m. . - " ""iS til wiwtm VOL. XLI. 3s0. 12,596. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. a tBT NK 3d Ct'BN. rriB lk if Wrafim ww PI HUNTER RYE iioteosei0i((ottcetet(' The Celebrated AKES AND ; A Woodlark ABSOLUTELY PJ CURES $Jm Cabinets in four Freight paid to testimonials. Canadian Money Taken at Full Value OVERHOLT ft WHISKEY H irTi i 'Achi ewtJSfihikr i ti.it. vi :tm vi rj 1 1 i H tip if IP L. SAMUEL, Mgr.,Portland-Qr. SECURITY. EQUITABLE if RQNEESf MW, ASiURANDB;- M SURPLUS. PHIXi METSCHAK, Pre. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON s-r, jp-y-- - HNGE OF European Plan: THE NEW "VAN" STEEL RANGE HAS NO NICKEL TRIMMINGS! HAS NO ASBESTOS LINING I HAS NO MALLEABLE IRON ! The only range without any of these hr ee objectionable features. Made for people who want the best. w. q. Mcpherson 47 first street CRESCENT - 1901 Models Are Beauties These hre the best values that have ever been offered by any manufacturer in America. HQNEYMAN, DeHART & CO. FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. W AMERICAN PLAN COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special ratea made to families and single gentlemen. Tlic manage ment -will le pleased at all times to show rooms and Rive prices. A mod ernTurklsh bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. Brspham and the The stimulation of the highest artistic playing by tho Pianola Is surprisingly close, and is far beyond anything of the kind hitherto known, many of the possible effects being quite beyond the capacity of most pianists DAVID BISPHAM, Operatic Tenor. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Aent for the Aeolian Company - Aeolian Hall. 253-355 Washington Street, cor. Park The Bailey's Great Speed. NEW LONDON, Conn.. April 25. On the official speed trial of the torpedo boat Bailey, which took place off this harbor today, the boat eclipsed all records for her trial, maintaining an average speed oi ouc snots during tfle enure trip, ana at one time reaching a mark of 3L25. The naval board and builders all express them selves as highly pleased with the perform ance of the little craft. THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S WHISKY ROTHCHILD BROS. Aj?ts. Oregon, "Washington, Idaho, 20-2C NORTH FIRST ST. BOTTtED IN BOND MEDICINALLY PURE BLUMAUER-FRAM DRUG CO. Wholesale Distributers PORTLAND OREGON KEEPS YOU WELL Turkish Bath Cabinet Rheumatism, malaria, blood diseases, kidney and liver complaints. Makes fat people thin without dieting or medicine. Costs 3 cents for a bath. styles all good, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00 any railroad station. Send for book and Woodard, Clarke & Co. 4th and Washington Streets 4rirJLTairjaM y ny SAFETY. i STRENGTH C. W. KNOWLES, Mgr. STREETS, P0RTUND, OREGON. &IA2TAGE2IE?fT. - - $1,00, $150, $2,00 per Day BICYCLES In Construction and Finish. These wheels continue to be the favorite with riders this season. Ladles' and Gent's Wheels $23.00 (Equal to other makes selling' at $35.) Ladles and Gent's Wheels 35.00 Equal to other makes selling at $50.) Ladies' and Gent's Cushion Frame Wheel 50.00 Gent's Racing Model 50.00 Boys' and Girls Wheels .' 22.50 OREGON $3.00 PER DAY and upward. Piano Life of Roumanla's Kins In Danger. LONDON. April 2G. The Vienna corre spondent of the Morning Leader asserts that a man named Petroff attemnted to enter the royal carriage at Bucharest, the Roumanian capital, with a view of mur- derlng King Charles, but was Drevented by the sentries after a severe strucele. The correspondent adds that Petroff Is believed to be an emissary of the Mace- n Ionian committee. IN HANDS OF ROOT Cuban Delegation- Turned Over to War Secretary- CONFERENCE HELD IN SECRET The Commissioners Met the Presi dent and Later Were the Gaests of Honor at a White House Dinner. ' WASHINGTON, April 25. The Cuban delegation from the convention framing a constitution for the new island republic saw President McKInley twice today, once In. the early part of the day, when there were expressions of friendship, and again at night, wlhen the members of -the dele gation were the guests of honor at the state dinner at the White House. The real business wlilch brought the delega tion here was not transacted, the Presi dent in the forenoon interview at the White House saying to the delegates that he would confer with Secretary Root, who would' act as his representative in