TT"R MOttNING OKEGONTAN, FRIDAY. -APRIL' 26, 1901. It COMMERCIAL AND Wholesale business was dull yesterday. Owing to Increased receipts of mutton, prices 3iave declined. Beef has advanced and veal is lower. Pork and cured meats are unchanged. Potatoes again have advanced, and now reached quotations varying between 75c and $L The country Is thought to be pretty thoroughly cleaned up of its sur plus, but farmers 3seej sending in sup plies and receipts are large. All stocks are bought promptly for the San Fran cisco market. The next steamer from Portland will take a larger shipment than usual. Eggs were firmer yesterday, a few sales over 14c being reported, but that figure ruled. The -surplus of the market keeps going into storage. Butter was some what Improved yesterday. Low prices 3iave greatly increased consumption. Poul try Teceipts have not been so large this "week as last, but as demand has not picked up, prices have not stiffened. "California vegetables will be on hand this morning in usual supply, and at cur rent prices. Oregon asparagus is taking away the market from the California product. Domestic rhubarb is -plentiful and sells at 2& and 3 cents. Hothouse lettuce Is now coming in very freely. Cal ifornia strawberries have ready sale. Supply of bananas will be on hand this morning. Oregon first-grade onions are just about consumed, and the market will be sup plied by Australian, which arrived by last steamer from San Francisco. Clearing-Houfte Statement. Clearlnps. Balances. Portland $316,188 $54,093 Tacoma . 201.0GG 40,049 Seattle . 570.830 59.01: Spokane 128,048 10,000 PORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Etc The wheat market was still showing signs of strength yesterday, and the East closed with a decided gain. The foreign market is not following the strength on this side as closely as it might, but is im proving somewhat. In the local market there is not much wheat selling, even at iigh prices. There was a fairly good movement early in the week, but since the prices continued to Improve In the East, holders have tightened Tip again. Walla "Walla is quoted as high as 59 and 59 cents, which is probably a shade more than Its export value on present freight Tales. It is reported that 37s 6d was paid lor a ship yesterday, and if the rate is lield at that figure, the wheat market .must improve abroad, or decline locally. Wheat Walla Walla, 5959c; blue fitem, 61c; Valley, nominal. Fljur Best grades. $2 7u(3 40; per bar rel: graham $2 60. Oats White. ?1 301 35; gray, $125 1 30 per cental. Barley Feed, $1717 25; brewing, $17 J7 25 per ton. milstuffs Bran. $1C per ton: middlings, $21 50: shorts. 517 50: chop. $16. 'Hay Timothy, $12 5014; clover. $79 50; Oregon wild hay. $67 per ten. Groceries. Nats, Etc Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java., 260 S2c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary. lS20c; Costa Rica, fancy, lS20c; Costa Kica, good, 1618c; Costa Rica, ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia roast, $12 25; .Arbuckle's $11 75; Lion, $11 75 per case. Rice Island, 6c; Japan, 5c; New Orle ans, 45c; fancy head. $7ft7 50 aer sack. Sugar Cube, $6 35; crushed, $6 60; pow dered, $5 95; dry granulated, $5 75; extra C, $5 75; golden C. $5 25 net, half barrels fcc more than barrels; sack,, 10c per 10fi less than barrels: maple, 1516c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, $1 BOS'2: two-pound tails. $2 25(250; iancy one-pound fiats. $22 25; -pound "iancy flats, $1 lOSfl 30: Alaska talis, $Hff 125; two-pound tails. $1 90ST2 25. ' Beans Small white. Ffcc; targe" white. 6c; bayo, 3&c; Lima, 7c; pink, 2c; red Mexican, 44c per pound. Grain bags Calcutta. $6 50Q6 75 per 100 fpr spot Coal oil Cases, 19Vc per gallon; bar rels. 15c: tanks, 1340. Stock salt 50s, $14 75; 100s, $14 25; granu lated. 50s. $20 00; Liverpool, 50s. $21 00; 100s. 520 50; 200s. $20. iCuts Peanuts, 67c per pound for raw, 9c for roasted: cocoanuts. 90c per dozen; walnuts. lOlgllc per pound; pln nuts, 15c; hickory nuts. 7c: chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, He: filberts, 15c; Taney pecans, 12 14c; almonds. 1517&c per pound. VeBetablen, Fruits, Etc Vegetables Onions, $2 353 50; cabbage, $1 401 50 per cental; potatoes. 75c$l per sack; sweet potatoes, $1 75 per 100 pounds; new potatoes, 22jic per pound; celery, S090c per dozen; California tomatoes, $1 75Ctf2 25 per box; asparagus, $1 351 50 per box; rhubarb, 2&3c per pound; let tuce, $1 50 per crate. Fruit Lemons, choice. $2; fancy. S2 50 2 75; oranges. $1 75(J?2 50 for navei. $1 50 1 75 for seedlings, per box; p!neapple&. $44 50 per dozen; bananas, 52 25fc3 per bunch: Persian dates. 0c per pound: ap ples, $1 5062 50; strawberries, 15c per box. Dried truit, evaporated a&tic per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, StQic; pears. S9c: prune.. Italian. 57c; silver, extra choice. 57c; flgs. California blacks, 5c; figs, Calllornia white. 57c; plums, pltless. white. 78c per pound. Butter. Ecsrs. Poultry. Etc Butter Fancy creamery. 1517Jc; dairy, 22fcg)14c; stored ltfHc pjer pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, lle'per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 504; hens, $44 50; dressed. ll12c per pound Springs, $3(5 per dozen; ducks. $5 00(a6 00; geese. $C7 ter dozen; turkeys, live, log 12c; dressed, 13 15c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 1313c; Tounc America. 13H:14c per pound. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 4c per pound gross; dressed, Sg.l0c per pound; best sheep wethers, gross, with wool, $3 503 75; sheared, $3 003 50; dressed, 7c per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5 756; light, $4 75 ; dressed, 77&c per pound. Veal Small, S&c; large, 67c per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield Brand) hams, 13c; picnic, 9c per pound, breakf&fet bacon, 15(gI6iAc per pouttd; ba con, 12c per pound; backs, Uc; dry salted sides, llc; dried beef, setts, 15c; knuckles, 17c; lard, 5s, 12c; 10s, 1116c; 50s, ll&c; tierces, ll4c; Eastern pack (Ham monds), hams, large. 