8 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1901. SOME NEEDS OF OREG PRESENTED AT MASS MEETING IX MARQ.UAM OPERA-HOUSE. Fuel Problem, Columbia River Sen port and Drjrdoclc, Fair of 1I)03, Geer on, "Population. (Continued from First Page.) with a railroad. There Is hardly a coun ty In Oregon that cannot show some evi dence of coal formation. On the Wash ington side of the Columbia exceptionally rich prospects are reported from, the Cow litz River region. The work of opening mines and providing transportation facil ities for at least three of the properties In that section is now under way; and It is said that a good, cheap coal from those mines will be in the Portland market be fore the end of this year. Anthracite coal the first known on the Pacific Coast is said to have been discovered in the moun tains near the head of the Cowlitz River. Specimens shown certainly look well and burn well, and, on chemical analysis, show as high per cent of carbon as the best Pennsylvania product. But in weight this coal will not compare with the Penn sylvania anthracite, and the value of the measures remains to be proved. Should they turn out to be all that they are said to be, and of adequate extent, their value to Portland, to the entire Pacific Northwest, -will be incalculable. Most Pacific Coast coal is lignite. This is true of all the discoveries yet made In Oregon and Washington, unless the Upper Cowlitz measures shall prove to be of higher grade. It is not bo greatly com pressed, of course, aa anthracite is, nor is it ordinarily so rich a fuel as bitumin ous coal, therefore it is not so desirable for steamships, on which storage space is an element of considerable importance. Some of the coal now mined ranks as eeml-bltuminous, and several prospects re cently discovered are of that character, but how extensive these beds are remains for the future to determine. It has been found that in well-developed mines there is a vast difference in the quality of the coal obtained from, different seams, or even from different parts of the same seam, and the tendency is to regard alt Pacific Coast coal as Ilgnitic until there shall be conclusive evidence to change this belief or theory. There is no occa sion, however, to find fault with the lig nltlc character of our coal measures, for good lignite is a good fuel and would sup ply certain needs of Portland very well. The absence of soot makes it a much cleaner fuel than bituminous coal. But we want a better lignite than is now in this market if we can get it. It is certain that some of the recent discoveries in Portland's field are of coal better than any now mined in the Pacific Northwest. This is the coal we want in the Portland market, and it must be sold here at a reasonable price if it is to afford the re lief that is expected to result from cheap fuel. Xavy Yard Tests. According to chemical analysis made at the United States Navy-Yard, Washington, D. C, the Blue Canyon coal of "Whatcom X'ounty, Washington, runs 62.74 per cent iixed carbon, and nearly SO per cent com bustible gases. Franklin coal, of King County, varies from 1G.CC to 57.5S per cent nxed carbon and from 30.3 to 33.8 per cent combustible gases. In ash the Franklin coal ranges from 3 to 15 per cent. Roslyn coal is 50 to 34.5 per cent carbon and 30 to 32 per cent combustible gases. The Rock Springs, Wyo., coal runs 53 per cent carbon and 33 per cent combustible gases, 'lhe Pocahontas coal, of Virginia, which the United States Navy puts far in the lead for steaming purposes, has 80 per -cent carbon and 13.5 per cent combustiblo gases, while the C&nmore coal, of Alberta, :&nada. is 86 per cent carbon and D.7 per cent combustible gases. In all these cases the specimens were taken from -well-developed mines. Samples from outerop pmgs or mere prospect holes would not "be expected to make so favorable a show ing1 as those picked from the Interior of a working mine. It should be added that the navy-yard analyses, "whether because of more" careful selection of samples or from some other cause, give higher val ues than the United States geological sur vey and higher than most chemists find. Coos Bay coal, which has been mined since 1855 and never lacked a market. Is only 42 per cent fixed carbon and 32.5 per cent combustible gases. Newcastle coal, mined near Seattle, is 43.9 per cent fixed carbon and 46 per. cent volatile matter There is plenty of coal on the market that assays less than 50 per cent fixed carbon, the amount of volatile combustible matter being an important part of the richness of the fuel. Sulphur, which is present to some extent In all mineral coaj, is objectionable because of its destructlve ness to gratings. It melts and runs down on the grate bars,cllnglng to the iron and -accumulating heat that soon burns out the grate. This difficulty is experienced, however, only -when the quantity of sul phur is sufficient to form clinkers. "While coal outcropplngs are numerous in Oregon, in comparatively few instances lias work enough been done to determine the value of the seam. In a number of places, as In Clackamas County, the coal is of good quality, but the strata are so thin that it is impracticable to work them. In other -cases it bas been taken for granted that the coal -was of inferior qual ity because the surface outcrop was poor, and no attempt has been made properly to test "the discovery. In the Upper John Day Valley blacksmiths have dug their own coal for years, but the known seams are too thin, and transportation lines too remote to -warrant an attempt to open coal mines there. Blacksmith's coal will make good coke. In the southern part of Morrow and Umatilla Counties and in the mountains -west of La -Grande Investi gation of -promising outcropplngs is now in progress. More Intelligent examination of coal prospects is under way today than has been known In Oregon heretofore, and it is bardly possible that all this will turn out fruitless. It was but a ferw weeks ago that coal was discovered near North Tamlllll, -which, upon chemical analysis, was found to bo 49.2 -3er cent :flxed carbon and 2S per cent combustible volatile matter. The seam is nearly seven feet thick. This was an exceedingly good showing- and war ranted immediate operations to open a mine and put the coal on the market. A corporation was -organized and it has leased 2000 acres or more of land and Is now at -work on the property, -which is but a short distance from the Southern "Pacific Railroad. Good coal at a reasonable price is promised from this mine -within CO days. In tlie Nenalem Country. In the Nehalem. Valley are two distinct coal ilelds one near the mouth of the river and the other on the upper course of the stream, apparently reaching1 through the divide to the Columbia River on one side and toward the "Willamette Valley on the other. The Lower Neha lem coal assays 48 84 per cent fixed car bon and 39-2S per -oent combustible