Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 09, 1901, Image 1

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    J i rt,lHt4lTt Sl&lB 'in
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VOL XLL NO. 12,581.
Rubber and Oll-CIothing, Boots and Shoes.
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. H. PEASE. President.
F. M. SHEPARD. JR.. Treasurer.
The Celebrated
ft H tt 13 Km E
vs B b M M If
aw's Pure Malt
Without a Rival Today
llimaUer & HOCtl, I0S
arm Air Furnaces
Are better adapted for heating houses in the climate of the Pacific
Coast than any other -medium. If you intend building a home and take
any interest in the heating and ventilating of it, it -will pay you to spend
as much time upon this question, as upon any other part of your
home, and you may learn something by calling upon
w. o. Mcpherson
Fifth and Washington Sts.
Rooms Single 75e to $1.50 per day
Firt-CInss Check Rextnnrant Rooms Double JLO0 to $2 M per day
Connected With. Hotel. Rooms Family JL50 to $3.00 per day
J. K DAV1ES. Pres.
American and European Plan.
rfb.MV V own amrjm
Easter Week
Pneumatic Road Wagons, Runabouts,
Surreys, Golf Wagons,' Stanhopes and
Traps. New and exclusive styles.
New Falling Building, 24S Washington Street.
Yesterday was our "banner day" !n the tailoring
department. We sold 68 of our famous $40 made-to-order
suits at $25. if you look over the line you'll get
one sure.
Curiosity and Inquisitiveness
Go hand in hand. Through them we have discovered that the average piano is
worthless, because it is never played upon. If you are the owner of a piano of this
kind we can help you to get your money's worth out of it. That's what the Pian
ola is for. Be inaulsitive enough to come in and hear it
Ml, B. WELLS, Ntrthwejt Aijent far
73-75 FIRST ST.
Wholesale Distributers
and HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
Healing and Ventilating Engineer
C T. BELCHER, Soc. and Treas.
American plan
European plan
...... $1.25. 41.W. S1.78
50c. 70c. $1.00
A Complete Assortment, Also, of
, ot
H Hntil
ri-iP-sM- m
tht Aeo'ian. Company
Hall, 353355 Washington Street, cor. ParK
Serious Uprising in Interior
General Tang Fa Slan, Commander
of the Northern Armies, Is at
the Head of the Movement.
PBKIN, April 8. The rumors which
have been current during the past few
days of the outbreak of a rebellion, head
ed by General Tung Fu Slan, the ex-commander
of the Northern army, in the pro-i
vlnces of Mongolia and Shen-Sl, have
been absolutely authenticated.
Li Hung Chang and Prince Chlng have
received Information on the subject which,
though Indefinite, still proves that the
court Is seriously alarmed.
General Fu Slan was, according to last
accounts, about 150 miles from the court
-with 11,000 regular troops, all supposed to
be devoted to himself. The court has
about the some number of soldiers at Sln
gan Fu, but it is probable that the troops
of Tung Fu Slan are better drilled and
better armed. It Is believed that the
Mongolian rebellion was brought about
through the agents of Prince Tuan and
General Tung Fu Slan. 1.1 Hung Chang
thinks there are about 5,000 regular troops
In Mongolia, and inclines to the belief
that they have not joined In the rebellion.
He does not think the court is in any
danger, and thinks the object of Prince
Tuan (who was last reported at Nlng
Hsu Slan with 10,000 men prepared to
reslt arrest) and General Tung Fu Slab.
Is to create a diversion of interest In or
der to force unconditional protection of
Unofficial Chinamen of. Intelligence re
gard the rising as most unfortunate at the
present time to the interests of China,
and as of possibly meaning the use of
foreign troops to protect even the court
itself. The ministers of the powers do
not think that provided foreign Interests
do not suffer1, any present Interference is
likely. If the dynasty should be over
thrown, it would, to a certain extent, de
lay the peace negotiations, but they con
sider that a regime not bound by tradi
tions like those of the present court prob
ably would be much easier to deal with,
eventually, as the ceremonial could bo
much curtailed.
Prince Chlng, who, as a relative, may
be considered to take the court view of
the situation, thinks the rebellion is a
storm In a teapot. He says the present
court Is loved and esteemed by nine
tenths of the population of China, and
that the same proportion of able-bodied
men In China would rise to protect the
existing dynasty. The Empress Dowager,
as the adviser of the Emperor, holds the
affections of the people, not dreamt of
and not understood by foreigners. Her
slightest wish Is the Emperor's law.
though he is by no means the figurehead
'Ste-fcwlgn -powers, frequently- Aippose.
