Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 11, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Amusements Tonight.
ton in "Said Pasha.'
Faith in Potato Crops. Farmers are
bringing in potatoes freely since the fine
weather arrived, and seem to have used
rood judgment in holding them back dur
ing the stormy -weather, as they now get
an increase of 5 to 10 cents per bushel,
a.nd the hauling Is much less difficult.
Some have an idea"that there Is not likely
;o be so great a demand for Oregon pota
toes in California next Fall and Winter
t usual, as there -were some rains in Cal
ifornia during the Winter. Others are in
tending to plant on as large a scale as
Ever, as from the fact that there "has
been but small demand from California
for Oregon seed potatoes, it Is not likely
that a very large area is being planted
to potatoes in that state. There are as
good Burbank potatoes as ever -were
raised to be fpund in the market her$
now, hut many farmers have let their
potatoes run down and become hollow
hearted, rough and black spotted, on ac
count of not changing seed or planting
tdb long on the same fields. There are
a. number of new varieties of potatoes for
sale by seedsmen always, and many or
ders for these are filled by mail, the pota
toes "being cut into small sets', one "eye"
on each. Perhaps something better than
the Burbank, "which has been the favorite
for years, may be found.
Most Lamentable IaNORANCE.--Among
the recent additions to the exhibits in the
City Museum is a big round shot, weigh
ing along up toward 100 pounds, which
L. L. Hawkins picked up on some battle
field or other place. It Is labeled "Agul
naldo's taw." It may not seem possible
that a man could be found in the United
States, that is a native, who has never
played a game of marbles, but Just such
a benighted individual appeared in the
museum yesterday and stood for some
time looking at the huge Iron sphere.
Presently a' better informed man came
up, and after looking at the ball and the
label, remarked that Aguinaldo must have
a big thumb to use that taw. Then the
other man asked what a taw was. He
said he had heard of people being
"brought to taw," and he supposed Agui
naldo was now in that fix, whatever it
was. The educated man then proceeded
to explain all about the game of marbles,
what a taw was and -what alleys were
and what was meant by "pickings and
clearings," "knuckle down inch bone"
and fudging, and the line or mark -from
which a game of marbles is begun, which
Is also called a taw, and the heretofore
Ignorant man went away with his head
full of Information about the National
Not Back to Work. The lawsujt of the
foui; ousted policemen will probably find
Its way to the Supreme Court on appeal
by the City Attorney before the men are
reinstated. John F. Logan, the attorney
for the four men, called at police head
quarters Tuesday, and notified Chief Mc
Lauchlan that they were ready to go to
ork, but .as the Police Commissioners
as a body, must handle such matters,
no definite reply was given by the Chief.
Yesterday this official was informed that
Waller, one of the men, was suffering
from rheumatism, and so could not patrol
his beat, but desired to take advantage
of the sick benefit fund. As Waller had
not been on the force for 10 months, this
demand created a laugh at the station.
There is little hope for the men being put
back unless the Supreme Court sustains
the decision of Judges Sears and Cleland.
Looks Like Trout Weather. The fine
weather will soon put trout In the humor
for rising to the fly, and then trout fish
ing will commence In earnest. There has
been a demand all along for salmon roe
lor bait to be -used In fishing for salmon
trout in "tide water," and as no salmon
were allowed to be caught here, supplies
of roe have been obtained from Aberdeen,
Wash. Salmon xoe Is -a deadly bait, and
it Is hardly fair to use- It4n fishing for
brook trout, but as salmon trout live and
thrive by following up the salmon and
devouring their spawn in the spawning
beds, it is all right for them. There is
much complaint about the clause of the
fish and game law forbidding the sale of
the destructive salmon trout, the killing
of "which, it is alleged, should be encour
aged. Becatjse of Her Name. It has not yet
been found out exactly how the water
got into the steamer Mascot to sink her,
but it is thought that "something was
left open." As she went down close to
two dolphins, It is not so easy to get
barges alongside to raise her, as it oth
erwise would be, but Mr. Kamm will have
her afloat now,, by hook or by crook. The
cabin furniture has been removed to a
dry place, but the wetting It got did not
do any particular damage, as it had been
there before. Mr. Kamm, who realizes
that he made a mistake in naming the
Mascot, has been advised to change her
name to Hoodoo, and see if it won't bring
her a change of luck.
