THE MOBKIKO OKEGONTAy, SATURDAY,' "APRIL" 13, 1901. ALDACE F. WALKER DEAD CHAIRMAN OP THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE SANTA FE." -f GcorffclJ. Canaon, the. Mormon. Apos--2rtle,JDIed at Mohterer Mqn r .tana Banjcer Dead. KEW YORK, April 12 Chairman "Walker, of the Atchison, Topeka & San ta Fe Railroad, died suddenly at his home in this city today of heart disease. His death came suddenly. He had not been feeling well rf or the past two weeks, bat4 wag not"o 111 as to-create any concern J ttUWIlo "ilia lilCUUS (lilli UUiUl. UC .nto to have sailed for Europe today andall arrangements had been made for his de parture. Mr. "Walker leaves a widow and two children. Aldace F. "Walker -was born In "West Jutland, Vt., in l42.-.He was. educated. at Middlesbur, Vt., College, and at the Columbia Law School, after which he served with the Eleventh Vermont Vol unteers in the Civil War, advanc ing to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After the war, Mr. "Walk er practiced law in New York from 1867 to 1S74. when he removed to Rutland, Vt. In 1SS2 he was elected State Senator in Vermont, and from 1887 to lSS9fhe served as a member of the Interstate- Commerce Commission On. -$eay4ng"the; Interstate Commerce Commission;' "Mr "Walker became chairman of; ?he "Western Traffic Association; His oonrifectton with, the Atchison, Topeka &. Santa FeRail-, road began in 1894, when "he -wa appointed receiver of the company's property. 'Af ter the reorganisation" Mr. "Walker was made chairman of the board of, directors. 1 and he retained jus posipon up p me time of his death. " . . GEORGEi O. CANJf 0!C DEAD. The Mormon Apostle Passed Array nt Monterey. MONTEREY, Cal.. A-prl 12.-5ebrge Q. Cannon istleafl. The -end came -early this morning. " Te patient breathed his last without a struggle, He slept considerably yesterday and the fore part of last night. , A bulletin was issued near midnight stat ing that be rested. easy, ana the change for the worse came apparently without forewarning. The "body was shipped to San Francisco this morning to be em balmed and xeshlpped to Salt Lake City, where the interment -will take place. SALT LAKE, April 12. Upon receipt of the news o the death of George Q. Can non today, the flag was naif-masted over President Snow's office and a conference of high church officials was "held to ar range the details for the funeral. It was decided to hold the funeral services in the Tabernacle next "Wednesday noon Spe cial rates will he made by the railroads, and a large attendance is expected from every part of the state. George Q. Cannon was born in Liver pool, England, January 11, 1S27. He came to America in 1M4. and was ordained an elder of the Mormon Church in 1815 In 1846 he Joined the main body ot, the Mor tmons from Nauvoo, HI., on the way to Utah, and reached here in 1847. In IS 19 3ie went to California on missionary work, and in 1850 went to the Sandwich Islands and remained there for four years. In 1855 he established the Western Standard in San Francisco. In 1860 he was made a member of the quorum of the 12 apostles He was a delegate in Congress from 1872 to 1880, and was one of the counselors to the president of the Mormon Church. He was prominently connected with many of the business enterprises of the state. "Weli-Known. Chlcagroan. CHICAGO, April 02. Coionei Francis E Kigby, of trell5knowrCireaJ,eBtate dealer and oneot the charter members of the Union League Club-dieo, -last night of heart failure at Ihet3rand7 Pacific Hotel. He was a naUve".pf?orkfhlre, England, and was 75-years bldr 3$is- estate is va riously estimateo-Atfrom $500,000 to $2,X, 000. . "begin with, the entire railway industry of the United Kingdom Is one gigantic com bination, all rates lielng the same, and the centerof, fiscal management Is thoy clearing-house. Then, in banking,' nearly all tti& small banks have been swallowed up by the big ones. Lloyd's alone having taken in over 40, while Parr's and Bar clay's list Is as numerous. And so in the shipping business. Industrial amalgama tion Is the order of the day. The price of coal Is arrapged also by a trust. ""Turning from these basic instruments of commerce to- industrial trusts, we find about J500.O00.O00 of capital concentrated in some recently formed trusts, while the omer comDinations represent liierauy on lions of dollars. Yes, in England ou will find in all lines of Industrial enterprise the very same trusts as in the United States. Consul Mason recently showed the same of Germany. Concentration of effort and economy,, of production is the tendency of the. times, for it Is only by such methods Jhat the rhal nations can keep up the great commercial conflict." J. P. Morgan in Europe. LONDON; April 12. J. Plerpont Morgan, in an Interview with a London reporter. Is quoted as saying