THE MOTWTNG OREGONTAN, TUESDAT, AVRTL 9, 1301 10M1ER0IAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS markets yesterday followed closely the quotations of Saturday. Front .street had Its Monday average of business. Con tinuance of fair "weather "would stimulate all lines, especially out-of-town orders, and "woud hasten along mohajr and veg etables. Eggs were steadier than last week. Dealers are resorting to storage. A fur ther advance in California would, open that market to them. Butter showed no Improvement. Some merchants consider a break probable A-ery soon. One firm -was willing to close out on the best Or egon grade below 20 cents. Some deal ers apprehend a smaller Alaska con sumption this year, and consequently de pressing effect, while, otners are firmly of the opinion that the market can mam. tain itself at usual level. Vegetables were limited, and CaUiornia rer almost entlrelv cleaned UP. JJomes- tlc product, such as rhubarb, lettuce, rad ishes, onions and asparagus, have begun to come in more freely. Potatoes were strong, and maintained, the Improvement of last week. Large export to San TYan clsco was made by last steamer. New po tatoes have declined slightly. Best grade onions were steady at last week's advance. The steamBr took a quantity to California Sunday in response t'o the higher price at San Francisco. Bank Clearings. Clearings. Tacoma ........... ........$107,331 Seattle . 470,335 Spokane -, 359,031 Balances. 24.621 113.G3T 133,617 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc "With no foreign cables yesterday, local dealers were undecided how to gauge the market for wheat, and business was -accordingly on a very restricted scale with quotations nominally unchanged since Saturday. The best open quotation for "Walla "Walla wheat was 57 cents, but there were reports of o7 and even 5S cents being paid by ome of the Interior mills. The cereal is not worth the latter figure -for export, even on a much weaker freight market than is now in evidence. 2so pevr charters are reported, but the steamship Adato, now in port, is said to ie offering for wheat loading. Wheat Walla Walla. fic: "Valley nomi nal; bluestem, 59c per bushel. Fl jur Best grades,. ?2 703:3 40; per bar rel;, graham, ?2 60. Oats White. ?1 25 per cental; gray. 31 201 22 per cental. Barley Feed, $16 50(517; brewing. $16 50 17 per ton. Wlllstufts Bran. $16 per ton; middlings, $21 50;shorts. $17 50: chop. $16. f Timothy. $12012 50; clover. 579 50; OrfEgon wild hay, $G7 per ton. Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops l214c per pound; 1899 crop. 67c. Wool Valley, 1314c; Eastern- Oregon, S12c; mohair, 2021c per pound. Sheepskins' Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, C0c$l each. Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease, 22&c per pound. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 nounds and upward 1415c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds, 1415c per pound; dry calf. No. 2, sound steers, 60 pounds and over, 7Sc; do, 50 to 60 pounds, T'gT&c; do, under 50 pounds, 6.7c; kip. 10 to 30 pounds.. 66(g Tc; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; do -calf, under 10 pounds. TSc; green (unsalted), 1c per pound less; culls (bulls sags, anoth-eaten. badly cut. scored, halr sllpped, weather-beaten or grubby), one third less. Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $5 20; cubs, each, $25: badger, each. 1040c; wildcat, 2575c; house cat, 520c; fox. common gray, 3050e; do red, $1 502; do cross, $515; lynx. $23; mink. 50c$l 25; marten, dark Northern, $612; do pale pine, $1502; muskrat, 5igI0c; skunk, -25 35c; otter (land), $57; panther, with head and claws perfect, $25; raccoon, 3035c; -wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 50 6; prairie wolf or coyote, 6075c; wolver ine, $47i beaver, per skin, large, $55j; do medium, per akin, $37; do small, per skin, $12;? do kits, per Tskin, 5075c Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 2022c; dairy. 1518c; store, lb12&c per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1313Vc per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 505; hens, $56; dressed, 11 12c per pound; Springs, $45 per dozen; ducks, $56; geese, $68 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 12c; dressed, 1314c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13gI3&c; Toung America, 1314c per pound. Vegetables, Frnlts, Etc. Vegetables Garrots. 75S5c per sack: onions, ?2.35g,3 50; cabbage, $1 401 50 per cental; potatoes, 5060c per sack; sweet potatoes. $175 per 100 pounds; new po tatoes, 22c per pound; celery, S090 per dozen; California tomatoes, $1 5032 per box. . Fruit Lemons, choice. $2; fancy. $2 50 2 75; oranges. $1752 50 for "navel;-$2 50 1 75 for seedlings, per box;" pineapples $44 50 per dozen; bananas, $2 25S2 per bunch; Persian dates, 6c per pound; ap ples, $12. " " , Dried fruit Apples, evaporated , j$a per pound; sun-dried, sacks or ooxes, 34c; pears, S9c; prunes, Italian. 57c; silver, extra choice. 57c; -figs, California blacks, 5c; figs, California white, 57c; plums, pltless, white, 78c per pound. Meat- and Provisions. Mutton Lambs, 10llc per pound gross; best sheep, $S; wethers, $5; ewes, $4 50 iressed, TlgTVic per pound. 3ogs Gross, heavy, $5 75$; light, $4 75 5; TSresseci, 7c per pouagj a.Y9r-,Uj; Provisions Portlana pack.'