1251c; medium. 13c; small, 13isc, picnic, 10c; shoulders, 10c. breakfast bacon, 1416c; dry salted sides. 10ig12c; bacon sides, ll?i13c: backs! IT&c; butts, Uc; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 1214c; 10s, 12c; dry salt bel ljes. Il(ijl3c; bacon bellies, 12&14c; dried beef, 154c. Beef Gross, top steers. $5$5 25; cows and heifers, $1 504 75; dressed beef, 8c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, .Etc. Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley. 12fc13c; Eastern Ore gon, 912c; mohair, 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings. 15&20c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool. 3050c; long wool, 60c(g$l each. Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease, 224c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. L 16 nounds and upward 1415c; dry kip. No. L 5 to 16 pounds, 1415c per pound; dry calf. No. L sound steers, 60 pounds and over, 7Sc; do, 50 to 60 pounds, 7g7c- do, under 50 pounds, 657c, kip. 10 to 30 pounds 6 7c; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; do calf, under 10 pounds. 7Sc: green tunsalted). lc per pound jess; culu, fbulls sags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, halr sllpped, weather-beaten or grubby), one third less Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size. $5 20; cubs. each. $25: badger, each. 1040c; wildcat, 2575c; bouse cat, 520c4 fox, common gray, 3050c: do rea. $1 502; do cross, $515; lynx, $2533; mink. 50c51 25; marten, dark Northern, $612; do pale FINANCIAL NEWS pine, $1 502; muskrat, 510c; skunk, 25 25c: otter (land). J57; panther, with head and claws perfect, 235: raccoon. 30-35c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50g 5: nralrle wolf or covote. 60T"5c: wolver- I Ine. 547; beaver, per skin, larce. 556; do medium, per skin, ?37: do small, per skin, $12; do kits, per skin, 50075c. XEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Speculation Was .Improved, But Price Were Erratic NEW YORK, April 25. Speculative sentiment showed a decldedimprovement today over that which prevailed yester day, although the movement " of prices continued very Irregular and at times erratic. The heavy speculative liquida tion which was accomplished yesterday and other days of the week, relieving the over-congested condition of the spec ulative holdings, doubtless had a great deal to do with the better tone of the market. There were further developments of strength today as a supplement to the Union Pacific movement and the strength of the market was more generally dif fused than at any time this week. The manner in which the market received the formal announcement of the terms of the Burlington merger had an encourag ing effect on sentiment There was little in Burlington itself, which moved nar rowly by comparison vlth other stocks, but was very firm al day. Considering the long continued and large advance which the stock has had since this trans action first began to be discussed and Its widespread Influence In causing other advances In practically the whole market, the firmness of the stock at the highest level In Its history was surprising. One of the favorite maxims with Wall street traders Is to sell on good news. Burlington's quiet firmness on the con firmation of Its good news argued small holdings of a purely speculative char acter awaiting realization. The senti mental effect was very marked, owing to the warnings which have been coming from Influential commission houses for some time past that over-speculation threatened the stability of the position In the stock market. For the first time this week the bears refrained from their final attack on the market and there was not the flood of realizing orders which has been a feature of the last hour of each day this week. The most conspicuous movements of the day were distinctly the outgrowth of the current conviction that the per fecting of the Burlington deal will be fol lowed by similar arrangements on the part of the other railway systems as an offset. Stock market gossip attributed the large buying of Atchison to a design on the part of the Pennsylvania to con trol a Pacific outlet. Baltimore & Ohio, as a Subsidiary company, was even moro acutely affected than Pennsylvania. The rise in Atchison extended, to 44 in the preferred to 3 In Baltimore &. Ohio, 5 In Pennsylvania to 24. The advance In Northern Pacific was resumed after a lengthy period of comparative quiet, ap parently on the theory that It was en titled to rise with Union Pacific, Union Pacific itself was at one time 2?4 over last night and twice receded below. last night, closing with a net gain of only a fraction. The strength of Southern Pa cific was due to the supposition that It will share in any advantages which ac crue to Union Pacific. The official de nials which were given out of many tu mors of yesterday and today were with out the slightest effect on the market. Special strength was shown by the Chicago Terminal Transfer and Colorado Fuel stocks at advances of 3 to 5", without news to explain it. Smelting broke 44 on the announcement of another Injunction against "the stock Issue pro posed to take up the Guggenheim In terests. The "stock rallied 2. ' The ease of call money precluded any anxiety over the money market. The large 'buying of Union Pacific1 con vertible bonds continued and the market generally was strong. Total sales, par value, $7,050,000. United States refunding 2s declined and the 3s registered " per cent on the last call. BONDS. , U. S. 2s. ret. res.l0GiK. T. Cent. lsts...l07J do coupon ....'