gases. Three seams are found there, 27, 33 and 40 inches in thickness, respectively, each in creasing rapidly in thickness as depth, or distance from the surface, is attained. About 58000 have been spent -in prospect ing that property, and only transporta tion facilities are now lacking to insure the opening of mines there. If the Port land', wehalom & Tillamook Railroad en terprise shall succed there is no doubt that the Nehalem coal will be in the Portland market. The Upper Nehalem coal field is less thoroughly prospected than that, of the Lower Nehalem, but enough has been done there to show the existence of workable scams as rich as those at the lower end of the valley. The large per cent of sulphur in this coal is rather unfavorable, but It is said fhe pro portion ef -this mineral diminishes as depth is attained. Lack of transportation ham pers development there, as it does in so many other parts of the state. On the Willamette side of the divide several out cropplngs of-coal -have been found, but no steps have been taken to open mines there. To the northeast, on the Columbia side, however, measures have been un covered in the Scappoose hills, about eight miles from Warren railroad station, and the work of opening a mine there is now in progress. Chemical analysis of this coal shows it to have 35 per cent fixed carbon and about the same proportion of volatile matter. At Warren this coal would find direct rail or water transporta tion to market, and steamships would take their supplies of fuel from bunkers erected at that point. This seam is six feet thick, and Is said to give every indica tion of an extensive mine of merchantable coal. What is supposed to. be a continua tion of the same coal field is observed in outcropplngs near Knappa, in Clatsop County, where borings to determine the nature and extent of the seams are now in progress. Two coal measures have been found within 90 feet of the surface, but the owners of this property mean to go down deep in the earth, perhaps to a depth of 2000 feet. They believe better coal may' be found at lower depths, and they will test their theory in their prospecting op erations. The Knappa Coal Company, of which Frank P. Kendall, of Astoria, la president, is the owner of the coal land about Knappa, and Is conducting present operations there. From the mouth of the prospect hole coal can b'e shunted direct to bunkers of steamships in the river. On the north side of the Columbia Is a particularly promising coal field, and something of a spirit of rivalry is ob served In operations now carried on there to open several properties. The Columbia Coal Company, successor to the Castle Rock Coal Company, has more than 1200 feet of tunnel driven on a coal seam that outcrops about two and one-quarter miles from the town of Castle Rock, which is on tho Cowlitz River about 17 miles above its confluence with the Co lumbia. Steamers ply on the Cowlitz more than nine months of the year. The Northern Pacific track lies within one and one-half miles of this mine, and a logging railroad Is now in operation to a point but half a mile distant from the mouth of the mine. It Is an easy de scending grade from the mine to the rail road or the river. The company has 840 acres of land and more than $35,000 have been spent in development and Improve ments. A tunnel 700 feet long and a lat eral gangway 500 feet long are securely timbered, supplied with ventilating boxes, laid with rails and equipped with dump ears. All this development Is in coal 4 to 7 feet in thickness. It is a brown lignite, assaying 34.6 per cent fixed car bon and 51.S per cent combustlle gases. This indicates that it would be a good coal to produce illuminating gas. It has been tested in stoves, grates and furnaces and found to burn with a pale blue flame, producing a small volume of smoke and leaving no clinkers whatever. Work has now been resumed at this mine after the settlement of legal difficulties that have kept It closed for a number of years, and It is promised that its coal will be In the Portland market before the end of the year. Good Conl for Steamers. Not far from the mine of the Columbia Coal Company some other Portland men have another mine that yields coal of proved value for steaming purposes. Some 50 tons of this coal were taken out and tested on O. R & N. steamers, and it gave excellent results. It is a high-grade lignite, assaying 46.9 per cent fixed car bon and 35.6 per cent volatile matter. This coal has fine luster and deteriorates slowly after mining. There is said to be a large body of this coal ready to put In the mar ket as soon as transportation shall be pro vided. A year or two ago the Holmes Ice Company, of Portland, opened a mine near Castle Rock and shipped several barge loads of coal to Portland, where It found a ready market. But navigation of the Cowlitz River was then too uncertain to be depended upon, and railroad- charges were too high to permit shipping that way, so the operation of the mine was discon tinued until circumstances should be more favorable. Justhelow the mouth of the Cowlitz, near a'-riavlgable slough of the Columbia River, are two valuable coal properties, one of which belongs to a party of busi ness men of The Dalles, and the other to Portland men. The Dalles men are now prosecuting work on their property and they already have a large body of ex cellent coal in sight, coal that runs 46 per cent fixed carbon and about 36 per cent volatile matter. The Portland men having the other property have become Impressed with the notion that oil is the coming fuel in this region, and they have stopped "work on the coal mine until the oil possibilities of the country shall be ascertained. Both these mines are within three miles of navigable water on the Columbia, which means the cheapest pos sible means of transportation to the Port land market. Within the past two years reports of the discovery of coal of extravagant richness have come out from the mountains about the upper courses of the east branch of the Cowlitz River. Splendid specimens have b.een exhibited and statements have been made tliat chemical analysis showed this coal to be a high-grade anthracite, running up to 95 per cent or higher in fixed carbon. Pennsylvania anthracite seldom yields 95 per cent of carbon. These prospects are away in the moun tains far from any present transportation route, and the investment necessary to put the coal on the market would be heavy. It Is understood that examina tion of those promising measures Is still in progress, and that if tliey shall be found to warrant so extensive a develop ment enterprise as would be required to open mines and transport the coal to market, a company will be organized and an attempt made to enlist capital In the project. Such coal as this is said to be, and at a reasonable price, would be a greater industrial and commercial stimu lant than this city has yet