c Portland, - Oregon, VOL. XLL NO. 12,554. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE OLD OVERHOLT WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND Under governmeut supervision with government stamp over cork of each bottle, guaranteeing QUALITY QUANTITY AGE MEDICINALLY Distributers for BLUMADER-FRANK DRUG CO., PHIL METSCHAN. Pre. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON change: of management European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day Spring Tiredness Is overcome with a Woodlark Turkish Bath Cabinet Opens the pores, gives vigor and vitality to the system better than medicine. Bath costs 3c. Cabinets in four styles. All good. Express Charges Prepaid WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Canadian Money taken at lace value from customers. CDFF l SUNDRY CATALOGUE MAILED UPON APPLICATION. Solar and ? 20th Century GAS LAMPS Plymouth Rims "CLEAR THE & A I aaTvotxT p HOINEYMAIN, DeHART & CO. FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS Lnrf?est Sporting Goods Honne In the Went. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. AMERICAN 'PLAN (to COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and slngrle Gentlemen. Tlie manage ment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and clvc prices. A mod ern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. Our Circulating Library Adds greatly to the pleasure of owners of Pianolas. It is now most complete, con taining each and every number ever published for the Pianola, and embracing the worKs of the world s greatest composers. If you have a Pianola you should avail j ourself of the library. If not, you should see and hear this wonderful instrument- M. B. WELLS, Northwwt Agent Tor the Aeolian Company Aeolian Hall, 352-355 Washington Street cor. Tark FRYE TO PUSH SHIP SUBSIDY Says He Will Get It on Statute Books Criticises Turner. WASHINGTON, March 7. An interview with Senator Frye. published here today, quotes him as assertng that he will push the ship-susldy bill before the next Con gress until he gets it on the statute books. From the tone of his remarks, it is evident that he believes the subsidy bill can be passed at the next Congress. Senator Frye took occasion to severely criticise the speech of Senator Turner against the subsidy bill, which criticisms, if true, would destroy the force of argu ment of the Washington Senator! It Is expected that Turner will soon make a reply to the charges. Mitchell Wired to Make Haste. Senator Mitshell was expected to have reached Washington this morning, but at noon had not appeared. Later It was learned he had stopped off at Canton, Ohio, to visit friends. Learning this, his friends immediately telegraphed, advising him to come on to Washington In time to be sworn in tomorrow, as it is ex pected that the Senate will finally ad journ tomorrow or Saturday. THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN' WHIKV ROTHCHILD BROS. Agts Oregon, Washington, Idaho, 20-20 NORTH FIRST ST. TURE the Northwest PORTLAND, OR. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 Third St, Opposite Chamber of Commerce C. W. KNOWLES, Mtr. STREETS. PORTLAND, ORES)! 55.00, 58.00, $10.00, $12.00 Fourth and Washington Mergan & Wright Goodrich G. &J. Dunlop and Hartford Tires ROAD ALARM." OREGON ii) 53.00 PER DAY and upward. 76T A THREATENING NOTE. Alleged Communication From the United States to Denmark. LONDON, March 8. "The United States Government has addressed a note to the Danish Government almost threat ening in tone." says the Copenhagen cor respondent of the Daily Mall,, "to the ef fect that it would not permit any trans fer of the Danish West Indies to any for eign power, and that, in the event of Den mark refusing to sell, the United States will require that island and maritime neutrality shall be properly guarded and the' United States' sphere of influence be respected." Bermuda- the Mecca of Boxers. BOSTON, March 7. The Post tomorrow will say that sporting men of Boston have selected Bermuda as the Mecca of boxers, and that a clubhouse will be opened there to be managed by John L. Sulli van. Two athletic managers left today for Bermuda to arrange matches between Kid McCoy and Tommy Ryan for $S000, the first big event on the Island. BICYCLE OFFERS TO TAGALS Prisoners Will Be Released for Guns Surrendered, ONE MAN FOR EACH WEAPON Carman Case "Will Be Referred to Washington General Trias May Be Induced to Give Up the Fight. MANILA, March 7. Additional Induce ments have been made to the insurgents to surrender their guns. General Mac Arthur has directed all department com manders to release one prisoner for every gun surrendered. An Insurgent who sur renders his gun will be permitted to name the prisoner to be released, provided no exceptional circumstances require this man's detention, in which case another selection will be allowed. It is rumored In the local press