..lOOJs.Northern Pac 3a.. 72' do 3s, res 110&I do 4s lOifci do coupon IHV4 OregoaiNav. Ists..ll0 do new 4b. re..13Sii do 4s 104!4 do coupon 13QK- Ore. Short Line Cs.l28fci do old 4s. regr..,11354( do con. 5s 110 do coupon 113H,R!o Gr. TV. I&t8...101 do 5s. reg 110 tt. Paul consols... 103 do coupon lllift. P. C. & P. Istsll84 DiBt. Col. 3-C5s.125'A do 5s 120V4 4.tchlson adj. 4s... OSVi'L'nlon Pacific 4s. ..105 2. & N.TW con. 7142 U'Is. Cent. lsts.... 89 do S. P. deb. 5s?124 lU'est Shore 4s 114Vj D. & R. G. 4s 102Vi' Southern Pac. 4b.. 04 Gen. Electric 5s..lS.r.Vfci SHOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 2,0S3,S0O shares. The closing quotations were: A-tchlson 70 do pfd 08 Bait. & Ohio 101 Wabash pfd 40 Wheel. & L. E.... lh do 2d pfd 34& Wis. Central 22U do pld 91 jan. I'acinc . 05! . C. C. & St. L... 09 Can. Southern ... 74 TMrd Avenue 125 unes. & unio 4i-;i Chi. Gr. Western. 24 (Adams 1C5 C, B. & Q 19b4 American I9u United States 89& TVells-Fargo 148 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil.. 27?i do pfd 80 Amer. Malting ... 5 do pfd '24V, cm., lnd. & L.... 3U do pfd 71 Chi. & East. III.. 1291 Chicago & X. TV..20jV4 C, R. I. & Pac..l55 C C, C. & St. X.. S4 do'lit pfd 50a; Amer. Smelt. & R. COM; do 2d pfd 22'K ao pia 87 Del. & Hudson.... 177 I Amer. Spirits 2V, uei., lacjc. 6c w..iii ao pia 17 Denver & Rio Gr. 44iAmer. Steel Hoop. 4G& ao pia ua 1 ao pia U3 Erie 3b Amer. Steel & TV. 47H do 1st pfd C9 Great North. pfd.lS2,i1 Hocking Coal .... IS ao pia 110-;t Amer. Tin Plate... 70 do pfd 117 Amer. Tobacco ...12(5 do pfd 144 Anaconda M. Co.. 49 Brookljn R. T 85 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 98 Cont. Tobacco 44 Hocking Valley .. 51 Illinois Central ..141 Iowa Central 30& do pfd 59 Lake Erie & W... 64V4 do ufd 125 Lake Shore 230 uo pia ..........104 Louis. & Nash 105 IFederal Steel 53 Manhattan El ..r.128 I do pfd 103 Met. St. Ry 172 Gen. Electric 221 Mex. Central 22 Glucose Sugar 51 Minn. & St. Louis 83l do pfd 97 " do pfd 112 lint. Paper 25 Missouri Pacific 107 do pfd ,. 70 Mobile & Ohio.... 81,La Clede Gas 84 M.. K. & T 31JiNtttlonal Biscuit .. 40 do nfd -G374I do .nfd on neff jersey eni..i; srtuiionai iieaa 17 New York Cent. ..152 Norfolk & Wst... 53H do pfd 80 Northern Pacific. .105 ao pra 85 National Steel 50 do pfd us' N. Y. Air Brake.. IfU do pfd 99 North American .. 85 Ontario & West... 34 raclflc Coast CO do 1st pfd 94 do 2d pfd 07 Pacific Mall an O. R. & N. 42 70 do nfd Pennsylvania ..100 Reading 37jPeoples Gas 115 do 1st pfd 76iPressed Steel Car. 45V. do 2d pfd 53 I do pfd 83 Rio Gr. Western.. 79 IPullman Pal. Car.209 do pfd 100 fitand. Rope & T.. 4 St. Louis & S. F.. 40 (Sugar 143C. do 1st pfd 84! do nfd "121" do id pfd OS iTenn. Coal & Iron. G7 St. Louis S. W. do pfd St. Paul 3i4U. S. Leather 13 C4VJ do pfd 7C iiSfc u. a. KUbber 20VJ do pfd iw 1 uo iua . . 1 . 92 .121 . G($ St. Paul & 0 130 IWestern Union Southern Pacific. 53IAmal. Copper , Southern Ry 29 National Tube do nfd S3 do nfd .118 Texas & Pacific... 471Rppublic Iron & S. 2(4 Union Pacific 1071 do pfd 77 do pfd 91 1U. S. Steel 40 Wabash 20) do pfd 94 Foreign Financial lYews. NEW YORK, April .25. The Commercial Advertiser's Xondon cablegram says: The stock market here was active and cheerful today. The chief feature was the amazing continuance of the strength and activity of American shares. Union Pacifies were bought from the start. Lon don Is beginning to calculate that the in creased earnings In this road mean a 9 per cent dividend', distributable on the com mon stock. Calls for the end of June at 110 are being bought at $10. The Atchlsons are also buoyant, and were helped by a tip that those who have manipulated the rising In Union Pacifies were taking up the Atchlsons with a view to adavnclng them next. London was doing very well by itself when the open ing prices were sent over, showing a big hoist of Union and Southern Pacifiesand of the Baltimore & Ohio shares, Baltimore & Ohio common bounding up $4 a share In fpur minutes. Except for the specialties the market was fairly quiet, Inclining to ease In the street after the close.. Men prominent In the market are shaking their heads over these special spurts. Money was tight on 'the amount blocked up for the new Issue of consols. IVe-vr Yorlc Stocks. These quotations are furnished by R. W. McKInnon & Co., members of the Chicago Board of Trade: a So 0,01 STOCKS. Anaconda Mining Co... Amal. Copper Co Atchison com Atchison pfd Am. Sugar com Am. Tobacco com ". Am. Smltpr rnm 49 122 49 47 120 49 121 70 9S 143U. 123 C94 97 JVA 69 97 99 143i4144 142 125 127 62 97 125 126 I 62 97 58 97 99 eo 97 101 91 83 45 77 24 36 74 196 168 205 Am. Smelter pfd ....!'. .Baltimore & Ohio com. Baltimore & .Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Chicago & Alton com.. Chicago & Alton pfd.. CnIcago-& G. W. com. Chi., lnd. & L.. com.... Chi.. lnd. & X.. pfd.... Cm., Burl. & Qulncy.. Chi., Mil. & St. Paul., crilcago & N. W. com. chl., R. I. & Pacific... New Jersey Central.... Chesapeake & Ohio Canada Southern Colo. Fuel & Iron com.. Cont. Tobacco com Cont. Tobacco pfd Delaware &' Hudson.... Dei.. Lack & Western.. D. & R. G. com Tr. & R. G. pfd Erie com Erie 2da pfd Erie lsts pfd Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville. Met. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated Mexican Central Ry..:. Mlssouil Pacific Mobile & Ohio Mo.. Kan. & Tex. com. Mo., Kan. & Tex. pfd. New York Central Norfolk & Weet. com.. Norfolk & West.