The tlmperor recognizes her ability in
valuable aid and advice.
The remaining bodies of Americans were
shipped homeward this morning. They
now number fifty-four, and will leave on
board the transport Egbert tomorrow. The
Egbert will also take twenty-seven mili
tary prisoners, a number of sick men, the
discharged soldiers, the teamsters and
other civilians employed.
According to expert opinion, China
would be able "to pay from 20,000,000 to
30,000,000 without crippling her financial
resources, while the amounts which the
powers at present demand range from
80,000,000 to 100,000,000.
Indemnity Question Bound to Con
sume Much Time.
WASHINGTON, April -8. A brief dis
patch from General Chaffee was received
today, but beyond the record of a cas
ualty to a private soldier, its contents are
withheld from the public. It- is under
stood 'that the unpublished portion refers
to the disinclination of the foreign mili
tary commanders to reduce the number
of fortified posts and the strength of. the
garrisons between Pekln and the sea to
the proportions suggested by General
Mr. Rockhlll's advice to the State -Department
regarding the negotiations at
Pekln are more hopeful In tone than they
were a week ago, but It Is still apparent
that the subject of indemnity is bound to
consume much more time. This Is owing
to the original difficulty, namely, the ex
cessive demands of at least one of the
great European powers. A minimum,
claimed by one nation for Indemnity to
the amount of $70,000,000, with condltlpns
attached that might swell It to $100,000,000,
would, if allowed, leave all the other Row
ers in the aggregate about an equal' sum
for division between them. The Minis
ters have been assured by the best tech
nical authority that China's ability to jay
a money Indemnity is limited to the sum
of about $200,000,000 or $25O,OQ0,OQ0.
The Chinese Minister was an early call
er at the State Department today, to seek
Information as to t the report' based on
advices to the State Department, that
there had been an interruption of the
diplomatic Intercourse between Russia and
China. .Minister Wu had not been advised
of any such developments, and the Infor
mation before thjB State Department was
so contradIctory,that it did not permit a
clear explanation of the real state of af
fairs. The State Department maintains
its attitude of doubtful expectancy, and
is not yet prepared to admit that there
has been an Interruption of intercourse
between the two countries, elthpr limited
or complete.
Aside from the telegraphic advlce3,
there are some attending: circumstances
which indicate that at least some strain
or partial interruption1 of Intercourse has
occurred. The fact developed in Wash
ington about a week ago, that Russia
had delivered to China what amounted to
an ultimatum on the signing of the Man
churia agreement. This followed the us
ual course of ultimatums and fixed a
definite limit of days in which China
could act. It also conveyed the clear In
timation that unfavorable action by China
would lead to a severance of diplomatic
relations between the two countries. The
limit of time fixed is believed to have
bpen one week, and to have expired
Wednesday. China did not sign within
the time limit, and the next day, 'Thurs
day, Russia addressed her note to the
powers which has been accepted as re
moving the pressure over the Manchuria
agreement. This at first seemed to be a
waiver of her prior Intimation of an Inter
ruption of diplomatic intercourse, and yet
there was no such explicit waiver, and
the latest advices received seem'to be dl
rectjy In line with the threat previously
In case there proves to be an Interrup
tion of the relations between Russia and
China, It Is not expected to disarrange the
negotiations between- the powers and
China, or between Russia and the powers.
It probably -would be confined to a ter
minatlonptaf the close entent long main
tained between Russia and China.
The More Severe Because Japan Had
the Leading Share.
LONDON, April 8. In a dispatch to the
Times from Pekln, dated Sunday, Dr.
Morrison comments upon the blow to Rus
sian prestige in China, resulting from the
check to Russia's ambitions ' regarding
"This blow Is all the more severe," he
says, "because Japan, whom the Rus
sians have affected to treat with the ut
most contempt, has had the largest share
in dealing it. There is little doubt that
Russia will renew the struggle In some
shape. It Is a remarkable outburst of
popular feeling which has thus enabled
China to withstand Russia. All the ap
peals were addressed to the Emperor. It
is, therefore, difficult to believe that the
Empress Dowager has not been affected
by the defeat of the policy, of which her
henchman, LI Hung Chang, is the strong
est exponent.,,
"The Emperor has summoned the presi
dent of the board! of revenue from Pekln
-to prepare fothe removal of the court.
