wwwWfWPflfc ' mimsmmm JBW35WagBWS?r" F WW mrrr-iff Tf THE MORNING 0TIEO0NTAN: TUESDAY,' MAY- 14,-1901. II COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEW "Wholesale business yesterday, although featureless, -was good lor Monday. There were no striking changes in quotations. Wheat "was quiet. Announcement of a 5 cent advance in sugar was made in the saoming. but -wae recalled in the alter soon. Uses -were Treafc and another de cline Is expected. Heceipts -were unusual ly large lor i&raday, and the surplus on Ijand is considerable. The butter mar 3iet was easy and: active. A shipment of 15,000 pounds of best creamery In tin pack ages was made by one firm to Dawson. In the consignment also were 100 cases of J eggs. The butter shipment has been in accumulation lor some time, and has helped to relieve the market of surplus. Demand lor young chickens was fair and about equal to supply. The terx that were left over Irom Saturday were all sold off yesterday. Cheese is steady at quota-tions- Botatoes yesterday were firm, and there was no drag in the market. Receipts were eomewhat slack. Oats and barley were steady. California onions are meet ing demand lor that product, "but Oregon are- Ann, owing to small supply. Veg etables yesterday were scant, with the exception of rhubarb and asparagus. The lormer is slightly lower in price. A car load of cabbage was on, hand yesterday. Oregon strawberries are increasing in supply, and gradually lessening in price. California berries have ready eale. Mount Tabor berries were Introduced into the market, but only as samples. Veal is still sluggish' and claws perfect, 525: raccoon, 3035c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect S3 50 5; prairie wolf or coyote, 6075c; wolver ine. $47; beaver, per skin, large, ?5; do medium, per skin 53T; do small per skin, 512; do "kits -per skin, 5075c JTKW YORK STOCK MARKET. Clearing: House Statement. Clearings. Balances. Portland .. $662,718 Tacoma .................... 170.536 .Seattle -428.438 Spokane i 247,821 $57,355 Ifc, lD 77.384 14,142 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc The Eastern wheat market overcame a number of bearish factors yesterday, and closed with a gain of of a cent. Eu rope was steady, but the situation on the Pacific Coast was unchanged. The Cali lornians have had so much to say about their big crop since the recent showers that freights have been steadily advanc ing. In this market owners are refusing SS shillings for new crop and some char ters haye been made as high as 39s 6d. These rates are having a depressing ef fect on the -wheat market, and while it is impossible to secure such rates lor near by tonnage, there is nothing available lor new season at anything less. There Is yet plenty of time lor several million bushels to be swept out ol existence by hot winds in this country, and there will not be a free chartering movement ao long as the present high rates prevail, or until the crop is assured. Wheat Walla Walla', nominal, 69c; bluestem. 6162c: Valley, nominal. Flour Best grades. ?2 S03 40 per barrel; graham, $2.60. Oats White, $1 301 35; gray, $1 27&1 30 per cental. Barley Feed, $17172S; brewing, $175 17 25 per ton. MUlstuffa Bran. $17 per ton; middlings, $21 50; shorts, $20; chop, $16. Hay Timothy. $12 5014; clover, $7S '30; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Groceries, Ruts, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 2328c; Java, fancy, 26 S2c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, lS20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, gooa, 1618c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10312c per pound; Columbia roast, $11 75; Arbuckle's, $11 25; Lion, $11 75 per case. Rice Island, 6c; Japan, 5c; New Or. Jeans, 45c; fancy head. $77 50 per sack. Sugar Cube, $6 50; crushed. S6 75; pow dered, $6 10; dry granulated, $5 90; extra C, $5 90; golden C, $5 40 net, half barrels, ic more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100 less than barrels; maple, 1516c per pound, Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails. $1 5002;. two-pound talis. $2 252 50; lancy one-pound flats, $22 25; -pound fancy flats, $110130; Alaska tails, $1125; two-pound tails. $1 S02 25. Grain bags Calcutta, $7 per 100 for spot. Cool oil Cases, IS&c per gallon; barrels, lEc; tanks, 13c. Stock salt 50s, $14 75; 100c. $14 25; granu 'lated, 50s, $20; Liverpool. 60s, $21; 100s, $20 50; 200s, $20. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for raw, 9c lor roasted; cocoanut, 90c per dozen; walnuts, lOffillc per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c; lancy pecans, 12 1 14c; almonds, 1517&c per pound. Vegetable, Krnita, Etc. Vegetables Onions, Oregon, $3 504 50; MCalllornla reds, $2, cabbage, $1 601 75 per cental; potatoes, 90c$l 10 per sack; new potatoes, 2&c per pound; celery, 75S5c 'per dozen; tomatoes, $22 50 per box; as paragus, S540c per dozen; rhubarb, 1 2c per pound. Fruit Liemons, choice, $2; lancy, $2 50 2 75; oranges, $1 752 50 lor navel. $1 50 1 75 lor seedlings, per box; pineapples, $44 60 per dozen; bananas, $2 253 per bunch; Persian dates, 6c per pound; ap. pies, $22 60; strawberries, California, $1 50 per crate; Oregon, $4 50 per crate. