TJbLB MOKNIG- OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IP, 190T. of a million- The total exports for the same period were 510S.000.000. By way of the Oregon ports they were one and one third millions. In other words, Portland's exports to countries naturally tributary to her 1.2 per cent of the total exports from the United States to those countries and her Imports were 2 per cent. A few days ago I received from the com mittee having charge of the Charleston exposition a pamphlet. In it were maps showing the routes of the travel of trade and commerce via the Horn and the Panama route. Commerce from the Orient for Kew York by way of the Horn and Suez Canal practically moves- a distance of 20,000 miles to reach an American port. The same goods landed upon the Pacific Coast can be reached by carrying it a distance of approximately 6000 miles. The distance by way of the Horn is. so great that commerce must necessarily be car Tied on in the sailing vessel, which re quires at least five months to make the trip; while the same goods can be handled hy way of the Pacific Coast ports ana pass through all the commercial passages of the United States and reach the con sumer In practically 30 days time. Our Government has donated to the rail, "way companies territory equal to the largest state in the Union to secure the construction of railway lines across the continent.- The railway lines reaching the North Pacific states and their allied con nections In the East conservatively cover a distance of 20,000 miles, reach 25.000.000 people, a large percentage of which should receive their supplies and interchange ot commerce by way of the North Pacific ports. These Northern ports get but a fraction of their natural trade. An Oriental ship landing Asiatic com merce in Portland or upon the Sound, laden with 5000 tons, allowing 15 tons to the car, requires 333 cars to haul it to the state line. Allowing 40 cars to the train, -ft will require eight trains. These eight trains, starting from Portland, will need 40 crews to handle them. To return -with the trains laden with products of the Eastern states for the Orient means 40 more train crews, thus making SO train crews to handle a single 5000-ton ship. Would Distribute Money. This means an equal distribution throughout the whole of the eastern part of the State of Oregon the wages of the SO train crews. It means the distribution in Huntington and La Grande, Pendle ton, Umatilla and The Dalles and Port land of the large shop forces and the large track forces necessary to maintain the equipment of the road. The same thing is true of the next ship that comes in, whether it moves via the Northern Pacific or the Southern Pacific. The same is true in the State of Washington. The same principle that ap plies to Oregon applies alike to Idaho and every town in the Northwest between the coast and the Mississippi River. A few years ago the exports to the Orient were a matter of small moment They consisted largely of lumber and wheat; but today that country whose ports are nearest ours loads her teas, her coffee and her matting, sails past our ports and lands them at Charleston, Baltimore and Boston, and we are left to struggle for a morsel of this trade. The Interests of the Pacific Northwest and the transcontinental lines are bound together in this struggle and fight for supremacy and control of the Oriental trade. Their Interests are inseperable. The advancement of one is the advance ment of the other. Therefore, it behooves us to do everything in our power to ad vertise -to the capitalists of the world that we are In the field to secure the con trol of and be supreme in the Oriental trade. A new civilization has dawned upon the Oriental countries. Japan has already -taken her position among the nations of the world, not only as a commercial, but as a world power. China, with her 600, 000,000 of people, Is the great field of struggle for the nations today, fighting to control her commerce. The Middle West is the consumer of thB products of the world, of the teas, the coffees and the spices. Why should we not 3o something to attract "the attention of the world to the fact that this is the natural gateway? A line drawn around the globe from East to West places us in the direct line of travel and commence, and an. exhibition of the prod ucts of the soil of these countries held In our city, joined to an exhibition of the products of our country, would be the greatest object-lesson for the world, and teach the people that here is the nearest point where they can be Joined together. A great struggle has "been going on be tween the nations of the world for su premacy and control of the Oriental trade, and but little will be left for the slug gard, and If we expect to make our fair state bloom and blossom with commerce and