- pfd.. Northern Pacific com.. Northern Pacific pfd.. North American new.. N. Y Ont. & Western. Pennsylvania Ry People's G., L. & C. Co. Pressed S. Car com Pressed S. Car pfd Pullman Palace Co Pacific Mall S. Co Reading com Reading 2ds pfd Reading lsts pfd Southern Ry. com Southern Ry. pfd Southern Pacific- St. L. & S. F. com.... St. L. & S. F. 2ds pfd.. St. L. &S. F..lsts pfd.. Texas & Pacific IT Tenn. Coal & Iron.... Union Pacific com Union Pacific pfd V. S. Leather com...... U. S. Leather pfd U. S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber" pfd.'..r.: U. S. 'Steel1 Co: cohi.... U. S. Steel CO. pfd.;.. Wheel: &L. E. com.... -Wheel. & L. E. 2ds.... Wheel. ,& L. E. lsts.... Wis.!. Central com Wis. Central pfd Western Union Tel Wabash com Wabash pfd .". 39 92 102 92 91 84 85 46 83 45 45 78 78 24 37 75 77 22 22 36 71 196 36 71 196 197 169 170 168 205 205l204 154 158 153155 15S 158 47 74 157 157 47 74 98 44 104 177 215 44' 95 38 56 69 141 105 172 128 22 107 84 31 63 152 53 86 105 99 85 34 160 115 45 83 209 40 37 53 75 29 83 53V& 46 68 84 47 47 47 74 74 96 9S 96 41 44 45 Its 220 46 96 174 215 45V 177 Z15 44 94 94 38 39 57 37 55 55 69 141 105 171 127 69 70 142 141 105 173 127 22 106 173 12S 23 10S 22 106 106 3U 33 31 63 63 64 153 152 53 152 54 io7 52 164 99 104 93 93 S7 87?s 34& 85 34 159 114 46 34 161 15S 115 113 46 4o 83 83 84 207 39 38V, 52 76 29 S2 52 210 41 38 207 39 37 52 75 29 82 52 53 76! 30 83 54 45 46 68 45 67 67 47 4S 47 65 67 107 91 67 110 9iy 13 76 ,21 64 106 107 S0 13 76 20 62 45 31 13 76 20 63 46 94 18 -34 55 .22 48 92 20)4 40 13 76 21 63 46 471 94,1 94. 93 18 1S 354 55 19 35 56 23 49 93 i0 34 54 .22 22 48 92 48 92 20 40 20 40 40 xotal sales, 2,077,100 shares. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, April 25. Money on call, steady at 34 per cent; last loans, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44'per cent; sterling exchange, firm, with actual buslnessln bankers' bills at $4 SS' demand and at $4 854 85 for 60.' days; posted rates, $4-S54 S6 -and $4 89; commercial bills, $4 S44 84. Mexican dollars 18c. " Bonds Government, weak; state, weak; railroad,- strongi SAN FRANCISCoTAprll 25. Sterling on London. 60 days, $4 '35; -sight, $4 88. . JDrafts Sight. 15c; telegriph, 17c. '- Mexican dollars 19(g"50c LONDON, April 25. Consols, 94d; money, 34 per cent. Stoclc nt London. LONDON, April 25. Atchison, 72; Ca nadian Pacific, 96; Union Pacific pre ferred, '92; Northern Pacific preferred, 101; Grand Trunk, 9; Anaconda, 11; United States Steel, 47; do preferred, "97. Dallj- Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON, April 25. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balance '.$154,131,024,' Gold reserve 94,399,009 THE GRAIN MARKETS, ' Prices of Cereals at American and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, April 25. Wheat and barley, steady; oats, firm. Wheat-Shipping, No. 1, $l 01; choice, $1 02; milling. $1 051 07. Barley Feed, S0S3c; brewing, 85 87c. Oats Black for seed, $1 151 25; red $1 321 45. Call Board sales: Wheat-Steady; May, $1 02; December $1 07; cash, $1 02. ' Barley Steady; December, EOc. Corn Large yellow, $1 1501 20. Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, April 25.-The market for wheat was active, strong and the broad est for weeks. May opened c lower in sympathy with an easy tone at Liver pool and because the weather was highly satisfactory to farmers? L Iberal sales' were made at the start, but there was a demand of such breadth that an attempt was made to get the stuff back. The mar ket In consequence rallied to 72c, and later, Influenced by damage reports from Kansas, where, it was said, fly ravages' were beginning to be apparent, crowded' up to 7373c. Realizing sales caused a reaction to 72c during the afternoon, but the close was strong, c higher, at 72c. . Oats were fairly strong and Arm, in sympathy with wheat and corn. May oats unchanged at the close. Provisions were quiet, but firm, In sym pathy with an advance In prides at the yards. Fluctuations were narrow. Pork closed 5c higher; lard, 25c up and ribs 7c up." The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Openlntr. Hlghem. Lowest. Closing May $0 71 $0 73 $0 71 $0 7254' July 72il 73 72 73 CORN. April May July IP 45 47 40 .... 44 45 OATS. .... 20 27 .... 25 25 47 44 May July -20 25 MESS PORK. May 14 37 14 52 July 14 52 14 70 LARD. 14 37 14 52 14 45 14 57 May July September 8 22 8 22 8 2Q, 8 20 8 05 8 12 8 05 07 8 07 8 12 8C5 8 07 SHORT RIBS. 8 22 8 25 8 22 8 23 7 05 8 02 7 05 8 00 7 00 7 07 7 00 7 03 May .... July September Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3 Spring, 7172c; No. 2 red", 7275c. Corn No. 2, 37c; No. 2 yellow, 47c. Oats No. 2, 27c; No. 2 white, 28 29c; No. 3 white, 2S29c. Rye No. 2, 53c. Barley Good feeding, 45c; fair to choice malting, 5256c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 61. Short ribs Sirtes. lntme. XR 10??S SO Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, 67c. J Sides Short clear, boxed, $8 37f8 50. Clover Contract grade, $11. On the Produce Exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries, 1519c; dairy, ll18c. Chcese-:9llc. Eggs Firm; fresh, 12c. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels 53.000 21.000 Wheat, bushels 121000 203.000, Corn, bushels 113,000 313,000 Oats, bushels 329,000 524.000 Rye. bushels 11.000 4,000 Barley, bushels 0,000 5,000 Grain in Europe. LIVERPOOL, April 25. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red Western Winter, 5s 10d; No. 1 Northern. 