2 10r sga " -"r mQm vP- W - V HBHARY, UtWtW Wttmtm - Oregon. VOL. XLL NO. 12,587. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL fcj 1901. flpft ; fi PRICE FIVE CENTS. Mdm TVHITE US BEFORE PLACING TOUR ORDERS FOR RUBBER BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE CRACK-PROOF, SNAG-PROOF MINING BOOTS. Rubber and 0!I-CIothmg, Boots and Shoes. HEADQUARTERS FOR AT.Tt XtNDS O F RUBBER GOODS. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE. President. IT. M. SHEEARD, JZU. Treasnrsr. J. A. SHEPARD. Secretary. The Celebrated haw's OVERHOLT M WHISKEY m America's ORIGINAL Malt WHISKY Without a Rival Today UFfiatier & HOCII, IOS and HO f ourtft Street Sol Distributers for Ora SHaWS Bl arm Air Furnaces Steel Ranges, Steam Heating Boilers, Hot Water Heating Boilers and Heating Supplies w. q. Mcpherson HOTEL PERKINS Fifth end Washington Sts. . . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single 75e to J1.G0 per flsy First-Class Check Restaurant Rooms Double JLOO to 52.00 per day Connected "With Hotel. Rooms Family. Zjl.50 to $3.00 per day J.KDAVIES,rrej, St Charles note! CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS , PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. Dahlias, Gladiolas All the new varieties wmie trie assortment Garden Hose All grades at all prices. Also, a complete line of Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, etc Every thing for the garden. BUELL LAMBERSOIN'S SONS ISO FRONT STREET, CORNER YAMHILL lyr Surrey Display tws wed will interest you in variety, style and quality. It has never been equaled on the coast, and the prices are lower than is askecj elsewhere for inferior goods. Visitors always welcome. CARRIAGES WAGONS. HARNESS ROBES AND WHIPS LARGEST AND BEST IS THE "WEST. HE FARNSWOOT-HERALD TAILORING-CO. New FatHna 'Sulldlng, 248 Washington Street. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. 60 styles of the famous Ban- jiockburn tweeds received and placed on sale today. There Is only one suit of each of the above styles. They are ex clusive and -worth $40.00. As lone as they last at. This means with best linings and work manship; lit guaranteed. $25 Emii Paur and the Pianola The playing of the Pianola In my house last evening was a treat as well as a surprised and I thank you for the entertainment afforded. . . . Nothing of the kind I have heard before can approach it. In the hands of a competent player all the shading, crescendo, as well as modification of tempi, are, remarkably accurate. EMDL PAUR, Conductor, Philharmonic Society, N. Y. M, B. WELLS, Northweit Aent fw the Atolian Cmpiay Ae!in HII, 353-355 Washington Street cr. Park 73-7 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. BOTTLED IN BOND MEDICINALLY PURE BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. Wholesale Distributers PORTLAND OREGON Pure Malt Henling and Ventilating Engineer 47 FIRST STREET it C T. BELCHER, 5oc. nd Tress American plan European plan .... 11.29. $1.00. J1.7B .... 80c. 75e. $1.00 just arrived. Come early is mil. STUDEBAKER 320-338 EAST MORRISON ST. Unclaimed suits, overcoats, trousers and fancy silk vests at less than the cost of making. $ 5.00 unclaimed trousers, small sizes for $1.95 $ 7.50 unclaimed trousers, all sizes, for 3.95 $10.00 unclaimed trousers, all sizes, for 4.95 $12.50 unclaimed trousers, all sizes, for 5.95 IN NINTH CIRCUIT Decisions of Hawaiian Courts Are Not Final. RIGHT TO APPEAL GRANTED Opinion Rendered by Chief Justice Fuller 'in the "Wilder Steam skip Case No Tax on Export Bills of Lading. WASHINGTON, April 15. The United States Supreme Court, through Chief Jus tice Fuller, today issued an order grant ing leave to file a motion for a rule against the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to permit the filing of an appeal in that court from a deci sion of the Supreme Court of Hawaii in the Wilder Steamship Company case. The rule was made returnable May 13. Pre vious to this action, a- Tule was promul gated attaching the Territory of Hawaii to the Ninth Circuit with headquarters at San Francisco. The action of the court in assigning Hawaii to the Ninth Circuit and at the same time issuing a rule to the Circuit Court of Appeals to show cause why it should not take Jurisdiction of an admir alty case originating In Hawaii, Involves an interesting general question relating to our new territorial acquisitions. The application in this case was made by Duane E. Fox, in behalf of the Wilder Steamship Company, of Hawaii, against