Igstftendi $SI wttam -" j "?- VOL. XLL M). 12,610. PORTLAND, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 13, 1901. t PRICE FIVE CENTS. BALTIIV10RE RYE THE WHISKY e AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S 9 O O 0 0 0 0 0 ROTHCHILD BROS. A&tn Oregon, Wnnlilngrton. Idaho. 20-20 NORTH FIRST ST. 00O 00000 0S000C00 000 00000 0 0 0 0000000 eaQC i GOOD FROM END TO END. Beau Brummell THE BEST NICKEL CIGAR ON THE MARKET BLUMAUER- FRANK DRUG CO. PORTLAND, OREGON E Should Supply Japan With Butter and Fruit. PORTLAND MAN ON SITUATION AT SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK KENT'S ENGLISH ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BRUSHES MADE TOOTH NAIL HA.NL HAIR LQ '''fcyt. VV ' Canadian Money Taken al Full Value. Woodartf, Clarke & Co. Many Raw Products Can Be Landed in Portland for Less Than in New York, and Ought to Be Man- ufnetured Here. : 4th and Washington Streets Strongest in the World Assets o6XS7JJO.mmjj053S063AS -, - " . , '-.-' ; PHIL MfcTSCHAN. JRrefc . - , "V-V' ,. ',- Os ;W. K6VleV Jttr. European Plan: --' SEVENTH WO WASHINGTON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON. CHANGE OP MANAGEMENT. . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day OREGON'S SUPREME HEALTH RESORT. For Analysis of Water, Rates, etc., Address A. A. HAFLENGER, Temperature of Water, 1SS de?. Foley Springs, Or. First Consul CLEAR HAVANA KEY WEST CIGAR LEADS THEM ALL BIumauer&Hoch, 108-110 Fourth St. SOLE DISTRIBUTERS. THE PORTLAN FF2TL.iCND. OREGON AMERICAN PLAN to $3.00 PER DAY and upward. ( COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage ment Trill be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish hath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. Library Association of Portland ? SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS rleurs From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. except Sundays and holidays. 29,000 irOL.J7UTES 250 PERIODICHLS $5.00 TZ VE75F2 $1.50 7Z QUnHTER SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ?1.00 A YEAR Omaha Again Wide Open. OMAHA. May 12. Omaha resumed its normal wide-open condition today. Mayor Had Boers Realised Their Strength. LONDON. May 12. At a banquet of the Cornish Association, held In London last Moores blue-law enforcement having been j night. General Pole-Carew said: declared oft. The saloons and gambling- "At the beginning of the war, had the houses did their customary business. The Boers fully realized their strength, and weather was perfect and the beer gardens j our unpreparedness, we would have been were crowded. Mayor Moores expressed j driven1" Into Durban and' Cape Town, and his satisfaction with the resumption of a j presented, the r spectacle of conquering liberal policy. South Africa from the sea coast." NAGASAKI, Japan, April 19. (Special correspondence.) The commercial and financial situation in Japan can accurate ly be described in two words extremely unsatisfactory. I have conversed with many of the most prominent foreign and native merchants in the principal trade centers and the general consensus of opin ion regarding trade conditions, as ex pressed in their office, at the clubs arid at their homes. Is as heretofore indicated. Warehouses are filled with foreign goods, for which there Is no demand. I might mention as an index to the -recklessness of Japanese traders, who are largely re sponsible for present conditions, that there Is at present stored at Kobe over 25,000 barrels of flour, 10,000 cases of um brella cloth valued at about 4,000,000 yen, and large quantities of cotton that was consigned from America more than a year ago, and for which the consignors about that time refused an offer of more than jouble the price that could be realized to day. Still there are those' In America who will consign both flour and cotton. Re liable firms 1n Japan do not recommend consignments except in cases where new goods are being introduced, and even then only small shipments are advised as a means of facilitating business on a "firm offer" basis. Doubtless the most potent factor in pre cipitating the present depression was the refusal of the Japanese to comply with the terms of their contracts. Foreign merchants complain that there is no pos sibility of holding a Japanese to a con tract if he wishes to repudiate it, and this he not Infrequently will do, if the market happens to have gone against him between the time of making and execut ing the contract.' I am credibly informed that legal proceedings are of little or no avail, owing to certain technicalities In Japanese law, and for that reason few attempts are made to prosecute. Al though the Japanese refuse to admit It, I am convinced that the resident foreign merchants act as a kind of commercial balance-wheel to the country and that without them frequent panics would oc cur. Characteristics of Business Men. If the laws of the country would com pel the natives to meet their obligations It (is my opinion that failures would be frequent. The average Japanese business man places a low valuation onhis Integ rity, He is quick -to act upon a business proposition that promises quick returns, but is