. (Shield Brand) hams, 13&c; picnic, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 1516c per pound; ba con, 12c per pound: backs, ll?ic; dry salted sides, Uc: dried beef, setts, 15c; Icnuckles, 17c; lard, 5s, 12c; 10s, llc; 50s, ll&c; tierces, 'Uc; Eastern pack (Ham monds), hams, large, 12lc; medium, 13c; small, 13V&C, picnic, 10c; shoulders, 10c, breakfast bacon, 1416c; dry salted sides, lOMPc; bacon sides. ITJKglSc; backs, 124c; butts, llc; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 12c; 10s, 12c; dry salt bel lies, ll?igl2Sic; bacon bellies, 12l4c; dried beef, 15c. Beef Gross, top steers. $55 25; cows and heifers, $4 504 75; dressed beef, 78Vic per pound. for call money precipitated such a spasm of liquidation as threw the .stocky market into a condition bordering on demorallza "tlon. What happened. today in the siocK market Is what, according to all observ ers, was bound to happen. In due 'course of time. Nevertheless, as Is the wont of the stock market happenings, the day's events carafe as a surprise. . - Even the most enthusiastic bull has agreed to the proposition that 'such a rampant speculation as has been going on for weeks past was bound to overdo itself, and be followed, by a relapse of corresponding violence Only the enthu siastic bull has clung to the 'supposition that the relapse was still remote, and he .has continually moved forward the sup- posea date of .Its occurrence, In the hope that there was time for still another spec ulative turn. Even the wild and excited market of last week, which was an omin ous symptom, left the bulls, unprotected for todays developments. Tips for a rise In- many stocks were still widely prevalent before the opening this morning, and the explanation was offered that Thursday's flurry In call loan rates was due to manipulation by the bears. But the. Instant the market opened it became evident that the developments since Thursday had Induced a widespread determination to sell stocks.- Another pal pable fact was that some of the most powerful operators in the market had al ready sold their holdings and taken profits during the wjld excitement of last week, and were compactly Organized on the bear isldeof the. market "this, morn ing. Perceiving the highly vulnerable con dition of the market, owing to the over extension of long accounts thinly mar gined and, backed by weSkresources, tfie bears fell upoiC the market with great flercenessand cut a wide 'breach, in prices at the first onslaught. The wide Textent of the first declines, which "were made by successive drops from 1 to 2 points be tween sales,, Invited qulckrproflt taking by the bears, and the violent rallies which resulted encouraged the bulls to make some jstand against the reductIon( hoping that the flurry was temporary, and the market prepared, to renew the advance.- - This was the only period of the. day when there was any show of positive, strength, and Sugar, People's Gas Texas & Pacific and a number'of less Important stocks weYe niarked up sharplyaver last Thursday's level. The strength was'short Hved, however, and after -the demand from the bears had been satisfied many of the banks began -calling loans. This brought a fresh supply of liquidation In the market and Invited fresh attacks by the bears. The selling became precipi tate, as the fall in prices wiped' out mar gins and uncovered stop los6 orders, and, the jmlucky bulls jettisoned great'bales of. stock with the-hope of relieving their load and saving other holdings from the ship wreck. . Th only Important demand at any time came from the shorts, and the occasional spasmodical- rallies were not held in any case. This was true of the last as of former rallies, and although prices had not fallen back to the lowest all around, they were again on the down grade In most cases, and the closing was Irregu lar and only slightly above the lowest. The fall reached an extreme 8?i In Rock Island. 6J In "Delaware & Hudson. 5V In Amalgamated Copper, 7 In Colorado Fuel, preferred, and from 2 to 5 points In prac-, tically all of the active stocks In the list The Grangers, Pacific, Southwest erns, Southern, Coalers, Trunk lines, and high priced specialties were most, acutely affected. Sterling exchange eased off slightly In response to the higher money rate, but the conviction was not altered that a large additional sum of gold will be exported to meet the requirements of the London money market In connection with the coming government loan. The movement of money to the Interior, as disclosed by Saturday's bank statement, was unusually heavy, and would be sufficient If continued to quickly wipe out the surplus of the New York banks, but any considerable stringency In New York -would undoubt edly arrest this movement to some extent, although the purely commercial -needs tor r mbney are likely tofie met wfthouTregSrdr to "distress of purely speculative .borrow ers. . i i The sub-treasury drain, which Is des tined to continue, is more feared than any bther source of encroachment, and the conditional offer of the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem Government bonds for the sinking fund Is- felt to offer little Hope of relief for the stock market. Business in bonds was relatively less active than that In stocks, and the move ment of prices was irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,010,000: - ' United States refunding 2s advanced and new 4s per cent on the last call. BONDS.' TJ. S. 2s. ref. reg.l0GX. Y. Cent. lsts..107H do coupon 106 Northern Pac. 3s.. 72 do 3s. rec 310 do 4s , 105J&- uu tuuiuu . .....xiivitiuu .1AV. iSUi ,Jt Met. St. Ry lG5i Mex, Central-'"...... 