6s Id; No. 1 Califor nia, 6s 2d. Futures Steady; May, 5s lOd; July, 5s 10d. Corn Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 6d;.old, 4s 5d. Futures Firm; May, 4s 2d; July, 4s d; September, 4s. LIVERPOOL; April "25. Wheat and flour In Paris, quiet; French country markets, quiet. LONDON, April 25. Wheat-Cargoes on passage, rather easier; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 29s 3d; cargoes Walla Walla, 29s 6d; English country markets, generally 6d dearer. New Yorlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, April 25. Flour Receipts, 19,355 barrels; exports, 4035 barrels; mar ket, firm and a shade higher. Wheat Receipts, 13,300 bushels; exports, 195.000 bushels; spot, firm; No. 2 red, 83 f. o. b. afloat; 80c elevator. Options opened active and strong, re maining so most of the day on unfavor able reports from Kansas, Missouri and California. They finally eased off a lit tle under realizing and closed steady to firm at net advance. May closed, 80c; July, 78c; September, 77c. Wool Dull. Hops Quiet. Chlcngo Grain Gonsip. ' F. G. Logan, Chicago, wires" as follows to R. W. McKnnon: Wheat closed 72c. Closed yesterday, 1uc. Liverpool was unchanged; Ant werp, c higher; Paris, c, higher. The tone of the market, after an easy opening, has been strong. The damage to the German crop has been a factor. There are reports of unfavorable developments from the Southwest, but In the main un accompanied, by details, and rain Is said to be needed on the Pacific Coast. On these factors, the market has ruled strong. King & Co., of Toledo, made public their replies to some 2000 Inquiries covering the entire wheat belt, which shows almost perfect condition every where, except in Michigan, when three quarters of a crop Is expected. Rain Is predicted on the Pacific Coast Ther,e Is less talk of cash business so far. We do not ourselves as yet get authentic details of damage anywhere. In view of the presence of the Hessian fly last Fall, over a wide area, we still have them In mind, and have our wheather eye open for the appearance of his activity. We think, however, It Is too early yet for damage from that cause to make Its appearance. In the meantime, without the aid of strength abroad, we see nothing urgent In the situation. Minneapolis stocks will de crease for the week about 350,000 bushels. Primary receipts, 388,000. against 444.000 last year. Shipments, 369,000, against 351,- 000 bushels last year. Estimated cars for tomorrow, 40. . CHICAGO CORN PIT. Phillips Sold nt Leant 2,000,000 Bnshcln Violent Fluctuation. CHICAGO, April 25. The basic strength of the corn market, Independent of the manipulation which has made speculation In the May delivery a nerve-racking prop osition, was shown by the yellow cereal during today's session of the Board of Trade. Phillips, credited with attempt ing to run a corner, sold at least- 2,000,000 bushels of May corn, and. In doing so showed how firm was his hold on the market. , , Allho"ugh fluctuations were violent, the' close found May at 48c, the price at Which the bull leader had admitted his willing ness to sell. Meanwhile he bought as much July as he had "sold of the nearer future. The market for May opened c lower to c higher, at 4748c. A big elevator house, through Its repre sentative, offered Phillips 48c for 800,000 bushels of May and got It. Other shorts in wild alarm tried to" cover, and sell the market to '49c, the highest price of the crop for this delivery. In a few minutes. Phillips sold at the top and all the way down to 4Sc. At, this price his realizing stopped. He left the pit for a time, and this gave rise to a. rumor that he had made a private settlement with shorts. Fearing that the market was about to collapse, scat tered longs hastened to unload, and May broke to 47c. Phillips at this point re entered the pit, and a sharp rally to 4&e followed. Later the market got back to 47c, but again recovered and the close was at 48c, c under yesterday. It Is es timated that the Phillips' line of May at the close was about 3,000,000. It Is figured that there will be this amount in store here May 1, and that it will be de livered to him. It Is regarded as highly probable that the last remnant of the short Interest took Its medicine today. Today's receipts were 72 cars, the small est In years. From this the general mar ket derived nfuch of Its bullishness. July corn sold at 44c and 45c and closed 4 c higher, at 45c. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, April 25. Wool Spring Nevada, 4012c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; Valley Oregon, 1415c. Fall Mountain lambs, 6Q8c; San Joaquin plains, G7c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 910c. Hops Crop of 1900, 1520c Millstuffs Middlings, $17 5020; bran. $1617. H,y Wheat, $913: wheat and oats. SH-a 12; best barley, $9 50; alfalfa, $7 009 50; compressed wheal. ?S13 per ton; siraw. 40r47c per bale. Potatoes River Burbmks, 50S0c; Ore gon Burbanks, $1 101 30; Early Rose, E5c $1; sweet, 5OG0c. Onions $34. Vegetables Green peas, 85c?l; strong beans, 69c per pound; asparagus, $1 500 1 75 per box. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 75c; choice. $2 25; navel oranges, $1 002 25 per box; Mexican limes, $4 50. Bananas $1 502 75 per bunch. Pineapples $3 003 50 per dozen. Green fruits' Apples, choice, $1 50 per box: common. $1 00 per box. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 9llc; do hens, 1213c per pbund; old roosters, $3 50 g)4 00 per dozen; young roosters, $7 OJfpS IX);' fryers. $5 00&6 00; hens, $4 004 50 per doz en:, small broilers; $2 002 50; large do, $4 00 4 50; old ducks, $5 00 6 00; geese, $1 25&1 50 per pair. Eggs Store, 13c; ranch, 15c. - Butter Creamery, 16c; dairy. 15c. Cheese California, full cream. uc; Young America, 10c: Eastern, i416c. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 25,100; do Oregon, 24,000; wheat, centals, 430; barley, centals, 5S00; beans, sacks, 430; corn, cen tals, 180; potitoes, sacks, 1600; do Oregon, 1900; bran, sacks, 3300; middlings, sacks, 250; hay, tons, 550; wool, bales, 1700; hides, 250. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, April 25. Cattle Re ceipts. 