that the Carman case will be referred to Wash ington, and that a statement on certain matters concerning the case will be ob tained from Major-General Otis. The Federalists report that as a result of the negotiations with the insurgent General Trias, who is in Southern Luzon. Trias probably will soon surrender. The United States training-ship Buffalo has completed the exchange of crews with the warships at Cavite. and has sailed to exchange 700 men recently from the United States for members of the crews of several American warships at Hong Kong and Shanghai. Meanwhile the Navy dispatch-boat Zaflro has taken 200 men to the Navy vessels in Southern Phil ippine waters for the same purpose. The flagship Brooklyn goes to Pe Chi LI Gulf in April to conduct the maneuvers. The Kentucky, the Oregon, the New Or leans, the Albany, the Monterey and the Monadnock will participate in these ma neuvers. The American fleet on the Asi atic station now numbers 54 vessels. FILIPINO TREACHERY. Two Cases Reported by General MncArthur. WASHINGTON, March 7. A large mail has been received at the War Department from General MacArthur. It includes the record of many cases of murder, treason and "other high crimes and misdemeanors on the part of the native Filipinos. A native named Luclno Almeda was con- victed by a military commission of fla grant violations of the laws of war, and was sentenced to hard labor for 20 years and to pay a fine of 20,000 pesos. General MacArthur commuted the sentence to de portation to Guam. It appears from' th evidence that Almeda was the principal chief of La Union at the time of the oc-cupcfSh-fofHhltltfoVlDceTTioIding .office froni the Insurrectionary junta. 'In that official capacity he called on the officer commanding the American forces and of fered his services to aid In the work of pacification of the province. His offer .was accepted in good faith, and he was allowed to continue In office. While thus acting the role of a friend of the Ameri can cause the Presldente and those under him in authority, with a common and se cret understanding, were actually admin istering their offices under the orders and In the interest of the Insurrectionary chiefs. Whenever they collected lawfully imposed taxes they also sought to impose and collect a like or larger amount of taxes for the benefit of the Insurgent forces, and in some instances they divert ed the public funds derived from taxes legitimately collected to the same treason able use. Another case of treachery reported by General MacArthur is that of Catallno Landayan, who was convicted by a mili tary commission of violating the laws of war and giving Intelligence to the enemy, and sentenced to 15 years' confinement at hard labor. General MacArthur says that the evidence in the case shows that the accused accepted the office of Presldente of the Puebla of Gulgulnto from Insurgent authority at a time when the office was lawfully filled by a Presldente appointed under the authority of the United States, and that while the accused was acting the part of an amigo he was by letter advis ing the commanding General of the insur gent forces in his vicinity of the number and means of defense of the American troops in Guiguinto. The mail also brought a copy of the offi cial orders for the deportation of Editor Rice, of J.he Manila Daily Bulletin, to the United States, for the publication of "certain charges against the honesty and Integrity of an officer of the insular gov ernment." In stating the Immediate cause for Rice's deportation, the order says: "Investigation having been made, and the complete falsity of the charges made apparent and the result communicated to Rice, "he replied in a defiant manner that he would reiterate these charges when and where he saw fit. He is therefore regarded is a dangerous Incendiary and menace to the military situation." The first provisional squadron of cav alry now in the course of organization at the Presidio, San Francisco, has been as signed as the First Squadron of the Fif teenth United States Cavalry, and ordered to prepare for "early service in the Phil ippine Archipelago. DEPORTED TO GUAM. More Insurgent Sympathizers Sent to the Island. WASHINGTON. ;March 7. General Mac Arthur has notified the War Department by mall that in pursuance of authority obtained from the department under date of December 27 last, he has ordered the deportation of a number of persons "whose overt acts have clearly revealed them as in aid or in sympathy with the Insurrection and the regular guerrilla warfare by which it. is being maintained, and whose continued residence in the Philippine Islands Is, in every essen tial regard, inimical to the pacification thereof.'" By direction of the commanding Gen eral, the persons named, were delivered to Major Henry B Orwing, Thirty-seventh Infantry, on board a transport for de portation to Guam where they will be held under surveillance