unable to foresee the effect of the present transaction on those of the future. He Is deficient In executive ability, delib eration and integrity. His excessive po liteness and ever-ready smile may be well adapted to social life, but quite in appropriate when the sober business transaction demands a more resolute ex pression. On the other hand the Jap anese are endowed with many desirable qualities. They are Industrious, enterpris ing, have great reverence for the aged, and possess other kindred traits. It has probably taken many generations to instill into them characteristics In keeping with their environment, hence It seems unfair to criticise them too severely just at a time when they are struggling to eman cipate themselves from hereditary pecul iarities. It must also be remembered that, although In a general way It can not be "said of the Japanese, as of the Chinese, that their word is as good as their bond, there are Japanese firms of high standing who conduct their business with ability and Integrity. Notwithstanding the existence of ob stacles mentioned, statistics demonstrate that industrial progress in Japan is keep ing pace with' the age, and the best-informed Europeans In Japan anticipate an early readjustment of business conditions followed by extensive developments. Much of the present stagnation is due to un settled conditions in China which have affected Japan probably more than any other country, as a larger business Is transacted with China than any other with the exception of the United States. Good Shovring for United States. In looking over the trade reports is sued by the Japanese Government, and covering a period of 35 years, the most conspicuous Item is one In the United States column under the heading of mer chant vessels entered from foreign coun tries during the 35 years from 1868 to 1S99. In 1S93 there were entered 145 ves sels from the United States, with a ton nage of 314,215 out of a total of 373 ves sels, and a total tonnage of 441,567. It will be seen that the United States vessels numbered more than one-third of the total, and carried almost three-fourths of the foreign cargoes to and from Japan, while in 1S99 the number of United States vessels was reduced to 75 out of a total of 2240, about None-thIrtieth, and the ton nage reduced to 157,575, out of a total of 3,439,666, a little over one-thlrty-thlrd. In consulting the same report I find that flour occupies the most prominent place among Pacific Coast products Imported. Timber comes next, and wheat third. From the Japan bank statement I no tice that In January, 1897, the bullion re serve in Japan amounted to: Gold, 89,000, 000 yen; silver, 42,000,000 yen; making a total of 131,000,000 yen In bullion, with notes in circulation amounting to 187, 000,000 yen. April 10, 1901, these items had decreased to 60,000,000 yen in gold and no silver, making a total of 60,000,000 yen in bullion with notes In circulation amounting to 177.000,000. I might hero mention that Japan adopted the gold cur rency October 6, 1S97, and the reserve stood as follows on that day: Gold. 63.000.- 000 yen: silver, 32,000,000 yen; total, 95,000, 000, with notes in circulation amounting to 193,000,000. In 1S97 there was also established in Kobe a monthly report of foreign trade which Is carefully compiled. It gives the amount of each article Imported and ex ported, together with the name of the country and port shipped from and to. It also furnishes other valuable informa- that will lead to business; In these and other articles produced In Oregon, Straw braids and unmanufactured silks can "be delivered in Portland about 1 per cent less than In New York, and should be manufactured on the coast. One fac tory for manufacturing silk tTes and such goods should do well In Portland, as the raw materlafiJcan be gotten on short notice and other conditions are fa vorable.' I shall be able to g'lve more val uable 'information regarding Taw mate rials for factories In Portland when I reach1 Southern Asia. Many. Changes in- Twelve Years. It is just 12 years since I last visited Japan, and from a superficial observa tion by way of recreation 1 am struck with the changes that have taken place. Then the railway systems were com paratively new, and the line" over which I passed at that time, between Yokohama and Kobe, had been In operation but a short time. European management had been superseded by native management, which started to work like a new broom. The conductors were neatly clad: in white. The equipment, of English .lnygatlon, was good; there were distinct flrstrSecond and third-class compartments; the stations were new and attractive, and. In fact, the surroundings were about all that could be desired byva passenger. Behold the change! The entire scene just de scribed has altered beyond recognition. MRS. M'KINLtY ILL Taken to San Francisco to Obtain Rest. CONDITION IS NOT ALARMING If 'Improvement Is.'Jfot as Rapid as Hoped For, Programme for Be . Biainderef THr May Se Curtailed. SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. The sud den Illness of Mrs. McKinley has caused an unexpected change In the Itinerary o President McKinley. He arrived