21 Minn. & St. Louis 84 do,pfd .!....... 112' Mlsftnnrl. Pnlfln inn S$W Qw-Wi.sL u.., - CCA...... i-i'A do pfd :. J.. .... '57 NewJersev!5 NewTork Cent...l4'JV3 .rorioiK west... 50 do Dfd fid Nnrthppn PaIA( OKRtiTJ. V. -Air Ttrakn..153 do pfd ,. iL!North American .. 844 Ontario & West.. 33'PacIflc Coast 53 O. R. & N 42 do 1st pfd 00 do Dfd 7rt do 2d pfd.... C3 Pennsylvania ....lD5mPaclflc Mall 36 Reading 34 ao isi pia..... .. 74 do 2d pfd 51U k Rio Gr. Western.. 79 do pfd 100 St. Louis & S. F.. 40 do 1st pfd 82 Gen. Electric 215 Glucose Sugar ...,"40 do pfd 08 Int. Paper 25- . do pfd . 78 La,Clede. Gas S4 Natl&nal Biscuit .. 39" do "pfd ".-.... 95" " National Lead :,.. lti do pfd 84 National Steel .... 58 do Rfd .-..117 Peonle'a Gas ......109-0t Pressed Steel Car.. 39 do pfd 81 Pullman Pal. Car.209 Stand. Rope & T.. 5 Sugar 14171 do pfd 121 do 2d pfd C5'AiTenn. Coal & Iron. 02 St. Louis S. W.... 35 Itr. S. Leather 12 flo pfd 04 do pfd 75" St. Paul 151MiU. S. Rubber 10 do pfd 190 St Paul & 0...,..135 i Southern Pacific. 44 Southern Ry 27 do pfd 78V4 Texas & Pacific... 30)1 Union Pacific 90 do pfd 84 Wabash 10 Ex dividend. do Dfd 50-J4 Western Union ... 00 Amai. Copper 105 National Tube ... 00 do pfd 116 . Republic Iron & S. 10 do pfd 75 U. S. Steel 4G do pfd 04 New Yorlc Stocks. These quotations are furnished by R. W. McKlnnon & ffp members of the Chicago BoaYd of Trade: STOCKS Anaconda Mlnirig Co... Amal. Copper Co 'Atchison com Atchison pfd Am. Tobacco com Am. 'Sugar com Am"iSteel & Wire com. Am, Steel & Wire pfd. Am1. Smelter" com Am.-Smelter pfd Am. Steel Hoop com.... Am. Tin-Plate com.... Am. Tin-Plate pfd Baltimore & Ohio com. Baltimore & Ohio pfd. Brook. Rapid Transit.. Chicago & Alton com.. Chicago & Alton pfd.. Chicago & G. W. com.. Canadian Pacific Chi., Ind. & L. com.... Chi. Ind. & L. pfd.... Chi.. Burl. & Qulncy.... Chi., Mil. & St. Paul... Chicago" & N. W. com. Chi., R. I. &, Pacific. New Jersey Central.... Ghesapeake & Oh'o Canada Southern Colo., Fuel & Iron c'om. Cont. Tobacco com ionf. Tobacco pfd...r.. "Delaware & Hudson.... Tfel.. Lack. & Western. lD-& R. G. com : & R. G. pfd ErTe com ..i. Erie 2ds pfd 'Erie lsts bfd Federal Steel com Federal Steel pfd Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville. Met. Traction Co.. ...... Manhattan Elevated..., Mexican Central Ry..., Missouri Pacific Mobile & Ohio Mo.. Kan. & Tex. com Mo.. Kan. & Tex. pfd. rsTbw York central... 4Sj IDS 62 9534 128 142 47 o9 93 47 do new 4s, res-.irJSj uo coupon ...... i.a-ft do old 4s, res.. .1134 do "coupon 113V . do 5s, res v..lU do coupon .7... .111 DIst. Col. 3-65S...124 Atchison adj. 4s..5& C. &N.W. con. 7sI42 do-S. F. deb. 5s. 124 D. & R. G. 4s....102 Gen, Electric 5sM80 Bid. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were L709.800 shares. The closing quotations -nere: Atchison .'... ClWabash pfd 37& do 4s 105V1 Oregon S. L'Us...128 do con. Bs 117 Rio Gr. W. lsts. ..101 Su-Paul consols... ISO a.P, c. &-P. lsts118V do 5s .J. vIlKUA Union Pacific 4S...105& Wis Cent. lsts.... 00 West' Shore 4s..115 Southern Pac. 4s. .. 02 :&? Groceries, Jiutn, Etc. Tee. Mocha. 23(?2Sc; Java, fancy, 26 Java," good, 2024c; Java, ordinary. Costa Rica, fancy, lS(?T20c; Costa good. 16ffil8c: Costa Rica, ordinary. c per pound; Columbia roast, $12 75; ickles, $12 25; Lion, $12 25 per case. te Island, 6c; Japan, 5c; New Orle ans, 4!dc: fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Sugar Cube, $6 25; crushed, $6 50; pow dered, $5 S5; dry granulated, $5 65; extra C. $5 25; golden C, $5 15 net, naif barrels c more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100 less than barrels: maple, 1516c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails, $1 502; two-pound tails. $2 25250; fancy one-pound flats, $22 25; -pound fancy flats, $1 101 30; Alaska tails, $1 1 25; two-pound tails. $1 S02 25. Nuts Peanuts, ("Ifctgc per pound for raw, Sc lor roasted; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen; walnuts. lCgUc per pound? pine nuts, 15cj hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, He; filberts, 15c; fancy pecans, 12 14c; almonds, 15YIc per pound. Beans Small white, F&e; large white, 5c; bayou, 3c; Lima, 6&c per pound. Grain bags Calcutta, $6 506 75 per 100 for spot, Coal oli Cases, 19c per gallon-; bar rels, 15e; tanks, lZMc ,. Stock salt 50s. $14 25 per 100; 100s", $13 J5. JiEW YORK .STOCK MARKET. Relapse' of B-eeent Over-Speculation Took Many by Surprise. NEW YORK, April S. The call loan rate proved again to be the solar plexus the stock .market, as it has done on 'roany decasions. The constriction of the money supply and the advance in the rate do pfd 94V. Bait. & Ohio 91 do pfd 90 Can. Pacific 93 Can. Southern ... 62 Ches. &. Ohio 02 Chi., Gr. Western. 22 C..T3L & Q 182,j Chi.. Ind. & L.... 37 do pfd 72 Chi. & East. 111. .114 Chicago & N. W..187 C, R. L & Pac.143 C. C. C. &St- L. 80 Colo. Southern .. 10 .do 1st pfd. 45 do 2d pfd 194. Del. & Hudson. ...170 Del.. LacK. & w..