11 TIIK MOHNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APKIL 17,- I90 V COMMERCIAL AND Wholesale markets "were quiet yester day, although In purchase there was some activity. Induced by arrival of the Cali fornia, steamer with supplies of vegeta bles. The receipts were In prime condi tion and made up a large cargo. Demand "was strong and .most of the produce was out of the way by evening. The low notch seems to have been reached in eggs. Receipts have fallen off and prices have stiffened. Several shrewd dealers who analyzed the market correctly and bought largely for storage "When prices were at minimum, are cred ited with considerable sagacity by com petitors who were waiting for a lower market. Butter Is still very sluggish. Califor nia imports have almost if not entirely ceased, and this seems to be the only source of satisfaction in the situation. Prices are steady. Poultry Is depressed ly larger receipts and weaker demand. Cheese is stronger. Onions are still steady and potatoes remain firm. Several thousand sacks of xhe latter will be shipped to San Fran cisco m this week. Receipts have been light for the past week. Bank Clearings. Clearings. Balances. Portland - $357,449 $39,180 Tacoma 1D7.SS9 30.177 Seattle 441,890 85.833 Spokane 140,354 13,065 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Etc The wheat market in the East showed a little more life yesterday, and Europe failed to exhibit any weakness In spite of the bearish statistics of the previous day. In the Portland market the ruling quotation was about 57 cents, although some of the dealers were not Inclined to go above 56& cents, for "Walla "Walla. Slucstem was nominally two cents higher. There is very little wheat sell ing at these figures and it would require higher prices to move very much of the cereal if there was any tonnage engage ments to be met Freights are easy with no new transactions reported. Wheat Walla Walla, 56&57; bluestem, L9c: Valley, nominal. Flour Best grades, $2 703:3 40; per bar Tel; graham. $2 60. Oats White, fl 25 per cental; gray, $1 20igl 22 per cental. Barley Feed, ?177125; brewing, $17 17 25 per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran. 516 per ton; middlings, $21 60; shorts, $17 30; chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $12gl2 50; clover, $79 50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. VegretnlileK, Fruits, Etc. "Vegetables Parsnips, $1 151 23 per sack; onions, $2 353 50; cabbage, $1 401 50 per cental; potatoes, 5060c per eack; sweet potatoes, $1 75 per 100 pounds; new po tatoes, 2c per pound; celery, 8090 per dozen; California tomatoes, $1 501 75 per box. Fruit Lemons, choice, $2; fancy, $2 50 Q2 76; oranges. $1 752 50 for navel; 51 50 1 75 for seedlings, per box; pineapples, H4 50 per dozen; bananas, $2 2523 per bunch; Persian dates, 6c per pound; ap ples, 51 502 50. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated 56c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 3&ic, pears, 89c; prunes, Italian. 57c; sliver, extra choice, 67c; flgs, California blacks, 5c; figs, California white, 57c; plums, pitless, white, 78c per pound. "21 eat and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 55&c per pound gross; dressed. Sllc per pound; best sheep, wethers, gross, with wool, 54 254 50; sheared ,53 75; dressed, 7g7c per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5 756; light, 54 75 E; dressed, 77c per pound. Veal Small, $8&c; large, 7$c per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield Brand) hams, 13c; picnic. 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 1516c per pound; ba con, 12c per pound; backs, ll?c; dry salted sides, 01c; dried beef, setts, 15c;1 knuckles, 17c; lard, 5s, 12c; 10s, llc; 50s, ll$c; tierces, llc; Eastern pack (Ham monds), hams, large, 123ic; medium, 13c; small, 13&c, picnic, 10c; shoulders, 10c, breakfast bacon, 1416c; dry salted sides, 10$i12c; bacon sides. ll?i13c; backs, 12c; butts, ll&c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 12Jfcc; 10s, 12c; dry salt bel lies, ll13c; bacon bellies. 1214c; lrled beef, 154,c. Beef Gross, top steers. 55'5 25; cows and heifers, 54 504 75; dressed beef, 7Sc per ;pound. Groceries, Ruts, Etc - Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java,, fancy; "26 S2c; Java, good, 2024c; Java', ordinary, ISS'Spc; Costa Rica, fancy, lS20c; Costa Rica, good, 16gl8c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roast; 512 25; Arbuckle's 511 75; Lion, 511 75 per case. Rice Island, 6c; Japan, 5c; Kew Crle ans,'45c; fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Sugar Cube, 56 25; crushed. 56 50; pow dered, 55 85; dry granulated, 55 65; extra C. 55 25; golden C, ?5 15 net, half barrels 34c more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100 less than barrels: maple, 1516c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, 51 502; two-pound tails. 52 25250; fancy one-pound flats, 522 25; -pound fancy flats, 51 101 30; Alaska tails, 51 1 25; two-pound tails. 51 90Q2 25. Beans Small white, !&c; large white, 6c; bayou, 3c; Lima, G$c per pound. Grain bags Calcutta, 56 506 75 per 100 for spot Coal oil Cases, 19c per gallon; bar rels, 15Vc: tanks. 13Vc Stock salt 50s. 514 75; 100s. 514 25; granu lated. 50s. 520 00; Liverpool, 50s. 521 00; 103s. 520 50; 200s. & - " Iuts Peanuts 6!g;7c "per pound for raw, 9c for roasted; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen; walnuts. lOSllc per pound; pint nuts, 15c; hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c; fancy pecans, 12 514c; almonds, 1517&c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley, 13&14c; Eastern Oregon, 912c; mohair, 2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool. 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60c(51 each. Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease, 22&c per pound. Hides Dry hides, No. 1. 