THE MORNING OREGQNIAN, , THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1901. VEY WILL GO OUT President Will .A-ppoint New Collector for .Alaska. OREGON MAN HAS RESIGNED Unless Senators Simon and Mitchell Can Afirree Upon Xeiv Incumbent, This State May Sot Get the -Appointment. :WASHINGT.ON, ITarcrf .-jltJs inti mated at the Treasury Department that a change is soon to be made In the col lection -of. customs or Alaska. No inti mation -i$ given as -to ytho vflll succeed Collector Ivey. The explanation Is made that Mr, Jvey's resignation is at hand, subject to acceptance by the President at any tlmo, and when It shall be accepted the President will be ready to name the new man. Up to this time Senator Mitch el has made no recommendation for the place, and the oW standing difference be tween Senators Simon and McBrlde op erates against a Simon man securing the appointment. If Oregon is to get the ap pointment, , her delegation will have to unite on a" man without delay, and not further embarrass the President. Collector Ivey "was a lawyer In Portland prior to his appointment In 1S97 as Col lector of Customs of the District of Alaska. He stumped Oregon for McKln ley In 1S96. and the Mltchell-McBride in fluence secured the Collectorship for him. His administration has been a stormy one, and several times his official head has been all but in the basket. In the Spring of 189S he was called to Washihg tpn for a conference with Secretary Gage, of the Treasury Department. It was pre dicted that -be -would return to Oregon a private citizen, but he made satisfactory explanations. New instructions were given to him, and he went to Alaska with orders to enforce them. Late in 1R8 or early in 1900 complaint was made to "Washington that he was not conducting the office as he had been Instructed, and his resignation was asked and tendered. The Oregon Senators began a fight for the appointment. Simon recommended "Willis S. Dunlway, of Portland, who was acceptable to Representative Moody. Mc Bride made no recommendation, but it was understood that he had a candidate up his sleeve in the person of ex-Repre-eentatlve Ira S. Smith, of Polk County. Representative Tongue opposed Dunlway, end kept his weather eye open for friends who have fat jobs under Ivey. Other Pa cific Coast States put forward candidates, and President McKlnley was In a quan dary. He did not feel ilke giving a place which belonged to Oregon to another state, and yet the Oregon delegation could not agree upon a man who would be ac ceptable to all. Ivey, who was In "Wash ington at the time, succeeded In patching Tip his troubles with the Treasury Depart ment. He withdrew his resignation and went back to Sitka, as Collector. IiEAGUE OF CITIZENS. Organized at Corvallii for Public Impjrovcinent. CORVALLIS, Or., March 13. Organiza tion of a Citizens' League was perfected last night by the election of M. S. Wood cock, president; B. W. Johnson, first vice-president: W. H. Currin, second vice president; C. E. "Woodson, secretary, and B. Allen, treasurer. The five officers also constitute the executive committee. The membership is 65. The object of the league is to promote the welfare of the commu nity, to recommend measures that may seem beneficial, to plan for developing Benton County and the improvement of public highways, to promote the estab lishment of new industries and to en courage immigration. The City Council, by unanimous vote, has ordered strict enforcement of the Sunday law against saloon. The action was taken after Officer "Wells had made a speech, In which he declared that a certain saloon was open the preceding Sunday evening. During his remarks the officer read off a list of persons In the Ealoon when he visited It. At a convention of Granges of Benton County the following delegates were elect ed to attend the State Grange: C. E. Banton. of Altea, and Mrs. S. M. Hawley, of Dusty. The alternates are "W. Tom and Mrs. Tharp. The convention adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That It is the opinion of this convention that the by-laws of the State Grange should be so changed that each subordinate Grange shall have one delegate to the State Grange each year." UNEASY AT COItXUCOPIA. People Apprehensive Lest Mine May ' Be Cloved Down. BAKER CITT, March 13. Some con cern has been caused -by news from the East -that John E. Searles' affairs would be put "through bankruptcy proceedings. "Under the management of Assignee Dwight, It was not doubted that the bl Cornucopia mines would be