"j-. -MTj-f -rTp KEW TODAY. THE COMMODIOUS JAMES RESIDENCE. 103 North 18th et cor. Irving st-. can b rented for a -term of year; a. modern 12 room house, fall basemen; and attic; grounds 200x200 leet. WAKEFIELD, SHIES & CO.. ' 220 Stark st. PARRISH. WATKINS,& CORREAL. ESTATE. house, loan -and Insurance, agents. No. 250 Alder, have lor sale residence and business property In all parts of "the j city. Sheeny Bros., 108 Sixth sti painting, paper ing and decorating; new designs In tapestry effects; good work; reasonable prices. , ' FOR SALE A BARGAIN? 4 BLOCK. COR ner 15th and Irrinc sts. -By Parrish. Cat kins & Co., 250 Alder. RHEUMATISM. Our cure has merit. Call or address X orth west Ag'cy. 305 Washington st. Portland. Or. Mortgage Loans On improved city and larm property. R. LIVINGSTONB 22 Startcat. FOR SAL---RfcAL ESTATE. GOOD NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, SELL wood St.. Upper Alblna; bargain; Install ments; must selL -.-- Beautiful 7-room cottage. Mount Tabon large grounds; sice place; very modern, easy roomcottage. west; slope ML Tabor $800. W. H. TAFT, 84 Fourth fit. FOR SALE. OKI TRADE FOR CITY PROP-erty-25 acres, Kit stock, growing crops and farming implements. 20 acres; half In culti vation. Both within two hours' drive to the cltj. For particulars inquire of Louis Salo mon, cor. i-irsi ana KMuiuhn" .- 1100-BEAUTfFCL,5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW. $1500 Splendid 7-ropm house; pap. $900 6-room house. Wocdlawn: beauty. $475 l-room cottage. Highland, very cheap. - All on easy terms. 012 Commercial bldg. J. L. ATKINSON & CO.. Formerly of Atkinson, Wakefield & Co., REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. 311-S12 Failing bldg.. Third and Wash. 6-ACRE TRACTS ON BASE LINE .ROAD. 2 'miles from street-cars; a limited number at $60 per acre, on easy terms; just the place for fruit and chickens. Buchtel & Kenw, 373 East Burnslde st, , A LARGE LIST OF FARM AND CITY PROP erty. business chances, etc See us before buying. Canadian Employment and Real Es tate Office, .226 Morrison, room 16. S1550-THREE ACRES. FINE STATE "CULTI vatlon, -choice orchard and small fruit, new 7-room house; 4 miles out. "West Side. S. B. Rlggen. 305 Ablngton building. 3 ACRES; NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, bath, etc; young orchard; adjoins Piedmont; $3100. easy terms. Dr. Swain. 713 Dekum building. FOR SALE-LOT 4x58 FEET. "WITH SIX- room nouse; nne view; one uiock. uuoi bucc car, two from School. A. Balmanno, 63 Third street. MOUNT TABOR, WEST SLOPE. NEAR Wlberg's Lane, 6-acre tract; will sell half acro lot If desired Apply 281 Morrison sL 2950 "WILL BUT 17 FULL -SIZED LOTfa near Holiday's Addition. S. B. Rlggen, 305 Ablngton building." FOR SALE-CHEAP. IF SOLD SOON. RES idence property, Sunnyslde; eight rooms. Ku Belmont. 0-ROOM HOUSE. 531 Rodney nve.; nice home for any one; $2250. Plttenger. 245 Morrison. IRVINGTON BEST LOT ON TILLAMOOK, near 10th, $675. See owner. 620 Marquam bk. 1TOK. SALE FARMS. 10 MILES SOUTH OF OREGON CITY, 3 miles south of Molalla, known as the Teasel Farm, containing 310 acres; 140 clear plow land, 40 In creek bootom. 100 upland. . acres orchard; all well watered and fenced with stake and wire fence, and drained with stone and tile ditches: good buildings; 00 rods from schoolhouse. 115 rods from church; good location for taking stock to mountains. Price $20 per acre; $1200 down, balance to suit at 5 -per -cent int. For further-particulars apply to R, L. Hall. 434 Third St.. Port land, or A. J. SawtelL on farm. MODEL FARM 400 acres. Bachelors' Island. 25 miles from Portland; low freights; valuable seining grounds; average crops per acre., wheat 55 bu., hay 4 tons, potatoes 400 bus-.; complete farm xn&ctdp&T Jind implements; four barns, souse, gdod -fencing. Small fortune can be made here annually. Owner leaving country. This is a thoroughbred stock and dairy farm. R, M. "WILBUR. 233 Stark. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF S79 ACRES for sale; well watered; good soil; 30 acres bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land, Douglas County. Or.; low price and easy terms. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco. Cal. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and "Washington; pajments made to stilt purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. S11 "Worcester block. 52 ACRES: 3000 FULL-BEARING PRUNE trees, Italian. Petite and a few Silver; In Red Hills. -3 miles west of Turner Marlon County; $2900. H. "W. Klrkpatrick. 335 N. 17th St., Portland. FOR SALE FARMS NEAR OREGON CITT and Portland; also in Tualatin Valley; good farming land, cut up to salt purchasers. Apply The Oregon Iron & Steel Co., 339 Sher lock building. 1K-ACRE FARM AT BARLOW. OR.: COUN ty road divides farm from R. R. station; 145 acres under cultivation; for sale cheap; no agents. W. w. Irwin. Aurora, ur. t- T0 TOU WANT THE FINEST LITTLE farm tn the Willamette "Valley, at a low figure? If so, call on or -write E. W. Allen, S26 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. LARGE TRACTS A SPECIALTY; Government or -state scrip, school, deeded or claim lands, mill sites, logging, wood and tie chances, cedar piling, municipal bonds. Write for printed descriptions and plats. J. L. Martin & Co.. 001 Oregonlan building. Portland. Or. W ANTED MEN TO LOCATE ON GOVERN mont land; can furnish choice locations tim ber and farm lands; we can locate several 'fcood claims In the celebrated Nehalem Val ley. For full particulars call on M. Bill ings, 321 .Morrison. - " - ' 1 for! sale miscellaneous. PARTY NOW RESIDING IN EUROPE -wishes to dispose of fine Weber parlor grand piano at once. Will sell on time payments If desired, or will accept dia monds or Jewelry In payment. No objec tion to renting to responsible party 1 for long time. Address H Jf. Oregonlan. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines. Singer, White. New Homeland Wheeler & Wilson, at astonish ing low prices. 335 Morrison St., Marquam building. MONEY, MADE RAPIDLY IN THE FOL lowin3 oUstocks: Portland Oil Co.. 10c: Banktrs and Brokers. 15c; Watson Oil Co., $1. W. J. Curtis, 214 Commercial block. HORSES FOR SALE. AT LIVESTOCK Ex change. Fourth and Ankeny sts. Heavy draft horses and-buggy and saddle horses; must-"be sold at once; a carload. FORREST DRY OAK, ASH AND FIR WOOD and furnace tl&bTHoover. 