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 55?6c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 3 1 4c; pears, S9c; prunes, Italian, 57c; sil ver, extra choice, 57c; figs. Calilornia blacks, 5c; figs, California white, 67c; plums, pitless, white, 7,Sc per pound. Speculation Showed a. Condition of Lassitude. NEW YORK, May 13. The stock market showed a condition of lassitude which usually follows a violent convulsion. The feverishness of the market and the wide extent of the fluctuations showed that sen timent was still much unsettled. There was a pretty general upward movement at the opening which might be sufficiently accounted for by the feeling of great relief over the tidings over the stock exchange settlement in London. As there was known to. exists a large, shorty Interest in Northern Pacific in that mar-" ket in -addition to large declines in other Americans since the last settlement there was much uneasiness lest heavy losses and failures should result. The news that a settlement with the shorts in Northern Pacific has been arranged which would allow them to cover at $140 was therefore an immense relief to sentiment in New York, which was in dread of a reflex action of renewed disorders In the Lon don market. After only a short time Union Pacific began to absorb pretty much all the. buy ing demand and its buoyant flight of 11 points began to arouse obvious uneasiness among stock operators. After last week's experience the first thought aroused by any such movement is that another cor ner is in process of formation. The most conspicuous sharers of Union Pacific strength were St. Paul and Amalgamated Copper. The former rose 5 points and the latter seven. Meantitrie, some points of weakness, which had been moderately developed early in the day, began to grow and spread. When Union Pacific touched 123 the buying demand for other stocks showed a notable decrease and was not sensibly revived for the 'rest of the day. The selling pressure was not severe as to volume when the reaction set In, but very wide concessions had to be made In order to effect sales of even small amounts of stocks. In Rock Island which had advanced quite eagerly to 1 over Friday there was a drop of 3 on the sale of only 100 shares. There was a similar weakness In other stocks. These wide declines, however, dis lodged very little stock. Indicating the small new commitments for speculative account on the long side. On the other hand, prices were bid up with apparent ease when any effort was made to sup port the market. The source of the buy ing which the early strength developed from was not easy to preceive.London was a seller in this market and There was nothing to show that there was any re newal of bull speculation on a large scale. The mere fact of a higher range of prices is of obvious advantage in the adjusting of indebtedness growing out of last week's troubles by Increasing the value of collateral on loans. There was doubtless some manipulation of prices with this end In view and the absence of liquidation on the advance facilitated the movement. 'The money market was free from disturbances and large repayments of loans made in the crisis last week were reported to have been made. The transfer of great sums from the Interior helped this movement. In response to the easier condition of money there was a violent rebound in sterling exchange, demand bills rising to $4 SStf. which Is near the point at which gold went out In April. The buying of stocks for New York ac count In London had Its principal effect on the rate for cable transfers. The pre paration for the Russian loan and for the future installments of the British loan loan were apparent in the foreign markets and -also affected. the. exchange-market. The strength of exchange may have had to do with the later weakness, in the stock market which recurred after the various rallies, many stocks closing at the lowest. But the general opinion Is that the reaction is due to the fact that the natural rebound after the panic had spent its force. The bond market was generally strong, but not very active. Total sales, $3,000, 000. United" States new 4's advanced per cent and the 5's declined per cent. BONDS. Reading .-. 39'CM. Term. & Trac 22& do 1st pfd 73 do pfd ...: 44 ao -a oca 4'JVi UJau as -mo pia... ux St. Louis & S. P.. 44 do 1st Did 81 do 2d pfd 65U at jouls S. W.t.. 33 do pfd --613 St. Paul 157 do pfd 187V Southern Pacific. 47 Southern Ry 28$ do pfd 81 Texas &. Pacific... 44 Union Pacific ....117 do pfd Sm "Wabash 17' do pfd 36 I Wheel. & L E....- 16H ao za pra zs Chicago & Alton. .. 40 do pra - Chi. Xtr. "Western.. .21 i do pfd A 70 do nfd B 46 Erie -2d pfd 50 Hocking Vy. pfd... 74 Hex. National .... 11 Tol.. St. L. & W.. 17 do pfd , P. C, C. & St L. 71 Con. Gas 218 Hocking Coal a7 Int. Power 84 (Republic Steel 18 do pia itYi New Yerlc Stocks. These quoations are furnished by R. W. MoKinnon & .Co;, members ofc. the Chi cago Board of -Trade: STOCKS. TJ. S. 2s. ref. reg.108 do coupon 108 do 3s. res 109 do coupon 109 do new 4s, reg..l37?i ao coupon ia do old 4s, reg...H3Vi do coupon 113 ao os. res: losti do coupon 108 Dipt Col. -3-65s...l25 Atchison adj. 4s.. C. & N."W. con. 7sl38 do S.