or in actual cus tody as circumstances may require during the further progress of hostilities and un til such time as normal peace conditions In the Philippines has resulted in a pub lic declaration of. the-cessation of such hostilities. Subsequently, another batch of Insur gent sympathizers and agitators were de ported to Guam on the United States steamship Solace, to be held under the same condition as the others. The party consisted of members of the Katipunan Society. Paunccfotc Will Remain. WASHINGTON, March 7. The unoffi- cial reports current some time ago that Lord Pancefote, the British Ambassador, would have his period of service in Wash ington continued have now been fully confirmed, and It appears that the ex tension will last throughout the present year, and is likely to be followed by an other extension, owing to the Ambassa dor's vigorous health and thorough ac quaintance with all the Important inter national questions in which the two gov ernments are Interested. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Asrrlcultural Department's System May Be Tried by the Navy. WASHINGTON, March 7. Since last Autumn, the Navy Department has sus pended the experiments In the employ ment of wireless telegraphy as a means of communication between naval vessels and between vessels and the shore. Up to this time none of the warships have been equipped with a permanent pla'it. Hear-Admiral Bradford, the Chief of the Equipment Bureau, has been in conference with some of the most eminent electricians in the United States as to the availability of the wireless telegraph for naval use, but so far nothing like the Ideal system has been found. The latest proposition has been broached by the Department of Agriculture. Secretary Wilson, hearing that the Navy was casting about for a serviceable system of telegraphy, has written to Admiral Bradford to notify him that the Agricultural Department has been experimenting for some time with wireless telegraphy and has attained remarkable results. His experts assert with great positiveness that they, have evolved a system radically different from Marconi's and of far greater efficiency. It is believed that within a short time an exhibition will be made on board of a naval vessel. Value of Our Trade With Russia. WASHINGTON, March 7. A statement prepared at the Bureau of Statistics shows that during the last year the ex port value of American goods exported to Russia, not affected by the recent de cree of the Russian Government in retal iation for the countervailing duties im posed by this Government on Russian sugar, was $7,028,070, while that affected amounted to I2.S72.420. Tower to Be Transferred to Paris. UTICA, N. Y., March 7. Word has been received at Waterville, the home of Char lemagne Tower, United States Ambassa dor to St. Petersburg, that he is to be transferred to the United States Embassy at Paris. It is said that General Horace Porter, the present Ambassador 'to Pari3, is to retire and that the climate of St. Petersburg does not agree with Mr. Tow er's health, hence the change. Carnegie Libraries. MONTGOMERY, Ala., March 7. Re cently Andrew Carnegie offered Montgom ery $50,000 for a public library if the city would furnish a site and 55000 a year for support. The last Legislature granted permission to the city to make an ap propriation, and, the City Council tonight unanimously accepted Mr. Carnegie's of fer. ST. JOSEPH.'Mp.. March 7, A Carnegie library 'is to becstattisXcdMnSouOT&'tr Joseph at once. The philanthropist wired from New York to friends here that he had decided to give $25,000, and that the money would be available when the city provided a block of ground and promised to maintain the institution. The terms have been accepted. Shrlncra Sail for Hawaii. SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. The cara van of Mystic Shrlners from the East who have been sojourning at the oasis of San Francisco for several days em barked on the steamer Sierra today and resumed the Journey to Honolulu. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Philippines. One Insurgent prisoner -will be released for each gun surrendered. Page 1. The Carman case will be referred to Washing ton. Page 1. General Trias may be induced to surrender to the Americans. Page 1. Congress. The Senate will adjourn today or tomorrow. PageS. Frye was re-elected President pro tern. Page 2. Morgan concluded his speech on the Clayton Eulwer treaty. Page 2. China. The Ministers' committee at Pekln has com pleted its report on Indemnity. Page 2. Bockhil! says the negotiations should be com pleted in two months. Page 2. Russian roldlers fired on the British Consulate at Chee Foo. Page 2. Foreign. The Cuban convention voted against taking radical action on the Piatt amendment. Page 1. The assault on Emperor William was the work of a lunatic Page 3. England is still sending reinforcements to South Africa. Page 