31S Water at. Phones-Oregon, South 651; Columbia. S3. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies. Coast Agency Co.,, 26t Stark sU VORSALE ONE SMALL-SIZED COCKER spaniel pup, S months old; cheap. Inquire 305 Washington st, forenoons. STANDARD-MAKE -UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale very cheap, or exchange for fine dia mond. If 3, Oregonlan. SOME FURNITURE. DISHES, TWO STOVES, window shades, etc. for sale. $55. Inquire 213 Washington st. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st. Phong 1S9. , FIRST-CLASS UPRIGHT PIANO, $125. IF taken at once; also dress suit, $25. A. 30. Oregonlan. ROOD COOK.STOYE AND KITCHEN FUR nure Cor sale; bargain. Address K 30. Ore gonlan. c r 300 CHAIRS. PIANO. STAGE FURNITURE. awnTryY.for sale; bargain. Call at 321 Mor rlson st. , SPAN OF HORSES AND HARNESS: ALSO light wlgon and cart. Apply 210 Montgom ery. , "Upright piano $65, fine case, g " piano $150; organ $25. Upstairs. 104 First. ' . . . TT-r r c A T.T. W ATCRS. to good repr; BwT UM nt near Wo. j "FOR SALE 5U5CELLANSOUS. 200 RIGS FOR SALE. 100 SET HARNESS. 25 work horses. 211 Washington, 304 Front. SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND WAG ons and buggies. 51 Fourth, near Pine. THOROUGHBRED POINTER PUPS, WITH fine pedigree, for sale. Call 429 .Alder. FOR SALE UPRIGHT WEBER PIANO. AS good as new. Plympton. 291 ilorrlson. SOLID GOLD RINGS. $1. GUARANTEED. Uncle Myers, 143 Third and Alder. NEW LOT OF SCIENTD7IC WORKS AT the Old Book -Store, 229 Yamhill. CBVERAL HEAD OF GOOD. HEAVY DRAF2 horses. Inouira X13 Water st. YOUNG, FRESH COWS FOR SALE. IN quire -at 361 East Pine st. HELP WANTED-MALE. MEN WANTED FOR THETU. S. .NAVY Seamen, age 21 to 35, $24 a month; ordinary seamen, -age 18 to '30, $19; apprentices, third class, age 15 to 17, $9; shipwrights, age 21 to 35, $35; blacksmiths, age 21 to 35, $50; plumbers and fitters, age 21 to 35, $45; ma chinists, first class, age 21 to 35, $55; ma chinists, second class, age 21 to 35, $40; elec tricians, second class, age 21 to 35, $40; electricians, third class, age 21 to 35, $30; bollermakers- age 21 to 35, $60; firemen, first class, age 21 to 35, $35; firemen, second class,- age 21. to .35, $30; coal passers, age 21 to 35. $22.,. No one enlisted between ages 17 to 18. Candidates must pass a physical ex amination showing them to be free from dis qualifying -ailments, and, expept apprentices, an .examination showing them to be qualified for their ratings; apprentices, the physical examination only. The term of enlistment U four j ears. A bonus of four months' pay and an addition of $1.30 to the monthly pay for each re-enllstment within four months on honorable discharge. Rations, medicines and medical attendance gratis. Privilege of re tirement on three-quarters pay after JO years' service. Applicants residing at a dis tance should always communicate with the station for particulars before reporting for examination. A special circular will be sent to parents and guardians who may wish to present bos to enlist as apprentices for training. Applications should Be made to Commandant, Naval Station, Bremerton, Washington U. S. S. Nipsic - 1000 BERRY PICKERS. NEXT WEEK; REG ister now: no fee. Baker with small capital, country: 2d faller, $50 to $55, board; buck ers, $2.25 up; barkers. $2 up; swampers, $i up; jard men, $1.75; mill hands, $1.75 and $2; woodchoppers. 90c to $1.20; boy, ranch, $12 to $15; farm hands and milkers, $25; cooks, waiters, dishwashers; pew orders dally. Canadian Agency. 226 Morrison, Loggers Headquarters. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN IN EACH locality to represnt our rapidly growuig buriness; a teacher, studont or one with church affiliations preferred; no experience necessary; no capital Is needed; salary $100 per month. Address Manager, Association, 22 Star bldg., Chicago, III. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men between ages or 21 and Aj; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read apd write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Third and Stark sts., Portland, Or. PRINTER WANTED AN ALL-AROUND printer to take Job work and foreroanshlp or dally paper; must be reliable, speedy, up to date and furnish references. Address box SO, Juneau, Alaska. 20 WOODCHOPPERS. tt-05 CORD. TOOLb furnished; 15 at 0c and. 12 at $1.10 cord, hotel waiter. $18 month. Lumbermen s" head quarters. Oregon Employment Agency, . Burnslde st. Smart, energetic salesmen to call on business men In Ore.. Wash., Montana. If you mean . business, writs or call Wm. P. Chapman, ail Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. Portland. WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWING MA chlne man. Address, giving age. references and what machine previously handled how long at business. R 28, Oregonlan. WANTED-MAN WHO DOES NOT OBJECT to leaving town, to tako charge of small machine shop; must be sober and Indus trious. M 29. care Oregonlan. WANTED-CLOTHING SALESMAN, EXPE rienced, Xvlth references; steady position to right party. Apply S to 0 A M., 41 North Third. AGENTS WANTED-AT ONCE IN EVERY Coast county; special high-class line. The C. D. Co., 189 Front st.. Portland. Or. WANTED-YOUNG MANAS OFFICE, AS slstant; answer- In own handwriting, stating references, M 30, care. Oregonlan. WANTED-TWvO ENERGETIC MEN TO" SO- Heir in clt; not-afraid. oapproacbtBr pub lic uail no .ram, oiuow. WANTED TWO OR THREE GOOD FARM hands; will pay. $1 per day; work last all Summer. Call at 715 Everett. WANTED-MEN OF NEAT-APPEARANCE; good proposition. Call S49 First St.. 8 and 9 X. M. and 5 and 6 P. M. WANTED A FEW GOOD CABINET-MAK-ers. Apply Doernbecher Mfg. Co., East 28th and O. R. & N. R. R. SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS FOR ALBINA Courier: liberal pay. C. W. Cowan, -Route Agent, 90 Russell st. WOOD HAULERS. POSTMAKERS. WOOD cutttrs. berry pickers. 09 Stark street. Other work. WANTED YOUNG-MAN TO ASSIST MORN lng and evening for board and room. 408 Yamhill. ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 245 MOIt rlson See billboard for Jobs. Both phones. BARBERS A GOOD SHOP FOR SALE. AD dress Occident Barber Shop. Astoria, Or. WANTED MAN TO SOLICIT AND COL lect. Call 330 Marquam. 