t$$mwtk VOL. XLL 20. 12,599. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, PRICE FIVE CENTS. APBIL 80, 1901." WRITE US BEFORE PLACING TOUR ORDERS FOR RUBBER BELTING, PACKING. AND HOSE CRACK-PROOF, SNAG-PROOF MININfi BOOTS. Rubber and Oil-Clothing, Boots and Shoes. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALU KINDS O F RUBBER GOODS. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE. President. T. H. SHEPARD. JR.. Treasurer. J. A. SHE.PAKD. Secretary. 7375 FIRST ST. PORTLANDr OR. The Celebrated OVE RHOLT YHISKEY Elf BOTTLED IN BOND MEDICINALLY PURE BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. Wholesale Distributers PORTLAMD OREGON AS SHArfS haw's Pure Malt America's ORIGINAL Malt WHISKY Without a Rival Today BlOmaUer & HOCfi, 108 and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oregon LONG TRIP BEGUN The President and His Party Start on Their Journey. LEFT WASHINGTON ON TIME First Day Took Tliem Through the Historic Section of Virginia Today They "Will Cross Tennessee. Don't Buy a Broiler.... But when you buy a steel range, get a "Van," which has a BROILING ATTACHMENT (distinctly its own), on which you can broil meats or fish, or make toast without having them filled with the gases of the fuel when done. w. g. Mcpherson, 47 First st. Heating and Ventilating Engineer. ' HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. . . rORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single 7!c to 51.50 per day First-Class Checlc Restaurant Rooms Double ....$1.00 to 12.00 per day Connected With Hotel. Rooms Family JL50 to $3.00 per day J.F.DAYlS,rrc C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Trow. St. Charles Hotel -CO. -mfCORPORAXSDX, -'FROftf AND MORRISON- STREfcESy Portland; Oregon r y American and European Plan. American plan ...... ..$1.25. $1.80. $1.73 European plan. 60c. 75c. $1.00 eeesoee DO YOU NEED A HARNESS? Our Harness Department is the most complete on the Pacific Coast. We can furnish you anything you require, from the cheapest Buggy Harness to the finest Coach and Four-in-Hand Harness, in all the up-to-date mountings. Visitors Always Welcome. STUDEBAKER, CARRIAGES WAGONS, HARNESS ROBES AND WHIPS 320-338 EAST MORRISON ST. I Express Package Sale! 1 1 3. j j BRISTOL., Tenn., April 29. The iirst day of the President's lone tour to the Pacific Coast lay through a historic section in ivirgima, across the valleys of the Rapl dan and James, in sight of the homes of Madison and Jefferson, up past the peaks of Otter, so dear to the hert of the Vir ginian, into the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains. The Tennessee line was reached at 10:55 tonight with the arrival of the train at Bristol. The Presidential party received a flattering ovation from the time the train left "Washington. Large crowds assembled at every station, the countryside and crossroads each had Its little group of watchers straining their eyes to catch a glimpse of the Chief Mag istrate as the train whisked by. If today's reception through Virginia is any indication of what is to occur through the rest of the trip, the President's tour across the continent will be a trlumphaL one. Some of the people in their eager ness to grasp the President's hand clam bered up the railing surrounding the plat form. The President received these dem onstrations good-naturedly, and never failed smilingly to grasp the hand -extend-ed to him. Mrs. McKinley, sitting at the window in the observation car, smiling and waving her handkerchief In response to the greetings of the multitudes, cre ated no less enthusiasm than the Presi dent. Every precaution was taken by rail road officials today to guard against the possibility of a mishap of any character. The track, switches and bridges were all carefully Inspected just before the train reached a given station; everything on the road, passenger as well as freight, was sidetracked and over the Norfolk &West ern Railroad today a pilot train ran ahead of the Presidential special. All the mem bers of the party enjoyed the first day of their trip, and the President expressed his gratification over the reception he had received. Tomorrow the train will make brief stops at Huntsvllle, Decatur and Tuscum- brla, Ala., and Corinth, Miss. Memphis, where the party will remain until mid night, will be reached at 4:30 P. M. N THE! START FROM WASHINGTON. Crowds at the Depot to See the Party Off. vvrs&iirra!rxTmiTsm