Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Wheat continues dull, with little busl- I
ness doing, but there was cood trade In
all other lines yesterday, with stocks well
cleaned up. Eggs and butter are plenti
ful. Butter Is lower In California, and
prices In Portland have a downward ten
dency. Poultry supplies are even with the
demand. The outside quotation for small
veal has been shaded by larger receipts.
Both brands of coffee were marked up 50
cents per case yesterday.
rinnk: Clearing:.
A. Exchangee. Balances.
oriRna $384.6SS
Tacoma 148.&03
beattle ..." 465.75")
Spokane 102,877
$ 64,008
Grain, Flour, Etc.
Wheat Walla Walla, :53&56c; Valley,
nominal; 'bluestem, 57c per bushel.
Flour Best grades. $2 03 40 per bar
rel; graham, ?2 CO. ,
Oats White, 44g"45c per bushel; gray. 42
Barley Feed, ?1G1G 50; brewing, $1G
16 50 per ton.
MillstuffF Bran, $10 per ton; middlings.
$21 50; shorts, 517 50; chop, $16.
Hay Timothy. ?1212 50; clover, ?79 50;
Oregon wild hay, 567 per ton.
flutter, Ej?pr. Poultry. Etc.
Butter Fancy creamery, 22V25c; dairy,
1820c; store, ll13c per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 12Vi.313c per doz
en. ,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 3034; hens.
54 50 5 0ft; dressed, Hgl2c per pound;
Springs, ?4$iM 50 per dozen; ducks, ?5i6;
geese, $56 per dozen; turkeys, live. 10
lie; dressed, 13c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 1313c;
Toting America, 13!14c per pound.
Vegetable. Fruit, Etc. ' .
Vegetables Parsnips, S5c; turnips, S3c;
carrots, S5c sack; onions, $2 75S; cab
bage, $1 G5l 75 per cental; potatoes, 45y
60c per sack; sweet potatoes. $1 Co per 100
pounds: celery. S(V90c per dozen; Cali
fornia tomatoes, ?2 50 per box.
Fruit Lemons, choice. $2 00; fancy,
$2 502 75; oranges, 51 73JT2 50 for navel;
$1 501 75 for seedlings, per box; pineap
ples, $4 004 50 per dozen; bananas, 52 50
3 00 per bunch; Persian dates; 66c
per pound, apples, $11 50.
Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 5(&Ga
per pound: sun-dried, sacks or boxes.
34c; pears, S3c; prunes, Italian. 5g7c;
silver, extra choice, 57c; figs, California
blacks, 5c; figs, California white, 57c;
plums, pltless, white, 7Sc per pound.
Meet and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers,
$4 75; ewes. $4 004 50; dressed, 6V&07c per
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, 55 005 25;
light, 4 7&g5 00; dressed, Cg7c per pound.
Veal Large. 77c per pound; small,
Stf?9c per pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield
brand), hams, smoked, are quoted at 12Vic
per pound; picnic hams, 9c per pound;
breakfast bacon, 14V&15c; bacon. 10Vi
llc; backs, lO&c; dry salted sides. SUvp
10c; dried beef. 15c; lard, five-pound pails,
lie; 10-pound pails. lO&c; 50s, 10&c;
tierces, 10c per pound; Eastern pack
(Hamrribndts) hams, large. 12Vir: me
dium, 12&c; small. 13c; picnic hams, 9&c;
shoulders, 9&c; breakfast bacon, 13?4(
13?c; dry salted sides, StfjlOVic; bacon
sides, lOVfcgll&c; backb, lUic; butts, lOVic;
lard, pure leaf, kettle-rendered, 5s, llc;
10s, lie; dry salted, bellies. 10&Sllic;
bacon bellies, HUfl2c: dried beef, lo'c
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50g4 75; cows.
54 004 50; dressed beqf, 7QSc per pound.
Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc
Hops 1214d per pound; 1899 crop, CS7c.
Wool Valley, 1415c; Eastern Oregon.
812c; mohair, 21&23cper pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings, 15S20c; short
wpol, t2535(r; TOedium-wool, 3050c.long
wool, G0c51 each.
Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease, 22&c per
Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 1C pounds and
upward, 1415c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 16
pounds, 14Sfl5c per pound; dry calf. No. 1,
under 5 pounds, 1415c; dry-salted, one
third less than dry flint; salted hides,
sound steers, 60 pounds and over. 7Sc;
do, 50 to CO pounds. 77&c; do, under 50
pounds, C7c; kip. 10 to 30 pounds, 6&7c;
do veal. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; do calf, under
10 pounds, 7(JiSc; green (unsalted), lc per
pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten,
badly cut, scored, hair-slipped, weath
beaten or grubbj'), one-third less.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, 5520;
cubs, each,52g5; badger, each, 1040c;
wildcat, I5ioc; house cat. 520c; fox, com.
mon gray, 30i50c; do red, $1 50if2; db cross.