he thought the forma tion of the United States Steel Corpora tion would hae a steadying effect on the British steel market and rather favorable than otherwise. He did not see why the LEPERS AT TENERIFEE ft THERE ARE TWO HUNDRED CASES 1 -ON THE ISLAND. " Plague Patient at Ann Arbor Is Re covering: Smallpox on the Monterey. WASHINGTON, April 12 The existence of about 200 lepers on the Island of Tene rlffe, Canary Islands, has been officially reported here by United States Consul Berliner, of Teneriffe. He says there are three distinct classes of leprosy on Tene riffe Island, namelj, lepra arabum, lep ra elephantiasis and lepra tuberculosis The disease diverges into two main va rieties, the spotted and the nodular. The report is based on personal investigation and assistance of, physicians, and says. "Leprosy Is somewhat epidemic among people here, on account of their eating a good deal of fish, 'often putrid, and their general uncleanllness As being conta gious, it is generally discredited here, but In my opinlor It Is very Infectious In former years Spain had established a col- Privy Councillor Povedonostseff, Procurator-General or the Holy Synod. The trlSl, which, resulted in a, sentence of six j ears' ienal .servitude in Siberia, with loss'bf civil rights, was'held behind closed doors Lagowski, in "his defense, de clared iV was '"Ills' Intention to free Rus sia from the "reactionary influence of the Procurator-General. ' MERELY AN EXPERIMENT . - ' " ' it 7 T - & THE LATE GEORGE Q,. CANNON. A Montana Banker'. DILLON, Mont, April 12 Colonel -Otho Klemm, a- jlon$er banker and. one pf the founders of Dillon, died last night. He was 65 years old, a native of Germany, and had been in America since he was 18 years old. He was a. veteran of the Civil War, having seen service in the artillery branch. General Thomas H. Taylor. LOUISVILLE, Ky.r April 12 General Thomas H. Taylor, who fought In the Mexican and Civil Wars, and who has fceld the office of Chief of Police of Louis ville longer than any other man, died here today of typhoid pneumonia, aged 75. DEPARTMENT STORE TRUST "First Stock Issne Many Times Over Subscribed. NEW YORK. April 12 Announcement Is made that the underwriting syndicate of the Associated Merchants' Company has many times over subscribed the issue of $5,000,000 first preferred stock offered to the public There are unconfirmed re ports that the Associated Merchants' Company is negotiating for a number of other stores in Greater New York be sides those originally mentioned In that -connection. The Journal of Commerce eays: "It has been learned that the scope of the Associated Merchants' Company, which has just been organized by John Claflln and which Messrs J. P. Morgan & Co. are financing, is much wider than at first reported. The businesses that Mr. Olaflin proposes to buy are, it is under stood, among the very highest character in the city. No definite contracts have yet been made, and negotiations have not yet reached a definite stage, but it is j Jaiown that it is Mr. Claflin's idea to se cure, if possible, control of such high class houses as Arnold, Constable & Co , xrd.& Talor (Including both the Broad way and Grand street stores), and Slmp json. Crawford &. Simpson. "Mr. Claflln denied absolutely the story that the land fronting on Sixth avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, belonging to the Astor estate, had been leased by the company, and is to be used for a new fireproof building, 12 stories high. This building, according to the report, is to cost $3,000,000, and is to be used as the Eastern headquarters for ihe business of the combination of the Associated Merchants' Company. "It has been the business policy of the firm, of John Wanamaker to keep clear of combinations, and it is not believed that tangible result will follow the overtures already .made oh behalf of Mr. Claflln. Mr.- Wanemaker, is coitemplatlng the erection uf virtually a duplicate .pf his present s tore on the block Immediately south of his store, and will make con nection by means of a series of hridges and funnels." steel trade should suffer either" in Great Britain or Germany. As to the report that he Intended to placfc trust securities ,i "There is no surplus capital to .give-away. The people on this side are under a mis apprehension. All fhe shares were allot ted long ago. "What we bought we had to pay for." In regard to the stories about a copper combination, Mr. Morgan said he knew nothing. He also said he would meet Mr. Carnegie while In Europe. A Dredging Combination. BUFFALO, N. Y., April 12. The Times today says: "J. A Smith, of the Smith Dredging Company, of Cleveland, O , representing Eastern capitalists, has secured options on the plants of Dunbar & Sullivan. Klngts ton & Woods and the Buffalo Dredging Company, with the ultimate