the conferences over the Cuban situation. The delegation and Secretary Root were closeted for some hours In the afternoon In a discussion of the relations of the Island to the United States. Secrecy was observed as to the conference, the state ment being made that after results were reached some news as to the conclusions might be made public. (Matters of importance were not touched upon In the interview between the Presi dent and the delegates, the conference be ing almost wholly Informal. Senor Ta mayo, in his address to the President, spoke of the desire of the Cubans to have the closest possible relations with the United States. He also spoke of the gratitude which Cuba felt for the United States for the assistance rendered in her liberation. In response, the President expressed his pleasure at meeting the del egation and desired through them to ex tend his kindest wishes to the people of the island. He said that his Interest in Cuba always had been great, and Its wel fare always would be the subject of his most earnest consideration. Concerning the object of the delegation's visit, the the President said he would confer with the Secretary of War, and the Secretary, having an intimate knowledge of the sit uation, would confer with the delegation. The Cuban delegates began their rounds by going to the War Department at 11 o'clock for the first formal meeting with -Secretary Root, and then being escorted by him to the White House. At the hotel, to accompany them on their rounds, were. United States Army officers, Captain Saw-,taIle.tnd,IikiUtnaatj-Oyertop..-rShortly before 11 the delegates appeared In a body at the entrance of their hotel, and were photographed, along with the Army of ficers. Previous to the arrival of the delegation at the War Department, General Wood entered the Secretary's office, and was there when the visitors were shown in. The delegation called first at the office of Assistant Secretary Sanger, and then were shown to Mr. Root's private office by Colonel Sanger. Captain Sawtelle and Lieutenant Overton and Senor Gonzales, secretary to General Wood, were present during the conference at the War De partment. It is understood Senor Gon zales is a fluent Spanish linguist, and he was asked to be present at thoconference at the White House. About an hour -was consumed in a dis cussion of Cuban affairs in the War De partment before the delegation left for the White House. The commission reached the White (House at noon. They were preceded by Secretary Root, Assistant Secretary San ger and General Wood. The members of the commission were ushered into the blue parlor, where the President, Secre tary Root. General Wood and Assistant Secretary Sanger were awaiting them. The introductions were made by General Wood. The greetings were cordial on both sides, and took place through the me dium of an Interpreter. The exchanges were purely of a formal- character. Senor Diego Tamayo, chairman of the commis sion, wiho is a member of General Wood's cabinet, on behalf of the commission, made a brief address to the President, and the latter responded. The exchange of assurances of good feeling In general describes the nature of the Interview. The commission was with the President scarcely half an hour. The most complete meeting of the day was a conference in Secretary Root's of fice, lasting from 3 to 6 o'clock. Those present were the four Cuban delegates, their interpreters. Secretary Root, Gen eral Wood, Assistant Secretary Sanger and Senor Gonzales, general secretary, who acted as interpreter. The Army of iicers acting as escort for the Cubans were also present. The business was not completed, and the conference will reas semble tomorrow. It was made clear to the Cubans by Secretary Root that no modification of the Piatt amendment could be made by the Executive Depart ment of the Government, and the Cubans themselves understand that there Is little possibility of Congressional action in that direction. So the conference was de voted largely to the construction which has been placed upon the amendment. The Intervention proposition caused the most discussion, and as this had received much, discussion in the convention at Ha vana, the Cubans were familiar with all phases of construction that might be placed upon it. It is understood that the Cubans are impressed with the desire on the part of this Government to deal fairly by Cuba, and