known. It would be a complete solution of the fuel problem as it is now presented here. The coal field at the mouth of the Grand Ronde River is extensive; the seam is said to be as thick as 20 feet In some places, and the coal is a good quality of lignite. Undoubtedly a great mass of acceptable fuel is there to be drawn on at some fu ture time, but its inaccessibility takes It out of present consideration. Granite Is also found in that locality and Iron "and copper are not far away, and these prod ucts together with the general business of the region, may induce the building of a railroad oeiore many years snail pass. It Is now possible to float that coal down the Snake River on rafts, but there is a limit to this method of transportation, and no extensive development of coal mines will be tied to such conditions. Coal Witliln Ensy Reach. There is coal in plenty w ithin easy reach of Portland, and its. quality is such as to make it acceptable for domestic uses and for stationary power plants. With care in firing this coal may be used on steam ships and locomotives, but it is not all that could be desired for such purposes. Its situation Is such that' it ought tp be deliv ered at low cost In Portland and sold at a moderate price. But a ton of this coal can hardly be depended on to do more work than a cord of oak wood, par ticularly after allowing for the inevitable deterioration by storage, and low price Is Indispensable to the general use of coal as fuel in this community. Just the fuel that is needed for ocean steamships would be supplied by the coal that is said to have been found in the mountains of Cowlitz County. That would supplement the lignites and round out our fuel sup ply to perfection. Without it we can get along as well as other parts of the Pacific Coast do. with it Portland's advantage would be unapproachable. It is very desirable that a good coking coal should be found near Portland. Coke is a necessity for smelting plants, foun dries, etc., and it will not do to have too much sulphur in it. Lignite will not pro duce coke; Ir5 takes bituminous coal for that. Expulsion of fhe volatile mat ter leaves the carbon in a high degree of purity, so that it pro duces a Very hot fire without trou blesome blaze, and is thus suited to melt ing ores without introducing deleterious substances. A fair quality of coke Is pro- 1 duced from some of the coal mined near Puget Sound, and Coos Bay coal will coke under favorable circumstances, but it Is not regarded as a successful coking coal. Some coal recently discovered In the Ne halem Mountains, less than 60 miles from Portland, yields an admirable coke, and if the coal beds there shall prove to be all fhe prospects indicate, they will be of very great value to this city. Cheap coke in Portland will mean a large smelting plant and the centralizing of extensive mining interests here. And coal that will coke satisfactorily is also good fuel for Industries that do not require coke. A. R. Strachan, an expert mining man who has been engaged for some time in Oregon and Washington, says there is plenty of good coal within 50 miles of Portland, but it is down in the earth. While he admits the value of some of the numerous outcropplngs discovered in va rious parts of the state, he says he is convinced that the best coal Is down 500 to 2000 feet, and that It is of sufficient merit to warrant going after. His opin ion is that in those lower beds a good bi tuminous coal will be found, and perhaps In some places anthracite. "My theory," said Mr. Strachan, "is that there are five or six coal seams through the Nehalem and Cowlitz regions, where I have made numerous investiga tions in the past four or five years. There is no doubt in my mind that the lower measures will yield good bituminous coal; the upper measures are not so valuable, and the top seam I would ignore alto gether. I would not bother with surface outcrops and the seams but a short dis tance below the surface of the ground. In the North of England, where I got my training in coal mining, they go down 3000 to 4000 feet and find coal that Is unsur passed, passing through seams of legs value and doing nothing with them save, perhaps, mining sufficient for fuel for the mining plants and for domestic cosump tlon In the homes of the operatives near at hand. The good coal for shipment is ob tained from the seams away deep in the ground, where pressure, confinement and age have ripened it. The same geological condition, I believe, exists In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and 1 am confident that superior coal may be found here at a depth less than 2000 feet, probably a good deal less. "I was out with William Re!d, secretary of the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook Railway Company, last week, and tested some coal outcropplngs in the Nehalem Mountains. We were able to get at the edge of a seam, really the second seam below the surface, as could be seen by examining the hillside, and with a hand pick we took off a chunk of coal from the lower part of the seam. I put some of this on an iron, underneath which I had a good fire, and there In the open air made as fine a specimen of coke as any body would care to see. Coal that will coke under those circumstances, when there is every opportunity for free circu lation of air to consume It to ashes, is certainly good coking coal. With such a showing at the surface, I am sure pene tration a reasonable distance under the surface will bring to light a superior fuel. This must be done sooner or later. The Geological Formation. "The Nehalem coal field has suffered much from violent washings away back In the ages. It has not been so much dis turbed bv volcanic action. For illustra tion, adjoining hills will be found to be I built up of strata of tne same Kino, aim m the same order, tho valley between them having been washed out by violent action of water at some remote period. Of course, there is also evidence of volcanic distur bance, but that is not so great, and the general dip of coal measures may be taken as a guide to their location at consider able distances from the place where they outcrop. The strata of the Nehalem coun try dip In a generally northwestern, direc tion, passing under the Columbia River, and extending an indefinite distance in the State of Washington. Not all toe coal of this Tegion is alike, some of the seams in the Nehalem country being very in ferior But in certain districts good out crops of the upper veins have been found, and it is upon these outcrops that I base my judgment as to' the lower measures. "I should think capitalists of Portland would rather put some of their money Ipto developing good coal mines where the prospects are so promising than t'o be continually putting it into buildings, that bring but an indifferent return on the in vestment. AVlrh an adequate coal supply, new industries would spring up, Portland would