Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1901, Image 1

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    yBy w"tCM JHPI4M.
Portland, - Oregon.
Lt t . ARY,
Portland, . Oregoo.
Portland, - Oregon.
VOLu XLL NO. 12,582.
.3: iSPWk .1?
"r.fc - JmS-.'jM- . .
C JUt (BWittttm
B" 'WS5SBHSBfc d
We Invite the trade's Inspection
of our line of
Bar Fixtures
Of newest and latest designs.
Catalogue and prices furnished on application;
ROTHCHILD BROS., - 20-26 North First St. :
. Hood
and Celery Bitters
If -yea ever use soap you can save money by spending a
little at their store right now.
See the new policy contract of the Equitable Life Assurance Society before
signing an application for life insurance In any other company. It will take only
a few minutes to investigate, and it may save you months or years of regret.
L. Samuel, manager, 305 Oregonian building, Portland. Or.
European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
m I m m m G I )l
in I iiL j
v Is?
K. N. Kiriyama
1901 Models Are Beauties
These are the best values that have ever been offered by any manufacturer
in America.
Curiosity and Inquisitiveness
Go hand In hand. Through them we have discovered that the average piano .is
worthless, because it Is never played upon. If you are the owner of a piano of this,
kind we can help you to get your money's worth out of it. That's what the Pian
ola Is for. Be inquisitive though to come In and hear it.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent far
J. G. Mack & Co.
86-88 Third St,
Opptslte Chamber of Commerce
C. W. KJiOWLES, Mgr.
Dayton Hardware Co. Po0rgn0d,
First Consul
& Hoch, 108-1 10 Fourth St.
Just Arrived, a Large Ship
ment of Very Handsome
in Construction and Finish.
Theso wheels continue to be the favorite
with riders this season.
Ladles' and Gent's Wheels $25.00
(Equal to other makes selling at $35.)
Ladles' and Gent's Wheels 35.00
Equal to other makes selling at $50.)
Ladies' and Gent's Cushion
Frame Wheel 50.00
Gent's Racing Model 50.00
Boys' and Girls' Wheels 22.50
the Aeolian Ctmpany'
Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park
Cause of tlie Rebellion In
Northern China.
The Mongolian Prince Olaslcan,
Taan'a Father-In-Latv, Is One
of the Prime Movers In
-the Trouble.
. PEKIN, April 9. The Russian Minister
to China, M. de Giers, responding to the
letter from Prince Chlng and L.1 Hung
Chang regarding Manchuria, merely re
fuses .to hold further communication with
them upon the subject.
The Mongolian Prince Olaskan, father-in-law
of Prince Tuan, proves to be an
Important factor in the rebellion now in
progress. He urges the rebellious troops
to march on Slngan Fu. Chinese know
ing General Tung Fu Slan say the Em
peror brought the rebellion upon his own
head when he published the edict threat
ening the General with future punishment.
On account of his present power and in
fluence. General Tung Fu Slan would not
permit this, and naturally desired to prove
that power. He has the entire Moham
medan population with him. Prince Tuan
also has a large following, while Prince
Olaskan controls the entire Province of
The German Minister, Dr. Mumm von
Schwarzensteln, entertained all the Min
isters at a dinner today in honor of the
anniversary of the birth of Count von
The American Claim for Indemnity
Mar Be Cut in Half.
WASHINGTON, April 9. The State De
partment has heard' further. from Mr.
Rockhlll, our special commissioner at Pe
kln, touching the effort making there to
reach an agreement respecting the Indem
nity to be demanded from the Chinese
Government. Mr. Rockhill's principal
effort, acting under direct instructions
from Secretary Hay, Is to Induce the Min
isters of other powers to keep down the
total of their claims to the amount which
the financial experts, headed by Sir Rob
ert Hart, have decided to be within the
ability of China to pay. The United
States Government has felt that the total
Indemnity claimed should not exceed
40,000,000, and has steadfastly sought to
make that figure the outside limit of the
claim. For Itself, the State Department
claims 525,000,000 indemnity, and It has
supplied Mr. Rockhlll with data for the
presentation of an Itemized account show
ing the expenditures made by the Gov
ernment for transportation of our military
contingent in China, its maintenance
there and the Just claims of the mission
aries who were American citizens and
suffered In property and Rerson from the
Boxer outbreak. In Its anxiety to avoid
oppressing China and to secure a speedy
settlement of the Chinese question, the
United States Government stands willing
to make a heavy cut In Its claim, provid
ed the other nations represented at Pekln
will also abate their claims in propor
tion. It is entirely possible. If Mr. Rock
hlll can induce the other Ministers to
make a cut of 50 per cent In their Indem
nity he will do so, though the apparent
result be the loss to the United States of
The Administration is satisfied that the
great danger of the situation at Pekin lies
In delay. Had the present representations
of Mr. Rockhlll been heeded, the officials
are confident that the formidable rebel
lion which has broken out under the lead
ership of General Tung Fu Slan in Shen
SI Province would never have occurred.