trade we must expect to be up and doing. It will not do to argue that the trade cannot escape us, because we are con fronted with the fact that it is escaping vs, and we who should have 75 per cent of It are controlling but 25 per cent of It, and largely of a product of which we alone of the states produce a surplus that can be utilized in that country. There Is no reason why the countries hetween the Oregon territory and the Mississippi tributary to our great North Pacific lines cannot and will not consume 175,000.000 of Oriental goods per year; and they in their turn with their popu lation of S00.OO0.O00 will certainly consume more than that of the products of this territory, without figuring on any trade from the Eastern States, for, unless we can get the Imports through our ports, we never can expect the exnorts for the loss of imports Is the great blow that ( causes tne loss of exports. Ships must have cargoes both ways, and it is our duty to put our shoulders to the wheel and educate the people that this is the shortest and cheapest route: that tho. wn. pie of the United States have an Interest In the development of this country; that this trade naturally belongs to this Coast; that while there may be a friendly strug gle Between the different ports upon the Coast as to who shall secure the major portion of the trade, there can be no question but that the trade must be se cured, and there can be no question but that If we fall to -exert our every talent and our every energy, there are others in other communities who are ready to ex ert them. What Can We Do. The question that naturally arises Is, What can we do to secure for the Pa cific Northwest the control of this great and growing commercial field? What Is there that we can do that will advertise to the world and forcibly Illustrate by practical demonstration that our location is the correct one to be used from a com mercial and financial standpoint? I answer by asking you a question What Is there that will do more to at tract the attention of the world to our location than to bring together at this port on this Coast the products of the Orient and the products of the Eastern and Western states? What is there that will do more to advertise to 75,000,000 of people of the United States, to 5,000,000 of the people of Canada, to the great na tions of Europe, to Japan and the Orient that this is the natural trade channel? That 20,000 miles of railroad have been huilt, costing millions of dollars; that great sea ports have been provided, with the result that there is every facility for handling the vast trade and commerce of the Pacific Thus we can advertise to the world that Portland and the Pacific Northwest form this natural trade channel. Charleston. S. C, with a population of 5,000 people, raised a quarter of a mil lion dollars, without a dollar's assistance from outside; built five magnificent build ings, covering over five acres of ground, and are building others on their exposi tion ground, covering 200 acres. She is commemorating the achievements of the little Isle of Cuba, with her sprinkling of population. Her Exposition runs from December to June. We have double the population, triple the wealth, and are without another ex position town within 2000 miles of us. Why can we not succeed? Little Charleston announces that she will open her exposition out of debt. We, the citizens of Portland and the Pacific Northwest, who desire to see this trade and commerce come to its natural location, will put our shoulders to the wheel and will demonstrate to the world that in 1905 we will not only celebrate the achievements of President Jefferson in scuring to the government of this Union this magnificent domain, but will cele brate the achievements of President Mc Kinley in securing the vast domain of the Pacific and opening up the channels of trade and commerce with the Orient, that we might prosper and bloom as a great and populous country. LARGE DEAL IN LAND ON. Golf Club Will Take an Option on the Lambert Tract. There have been some negotiations for the purchase of the entire Lambert tract consisting of some 320 acres between Sell wood and Mllwaukie by the Golf Asso ciation. The plans, as talked of, are that a boulevard should be built through the land from the Mllwaukie road, and the gravel is to come from P. Scott's ground on Johnson Creek, also that part of the contract Is to be cut up into five-acre pieces. These are the plans that have been generally discussed, and it was re ported that the sale had been made; but J. H. Lambert, the owner, said yester day evening that such is not the case. He had been- approached on the subject some time ago, he said, but he had not heard from the intending purchasers re cently. However, they have an option on the land In question, and will probable