THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1901. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS local markets yesterday had their usual amount of Monday business. Dress ed meats are lower, decline being most conspicuous In lamb, mutton and pork. Veal Is a. little steadier. Receipts of mut ton from Eastern Oregon since shearing time have much enlarged, and meat that went Into cold storage last' week on ac count Of COld Weather is now rtonrpwsfnir tixe market. Poultry was very dull yes- T icruay, biockb carried. ovr .from last week being sufficient for all orders. Eggs were weak and unchanged. Supply continues large. Best .butter was firm, and store weak. Demand, for. the latter Arm. Cali fornia has been light recently. Dealers do not regard' advance In creamery as prob able at present. Strawberries are coming In freely and yesterday declined to 10c. Local fruit Is taking the place of Hood River and Southern "Oregon, although held hack by cool weather. Part of the weakness of meat and -eggs la attributed to consump tion of strawberries. The. vegetable mar ket la well stocked "with home supply, and Importations trom. California are smi.Il. Oregon cabbage and cucumbers arc In creasing In receipts. California cherries, apricots, peaches and .other fruits are In full supply. cent would be declared on the common stock nextimonth. Silver was harder. Clenrlns-Honsc Statement. Clearings. Balances. Tacoma $209,086 $ 41.6-15 fe&,"le 600.545 128.764 Spoicaae 264,460 34,300 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. The July option was showing consider able strength In the East yesterday and the close was a cent above Saturday's figures. The European market was steady on futurcb, and higher on cargoes. The local market is a little firmer, but 60 cents was the best bid for Walla Walla yes terday, with no sales reported. There is no spot or near-by tonnage offering, and that which Is under charter Is so well provided for, that buyers are not forcing matters. The business from now on un til the new crop commences to move will fee largely of a "cleaning up" nature. Freights are firm, with no new transac tions reported. Wheat Walla Walla, export values. 960c; blueetem, Gl62c; Valley, nominal. Flour Best grades, 52 903 40 per barrel; graham. J2 60. Oats-White. Jl &A1 35; gray, 5130 1 S2H Per cental. Barley Feed. ?1717 50; brewing. 517 17 50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, 517 per ton; middlings, 52150; shorts, 520: chop. 516. Hay Timothy. 512 5014: clover, $70 50; Oregon wild hay. $67 per ton. Vegetable. Fruits, Etc. Vegetables Onions, California red, 51 50 cabbage. 51 50 per cental; potatoes, 90c (55110 per sack; new potatoes, 2c per pound; celery, 755e per dozen: tomatoes, $1 50S1 75 per box; asparagus, 51 per box, 40c per dozen; rhubarb, llc per pound; peas, 4c per pound. ' Fruit Lemons, choice. 52; fancy, 52 B0 2 75; oranges. 51 7502 50 lor navel, 51 600 1 75 for seedlings, per box; pineapples. 554 50 per dozen; bananas, 52 25Q3 per bunch; Persian dates. 6c per pound; ap ples, 522 50; strawberries, 10c per "box. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 5Gc per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 2 4c; pears, SSc; prunes, Italian, 57c; sil ver, extra choice, 5g7c; figs. California blacks, 5c; flgs, Caliiornla white, 57c; plums, pitless, white, 7Sc per pound. Batter. ge, rcnltry. Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 1517c; dairy, 13S?Hc; store. 1012c per pound. Eggs 1212V4c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 53 504; hens, 54S"5; dressed, 11 (g 12c per pound; Springs, 51 W&3, per dozen; aucks, 55 for old, 567 for young; geese, 55 506 50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10S?12c; dressed, H 6d per .pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12c; TToung America, 1314c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. Cotfee Mocha. 2328c; Java, fancy, 26 J2c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary; lB20c; Costa Rlcl. fancy lS20c; Costa Rica, good, 16Q18c: Costa Rica, ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia roast. 511 75; Arbuckle's. 512 65 list: Lion, 512 05 list. Rice Island, 6c; Japan. 5c; New Or leans, 45c; fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Sugar Cube, 56 50; crushed. 56 75; pow dered, 56 10; dry granulated. 55 90; extra C, .$5 90; golden C. 55 40 net; half barrel, ic more than barrels; sacks, loc per 100 less than barrels: maple. 1516c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, 51 502; two-pound tails, 52 252 60: fancy one-pound flats, 522 25; &-pound iancy flats, 51 101 80; Alaska tails, 51 1 25. two-pound tails, 51 902 25. Grain bags Calcutta. 57 per 100 for spot. Coal oil Cases, 19&c per gallon; barrels, lE&c; tanks, 18c Stock salt 60s, 514 75; lMts, 514 25; granu lated, 50s, 520; Liverpool, 50s, 521; 100s. 520 50; 200s. 520. Nuts Peanuts, G&7c per pound for raw. 9c for roasted; cocoanut 9c per dozen; walnuts. HKgllc per pound: pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts. 15c: Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c; -fancy pecans, 12 14c; almonds, 1517V4c per pound. ' Meat and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 4c per pound, gross; dressed, 77c per pound; best sheep, "wethers, gross, with wool, 54 254 50; sheared. 