-io Denver & Bio Gr. 43 dp pfd 94 Erie 30 do 1st pfd C8 Gr. North, pfd. ...203 Hocklne Coal .... 19 Hocklne Valley .. 53 Illinois Central ..139 Iowa Central .... 34 do pfd Cl Lake Erie- & W.. 0 do Dfd 125 Lake Shore 210Ji Louis. & Nash 102U1 Manhattan El ...120i Wheel. L. E.... 18 do 2d pfd 34 Wis Central 19 P. C. C. & St. L.. 08 , Third Avenue 121 EXPRESS CO.'S. Adams 00 American 19" United States ..:. 82 Wells-Fareo 140 MISCKLLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oils. 26 do pfd S3 Amer., Malting,-... 5 do pfd :.. 25 Am. Smelt, & R... C24 do pfd .-. 96 Amer. Spirits 2 do pfd 17 Amer. Steel Hoop.. 40 ao pia 95- Am. Stel & W.... 47 do pfd 111 Amer. Tin Plate... 75 ao pfd 119 Am. Tobacco ....125J1 do pfd 144 Anaconda M. Co... 45K Brooklyn R. T...ti 81 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 73 Cont. Tobacco ..., 45 do pfd J03 Federal Steel .... 53 uo pia ,...103 CULLISON&CO. Board of Trade and SUck Exchange Brokers GRAIN. ' : PROVISIONS STOCKS anJ COTTON BOTJG&T AND SOLD FOR CASH OR' CARRIED ON MARGINS ' 214-213 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Orcgsn 93 91 82 43 78 23 .a 471 104 61 94 491A 109 63 .95 illdm 48r 47 59 95 46 93 91 j 44 7S 23 37 -38 73 185 153 190 149 157 47 ! 64 73 46! 103 179 215 43! 94 37 .57 09 54 75 18a 155 190 149 157 47 64 75 49 103 1S0U. 10 44 95 38 58 70 54 .Norfolk & West pfd.. Northern Pacific com Northern Pacific pfd.. National bteel com. National Steel pfd Isorth American new.. N. Y., Ont. & Western. O. R. & N. com O. R. & N. pfd Pacific Coast Pacific Coast lsts pfd.. Pacific Coast 2ds pfd.. Pennsylvania Ry People's G.. L. & C. Co. Pressed S. Car com.... Pressed S. Car pfd Pullman .Palace Car.. Pacific Mall S. Co Reading com Reading 2ds pfd f. Reading ,lsts pfd Southern Ry. "corn Southern Ry...pfd...w -Southern, Pacific St. is. fc s. . com... St. L.-& S. F. 2ds pfd. St. L. & S. F. lsts pfd.. Texas & Pacific Tenn. Coal & Iron.,,. Union Paclfio com..,..., Union Pacific pfd.....". U. S. Leather com U. S. Leather pfd... U. S. U. S. Rubber pfd... U. S. Steel Co. com. U. S. Steel Co. pfd. Wheel. & L. B. com. Wheel. & L. E. 2ds. Wheel. & L. E. lsts. Wis. Central com... Wig. Central pfd Western Union Tel. Wabash com Wabash pfd 86 96 94 59 86 34 159 110 39 83 209 37 35 52 76 28 7S 46 42 66 80 37 64 143 frOo 169 129 22 103 S6 26 59 153 51 76 96 95 59 77 22 35 181 151 187 go So" 47 105 t 61 94 125 141 47 111 62 96 46 75 119 91 90 was reported later that the California frosts had done little damaga to grain. The Orange-Judd Farmer reported that the condition of Winter wheat Is practi cally" perfect In 'the centers, of 'heavy, pro duction, the general average being 95.5 against a general average of 85.7 at the same ""date for- the past .seven years. ' The market for oats was dull. May closed shade down, at 2525c. Provisions were dull and weak. May pork leading the decline under liquidation by outside holders to secure what profits remained. May pork closed 35c under Saturday, lard 10c down, and ribs 2c de pressed. The leading futures ranged as follows t WHEAT. . Opening. Highest, lowest. Closinff. May o u u '"" July 71 71 CORN. April May July .... 43 44" .... 43 44 OATS. May ' 25 25- July 25 25 MESS PORK. May 14 80. July 1485 LARD. 71 43 43 23 25 14 80 14 35 14 87 14 47 71 43 44 43 25V 26V 14 50 14 60 May September May July- September 805 700 7 02 810 7 02 7 02 90 90 8Q 81 42 42 77i 22 93 37 72 72 141 156 4fi 1611 72 46 103 175 215 42 93 35 56 67; 53 182 151 1187 139 101 165 126 21 103 S5 24 57 149 49 86 93 93 159 113 40 S3 212 37 35 52 76 2S 79 46! 42 67 83 39 65 ,93 93 85 13! 75 19 56 48 95 18 "36 56 20:4 45 93 19 84 13 76 19 56l 48 95 19 37 57 21 45 93 19 1 39i 39 85 33 155 109 39 80 ZUU 37 34 51 74 26; 78 44 40 66 SO 35 62 S9 84 12 75 19 55 46 ,94 1S 34 56 20 44 90 19 36 143 157 .46 62 73 ' 45 103 176 215 43 94 36 57 68 53 103 139 102 165 126 21 102 85 24 57 149 50 86 95 94 58 117 84 33 42 76 52 90 . 63 155 103 39 81 209 36 34 51. 74, 27 'ato 44-fc 40 65 82 36 62 90 84 12 75 19 56 46 94 18 34 5o 20 44 90 .02 37 8 37 8 37 8 22 8 25 8 27 8 87 8 15 8 17 SHORT BIBS. 8 15 8 20 8 02 8 05 8 02 SOS Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet and steady. Wheat, No. 3 Spring,- e670c; No. 2 .red, 7073c. N.o. 2 corn, 44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c. No. 2 oats, 27c; No. 2 white, 2Sc; 'No. 3 white, 2729c. - No. 2 rye. 53c. Good feeding barley, 47c; fair to chplce maltlnir. 49tf?5Sc. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 52; No. 1 Northwest ern, ?1 53. ' Prime timothy seed, $4 10.- ;- - Mess pork,-" per bbl.. $14 45(514 EOT" ""Lard, per 100 lbs., ?8 35S 37. - Short ribs' sides, loose. ?88 20. v. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, ?6 756 87. Short clear sides, boxed, $8 378 50. Clover, ; contract grade, ,?11. On the produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15 20c; dairies, U1SC. . 'Eggs, firm; fresh, 12c. 'Cheese, Jinn, ll12c." Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels 25,000 22.000 "Wheat,, bushels w.. 85,000 132,000 Corn, bushels 141,000 320.000 Oatsr'bushels -. 