become a smelting center, and peo ple would gather here and make these buildings yield better returns. I estimato that it will require an investment of be tween $100,000 and $200,000 to open a coal mine properly to a depth of, say, 2000 feet. Of course, merely a boring will de termine whether coal is present, and to show its quality may be made for a few hundred dollars, not counting the first cost of the drill. "I do not placo much rellanco on chem ical analyses. Practical tests are the things. If a test shows that a coal will coke, that settles It, and we know what It will do, and one who Is experienced in the business can tell the value of coke. If, upon practical test, a coal proves to be a sood fuel to produce steam without excessive labor on the part of t'he stoker, we know its value for that purpose. Chem ical analysis will not determine these matters fully, and it does us no good to know what per cent of carbon or of vol atile matfer or of moisture or sulphur a certain specimen may bear. The test in practical opeialions. not the chemist's fig ures, determines the value of a fuel. "What would do Portland moro good than almost anything else just now would be good bituminous coal at a low price. It would do anything that any fuel could do. It would be valuable in its natural condition, and it would yield coke, which has its special uses. Coke Is necessary for smelting base oTes, and for foundries. It may also be used to advantage for fuel on steamships, for domestic purposes, and even for producing steam for manufactur ing plants and locomotives. It Is much used on locomotives In England," where it is mixed with coal for that purpose. Good bituminous coal is the fuel Portland needs most, and I am sure It may be had If people will go about getting It In a proper "manner. But they must go down Into the earth for it." On the whole It must be concluded that t'he prospect of getting a supply of coal accessible to Portland is very good. This should now be the leading object of fffort here. No other want is comparable In Importance with this; no other under taking Is so necessary to the growfh of Portland and to the development of the country of which Portland Is the business and trade center. Coal will make Port land the Industrial and shipping center also; but without coal the handicap will be heavy, and its weight will increase. In any summing up of the prime needs of Portland coal must have the first place always coal. Distance of 50 or 100 miles, or even a greater distance, is a small mattei. To the coal the railroad jwill go. In these times nothing budges without coal." PEOPLE MAKE A STATE. Sentiments of Governor Geer Re- grnrdiiif? a Need of Oregon. President Connell read the following let ter accounting for the absence of Gover nor Geer and outlining the Governor's views regarding the desirability of in creasing the wealth and glory of the state by increasing its population: Having been requested to attend a mass meeting In Portland to consider questions as, to how best to promote Immigration to Oregon, to be held on the 11th inst., I arranged my dates in conformity there with, so that the change of the date to the evening of the 9th Inst makes it impossible for me to attend. I' beg to assure you, however, that I recognize to the fullest extent the importance of the movement which this meeting Is Intended to promote. For years I have in the public press and elsewhere, repeatedly de clared this to be the most Important lo cal question that could engage our atten tion. There is no state In the Union which offers so many and varied Inducements to those wanting to "grow up with a coun try" as does Oregon, and certainty no other state has such a promising future before . it which is halting between a primitive and a developed state solely for a lack of enough people to make business as has ourb. The day Is past when a man can languidly say: "Oh, we've got enough people," and get a respectful hear ing. There is nothing makes a state but peo ple, and, other things being equal, the greater the number of the people, the greater the state. There can be named scarcely a great Industry that Is success fully carried on in any one of the states north of Mason and Dixon's line that cannot in time be a prominent and paying business In Oregon. It will have no ten dency, whatever, to deceive any man liv ing elsewhere to say that Oregon has a greater variety of undeveloped resources than any other state in the Union. In other words, "If put to it," this state could probably support a larger population with out the importation of a single article of human consumption, with a less degree of inconvenience, than any other which might be named. People alone constitute the difference between a wilderness and a prosperous state. So far as we know, Oregon had not changed perceptibly in a thousand years Immediately preceding the advent of white men, a few decades ago. The man tybo travels through New York or Ohio or Illinois will readily see, by the difference between the business aspects of those states, as compared with ours, the needs of Oregon. People alone make busi ness, and people alone make markets for the products of farm and factory. It should not be necessary to discuss so plain a proposition. As the principal business center of the state, Portland should take the initiative In the matter of advertising our needs and our promises. Indeed, Portland should not for a single year ever have lagged tn this matter. The growth of Portland means a corresponding benefit to every portion of the state, since the cities fur efr. ., t HIGH PRAISE FOR WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. There can be no doubt but what the sterling worth of Oregon timber is recognized the world over. This fact Is unmistakably attested by a recent report to the State Depart ment from Consul-General J. G. Stowe, of Cape Town, South Africa. He saS's that the lumber trade of South Africa for the past year has ,been highly gratifying, and that the United States has had the bulk. "The lumber Is principally Oregon pine," he adds. At the date of his report, July 13, 12 American sailing vessels were awaiting discharge at the Cape Town wharves. His only regret is that most of the American lumber shipped to South Africa has to be carried in foreign vessels. The remarkable showing of the American lumber trade is all the more pleasing, he says, in view of the fact that trade with the United States, on the whole, shows a decided falling off for the past year. --- nlsh the principal markets for produce, and the greater the number of large cities and the larger the cities, the greater the home consumption. It must be a revela tion to travelers through our state to see within a mile of the corporate limits of the City of Portland the beginning of thousands of acres of the most productive lands in the United States yet covered with brush that can be cheaply and