53 503 75; dressed, 66c per pound. Hogs-Gross, heavy. 55 756; light, (4 75 &o; aressea, e per .pound. Veal-Small. 7Sc;Iclarge. 6&7c Bound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield Brand) hams, 13c: picnic. 9&c per pound; breakfast bacon, .lhW316c per pound; bacon. 12c per pound: backs, llftc; dry salted sides, llc: dried beef setts, 15c; Jcnuckles. 17c; lard. 5s, 12c; 10s, llc: 50s, 215ic; tierces. lUic; Eastern pack (Haml xnotid's), hams, large, 12c; medium, 13c; email, 13V&c; picnic, lOVic: shoulders, 10c; breakfast bacon, 1417c; dry salted sides, 1012c: bacon, sides, ll?i13c; backs, ISttc; butts, llc; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s. 12c. 10, Uc; dry salted bel. lies, lU413c; bacon bellies. 12Hc; dried beef, 15c. Beef Gross, top steers. 555 25; cows end heifers. 54 504 75; dressed beef, 7 7c per pound. per Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 12314c per pound. Wool Valley, H13c; Eastern Ore gon, 7gHc; mohair, 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, ?050c; long ,wool, 60(351 each. Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease. 22c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and upwards, 14I5c: dry kip. No. L 5 to 16 pounds, l415c per pound; dry calf No. 1, (sound steers, 60 pounds and over, 7Sc; do, 50 to 60 pounds, 77&c; do under 50 pounds, 6H7c; kip, 10 to 30 pounds, 6& 5c; do veal, 10 to 40 pounds; 7c; do. calf, under 10 pounds. 78c; green (unsalted) lc per pound lees; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, halr ellpped, weather-beaten or grubby), one third lees. Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size. 55 JO; cubs, each, 525; hadger, each, 1040e; wildcat. Jt575c; house cat, 520c; fox, common gray, 3050c: do red, 51 502; flo cross, 55K; lynx, $23; mink. 50cl 25; marten, dark Northern. 56P12; do pale pine, 51 E02; muskrat. 510c; skunk. 25 $5c; otter (land). 557; panther, with head and claws perfect, 525: raccoon. 30 S5c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, 93 505: prairie wolf or coyote, 6075c; wolverine, 54&7; beaver, per skin, large. 53 6; do medium, per skin, 537; do small, per akin, 512: do kits, per skin, 5075c XEW YORk STOCK MARKET. Speculation Wai Spirited, bat Large- ly Professional. NEW YORK, June 3.-Speculatlon In stocks was again very animated today. and the dealings showed A substantial ex pansion over those of Friday. Both in characterand volume of trading, the mar ket bore a close resemblance to that In the boom period. There was an Increas ing demand on the -part of outside public, but t;he. market still continued for the most part In the hands of professional operators and the larger speculative Inter ests. Much of the buying Is predicated upon tne confident assumption that the powerful financial Interests of the coun try have reached a determination hy tacit agreement to advance prices to a higher level again and to attempt to renew the speculative conditions orevalllne before the upBet In the second week of May. Buyers or last week were very heavy sellers to take profits today, and this selling caused a very general reaction af ter the opening advance. After the first general reaction the policy was adopted to advance first one and then another stock In sequence. Realizing was continu ous under cover of these movements, but the net result of the day's trading was a substantially higher level of prices. At the close, after a day of great activity and Variety, the steel stocks were conspic uously under pressure of realizing after the opening rise and closed on the down grade with only fractional gains. Very conspicuous strength was shown by St. Raul, Union Pacific, Southern Pa cific, Missouri Pacific and, In the flnal dealings, the Readings and Erles. There waB an Improvement of great speculative activity In Sugar, which carried that stock up an extreme 5 points. Amalgam ated Copper gained Z. The tobacco stocks, Colorado Fuel, Consolidated Gas, General Electric and Pacific Mall rose from 2 to 4. Sugar was affected by the renewed conviction that an understanding existed between the competing Interests, la the market -there was large specific news to account for the activity and strength beyond the general belief ar rived at In the Northern Pacific dispute carried with it an assurance of concord among all the great railroad powers. Northern Pacific stock sold at 150, and the closing was 100 bid and ISO asked. Only 100 shares were dealt In. One of the rumors current was that Northern Pa cific stocks would be exchanged for bonds to be Jointly guaranteed by Union Pacific, St. Paul, Great Northern and Cicago & Northwestern. The speculation was large ly based on general considerations, such as that time has demonstrated that the panic had effected no immediate Impair ment of