consummate the purchase. It Includes that portion occupied by the golf ground, which takes in about SO acres. It will mean much improvement and the erec tion of five residences. It is contemplated to keep the golf grounds intact. Cost of Cycle Construction. It Is now estimated that the cycle path, building on Mllwaukie road, between Hol gate and Division streets, will not cost when completed over $700. It is about a mile In length. Owing to the extreme hardness of the ground and other unfa vorable conditions, It has not been easy to build. It is not yet finished, but will be completed this week, with exception of about 100 feet north from the corner of Powell street.where the Brooklyn-street railway will cross Mllwaukie street, which will have to be omitted for the present. It cost ?900" to build the cycle path on East Twenty-iirst street, between Division and the Southern Pacific shops, by con tract, with favorable conditions and easy construction. The comparison of cost of the two paths shows that the county can build paths much cheaper than by letting contracts. The path on East Twenty first Is several blocks shorter than the Milwaukie-street path, yet the cost Is much more. Mishap to an Outing Party. A party, composed of Ralph Routledge and A. H. Averill and their families, have just returned from a trip on Bull Run. While returning they met with a mishap, which fortunately was not serious. Near the crossing on the north side of Bull Run. one of the wagons was upset on a steep grade, and the horse thrown over on his side. There was a steep hill on one side, and had the wagon upset that way it would have rolled to destruction very quickly. After much trouble the wagon was righted, and an attempt was made to start, but the horse, which, up to that time, had been trusty and faith ful, refused to budge. He was hitched to a long rope and one end attached to the buggy. Mr. Routledge got between the shafts to steer the wagon, but it was no go. They then changed the horses and came along all right. They could not understand what was the matter with the horse, but attributed it to the harness. Outside of the accident the party enjoyed their outing immensely. Tracklnylnj? Fropfressingr. Tracklaylng Is going forward on the Brooklyn branch of the City & Suburban Railway Company. Work was started on Grand avenue at Division street, and the rails have been spiked to the ties as far as Ellsworth and the curve made at this corner yesterday. Iron and ties were distributed yesterday to Milwaukie street, and the tracklayers are pushing the work. Poles for the trolley have been planted from Harrison street and across the Steph ens bridge. The track will be finished to Milwaukie street this week. All New Street Work Held Up. Inquiry is made as to !the reason why the contract for the Improvement of Stephens street, between Grand avenue and East Twelfth, was not let after bids had been called for. For information it may be said that all new street work, of which a great deal had been projected, was held up on account of the Bellinger decision concerning streets. Stephens is one of the streets affected. It was also desired to Improve Mill street, - parallel to Stephens, but the movement was sus pended also. A decision from the Su preme Court is expected In October. Will Gravel the Street. Councilman Sherrett, of the Eighth Ward, said yesterday that the Portland City & Oregon Railway Company will gravel the west side of Mllwaukie street, between the track and the curb. This will provide a good roadway for teams. The east side of Milwaukie street Is oc cupied by the railway track and the bi cycle path, and is not used by vehicles. The railway company has opened a Jiejv gravel pit on the Mount Scott Railway where there is an abundance of excellent gravel for ballasting and street improv ing purposes. Screens have been put in which will faclliate the handling of the gravel. Want Jfame Changed. Residents of Falrview want the post office name Cleone of that placed changed to Falrview, to remove constant confu sion. For 45 years the place has been known as Falrview. It is so designated on the maps and time-cards of the O. R. & N. Co., and it is generally known as Falrview. There is a small place in Coos County that is called Falrview, and for that reason the name Cleone was givBn the postofflce. It is earnestly desired that it be changed to Fairview, so the confu sion that constantly happens may be done away with. Stafford Is Alive. Sim Stafford, who was reported dead some time ago In California, is circulating alive among his East Side friends. He thinks that his presence is sufficient re futation of the false report. For the past three years, ever since he left Portland, he was in California mostly in the mines of Shasta County. He says he is glad to greet his old friends once