quick ly cleared for the uses of the husband man. And this state of facts is not con fined to the vicinity of Portland. Lands that can bo cheaply cleared are to be found all the way down the Columbia, and from Astoria to Gold Beach, and which are so far beyond the average lands In the Mississippi Valley In the matter of productiveness and certainty of crops that they should not be mentioned in the same breath. To reclaim them, however, will require work, and the man who expects such homes handed out to him ready made, should look elsewhere. The state should maintain a board of immigration, amply provided with an ap propriation, to be used in the matter of making our resources known among peo nip whn would hp. likelv to look for homes In the West. We have such a. board, but without a dollar to accomplish the work it was created to do. We are falling be hind other states in this matter, simply because we show less enterprise in the matter of advertising. We save a dollar In the matter of appropriations when com pared with them in this respect, and lose 10 in the matter of immigration. It is to be hoped that the next Legislature will he awake to the necessity of looking after this important matter. There are many small appropriations made which are of no earthly benefit to the state, which would, in the aggregate, supply the needs of an Immigration board., 10 times over. In the meantime, Portland should adopt measures looking to the development of the state's resources wherever possible. Her business men can be of Immeasura ble assistance In furthering the realization of the opening of the Columbia River at The Dalles and Celllo, which would be a boon of never-ceasing benefit, not only to all of Eastern Oregon, but to Its own Interests as well. There is not a county In the state but has homes for thou sands of people yet to come, provided they are industrious and economical, and whose conditions. If coming from any part of the country east of the Rocky Moun tains, and a great many portions west of them, would not be materially Improved. The State of Oregon has kept Its light under a massive bushel much too long already. Assuring you that I deeply regret my Inability to be present at your meeting, and that I am ready to co-operate at any time in the promotion of the object for which it is called, whether officially or otherwise. I am, COLUMBIA RIVER SEAPORT. Advantages of Location and Need for ' Further Improvement. Ellis G. Hughes, president of the Port of Portland Commission, spoke as follows of the Columbia River and the proposed drydock: Among the facts, established by an ex perience coextensive with authentic his tory, is the one that the great stream of commerce flows east and .west. Why this is the case has never yet been explained to my satisfaction, and I shall not at tempt to explain that which I do not understand. Suffice it to say that It is an established fact. Taking this as a fact, the Importance of the part which the Columbia River must play, not alone in the trade and commerce of the Pacific Northwest, but also In the great eastward and westward stream flowing across tho United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and also into the Interior from the Pacific, Is al most self-evident. On the Western coast of the United States, stretching from Its northern to Its southern boundary. Is a great chain of mountains. Through engineering skill, seeking distance for possible grades by winding in and out in valleys which pen etrate on either side, here and there piercing a dividing ridge by a long tun nel, at an Immense cost In time and car rying capacity, this mountain chain has been crossed by railroads at several points. At one point, and at one point only, there is a broad and free passage, flirpnt anil short in distance and at a descending grade, at the point where he Columbia River flows through this chain of mountains on Its way to the sea. Tho time mav come when that nart of the world's traffic, now carried by land, possibly also that carried by sea, may be carried through the air, when ques tions of grades and shortest lines will be a thing of the past. Rut at the pres ent time traffic by land and sea Is con fined to the surface of the earth. So far as It is by land the railroad is the cheap est and' best, means of transportation now known. To the railroad grade and distance are all-important elements In determining cost, which determines profit, which in its turn determines not alone the existence, but also the amount of the trade. It is probable that great lm- provements will yet be made. In our rail roads, increasing capacity and decreasing cost. But so long as the attraction of gravitation exists, it Is not likely that grade and distance will be less Important factors in the operation of railroads than they now are. Capital Can't Overcome Nature. Whof mai- ho nnflslhle to caDltal I Will f not pretend to say. This Is, however, evi dent, that that which requires tne ex penditure of a large amount of capital cannot compete with that which is pro vided by nature without cost, for capital must have a return as an Inducement for Its Investment, while nature demands none. No tunnel and no ascending and descending grade, nothing short of a di rect cut through this chain of moun tains, deep enough to reach the general level of the country east and west can equal In grade and distance the gorge of the Columbia. The cost of such a cut is practically prohibitory. As a con sequence it is not likely that any other line of railroad can ever compete. In grade and distance, with one finding its way through this chain of mountains by way of this gorge, which is but to say that this la the route provided by nature for the great stream of eastward and westward commerce between the Atlantic and the Pacific. The advantage offered to rail trans portation by the descending grade of the Columbia Is generally conceded, for It Is too apparent to be denied. But two questions are raised which directly con cern us: 1. As to the position of the Columbia River as a seaport. 