purpose of merging them into a big dredging com bination, which will control all of the dredging work on the Great Lakes. It will have a capital of 510,000.000, and will embrace 25 or 30 of the biggest plants on the lakes." The Smelter Transfer. NEW YORK, April 12. The deed trans ferring the M. Guggenheim Sons' big smelting plant at Perth Amboy to the American Smelting & "Refining Company was filed In the County Clerk's office at New Brunswick, N. J., today. The consid eration named is $100, but the document has $1500 worth of revenue stamps at tached to it. PHILIPPINE POSTAL SERVICE as in TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. Trust as Strong: in Europe America. NEW YORK, April 12. Robert P. Porter, who arrived from London on the De-ntsrh- land, speaking of English trade prospects, j "The principal Industrial talk in Eng land during my present visit centered around the great steel combination which has appalled the British manufacturers However, John. Bull .will do his best to keepjipjwlththekeEnei-'iajmpetitlon. The comment. ha6 taken the. course that such truStsiare bnfy .possible with a high tariff, a somewhat amusing conclusion when one considers how honeycombed free froi England is with combinations of capital as zormiaanie ana strong in controlling trade as any in the United States. To "Unsatisfactory Condition Due to the '- T Form of Accounting:. WASHINGTON, April 12. F. W. Vallle, ex-Dlrector-General of Posts In the Phil ippines, was here today in connection with the statement in the report of Au ditor Lawshee, at Manila, that "the ac counts of the postal service were very unsatisfactory." He had long interviews with Postmaster-General Smith, Assist ant Postmaster-General Shallenberger and Colonel Edwards, of the Insular Division of the War "Department. He explained the methods of accounting In the Islands, and the system generally during his re gime. Under his system, the postofiice expenses were paid from the revenue, the balances being transmitted to the in sular treasury. Last October or Novem ber, in order to make uniform, the ac counting methods, the Philippine Commis sion directed that all gross postal reve nues be turned into the Insular treasury and the expenses paid by checks or war rants on the treasury. Mr. Vallle pointed out Inconveniences In this system, and the commission modified the directions so as to permit the withholding of all money to pay the necessary expenses. Mr. Vallle said that possibly confusion arising from the change in accounting systems in the interregnum between the beginning of the War Department system and the arrival of Mr. Lawshee might have led to Mr Lawshee's statement. This, he said, was the basic trouble, unless something recent had developed of which he knew nothing. Postmaster-General Smith said later that the further the matter had been probed the better showing it gave the service, and it waa wholly a question of form of accounting. Hony at Grand Canary for lepers Tney Iwere. hbused, there, but had perfect liberty, towander- about with the. restriction that 'they -musfci sleep at the h6usesbullt for them. Ini course af timer his IW became a cread lefpiaria'gradually 'they spread over the drnferentVrslandsX "7C Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, the capital, there are 22 lep- ers, 15 of whom are menr.aifd there also are some children, ofjthjas -uf prtunates. They are given a place 'abefiit 15 miles from the City, Hall, wheretjiey live, which Is called Barranco Sarito There are also living at the same place about 200 people, nearly all beggars. You meet them at all time of day In town or on the road, asking alms a,nd exposing their limbs. Many have no fingers or toes and hobble along, and a more pitiable sight Is hard to Imagine. Officially, It Is not recognized that leprosy exists on the Isl ands The provincial government at Teneriffe has lately built a large build ing about two miles out of town The building has two separate wards, one for insane patients and the other for lep ers " r United States Consular Agent Swans ton, Grand Canary Island, in an accom panying report, says tnat leprosy there Is decidedly decreasing ' There are 50 pa tients In the leper hospital at Las Palmas A few families infected with the disease live in their own homes. England's'Reason's for Shotting: Ont American Beef. " LONDON, AprirlF-The British War Office Informs the Associated Press" that it is going to try the experiment of sup plying the army with only nome-grdwn beef. The experiment wllL extend islx months. from iJune" 1. The-1 director- of 'contracts, a Major, said to a represent ative of the Associated Pressr n - "The new rue applies tmly tovrefrlg.-erated-ibeaf, hitherto bought In the open market In London. It will not seriously affect the- American trade,- as the total weekly supply for the army Is only 200,000 pounds, which Isbarely. 