continued, be cause of the fact that Mr. Dwight was in close touch with the owner. While the jiatural 'presumption Is that any property on a eelf-sustainlng baala would nott be closed down, , there are many considerations In the present case to cause more- or less concern. For In stance, the new receiver might be embar rassed somewhat In meeting current ob ligations that had accrued for the past month's operation. It is the opinion of well-informed men that much uncertainty attends the operation jti. the mine until an adjustment has been made. No doubt exists that it is more- than self-sustaining, although! the large expense Incident to installing tho elaborate electric power - plant and. equipment may have caused to be left over unpaid bills. The mill has been running only little more than a week, and has not had time to grind out values sufficient to pay for the improve ments made last 'Fall and Winter. To close the mine down would have a de pressing effect on the district, and every body earnestly hopes that the receiver will continue operations. CASE OF CHILD-BEATER. Defendant at Baker City Tried to Make Away With Victim. BAKER CITY, March 13. Another in teresting chapter was added yesterday to the child-whipping case, now exciting this community. J. M. Melklejohn. the father, stole the boy from the home of C. H. Stuller, who was keeping him, and when caught by the officers, was making away with the lad, with the evident pur opse of getting beyond the reach of the law. When District Attorney White learned of the attempt to steal the child, which, if successful, might remove dam aging evidence against the father and stepmother, he asked that the boy be held under order of the court until the case was finally disposed of, and then that the boy be sent to the Home of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. Both the father and stepmother are un der arrest, and have pleaded guilty to assault and battery. They will be sen tenced this morning by Judge Eakln. The whip used to flog the 8-year-old boy is now in possession of District Attorney White, It is a typical rawhide riding whip, badly worn at the end. Since tne evidence of such excessive punishment has" come to light, -many citizens advo cate inflicting like or worse punishment upon the father. Prominent business men have been heard to aay that they would .gladly take part In such a chastisement INCORPORATION EFFECTED. Company Will Operate Astoria Street 'Railway. ASTORIA, Or.. March 13. Articles of incorporation of the Astoria Electric Company were filed In the office of the County Clerk today. The Incorporators are Samuel S. Gordon, Frank R. Stokes and Charles H. Page, and tho capital stock Is $300,000, divided into SO00 shares of $100 each. The principal office of the company is to bo at Astoria. The company is authorized to own and operate street railway linos, power and lighting plants, as well as water powers, -mills, etc, for the prosecution of any kind of manufacturing business, includ ing smelting and reduction of ores and minerals. This Is the company that Is to operate the Astoria street railway line and it was for that particular purpose that the incorporation was made. Plans for extending the line both east and west have all been prepared but before they can be finally approved they must be passed upon by Mr. Mitchell, West ern manager for tho General Electric "Company, the owners of the road. Mr. Mitchell is expected to arrive at Astoria within the next few days. A suit was filed in the Circuit Court today by the London & San Francisco Bank, of Portland, against T. H. Wy monde, to collect a promissory note for $3000, with interest at 8 per cent, from January 25, 1900; also a promissory note for $1500, with interest, from August 12, 1900; an over-draft of $45 40. and $350 in attorney's tees. The defendant resides In London, England, and is president and principal owner of the Columbia Oil & Guano Company. The plant recently erected by the company above Tongue Point haB been attached as security for the claims. The Goodj'ear Rubber Company, of Portland, is making inquiries here as to the whereabouts of J. H. Smith, one of Its traveling men, from whom no word has been reeclved since February 14. Ir. Smith came here on that day and went to South Bend, returning on Feb ruary 18. He remained here until the evening of the 23d, when he bid his friends good-bye, saying he was going to Portland on the steamer Hercules. He did not go on the steamer and no trace has, been found of him since