Mr. Rockhlll had satisfied himself that
the Chinese Government was absolutely
sincere when it pleaded inability to pun
ish this great General and Prince Tuan
In the full measure demanded by the pow
ers. It is thought here that modest de
mands could have been met by the Chi
nese Government and the rebellion avert
ed. The Indemnity question has also con
sumed an unusual length of time, and If
It had been settled several weeks or even
months ago, the present difficulty, It is
believed, would have been impossible. It
Is the hope, therefore, of the officials here
that Tung Fu Slan's movements will stim
ulate the lagging Ministers at Pekin to
final action. If It does not and the court
Is obliged to flee from Slnan Fu and the
great Tangtse Viceroys are overawed by
General Tung Fu Slan, as seems entirely
probable, then all China will be plunged
Into anarchy, In the estimate of the offi
cials here.
How the German Press Sees Rus
sia's Backdown in Manchuria.
BERLIN, April 9. The latest phase of
the Manchuriah question Is very differ
ently judged by different sections of' the
German press. The Frelsslnnige Zeitung,
Herr RIchter's organ, says: "For the mo
ment the situation is eased and the con
clusion of peace Is hastened, but so far as
the future Is concerned the situation Is
rendered more complicated, for as soon
as the allied forces are withdrawn the
military superiority of Russia will become
overwhelming to China, who will proba
bly then grant Russia better terms than
now, when she is upheld by the allies.
While war between Russia and Japan is
now deferred, their conflicting Interests
remain regarding North, China, and it Is
probable that war will break out between
them soon after peace with China Is
The Vossische Zeitung, which sees a
Russian diplomatic defeat In Russia's
abandonment of the Manchurlan conven
tion, says: "It must have been hard for
Count Lamsdorft to Instruct the Russian
Ambassadors to that effect, especially
since Russia had from, the start followed
the policy of rendering a diplomatic set
tlement in Pekin as difficult as possible
and of doing everything to stiffen the
backbone of China, against the allies, par-'
tlcularly in the matter of the withdrawal
of the troops from the Province of Chi
The National Zeitung takes the view of
the German Foreign Office. The Frelssln
nige Zeitung expresses a hope that at
least a portion of the German troops may
now be withdrawn from China, adding
that otherwise Germany will be com
pletely isolated there. It says the Chinese
forts could have been destroyed without
waiting for China's consent. r
Alleged Insult to Rockhlll.
BERLIN, April 9. Nothing is known
here officially regarding the report that
Mr. Rockhlll, the American Special Com
missioner at Pekin, and Sir Ernest M.
Satow, the British Minister, were Insulted
by German soldiers recently while return
ing .from dinner in sedan chairs, the Chi
nese bearers of which, as the report al
leges, were beaten by the Germans.
Dr. Stuebel, director of the colonial' de
partment of the German Foreign Office,
and at one time German Consul-General
at Shanghai, who recently went to Lon
don on a special mission connected with
the question of Chinese indemnity, has
returned to Berlin. He reports that the,
negotiations In London regarding the fix
ing of a modus of Chinese indemnity were
successful and resulted in a mutual agreement.
Russians Not Uneasy.
ST. PETERSBURG, April B.-The Novoe
Vhemya" avers that Russia has no cause
for uneasiness regarding Manchuria. She
possesses agreements with the govern
ment of each of the three provinces which
remain in force. In the future. If China
desires her former' position restored, she
can at any time sign the treaty in her
possession. In the meantime, the St. Pe
tersburg Zeitung says Russia is free to
act In Manchuria for the preservation of
order as her judgment dictates.
Corean Question May Be Settled.