the belief is expressed that the delegation will take home favorable reports of our Intentions. The delegation made no complaint of the present military government of General Wood. After the conference the dele gates called on General Wood, at the Richmond. Tomorrow Secretary Root will entertain the delegates at luncheon. Gen eral Wood expects to leave here tomorrow night, going to New York, thence to Cuba. It is not known when the Cuban will re turn, but the belief was expressed that the business which brought them here would be concluded at the meeting tomorrow. The members of the Cuban committee were entertained tonight at a state dinner given In their honor by the President at the White House. The guests invited to meet them were thoroughly representative of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the Government, and lnclud ed members of the Cabinet, Senators and Representatives who have been prominent In their discussion of insular affairs. The dinner was limited exclusive ly to gentlemen, and covers were set for 47. The guests remained at the White House for several hours, it being after n'rinoir hofnra , toot -, ,-, . -parted. The Cubans were delighted with the attention shown them -and with "the cordiality with which their views on the questions of moment to them were re ceived. The observations made convinced some of the guests, at least, that the tariff is the key to the situation, and the opinion is expressed that-,if sufficient con cessions are made by this Government in the duties on sugar and tobacco, the main features of the Piatt amendment may be adjusted to the common satisfac tion of the United States and the Cubans. STARVATION IN trORTO RICO. Borda Again Describes Conditions in the Island. NEW YORK, April 25. When Dr. L. S. Rowe, of the Porto Rlcan code commis sion, reached here several days ago he said that conditions in the island were much improved, despite statements made by "a small element of the population In a spirit of pessimism." To this asser tion of Dr. Rowe exception is taken by Wenceslaw Borda, Jr., 'a member of the commislson chosen by the Planters', Bankers' and Merchants' Association of Porto Rico to present to the United States Government the Ideas of that organization regarding the state of affairs on the Island, particularly in "connection with the Hollander revenue law. "Our people are starving," said Mr. Borda In nn interview', "and the Island Is In a worse condition under the rule of Goveror Allen than lUever was before, even when Spain held sway. So hopeless Is the state of affairs that lathers sell their daughters to kevp them from dying of hunger. These people who say the country is flourishing are the officehold ers, representatives 6f that class of pro fessional politicians Into which Governor Allen has fallen the lowest class of all the island's inhabitants. "This tax law to which we object was framed by Professor Hollander, a theorist with no practical knowledge of Porto Rico. It was passed by the Insular leg islators a few minutes before they ad journed. Governor Allen signed the meas ure Immediately, although he had a right to await for 10 days, while we who ob jected to the law had every reason to ex pect him to do so. Meanwhile, sure that he would wait, we called a mass meeting of business men from alf over the Island. It was by that meeting- that we were appointed commissioners. Those who ap pointed us represent 60 per cent of the money interests of all Porto Rico, and they are "not politicians. The mission on which we havo been sent here Involves the life or death of our corporate success or demolition in Porto Rico." Mr. Borda and his associate, Mr. Bal bas, have filed 18 objections to the Hol lander revenue law. Chiefly they protest against the provision taking away the right of redemption from the taxpayer who is delinquent for six month's. They object, too, to the excise taxes, es pecially the one of 80 cents a gallon on rum. ' "Governor Allen answers this last pro tes tof ours," said Mr. Borda, "by say ing that the tax on rum in the United States is $1 20, so we ought not to com plain. He forgets that the rum industry here Is only incidental, while with us it Is a principal industry." Porto Rlcan Emigration Ceased. COLON, Colombia, April 25.Contractor -McDonald's efforts tfh induct Pprto gleans to migrate1 vttr Ectfifor bavftr been tun successful. The chartered