173,000 252,000 Rye, bushels 4,000 Barley, bushels 6,000 1,000 Downing, Hopkins & Co. ESTABLISHED 1803. EAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Florir Chamber of Commerce CO . W. McKINNON BANKERS AND BROKE MEMBERS OF THE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 8 and 9 Chamber of Commerce, Portland RS Chicago Grain Gossip. F. G. Logan writes as follows to R. W. McKlnnon: i , ...' """ There were no cables today. -Foreign market was closed. FfteV dieearly weak ness, market turned strong Ho unfavor able crop news; There are reports of damage by recent frost to the German wheat crop. Complaints 'continue tp Come frqm Texas In fegard to tKe condltlon'of the wheat there, and rain is needed in California. All this, however," Induced a free covering of shorts, and better In vestment buying. It is the season when crop scares are in order, and when they receive attention. On the pther hand, Snow's report in the Orange Judd Calen dar, says that the Winter wheat condi tion Is 95.5. He adds that on account of the excessive moisture durlngv March, farm vork is a little late." We transfer money over our own wires, to. all the important cities in the United States. . , We buy and sell cotton, grain and provisions, for cash or on margin, for f utgre delivery. We buy and sell all railroad stocks listed on the New York or Chicago , Stock Exchanges. We buy and sell all copper stocks listed on the Boston Stock Exchange. We buy-and sell all oil stocks listed on the San Francisco Oil Exchange. '" Correspondence solicited. TRAVELEnS" GUIDE. fBi OREGON Moneyi. closed 34 per cdnt v Total sales of stocks, 1,714,100. - t r . f Is - i Money,' "Eielinirgrc, Efc. "' "NEW YORK, Aprll8 -Mohey ,on call, fjrm, at"31i6 per cent; last loan," 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, ,31 per cent. r " ' ,' Sterling exchange weaker, with .actual business In bankers' bllls'aat ?i 57 for de mand, and at ?4 84(4 84 for 60: days. Posted rates, $4 S5V& and $4 S9. Commer cial bills, $4 Sim 84. Silver certificates, 5S(f 59c. Mexjcan dollars, 4Sc. r o( Government bonds strong; state. 'bonda Inactive; railroad bonds irregular. I SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Sterling on London, go days, ?4 sa; sterling on .uonaon, sight. J4 85. Mexican "dollars, 50Vf51c. . Drafts Sight, 12c; telegraph, 15c. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices of Cereals at American und European 'Porta. ' ' ' I SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Wheat 'and barley futures, quiet; spot wheat quiet; spot bhrley, steady. Oats quiet, but 'firm. Spot quotations were: .Wheat-Shipping, No. 1.. $1; choice. $1; milling. SI 021 05. Barley Feed, 77S0c; brewing, ;S2Vc. Oats Black for -seed, fl 151 25; re'd,' V- 251 45. - - Call "board sales: Wheats-May. $1 00 bid; December. Jl 05 bid; cash. $1 00. ' stt Barlex No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1 151 17. Chicago Grain and Provisions. , CHICAGO. April 8. For a, few mo ments at- the opening the corn market resembled to a degree the wlldness which characterized the. market. last week. Sea sonable weather and liberal receipts caused a rush to sell at the start, and May ranged from 44 to 43c, to c un der Saturday's closing price. Greater weakness had been expected, nd. when It failed to show up, shorts covered, and the market wnrkdd back to 44s!44c. Profit-taking by country holders caused a reaction to 434oc. The wheat strength .cause a rally from this to 44c, and the close was firtm, M,dy &4c higher, at 44c. The volume of business was. very much, less than Tecently. " Phillips did but lit tle. , Wheat wa, still feeling the bearishness of Snow's crop report at the opening tb-( day. Sentiment was further 'weakened by seasonable weather, liberal receipts and an lncreaseon passage. Bears were ac tive at .the start, May selling from 7056c to 70&c, c to c under the. previous close. A report that German wheat had suffered from frost aild ,a similar rumor from California started shorts covering. It developed that the market had been sold, to a standstill. Very little -wheat was Jo be had and May reacted sharply to 70c. A visible decrease of '859,000 bushels, lighter primary receipts, heavy clearances and a good export demand later imparted a -great -deal of strength, and May rallied to. 71c Commission houses sold on-the advance, but the close -was firm. May c higher at- 714. It New York Grain and Provisions. NEW YORK, April 8. Flour Receipts. 30,000 barrels; exports, 47,227 barrels; mar ket moderately active, at slightly lower range of prices on some grades. Minne sota patents, $3 90g)4 207 Wheat Receipts, 66,500 bushels; exports, 329,000 bushels. Spot, firmer; No. 2 red, 794c f. o. b. afloat; 77c etevator. Options opened firm on covering, and after a sharp reaction under liquidation. Impelled by fine crop prospects recovered on a demand from shorts, helped by heavy clearances, export buying and a large visible supply decrease. Closed Arm at tc ne.t,advance. May closed at 77p; July closed at 774c; September closed at 76c. Hops Steady. ' Hides Steady. Wool Dull. Visible Grain Snpply. NEW YORK, April 8. The statement of the visible supply of grain ih store and afloat on Saturday, April" 6, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as follows: Bushels. Wheat 53.89),CO0 Corn 21,990,000 Oats 11,399.000 Rye 1,112,000 Barley 850,000 Inc. 243,000 3.000 Dec S59.0CO 297.W0 212,000 i European Wheat Imports. LIVERPOOL, April 8. The imports of wheat last week vere: 'From Atlantic ports. 