BERLIN, April 9. Russia's declaration
renouncing a separate agreement with
China gives great satisfaction in Ber
lin official circles, since It prevents all
separate negotiations from having further
Influence on the diplomatic situation at
Pekln and the general negotiations can
now proceed uninterruptedly- It Is said
in official circles that It was to be ex-
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X "CHINGTU .T'Vk . lW- A
pected that Russia would not withdraM
from Manchuria, and now any power pro
posing a withdrawal must be prepared to
attempt to oust her by orce. The corre
spondent of the Assclated Press learns
that the controversy between Russia and
Japan on the subject of ;Corea has been
conducted with the grfntesf icautlon on
both sides, showing an earnest 'Wish, to,
avoid a conflict. The Berlin diplomats do
not dipect a conflict.
Japanese Not Satisfied.
YOKOHAMA," April 9 The dissatisfac
tion of Japan with Russia's action is not
in regard to the Manchurlan agreement,
the leading papers here affirm, but with.
Russia's action In Manchuria. Hence
Japan declines, according to an Import
ant section of the press, to consider the
abandonment of the agreement as a final
settlement of the Manchurlan question.
It Is urged that this question should be
brought before a conference of the Min
isters, like the other Chinese questions.
Viceroys Suggest Reforms.
SHANGHAI, April ?. The Yangtse
Viceroys and Governors have forwarded
a memorial to the throne suggesting cer
tain reforms. These reforms suggest,
among other things, that the royal
Princes and students of good family
should travel and study In foreign coun
tries; that the entire army be drilled by
Western methods: that colleges and
schools be extended, and that a standard
dollar currency be adopted.
Belgian Secretary Arrested.
BERLIN, April 10. The Lokal Anzeiger
publishes the following from Its Pekin
"M. Mergeling, secretary of the Belgian
Legation, has been arrested by German
soldiers who were guarding the Hatumen
gate, but it was his own fault, as he
refused to obey Instructions."
A Favorable Oportunity.
LONDON, April 10. "The present is a
favorable opportunity," says the Shanghai
correspondent of the Times, "to endeavor
to secure a recognition of Manchuria as
an integral part of China and the inclu
sion of the question In the general state
ment." Russia Changes Her Tactics.
LONDON, April 10. "Russia has now
changed her tactics." says a dispatch to
the Daily Mail from Toklo, "and is mik
ing desperate efforts to secure not only
Japan's neutrality, but her benevoleiit
assistance towards Russia's far Eastern
New Railroad Open.
BERLIN, April 9. Advices were re
ceived here today announcing the open
ing of the railroad from Klao Chou to
Tsln Tau, China.
Death of the Aged Mormon Is Mo
mentarily Expected.
MONTEREY, Cal., April 9. George Q.
Cannon, of Salt Lake, one of the apostles
of the Mormon Church, Is seriously 111
here, and his death is momentarily ex
pected. A bulletin late this afternoon
states that he is gradually growing
weaker. Mr. Cannon, accompanied by his
wife and physician, came here about two
weeks ago, suffering from a nervous af
fection. His sickness assumed a seVlous
form about one week ago. and members
of the family were summoned from Salt
Lake. Sunday last he showed some Im
provement, but it was only -temporary.
This morning his condition became criti
cal again, and preparations were made for
the end. Ex-United States Senator F. J.
Cannon, his son, - who was summoned
from" Washington, has arrived,' and there
are ntw .at"the bedside, in addition to his
wife, who Is a daughter of Brlgham
Young, and her two children, three grown
sons of Apostle Cannon and his nephew.
Ice Plant Destroyed.
SHREVEPORT, La., April 9. Fire last
night destroyed the plant of theShreve
port Ice & Refrigerating Company. The
loss is about 5150.C9JL Several box cars
and 14 mules were burned. The Ice nlant
will be rebuilt.
Russian tfavy Honored the
French President.
Commander of the Squadron Ordered
by the Czar to Return to the
Riviera and Salute
IiOubct. i
NICE, April 9. President Loubet, ac
companied by the French Ministers and
other officials, placed a crown of flow
ers upon Gambetta's tomb today. He ex
pressed the hope that the French Par
liament would soon vote to transfer
the remains to the Pantheon. It Is pro
posed that this be accomplished by July
14 next, the French National holiday.
President Loubet subsequently repaired
to the Port of Nice, three-quarters of n
mile away, where he was welcomed by
i the Chamber of Commerce and visited the
hospitals. He was everywhere warmly
'At a banquet later, and replying to a
toast to his health, President Loubet as
serted tfiat the principles of justice,
sqlidarlty and good will are the founda
tion of the republic and Inseparable
to France. He said the country needs
unity and concord and that the conflicts
of interests and the country's increasing
wants will end in compromising the fu
ture of the nation unless steps are taken
to ameliorate social conditions. Solid
arity and civil peace cannot be se
cured except by reciprocal sacrifices.