Hind, Spreckels et al. Under the act of 1S9I, organizing the Circuit Court of Ap peals, It was given jurisdiction,. In ap peals from the Supreme Court of terri tories and the Supreme Court was given authority to assign the territories to the several circuits. But the courts in the Territory of Hawaii were organized by the act of April 30, 1900, on a different basis from other territories, and the same distinction was made as In courts of a state as to writs of error and appeals, and the Supreme Court of the United States made no order assigning the ter ritory. The act also provided that cases pending at the date of the organization of the territory should be carried on to lnal judgment and execution in the corresponding courts of the territory. It also established a district court, having the jurisdiction of United States Circuit and District Courts. The Supreme Court of the territory rendered judgment for 155,000 against the. Wilder Steamship Com pany, and, when the company attempted to appeal, the Circuit Court of Appeals on April 1, 1900, refused to entertain the appeal, holding that the judgment of the territorial court was final. , Tax on Bills of Ladings An opinion 'was handed down in the case of Falrbank vs. the United States. The case involved theppstlUUlonallty ot thewar reveh1ie law Imposing a tax upon export bills of lading. The court decided against the Government, holding that pro vision of the law unconstitutional. The opinion was handed down by Justice Brewer and Justices Harlan, Gray, White and McKenha dissented. The case came to the Supreme Court from the District Court of Minnesota. The decision of that court sustained the validity of the law imposing a tax of 10 cents on export bills of lading, Falrbank being fined $25 for his supposed offense. He is an agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and was convicted of violating the law in March, 1900, the specific charge being that of issuing bills of lading on wheat to be exported to England without attach ing the stamp to them as required by law. The tax was resisted on the ground that It violates the provision of the Con stitution requiring that "no tax or duty should be laid on articles exported to any other state." The substance of the court's decision was embraced in the concluding paragraph, which Is as follows: "We are of opinion that a stamp tax on a foreign bill of lading Is in sub stance and is equivalent to a tax on the articles Included In that bill of lading, and, therefore, a tax or duty on exports and In conflict with the Constitutional pro hibition." The judgment of the District Court was reversed and the case remanded with In structions to grant a new trial. In the course of his opinion, Justice Brewer took cognizance of the contention that If the duty on foreign bills of lading Is not sustained, It. will follow that tonnage taxes and stamp duties on manifests must fail also. "The validity of such taxes Is not be fore us for determination," he said, "and therefore we must decline to express any opinion thereon, and yet it may not be improper to say that 'even if the sug gested result should follow, it furnishes no reason for not recognizing that which in our Judgment Is the true construction of the Constitutional limitation." Justice Harlan delivered the opinion of the dissenting Justices, basing It upon the ground that precedents justify the tax on foreign bills. Justice Brown con curred, only In the result reached by the majority. Motion in Porto Rlcan Case. Charles A. Gardiner, for the New Eng land Tobacco Growers' Association, asked leave to file a motion In the De Lima case, one of the Porto Rlcan -cases which are now pending in the United States Supreme Court. He stated that his brief was in support of the Government con tention of the right to levy a duty . In connection with the commerce between the United States and Porto Rico. He stated at the same time that he had the consent of the opposing counsel to pre sent the document. Mr. Hoyt, repre senting the Government, expressed fear that If the brief should be filed It would call for replies. Mr. Gardiner said he could not understand why the govern ment should object to the filing of the brief, which might save the case for it. The Chief Justice told Gardiner that he could hand his brief to the clerk. The brief makes the following statement as to the new matter introduced: "The New England Tobacco Growers Association represents more than three In dividuals and corporations engaged in the