2. As to the location of this city being such as to maintain its position as the seaport of the Columbia, even conceding that the harbor afforded by the river is second to none In so far as the safety of the entrance Is concerned, all objection Is to be an swered by the .record of tho commerce -fr----"0-- o OREGON TIMBER. eo-' of the three ports of the Pacific, San Francisco, the Columbia and Puget Sound, the record showing the proportion of loss at the entrance to be less for the Colum bia than for either of the other ports. The advantage which the m Columbia of fers as a fresh water harbor Is also ap parent from the record, the Portland fleet showing each year shorter time for the run to European ports than either of the others. Our one present disadvan tage Is the depth of water at the en trance, a disadvantage which in fact now exists. But we are not without proof that this disadvantage need be but tem porary, for the work done by the jetty, heretofore constructed, fully demonstrates that the depth of water Is nothing more nor less than a question of narrowing the channel. As the Government has al ready approved of the work of extending the jetty, and made one small appropria tion for the purpose, we may confidently look for an early completion of the work, and an ample depth of water at the mouth of the river. With this obstruction re moved the Columbia will be as far su perior to all Its competitors as a harbor as It now is as a line of easy grade and short distance for railroads, and the great future seaport of the Pacific Coast will be on the Columbia. At what point on the Columbia this great seaport will be located depends, as I believe, entirely on the City of Portland, which brings us to the question of the proper location for the great port of the Columbia. I have called your attention to the well-established fact that the flow of the great stream of commerce Is east and west. Another fact as to trade and com merce, fully proven by the records of the past, as well as by the existing state of things, is that, when the sea forms the whole or a part of the line of trans portation, the point at which tho land and the sea meet Is not as near the sea as it is possible for the land line to reach, but as far inland as it is possible for the sea line to penetrate. While no man has yet been able to more than guess at the cause for the eastward and westward flow of the great stream of commerce, the cause for this rule In the location of seaports lies on the surface, and may be readily understood by all, for It is a re sult of that mainspring of all commerce, profit and loss. Object of Commerce. The object of commerce Is profit. Tho products of different parts of the world are not exchanged on the basis of phllan throphy, but gain. Ships are not sent to sea, railroads are not constructed and operated on land to confer a benefit on mankind at large, but that their owners may make a profit. Consequently ships, railroads and all other means of trans portation are operated on thebasis of profit and In the field of transportation that which cannot be made to pay In the end ceases to exist, either that, its owner, discovering his mistake, abandons it for what does, or that, falling to do so, it is but a ques'tlon of time when his means ot operation become exhausted. Following the law of profit as our guide, the cause of the inland location of seaports is not far to seek, for It Ilea solely and only In profit. Thus far the cheapest known means of land transpor tation has been, and now Is, the rail road. On a comparison of this means of transportation with the segolng ves sel, taking as a standard of comparison heavy trains on low grades as for the railroad, and a seagoing steamer, having a freight capacity about 10 times that of the train, which is a by no means large ocean carrier, and we have the actual co3t of transportation standing at more than six for the railroad to one for the steam er, In both time and actual outlay or cost to the operator. As the case with which we are most familiar, let us take as an illustration the case of Portland and the mouth of the Columbia. It is evident that, in a- comparison of this kind, the basis must be the unit In each case, that is, for the railroad the largest train of freight cars which it is practical to use. For the sea we will take a steamer, such as is now used in our Asiatic trade, not with its largest possi ble cargo of 9C00 or 10,000 tons, but with a dun traae cargo oi say ouw ions. I ask you to bear in mind that the question of loading and unloading and all else but that of the time required and the actual cost of transportation from one point to the other, being common to both places as ports, does not enter Into the calculation. In the case of the railroad it would be unfair to draw a . comparison, using our local road, from Portland to the mouth of the river, with Its limited traf fic, and consequent higher cost per ton per mile, as against the seagoing vessel, operating here under conditions common to all seaports. So we will use for tho railroad the figures given as to actual cost for the larger carriers with easy grades. Trninload vs. Shipload. According to the best authorities, the limit of the freight train is about 500 tons of freight, the average being consider ably below this figure, and as for the heavier carriers of the United States, the actual cost of transportation to the com- pany not less than one-hair ot a cent per ton per mile. In round numbers it Is 110 miles from Portland to the harbor at the mouth of the river nearest the sea. To transport 5000 tons of freight from Portland to this harbor would, therefore, require ten trips of a freight train carrying 500 tons, and at one-half of a cent per ton per mile would cost $2750. As to the general average of time re quired to move freight by train, I am not fully advised, but believe I am making a very liberal allowance In favor of the railroad when I fix the time required for the moving of a freight train of 25 cars, carrying 20 tons each, between Port land and the mouth of the river, at seven hours, and the time actually employed by a train In moving 5000 tons of freight between these points at 70 hours. The actual cost to the steamer is the proportion of Its daily cost of operation which equals the portion of a day used in transit. The exact figures as to th s are not at my disposal, but I am Informed that all cost. Chat Is, the charter paid for the steamer. Including pay of crew and all cost of operation. Is within $700 per day, or less than $30 per hour. With ample depth of water and width of chan nel so that they might be operated at tul speed, and without waiting for t'de at any point, any one of our China steam ers would make the run from Portland to the mouth of the Columbia, in from nine to ten hours. As we wish to give the railroad a fair chance, we will call the time 11 hours, and the rate per hour $35 (or $S40 per day), which would make the entire cost to the steamer $3S5, or about one-eighth the cost by rail on a cargo of SOW tons: that is to suy, assume a dull time cargo for the steamer of 5000 tons, and the steamer will transport It between Portland and the mouth of the river in about one-sixth the time, at about one eighth the actual cost Were we to as sume the almost Impossible case for the steamer, of a cargo of 1000 tons, we would still have the advantage on the side of the steamer, for what would take the railroad train 14 hours would take the steamers but 11. and what would cost the railroad $500 would cost the steamer but $3S5, while If we assume a nearly full carco for the steamer of SOCO tons, the contrast becomes more marked, the time and cost for the steamer remains the same, while that for the railroad would be Increased to 