9000, Including 1200 Texans. Steers, steady to strong; butchers' stock, steady, except canners. Good to prime steers, $5tg$6; poor to me dium, $3 904 95; stockers and feeders, strong to 10c higher, at $2 754 90; cows, $2 75(3-4 60; heifers, $2 754 85; canners, $2 2 65; bulls, firm, $2 854 45; calves, 1525c higher, at $45 25; Texas feeders, $4 26 5 40; Texas grassers, $3 754; Texas bulls. $2 753 90. Hogs Receipts today, 24,000; tomorrow, 16,000; left over, 3500. Market opened Ir regular, closed weak; top, $6 12; mixed and butchers', $5 756 05; good to choice heavy, $5 856 12; rough heavy, ?5 70 Downing, Hopkins a ESTABLISHED 1S93. M AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor 5 SO; light, ?5 706; bulk of sales. $5 90 6 02. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market weak; lambs, steady for wooled; clipped slow. Good to choice wethers, $1 604 80; Texas sheep, yearlings, $4 654 SO; native lambs, $4 50&5 30; Western lambs, $4 7555 30. OMAHA, April 25. Cattle Receipts, 3C00; market, active and steady; native beef steers, $i 255 40; Western steers, $44 SO; Texas steers, $3 504 25; cows and heifers, $3 255 50; canners, $1 75g3 25: stockers and feeders. $3 50ft4; calves, $45; bulls and stags, "$2 753 50. Hogs Receipts,. 10,800; market, stronger; heavy, $5 775 90; mixed. $5 755 77; light, $5 705 75; bulk of sales, $5 75(0-5 u. Sheep Receipts, 2900; market, steady; fair to choice yearlings, $4 604 90; fair to choice wethers. $4 254 65: common and choice sheep, $3 S03 95; lambs, $4 25 5. KANSAS CITY, April 25 Receipts, 5000; market, slow but steady; Texas steers, $4 405 10; Texas cows. $2 75tM: native steers, $4 65fi5 55; native cows and heifers, $3 255: stockers and feeders, $3 85 5; bulls, $3 405 75. Hogs Receipts, 13,000: market. 5c higher; bulk of sales, $o 05 90; heavy, $5 9036; packers, $5 S05 95; mixed. $5 805 SO; lights, $5 505 0; yorkers, ?5 4565 75; pigs. J4 60S5 40. Sheep Receipts, 900; market, strong; lambs,. $4 75g5; muttons, $4 1504 80. Tlic-Mctnl 'Markets. NEW YOItK, April 25. The tin market In London advanced slightly today, on a little covering, but was not active. The close was quiet, at 117 17s C-d for spot and 115 7s 6d, denoting a rise of 12s 6d over yesterday's close. Locally, a sym pathetic rfs'e "took" place without stimulat ing any outside Inquiry, and the market was quiet ' at $26326 25. There was a slight reaction in copper- at London, un der liquidation and a lack of support, prices falling off 10s to 70 2s 6d for spot and 70 13s 9d for futures. A steady feel ing prevails" Jiere, but prices were nom inally unchanged, at $J7 for Lake Su perior, artd'l6C5 for casting and elec trolytic. Trading In lead was very slow, and prices remain unchanged, $4 37. London prices were also without change, being quoted at 12 5s. Spelter r.uled tolerably steady at yesterday's figures, at $i?l-i 03. with prices abroad showing a decline of 2s 6d to 17. Domestic iron markets were quiet and easy, at $9 50tf?10 50 for pig Iron warrants; Nprthern foundry, ,$15 25S16 0: Southern foundry, $11015 50, and soft Southern, $13!') 15 50 J Glasgow warrants, 553 Id, and Mid dlesboro, 46s 3d. Barsllver 59?4c SAN FRANCISCO, April 25 Bar silver -59c. LONDON, April 25. Bar 'silver 27d. , Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, April 25. Coffee Options closed steady with prices net 10015 points higher; sales, C5.0C0 bags. Including May, $5 05-5 15; July, $5 305 Co; spot Rio, quiet. No. 7 invoice, 6c; mild, dull; Cordova. 8V412c. Sugar Raw. firm; fair refining, 4U-16c; .centrifugal, 96 test, 4 3-16lc; refined, firm. Cotton at New York. NEW YORK, April 25. Cotton closed steady with prices 2 points lower to 5 points higher. Lease Project Opposed. Lakeview Correspondent of Paisley Post. I am only offering a suggestion, Mr. Editor, when I say that all the newspa pers in Erstcrn Oregon should take up the cudgels against that disaster-following proposition of leasing the publlq do main. Secretly and .quietly, and at all times, are the big cattle syndicates of the West using every means In'thelr pow er to ruin this country by having that act passed by the Congress. Within two years after that becomes a law and it looks favorable for It there will not be 5000 sheep In Lake County. And It Is not only the sheepmen that will suffer, but the small cattle grower as well. Even such men as Heryford Bros., John Coughlln, and others near their standing as cattle growers will be Injured by this law, for the big cattle farms of the entire United States, with their mlllons, will rule the country as sure as fate. It will practical ly become a country for a few men "In the &wfif wmm 13 Interested and should know about tho wonderful MARVEL Whirlma Sorav The New Ladles' Syringe Best, Safest. Most Convenient. At ;onr drnezlit frr It. If he ennnot eupily tho MARVEL, ncicmiio other, but nd staini for il lustrated booV ciym full nartiflllnrsftiidrilitrlionaln. -Tftltiable to latifcu. M It VPI. CO.. 5S3 Mission St., San Francisco .-M1DY Thesetiny Capsules arc superior! to Balsam of Copaiba, """"N CubcbsorlmectionsandlmlUi I CUREIrt48H0UBSIIy the samo diseases without! Inconvenience. Sold by all drwgl X JIJv' nilieli" for Gonorrhoea, oimai j TfWtef, unnatural dit oat ta atristare. cnargM, or any luuanirna (PrtTtau coatijioo. tion of mucous metti 3STHEEvaM3 OhemIOAICo. branes. Non-utrlnj-cnt kOmCtlMTI.O.rrj Mia oy jurasrsiai, t. 3. A. 7. I or set in plain wrapper by oxpreM, propaid, foi $1 on. or 3 bottleo, $2.75 CircaUr sent on irquast WEAK MEN CURE D. Vacuum treatment. A positive cure without poisonous drugs for vic tims of lost manhood, exhausting drains, seminal weakness and errora of youth. For circulars or Infor mation, call or address. Vigor Restorative Co.. 203A Washington street. Correspondence confidential. i a Mortnon Blnhnm:' Pllln Church U tneir loiuwcr. t'oiiUK.. of self abuse, dissipation, excesses, or fP IwineH iGaRPUl I CURES WOMAN& IUSI or uons ipmioni drops (luicjsnoss ai uis- e.iii gnargoi o.upa ntit: VOU8 Twitching Of Eyelids arc Immedute. KASJ fmpait vigor ana potency to crm function. Donr pet dciixmd.nt. a. cure is at hand. fSTTOI Kestores small, undeveloped crjanj. Stimulates tho brain and nenre centers. 