cultivation, manufacture and sale of to bacco In the New England States. This industry is purely dependent upon the maintenance, of existing tariff legislation. A decision of this court averse to the constitutionality of Import duties upon our colonial products would subject the Intervenor to disastrous competition "and serious financial loss. So also it ould injure numerous other domestic tobacco interests which, equally with the Inter venor, would be adversely affected by free trade with Porto Rico and the Phil ippines." The chief, point of the brief is that the Insular question is wholly one to be dealt with the political agencies of. the Gov ernment and that the judicial branch has no authority over it. The principles of the brief are summarized as follows: "First The United States Is a sovereign nation. It possesses all the National pow ers enumerated In the constitution and all the unenumerated powers reserved to the people. These aggregate all the powers of the most potent sovereignty and the National Government can exercise them all unless expressly prohibited by the Con stitution. "Second The sovereign power of the Nation Is exercised through the legisla tive, executive and judicial departments of the national government. Political questions "belong to the legislative and executive department; judicial questions of 'the National Government. Political questions are not subject to the jurisdic tion of this court. "Third The acquisition of Porto Rico and the Philippines, the mode and extent thereof, the delimitation of the bound aries of the United States, the disposition and government of the islands and 'their Inhabitants these and all similar ques tions in the cases at bar are political and not judicial and, therefore, not within the Jurisdiction of this court. "Fourth The Constitution does not ex tend to Porto Rico and the Philippines; nor becomes applicable to- the government thereof, proprio vigore. Specific action by the political department o the National Government Is necessary to make ap plicable to the government of the islands either the Constitution, as a whole or any of Its clauses. "Fifth Porto Rico and the Philippines are not integral parts of the United States within the meaning of the uniform tariff clause, Article 11, Section 8 of the Constitution. "Sixth Porto Rico and he Philippines, not being integral parts of the United States and the uniform clause tariff not being applicable thereto, it follows that special tariff laws, Including the Porto RIcan act, may be enacted and are con stitutional. "Seventh For these reasons, as well as for those urged by the learned Attorney General and the learned Solicitor-General, the judgments and orders appealed from should be affirmed.'' An application was made in behalf of the American Sugar Refining Company for leave to file a petition- for a writ of mandamus or a writ of certiorari as to the construction of the law concerning the classification of sugars imported by that company. The question involved is the' validity o regulations of the Treas ury Department regarding the testing of imported sugar by the polariscope. The regulations to whioh the sugar- company takes exception In effect require the of ficial making the polarlscoplc test to make an arbitrary addition to the reading actu ally indicated by the Instrument of .03 de gree for each degree centigrade by which the temperature at which the reading is taken exceeds the temperature, usually 17.5 degrees centigrade, at which the polar iscope is standardized. It is claimed that the result upon the exportation of the company has been to increase very greatly the amount of duties annually paid by it Validity of Divorce Decrees. The court decided a number of cases lnvolv!ngthe validity in one state of di vorce decrees granted In 'another. 'The court held practically that In cases in which the decree is granted " in ' states whore the husband and wife have made their legal residence, it Is 'valid In any part of the Unite'd States, but that in oth er, cases in which there is no egal resi dence in the state in which the decree is granted, It is invalid. The opinions were handed down "by Justice Gray, and in volved the cases of Atherton vs. Atherton, Bell vs.vBau,L4Mid StrciiwW vBiStfciJ In thfe Atherton case, the husband ob tained a decree of divorce In the State. of. t Kentucky, where they had resided as hus'n Dana anu-wue, aner me wne naa leu the husband and gone to the home of her parents, in Clinton, N. Y. In his opinion, Justice Gray called