more. Staf ford was formerly connected with Engine Company No. 7. Fire Hydrants Wanted. A committee of property-owners has petitioned for at least two fire hydrants to be placed at suitable places on East Twenty-sixth street, between Division and Powell streets. One is wanted at about the junction of the Richmond and Wood stock railways, on account of the many houses to the eastward. East Side Xotes. George McGowan, who lives north of Mount Tabor, is able to be about after having been confined to his home with broken ribs, caused by a fall from a horse while on a trip to Mount Hood. Sellwood now has two mail deliveries per day by the carrier. Mail arrives from Portland at the Sellwood office at 7:30 In the morning, and the carrier starts out on his route at 8 o'clock. Mail in the afternoon arrives at 1 o'clock, thus ena bling an afternoon delivery. Wise Bros., dentists, both 'phone3. The Falling. "The best "olll I ever used," is the fre quent remark of purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills. When you try them you will say the same. SEPTEMBER TERM BEGUN STATE CIRCUIT COURT HAS BIG WORK AHEAD. Several Defendants Under Indict ment Fail to Appear "When Their Names Were Called Notes. The September term of the State Cir cuit Court opened yesterday with a large attendance of lawyers, the four Judges, Frazer, Cleland, George and Sears occu pying the bench. The courtroom of de partment No. 1 has been refurnished dur ing the vacation, and presents a much Improved appearance. The floor is cov ered with new linoleum, there are new chairs for the jurors, and new chairs and tables for the attorneys, and also for the Judges. A new benclr-haa also been built for the Judges. The furniture is of dark oak, elegantly polished, and the Judges' chairs are upholstered with black leather covering. The trial jury was not in attendance, having been ordered to report September 23. An effort will be made to get through I ITTI C L.I I I UL. Igg ,&$$m M$k rMt ?? ftps $X Wm Sit- - WHEBmmmlMMm$i Kn lim A pure-bred Angora goat kid, bred In Oregon, will be on exhibition at the Ore gon State Fair in J. J3. Stump's flock of Ansora goats. There are but few pure-bred goats in the United States, and those In. Oregon are said to be equal, if not better, than those bred In any other state in the Union. O -- ------- with the jury cases in two or three weeks, although it is expected that the business of the term will be large. There will be a number of actions at law tried before court without jury, and equity cases are always disposed of in that manner. Cases Set for Trial. The trial "docket was called, and cases were set for trial as follows: State v. Joseph Holder, State v. R. Lar sen, Ward v. Knott, September 23. State v. R. Latourelle, State v. William Latourelle, State v. A Miller, September 24. W. H. Sherrod et al. v. R. L. Durham et al., October 16. Allen & Lewis v. O. P. Molson et al., September 26. O. R. & N. Co. v. Columbia Real Estate Company, September 25. O. R. & N Co. v. Peninsular Real Jitate .Company, September 27. E. E. Crookham v. R. Williams, October 1. State v. Dexter Day, September 25. State v. Minnie Williams, September 2s. State v. B. F. Durphy, October S. N. A Musgrove v. Samuel Coison, Oc tober a. Charles L. Barre v. N. C. Pederson, Sep tember 17. State v. A. Von Grunlgen, September 30. Peterson v. Peterson, September 20. The suits of H. W. Corbett v. The City of Portland, and the J. McCracken Com pany v. The City of Portland, were called, and Deputy City Attorney Duniway asked that they be set at once before the joint session of the court. He said the cases had bene pending for a long time and grew out of the Improvement of Pine street, from Second to Third streets. There were important questions involved. In one case the plaintiff sued the city, alleging that the work was not properly done by the contractor, and in the otner case the allegation was that the work was properly performed, and that the city has been negligent in not collecting the money. After some talk by Mark O'Neill, opposing counsel, Judge Frazer said he would Bet the cases for the first of- next month. When the contested divorce suit of Peterson v. Peterson was set for Friday, September 13, Judge Carey, who appeared for one of the parties, remarked, "It is bound to be unlucky for one of us." Pe terson, throush his attorney, Ralph Moody, objected, saying he could not have the witnesses in attendance at that time, and the' date was changed to Sep tember 20. When Judge Frazer called the name of Minnie llliams, District Attorney Cham berlain took occasion to say, "Your Honor, in all probability this is one of those cases where the witnesses disappear. It may be set, and I will see whether I can find them." B. F. Durphy, under indictment for polygamy, Is at liberty on J2000 cash