16 nounds and upward 1415c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds, 14(g)15c per pound; dry calf, No. 1. sound steers. 60 pounds and over, 78c; do. 50 to 60 pounds, 77c do. under -50 pounds, 6ji7c. kip. 10 to 30 pounds. 6V4 7c; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c: do calf, under 10 pounds. 73Sc; green tunsalted), lc per $ound jess; cult2 Cbulls sags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby), one third less rfclts Bearskins, each, as to size, 55 20; cubs. each. $25: badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2575c; house cat. 520c; fox, common gray, 3050c; do rea. 51 502; do cross. 5515; lynx, ?2S; mink, 50c?l 25; marten, dark Northern. 5612; do pale pine. 51502; muskrat. 510c; skunk, 25 35c; otter (land), 557; panther, with head and claws perfect, 525; raccoon, 3035c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, 53 50 6; prairie wolf or coyote. 6075c; wolver ine, 547; beaver, per skhi, large, 556; do medium, per skin, 537; do small, per skin, Jl2; do kits, per skin, 5075c , Butter. E$TEr Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 1720c; dairy, 2W2I7c; store. I012c per pound. .Eggs Oregon ranch. 13i4c per dozen. ..SSuAtrytChlckens- "mixed, 544 50; hens, 555 50; dressed, 11 12c per pound Springs, 535 per dozen; ducks, 55 006 00; geese, 567 per dozen; .turkeys, live, 10 12c; dressed, 1315c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 1313c Young America. 1314c per pound. " ' JVEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Relapses F"rom Previous Day's Ma nipulations Cuused Uneasiness. NEW YORK, April 16. The stock mar ket gave evidence today that speculation still retains abundant vitality, but never theless speculation was exceedingly fever ish and at times very nervous. An op T1MG1AL NEWS portunity was given during the room ing to see the unwisdom of the speculative leaders in having attempted, to substitute low-grade industrial stocks for the higher grade Issues as the leaders of the mar ket. The violent relapses from yester day's manipulated advances In some of these stocks caused considerable disorder in the market during the early trading. The decided weakness of the United States Steel stocks on account of the. re ported threat of the president of the Amalgamated Association to precipitate a strike, had an unsettling effect all through the industrial list It was proved once again that the industrial stocks are Influenced by such a variety of causes and conditions that It is hopeless to induce any uniform movement in all of them. A number of the high-priced Industrials con tinued to show some strength, notably Sugar and Amalgamated Copper. The dealings in the latter stock were on an enormous scale and then price rnove ment violent and erratic. After the opening bulge realizing car ried the price half a p'olnt below last night Later In the day,, after the publi cation, ot -the proposition for the absorp tion of Butte & Boston and Boston & Montana; the tock was nim up. 4 from the lowest to 12S. The last price, was 125. a net gain of only . ' The general market proved rather indifferent to the movement of the specialties, and there was a general declining tendency. Rock Island especially falling 39. under" last nln-ht. -and a lanre number of 'promi nent railroad stocks from 1 to 2 points J "With the revival of rumors that tbe Bur lington plan of merger would certainly, be published tomorrow, that stock, Northern Pacific and the Erles, became extraordi narily buoyant again, and there was a sympathetic recovery In the general mar ket The Kansas &- Texas stocks -were another center of strength. In this movement Burlington" touched" 195, a re covery from the Jowest of 7, and North ern Pacific selling, ex. dividend of J. -per centv rose by violent -advances to 105, an extreme advance of 7?. The Erie stocks rose from 2 to 3 ' points. The prices of all these stocks except Erie sec ond preferred .made new high records to day. Notwithstanding the sympathetic recoveries In the general market. It will be seen that the day's net changes are as a rule of Insignificant dimensions. The Money Market. The sralns by" the banks from the sub treasury, owing o the high level of pen sion payments and the buying of bonds by the Secretary of- the Treasury, afforded unquestioned relief to the money market The rise In Chicago exchange to 10c pre mium also reflects the turning point In the interior currency movement In favor of New York. But the significant fact In the day's money situation was the quick response of the sterling exchange market to the easier money conditions here, giving grounds for the conjecture that any Increase in the available supply of funds In New York will go to London for the purpose of the coming issue of consols. It Is important to remember that this government loan, which Is estimated at 5250,000.000 as a minimum, Is In excess of any loan placed since the French Indem nity" to Germans'. The London money market is at present not only heavily In debted to the Bank of England, but the amount of French and American capital at Interest in London Is of unprecedented volume. London's solicitude over the for eign exchange Is thus easily explicable. The constantgrowth of the trade balance Indicates little increase of this country's capital resources for Investment But it Is obvious that the placing of the invest ment Is purely a question of relative In terest rates. The extraordinary financial operations In progress In New York were again reflected today fn the clearing house exchanges, which reached the as tonishing aggregate of $445,241,223 com pared with the previous record of dally clearlners of "S437.852.9S0 on one day of last week. Operations In connection with the UnlteO" states steer company s ijnances are supposed to "account for these figures. The bond market "became irregular to day, on realizing In speculative Issues. Total sales,, par value, 55,200,000. United States refundlngs 2s declined , and the new 4s advanced per cent on the last call. BONDS. TJ. S. 2s. ret reg.lOO do coupon 100 do 3s res 110 N. Y. Cent, lsts.,107 Northern Pac 3s.. 72 do 4s 105li do coupon 111 ' do new 4s, reg...l3SH do coupon 139H Oregon av. lsts..lO do4s i.iw Oregon S. L. 6s.. ..128 do old 4s, reg. ...lia do coupon 113 do con. 5s lib Rio.Grt "Vy". lssr...10i: do 5b, ree HOVifSt. 