12 THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1901. IISII 1SI e a - . o u-ftu. u&,c; vuf "tnw fu.itt. ts vi ? :. NG Baseball Goods and Fishing Tackle. Lowest prices. (Third floor.) John S. Brown's French Finish Waist Linen. Very stylish. 50c and 75c yard. iI!:iiI0glIM & e TODAY ONLY FINE PINK AND RED ROSES, WITH FOLIAGE, 15c VALUES, AT JEA. DAINTY RIBBONS Worth 30c, 35c and 40c. at 2Ic yd Newest fancies of many sorts and colors. All silk, widths 3K and 4 inches. Us able for all sorts of purposes. PARTICULARLY NICE FOR NECKWEAR. AT JEWELRY AND NOTION DEP'TS. Gold-Plated Cuff Links, with lever backs, a hundred styles, 25c and 35c val- l"7f nr uesat lCPT Shirt-Waist Sets, numerous kinds, worth 75c 38c S&t at -- Shell - Back Hair Combs, jeweled, 35c grades Qn o IMPORTED TOOTH BRUSHES Our "Gem," special 7c ea Our "Monarch'specM 1 3c ea OUR SUIT BARGAINS Would alone make this store famous, even if all the other bargains were not here. This week $13.89 BUYS NEW $20.00 ETON SUITS. With or without collars. Made plain, braided or with strap trimmings- Smart ap pearing, finely tailored. Black, brown, grays and French blue. 65c FRENCH WAISTING FLANNELS only 48c yd Eight correct shades, in charming designs. Anticipat ing your wants now means a neat saving. 83c FOR BOYS' $1.25 SWEATERS. All-wool, regulation styles. Navy, red and black, neatly striped. Strong Inducements for Lamp Buying A select lot of decorated lamps, much under price this week. Here is our price hint: Large center-draft decorated lamp, with CO 1ft a 10-inch globe to match, only .ivj a $1.25 Turkish Boudoir Slippers at 98c pr Brown and red, with SOLE LEATHER SOLES. Far su perior to the usual sheep skin soles. Good Things Condensed. $2.50 Lace Curtains at $1.65 pr ."$-2.00 All-Wool Smyrna Rugs at $1.38 ea 85c Hardwood Croquet Sets at 64c set UNDER-MUSLINS-SMALL LINES, SHARPLY REDUCED. Child's 35c White Guimpe Aprons at 22c ea Ladles' Kid Gloves, small lines, to $1.75 at 75c pr FineAUovers, to $7.50 at $4.40 yd Fine Allovers, 8 styles, to $12.50 at $8.25 yd Boys' Fleece Black Cheviot Waists, special 1 7c ea Mohair Cheviots, Black English Serges, and Silk-Embroidered Taffeta Flannels, worth $1.00, all-- 69cyd SPECIAL PRICES ON TIN AND GRANITEWARE. (Third Floor.) ALL LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS REDUCED. COLLECTING BICYCLE TAX SHERIFF "WILL BEGIX THE "WORK TOMORROW. Every Wheelman "Who Unes a Path. Must Buy a Tasr "Which. Costs $1 Cash. Sheriff Frazler Is ready to commence the collection of bicycle tax under the new law. He has a supply of tags on hand, and will appoint a number of depu ties to -nrake outside collections, begin ning May 1. Tags may also-.be obtained at the Sheriff's office. There was some question whether the tax could be collected this year, because the act provides for the levy on or be fore March 1, which was not made at that time, but District Attorney Chamber lain has advised H. H. Holmes, Clerk of the County Court, that it Is lawful to do so. The opinion of the District Attor ney on the subject, written to the Clerk, was as follows: There has been submitted to me an act of the legislative Assembly, entitled, "An act to provide for the building of paths for blcj clesand pedestrians on public Toads, and for the protection of the same, -and denning a bicy cle," approved February 25, 1001, -which took effect upon Its approval by the Goernor, and I am. asked for my opinion as to -whether or not it Is too late to levy the license tax therein J provided. This statute provides that the County Court or Board of County Commissioners shall levy at the same time as other taxes are levied on or before March 1, 1001, for county purposes, a license tax of ?1, to be paid by any and all persons riding a bicycle in such counties as hae exercised, the authority given "them by the terms of the act. The tax levy for Mult nomah County -was made prior to the 1st day of March, and prior to the taking effect of the act in Question; hence a strict cbnstructlon of the act -would prevent the levy of any license tax at all for this year. I do not think that such a construction should be given to it, and therefore express it as m opinion that the board can at present levy the license tax provided for in the act. The County Commissioners have not yet formally made the order to collect the tax which constitutes the levy, but Commis sioner Mack stated yesterday that the board will do eo. The section referred to by the District Attorney provides further that the license tax shall be collected from "all persons ridlnjr bicycles . ... on said paths." The paths are to he built by the County 1 Court or Commissioners out of the bicycle tax, and it shall be unlawful for any per son to ride