hail, and is in California. His attorney, C. W. Idleman, promised to have him here in time for the trial October 3. James Campbell was arraigned on a charge of obtaining 5600 by false pre tenses from F. S. Benson, and also on a charge of conveying land not his own to Benson. Antonio Villa was arraigned on an in formation charging him with assaulting fMike Dyer with a razor, and will be called upon to plead today. Cases Dismissed. Cases were dismissed on motion of the attorneys, having been settled out of court, or for other good reasons, as fol lows: A N. Gambrell v. J. D. Wyckoff et al. City of Portland v. W. J. Hawkins. Oregon Transfer Company v. City of Portland. Chan Sing v. City of Portland, damage suit. Ella P. Sears v. City of Portland. James P. Wells v. D. P. Thompson. R. M. Wade, W. K. Smith, C. Rockwell, E. J. Jeffery, George H. Durham, S. A Dur ham, and Walter F. Burrell, directors of Portland Savings Bank. B. Singer v. Same. Jolin Burke v. J. P. Howe, note suit. O. R. & N. Co. v. Susie M. R. and John Gilbert. N. Grant Scott v. Baird-Cllnton Com bined Show Company, Notable Absentees. R. W. Patterson, a saloonkeeper,, Fred Love and Charles Feldman should have been in attendance to answer to a joint information charging them with robbery. Their names were called, but there was no answer. The District Attorney in formed the court that the men had been released on bonds, and he could not un derstand why they were not present. If they were not in court this morning he would ask for the forfeiture of the bonds, and 'the issuance of bench warrants. H. Schneider, Max Ruhle, William Grimes, Richard and William Latourelle, accused of selling liquor without license, also failed to appear, and if they do not show up today their ball will be for feited. James' Lyons, charged with as sault, is in the same boat. There are two charges pending against each of the liquor-license offenders. Defaults. Default orders for want of answers were made in the following cases: Harriet M. Carlson v. Charles A. Carl son. R. C. Shown v. Jane Shown. Dora Graves v. O. F. Graves. Anna B. Frost v. Chester C. Frost. Ann Elizabeth Bard v. James F. Bard. Margaret Thomas v. John Thomas. Katie Dagman v. Gus L. Dagman. Schusler Bros, were granted judgment by default against Alexander Bernstein, for 5345. In the suit of Sarah A. Shattuck and Ira O. Shattuck et al. against Charles A. Showers et al., a decree was rendered for ?117C, and foreclosing a mortgage on lot 5, block 7, Kenifworth. Court Notes. Judge George will announce a decision this morning in the case of the Pacific States Savings- Loan & Building Com pany v. Mary Peterson et al., on merits. A motion to have the writ ot arrest set aside in the case of Charles Colfelt v. W. Shatton, captain of the steamer Oceano, was argued before Judge-Frazer yesterday. Colfelt sued the master for ?5500 damages, and caused his arrest un der the provision of the statute which DCAIITV V llVJ I I . O ---..---0-0--fr--. 0 applies in a suit where the defendant is about to leave thestate. Captain Shat ton furnished bond, with the American Bonding & Trust Company, of Baltimore, as surety. J. Couch Flanders, attorney, argued to the court that the action was one in the nature of an action for debt, and under the seaman's abuse act a mas ter could not be arrested for debt. Judge Bellinger, he asserted, had so held in the ship George Stetson damage suits. Judge Frazer will decide the question today. A suit of Marshall Field & Co., of Chicago, against R. L. Sabln,- secretary of the Merchants Protection Union, for possession of a quantity of goods or re covery of their value, was tried before Judge Sears yesterday, and was taken under advisement. The goods were sold to D. Gross, A. Wittson and A. Llppman, as partners. They afterwards made an assignment for the benefit of their cred itors to Sabin, turning over a stock of merchandise appraised at $6000, and sew ing machines, fixtures and machinery. Marshall Field & Co. contend that Gross, Wittson and Lippman obtained considera ble merchandise from tlicm by means of false representations,- claiming they were entitled to credit when they were not. BURIED FORESTS ON HOOD. Trees Found Underneath the Lava Beds. Sonja specimens of what resemble cedar saplings, installed in the free museum yesterday by L. L. Hawkins, prove that the timber line was once three miles nearer the top of Mount Hood than it is now. Whether the cllmat'e of the moun tain has changed, or whether the internal heat enabled . timber to thrive 1700 feet higher than it does now, Is. a question to be decided by the savants; but this particular wood In Mr. Hawkins pos session is indisrmtnhlA nrnnf thnf trQ flourished where for several thousand years past fields of snow and ice have held perpetual sway. When the Mazamas visited the summit