50c a box, cr money refunded, with $ boxes. Circulars free. AddfOSS, Chamber of Commerce place of hundreds. There has been a rumor of the great French-Glenn syn dicate taking a broad hand In congres sional matters of late, and they are In "cahoots" with other millionaire stock men of the East and West, with plenty of surplus capital to attempt legislative con trol and to carry out their evil design. It would be a death blow to Lake as well ns all other stock sections of this state to have the range fall Into the hands of these few barons. The stock sections of Eastern Oregon should move quickly In an appeal to their representatives In Con gress to save them from this death blow,. The Lake County Examiner made a good fight on this question some time ago, when danger seemed imminent, but that paper appears to have lost sight of the matter of late now that the danger seems nearer than ever, and the enemy Is work ing secretly. Is It possible that the Ex aminer pen has been subsidized? I should dislike to think so. I hope the valiant old warrior, T. J. Brattaln, of your section, will again don his armor, and enter the fray with Gleaner, to put the people on their guard against this monopoly the llfe-sapplng barons and landlords with their millions of backing. God save Lake County and Eastern Oregon If that project of leasing the public domain becomes a law. "Senator Mitchell" Arrested. Pendleton East Oregonlan. The arrest of Senator Mitchell on Wednesday for larceny of a horse a long while ago has brought out discussion and numerous smiles. Judge Ellis, when told that Senator Mitchell would be up before him for horse stealing at the next term of court, looked surprised and grieved to learn that his old friend had got Into trouble, but was relieved In mind when Informed that it was an Indian, and not United States Senator John H. Mitch ell who had been captured by the officials. There are a number of Indians on the reservation who have names which were given to them by the whites at the time of the allotment of the Umatilla reserva tion lands. They had unpronounceable names, and In order to get them on the books, one was called Senator Mitchell, another Major Barnhart, and so forth. A third Indian on the reservation with a. name that Is misleading Is Poker Jim. A person might think that he had acquired that cognomen on account of his poker playing proclivities. As a matter of fact he cannot play poker at all don't know the joker from little casino. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Time Card of Trains PORTLAND (Leaves. (Arrives. No. 13. Overland Ex press I 1:45 P. M. 7:00 A. M. No. 4. Kansas City, St.' Louis Special ! 11:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. No. 14. Tacoma, Seat U tle Express ' 8:30 A. M.'S.OO P. M. The "North Coast Limited" Will Resume Service May 9. Take No 14 for Olyrnpla, South Bend arid Gray's Harbor points. A D. CHARLTON. A. G. P. A.. Portland, Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Go. FOR NOME The magnificent new steel Steamship Senator will sail from Sea'.tle and Tacoma direct. From Tacoma 12 m., Seattle 9 p. m. May 30. '01. For rates, reservations and other Information ap;y to the company's agents i va.'x. -J vaahtnuton St., Portland. Or. Ticket Office 007 Pacific avenue, Tacoma. G. M LEE, Ticket Acent. F. V. CARLETON, N. P. R. R. Dock, Ta coma. "Wash. Ticket utllca 018 First avenue, Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agent. C. W. MILLER. Asst. Gen'l Agent, Ocean Dock, Seattle. "Wash. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Agents, San Francisco. Tickat Office, 122 Third SI ' Phone 6S0 LEAVE No. 4 COO P. M The Fljer, dally to and from St. Paul. Minne apolis, Duluth, Chlcni;a and alt points. East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A. M Through Palace and Tourist dleepers, Dininj; and Burtet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP T05A MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About April 29th NORTHERN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. -FOR- Yladivostock and Port Arthur CALLING AT TIEN TS1N. WEI HEI WEI. K1AO-CHOU AND CHEEFOO IF INDUCE MENT OFFERS. Following S3. Braemar. SS. Queen Adelaide will be dispatched from Tacoma about May b. For rates and space reservations apply to DODWELL & CO.. LTD.. General Agent. 252 Oak at. NEW TWIN SCREW 6000 . TON 8.3. SIERRA, 'SONOMA fiVEATUJU SS. AUSTRALIA, for Tahiti Sun., April 28 SS. MARIPOSA (Honolulu only) Saturday. April 27. 2 P. M. SS. SIERRA, for Honolulu, Samoa, New Zealand and Australia Thurs., May 0. 10 A. M. J. D.SPRECXELS k BROS. CO , Ssneral Jtgenli. 327 Hariri Si Gsn'I Passsnasr QfScs, 643 HMet SL, Fiar Ho. 7. Pacific St WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock)., Leaves Portland dally every morning at T O'clock, exceot Sunday. .Returning, leaves Aa torla every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 331. Columbia phone 331. Steamers Altooa and Pomona Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence, Salera and all way landings. Leave Portland 0:43 A. M.; leave Salem 8 A. M.; Independence, 7 A. I M nmr and dock, foot Tavlor at. mim-g5n:mai have been in use over o yean by the leaden of the Mormoa cures the wont cues In old and younir amlntr Irons etTccM d?arette - smokinjr. Cureo Lost Manhood, Im" jJgfiREATNORTOEBWj Powor. Kigntzosseo, spormatorrnooa insomnia, fains aires, tjominai. tmissions, tamo ai nonoua w Llnflrnn tn Mnrrv. t.a&s at EPKrwsl Somen. Varicocele 6 for $3 50 by mail. Smtfif A written cuirantee, to cura Cljhop Remedy Co.; 3an Francisco, Cal. THAVEIiEUS GUIDE. iEGOM SiOip LINE d wwBttw Pacific Union Depot. Sixth and J Street. THREE TRArN5 DAILY FOR ALL POiiNTS EAST "CHICAGO-rOUTLAND SPECIAL." Leaves for tho East. ia Huntinstoiv U.00 A. M.; arrives at 4.JU P. M. SPU1CAAE KLVEK. .For bpokane. cauru v uiitnKtou. and Great Noitueni poinu, icaUi m u f. AU, ivj it 7 A. M. ATLANTIC EXPKESS. Leaves for the bast. Ma JUunungioo. at &00 P. M.; arrives at !:lo A. M. 