s'teamer Cat ania has arrived here with only 96 Porto Rlcans on board. Her future trips havo been abandoned. WOT A CANDIDATE Bat Bryan Will Contlnne to Take an Interest in Politics. LINCOLN, Nyeb., April 25. In a state ment given publicity tonight, W. J. Bryan says In effect that he has no In tention of seeking a third nomination for the Presidency. Mr. Bryan's announce ment is in answer to an article In an Easter paper speculating on his future plans as a political leader. Mr. Bryan said: "I am not planning for another Presi dential nomination, for If I were I would not be editing a paper; Jf I ever become a candidate again It will be because It seems necessary for the advancement of the principles to which I adhere, and that does not now seem probable. I shall, however, continue to take an Interest In politics for several years yet. (f I live, and can be relied upon to support those who as candidates advocate Democratic prlnplples and who can be trusted to en force them, it elected. "I have ho enemies to punish. No mat ter what any one may have said of the ticket of 1S96 or in 1900, that man be comes my friend the moment he accepts Democratic principles. Neither have I any disposition to reward political friends at the expense of our cause. No matter what a man may have done or said for the ticket In 1896 or In 1900, that man becomes an opponent the moment hp turnsagalnst Democratic principles. Po litical battles are fought not In the past or the future, but In the present. The heretofore cannot be recalled and the hereafter cannot be anticipated, but the now 'is all Important." KILLED BY AN ELEPHANT. Horrible Death of an Animnl Train er Near Peru, Ind. PERU, Ind., April 25. Henry Huffman, an animal trainer, met a horrible death today, being killed by "Big Charley," a monster elephant, while the animal was bathing In the river near he're. "Big Charley" wound his trunk about Keeper Huffman and hurled him far into the stream. The man returned to the shore uninjured. 'The next Instant Huffman was grabbed by the big elephant, thrown to the bottom of the river and held there by the fore foot of "Big Charley." Then, with a roar, the elephant stampeded. He broke down fences and roamed about In a big field, keeping everybody away from him. Some apples loaded with strychnine were thrown near him, and he ate some of them. An hour later he laid down In terrible agony. A rifle shot ended his ex istence. "Big Charley" weighed over thre tons, was valued at ?10,000, and In his lifetime killed four men. Keeper Huffman had been animal trainer In Falrmount Park, Philadelphia, and Central Park, New York. GOVERNOR DOLE IS SICK. Said to Be Threatened With Nervous Prostration. CHICAGO, April 25. A special to the Record-Herald from Honolulu, April 19, says: , Governor Dole Is a verslck man. He has been confined to his house for several days, and only the most Intimate friends have been allowed to see him. It Is said that he is threatened with nervous pros tration. i St. X.onls Fair Commission. ST. LOUIS, April 25. The world's fair commission held a short session today and adjourned after transacting merely routine business. President Carter said the commission would be here In June to hold another meeting and consider the question of a site and other matters In conjunction with the local World's Fair Company. RETURN OF CONGER Ministerto China Has Arrived at San Francisco. HE IS ON HIS WAY TO IOWA Will Accept the Gubernatorial Nomi nation If It Is 6"ffered to Him Intends to Return to China. SAN FRANCISCO. Aorll 25. Edwin H. Conger, United States Minister to China. accompanied by his wife, dautrhter and Miss Pierce, arrived from China this af- ternoon on the steamer Nippon Maru. EDWIN THE UNITED STATES MINISTER FRANCISCO I1 I ' ' i Owing to quarantine regulations and the foreign churches throughout the province necessity of giving personal supervision bordering on the Yangtse Kiang. The to the landing of his baggage, Mr. Conger motive of the leaders is said to be revolu dld not reach his hotel .till 6 o'clock In tlonary, but the rank and file are simply the evening. Mr. Conger's arrival was j pillagers. My Informant points out that awaited with considerable Interest, not ( the French churches far outnumber the only on account of his connection with ', British, and that the French might ben events in China, but from a nolltical ! eflt hv thf nnnnrtnnitir