the prosperous' business condi tions, so that with speculative losses ad justed a renewed advance was In order. The belief Is prevalent that still fur ther large readjustments In the relations and holdings of the great railroad systems looking towards additional stability of conditions are still In contemplation, and it Is argued that the panic In Itself may have facilitated efforts to concentrate holdings of railroad securities with these ends In view. An easier tone in the exchange market indicated less probability of gold exports this week. Bonds were active and strong In sympathy with stock's. Total sales, par value, 54,700,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. New York Stocks. JThese quotations are furnished by R. W. McKlnnon & Co., members jf the Chicago Board of Trade: STOCKS. BONDS. lOGtft N. Y. Cht. lrts. U. S. ref. 2s do coup U. S. 3s res do 3s coup U. S. new 4s reg do coup U. S. old 4s rcg.. do coup U. S. 5s reg do coup Dls. of Col. 3-GOb. Atchison adj. 4s.. C & N.W. con Its.. do S.F. deb. 5s. D. & R. G. 4b.. Gen. Electric 5s.. Bid. STQCKS. The total sales of stocks today .were ,804,000 shares. The closing quotations were: AtchLoon 8T! Southern Pacific. 10644 109 109 138 Vi 13b V 112 H 113Vs 108: 108' 125 103M, im: 1024 1854 Nortlj. Pacific 3s. do 4s Or.-'-Nav. lBts .... do 4s Or. Short Line 03. do con. 5s R. G. Y. lsts.... St. Paul cons. . . , do C. & P. lsts. do C. &hP. 5s.. Union Pacific 4s.. Wis. Central lsts. West Shore 4s.. South. Pacific 4s, 103 72i4 105 &, 109 .as ir ,184 no 105H 89'A ,113 , 94 do pfd .104 Southern, Ry.. Bait. A OaiolKM. Mopfd do pfd 05 Canadian Pacific. 106V4 Can. Southern... iv 1& Chicago 'Altopk. 47 do pfd,.60: Chl.r, fcMH.t8 TM.. lnto$t,..3(t do pfd .(..,.:.. 73; ChL &. East 111.. 129 Chicago & G. W. 22' ao a pia....... 62 do B pfd 47 Chicago & N. W.202 Chi, R. I. & P.. 104 Chi. Term. & T. 22, -flo pfd 44 C. C. C & St. L. 85 Colo. Southern ...16 do lsts pfd 52 do 2dft pfd .... 24H Del. & Hudson.. 168 Del.. LacK. & W.242 D. & R. G 49 do pfd i 974! Erlq 44 ao ists pro .... 7iy do 2ds ptd 59 8S 50 22 38 ...114 ... 91 ... 25tf 8 45 73 Texa & Pacific. Tol.. St. L. &.W ofd Onion Pacific ao via .... Wabash ...... ,A. ,tio pia ,, Wheel. & X.. E.. do 2d 8 Dfdi.... Wis. Central ..,. ao pid P. C. C. & St. L EXPRESS CO.S Adams 180 American 188 unuea states .... bt Well-Fargo 148 MISCELLANEOUS. Amal. Cop 122 Am. Car & F.... 28 do pfd 83 Am. Linseed Oil. 15 do pfd 44 Am. Smelt. &-R. 59! do pfd 99 Am. Tobacco ....139 Anaconda M. Co.. 50 Gt. Northern pfd.l8(fii Rocking Valley .. 54 do pfd 78 Illinois' Central ..143 ! Iowa. Central ... 45 I do pfd. 62 68V. Brook. R. T. 8?H Colo. Fuel & Iron.101 Cons. Gas 225 do pfd '.'.1U Gen. Electric ...239 Glucose Sugar L. E, & Western. 60 I Hocking Coal do pfd 120 Louis. Nash... 107i Manhattan L 120 Met. St. Ry ....173t Mexican Central.. 26 Mexican National. 11 Minn, & Bt. L... 07 Missouri Pacific. 115 Mo , Kan. & Tex. 32 do pfd 65U if. J. Central. H. T Central.... 158 Norfolk &, West.. 54 ao pia 8U North. Pacific... 100 do ptd 9S Ont. & TYestern. Pennsylvania . . . Reading do lsts pfd ... do 2ds pfd ... St. L. & S. F... , do lets pfd ... do Zds pfd ... St. Louis. S. W. do pia 4011 oT'4 85 8 44 Intnl. Paper do pfd ....... Intnl. Power .. Laclede Gas ... National Biscuit National Lead . National Salt . do pfd 77 North American.. 90 Pacific Coast 61 159iPaclflc Mall 40 feopie-s uas ....H6i Pressed S. Car.... 45 do pfd ... 85 Pull. Palace Car.210 Republic Steel ... 19 85 do pfd 75 150lEugar 152 47Tenn. Coal 9c Iron. 01 80i Union B. & P. Co. 12 57! do pfd 70 47U. S. Leather.... 14 86 j do pfd 81 721U. S. Rubbor.... 21 SO do Dfd G2V. 60 u. S Steel 51A St. Paul 174) do pfd 90 do pfd 190 (Western Union .. 00 Foreign Commercial Xevr. NEW YORK, June 3. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says; Business was considerably better to--day. It was In the American department, however, that activity was most marked, and these shares furnished the bulk of business. The buying of Americans went on steadily throughout the session. Prices rallied as a result of buying on curb ai ter the exchange closed. The favorites were Erie and Southern Pacific, but the feat ure was easily United States Steel. Pre dlctlons were that a dividend of 4 per CULLISON&CO. Board of Trade and SUck Exchange Brokers GRAIN PROVISIONS STOCKS ni COTTON BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR CASH OR CARRIED ON MARGINS f t :v.4 214-215 ' Cnsmberof Commerce ? .C' Portland. Orcf n Anaconda Mining Co... Amal. Copper Co Atchison com Atchison pfd Am. Tobaceb com Am. Sugar com Am. Smelter com : Am. Smelter pfd Baltimore & Ohio com. Baltimore & Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Cnicago & Alton com.. Chicago & Alton pfd.. Chicago & G. W. com. Chi., Ind. & L. com.... Chi., Ind. & L. pfd.... ChL, Burl. & Quincy.. CM., Mil. & St. Paul.. Chicago & N. W. com. oni., R. I. & Pacific.. Central Ry. of N. J..... Chesapeake & Ohio.... Canada Southern Colo. Fuel & Iron com. Cont. Tobacco com Cont. Tobacco pfd Delaware & Hudson.... Del.. Lack & Western. D. & R. G. com D. & R. G. pfd Erie com Erie 2ds Dfd Erie lsts pfd Illinois Central Louicville & Nashville. Met. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated... Mexican Central Ry.... Aiissourl Pacific Mobile & Ohio Mo., Kan. & Tex. com. Mo., Kan. & Tex. pfd. New York Central Norfolk & West. com.. Norfolk & West, pfd., Northern Pacific com., Northern Pacific pfd., North Amer. ...(new) N. Y., Ont. & W Pennsylvania Ry People's G., L. & C. Co Pressed S. Car com..., Pressed Steel Car, pfd, Pullman Palace Co..., Pacific Mall S. Co Reading com .......... Reading 2ds pfd , Reading lsts pfd Southern Ry. com , Southern Ry. pfd , Southern Pacific St L. & S. F. com... St. L. & S. F. 2cts pfd St. L. & S. F. lsts pfd Texas & Pacific Tenn. Coal & Iron Union Pacific com Union Pacific pfd , U. S. Leather com U. S. Leather pfd U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Sly el Co. com... U. S. Steel Co. pfd... Wheel. & L. E. com... Wheel. & L. E. 2ds... Wheel. & L. E. lsts... Wis. Central com Wis. Central pfd Western Union Tel... Wabash com Wabash pfd 121 11224i S7. 88 103104 140 148 55 121 6t HJJAt lfttlAllOt I141139139 144 1021 152 93100 59 681 59 ,1109. 90 83 47 81 23 40 74 isffy 175 205 166 160 51W 721A 102 69 115 O So c.2. 50tf! 50 50 50 98.1 99 107108 9o 9a 81 S2ft 43, 47 80 22 39 7314 108 95 82 43 80 23 89 7314 196 172 20a 165 160 50 6S& 101 685. 114 169 243 50 98 43 58 7L 1143 107 ll3M 121121il20 26AI 26W 2bx 112.116112 by w 1 tu 31 UA, 31 64 60; 63 22 39 73 170 1 168 242i242 50 3H! 44 58 71 144 108 196196 !172174 2C3202 1 iw 159Vi 71 101 ss 114 168 Z42 49 37 44 5S 71 143 107 163 1159 50 69' 101 I 67 113 49 97 43 57 70 143 106 159 53 89 174 173 1173 i;i.-r'7Ai .- 26 115 8i 65Vx 158 9S 90 35 159i If 9S 90 158 53, 54 E8 89 100 97 90 35 97 89 35 34 150 150 llo 1150 H5r iiuiT MCnts 1 451 46 I 451 46 I 85 86 I 85 S3 IZ1L ZllZlGiZ10 40 41 44l 48 55 57 77 80 34, 35 SS 59 at 46 I 70 S6 48 61 113 92 14 80 21 63 B1U 100 IIS 32 53 2A 44 48 73 86 50 0"4 115 92 15 82 21 63 52 100 19 33 53 21 45 94 j 95 254 26 44 44 43 44 40 475 57 80 35 f9 . i? 50 61 114 9m 14 21 62 51 22 23si 52 I 53 2021 44 44 94 95 24 25 3S 44 55 34 87 56 46 70 So 48 61 113 91 14 79 21 62 51 99 18 Total sales, 1,875,300 shares. Money closed 3(3 per cent. Money, Exclinnprc, ETtc. NEW YORK, June 3. Money on call, easy at 24 per cent; last loans, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 34 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 88 de mand and at $4 S54 85 for 60 days; posted rates, $4 854 89; commercial bills, $4 S44 85. Silver certificates, nominally 60a Mexican dollars, 48c. Government bonds, steady. ' State bonds. Inactive. Railroad bonds, strong. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4 86; sterling on Lon don, sight, $4 89. Mexican dollars, 49(550c. Drafts, sight, 12"c; drafts, telegraph, 15c. LONDON, June 3. Consols, 93c. Money 2 per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 3. The state ment of the Treasury balance In the gen eral fund, excessive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: . Available cash balances $163,138,370 Gold ..... 94,667,631 Officers of Chicago Exchange. CHICAGO, June 3. Reuben H. Don nelly was today elected president and John J. Mitchell treasurer of the Chicago Exchange. There was but one ticket in the field for these offices. Stocks at London. LONDON, June 3. Atchison, 89; Can adian Pacific, 108; Union Pacific pre ferred, 95: Northern Pacific preferred, 101; Grand Trunk," 11; Grand Trunk preferred, 12; Anaconda, 10. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at American and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Wheat and barley futures inactive; spot wheat, firmer; spot barley, quiet; oats, quiet but firm. Wheat No. 1 shipping, 97c; choice, 9Sc; milling, $11 03. Barley Feed. 7376c; brewing, S0 82c. Oats Black, for seed. $1 201 37; red, $1351 45 Call board sales: Wheat Inactive; December, $1 04; caBh, 9Sc. Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, Jl S5l 40. Grain in Enropc. LIVERPOOL, June 3. Wheat Cargoes on passage, quiet and steady; No. 1 stan dard California, 30s; Walla Walla, 30h; English country markets, dull. Imports of wheat Into the United King, dom, 254,000 quarters; Imports of flour Into the United Kingdom, 259,000 barrels; wheat and flour on passage to- the United Kingdom, 3 270,000; wheat and flour pn passage tothe Continent, 1,9SO,000; Indian shipments "of wheat to the United King dom, 28,000 quarters; Indian shipments of wheat to the Continent, 1000 quarters. Wheat and flour at Paris weakj French country markets, steady; weather in Eng lejid, overcast. LONDON, Juno 3. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, Western "Winter, 5s lld; No. 1 Northern Spring, 6s Id; No. 1 California, 6a l&d. Futures quiet; July, 5s lld; September, as lid. Corn Spot, American mixed, new, steady, 4s; old, quiet, 4s 2d. Futures, quiet; July. 3s lld; September, 5s lld. Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, June 3. Disappointing cables, decrease of quantity on passage and reports of rains exerted a bearish In. fluence at the opening of the wheat mar ket. Under liberal offerlngs'the July de livery opened to &c lower at 74g75c Nearly all the wheat put out was taken quickly by a few commission housqs which apparently had instructions to buy, lt respectlve of crop conditions', and1 thence forth the weather ceased to be a factor. The crowd that had sold early, having learned where their wheat was going, clamored to buy back at the market. It was rumored that a large commission house, suld Xo have bought 10,000,000 bushels of July last week, was preparing to execute n squeezer This became tho ruling Influence, and July advanced sharply to 76c. .The temptation to tako profits resulted In a reaction to 76c, but ender bull support and an unexpectedly big decrease In, the visible, the upjward movement was" resumed until 77c" was reached. Here the leader credited with building the corner put out 75,000 bushels and for a moment the market declined c. Holders of long lines were obstin ate, howevjer, and again the price- an vanced, shorts bidding to. 78c. At this price there was considerable liquidation, causing a slight decline. The close was strong and j22c higher at 7777c, The corn market was as dull as wheat was active, but secured considerable bene fit from the strength In wheat. The close was steady .and,c lower at. 45c for tjio July option. The oats market was fairly active. .July closed steady, a shade Jowcr at 2Sc. ' ' Provisions were, dull,, but the dragging, market was helped by the strength In wheat. Toward the close there Was con siderable selling of pork by commission houses. July pork, closed 10c lower, lard was unchanged -and ribs were 5c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closlruc. June $0 76 fO 76 $0 75 $0 78 ,'..'.'. 72 74 72 CORN.. July Sept. T-A 73.; June July Sept. 41 4 44 45 45 23 26 14 32 14 02 815 17 7 82 780 2S JM 14 55 14 8 17 8 22 785 7 82 45 ...'.. 45 45 OATS- . July 28 28 Sept. ..'. 2iy . 7 MESS PORK. July 14(52 14 02 Sept, 14 70 14 70 LARD July 817 8 20 tsept &zo 82 SHORT RIBS. July 785 787 Sept 7S5 . 785 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Quiet Wheat No. 2- spring, 74; No. 2 red, 76 77c' Corn No. 2, 4444; No. -2 yellow, 44 44c. Oats No. 2, 28; No. 2 white, 29; No. 3 white. 2S30c. Barley Good feeding, 46 r fair to choice malting, 5055c. "' Flax Seed No. 1, Jl 71; 'No. 1 Northwest ern, $1 71. Seed Prime Timothy, $3 65. Mess Pork-Per barrel, $14 65$14'60. Lard Per 1000 lbs., $8 15$8 1 Short Ribs Sides (loose), $7 i&g 95. Shoulders Dry salted (boxed), 67c. Sides Short clear (boxed, $8 05$8 15. Receipts. Shipm'ts. Flour, barrels 20,0o0 17,000 Wheat, bushels 19(1.000 418,000 Corn, bushels .. 03.000 520,000 Oats, bushels 027,000 368,000 lte, bushels 8,000 2,000 Barley, bushels 14 000 ( 4.000 On the Produce Exchange today, the butter market was strong; creameries, 14 18c; dairies, 1416c. Cheese 8teady, 910c. Eggs llc. Downing, Hopkins & Co ESTABLISHED 1S03. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS . Room ,4, Ground Floar. Chamber oF Commerce R. W. McKINNON & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS if MEMBERS OF THE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 8 and 9 Chamber of Commerce, Portland ., Nevr Torlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, June 3. Flour Receipts, 123,750 barrels; exports, 401,700 barrels; market fairly active and firmer. Wheat Receipts, 123,750 bushels; ex ports, 401.5S8 bushels. Spot, steady; No. 2 red,'85c f. o. b. afloat, 82c elevator. Options opened easy under disappointing cables and rains in the Northwest, but later turned very strong, on July wheat and advanced sharply. The upturn was occasioned by rumors of a July corner, heavy seaboard clearances, strong later Continental cables and a big visible sup ply decrease. Closed firm at lc net decline; July closed 81c; September, 78c. Wool-Dull. Hops Quiet. Visible Grain Supply. NEW YORK, June 3. The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, June 1, as- compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as follows: Wheat, 36,954,000 bushels; decrease, 3,130, 000 bushels. Corn, 16,143,000 bushels; increase, 1,092, 000. bushels. , Oats, 11,218,006' bushels; Increase, .780,000 bushels. Rye, 743,000 bushels; Increase, 44,000 bush els. Barley, 822,000 bushels; decrease, 239,000 bushels. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. ' CHICAGO, June 3. Cattle Receipts, 22,000: steers, strong, active, shade higher; butchers' stock, steady; good to prime steers, $5 506 15; poor to medium, $4 5o 5 45; utockers and feeders, alow, $34 S0; cows, $2 855; heifers, $35 25; cannerj, $2 152 SO; bulls, $34 40; calves, $4 506; Texas fed steers, $4 255 40;. Texas bullj, $2 753 90. Hogs Receipts today, 44,000; tomorrow, 25,000; left over, 3000; opened easy, closed strong, active; top, $5 97; mixed and butchers. $5 655 92 ; good to choice heavy, $5 755 97; rough heavy, $5 60 5 70; light, $5 606 87. ' Sheep Receipts, 19,000; steady to slow; lambs weak; yearlings, about steady; good to choice wethers, $4 254 50; fair to choice mixed, $4 104 35; Western sheep, $4 304 50; yearlings, $4 70; native lambs, $45 60; Western lambs, $55 po. KANSAS CITY, June. 3. CattleRe ceiptar 6000; market, steady to easy; Texas steers, $4 353 50; Texas cows, $3 4 50; native Bteers, $4 80S5 70; native cow3 and heifers, $3 355 75; stockers and 'feed ers, $3 50g;4 90; bulls, $3 254. Hogs Receipts, 8000; market, steady to strong? bulk of sales, $5 705 90; heavy, $5 855 95; packers, $5 755 90; mixed, $5 70 5 90; lights, $5 605 75; porkers, $3' 501j 5-70; pigs, $4 5005 50. ShCep Receipts, 5500; market, steady; lambs, $4 505 50; muttons, $3 504 75. Cotton. NEW YORK, June ' 3. The opening was quiet, with prices ahput one point higher to three points lower. At noon the market was weak ondMrrgular, July having been down to $7 78; August to $7 2S, and October $7 01. The close was quiet and steady, with prices net 47 points lower. We transfer money over .our own WIRES, to all the important" cities in the United States. We buy and sell cotton, grain and provisions, for cash or ch margin, for future delivery. We buy and sell all railroad stocks listed on the New York or Chicago Stock Exchanges. We buy and sell ' all copper stocks listed on the Boston Stock Exchange. We buy and sell all oil stocks listed on the San Francisco Oil Exchange. . . Correspondence solicited. TRAyEkEnS GUIDU. j bearish monthly statistics the market ral lied later In -the day -on local covering, bringing values back about 25 points. At that level the market- closed steady, with spot tin quoted at $2S. 1 At London values wre reduced about 2 since last Friday, spot closing at 128 12s 6d, and futures at 126 12s bd. An Increase In tin Of 565 tons was shown In, the American visible supply of this month. Copper at London declined 3s 6d under liquidation, and closed easy at '69 5s for spot and 69 15s on futures. The situation locally was -dull at $17 for Lake Superior, and $16 62 for casting and elec trolytic. Exports of copper for the month of May footed up 10,920 tons, making the total for the first five months 39,897 tonB, against a total for the same period last year of 69,723 tons, a decrease of 29,826 tons. Lead, while ruling steady, remains un changed at $4 37 for lots of 50 tons or over. At London prices were, as last quoted, 12 6s 3d. Spelter was a shade steadier here and 5 points higher on1 asking rates, closing at $3 954 05, while at London values re main unchanged. The easier undertone manifested In iron .was- the result of a lack of demand, but prices were without change, though In buyer's' favor. Pig iron warrants, $9 5010 50; Northern foundry, $15 2516 50; Southern foundry, $1415 50, and soft Southern, $13l5 50. Glasgow warrants closed at 63s Sd,. and Middlesboro 45s 6d. Bar silver, 60c. - SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Bar silver, 60c. LONDON, June 3. Bar silver, 27 l-16d. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, June 3.Coffee 'options closed quiet, with prices net unchanged to 5 points lower. , Sales, 14,250 bags. Including July, $5 20 5 25; September, $5 35; October,' $5 40. Spot Rio, duli; No. 7 invoice 6c; mild, quiet; Cordbva, 8&12c. Sugar Raw, quiet and easy; fair re fining, 3 ll-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4c. SAN FRAJiCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Wool Spring Nevada. 10&12c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; Valley Oregon, 1315c; mountain lamb, 78c; San Joaquin plains, 67c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 910c. Hops Crop of 1900, 1520c. Millstuffs Middlings, $1820; bran, $17 50 18. Hay Wheat, $913; wheat and oats, $90 12; best barley, $8; alfalfa, $79; com pressed wheat, $S13 per ton; straw, 40 47c per bale. Potatoes River Burbanks, 75cl 15; Oregon Burbanks, $1 351 65; sweets, 60 65c; Early Rose, new, $1 50gl 75. Onions Australian, $44 50. Citrus fruit Common California lemons $1; choice, $2 75; navel oranges, $13 per bor, Mexican limes, $44 50. Vegetables Green peas, 75c(3$l; string beans, 4(5,6c per pound; asparagus. $1 75 1 85 per box; tomatoes, 5085c; cucumbers, 40c$l per dozen. Bananas $1 5002 50 per bunch. Pineapples $22 50 per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 9(g10ff: do, hens, ll12c per pound: old roosters. $3 75 $4 per dozen; young roosters. , $6 507 50; fryers, $44 50; hens. $3 754 50; small broilers,, $2 252 "75; do large, $3 754 50; old ducks, $3 504; geese, $1 251 50, per pair. , . . - , . Eggs--Stor. 12c; choice. 14c. Butter Creamery, 17c; dairy, 3fic Cheese California, lull cream, 8;c; Young American, 9c: Eastern, 16l6c. . Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 27,924; Vashlngton. 