it may b, naturally caused
alarm. But the 'most positive assurances
weie given that the "only effect might
be to delay slightly the healing of the
wound. It was not inany way the re
sult or even, a 'suggestion, of bloodpolson
ing. The physicians. "clared over their
oun signatures that 'ffifcould not result in
The opening of the "wound was in no
sense an operation. Several of the stitches
were simply taken out, and after a thor
ough washing of the tissue, the wound
was again sewed up. Considerable delay
was caused by the fact that a certain
dressing, desired b"y the surgeons, was
not In the house," and it was necessary
to send into the city ,for It. The first
time the messenger returned he did not
have what was wanted, and ho had to
make another trip.
After the bulletin was issued, Secretary
Corte.Iyou and Mr. Mllburn came to the
press tent to dispel any alarm that might
have arisen with positive assurance of
the unimportance of the incident. Secre
tary Cortelyou announced that there would
not be another consultation until morn
ing. After this all was quiet at the Mil
hurn house. Dr. Rixey and Dr. Wasdin
remaining en duty throughout the night.
Condition of Their Patient Through
out the Day.
. BUFFALO, Sept, 10. The following bul
letin was issued by the President's physi
cians at 7 A. JVI.:
"The President has passed the most
comfortable jugbAnca .thattempt op
his life. Pulse, jS3; temporature, J0(U;
respiration. 28.
, "P. M. RIXEY,
"Secretary to the President."
The following bulletin was issued at 9
A. M.:
"T4ie President's condition this morning
is eminently satisfactory to his physi
cians. If no complications arise, a rapid
convalescence may be expected. Pulse,
104: temperature, 99.8; respiration, 26. This
temperature is taken by mouth, and
should be read about one desree higher
by rectum.
"M. D. MANN,
"Secretary to the President."
The following bulletin was Issued at 3:30
P. M.:
"There Is no change since this morning's
favorable bulletin. Pulse, 110; tempera
ture, 100; respiration, 28.
"M. D. MANN,
"Secretary to the President."
The following bulletin was issued at
10:30 P. M.:
"The condition of the President is un
changed in all important particulars.
Temperature, 100 G; pulse, 114; respiration,
"When the operation was done on Fri
day last, it was noted that the bullet had
carried with It a short distance beneath
the skin a fragment of the President's
coat. This foreign materinl was, of course,
removed, but a slight Irritation of the
tissues was produced, the effect of which
has appeared only tonight. It has been
necessary, on account of this slight dis
turbance, to remove a few stitches and
partly open the skin wound. This Incident
cannot give rise to other complications,
but It is communicated to the public, as
the surgeons in attendance wish to make
their bulletins frank. In consequence of
this separation of the edges of the surface
wound, the healing of the same will be
somewhat delayed. The President Is well
enough now to begin to take nourish
ment by the mouth in the form of ex
tract of beef.
"M. D. MANN,
"Secretary to the President."
Nothing but Encouraging Xc-ns
From the Sickroom.
BUFFALO, Sept. 10. Between 2 A. M.
and 6:30 A. M. there was not a sign of
life about the Mllburn mansion, -except
that at 3:15 Dr. Parke, who had been one
of the n'ght watchers, left the house to
go tx) his room. At 6 o'clock a gentle
rain began falling, making It unpleasant
for the newspaper men and the guards.
At 6 o'clock, tho hour at which tho first
bulletin had been issued other mornings,
there was no sign of life about the house,
except the slowly moving guards parad
ing the walks, and it was understood that
Secretary Corteljou had left word that
he was not to be disturbed until 7 o'clock,
another slight indication that the patient
was doing well. It was a moment or so
after 7 o'clock when the first bulletin was
Issued, although the bulletin itself was
dated at 5:20 o'clock. It was signed by
Dr. Parke and Dr. Rixey, who had di
vided tho night watch, and its tone of
hopefulness was the most decided of any
given out since the President was shot.
There was a confident ring about the
phrase. "The Pres'dent has passed the
most comfortable night since the attack
on his life." that sent those who read it
on their way rejoicing In the firm convic-
(Concluded on Second Pase.)
Arrest of Emma Goldman,
the Anarchist Leader.
Feels Sorry for Crolgoir, But Is In
different to the State of the Presi
dent Says She "Was About to
Give Herself Up.
CHICAGO, Sept. 10. Emma Goldman,
the anarchist leader, under whose red
banner Leon Czolgosz claims he stands,
whose words he claims fired his heart and
his brain to attempt the assassination
' - '' -I
Iir sal h, A IL ' K
dS5- u. i -t.