8-10 A. M. WANTED TWO BOYS; STEADY WORK. 49 Front st. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. 200 BERRY PICKERS, HOOD RrVER; R. trip $1.50. If certificates; 0 girls, one place (store there): 160 housework girls, $8 to $25: also Japs, Chinese; hotel cook, Gray's Har bor, $35; rest, cook, no ,bread, $25 (So. Bend); housework girl, seaside: tickets, all nere. Araini, im x-.ow I COOKS: WAITRESSES; SECOND GIRL; chambermaids; dishwashers; cook and wait ress, same place, country: 2 laundry girls, country: woman in store. The Dalles; music teacher; plenty of housework, good wages, -city and country. Canadian Parlors. 220 Morrison. WANTED 50 WOMEN AND GIRLS; GOOD situations of. all klrfds, city and country. St. Louis Employment Office, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. - - - HOUSEKEEPEER BY WIDOWER. ONE child; applications without Portland refer ences will not be considered. B 7, care Ore gonlan. LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO REPRESENT us In each locality; good pay and steady employment. Address E 20. caro Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING IN small family; good wages. Apply mornings or after 6 P. M. 795 Irving st.. cor." 24th. WHOLESALE HOUSE WANTS GOOD, earnest woman worthy of promotion and desirous of reaching the top. V 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 95 20th st.. cor. Flanders. Small family. WANTED BOOKKEEPER; $5 PER WEEK to begin with. Address, stating experience, O 28, care Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE and bonbon dippers. Blshop& Company, 30 and 32 Front st. WANTED AT ONCE; EXPERIENCED waitress, at the Barr Hotel, cor. Sixth and -GUsan sts. Acme Employment Bureau, 245 Morrison; help free to employers. Phone. Col. 287: Oak 906. "WANTED GIRLS TO SEW ON FURS. AP ply between 12 and 1, Ellverfleld's. 283 Mor rison St. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. by small family. Address 307 Grant street. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply mornings. 754 Irving street. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN OFFICE; small wages. Address C 30. care Oregonlan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. Corner 25th and Marshall. WANTED A TAILORESS. BIRCHALL. Russel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. WANTED-A GOOD GHU. FOR SEWING -With French dressmaker. Call 330 Davis. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; three In family. 143 North 10th. - A NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good -wages. 690 Flanders st. WANTED-GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. SCO Second st. THE" MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 770 Overton street,. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. 144 North 22d. WANTED A GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housewock. 52S Taylor. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK. 445 MOR- rison st. HELP WAKTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED STRAWBERRY-PICKERS TO correspond with the Hood River Fruitgrow ers Union. Crop heavy. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TRAINED NURSE AND ATTENDANT wants position with Invalid gentleman. Ad dress F., care book store, 407 Morrison. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG BUSINESS roan; can do most anything; good education; wages no object.. "G 30,-care-Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN LAW 6FFICE, BY Portland attorney; is experienced stenogra pher. Address B 30. care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE.. WANTS Posi tion to do any kind work for a farmer. Sa kamoto, 393 Flanders st. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK IN STORE OR wholesale house: will drive wagon; refer " ences. Y 28, Oregonlan. . BY BOY, AGED 18; BICYCLE REPAIRING or second cook preferred. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881.. , YOUNG MAN, 22, WILLING TO DO ANY work; handy with carpenter's tools. C JB, Oregonlan. , Japanese Laborers' Ass'nr contractor, farm ers, house servants. Black 692. 268 Everett. SITUATIONS WANTED FE3IALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESLADY wlBhes salable profitable line; specialty pre ferred; for Oregon-Washington. K 28, Orego nlan. Domestics. 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL WOULD LIKE A Po sition. In small family. Address Miss Nellie Smith, Palestine P. O. A MOTHER WILL CARE FOR A FEW children, any size; terms reasonable. 45 Front St., room 1. WANTED BY GOOD GERMAN GIRL, work by the day or general housework. J 30, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING, DURING JUNE AND July; excellent city references; $1.50 per day. Phone Brown 980. ailsc'ellaneons. SITUATIONS WANTED IMMEDI ATEL1 : competent waitresses, chambermaids and housekeepers. Call 23.0 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. YOUNG AVOMAN, WITH BOY. HOUSE keeper or camp work; no trlflers. 144 faev enth St., room 21. WANTED-WORK BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Address room 8, 131 Union ave WANTED AGENTS . WANTED AGENTS. EVERYWHERE, TO rell Beaumont oil stock; traveling men's side line; good for $10 day. Adaress J. M. Shields. St James Hotel, Beaumont, Tex. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. IN QUIET neighborhood; widow preferred; or privilege of doing light housekeeping; by Jady and gentleman; no questions. Addiess X 30, Oregonlan. WANTED-A COTTAGE FQR THE SEASON 'at Long Beach near Long Beach Hotel pre ferred; reliable party. AddresB, stating price and. location. S 25. care Oregonlan. . WANTED MODERN 0 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE, good neighborhood, within two blocks of Sun nyslde car line; no children. Address 114 East 27th. WANTED BY -RELIABLE PARTY, 5 OR 0 room cottage; must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating' Price, F.. W., cart Oregonlan. "WANTED TO RENT SMALL ' PLACE IN suburbs, with barn. Address F 30, care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF ABOUT 8 rooms; best of care; no children. E 30, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST ott olotblns and shoes. 