55015, lynx. 1QZ: mink, 5051 25; mar
ten, dark Northern. $6612; do pale pine,
$1 50tj2; muskrat, 5(gl0c; skunk, 2535c; ot
ter (land), $5(g7; panther, with head and
claws perfect, $25; raccoon. 30Jf35c.
wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 50?
5; prairie wolf or coyote, G075c: wolver
ine, $407: beaver, per skin, large, $506; do
medium, per skin. $1: do small, per
skin. $12; do kits, per skin, 50S75c.
Groceries, Xnts, Etc.
Coffee Mocha. 232Sc; Java, fancy, 26fl
32c; Java, good. 20&21c: Java, ordinary,
182oe; Costa Rica, fancy, 18620c; Costa
P.ica. good. ICglSc; Costa Rica, ordinary.
10?il2c per pound: Columbia roast. 512 75;
Arbucklfi's. $12 25; Lion. $12 25 per case.
Rice Island, Cc; Japan, 5c; New Orleans,
4ft 5c, fancy head, $77 50 per sack.
Sugar Cube, $C 45; crushed. 56 70; pow
dered. 56 05; dry granulated, 45 95; extra
C, $5 45; golden C. 55 35 nef, half barrels
4c more than barrels; sacks, 10c per 100
less than barrels; maple, 1516c per pound.
faalmon Columbia River, one-pound
tails. 51 50S?2; two-pound talis. $2 25ST2 50;
fancy ohe-pound flats. $22 25; ij-pound.
fancy flats. 51 lol 30; Alaska tails, $1Q'
15;. two-pound talis, $1 02 25.
Nuts Peanuts. CtSlc per pound for'
raw, 9c f6r roasted; cocdanuts, $0c per
uuitui nuiiiuiij, aunc per pouna; pine
nuts. 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts. 15c;
firaii, in.-, uiuens, aac; lancy pe-i
cans, lzntac; aimonas, iei7Jic per pound.
Beans Small white, 54c; large white,'
5c; bayou'. 3c; Lima. Circ per pound.
Grain bags Calcutta, $66 12 per 100
for spot.
Coal oll-rCases. 19c per gallon; bar
rels. 15c; tanks. 13ftc.
Stock salt 50s, $14 25 per 100; 100s, $13 75.
- -
Penniiylrunln Report Gives the Mar
ket a Strong: Tone.
NEW YORK. March o. The annual re
port of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, published this morning, proved to
Je the mainspring or the market. That
document showed such a mass of convinc
ing evidence of the high prosperity of the
railroad business that it attracted large
and substantial buying, not only in that
stock, but in many other high-grade
railroad stocks. The Pennsylvania is al
ways accepted as a representative sys
tem, owing to the great diversity of its
traffic and extent of territory embraced xn
Its ramifications. Therefore, the showing
made of the growth of traffic both in the
freight and passenger departments, the
enormous increase of earnings and the
work accomplished In improvement and
betterment with promise of increased ef
ficiency as an instrument of transporta
tion, had a great influence on the values
of railroad stocks. The first Influence was
felt In the trunk line group, especially
those lines in which Pennsylvania had se
cured ap influential interest. It spread to
all the principal railroads operating "in
the trunk line territory, including the
coalers, and later in the day stocks of
the railroads of Western territory moved
upward. The principal stocks effected, In
cluding the leaders In the grangers and
Pacific groups, show gains of" 1 to 3
points.' Pennsylvania itself was ,VP. JlVi
Delaware & Hudson 3Vi. Baltimore & Obl
preferred 3. rGeat Northern preferred 3.V&,
Burlington 3, and Norfolk & Westem'pre-
preferred 3tf, GreatNorthern preferred 3,
the market as a whole did not "respond
notably to the movement In special stocks.
There were Instances of strength scattered
all through the list besides those already
mentioned, especially among the high-
priced industrials, but the movement was
quite free from, excitement and the day
was singularly free from stories of new
combinations or speculative sensations. In
the railroad list the buying was based
distinctively on the large earnings.1 -
There -was an Important speculation hi
Sugar, as is Invariably the case on a dividend-day.
The stock gotr above Jast .nlsht
for a brief tlm after the declaration- -of
the regular quarterly dividend, but fell'
zifcin the late dealings, -closing wjtn a net
loss of 1. Yesterdays movement jnAmau
gamated Copper continued m'force toaay,
carrying tfiat stock up an extreme, ,4.
closing practically at the to?. -Xhe gas
stocks showed continued strength, Ia
clede Gas leading the day's mpvement
with an advance of Si and a net gain of
5&. General Electric rose 4 pofntsv Pa
cific Mail lost as much, but recovered '2
points. The steel stocks were decidedly
neglected, the common stocks as a rule
being rather heavy, while there was some
strength among the preferred stodks.