Dangerous Practice. Chief of Pqlice
McLauchlan said yesterday that he had
instructed the patrolmen to keep a sharp
lookout for violation of the street ordi
nances by contractors. "Numerous cases
have been reported tto me lately of viola
tions by contractors of the city street
ordinances by burning piles of old side
walks in the streets. This is frequently
done, and the nails left in the street, so
that, as a result, many valuable horses
have been injured by getting them In
their hoofs. There is a heavy fine against
burning debris in the streets, and the first
offender c$ugh$ Trill be arrested and tried
in the Municipal 'Court."'
Notice of Saie. The undersigned will
receive sealed bids for that stock of mer
chandise, consisting of groceries, canned
goods, tobacco, cigars, etc.. also fixtures.
bakery and appliances, two horses, wag
ons and harnesses, situated at East
Twelfth and East Stark streets, until
Tuesday, April 16, at 12 o'clock noon. The
right is reserved to reject anv and n
bids. Inventory at my office and prop
erty euoject xo inspection on the prem
ises. H. L. Sabin, Front and Ankeny
streets. Portland, Or.
On Her Wat. Lightship 50 had pro
gressed some 600 feet on her way to Baker
Bay, Tuesday, according to a man who
came up from Ilwaco yesterday. The
movers now consider that they have easy
sailing, and expect to have" the vessel at
the launching point within 10 days.
Whether ehe will be repaired before being
set afloat has not yet transpired.
Slight Fires. An alarm from box 94,
yesterday afternoon, was for a blaze in a
A small dwelling, 70S Qulmby street: damage
slight. An exploded lamp in a shoe-shop,
at 552 Savier street, caused an alarm to
be turned in at 9:45 last evening. The
flames were extinguished with a pint of
water, though the department was
promptly on hand. No damage.
Incorporation. Articles of incorpora
tion of the Tillamook Parafflne Oil Com
pany "were filed in the office of the County
Clerk yesterday. The incorporators are
P. W. Francis, J. A. Taylor and E. S. Mc
Coy; capital 6tock, $1,000,000.
Contest for Golf Cup. The last qual
ifying round of the competition for the
Hunt-Lewis cup will be played Saturday
a"""uu" " me waveny uoif Club links.
The Old Ladies' Patton Home, 975 Mich
igan avenue; a tea for the benefit there
of Wednesday, April 17. Friends invited.
The poor old mothers need our help.
Elks. Regular meeting tonight of B. P
O. E., 142. Report of circus committee
and other business of importance. E. W
Rowe, Secretary.
Sweet Peas. The best in quality and
variety are supplied by the Portland Seed
Co., corner Front and Alder streets.
Miss Luse will repeat by request "Mon
ey Musk," next Saturday night at Sell-ing-Hin?ch
building. W
Fresh carnations, 50c dozen; bedding
plants, 1c up. Burkhardt's, 23d & G.
Trt the new meat market, 2S7 Washing
ton, between Fourth and Fifth.
Jollt Neighbors' last party Friday eve.
One Industrx Neglected. There are
any number of gardeners in the outskirts
of the city and neighboring country who
make a living by raising vegetables for
the market, but none of them has under
taken to cultivate hothouse lettuce or cu
cumbers. The boxes of fresh lettuce seen
In the market came from Washougal,
where a man has a number of hothouses,
from which he ships to this city about 30
large boxes of lettuce dally, for which he
finds a ready market at remunerative
prices. The cucumbers now in the mar
ket come from California, but soon the
market will be supplied from Washougal
and the Puget Sound country. Just why
these articles are not raised In or near
this city Instead of being brought from-a
distance Is a conundrum.
Penalty Is Waiting. Yesterday being
the last day of grace allowed for paying
licenses and water rates, there was a
procession of citizens passing through the
City Treasurer's office to the License Offi
cer's desk, and another through the Wa
ter Works office. One woman was heard
to say as she passed out of the Water
Works office that she hated to pay the wa
ter bill because she had to wait so long.
