10 THE MOBNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 190 CLOSING THE DRAW County Has the Right to Regulate. . . DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OPINION Kelyins: on the Escannba Case, air. Chamberlain Sayii the Oregon Legislature nan Plenary Power Over the River. District Attorney Chamberlain is of the opinion that the Stite of Oregon has plenary powers over the Willamette River, and that the Legislature, by im plication, iias conferred on Multnomah County the right to regulate the open ing and closing of drawbridges in the City. of Portland. In conformity with a request from the County Court, which body is considering the advisability of keeping the draws closed at certain hours of the day, ".so as to accommodate the large, constantly increasing number d pedestrians, bicyclists, teams and street cars, Mr. Chamberlain yesterday handed to Judge Cake, the following opinion: Hon. W. M. Cake, County Judge, Uty Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your favor asking on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners my opinion as to whether or not the County Court has the authority to keep the draws upon the bridges over the Willamette River at Portland closed at certain hours, for the purpose of ac commodating travel upon the same. "Though your request for my opinion does not indicate precisely the ground you desire me to cover. I assume that you de sire to be advised: First As to the police power of the state -over navigable waters entirely within its boun daries, and the authority of the Legislature to Invest the County Court with authority to regulate the use of bridges over the same, even though such regulation may to a certain cx ent place a temporary restriction upon ths navigation of such rivers; and Second If the state has any jurisdiction over such waters, whether power has been conferred by the Legislature upon the County Court to exercise control over the bridges spanning the Willamette River, -within the corporate limits of the City of Portland. I will answer the questions in the order In which they are stated. First The act of February 14, 1S59. ad mitting Oregon into the Union provides amongst other things that "all navigable -waters of said state shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of said state as to all other, citizens of the United States, with out any tax, duty, impost or toll there ior." Objection to the construction of bridges over navigable waters within the state and the placing of obstructions therein or thereon by authority of the Legislature of the state, must be predicated either on that portion of the act of 3859 quoted, or else upon the commerce clause of the Constitution of the United States, vesting in the General Government the -exclusive right to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, -which right involves the con trol of the waters of the United States "which are navigable in fact so far as it may be necessary to insure their free navigation, when by themselves or their connection with other waters they form a continuous channel for commerce among the states or with foreign coun tries. Both questions have been .before the Supreme Court of, the United States, as well as before the courts of last resort of some of the states, and whatever room there may have formerly been for dif ference of opinion on the subject, the doc trine appears to be well settled against the objections suggested. In 1878 the Leg islature of Oregon passed an act author izing the Portland Bridge Company or its assigns to construct a bridge across he Willamette between Portland and East Portland. In 1SS0 the Willamette Iron Bridge Company, as the assignee of "the Portland Bridge Company, under the authority of the act referred to began the construction of what is now known as the Morrison-street bridge. In U5S1, Hatch & Lownsdale began a suit in the Circuit Court of the United States against the Willamette Iron Bridge Com pany to enjoin said company from pro ceeding further, and to compel the re moval of piers already in place in the xiver. It was claimed amongst other things that the construction of such a bridge interfered with the free use of the river, as guaranteed by the act of 2S59; and, further, that inasmuch as Con gress had established a port of entry at Portland, requiring vessels which navi gated the Willamette to be enrolled and licensed, and had made appropriations :for the improvement of the river, and had in other ways asserted the power of the United States to regalate commerce upon said river, and to prevent obstructions to the navigation of the same, the state had no power to authorize the construction of the bridge la question. The Bridge Company justified Its action Tinder the act of the Legislature referred to. A trial was had, and a perpetual In junction granted against the building or the bridge, and a decree rendered for an abatement of the portion already built. The decision of the case was placed prin cipally on the ground that the bridge would be, and that the piers were, an obstruction to the navigation of the .river, contrary to that portion of the act of 1S59, quoted above, admitting Oregon Into the Union, and that without the con sent of Congress, a state law was not sufficient authority for the erection of such a structure. See Hatch v. Willamette Iron Bridge Company, 7 Sawyer, 127. The defendant appealed, but the appeal was not prosecuted, and after the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the Escana ba. Company. v. Chicago. 