Probably this f only means a removal to
Kalung, In the, Province of Ponan,(
which would bring the court Into closer
contact with the Yangtse Viceroys."
China an American Colony.
"VIENNA, April 9. The French econo
mist, Paul Leroy Beaulleu, In an article
In the Neues Wiener Tagesblatt, discus
sing which civilized nation is likely to ex
ploit China, says:
"It Is probable that the chief role will
fall to the United States, especially when
the Nicaragua Canal has been cut, China
will then, for economic purposes, become
an American' Colony. The Americans
know this, and their whole attitude dur
ing recent events has been marked by
finesse and foresight."
Japan is Relieved.
YOKOHAMA April 8. The news of
Russlas decision pot to press the Man
churia agreement was received here with
a feeling of relief. In anticipation of com
plications that might ensue had Russia
reached another conclusion, the govern
ment had resolved to postpone a number
of important state undertakings involving
large expenditures.
A Boxer Appointment.
SHANGHAI, April 8. Yu Yin Lin, Gov
ernor of Hupel province, has been ap
pointed Governor Of Kwang SI province In
succession to Huang Husl Sen, who has
been ordered to resign. This is Interpreted
to Indicate that the reactionists of SIngan
Fu Intend to Introduce the Boxer move
ment in the Southern province.
Russell Theater Burned and Russell
Hotel Damaged.
OTTAWA, Ont., April 9. A fire which
started in the Russell House block at 1:45
this (Tuesday) morning, destroyed the
Russell Theater one of the finest play
houses In Cana'Ja, and damaged the Rus
sell House, one of the principal hotels In
this city, before the firemen succeeded in
gaining control ove,r the flames. The total
loss is estimated at $100,000. The fire
spread from thi, theater to tbg. hotel -with,
great rapidity, "and forced, so of the 200
guests to make their escape In their night
clothes. All the guests escaped,' however,
without Injury. The "Belle of New York"
Opera Company played In the theater last
night -and what scenery and costumes
had been left in the building were lost.
Besides the hotel and theater, the block
contained the office of the Free Press,
and another portion of It was " occupied
by offices. The loss on these is. small.
An Incendiary Fire.
4ST. LOUIS. April 8. It Is believed that
the fire yesterday which caused the de
struction of a grain elevator owned by
the St. Louis Elevator & Storage Com
pany, was of Incendiary origin. Several
boys whom the watchman just previous
to, his discovery of the re had ordered
from the premises are thought to be
guilty. The fire started in the oil room.
Wholesale Drug- House Burned.
BALTIMORE, Md AprlKS. The whole
sale drug house of Gilpin, Langdon &
Co. was destroyed by fire wlthts con
tents today. The roof of the machinery
establishment of Thomas Bashnoje & Co.
was also burned and the contents of the
latter building badly damaged by water.
Loss, $200,000.
Government Sends Troops to Qneel
" aY Small Insurrection.
LAREDO, k Tex., April 8. Reliable re
ports of a serious riot yesterday jit Lam
pasas, a station on the Mexican Central
Railroad, 70 miles distant, have reached
here. It appears that the Government of
Mexico had suspicions about a reported
revolutionary occurrence at th,at place,
and yesterday morning the military sta
tioned there arrested four citizens. When
they were taken to the station, en route
to Monterey, a mob, headed by Francisco
Maranjo, son of . the famous General
"Maranjo, appeared at the station. In the
excitement that followed one of the pris
oners escaped. When the train left the
leaders of the mob repaired to General
Maranjo's castle, where they are at pres
ent surrounded. As soon as the govern
ment heard of the disturbance 500 soldiers
from Monterey were dispatched to the
scene by special train.
The Ann Arb'or Patient Is n Young
f Man From Nebraska.
AN.N ARBOR. Mich,, April 8. The uni
versity authorities refusea to make known
the name of the student in the university
hospital pesthouse with the mysterious
disease supposed to be bubonic plague,
but it was learned tonight from a medical
student that the young man Is Charles B.
Hare, of Pawnee City, Neb. He is a
sophomore medico, and has been taking
special work in bacteriology, and has been
hanuung culture tubes. It is supposed
that In performing this work he became
inoculated. Dr. Novoy said tonight that
the young man was coming out of the dis
ease all right, but again refused to make a
definite statement as to its nature.