o. oBi , vni standpoint. There was a great desire to know what position Minister Conger would assume with reference to the com ing Gubernatorial nomination in Iowa. To a representative of the Associated Press Mr. Conger, when asked If he cared to make any expression on the Govern orship matter, said: "I do not wish to make any declaration at this time. I have not yet had time to read the correspondence which has met me here. So far as I am at present ad vised, I see no reason to change my po sition as expressed about two months ago, before I left China. I received two tele grams from the United States; one. asked -me If I were a candidate for Governor. I answered, 'I am not.' The other tele gram asked whether I would accept the nomination if tendered me. I replied that I would accept if the nomination came to me, but that I was in no sense a candidate. I do not care to nor will I say anything further In the matter until I reach Des Moines. I do not know what the situation in Iowa is and do not care to say anything definite until I am fully advised. My present Intention and de sire is to return to China and finish my work." Touching events in China, Mr. Conger turned interviewer and was particularly anxious to know what had been done by the powers in the matter of indemnity. He was asked for his opinion as to the amount of Indemnity China- could pay. "Under $300,000,000," he replied, qualify ing his answer by the statement that It would be necessary for China to practice economy. The time of payment, too, should extend over a long term of years. Concerning events in China, Mr. Conger said thnt there was nothing new to be said in that direction, as everything that happened had been told fully, together with many things that never occurred. Tales of brutality had, he thought, been exaggerated. Of course, there were cases of outrage by Individual soldiers which were not sanctioned by officers. These were but Incidents of war, which found some palliation In the fact nat the Chi nese had killed 40,000 native Christians and 100 Europeans. Asked in regard to his future plans, Minister Conger said he would remain In this city until Saturaay morning, when 'he would leave for his home in Des Moines. At the expiration of his 60 days' lo.nir. nf hnr. ho intonrfnr! n raf.. ' rhin!, tt wnnH tm hnok- snnn,- if nnV thing of Importance should come up. When told that It was planned by the citizens of Des Moines to give him a pub lic reception, he said that although he j did not care for public demonstrations, he would accept a reception at Des "!Trtlnoe TTo VialrtncmrT fr -frViA nonn!k r Ta -Mninpa! Tn fart, th pnMr i nf ! Iowa had always been kind to him, giving af wel1 a fll1 al5no'ft atl t!lS ote him everything that he asked for, refus- ' P,ace3t of trust and honor. He had ing him nothing. In return he had been a1saln,stv,hjm as rival candidates such dls compelled often to refuse the people of I tlnguished men as Rev. Dr. Jesse Bow Iowa favors ' man Toun& Cincinnati, an editor of Among the passengers of the Nippon : ma"v 'earfs' experience; ev. S J. Her Maru was Dr. W. S. Ament. a mission-. slstant editor of the New York ary who passed through the .siege of dYcate; ?,e4v' D- XR- J" ,C(e- of the Pekln and who afterwards came into no- I Methodist Advocate Journal; Rev. P. M. toriety In connection with the charges I ,' of..CcaBOJ R,evi.P: ,W' C,ark' ot of looting that were made against the ' Cincinnati; Rev. S H. Whltlock. of Mat missionaries. Dr. Ament said tonight that i Lon' i11;, RTev' 11Uam ; MIler, of his side of the controversy had been fully Springfield. 111.; Rev. C M. Cobern, of set forth, and that he had nothing to ! 5eiVLer; YrotsT C'. M' StlIlrt. of the add to the Interview with him at Kobe. Northwestern Ln versity, and G. H. Potts, Japan, which was published In these dls- l ed!tor f ta Michigan Christian Advo- patches April 24. Chinese Retreated Before the Allies. BERLIN, April 25. The Lokal Anzel- ger's special correspondent, cabling from Cheng Ting, near Pao Ting Fu. says: "The German and French expedition Is approaching the front of the Chinese Army, which is apparently 25,000 strong and well Intrenched In three positions. The Germans marched over difficult mountain passes to the gate of the great wall at Nleng TwI Kan. The enemy ap pears Indisposed to offer resistance, and Its retreat behind the great wall is ex pected." A special to