that time. It is feared that he fell into the river and was drowned. In the Circuit Court today a decree of divorce was granted in the case of B. S. Backman vs. Jenney Backman. The parties reside In Portland and were mar ried In Oregon City In 1S94. PRUNES FOR CHICAGO. Carload Shipment Made by Willam ette Association. SALEM, Or., March 13. Tho Willamette Valley Prune Association Is today prepar ing a carload of Italian prunes for ship ment to Chicago tomorrow. The prices received, it is announced, are as good as have been secured at any time since the crop was gathered last FalL The exact figures are not given. The prunes, before being shipped, are thorughly washed in scalding water, so as to brighten the skins and give them an attractive appearance. They are then packed in boxes bearing the association label, and will go on the market as a Willamette Valley product. The carload to go forward tomorrow Is one of about 10 now stored In the association ware house in this city. H. S. Glle, -manager of the association, is now In Chicago, attending to the mar keting of the fruit In which he is Inter ested. It is learned through letters writ ten by him, that wholesale dealers push California fruit and give the Oregon prune the last chance. In one house, while Mr. Glle was present, three buyers came In to look at prune samples. They were shown the California goods first and every effort was made to effect a sale. It was only upon request that the Oregon samples were brought out, and in each Instance a sale of the Oregon fruit was made. It Is also learned that the sale of Ore- son fruit at the prices demanded has been greatly hindered by the sale at a lower price of Italian prunes produced in the Northwest. A sale having been made at a lower figure .than the asso ciation demanded, it was thereafter diffi cult to sell the same variety of fruit at a higher figure, even though the qual ity might bo some better. Fruit men have no fear now of damage from cold weather unless there shall be continued cold rains during the blos soming period. CONTRACTS FOR BREWERY Let at Baker City for New Plant, Which "Will Also Make Ice. BAKER CITT, March 13. Contracts were let yesterday for construction of the new brewery to be. erected here by Spokane capital. Plans and specifications are not given out, but the contractor is authority for the statement that the building is to" be a three-story brick. The annual capacity "vrlll be 10,000 barrels, and the cold-storage plant will have a capac ity of 15 tons of Ice dally. Heretofore, Ice haB been cut from ponds In Winter and stored for Summer use. Lively competition In the sale of beer la expected. The builders announce that "they will endeavor to" reach all Eastern Oregon from this location, as it has been found impracticable. tow do so from Spo kane, owing to freight rates. A rumor is in circulation that the concern will buy out the brewery at Sumpter. The Pacific Brewery Company, through its manager, Henry Rust, states that it will remain In the field and endeavor to meet all compe tition, ag in the past. NORTHWEST DEAD, ' Robert K. Potter. OREGON CITY, March 13. Funeral services of the late Robert K. Potter were held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church this afternoon, and were conducted by Bishop Morris and Rev. P. K. Hammond. The 3ervice was largely attended, and numerous floral offerings were In evi dence. The Native Sons attended in a body. The following pioneer residents acted as pallbearers: J. G. Pllsbury, C. W. Ganong, H. L. Kelly, C. N. Green man, George A. Harding and E. Mat thlas. The Interment was in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. E. P. Cadwell, of Forest Grove, FOREST GROVE, Or., March 13. Pa cific University suspended exercises this afternoon In respect for Mrs. E. P. Cad well, an alumna, who died yesterday. Interment was In the Buxton cemetery today. The funeral services were con ducted at the residence by Rev. M. D. Dunning. The pallbearers were: Profes sor W. N. Ferrln, C. M. Keep, Levi C. Walker, John E. Bailey. George O, Sloan and Jesse Caples. Mrs. Aremathy nil. ASTORIA, March 13. Mrs. Aremathy Hill, widow of tho late Francis Hill, died at her home, near Warrenton, last night, of quick consumption. She was 61 years of age ,a native of Ohio, and had resided on Clatsop Plains for the past 25 years. She left a large family of grown chil dren. Her funeral will be held tomorrow morning, and the Interment will be in the J Old Pioneer cemetery PRICES WILL STAY UP CATTLE "WILL NEVER