&-? the" 'President,, -was, arrested here.
rshortly before noon todey.
She disclaimed all but the sllgntest ac
quaintance with the President's assail
ant; she denied absolutely that she, or
any anarchist she knew, was implicated
in any plot to kill the President. She
said she believed Czolgosz acted entirely
on his own responsibility, and that he
never claimed to have been Inspired by
her, as he Is quoted as afilrmlng. The
President, she averred with a yawn, was
an insignificant being to her, a mere
human atom whose life or death were
matters of supreme indifference to rc
or to any anarchist. Czolgosz's act was
foolish. Yet, she declared, it probably
had Its Inspiration in the misery which
the Pole had seen about him. Violence,
she said, was not a tenet In the faith of
the anarchist and she had not advocated
It In Cleveland, where Czolgosz said he
heard her, nor elsewhere.
Miss Goldman arrived here Sunday
morning from St. Louis. Her Immunity
from arrest while In the Missouri me
tropolis and up to today, in Chicago, af
forded her much amusement. She told
In sentences, punctuated with laughter,
of her capture today.
In her conversation with reporters,
and she talked with them at length twice
during the day, the excitement she was
laboring under was suppressed and only
once did she break down completely.
That was when Captain Schuetler led
her from the office of Chief of Police
O'Neill to the cab which was waiting
to convey her to the woman's annex to
the Harrlson-Strtet Police Station. For
a moment bhe became a woman, pure
and simple, and cried. In a moment,
however, this exhibition of distress was
over and when she put her foot on the
step to mount Into the carriage she was
again Emma Goldman, the "High Priest
ess of Anarchy,' as she has been styled
by her followers.
She said her purpose in coming here
had been to assist the anarchists who
were arrested here several days ago. She
had intended to give herself up to the
police, but delayed it for one reason and
another until the police she had derided
so much had taken the matter into their
own hands. She was held on a warrant
sworn out by Captain Colleran charging
her with conspiracy to murder the Presi
dent. May Have a Hearing Today.
She will be taken before a magistrate
tomorrow. It is expected that the city
will ask for a continuance of the case
pending advices from Buffalo. "I shall
insist upon an immediate hearing," she
said, In speaking of the probability of a
postponment being asked for by the Clty
Prosecutor. f "They want me to go to
New York without requisition papers, but t
'I will not go; I know the ropes and I'll j
make them fight every step. And I am I
not afraid to go at that."
Her manner was defiant as she was
taken to the office of the Chief of Police,
but she disclaimed all knowledge of Czol
gosz and his crime save that she admitted
having met him here July 12.
"Do you know that your words are
what Czolgosz says stirred him to shoot
the President?" she was asked.
"I do not; I never advocated violence.
I scarcelS"- knew the man. I was leaving
Rochester via Buffalo when Czolgosz had
a few words with me. He said he had
heard me lecture at some memorial hall
In Cleveland last May and that he wanted
to know me. He said he knew I was In
Chicago and looked me up. I scarcely re
member anything about him, save that
his complexion was light.
"Then how do you know that this man
is the one who tried to kill the Presi
dent?" "Oh," she replied, with a shrug of the
shoulders, "I guessed that from what the
newspapers say."
"What did you think when you heard
that an attempt to kill the President had
been made?" the woman wtis asked.
With a wave of her hands and another
shrug of the shoulders, she replied dis
dainfully: "I thought, O the fool!"
Discourse on Anarchism.
The prisoner's manner thus far hud
been growing more and more excited, al
though she made an evident effort to con
trol herself. In this she finally succeeded
and launched into a discourse on the
teachings of anarchism. She declared that
anarhlsm does not teach men to do the act
which had made Czolgosz despised and
hated the world over.
"We work against the system, and edu
cation is our watchword," she said. "It
was early last July when I came to Chi
cago to visit the Isaak family," she con
tinued In answer to interrogations con
cerning her whereabouts. "The night of
July 12 Mr. Isaak was out of the house.
The bell rang and I went to the door.
The man who, I learn through the news
papers was Czolgosz, stood there. He
said he wanted to .see me. I was about to
catch, the Nickel-Plate train, as I and
Mr. Isaak's daughter were about to g
to Rochester, He went alone to the Rock
Island Depot, where he met us, but 'I
was so busy taking leave of my friends
that I scarcely nqtlccd him. It was not
a time when one would want to make
new friends. At the depot I had the few
words with him, of which I have told.
That was all there ever was between us.
"I am an anarchist a student of so
ciologybut nothing In anything I ever
eald to Leon Czolgosz knowingly could
have led him to do the act which startled
everybody Friday."
