Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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4.mnaement Tonlffht.
see and evening
erts and the Alcazar Stock Company, pre
oentias "Sapbo."
Cut Attorney Going to Washikotok.
ne of the principal things which the
charter to be proposed by the Charter
Commission Is expected to set to
rights Is the matter of procedure In mak
ing absessments ior street improvements.
-A, late decision of Judge Bellinger, of
the United States Court in the case of
J. Thorburn Ross vs. the City of Port
land, involving the legality of the assess
ment for the improvement of Sixth
etreet, has pronounced the present style
of proceedings in making such assess
ments illegal. This decision Is In line Tvith
a decision of the United States Supreme
Court in a case almost similar, but is
opposed to the decision of the Supreme
Court of Oregon. A case Involving the
point decided by Judge Bellinger has been
appealed to the Supreme Court of the
United States, and City Attorney Long
reports that in a similar suit that court
has made a decision contrary to the one
on which Judge Bellinger's decision was
based. The judiciary committee of the
City Council has decided that It is ad
visable for Mr. Long to proceed to "Wash
ington and endeavor to secure a decision
from the United States Supreme Court
especially to settle the uncertainty in
which street assessment matters are in
volved here.
Home From Loyal Legion Reunion. (J
E. Caukin, who went to Washington to
attend the quadennial congress and re
union of the Loyal Legion, held on April
10, has returned home and reports having
had an enjoyable trip. The congress was
presided over by Lieutenant-General J. M.
Schofield. and was a very successful af
fair. The participants were received In
a body at the White House by President
McKlnley. who is a member of the order,
and very pleasantly entertained. It was
decided to hold the next meeting In 1905,
at San Francisco. Major Caukin states
that he found everything prosperous In
the Eastern states and everyone had em
ployment who desired It. He visited
friends In New York, Michigan, Wisconsin
and Minnesota. He was gone altogether
25 days and arranged his plans so well
that he succeeded in visiting friends
comprising zl different families.
Oranges ?9 a Dozen in Dawson. A
man who recently returned from Dawson,
while watching a load of oranges being
sold at 30 to 40 cents a dozen on the
street yesterday, told a story of the price
or iruit in the Klondike metropolis. A
box of oranges, he said, stood In front of
a fruit stand, marked, "Oranges, 75 cents."
A woman said she would take a dozen.
After they were put In a paper bag she
tendered a ?5 bill in payment. "I want
$4 more, madam," said the dealer. The
woman exclaimed: "Oh, I thought they
were 75 cents a dozen. Guess I don't want
any oranges today," and the sale was off.
Bethune Held for Grand Jcrt. J. G.
Bethune. charged tIth breaking Into the
car-barn of the City & Suburban Street
Railway Company and stealing $120. had a
hearing before Municipal Judge Cameron
yesterday. The complaint was read by
Deputy District Attorney Spencer. Be
thune pleaded not guilty, and waived ex
amination. He was held in $1000 bail for
the Grand Jury, and was sent to the
County Jail. Before Bethune left the City
Jail, his wife called with a basket of deli
cacies, to make the commencement of his
imprisonment pleasant, ana they had a
touching parting.
Rummage Sale Continues. The rum
mage sale, under the auspices of the ladies
of the Unitarian Church, continued yes
terday afternoon, and the rush was as
great as that of preceding days. The sale
will continue today, opening at 1 P. M..
and closing at 7. It will be kept up
throughout the week, and Saturday It will
remain open until 10 o'clock in the even
ing. The telephone number is Main 63S,
instead of Main 38, as announced in yes
terdayb Oregonian, and the safe rooms
can be corfimunlcated with by phone after
8 o'clock in the morning.
Visitor From Iceland. Among the re
cent visitor to the permanent exhibit
at 246 Washington street was Jakob
BJarnason, a wealthy young man of Ice
land, who Is making a tour of the United
States. He had never seen green fruit
prior to his arrival in America, but when
It came to mines he was at home In all
stages of the game. He examined the ore
exhibit with a great deal of Interest It
is not likely that heavy immigration to
Oregon from Iceland will follow any re
port he may make on the mineral re
sources of Oregon.