107 U. S., 678, the defendant filed a bill of review for a re versal of the decree. See Willamette Iron Bridge Company v. Hatch, 125 U. S., 1. In deciding the case on the bill of review, Bradley, Judge, delivering the opinion of the court, both the act of 1859 supra, and the question raised as to the assumption 1 y Congress of the police power over the Willamette River, in consequence of hav ing expended money In Improving its navi ratlon and of having made Portland a Tort of entry, were ..scussed at length. In. disposing of the question raised as to the proper construction of the act of 1S59, the oourt says: It Is obx-lous that If the clause in question does prohibit physical obstruction and impedi ments In navigable waters, the State Legis lature Rself, in a state where the clause is in force, would not have the power to causp or authorize such obstructions to be made with out the consent of Congress. But it is well settled that the Leglslaure of such states to have the same power to authorize the erection of bridges, .dams, etc in and upon the navl geble waters wholly within their limits, as have the original states. In reference to which no such clause exists. It was so held in Pound vs. Turck. 85 U. S., -459, in reference to a dam in the Chippewa River, in Wisconsin: In Cardwell vs. American Bridge Company, 111 TJ. S., 205, In reference to a bridge without a draw, erected on the American River, in Crlifornia, which prevented steamboats from Co'.as above It: and in Hamilton vs. VIcksburg, et. Railroad Company. 119 TJ. S.. 2S0, relat ing to railroad bridges in Louisiana; in all w. Ich cases the clause In question was in fo-ce in the states where they arose, and in none of them was said clause held to restrain In any degree the full power of the state to tnaie, or cause to be made, the erections re ferred to, which must have been more or less b. tractions and Impediments to the naviga tion of the streams on which they were placed. . . 'It seems clear, therefore, that, accord ,nr to the construction given by this court to .he clause in ,thp act of Congress relied upon x: the court below, it does not refer to phyt .eal obstructions, but to political regulations which would hamper the freedom of com merce. It Is to be remembered that In Its original form the clause embraced carrying places be tween the rivers, as well a3 the rivers them selves; and It cannot be supposed that those carrying places were Intended to be always kept up as such. No doubt that at the pres ent time some of them are covered by popu lous towns, or occupied In some other way In compatible with their original use; and such a diversion of their use, in the progress of so ciety, cannot but have been contemplated. What the people of the old states wished to secure was; the free use of the. streams and carrying places in the Northwest Territory, as fully as It might be enjoyed by the Inhabitants of that territory themselves, without any im post or discriminating burden. The clause In question cannot be regarded as establishing the police power of he United States over th rivers of Oregon, or as giving to the Federal courts the right to. hear and determine, uc cordlng to Federal law, every complaint that may be made of an impediment in, or an en croachment upon navigation of those riv ers. We do not doubt that Congress, if it saw fit, could thus assume the care of said streams, in the interest of foreign and Inter state commerce; we only say that. In our opinion, it has not done so by the clause In question. And, although, until Congress acts, the states have the plenary power supposed, yet, when Congress chooses to act. It Is not concluded by anything" that the states, or ihat individuals, by its authority or acquiescence, have done, from assuming entire control of the matter, and abating any erections that may have been made, and preventing any oth ers fiom being made, except in conformity with such regulations as it may impose. It Is for this reason, namely, the ultimate (though yet unexerted) power of Congress over the whole subject-matter, that the consent of Congress Is so frequently asked to the erection of bridges over navigable streams. It might Itself give original authority for the predion of such bridges when called for by the de mands of interstate commerce by land; but in many, perhaps the majority, of cases. Its as sent only Is asked, and the primary authority is sought at the hands of the state. In discussing the question of the as sumption by Congress of pouce power over the Willamette River, by reason of having expended moneys In Improving its navigation, and In having made Portland a port of entry, the court does not in terms decide, but strongly Intimates, that the expenditure of monye for Improve ments is not necessarily an assumption of such police regulation as would oust the jurisdiction of the state. Congress, by conferring the privilege of a port of entry upon a town or city, does not come in conflict with the police power of a state bridging her own rfvers. Though the case of the Willamette Iron Bridge Company was commenced prior to the case of Escanaba Company v. Chi cago, 107 U. S., 678, It was not determined by the Supreme Court of the United States until long after the decision in the later case was rendered, and the decision Is based largely on the' doctrines laid down therein. The case of Escanaba Com pany v. Chicago, is determinative, it seems to me; of the plenary authority of the state over bridges across navigable waters lying within the state, where Congress has not acted under the com merce clause of the Constitution. The conditions there did not differ very ma terially from those that would exist here in case of an attempted regulation of the draws of the bridges, as suggested by your letter. There the Escanaba Com pany was the owner of three steam ves sels engaged In the carrying trade be tween ports, and placed In different states on Lake Michigan and the navigable wa ters connecting with it. The vessels were enrolled and