2 per cent of the weekly Imports of refrigerated beef Into England from the United States. Mr. Broderlck's "action was taken long before the New 'Orleans proceedings It is ab surd to suppose that any idea of retali ation prdrrfpted the order,' which was duo to a natural desire to help some of the home industries The difference in price IS very trifling, and we are making- that up by giving Tommy Atkins frozen mut ton tvyo days Ipsteatt'of one day weekly. If 'the plan Is satisfactory, our supply nrobtem will be' creatlv ilmnllfled. for '-we often have -complaints and dlsagree- meniB over reingeraxeu oeei. iou must not .suppose" that we now "use ho home"-Ijrown- beef ' Alderghot ana some 'of our other camps are almdsfc entirely supplied with home-grown beef We nave hither to" 'used refrigerated beef" as arV addition to 6ur rations, rather than as" an Inte gral part We haveflno prejudice against American firms, and we do. not believe they "will miss this trade to -any extent, even If It is -'-decided to continue the' ex ?,S . A 4 r, i U ' SPRING DEBILITY No Objection to American Beef. ' WASHINGTON, 'April 12 Among offi cials here there Is no disposition to ac credit the" reason that actuated rhe'hew English pollc'y" lo any dissatisfaction with the Amerlcart meats No objection has been offered "td American beef or beef products on the score of quality or con dition The beef 'shipped frdm this coun try to England 'for the use of the British Army, It is stated, always has been of the beSt'qAmllty -rand "uniformly in prime con dition when delivered and distributed No complaint 'has' been' fnade by the British authorities Secretary Hay has cabled to Ambassador Choate an Inquiry Into the reason for the; order. This ac tion Is taken at the instance of the De partment of Agriculture Secretary Wil son said today that everything the Ad ministration can do In the matter Is be ing done "But I cannot understand," .her said, "why. the, British Government has taken this step They know that our grain-fed "hegf is" the ,klnd that Is shipped to them There must be some reason that Is' not apparent on the sur face We sell them $1,000,000 worth of meats for evety l.OOQ.OOO of their popu lation. Suppose., they,, have 20,000 in the field l can hiake little difference to our producers whether they take enough fr6m the home-grown supply to feed thg soldiers, for If they do that they must Import usfc that much more to supply the deficiency The British do not pro duce enough in Great Britain to supply their demand. There must be some other pjs marked by loss of appetite, by weak, tired and languid feelings; and f if the blood is very impure, by pimples, eczema, and other eruptions. It's a condition that invites disease, Hood's Sarsaparilla cures it restores appetite, gives strength and animation, cleanses the blood; stops all e'ruptions, and- builds up t the whole system. x -It! trouble to 'take Hood'sthree small doses daily. "For several years I was troubled wwitb. pimples on my face. Alter taking two bottles- of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was relieved "ot these troublesome eruptions. I, believe as a blood purifier Hood's Sarsaparilla ex cels all other medicines." Miss Kittle Kilgore, St. John, Wash. , "" i "I take Hood's Sarsaparilla when I am not feeling well and I find it does'me good. Jt takes away that tired feeling I think it is a capital medicine. 'No other prepa ration can compare with, it." Mrs. B. - Smith, 508 Fifteenth St, Oakland,' CaL "I have given Hood's Sarsaparillato imya children as a Spring me'dfeine for three years, and it has always proved beneficial. I was myself greatly run down from indi gestion and lost flesh very rapidly. I took. a bottle of Hood's- Sarsaparilla and It built me up wonderfully. I have gained in weight and never felt better."" Mrs. A . Morrison, 2406 Folsom St, San Francisco, Cal. "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as the best blood purifier I ever used. I was bothered ' for some time with very bad sores on my arms and hands. Hood's Sarsaparilla be ing recommended to me I got a bottle and when.,1 had taken it the sores were all gone." E. Willis, Felton, CaL i Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise? Tree Point, Southeast Alaska; TJlakhta Head, Western Alaska; Guard Island, Southeastern Alaska, west of Scotch Cap, Western Alaska. The petitions recently placed before the Lighthouse Board by Senator Foster urg ing the establishment of temporay light houses and fog signals have not been acted uport, bxit the board has assured the Senator-thai the work in Alaska -svlll be pushed vigorously from now on tlonal executive and local committees. These officers were elected: Presldpnt. Mrs, Alice E. Putnam, Chicago; first vice president, Miss Laura Pl3her, Boston ; sec ond Ice-president, Miss MaTy D. Runyon, I New York City; recording secretary, Mls3 Bertha Payne, Chicago; corresponding sec retary and treasurer, Miss Fannlbelle Cur tis, New York City; auditor, Miss Harriet Nell. Washington. D. C. reason. '. 