People who pay early In the month, as a
general thing, do not have to wait to get
up to the counter, but those who put off
payment till the 10th sometimes have to
stand In line a good while.
Civil Service Examination. The Civil
Service Commission announces that on
May 7 and 8, examinations for the follow
ing positions will be held In this city:
Chinese inspector, immigrant Inspector,
with knowledge of Finnish and Scandi
navian languages, inspector of mechanical
and electrical engineering and for Field
matron with knowledge of Indian arts.
Drill Scow Launched. The drill scow
to be used by Hale & Kern on. their con
tract for removing the Sylvia de Grasse
reef has been launched from Johnson's
boat-yard. She will be fitted up with the
necessary appliances and machinery as
soon as possible, and will be ready to
begin operations in a week or so.
Engineer Kelley Takes Charge. J.
G. Kelley, who was recently elected su
perintendent of the Port of Portland
dredge, has taken charge of river work.
Argument on the Question of Fra-
zier'a Citizenship "When He
Went Into Office.
"The Little Minister."
Theater-goers will have an opportunity
to see Charles Frohman's production of
"The Little Minister" at the Marquam
Grand, Friday and Saturday nights. Aoril
12 and 13, Kith a special matinee Saturday
at 2:15. That they are going to take ad
vantage of the opportunity Is manifest by
the Interest already shown. The sale of
seats has been very large, and this en
gagement promlsesto be an event of
Importance, not only from the amount of
business that will be done, but from a
social point of view. Every one is fa
miliar with the works of the famous nov
elist, J. M. Barrie, and all will be anxious
to see "The Little Minister," founded on.
his famous novel of that name. The rec
ord of this much-talked-of play Is one to
be proud of. Three hundred nights In
New York to audiences that packed the
theater to the doors at every performance
Is a record that -will stand for a long time.
Since the play left Ne.w York, the busi
ness has been marvelous, Immense audi
ences have greeted It everywhere. Charles
Frohman, with his usual liberality, "has
given it, we are told, a splendid cast, and
produces it in a manner that leaves noth
ing to be desired.
The Elleford Company at Cordray's.
The Elleford Company, which is headed
by Jessie Norton, and which plays an
engagement of one week at Cordray's The
ater, opening Sunday evening, April 14,
has .broken records for attendance In
many of the principal cities of California,
Colorado, Nevada and Arizona, during
Its tour this season. This is what the
Jbxesno Democrat says of their business
In Fresno, Cal.:
"Never before has the Barton had a
run like the one that took place last
week, the" attraction being the Elleford
Company, -which occupied the boards every
night. While there have been many pre
vious nights that have run well up, there
has never been a week that could com
pare with the last In the record of at
tendance. In the evenings alone there
were present over 10,000 people, and at the
Saturday matinee there were In attend
ance 648, which should really be added to
the week, making it 10,740. The average
for the evenings alone was a little over
1441. It Is a record of which Manager
Barton and all connected with the Elle
ford Company should feel proud."
Sunday night for the opening at Cor
dray's Theater, the bill will be "The
American Girl," with specialties and fun
galore. The same attraction on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and
Saturday matinee.
The Nelll Company.
Mr. James Nelll and the great Nelll com
pany will present "A Social-Highwayman"
at the Marquam Grand Monday, April 15,
for their opening hill. Mr. Nelll will be
seen as Courtice Jaffray, a young man,
moving in the best society, who takes ad
vantage of his position by robbing his,
friends and acquaintances. He finally
falls in love "with a charming girl, and re
pents, but admits "his guilt when It is
known to him that his friend, Merton
Harley, Is accused of his theft. The con
clusion of the play comes with Jaffray's
The first and second acts, which occur
In the apartments of Courtice Jaffray, af
ford ample opportunity for the display of
elegant scenery, furnishings and costumes,
and the gowns worn by Miss Edythe
Chapman and the ladles of the Nelll com
pany are said to be marvels of the dress
maker's art. The third act occurs In an
artist's studio, where the uniqueness and
originality of interior decorations are
charmingly displayed. The" fourth act,
where the most dramatic scenes of the
play take place, Is the country home of
Mrs. Munyon Pyle. , "A Social Highway
man" will also be the play at the Wednes
day matinee. Tuesday and Wednesdav
nights, "The Lottery of Love." By spe
cial request, "A Bachelor's Romance"
will be given on Thursday evening, and
"Under Two Flags" a dramatization of
Oulda's famous novel, will be produced
Friday and Saturday nights, with a spe
cial matinee Saturday at 2:15. The sale of
seats for the entire engagement will open
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Cooler Company at the Metropolitan
The Cooley Company will present Sol
Smith Russell's famous play, "Peaceful
Valley," at the Metropolitan Theater Sun
day night only. The Cooley Company,
under the personal direction of Manager
Frank Cooley, has been one of the most
successful companies out this season.