'Paul consols. ..190 do coupon llla St. P. C. & P. Istsll8tt Dist. Col. 3-05S...124H uv no . .A..V7: Atchlron adj. 4s.. 05i,Onlon Paclnc 4s.105i C. & NW. con. 7sl42 Wis. Cent. lsts.... S94 do S. P. deb. 5S.124.- iWest Shore 4s 114 D. & R. G. 4s.. ..102. Southern Pac 4a.. 02& Gen. Electric 5s.. 185ft I STOCKS." The total sales of stocks today were 1,817,400 shares. The closing quotations were: Atchison 64Vabash pfd 3JV4 dd prd .7 95WIWbeel.& X. E..V. 10 ' Bait. & Ohio 2Hi do 2d pfd 34 do pfd 00 Wis. Central 20ft Can. Pacific 94 P. C. C. & St. L... CO Can. Southern ... 65 IThlrd Avenue 123 Ches. & Ohio 40 EXPRESS CO.'S. Chi. Gr. Western. 23W Adams 1C5 C. B. & Q 1944 American 197 Chi., Ind. & L.... 37United States .... 88 do pfd 71VeliB-Fargo 140 Chi. & East. I11...117 MISCELLANEOUS. Chicago & N. W..205IAmer. Cotton Oil.. 20 C, R. I. &Pac...l53 do pfd 84 C, C, C. & St. L. biSslAmer. Malting 5 Colo. Southern ... 13ft do pfd 25 do 1st pfd,. 40 lAmer. Smelt. & R. 62 do 2d pfd 22) do pfd 06', Del. & Hudson. ...179lAmer. Spirits 2 Del.. Lack. & W..2221 do pfd 17 Den er & Rio Gr.. 45 I Amer. Steel Hoop. 40 do pfd 934I do pfd 05 Erie 41 lAmer. Steel & W. 47 do 1st Pfd 72 do pfd 110 Gr. Nortn. ia....iBi fAmer. Tin Plate 70 Hocking coal . Hocking Valley Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd , 19U do pfd .117 .12a .140 .. 53 I Amer. Tobacco . .140M do pfd m i Anaconda M. Co G2ft Brooklyn R. T.... si Lake Erie & W... 61 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 83 do pfd 125 Cant. Tobacco 47 Lake snore zau t ao pm iua Louis. &. Nash....l04'Federal Steel ,.t,. 53 Manhattan El ...127I do pfd 102 Met. St. By 173Vi Gen. Electric 227 Mex. Central ..... 24 Glucose Sugar .... S2 Minn. & St. Louis 85ydo pfd 90 do pfd 112 lint. Paper ......... 20 Missouri Pacific ..103! do pfd 79 Mobile & Ohio.... 82 La Clede Gas SO M.. K. & T 2SNatlonal Biscuit .. 30 do Dfd 62 i do nfd 00 .New Jersey Cent. 155 New York Cent...l50 Norfolk & West... 52 do pfd 86 Northern Pacific. 103 do pfd 07; Ontario & West... 34' T .. ,"...... 1K.1MV...I...1 T .. C4r National Lead '" do pfd &) National Steel 57 do pfd 110 N. Y. Air Brake.. 161 North American .. 80 Pacific Coast 53 O. R. &. N 'Z do pfd 76 do 1st Dfd 00 1 do 2d pfd 63 Pennnylvanla ....157 Heading 30 do 1st pfd 76W' pacific Mall 36 People's Gas ,113 Pressed Steel Car. 47 do 2d pfd 52 do nfd 85 Slo Gr. "Western... 79 .Pullman Pal. Car.212 do pra loo stand. Rone & T.. 4V, St Louis & S. F.. 43 (Sugar 140 do 1st pfd 82l do pfd 123 do sa pra...-. St. Louis S. TV do pfd .'-.... St. Paul do pfd 07iTenn. Coal & Iron. CS& 30 ilU. S.- Leather. . . 14tf i . 04 do pfd .154iU. S. Rubber. .21 . 61 . 03 .125 .ijul do pfd . .140 (Western Union St Paul & O. Southern Pacific. 45'AmaI. Copper . Soutliern r zsyiiKationai Tube 60 do pra si i ao pra us Texap & Pacific... 42lRepuhlIc Iron & S. 20 Union Pacific 93 -do .pfd 76 do pfd 85'U. S. Steel 46 Wabash 20 do ifd 04 Foreigm Financial Ke-vs. ' NEW YORK, April J6,-The Commercial Advertiser's- .London financial cablegram says: "Trading on the stock oxchange today was narrow, and the tone was weak, un der the shadow of the impending budget American ehares were stagnant, dragging down to the very close of the day. There was some talk of active money In New York and "of the threatened steel strike. The shares of the United States Corpo ration relapsed 2 points to 47 on the icar of trouble, "New 'York bought copper shares by cable. This was before the New York opening, and Wall etreet representatives were paying freely for calls on Anaconda, for the end of May and for the end of June, but this stock relapsed later, with the rest of the American list, and with Tintos, which went off on London selling. The fortnightly statistics In cop per showed" a decrease'of 629 tons In stocks and 954 tons" in supplies. It Js rumored that"" the Amalgamated Company "ab sorbing Avlno. " Mexican ralla were per suing the same "upward course that they took yesterday. The bank has 'bought 74,000 of gold in bars, and 500,000 were shipped from Cal cutta today,. Nevr York Stocks. k These quotations are furnished by R. W. McKlnnon & Co., members of the Chicago Board of Trade: a WQ STOCKS. Anaconda' Mining Co.., Amal. Copper Co Atchison com Atchison pfd Am. Tobacco com '. Am. Sugar com Am. Smelter com Am. Smelter pfd , Baltimore & Ohio com Baltimore & Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Chicago & Alton com., Chicago' & Alton pfd., 54 54i 12ft 65' 52 52 1254 124 125 65 64 64 95 95 95 94 V 130 1514 62 97 93 12S 148 129 149 149 62 96& 61 95 92 62 96 92 83 43 77 23 37 93 90 91 84 91 84 44 83 44 77 23 37 72 195 15-1 43 77 23 37 it 23 Chicago & G. "W. com. Chi., ind. & u com... Chi.. Ind. & L. nfd . 37 72 71 71 Chi., Burl. & Quincy.. 189 154 187jl94 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul. Chlcagd & N. W. com 152 154 204 207 202 205 Chi., -R. I. & Pacific... 154 156 155 156 474 150 153 New Jersey central. Chesapeake & Ohio.. Canada Southern ... loo 47 46 64 65 64 64 85 47 Colo. Fuel & Iron com. 88 47 90 47 181 223 46 94 41 79 47 Cont. Tobacco com.... Delaware & Hudson... Del., Lack. & Western D. & R. G. com D. & R. G. pfd Erie com , Erie 2ds pfd Erie lsts pfd Federal Steel com Federal Steel pfd Illinois Central ITS' 177 179 223 223 ZZ3 46 45 93 38 45- 93 41 60 72 53 J93 3S 57 60 57 70 704 72 102 f40 101 173 127 1404 140 104 174 129 139 Louisville & Nashville. 104 173 103 172 Met. Traction Co ... Manhattan Elevated.... 12SV4 127 Mexican Central Ry.... Missouri Pacific ... Mobile & Ohio Mo., Kan. & Tex. com. Mo1., Kan. & Tex. pfd. New York Central 25 25 103 2-1! 