Continuing, President Loubet said that
private interests must be subordinated
to the greater Interests of the nation.
The. republic has already shown, in its
legislation, an appreciation of the neces
sities of the laboring democracy, but
legislation must become part of the con
science of the nation. Thus can the coun
try weld its unity and assure its moral
grandeur and material prosperity.
President Loubet's speech was loudly
The news that the Russian squadron had'
arrived at Vlllefranche aroused great en
thusiasm, and crowds went there to wit
ness the Russians. It appears that Ad
miral Birlloff yesterday disembarked at
Barcelona and was summoned to the Rus
sian Legation at Madrid, where a dispatch
from the Czar was communicated to him,
Instructing him to return to the Riviera
and salute President Loubet. Admiral
BJriloff immediately telegraphed to Bar
celona, ordering the Russian squadron to
get up steam, and on his return there last
evening the squadron sailed for Vllle
franche, where the Russian ships will be
able to participate In the ceremony of the
embarkation and departure of President
Loubet for Toulon without the Russian
warships' presence constituting a political
share of the Franco-Italian demonstration.
President Loubet and M. Delcasse re
ceived Admiral Birlloff and four other
Russian naval officers who had disem
barked at Vlllefranche. At the banquet
this evening in honor of the Russian of
ficers M. Loubet proposed the health of
the Czar, "who. In sending you hither to
salute the President of the French Re
public, has proved once more the con
stancy of his sentiment fdr a friendly al
lied nation."
Frenchmen for a Time Thought
Their Friends Had Deserted Them.
PARIS, April 9. The unexpected return
of the Russian, squadron dwarfed Interest
In all other events on the programme at
Nice today. The news is on the lips of
every one In Paris, and joy Is expressed
by both the public and the press. The in
tensity of this gratification shows that
great numbers of Frenchmen had treated
with skepticism the explanation that the
withdrawal of the squadron was simply
due to a desire not to be politically iden
tified with the Franco-Italian demonstra
tion. A section of the Nationalist press
has carefully fostered this Impression,
pursuing a policy of seizing upon every
possible opportunity to embarrass the gov
ernment. These organs had asserted that
the departure of the Russians implied dis
satisfaction on the part of Emperor Nich
olas with the Franco-Italian rapproche
ment and heralded the break-up of the
Franco-Russian alliance. A brooding feel
ing of uncertainty was thus created which
broke like a spell before the happy tidings
of the return of the Russian squadron to
Vlllefranche, and was transferred Into ex
pressions of exultant gladness. The pre
vailing feeling this evening was epitom
ized in the following declaration of Le
"It Is with patriotic joy that all French
men learn the glad news. The departure
of our allies painfully impressed the coun
try. We are now happily reassured. The
Joyful emotion of the people of Nice Is
shared by all patriots. No more convinc
ing proof; could be given of ,the vitality
and Btrength of the Franco-Russian alli
ance, which has been declared moribund
somewhat too early." " '
Inquiry In official quarters regarding the
explanation of the return of the Russian
squadron elicited the Information that the
squadron left Toulon for the reason as
signed at the time and cabled to the As
sociated Press namely, that It was never
Intended that the whole Russian squadron
'. t X I I hXJ M ? 9 T"' A .1 SJ J 1Ar
should remain there during the Franco
Italian festivitlesas the presence of a
third party might tend to check the ex
pansion of feeling, but that the Russian
Government had not anticipated such an
unfavorable effect as was created by the
withdrawal, or such comments as ap
pealed In a section of the foreign press
and in the Nationalist organs In France.
"These comments, misrepresenting the
Incidents as indicating coolness between
France and Russia' said a high official,
"made a great Impression upon the Rus
sian Government, which is extremely sen
sitive to newspaper criticism, and result
ed In a decision to recall the squadron, to
Nice In order ostentatiously to belie the
false rumors concerning the affair. As a
matter of fact, while It was not Intended
that the Russian squadron should remain
at Toulon for the fete, a large blunder
was made by a certain Russian official,
who sent the squadron off to Barcelona
when it had only to go to Vlllefranche.
as it has now done. In order to solve the
whole difficulty. The situation was almost
entirely unnecessary, and the recall of
the squadron has given the French Gov
ernment the keenest satisfaction."