of Mount Hood last Summer, Harry Field ing Reld, of the Johns Hopkins Univer sity, found a prehistoric forest hidden be neath the flows of lava about midway between the t'imber line and the summit. He had no time to make a minute exami nation then, but spoke of the matter at the evening camp Are. and Rev. A. J. Montgomery, of Oregon City, a geologist and enthusiastic Mazama, made it' his spe cial business to obtain specimens of the timber, which he calls Tsuga Pattonlana. He considers it Identical with the forest of hemlock now growing on the south side of the mountain, away down below. Thecr are two of these buried forests Mr. Montgomery says, one on the west side of the mountain, at the head of the Sandy Glacier, and the other on the south, at the head of the glacier tfhat feeds White Salmon. The wood seems well preserved, and very dry, as though protected for ages from the weather. Pieces have been sent to Professor Reld, (Henry Gannett, Pro fessor Linton, Professor Lemon, the Pa cific Coast) authority on coniferae, and to other scientific men. The presence of a forest so high up the mountain side, covered hundreds of feet deep with molten lava, shows that Mount Hood was in a slate of eruption for a long period after vegetation of -all sorts thrived high up on its sides, and about its foot. Whether the mountain Itself was nearer the equator than it is now is a question; but evidently there was some good reason for tall trees to thrive so far beyond the timber line of the present day. Soldiers Arrive nt Vancouver.. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 9. One hundred and six-enllsted men of the Seventh United States Infantry ar rived here from Alaska today. The men comprise members of the Alas ka troops whoso terms of enlistment ex pire within six months. Two companies of the Seventh are expected to arrive here to take the station within a month. Medford Acndettvy Opened. MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 9. The Medford Academy opened today with W. T. Van Scoy, principal; Mary E. "Hevener, com mercial teacher; G. H. Samuels, assistant In the academic department, and Mrs. Aileen Webber, teacher in the music de partment. There are 31 students in the academic and commercial courses, and 18 in the music department. This insures 150 students for the school year. State Blind School Enrollment. SALEM, Sept. 9. The State Blind School will open September 18, with 28 pupils. The usual enrollment for the year Is 23. A bad complexion never geto better of Itself. Doctor with Satin-Skin Cream and Powder, crainlnir healthy skin. 25c. COMMISSIONER HERMANN ARRIVED IN OREGON ON HIS AN . NUAL VACATION. Talks of Land Matters and land Of fice Business Income From Forest Reserves. Commissioner Hermann, of the General Land Office at Washington, is home in Oregon for his annual visit. He reached Portland yesterday and took a room at the Imperial Hotel, where numerous friends found him In the course of the day and evening. Today he will leave for Roseburg and will spend about two weeks there with his family. On his way back to Washington he will stop over a day in Portland. Mr. Hermann said he had been kept busy at Washington through the heated Summer, when mo3t of the officers were away enjoying them selves, and he had come to feel the ne cessity for a rest, and he could rest no where so well as in Oregon. "We hai'e been very busy this year," said Mr. Hermann to a reporter last even ing. "The summary of my report for the year ending June 30, which was sent out in tho press report several days ago, showed this. There were more final home stead proofs in the year than for any prior year since the homestead law went into effect, 40 years ago. Nearly 55,000.000 of public 'moneys were received, an in crease of 150 per cent over the sum re ceived in the first year, of my term as commissioner. The money received from our 46,000,000 acres of forest reserves was one-tenth as much as the sum expended in their maintenance and we will soon get a great deal more from them than we will spend on them. Our income from the forest Is from the sale of timber for domestic, mining and milling purposes. Mature timber that can be removed with out detriment to the rest of the forest is disposed of under direction of the Secre tary of the Interior. Those who buy this timber are required to clean up the debris. Our forest reserves will soon become a source of considerable Income, like thos of Germany, where the Gov ernment receives about $4,000,000 net an nually for Its timber. "T believe the next great question to be solved by our Government Is the reclama tion of the arid and seml-arld lands, and I look with favor upon the reservoir plan of impounding water for use upon dry soil. This is a big question In this country, a big question even in our own state