in this city quietly this afternoon several hours she slept little last night and 'this -morof ing, although her condition had Improved, ( sho reluctantly agreed to go ,to Ban t;ran clsco at once. The party got away from, the hotel so quickly that many of the guests did not know "until evening that the President and Mrs. McKinley had gone. v Statement ol Physician. SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. At S o'clock tonight Dr. Rlxey made the following statement: "Mrs. McKinley stood the trip from Del Monte much better than I expected. Her condition is not serious. She will stay here at least a week: and have perfect rest. I think by that time she will be able to continue the journey. She has been gaining strength all afternoon." Mrs. McKinley Resting Comfortably SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. At 9:30 o'clock tonight Secretary Cortelyou gave the following bulletin to the Associated Press: "Mrs, McKinley- stood the trip from Monterey extremely well, and is resting comfortably at Mr. Scott's. Her attack of indigestion, It is believed, will yield promptly to rest and remedies, while the bone felon on the hand Is healing neatly. Dr Hirschfelder, of San Francisco, Is In consultation with Dr. Rlxey." It will not be determined until 9 A.M. THREE-CORNERED SENATORIAL FIGHT. HON C. ORDER FOR STRIKE Thousands of Machinists May Walk Out May 20. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION . MOVE HON. JOSEPH SIMON. HON. SOLOMON HIRSCH. W. FULTON. The flEht for succession to Senator Joseph Simon's seat in the United States Senate seems to have narrowed down to three men, Ex-United States Senator Corbett has been steadily importuned to make the race again, but his latest utterances to hl3 friends have been that he is not, at this time, anyhow, a candidate. Should he continue of thla mind, Mr. Simon will himself be the candidate of the "regular" or Simon wins of the Republican party. Should Mr. Corbstt be prevailed upon to make the race again, Mr. Simon states that he should withdraw and do all In his power to further Mr. Corbett's election. Mr. Simon Is now in his 5Cth year, and It la 21 years since he began his political career In Oregon as chairman of the. Republican State Central Committee acd member of the State Senate. He has served five terms in the State Senate. He was elected United States Senator October S, IMS, and began service De cember 5, 1808. His term expires March 3, 1003. On the Mitchell side' of the house, the two candidates are Hon. Solomon Hlrsch, of Portland, ex-Mlnlster to Turkey, and Hon. Charles "W. Fulton, of Aptorla, President of the Oregon State Senate. Mr. Hlrsch was G2 In March. He has served 12 years In the State Legislature, In 1882 and 1890, he was chralman of the Republican State Central Committee, and In 1SS5 he came within onft vote of election to the United States Senate. In 1889 he was made Minister to Turkey, by President Harrison, and filled the position for th vtars -wVipn he resigned. Mr. Hlrsch has been a powerful factor In tho Mitchell camn. and la said bv knowlne ones to be the -- choice of Senator Mltctfellsl&self.'pvSir'. Fulton 'Is" anactlve and avowed 'candidate, relying 'more-' upon-his popularity throughout th state than upon manipulation oi comuiuuuuuE. it Bma mat ne win go Dcrorene. next iiepumican state convention 'ana hsk a nom ination, in view of the law passed by the last Legislature providing 'for popular vote for Senators at general elections preceding the elec tions by the Legislature. Mr. .Fulton was chairman of the Republican State Convention 1.8S2. and of the Second Concessional Dis trict Convention in 1890. In 1888 he was a delegate to the Republican National Converftlpn. In 1890 and IDOO he was elected to tho State Senate, and each time was made President of that body. Efforts have been made to induce Mr. Fulton to make the race for Governor In 1902, but so far he has steadfastly declined. He, Is friendly to Governor Geer's renomlnatlon, but may eventually be found supporting ex-State Treasurer Phil Metschan, who Is regarded as the approved Mitchell candidate for Governor. Everything appears to have been neg lected. The employes are dirty, shabbily dressed beings; the cars, with their ac coutrements, resemble dilapidated or abandoned street-cars. The stations as a rule look like deserted shacks, and a field glass Is required to distinguish between first, second and tmra-ciass uuuuun, , n more properly speaking, boxes. All these are highly perfumed with smoke and so full of lunch baskets, shawls, baggage and other truck that about the only place for one's feet is on the seats, where the Jap anese prefer to have theirs. - Then the people have changed both In outward appearance and character. Their dress is becoming more indicative of a yhbrid race. The klmona is not so uni versally worn, having been largely re placed by certain classes with the clothes (orrather rags) of all nations. They have become experts in the art of extracting from strangers the last possible farthing for services, absolutely ignortng legitimate charges, until brought before a self-appointed emergency committee, which ef fects a