that Is to carry President miTi-Virs. .Mc Kinley' arid their party ort their long, ex cursion across the continent and back made its start today precisely on sched ule time, over the Southern Road. Before 10 o'clock many people had con gregated about the station, and when the President and Mrs. McKinley arrived, about 10:20, the building w'as thronged and many persons were congregated on the outside. There was a cheer as the Presi dent's Immediate party drove up to the station, and a great demonstration of af fection and regard as the head of the Na tion and his wife made their way through the crowd to the train. Mrs. McKinley leaned upon the arm of Dr. Rixey, and both she and the President smiled in re sponse to the greetings which met them at every step. They were accompanied, to the train by numerous friends and many persons distinguished in the affairs of the Nation. Mrs. McKinley found the the drawing-room of the private coach which she and the President are to occupy beautifully decorated with roses and othei flowers. Seating herself beside a window facing the crowd, she continued to smile and bow to acquaintances until the train moved out. The President took his posi tion on the rear platform of the Olympia, beside Secretary Hitchcock, hat in hand. Promptly at 10:30 the train started upon Its 10,000-mile journey. The crowd cheered enthusiastically and waved a good-bye The demonstration was continued until the train left the environments of Wash ington, the crowd extending well to the city limits. minutes. Senator Daniel, Mayor G. ' W: Smith, members of the Board of Trade and City Council and a great crowd greeted the party -with old-fashioned Vir ginia enthusiasm. Senator Daniel made a speech of welcome, to "which the Presi dent responded. The President said: "I am very slad not pnjy to meet the people of the City at .Lynchburg, but' to be presented by your distinguished Sen ator.. It is a matter of public 'interest, but one of pure personal recollection,, that the first time I eve tried -to come to Lynchburg I did not stay. (Laughter). I came here with a number of other-gentlemen who sought entrance, but the gates were closed. (Laughter). "We could not open them and you would not (ap plause) and so we departed to seek an other host, If not more hospitable, less formidable than the one that greeted us here. (Laughter). It is a happy time foe me to visit Lynchburg now the war over, no exchange of greetings with shot and shell as then, but with tfie friendly wel come of all the people which typifies' the respect and regard and good will which exists between all sections of our com mon country." HELPING HIS FRIEND Facts Brought Out at thejfrial of Captain J. V. Reed. - entering this country are now In Kansas City, Mo. Warning has been sent out by Police Commissioner Murphy to the Kan sas City .police officials, who now have the Italians under strict police surveillance." GABLE FOR ALASKA At Roanoke. BOANOKE, Va., April 29. The biggest and nolsest demonstration of the day oc curred at Roanoke. Thousands of people were at the station and two bands greet ed the President with "Hail to the Chief." There were more American flags in evidence here than at anv other ston- I"Hb place. The President responded briefly to the calls for a speech. MAKES WAY FOR CONGER. Perins Withdraws From the Gub ernatorial Contest In Iowa. SIOUX CITY, Ia7April 29.-Gearge D. Perkins has withdrawn '.from the contest for the Iowa Republican Gubernatorial nomination. In announcing his with drawal he said: "Edwin H. Conger, upon his return to the United States, having reiterated his assurance that he would accept the nomi nation of the Republican for Governor of Iowa if they should decide to tender the nomination to him, I withdraw ray name from further consideration In connection with that office." MANILA COMMISSARY' FRAUDS Money Extorted From Contractors to Cover Major Davis' Shortage Colonel Woodruff on Stand Naval Officers' Testimony. Conger en Route East. OG-DBN, Utah, April 3. Minister Con ger and party reached Qgden this morn ing at 6:45. They were mot by President Burt's private car in pharge of John N. Baldwin, attorney-general of the Union Pacific, and Ernest E. Hart, John T. Stewart and Donald McRae, of the re ception committee, all of Council Bluffs. The party left at 8:20 A. M. via the Union Pacific. TOO EARLY IN THE GAME. Hill Is Not Going; to Make a Political Trip and