"Peaceful Valley" was produced here at
the Marquam by Sol Smith Russell eight
or nine years ago, and those who saw It
well remember what a decided success the'
famous play was. Manager Cooley se
cured the piece for a tour of the Pacific
Coast, and will present it for one night
only at the Metropolitan Sunday next.
Court Notes.
In the United States Court yesterday
the demurrer to the complaint In the
case of S. Ban vs. the Columbia Southern
Railway Company was argued and sub
mitted. Ban is a Japanese labor contract,
or who furnished a number of men to
-work on the construction of the Columbia
Southern and Is endeavoring to secure his
The 21 Grand Jurors summoned to serve
in the United States Circuit Court put in
an appearance at 10 A. M. yesterday, were
duly sworn in and P. W. Gillette appoint-'
ed foreman. They were then charged by
Judge Bellinger and at once retired to
take up the business awaiting them. Sev
eral witnesses In various cases were
present, among them three Indians from
the Siletz Reservation.
The suit of George C. Sears against
William Frazler for the emoluments and
salary of the office of Sheriff, covering the
period since Mr. Frazler assumed the
duties of the office, was submitted yester
day before Judges Cleland, Frazer and
Sears. The ground qf the complaint is
that William Frazler was npt a citizen
when he became Sheriff. Mr. Sears,
therefore, claims that his successor was
never duly elected pr. qualiUed. ,
Sheriff Frazler was born In Scotland.
He came to the United States with his
parents when he was 7 years old, and
soon afterward came to Portland, where
he has resided ever since. While he was
a miuor his father died, and was not a
citizen at the time of his death. Mr.
Frazler not having taken out citizenship
papers prior to his election as Sheriff, it
is contended that he was not a citizen
when he assumed the duties of the office.
But Mr. Frazler avers mat bubsequent to
the demise of his father, his mother mar
ried again, and that her second husband
was a citizen. This act, according to the
laws of the United States, invested her
and her children with the rights of citi
zenship. .
The question of tho citizenship of Sheriff
Frazler was raised after one term had
elapsed, and, to make the matter doubly
certain, Mr. Frazler, on May 27, 1S9S, took
out citizenship papers, in the State Circuit
Court. The attorney.for Mr. Sears, how
ever, alleges that this does not cover the
189S term, for the reason that, according
to law, he must have been an elector six
months prior to the beginning of the
William T. Mulr, as attorney for Mr.
Sears, argued that Sheriff Frazler, by his
act in taking put citizenship papers, was
estopped in asserting any rights of citi
zenship before that time. He' said that,
according to this record, Mr. Frazler had i
sworn that before he applied for natural
ization papers, he was a subject of the
Queen of Great Britain; that It had been
his bona fide intention for more than two
years to become a citizen, etc. The rec
ord, counsel said, could not be attacked
In a collateral proceeding. ,
John Hall, attorney fbr Sheriff Frazier,
i made a long argument in response, and
submitted numerous authorities. Mr. Hall
explained that Mr. Frazler made a mis
take in obtaining naturalization papers
He took them out under a misapprehen
sion, and never required any. Counsel
went over the ground of estoppel very
thoroughly, and in conclusion said: "Np-'
body ought to be estopped from asserting
truth or the exercise of a just demand, un
less by some "wrong he Shall injure an
other person." Mr. Hall said this was
the rule laid down by the Supreme. Court
of the United States.