57,000 quarters; Pacific ports, 6000; other ports, 14,000 auarters. '. SA FRANCISCO MAnKETS. i-'iTA SAN FRANCISCO, , Spring Nevada, ll13c; Eastern Oregon, iv&iac; vuuey uregon, -.wcomdc. jjan Mountain lambs, 7Sc; San Joaquin plains, 67c; Humboldt and Medocino, 910c. Hops, crop of 1900. 1520c. . t . Millstuffs Middlings, $1719 50; bran, $15 5016 00. Hay Wheat, ?913; wheat and oats, "JS 12; best barley. JS 50; alfalfa, $7 009 60; compressed wheat, $S13 per ton; straw. 4047c per bale. ' Potatoes River Burbanks, 3050c; Or? gon Burbanks, 65cJl; Early Rose, 6590c; sweet, 5060c. f Onions $3 00S3 75. Vegetables Green peas, 23c; string beans, 8i10c per pound; asparagus, $2 2 25 per box. " Citrus fruit Common California lemons, 50c; choice, J2; navel oranges, 60c$2 per boxf Mexican limes, $5 506 00. ' Bananae-$1 752 50 bunch. Pineapples $45 per dozen. Green fruits Apples, choice, $1 50 per box: common, 50c per box. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 10llc; do .hens, 1314c per pound; old roosters, 23 iQ.i &u per aoz; young raosiers, j.o; iryers, $5 ?Q6 00; hens, ?4 50S5 50 per dozen; small broilers, 52 fJ03 00; large do. $4 505: old ducks, $5 506 50; geese, $1 752 00 per pair. Butter Fancy creamery, 16c; fancy dairy, 14c. Eggs Store, 14c; ranch, 15c. Cheese California, full cream, 9c; "Young America, 10; Eastern, 1516c. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 16,672; do Oregon, 7468; wheat, centals, 64,043; barley1, centals, 12205; oats, centals, 500; do Oregon, 20; beans, sacks, 906; corn, centals, 520; potatoes, sacks. 2800; do Ore gon, 634; bran, sacks, 37S0; middlings, sacks, 655; hay, tons. 581; wool, bales, 1161; hides, 130. Eastern Livestock. CHICAGO, April 8.Cattle receipts, 20, 000, including 200 Texans; 'market strong to 10c higher, active. Good to prime steers, 55fi 10; poor to medium, ?3 90 4 95; stockers and feeders, firm, $2 754 75; cows', $2 904 60; heavy, $2 90fM 30; can ners, 32 102 80; bulls, $2 S4 50; calves, steady, $4 756 00; Texas bulls, 52 7S4 00, Hog receipts today, 18,000; tomorrow, 15,000, estimated, left over, 2000. Market active, 5c higher. Top, $6 20; mixed and buchers, $5 S5C 10; good to choice, heavy, $66 20; rough heavy, ?5 S05 95; light, ?5 756 07; bulk of sales, $5"956 12. Sheep receipts, 22,000; sheep and. lambs strong and active. Good to chloce wethers. U 855 10; fair to choice mixed, J4 504 90; Western sheep, J4 85S10; ex port, ?5 25; yearlings. 54 855 25 i native lambs, $4 755 40; Western lambs, includ ing clipped, J55 40. OMAHA, April 8.-CattIe Receipts, 1600; market, active and stronger. Native beef steers, $4 20g5 50; Western steers, $3 80 4 65; Texas steers, 3 254 00; cows and heifers, ?3 354 40; canners, $1 753 25; stockers and feeders, $3 254 75; calves, $3 506 75; bulls and stags, $2 S04 20. Hogs Receipts, 2900; market, steady. HeayyK $6 006Sip; mixed. $6 006 02; light. J5 956 00; bUllc pf sales. $6 0OS 02. gneepRecftlpts,. 7700; market, steady. Fair-to choice11 yearlings, $4 705 00; fair to choice wethers. ?4 304 70; common and choice sheep. 53 753 90; lambs. ?1505 10. KANSAS CITY. April 8 Cattle Re ceipts, 6000; market steady to strong; Tex hs steers $4 25o; Texas cows, y$34; na tive steers, $4 655 50; native cows and heifers. $3 254 85; 'stockers and feeders, $3 755; bulls. $3 25g'4 55". . xTorfrc-Ror.A,ntR 5000: market opened strong and closed steady; hulk of sales, Wtc -in. hum- sfi CKtaR 15: Backers. $6S6 10; Tnlxea.'$S906 05; lights, ?5 756; Yorkers. $5 705 95; pigs, 54 oOQ& bo. SheepReceipts 5S0O; market steady; lambs. ?a 105 25; muttons, 54 255. The Metal Markets. hnpxxr -vtvrtc Anrll 8. There was little interest In the way of new features In 1 metal circles today. The absence oi in formation from abroad, owing to the con tinued observance of the Easter holiday at that point, exerted a disposition here to trade cautiously. The only change here was In tin, this metal advancing on good local Inquiry at 526 2026 35, at which fig ure the market closed very strong for spot goods. The rest of the general list were without quotable change. Domestic Iron was quiet at 59 5010 50 for pig Iron warrants; Northern foundry, 515 2516 50; Southern foundry, 51415 50, and soft Southern $1315 50. Copper was dull at 517 for Lake Superior and 516 62 for casting and electrolytic. Lead unchanged at 54 37, and spelter quiet at- 53 903 95. "Bar silver, 5Sc per ounce. - SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Bar silver, 6Sc per ounce. Treasury Statement., WASHINGTON, April 8. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 5150,000,000 In gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance 5161,073.770 Gold 97.232,628 Cotton at New York. NEW YORK, April 8. On the first sale the feeling In cotton was easy at prices 118 points lower, and while there were occasional periods of steadiness later, the general qourse of the market was down ward. The 'close was quiet, with prices S14 points lower. Sllgrht Decline. In Butter. .jIJLGIN, 111., April 8. On the Board of .Trade today. 0 tubs, of butter , were of fered. There were no sales. The market was quoted ?at 21c, or c lower than a week ago. ,. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Oil Men ' DlscbnraKed. TOLEDO, O., April 8. The oil producers In the Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana 'fields were still further discouraged .today by a drop of 3 cents in the Eastern and 2 cents In the Western market. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, April S.-Spot Rio, easy; No. 7, Invoice, 6; Mild, dull; Cardova, 8412c; Sugar, raw, heavy to firm, fair refining. 33 17-32; centrifugal 96 test, 4 1-16; refined, heavy. Will Marry Austrian Count. NEW YORK, April 8. The romdntlc story of the courtship of Miss Marie Sat terfield, the daughter of Mrs. John Satter fleld, of Buffalo, and Franz Josef, Count von Larlsch, of Austria, has become known at Allentown, Pa., through friends of the couple, according to a special to the Journal and Advertiser. The prospec tive, bride, who has just reached Phila delphia, met her future husband a year ago, while touring the Continent. The Count, who is 22, came to America several months ago, proposed marriage and was accepted. The Empress of Austria is his aunt, and when he was baptized the Em peror stood as his sponsor, became his godfather and gave him his name. A Shocking: Suicide. YORK, Neb., April 8. Guy Anderson, of Waco, Neb., committed suicide yesterday In a peculiarly shocking manner. He wrapped barbed wire around himself and tied the wire to a post at a straw stack, then Ignited the straw and cut his throat, causing death to come amid most horrible tortures. cveiyuu Wants the Best And those who take the St. Louis Special get It. It Is the QUICK train to the South and Southeast. Leaves Portland 11:30 P. M. dally. Runs thro' to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis without a single change of cars. Only one change to Omaha and Denver. Tickets and berths at this office. TICKET OFFICE: Cor. Third and Stark SU. R. W. Foster. Ticket Agont. nimT--i -Air--r?r- AMD ijro--N &aa'i3 Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL." Leve for the East. via. Huntington, at 3.00 A. it.; arrives at 4.J(f P. - SPOKANE FLYER. For Spokane, Eastern Waaatnaton, and areat Northern points. leaves at tt P. il.; arnvua -t 7 A. II. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leaves for the East. via. Huntington, at 0.00 P. M.; arrives ata:lu A- M. THROUGH. PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPEBS. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. Water line schedule subject to ohaaso with out notice. OCEAN DIVISION From Portland, iear Alnsworth Dock at 3 P. AL; sail every 3 days; Steamer Elder sails April -J. l- . Steamer Columbia aalls April 7. 17. 'XV. . . From San Francisco Sail every 5 days. Leave Spear-street Pier at li A. 41. Steamer Columbia sails April 3, 13. - Steam er Elder sails April 3, IS. . COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamor Hasaalo leaves Portland dally, ex cept Sunday at a. 00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10.00 P. 1L Returning-. leaves Astoria dally. except Sunday, at 7.00 A. M. "WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEH. OK. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Independent and way points, leaves from Ash-street Dock at a A. M. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl&iKra. Returning:, leaves Independence at 0 A. .. and Salem at C A. M.. oa Tuesdays. ThursdayJ and Saturdays. CORVALLIS AND ALBANT Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at S AM. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Re turning, leaves Corvallls at C A. M. on Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. YAMEILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DATTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Oregon City. Buttavillft, Champoeg. Dayton and way landings. la,ve Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays- and Saturdays at 1 A M. Leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday ttOlM. SNAKE RIVER. ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. nJAHO Steamers leave Rlparla. at 3:40 A M. dally. arriving at Lewlston about 3 P. M. Returning, leave Lewlston at 8.30 A- M.. rtvng f' R1 narla same evening. A. L. CRAIO, General Passenger Agoat. CITY TICKET OFFICE 254 Washington St., Corner Thixd. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers 'for Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladlvostock. S. S. INDRAVTLLE SAILS APRIL 25. For rates and full Information call on or address officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE For CAPE NOME DIRECT Sailing From SEATTLE APRIL 27, 1001. S. S. -'JSOJ1K CITY." Finest woouen steaniamp on the Paclflc, steam hrat and electric lights .n every room, will be sheathed with iron bark to work her way through the Ice. FOR. CAPE NOME, TELLER CITY, iPORT CLARENCE ana GOLOVIN BAY. Sailing Irom SEA1TLE. June 1. 1901. The Pacific Mall Steamship Company's S. S. 'C1T" OF SJfDNEYV Accommodatlona lyjr U50 pusaengers. regis, teretl tonnase 3517 tons. Tnls la without ex ception the tlneat and fastest ateaiaur In tho Nome trade. For further Information apply to ' ' F. P. BAUMGAKTKEK. Agent.. Couch-street Dock. Portland. Or. EAST m SOUTH? CCCEN h SHASIA Ji I ROUTES 10 Qwpgx Leave IDepot Fifth anil 1 I Streets. S:30 P. M. 3.30 A. M. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS. fnr S.atpm. R03e- burg. Ashland. Sac- r a m. e n to. ugaen. San Francisco. Mo Jave. Los Angeles. El Paso. New Or leans and the t-ast- At W o o d b urn Mnllv exceriL Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Anxel. 