02 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED A LOAN OF $1300, WITH 6 OR 7 per cerit; for three years; good security; no agents. Address D 30, Oregonlan. WANTED WILL PAY CASH FOR SEA soned fir wood, matured; river or rail. Pioneer-Morrison St. Fuel Co. W ANTED FREIGHT SPACE IN LOS-AN-geles car for 5000 pounds household goods. L 1, care Oregonlan. WANTBD-ONE OR -TWO GROWN SPOT ted seal, alive; state price. 304 Third at., Portland, Or. AMER. AND ENG. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF law. old edition. Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill. Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc. Kutner sfc Co..' 32 N. .Third. Oregon phone Clay 680. FOR REI'.'T. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder Sts.. Under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialij. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 13TH YEAR; rooms, with board; enameled bath tubs; use of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. C. E.' George, superin tendent, 510 Flanders st. FOR RENT DOUBLE PARLORS; ALSO pleasant front rooms on second floor; gas, bath, telephone; two blocks from Washington street. 20 North Ilth street. Phone Front 433. THE PLEASANTON. 288 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight in all rooms; bath Included. Most reasonable terms. Transient .solicited. 284 YAMHILL ST. FOR GENTLEMEN OR gentleman and wife; strictly first class and respectable; $2 to $3 50 per week; best of beds. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. FOR RENT 10 NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; neat and clean; moderate price. Ill Seventh. North, between GUsan and Flander. The La Porte, 170 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms, $1.25" per week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. $2 PER MONTH: NICE. LARGE. CLEAN unfurnished rooms, with water, use of bath, laundry and telephone. 184 Sherman. 420 ALDER-FURNISHED AND UNFURN lshed large light rooms, first floor; makes fine studio: modern conveniences. MANHATTAN COURT; NEW BRICK BUILD lng, steam beat, new furniture. The Jeadlug house. 311 Stark sL 255 11TH "NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM; beautiful location; use bath, gas, phone; pri vate family; rent $6. . , TWO NICEET FURNISHED FRONT BAT wlndow rooms; phone, bath. 320 Fourth, cor. Clay. Neat, clean, newly furnished rooms; all prices. The Ross, 211 1st, cor Salmon; brick bldg. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 450 Goldsmith st. Telephone Pink 1533. FURNISHED ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL Lo cation:, home cooking. 501 Yamhill st. Furnished rooms. $1 week and up: also house keeping rms. Trembnk House. 7th & Everett. SS9 THIRD ST. DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms at reasonable rates. Phone West 13iS. Rooms With Board. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD; GOOD location; gas. bath and telephone; private famllr. 533 East Ankeny. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board:" moderate conveniences. 350 Madison st.. cor. Park.. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE: HOT AND cold water: with board. 225 11th st FOR- RENT. -Booms Wlik Board. AT THE WALDORF. 147 13TH-ONE SIN gle room, with-board, suitable for man and wife, $40 month. H. T. Brown, prop. TWO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, for gentleman; breakfast If desired. 487 East Morrison. THE COLONIAL. 165. 10TH ST. DESIRABLE double and single room; table and service first class. ROOM AND BOARD IN -PRIVATE FAMILY, with use of parlor; East Side, L 30. care Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. FOR two Tespectable gentlemen. Room 2, 372 First street. , COZY ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: private family; all convenlencea 259 13th street. The Brown Good rooms, good board; elevator; 10 minutes from P. O. 2T1& Grand ave. NICE SUITE OF ROOMS.' ON" FIRST FLOOR, with board. 163 11th st. Housekeeping; Rooms. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; newly papered; large, airy, bay. windows; first claas. The Barber block. 92 Grand ave. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, FIRSTHAND MORRI son sts. Housekeeping rooms, suites, "Single; reasonable; with every convenience. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng; bath, 81 Ninth, cor. Everett. In quire 90 Seventh, near Stark. v . LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH HOUSE keeplng privileges; bath, phone; private fam ily. 90 Seventh, near Stark. 425 TAYLOR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING front room, kitchen, bath, .connected, $12; private family; no children. HOUSEKEEPING; COMFORTABLY FUR nlshed corner suite; other suites, second floor; low rent. 320 Front-Clay, TAVO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; pantry, bath; no children. 69 Ttforth 13th. 231 MARKET LOVELY LIGHT. AIRY rooms, .furnished, for housekeeping; thor oughly respectable.. i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ONE SMALL furnished room; kitchen privileges; bath, phone. 240 Park. 435 ALDER-THREE NICEL' FURNISHED rooms, freshly papered; bath, telephone, gas; central location. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; private family; no children, 92 .17th, cor. Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT housekeeping: references; no children. 408 Main. ' 454 YAMHILL - FRONT ROOM. FIRST floor; use of kitchen; yard; private family. 25"J 'SIXTH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; -all conveniences; bast location. THREE ROOMS, UNFURNISHED FLATS. In the Sevllla. Inquire 210 3c st. THE BROWN, 271 GRAND AVE. SUITE of rooms, for light housekeeping. OAK ST.. 327, NEAR SIXTH-TWO FUR--nlshed, rooms, for housekeeping.- THREE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR housekeeping. 260 Jefferson. , Honsea. HANDSOME S-ROOM EAST SIDE. DWELL lng, two lots; furnished or unfurnished; very reasonable. 65 Front. . FOR RENT FINE 8-ROOM HOUSE. 511 Montgomery St., near 10th; $28. Russell & Blyth, 82 Third. : A SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. WITH LARGE attic; location central. Address 327 Seventh street. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM FURNISHED house; bath and telephone. lt8 North 14th street. FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 545 FOURTH ST., IN good order; cheap rent to desirable tenant. FOR "RENT CHOICE COTTAGE; $10. -W. Reldt, Washington block. Furnlalieil Houses. 