Duke of Genoa Repaid a Visit. .
TOULON, April 9. The Duke of Genoa,
In command of the Italian fleet, repaid to
day Vlce-Admlral de Beaumont's visit of
yesterday. Both the French and Italian
warships saluted while the Duke was
going ashore. The Duke, after receiving
the guard of honor of marines, proceeded
to the prefecture through troop-lined
streets. The meeting between Admiral de
Beaumont and the Duke of Genoa was
most cordial. The Duke was re-escorted
to his flagship, the Lepanto, with the same
ceremonial. He everywhere met with the
heartiest reception from the crowds.
The Drelbund Not Weakened.
BERLIN. April 9.- The Toulon, demon
stration does not excite any apprehension
here that Italy Is weakening toward the
Drelbund. The officials say the 'Drelbund
Is practically certain of renewal In 1903.
Commenting on the exultation In the
Paris press at the fact that the estrange
ment fomented between Italy and France
by the late Prince Bismarck is now ended.
German diplomatic circles point out that
the cause of the estrangement was not
Prince Bismarck, but France's seizure of
United States Will Establish a Depot
on Mexican Soil.
WASHINGTON, April 9. The first
United States coaling station to be lo
cated on foreign soil has just been com
pleted at PlchallnquI, on the west coast
of Mexico, and the collier Alexander Is
now taking on 5000 tons of coal at Balti
more to stock this latest acquisition of
the Navy. The station Is on California
Bay. at the extreme end of Lower Cali
fornia. A footing was secured there many
years ago through the assent of the local
authorities, but it was desired that the
Mexican Government should give Its full
authorization to the work contemplated
by the United States. The capacity of the
station Is 5000 tons of coal. A Mexican
customs official will Inspect the ships be
fore they enter the station.
Bears the Pictures of Lewis and
Clnrk, the Explorers.
WASHINGTON, April 9. The Secretary
of the Treasury has approved a design
for the new 510 legal tender United States
note. Prominent In the center of the face
of the note Is the picture of an American
buffalo, taken from a photograph of a
fine mounted specimen In the National
Museum. On the right and left ends are
the portraits of Lewis and Clark, the
noted explorers of the far Northwest. By
the side of each Is a youthful figure ex
tending a palm over the pictures. The fig
ures and letters denoting the denomina
tion are quite large and conspicuous. The
note Is considered as artistic as any that
has been Issued in many years.
Constitutional Convention Will Send
a Commissioner to Washington-
HAVANA, April 9. The Cuban consti
tutional convention today formally recon
sidered the vote against sending a com
mission to Washington, the final vote
standing 20 In favor of reconsidering to 8
opposed. The programme is now to ap
point a committee of five, who shall. In
the first Instance, wait upon Governor
General Wood, discuss the situation with
him, and ask his advice regarding the
procedure necessary in the present case
at Washington.
Suicide of a Dissipated Soldier.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. The soldier
who shot and killed himself at the Cliff
House last night has been identified as
Paul Warren, who was one of the mem
bers of Troop C, of the Roosevelt Rough
Riders. Warren was a native of Qulncy,
111., a son of the late William Warren,
Chief Justice of New Mexico. Warren
served in the Philippines with the
Eleventh Cavalry, and was honorably dis
charged a few days ago. His suicide
followed a period of dissipation.
College President Will Resign.
ALBION, Mich., April 9. President J. P.
Ashley, of Albion College, who la at Hot
Springs, Ark., for his health, has sent
word to Mrs. Ashley that he will resign
his position here. Inquiry at the college
office shows that his resignation is in the
hands of the secretary, but will not be
acted upon until April 24, when the board
of trustees hav ea special meeting
Four Alaska Transportation
Concerns in Two.
$10,250,000 IS TOTAL STOCK
Son Francisco and Seattle Will Be
Two of Principal Offices Object
Is tot Lessen Expenses and
Stop Rate-Cutting.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 9. The daaHa
of the combination of a number of Alaska
commercial and transportation compa
nies, which has been pending for sev
eral weeks, have been completed. The
Alaskan Commercial Company. the
Alaska Exploration Company, the Seat
tlerYukon Transportation Company and
thB Empire Transportation Company
have been merged Into two corporations
-rthe Northern Navigation Company,
.With a capital of $3,250,000. and the North
ern Commercial Company, with a cap
ital of 57,000.000.