licensed for the coasting trade, and were principally employed In carrying Iron ore from the port of Es canaba, In Michigan, to the docks of the Union Iron & Steel Company on the south fork of the south branch of the Chicago River in the City of Chicago. In their course up the river and its south branch and fork to the docks they were required to pass through draws of several bridges constructed over the stream by the City of Chicago; and it was of obstructions caused by closing of the draws, under an ordinance of the city, for a designated hour of the morning and evening during week days, and by a limitation of the time to 10 minutes, during which a draw might be left open for the passage of" a vessel, and by some of the piers in the south branch and fork, and the bridges resting on them, that the corporation complained; and to enjoin the city from closing the draws for the morning and evening hours designated and enforcing the 10 min utes' limitation, and to compel the re moval of the objectionable piers and bridges, the suit was commenced. The State of Illinois, within which the river and its branches lay, vested in the authorities of the city jurisdiction over bridges within its limits, tnelr construc tion, repair and use. and empowered them to deepen, widen and change the channel of the stream, and to make regulations In regard to the times at which the bridges should be kept open for the pas sage of vessels. Acting upon the power thus conferred, the authorities had en deavorded to meet the wants of com merce with other states, and the necessi ties of the population of the city residing or doing business in different sections. For this purpose they had prescribed as follows: "That between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning, and 5:30 and 6:30 o'clock In the evening, Sunday xcepted, it shall be unlawful to open any bridge within the City of Chicago," and that "During the hours between 7 o'clock in the morning and 5:30 o'clock in the evening, It shall be unlawful to keep open any bridge within the City of Chi cago for the purpose of permitting ves sels or other craft to pass through the same, for a longer period at any one time than 10 minutes, at the expiration of which period it shall be the duty of the brldgetender or other person In charge of the bridge to display the proper signal, and immediately close the same, and keep it closed for fully 10 min utes for such persons, teams, or vehicles as may be waiting to pass over, if so much time shall be required; when the said bridge shall again be opened (it necessary for vessels to pass), for a like period, and so on, alternately (If neces sary), during the 'hours last aforesaid; and in every instance where any such bridge shall be open for the passage or any vessel, vessels, or pther craft, and closed before the expiration of 10 minutes from the time of opening, said bridge shall then, In every such case, remain closed for fully 10 minutes, if necessary, in order to allow all persons, teams and vehicles In waiting to pass over sala bridge." The first of these requirements was called for to accommodate clerks, apprentices, and laboring men seeking to cross the bridges, at the hours named, in going to and returning from their places of labor. Any unusual delay in the morning would derange their business for the day, and subject them to a corre sponding loss of wages. At the hours specified there was three times so tn record showed the usual number ot pedestrians going and returning that there was during other hours of the day. Tne limitation of 10 minutes for the passage of the draws by vessels seemed to be eminently wise and proper for the protec tion of the interests of all parties. Ten minutes was ample time for any vessel to pass the draw of a bridge, and the allowance of more time would have sub jected foot-passengers, teams, and other vehicles, to great inconvenience and delays. The complainant principally objected to this 10 minutes' limitation, and to the assignment of the morning and evening hour "to pedestrians and ve hicles. It insisted that the navigation of the river and its branches should not be thus delayed; and that the rights of commerce by vessels were paramount to the rights of commerce by any other way. In disposing of the case, the court dis posed of every objection that could possi bly be urged to the regulation of the bridges across the Willamette. They say, with reference to the rights of individuals of each class that: Some concession must be made on every side for the convenience and the harmonous pur suit of different occupations. Independently of any constitutional restrictions, nothing would seem more just and reasonable, or better de signed to meet the wants of the population of an Immense city, consistent with the interests of commerce, than the 10 minutes' rule, and the assignment of the morning and evening hours which the city ordinance has prescribed. While conceding that the power vested in the General Government to regulate Interstate and foreign commerce involves the control of waters of the United States which arenavlgable in fact, so far as It may be necessary to insure" their free navigation, when by themselves or their connection with other waters they form a continuous channel for commerce among the states or with foreign coun tries, yet says the court: The states have full power to regulate, with in their limits, matters of Internal police. In cluding in that general designation whatever will promote the peace, comfort, convenience and prosperity of thelr-people. This power em braces the construction of roads, canals and bridges, and the establishment of ferries, and It can generally be exercised more wisely by the states than by a distant authority. They are the first to see