GO DOWN TO FOR3IER 3IARKET LEVEL. Farmers Who Own Stock In Good Fortune, and Should Increase Their Herds. SALEM, Or., March 13. E. C. Cross, a wholesale and retail meat dealer of this city, says that prices of beef cattle are the highest they have ever been during his IS years of experience In the meat business. Unable to purchase a sufficient number of cattle In this section of the country, he has recently Imported them from Idaho and Southern Oregon, paying therefor 5 cents per pound on foot. Mr. Cross has information of sales In the Klamath country at 44 cents per pound on foot, the purchaser paying all the ex penses of transportation to the railroad and thence to market. At this season of the year the stock sold for butchering Is all stall fed, so these prices are, all things considered, but little higher to the farmer than the prices that prevailed last Fall. Mr. Cross sees In this condition of the market many things which the farmers may consider with profit. It Is evident that the farmer who 'has raised cattle along with his wheat has something which he can sell at any time of the year at a good price. The farmer who has resisted the temptation to sell his cows and heifer calves at the high prices that have pre vailed Is In a position to build up his herd of cattle so as to have stock to sell with each succeeding season. Those farm ers who have not diversified, but have confined themselves to the raising of grain alone can now realize the mistake they have made. Few Eastern Bayers. This Is the first season in five years that Eastern buyers have not scoured the country In search of every beef animal that could be bought. The high prices that were offered two, three and four years ago were so tempting that farmers sold even their heifer calves, and thus have, to a great .extent, limited them selves in replenishing their herds. Dur ing the past season the farmers seem to have held their stock too high, for buyers did not come to this section in so large numbers, and the farmers now have most of their last year's heifer calves. As these will not reproduce for two or three years, the process of building up herds will be slow. Next year buyers may be offering high prices again for young cat tle, with the result that farmers will sell off their heifers. Mr. Cross thinks the fanners should hesitate long before reducing the number of their cattle below what their farms will support. They should save all their heifer calves for breeding purposes, un less their farms are overstocked, and should -keep their steers until matured. By feeding the produce they have hereto fore sold at unprofitable prices, they can turn It into beef wh!.h will sell at a good price. Prices Will Never Be Low. That the price of cattle will never again go down as low as It was, Mr. Cross Is confident. It will bo many years before the numbor of cattle could be Increased to what It was when prices were low, and there does not now seem to be the necessary amount of grazing land. The prairies are fast being settled up, and stockraising has given place to cultivation of the soil. In many sections of Eastern Oregon, overpasturlng has killed out the grass, thus diminishing the area of graz ing land. Mr. Cross commends the effort the O. R. & N. Co. Is making to discover grasses that will 'redeem the despoiled ranges In Eastern Oregon, and hopes to see the effort successful. He would urge every Xarmer tp watch carefully the re sults of the experlments and to profit In every possible way by tho methods that appear most satisfactory. Vnlne of Grass Experiments. A number of the larger lumbering com panies, notably the Booth-Kelly Com pany, of Lane, Douglas and Josephine Counties, are beginning an experiment by making pasture land of the tracts from which they remove the timber. They clear away the brush, sow the land with a thrifty grass, and after the grass gets a good start put on as many cattle as the land will support. In this way the stock raising areas In the state will be greatly Increased, and the land which will not warrant Immediate clearing of stumps will gradually be cleared by natural pro cesses. But, however the grazing sections of Eastern Oregon or the foothills of West ern Oregon may be enlarged or dimin ished, there Is a very promising outlook for the Willamette Valley farmer who so plans his operations as to be able to produce the greatest possible number of cattle to be fed upon the products of his own farm. HOUSE AND SENATE JOURNALS. Latter Is Finished, hut Former Is Not Yet