-"F. deb. 5s.l22 D. & R. G. 4s 102 Gen. Electric &3..1S5& N. T. Cent. lots.. 107 Northern Pac. 3s.. 7114 do 4s 105 Oregon Nav. lsts.. 100 do 4s 104 Ore. Short Line 6s. 127 do con. os 110 Rio Gr. "W. lsts...l0JJ4 St. Paul consols. ..100 St. P. C. & P. lstsll8U do Bs 120 03V4Unlon Pacific 4s. ..108 wis. uent ists.... no West Shore 4s 114U Southern Pac. 4S.. 92& Anaconda Mining Co.'.. Amal. Copper, Co Atchison com ...I. ..".... Atchison pfd :;. Am. Tobacco com ..:... Am. Sugar com ." Am. Smelter com ..-'.... Am. Smelter "pfd .?... Baltimore & Ohio com. Baltimore &Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Chicago, &, Alton com.. Chicago & Alton pfd... Chicago & G. W. com. Chi., Ind. & L. com.... Chi., Ind. & L.-pfd... Chi., Burl. & Qulncy...i; C.I., Mil. & S. PauL... Chicago &N. W. com. Chi., R. I. & Pacific. . New Jersey Central... Chesapeake & Ohio.... .Canada Southern ....... Colo. Fuel Iron com. Cont. Tobacco com ConU Tobacco pfd : Delaware" & Hudson.:. Del., Lack. & Western D. & R. G. com D. & R. G. pfd Erie com Erie 2ds pfd Erie lsts pfd , Illinois Central , Louisville & Nashville. Manhattan Elevated.... Met. Traction Co Mexican Central Ry.... Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex. com. Mo., Kan. & Tex. pfd. New York Central Norfolk & West. com.. Norfolk & West. pfd.. Northern Pacific com.. Northern Pacific pfd.. North American new.. N. Y., Ont. & Western. Pennsylvania Ry i People's G., L. & C. Co Pressed S, Car com.... Pressed S. Car pfd.... Pullman Palace Co.... Pacific Mall S. Co Reading com Reading 2ds pfd Heading lsts pfd Southern Ry. com Southern Ry. pfd Southern Pacific St. L. & S. F. com.... St. L. & S. F. 2ds pfd.. St. L. &S. F. lsts pfd.. Texas &. Pacific Tenn. Coal & Iron Union Pacific com Union Pacific pfd U. S. Leather com U. S. Leather pfd U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel Co. com.... U. S. Steel Co. pfd.... Wheel. & L. E. com.... Wheel. & L. E. 2ds... Wheel. & L. E. lsts... Wis. Central com Wis. Central pfd Western Union Tel.... Wabash com Wabash pfd 47 116 7o 97 12 115 56! 96 104: 91 IWi 21 33 40V4 191 lbZ 199 152 157 46 66 9 106 163" 213 46 93: 36 52 65 136 103 115 163 24 107 -a i O tdo ST0 : 48 122 76 98 124 147 59 97 10a 92 78 41 78 21 33 70 192; 1D4 203 153 164 66 94 6 106 165 219 47 94 36 53 66 136 103 115 163 24 103 4o 116 71 95 122 142 96 99 91 77 40 77 "21 33' 69 190 157 199 146 168 44 65 89 51 46 117 71 96 122 143 58 96 100 91 77 40 77 I 69 190 197 146 162 47 66 93 51 105110S lWrti 215 46 26-29 57 154 51 87 160 106 82 3Ztt 148 HI 42 51 205 36 41 51 74 29 82 49 83l SO 46 56 114 96 13 75 ONa 61 46 93 17 29 51 93 18 37 5S 155 53 87 165 107 85 33 148 111 42 82 206 36 41 51 75 29 82 41 48 64 81 46 59 123 : 13 76 21 63! 46 93 17 30 51 161 213 46 ?3 34 49 62 13o 101 113 15S 23 103 26 56 151 152, 50 50 86 87 lied. The crop situation and the corn strength were bull lactors. July closed c higher at 27. Provisions were dull, ruling easy lor the most part and closing firm in sym-' pathy with grain and hogs. July pork closed 12c higher, lard 2c higher and ribs a shade lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: " WHEAT. " Openlne. Highest. Lowest. Closing ....?O70 ,?0 71 ?0 70 $0 71 .... IU9& i f- May July May July September May July v September CORN. 61 S2V 43 444 42 44$ OATS. 27 28 27 27? 25 MESS PORIC 70 51 43 42 May ... July 1460 September .14 77 14 45 14 52 14 25 31 44 43 157 14 72 14 45 . Downing, Hopkins & Co. ESTABLISHED 1803. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS TAAVELERS guide. - Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce May ..... July September May July September 785 785 7 87 805 7 80 7 77 7 87 7 87 7 90 805 7 85 7-77 34$ 50 63 1134 113 159 24 103 27 56 93 18 38 160 105 S2 31! 145 109 41 81 200 34 39: 43 73 28' 81 47 44: 63 80 46 56 114 92 12 75 20 62 44 92 16 29 48 92 18 36 156 83 31 145 110 41 82 200 34 59 50 73 28 81 '48 W2 63 81 44 56 117 94 12 75 21 61 44 92 16 29 50 20 48 92 17 37 14 25 LARD. 7 85 -7 87 7 85 7 87 7 87 7 00 SHORT RIBS. 8 05 , 8 10 7 8B 7 85 7 77 7 80 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, dulli No. 3 Spring wheat, 6971c; No. 2 red, 7071c. No. 2 corn, 5152c; No. 2 yellow, .51 52c. No. 2 oats, 2829c: No. 2 white, 30c; No. 3 White, 2829c. No. 2 rye, 5152c Barhnv- good feeding, 5255c; fair to choice malting, 57c. - i No. 1 flaxseed, $1 71L72; No. 1 North western,. $1 711 72. - Prime timothy seed, $33 55. Mess pork, per bbl., 514 55U X Lard, per 100 lbs., 37 857 87. Short ribs, sides, loose, $7 958 15. Dry salted shoulders? boxed, ?6 87 7 12. S" Short clear sides, boxed, $8 128 25 Rrwlrt- s H I torn a Flour, 'barrels 17,000 33,000 Wheat, bushels 04,000 421.000 Corn, bushels .". 