the Importance of such means of Internal communication, and are more deeply concerned than others In their wise management. Illinois' Is more Immediate ly affected by the bridges over the Chicago River and Its branches than any other state, and Is more directly concerned for the pros perity of the City of Chicago, for the conven ience and comfort of Its inhabitants and the growth of Its commerce. And nowhere. could the power to control the bridges In that city, their construction, form and strength, and the size of their draws, and the manner and tlmfs of using them, be better vested than with the state or the authorities of the city upon whom It has devolved that duty. When Its' power is exercised so as to unnecessarily obstruct the navigation of the river or its branches. Con gress may Interfere and remove the obstruc tion. If the power of the state and that of the Federal Government come In conflict, the latter must control, and the former yield. This necessarily follows from the position given by the Constitution to legislation In pursuance of It, as the supreme law of the land. But until Congress acts on the subject, the power of the state over bridges across its navigable streams is plenary. This doctrine has been recognized from' the earliest period, and ap proved In repeated cases, the most notable of which are Wilson vs. The Black Bird Creek Marsh Company, 2 Pet. 245, decided In 1829, and Gllman vs. Philadelphia, 3 Wall., 713, de cided In 1805. The cases cited are approved by the court and it is declared that the doctrine of the decisions is in accordance with the more general doctrine now firmly estab lished, that the commercial power of Con gress is exclusive of state authority only when the subjects upon which it is exercised are National in their character and admit and require uniformity of reg ulation affecting alike all the states. Upon such subjects only that authority can act which can speak for the whole country. Its non-action is therefore a declaration that they shall remain free from all regulation. Citing Welton vs. State of Missouri, 91 U. S. 275;County of Mobile vs. Kimball, 102 U. S. 691. "On the other hand," says the court, "where the subjects on which the power may be exercised are local In their na ture or operation, or constitute mere aids to commerce, the authority of the state may be exerted for their regulation and management until Congress interferes and supersedes it. As said in the case last cited: 'The uniformity of commercial regulations which the grant to Congress was designed to secure against conflict ing state provisions, was necessarily in tended only for cases where such uni formity Is practicable. Where, from the nature of the subject or the sphere of its operation, the case is local and limited, special regulation adapted to the imme diate locality could only have been con templated. State action upon such sub jects can constitute no interference with the commercial power of Congress, for when that acts the state authority is su perseded. Inaction of Congress upon these subjects of a local nature or oper ation, unlike its inaction upon matters affecting all the states and requiring uni formity of regulation, is not to bB taken as a declaration that nothing shall be done in respect to them, but is rather to be deemed a declaration that for the time being and until it sees fit to act they may be regulated By state authority.' Bridges over navigable streams, which are entirely within the limits of a state, are of the latter class. The local author ity can better appreciate thlr necessity, and can better direct the manner in which they shall be used and regulated than a government at a distance. It Is, therefore, a matter of good sense and practical wisdom to leave their, control and management with the states, Con gress having the power at all times to in terfere and supersede their authority whenever they act arbitrarily and to the Injury of commerce." The validity of an ordinance of the City of Chicago in substance the same as that Involved in the Escanaba case, was sustained In the case of Chicago vs. Mc Ginn, 51 111. 266. So far as I have been able to discover, Congress has not seen fit to legislate In reference to the Willamette River. The most that It has done has been to give Its consent from time to time to the con struction of bridges over it. One of these acts was approved February 2, 1870, and gave consent to the construction of a bridge by a corporation from Portland to the east bank of the river, not obstruct ing, impairing or Injuriously modifying its navigation and first submitting plans to the Secretary of War; another authorized Marion County, and another the City of Albany to bridge said river; another authorized the Oregon & California Rail road Company alone or jointly with the Oregon Central Railroad Company, to build a railroad bridge ,, across the river at Portland, and there are some subsequent acts of the same character. These were all special In their nature and show no intent upon the part of Congress to interfere with the power of the state, or to assume con trol of the river under the commerce clause of the Constitution. Section 7 of the act of September 19, 1900, provides "that It shall not bo lawful hereafter to commence the construction of any bridge, bridge-draw, etc., over or in anj port. . . . harbor, navigable river or navigable waters of the United States under any act of the Legislative Assembly of any state, until the location and plan of such bridge or other works have been submitted to and approved bv the Secretary of War . . . provided that this section shall not ... be so construed as to authorize the construc tion of any bridge, draw-bridge, bridge piers . . . under 'An act of the legisla ture of any state over