Four Per Cent Dividend for Deposit
ors. Receiver Nixon, of the Portland
Savings Bank, was authorized by Circuit
Judge Cleland, yesterday, to pay a 4 per
cent dividend to depositors. He began
paying at 2 o'clock to as eager a crowd of
people as ever stretched forth their hands
for money. Men and women jostled each
other for places close to the receiver,
fieemlngly fearful that If they did not
reach the mark In time the supply of
money would give out.
Ete Pierced by a File. Ella Pope, a
young woman employed in the wrapping
department of the Meier &. Frank tore.
met with a painful accident yesterday
afternoon. She leaned over a counter upon
which a letter-flle was standing upright,
and the sharp point entered her right
eye. She was taken to Dr. Dickson's of
fice, where the wound was dressed. The
oculist has hopes of saving her sight
Miss Pope lives at 403 East Washington
Studying American Fruit Pests.
Hideo Toshida has been seatc the United
States by the Japanese Government to
study Insect fruit pests and American
methods of fighting them, and to recom
mend a method for keeping them out of
Japan. He called at the office of the State
Board of Horticulture and Secretary Lam-
berson supplied him with a set of official
reports. Mr. Toshida has gone East to
continue his investigation.
Oar Factory Nearly Ready for
Work. The oar factory on East Clay and
East Water streets Is about ready for
business, and will start work next Mon
day, perhaps before. There is a lot of
valuable machinery In the building. The
Insurance is rather heavy, and Is made
heavier hy a shanty which stands on East
Clay street between Water and the river.
This the city authorities will endeavor to
have removed at once.
Native Sons Will Attend. Grand
-President of the Native Sons Sol Blu
mauer states that Native Sons and Daugh
ters from Portland, Oregon City, Salem,
Butteville. and other towns, will be at
the Champoeg celebration. All members
of the orders are cordially invited to at
tend. F. X. Matthleu'E Cabin Native Sons,
of Butteville, will attend in a body, ac
companied by their own band.
Practical Library Talk. The free
library department of the Woman's Club
will meet with Mrs. John McRoberts. 1S9
Sixteenth street, near Taylor, tomorrow
at 2 P. M. C Lombardl, the enthusiastic
library worker, will talk to the members
on "Practical Library Work for Portland."
An invitation is extended to all Interested
in this work.
Fir Loo 25 Feet Below the Surface.
Tlmms. Edwards & Co., who are erecting
an elevator for F. E. Toung & Co. at
Albany, report that after excavating 25
feet from the surface, their men found a
At log two feet in diameter, in perfect
Planing Mills Short of Men. Port
land planing mill proprietors report help
very scarce. Wages for hands range from
52 25 to $3 per day. according to their
ability. Green hands can be obtained in
plenty, but they are not wanted.
If you fall to attend the grand concert
at Tabor-Street Church tonight, you will
miss an unusual opportunity to hear a
high-class programme for the nominal ad
mission of 25c
Beginning May 5th. the evening train of
the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
will leave Union Depo,t. Portland, at 6:55
P. M., Instead of 7:00 P. M.
Timber Lands. Large tract, railroad
running- through it, for sale cheap for
cash. Apply to owners, 8S Third street
Disorderly Man Arrested. Charles
Clark, 40 years old, was threatened with
lynching last Tiighi, by an excited crowd
of about 150 people, for his conduct to
ward two little giris at East Twelfth
and Powell streets. For two weeks
past various little girls on the
East Side have been frightened by
a man who accosted them on the
street after dark, and the parents told
their girls to give the alarm if they saw
the man again. Last night two girls
recognized the man on East Powell street,
and screamed. Men and women rushed up
and surrounded Clark, and the cry went
up: "Lynch him." Policeman Patton
took charge of Clark just in time, and
sent him In the patrol wagon to the Po
lice Station. The police say Clark was
recently arrested for the same offense.