a bicycle on said paths with out having the tag for the current year. This indicates that only persons who use the paths shall be required to pay the tax. The tag is to be Issued as a receipt, and no other receipt will be given. Other provisions of the act are as fol lows: The County Court or Board of County Com missioners, hi a. sensral order entered, upon ita journay. may order a -warrant to issue to the Sheriff of the county to collect a license tax of $1 on all delinquents as shall not hac paid said license tax prior to April 1 of each jear, and under such -warrant said Sheriff - shall June power and authority to seize and sell as npon execution any blcjcle for the amount of said license tax, together with costs and -expenses of such seizure and sale: pr may olleot the same out of any property of said deflnjucntin ihe same manner as other delinquent taxes are collected. All such paths shall be constructed In such a. manner that they will not Interfere -with ab road, street or crossing, and -when so con structed it shall be deemed a misdemeanor for any person or persons to in any manner in jure or deface said paths, or to place tacks, glass, -wire, iron, sticks, stones or any other substance upon said paths, -r hereby the safety of the paths Is imperiled or injury to the bl cjcle or any part thereof, or to the rider, or the pedestrian, result or is liable to result. This proIsion Is not to prevent Ingress or egress to any field, sard, lot or other place, to road crossing or the driving of loose stock, pro viding the loose stock Is not wantonly drhen upon said paths and due care Is taken to prevent injury to said paths by loose stock being driven along the public higlnvas. Anj person injuring any path provided for In this act shall, upon trial and conviction, be fined not less than $10, or be Imprisoned not less than five days, or both, in the discretion of the court. These paths when so constructed shall be for the use of pedestrians and blccles, it being the object and Intent of this act to pro vide for pedestrians and bicycles a highway separate from that used by teams and horse men. "Blcjcles," as used in this act, shall be deemed to Include bicycles, tandem3, quads, etc A "blcjcle" is a -vehicle propelled by a rider, by -foot power. All paths for the use of blcjcles and pedes trians heretofore constructed upon any of the public hlghwajs of the state shall be deemed lawful paths hereunder, and shall be main tained as such by said County Court or Com missioners, and this act shall apply thereto as fully as if the same had been constructed hereunder. Eeiy blcjcle -when ridden shall be provided with a bell, and at night with sufficient light to be easily distinguishable. Any person vio lating tle provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon trial and comlctlon be fined not less than $5, or Imprisoned In the county Jail not less three dajs, or both, In the discretion of the court. While an opinion has been expressed -that only those who make use of bicycle paths shall be required to pay the tax, others think the law is mednt to cover all bicycles. The construction to be placed upon It will be determined when the work of collecting has commenced. PAYIHG BACK TAXES. System, of Keeping: Records Gives Much Unnecessary Labor. The County Clerk is still doing a large business collecting delinquent taxes, and the Indications are that it will continue for some time to come. One of the diffi culties encountered by the clerks is that many persons have forgotten how many back years they owe, and it Is no easy matter for the Clerk to obtain the desired information. The caller has in such a case to be asked to refresh his recollec tion, and the deputy then searches tne rolls for the years mentioned, and per haps several other years covering nearly the same period of time, and perhaps ar rives at the correct result. Each year's delinquent roll is in a volume by itself, and if a delinquent taxpayer does not re member what taxes he owes, the Clerk, to make a certain examination, might go through the books for a dozen or more years back. If a man walks into the office and in quires "What are the delinquent taxes against lot , block ?" the deputy In response will ask, "What years haven't been paid?" If the man has no idea what ever upon the subject, the task of finding out for him Is almost as great as making an abstract of title to "the property. Of course, most people know more or lest, what has or has not been paid. For in stance, the caller will say, "Well, I know that everything has been paid up to 1896," and the rolls for subsequent years will SALE OF SIIJEi WAISTS Silk Waists, made of fine quality taffeta silks, in black, red, helio, rose, light