'lHitOUUdL PULLMA:' ANX TOURIST t-LKEPEKii. OCEAN' AND KlVKlt SCHEDULE. Wttltr liaea aClieUUIe auUjev.1 U cUJillfo with out UOlicti. OCEA.N DIVISION From Portland. le Anisttutui Dock at a P. M.. sail svory 3 day.; Steamer Elder satis April -. 1-. " Steamer Uuiuiiiuia itiiL-i April r. ii. -. from, aan Fi&.iuist-a sail evury 5 Leave Spcir-streut Pier -i at 11 A. M.. bteumer coiutnulo. sails April 3, !! -. Steam er Eider sails April a. 18. 'Mi. COLUMBIA 1UVEK DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTOU1A. Steamor Hasaalo leave Portland dally, ex cept bunday at Jj.Ou P. M.; on Saturday at IO.UO P. M. Returning, leuvesi Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 uo A. M. WILLAMETTE 1UVEH DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SsALEM. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Independence and way points, leaves from Ash-street Dock at u A. M. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Returning. Ieaes Independence at o A. ai and Salem at U A. M.. on Tuesdays. Thursday J and Saturdays. CORVALLIS AND ALBANT. Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at 0 A. M. on Tuesdays. Thursday a and Saturdays. Ka- turnlnc. leaves Corvallls at 0 A. M. on. iioa- dajs. Wednesdays and Fridays. YAMHILL RIVEK ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Oregon City. liuttevlllu, Champoeg. Day ton and way landings, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday at 7 A. M. Leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVEZV ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO Steamers loave Rlparla at 3:10 A. M. daily, arriving at Lewlston about 3 P. M. Returning, leave Lewlston at 8:30 A. M.. arriving at Rl parla same evening. A. L. CRAIU. Qenerat Passenger Agent. CITY TICKET OFFICE 254 "WnnlilnBton St.. Corner TUIrd. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagaiakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vlndlvostock. SS. INDRAVELLI SAILS ABOUT APP.IL 2C For ratps and full information call on or address officials or agents of O. R- & N. Co. SOUTH Depot Fifth mill I Street. Leave Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TxlAl.5. for Salem. Rose- burg. Ashland. Sac ra m e n to. Ugden. San Francisco. Mo Jave. Los Angeles. El Pnao. New Or leans and the East. At W o o d b urn (dally except Sun day;, morning train connects with train for ilt. Angel. Sll v r t o n. iirow na vllle, Sprlngtl eld. and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and Sll vertcn. Albany passenger... Corvallis passenger. Sheridan passenger.. 3:30 A. M. 7:20 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. at. 4-30 P. M. 10:10 A. at )5:30 P. M. S:23 A. M. Dally. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 flrss class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern polnu and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot at Jefferson street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, 0:40 A. lf.r 12 :iO 1:3. ai2G. 4:40. U.20, 8.30. 11:30 P. M.; and 0:oo A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at U:35. 8..50, "10.30 A. M.; 1-35, 3:10, 4.30, ti:15. 7:40. 10 00 P. M.: 12.4U A. SI. dally, except Monday, 3.Ji and 10:03 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 5 05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leavea Dallas tot AtfMa Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at'"llSJ07P M, Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. aiARKHAM. Qcn. Frt. & Pass. Agt. CAPE NOME DIRECT PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE will dispatch tho elegant, new 5. S. Nome City SAILING FROM SEATTLE APRIL 27, 1001. Flnust wooden steamship on the Pacific; steara heat and electric lights In every room; will ba sheathed with Iron bark to work; her way through tha Ice. Reservations now being mado by F. P. BAUMQARTNER. AgenC Couch-street. Dock. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Depot Fifth mid I Street. LEAVES ARRIVES For Maygels, luiuter, Clatskanla. Westport. Clifton, Astoria. War renton. Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Steveu-i, Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore Express, Dally. Astcr'a Express. i.iy. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. M. 7:00 P. M. C:40 P. M. Ticket office 235 Morrison st. and Union Dbdo J. C. MAYO. Gen Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. Pacific Goast Steamship Co, FOR ALASKA. The Company's steamships COTTAUKCUY. dENArW STATE OF CAL, AL-KI and CITY OF TOi'EKA leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEAT TLE u P. M Apr. 5. itf. 13. 20. .5. 30, May 3. ID, 15, 20. 23, oO, June I. Steamer leaves every fifth day thereafter. For further Information obtain folder. Th Company reserves the right to chang steamer, tailing dates and hour of sailing, without previous notice. AUEN'lri N. PU&'IOX. 24'j Washington St.. Portland. Or. F. V CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacuma. Ticket Office. 18 First ave.. Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agt., C.W. MIL LER. Asst. !en'l Agt. Ocean Dock. SeatiU; GOODALL. PERKINS it CO.. Oen't Agenu. Ban Francisco. Sr sunset -n O CGDtN 4 SHASTA -J Un routes oy V 0 u yi f