"It will take several days for the' animal
experiments which we are making to be
In shape so I can state the name of the
young man's complaint," said he.
Epworth League Tourists.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 8. The Indi
ana Epworth League is the first to make
official arrangements for the trip to San
Francisco for the International convention
In July. Northern-. Indiana will rendez
vous at Chicago, leaving there July 9;
Central Indiana will meet at Bloomlngton,
111., and Southern Indiana at St. Louis, all
leaving,the same day and meeting at Kan
sas City. Sunday, July 14, -will be spent
at Salt "Lake City. This state will send
a delegation of 600 to the convention
Goldsborough Makes Great
est Speed for Destroyers.
Requirement of Portland Boat Is
Thirty Knots She Will Go to Ta-
coma Today, and "Will Soon
Make Final Trip.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 8. The new
torpedq-boat destroyer Goldsborough, re
cently finished at Portland, Or., today ran
her second speed trial over the prescribed
course in this harbor. She attained a
K ' S
speed of 31.84 knots, the requirement be
ing but 30 knots. The bullders'are much
pleased with this success, and claim that
their boat has broken the record for her
type, which was formerly held by the
Dahlgren, built at Bath, Me. Cardiff coal
was. used, and the engines and boilers
worked to perfection.
The Goldsborough will go to Tacoma to
morrow, where she will soon run her final
trial. She will then return to Seattle to
finish some of the details of her outfitting,
after -which she will be taken to the
Bremerton Naval Station and formally de
livered to the Government.
San Francisco - Built Destroyer
Failed on Her-Speed Trial.
WASHINGTON, April 8. Secretary Long
was Informed today that the torpedo
boat destroyer Perry, built by the Union
Iron Works, of San Francisco, failed to
meet contract speed requirements on her
official trial. Under the contract the
vessel was required to develop a speed of
29 knots an hour, but the best she could
do on her trial run was 2S.2 knots an
hour. The failure to make the speed
required will not result in the rejection of
the ship, as the contract provides a pen
alty for deficiency In speed between 29
and 28 knots. The boat will, therefore,
be accepted, the price being $259,000, In
stead of the full contract price of $283,
000. (
Ex-Governor Powers Chosen ns
Boutelle's Successor.
BANGOR, Me., April 8. The special
election In the Fourth Maine Congression
al district today to choose a successor
to Charles Aj Boutelle, resigned, resulted
In a victory for ex-Governor Powers, of
Houlton, the Republican candidate, by a
majority estimated at slightly more than
2000 over Thomas White, Democratic. In
September Mr. Boutelle's majority In the
district was more than 10,000, The weath
er today was bad.
' Election Contest In Topekn.
TOPEKA, Kan., April 8. Albert Parker
commenced an action In the District Court
today by mandamus to compel Colonel
J. W. F. Hughes to turn the office of
Mayor over to Parker on the ground that
he was legally elected Mayor. On the
face of the returns, Colonel Hughes, the
law-and-order candidate, received a ma
jority of seven. Mr. Parker's name ap
peared on two tickets, the Democratic and
Loss by Freshets in New England
Will Not Be ns Great as Feared.
BOSTON, April 8. The flood scare all
over New England, due to rising waters
from five days of heavy rains, has died
out, and tonight the reports Indicated
that a change for the better would come
before daylight. The losses will be heavy,
no doubt, but nothing to be" compared to
the freshets of recent Springs. The rea
son is obvious to people In Southern New
England for the early Spring left the
ground open for a good soaking, and this
natural absorption of the rain is taking
care of much of the water, while the
great surplus of the overflow, being un
impeded by Ice, Is rushing forward.
Want io Go to South Africa.
NEW YORK April 8. A rather unex
pected result has followed Mr. Chamber-
Iain's recent speech in support of the
scheme for sending women out to South
Africa at the conclusion of the war,
says the London correspondent of the
says the London correspondent of the
Tribune. An enormous number of letters
has been received from women eager to
emigrate and reluctant to wait until hos
tilities are ended. Colonial Office author
ities are doing their utmost to discourage
applications from women other than those
who ere self-dependent.
On the Question of Strike or No
Strike on the New Jersey Central.