compromise In a kind of "monkey-and-parrot" fashion. The extortioner re luctantly acquiesces. "While these re marks apply to the lower classes, I no tice the tendency In that direction ex tending well up toward the better ele ment. I. H. YBREX. J. P. Morgan Left for London. PARIS, May 12. J. P. Morgan left here for London this morning. ahead of the time scheduled. The state j tomorrow whether President McKinley of Mrs. McKlnley's health was such this j will go to San Jose or remain in this morning that the President decided to t city. His programme for the day will be leave Del Monte and bring his wife to the contingent on the condition of Mrs. Mc- iUent- Demand. Ten Honra' Pay for Nine Hours' Work Conference 4 to Settle tlxc Matter. Proved Fruitless. "WASHINGTON. May 12. A general strike Involving directly 150,000 machin ists, and indirectly 500,000 men in the metal working trades, is expected to taka place May 20, unless some arrangement is effected In the meantime. This Is the statement made tonight by President James O'Connell, of the International As sociation of Machinists, who has his. headquarters in this city. The. demands of the men. the refusal of which threat ens to precipitate the strike Mr. O'Connell said, are for a working day of nine hours and an Increase of 12& per cent In wages, or, in other words. 10 hours pay for nine hours work. The matter, he said, has been under consideration for aorco rtlme, and every effort has been made by the macninists association to avoid re sorting to a strike, but such action, he says. Is now necessary if the workingmen hope to attain the end they are striving for. Some time ago, through the efforts of the International association and the Na tional Trades Association, the employers of about 25 per cent of the men who would be affected by the strike mads concessions by a general work day of nine hours, which was to become opera tive May 20 of this year. The question of an Increase of wages, however, or its equivalent, the granting of 10 hours pay for nine hours, remained unsettled. Yes terday the representatives of the Metal Trades Association and the National As sociation of Machinists held a conferenca In New York, at which time an attempt was made to reach an agreement on th wage matter so that the strike proposed for May 20 could be avoided. Mr. O'Con nell, however, says that the employers refused to arbitrate the question of wages nationally, but that they expressed a willingness that this matter would bt settled by employers locally, each Indi vidual case to be treated as such. This method is unsatisfactory to the represen tatives of the Machinists Association, who express the opinion that this woula prolong Indefinitely the settlement of the question. Upon his return to tire city. Mr. O'Connell promptly prepared the or der for the strike, and It was sent out by mall today. Mr. O'Connell says that about 200 firms,, whose employes represent probably 20 pr cent of the 500.000 men who will be af fected by the proposed strike, have signed agreements for the reduction In hours of labor and the increase of pay, so that the agitation on the subject already has benefited them materially. For pruden tial reasons the executive committee ha3 determined not at this time to apply the strike order to the railroads. "Whether It will be done in the future will depend al together on developments. tion. Yokohama and Kobe are running a close race .for commercial supremacy. The former has the lead In exports, and the latter in Imports, making totals about even. Chance for Oregon. I have made considerable Inquiry re garding the prospects for exporting other Oregon products than flour, lumber and wheat. Such goods are now being sup plied by Australia, Europe "and San Fran cisco, and I cannot discover any reason why Oregon should not supply a portion, such as butter, prunes, apples, etc. I hope to return with some information SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Domestic. Mrs. McKinley Is ill, and has been taken to San Francisco for rest. Page 1. Her Illness may cause curtailment of pro gramme for remainder of President's tour. Page 1. Portland man writes from Japan of trade opportunities open to Oregon. Page 1. Fire in suburb of Detroit, Mich., did $S00, 000 damage. Page 2. ' National organization of machinists has ordered a general strike. Page 1. Control of Northern Pacific seems to hinge on right of directors to retire preferred fetock. Page 2. Foreign. General Dewet, the Boer leader, has re sumed operations. Page 2. Esterhazy has made an affidavit that he was the author of the Dreyfus bor dereau. Page 2. Pacific Const. Portland baseball team lost 10-lnnlng game to Seattle, 7-6. -racoma won from Spokane, S-6. Page 2. v Astoria machinists demand more pay or they will walk out. Page 3. Memorial fountain for Linn County "Vol unteers will be unveiled at Eugene May 14. Page 3. Debating teams of Universities of Oregon and Washington will meet at Eugene Friday. Page 3. Annual convention of Or.egon Sunday school workers will be held at Salem Tuesday. Page 3. Portland and Vicinity. Recent decision of United States Supreme Court sustains Portland method of