Completed. SALEM, Or., March 13. Chief Clerk S. L. Moorhead and Calendar Clerk J. A. Finch, of the Oregon. Senate, today com pleted the correct!onof the journal of the Senate for tho last session. The resolu tion under which they worked allowed them 14 days for the task with compen sation fixed at $S per day for the chief clerk and $6 for the calendar clerk. They have worked 16 days, however, and put in a number of evenings at that. They will draw pay for only 14 days, making the total cost $196. Twenty days were allowed for the correction of the House journal and the clerks are still working upon it. The House resolution authorized cor rection of the journal by the chief clerk. Speaker of the House, the journal clerk, calendar clerk, nnd Representative Stew art Tho first three of these receive $8 per day for 20 days and the latter two $6. The total cost will be $720. DIRECTORS ELECTED. Of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Compnny. TACOMA. Wash., March 13. At the an nual meeting of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company today the following directors were elected: William M. Ladd, Charles E. Ladd and Edward Cooklngham, of Portland; John Bagloy, R. B. Smith, L. J. Pentecost and E. M. Hayden, of Tacoma. The directors elected these officers: President, W M. Ladd; vlce-pvesldent and general manager, John Bagley; Secretary, E. M. Hayden; treasurer, L. J. Pente cost: auditor, J. G. Dickson. The road Is now In operation for 15 miles south of Tacoma, and work of con struction southward Is steadily progress ing. RESEMBLE GRAIN APHIS. Many Busts Plowed Up by Benton County Farmers. CORVALLIS, Or., March 13. Benton County farmers, In plowing, are turning up many small bugs that resemble the grain aphis. The bugs are found from one to eight Inches deep In the ground, and in such numbers that they give the ground a moldy appearance. Professor Cordley, entomologist at the experiment station, states that they are not the grain aphis. The bugs are somewhat lighter In color than the other Insect. HAS BIG PLANS. John J. Healy Will Do Great Things in Alaska. NEW YORK, March 13. A dispatch to the Herald from London says: John J. Healy, who is known through out Alaska as "King of the Klondike." is at tfce Hotel Cecil. As former gen- eral manager of the North American Trading & Transportation Company he has probably done more than any other man to develop the riches of Alaska gold" fields. His presence in London is in response to the Invitation of prominent Englishmen Interested In tho Klondike who are anxious to know the exact facts about their property. It Is more than probable that one re sult of his visit to London will be the organization of a rival to tho North American Company, which has hitherto enjoyed almost a monopoly of the trans portation faci'ities of that country. "It is too eirly yet to speak of my plans definitely," Mr. Healy said. "a3 I am In dally conference with the princi pals vrho wished me to come for consul tation. I can say, however, that the near future Is likely to see English Interests In the Klondike on a better business footing than they have ever been. "Tho Northeastern Peninsular gold fields are richer than any others yet opened", while the Southeastern section Is probably unequaled as a copper bed by any place on earth. I have no lands to dispose of. I am not here for that pur pose." "What are the prospects for railways In Alaska?" "Good." he replied. "While no railways in Alaska are actually in operation as yet, there are good prospects for the near fu ture. Surveys have already been made. But. of course, until the population war rants construction one can't expect that capital will undertake any outlay. How ever, I may say that the population of Alaska has now outgrown tho period where the tenderfoot comprises the ma jority. Tho- settlers there now have come to stay." Inquest-Deemed Advisable. VANCOUVER, B. C. March 13. An in quest Is In progress to Investigate the death of John Hall, a miner found dead In bed in the St. Charles Hotel. The previous evening the deceased played cards with friends before retiring. Hall suffered a skull fracture about three months -ago- In a runaway accident, and the wound was still being treated. He complained of pains In the skull over the left ear. There were no marks of violence, bu an inquest was deemed de sirable. " Bntteville Election. BUTTEVILLE, Or., March 13. The city election yesterday-resulted as fol lows: Mayor, William Ryan; Recorder. John S. Vandeleur; Marshal, Joseph