WILKESBARRE, Pa. April 8. It is said
tonight that a vote is now progressing
among the employes of the Central Rail
road of New Jersey as to whether or not
a strike shall- be declared. After the vote
is taken, the result will be submitted to
the chief officers of the various brother
hoods, who can either sanction the strike
or veto it. kTwo-thirds of the employes
must vote In favor of a strike before one
can be. declared. Out of 3000 men In the
employ oTlhe Central Railroad, it is said
that 2000 are Brotherhood men.
Decided on Arbitration.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 8. Members of
the International Typographical Union by
a mall vote have decided on arbitration
to settle all differences that may arise
In the future between the union and the
News Publishers' Association. As the
Association has also adopted the arbitra
tion plan the action of the union puts an
end Inthe future to all lockouts, strikes
or boycotts on newspapers that belong
to the Association. Hereafter all griev
ances will be adjusted by a board of ar
bitration to be appointed by the union
and a committee from the Association.
The complete vote Issued tonight was
12,544 votes In favor of arbitration, to 3530
against the plan.
Building Trades War.
NEW YORK. April 8. The World' says:
"The board of walking delegates and
the members of the Building Trades Coun
cil intend to make a bitter war against
each other. The announcement was made
at the Central Federation Union last
night. President Pattlson, of the board
of walking delegates, stated that he In
tended to order strikes on every building
In the course of erection in the city where
members of the Trades Council are em
ployed. Hundreds will quit their em
ployment, leaving only members of the
Trades Council at work. The council will
endeavor to All the places of those on
strike among the unions represented In
the board of delegates and then there will
be trouble. It was stated that the trouble
was started by the Elevator Construc
tors' Union, which filled the places of
striking elevator constructors who are
connected with ihe board of walking
Steel Trust and Engineers Union.
CHICAGO, April 8. The Post says to
day: "For the first time tne United States
Steel Corporation has indicated Its po
sition in the marine engineers strike by a
clear-cut Indication to the Marine Engi
neers' Benevolent Association today that
It would not consider any demands on
the part of the engineers' union that Its
boats be taken out of the Lake Carriers'
Ohio Scientist's Scheme for Produc
ing Rain in the Southwest.
SPRINGFIELD. O., April 8. Dr. C. W.
Woolrldge, a well-known Ohio scientist,
advocates the creation of a glacier at the
top of the San Bernardino Mountains that
would change the arid lands of Arizona
and Southern California into a garden.
He would have the standing army em
ployed, and suggests as one of Us tasks
that It erect an immense chimney on the
Pacific Coast, of such height that the
upper air could be carried to the top of
the San Bernardino Mountains, whereby
atmospheric action could be used at an
extremely low temperature, thus form
ing, according to Dr. Woolrldge. an Im
mense glacier. The presence of this gla
cier would cause a sufficiency of rainfall,
which In that country Is now lacking be
cause the upper stratum of the atmos
phere Is too warm.
The Original Joint Smniher.
WICHITA, Kan., April 8. Frank Burt
was appointed Chief of Police today. He
Is the original Joint smasher, although a
friend of the "wide-open" policy. Under
the regulation system, five years ago,
when he was Chief, he took an axe one
night and smashed $2000 worth of fixtures
in a salcon that tried to run without the
permission of the Mayor and Council.
Itinerary of His Visit to the
Will Put in Afternoon and Evening
of May 23 Viewing: Portlnnd
if Three Hours in Forenoon
at Salem, j
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8.-After
making a number of changes In the itin
erary of the Presidential party's visit to
the Pacific coast. Secretary Cortelyou has
at last arranged a programme which bo
hopes will be followed. Under this sched
ule, the party will reach Ashland, Or r at
6:45 P. M.. May 21r and leave thera at 7
P. M. After maklncr such stnnq as nnsai.
bta during the night, it will arrive In Sa-
lem at 9 A. M. next morning, and speqd
three hours in the capital city Putt
land will be reached at 2:15 Wednesdiy
afternoon. The entire afternoon and even
ing will be spent in viewing the city, ac
cording to the arrangements made by tha
local committee, which have not yet been
cammunlcatecf to Mr. Cortelyou A I
speech-making and formal receptions whl
be "avoided, and as much time spent Ip
driving about as possible. '
At 9 o'clock the next morning, the Pr s
Ident will leave Portland, stopping first
at Chehalls at 12:30, then at Centr (Ia
reaching Olympla at 2:15 that afterrjon.
where an hour will be spent. Olyrrptx
was once stricken from the Itinerary, Lt.t
being the capital of the State, has lcn
restored. At 4:20 Tacoma will be reac iede
and there the night of May 23 spent Jext
morning the President will tnke a- boat
and view the Important points on Puge"
Sound, reaching Seattle at 2:30 in the af i
ternoon. The party Is to leave Seat'Je at
3 o'clock Saturday morning, and by mak
ing only short stops at the Important
points across the State, will reach Spo
kane Sunday morning at 1 o'clock Early
Monday the Presidential party will start
Eastward from Spokane.