3. Domestic. Paris Gibson, of Great Falls, Mont., was elected United States Senator to succeed Thomas H. Carter. Paga 1. Ex-President Harrison is uerlously 11). Page 1. The Cattle-Growers' Association was organ ized at Denver. Page 2. A Schuyler, Neb., merchant was arrested for trying to extort money from Senator Kearas. Page 3. , Pacific Coast. Tacoma bests Seattle on a War Department contract, although the latter place put in two bids. Page 1. The Pacific Northwest Woolgrowera' Associa tion asks Congress to .require shoddy goods to be so labeled. Pace 4. The Oregon Fish Commission names several more officials. Page 4. Active military operations may take the place of the annual encampment oC the Oregon National Guard this year. Page 4. Northwest Legislatures. Washington appropriations will be the heaviest In the history of the state. Page 0. The Washington House passed a $2,172,547 93 appropriation bill; the Senate measure is a little over $S5,000 less. Page 5. There Is no probability of Congressional ap portionment at this session of the Wash ington Legislature. Page 5. The Idaho House changed the rules and passed the Legislative reapportionment bill. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Iron and steel trade la booming. Page 11. Wall - street market rallies with difficulty. Page 11. Four big ships arrive from the Orient. Page 10. Peter Rlckmers clears with big cargo. Page II. The first November ship reaches Falmouth. Page. 10. Red Star Liner aground. Page 10. Portland and Vicinity. Franklin S. Walker pleads guilty to embezzle ment from a bank. Page 8. Number of deaths in Portland for February the largest on record. Page 8, W. S. Wesenblue commits suicide by shooting himself. Pago 8. General Balllngton Booth speaks for Volun teers of America. Page 7. Agent of the British Army buying horses In Oregon. President Lytle's reply in Columbia Southern Railroad suit. Page 8. SEATTLE IS BESTED Tacoma Gets Coveted War Department Contract, WAREHOUSE AND WHARFAGE Seattle Put in a Second Bid When It Learned Figures "Were Too III eh Award Is a, Disapproval of Its Business Methods. WASHINGTON, March 7. The War De partment hns put its stamp of disapproval on Seattle business methods In awarding to Tacoma bidders a six months' contract for the use of warehouse and wharfing C. M. COTTERMAN. 1 1 " '"HsSsMgggsse i ' "" DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF POSTS, AT MANILA. The many Portland friends of C M. Cotterman. who was Chief Clerk in the Railway Mall Service here In 1806, are pleased to learn of "his success in his profession, and to know that he has been promoted to be Director-General of Posts at Manila, Philippine Islands. Mr. Cotterman's executive ability and gentlemanly personality were noticed by H. P. Thrall, while the two men worked In Portland, and when Mr. Thrall was appointed Division Super intendent of the Railway Mall Service at San Francisco, a district which Includes all posts In the Pacific Coast' States, he decided that Mr. Cotterman was the right person for the po sition of Assistant Superintendent ,at San Francisco. Mr. .Cotterman filled his new duties with honor to himself "and to -the 'satisfaction of his superior officers for five months. Just then Mr. Thrall was asked. to name.on appointee as Director-General of Posts at Manila, to succeed F. W. Vallle, and he ' recommended C. M. Cotterman. The latter was offered the po sition, and accepted It, and sailed, for Manila on November 10 last. for the Quartermaster's Department. On the original bid Tacoma underbid Seattle, offering ample buildings and satisfactory equipment- Seattle asked a fabulous price for Inadequate and unfit buildings, but when it learned the figure asked by Tacoma. submitted a subsequent bid on a second and befitting building. The de partment is free to express its disapproval of such underhand and unbuslness-like methods, and very properly rejected the bid of Seattle. It might be added that by just such sharp practices as this Seattle has won unenviable reputation in the department, which will In the end probably result In sending more trade to Portland and Ta coma. TACOMA, Wash., March 7. A Washing ton special to the Ledger says the War Department has accepted the bid of the Northern Pacific Railway Company for a warehouse and wharfing at Tacoma for Irs Alaska and Philippine business. HARRISON HAS THE GRIP. Ex-President Seriously 111 at His In dianapolis Home. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 7. Gen eral Benjamin Harrison Is very sick at his residence on North Delaware street, but it is Impossible to learn his true con dition, as his physician refuses to discuss his case without permission from tho family, and this was refused by Mrs. LEGISLATURES ASK CONGRESS TO HELP OUR FAIR That the project of holding a big fair In Portland to celebrate the Lewis and Clark exploring expedition in the Northwest is gaining strength rapidly is shown by the favor it finds with the Legislatures of the states that are to participate in it. Washington came first with the appointment of a commission of five to make recommendation to the next Legislature. Idaho followed with the appointment, of a commission and adoption of a memorial to Congress for a National ap propriation for the exposition. The following dispatch, received last rHght. from Utah, ehows that the cause is growing fast: SALT LAKE, March 7. Both branches of the Legislature today adopted resolutions memorializing Congress to make an appropriation for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition In the Northwest, to be held at Portland, Or., In 1905. A resolution was also adopted authorizing the Governor to appoint a commission of three members to represent Utah and to arrange for an exhibit. Harrison this evening. She said that the General Is suffering from the grip, but that hl3 condition was not considered alirming. When asked if the patient is suffering from any complcatlons of the disease, and particularly as to bronchial affection. Dr. Jamieson, who was with General Harrison for more than an hour this evening, refused to answer. Mr. Harrison took a severe cold more than a week ago, and placed himself un der the care of a physician. The ailment did not yield readily to treatment, and he has been confined to his home since. In- stead of Improving, he has grown worse within the last three days, suffering from a. pronounced case of the grip, and has been compelled to take to his bed. Friends who have called upon him within the last two days have not been admit ted to his room, and there is a fear tha he is worse than the public is per mitted to know. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., March S. At 2 o'clock this (Friday) morning a tele phonic Inquiry to ex-President Harri son's physician. Dr. Henry Jamieson, elicited the information that, while the ex-President is very ill with the grip, his condition Is not considered at all serious. VICTORY FOR CONSERVATIVES Sober Counsel Prevnlled in the Cu ban Convention. HAVANA, March 7. The Cuban consti tutional convention met In secret session this afternoon for a formal discussion of the Piatt amendment. The conservative element scored a victory. It was de cided to continue the sessions of the con vention and to refer the amendment to the special commltee on relations with Instructions to bring in a report. Gen- eral Sanguilly favored dissolving the con vention and returning the amendment without discussion. The other delegates were unanimously In favor of continuing the sessions and of sending some answer to the Executive Department in Wash ington. It is generally believed that the crisis. If any existed, has passed, and by the time the committee reports the present excitement will have died out. Much de pends upon the attitude of the radical delegates. If an impassioned appeal to the people is Issued, as is rumored will be the case, this will cause demonstra tions of protest against the United, States. But nothing in the nature of an uprising is any longer feared. John Sheridan, formerly in charge of the money order department of the Ha vana Post-Office, who was arrested Jan uary 20 charged with the theft of $1300 sent from the Postmaster at Guantan amo, December 26, was sentenced today to two years' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $1300, the amount of his defalca tion. EXPANSION OF LIBERTY. Archbishop Irelnnd Says the Consti tution Should Follow the Flag. CHICAGO, March 7. Addressing a ban quet of the local commandery of tho Loyal Legion tonight, Archbishop Ireland said: "The principles of American liberty have - been consecrated for the world at large. They journey far and wide. No Monroe Doctrine can hold them between the At lantic and Pacific. Wherever the flag of the country floats, there is freedom and liberty. It is not for me to discuss the legal question as to whether the Consti tution does or does not follow the Hag. This I do dare say that if the Constitu tion does not follow the Hag according to law, let us pray that the law be changed." This sentiment brought volleys of cheers and repeated salutes from the vetdran Army officers who listened to lt- DEADLOCK BROKEN Paris Gibson Elected United States Senator at Helena. AN EXCITING NIGHT SESSION Clock Was Stopped at Midnight and the Balloting; Continued Election "Was Bronght About by With drawal of H.L. Frank. HELENA, Mont., March 8. At 3:30 this (Friday) morning, although the Legisla ture clock testified that it was not yet midnight, Hon. Paris Gibson, of Great Falls, was elected United States Senator for the term expiring March 4, 1905. For almost the entire term of the life of the Legislature that body had been voting daily for a Senator, but with no result- Thursday at noon the joint as sembly met as usual and took one ballot, adjourning until 7 