How To Reach Champoeg. Prepara
tions for the celebration at Champoeg
have been completed, and the Indications
are that a large number of people will
attend the unveiling ceremony. Those
who. desire to go from Portland should
take the Oregon City Transportation Com
pany's boat at the foot of Taylor street,
tomorrow morning at 6:45. That point
can be reached by cars from all points
in the city at that hour. The exercises
will begin at noon at Champoeg. The ar
rival of boats from different directions
at 11:15 will give all an opportunity to
have lunch. The Orecon Historical So-
J ciety has issued a neat souvenir pro
gramme suitable for the occasion, which
i should be preserved.
Fred R. Griffiths Discharged. Fred
Richards Griffith, who was arrested oh a
charge of sending a threatening letter to
a business man of this city, for the pur
pose of extorting money, had an examina
tion before United States Commissioner
Sladen yesterday. He directed the money
to be sent in a letter addressed to Fred
G. Richards, but as there appeared to be
no law forbidding a person from inverting
or mixing up his name as he pleased, and
as an attempt to extort money is a matter
to be passed upon by the state courts and
not the Federal courts, Commissioner Sla
den was obliged to discharge Griffiths.
Whether the case will be taken Into the
state courts or not is not known.
Women Thieves Sentenced. May Hun
ter, colored, was sentenced yesterday by
Municipal Judge Cameron to the County
Jail for two months, and lined $75, for
stealing 544 from John Patterson. Patter
son testified that he was robbed Saturday
night, and that he first knew the money
had been taken when he looked In his
purse for contribution money In an East
Side church Sunday. Katet Lewis, col
ored, was sentenced to the County Jail
for six months and fined $75. for stealing
$44 from John Taylor, of Cleveland, O.
Captain Matthews en Route East.
Captain H. A. Matthews, an old-time cit
izen of Astoria, came to Portland yester
day on his way to visit his old home way
down East, and to prospect a clam patch
which he used to cultivate when a boy.
He expects to be able to depopulate this
patch during his stay. He received a
hearty welcome from the gang around
Captain Brown's place, who had they
known he was coming, would have been
out with a band to meet him and escort
him up town.
Entries Close Today. Entries posi
tively close at 10 o'clock this evening for
the field-day sports. May 18 at Irvlngton
track, under the auspices of the Portland
Hunt Club. Those desiring to compete
should notify E. T. Chase, secretary, First
and Alder streets. This field-day is for
the Joint benefit of the Soldiers' Monument
fund and the Baby Home, and is some
thing entirely new In Portland. The
2-mlle steeplechase, to say nothing of
the other sports. Is expected to attract an
audience of at least 5000.
Seamen's Institute. A very Interest
ing programme has been arranged by
Miss Newman for the Seamen's Institute.
Front and Flanders streets, this evening
at 8:15. Among those taking part will be
Mrs. Max Shlllock. Miss Wasserman
(violin), Mr. Whiting, and the Mandolin
and Guitar Club, under the direction of
M. Palacios. There will be several num
bers contributed by the German sailors in
Passed Counterfeit Money Lewis
Dodson and George Duffy, who were in
dicted on three counts, for having coun
terfeit half dollars in their possession and
for passing such coins as genuine on two
persons, were arraigned in the United
States Court yesterday. Duffy pleaded
guilty and sentence was deferrred. Dodson
pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set
for Thursday, May 30.
Horse Took Fright. A horse driven by
a man named White, who lives on Sixth
street near Alder, took fright last night,
on the Morrison-street bridge and ran
away. White was thrown out, but
escaped uninjured. The horse dashed
along Front street and was captured at
Front and Mill streets.
Sixteen Trips to Alaska. W. F. Mat
lock, ex-Senator from Umatilla County,
returned yesterday from Skagway. where
he has business Interests. This makes tne
sixteenth round trip between Portland
and Skagway that Mr. Matlock has made
since the rush to Alaska began In 1897.
New CoRroRATSON. Articles Incorporat
ing the Portland Business College, were
filed in the office of the County Clerk
yesterday by D. P. Thompson, D. Soils
Cohen, David M. Dunne and A, P. Arm
strong. Capital stock, $20,000.
You are cordially invited to attend the
twenty-fifth anniversary opening of 1.
Gevurtz, the homefumisher, 173-175 First
street, next Saturday evening. Beautiful
souvenirs will be distributed.