"Not even In your lectures?""" she was
asked. "He says your words set his brain,
on fire."
"Am I accountable because some crack-
bralqd person puts a wrong construction
on my worm.? L.m Czolgosz. I am con
vinced, planned the deed unaided and en
tirely alone. There is no anarchist ring
which would help him. There may be
anarchists who murder, but there are also
men in every walk of life who sometimes
feel the impulse to kill. I don't know
surely, but I think Czolgosz was one of
thoie downtrodden men who see all the
misery which the rich Inflict upon the
poor, who think of It, who brood over It,
and then In despair resolve to strike a
great blow, as they think, for the good
of their fellowmen. But that is not
"Czolgosz" the Russian woman pro
nounced the name with the greatest ease
"Czolgosz may have been Inspired by
me, but If he was he took the wrong
xvdy of showing It."
The police are not entirely satisfied with
Miss Goldman's story. When Captain
Schuetler and Detective Hertz discovered
her at the home of one Norrls, at 303
Sheffield avenue, she denied her Identity.
"Hello. Mies Goldman," said the Cap
tain, as he entered the parlor. "Are you
glad to see me?"
"I'm not Miss Goldman. I'm a Swedish
woman, and my name Is Lena Larson,"
answered the anarchist, endeavoring to
imitate a Swedish dialect.
"All right; I bpeak Swedlth myself,"
eald the police officer, as he poured out a
few questions In the Norse tongue. Miss
Goldman did not answer him, affecting
to misunderstand. Detective Hertz, mean
while, had discovered a penholder with
the name "Emma Goldman" engraved
on it.
"What does this mean?" asked Captain
Schuetler, holding the inscribed pen
holder. "It means that the game is up," she
said. She then admitted her Identity fully
and accompanied the officers.
Her Movements in Chicago.
The woman was hurried to the Police
Chief's office. Her appearance tallied ex
actly with the description sent out by
the Associated Press yesterday. During
the talk which followed Miss Goldman de
tailed as best she could recollect her
movements since last July. She went
trom Chicago to Buffalo, accompanied
by Miss Isaak, the daughter of the al
leged anarchist editor, Abraham Isaak.
under arrest here. In Buffalo they
stopped two dais, and then proceeded to
Rochester, where they stopped at the
home of Miss Goldman's sister, Mrs. H.
Hochsteln, of 213 Joseph street. Here
they visited a little more than five weeks.
The only Incident of It was a short visit
to Niagara Falls and another to New
York on business. In the latter city Miss
Goldman entered temporarily into the
employ of a firm, the name of which sha
would not divulge. Business for them
carried her to Pittsburg. She was in Cin
cinnati Labor day, and that night left
tor St. Louis.
"I saw the police there Sunday all
right," the prisoner said with a sarcastic
little laugh, "but they did not see me. I
heard of the arrest of Mr. Isaak and his
family and other anarchists in Chicago
and determined to come here and see if
I could not help them. Mr. Isaak had
not been in the country long, and I was
afraid he would not know what to do
when In legal difficulties."
"What have you done to help hlmV"
Captain Schuetler asked.
"Well," she answered, slowly, "I have
been looking for men to go on their bonds,
providing the courts would allow U3 to
furnish them."
"Why did you deny your lndentlty?" the
Captain pursued.
In Jail Before.
"Oh, as to that; I was not quite ready
to show myself; my friends were still in
jail and I wanted to do something for
them. However, you've got me, but what
Is there to It? They had me once In New
York, because I quoted Cardinal Man
ning, who said: 'Necessity knows no law,'
but what good did that do them?"
During the interview Walter Nowak,
who says that he Is the Buffalo man who
identified Czolgosz. asked Miss Goldman
If she boarded with a family of the name
of Mendel, while In Cleveland. Miss
Concluded on Third Pace.
First Violence Reported at
Shaffer Holds the Power to Make a
Settlement "With the Steel Trust,
But the Strike Is Still on Mora
Plants Being Opened.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 10. The first vio
lence of the strike at McKeesport, it is
reported, took place tonight whn three
workmen were oet upon by strikers or
strike sympathizers and badly beaten.
Henry Weir, a water-tender at the tube
works, when he came from the mill to
night wa3 warned not to return la th
morning. He started for home followed
by a crowd. He was caught and beaten
so badly that his condition is serious.