of Oregon. I do not think it advisable to encourage a land lease system for stock ranges. A great portion of the public grazing land may yet be desirable as homesteads. As to Timber Land Frauds. "My attention was just called particu larly to frauds under the timber and stone act by the operations in. Montana, which caused a large number of entries to be suspended. Now, I have instructed registers and receivers to depart from the regular form of proof, the regular, stereotyped affidavits, whenever there is ground for suspicion that an entry is not made in good faith for personal bene fit and without any prior understanding or agreement to sell. The departure from the regular forms is for the purposB of subjecting the applicant to a rigid cross-questioning calculated to develop the fraudulent nature of the transaction, if it be such. Though an application may bear prima facie evidence that it Is legiti mate this may be overborne by such cir cumstances as a number of persons tak ing claims in the same neighborhood at the same time. This Is strong indication that the entries are In the interest of some person who does not appear, and that they are fraudulent. Upon the cross questioning in such cases if crookedness appears It is the duty of tho land office to suspend entry and proceed through special , agents to criminal prosecution of the offenders. The best plan I can fhink of for relief from abuses In the disposi tion of timber land is to enforce the present laws rigorously. Greater caution is now exercised and fewer questionable entries are permitted. "No, I do not think there will be any more additions to forest reserves soon. The present law is so shamefully abused, and the Government Is so shamefully im posed upon that It seems to us no more reserve should be made until the law shall be changed so as to require Indem nity selections to be of the same value, approximately, as the base surrendered. In all these exchanges now we require the selection to be made when the base Is surrendered. This makes a cleaner transaction and avoids some of the criti cism that lies against the method of ac cepting base and leaving the lieu selec tion for settlement at some more con venient time." THE DEATH ROLL. Charles R. MacKenzle. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 9.-Charles R. Mac Kenzle, aged 46, well known as a turf writer under the nom de plume of "The Gadfly," died at the City Hospital a3 the result of a street-car accident In which his skull was fractured. He was born in Java. His father was Count de Helman. Ho came to Chicago from the Island of Java. His mother was Scotch, and from her he took his name. At one time Mr. MacKenzle was private secretary to Robert Garrett, vice-president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Bicyclist John Nelson. NEW YORK, Sept. 9. John Nelson, the young bicyclist of Chicago, who was In jured in his race with Jimmy Michael, at Madison-Square Garden, last Wednesday night, died today at Bellevue Hospital. Nelson's left leg was badly lacerated by one of the wheels of his motor tandem. The limb was amputated last Saturday to prevent the spread of blood-poisoning, but he did not recover from the shock of the operation. Nelson was 21 years of age. J. Gordon Coogler. COLUMBIA. S. C. Sept. 9. J. Gordon Coogler, poet and painter, died this morn ing. His verses have been read univer sally. Hash Adams, Pioneer of 1S50. GOLDENDALE, Wash., Sept. 9. Hugh Adams, who died here September 5, aged 77 years, was a well-known and respected pioneer. At the age of 21 he immigrated to Oregon from Warrensburg, Missouri, in 1850, settling in Clackamas County. On February 25, 1856, ho enlisted at Oregon City, in Company E, of the battalion of recruits to First regiment of Oregon Mount ed Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Thnmns Cornelius, to serve in the Yak ima Indian War, and was on duty along 4 the Columbia River for 99 days. Since 1873 he had lived near Goldendale, where he was highly respected. Forty years in the market, still booming with greater eles than ever. Cook's Im perial Extra Dry Champagne. ---o ains- reuse the world 'E-NUTS food makes Brains ,, see Sold by alf Grocers. Sixty-four Pages Over One Hundred Illustrations Cover In Three Colors All Printed on Enameled Book Paper Of the edition of fifty thousand copies, over thirty three thousand books have already been sold on ad vance orders. The book will be ready for delivery some time during the present month. Orders for copies to be mailed abroad should be sent to The Oregonian at once. Price by mail to any 'address in the United States or Canada only Seven Cents a copy. Within the limitations which a publication of its size so necessarily impose, everything that anybody could reasonably ask about Portland and the wonder ful section of