attention to and laid stress upon the fact that Kentucky was the place of their marital residence, and he also brought out the fact that notices of the husband's petition for divorce had been forwarded to New York, and that she made no response. The Kentucky court thereupon had granted the decree. The question Involved was, he said, whetn er the decree was valid In New York, the question having been raised by a coun ter proceeding of the wife for divorco in New York. He concluded that, owing to the fact of her former residence In Ken tucky and the fact that due notice hao. been given her, Mrs. Atherton was as much bound by the Kentucky decree as If she had been present In the court when It was granted. Hence, the decision or the New York Supreme Court, In favor of the wife, and against the validity of the Kentucky decree, was reversed. The other two cases also came from, Nevr York. In the Bell case, the ques tion of the validity of a decree granted to the husband in Pennsylvania was ralsod and in the Strelwolf case the same question was raised concerning a decree granted to the husband In North Dakota. In both these cases the decrees were held to be invalid, because neither the husband nor the wife had domiciled In the state In which the divorce was granted. In those cases, the findings of the New Ydrk" courts were affirmed. In the Atherton case, Justice Peckham dissented on the ground that the husband had been himself responsible for the wife's change of resi dence. Newspaper and Telegraph. The case of the Western Union Tele graph Company vs. the Call Publishing Company, of Lincoln, Neb"., was decided in favor of the newspaper, Justice Brewer delivering the opinion. The Call Is a Lin coln newspaper, and the suit was based upon the allegation that the telegraph company had discriminated against it In the matter of tolls in favoc of the Lin coln Journal. Today's opinion affirmed the opinion of the Nebraska Supreme Court. It was alleged on behalf of the Call that, while that paper was taxed at the rate of ?5 per 100 words, the Journal was required to pay only $1 50 per 100 words. The telegraph company contend ed that Us services to the Call company were a matter of Interstate commerce, subject to regulation only by Congress, and not by state or by common law, and that, as Congress had taken no action, the telegraph company would not be re strained. In handing down the opinion of the court. Justice Brewer asked: "Can it be right that the great multi tude of interstate commercial transac tions are freed from the burdens incurred by the confmon law as so defined and are subject to no rule except that to be found in the statutes of Congress? We are clear ly of the opinion that this cannot be so, and that the principles of the common law are operative u'pon all Interstate commercial transactions, except so far as they are modified by Congressional en actment." Other Cases. The Solicitor-General has not yet filed his brief in the case of the application of Captain O. M. Carter, to be admitted to ball. His delay in the matter Is under stood to be due to an- Investigation into Carter's physical condition, rendered necessary by the allegation made In be half of Carter that his health Is Impaired. The court affirmed the decision of the Court of Private Land Claims in the case involving the validity of La Estencla land grant of New Mexico. The decision below was. In favor of the United States and against the claimants, Joel Parker Whitney and others. Today's opinion up held that judgment on the ground that the validity of the grant had not been shown. The grant contains 415,000 acres. The court granted the motion . to ad vance the hearing In the case of the Rio Grande dam, and set it for the third Mon day In the next term. THE NEW CARDINALS Martinelli and Eleven Others Were Appointed AT A SECRET CONSISTORY The Pope Deplored the Antagonism Toward the Church Manifested in Many Parts of Eu : rope. ROME, April 15. At the consistory held today. Archbishop Martinelli, the papal delegate In the United States, was pre conlzed a cardinal. Eleven other car dinals wore created. The names of the THE NEW AMERICAN CARDINAL. a " i u i i.i i asassssmamsssmaaBBsssssmamssssssi , . , .. ., : SEBASTIAN MARTNEM!, PA'PAL-DELEGATE. jtMth3-tv-i - -w other new cardinals are as follows: Mgr. Ft;ipeti, .Met Cabaglnls, Mgr. San MJn' iafellf, Mgr'.