Scheurcr; Treasurer, W. R. Scheurer; Councilmen, J. H. Dawson, R. Wool worth. Henry J. Bellarts, Jerome Epper- Engene Brevities. EUGENE, Or., March 13. Edward Bushnell, a farmer, residing three miles' north of Eugene, yesterday cut his foot severely with an ax, amputating the large toe. Rev. J. F. Claycomb, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, has tendered hs resignation. Ordered to San Francisco. WASHINGTON, March 13. Captain Harry A. LIttlcfleld, of Portland, recently appointed Assistant Surgeon, has been or dered to San Francisco for assignment to duty at Manila. SALARY WILL TEST IT. How Fish Commissioner Reed's Ten ure Will Be Decided. Fish Commissioner Reed thinks the first legal steps taken In the matter of his office will bo when he applies for his monthly salary, April 1. Then, If he Is refused payment, he will Institute pro ceedings to recover, and thus his author ity as existing Fish Commissioner will be tested. "As the matter now stands," Mr. Reed said yesterday, "the close season for sal mon fishing, except by hook and line, extends throughout the year. The new law was rushed through the Legislature without due consideration, so no one knows what its real intent was. 'The Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer are appointed Fish Com missioners, and Mr. Van Dusen, of As toria, has been chosen Fish Warden, un der the new law. I am therefore Fish Commissioner also, as the new law con tains no repealing clause. I wanted Mr. Van Dusen to agree to test these mat ters by a friendly suit, so that the Su preme Court could decide, but he Is averse to the proposition, and In the meantime neither of us has authority to enforce the laws during the close season, as these have become so badly mixed that no one knows where we arc at. "A law was also enacted last session, by the passage of Senate bill 112, provid ing for the payment of a bounty on the scalps of seals and sea lions, and on the heads of shags and shelldrake. This is a very important matter, and will do much for tho protection of our salmon Indus try. I am ready to Issue certificates to the Secretary of State for any such scalps and heads presented to me under this new law." Cabinet and State OOlcers. JUNCTION, Or., March 12. (To the Ed itor.) Will you please print a list of the President's Cabinet and Oregon's State officers In The Weeklv Orpnnlnn yw1 obli&e, A SUBSCRIBER. Cabinet. John Hny Secretary of State :y.mai,J' Ga&c Secretary of Treasury Ellhu Root Secretary of War l3-, Hitchcock.. Secretary of the Interior John D. Long Secretary of Navy James Wilson. ...Secretory of Agriculture John W. Griggs Attorney-General C. F. Smith Postmaster-General State Ofllcers. John H. Mitchell U. S. Senator Joseph Simon U. S. Senator Thos. H. Tongue.... Congressman 1st Dist M. A. iMoody Congressman 2nd Dist T. T. Geer Governor F. I. Dunbar ...... ....Secretarv of Stnt C. S. Moore State Treasurer J. H. Ackerman..Supt. Public Instruction W. H. Leeds State Printer D. R. N. Blackburn Attorney-General C E. Wolverton Supreme Judge R. S. Bean Supreme Judge F. A. Moore Supreme Judge M.L.ChamberlaIn.Clcrk State Land Board a B. Bellinger U. S. District Judge Zoeth Houser U. S. Marshal D. M. Dunne.. Collector Internal Revenue John Hall U. S. District Attorney FIGPRUNE CEREAL A JCex Mclbod f Cains Frnft Js to prepare It in such a manner that It still retains all of its natural prop erties and then combine it with se lected grains, thereby producing Per fect breakfast beverage. This is the way Figprune Cereal, the substitute for coffee and tea, Ib made. Your grocer sells it. Ask for sample. "wny Some Children are Restless and nervous even their own mothers ore unable to tell. Possibly they have been given coffee or tea to drink. Flq prune Ctreal, made from choice Cali fornia fruits ar.d selectod grains, is a beneficial substitute. Figpnine will feed the nerve centers. It "will mafca the child strong and healthy. Made like coffee. Looks like coffee. But e's 5 per cent fruit and 46 per cent ffrain. If you don't feel Just right subatltuts Flsprune Cereal for coffee. It's the por feot food, beverage. At grocer. WAS SUCCESSFUL MEETING CONVENTION OF WOOLGROWERS AT THE DALLES. Efllclency of Association Improved Six Cents Per Head Auoitetl for Shearing. THE DALLES, Or., March 13. The meeting of the Oregon Woolgrowcrs.' As sociation, which ended here last night. Is regarded as the most satisfactory con vention of that body yet held. The de liberations were such as greatly to Im prove and broaden the