Judge Frazer That Is the principle laid
down'Ih our statute. ' -
Resuming, counsel said: "No one shall
be denied from setting up the" 4truth un
less It is in direct contradiction with his
former acts. Mr. Sears, when he stepped
out of the Sheriff's office, was no more
entitled to that office than any other per
son. His bondsmen w ere exonerated, and
he was not responsible for anything that
occurred there. If there was a vacancy
it was the duty of the County Commis
sioners to fill it. If the emoluments do
not belong to Mr. Frazler, It lies between
him and Multnomah County. Mr". Sears
went voluntarily out of office, and threw
off the cloak 'of office; notwithstanding he
says 1 amentitled to the emoulments
of the office, For what reason ?" There
was a de facto officer. If Mr. Frazier was
not qualified, Mr. Sears could only remain
In the office until the County Commis
sioners filled it. He should have held on
and filed his bonds."
Mr. Mulr, answering the argument,
said if a man had no right to an office,
he had no right to the emoluments. A de
facto officer would be entitled to deduct
his actual expenses, and no more. Spars
did not know the facts when he surren
dered the office; he thought Frazier was
entitled to it. He turned It over under a
misapprehension of facts. Counsel as
serted that the 'only question was the de
cree of the court malting Frazler a citizen
on May 27, 1S9S. The attorney argued
that they could not go behind the record
and he read a number of authorities on
the point, also saying that the opposing
counsel had produced none to the con
trary. The court called attention to the fact
that since the registration law went into
effect, a number of old citizens who had
lost their papers and so on were natural
ized over again, and questioned if such
records must stand for what they pur
ported to show, that the parties were not
citizens previously, and that they could
not dispute the record if necessary.
Mr. Mulr said they couiq rt do so, but
thought there might be a proceeding to
cancel the record. The court called at
tention to the case of City Treasurer
Hacheney, who was unable to produce his
father's citizenship papers, but finally
succeeded in finding them. If he had been
unsuccessful, his right to the office might
have been disputed.
Mr. Mulr continued his argument at
some length that the record could not be
attached In a collateral proceeding.
Mr. Hall answered that the citizenship
papers issued to Mr. Frazler did nof
change his status any, and he had a right
to show previous citizenship. Counsel
said a man's mouth could not be forever
closed because of a mistake. "Suppose,"
said he, "a man was away seven years
and was adjudicated to be dead, and he
came back, could he be estopped from
saying he was alive, or his friends from
recognizing him as such?"
The original complaint filed in this case
was thrown out of court because It only
alleged that Mr. Frazler was not a citizen,
the court holding that a man only re
quired to be an elector to be Sheriff. The
complaint was amended to the effect that
Frazler was neither a citizen nor an
There Will Be 100 More Dogs at This
Tear's Show Than Last Year.
The entries for the forthcoming bench
show of the Portland Kennel Club closed
at 12 o'clock last night. The number
of entries is gratifying in every respect
to the club, as the number of dogs to be
exhibited 'will be .not less than a hun
dred more than were exhibited last year.
Last year the entries at the bench show
were so numerous, especially of the sport
ing dogs, that the Eastern sporting pa
pers commented on It as being one of the
remarkable bench shows held in the
United States.
At the request of the officers of the
club. Mayor H. S. Rowe yesterday very
kindly issued an order that from today un
til the closing of the bench show the
poundmaster will not take up any unli
censed dogs. This action of the Mayor
was taken In order that dogs owned outside-
of the city as well as those owned
In Portland but kept outside of the city
may be brought to Portland to become
used to' the city's noise. It takes dogs liv
ing In the country several days to be
come accustomed to the city so as not to
be frightened at the great number of peo
ple they see. The club is under many
obligations to Mayor Rowe for this action
and this should add a great deal to tne
The club desires to Impress on every
exhibitor that It is obligatory, that no
ribbons be attached to any dog during
the show excepting only the blue, red and
white ribbons which are awarded for
trie first, second and third prizes in the
different classes. These are the official
ribbons. All others attached to dogs will
he removed by the superintendent. It Is
verv confuslntr to visitors and persons
unaccustomed to the rules to keep track
of the ribbons, and for that reason none
will be allowed except the official ones.