blue, gray and castor; pleated, hemstitched and tucked effects; with self collars and new Bishop and fancy sleeves. Regular $6, ti2kL &S g& $6.50 and $7. Special at tpfnKJJ & BARGAINS IN JLxj13 Black La Tosca Net Laces, Black Fancy Mesh Jet Laces, 45 inches wide; hereto' fore $1.25 yard, spc cial at YARD. Black La Tosca J$et Laces, Black Fancy Mesh Net Laces, 45 inches wide; hereto' fore $2, $2.25 yard, special at YARD. Narrow Black Silk Trimming Laces, & to i-in. wide, regular ioc yd, at 5c yd 2 to 3-in. wide, reg. 20c yd, at ioc yd 3 to 5-in. wide, reg. 35c yd, at 20c yd Black Lace Bands, 2 to 3-in. wide, reg. 25c yd, at 1 5c yd White and Cream Net Top Laces, 3 to 5-in. wide, reg. 30c at 22c yd Black Silk Wavy Galloon Laces, reg. 15c yd. at ioc Fine Torchon Laces. Special values in Edges 5c to 1 2c yd Insertions ....'... 6c to 20c yd New Wash Silks 50c yd New Hop-Sack Suitings. .75c yd New Shirt -Waist -Flannels, 75c ydi Picture Store. More lively selling. A new as sortment of large Colored Pic tures, matted, ready for the frame. A big bargain one of the biggest we have ever offered. Special-1.3 G 250 Pretty, Dainty Colored Autotypes just the thing for framing. Selected c subjects at special. ..i&C Martha Washington . Cook Book Has met with instant approv al. Almost half of them sold. 1000 recipes. Oil cloth bound. Price $1. Our special price H Important Dress Goods Bargains e 0 o o 9 e o e e e e (aete(cettte(Biett8 35c essseseeeeesosesoeaesooseoaeaeeeeeeeeeeaoeeeeeeceae EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL -ON- ILK ETON JACKETS i A& Ft S3 Silk Eton Jackets, made of extra qual ity taffeta and peau de sole silk, some tucked all over, some trimmed, but all lined tv lth fine white satin. Regular price of these jackets, $10.00, Today and Tomorrow,' We have just received a shipment of the handsqmest line of Feather Boas that were ever shown In this city. Oome In and see them. i THE LARGEST AND LEADING FURRIERS OF THE WEST. 283-2S5 MORRISON STREJ3T. PORTLAND. OREGON. eiti8(teittttiiit9eaeee be examined. Another person will call off the years he knows are unpaid, and others he Is uncertain about. The delinquent rolls should be brought up to date, all in one book, and It could then be told at a glance with certainty Just what is due against a piece of prop erty. This would cost something, but would be a great assistance to the officials whose duty it is to collect these back taxes. It would also Involve considerable labor, for the reason that recently prop erty Is assessed by description, and for merly the assessment rolls were made In alphabetical order, according to the names of the owners, and the description of the property owned by him following. Some people owe taxes who through oversight or other reasons are not aware of the fact, and cases are known where a tax was paid twice in one year on the same property. This was where the dwner pos sessed a large number of different pieces of real estate. The money was refunded when the mistakes were dlscoverd. IN SHABBY QUARTERS. How tke Postofflce Deportment Treats Portland. Mention has been made several times of complaints concerning the crowded condition of departments in the Portland postofflce. Not only are the employes discommoded on account of laqk of room but the public suffers from lack of any thing like adequate accommodation. Persons doing business with the registry department are obliged to stand in . the main lobby of the building and take their chances in the crowd coming and going. The money order office Is totally Inadequate to the demands of the large volume of business transacted th'ere, and the lobby for the accommodation of pat rons is so small and so crowded that peo ple can hardly get In or out. Some Idea may be formed of the Inconvenience the public and the officials are put to by the miserable crowded accommodations of the money order department In the office" here by comparing the amount of work done there with the work done -in the money order departments of larger cities. Since the change in the form of money order went Into effect October 4, 1S99, the, number of money orders Issued from the main offices In four cities Is as follows: San Frapclsco 5S.0G8 Ghicago ... 