The following official announcement
was made today:
"For some weeks past the representa
tives of the principal transportation and
trading companies doing buslnoss on the
Yukon have been In conference, the orig
inal purpose being to arrive at some un
derstanding whereby reasonable trans
portation rates might be maintained anil
a remedy found for the evils resulting
from conflicts caused by divided inter
ests. As this discussion progressed, the
schdme enlarged upon Itself so that It
was finally found that the best results
could ba obtained only by a unity of
their Interests In the Yukon, St. Michael.
Behring Sea and Port Clarence districts.
As a result of this decision two new
companies have been Incorporated under
the laws of the State of New Jersey, and
the assets and business of the following
companies have been transferred to the
now Incorporations: Alaska Commercial
Company, Alaska Exploration Company.
Seattle-Yukon Transportation Company,
Empire Transportation Company.
"The Northern Navigation Company
will take over all the assets of the
above companies which are connected
with the transportation In that country,
and will be handled as a separate cor
poration doing a purely transportation
business. It is capitalized at 53:250,000.
"The Northern Commercial Company,
capitalized at 57,000,000, will take over all
the plants and stocks of merchandise now
under the control of the above-mentioned
companies In the territory described.
"The new companies expect to reduco
the price of supplies; to avoid In future
any possible shortage or necessities In
the North, and to make Its legitimate
profit In the reduction of expenses, which
the conditions of late years have madr
abnormally large.
"The principal offices of the new com
panies will be at San Francisco. Seattle.
Victoria and Vancouver.
"The officers of the companies have
not been selected as yet, but will be
chosen at the first meeting of the board
of directors."
During the present year the companies
will operate the ocean steamer Cone
maugh, Portland, St. Paul and Dora, and
also sailing vessels and steamers under
charter. Those present when the news
was given out said that there was no
stock deal in the matter. No statement
was made concerning the proportions In
which tho stockholders In the old corpo
rations will receive shares In the new one.
Why the North American Trading &
Transportation Company proposes to re
main outside of the combination, and
what action this may portend, is not
known here.
Fear of punishment o Chinese offlctata caused
the rebellion in northern provlneea. Pane t.
The rebels are urged to march on Slngan,
where the court Is located. Page 1.
The American claim for Indemnity amounts
to 525,000.000. Page 1.
The Nesros Governor tried to start a rebel-.
Hon. but could not secure a following.
Page 3.
Agulnaldo signed his manifesto. Page 3.
More surrenders are repotted on Sublg- Bay.
Page 3.
Federal Government.
P. C. Knox was sworn, In aa Attorney-General.
Page 0.
G. '. Colvls was appointed Consul at Barran
qullla. Colombia. Page 0.
Admiral Sampson receives 53330 prize money.
The Russian fleet returned to the French coast
and saluted Loubet. Page 1.
Plumer captured Pletersburg. tho Duteh eap
ltal. Page 2.
The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerln at
tained his majori-ty. Page 2.
Tho Logan statuo was unveiled In Washing
ton. Page 2.
Jones, the murderer of Millionaire Blce gave
further testimony. Page 3.
j, p. Morgan organizes a department store
trusti Page 3.
It looks like a. strike on the New Jersey Cen
tral. Page 5.
The anniversary of the surrender of Appomat
tox was celebrated by the Hamilton Club o
Chicago. Page C.
Pacific Coast.
Four large Alaska transportation companies
have been merged Into two. Page 1.
J. H. Gates Is held at Eugene on charge of
forging Henry Corbett's name to a oheck.
Page 4.
Washington Democratic official's action In dis
charging G. A. K. men Is said to be viola
tion of state law. Page 4.
Corporation with 515,000 stock formed to build
opera-house at Eugene. Page 4.
The New York stock market recovered from
the uncertainty of Monday. Page 11.
Domestic and foreign markets and nnanelal
quotations. Page 11.
Clipper ship Mukoka makes a wonderful run
to Queenstown. Page 10.
Steamer Mascot sinks In the Willamette River.
Page 10.
Steamship Adato enter? a mixed cargo for
Eastern points. Page 10.
Great activity In Portland harbor. Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity-
Circuit Court declares new County Commis
sioners' law valid. Page 8.
Discharge of policemen last July held to be
erroneous1. Page 12.
Executive committee of 15 for President Mo
Klnley's reception will be appointed today.
Page 12.
Rev. Benjamin Fay Mills spoken at the Uni
tarian Church. Page S.
Brewers' strike settled and both sides satta
fled. Page 7.