24 103 UB- 103 S3 28 62 23' 59 29 30 62 64 151lol 150 150 Norfolk & West. com.. .52 53 52 93" 96 52 86 Norfolk. & West, pfd.. .Northern paclnc com; Northern Pacific pfd. 9S 96 31 105 103 97 35 97 86 34 42- 76 53, 90 62 North American new.. N. Y., Ont & Western O. R. & N. com': O. R. & N. pfd , Pacific Coast Pacific Coast lsts pfd. Pacific Coast 2ds pfd. Pennsylvania Ry 341 158 158 114 157 People's G., L. &. C. Co. Pressed S.' Car com Pressed S. Car. nfd.... 114 113 48 85 48 S6 47 85 Pullman Palace Co 213 214 212 Pacific Mall S. Co... Reading com Reading 2ds pfd Reading lsts pfd ... Southern Ry. com... Southern-Ry. pfd... Southern Pacific ... St L. & S. F. com. 37 36 52 75 2S 81 45 40 66 42' 37 36 36 52 76 28 81 45 43 67 82 42 68 93 85 14 78 21 61 46 94 19 74 56 20 47 93 20 39 36 52 76 28) SI" 46 43 St. L. & S. F. 2ds pfd. 68 St. L. & S. F. lsts pfd Texas & Pacific Tenn. Coal & Iron.." Union Pacific com Union Eaclfic pfd U. S. Leather com U. S. Leather pfd U.' S. Rubber com U. S. Rubber pfd U. S. Steel Co. com... U. S. Steel Co. pfd... Wheel. & L. E. com... Wheel, & L. E. 2ds... Wheel. & L. E. lsts... Wis. Central com Wis. Central pfd Western Union Tel... Wabash com Wabash pfd 42 C9 69 93 85 14 79 21 93 85 14 79 21 a 61 it 94 47 95 19 19 21 21 20 47 48 94 46 92 20 39 91 20 20 39 39 Ex-dlv. 2 per cent JEx-div. 1 per cent Total sales, 1.S18.000 shares. 3SIney Exchange, Etc. t NEW YORK, April 16. Money on call, 46 per cent; last loans, 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 5 per cent; sterling, exchange-' firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at ?4 88, demand, and at $4 S4 for 60 days; posted .rates, $4 85 4 89; commercial bills, 4 84; silver certifi cates, 6c; Mexican dollars, 48c; govern ment bonds, Irregular; state bonds, steady; jrallroad bonds, irregular. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. Sterling on London,. 69 days, 54 85; sterling on Lon don, s,ight, 54 59; drafts, sight, 15; tele graph, 17; Mexican dollars, 4950c. LONDON. April 16. Money, 33 "per per cent; consols, 95. , ' ' - Treninry Statement. . WASHINGTON, April 16.-Today's state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash -balance.. .-...... 5153,121,713 Gold ....-; 9S.199.547 i StockM at London. ' LONDON, April 16. Atchison, 66; Canadian Pacific. 97; Northern Pacific preferred, 98; Grand Trunk, 8; Anacon da, 11; Rand Mines, 41. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at American and European Ports. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. Wheat Steady on call and firmer In the spot market. Barley Futures quiet; spot barley, strong. Oats Strong. " J Spot quotations Were: ( Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 9Sc; choice, 98c; milling, 51 011 03. Barley Feed, 78S0c; brewing, 82 SSc. Oats Black, for seed, 51 151 25; red, 51 321 45. Call board sales: Wheat Steady; December 51 05; cash, 9Sc. Barley No sales. . . Corn Large yellow, 51 151 17. Grain in Europe. i LIVERPOOL, April 16. Wheat Spot dull? No. 1 California, 6s-ld; No. 2 West ern Winter, 5s 10d; -No. 1 Northern Spring, 6s d. Futures quiet; May, 5s 9d; July, 5s 9d. Corn Spot firm; American mixed new, 4s Id; do old, 4e 2d. Futures quiet; May, 4s d; July, 3s lld; September, 3s lld. Receipts of wheat during the past four days, 276,000 centals, Including 261,000 cent als American. LIVERPOOL, April 16. Wheat and flour In Paris barely steady; French country markets quiet LONDON, April 16. Wheat cargoes on passage, quiet for white; easy for red; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 29s 3d; Walla Walla, 29s lld: Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, April 16. During the first two hours the wheat market looked strong. Liverpool showed appreciation of the advance here yesterday, and with this in mind, opening bids were from (&c improved for May,r which changed hands at from 7071c. 'Bears "hazarded small lots and forced the market to 70c a few minutes later. The strength of the coarser grades made Itself felt at this juncture, however, and the bears ceased their op erations and covered later as added In centives for doing so were felt Among' these bullish items were o re port from Oklahoma that the crop of that territory had been damaged 25 per cent by fly, liberal seaboard clearances, a heavy visible decrease and a prediction of frost for Kansas. May rallied and ad vanced slowly to 71c during the forenoon. The market was not strong on the bulge, however, and when longs attempted to secure profits, the price dropped sharply to 7070c. The close, a moment later, found May 4c under yesterday, at 70c. Moderate activity and a considerable de gree of strength, due to unfavorable seed ing weather, characterized the corn mar ket. May closed c higher, at 44c. Oats were active and strong. May closed c higher, at 25c. Provisions were quiet and easier, In fluenced by increasing hog receipts and- lower prices for them. July pork closed 10c lower, lard 12c down and ribs 20o depressed. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest Lowest. Closing. July :::::::::$07? B8 ?& '?S CORN. April . ....... -43 May 43 44 43 44$ July ......... 43$ 44 4S OATS. May 2U 2B 5S 884 July 25 25 25 25 MESS PORK. May 14 i 5 14 22 14 10 14 12 July .........14 30 14 40W 14 25 14 30 LARD. May 817 820, 812 815 July . 8072 8 10 802 805 September ... 8 02 8 07 8 02 8 02 SHORT RIBS. May 832 8 35 825 82$ July ...... 7 95 7 07 7 02 T 02 September ...7 92 7 05 7 87 7 87$ Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3 Spring, 6870; No. 2 red, 7073c. Corn No. 2, 43c; No. 2 yellow, 43c Oats No 2, 2727c; No. 2 white, 29 30c; No. 3 white, 2830c. Rye No. 2. 63c. Barley Good feeding, 46c; fair to choice malting. 