or in any stream, port, haven or harbor or other navigable water not wholly within the limits of such state.' " See Supplement Revised Statute., Vol. 1, page SOL This act, which Is general' in Its char acter, clearly shows that Congress has left the "regulation of these matters on navigable waters wholly within the state, to the tstates respectively, reserving only to the Secretary of War the right of approval of location and plans. It follows, therefore, that the Legisla ture of the state possesses plenary power over the navigable waters which are en tirely within its boundaries and may in vest the County Court with authority to reasonably regulate the use of bridges constructed by its authority, even though such regulation may to a certain extent place a temporary restriction upon the navigation of such rivers. Second: The act of the Legislative As sembly of the State of Oregon approved. Feoruary 21, 1895 (Acts 1895, page 421) under th? provisions of which the bridges of the city were placed under the juris diction and control of the County Court, provides amongst other things that the County Court shall have power and authority "to make all needful rules and regulations for the conduct, management and uses of the same by said city, the Inhabitants thereo'f, .and the public In general," and further, "to do any other acts or make" any other regulations necessary for the" conduct of Its business ad the due execution of the powers and authority given by this act and not con trary to law." The power Is not expressly given to the County Court to close the draws at con venient seasons for theacommodation of the people, as was done by the Legisla ture of Illinois to the City of Chicago, but It arises by necessary implication from those powers which are granted. I am therefore of the opinion that the Legislature has conferred upon" . the County Court the power to exercise con trol over the bridges placed under its jurisdiction by the act of 1S95 spanning the Willamette River, and that said court has the authority to keep the draws upon the bridges over said river at Port land closed at certain seasonable hours for the purpose of accommodating travel upon the same. I desire in cdnclusion to say that 1 have not before me the lease in force be tween the County Court and the railroad company to the steel bridge, and It may be- that the right of the County Court may be restricted as to that bridge by the terms of the contract. ' I have the honor to remain, yours re spectfully, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN, District Attorney. EASTERN MULTNOMAH. Disappearance of Thomas "Wilson Unexplained Other Items. GRESHAM, Or., sTpt. 9. Thomas Wil son, a middle-aged man who came here from Montana last Spring, has disap peared mysteriously, and his whereabouts is still unknown. He was working on the farm of George Sleret during the month of July, and up to about the 10th of August. A few days before the latter date he received J1200 from Montana, and one morning he put on his coat and lett without saying-anything about the wages due him, or anything that would tend to show where he was going or when he would come back. He left his vest and several other articles of clothing and has not been heard from since. His coat was found on the Base Line, near the nine mile post, a few days after he went away, and that Is all that is known of him since he left. He was sober and industrious, and fully able to take care of himself, but his late employer thinks it strange that he has not returned or sent for his effects and the balance due him. Flajr Station Wanted. A petition has been sent to the O. R. & N. Co.'s offices, signed by everyone interested, asking that Falrview be made a flag station, and that a 10-cent rate be made for children who wish to attend school In Portland. The trains rarely stop, and the Portland-Chicago special never stops. People who wish to travel frequently have to go to Troutdale to get aboard, which is very inconvenient. To make the concession of low fares it would be necessary to have some of the trains stop when needed. It is understood that the company will make arrangements to give the place better service. Moving the Trnclc. The O. R. & N. track at Bridal Veil is being moved to a new roadbed nearer the river than formerly. The change will do away with several curves, and give the lumbering company more room for hand ling the large number of cars being load ed there every day. The mills are now running to their fullest capacity, employ ing 175 men, and have over two and a half million feet of logs in the lake on the mountain ready to be sawed up. More room was required, hence the removal of the main track of the railroad company. Brief Notes. Picking was begun in W. W. Cotton's hopyards this morning. The yield prom ises to be heavy. The pickers will be nearly all women and, children who live here. Mr. Cotton pays by the pound, 80 ccnts.for 100 pounds being the scale. Owing to the Troutdale yards being full qf ties the teamsters from -the sawmills now in operation are hauling through this place and unloading at Falrview. But one trip a day can be made, but the road3 are good and heavy loads are hauled. The public school at Falrview has open ed with an enrollment of 26, with Pro fessor W. M. Round In charge. The at tendance will increase to 50 before the end of October. The new telephone line has been com pleted to Orient, and is going on toward the Sandy at a rapid rate. Over a dozen 'phones will be put in and connected with the central station at this place. Professor H. E. '"rson, the new prin cipal of Gresham'a public school, has ar rived here with his family from Salem. Owing to the new building being not quite ready the date for opening of the school has not yet been