4527; wheat, centals, 2780; bar ley, centals, 4900; beans, sacks, 523; do Eastern, 500; potatoes, sacks, 2790; bran, sacks, 1430; middlings, sacks, 220; hay, tons, 490; wool,, bales, 525; do Washington, 183; hides, 709, i The Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 8r The metal market locally today wae Irregular. Opening was weak and about 55 points lower, in sym pathy with the depression abroad and. on Advance In Sugar. NEW YORK, June 3. Arbuckle Bros, have advanced all grades of refined sugar 10 points. This Is still five points under the prices of the American Sugar Refining Company". Wool. ST. LOUIS, June 3. Wool Quiet, easy; territory and Western medium, 1315c; fine, 1013c; coarse, 1 1012c. "Hops. LIVERPOOL, June 3. Hops at London, Pa'clflc Coast, 4 to 4 13s. Gift of J. Plerpont Morgan. NEW YORK," June 3. J. Plerpont Mor gan has presented to the Museum for tne Arts of Decoration of"" Cooper Union" tne Bodia collection of Barcelona, the Klvas collection of Ma'drld, and the Baron col lection of'Paris. These collections include examples of textile fabrics and designs from the Middle Ages to the present and are said to "be three of the most valuable collections In Europe. They are expected to reaph here nedr the end of. this week, and will be placed In Cooper Union Mu seunvat once. Wltl these additions It Is thought .the Cooper Union's collection will surpass any other In this country. The gift was entirely unexpected. Director of Great Copper Company. NEW YORK, June 3. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Amal gamated Copper Company In Jersey City today the following directors were elected: H. H. Rogers, James. Stillman, Robert Bacon, F. P. Olcott, A. R. Flower, A. C. Burrage and' W. G. Rockefeller. Mr. Rockefeller fills the vacancy caused by the death of Marcus Daly. There were 459,908 shares represented at the meeting. Confederate Soldlera' Home Opened. ' ATLANTA, Ga., June 3. The Confeder ate Soldiers Home, a state institution for the care of indigent veterans, was opened today, the anniversary of the birth of Jef ferson Davis. Sixty veterans -were admit ted today1. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Pacific Coast Steamship Co, FOR NOME The magnificent new sleel Steamship Senator will sail from Seattle and Tacoma direct. From Tacoma 12 m., Seattle 9 p. m. June 29: Steamship State of California, June 5. - For rates, reservations and other lntormutioa apply to the company's agents .. rv.a.v... -tJ v'aahin:ion it.. Portland. Or. . , Ticket Office 007 Pacific avenue. Tacoma. G. Ai LEE. Ticket Agent. P. W. -CARLETON. N.. P. R. R. Dock. Ta coma. Wasjb. Ticket utnee 618 First avenue, Seattle. M TALBOT. Comm'l Agent." t". W: MILLER, Asst. Gen'l Agent. Ocean Dock, Seattle. Wash. , GOODALL. PERKINS &. CO.. General Agents. Sab Francisco. Oregon City; Portland . Salem, Independence Strs. Xftona 'nod Pomona, daily ex. Sunday at 6:45. Oregon City, dally ex. Sunday, 8.3u and 11 "30 A. !.. 3 and 6:15 P. M.: round trip, 25c Office and dock, foot Taylor st., TRAVELERS' GUIDE. L AvJ 1 yia SOUTH fr suNsrr i O CGOEN&SHASU -I Leave 8.30 P. M. 8.30 A. M. 4 00 P. M 117.30 A. M 114 SO P. M Uepot Fifth and I Street. OVEttLAMJ iJA PltESb 'lxtAl.-Sd. for Salem, Rose bun? Afthlnnrt . Ka. r a m e n to, Ugden, ban Francisco. Mo jave, Los Angeles. El Pasd. New Or leans and the Ease At WT o o a b urn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for ML Angel, btl v e r t o n, Browns ville. Sprlngn eld. and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and ill terton. Albany passenger.... rorvallls passenger. iherldan passenger.. Arrlv 7.45 A. M. 7:20 P. M. 10:10 A. M. 115.50 P. M. 8 25 A. M. Dally. HDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sao ramtnto and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and 11 second class. Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points add Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA,. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 140 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jeffersdn street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7.20, 0.40 A M. 12 .JO, 1.55, 3.25, 4.40. 0:25. 8 SO, 11:30 P. M.: and U.OO A. M. on bundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at U.JS. 8.30, '10:50 A. M.: 1.35. 8:10. 4:30. 0:15, 7:40. 10.00 P. M.; 12:40 A M. dally, except Monday. S.Ju and 10.00 A M. on Sundays oniy. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at B.05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A M. Passenger train leaves Dallas tot Alrlle Mon das, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3.50 P. M. Returns Tuesdays. Tburadaya. and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. Pass. Agt. BBS WMmm Help Yourself By Helping Us, Have you any friends who are talking of coming "West? If you have, send us their names and addresses and we will mall" them advertising mattter have our Eastern representative call on them reserve berths for them do every." thing we can to Insure them a quick and comfortablo trip. TICKET OFFICE: Cor. Third and Stark Sts. R. W. Fester. Ticket Aoont. WASHINGTON, ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO Fast mall, express and passenger service for SKAGWAY. calling at Port Townaend. Van couver. Ketchikan and Juneau, connecting with White Pass & Yukon Route for Dawson. Atlln and all Yukon River points. Through bills of lading Issued. S3. VICTORIAN. June 2. 