112 hours of time and $40C0 of cost, a difference of more t"han 10 for the railroad to one for the steamer in both cost and time. In this calculation we have given the railroad all the odds; that Is, the benefit of iit least possible cost, the largest practicable unit, the shortest practicable and profitablo time, while wo havo taken for the steamship a figure which is in excess of both the actual cost and the actfuai time required. This Is the reason why, as against ob stacles and disadvantages, which, to those unacquainted with the true state of the case, appear prohibitive, the ocean-going vessel penetrates as far inland as possible, and why all great seaports of the world are sltuattd at the head of ship naviga tion, when the line of penetration is In the Hue of the flow of the stream of com merce, which finds an ouftet through the port. Situation of Portland. This Is the situation of Portland, at tho head of navigation for the sea-going vessel, of one of the largest rivers of the world, tho natural advantages of which should make it t'he principal seaport of tho Pacific Coast. But we must not forger that the law which governs the location and maintenance of seaports la founded on tho possibility of the vessel reaching t'he port, and that this, in it3 turn, depends on the size of tho vessel used, u condition which may change with time, and more especially with the growth and Increased demands of commerce. If we consider the lily, how it grows, we find that it grows without rolling or spinning, but that if man toils and spins for It, that is, cultivates it, it grows much bettJer, and makes a more perfect flower than If left to Nature alone. If we turn to that form of life endowed with the power of locomotion, we And that Nature does nofhlng more than provide it with the means of subsistence, which It may obtain by sufficient effort on its part; but does not find or nourish It without effort being made by It. In other words, when tho power of self-help has been provided, God helps those who help themselves. and none others. Which Is again only. another way of saying that while Nature provides man with means, she In no case provides them In that completed and per fect statfo necessary for his full and com plete enjoyment of them, but in all cases leaves something to be done by him. If we turn our attention to seaports we find t'hem no exception to this general rule. As Nature left them they have been found sufficient for the infancy of their commerce: but not to its full-grown man hood, and to fit them for t'he commerce of the world, as It now exists, much labor and tho expenditure of large sums of money have been required In each case. Take the harbors of the Pacific Coast and we find they are no exception to t'ne general rule. The three principal harbors of the Pa cific Coast are San Francisco, Portland and Puget Sound. I shall not enter Into the auestlon of what man has tfhus far done for either or all these harbors. The question with us Is, what we should do for our own, which depends. In great part at least, on what Nature has done for U3 toward placing us in a position to com pete with the other two, providing we do our part. San Francisco and Puget Sound are salt-water harbors, having ample depth for sea-going vessels of all classes, noth ing more being necessary than that the proper facilities for carrying on the busi ness ot the transfer of freight be estab lished when the depth exists. But they are separated from tho country at large by a chain of high and rugged mountains, and all traflic. not arls'ng In the country which lies between theso mountains and the sea, must pay high tolls, to the heavy grades necessary, to cross t'hese moun tains, in order to reach the ship at the wharves of either port. No Grades Here. Portland is without these grades, and land traffic may reach It at the lowest possible cost. Up to this time the depth of water in the harbor and the channel to the sea have met llie requirements of the commerce which has existed, and it finds Itself one of the largest shippers of tho products of the country Immediately tributary to it among the ports of the United States. But the commerce ot the Pacific is growing, the days of Its Infancy aro past. Through traffic is increasing, and we are passing from tho state of local to that of general commerce. This demands larger vessels, which means ves sels drawing more water, and Portland finds herself confronted with the necesslty of meeting future requirements In the way ofN increased depth in harbor and channel, If she would profit from t'he ad vantage oi descending grades, and not alonrt maintain the position which she now occupies, but advance to that to which this advantage, from the land side, en titles her. The disadvantage In grade to San Francisco and Puget Sound cannot be removed; it Is a constant quantity, af fecting the commerce of these ports by exacting from that' commerce a toll equal to the cost of lifting the traffic over the mountains. On the land side the advan tage Is with Portland: what disadvantage she has lies between her and the sea. Tnat this may be readily overcome Is clearly proven by what has already been done. As you all know the rivers which connect this city with the sea are not small streams. The Willamette Is a consider able river over 30 feet In depth for a very considerable part of our harbor, and having a channel over 25 feet In depth for the greater part of the distance be tween the harbor and the Columbia. The Columbia is one of the largest rivers of the United States, having for the greater part of the distance between the mouth of the Willamette and Its own mouth, a good wide channel of over 30 feet In depth. No obstructions of a permanent character have been found, and It appears to bo nothing" more than a question, of narrow ing the river, or cutting out a few mites of sand-bar to provide a depth sufficient to permit of vessel, that can enter any other port in the world coming to Portland. To the question of whether It Is worth our while to do this there car- be but one answer. I have, at times, listened to very able arguments against our do ing so. based on the cost to Portland of each ship. An argument which loses In force, as the number of ships Increases, for the cost per ship decreases with the number. However, these arguments are simply theory, and the finest of theory Is worth nothing, as against actual ex perience and proof by results, and all arguments are to be answered by the faot that wealth and growth have always followed commerce. As commerce has increased, the city that was its seat has Increased In. population and wealth. Pal myra In the desert was once the seat of an Immense commerce, and a mighty city. Its commerce was diverted to other channels, and It Is a desert waste. Later Venice ruled the great commerce of the world, and grew with Its growth In com merce In wealth and population. Its com merce departed and It sank to decay. 