5156c. Flaxseed No. 1, 51 59; No. 1 Northwest ern, 51 59. Timothy seed Prime, 53 90. Mess pork-Ber barrel, 514 1214 15. ' Lard Per 100 pounds, 58 258 30. Short ribs sides Loose, 58 158 30. Dry-salted shoulders Boxed, i7c. Short clear sides Boxed, 58 37. Clover Contract grade, 511. . ' Butter Steady; creameries, 1520; dai ries, ll18c. ' ' c " " Gheese Steady; ll12c. Eggs Steady; fresh, 12c. May wheat closed at 76c; July, 75: September, 75c. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. riour. barrels 20.000 . 28,00 Wheat, bushels 64.000 ' 162.000 Corn, buahola 124.000. . 87.000 Oats, bushels .:.... . r. .. .'. :3J0.OO0 "440;0OO Rye. bushels 5.000 0,000 Barley, bushels 32.000 .'3,000 . Chicago Grain Gossip. " F. G.' Logan's grain letter to. R. W. McKlnnon & Co.. says: . . Liverpool was d higher. There was a- further effort .this morning, to advance, the price by local buying; and considera ble Inclination early, to cover shorts on fears of frost In tho Southwest tonight. Efforts to realize at the advance, how ever, found the market without adequate support, and the price rapidly declined a cent a bushel. Sy"e still see. nothing de cidedly bullish In the situation In wheat There Is still considerable1 May wheat held by scattered .holders, elevator, peo ple ore pot changing to any considerable extent, and we are Inclined to think that the carrying charges into July will In crease. " Available Grain Supplies. NEW ' YORK, April -16 Special cable and telegraphic. communications tQ Brad street's show the following' changes In available supplies, as compared' with" the last account': Wheat United States ahd'Cdrtada; east of Rockies,- .decreased 3,912,000 . bushels; afloat for and In. Europe Increased 800,000 bushels; "total" supply decreased' 3,112,000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1,143,000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased 34,000 bushels. Pacific stocks decreased 211,000 bushels last week. - . New York Grain and. Produce. NEW YORK, April 16. Flour Receipts, 26,029 barrels; exp6rts, 4467 barrels. Mar ket firm and more active. Wheat Receipts, 37,050 bushels; spot steady; No. 2 red, 79c f. o. b,; 76c ele vator. Options opened firm, and were so all the fore part of the day on export rumors, a general good cash demand West and heavy seaboard 'clearances-. '-They broke sharply and closed easy at c ne.f der cllne. Wool Dull. pope Steady. SA FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCliT April 16. Wool Spring Nevada. ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 1012c; Valley Oregon, 1415c. Fall Mountain lambs. 7Sc; San Joaquin plaln3, 67cr Humboldt and Mendocino, 910c. Hops, crop of 1900. 1520c. Mlllsfuffs Middlings, 5l719.50;- b.ran, 515 5016 50. Hay Wheat, 5913: wheat and oats, 59(fr 12; best barley, -5S 50; alfalfa, 57 009 60; comDressed wheat. SS13 per ton; straw. ,4047c per bale. Potatoes River Burbanks, 3a(g)60c; o.re-, gon Burbanks, 90cCa!51 15; Early Rose, 85c 51; sweet, 5O60c. Onions 52 E03 25. Vegetables Green peas, llc; string beans, 47c per pound; asparagus, 51 50(g) 1 75 per box. Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 50c; choice, 52; navel oranges, 75c52 per box; Mexican limes, 54 EOfg'S. Bannas 51 503 00 per bunch. Pineapples 53 504 50 per dozen. Green fruits Apples, choice, 51 50 per box; common, 51 00 per box. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 9llc; do hens, 1213c per pound; old roosters. 53 50 4 00 per dozen; young roosters, 56 507 50; fryers, 55 005 50; hens, 53 504 50 per doz en; small broilers, 52 002 50; large do, 53 504 00; old ducks, 55 006 00; geese, 51 5051 75 per pair. Eggs Store, 13c; ranch, 15c. Cheese California, " full cream, 9C Young America, 10c; Eastern. 1416c Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 12,960; wheat, centals, 69,665. barley, centals, 6370; potatoes, sacks, 1900; Oregon, 250 sacks; bran, sacks, 3240; middlings, sacks, 400; hay, tons, 471; wool, bales, 396; hides, 537. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, April 16. Cattle Receipts, 3000. Generally steady; good to prime steers, 55 006 00; poor to medium, 53 90 4 95; stockers and feeders, 52 754 75; cows, 52 754 60; heifers, 52 804 75; canners, 52 102 75; bulls, 52 804 50; calves, 53 75 6 25; Texas fed steers, 54 255 35; grassers, 53 504 00; bulls, 52 753 90. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomorrow, estimated, 23,000; left over, 3000. Weak; top, 56 20; mixed and butchers', 55 85 6 12; good to choice heavy, 56 0O6 20i rough heavy, 55 855 95; light, 55 S56 05; bulk of sales, 55 956 10. Sheep Receipts, 7000; lambs, slow; shorn lambs up to 55 15; good to choice WBthers, 54 755 00; fair to choice mixed. 54 50 4 75; Western sheep, 54 755 00; yearlings, 54 755 00; native lambs, 54 755 35; West ern lambs, 55 005 35. OMAHA. April 16.-Cattle Receipts, 4200; market, slow to 5c lower. Native beef steers, 54 155 50; Western steers, 54 00 4 80; Texas steers, 53 254 25; cows and heifers'. 53 304 50; canners. 51 753 25; stockers and feeders, 53 254 60; calves, 53 S07 00; bulls and stags, 52 804 20. Hogs Receipts, 10,900; market, 510j lower. Heavy, 55 956 00; mixed, 55 92 5 95; light, 55 905 92; bulk of sales, 55 92 5 95. Sheep Receipts, 10,200; market, steady. Fair to choice yearlings, 54 604 90; fair to choice wethers, 54 254 65; common and choice sheep, 53 753 90; Iambs, 54 505 10. KANSAS CITY, April 16. Cattle-Receipts 10,000; market steady; Texas steers, 54 355; Texas cows, 52 754 25; native steers, 54 605 45; native cows and heifers, 53 254 65; stockers and feeders, 53 804 80; bulls, 53 254 50. Hogs Receipts 20.000; market 57c lower; bulk of sales, 55 956 05; heavy, 56 056 15; packers, 55 956 05; mixed, 55 90 6 05; lights, 55 756; Yorkers, 55 655 95; pigs, 54 705 60. Sheep Receipts 6000; market strong; lambs, 54 905 10; muttons, 53 904 90. Boston "Wool Market. BOSTON. April 16. Business has been slower in the wool market here, this week, Downirig, Hopkins & Go. ESTABLISHED 1808. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4; Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce but prices remain steady. Dealers are un der the impression that, although tho market Is not ready to advance prices, yet the outlok is bright. Territory wools continue to meet with most attention. Fine medjum and fine, scoured, staple-in. Is quoted at 4143c, and "the strictly sta ple ar'icle calls for 4445c. Quotations: Territory, scoured basis, Montana, fine medium and fine, 1415c; scoured, 4243c; staple, 4546c; Utah, Wyoming and Ida ho iflne medium and fine, 1214c; scoured, 4042c; staple, 4445c Australian scoured basis, spot "prices, combing, superfine, nominal, 6870c; good. 6465c; average, 6063c ' The Metal Markets. NEW YORK, April 16. The downward course of lead In London was unabated today, prices having further declined 3s 9d to 12 2a 6d, touching the. lowest; fig ure lin Tyears. Thje!jrsent" cause "attrib uted -to the weakness is the heavy ship ments from' this country New York alone 'shlpped'-4200 tons abroad since the ftr&t of April.- Lead ,1a local olrcjes, -hjjwever, remains, Inactive apd unchanged at 54. 37. There was' a syiripatlretlb ' rise of .about 15.nplnts.njblg figures 'for tin today. Prices took another- move upward In LonSbn; tradlrig, nevertheless, was very slow, and our market closed firm but quiet at 526 0026 50. At "London the" close was firm at 117 27s Cd-for spot and 114 53 for futures. Although a steady undertone -was prevalent in :oppe, prices werVinore or. less, nominal owing tq4 he; ajbsence of bVslh'essf with closing basis at 517 00 for LakeySuperlor and '516 63; for 'casting and -aeclrolytlc. In ', Edndonan' advance of lOanvas noted, 'making-'spot '70 17s 6d and futures 71 63 r, x . r . Spelter ruled "quiet land ab"6ut steady at v3fiOS95; domestic iron, '.markets were without important features, but continued 'steady. Glas'gbw 'varrarifs 'closeaqulet on the. basis of, 54s 3d," and'Mlddlesboro at 45a 3d.-- ''"" V ' '- " Bar silver, "58Co - .'"-' - san francisco; April 16. Bar silver, 59c. , , I . ' LONDON April 16. Bar silver," 271-16d. ; -GonTee -and- Sugar. NEW YORK, April 16 Coffee Options closed quiet, with prices net unchanged to 5 points lower.; sales, 29,000 bags, Includ ing May,. 55 305 35; July, 55.50; August, 55 60. Spot Rio dull; No. 7 Invoice, 6c. Mild, steady; Cordova, S(12c. Sugar" Raw strong; fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 3-324c; refined firm., , . Cotton at -Nerr Yorlc- - , NEW .Y.ORK. April 16 A firm vopenlng. with prices 51Q points higher, resulted from an unexpected show of strength abroad. The market closed quiet and unchanged to 3 points higher. DAILY OITY STATISTICS. Marriage License'. Peter Kronenberg, 27; Lizzie Moll, 24. Arthur W. Grant, 22; Mary A. Moll, 22. R. H. Schwab, Jr.; Delia M. Dearborn, 23. , Lachlan McGregor, 45; May Heath, 27. Bnildlnjsr Permiti. Mrs, William. A. Storey, two-story dwelling; Twenty-fourth street, between (Vaughn and Upshur; 53500. Death Returns. April '15 Maggie Nelson, 2 years, 1061 Maryland avenue; chronic hydrocephalus. April 14 Thomas P. Kelly, 43 years, St Vincent's hospital; paralysis. April 13 William A. Crawson,i58 years,, 624 Guilds avenue: tuberculosis. April 14 W. Rasalsky, 62 years, St. Vin cent's hospital; heart disease. Contagious Disease. Porvlne Lachmond,,312 Clay street, scar let fever. - ..v Louis Brannor, 634 FirsU$treet, scarlet p fever.' , i - - .' t Chlld.-of 'Andrew Miller,- 564 Mill street, typhoid Tever. '- ' ChaTles Glle", -EastSixth - and Belmont streets, ""smallpox. V tl " James Whitehead, from steamer Modoc, taken to pesthpuse, smallpox. Fourteen case's measles. It'enl jGsta'ie Transfers. Sheriff, for W. B. Wallace, to P. H. - Moxlay,' lot 5.- block 7,Subdlvislon Proebstel's Addition. April 16 5 22 PeterFarlnella to.tClmone Camlllo, 50x100, block 72, Caruthers' Ad dition. April 2 627 J. R. N. Sellwoad et ux. to Sarah .Howatson, lot 8, block 65, Steph ens' Addition, April 16 1,000 Joseph Simon to Fulton Park Land Co.. block 22, and lots 1 to 8 in- elusive, block 23, Pulton Park, March 27 1 The Hawthorne estate to Charles E. Mace, lot 8( block 23, Haw thorne's First Addition, April 15.... 350 Mattle and John D. Zumwalt to A. B. Nunn, lot 5, block 9, Kenllworth, April 15 1 Southwest Portland Real Estate Co. to Joseph Simon, block 29, Fulton Park,' December 31. 1897 1 C. P. Hogue and wife et al to Pa cific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust 'Co., 277x8S8, Vancouver ave nue and Wendel and Jane Pro ebstel D. L. C. April 4 ...., 10.840 Dudley and Nellie Evans to August Biedeman. lot 14, bjpek. 1. Evans' Addition, April 5 400 D. M. Donaugh, to J. M. Nickum, lot 4, block 70. Sell wood, April 9.... 150 William Frazler and wife to J. M. Nickum, lots 7 and 8, block 77. Sell- ' wood. April 13 , 225 The Hawthorne estate to Carrie E. Moreland, east half of lots 7 and 8, block 295, Hawthorne Park. April 15 1.-100 Alice A. Orchard to S. B Johnston, Undivided quarter or NE. of sec tion 14, T. 2 N., R. 2 W.. April 16.. i. 100 Portland Trust Co. to Gertrude H. Shepard, 50x100, Everett and Twenty-first streets, April 15... 3,500 A. B. Manley to Jefferson Miller, lots 1 and 2, block 25. April 13 600 William Irle et ux. to Hannah L. McKInley, lot 63, Peninsular Ad dition, "No. 4, October 12; 1900 275 Florence E. Cutts to John M. Cress, lot 23. block 2, Cloverdaje Tract; lotsl, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block.3, Men lo Park, January 11 1 Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Co.. A. B. Manley secy.; W. Y. Masters atty. Abstracts, trusts. tltle insurance, loans, 204-5-6-7 Falling Ijldg,, 3d and Wash. Pain from Indigestion.- dyspepsia ' and too hearty eating is relieved at onc&-by taking one of Carter's .Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. JUk ;oar drssstit for j i no cannot aupiuy mo n.utvisL. accent no other, but send stamp for Il lustrated book Mslrd.lt elves full partirnlars nnd dlrerilon In. 593 Mission St., San Francisco 'iM.iri MOrmOIl BlshODS1 PHIS Church -ad taeir ibiuiwrn. l'oiuciy of lelf.