3 x Ann Arbor Plngue Case. ANN AKSOR, Mich, April 12 Dr. Novy, when asked regarding the condi tion of Charles B Hore, the student who Is supposed to have the bubonic plague, said: "Nothing yet has been decided, but he Is recovering rapidly. He Is out of bed, and walks around occasionally Inside the contagion ward He will be kept there until week after next anyway, and until it Is certain he cannot spread any Infec tion"" Student Commlngs, who Is caring for Hare, has not caught any infection. Smallpox on the Monterey. r WASHINGTON, April 12 Surgeon-General Van Reypen, of the Navy, said to day, that -he has received no report re lating to "the prevalence of smallpox aboard the Monterey, as reported by Con sul McWade, in a news dispatch yester day from.Pekln. Admiral Van Reypen sajs It is almost Impossible for the dis ease to spread to any extent aboard our naval vessels. The salloraare vaccinated and other precautions ,tha are taken on shipboard preclude any dangerous diffu sion of smallpox, or, in fact, any conta gious 'disease AIDS TO ALASKA NAVIGATION i yj!$Pa1gT'r K Peijartment SajV Estab--, f fc vjh B? Bnb.eO, , 'ACdMA. JnrlrtfeLffaWm: Jfi---i.J.t bTtlt'esseath'd Treasury1 Department, In'er early comnWemen ' of jected for Alaskan points. Three 'hundred thousand dollars Is applicable to this work The department has under consid eration plans .and specifications for light houses and fog signals, at Sentinel" Head and Five Fingers, In the southeastern part of the territory. It is' probable that the cdntracts for this work will be awarded and the stations completed this Summer. Instructions have been given the district engineer to prepare dgtailea plans cover ing the remainder oT the $100,000 apprqprl ated the first session, and1 all of the ?200, 000 recently appropriated. These expend itures' will be made, lnhe order named at the following points. East, of Scotch Cap, Western Alaska. Lincoln rock, Southeast Alaska; Mary Island, southeast Alaska; Capo Sarltchey, Western 'Alaska, Not a Public Fnrpone. ST. LOUIS, April 12 "A Legislature cannot make a private purpose a public purpose by Its mere flat" Is one of the main points in an opinion handed down by the United States Court of Appeals, The case was that of W S Dodge against the Township of Mission, Shawnee Coun ty, Kansas, appealed from the United States Dlstrlot Court of Kansas by Dodge. The action was originally brought by him on 359 coupons cut from 22 township bonds issued under an act of the Kansas Leg islature to encourage the erection of mills and the manufacture of .sugar and syrup out. pt sorghum- cane, and authorizing townships and cities of the second and Uhird class to subscribe stock In such sugar factories and to vote bonds for this purpose. . FlGPRUNE CeieeJ I Fruit 1 V 46 X J Vg rains Artist Shot ,HImself "CHICAGO, April 12. Bert Cassldy, one of the -bes known newspaper men and artists la the ' West; 'shot and "fatally wounded' himself today while standing' in the local room of the Daily News, with which paper he was associated. Family troubles are believed to have caused the deed. Kindergarten Union. WASHINGTON, April 12 The Interna tional Kindergarten Union today selected Boston as the place of meeting for next year, the date to be decided by the Na- ifiPv m V til J ! m SICK HEADACHE PositiVety fcured by these Little PHfe. They also relleve,Distress from Dyspep sia. Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, TOR PID LIVER. They Regulate the Bow els. Purely Vegetable. Small PHI. - Small Dose. Small Price. Curse OF DRINK DRUNKENNESS CURED BY White Ribbon Remedy Can Be Given, in Glastof Water, Tea or Coffee WltuoyhTFatlent' Knowledge. White Hlbbon Remedy will euro or destroy the diseased appetite for alcoholic stimulants, nether the patient Is a confirmed Inebriate, "a tippler," social drinker or drunkard. Impossible for any one to have an appetite for alcoholic liquors after uslns White Ribbon Remedy. Portland. Oregon t Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Fourth and Washington streets By mall, . Trial package free by writing Mrs. T C if OORE; Supt. TV. C. T. U . Vontura. Cal. SHORTER DAY AND, MORE PAY Will ot Succeed, Agrninaldo. PARIS, April 12. Agoncillo, the agent of Agulnaldo in Paris, received a cable gram this morning announcing that the Filipino General Sandlco had been elected to succeed Agulnaldo as commanding Gen eral of the Filipino forces, as well as Dic tator, during the continuation of the In surrection. Sandlco belongs to a distin guished family residing