the Lokal Anzelger from Pin Chan, dated April 24, says a mounted Infantry patrol found the Chinese lines unoccupied and unarmed. The natives said General Lu. with the bulk of his array, had retreated. A YANGTSE UPRISING. Disaffected Elements Combining for an Anti-Foreign Movement. LONDON. April 26. "I have received In formation which may prove Important," says the Shanghai correspondent of the Morning Post- "My informant declares that all the disaffected elements In the Yangtse Provinces, Including the organi zation known as the Mola-Oh-Wel. the so called 'reformers,' salt smugglers and dl'- I for th mirnns nt nhntAin. ,--,-.. J, nanuca uninese soldiers, are eomhiriTno- ings In May or June. The movement Is expected to be begun by the burning of h: conger. TO CHINA WHO ARRIVED AT SAN YESTERDAY. Gnal arsenal and the adjoining powder mills. "Confirmation is given to the report that the court has ordered the stoppage of supplies for Sinan Fu, in anticipation of removal. It is reported on good authority, though I cannot vouch for the truth of the rumor, that Count von Waldersee has j telegraphed to Berlin suggesting the pos- siDiuty or needing further reinforcements from Germany." Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times from Pekln and discussing the question of In demnities, says: 'The American proposal to reduce the Indemnities to 40,000.000 finds no accept ance, except from the British." Nothing Knovrn of It In Berlin. BERLIN. April 25. Nothing is known In German official circles regarding the ca- DJea statement that Russia and France are considering a Joint guarantee of the uninese indemnity, wltn a view to induc ing the allied troops to withdraw from China, and nothing Is known concerning the alleged refusal of General Chaffee to yield the gate of the Forbidden City to the Germans. China's Revenue and Expenditures. SHANGHAI, April 25. The Universal Gazette today prints an article giving de tails of China's revenue and expenditures. The figures show that the average annual revenue has been SS.000.COO taels, while the average annual expenditures have been 101,000,000 taels. Expedition Called Off. PEKIN, April 25. The expedition from Pao Ting Fu has been entirely called off, and the French troops have been' ordered to return to their original station. The only casualties suffered by the entire ex pedition were two German soldiers killed, of a scouting party who went far be yond the border. LAYMAN IN THE CHAIR. D. D. Thompson Elected Editor of Northwestern Christian Advocnte. CINCINNATI, April 25. David D. Thompson was today elected editor of the Northwestern Christian Advocate, of Chl- cago, by the book committee of the Meth- odIst Episcopal Church, to succeed Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwards, deceased. The ac tion Is decidedly progressive, and was not accomplished without a struggle. Prece dent was entirely against the successful candidate, for he Is a layman, and hlth- erto only reverends and doctors of dl I vinity have been selected to sit In -the editorial chairs of the Methodist papers. cate. Mr. Thompson began his connec tion with Methodist journals by becom ing a proofreader in the office of the Western Christian Advocate In this city more than 25 years ago I I EXPLOSION AND FIRE Terrible Disaster Near Franks fort, Germany, CHEMICAL WORKS BLEW UP Nearly Ttto Hnndred Persons Were Killed or Injured Troop Called Upon to Aid In Checking the Flames. FRANKFORT, Germany, April 25. Ono of the most destructive explosions on rec ord occurred this evening at the electro chemical works, near Grelshelm. where smokeless powder Is manufactured. Most of the boilers exploded. The noise was o tremendous that It was heard at great dis tances. Including Frankfort and Mayence, The factory became a mass of flames Im mediately, and a northeast wind carried the sparks to neighboring villages, where several houses were set on lire. Eighteen cylinders, each containing about a hun dredweight of smokeless powder, were in the room where the explosion occurred. The troops were Immediately ordered to Grelshelm to prevent the lire spreading to me large Denzine reservoirs nearby. FUc brigades from every place in the neigh borhood hurried to the scene, but. owing to the dangerous nature of the fire ard the fear3 of a renewal of the explosion", the greatest difficulty was experienced in stopping the progress of the flames. Only