250000 272,000 Oats, buBhets 205,000 23U.000 Rye, bushels 0,000 64,000 Barley, bushels 10,000 5,000 On the produce exchange "today the but ter market was steady;- creameries 14 19c; dairies, H(gil6c. Cheese, 9llc. Eggs, lie. - - R. W. MclflNNON & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS MEMBERS OF THE CHICAGO - BOARD OF TRADE ' 8 and 9 Chamber of Commerce, Portland wMiBP tiv&'$sn WJ.fcyl TOH fllfSrIi) JL lie? ShojctLike V3IPk V Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST Total sales, 1,130,600. per cent, Money closed 34 New York Ornin and Produce. NEW YORK, May 13. Flour receipts, 16,738 bbls.; exports, 17,187 bbls. Market steady.' Wheat Receipts, 131,100 bu.; exports, 86,255 bu.; spot stronger; No. 2 red," 82 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red, 80 elevator; No. 1 Northern Duluth', 82 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Duluth, -89 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened easy under cables and foreign selling, but were quickly turned strong by bullish southwest- crop news, attended later In the day -by St; Louis buying and general local cover ing. Closed strong, S net .advance. May closed S0; July, 78; September, 76. Hides Firm. Wool Firm. - , , Hopa-QuIetA - ' -.-. - -. '.i.'- - i Money, Excjinnge, Etc. NEW YORK, May 13. Money on call Arm at 36 per cent; last loan 3 per.cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent. Sterling exchange Arm with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at S84 88 for demand and $4 S44 84- for 60 days. Posted rates, . $4,85e4 88 and ?4 l8 4 89. "Commercial bills, $4 834 84. , Sliver certificates, fjOc, Mexican dollars, 48c. Government bonds irregular; state bonds inactive; railroad bonds strong. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 1,136,300 shares. The closing- quotations were: Atchison 71Wis. Central 20 do pfd 061i do Pfd 44t,; Rolf . 1-tt.l- n P-vtmr.n V:" .... uuiu iuu iivu-nuM m.'s. Pacific 100 Adams icn Can. Butter, Efirsrs, Poultry, Etc Butter Fancy creamery. 15gi7c; dairy, 1314c; store, ll12c per pound. Eggs 1213c per dozen. Poultry-Chickens, Jnlxed, 3 50g4; hens, Ui50; dressed, ilS12c per pound; Springs. $35 per dozen; ducks, $5 00$ 00 eese. ?67 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 32c; dressed, 1315c per pound. Cheese Full cream, rwlns, 13i3c Xoung America, 13QI4c per pound. Meat and Provision. Mutton Lambs, 45c per pound, gross--Bressed 7Sc per pound; best sheep, weth ers, gross, with wool, $4 254 50; sheared 3 503 75; dressed, 7c per pound. ' Hogs-Gross, heavy. ?5 756; light. ?4 75 EC7 dressed, 77c per pound. Veal-Small, SSc; large, 7Sc per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield Brand) hams. 13c; picnic, 9c per pound breakfast bacon, 15(gl6c per pound; bacon,- 12c per pound; backs, llc; dry salted sides, llc; dried beef, setts, 15c; knuckles, 17c; lard. 5s, 12c; 10s, llc; 50s. llc; tierces, llc; Eastern pack (Ham monds), hams, large, 12c; medium 13c; 6mall, 13c; nicnlc, 10c; shoulders, 10c; breakfast bacon. 1416c; dry salted sides, 1012c; hacon sides, ll13c; backs, 12c; butts, llc; lard, pare leaf, kettle- renaerea. 5s. 12c; lOs. llc; dry salted bel lies, U13c; bacon bellies, 1214c; dried beef. 15c Beef Gross, top steers, $55 25; cows and heifers. 503 75; dressed beef, S c per pound. Can. Southern nnu. American nv Ches. &. Ohio 47 United States '.'." 84 C., B . & Q loojl VTells-Fareo :i40 -i.t ino. tse ii.... 32 . ai-iowc.L.LiANEOIJS do Dfd :-... rt9 Chi. & East I11...124 Chicago & N. "W..107 u., tu i. & Fac...l45H v... , USfiLk lily Colo. Southern .. 13 do 1st Dfd 47 do 2d pfd 21 Del. & Hudson....lC0U Jei-.-lAcS. & W..215 j xenver & mo ur. 48 do prd 024 Erie 34 do 1st pfd 63 vr. ngno. pia....l7tf Hocklns Valley .. 61 Illinois Central ...134 Iowa Central 2S (La- Cledn n do "pfd 55 I National Biscuit" i: jwir k vr ... ui i.nuutti .eaa ... do nfd 117 Louts. & Nash....l01: Manhattan El ...113' Met. St. Ry 159 Alex, central 23 Minn. & st. ixmis so Missouri Pacific ..103 M.. K. & T 27&! ao pia . , 50 New Jersey Cent. 102 New Tork Cent.. .161 Norfolk & West... 50J ao pia ........ hi Northern Paclflc.156 do pfd 105 Ontario & West.. 31! Pennsj lvanla ... .145 Amal. Copper 117 Amer. Car & P.... 14S4 do Pfd 7$? Amer. Linseed Oil. 18 do Dfd A-rff Amer. Smelt. & r". 0fl do Dfd nnif Amer. Tobacco ....122W Anaconda M. Co... 40 Brooklyn R. T 741; ColO. Fuel & Tmn Ot7 Cont. Tobacco ...'. 54 do pfd 10a Gen. Eleetrlr- xx Glucose Susrar .".".". 5S5i . .raper 21 uo pia 74 81 $t 77 83 67 34 110 SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.-Sterllng on London, 60 days, ?4 85, Sterling on Lon don, sight, U 88. Drafts, sight, 10; Mex ican dollars, 4950c. Drafts, telegraph, 12c. . LONDON, May 13. Consols, 94d. Money 33 per cent. . Grain 3n Europe. 1 f ,- ' LIVERPOOL. -May, 13. Wheat-Spot steady; No. 2 'red Western Winter, 5s Ud;,.No. 1 Northern Spring, Cs Id; No. 1. California. 6b lld. . Futures-dull; -July 5s 10d; September, 5s 9d. Corn-Spot American mixed new, -easy, 4s d; do old, qulet.4s 3d. . Futures Arm; July, 3s, 10d J.September, 3s 107.- ...... 'Wheat and floUr at Paris dull; French country - markets steady.