Railroads Will Offer Special Rates
and Ran Excursion for Benefit
of Sightseers.
Thousands of people will come to Part
land to greet President McKlnley on his
arrival from the South. Every railroad
that runs trains Into the city is making
preparations to handle an immense crowd
and are offering special rates for the ex
cursions that will be run from every
part of the state. The day will be made
a gala day and the event will be one
memorable In the history of the city, not
only on account of the notable visit of
President McKlnley, but also on account
of the throng of patriotic Americans
that .will be gathered to do honor to the
distinguished guest of the city and state.
Tne arrangements for the special ex
cursions to Portland have been taken up
by the committee on transportation, ap
pointed by Mayor Rowe, and every effort
will be made to secure the best possible
rates so as to facilitate the visit of every
one who wishes to see the President.
Chairman Hahn has received assurances
from the Southern Pacific Co., O. R. & N.
Co. and Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany that satisfactory rates will be given
for the day. General Passenger Agent
Markham, of the Southern Pacific,
has already announced a one-fare rate for
the round trip from all points on the
road's lines running north of Roseburg,
good for three days.
The Northern Pacific and O. R. & N. Co.
hai'e not yet announced their rates, but
will do so within a few days. Their rates
will probably be one and one-third fares
for the round trip.
-he finance committee in charge of the
funds for the Presidential reception are
making fair progress, and almost half of
the desired amount has been subscribed.
Those who desire to contribute to the
fund should either leave their contribu
tions at the office of J. Thorburn Ross,
treasurer of the committee, or with one
of the following committee: A. H. Dev
ers, C. A. Whitemore, C. F. Rummelln or
D. M. Dunne.
police station. It was also discovered
that Detective Ford had lent Ervin $25:
Detective Cordano, $10; Patrol Driver
Relsch, $20; Policeman Quinton, $80. Abs
Tichnor had advanced Ervln one month's
salary, and there are others. Ervin and
his wife are divorced, and so are Mr.
and Mrs. Lucas
They Become tlie Successors of the
Wiley B. Allen Co. In the States
of Oregon, Washington, Idalio,
Montana and Wyoming.
Beginning today, the new firm of Allen
& Gilbert Co. assume active control of
the old-established music house of the
Wiley B. Allen Co., at 209-211 First street,
in this city. Mr. F. N. Gilbert, who has
for several jears past been the cashier
of the First National Bank of Moscow,
has severed his connection with that In.
stitution, so as to give his Individual
care and attention to the large and ex
tensive piano and organ trade to which
the new firm has fallen heir through the
purchase of the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s good
will and various agencies. Not only will
Allen & Gilbert Co. carry all the high
grade pianos forinerly represented by the
Wiley B. Allen Co , but will add several
others to the list, notably the "Packard"
and ,ihe "Everett," two of the choicest
products of the world.
Mr. Gilbert will surround himself with
whole-souled, broad-minded, experienced
salesmen, who will never stoop so low as
to speak disparagingly of a competitor
or keep on hand an "armory" in the vault
with which to do what is known among
the trade as "dirty work." It will be
the policy of the new firm to always keep
the best makes of pianos possible to se
cure, and to always cater to the best
trade and to treat all piano customers
with the utmost care and consideration,
never making a misrepresentation or re-'
sorting to tactics unfair and misleading.
Mr. George W. Kennedy will be on the
floor with Mr. H. G. Reed two gentlemen
who probably, as "piano salesmen," have
no equal on this Coast.
"Portland's leading music store," It
Interesting Programme Prepared for
Tomorrow Night.
The Symphony Orchestra will give its
last concert of the season tomorrow even
ing at the Marquam. A highly interest
ing programme has been prepared for
the occasion, and there Is every reason
to expect that the usual large and fash
ionable audience will be present, since
the orchestra has made Itself exceedingly
noDular among Portland music-lovers. The
novelties of the evening's programme will
be the Moszkowskl march ("Inaugura
tion") for orchestra, and the 'cello con
certo played by Mr. Konrad. Little Palo
ma and Karla Scnramm will also appear.-
a feature that Is sure to be received with
great favor by the audience.