as- sessine abutting property-owners for home of Henry T. Scott, of this city, where she could have complete rest for a few days, and where a specialist could be consulted if necessary. A special of two cars and a locomotive was made up from the President's special, and at 12:30 the President, Mrs. McKinley, Miss Bar ber, the President's niece, Secretary Cor telyou and wife, Dr. Hixey and ' H. T. Scott and -wife left Del Monte ,for San Francisco, leaving the remainder of the Presidential party at Del Monte. Only a few hundred people greeted the President upon his arrival In this city. His coming was not generally known, and only those who chanced to see the bul letins posted by the newspapers announc ing that the President would reach the city at 4 P. M. awaited his train. The President, In order to "avoid the crowd that was expected to assemble at the Southern Pacific depot at Third and Townsend streets, left the train with his little party at Valencia .street, a station In the southern part of the city. "When the train, consisting of a baggage car arid the President's special coach, stopped at Valencia street, Mrs. McKinley was car ried in a steamer chair by two colored porters from the private car to a closed carriage In waiting. She was heavily veiled, and the President and Dr. Rlxey followed close behind. Mrs. McKinley was gently placed In the carriage and the President and Dr. Rlxey "took seats In the same vehicle. The President was quite pale and looked serious. The rest of tho party followed In carriages. At the Scott Home. Mr. and Mrs. Scott had arrived at the.lr residence ahead of the President, and were waiting to receive their distinguished guests. Mrs. McKinley was again lifted out of the carriage and placed in an in valid chair and carried into the house. Secretary Cortelyou, when questioned concerning Mrs. McKlnley's condition; stated there was nothing alarming in her present Indisposition, and that perfect quiet and rest for a few days would re store her to her usual health. She ha3 not been well since the long Journey be gan, and the trip has fatigued her very much. Last night she did not respond to medical treatment, and both the Presi dent and JJr. Rlxey- considered It wise to bring her to this city, where she could have complete rest for a few days at Mr. Scott's residence, and where Dr. Hirsch- Felter, Mr. Scott's physician, could he consulted if necessary. It was the im pression, however, of those who saw Mrs. McKinley, that she is very 111, and that her present state may result In an entire change of the President's programme. Should his wife's health Improve the President will carry out his Intention tq, attend tne celebration at San Jose to morrow: If; however, her condition to morrow Is no better than today, the President will not leave his wife's side, but will allow the Cabinet officers and others of his party to represent him at San Jose. KInley at that hour. OAST SHADOW UPON PARTY. Some Talk at First of Abandoning: Part of Schedule. DEL MONTE, Cal., May 12. Mrs. Mc Klnley's Illness cast a shadow upon the other members of the party who remained hefe, and there was some talk, at first of abandoning the entire schedule between here and .San Francisco, but Mrs. Mc Kinley especially requested that the plans- of the party should not be disar ranged by her departure, and when the President left this morning the under standing was that the Itinerary, as origin ally fixed, should be carried out. The President has himself said he would re join the party" as soon as Mrs. McKinley was made comfortable; The party Is scheduled to leave here tomorrow morn ing at 8 o'clock, and, after a 10-mlnute stop at Pajaro, to go to Santa Cruz for a glimpse of the big trees. It was not the expectation of the President that he could, be at either of these places, but he thought he could meet the Cabinet at San Jose, where great preparations have been made to receive him, and where the programme was for the party to spend tomorrow night. In that case he could reach San Francisco Tuesday afternoon, as originally contemplated, without dis arranging the plans for the ovation ar ranged for him there. 3Iay Came Change in All Plans. It is possible that If Mrs. McKlnley's street and sewer improvements. Page S. I condition does not Improve as rapidly as is nopea, a curtailment or tne programme in San Francisco and for the remainder of the trip may be necessary. The day after leaving New Orleans a bone felon Harry M. Paddock, 11 years old, drowned In Columbia Slough. Page 10. HandicaD tennis tournament at Multno mah Club devoid or gooa playing. MILLIONS ARE FOR THE WEST Dr. Pearsons "Will Give Nothing; to Institutions East of Chicago. CHICAGO, May 12. After a tour of the "West, Including visits to several colleges which have been the objects of his bene factions, Dr. D. K. Pearsons has returned to Chicago and announced that he has drawn a line through Chicago, and has disinherited everything and everybody east of that line from any share in the money he still expects to give away. Not one penny, Dr. Pearsons says, will ever go to any Institution east of Chicago. The $1,000,000 or J2.000.000 which he intends