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, July and" August: no children; bedroom re served to owner; $25 perynonth. Apply. Morn ings, 304 Seventh st. - ---. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SIX - ROOM house. Mount Tabor; close to car; ftrst-class condition; $14, to responsible party. J 29, Oregonlan. FOR SUMMER 8-ROOMED HOUSE; BATH, lawn, etc. ; references. 327 East' Sixth, near Market. Call mornings. FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE; nice grounds; good location; near car; refer ences. 401 12th st. $0 PER MONTH AND UP, FURNISHED and unfurnished cottages. Phono J. Landl gan. Union 545. HI- Nlb'-ID it-ROOM HOUSE, 014 CORBETT street, $20. David S. Stearns, 219 Washing ton st. $12; 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED, FOR HOUSE keeplngj 498 Clay st. i Summer Resorts. FOR RENT -AT SEASIDE OR.; 8-ROOM k house, furnished complete, except bed clothes, for the Summer. For particulars Inquire of Dan J. Moore, room 17 Alnsworth building. AT SEAVIEW. ILWACO. 7-ROOM FUR nished hoUee, $60 for season. 523 Couch st. Gearhart Park Small cottage, for season, fur nished. 620 Marquam bk. Phone Grant 921 LOST AND FOUND. LOST MAY 21. LEATHERETTE CUSHION, 8x1, on Third, between Alder and Market. Liberal reward If delivered to Graves. Music Store, 124 Sixth. LOST ONE BLACK MARE, BRANDED "J. R." on left hip; both ears clipped. Return 24th and Division, and receive reward. LOST . OR STOLEN CRESCENT BICYCLE, No. 5809, model. No. 9. Return same to 281 Morrison St., and receive reward. LOST BAY HORSE; THREE WHITE FEET. Reward. A. Sunderland, King's Heights, head of Johnson tt. LOST A POINT LACE HANDKERCHIEF. Return to Oregonlan offlce, and receive re ward. " FOUND RAMBLER BICYCLE, OWNER IN qulre and identify at 345 Morrison st. PERSONALS. 30 WOMEN WANTED IRREGULAR, PAIN ful or stoppages; leucorrhoea (whites) and all diseases pertaining to change of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yamhill at., Port land, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation ffee. -Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. ' DRESS SUITS FOR RENT; ALL SIZES . $1 a month keeps jour clothing-cleaned and . pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 847 Washington, opposite Cordray's. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED -BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat-, ment, $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Port land, Or. DARLING SANITARIUM. MT. TABOR; PRI vate; women's diseases, confinement; coun try cases solicited: terms moderate. Ad. Dr. Darling, Mngr., Cambridge- bldg, Portland. DR. THOMPSON'S FAMOUS KOLA TAB Iets, best nerve tonic on earth; makes old men young; "25c box. 5 for $L Write Closson & Kelly, Seattle. Wash. YOU CAN HAVE FACE LINES AND BLEM lshes removed; your form Improved and hair restored. Learn how. Oriental Beauty Par lors, 340 Washington. SWITCHES MADE FROM COMBINGS, ETC.; special attention given to mall orders. Miss Ella Gerstel, 945 E. Taj lor at., Portland, Or. PURE PED BLOOD GUARANTEED BY taking Wsseil S tonceniraieu cj.r. oi ounni parllla. 227 Morrison, bet. First and Second. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style, 26c; 230 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 First, Portland, Or. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. "Slaves of Paris,'! "A Love Crime," "Tempta tion," "A Siren's Wiles.' "Book of Nature," 50c ea. Schmale. 229 1st St.. city. SUGGESTIVE HEALING SCIENTIFICALLY taught and practiced. Prof. Raj-mond, 313 Washington st. GET TOUR TTMBRELLAS RECOVERED AND repaired. Meredith's, Washington and 6th. MAY 23, 1901. 1'ERSOKALS, MAORI BATH '(VAPOR). 25C: WITH MAS sage. 50c;. oil massage. 50c; corns, 25c 345 Everett street. WATCHES. DIAMONDS; EASY PAYMENTS. Open Sat. evenings, w. H. esn. oij c-m. Uncle' Henry. 43 "N. Third, cor. Couch, loans I money: Bargains in unreaeemea ptcuhca. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal lavlted. COUNTY COURT FOR MULTNOMAH COUN-tj- Portland. Or. Sealed bids for the furnish ing and delivering of meat, fish, dry goods. Implements, etc., for Poor Farm; blanks, typewriter and other offlce supplies for coun ty offices; paints, oils, nails, tools, lumber, etc. for the various road districts in Mult nomah County, said lumber to be dellvereu at' such place within the various road dis tricts as may be designated by the Road Supervisor thereof, and all In such quantities and to be delivered as may be required, per specifications now 'on 'file and trf be seen at the offlce of the Clerk of the County Court, at the Courthouse, In Portland, Or., will be. received at the offlce of said Clerk until 10 o'clock A. M.. Monday, May 27. 1901. The successful bidder will be required to promptly execute a formal contract, to be approved by the District Attorney of this county, and also to execute and deliver to the Clerk of the County Court a good and sufficient bond In double the amount of con tract price for the faithful perf ormanca i of such contract. A . All bids must be accompanied By a certi fied check In the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. Price, fitness .and quality being equal, home products preferred. The County Court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. H. H. HOLMES, Clerk. May 16, 1901. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. DE partment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C., May 4, 1901. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, care of MO Second street, San Francisco, Cal.. until 1 o'cloolt P. M of Friday, Jupe 14, 1901, for furnishing for the Indian Service, bacon, beans, coffee, hard bread, hominy, lard, mess pork, rolled oats, rice, salt, coarse; salt, tine, sugar and tea, and other articles of subsistence supplies, groceries, crockery, hardware, harness, leather, shoe . findings, agricultural Implements, etc. Bids must be made on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will ba furnished upon application to the offices of "the Chronicle and Journal of Com merce, and at 240 Second street. San Frail clsco, Cal.; the Republican, of Denver. Colo.; the Post-Intelligencer, of Seattle Wash.; the Tribune, or Salt Lake City, Utah: the Morn ing Oregonlan, and the Depot Quartermaster, U. 8. A.. Portland. Or. The right 13 re served to reject any and all bids, or to accept or reject any part of a bid. Bids will ba opened at the hour and date above named, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. W, A. JONES, Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLiES Office Purchasing Commissary. San Fran cisco, Cal., May 13, 1901. Sealed proposajs for furnishing" and delivering of such quan tities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouses In San Francisco, Cal., as per circular to be seen at this office, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. Friday, May 24, 1901, and opened immediately thereafter In presence of bidders. Specifications, general Instruction to bidders and blank form of proposals will be furnished to established dealers on appli cation to W. H. BALDWIN, Major and C. S., U. S. Army, Purchasing Commfesarj'. MtHcellaneoua. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants, clasi "C," the same having been drawn 'upon trie road fund, that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of funds," from March 0, 1900. to April 5. 1900, both dates Inclusive, will. If properly indorsed, be paid on pre sentation at the Office of the Countv Treas urer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. - -Portland, Or., May 21. 1901. " .THOS. SCOTT BROOKE, County Treasurer. BUSINESS CHANCES. ALL ROOMING - HOUSES, GROCER' stores, SALOONS. CIGAR or CANDY store, country HOTELS, or merchandise In fact, everything that Is for sale", Is listed with us. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. SMALL SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN Eastern Oregon fruit section; Washington hand press, small Job press and late faces Job type; $750; $500 cash, two years' "time on balance. Address E 29, care Oregonlan. WANTDD LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH some cash and some Influence for ground floor proposition in Beaumont Oil Company, Incorporated. Address J. M. Shields, St. James H6tel, Beaumont, Ter. - TOR SALE STOCK. FIXTURES AND GOOD will of a -good grocery business In thriving townr best location; low .rent. Particulars address O 10. care Oregonfan. OLD - ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERT store for salo at a bargain, on account- of III health of owner, Ames Mercantile Agency, 205 Ablngton building. . WANTED PARTNER IN TANNERY Busi ness, well established; all machinery on hand; about $2000 capital required. Address H 30, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A BARGAIN; CIGAR AND CON- fectloncry stand. In choice location; long established huslness and good trade; price $375. 252 First at. HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS AND my entire time to Invest. What have you? Give particulars, first letter. N 30, Orego nlan GOOD BUSINESS LOCATIONS IN PORT lar.d can be found by calling on Ames Mer cantile Agency, 205 Ablngton building. . FOR SALE 17 000 SHARES OF HELENA Mining Co. stock. Apply to L. Y. Keady & Co.. 110 Sherlock building. FOR SALE FRUIT, CONFECTIONERY AND cigar stand, account of sickness; living rooms back. K 29. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP: SMALL RESTAURANT. Good locality; good business. Call 230 Yam hlll. Phone Black 2S81. WILL RENT 20 TO 30-ROOM. HOUSE; RE- liable party; can wait to build. T 29,. Ore gonlan. $50. BUYS NEAT LITTLE BUSINESS NET tlng $5 day; money secured. X 28, Orego nlan. , FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position with responslbIs flrmB, upon their, own names; easy payments; strictly confidential. New Era Loan & Trust . Co., room 319 Ablngton building. Office " hours 10 to 4. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 243 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 850. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO, $500; .ON ALL classes of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 883. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King; room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, REAL estate and all kinds of securities. 128 3d st.. C. H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. C02 Commercial blk. $5 AND UP, IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hooa 413. $200,000 TO LOAN AT W. 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A' Shaw & Co., 243 Stark st. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other good securities. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. State funds loaned 0 per cent. W. E Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Com. S250 000 TO LOAN, lowest rates; on city prop erty; no brokerage. Room 10, 245 Morrison. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc, low rates. Sec us first. Mann & Co.. 604 Dekum bldg. "MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. aCh. of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON real estate. Plympton. .291 Morrison st. TO LOAN $20,000; NO COMMISSION, quire 210 Third Bt. . IN- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abdominal Bondages. McCLURE'S SANITARY BANDAGE .FOR women has no equal. 417 Marquam building. Astrology. PARMER'S THE ASTROLOGER'S HORO- scopes and scientific advice; COc and $ 1. 205 -4th st.. -Portland. - - - - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaltinsr. Accordion plaiting; Kellogg's School of Dress making. 34 Lewis bldg. Tel. Black 1853. Acoaatlsg- Expert. Geo. T. Murton, 318 Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 450. Accounts examined: books kepL Assayers and Analysts. THE MONTANA .METALLURGICAL WORKS, with Its assay offlce and chemical labora tory, hava moved from 02 to 100 First at,, tor. Stark. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist; gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Attorneys-nt-La r. a H. PIGGOTT. LAWYER AND -NOTARY: practices In all courts. 4 Mulkey Bldg. Awiling., Hammocks and Tents, CAMP FURNITURE. STOVES. HAMMOCKS and flags for .sale or rent, at A C Plka Tent and Awning Factory. 107 North Third. Bakery and Confectionery. MR. HENRY MILLER. PROP. THE OLD French Bakery, has again opened a fine es tablishment at 290 Harrison St.. cor. 5th., and will be pleased to see his old customers. Bosket Factory. Splint, baskets, grape baskets specialty. Oregon -Basket Factpry. S. J. Mlckley. 