-ouse, cuupuoa. ncesies. or oTjrani. SUmnUtes the brain ana ntrve centers, soc a .dot. or wonejr refunded, with 6 boxes, Circulars free. AdtfreSSj ' S:- Even Woman 5'viMmk fa Inler'eftcdtmd should know fdVrWvJMlll- i about tho wonderful ffi.sMSMn MARVEL Whir linaSprcv ftWr?iThe New Ladles' Syringe 'ygCffJK-. Be3t Safest.-Most gggl1 lW Aaj Convenient. ,WS:r v V rW?;;i.,..ffl OWtyr "A WEAK BODY" Says Dr. Bennett, the Electrical Au thority, "A Clouded Intellect and a Vigrorless System Indicate the Weak Mun or Woman" Such Per sons Are Totally Unfit to Occupy Their Proper Sphere in Life They Cannot Succeed Because Their Am bition, Energy and Nerve Force Have Forsaken Them The Doctor Guarantees Ills Electric Belt to Cure Every Form of "Weakness In Either Sex If It Falls It Does Not Cost Yon a Cent Get the Doctor's Book on Electricity It Is Free and Will Interest You. How can .a Weak man succeed In this on-rushlng time of advanced civilization? rie has no ambition, no energy. The Nerve Weakness Is drawing the very Life itself from his frame. He has no nerver no con fidence. His humiliat ing position in the so cial life of his fellow men Is doubly real istic to him. I tell you, and I am hon est with you, that there is not a drug known to science which will have the least effect upon these Weaknesses. Nature neverlntended a man's stomach as a recepta cle for strong drugs; If you persist In their use. you will totally destroy your stomach. ELECTRICITY, When the right current Is applied In the right manner. will cure every phase or guise of Weakness in either sex. When you are Weak, Nervous and Vlgorless, when you have not that Vitality which makes MEN, the Electricity Is fast dying out of your system, and .before you can become a BETTER MAN you must have It supplied. I have Invented a method of applying Electricity which will not fall. Llfo means two things to you: Health, hap piness and success; or shattered health, gloomy thoughts, despondency and a humili ating -conscience of weakness, which Is a bar rier to succesH. To which class do you be long? If to the latter. I offer you a good, sound, robust health and vitality. My Etectrlc Belt will cure you. Tou take no chances r the cure Is guaranteed. If my Electric Belt fails to cure you (which 13 not at alt likely), It shall not cost you a cent. Could any offer be fairer than thU? It should give you hope. If ou have an old-style belt which burns and blisters, or which srives no current, or which Is burned out and cannot be renewed, send It to me as half-payment of one of mine. Head my hook on electricity. Free to every one. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Is no experiment. It Is the result of years of study upon my part. You must not confound It with tho many so-called electric belts now being ofTered the public. There are no elec tric, belts "Just as good" is mine, for there are none like it. It has soft, silken, chamols coered sponge electrodes, which do not burn and blister as do the bare metal electrodes used on other makes of belts. My Belt can be renewed when burned out for only 73c; when others burn out they are worthless. Abso lutely guaranteed to cure Varicocele and all Weaknesses In either sex; restore Lost Vigor and Vitality, check Losses, cure Rheumatism In ciery form. Kidney, 1.1'er and Bladder Troubles. Constipation. Stomach Disorders. Lame Back, all Female complaints, etc. Jiy New Electrical Suspensory for the perfect cum of all Weaknesses of men free to ati mate pa tients. Write todav. I want to give or send my book. "The Flndlns of the Fountain of Eter nal Youth," to every one, because every one should read It. Advice without cost. Sold only by DR. BEXXETT Electric Belt Co. 8 to 11 Union Block, Denver, Colo. D3?. OSSOSSSASM'S For the Cur of Gonorrhoea. Glrcts, btrlctnr-. nnil unulngou complulnts or the Orscn-n r Generation. Price SI bottle. For sale by drugs-its. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ORTHERJJJI Tlclwt Ofiict. 122'Third 5t ' Phone (580 LEAVE The Fler, dally to and from St. Paul. Mlnne- ARRIVE No. 3 7.00 A. if No. 4 r lapoua,, JJuiuin, i-uitHfcu G.00 P. M. jand all points East. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepern, Dining and Butfet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE iTEAMSHIP TOSA MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About April 29th Record Voyage 6 Data, 7 Hours, 22 Minutes, BOSTON ta LIVERPOOL via QUNSTQWH New England. Twin Screw. 11.600. April 24 Commonwealth. Twin Screw. 13.000. May 8 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL via QUEE1ST0WI Vancouver May 18 Dominion ....Apr. 27 Cambroman ...May 41 Vancouver June 22 THOMAS COOK & SON, P. C Gen'l Atenti, 621 Market St., San Francisco, CaL NORTHERN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. FOR Vladivostock and Port Arthur CALLING AT TIEN TSIN, WEI HEI WEI. KIAO-CHOU AND CHEEFOO IF INDUCE MENT OFFERS. Following SS. Braemar. S3. Queen Adelaide will be dispatched from Tacoma about May 8. For rates and space reservations apply to DODWELL & CO.. LTD.. General Agents. 252 Oak st. ocsm.sis: SS. VENTUR'a. for Honolulu. Samoa. New Zealand and Australia Wednesday, April 17, 0 P". M, SS. MARIPOSA (Honolulu only) Saturday, April 27. 2 P. M. J.D.SPHECKEES cBHQS.CO .Genera! Apis. 327 KarhtSt Gen'l Passsn9rQffa, 643 ilirkat SL, Fhr Su. 7. PaciScSt WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock). Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaws As toria every night at 7 o'clock., except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 331. Columbia phone 331. Steamers Altooa and Pomona Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence. Salem and all way Inndlngs. Leave Portland C:45 A. M.; leave Salem 8 A. M.: Independence. 7 A. M- nniM and dock, foot Tavlor sL tnrra-gji1 Iwe been la uu over so jeara by the leader ottna Mormoa curcj the worst ques it old and jrounz amlnsr. ironx ecccu cigirette-sajoiun.