field of usefulness of the association. Several questions of much importance to sheepmen brought forth spirited and Interesting discussions. Among them were a change in the constitution of the as sociation, the matter of shoddy In woolen goods, nnd the adjustment of shearing prices. Heretofore the official roll of the association has consisted of president, secretary and treasurer. This was changed by creating the office of vice president, to which J. N. Williamson, of Prinevllle, was elected later, and by com bining the duties of secretary and treas urer Into one office. The selection of Douglas Belts, of Pilot Rock, Umatilla County, for president, is looked upon as a particularly happy o'ne. Mr. Belts Is a prominent woolgrower of large experi ence in his section, and he will add the weight of superior judgment to his work besides bringing many Umatilla wool growers into contact with the association. An address of more than usual Inter est was delivered by George A. Young concerning protection of woolgrowers f rem the present practices of manufacturers. Mr. Young displayed samples of Sea Island cotton and scoured Australian wool. These In equal proportions are now being mixed in goods, which are labeled and sold as nil wool. Only a wool expert Is able to detect the difference. The re alization that Sea Island cotton can be bought for 13 cents, while Australian wool brings 66 cents, and that fabrics manu factured from en equal mixture of these Is not distinguishable to the ordinary buyer. Is a sad one for the woolgrower. Pay for Shenrlnj?. Much discussion was indulged on the question of prices of shearing. The gen eral opinion was that 6 cents per head should be adopted as the uniform price for this season. In view of the fact that the ordinary sheep-shearer averages 1U0 head per day 6 cents Is regarded as suffi cient compensation, when added to board and lodging. It was generally conceded that the present status of the wool mar ket, does not justify a higher price thi3 season. After an agreement to further the formation of local associations throughout the state, through which the membership of the association may be en larged, the meeting adjourned until Sep tember 10, when' It will reassemble at Heppner. Astoria Chamber of Commerce. ASTORIA, Or., March 13. At the meet ing of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce the following resolution sent by Secretary Flelschncr, of the Portland' Chamber, was adopted: "Whereas, In view of the great im provement to the state or the development of the mineral resources, which are numerous and varied; therefore be It "Resolved, That the Portland Chamber of Commerce Is In favor of a suitable bill for the establishment of a state mining bureau." A letter was read from Representative Moody, in which he assured the members of the Chamber that he would use his ut most endeavors to have the War Depart ment complete the new buildings contem plated for Fort Stevens. Leaerac Bascbnll Matters. SPOKANE. Wash., March 13. J. J. Mc Closkey, manager of the Tacoma league team, who Is In this city, stated tonight that he and J. M. Maloney, of this city, will represent Spokane at the league meeting to be held at Seattle March 15. Mr. Maloney will take with him the $500 forfeit money .and 5110 for league dues and National League protection. Spokane will receive Its franchise at the meeting, and will Immediately after commence to sign players. Co-operative Meat Market. OREGON CITY, March 13. The stock holders of the Oregon City Co-operative Meat Market held a meeting last night and perfected organization In a legal way. By-laws were adopted and the fol lowing board of directors was elected: J. W. McKay, William J. Wlson, Rich ard L. G eaves, H. C. Carmack and Wil liam M. Sheahan. The board of directors will hold a meeting soon for the election of officers and manager. Dynamiter Arrested. VANCOUVER, B, C, March 13, A spe cial from Nelson, B. C, says: "After waiting several months, the pro- P (jjfr b HAMBURGER HOMAN I. CO- IjZZZZi I Mf$S$ bP-h X VO xvCx MANUFACTURERS. K ' 31 JKiJ 3 II? W- DISTRIBUTERS pUj i Duffy's Cures Consumption. MmggmKmk Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey cures consumption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, catarrh and all diseases of the throa: and lungs. It'also curfis nervousness and indigestion It gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscle, and richness to the blood. It is a' promoter of good health and longevity, makes the old yourrg. keeps the yourfg strong It will cure almost any case of consumption if taken in time. fliother died of Consumption. Daughter kept strong and well by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. 