31 N. 1st at. Book Stores. 3. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND TtE talL booksellers and stationers. 13J-I33 3d st. Cnrpenters and Builders. RHODES & BUCKNER. BUILDERS. JOB .bcrs, store fitters. Phone Black 014. 330 Stark Geo." W. "Gordon, counters, office fixtures, fly screens. Third and Salmon. Tel. Black 1002. Chiropodists and Manicuring;. WM, DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chlropddlsts. parlors 301 Allsky bldg.. 3d ond Morrison. Ore. phono Grant 10. This Is the long-haired gentleman. Ho Is the man you are looking for. L. MITCHELL. LICENSED EXPERT CHI "ropodlsti offlce In Knight's shoe store. Fifth . and wasmnrton. Hours to 10 is, -; 10 o. Tel. Hood 728. office; res., West onA Clnlrvoyants. Mme. Dr. Herzog. from Berlin, scientific re vealer; tell- entire life, past, present and fu ture; consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given"; good advice; sure- help; mistake Impossible: imports genuine gypsy love powder. Fee $1; letter $2. 3B.J Alder. Coal Dcnlers. VULCAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam and. blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front at., near GIsan. Ore. tel. Red 1700. 'Commission Merchants. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front st., near Main, Port Mand, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Qr- Cornices Skylights. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. ROOFING. Rojal furnaces. Tllton & Gerspach, 206 4th. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J, C. Bayer, 2C5 Second sL Dancing-. MISSES MATTINGLY, ACADEMY OF DANC lng, 269 South 14th. Class or private lessons. Dyeing and Cleaning-. H. -W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er, 301 17tb, cor. Columbia. TeU Red 131. J. HUNTER. STEAM CARPET CLEANING, 550 Jefferson. Telephone Main 214. Edncatlgnnl. BEHNKE'S LAW AND COMMERCIAL School. Day and night sessions. No vaca tions. Law term begins September 1. Com merlcal blotk, Washington, cor. Second. Electric Snpiillfx. Western Electric Works: house wiring, bell . work,, repairs, motors, dynamos. 305 Wash. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND .FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson, 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.: protects the living., J. L. Mitchell, Sup. Sec'y. 612-015 Marquanr bldg. Hair Dressing nnd Manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE, 308 WASH.. ST., UP-to-date halrdrvssers, wigs and toupees for ladles and gents: switches from $1 up. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 100 5TH. SWITCHES a specialty. Hair dressing, manicuring. r Harness nnd Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle "and Tiarnesn manufacturers; sad dlery hardware, findings and shoe store sup plies; leather et all kinds. 73 Front at. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- - sale saddlers and harness manufacturer. leather and saddlery hardware. .72. Front st. Hides. CHARLES L. MASTIGK & CO. (INC.), 73 Front street, Portland Cash buyers of hides, pelts and taljoijv. Hydropathy. Dr G-. M. Keller's Hydropathic Institute. Pied mont; Portland. Or. Rheumatism and kindred diseases successfully treated": best references. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. JnnkV Hides and Pelts. L." Shank Sc Co. pay highest prices for- old rubber, metals, bottles. Iron. rags. hide, pelts and tallow. 312 Front, Tel. South 991. Manufacturers of Ladies' Goods. OUR COMPLETE LINE OF SUMMER FUR nlshlngs Will astonish you. We are leaders In ladles' wear. Sing Chong-& Co., 333 Morrison. Marhle nnd Granite "Worlts. MARBLE AND GRAfllTB MONUMENTS AT lowest price8- s us and 8avo rnoney. Weeks, 720 Front. PORTLAND "MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu, 268 1st, Massage. Young lady from Washington D. C: massage, vapor baths. Try the famous Van Ness treatment and lavender baths. Delightful, In vigorating. 351 Morrison, room 14. EXPERIENCED MASSEUR gives treatment or rheumatic and chronic diseases. Freder ick Walter, 532 Williams. Phone Rus. 113L 131 FOURTH; TUB AND VAPOR BATH3, with massage, electricity: everything first class. Phone Red 421. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE. BY A lady from the East. 189 3d st.. room.S. Safes. SAFES. JAILS, BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, both new and second-hand. Lockouts opened and general repairs. J. E. Davis. 60 Third. Medical. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY rojal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. 8end 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED Spe cialist, has opened Up his offlce nt 34 1 Front, and Will sell his medicine as usual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Mining Machinery. Ottumwa mining hoists, dynamos, motors, saw mills, etc Tatum & Bowen. 29-35 First st. Monuments.' White bronie monuments. Send postal; will call. C R. Donnell. Agent. 2C1 Stark st. Oregon Yiavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Send for Health Book Consultation free. T. J. GEISLER. 814-818 CHAMBER OF COM. '. Domestic and foreign patents secured, ete. BUSINESS DIRECTORT- Oateopathr- DRS. L. B SMITH & SON, OREGON'S Pio neer osteopaths, suite 409 oregonlan build ing. Examination free. Phone Oak 4L us ers tare sent on application. Dr. R. B. Northrop, specialist In nervous ,and chronic diseases, suite 41tt Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. Examinations free. Tel. Main 349. Palmistry. PALMISTRY PROF HOMER DE MOR rison, too world's greatest palmist and clair voyant, may be consulted dally on au ar falrs of life His Information and advice on marriages, divorces, separations, love and family affairs, business transactions, law suits, etc, are accurate and truthful. H re unites the separated, settles lovers Auarrela, causes speedy marriage, locates hidden treas ures, removes evil influences, cures flta aim drunkenness, advises you as to. whether or not you will be successful la mlnlrix- or in business. He looks Into your hand and tells you what alia you. and oftentimes gives, xou, back your lost nerve and energy. No. matter what trouble you may have, call and w-111 help you. Palmistry taught- MedWrals tlc persons developed. Letters answered. Prices within reach, of all. Parlors locatedat 189 West Park at... near Yamhill. Pnen Weat900! j Larssn, the palmist, will road the year whoa leading events In llf take plac-wP'' aa future; readings, 50c 210 AlUky building. Pattern Makers- 1 WM. PREHN. SHOP 129 EAST WATER ST. over Columbia Engineering Works-. Pensions. Special attention glveij to the prosecution- at pension claims. J. L. Wells, 100 Grand ave. Portland Riding Clans. LIVERY AND BOARDING;. t-AD-ES' AND gentlemen's saddle horses. 