country tributary will be told in the Handbook. Following are the TITLES OF THE "Where Rolls the Oregon," by H. W. Scott. The Work of a Century, by ex-United States Senator H. W. Corbett. Portland as a City, by Mayor H. S. Rowe. The Exposition to Be, by J. M. Long. Climatic Conditions and Physical Features. Portland's Commerce, Portland's Position. Portland Water Supply. Portland's Railroads. Scenic Attractions. Lumber in Oregon and Washington. Lands Open to Settlement in Oregon. The engravings for the Handbook are now in the hands of the printers. These engravings are all ele gant miniature vignetted half tones, finished in such an artistic manner that they present the rich appear ance of the most carefully executed steel engravings. PARTIAL LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Moving Wheat Ships in Portland's Shipping Scene, Portland'3 Lower Harbor. Type of Summer Excursion Steamer on Lower Columbia and Willamette Wheat Ships in Portland's Harbor, ai-fv. otraat shnwlntr Hotel Portland. Marquam ' block and Oregonian building. Rocky Gor ges of the Columbia River. Ships at Portland's Wharves. Portland, looking east from tower of Oregonian building. View, showing- Impenetrable growth on Forest ranges of Oregon. Wheat Ships Awaiting Cargoes, Port land. View, showing: trees 300 feet high. A Logging Skid Road in Oregon. Types of Timber Growths in Oregon and Washington. An Oriental Liner in Portland's Har- Ships Awaiting Cargoes of Flour lor the Oriont, Portland. "Where Rolls the Oregon." Scene typical of the Columbia River. Columbia River near Bridal Veil. Ferrying Sheep Across Columbia above The Dalles. Portland's Water Front between the Bridges. Stick of Fir Timber, 112 feet long. A Cattle Roundup, in the "Inland Empire." An Eastern Oregon Ranch. An Eastern Washington Farm Albany Steel Bridge. Portland High School. City Hall, Portland. Oregonian Building. nicintor' "MYiiinf Tinlnlor Oregon's Ocean Beaches. A Sternwheel Steamer, Portland. A Southern Oregon Orchard. Sturgeon Fishing, Columbia River. Booming Logs. Chehalls. Washington. Picking Apples, Oregon. A Young Oregon Orchard. Logging by Rail, Oregon. Upper Willamette River. Overhanging CllnT. line O. R. & N., Columbia River. Views Along O. R. & N. Views Along S. P. R. R. Great Glacier, Mount Hood. Locks and Canal. Oregon City. Placer Mine in Southern Oregon. Wheat at Moro, Oregon. Harvesting on a Big Scale, Eastern Oregon. Looking Up the Columbia from Hood River. Tillamook Light, off Oregon Coast, rhe Lower River, Portland. A Melon Patch, Rogue River Valley, Oregon. Railroad Steel Bridge, Portland. LEADING ARTICLES Horticulture. Sugar Beet Culture. Hops. The Fishing Industry. CoaL Gold and Other Minerals. Dairying. The Columbia River. (This subject Is treated In a manner to command great attention. A most valuable map accompanies article.) Wheat and Other Cereali. Livestock and Wool. Heavy Flour Trade. Opinions of Prominent Visitors. Irrigation of Arid Lands la Far In terior. Ice Fields of Mount Hood. Picturesque Southern Oregon. A Log Boom in a Portland Mill. Eastern Lumber Company, Portland. Cranberry Picking In Oregon. An Oregon Hopyard. -o Portland Laden Ship. Cascade Locks, Columbia River. Railroad Terminal Grounds and Union Depot, Portland. Views, showing types of Business Blocks, Portland. Laddrs Fine Dairy Farm, Willamette Valley. Mount St. Helena. Original Site, Lewis & Clark Fort. Mount Hood from Portland. Tree 50 years old Growing on Sound Fir Log. Mount Rainier from Heights Columbia River. Fast Passenger Steamers, Portlands Wind Mountain. Columbia River. Top Mount St- Helens, showing mouth Columbia River. Logging In Cowllts County. Washing ton. Logging Train. Eastern Oregon Dogging on Lower Columbia- . British Steamship, Orange Branch. O. R. & N. Co.'s Passenger Steam ship Columbia. A Willamette Valley Woolen Mill. Mount Adams from Trout Lake. State Capitol. Salem. A Creamery, ' Coqullle River, Oregon. Morrl3on-Street "Bridge,. Portland. Columbia University. Portland. St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland. Portland Custom-House. Mount Hood from Mount Tabor, Port land. St. Helens Hall, Protland. Bishop Scott Academy, Portland. Medical Department. University of Oregon, Portland. Willamette Falls. Mount Hood from. Columbia River. Portland Cordage Company. Postofflce, Portland. Big Logs In Portland Sawmill. First Congregational Church, Port land. A Mountain Stream, Western Oregon. Salmon Fishing Fleet, Mouth Colum bia River. Passing Through the Willamette Val ley. Draw, Steel Bridge, Portland. Looking South from Summit Mount Hood. State University, at Eugene. Oregon. North Head, Mouth Columbia River. St. Mary's Academy, Portland. D. P. Thompson Fountain, Portland. Portland Hotel. Celllo Falls, Columbia River. Map of Entire .Columbia River Watershed. V