-CetiuarTe," Mgr.' "Dellavoliet the "-Archbishop of Benevento: -the Archbishop of Ferrara, the -Archbishop r e' ? Archbishop of Cracow, iue .diojiuj uj. yciuua uuu iuc j-uouujj-ui. Pavia. . -' ' S The consistory today was secret. A public consistory will be held .April 18.,, . The Pope, In his allocution, said sad and dangerous events ?have come, to pass and were -becoming more serious and spreading from one part pf Europe to an other. Several states, widely separated, but united by an identical desire, had entered into open war against religion. The campaign was directed against the religious congregations in'order to destroy them gradually. Neither commoa law nor equity nor the protests of the congrega tions have prevailed to prevent their des truction. The desire was also manifested to prevent the youth from being edudated by the congregations, of whom many pupils had become illustrious. The pontiff then spoke of the position of the pope, which he said was most shameful and disagreeable. Alluding to the divorce bill drawn up by a socialist deputy of the Italian Cham ber, the Pope said: "To the ancient insults leveled at the church It Is desired to add another, pro faning the sanctity of Christian mar riage and destroying the basis of- dom estic society." The pope deplared the seriousness oj- the present times and foresaw a still graver outlook In the future. He urged society to have recourse to the light of God, and concluded by announcing the appointment of the new cardinals, as already cabled, of whom Mgr. Dellavolie and Mgr. San MlniatelU are reserved In petto. Russian bishops of Mohllow and Luzk were appointed. Cause of the Pope's Sadness. PARIS, April 15. A dispatch from Rome says: 'he pope at today's consistory expressed eat affection at the simultaneous revival In several parts of Europe of hostilities against the church. He also spoke of the sadness of the law against religious as sociations In France, which had not de served such a calamity. The pontiff also dwelt on the inconsistency of a . coun try wliich proclaims liberty for all, while refusing even the existence of associa tions the members of which made a pro fession of practicing the precepts of the gospel. He spoke of the recent tumult uous demonstrations in Spain and Por tugal which had aroused apprehension that even worse events were In store for Italy. The pope then - alluded to the painful .position in which the papacy was kept, and referred particularly to the divorce bill, which will probably be sub mitted to Parliament. Archbishop of Canada. . MONTREAL. April 15. At a meeting of the Anglican Bishops here toddy. Bishop Bond, of Montreal, was elected archbishop and metropolitan of Canada. A PROMOTER SURRENDERED Backer of a Defnnct Banlc Submitted to Arrest. NEW YORK, April 15. The Herald will say tomorrow: "Dr. Grant Lyman, the backer of the defunct banking concern of Joshua Brown & Co., which was fiscal agent for the International Zinc. Company and the' Yu kon Company, Ltd., has submitted him self to arrest in the civil action pentSng against him, and having given bail, is now safely sheltered -In his home. His attorney says that he is ready to "defy his accusers. It was learned yesterday (Monday) that Lyman, who left New York sudenly late last month, had taken a trip to Europe. He was summoned by a ca ble message to return, and he got back here last Thursday. Mr. Lyman and his attorney went to the Sheriff's office and asked what papers against the promoter were being held here. They were told that there was one civil order of arrest in a $25,500 suit brought by Charles W. F. Stewart, and the Lawyers' Security Company promptly furnished a $1250 bond for Lyman, and he was legally set at liberty." HEAVY LOSSES OF STOCK. Many Cattle and Sheep Perished In the Blizzard on the Plains. CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 15. It is re ported that the Swan Land & Cattle Com panyq, which ranges large herds of cat tle In Eastern Wyoming and Western Ne braska, has lost upward of 2500 head of cattle during the severe storm of the past 10 days. Some of the animals were driven by the steers over high bluffs and others were smothered In snow drifts. Jack.Edwards, a large owner of sheep In Wyoming and Oregon, lost 7000 head of sheep near Kimball, Neb., out of a band of 14,000. The animals were on the lamb ing beds when the storm came up. The storm Is still In progress, and many cat tlemen will be ruined. MOUNT PLEASANT, Utah, April 15. Word is brought here from the shearing corrals on the west desert that Peter ' - " - Thompson, of Ephraim, had., sheared his baryi of.J200-head ofsheep before the last