78,747 Cleveland, 0 81,44o Portland, Or 82,287 It is not Intended to intimate that more money orders "have been Issued In Port land during the time named, as there are many sub-st&tlons In all these cities, but the fact that the main office in Chicago ha6 Issued only 78,747, while S2.2S7 have been issued from the little narrow-contracted den occupied by the money order department in the Portland office, shows how business is congested here. The wonder Is how the people purchasing so many orders here have been able to crowd Into and get out of the department and how the small force of clerics have been able to attend to the business. Citi zens have-been looking for some relief from this unpleasant state of affairs for a long time, but the department is always very slow In doing anything for the Portland postofflce, and there are no signs of any improvements or expansion as yet. ' PRETTIEST YET Are the shapes and finishes of our new frames just received. Exquisite de slghSin oval, square and other odd shapes finished In dead black, gray, car bon and sepia, with the daintiest orna ments, plain and gold burnished. SANBORN, VAIL. & CO., 170 First Street. WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new-tfood drink called GRAIN-O? It Is de licious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee. The more Graln-O you give the chil dren the more health you distribute through their u stems. Graln-O Js made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades1 of coffee but costs about 4 as much. All grocers sell It. 15c and 25c REST ASYOU RIDE e Morrow Coaster BraKe Guarantees yon Absolute Com fort arid Pleasure in Cycling. Flt3 any wheel. Tour -wheel al TTJLTa under control. Security on hills. A luxury on the level. You Ride 50 Miles, but Pedal only 35 Miles. IOOiOOO satisfied riders last year. Sold by all cycle dcalors. Book let Free. Ecllpsa Mfg. Co., Elmlra, N. Y. JSfeU I 1 , ,D T"lcSl7l a CoIa VJlldLO TY C&J. 4wJOJiW m Desirable fabrics at a great reduction. 2000 yards of Polka Dot Cashmeres. Lead ing shades for waists, black or white dots. 30-inch at 61c 40-inch at 79c 44-inch at ... . $1.07 1000 yards of 38-inch Vene tians in all the good shades; desirable for a jn suitings, yard t-Ov 500 yards of a mixed lot of Poplins and Granite Cloths. To clean up quickly q n we mark them, yard O U Ladies'Ullion Suits Ladies' lisle thread Union Suits, high neck and short sleeves and low neck and sleeveless, well made and trimmed, all sizes. Big value at Ladies' while lisle Vests and Pants, high neck and long sleeves, knee or ankle length pants, all sizes. Big value at. Special values in Children's Spring Jackets and Dresses. (Second floor.) 300 barrels of glassware came jyf. to our nanas ten aavs aco. it's jhnow ready for the retail counters and such an array of pretty shapes and patterns in pitchers, berry bowls, berry sets, butter dishes, vases, 4-piece sets, cake stands, fruit dishes, bowls, etc., etc., you never had the opportun ity to select from at popular prices. Here's a few specials: Tumblers 2c, 4c, 5e, 6c, 7c each Large Berry Dishes 9c, 13c, 16c, 19c each Fruit Dishes 10c and 16c each Great lot of Vases at 5c each Cake Stands at 27c each 4-gallon Pitchers at 13c and 29c each Four-Piece Sets at 39c set Rose Bowls, assorted colors, at 9e each (Basement.) Silk Eton Jackets, good quality black taffeta silk, tucked all over, white satin lined, extraordinary value A splendid lot of high-class Silk Petticoats, black and all the lead ing shades, deep graduated ac cordion plaited flounce. $18.00 and $18.50 values at $7.50 to $9 Tan Box Coats, $5.95 $14 and $14.50 Suits at . .$9.98 p3l HEIER & FRANK COMPANY. I' WHFW'I Ive forgotten my f f M 3LSLJI V . 0 s iKerbs.Wertheim &5chiffer ESBERG-GUNST CiGAR CO. fllH tf C. W. M'Clain J. W. Biggs -dllliik IVS'CLASN & BIGGS HORSES AND MULES WVf -iUm SfK Jr&k WI11 Sel1 r,0 Hrsc nnd Mnlc on May 20-21-22, 1901, at uM zJS$1 I WV1 YnI Public Auction and Trivute Sale. i-JSl iJhs, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FILLING ORDERS AT ALL TIMES. (SC BURNS. OREGON, III I I !$ ESTABLISHED 1870. Ill P G. P. RUMMELIN & Shoe Sayings for Feminine Readers A shoe to please a woman must be ele gant in appearance, must fit the foot like a glove, ought to have more than a sem blance of comfort, and the price should not be sky-high. "Well, we have just such shoes, and ask the ladles of Portland to pass their opinions upon them. Shall we ask In vain? In this case our vote Is for women judges. E. C. GODDARD & CO. OREGONIAN BUILDING Dr. Lyon s PERFECT Tooth Powder M ELEGAHT TOILET LUXURY. TJsed "by people of refinement for oyer a quarter of a century. ESTABLISHED 1870. SONS MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 126 Second St., near Washington ALASKA FUR SLEEP! FUR COATS, CAPS, GLOVES, ETC. Alaska Sealskins and Fine Fur Garments Our Specialty. Highest cash price paid for raw furs. Library Association of Portland P rleurs From 9 A. M. lo 9 P. M., except Sundays and holiday. SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS 29,000 iZOLAJTUSES $5.00 3C YEKR SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. - 250 FE3F2IODICm-S $1.50 7Z QUKRTBR 1.00 A YEAH forbid a fool a thing and that he will DO' DON'T USE