334 Jefferson. Physicians and Sors-jons. DR. CORA C. TALBOTT, SPECIALIST; 18 years' experience In diseases of women; latest-Improved- method In tho treatment ofvau -female troubles: patients trexted succe-afuUy by mall. Offlce 131 First su. ' it. . - Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases ofwbmeaaaJ children a specialty. ConsUltasiorr xmt diag nosis free 517-518 Tho Dekum. Portlands Q. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN Kip ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. Showcases and Stons Fixtures-. R. X.UTKE & CO., SUCCESSORS TO DDCON, Borgeson & Co.. Stith Ind Ho?t at . I " Sanitary Feather Renovntor. SANITARY FEATHER- RENOVATOR jnakw Old feathera new. 348 1st. Phone Hood 37 ' Stortfff e. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davta, .Merchandlae a apecl-aty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reosonaols. Carefur attehtlon given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main TO; Columbia 078. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Bicker storehouse. 31 North Tont. Starnse and,. Transfer. C. O. PICICt office 83 Elrat. be Stark and Oak: phones COG. Pianos and furniture movaa and packed for shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse: Front and Clay ata. Tents and, ATnlngS- FORTLAND TENT & AAVNING CO.; TENTS, sails, awnings, 220 Ankeny. Tel. Grant 150L Tinning and Hoonag. ALL KINDS TIN WORK AND TOVE RE yalrlng. Schulia Bro-w. 103 Grand ave. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE CLAIRVOT ant and paychlo life reader; consult her oa business, affairs. love troubles, absent frl-j good" advice on mines; readings dallyoUo and up. 1U7 First at., office, J. Consult, Upbeat, MRS. BAXTER REYNOLDS. THE WELL an-l favorably known medium. Room 3d LaLbo building. 227 Washington. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual business and Ilfo read er. 221 Morrison. Boom 22. TeL Front 132. Turkish Baths. New Turkish bath parlors; modern appliances. Gents only. 525 Chamber 09m.. J. F. King. TURKISH BATHS NEW MANAGEMENT. Open- day and night- , Oregonlan building. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS: HOURS Ladles. 9" to 3; gentlemen, 3:30 to 0. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK. 100 THIRD STREET SXV1 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF. OREGON. Monev to loan on mortgage. a areneral trust and agency business tranaacted. fNTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSCTS ,,j 1 COHEN President S t PLTTOCK ..! VIce-Pwsldent eVjALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent ot the United States ---. President H. W. CORBETT SmarnrckVhirrU....,...J.W.NEWKIRK Second Assistant Caahlec......W. . C. ALVORD Letters of credit isaued. available la Euxopo a -? .SSS- aKlegraphio transfers .old on Sew York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St Panl. OrnahaV San Francisco and the principal nolnta In the Northwest. , Slght and time bills drawn in sums to autt on Londop. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the--Maln Hong Kong. Yokohama Copenhagen. ChrUtlanla. StocKuolm, Su Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON, BANKERS LAUU ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business, 'interest allowed on llmo deposits. collections made at all points on favorabl teSS. . -Steri of credit issued availably ixx TTnrone and the Eastern States. SUht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chlcagov St. Tii- Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and vatl- ou"poJnnOrei5n-X,T,hlaton - 0a" tana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on London. Paris. Berlla Frankfdf t and: Hong Kong. cap'n-d ?rmv J VALENTINE- PRESIDENT Sk'ikwo ...... ..MANAGER a t n BARNES .... -..... CASHIER JH-NBLES..ASSISTANT CASHIER available In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK MBBUilA 'PORTLAND. OREGON. t t-waVK WATSOK .- President R. t?DURHAM ..- Vice-President n W HOYTJ ....i- CaaWer nrowBOn AMiatant Cash-a TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING .""A- BUSINESS. g35 WeaercrtaTtaued. a.vailabtff toClsct00 QoW aa-ty-o-ih, , THE CANADIAN HANK OF COMMERCS-U Wlth which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF" RRlTlSH COLUMBIA, Capital paid up "SSo'SS Reserve ... ; -.000,000 Transacts a General Banking Business, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT' ' Accounts opened for aums of SlOand- upwards, ind Interest allowed on minimum monthly bal ance. Rates on application., 244 WASHINGTON ST. E, A. WYLD. Manager- TONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. r. a LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce building. Third and Btasfc -treats. f Head Offlce. 71 Lombard street, London T hla bank transacts a general banking busi ness makes loans." dlacounti bills and Isaue letters of credit available for, Jrav.elers and. tho Durchaae of merchandise In any city of tha world Deals In foreign an domestic 'ex change. Accounts ot country bank re-celved. Interest paTd en term deposits, inierw. v -ACRAE. Manager. m 1 r AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK- ' CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. PORTLAND. OR- , J C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T MORGAN ...,... Vice-President R. W SCHMEER . ......... Assistant Caahlar TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL. BANK Transacts a General-Banking Business. Drafts lsued available In ,all cities oth "United States and Europe. Z. ," Pr-flldnf". ?..-t .'.-TYUER' WOODWARD Wlce-PKerWe3it nj.,r..A.v.JACORIAMM Cashier. j,...,M,......-,-ili-fC. .MILEER te 53y.Jv-teglv u-.W). Jw&biiwf wrfirfj .. . I. A ayt &atfSfea feA---jrg 3hiiU&iigS . sk -fc -ftrt.&a0hafe-i Mt ' &-