snowstorm, and the cold coming up immediately after they were turned loose, 2200 head of them were lost. They sep arated 4.as soon as turned loose, and the above number were lost or perished. Mall. Carrier Lost In the Storm. - OMAHA, Neb., April 15. Specials to the WorldHerald from Cheyenne, Wyo., and other points West say that In the blizzard now raging railroad traffic has not yet been Impeded, but as the unow Is drifting, blockades may yet occur. W. D. Werner, a star route mall carrier between Wheatland and Phillips, Wyo, became lost in the storm on the plains a week ago and wandered for three days without food. When found he was snow fillnd and almost famished. John Gillespie, who carries mail from Cheyenne to Horso Creek. Wyo., became lost last Thursday and did not return to Cheyenne until Sun day. He was obliged to abandon his mall car and horse, and for two days and nights wandered aimlessly about the plains, until found by some sheep herd ers. A disastrous train wreck occurred this morning as a result of the storm about 15 miles west of Cheyenne on the Union Pacific. An east-bound light engine and a Pacific Coast fast freight struck head-on. the freight being a double-header. All three engines were demolished, but the crews were uninjured, having Jumped in timcto escape. Traffic was delayed seven hours. THE LARGEST CLASS. Two Hundred Masons "Will Receive the Scottish Rite Defirree Today. WICHITA. Kas., April 15. The largest class of candidates for the mysteries of Masonry in the history of the Scotti&h Rite in this country will be given de grees here tomorrow, the special occasion being a twentieth century jubilee. Con gressman James D. Richardson, of Ten nessee, will .preside, assisted by Henry L. Palmer, of Milwaukee, Grand Com mander' of the Supreme Grand Council of the northern jurisdiction. A letter will be read .from President Diaz, of the Republic of Mexico. Distinguished men are arriving from various states, the Col orado delegation being led by Senator Henry M. Teller. The class now con sists of 200 members, and may be aug mented by tomorrow. It is also expect ed that a letter of regret will be read from President McKinley. ARMED QUARANTINE. Row at a Salvation Army Hotel In . Springfield, 111. SPRINGFIELD. 111., April 15. A man who had smallpox at the Salvation Army Hotel, and who had left there several days ago, appeared this afternoon, and when the police captured him and took him to the Salvation Army Hotel, where are quarantined five smallpox patients an! 23 others, the inmates refused to admit the patient, saying the hotel was no pest house. When the Chief of Police, with a force df officers, went to the building, the Inmates threatened to burn It down and make their escape. The police bat tered down a door and placed the patient In the building. Chief Castles then went to the state arsenal and secured a num ber of rifles, with which he armed six patrolmen and stationed them around the hall as guards. The Sunday Performance Case. NEW YORK. April 15. De Wolfe Hop per, Dan Daly and William A. Brady, who were arrested in the Academy of Music last night on a charge of violating the Sunday law. were arraigned today In Police Court before Magistrate Zeller. The magistrate reserved decision. The annual benefit of the Actors Fund, of America, took place last night at the Academy. Mr. Brady, who is theatrical manager, took part In the benefit and Hopper and Daly took part in a burlesque on "Uncle Tom's Cabin." SCANDAL AT MANILA Captain Read,Formeriy Depot Commissary, Arrested. OTHER OFFICERS AREINVOLVED Manager of a Firm of Government Contractor Is. in Jail How Uncle Sam's Money "Wna Squandered. "" MANILA, April 15. The trial ot Com missary Sergeant John Meston, charged, with complicity In the commissary frauds. Is finished. No verdict is announced and Meston'3 conviction is uncertain. Other trials of those implicated will follow. Captain J. C. Read, formerly depot com missary at Manila, has been arrested. It Is alleged that entries upon the books of Evans & Company, government contrac tors,. Indicate that the commissary officers received the following sums: Major George B. .Davis, upwards of $1000, Cap tain J. C. Read, $1000; Captain Frank H. Lawton, $750; B. L. Tremalne. Colonel Woodruffs chief clerk, $700. It also ap pears that Evans & Company furnished the handsome residence of Colonel Wood ruff. Harold M. Pitt, manager of Evans & Company, who Is now under arrest, la notoriously lavish in entertaining com missary officers, while