'Gentlemen In reference to yom Malt Whiskey I must say that it 1$ excellent I have had it in use for nearly our year and in that time my family has been greatly benefited, especially mv eldesi daughter who vas always in delicate health She is ovei sixteen year. o aye .:ud i strong and hearty I have given her three tablcspoontuk ada It ww tor her that I wanted the consumption cure I think it vya- luckv that I gni n tor the mother died of consumption when the daughter ua- i ear '. aire and the physician said the child would not lie to be over fourteen vcar age 'ow she over Sixteen and the doctor i dead He di"d ot conimpnon ot the lungs In con clusion. I will say that your DUFFV PURF MAI T WHISKEY will save many lives if the people will take it It is decidedly the most strengthening stimulant that I have ever seen and we have tried a grear nsny before we came-toyou Very truly your Mr IOHM PFI lGFFLDER. ;;3 Master Street Philadelphia. Pa OYER 7.000 DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. AN'n 2.0T.0 HOSPITALS USE IT EXCLUSIVELY Guarantee ' We guarantee thai the most sensitive stomach, will retain Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, when it will retain no other stim ulant or nourishment " crgi We will send free to any "B game counters lor whist stamps to cover postage They are unique and usclul DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY the only Whisfcev raxed bv the Government as a medicine Thi. a guarantee Vll druggists and gro cers or direct. $1.00 a bottle Refuse substitutes thov are injurious Send for free medical booklet ditffi malt uhiskey -o ROCHESTER N i 1 vincial authorities have secured one of I the men wanted for complicity In the dynamiting of Chinese at Athalwer. Au gust 5 last. Suspicion pointed o Herbert McKnight and Fred Compton, but they escaped across the line. ilcKniglit re cently returned to Golden, B. C, where he was arrested." Another Dully Pnpcr. BAKER CITY. Or.. March 13. Baker City is to have a new dally newspaper. The Baker City Heralc:, formerly the Epigram, will enter the field as "a. daily and weekly publication April 15. The ma chinery has been shipped from San Fran cisco and the bills of lading received at Baker City. Trustees 'Appointed. SALEM. Or., March 13. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Trus tees of the Town of Sodaville, Governor Geer today appointed C. B. Montague, of Lebanon, and N. Bridges and E. B. Kelly, of Sodaville, members of the board to expend the $10)0 appropriated by ' the Legislature which will be devoted J to improvemnt of the soda springs. Kllled ly n. Iioultler. TACOMA, "Wash., March 13. Charles Elic. miner, an native of Finland, was killed at Carbonado Monday night. Elic was working in a chute, when a huge boulder fell from above,- killing him in stantly. JTevr Mining; Company. BAKER CITY, March 13. Articles of incorporation have been tiled of the St. NO FUSEL OIL. ; Greatest Medicine. readci ol this, oaper i o out patent euchre etc on receipt ot j cents in 1 Patrick's Gpld Mining Compnny, of 1 Sumpter. P. U. Healy. M. M. Flynn, Val 1 entine Frj3che Thomas Moore, F "V. I Northup and J AV Kerron are the in- corporator. The capital stock Is ?M0,- W). Lont Ills LoPi". VANCOUVER, B. C. March 13. A ju venile passenger on the eastbound train fell off the platform neir Ruvelstok, B. C and the ears nassed itver his lens. ! He Ls believed to be the 10-year-old son of Mrs. Le Terrenoire, who was en route to Cecil, Pa. "When he "was flrst missed a bearch rf the train was Instituted. At the v.czzx. station a telegram was re ceived by the cenductur stating that a. hiid had been found on the track a short distsnee from Kevelstoke with both legs horrib'y msngled. "When found ho had crawled a d'stance,' of IS telegraph poles in an endeavor to" reach aid. Northwest T'ostoHlce.'!. WASHINGTON. Marcft 13. A postofflce has been established at Agate, Jackson County, Or., on the route from Tolo to Eagle Point. Jefferson F. Grigsby has been appointed Postmaster. An oulce has also bter. established at Grant. JJason County, Wash., with John H Bllle as Postmaster, Acquitted of Manslaughter. SPOKANE, Wash., March 13. Mrs. Bertha Ward rum, a midwife, charged with manslaughter in causing the death of MIsj Clara Wcnger by an unlawful operation, was acquitted by the jury this morning.