The second Beethoven symphony will
be the heavy number of the evening. This
It will be remembered, shows Beethoven
In the normal condition of a man at
peace with himself and the world, happy
in his art, and not yet stirred to his
very soul by the sorrows of life. The sec
ond movement (larghetto) In particular Is
one of the loveliest slow movements
Beethoven ever wrote, and is a special
favorite In the concert-room, while the
finale shows a healthy exuberant spirit of
fun that cannot fail to leave the audi
ence In a cood humor.
In addition to these programme num
bers there will be a Tschalkowsky an
dante, repeated by request
Alexander Thompson Described a
Trip From Constantinople.
A large audience at the Cathedral class
lecture, at the First Presbyterian Church,
last evening, was taken on a charming
"Summer's Jaunt From Constantinople"
by the aid of a pretty collection of etere
optlcon views and the delightful lecture
of Alexander Thompson. He described
In an entertaining way a trip he had
taken one Summer from Constantinople to
Athens. Patras. Corfu, Brindlsi, Naples,
Capri, Rome, Florence. Milan, Venice and
thence back to Constantinople. Mr. Alex
ander was careful not to touch on the
places previously described in the series,
and many of the beauties of those places
little known to the general traveler or
reader were described by him, and views
especially Interesting were presented.
See our Mocha Gloves In tans, browns
and various shades in gray. John Cran j
& Co.
I 3 3 3 BPH
i il TP- tK DIAMDC ill I "'
I gt i fcsigd tasfgjg; mkgljiH3
J mmmMi illfiiiiB
Club Guests Saw Clever Wrestling?
Match and Gymnastic Events.
"And just to think that T saw a really,
truly wrestling- match," said a young
woman leaving the ladies' night enter
tainment at the Multnomah Club last
There were others of the feminine ele
ment in the crowd of spectators that filled
the bleachers and gallery of the gymnasi
um of the clubhouse almost to suffoca
tion, to whom the novelty of a wrestling
exhibitionheretofore exclusively enjoyed
by the men of the club appealed most
strongly, and It is safe to eay this event
was the most novel and interesting on
the programme.
The bouts were between Bert Nielsen
and Dick Price for a gold medal and the
best two out of three. Price won the
contest In one of the best exhibitions that
the club has seen. Nieleen was much
out of condition, but threw Price in the
first bout by.a flying fall, from a half-
b nelson hold, in 15 seconds after the men
stepped on the mat In the second bout,
the men wrestled for five minutes before
a fall was secured, and the changing for
tunes of the two athletes were greeted by
enthusiastic cheers, to which the presence
of the guests of the club lent a peculiar
"O-o-oh. the little man wins' called out
an enthusiastic member of the ladies'
annex, as Price threw his opponent on
his back, after whirling him In the air
witu a crotch hold. The last and deciding
bout was won by Price also, who threw
Nielsen in a flying fall, that took only 25
seconds to execute.
The sprightly music of the orchestra
accompanying the gymnastic programme
made the evening pass off quickly and
enjoyably. Under the direction of Phys
ical Instructor Robert Krohn the juniors
were put through a neat drill on the ap
paratus work, five classes performing sim
ultaneously. The Juniors also went
through a novel pole drll, and gave a
good exhibition of dumb-bell work. One
of the most Interesting jiumbera Was the
drill of the junior girls, led by Miss Buck
enmeyer, who made their debut in a series
of evolutions to the accompaniment of
music. Tne gymnastic exhibition was
completed by leaping on the springboard
and over the long horse, by the members
of the senior class, whose agility in the
difficult work reminded the observer of
the feats of circus performers.
James Duff did a clever1 juggling turn,
worthy of a professional performer, and
the same is true of the tumbling exhi
bition of Messrs. Rjman and Wetzler.
The Multnomah Mandolin Club, under the
direction of H. A. Webber, made its debut
in two entrancing numbers, "The High
wayman" and "The Rounders," which
were warmly applauded. The evening
closed by a clever exhibition of baton
swinging, by A. H. Rebe.
The entertainment was in charge of the
following committees: Indoor athletics,
Frank E. Watklns, chairman; J. V. Zan,
H. Greenland and Arthur Bowman; recep
tion committee, J. V. Zan, M. H. White
house, C. D. Lewis, Frank Dekum and
George Dekum.