-. cures F-OCt mannpoa, im- a Lfina rr cnnni of oia- urNSH chnrcro. StODO l)f aeus are Imms-taM. BjMffll IrapartTrigcr -ana i.teicy to . cure U at hand. KTJt3 Renore small, undereloped o mr jj 50 dj mau. ATOnmpiii,iuuua BlohO? Remedy C0.3 8an FrandSCOj Col. raft TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OEGOff UNBONPACIHC' AND Union Depot, Slxtn anil J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL." Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at UsOO A. M.; arrives at 4.20 P. M. SPOICANE FLYER. For Spokane. Eastern Wo-hlntfton. and Great Northern points, leaves itt d f. X; arrive- at 7 A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:00 P. M.; arrives at 8.10 A. M. THKOUGH PULLMAN AND TOURI3X SLEEPERS. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. Water lines schedule subject to cnano with out notice. OCEAN DIVISION From Portland, Icv Alnsworta Docit at a. P. M.; sail every 3 days. Steamer Elder sails April 2, 1-'. 22. bteamcr Columbia sails April 7. 17, 27. From San Francisco Sail every 3 "IX3 Leave Spear-street Pier 24 at 11 A. M-: Steamer Columbia sails April 3, 13. 23. steam er Elder sails April 8, 18, 23. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hasaalo leaves Portland dally. - cept Sunday at 8,00 P. M.. on Saturday at 10.00 P. M. Returning, leaves A-toua dally. except Sunday, at 7.00 A. M. "WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Independence and way points, leaves from Ash-street Dock at l A- M. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Returning, leaves Independence at 0 A. M. and Salem at tf A. M.. on Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays. CORVALLIS AND ALBANT. Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at 0 A. M. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Re turning, leaves Corvallls at 0 A. M. on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. YA3IEILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DATfTON. OR. Steamer Elmorev tar Oregon City. Buttevllle. Champoeg. Dayton and way landings, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Suturdaja at 7 A. M. Leaves Dayton for Portland ana way points Mondays. "Wednesdays and Fridays at e A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH., AND LEWI3TON, IDAHO Steamers leave Rlparla at 3:4,0 A. M. dally, arriving at Lewlston about 3 P. M. Returning, leave Lewlston at 8:30 A. M.. arriving at Rl parla samo evening. A. L. CRAIu. Qeneral Passenger Agent. CITY TICKET OFFICE S54 "Washlnsrton St.. Corner Third. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila, Pdrt Ar thur and Vladivostock. SS. INDRAVELLI SAILS ABOUT APRIL 20. For rates and full Information call on or address officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. CAul via SOUTH Depot Fifth and I Street. Leave Arrive OV'ERLANJ EX PKESS TRAI.NS. for Salem. Rose bunr. Ashland Sac 8:30 P. ST. 7:45 A. M. ra m e n to. Ogden, San .Francisco. Aio Jave. Los Angeles. El Paso, New Or leans and the East. At W" o o d b urn (daily except Sun day), morning train connects1 with train for Mt. Angel. SU v e rt o s, Browns vllle. Sprlngfl eld. an.d Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and Sll verton. ' Albany passenger.... Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger.. 8:30 A. M. 7:20 P.M. 4:00 P. M. I7:30 A. M. H4.80 P.M. 10:10 A. M. H5.B0 P. M. 118-25 A. M. 1 Dally. UDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second, class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern polnta and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU" anil AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B-. KiRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third atroat. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 0:40 A. M.j, !"0 1 3.25. 4:40. 0:25. 8.30. ll.JO P. M.2 and 0 00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive ac Portland dally at 8:J5. 8:30. 10 50 A. M.; 1-35 8:10. 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10 00 P. M.: 12.40 A. M. dally, except Monday, 8.Ju and 10.00 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 5-05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrllo Man days Wednesdays and Fridays ar 3.5tf P. M. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and" Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Qen. Frt. Sc Pass. Agt, CAPE NOME DIRECT PACD7IC CLIPPER LINE will dispatch; tho elegant, now S. S. Nome City SAILING FROM SEATTLE APRIL 27. 100L. Finest wooden steamship on the Paolflc: steam heat and electric lights In every room; will bo sheathed with iron bark to work her way through tho Ice. Reservations now being made by F. P. BAUMGARTNER. Agent. Couch-street Dock. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES "B"?if"ilIHltt ARRIVES A fll-VlB. For Maygers, ualnier, Clatskanla. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War ren ton. Flavat. Ham mond, Fort Stevect. Gearbart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore Express. . Dally. Astoria Exprizo. r.iy. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 3:40 JEVM. Ticket office 255- Morrison st. and Union Depot. J C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Or. Pacific Goast Steamship Co, FOR ALASKA. The Company's steamships COTTAGE CITY, SENATOR. STATE OF CAL, AL-KI and CITY OF TUPEKA leave TACOMA 11 A. M.f SEAT TLE U P. M . Apr 5. 10, 15. 20. 25. 30, May 3, IV. 15. 20, 25. AO, June 4. Stenmr leavej every nrth day thereafter. For further Information obtain folder. The Company reserves the right t changs steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AUEN1S N. POS'lON, 240 Washington st. Portland. Or. F. W CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock, Tacoma: TUJcet Office. 018 First ave.. Beattle. M. TALBOT. Coram I Agt.. CW. MIL LER. Asst. Gen'l Aft. Ocean IJock. Seattlo: GOOOAT.L. PERKINS It CO.. Gen'l Agent1, 8 an Francisco. ( 8UH5ET -Tl Mv -