12 THE MOKNING OREOONTAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1901. flllllllllILllllltiIll Demonstration of La Vida, W. B., Nemo, La Grecque Corsets by expert corset'fitters. 0 vfcl m Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers in large variety. (Basement.) "Gibson" Pillow Tops ; the very latest; reasonably priced. (Second floor:) Instructions in art needle work today by expert Instructors. (Third floor.) THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY - I III ITC WflRTMAN A K NG t 09-ofc' . m S) tei -r ' i? A 0 7i v--v - - -r m a, -"lip & s - jr m is yC WiLLJUY SHIRTWAISTS WORTH FROM 75b TO $3.00 EACH. Waists of percale, galatea, pique, dimity and lawn, made plain, tucked, braided, or with white or embroidery mixed yokes. In faot, our entire col lection of last season's colored waists, many that could not be told from this season's latest, for three days at 39c each. With warm weather close at hand, this chance for large savings on tasty waists should not be overlooked. ' LATEST EASTERN NOVELTIES IN HEADWEAR MANILA CLOTH HATS and WHITE STITCHED DUCK HATS, in newest shapes, trimmed and untrimmed. Genuine Hawaii- C C - an Hats at $.ZD Ca SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Saving Money on Spring Dress Goods and Silks AN OPPORTUNITY OF THE FIRST-CLASS. Our $1.00 grades of 44 -INCH BLACK ENGLISH SERGES. 50-INCH MOHAIR CHEVIOT. 8 shades and SILK EMBROID ERED TAFFETA FLANNELS, all col ors. This week G9e Yard Ladies' Kid Gloves AT HALF AND LESS Styles include 2-clasp suede and glace, black and colors. Also small lots in fancy col ors, 3-clasp style, 7Sr nr worth to $1.75 at- USt F1 ALL SIZES IN THE LOT. Ladies never have too many gloves and should buy them liberally. Everything for the Kitchen In the way of GRANITE IRON and TINWARE REDUCED. 3-qt granite kettles 16c ea No. 8 granite teakettles, 53c ea may give some idea of little prices. BARGAINS OVER THE STORE. New Fancy Ribbons, 30c to 40c grades 21c yd Handsome AHovers, to $7.50 at $4.40 yd 65c Fancy French Flannels at 48c yd $1.25 Turkish Boudoir Slippers, brown and red 98c pr Ladies' 65c and 75c Gowns 53c ea Ladies' $1.50 and $1.75 Drawers at $1.07 pr Childs' Muslin Gowns, embroidery trimmed, all sizes, 58c ea SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON DECORATED LAMPS AND JARDINIERES, WITH PEDESTALS. (Third Floor.) 85c Hardwood Croquet Sets 64c set 60c Oak Doll Cabs at : 33c ea (Fourth Floor.) Our Drapery Section OFFERS THIS WEEK a splendid variety of $2.50 LACE CURTAINS -Brussels and Cluny patterns, at $1.65 pr $2.00 Smyrna Rugs All-wool, 30x60 inches at $1.38 ea Wasfo. Goods 2500 yards of Manchester Dimity, Royal Batiste, Lace-Stripe Novelty Lawns. Colors light blue, pink, navy, lavender ana lack; scroll, dotted and stripe de- signs, at. lOc yd S500 yards of Colored Floral-embroidered Swiss, Satin-stripe . Dimity, Corded Dimity, French Batiste, p jl Broche Lawn and Mercerized Pongee at . J.J C y OL gams in Black La Tosca and fancy Laces, 45 inches wide, heretofore 1.25 yard, at Special 75c yard. Black La Tosca and fancy Laces,11 45 inches wide, heretofore $2 and $2.75 yard, at Special $1.25 ydrdT Black Silk' Trimming Laces at special 5c, 10c and 20c yard. White and Cream .Net-Top Laces, regular 30c at 22c special. Fine Torchon Laces, edges 5c to 12c yd. . Insertions, 5c to 20c yd. Sale 0 SilR Waists Silk Waists, made of Jinequality taffeta silks, in black, red, helio, rose, light blue', gray and castor; pleated, hemstitched and tucked effects; with self collars and new Bishop and fancy sleeves. Regular $6, A e? o $6.50 and $7. Special at... . JOK OD ea 2 o e 0 o e e e a e e 9 0 o H 550 prs of Gloves $1.50 and $2 Values PAIR JStp Another great Glove Sale. The hest real French Kid Glove for ladies. Out-of-the-ordinary Gloves of merit. There's ex actly 550 pairs no more, no less. They go on sale at regular glove counters this morning at 8 o'clock, and will remain on sale until every pair is sold. Not a pair in the lot ever sold at less than $1.50, and most of them are $2. Here's the descrip tion: 350 pairs of real French Kid Gloves made and stamped oy Alex ander, Paris, 3-clasp Suede, in white, tan, grays, modes and black; self embroidered and all sizes. $1.50 -g r and $2 values, while they last PIolV m m 200 pairs of "Fownes" famous real French Kid Gloves in 2-clasp, self and fancy em broidered; grays, modes ana DiacK; aii sizes, most or them $2 val ues, now m Button or laced. All odd lines selling regularly at 43c, 49c and 59c pair," will be closed out today at Sc pr Four Special .Offerings 2-clasp $1.25 Dena Kid Gloves, at special 98c pair 3-clasp gi.25 Theodora Suede Kid-Gloves, at special 8ac'pair 2-clasp $1.50 English Walking Gloves, at special . . . $1.29 pair 3-clasp $1.50 Fanchon Suede Kid Gloves, at special . g-i. 33 pair S1.10 .. .