These ribbons will be furnished by the
club and can be worn only by the prize
The Portland Restaurant. 305 .Wash.
First; last and always the best. ,
The Portland restaurant, 205 Wash.
Runyon's Restaurant, of course. 253
Washington. Best rolls and bread in town.
Everything first-class; service perfect.
E. House's Restaurant. 123 Third street
The 25-cent lunch at the Perkins, 103
Fifth, is a fine dinner. White cooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Struck Aune gratefully
acknowledge the many tokens of sympa
thy and condolence tendered to them so
numerously in their great sorrow. ,,
The O. R. & N. Co.'s steamer Geo. W.
Elder sails from Ainsworth dock, Port
land, at 8 P. M., April 12, for San Fran
cisco. Lowest rates.
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and
too hearty eating Is relieved at once by
taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills
immediately after dinner.
Wise Bros, and G. S. Wright, dentists,
rooms 211, 212 and 213, The Falling, corner
Third and Washington.
The System That Cures Diseases
Without Medicine.
Think of it 0 per cent of the so-called
incurable, diseases abandoned by other
systems, are being cured by osteopathy.
If you have failed to find relief elsewhere,
call on Dr. W. A. Rogers, 533 Marquam
building, and investigate the work oste
opathy is doing.
No charge for consultation and examina
tion. Booklet explainlngosteopathy free.
Telephone Main 27.
Show Printing, Catalogues,
Briefs, books, Periodicals,
Blank Books, Stationery,
Commercial and Small Printing
WtfcjL I I IfJimJ
Cor. Third and Washington
The Dekum Building..
Full Set Teeth... .$5.00
Gold Crowns S 00
Bridge Work B.00
Examination free.
Teeth extracted abso
lutely without pain.
Strong's Photographs
Goodnough Building, opposite Postaittce.
VI. E- V, U1XU VY H MArauam blc. room G28-T.
Muslin Underwear Sale Today.
New York Mercantile Co. 205 Third.
We have great values- in Pine Silk Foulards at 50c
and 75c a yard. All late and new. Elegant material
for Summer waists and street costumes. A full range of
colorings. 1
This magnificent collection of Fine Wash. Silks, in
checks, plaids and stripes, in all the delicate tints, will
be on sale' today, tomorrow and Saturday, at 47c a yard.
Guaranteed to wash.
We have stacks and heaps of- fine black imported
goods and black silk Grenadines, in pin-head checks and
hair stripes. Variety sufficient to please every taste;
prices to meet the ideas of the most economical. Start
ing at 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.45, $1.65, and upwards to
$3.50. The finest lines of black goods and black silk
Grenadines ever shown in Portland.
Spring Capes and Jackets for ladies, misses and child
ren at special prices. (
Every piano we sell
is guaranteed not only
by us but by names
that stand highest on
roll of honor inx the
piano World.
If you want to do
business under this pos
itive guarantee, and if
you want a fine piano
at our present low prices
come in today and let
us talk business.
Liberal terms of pay
ment for those who
cannot pay cash. Eilers
Piano House, 351 Wash
ington street.
We have just received our fourth car
load of White sewing machines, since
January 1, and they are fast finding their
places in the homes of Portland and vi
cinity. '427 have been sold. Thia means
the largest business done by any one
house in the Northwest.
We have 185 of the very latest Improved,
ball-bearing, drop-head machines, with
English oak woodwork. Call and see
them. They must be sold during the
next 30 days to make room for more that
are now on the road from the factory.
Be sura and call on us or send for cat
alogues and price lists.
525.00 buys a drop-head, gold oak ma
chine. $32.50 buys a ball-bearing, drop-head ma
chine, with latest improved attachments.
Each machine sold by us Is guaranteed
10 years. Machines rented and repaired.
Parts and needles for all machines.
Phone Oak 1331.
White and Domestic Office
124 and 12G Sixth street, opposite Orego
nian building.
Have no superior in touch, tone-,
'durability and artistic designs.
The manufacture of these
pianos commenced in 1864, when
the guns were booming in the
South, and no piano in Tiny coun
try on earth has been more re
markably scccessful.