- r LONDON, May, 13. Wheat cargoes on passage rather easier; cargoes Walla Walla, 29s 9d. English country markets quiet. -. .. ., We transfer "money over our own wires, to all the important cities in the United States. We buy and sell cotton, grain and provisions, for casli or on margin;;for future delivery. We! buy and self ajk railroad stocks listed on the New York or Chicago Stock Exchanges. "We buyvand sell all copper stocks listed on the Boston Stock Exchahge. We buy and sell all oil stocks listed on the San Francisco Oil Exchange. Correspondence solicited. sacks, 1900; Washington, 1450; bran, sacks, 650; mlddlings.i-sacks, 250; hay, ions, 500; wool, bales, 370; Hides, 500. ,. - j Visible Grain. Supply. --1-. NEW YORK;' M& lg.The-' statement- of the visible supply of 'grain in "store aim anum ufi oaiuiuaj-, jiaj j,i, as mm- piled by the New Tork Produce "Ex-V change is as follows: ' Wheat, 45,761,000 bu., decrease 907,000 bu. Corn, 17,338,000 bu., decrease 1,327,000 bu. Oats, 11,449,900 bu., decrease 1,077,000 bu. Rye, 963,000 bu., Increase 17,000 bu. Barley, 719,000 bu., decrease 24,000' bu. TIie-Metnl Market. - - ' NEW YORK, May 13. Tin at London took a deefde'dly better turn today and before the session t closed values had touched a level 2 abpve the .previous day's figures on spot goods, closing strong at 122 5s and 119 10s for spot and iu tures respectively. -The strength was at tributed to a bull movement with sellers In Londqn very scarce., The local murkest ruled quiet, closing at $26 6027 00 Copper at London and,t.al. New 5"ork ruled unchanged, but steady at ?17 for lake, and $16 62 for .casling.. "V. Pig iron warrants unchanged at 9 & 10 50; Northern foundry. $15 2316 50,' Bar silver, 59c. ,. : TRAVELERS' GUIDE. SAN FRANCISCO, May 59C ! , j I3. Bar .silver, LONDON, May 13. Barsllver, 27c ' Coffee anOjognsar. , " NEW. YORK, May $?-CoffeerSp'ot Rio, dull, unchanged; No. 7 Invoices, 6; Mild, quiet; Cordova, t S12. Futures closed steady, prices net unchanged to 5 points higher. Total sales, 4,500 bags, including September, ?5 60; October, ?5 70; March, $5 95. Sugar Quiet; fair refining, 3; centri fugal, 96; test, 4 9-32; molasses sugar, 3; refined, firm. - 1 National Salt ao pia North American Pacific Coast .., Pacific Mall .... People's Gas Pressed Steel Car. 41 ao-pfd : oi Pullman Pnl. Put- nnn r ,;::;; --3?i "" -oai e iron. oov5 Union Ba.g 124. d Pfd 67 U. S. Leather i"S' Western Union ... 02Vi U. S. Steel 44 do pfd 02 Foreign Financial Nevrw. NEW YORK, May 13. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: l The stock market here was nervous at the opening here today, but the tension was soon relieved by the early announce, ment of the stock exchange committee that the buylng-In of Northern Pacific was, suspended until further riotlce. Business in general was restricted to a remarkable degree. The tone, how ever, was hopeful. The American de partment wa practically Idle. In the afternoon session there was some renew ed uneasiness caused by a report that New York had cornered Union Pacific, which came over on the cable at 135 against 120 asked here. Quotations in Northern Pacific were nominal at 140S 165. Treasury . Statement. WASHINGTON, May 13. Today's state ment of the Treasury, " exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, in the division of redemption shows: Available cash balances.. ..4 $158,730,375 Gold 97,538,884 StockH at London. LONDON. May 13. Atchison, 76; Can adian Pacific, 10(5; Union Pacific pfd., 97; Northern Pacific pfd., not obtain able; Grand Trunk, 11; Anaconda, 9; United States Steel, 47; "do. pfd., 97. Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern Ore gon, 7"10c; mohair. 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings. 15t?20c; snort wool, 2Sg35c; medium-wool, S050c: long wool, 60c$l each. Tallow Sc; No. 2 and grease. 2ff2c per pound. ' Hides-Dry hides, No. L 16 pounds and upwards. 1415c; dry kip. No. L 5 to 16 pounds, 1415c per pound; dry calf No 1, sound steers. 60 pounds and over, 7Sc; do. 50 to 60 pounds. 77c; do under 50 pounds. 67c: kip. 10 to 30 pounds. 6 7c; do veal. 10 to 40 pounds. 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds 78c; green (unsalted). 1c per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby), one tblrd less. PH t Bearskins, each, as to size. SS 20; cubs, each, $25; badger, each. 1040c; wildcat, 2575c; house cat, 520c; fox. tuiuoion Kray. .swsoc;- do red. $1 502; do cross, $5gl5; lynx, ?23; mink. 50ctf$l 25; marten, dark Northern $6612; do pale pine. 5150ff2: muskrat. 5S-i0o- sin.nv- vsj&. 