fixed. Today has been set for the hearing by the District Board 'of the petition for a new school district at Rockwood. Indi cations are favorable for the establish ment of the district. All the roadhouse? doing business with out a county license have closed their doors and the proprietors of a few of these are 'circulating petitions for licenses. It is thought some of them will fail, and one, at Powell's Valley, has closed up per manently. Sweet Brier postofilce has been discon tinued. The patrons fwlll receive their mall from Terry, being served three times a week by the driver of the Hurlburt stage, who delivers along the road on. written orders to the postmasters at those offices. A freight train of 32 cars broke Into three sections at Falrview yesterday morning, but no damage was done except delaying the Chicago special for half an hour. It was necessary to leave about 20 cars on the switch for lack of coup lings to replace the broken ones. Chester Smith, 13 years old, was thrown from a horse at Montavilla Friday, strik ing the porch of a store. He was in sensible for several hours and is still In a serious condition. He vomits blood, which Indicates internal injuries. DIDN'T SERVE HIS SENTENCE Willlnm Hamilton Missed Six Months of Jail Life. When William Hamilton faced Acting Judge McDevItt, yesterday, charged with larceny of a valise. Deputy City Attor ney Davis asked the defendant: "Have you served out your other sentence for larceny?" The defendant stated that he had been sentenced last March to nine months' Imprisonment in the County Jail, for larceny, and that he had been released July 18. "This must be seen to," Insisted Mr. Davis, "this man has not served out his sentence. I do not believe In the Jailor exercising the pardoning powers of this county." Acting Judge McDevItt contin ued the case. In an interview with an Oregonian man, Hamilton said that he understood that a petition had been presented in his be half, by friends who had Interested them selves," but that no money had been paid. District Attorney Chamberlain was told about the matter, and he stated that he had no distinct recollection of the case, bu that probably Hamilton had been re leased on parole, or had stated that he had had a position offered him and wished to leave town. Spokane Industrial Fair. The O. R. &. N. round-trip rate to Spo kane on September 13 is only $3 50, which Includes one admission to the fair. Limit for return trip, September 17. Ticket of fice Third and Washington. NEW TODAY. J. W. OGILBEB. ROOM 11. 145tf FIRST ST. $1250 5 acres, quite all In cultivation, G-room house, stable, chicken yard, etc.; fine cement ed cistern, orchard; 4 miles from Morrison street bridse, 3 blocks from Mount Scott elec tric line. One-half cash, balance time. NEHALEM TIMBER LANDS 25,000 acres for sale, situated i on the waters of the Nehalem. all within a radius of 15 miles of Vernonla. Actual buyers address Campbell & Prlngle. at Vernonla, Or., or at 373 East Burnslde St., Portland. . BUTTER BUTTER Best creamery butter 5055c Good creamery butter 45&50c Dairy butter 4043c Country butter 3035o Carload best ham In the city. 14c lb. Picnic ham llc lb. Breakfast bacon 1215c lb. Fresb ranch eggs 2 doz., 45c Remember. Saturday Is chicken day. Chick ens cheaper than ever. LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 8W Yamhill. r (jiAveMy THOROUGH WORK, SUPERIOR METHODS, are characteristic of our school. Individual or class Instruction. Our teaching de velops self-reliant thinkers, who succeed in life as business men and women. Stead ily gaining In public esteem for 35 years, our graduates find ready employment, as bookkeepers and stenographers, throughout th Pacific Northwest. Students ad mitted at any time. Send for catalogue, or call at the college. Park and Washington. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Board of Directors D. SOUS COHEN - - D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT - - ' DWID M. DUNNE (AidteM YAMHILL AND ELEVENTH STS., PORTLAND, OR. THOROUGHNESS Is the keynote of the Holmes method. Each student Is the object of special attention. To take earnest boys and girls and make of them self-rellanC business men and women is the work the Holme3 School has been doing, with gratifying success, for fourteen years. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Sept. 0. 8 P. M. Maximum temperature, 72; minimum temporature, 45; river reading at 11 A. M., 3.0 feet; change In the past 24 hours, 0.3 foot; total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.00; total precipitation since Sept. 1, 1001, 0.22 inch; normal precipi tation since Sept. 1, 1001, 0.34 inch; deficiency, 0.12 Inch; total sunshine Sept. 8, 0:48; possible sunshine Sop. 8, 12:54. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. P II "7 . .a o 2 M o 3 n-P o o o C CO : 33 : Bo STATIONS. Astoria Baker City ... Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roaeburg ..... Sacramento .. Salt Lake San Francisco Spokane Seattle Walla Walla . G4 10.00 NW N Clear 00 0.00 0 Clear 010.001 0 S Cloudy 0.00 NW NW NE W NW E Cltar Clear 0.00 0.00 Clear 0.00 Clear 0.00 Clear 0.001 Clear u.uu, 8NE Clear Clear 0.00 SS 0.00112 NW Clear Clear 0.00 W SW NW SW 0.00 Cloudv 0.00 0.00 (Clear I Clear Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain has fallen in the Rocky Mountain or Pacific Coast States during the last 24 hours. It la decidedly warmer In Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, and also In the In terior of Northern California. Light frosts 'occurred Monday morning in Eastern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho. The Indications are for fair weather In this district Tuesday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight Tuesday, Sept. 10: Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair; northwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair; winds mostly northerly. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Partly cloudy and occasional threatening weather; southerly winds. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast Official. NEW TODAY. BARTLETT PEARS. RIGHT FOR CANNING, big bushel apple-box size, only 00c box; peaches, Crawfords, C3c box. Remember, this Is the old stand where you get that nice, fresh rpasted Java and Mocha coffee at 25c per pound, sold elsewhere at 35c lb. Califor nia Cash Market, 1S5 Third st. Phone Red 201. THE LATEST NEWS I HAVE RECEIVED the finest assortment of domestic and Im ported special selections of Fall and Winter suitings, overcoatings and trouserings, and offer to sell garments at suitable prices. J. Reltzele, 350 Alder, near Park. MONEY TO LOAN On farm, city or suburban property; low rate of Interest; no commission; guaranteed abstracts of title of real estate In Multnomah and adjoining counties. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO.. 3 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved dry and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment loann. MacMaxtor UirrMI. all Worceiter bllr. BANKRUPT SALE. Sealed bids for the stock of pictures, art goods, merchandise and fixtures of the Portland Art Company. Portland, will be received by the undersigned at the office of Bauer S. Greene, attorneys-at-law. Chamber of Com berce, on or before noon of September 12, 1001. All bids must be accompanied by 10 per cent ot the amount In cash or certified check, which shall be forfeited In case the bidder falls to comply with the terms of his bid. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. For Inspection of stock and Inventory, apply at store. No. 807 Washington street. .LI. WHITE, Trustee. ectricity in Your Home Works wonders, and has become Invalu able. It lights, cooks, calls your serv ants, and keeps away the enterprising burglar. Any of these appliances will be arranged and fitted In your home by skliled electricians. Hotels are fitted with bells and Indicators, telephones, etc., at bed-rock prices. We have everything in the line of electrical supplies made. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS 305W. WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, OR. NEW TODAY. SPECIAL FOR TODAY BARTLETT PEARS. G5c per box; the best cooking apples, G5c box; good table butter. 4oc; lard. In bulk, 10s lb. Oregon Cash Grocery, 232 N. 14th st. DNIYERSITT PARK The seat of the Columbia University Is situated on the high tableland between the Willamette and Columbia rivers and inside the city boundaries of Portland. It has city water, city schools, city telephone service, electric street lights, graded streets, sidewalks, boul evards, cycle paths, and street car service to any part of the cily for a five-cent fare. It Is high, sightly and healthful. The owners of this property have decided to sell one-half of the lots for the purpose of inducing homebuilders to lo cate there. Improvements and population bring values. The reserve blocks will not be sold till 1905 when we shall expect to get $500 each for our cheap est lots. While our reserve lots are advancing, your lots must also advance. The Lew is and Clark Centennial Ex position will surely be held at University Park. Factoiies that will give employment to thou sands of people will soon be built within easy walking dis tance of University Park. The better class of these people will seek homes at University Park. You can double your money In a short time by In vesting it In University Park lots. Buy now before the ad vance. Prices are from $100 to $225 per lot, one-tenth cash, balance $5 per month. No in terest on deferred payments. No taxes. Abstract free with every deed. Encourage your sons to invest in this property. It will teach them good habits and they will learn to save what they would otherwise squander. Call on or address UNIVERSITY LAND CO., Francis I. McKenna, Mgr. Room 403, Marquam Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "Housekeep ing Rooms." "Sltuatlona Wanted." 15 words or less. 13 cents; 10 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 23 cents. t&. No discount, for addi tional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS -xeept "New Today." 30 cents for 13 words cr leas; 10 to -' words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 30 cents. -first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one half; no further discount under on month. "NEW TODAY" (sauce measure agate), 13 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per !tn for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian ard left at this of fice, should always be lncionetl In, sealed envel opes. No stamp Is required on such letter. The Oregonian will not bo responsible for er ror in advertisements taken through tho telephone. AMUSEMENTS. CORDRAY'S THEATER- THREE NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3EPT. S RICHARDS & PRINGLE'S FAMOKS GEORGIA MINSTRELS. CO Minstrel Stars. Two Superb BRd. The best and most up-to-date orgtaatMt of Its kind before the public. Prices 25c. 50e. 75c. Seuta now setMmf. FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS REOPENED. REOPENEDi CARBERRY AND STANTON, Operatic Duettats. PEARL WARD. A Coming Favorite. ROUSELLE AND HOWARD. Famous Horizontal Bar ExWEta RUTH LA CROIX. The Popular Artist. HATTIE WARD ami MAE LEONEOR Portland's Favortto. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE ORBCON LODGE OF PJERFECE80N, NO. 1. Spelal meiJmr this evening at 8 o'etacle. Watk m 4th, 5th aad 9th ilegr. By order VEN. JLVSTER. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, NO. 14SI. ROYAL ARCANUM. R ular meeting this (Tuesday) even ing. Auditorium Hall. S o'elotk. All members cordially iRVlWd. JERRY BRONABGH; Sec. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. L L O O c Ttoc-nini- meetintr this (Tuesday) eveHiwr at S "o'clock. Business of importance. S. GRUTZE. Scribe. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Central Auction Rooms, cor. AMer ami Park st-s. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. BaKr Co.. auctioneers. At Gilman's salesroom. 41t Wahlntwi t-. 10 A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer. At 10 A. M., at 353 Stark st. J. T. "WItoon. auctioneer. At 10 A. M.. at 134 FMlh ac, eor. Bwnpide. J. T. Wilson. auctlnr- DIED. CRAIG At hto home, a Lnt Sept." fll 01. D. W. Craitr. aged 33 yijs; mrebj of Mount Scott Cam?. No. 4T.. K. 0. T M. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DITTMER September 0, Hery WBUam IHtt mcr: born in Neumlnswr. Germany, mgett 'I years. Funeral will tak place TuaUn Sei-tember !u, at 2 o'clock 1. M.. front Hot man's Funeral Parlors, corner Fourth a."l Yamhill tre?U). Friend invited to attend Interment .it Lone Fir C&mlery. Chft a i papers please copy. EDWARD nOLMAS. TJmlertalcem.-lth snd Yamhill nta. Ilcmi SiIjinob. Ixtly auslstaut. Roth piiune.t No. 5HT. Finley, Klmlmll t Co.. Cndertakrr-t. Lady naMlstnnt. -73 Tlilrd t. 'Vm, !. F S. Dniinlnjc, 1'inh'rsnker. U- fcJt t Alder. Lady nItmit. llotk tliH" FOR SALE REAL ESTATSL FOR SALE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN -Take notice, that Highland Place, bur known aa Huik'hCs Orchard, on Union .i this side of the stores, tire engine hotu, ei.. Is now platted. These lota have large, ehou bearing fruit trees, and every one of the beautiful lots are going to be sold for $175 and up. Every investor, homeseeker or ayc ulator. in fact, everybody. U crd tally in vited to see this property. Do not dpue the day of small things. True, our rlcea are small, but this property ranks with the very beat. It has all of the retuiits ft.r healthful and beautiful home sites, among which are ventilation, drainage and view The Hlshland School, with the view it af fords Its scholars, ought to produce some great artists. ThN property Is . ue to lire protection and plenty of water. It Is In a choice neighborhood, and situated oniy 15 minutes from Third and Washington, sm It la on Union-avenue car line; alo 2'j blocks from Wllllams-avenue cars The. tltlj is perfect; a general warranty deed given and an abstract will be furnished every pur chaser. For further particulars see E. J Haight & Co.. 212 Ablngton building. Third st., bstween Washington and Stark st. $5200 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. WITH quarter block. East 22d St.; eonventeRt .o Ea3t Ankeny car line. 51300 Nice home In Highland Park; price less than cost of Improvements. $30u0 for one block; the finest vlw of Port land. 32S0O The best bargain, near Mount Tabor car line; modern cottage and large grounds. We have bargain home sites on very eay terms. DAVIDSON. WARD A CO.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN COUNTER S250 each 2 lots. Walte's Cloverdale. $350 each I lots. Piedmont. $300 each 3 lots. North Albina. $250 each 1 lots. Riverside Add. $200 each 1 lots. Park Add. $100 each 1 lots. Good Morning. $200 each i lots. Arbor Lodge. $50 each t lots. 25x100, Peninsular Add. $250 each 5 lots. Willamette. H. G. SIBRAY, 408 Marquam. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 145 FIRST ST . Portland. $2000255 acres. 30 acres In culti vation, buildings not very good, quite a por tion of the land easy to put into cultivation, lies rolling, soil excellent, especially fruit and hops; well watered: one mile from rail road. 20 miles from Portland, to Yamhill County. Oregon. Cheap farm. OAK GROVE'S THE PLACE! FOUR SALES made last week. You can't help but buy when you go to see this place. Just think of It! Choice one-and-a-quarter-acre to 15-acro lota at prices way down, right on river front or on electric car line. R. 11. DUNN, 140& First or 100 Grand ave. IRVINGTON ACREAGE TRACTS WE CAN 3cll you 5-acro tracts at $350 to $ifiO; easy terms; only 1 miles from Irvlngton; 4 miles from the center of Portland. Como quick; they won't last long. Grlndstaff & Blain. 2iU Stark st. LOT 8, BLOCK 12. CARTER'S ADDITION. 17th and Columbia sta.; lot 1. block 4. Slees' Addition. Mllwaukle St.; 100 beautiful lota in Sellwood; easy terms. T. A. Wood, First and Alder sts. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME ON BAST Side; large house and grounds, convenient; sightly, pleasant, healthy; cheap; terma to suit. J. J. Johnson, rooms 17 and 18, Hamil ton "bldg.. 131 3d St., Portland. IRVINGTON Beautiful building lot on 13th. near Tillamook. ?55. "Lot on Tillamook. near 10th. $GS5. All city Improvements. Sea owner. C20 Marquam blk. Phone Grant Kll. FOR SALE ONE 5 ACRES. SET TO FRUITS. One 10 acres. 4 of It set to bearing prunes, remainder in grass. Inquire at Clackamas Station for John Mohr. FOR SALE OR TRADE MY RESIDENCE at Mount Tabor; modern 9-room hout. with barn; elegant grounds; terms eay. C. H. Thompson, 12S 3d st. FOR SALE-G-ROOM HOUSE FULLY FCJt nlshed; ridge lot. 50x100. at CentrvMle. North Beach. Apply 304 Jackson, cor. Park. Co lumbia jdione 522. CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON WEST PARK. between College and Jackson. Room 55u Sherlock building, between 2 and 4 30 P. M. 7-ROOM HOUSE; INSTALLMENTS. MUST pell. Several o-roora cottages; easy terma. Money to loan. 612 Commercial building. 54300 MODERN HOUSE. JUST COMPLETED. Gllsan St., near 23d; good value. Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock buUdlns. CHOICE SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE, MON tavllla; beautiful grove; oar Hne. Call 700 Chamber of Commerce. JJJJijSSfa