P. M. for further bal loting. After taking a few votes with out indication of result, the joint assem bly took a recess until 11 o'clock, at which time began the session ending with the election of Mr. Gibson. In all 22 ballots -were taken during the day. At the conclusion of the 21st bal lot, H. L. Frank, who was the leading Fusion candidate, announced his with drawal from the contest in favor of Mr. Gibson, who had not up to this time had more than a nominal following. Mr. Gib son's high character and unblemished reputation commended him to Fusion members and there was a stampede to him on the next ballot, ho receiving the required number of votes, seven of which were furnished by the wing of the Dem ocratic party known as the Daly faction. Mr. Gibson was born In New Hampshire, July 1, 1S30, and was educated at Bowdoln College, graduating in the class of 1S5L He located at Minneapolis in 1S5S, build ing the first flouring mill in that city. Ho also operated the North Star woolen mills of that city. Ho came to Montana in 1S79, locating at Fort Benton in the stock business. In 1SS2 he becamo inter ested in the possibilities of the water power that could be developed by tho falls of the Missouri River at the site of the present City of Great Falls, of which he is called the father. He laid his plans and hopes before James J. Hill. wh joined him in the enterprise, and the re sult was the growth of a city of 12,000 an the prairie3 by the side of the vast water power. Mr. Gibson was a member of the State Constitutional Convention and of the first Senate of the State Legislature. Brynn Going Enit. CHICAGO, March 7. W. J. Bryan passed through Chicago today on his way to Buf falo, N. Y. Between trains Mr. Bryan received a number of calls from Demo cratic politicians. He was not disposed to discuss general political matters, but departed from this rule to some extent when asked regarding the probable out come of the Senatorial fight In Nebraska. "The trouble iseems to be," said he, "that there are not enough Senatorial positions to go around among the rail roads. It Is possible that they may be able to reach some compromise through a basis of common representation, but the situation seems to be rather complicated." Asked regarding his opinion of President McKinley's- inaugural address, he said: "I hardly care to discuss the matter at any length, and would reply as President Lincoln is said to have remarked on a certain occasion when asked his opinion of a certain matter, It was undoubtedly a most excellent meeting for those who liked it.' " Declined the Nomination. CHICAGO, March 7. Adolph F. Garlz, who was nominated for City Treasurer by the Republican city convention, has re fused to accept the nomination. "In the City Treasurer's office the work must be done largely by deputies," said Mr. Garlz. "I don't do my work that way. For that reason I wa3 not a can didate for the place." Dr. Theodore Bluthart was selected to fill tho vacancy. Threatened With Two Vacancies. DOVER, Del., March 7. There was a great crowd present when the Joint As sembly met today to ballot for two Unit ed States Senators, but the rumored break to J. Edward Addicks did not take place. There was no material cnange in today's ballots from those of yesterday. Tho Legislature will adjourn tomorrow, and unless there Is an election at tomorrow's session there will be two vacancies from this state in the United States Senate. Signed the "Ripper" Bill. HARRISBURG. Pa., March 7. Governor Stone today signed the Pittsburg "Ripper" bill and appointed James Malr, the pres ent Mayor of Scranton, recorder for that city. The bill provides a new charter for the Cities of Pittsburg, Allegheny City and Scranton, abolishes the office of May or and gives the Governir power to ap point a Recorder. Mrs. Nation Not Wanted There. AUSTIN, Tex., March 7. The House of the Texas Legislature today voted down, by an overwhelming majority, the Re publican order inviting Mrs. Nation to visit Texas. Ex-Congreasnmn Spragne Insane. BOSTON. March 7. The Post says: "Charles E. Sprague, the multimillion aire and ex-Congressman representing the Eleventh Massachusetts District, is an in mate of the McLean Insane Hospital at Waverley. His term, in Congress expired last Monday, and he was driven to tha asylum at dusk Wednesday, accompanied by his valet and, a hospital attendant." Dnlly Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 7. Today's statement of the Treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150, 000,000 gold reserve in the division of re demption, shows: Available cash balance $147,14S,002 Gold 6.159,369 Permission Granted for a Fight. SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. The Board of Supervisors today granted the Twen tieth Century Club permission to hold an exhibition in April. There was severe criticism of the match arranged by the club between McGovern and Sullivan. J