55cr otter (land), ?57; panther, with head'j CULLISONaCO. Board of Trade and Stack Exchange Brokers GRAIN PROVISIONS STOCKS i COTTON DOUGHT AXD SOLD FOR CASH CARRIED ON MARGINS 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Orenen OR THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices ot Cereals at American and Foreign Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. Wheat and barley futures quiet. Spot wheat firmer. Spot barley weaker. Oats quiet and firm. Wheat No. 1 shipping, $1 00; choice, $1 00; milling, $1 011 03. Barley Feed, 7376c; brewing, SZ S5c. 4 x Oats Black for seed, $1 201 30; red, $1 321 45. Call board sales: Wheat No sales. - Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1 251 30. . Chicago Grain and Provisions. . CHICAGO. May 13. Weakness 'at the opening in wheat, which was at 10103 for July delivery, was' caused by heavy world's shipments, an Increase In the quantity on passage, liberal receipts and lower cables. When sellers, influenced by these matters, had disposed of their wheat, it was found there were buyers in the market for more and under light offerings and profit taking by shorts the decline of a shade to ?4c was recov ered. The reaction caused shorts to ap prehend some underlying force in favor of values, and thla, together with re ports of damage in the Southwest, par ticularly in Kansas, gave a sharp rally to a market that had ruled steadlly'up ward, under this acute reaction of sen timent the price rose rapidly to 72. The close was Vc higher at 71"i71c Corn exhibited marked weakness at the" opening owing to lower cables and good receipts. A strong demand suddenly de veloped among the shorts, however, and a bull market was the result. July closed strong, c higher at 4444Hc. May was neglected, closing c higher at 51i. Oats opened weak with corn Taut ral- EASTERK LIVESTOCK. . CHICAGO, May 13.-Cattle Receipts, lSi 500, including 200 Texans. Steers active, mostly 10c higher. Butchers' stock strong. Good to prime steers, $5 106 00; poor to medium, $45; stockers and feeders stea3y to strong, $3 254 10; cows, $2 854 60; heifers, $2 854 80; canners, $2 152 80; bulls, $2 7504 40; calves, $3'50gi4 75; Texas fed steers, $4 25&4 40; bulls, $2 753 80.- Hogs Receipts today, 26,000; tomorrow, 20,000; left over, 3,000. Active, shade hjgher, top $5 85. Mixed and butchers, $5 605 82; good to choice heavy, $5 70 5 85; rough heavy, $B5565; light, $5 50 SS2. Shee'p-iRecelpts, -16,000. Sheep active, 10c higher; lambs 1015c higher, clipped up to $5. Colorados, $5 25. Good to choice weth ers, $4 25(34 '50; Talf to choice mlsfed, .$3 7a 4 25; Western sheep, $4 254 50; yearl ings, $4 304 55; native lambs, $4 105 25; Western lambs, $4 5Xg5 25. OMAHA, May 13. Cattle Receipts, 2200; market active, shade higher; native beef steers, $4 255 50; Western steers, $4 00 4 85; Texas steers, $3 504 25; cows and heifers, $3 354 50; canners, $1 753 25, stockers and feeders, $3 255 00; calves, $5 6 50; bulls and stags, $2 754 25. Hogs Receipts, 5500; market shade to 5c higher; heavy, $5 675 75; mixed, $5 66 5 70; light, $5 605 67; bulk of sales, $5 605 70. Sheep Receipts, 5500: market steady; yearlings, $4 0004 50; wethers, $3 754 30; common and choice sheep, $3 003 75; lambs, $4 005 10. KANSAS CITY, May 13.Cattle Re ceipts, 13,000; market, generally strong; Texas steers, $3 755; Texas cows, $34 25; native steers, $4 605 60; .native cows and heifers, $35; stockers and feeders, $3 65 5; bulls, $3 403 65. Hogs Receipts, 9000; market, .steady; bulk of sales, $5 655 .gjfc. heavy, $5 75 5 85; packers, $5 655 SO; 'mixed, $5 60)5 SO; lights, $5 305 65f yorkers, $5 25g5 60; pigs, $45 15. Sheep Receipts, 4500: market; strong; Iambs, $4 755 10; muttons, $3 764 75. SAN FRANCISCO- MARKETS.- SAN FRANCISCO,. May 13. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; "Valley Oregon, 1415c; ' mountain lamb, 78c; San Joaquin plains, 6Jc; Humboldt and Mendocino, 910c. Hops Crop of 1900, 15)20c. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17 5019 50; bran, $16 50irr Hay Wheat, $913; wheat and oats, $9 11; best barley, $9 50; alfalfa, $79 50; compressed wheat, $813 per ton; straw, 4047q. per bale. Potatoes River Burbanks, 75cl 10; Oregon Burbanks, $11 25; sweets, 6065c. Onions Australian, $4 505., Vegetables Green peas, 75c$l; string beans, l4c per pound; asparagus, $1 65 1 75 per box; tomatoes, $1 001 50 per box. i. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 50c; choice, 2 25; 'navel oranges, $12 50 per box; Mexican limes, $4 50. Bananas $1 502 50 per bunch. Pineapples $2 003 00 per dozen. Green fruits Apples, choice, $2 50 per box; common, $1 per bfox. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 910c; do hens, ll12c per pound; old roosters, $4 4 25 per dozen; young roosters, $6 508; fryers, $4 505 00; hens, $4 005 00 per dozen: small broilers, $2 003 00; large do, $4 004 50; old "ducks, $4 004 50; geese, $1 501 75 per pair. Eggs Store, 13c; choice, 14c. Butter Creamery, 17c; dairy. 16c. Cheese California, full cream, 8c; Young America, 10c; Eastern, 1416c. . Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 18,650r Oregon, 5200; Washington, 3900; wheat, centals. '250; beans,' sacks, 800;' potatoes, London Wool Attritions. LONDON, May 13. The wool auction sales today showed 13,050 bales offered. A, good selection was presented. Mer inos and crb'se-hreds were in good sup ply and sold , freely,, -Several lots were taken- by America. Cape of- Good Hope and Natal scoured wools were in better demand and there were several with drawals. Victorias were In strong de mand and competition was brisk. The fales.wlll close on May 21. WMMMk iMKwm Going to Buffalo? Or any other point East? Call at our office or write us for particulars as to pro- I posed low rates to be named in the very near future; they will interest you. IVool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, May 13 Wool, quiet and easy. Territory and Western medium, 1315c; fine, 1013c; coarse, 1012c. .Cotton, "Was Quiet. NEW YQRK, May 13. Cotton closed quiet, 3 points lover. TICKET OFFICE: Cor. Third and Stark Sis. R. W. Foster. Tloket Agent J "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECLVL. Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0.00 A. M.; arrives at 4.30 P. M. SPOKANE FLYER. For Spokane. Eastern Washington and Great Northern points. leaves at IIF.M.; arrives at 7 A. 21. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0.00 P. 21. i arrives at 8.10 A. 21. THROUGH PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. Water lines schedule subject to change with out notice. OCEAN DIVISION From Portland. Ieava Alnsworth Dock at S P. II. J salt every 5 days Steamer Elder sails May 1". 12. Steamur Columbia sails May 7. 17. 7. From San Francisco Sail every 5 days. Leave Spear -street Pier 24. at 11 A- M.: Steamer Columbia sails May 3, 1J. 23; steamer Elder sails May 8. 18. 28. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Harsalo leaves Portland dally, ex cept Sunday, at S.00 P. M.: on Saturday at 10.QO P. M- Returnlnr. leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7-00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Salem. Independence and way points, leaves from, Ash-street Dock at 6:45 A. M. on Mondays. "Wednesdays and. Frldaja. Returning, leaves Independence at tf A. M.. and Salem at 7 A. M-, on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. CORVALLIS AND ALBANY. Steamer Ruth leaves Portland at 0:45 A. M. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Re turning, leaves Corvallls at (J A. iL on Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Modoc, for Oregon City. Buttevllle, Champoeg. Deyton and way landings, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. M. Leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesdays and" Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO Steamers "leave RJparla at 3:40 A. M. dally, arriving at Lewlston about 3 P. M. Returning, leave Lewlston at 8:30 A. M., arriving at Rl parla same evening. A. L. CRAIG. General Passenger Azt. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 254 Washington St., Corner Third. PORTLAND & ASIATIC "- STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe; Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and. Vladlvostack. SS. INDRAPURA SAILS MAY 23. For rates and full Information call on or address officials or agents ot O. H. N. Co. EAST SOUTH l00 MUTES HQ IDepot Klfth and I I Street. 8:30 A. M. The Deadlock of 1885. PORTLAND, May 13. To the Editor. A statement, in this morning's Oregonian regarding the political record of Mr. Solomon Hlrsch is so entirely mislead ing as to need correction. In the article referred to "Three-Cornered Senatorial 'Fight'Vthe statement is made that in 18S3 he (Mr. Hirsch) came within one vote of election to' the United States Senate. As a matter of fact when the last ballot In Joint convention, the 6Sth, was taken, February 20, 1SS5, Mr. Hlrsch received hie greatest number of votes, 37, locking nine of the required number to elect, 46, every member being present. James H. Slater, the Democratic candi date, received 21; Z. F. Moody, 7; John Whlteaker, 7, the remaining votes being scattered among a dozen or more prom inent men, the recipients of compliment ary votes. When the result of the 68th iballot had been announced, under the terms of a resolution previously adopted, Mr. W11J- lam Waldo, President of the Senate, de clared the Joint convention adjourned. When the-Senate re-assembled. Mr. Simon moved the adoption of a concurrent reso lution rescinding a' resolution previously- adopted fixing the time of adjourn ment at 12 P. M., February 20. This reso lution was adopted" by the Senate and concurred In by the House, and the next morning, Saturday, a joint convention of both hbuses was held Every Demo cratic member and two Republicans Barnes of Multnomah and Warren of Yamhill 40 in all, refused to attend the convention. The vote for Senator did not amount' to much, Mr. Hlrsch receiv ing only 3 votes. Representative Prosear, of. Washington, moved that the President of the Senate be authorized to cast the ballot of the joint convention for United States Senator, and Mr. Joseph Simon, who did all In his power to secure the election of Mr. Hlrsch, promptly moved that the Prosser motion be tabled, which was ddne. The Legis lature that day adjourned sine die with out 'electing a United States Senator FRANK C. MIDDLETON. The statement In The Oregonian was taken from, the Republican "Blue Book," "by Captain H. L. Wells. Time Card of Trains PORTLAND Leaves. "North Coast Limited" 2.00 P. M. Twin JClty. St. Louis &. Kan. City Special! 11:30 P. M. Olympla, Tacoma, Seat tle, South Bend and Gray's Iarbor Exp... 8:33 A. M. Two trains dally to Spokane, Butte, Hel ena, Minneapolis, -St. Paul and the East. A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. Gen'I Pass. Agt. 255 Morrison St. Portland. Or. Arrives. 