C. E. Delchman, of the Beaverton Mill
ing Company, Beaverton, was in Port
land yesterday.
Hon. T. E. Jones, Superior Judge of
Trinity County, California, is in this city,
paying a visit to "his daughter, the wife
of George I. Thompson, chief clerk, of the
Hotel Perkins.
Walter Mockay, a wealthy mine-owner
of Spokane and brother of Donald Mac
kay. of Portland, is at the Portland with
h'a famliy. He has purchased a residence
and will m:ike Portland his home
J. T. Barron has returned from a trip
to Alaska. He will leave this week for
Santa Ana, near Wrangel, wnere he has a
salmon cannery, and will be gone all Sum
mer. His family will go to Alaska as
soon as he can have a comfortable cot
tage built
Captain W. A. Johns, of Astoria, wa3
In Portland yesterday on his way to the
Union hot springs. Too much health, ro
bustness and appetite are all that is the
matter with him, and he expects to tone
these down by a course of stewing and
steaming at the springs. He has no in
tention of drinking any of the water, or
any other water, for that matter.
WASHINGTON, April 30. Senator
Mitchell, for the first time since being
taken 111, went out today for a drive
about the city. Yesterday for the first
time he left his room in the hotel to go
to dinner. The Senator is apparently In
the best of health, and in fact declares
he feels like a "fighting cock." Weather
permitting, he will go out daily, and by
the end of the week hopes to resume his
Senatorial duties.
NEW YORK, April 30, Northwestern
people registered at New York hotels to
day as follows:
From Portland Mrs. Wartman, at- the
Grand, E. Closset, Jr., at the Broadway
From Seattle F. Waterhouse, at the
Secretary Hay Will Be Aalcedto In-
form Foreign Governments of
the Exposition.
It 13 the judgment of the provisional
committee which Is laying the foundation
for the Lewis and Clark Centennial and
American-Pacific Exposition that Presi
dent McKlnley should break ground at
the City Park or some other point In
Portland If the site for the fair cannot
be selected before the President's visit.
There Is some opposition to this plan on
the ground that the ceremony would be
symbolical and that it would mislead the
President. At the meeting of the commit
tee yesterday afternoon, C. J. Owen pre
siding in the absence of Chairman Long,
the opinion was general that the Presi
dent should break ground. Mr. Owen,
Dan McAllen, A. H. Devers and others
said it would make no difference wherp
the ceremony would take place so long as
it was in the City of Portland. On mo
tion of Mr. McAllen, the committee put
Itself on record In favor of having ground
broken, and Mr. Owen and City Attorney
Long were appointed to make the neces
sary arrangements with the reception
Chairman Long, who is going to Wash
ington on business before the Supreme
Court, offered, if authorized, to confer
with the railroads in the Interest of the
exposition, and to ask Secretary Hay, of
the State Department, to bring the fair
to the notice of foreign governments. The
committee gladly authorized Mr. Long
to take such action as he thinks Is proper.
The last concert of the 1900-01 series of
the Portland Symphony Orchestra will be
given at the Marquam on Thursday, May
2. The programme is interesting. Bee
thoven's bright and sparkling symphony
No. 2 in D major, Is the main orchestral
feature. Mr. Ferdinand Konrad, the
popular and talented cellist, and those
wonderful little musicians. Paloma and
Karla Schramm, will be the soloists. Jt
Is hoped that the earnest and energetic
efforts of the orchestra, in the face of
many difficulties, to establish a creditable
and permanent organization in this city,
may receive the approval of the citizens
in a crowded house at this, the closing
concert of the season. Box sale opens
this morning. Prices, entire lower floor,
$1 00; balcony, first six rows, 50c; la3t six
rows, 25c.
By the Pupils of Emile L. Bettinser
At New Mnalo Block Friday
The pupils of Emile L. Bettinger will
give a piano recital Friday evening. May
3, at 8 o'clock, at New Music block, 351
Washington street Invitations can be se
cured from Mr. Bettinger and pupils, and
must be presented for admittance. Tha
following programme will be rendered:
1. Sonata Op. 27, No. 2 (Moonlight)....
Adagio Allegretto Presto Agitato.