- ... . .-. .. ur m m ja. i w 1 m I ' Sale of Pedestrian SMttS f H Py Ok g Silverware 100 of Them at m 9 cll P ttt i t-a-j jnm j W mo ouvcrvYttio aturo unoia we mace on SttlB LUUUV J.UU IIUIIU- n Silverware store offers some exceptional values in knives, forks and spoons for those buying this week. (Basement.) 100 Sets of heavy silver- plated knives, satin- OOr e9ee99es9ecsee9CO9oees99eeeoeeee0oeeeeeeee BUTTER SHOULD BE FREE TARIFF ON SHIPMENTS TO MANILA OPPOSED IN OREGON. Secretary Wilson Will Be Asked to Urge tne Removal of the Taft Discrimination. Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural Department, who is coming West with lian, nobody Is using them for these pur poses. The dealer added he would not ship Oregon product to Alaska if he could get it for nothing, because 'it would be worth nothing when he should get it therg. The Oregon market has been greatly stimulated recently by shortness of sup ply. Australian onions have' been Import ed to relieve the stringency, but they are not returned Oregon (product, said "the dealer. The domestic vegetable is much higher than it was a week ago, but it is still below the Imported. The grower at Beaverton has a large supply which he is holding on speculation, but it Is risky because Onions from California have be gun to come' in. Besides, another large cargo is due at San" Francisco from Aus- the Presidential party, has announced traiia, which will cut out the Oregon m Set of O Rogers Al forks, heavy silver-plated, satin- 1R y a. r Set of O finish handles. Rogers Al teaspoons, satin-finish handles . - 77c Set of O STREETS TO BE CLEANED PORTLAND TO BE MADE TIDY FOR PRESIDENT'S VISIT. Board of PnuIIc Works Adopts Actt Plan for Sprinkling: in the Summer. power in regard to the management, and control of the construction of public Im provements, whether those of the city or individuals, is vested in the Board of Public Works. The board accordingly passed a resolution referring the opinion to the City Council, with the request that action on the matter be deferred. A communication was read from W. M. Whldden, on the desirability of adopting the same system for sprinkling the road of the Portland City & Oregon Railway in the city limits that is in vogue on the other street railways. A letter was read from General Manager Hurlburt, of the road, making a proposal to the city to water the streets in the city limits from Madison to the Crematory, with an elec tric sprinkler, provided the city will bear half the gross cost of $250 a month. This was referred to the committee on street cleaning. Contracts were awarded to the lowest bidders for the following repairs and ma terials: Sewer in East Taylor street, John Bays, $910; sewer in East Morris street, J. B. Siemmons, $S9 72; asphalt repairs, Trinidad Asphalt Company, $1 SO per square yard, total, $1231 20; wooden block repairs, J. R. O'Neil, 99 cents per square yard, total $247 50; vitrified brick repairs, Smythe & Howard, $1 60 per square yard, total $720. SISTER MARY HEDWIDGE. Death of 37 Noble Nan Who TattRht Tears in Oregon. The Board of Public Works decided, at the meeting yesterday afternoon, to make a vigorous effort to clean the streets be fore the arrival of the Presidential party, and to give the city during the Summer season the best service it has ever had in the sprinkling of the streets. Eight ex tra men will be put on the force, and new. equipment and an additional team of iorses will be purchased. The matter -came before the board in the monthly report and estimates submit ted by Superintendent Ferguson, of the ! street-cleaning department. This showed i that the department has made a saving of I $1967 55 since January 1 in Its regular monthly allowance of $20S0 for labor. This, 1 'added to the balance in the fund, makes I $4W7 55 available fof labor in cleaning J the streets. In order to put the streets in as good condition as possible. Super intendent Ferguson recommended the employment of eight Tnore men, at a cost of $432. This the board allowed. To place the department in effective shape to do the sprinkling of the Summer, the board approved Mr. Ferguson's recom mendation for the purchase of a team of horses. The repair and purchase of har ness and hose to the value of $151 was authorized, as well- as $21 for the pur chase of additional tools for the new men added to the department. In the discussion that followed. Presi