'It is their commerce that makes London and New York what they are. The ship penetrates as far inland as possible In the line of Its commerce, but It does not provide the means of penetration.; tho railroad follows the ship. We can pro vide the channel sufficient for the shlpa of all classes to reach our wharves with out obstruction and without delay, and become the great seaport of the Pacific Coast, giving to our property 10 times lt3 present value, or we can allow our com merce to depart, by falling to provide for Its needs, and use our town lots ier potato patches. Can't Wait for Government. It may be said that the Government should do here as It has done elsewhere and provide this channel for us. This 13 true. But. unfortunately, the action of the Government Is. in this respect at least, largely" regulated by political pull, and we are yet a small community, strong In natural position, but weak In political Influence. We should get all possible aid from the Government, but a channel In. excess of 30 feet In depth, broad and easy of navigation, must be provided. It must be done as economically as possible, but It must be done. Whatever else we may dispense with we cannot dispense with this and live as a great seaport. It Is to us what dally bread Is to the Indi vidual, a necessary of life. Nor can we wait for It. The great commerce of tho Pacific Is Just beginning, the next five years will decide for us our future. We must have It and have It Just as quickly as it can be made, advancing to It with each year as the size of the vessels en gaged In tho growing trade Increases. It cannot be made in a day or a montn. We must enter on the work at once, and not leave It until It Is completed. If we wait on the Government our commerce will have departed before It acts, and we will then be met with the objection, that we have not the commerce to warrant tho outlay. We can only compel this action by increasing our commerce, and we can only do this bv opening up our channel. A word on the subject of a drydock and I have finished. The reason why we must provide a drydock Is the same as that for our providing a channel to the sea. Traffic on the Pacific Is a matter of thousands of miles at sea. with all the attendant Incidents of storms and acci dents, such as have been common to this character of traffic, since first men went down to sea In. ships. This renders a means of repair at the end of the Mne necessary, for If the disabled ship reaches this land at all. she cannot again go to sea. traveling other thousands of miles. In search of means necessary to enable her to go to sea with safety at all. As a means to the repair of ships. In moat cases the drydock Is a necessity. The freight carrier on which the great body of commerce by sea depends. Is an Individual, seeking its profit where It may find It. and going from port to port. That It should provide Us own means of rjjalr, is. for It. practically Impossible. Conse quently It will seek those ports where these means are not provided, only at the advance In cost, necssary to cover Its risk, and the port will be the loser to the extent that this advance in rate In creases the charges on or decreases the amount of Its shipping, and if we would compete with the other harbors of the Pacific Coast for the great commerce which Is now beginning to grow we must provide for the ship the necessary means of repair, equally with the means of Teaching our wharves. Whether thla means pays directly and from the amount paid for Its use. Is a matter of secondary Importance, it will pay a large profit as a means of fostering and Increasing our commerce. In brief: For Portland, the providing a channel to the sea and a dry dock Is a simple matter of business and it would be just as sensible for the merchant to refuse to provide the goods demanded by his trade, as for Portland to refuse to provide that which Is as nec essary to her trade as salable goods are to that of the merchant. WHY THE FAIR IS NEEDED. Would Turn Attention of "World to Tliii Route to the Orient. City Attorney J. M. Long, who has from the beginning taken an active Interest in the Lewis and Clark fair for 1903, first told the story of Leavenworth and Kan sas City, showing how the town In the more difficult situation by superior enter prise outstripped the town on the level plain, which was possessed of the notion that commerce must go to It. and that no encouragement need be offered. He continued as follows: In order to make a more lasting- im pression on your minds that we are letting great opportunities for advancing the ma terial commercial wealth of this country pass us by. I desire to call your attention to a few statistics that I have prepared In reference to our trade relations wttn, the Oriental countries. Total Imports for the year ending in June, 1900, $175,000,000. Via Portland and the Puget Sound. $S,000,COO. Barley 5 per cent. Total exports for the year ending in June. 19C0 $108,000,000. Via Portland and Puget Sound, $26,000,000. Percentage golngf via the Northwest, 2t per cent. Total Imports and exports for the year ending June. 1S99, $212,000,000. Percentage via the Northwest 15 per cent. Total Imports and exports for the year ending June 1900. $282,000,000. Total via the Northwest, $35,000,000. Only 12 per cent. With a trade volume of $250,000,000 pass ing between the United States and the Orient, only 12 per cent passes by way of the Northwest, the natural channel and gateway. Something like 75 per cent of the exports and 95 per cent of the imports passing around and leaving the North vest out In the commercial cold. The great bulk of It going by way of the At lantic ports; Chicago, St. Louis, the Mis sissippi Valley and the Northwestern states as far as the Rocky Mountains sending their hardware and provisions to the Orient In exchange for their teas, silks, sugar and spices by way of the Suez Canal and around the Horn and thla country getting only a fraction of its natural trade. According to the statistics published, by the Oregonlan January 1. 1900, the Colum bia River exports for 16 years amount to $107,000,000, and Its Imports to $16,000,000. Puget Sound, for the same period, exports $98,000,000 and imports $32,000,000. making a total of $253,000,000 while San Francisco for the same period exported $544,000,000 and Imported $664,000,000. Our Oriental Trade. The foreign commerce of the Columbia River for the year ending December 1. 1899, to China, Hawaii, Japan the Philip pines and Russia amounted to $363,000; her total imports were $1,648,000. Her exports and imports to the same countries were $1,347,000. Her total imports and exports being $7,500,000 for the same period. In order to make these figures more startling, the total Imports of the United States from these Oriental countries were during the same period $174,000,000. By way of Oregon ports they were one-third