Julia Claussenluo.
2. Air de Louis XIII Guys
Elsie Fischer.
3. Carnival, Op. 9 Schumann
Renee Bettinger.
4. "Valse, Op. 56 Godard
Maud Sewell.
5. Fantasia In C Minor Mozart
Nellie Habighorst.
t. Nocturne Op. 9. No. 2 Chopin
Maggie Houser.
7. Fantasia (Frelschuetz)....Weber-Smlth
Elsie Marsch.
8. Valse In T (Posthumus) Chopin
Ruth Neimes. '
9. Sonata No. l Haydn
Anna Dufur.
10. (a) Polonaise Op. 26. No. 1 '....
(b) Marche Funebre, from Op. 35.r...
Mrs.. D. R. Young.
11. Hungarian Rhapsody. No. 6... v.. Liszt
Myrtle Poston.
12. LaBella Capricciosa Hummel
Mrs. M. L. Pratt
13. Home, Sweet Home
Clara Marsch.
1 1 II W8W I
A pointer for you: Just try the Port
land Restaurant, 305 Washington, and you
will realize Its value to you.
Roof Fire Costs JJ350.
Painters burning paint off C. B. Will
lams' house yesterday, Overton and
Twenty-second streets, set the eaves of
the house on fire. Some little time was
lost trying to extinguish the flames,
through the efforts of a water-bucket
brigade, but an alarm was turned in
from box 42, and the blaze was soon mas
tered by the Fire Department. The loss
was about ?350, and is covered by insurance.
The O. R. & N. Co.'s steamer Geo. W.
Elder sails from Ainsworth dock, Port
land, at 8 P. M., May 2, for San Francisco.
Lowest rates.
Wise Bros, and G. S. Wright dentists,
rooms 211, 212 and 213, The Failing, corner
Third and Washington.
Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist, -room 204,
The Marquam. Phone Hood 697.
Dr. Cawood. dentist 42 Hamilton bldg.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 30. S. C.
Holcomb, of the Oregon Packing Com
pany, of Portland, and Mrs. Holcomb, are
in Washington.
James Hamilton Lewis Is being urged
to make the race for Mayor of Seattle
against Humes, the present Mayor. It
Is not certain that Mr. Humes will be a
candidate for re-election, but the chances
are that he will.
There's a simple healing-herb remedy tor the
skin afflictions of these trying times, called
SATIN-SKIN Cream, made from fragrant flow
ers, plant milk and beautifying balsams. It'a
a harmless, effective wrinkle remover and tis-sue-bulldlne
skin food; being vegetable, does
not cause or promote hair growth If any skin
blemish worries you, use beautifying Satin
Skin Cream. More praise from pretty girls,
handsome, sensible women and wise men has
been received for Satin-Skin Cream than for
any toilet article manufactured. Application
of Satin-Skin Cream before ualng Satln-Skln
Powder, protects the skin from exposures, cli
matic changes 23c.
Free sample from Albert F. "Wood, Porfum
cr, Detroit. Mica
Local Dealers, the Meier & Frank Co
Developed, Printed and Mounted
Reasonably and Satisfactorily.
331 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
The Dekum Building..
Full Set Teeth... ,?5 00
Gold Crowns DUO
Bridge Work 5 00
Examination free.
Teeth extracted abso
lutely without caln.
Cor. Third and Washlncton.
nr P T RPftWN eyk and bar DibfcAsns
lr. D t HKU W N uarqusm bit., t oonu C20-T.
NP """ 931-933 MARKET STREE
r At
might be said, is now in San Francisco,
for, say what you will, the Wiley B. Allen
Co.. though In California, will always
be known as an Oregon institution, and
for that matter will be closely identified
with Its Portland ally, the Allen & Gil
bert Co. One will seek to control the
trade in the South the other in the North."
I could not bear the thought of leav
ingPortland altogether," said Mr. Allen,
in an interview, "and hence I retain an
Interest In the new concern here. I go
to a larjyr field for more active opera
tions, of course, but I shall always feel
that Portland is in reality my home."