dent. Mills outlined the plans of the board Xof sprinkling the streets, and handling the department. Mr. Mills said: "I have had a long talk with Mr. Ferguson, and he is very anxious, as we all are, to put the streets in the best possible condition for the visit of the President. We ,are agreed that the best thing to do Is to keen the men at work durinc the month scraping tne streets rree irom the mua. t benefited by the teachings of the de and cleaning them thoroughly. Then dur- ceased, will read this announcement with ing the Summer months I think the best j sadness and recall with gratitude the la thing to do is to reduce the force to a . bors of the gentle little nun whose life mjnimrum and confine our efforts to wa- t -was made beautiful by Its love for God tcrlng the streets from June to October, and its devotion to duty. The requiem and to taking care of the new streets. mass will be celebrated at St. Mary's With more horses we can run 16 sprlnk- , Academy and College chapel, at 7:30 thlB lers. and in 24 hours cover every street morning. Most Reverend Alexander in tne city witn one springing. iacn sprinkler can cover six miles a day. and with the sprinkling done with the street cars the total number of miles of streets watered daily will reach 140 miles. We have about 200 miles of streets, so that will only leave about 60 that will not be given a daily watering." An opinion was received from City At torney Long, which he furnished at the request of the board, on the question of the new ordinance relating to the fran chise of the telephone company for the erection of telephone poles. Mr. Long hld that, under the city charter, all Died, at 4 o'clock A. M. April 30, at St. Mary's Academy and College of this city, after a brief Illness. Sister Mary Hedwidge, nee Elizabeth Mohan, in the 69th year of her age and 47th of her re ligious profession as a Sister of the Holy Names. The deceased nun was born in Montreal, Province of Quebec, of Irish parents. In 1863 the zealous Sister gener ously responded to a call from her Gen eral Superior to devote her life to edu cational work In the newly founded Acad emies of the Sisters of the Holy Names in Oregon. Of these 37 years, the greater part was spent at St. Mary's Academy, Portland. Sister M. Hedwidge taught successively at St. Mary's Academy, The Dalles, and Sacred Heart Academy, Salem. Hundreds of old pupils, whose lives were his intention to make a study of Oregon, He will not be at a loss for tutors during his short stay in Portland. J. W. Bailey, State Food and Dairy Commissioner, will make -a strong representation to the Sec retary for modification of the proposed Philippine tariff so aB to admit butter into the islands free of duty, and put a charge of 10 cents a pound on oleomar garine and all other imitations of butter. The schedules recommended by the Taft Commission put a duty of 6 cents a kilo of two and a fifth pounds on butter and 5 cents a kilo on oleomargarine. The differential Is only 1 cent a kilo, or a little over half a cent a pound, In favor of butter. Dairy Interests all over the country have protested to the War De partment against the discrimination, which is clearly for the benefit of the packing houses of the Mississippi Valley. Commissioner Bailey has the support of the butter manufacturers of Oregon in the effort he will make with Secretary Wil son In their behalf. "I shall ask Secretary Wilson to use j his Influence with the Administration to have the duty on butter. Imitations in creased -to 10 cents a pound," said Mr. Bailey, yesterday. "The differential of only half a cent a pound In favor of but ter proposed - by the Taft tariff Is no protection. Oleomargarine will stand shipment to the tropics better than but ter. It contains enough beef tallow to hold It firm, and It will not lose Its flavor ori the voyage. It can be manufactured to stand in any climate. Oleomargarine can be manufactured at low cost, and if it Is admitted to the Philippines at almost the same rate that butter pays, the but ter manufacturers of the Pacific Coast will not be able to do much business with the islands. Butter should be put on the free list." W. Schulmerlch, one of the leading creamery proprietors of Washington County, Is heartily in favor of Commis sioner Bailey's plan to interest Secretary Wilson in the Philippine market. "There are no two ways about it," said Mr. Schulmerlch yesterday, "the Govern ment must open the Asiatic markets for the Pacific Coast dairy interests. Asia Is our natural field. Our plants are In creasing at a rapid rate, and we shall soon be large exporters of