311 v e r t o n. Browns- ..lllo SnrtnEft aid. and Natron and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and SH- verton. Albany passenger... Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger; Arrive 7:45 A. M. 7:20 P. M. 10:10 A M, 115:50 P. M H8:25 A. M. Pacific Coast Steamship Go, FOR ALASKX The Company's steamships COTTAGE CITY. SENATOR. STATE OF CAL. AL-KI and CITY OF TOPEKA leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SEAT TLE 1) P. M.. Apr. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30; May 5. 10, 15. 20. 25. 30; June -i. Steamer leaves every ntth day thereafter. For further Information obtain folder. Th Company reserves the right to chang ateamers, sailing dates and hours of tailing, without previous notice. AUEN1S-N. POblON. 20 Washington st.. t Portlana. wir. v. wmun4u.ii .-. r. n. . Dock Tacoma; Ticket Office, 018 First are.. Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agt.. CW. MIL LER Asst. yen i aeu. viccuu uum, aui GOODAT.L. PERKINS ft CO.. Gea'l Agmts, San Francisco. NORTHERN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. FOR Vladivostok and Port Arthnr CALLING AT TIEN TS1N. WEI HEI WEI. KIAO-CHOU AND CHEEFOO IF INDUCE MENT OFFERS. SS. BRAEMAR will be dispatched from Ta cqma about April 10. For rates and space reservations apply to DODWELL & CO. LTD.. General Agents. 252 Oak at. TRAVELERS GUIDE. WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO Fast mall, express and passenger service for SKAGWAY. calling at Port Townsend, Van couver. Ketchikan and Juneau, connecting with White Pass & Yukon Route for Dawson, Atlln and all Yukon River points. Through bills or lading Issued. SB. CITY OF SEATTLE. April 0. 19 and 20. SS VICTORIAN. April 13 and 23. May 3. From Seattle at 8 P. M. DODWELL & COMPANY. Ltd.. General Agents. 252 Oak st. Telephone Main 00. j Record Voyaga 6 Data. 7 Hours. 22 MlnutcsTjj BQSTM t LIVERPOOL via QUEEHST0W.1 New England. Twin Screw. 11.000. April 24 Commonwealth. Twin Screw. 13.000. May 8 PORTLAND 19 LIVERPOOL via QUEEI1ST0WN Vancouver May 18 Dominion ....Apr. 27 CAmbroman ...Mav 4 Vancouver June 22 TH0SUS COOK 4 SON, P. C. Ota'l Apsis, 621 Market St., Sin Frandseo, CL trfV JMHf MANHOOD RESTORE! "CUPIDENET TM srrcnt Veseta. hl.Tri.u... .v.....mi...i.... .. ........ r.nni .h.r.u. TvltY nn!i.blrnrA vfln nfflll nervous or dlsoates of tho generative organs, audi aa tort Sanbood, insomnia, JPalns la lfao Back, Seminal Emissions. Nervona Debility, Pimple UafltaeastoirXarry, KxhoatlBrraln, Varicocele and Constipation. Ittrnftll lM,Mhvrivnpnli.)iL Protrnnro mitlrnMnf dbieharee. Which If EOtChCClSeu leads to Spermaiorrhcea and all the horrors of imDotency. CtlPlIENEcleansate liver, the kldueva and the urinary orarans of all Imourlties. CUPlDEZfE Btxecgthess and restores small weak organs. . The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors lsbecanse90 per centare troubled with Froslnllua. OTPIDENE the only known remedy to cure without nn operation. 5000 testimonial A written suaranteo glren and money returned if 0 boxes does not effect a permanent core. JLW a boxxor lSf by mall. Bend for vrz-r circular and testimonials. Addsess PAYOXi WEDXCIHK CO., P, 0, Box 2078, Sa Francfaco, Ca 1.00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. IP-SOP. SL. Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates nTflrst class and Jtl second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern polnu and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND Ticket Agent. U0 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. f Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. fave for Oswego dally at 7-20. 9:-0 A. M.; ''. y.25. 4:10. 0:23. S.30. 11:30 P. M.; and 0 00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrlvo at Portland dally at u:35. 8 30, n0:M A. M.; f-35 3 10 "So. 0:15, 7:40. 10 00 P. M.; 12:40 AM dally. cept Monday. 8:3b- and-10:0O A. except Sunday rt n-05 P M Arrive at Portland at 0:30 A. M. 5 linger train leavea Dallas for Alrlle Mon days. Wednesdays and Friday, at 3.80 P. M Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Afft. iEATfiORTHEli Tlckit Office, 122 Third St ' Phone (580 LEAVE No. 4 8:00 P. M. The Flyer, dally to and from at. raui, mno apolls. Duluth, Chlcngo and an poinia khi. ARRIVE No. 3 7 00 A. 51 fri .. Thi.m nnii Tourlat SteeoerSL Dlntnif and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP TOSA MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About April 29th Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES Depot Fifth and IARRive3 I Streets. I 3:0O A. M. 7:00 P. M. For Majgcra, Ualnler, Clatskanla. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Steven. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore Express. Dully. . As'cila Expnrs. l.iy. 11:10 A. M. 5:40 P. M. Ticket office UaS Morrison t. and Union Depot. J. C. MATO. Oen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. HERCULES takes the place of BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock). Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning. leaves As toria every nlgbt at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main &1. Columbia phono 331. Steamers Altona and Pomona Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence. Salem and all way landings. Leave Portland 0:40 A. M leave Palem 8 A. M.: Independence. 1 A. M. Office and dock, foot Taylor st.