to dispose of within the next year Is all for the West Dr. Pearsons' statement was drawn out partly by the visit of a trustee of Middle bury (Vt.) College, who came here to seek an addition to his endowment fund. "I came "back from Missouri with my mlnd made up," said Dr. Pearsons to a reporter. "I have drawn a line north and south through Chicago, and I shall never go east of that line. I have not forgotten Chicago, and I am going to do something handsome for the city before long. I have my plans all laid now." Dr. Pearsons at last has retired from business in Chicago. Hereafter,' he will devote himself to gardening, raising chick ens and driving about the country near his place at Hinsdale. UNITED TEXTILE "WORKERS. Northern and Southern Unions De cide on Amalgamation. BOSTON. May 12. As a result of the textile convention which concluded lt3 sessions at the Qulncy House today, 750CO men and women employed In the textile Industries of North America will be mem bers of one great labor organization to be known as the United Textile Workers of America. Representatives of the Interna tional Union of Textile Workers and the American Federation of Textile Operatives were present with James Duncan, vice president of the American Federation of Labor, acting as chairman. Both organi zations decided to malgamate and ap ply for a charter under the title named. After that 13 secured the Mule Spinners Union and the Loom Fixers Union, will affiliate themselves with the organiza tion, which will eventually mean a mem bership of 300,000, and an amicable under standing between textile employes In the North and South. In the past the em ploye's in the South have been member3 of the International Textile Workers, while the northern operatives have, been members of. the American Federation of Textile Operatives and for a long time a union has been sought by the officials o both. TROUBLE SMOOTHED OVEB. Non-Union Booth at Exposition Gronnds Has Been Removed. BUFFALO, May 12. The booth In tho Manufacturers and Liberal Arts building1 at the Pan-American grounds, which has caused so much friction between the la bor unions and the exposition officials, and which threatened to involve all the men employed on the grounds in a gen eral strike, was removed today, and it 13 now believed that all the carpenters will go to work tomorrow morning. Th booth objected to Is the only one in. any of tho buildings manufactured In mills where non-union men are employed, and as this Is the only cause of complaint that the union carpenters have, the officials; are confident that there will he no more trouble. The attendance at the grounds today was good, notwithstanding that It rained for about two hours during that part of the day when most of the sightseers vis ited the exposition. Sacred concerts fur nished entertainment for the visitors. k Page 10. Forward movement begun at Unitarian Church. Page 6. Portland should protect its Interests in Nehalem and Tillamook countries. Page 5. Products and manufactures which Port land ships to San Francisco. Page 10. Fontellas defeat Oregon City in the-second game of the amateur league. Page 10. appeared upon Mrs. McKlnley's finger. Her hand became swollen, gave her con siderable pain, and produced fever which prevented her from sleeping. Dr. Rlxey lanced the felon twice and gave her some relief in that way. Mrs. McKinley bore it all bravely, and urged continuously that the programme at the cities and towns en route should not be modified in any particular on her account. It was hoped that the rest here would do her good, but "Will Aid Strikers. LOUISVTLLE, May 12. The union car penters of Louisville, who are now on a strike for $2 50 minimum: wages for nine f hours' work, and the exclusion of non union labor, will be aided by the Build ing Trades Council of this city, which to night decided to enforce the union card rule. All members of the Building Trades Council, in adopting this rule, agree to quit work at every job where non-union building trades workmen are employed. A conference will be asked with the contrac- f tors. , Voted to Affiliate. CHICAGO, May 12.-The new Chicago Building Trades League tonight voted to affiliate with the National Building Trade3 Council, as It3 accredited branch in Chi cago. National Scretary H. W. Stein blss, of St. Louis, was present, and as sured the league that as soon as its ap plication was received, the charter of the old Chicago Building Trades Council would be revoked, and the National char ter Issued to the new body. This, means the passing of the last vestige of the Building Trades Council, which conducted the big strike of last year. Strikers Will Return to Worlc. ST. LOUIS. May 12. The 600 and more employes of the brick and terra cotta. makers who have been out on a strike for an advance In wages will return to work Monday morning, their demands having? bqen met. The common laborers' will- bo paid 51 50 a day Instead of $1 35 as for merly, and skilled laborers have been, ad vanced 10 per cent of their former pay. James H. Pearson, Capltallat.-- CHICAGO. May 12. James H. Pearson; for many years.a prominent buslness-maj and capitalist of this city, died tonight