Is Not a Candidate. ALBANY, N. Y., April 20. "Ex-Governor David B. Hill today gve but the follow ing statemeht: '"My attention has been called to the story that has been going- the rounds of the press that I am expecting to make a political trip through Che West and South either this year pr next. I desire to state that I do riot contemplate anv such trio. MANILA. April 29. The trial of James V. Reed, ex-depot commissary at Manila, who was arrested about a fortnight ago for alleged participation in the commis sary frauds, was begun here today, and bids fair to develop Into a considerable case. Captain Reed is charged with so liciting and receiving bribes, and with other official misconduct. At tho hfcln- nins of fhe trial' counsel for the defendant raised a number of technical objections, which were overruled. The hearing of testimony was then begun. Mr. Schlndler, manager of the Alham bra cigar factory, testified that in No vember those having profitable contracts with the Government were asked to as sist in making goocLan alleged deficiency of ?2000 in the accounts of Major George B. Davis, who was depot commissary be fore Captain Reed, and who was sent to the United States on sick leave. Schlndler gave Captain Jteed. $10 50, which was 2 per cent commission on the cigars sold to the Commissary Department during the time that Major Davis was depot commissary at Manila. t An officer named Franklin, who was as sistant commissary", testified to the effect that on March IS, and following the direc tion of a superior officer, he obtained 51000 from Major Davis and paid this money over to Schlndler. inspector-General Garllngton testified that during the preliminary Investigation of the commissary scandals. Captain Reed admitted, having received money from Schlndler and others, and gave as" an ex cuse that the money so received was in tended, to cover 'Major Davis' shortage. Lieutenant Richard H. Townley. of the Navy, at present superintendent of the Manila Nautical School, testified that as a result of a conference with Captain Reed, he went to see Castle Bros.', con tractors, who supply the Comnilseary -Department with vegetables, etc., and want ed them to. give Captain Reed 52000, and 10 per cent commission on all sales. Cas tle Bros, demurred to this proposition. Lieutenant Townley again went to Castle Bros., and th tline asked them for only 52000. Castle Bros, were reluctant to band over the-sumrand Lieutenant Town.- ley explained that Captain -Rcpd wag In a position to advance the Interests 'of the DOZEN BUILDINDS BURNED. Scores of Families Rendered Home less at Plttshurg. PITTSBURG, April 29. Fire at the cor ner of Carson and Seventeenth streets. South Side, resulted In a property loss estimated at 5225,000, consumed over a dozen buildings and rendered a score of families homeless. The flames were discovered In the base ment of the four-story department store of George E. Lorsch & Brother, and In a very short time the entire building: was burning furiously. It was In ruins within 30 minutes. A panic ensued among- the customers and employes, which resulted In what started at first a report that eight persons had perished. This was happily found to be untrue after the fire had been controlled. A shower of xthe burning timbers were thrown from the Lorsch building, carry ing destruction In all directions and sev cial other stores and a number of dwell ings were swept by the flames. The losses are pretty well covered by Insurance. The child of Mrs. Kate Donley, sup posed to have been lost In the flames, was discovered safe and well In a house where some women had carried It while the mother was being: removed from thf burning building. Contract Let for Juneau Skagway Line. MUST BE BUILT IN 90 DAYS Bnrniitff Mine Will Be Flooded. LA TROBE, Pa., April 29. The fire at the Dorothy coal and coke plant of the American Steel Wire Company, which started last mgnt. Is stm burning, su perintendent Rogers and William Gill, who were overcome by smoke, have re covered and no fatalities will result from the explosion. It is known now that all the miners escaped. A pipe line has been laid Into the mouth of the pit and the mine will b- flooded. The loss to the plant will reach about $150,000. New York Man Agrees to Do the Work for $70,000 System Will Be Guaranteed for Two Tears. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 29. Gen eral Greely today approved the recom mendation of the board of signal offlce-s making the award for laying the cable from Juneau to Skagway, Alaska, to W. R. Brlxle. of New York, he being the low est bidder. The contract price is 570.000. The successful firm will be required to construct, lay and put in operation the en tire cable system, in 90 days from tno time of the award. It will thea ba turned over to the Signal Corps for -oparatlon, being guaranteed first for two years. During the current week the Fish Com mission steamer Albatross will cruise oft the Oregon Coast, making soundings In the hope of finding new species of sea life. At the conclusion of this cruise she will outfit at Seattle for a Summer s cruise along the Alaska Coast, when the study of food fishes which has been con ducted through two past seasons will bo concluded. Over THREE THOUSAND unclaimed Suits and Overcoats 'to choose from. All tailor-made, worth from $25.00 to $50.00, for HARINSWORIH-HERALD TAILORING COMPANY New Failing: Bids;., 248 Washington Street. The Pianola. The Pianola occupies a unique position. It has undertaken that which past ages have pronounced Impossible, and has made it practicable. It has followed principles revolutionary to accepted standards, and bat won its strongest support from those vrho were the greatest upholders of the old theories. It makes piano-playing pos sible for those who literally do not know one note from another; jet it has been ac corded a popularity among the musically cultured which is unprecedented in the history of .nusic. Come and hear it for yourself: w m tae M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company Aeolian Hall. 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park FIVE MEN WERE KILLED. Gas Explosion in an Indian Terri tory Mine. SOUTH M'ALESTER, L T.. April 29. An explosion of gas occurred in the mine of the McAlester Coal Company, at Al derson, this morning, by which five men lost their lives, seven were injured and another is reported missing. The dead are: Emanuel Taylor, colored. Wiley Clark and brother, colored. Andrew Pescol. Domlnlco Wesoluly. The injured are: Ed Andrews, colored; Pat Woods, Paul Sotak, Mose Garret, col ored, and two others, names unknown. Joe Petrovltch is missing. It is believed the explosion was caused toy the firing by some of the men of a defective blast left by the regular shot lirers. All the dead were asphyxiated. CUanpe of American Ministers. BUDA PEST, April 29. Emperor Fran cis Joseph today granted a farewell au dience to Addison C. Harris, the retiring United States Minister to Austria-Hungary, -and subsequently received the "new Minister. Robert S. McCormlck, who pre sented his credentials to his Majesty. CHAMPAGNE SEIZED. Collector Dunne Thinks Internal Revenue Laws Were Violated. SEATTLE, April .29. Under sneclal In structions from David M. Dunne, Collector of Internal Revenue, Special Deputy Mul lay, of Portland, and Deputy Ross, of the Seattle office, today seized in various ho tels, restaurants and saloons in this city upward, of -150 cases of imported cham pagnes and Rhine wines for alleged vio lations of the Internal revenue laws. The property seized by the officers is valued nt between 51000 and 55000. The allegation nude by them is that the wine was found in the various establishments, without having the revenue stamps required under the law. Praise for the Germans. BERLIN, April 29. The latest Chinese specials to arrive here show that the Ger man troops behaved -with the greatest gallantry during the engagements with the forces under General Liu, storming the stronghold of the enemy. The Chinese artillery, although firing splendid guns made in 1898 at the arsenal in Han Yang, aimed badly. The Germans demolished the fortifications , near the gates of the Great Wall. They suffered Intensely from the heat. At Charlottesville. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., April 29. The Presidential train, with a tiny flag on the pilot of the- engine denoting that the Chief Magistrate of the Nation w.as on board, arrived at Charlottesville on schedule time. The run from Washington was made without Incident. A brief stop was made at Alexandria. A big crowd had assembled at the station there and the President and Mrs. McKinley ap peared on the platform. Speeding through Virginia to this town, famous as the seat of the University of Virginia and the home of Jefferson, people were gathered at every town, village and cross roads to see the train go by. At Manas sas, Culpepper and Orange the crowds were especially large. As the train ap proached Charlottesville the party had a glimpse of the old home of President Madison at Montpeller. The pillars of the old mansion were plainly discernible through the trees. At Charlottesville there was an Im mense assemblage at the station. The students from the university lined up alongside the train and gave the Presi dent three rousing cheers and a tiger when he made his appearance. From the platform of his car the Pres ident spoke as follows: "It gives me great pleasure to receive the greeting of the people of Charlottes ville and the cheers of the young men of the University of Virginia. (Applause.) Your institution is linked with great names and great deeds and has influ enced both. (Applause). What an array of Immortal names. Virginia holds in. her keeping to remind us of lofty patriotism, broad statesmanship and noble achieve ments; (Applause). To no other state of the American Union belongs such history to preserve, and cherish and such exam ples to Inspire and emulate. (Great ap plause). May the, young men of the State of Virginia prove worthy sons of their noble ancestors and. contribute in the future, as they did in the past, to the well-being and honor and glory of the F.e publlc. (Great applause). Let me assure you, young gentlemen, that the present and the future hold rich rewards for good scholars and the wish which I leave with you Is that of these you may have your full share." (Prolonged applause). There were calls for Secretary Hay, but his only response was to introduce Post master General Smith, who spoke briefly. At Lynchhurg. f In the City of Lynchburg, the home of Senator Daniel, there was a stop of 10 In Favor of Democrat. TOPEKA, Kan., April 29 Judge Hazen,v in the District Court, today decided the' mandamus proceedings in the Parker Hughes mayoralty contest case in favor of Parker, the Democratic candidate. In face of the returns at the recent city election, Parker received a majority of 11. Upon canvassing the returns the Coun cil found an error In the tally sheets which gave Hughes a majority of nine, and It gave him a certificate of election. The attorneys for Hughes have asked for a new trial. Judge Hazen overruled the motion for a new trial. The attorneys for Colonel, Hughes will file a bill of exceptions and' were given until Friday to do so. Colonel Hughes was the candidate of the Law and Order League, and 'the decision of4 Judge Hazen Is a victory for the "Wets." ' Defeat of Cherokee Treaty. CLEARMONT, I. T., April 29. Reports from over the territory Indicate the elec tion today resulted in the defeat of the Cherokee treaty, the vote against ratifica tion apparently being heavily in the ma jority. ' DAVID LOST HIS' P0CKETB00K Mrs. Nation's Husband Robbed At a Dog and Pony Show. MARION, Ind., April 29. David Nation, husband of Carrie Nation, the Kansas re former, was robbed of 578 in cash,' some jewelry and his return -"railroad ticket to Wichita today. Mr. Nation Is "visiting his sister, Mrs. Johu Mills, of South Marlon, and attended a dog and pony show In Marlon this afternoon. Effect of Mrs. Nation's Visit. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 29. Mrs, Nation's visit to Kansas City two weeks ago and her alleged harsh treatment at the hands of the police have borne fruit. A meeting today of 200 representatives of local churches and temperance societies decided to petition Governor Dockery to remove Police Commissioners Ward and Gregory unless they shall agree to en force the Sunday closing law against sa-' loons. A committee was appointed to de mand of the commissioners that the sa loons be closed and unless they act promptly the church people propose to secure petitions signed by at least 10, 000 people demanding of the state, execu tive that he remove the local commis sioners from office. that such transactions were not cusfoh ary In the Navy.' Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, chief of the Subsistence Department In Manila, testified thaf on December 30 Castle Bros. aroused his suspicion by Intimating that money was being collected by an officer of the Commissary Department." Later Colonel Woodruff sent for Captain Reed, who admitted receiving rebates for the purpose of covering" the delinquencies of Major Davis. The testimony of Colonel Woodruff is unfinished, and other wit nesses are awaiting examination. Lieu tenant John W. Hausermartn. of .the Thirty-fourth Infantry, Is Judge-Advocate of the court, and Major Thomas L. Hartl gan, of the Thirteenth Infantry, and Cap tain H. Marple, of the Fortieth Infantry, are cdunsel for the defendants. t West Caused the Investigation. WASHINGTON, April 29. Copies of Ma nila, papers a month old have been re ceived at the' War Department, containing stories of the discoveries of irregularities In the matter of commissary stores. It appears from these accounts that Major West, who was sent to Manila .to be Depot Commissary, would not accept charge of the depot until the stores either were'shown upon Invoice or accounted for. This led to an Investigation, and some of the enlisted men and civilians employed about the commissary storehouse were arrested. The Manila police made the rounds of the city, and found quite a large amount of commissary supplies in differ ent places. Much of ..this could be ac counted, for by the sale of 'savings on ra tions, but this saving, It appeared, could not be disposed of to general buyers, for an order in force In the Philippines di rects the return to the department of stores of savings, which will be paid for at the rate of cost to the Government. This would be a much less profit than could be obtained by dealing with mer chants and contractors. The papers re ceived here simply enlarge upon the cable reports. When recentlv dvlfied that Jin Invitation ra.lhTTwmtthaU--wHrm WrtCTl"-' ssrtrt -ftrrtf"h tntrtiin Ary,t albW.v.n-' ..-...-' i-.'? ?. i - I thnilfl-ht f?:intnln T?noil nnc rtnltiw o hrihlo. 1 make such a visit, I immediately replied phihg in attempting tov-protet. the'ehari- that it would be Impossible and. requested the 'abandonment of the prouo-ed invita tion. . v - "I will state further that L a'm not a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination m 1904. I am neither seeking thj nomination nor expecting If. I regard all suggestions of candidates at this time as premature and inadvisable. No one can now tell what can or ought to be done in 1901." Fire in n Chicago Hotel. CHICAGO. April 30 Shortly before 1 o'clock this morning, fire broke out In the Revere House, a six-story hotel build ing, situated at the corner of Michigan and North Clark streets. The fire was got under control in 20 minutes. Loss, 550,000. Car Stable Destroyed. NEW YORK, April 30. Fire consumed the car stabjes and 200 cars of the Brook lyn Rapid Transit Company at Flushing and Nostrand avenues, Brooklyn, early this morning. Loss. 52O0.C0O. MAY BE ANDRADA. ! Wrecked Thrcc-Masted Ship Discov ered Oft Q,uccn Charlotte Inlands. VANCOUVER, B. C, April 29. The steamer Tees, arriving tonight from the North, brings news of the finding by In dians of a three-masted ship, wrecked off the coast of. Queen Charlotte Islands. Identity of the 'vessel is at present un known. The bodies tt( several sailors are said to have bean found near by: The story of the, wreck, -as given Jbjf ttteIndfc-i ans to tne oinccrs -or .tne xees was-- ex ceedingly vague. The Indians either couldr nnt .M-nrl th name of the vessel, or were acter of? -a.. brother officer.' "He also said j fiot siifiiclent.ly alert to note It, for they The Rhode I-lnnd Banlc Failure. WESTERLY, R. I., April 29. The clon ing of the Mechanics Savings. Bank, no tice of which was given yesterday, did not create any visible commotion In financial circles here today. Withdrawals from other banks during the forenoon were apparently not more numerous than usual. PROVIDENCE, RT. April 29. The Su preme Court today Issued an order re straining the officers of the Westerly Savings Bank from carrying on business and from receiving or paying out depos its until after a hearing May 15 on tly petition for leave to go into liquidation. could give no clew to the ship's Identity. The masts of the craft were broken off short, and she was generally demolished. The only theory of the Identity of the ship advanced, and that seems very im probable, is that the wreck may possi bly be the Andrada. which took a pilot off the mouth of the Columbia last Decem ber, .and has not been heard of since. It is suggested that she, may "have drifted north to the present location of the wreck. As this Is several hundred miles north of the spot where the Andrada ran aground, the theory finds few believers. THE RECORD BROKEN. Sncide of a Roumanian Shipowner. VIENNA, April 29. A dispatch to the Neue Frle Presse from Bucharest says Carvali, one of the largest shipowners and grain exporters at Berelal, has com mitted suicide by shooting himself. His alleged liabilities are 5,000,000 francs. The affair has caused excitement at'Buchrest and Berelal, which is the principal port of Roumanla. AMNESTY PROCLAMATION'. Will Be Extended to July 1 Captain McDonald Wounded. WASHINGTON, April 29.