Charles Meyers, a labor boss at Demm
ler, was also badly beaten by a crowd
when he returned to McKeesport. aril
John Isenberg, a furnace builder at the
National Rolling Mill, parted with the
greater part of his clothing' before he
could escape from the strikers who en
deavored to prevent him entering tho
mill. The streets tonight are filled with,
men who are loudly protesting: thatt the
mill shall not resume. For the most part
the crowd Is composed of foreigners and
many are thought to be strangers. Al
together It Is the toughest looking mob
McKeesport has seen for many years.
Twenty-five extra policemen have been
sworn In and numerous arrests have been
It Is in Shaffer's Hands.
President Shaffer and his advisors in
the general office of the Amalgamated
Association hold power, by authority of
the general executive board of the or
ganization, to settle the steel strike. Mr.
Shaffer and his advisors apparently al
lowed today to lapse, after this authority
was vested in them, without comlngr to
any settlement.
Monday. It Is said, the executive board
directed President ShRffer, together with
Secretary-Treasurer Williams, Assistant
Secretary Tighe and Ben I. Davis, of the
advisory board, to settle without delay
on the best termt obtainable. Since then
there has been no action developing any
thing to further a settlement, but It 1 1
said that President Shaffer is seeking
to reopen direct negotiations with tho
United States Steel Coropratlon in tho
hope of getting better terms than thoso
submitted to the Amalgamated executive
board as the result of the recent en
deavor of the representatives of the
National Civic Federation, headed by
Samuel Gompers. of the American Fed
eration of Labor. The terms swbmltted
by the National Civic Federation wera
neither accepted nor rejected by the Am
algamated board. Instead, a resolution
was passed directing President Shaffer,
with the aid of his advisors, to secure
the best possible settlement In the least
possible tme. The terms submitted pro
vided simply for a signing of all scales
for all union plants of the Tin Plate,
Sheet Steel and Steel Hoop Company, ex
cept such as had been started since the
strike began.
The executive committee passed Its
resolution by a bare majority. President
Shaffer protested against proceeding with
so narrow a margin, and suggested that
the members of the board remain in tho
city for a possible further conference
Monday At the meeting Monday it li
said the executive board gave the Am
algamated president unanimous support
for the best settlement that he may bo
able to secure and that no conditions
were Imposed. One member of the board
put It this way: "President Shaffer ha3
the means to end the strike. How he is
going to do It I cannot say, but that is
what he has to do."
Not Going to Xcw York.
It was reported this evening that Pres
ident Shaffer would leave town during
(Concluded on Seeoml Page.)
The President's Condition.
The physicians say President JIcKlBlay will re
cover. Page 1.
Food Is belntr administered, to the patient by
natural means. Page I.
A slisht operation was performed laat night.
Pase 1.
Most of the President's friends have left for
their homes. Page 1.
Emma Goldman was arrested in Chicago.
Page 1.
Strikers at McKeesport attacked nonunion
men. Page 1.
Naturalized anarchists can be expelled for vio
lating their oaths. Page 2.
The naval parade .was the feature of. the C
A. K. Encampment yesterday. Page 3.
Precautions are belns taken In Europe to pro
tect the touring rulers from anarchists.
Page 2.
Disturbances In Morocco are Increasing'. Page 2.
French reser lsts Indulge In revolutionary talk.
Page 2.
Portland, with seven runs, shut out Spokane.
Page 3.
National and American League scores. Page 3.
Cresceus and Th Abbot are matched for a
race. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
Representative Tongue favora a law to keep;
out foreign anarchists. Page -1.
Oregon hop crop will be between 80,000 anct
83,000 bales. Page 4.
Finest breeds of sheep In the workl are on
the Oregon ranges. Page 5.
The Spokane Interstate Fair was opened.
Page 4.
The Summer season at Nome 13 nearly over.
Page 5.
Commercial and Marine.
Government crop report shows the shortest
corn crop on record. Page 11.
New York stock market quotations. Page 11.
If Baroda Is floated it must probably be done
by shore methods. Page 10.
VV. a. Gulland. of London, says Columbia
River bar should be deepened first of all
Improvements. Page 10.
Lumber vessels at San Francisco are at work.
Page 10.
September percentage of corn crop, as given
by Government, is lowest on record. Page 11.
Portland nnd Vicinity.
Director Thompson declares he wilt seek to en
Join the School Clerk from paying money to
free kindergartens. Page 12.
Building association methods receive hard blow
from Judge George. Page S.
Memorial services will be hekl for brave Ar
thur Venvllle. Pace 12.
H. B. Adams will retain chairmanship of
Democratic committee. Page 7.
First street as It looked 30 years ago will be
reproduced at the Carnival. Page 8.