Eleerant Offices for Rent Allsky Bids'
Third and ilonison. Apply room 22A.
Officer Ervin Leaved Town
Many Bills.
Policeman Madison J. Ervin's leave of
absence expired yesterday, and those of
his friends who have lent money to him
say he has left town without leaving his
address. So has a Mrs. Lucas, who
roomed on First street. Chief of Police
McLauchlan says that Ervin got leave of
absence 'April U, on his statement that
he had rheumatism and was unable to
attend to his duties. A fev days ago his
superior officers had occasion to require
his presence at the police station, but
Ervin, whose home Is at Fulton, could
not be found. Several unpaid bills con
tracted by Ervin were then sent to the
15.25 MEN'Sr
18.22 SUIT
ss ' 5
. Jszj f fVf7 Jy fr K
Swell patterns,' up-to-date in style, cut
and fit, and equal to custom made . .
Zeffeipi&ss Hfu$
frhffoi? n
Louies! '""
consistent with
Good .Work
Eftgraviixg' Department
Oregoni&rv Pub.Co.
"Worn low, the Oxford ties we are at pres
ent offering will stand the most critical
Inspection another way of saying that
their appearance is unexceptionable, their
comfort and durability praiseworthy.
Summer shoes are here in great variety
it's our pleasure to show them to you.
Queea Qaallty Oxford Ties for We men
Sexual Diseases
Never were nor never will be cured by the
use of drugs. Impotency, Gdnorrhea,
Gleet, Stricture, Prostatitis, Cystitis, Ne
phritis,' Night Emissions, Difficult and
Painful Urination, etc., are local diseases,
..ence they require local treatment. My
treatment is applied direct to the affected
Specialist In Private and Female
Fonrtli and Washington Streets.
trained Vision
Brings on bad eyes. Aid tha sight
by resting the optic nerve with 4
pair of our easy glasses. They act
as a reatful stimulant, ralleva ta
strain and bring back health, You
can change your glasses, but not
your eyes. Take care of thosa you
have that their use may not bo d
nled you In old as
IZyo Specialist.
Palo Alto, California
Within walkincr distance of Leland
Stanford University, for which, it
prepares more men than any other
school on the Pacific coast It is
the Exeter of the West, aiming to
train along the lines of ambitions,
purposeful concentration of energy.
There are no saloons in Palo Alto.
The atmosphere of the town is re
fined, intellectual and wholesome.
wnrrx for Ttnsrxcm to
FRANK CRAMER, A.M., Principal
Marquam Building Room 302
Crayons, water colors; satisfactory work
guaranteed at moderate prices. Strong's
20th Century Studio, Goodnough building.
309 Washington 51.
7i Cents
Can Standard Corn or Tomatoes.
124 Cents
Can Table Apricots or Peaches.
15 Cents
Can Eagle Brand Condensed Milk.
25 Cents
Three Cans Condensed Cream.
50 Cents
Eight-Found Box Fresh Soda Crackers.
40 Cents
Box No. 1 "White or Yellow Macaroni.
174 Cents
Ten-Pound- Sack Graham Flour.
22i Cents
Ten-Pound Sack Farina.
Sugar is still $5 75 per sack. "We ara
looking for an advance every day.
Forest Reserve Land
Wanted! I will purchase any numbr or
acres, in any Foriit Reservation, and pay spot
cash on delivery of abstract showing perioct
title. Address W. E. MOSES. Bank Block.
Denver. Colo.
iuJjIAiZhl r-fHuHl"' lnjf"nrf ffiLgLW
$3.00 PER DAY
and upward.
Special rates made to fnmillea and single gentlemen. The manage'
ment vrill be pleased at all f lines to show rooms and give price. A moil.
ern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager.
ii I s
L n
1 II J
Goes a long way in aiding a
man to forge to the front We
materially assist in giving you
a presentable appearance by
furnishing fashionably cut at
tire at prices away below
tailor made; elegant patterns,
- good cloth, careful workman
ship; ready to put on, satisfac
tory In every respect, at prices
ranging from $1 0,00 to $1 S.00.
Salem Wooleo Mills,