after five hours of strenuous effort was the conflagration to some extent con trolled and the danger passed so as to make It possible to begin the work of ex tricating the bodies. It is feared that nearly 200 persons have been killed or Injured. Hospitals have been Improvised In tho vicinity. The flames spread, with frightful speed to the adjacent buildings, and then over the River Main to Schwnnheim. When a second explosion took place the fumes and gases of burning chemicals made It Impossible to stay In the vicinity. The last explosion occurred at 7:30 P. M., and when it was ascertained that no further danger was anticipated, the Inhab itants were allowed to return to their homes. At 8:30 the Are was still burning in the center, and the work of extricating the bodies from the debris was being car ried on by torchlight, gaslight not being obtainable. All railway traffic wltn Frankfort was stopped during the fire, except'for trains carrying the Injured, but it-has since been resumed. Four sheds for dressing wounds of the Injured have beer erected. Tle catastrophe. It Is now stated, orig inated" In a smalt fire, wfrich Ignited sev eral receptacles of picric acid, causing a "terrific explosion. The houses adjoining the factory were partly burned and partly demolished by the violence of the explo-i slon. Roosevelt Is a Master Mason. NEW YORK, April 25. Vice-President Roosevelt Is now a Master Mason, having taken the third degree last night in Matlnecock Lodge. No. S06. at Oyster Bay. L. I. The ceremony was witnessed by 300 Master Masons, Including Grand Master Charles W. Mead, of the grand lodge of this state, and his entire staff, who did the work of the degree. Visiting brethren were also present from New Jersey and Massachusetts. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Federal Government. The Cuban commissioners met the President, and were turned over to Seeretary Root. Page 1. Minister Conger has arrived at Son Franolaco. Page 1. The Interior Department decided two oil tent cases. Page 2. The President made a large number of ap pointments. Page 2. Philippines. General Callles ord.red eight American soldiers to be shot. Page 3. An Insurgent force was defeated ln Bulacan Province. Page 3. ,, The military situation In Albay Province la bad. Page 3. Foreijrn. ( ,, Nearly 200 persons were killed or injured by an explosion near Frankfort. Germany. Page 1. Stead predicts trouble between England and America over the canaj. Page 3. Delcaa&e was entertained by the Czar. Page 3. Domestic. Travis Is the amateur gait champion of tho United States association. Page 2. The worst ot the Ohio River flood Is over. Page 2. Young Cudahy Identified Callahan as one of the kidnapers. Page 3. Another injunction suit has been filed against the smelting trust. Page S. Pacific Coast. River and harbor committee will reach Oregon latter part of June. Page 4. Receiver's report on defunct New Whatcom. Wash., bank Indicates that the president wrecked It. Page 4. John "W. Goss. of Portland, Is named as cred itor for $10,000 In bankruptey petition ot New York man. Page 4. - Spokane Republicans nominated rr. C. G. Brown for Mayor. Page 4. Good strikes have been made ln Gold Hill. Southern Oregon, and Burnt River, Eastern Oregon, mining districts. Page 4. Commercial. Domestic and foreign commercial news and quotations. Pagt 11. Portland market Quotations. Pace 11. New Tork stock market transactions. Page It. Corn tales In the Chicago pit suffered violent fluctuation. Page 11. Marine. Otto Glldemelster may be brought "to Portland for repairs. Page 5. Lost City of Rio de Janeiro carried no mall. Page B. Portland and "Vicinity. Board of Trade will organize a company to bore for coal and oil. Page 12. Park Commission will spend $16,000 tor im provements to City Park this year. Page 8. Mrs. W. P. Lord writes from Argentina of Oregon's opportunity to secure a linen mesh factory. Page 8. Northern Pacific is said to have declared war against the Tacoma. Eastern, owned In Port land. Page 10. Henry B. Thlel&en. of Salem, appointed re ceiver of the Gilbert Bros, bank In Salem by Judge Bollinger. Page 8. Extension of the Columbia Southern Railroad Into the Interior of Oregon Is demanded Page 10. State monument to be unveiled at Champoeir May 2. completed. Page 7. Secretary Gage's plan to deposit Treasury surplus In reserve cities would benefit Port land. Page 12.