-5 Is said at the War Department .that the amnesty granted bv General MacArthur In a nro- clamatlon Issued to the Filipinos, 'which expired last- Autumn, and was extended by the Philippine Commission to May 1, win be extended again by the Taft Com mission to about July 1, when it is ex pected that the civil government of the Philippines .will be instituted. Captain J. B. McDonald, Third Caval ry, was wounded during a recent engage ment with the insurgents in Northern Luzon, but it is understood that his in juries are not serious. The Postoffice Department Issued a gen eral order today announcing that hereaf ter all malls for the Philippine Islands. whether military, civil or official, will be forwarded to San Francisco for despatch by means of steamers sailing from that port. Largest Transactions in the History of the New York Stock Exchange. NEW YORK,' April 29. Transactions on the New York Stock Exchange today were by far the largest In the history of that Institution, the total being estimated at 2,760,000 shares. Transactions were so large and the t market so active that It was Impossible for the reporters to se cure a record of all the sales and it Is probable that even the large total men tioned may be 50,000 shares short of the market. The largest transactions were In United States Steel, 432,600 shares of which changed hands at from !9 to 52, closing at 514- One hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred shares of United States Steel preferred were sold at prices ranging from 97 f to jj9. ,;he activity In Union Pacific throughout the day was very great, the total sales in that stock being 392,500 shares at prices ranging from 109$. to 120. The stock closed at 118, an advance of -11 points as compared with last Fri day's close. The dealings in bonds were also tremendous. Counterfeiters at Butte. BUTTE. Mont., April 29. Two of what Is supposed to a big gang of counterfeit ers were arrested here today and Identi fied by several people on whom they had passed bogus 510 gold pieces. They got rid of quite a number. William Dough erty, one of them, has lived here for years, and Is supposed to have only recently be come connected with the gang. John Mulligan, the: other, has been here a much shorter time, and was a faro dealer until, .the-law caused the games to- close or run ery much under cover. Henry Bolln. Pardoned. LINCOLN, Neb., April 23. Governor Dietrich today granted a conditional par don to Henry Bolln, sentenced five years ago to 19 years in the penitentiary upon conviction of having, as Treasurer of Omaha, embezzled 5100,000 of city funds. Bolln is growing old and his health la breaking. Influential men signed the p tltion for his pardon. Chicago's New Chief of Police. CHICAGO, April 29. Mayor Harrison to night sent to the City Council fo- con firmation the name of Captain Frank O'Nell as Chief of Police, to succeed Chief Joseph KIpley, resigned. The name was confirmed without opposition. Captain O'Nell has been a member of the police force for many years. Viscount Barrlncton Dead. LONDON, April 29. Percy Barrlnston, eighth Viscount Barrington and Baron Shute, died today at Wostbury Manor, Bucks. He was born In 1825. Burlington Dividend. BOSTON, April 29. The directors of the Burlington Railroad today declared a dividend of 52 per share for the four months ending July 1. payable June 15. The officials of the Burlington admitted that the dividend was announced at this time in anticipation of the pending transaction whereby the Burlington road is to be taken by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific roads. It was explained that the new bonds are to date from July 1 and the dividend on the Burlington was made payable June 15, as that has been the regular dividend day for several years. The amount of the dividend Is 50 cents higher than the previous dividend and brings the aggregate up to 57 per share for the year. Fatal Fire in France. CANNES, France, April 29. Fire. broke out last