butter. West ern Oregon Is surely becoming the great dairying region of the United States. Cost of manufacture here Is cheaper than In the East, because of the mild climate,, and the abundance of green food. If the Government will give us any kind of a show In Asia we will get the business. We simply must have markets, otherwise there will be no way to dispose of our surplus product." supply from Northern or Eastern orders because of Its superior condition and the unfitness of Oregon onions to supply them. MANY NEW HOMES. Important Dress Goods Bargains m Building: Activity In the NorthTreat ern Part of Town. Considerable building Is going on in the northwestern part of the city, where a great many fine residences have been erected in the past three years. That portion of Portland Is desirable, as it is high and sightly, commanding a fine view of river and mountains to the I east, while the fresh green foothills to the west make a lovely background. Each year finds ,the residence portion moving rarther north and encroaching upon the blocks recently transformed from pretty farms. Ex-Mayor W. A. Storey Is about to erect a handsome residence on the quar ter block on the northeast corner of Twenty-first and Vaughn s'treets. Exca vation began yesterday for the basement, which will be of granite blocks. The land has been enclosed with a solid wall of basaltic rock. . v E. Ev Merges is erecting a two-story dwelling on Twenty-second and Northrup streets. This building will be finished early in -the Summer. W. H. Efflnger's new residence looms up on a sightly "emlnenee on the north side of Marshall street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. This bulldinir will be roofed In a few weeks. Bishop Morris Is' finishing two' residences on a quarter block belonging to the Epis copal Church, on Twenty-first and Mar shall' streets. The new building put up for the Port land Fire Department at the foot of Nico lai street has been completed, so far as the carpenter work Is concerned, and is ready -for the painters and plumbers. The structure Is of two stories, the low er floor being intended for housing the horses and apparatus. The upper story contains a large dormitory, sitting-room and bathroom, and the appointments are to be of the" most modern order. Hose 6 will, bemoved to this house from Twen tieth street, between Quimby and Raleigh, as soon as the building is ready. t, 30-Inch at 61c 40-inch at 79c 44-inch at $1.07 1000 yards of 38-inch Vene tians in all the good shades; desirable iop suitings, yard 500 yards of a mixed lot of I Poplins and Granite Cloths. To clean up quickly 2 T we mark them, yard sJ J w f Remnants of Dress Goods at very low prices. VJ We place on sale today 100 hand some pedestrian or rainy-day Skirts, in browns, grays and blues ; tailor stitched, good heavy material. The comfortable rainy-day or walking Skirt's are worth fully 40 to 50 more than we ask. While they last your choice at $2.85 EACH Box Coats $5.95 Ladies' kersey and covert Box Coats, silk-lined, well-made, tailor stitched; all sizes. Regular $7.50 to $9 values at $595 (Second floor.) $18-$18.50 Silk Petticoats at $18.45 $14-$14.50 Suits reduced to $ 9.98 Glassware Sale Special sale of Glassware in the basement this week. The best pressed glassware at the very lowest prices: Tumblers. 2c, 4c, 5e, 6c, 7c ea LargeBerry Dishes9c,13c,16cea F?uit Dishes 10c, 16c ea Great lot of Vases at. .5c ea Cake Stands at . . . 27o ea 4-gallon Pitchers at 13c, 29c ea Four-Piece Sets at . . . 39c set I ill 11 i r k HEIER & PRANK COMPANY. GOES TO SUPREME COURT! JUDGE MARttUAM APPEALS FROM FORECLOSURE DECISION. n j&mfc tfTur rAm i h u va t&j? vj V. btti w- r n m- 1V.LMI11 J iiiLiniu 1 W 329 WASHINGTON Under the Imperial Hotel Jeff Hayes Sues the Postal Tele grnpli Company- for Securi ties Withheld. j Another shipment of those Sailors, 25c and 35c grade for 19c Satin velvet Flower, good value for 15c sale, ea 7c An assortment of Ladies' Neckwear for 25c Judge P. A. Marquam has filed an ap peal to the Supreme Court In the Mar quam block mortgage foreclosure suit. The decrees and judgments appealed from were entered October 9, 1900: December 10. 