12, 22. SS. CITY OF SEATTLE, June 8. IS, 28. From Seattle at 8 P- M. DODWELL & COMPANY. Ltd., General Agents. 252 Oak st. Telephone Main 00. , , VVVJlllVtftfiVV. SONOMA &YEMLRA SS. ZEALANDIA (Honolulu only) ,. Saturday. June 8. 2 P, M. SS. VENTURA, for Honolulu, Samoa, New Zealand and Australia Thursday. June 20. 10 A M. SS AUSTRALIA, for Tahiti.... About June 30 J. D.SPRECKELS BEOS. CO; Mini tacts. 327 Varttt St Su'l Pauupr Ofiics, 643 Mirkst SL, Pier h. 7. Pacific St WHITE COLLAR LINE ASTfORIA ROUTE, STR. TAHOMA (Alder-street dock). Leaies Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria eery night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone 351. ---:: .-:".;! i.'."X V -r i Opfgow AND Staoip Line THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT, I Leave. CHICAGO-PORTLAND :0O A M. spprrjt. For the East !& Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eastern Wanning ton. Walla Walla. Lew Iston. Coeur d'Alene and Gt. Northern Points. Dally. 6.00 P. M. Dally. ATLANTIC EXPRESS t9. B- For the East la Hunt- lngton Dally. 4 30 P. M. IDally. . 7.00 A M. Dally. 8:10 A. M. Dally. OCEAN AAD illVEIt SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN- 8 OO P. M. CISCO. Fr6m Str. Columbia sails 'Alnswortb June 6. 10r 20; str. ElDoclc der sails June 11. 21.1 FOR ASTORiA andtg-nn p lt ay points, conneotlng'pany Jj with. str. forllwaco and Sunday Long Beach, str. Has- c.f u salo? Ash-St. Dock: t" m. .FOR SALEM. INDE-'r6:45 A. M. PENDSNCE and waylMon., points,' str. Elmore; Wed , Asn-st. LKKK. IFrl. 6:4o A. U. Tues.. iThurs.. Sat. FOR CORVALLIS, Salem, Independence, Albany and way points, etr. Ruth, Ash-St Dock. ' FOR DAYTON. 'Ore gon City and iTamhlU River points, str. Mo doc, Ash-st. Dock. TOO A-M. Tues.. Thurs.. Bat. U.OOP. M. 5: 00 P. M. Dally. Ex. Sun. s-oop. m; Tues , Thura., Sat. 4:00 P.M. Moi.. Wed., FrL g.ooprac Mon.. Wed.. Frl. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and 'Shanghai, taklr.g freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladlvostock. SS. KNIGHT COMPANION SAIL8 JUNE 2T. For rates and full Information call on o address officials or agents of O. R. A N. Co. Northern Commercial Co. Nome St. Michael Yukon River Sailing dates approximate only. From From San Francisco. Seattle. Conemaugh June i St. Paul June 1 June S Connecting at St. Michael for Dawson- City and all Intermediate points. For rate of passage, freight and otherjar tlculara apply to Empire Transportation Co. Puget Sound Agent;, Seattle, Wash. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES 8.0OA.M. 6.55 P- M. Depot Fifth and I Street. ARRIVES For Maygus, itainler. Clatskanle. Westport; Clifton. Astoria. Var renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Steven. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and SeasUori Express, , Dally. Astoria Express. tKlly. 11:10-A M. 9:0 P. M. Ticket office 235 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Aet.. Astoria; Or. yEGULATORv R-l LINE && XSTEAMEAS COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY The DaJIes . Route Steamers dally1, except Sunday, hetween PORTLAND. CASCADE- LOCKS. HOOD RIVER and THE DALLES. Leave OaK-str.eet dock at. 7 A. M,, and Tha Dalles. 7 AM. M. V. HA'ftRIS'ON. -ft-, c. allaway; Agent. Portland. General Agent. , 1 TjlHBWEATNORTHEfHf Ticket Office, 122 Third St ' Phoru 680 LEAVE The F'Jer. dally to.nncAJlRIVH.. ' SsfDuFuCTO' 6.00 P. M. jund a;; points East TtCO A 21 Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper. Dialog and Bullet SmokWg-LtbTary Cam. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP IDSUMI MARU For Japan. China and alt Asiatic points wlU ' leave Seattle About June 3d Time Card of Trains PORTLAND Leaes. Arrives. "North Coast Limited" 2.00 P. ! 7.00 A. VU Twin City. St. Louis &. Kan. City Special. 11:30 P. M. 8i00 P. M. Olympla. Tacoma. Seat tle, South Bend -and Gray's Harbor Exp... 8.35 A. M. 5:15 P. M. Two trains Sally ' to Spokane, Butte. Hel ena. Mmne3poIlsr St. Paul and th "East. A. D. CHARLTON. A&su Gen'l Pass, AgJ. 255 Morrison St. 'Portland. Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Go, For Southeastern' Alaska STEAMSHIPS COTTAGE Cm SPPKANE. STATE OF CAL . CITJT OF TOPE KA and AL-KI leave TA COMA 11 A. M.. SEATTLE D P. M.. June 4. 0, 14. li. '24. 29. July 4, 9. U. 15. 10. 24. 27. 20: Ansa 3. For further Information obtain folder. The company r?seres the right to change steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without previous notice. AGENUS N, POSTON. 240 Washington St.. Portland. Or.; F. W'CAKLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma: Ticket Office. 18 First ave., Seattle. M TALBOT.. Comnj'l Agt,. C W. MIL LER Asst. Gen'l Agt. Ocean Dock. Seattle: GOODALL. PERKINS & CO... Gen'l Agents, San Francisco. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. BAILEY GATZERT. DALLES ROUTE. Dally round trips. Leaves foot Alder street eery morning at 7 o'clock, except Monday. Arrlv at The Dalles 3P. M. Leave The Dalles 4 P. M. Arrle Portland 11 P. M. Telephone Main 351.