night at the Artillery camp in the vicinity of the village of St.1 Jean. Eight men were burned to death and several were injured. Oklahoma Bank Boohed. KINGFISHER, O. T., April 29. The Blaine County Bank, at Watonga, was robbed Friday night of 51SQ0, the vault being blown open with dynamite". The robbers escaped. ' J Italy Sending Us Her Criminals. NEW YORK,-April 25. The Herald says: "Italy Is making of the United States' a dumping ground for her criminals and paupers. This fact ha3 been forci bly called to the attention of the local authorities by the arrival In this port of three Italian brigands, whose depreda tions made them a scourge to the prov inces In which they were, reared. De spairing of being relieved Inviny other mariner, the merchant np'on whom they had' preyed made up a liberal purse, with which the three were sent to America, arriving here with money enough In their pockets to enable them to land unques tioned. These three- outlaws who en countered no obstacles to bar them from Will Inspect Foreign Missions. NEW YORK, April 29. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis sions have completed arrangements for sending a deputation to the far East to Inspect the missions of the board in In dia and Ceylon. The missionaries there have been urging the prudential commit tee of the board to send such a deputation for a long time, feeling the need of coun sel in many questions on the work. In those fields. ,The deputation will consist o- the Rev. Dr. James L. Barton, one of the secretaries of the board; the Rev. Dr. Jean F, Loba, of Evansvllle, 111., pastor of a Congregational Church In that place, and William F. Wlttemore, a Boston layman. Oil Land Sale Enjoined. BEAUMONT, Texas. April 29. The Hol land stockholders in the Port Arthur Land Company today filed a petition here asking an Injunction against the sale of an un divided half interest In 28,600 acres of land around Beaumont, to J. S. Cullinan & Compa-ny, and John Searles. The sale Tvas negotiated In Kansas City by E. L. Martin. A. B. SUUwell and J. M.-Trim ble, trustees of the land company, and the purchase was supposed to have been In the Interest of the Standard Oil Company. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Federal Government. President McKinley started on hla trip to tho Pacific Coast. Page 1- The contract was let for the Juneau-Skagwoy cable. Pag 1. The President made a large number of mili tary and civil appointments; Page 3. Philippines. The trial of Captain James V. Reed opened at Manila. Page 1. Colonel "Woodruff was one of the wltnessea. Page 1. x The amnesty proclamation will bo extended to Julyl. Page 1. China Troops will not bo withdrawn until tho in demnity aueatlon Is settled. Page 2. German casualties were large in the expedition, to Shan St. Pago 2. The campaign produced a bad effect on tho natives. Page 2. Sport. His Eminence won the Kentucky Derby. Page 3. Matty Matthews and Dave Sullivan got the de cisions In the LouIsvUIa fights. Page 3. American and National League scores. Page 3. Foreign. The House of Commons adopted all the budget resolutions except the coal tax. Page 2. Herbert Gladstone explains his recent remarks. Page 2. "Jack, the Ripper" was caught at Baden. Page 2 Domestic. Frlck may establish a great steel plant near Camden. Page 2. Callahan Is still in Jail at Omaha page 2". The reward for Crowe's arrest was withdrawn. Page 2. Pacific Coast. Girl In male attire and supposed abductor wera arrested at Oregon City. Pago 4. Boycott Is declared against moral crusaders In Astoria. Page 4. "Washington well-digger was bulled alive In a snait. -'age 4. Baker City voted 5100.000 bonds to extend water system and put In light plant. Page 4. Expert says Indications are that oil In large quantities will be found at Ashland. Page 4. Marine.. Portland and Astatic line Issues sailing sched ule. Page 10. German ship Otto Gfidemelster sold In San Francisco. Page 10. J. P. Morgan purchases Leyland steamship line. Page 10. Portland and Vicinity. Sheriff Fra-ler will begin tha collection of bi cycle tax tomorrow. Page 12. X. G. Bethunc a discharged street-oar een ductor. confesses to robbing the sash box at the barn. Page 7. George McMillan selected as coaeh for tho Stanford football eleven. Page 8. Blackmailer run afoul of the -United States malls and Is Indicted. Page- 8. Status of Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook Rail road. Page 8.