1900 and January 10, 1901. The first decree recites that the United MOUSY-BROKER'S NEMESIS. Christie, D. D., will pontificate, assisted by some of the local clergy of Portland. Pupils and friends of the deceased are cordially Invited to attend. Tomorrow, the remains of the deceased Sister will be taken to St. Paul, Or., by boat, and deposited in the vault of the Community. SQUARE DEAL IN ONIONS. Orecon Product Not Palmed Off for Australians. The statement was made yesterday on Front street that a large quantity of Ore gon onions listed in Portland at prices ranging from 52 50 to $3 50 had been passed off here as Australian onions and sold at ?4 and $4 50 per sack, A Beaverton grower recently consigned Oregon, onions to San Francisco, and says these same onions came back to Portland as lAustra. lian onions and brought from $4 to $4 50 for their owner. This sleight-of-hand l . j.. ' ' r ,TTlll J0. "'C J""ilCl.l 3Irs. Hart Convicted for Assaulting R. A. Frame With, an Umbrella. BCSIXESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. "WInsIows Soothing Syrup, for children teething- It soothes the child, softens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. business, the grower said, will decrease the sale of Oregon onions. A dealer who was questioned about the matter replied that the statement was false and ridiculous. Oregon onions are soft and sprouting and very inferior at present They have been shipped to San Francisco, but to compare them with the Australian product is absurd. This is the Fall season vIn the Southern Hemisphere, and the onions from Australia are solid and green, and will keep in flrst-clas condition for two months yet. The con trast between them and Oregon product is so marked that anybody could pick our tho difference between the green and ripe onions and the superiority of the former over the Oregon. The Australian, in this condition, are being shipped to Alaska and to the East. Domestic onions, on the other hand, the dealer said, are mani festly unfit for such orders, because, al though lower in price than the Austra lia. Mary E. Hart was charged in the Municipal Court yesterday with striking R A Frame with an umbrella In the Washington building on April 20. Mr. Frame testified that he is a money brok er, that he ha? known Mrs. Hart since 7 and that he has had financial deal ings with her which ended In a dispute beforr the courts. "She has hounded me fi- yeare," went on the witness. "She assaulted me over a month ago in the Marqilam bulletins and on April 20 she struck me with her umbrella, on the left shoulder. I have- never threatened to shoot her, and have not carried a gun since the Civil War." Mrs. Hart testified that Frame has be hived badly toward her and has prom-1-ed to marry her, when he knew that he was already a married man. She told of she had obtained .'.gainst months from date, and on which pay ments had been made from profits and dividends arising from the stock. The amount unpaid on April 1, 1901, Is said to have been J1046 principal, and J25 interest. It Is stated that on April 18 Hayes ten dered to the Postal Company at Its office, R.11 "VTrrlrAf street. Sun Francisco, the States Mortgage & Trust Company have j amount of the note and interest, and de and recover from P. A. and Emma Mar- manded the return of his stock, and was been disposed of." Further, it Is al ledged that the Pacific Messenger Com pany paid a dividend on April 15, which on these shares aggregated $45. The value of the stock Is placed at $10 per share, and adding the $45 dividend makes up the sum demanded. H. K. Sargent ap pears as attorney for Mr. Hayes. auam khu. bio. ana jzow anorneys j.cx:, onstc! find Interest until nald: that the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. recover $15, 553 and $5957; Hanna Mason, executrix of the estate of W. S. Mason, deceased, $14,397, and $500 attorneys' fees, and that the mortgage be foreclosed, etc. The second decree, rendered December 10, adjudged that the account and state ment of the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. since uctODer u, was uw " tu"""- Firemen's Cases Argncd. pro tanto. In the satisfaction of the de- The firemen's claims cases against the tlcicncy judgment' held by It by reason of City of Portland were argued yesterday the Insufflclencjr of the proceeds of the ' afternoon before Judges Cleland. Frazer, sale of the properties to satisfy in full j eorSe , a" Sears- The attorneys for the claim of the United States Mortgage the plaintiffs were James Gleason John & Trust Co.. and also the claim of the , F. Logan 0 P. Paxton and J V Beach, Title Guarantee & Trust Co.; that extecu- i and City Attorney Long for the defense, tion Issue on the decree of October 27, 1900, j The cafes were heard by the court over and on the deficiency judgment then re- a month ago, when a large amount of tes- mnlninc- thereon: and that UDOn making "s u.eu. Jn aujouraraeni was the assignment and satisfying tne juag- Fiame loi" tlOO he has belonging to her and Insist' 1 ihat on various occasions when 'she has asked him to return the money ho placed his hand behind him as If tc draw a reoler. She said thit she would follow Frame where she pleased and do wl.ai bhe liked to him until he pa'd the $1800. After a scathing speech from George "W. Joseph, defendant's counsel, Judge Cameron found Mrs. art guilty and suspended sentence. t WHAT SHALIi WE HAVE FOR DES SERT? This question arises In the family every day lt us answer It today. Try Jell-O. a de licious and healthful dessert. Prepared In two minutes. No bolllnc! no caking! simply add boIHns water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon. Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocer's today. 10c For trunks, and bags, go to" the Harris Trunk Co., 231 Morrison. Trunks repaired j ment referred to In said decree, the Title Guarantee &. Trust Co. shall stand dis charged as trustee and absolved from any and all liabilities growing out of the trust assumed by it on or about Novem ber 13, 1894, and from each and every part. The last judgment and decree was en tered on January 16. It adjudged that the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. be dis charged from its trust, and that the sale mentioned in the decree be in all re spects confirmed. It Is stated that a further separate appeal from the confir mation of sale of the properties will be filed taieen ior tne arguments until a con venient time, which has just now ar rived. When arguments are concluded a decision will be rendered as soon as the court reaches an agreement. Briefs cov ering the accounts at issue were sub mitted some time ago. The attorneys, during the course of the arguments, cited numerous decisions of courts in other states bearing on ques tions similar to those Involved in these suits. The Judges listened attentively, and frequently propounded Interrogations to the lawyers, asking for further ex planations concerning some of the points submitted. The arguments will be fin ished today. who use thej,nathajan(r not from persons who only ride a" wheel from their place of employment and residence. POSTAL TELEGRAPH SUED. Jeff Hayes Wants $0045 for 000 Shares of Stock. Jeff W. Hayes has sued the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company in the State Cir cuit Court to recover $9045, alleged to be the value of 900 shares of stock in the I Bicycle Tax Due Today. ! Bicycle tair No. 1 will be sold to the first person who appears at the counter In the tax-collection department of tlie Sheriff's office at 8 o'clock this morn ing. .Not a few people asked to be given this .tag, and to haye It put aside, but Sheriff Frazler decided to make It a case Pacific Messenger Company, which Hayes I of first come, first served. Collectors says the defendant unlawfully converted jo its own use on March l, 1901. Tne pomplalnt sets forth that the company held the stock as collateral security for the'iPayment-ta It -bViv Hayes of a note qX the date December 18, 1894, payable six will be stationed today along bicycle paths, each with a supply of tags, which will be disposed of sX the rate of $1 apiece. The law provides that the tag shall serve as a receipt. It has been de cided to collect the tax only from those Court Notes. The inventory of the estate of Mary Louisa Multhauf, deceased, wa3 filed. The property is valued at $3050. The inventory of the estate of Louisa E. I. Epping, deceased, was filed yester day. The property is valued at $3557, The new rules recently adopted by tha Judges of the State Circuit Court have been printed in pamphlet form. A copy will be mailed to each attorney In tha city. J. B. Greenfield has begun an action against Jacob Hepp to recover $240 on notes executed by Hepp to Greenfield and L. E. Woodworth in 1894, and $117 rent for a farm. J. J. Febvet has begun suit in the State Circuit Court against his partner, S. Ba ruth, to recover $450 on notes, and $33 lent, and has caused the Sheriff to at tach a lot of costumes in a room In the Marquam building. In response to a petition filed by Mary F. Goodnough. Judge Cleland yesterday appointed E, P. Staples as a trustee of the estate of Vera Goodnough, a minor, in place of L- B. Cox, deceased. Mrs. Goodnough is also a trustee. Allen Hayner and Phllena Hayner, of Multnomah County, man and wife, he a carriage-maker, she a housewife, yester day filed a petition in tonkruptcy In tha United States Court. Their liabilities amount to about $500. Assets, about $200 worth of household property. Every day increases the popularity and sale of Carter's Little Liver Pills. Tha reason Is that when once used relief is sure to follow. Don't forget this.