7:00 A. M. 5:15 P. M. Northern Commercial Co. Nome St. Michael Yukon ftiver Sailing dates approximate only. From From San Francisco. Seattle., Conemaugh May 25 June 10 Portland May 29 St. Paul June 1 June K Connecting at St. Michael for Dawson City and all Intermediate points. For rates of passage, freight and other par ticulars apply to Empire Transportation Co. Puget Sound Agent Seattle, Wash. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO Fast mall, express and passpnger service for SKAGWAY, calling at Port Townsend. Van couver, Ketchikan and Juneau, connecting with White Pass & Yukon Route for Dawson Atlln and all Yukon. River points. Throucn bills of lading issued. SS. CITY OF SEATTLE, May 18 and 28. SS, VICTORIAN, May 13 and 23. From Seattle at 8 P. M. DODWELL & COMPANY. Ltd.. General Agents. 2S2 -Oak at. Telephone Main 90. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR NOME The magnificent new-steel Steamship Senator will sail from Seattle and Tacoma dirccl. From Tacoma 12 m Seattle 9 p. m. May 30, '01. For rates, rebervatlons and other Information appiy to the company's agents .. io.o.S. -tJ Washington St., Portland, Or. Ticket Office 007 PaclHc avenue, Tacoma. G. M. LEE, Ticket Agent. F. W. CARLETON, N. P. R. R. Dock. Ta coma. Wash. Ticket utflce 618 First avenue. .Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agent. C. W. MILLER. Asst. Gen'l Agent. Ocean Dock. Seattle. Wash. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Agents. San Francisco. ' 1 4:00 P.M. 117:30 A. M. 4:50P. M. OVERLAND EX PRESS TKALNa. for Salem. Rose- burg. Ashland. Sac r a m e n to, Ugaen, San Jbranclsco. Mo Jave, Los Angeles, El Paso. New Or leans and the East. At Woodn-urn (dally- except Sun day), morning train connects with train tor Mt. Angel. SU- v e r t o n, .Brawns ,I11a Qn.lnvfl I A and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and SU-verton. Albany passenger.... Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger.. JOP.M. 10:10 A. M. 5:50 P. M. 3:25.A. M. Dally. IJDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and ?U second class. Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 140 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20. 0:40 a. M.: 12:30. 1:55, 3:25, 4:40, 0:25. 8:JO. 11:30 P. M.; and 9:00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at 0UJ5. 8:30, 10:50 A. M.; 1:35. 3:10. 4:30. 6:15. 7:40. 10.00 P. M.: 12:40 A. 3d. dally, except Monday, 8.3 and 10.05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at B:03 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlla Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3.50 P. if. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. B. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Pacific Goast Steamship Co. FOR ALA5KA. The- Company's steamships COTTAGE CITY, SPOKANE, STATE OF CAL. and CITY OF TOPEKA leave TACOMA 11 A. M., SEATTLE 0 P. M.. May 5. 10. 15. 20. 25, 30: June 4. 0, 14 10. 21 24. 29; July 3. For further" Infor mation ob'aln folder. Th Company reserves the right tp Chang tiersT sidling dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSION, 240 Washington St. PM&and. Or" F. "WV CARLETON, N. P. R. R. Dofc Tacoma Ticket Office. 013 First ave.. KVtttie M TALBOT. Comm'l Agt. C.W. MIL LER Awl Gen'l Agt. Ocean Dock. Seattl.; GOObALL: PERKINS" CO.. 01 Agents. Baa Francisco. HSMSreatNocthem llcUt Office. 122 Third Si. ' Phone S80 LEAVE No. 4 8:00 P. M. Tne Flyer, dally to and from St Paul, Minne apolis. Duluth. Chicago and alt point East "ARRIVE No. 3 7.00 A. M Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Burret Smoklng-LIbrary Cars. ence Sirs. Altona and Pomona, dally ex. Sunday at 0:43 A. M. SUNDAY, to Oregon City, leaves 8 and 11 A. M.. 2:30 and 5:30 P. M. Office and dock foot Taylor st NEW TWIN SCREW 6000 SONOMA & VENTURA SS. ZEALANDIA (Honolulu only) -.. Saturday, May 20. 10 A. M. SS MARIPOSA, for Honolulu, Samoa, New Zealand and Australia .. ... Thurs., May fio. 10 A M. SS. AUSTRALIA, .for. Tahiti About June 30 I D.SPSECKaS k BIDS. CO , Ocniral Agtnb. 327 KarbtSt fea'l PaatoBr 0T&e."643 Mul SL Jisr K 7. Pacifo Si WHITE COLLAR LINE ASTfORIA ROUTE. STR, TAHOMA (Alder-stredt dock). .Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone 351. WHITE COLLAR LINE JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP JDSUMI MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About June 3d Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 8:00 A. M. STR. BAILEY GATZERT. DALLES ROUTE. Dally round trips. Leaves foot Alder street every morning at 7 o'clock, except Monday. Arrtvo "at The Dalles 3 P- M. Leavi The Dalles 4 P. M. Arrive Portland 11 P. "M. I Ticket office 235 Morrison st and. Unloaj Depot ' TelcDhone Main 331. ' J. C. MAYO. Gen; Pass. Agt. Astoria,' Or. 0:55 P.M. Depot Fifth and I Street. For Maygers. Kalnler. Clatakanle. "Westpott, .i!liun. junorio. t.& renton. Flavel. Ham mond, Fort Stevens. Gearhart Pit, Seaside. Astoria and Seasltor Express. Dally. Astcrta-Expreas. IHily. ARRTVE3 11:10 A.M. 0:40 P. Mi