the depot com missary, a frequenter pf the tenderloin dlstriet, occasionally spent days at Pitt's house In questionable society. Pltt'a house is a bacchanalian rendezvous and prominent officers frequently visited It. drinking champagne and playing poker. Women of doubtful reputation are known to have often been there. It Is alleged that Pitt had the Inside track In securing government contracts and It is also as serted that he was the prime mover In the scheme to re-establish cockpits in Ma nila, Mrs. Lara being subsidized In secur ing a cockpit. It Is asserted that the commissary de partment made unauthorized purchases of quantities of champagne. Pitt sold some. In addition to what the transport brought, the commissary imported 200 gallons In February and a like amount In March. The commissary and the com missary sergeant kept private carriages and indulged in other extravagances. Inspection of Philippine Craft. WASHINGTON, April 15. The Inferior condition of manv ot the craft sallfng in Philippine waters has led to arrangements. for an examination in any city ot ina TTnUpri States hftvlncr oostal free delivery of candidates for appointment as inspector of boilers. In the office of the Captain ot "tttePort of Manila. The examination will bo held May 21 by the Civil Service com mission, at the request of the Philippine Civil Service Board. Back of the plans for establishing this omco Ilea an ot ficial desire to avoid any serious aceldonta, for which the Philippine Government might be held responsible. Transport for Manila. SAN FRANCISCO. April 15. Two trans ports sailed for Manila today the Logan and the Thyra. The Logan took a battal ion of the Ninth Cavalry, a battalion ot the Tenth Cavalry, Companies I and M, First Infantry, and the First Battalion of the Eleventh Infantry. The Thyra was to have taken the horso of the Ninth Cavalry, but it was found at the last minute that glanders had broken out among the horses ot the Ninth at the Presidio, and the horses of the Sixth Cav alry, which were brought back by th disabled Arab, were substituted. Memorial to Lawton. INDIANAPOLIS. April 15. Daniel C. French, a sculptor, will receive a com mission from, the Lawton Monument As sociation to construct a memorial to Gen eral Lawton, who died in the Philippines. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Philippines. There are sensational developments in tho Army scandal at Manila. Page 1. The transports Logan and Thyra sailed from San Francisco. Pago 1. Two transports are overdue from Manila. Page 1. Federal Government. The Territory of Hawaii Is made a. part of the Ninth Judicial Circuit. Page 1. President Schurman says the Cubans shouU have civil government. Page 2. Dr. Klnyoun has been transferred from Sanj Francisco to &t Paul. Page 3. Foreign. Archbishop Martinelli becomes a cardinal. Page 1. Kitchener will soon resume active campaign ing. Page 2. There is an unconfirmed rumor in London that the Boers captured French. Page 2, Morgan is not seeking- control ot the British iron market Pago 2. Domestic Minister Wu wants the Chinese negotiations settled. Page 3. The Metal "Workera" Association beginsr its light against the steel combine. Page 3. A banquet was tendered President Tucker, ot Dartmouth College, at aan Franawoo. Page 2. Ripley took the stand in his own defense at Frankfort. Page 5. Pacific Coast. There Is grave doubt as to the constitutional ity of Oregon's new direct primary law. Page 4. Man was murdered while walking up main street of Gem, Idaho. Page 4. Fishing season on Columbia- opened yesterday with more gear in water than ever beforo, on first day. Page 4. Washington County, Oregon, will hold, a street fair and festival at HUlsboro, May 18. Page 4. Commercial. Chicago Board of Trade again has telegraph service. Page 11. New York stock market transactions. Pagetll. Portland market quotations. Page 11. Domestic and foreign commercial quotations. Page, 11. Marine. Great scarcity of deep-water sailors. Page 8. Flour cargo loading for Europe. Page 5. Heavy northwester delays steamers. Page 5l Portland and Vicinity. City & Suburban Railway begins wsrk on Blv- ervlew extension. Page 12. Mrs. H. C Eckenberger dies suddenly of neu ralgia of the heart. Page 12. Postmaster Croasman asks the City Counall for new street signs. Page 8. Residents alone Mount Scott Railway will try to get connection with "Wsuerly braneh ot the City & Suburban. Page 8. About $26,000 has been subscribed toward the $45,000 needed for the Y. M. C A. Page 12.