Commissioner Hermann today extended
to the President an Invitation of the peo
ple of Roseburg to stop off when passing
through their town. Inasmuch as the
train passes there at 2 A. M.. tm stop
will probably have to be abandoned Jt
has been suggested that the people Ufnj
In Southern Oregon, whose town3 w " tot
passed in the dead of night, should ireetj
the President at aalem, wnore a stap
three houre will be made.
So far, none of the details of the Presj
debt's visit about the cities of Por'Iail
or Salem have been agreed to but it
exnected definite arrangements w 1 la
completed before he leaves Washlrgtoj
t:Wlll.o ?veu Diit!tn 'owi
That ofj President or Ga-vemoi!
WASHINGTON, April 8. General G
venor. of Ohio, who Is making the
rangements for the trip of the Ohio Cyi
gressional delegation to attend the launcj
lng of the battle-ship Ohio at San Fra
clsco. was at the White House today
consultation with Secretary Cortelyol
The delegation will travel In a private cs
and will go over a different route frol
that of the President or the Ohio gubc
natorlal party. It will go to New Orleaa
from Cincinnati, and expects to join tt
Presidential party at Los Angeles. Thl
route of the return trip has not been d
Disease Among: Emigrants.
EL PASO, Tex., April 8. Dsentery ,
said to have caused seven deaths east
here among 865 Porto Rican em grar
bound for Hawaii, who passed thrauj
this city today, and at this point tj
bodies of two children, who had dtij
were taken charge of by an undertikJ
The natives occupied 25 cars, running i
two sections. Doctors Fulton and Jf
nlngs accompanying them, have thj
hands full, for the emigrants are all mc
or less Indisposed. The mlgrant3 filfc
be put aboard a ship at Santa
Chinese troops in Mongolia and Shin 31 hava
rebelled. Pace 1.
The Chinese court. la preparins Jer a
from Pektn. Page 1.
The indemnity negotiations arc likely t: ba
long drawn out. Page 1.
Federal Government.
Itinerary ot President's visit to the Xorthweat.
Page 1.
The United States Supreme Court decided rases
Involving the long and short-haul cliuse.j
Page 3.
The Spanish War Claims Commission met aSf
"Washington. Page a.
Sandico, the Filipino Qeneral, surrendered.
Agulnaldo will be removed to another prison.
Page 2.
The trial ot Hoolterman. the Belgian, waa
completed at Manila. Page 2.
President Loubet arrives at Nloe. and will visit
Toulon Wednesday. Page 2.
The famous Gainsborough portrait has arrl.
at London. Page J.
Plague has reappeared In Egypt. Page 3.
The Burllncton meets tho Kacx Island's li
rates oa Colorado "business, page 'Z.
All differences were adjusted In the sme"
company's trouble. Page 3.
Royal Victor won the Tennessee Derby
Memphis. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
The Tnrt!nnd torDotlo-boat destroyer Gc"
borough broke record for speed of vessels
her class. Page 1.
James Aiken, ot Portland, was found gu'
of killing a Chinaman. Pagt i.
State of. Oregon got few blda for wood r"
ably due to corner on Salem supply Tag
British ship Talus saves a good charter
small margin. Page 10.
German ship Otto Glldemalster may be
demned. Pago 10.
Hawaiian steamship m&;ea on a stij
Page 10.
Kllmory won a big ooean raee. Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
President McKtnley will arrive here 2 IS
M.. May 22, and stay till next morning
Page 12.
School Board in a dtlamma over Uispostt.
kindergarten funda. Pag 8:
Canvass for T. M. C A. funda begins'
earnest today Page 12.
Thief hangs himself tn the City Jail. Paga 8.1
Wife of a saloon-keeper commits sulcldJ
Page a.
British skipper, arrested for kldnaplnj, d'
cnargea at once. i"uge iz..