at Pandakan, near Manila. - He is a man of energy, and Is well educated, speaking several European languages. As announced in a recent dispatch from Manila, General Sandlco surrendered to the American authorities at Qabanjitnnn in the Province of New Eclja, Island of Luzon. , Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and too hearty eating Is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills, immediately after dinner. Taconia Machinists Said to Contem plate the Ulove. , TACOMA, "Wash , April 12 The propri etor of one of the machine shops here says he has received notice that from May 20 machinists will demand on 'in crease of 12& per cent In 'wages and. a reduction In the working hours from; 10 to nine. According to this employer, the demand of Cascade Lodgevforan increase of wages and a reduction of hours la to be general throughout, the United States. He says the demands of the Union ,are so un reasonable that the master'1 machinists are going to combine to fight to a finish. It is his opinion that If these demands of the Union are acceded will mean bankruptcy to a large number of firms who have taken contracts based on the present wages of machinists: This is-53 25 a day, and the 12j per cent asked" would bring It up to ?3 60 for a, shorter day's work, a rate, he says, that not one don tract In a hundred could stand. The workmen, on being Interviewed re garding the proposed demand, have little to say, though one of them said I he thought the movement a very, foolish bne. He tvos Inclined to the opinion tha it would .-prove a failure, and tha.t In the disturbance naturally following a strike of all the allied machine and engine work ers, trade coming to this country from abroad would be driven to other countries, thus working an Irreparable Injury. . Six Years in Siberia. ST. PETERSBURG, April 10 Mm. "Witte and Muravleff, Ministers of Finance trial of Lagowski. the provincial oflfciati who recently attempted to assassinate A Perfect Food Drink v. 1 Made from the choicest fruits and cereals grown in California Possesses a delicate flavor and. aroma not found in any other Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. Free Book TO WEAK MEN Weak and ncrronn men read "STRENGTH,-ITS USE AND ABUSE BY MEN." It tells all about 'my DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELTS, and how they are used to cure such cases as rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, sleepless ness, or any of those diseases peculiar to man. Dr. A. TV Sanderi Corner Fourth and Morrison PORTLAND, - OREGON I , iyji -y fi&M V - s?rA Lnlniflia TiTT Si BILE Causes bilious head-acheback-ache and all kinds of body aches. Spring is here and you want to get this bile poison out of your system,, easjly, naturally and gently. CASCARE 1 S are just what you want; they never grip or gripe, but will work gently while you sleep. Some people- thlnK the more violent the griping tne better the cure. Be careful take care of your bowels salts and pill poisons leave them weak, and even less able to keep up regular movements than be fore. The only safe, gentle cleaner for the bowels are sweet, fragrant CASCARETS. They don't force out the foecal matter with violence but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles and restore healthy, natural action buy them a.nd try them. You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work. t jffm CURED B Y .. Wfcfiii LIVER TONIC ' NEVER 25c ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD IN BULK; cu all bowel troubles, appendicitis, bll loaancss, bad, breath bad blood, wind on tlio stomach, bloated bowels, foal larly yoa are getting alclr. Constipation kills xnoro people than all other diseases, together. It 4s a starter for the chronic ailments and Ions: years of suffering that come afterwards. No matter what alls yon, start taking CAS CARETS to-day, for yon will never get well and he well all the tlmo until yon pnt your bowels right. Take oar advice; start with CASCARETS to-day, under an absolute guar antee to care or money refanded. m TO CTTJKEt Tlvo yenr nso the Srt bQX or CASC-AJS-TS wa aotd. Siovr It U over alx million boxt a rear, ereatet than any similar medicine in the -world. This laabsolnte proof" of great merit, and oar-best testimonial, we have faith and will sell CA8CA2ET8 absolutely cnaranteed to cere op money refunded. Go buy today, twoSOc boxes, arlve taenia fair, honest trial, as per simple directions, and If yon nre not satisfied, after ntlni one SOebox, return the nutmed ttOe box and the empty box to ns by mall, or the druggist from whom you purchased It, and ttet your money back, for both boxes. Take onr advice no matter what alls von start to day. Health will quickly follow and you will bless tho day you flrs tstarted the me oXASCAli.KT. Booh; free by mall. AUdrtui aTEI