Kranich & Bach
Sold on Easy Terms
C. A. Whale
Telephone Bast 47.
31 1 E. Alder and 1-16 Union Ave.
Salem Store, 142 State St.
Strained Vision
Brings on bad eyes. Aid the sight
by resting the optic nerve with a
pair of our easy glasses. They act
as a restful stimulant, relieve tno
strain and bring back health. You
can change your glasses, but not
your eyes. Take care of those you
have that their use may not bs de
nied you in old age.
Kyc Specialist.
McAUen & McDonnell
xiirVTWiaJ Jul J
Spring Shoes
We would be pleased to have you see
our Spring stock of shoes low-cuts and
high-cuts, at low prices. Patent leather
Oxfords In abundance.
Teas, Mattings, Rugs, Pongee Silk Under
wear, made to personal ordei. Crapes, Shawls,
Ivory Carvinr, Bamboo, ORIENTALi GOODS.
k few Designs in &oser?
W Isles
No other Portland store
can boast of such a grand
array of gentlemen's half
hose as we are showing.
In fancies we have a large
variety of the new French
In drop-stitch and
lace-embroidered effects.
The patterns arc lively
enough to suit the most
fastidious, or as quiet as
you'd want.
5ee our unrivalled line of swell Nile green, crimson,
hello, blue and pink striped hose; also, our new white
lisle hose In contrasting stripes. The plain blacks and
tans are the best quality flndabie.
t?Z OOj 50cj 25c.
mis MmkvmSk.
M w w
M Corner Fourth and Morrison
Largest Clothiers In the Northwest
(Corner Entrance) K
Extraordinary Offering of Ladies' Trimmed Hats
We've done some remarkable selling in Hats since our opening on the
i8th of last month, as many Portland ladies well know. We've had spe
cial sales of trimmed hats at $2.95, $3.95 and $5 95. all of which were re
markable values, but we don't think we have ever equaled the offering for
this Thursday's selling many of which appear to be worth double the
price asked.
Every hat we offer at $4 95 is new and never shown before no two
alike, and no copies made unless requested to do so by the purchaser of
the original. t
Extra peoplehave been added to our special order department to pre
vent the possibility of any disappointment on account of our rapidly in
creasing business.
M.jMjiiiiii ii MCTCTimnaniii iijuii
Stripes. Bagdads, Tapestries. Embossed
Papers, Silk and Satin Hangings; beauti
ful low-priced Papers for parlor, bedroom
and kitchen. Largest stock of line Wall
Papers on the Pacillc Coast. Prices below
Eastern competition. .
130 First St., Portlamd.Ore.
Our line fop the season 1901 is unsurpassed in design and'
coloring". Prices the lowest in the city.
STUCCO RELIEF-Our Specialty.
The latest and most original ideas In Relief Ornaments for Interior
decoration. All designs practical and easily applied. Lincrusta and
room mouldings in large variety. Samples sent on application.
'Ph0,7rRfrj9iLt Ernest Miller & Co.
90 Per Cent of Wells Drilled in California Strike Oil
Operating Expenses of Oir Production From 2c to 10c per Barrel
Market Value of Crud Oil From 30c to $8.00 per Barrel,
According to Quality of Product Crude OH Has
A Spot Cash Market Value.
Make your oirn calculations from theie flsaren and learn
Tills baa been demonstrated by a score of ncivly made millionaires
and thousands of investors who have accumulated wealth durinjr
the past eighteen months through investment made In California
oil companies.
Hn, near Tenlno, Wnnh., 1,-104 ACRES OF OIL, COAL AND GAS
LAND in one body, which will bear the CLOSEST INVESTIGATION.
We propose to STRIKE OIL and will be DRILLING SOON. Machin
ery now ordered and paid for. A small bloclc of development
stock left at 12 cents. Onr prospectns Rives full information.
Orders with remittances to be made to C. Christopher, Prcs.
406 and 407 Mutual Life Bldg. Seattle, Waah.
. ') J NO. P. HARTMAN. Vice Pree. and Secy.
' H. W. BROOKE. Treasurer.