United States Steel was rather dull and
a"boul steady in the outside market.
The payment of 50 per cent of the pur
chase price for the Southern Pacific yes
terday, amounting to over $20,000,000,
brought the balance today
up to the high mark of the many credit,
obligations at piesent held in New York
The bond market showed some Increas
ing activity and strength, but continued
rather irregular. Standard Rope-6s broke
8 points. Total sales, par value, 55,525,000.
United States refunding 2s and new 43
oupop declined 8, and do registered V
The 3s registered advanced per cent on
the last call.
U. S. 2s, ref. reg.lOSsilN. r. Cent.lstsT.l67U
do coupon 105i,jNorthern Pac 3s.. 71
do 3s. 1H& do 4s 105
do coupon HI (Oregon Nav. lsts..UO
do nett 4, res..,137?i do 4s H4iJ
do coupon 137. Oregon S. L. 6s. ...128
do old 4b, re?.,. 113 do con. Ch lltift
do coupon 114 RIoGr.. W. Ism.. ..100
do 53. reg...v...lli)Vi,St. Paul consols. ..18a
do coupon lllViiSt P- C. A P. Istsll84
Plst. Col. 3-65...123 I do 3s .....122
Atchison adj. 4s".. 33 (Onion Pacific 4b...10!
C. & lOV. con. 7sl41 Wls. Cont. lsts..-.. 8S
do S. F. deb, Cs.llbW'Southern pac. 4k.. IU
D. &. IU a. s 102V4iVest Shore 4s..... .110
Gen. Electric 5s. .176
The tofal sales of stocks today were 1,000,100
shares. The closing quotations were:
At-hlson 50Lrnlon Pacific OOTJ
do pref .. b9vlUnn Pac pref... S5K
Bait. . Ohio 02v,Wabash ......." 174
Can. Paclrfe!"
PF" 1 01U,Jlo 'ret 1... 30Vi
Can. Southern ... JUCi.l do 2d T)rr. .
VI 'iwra, l ij..
. 14N
Ches. & Ohio 43141WI8. Central .
Cfci. Gr. Western. ioThlrd Aenue
C, B. & Q i48.NatIonal Tube
.. 18ii
t-ni., ma. d. L,.... 324 ao pref ,...lo2i
do pref -71 u. EXPRERR nr a '
Chi. & East. III. ..10S Adams 130
Chicago jc. V..17lMfAmrlcan ,.1SS
C. R. I. & Pae..i5SU United Stt r.T
C. a, C. & St. L. 75,,Wells-Fargo 137
Colo. Southern . 0 MISCELLANEOUS.
do 1st pref 434 Amer. Cotton OH., 27
do 2d pref...... 18 1 do pref 86
Del. fc Hudson. ...167 Amer. Malting Z
Del.. Lack. & V.JlJ3k do bref 25U
Denier & Rio Gr. 39u Amer. Smelt. & R. Mu
do pref 87 J do pref w $4
Er,,e-r Spirits 1
do 1st pref tiM.. do nrei ... 17
Gr. North. pref.,..19S lAmer. Steel Hoop. 2CV,
Hocking Coal .... 15 I do pref . 81U
Hocking A'alley .. 40UJAmer. Steal & "W. :iv
Illinois Central
130Vj' do Pf" 06
. 27 Amer. Tin Plate... 02
. 53st do pref loi
. 41i,Ainer. Tobacco ...121
.111 do pref 145
.210Vi'Anacand M. Co..j 46?S
. vVh grookln R. T.f... 70'
.118 Colo. Fuel JLIron. 44,
I63HiCont. Tobacco lOO'l
ion a Central ..
do pref
Lake Erie & W
do pre
Lake Shore ...
Louis. & Nash,
Manhattan El
Met. St. Ity...
Mex. Central ..
1,ifc,reaerai stel 44
Minn. &. St. Louis Tt
do pref
do pref lOSikjGen. Electric 212'
aiiMourl Paclnc .. 70Ji4Uiucoe Sugar .... 45W
Mobile- &. Ohlo..i. 7b41 do pref" ....,'... 33&
M.. K. & T 21 Int. Paper 2:1
do pref 541 do pref .rf...v:.- 74v
Xew-Jerwy Cent.4R4UtL-Cleile Gas..w.. S2
New York Cent...l44Nat. Biscuit pref..' 04
Norfolk & "West... 4SS National Lead .... 15
do pref .&, do pref ....... S5V5
Northern Pacific. 84',Natlonal Steel 4G
do pref S7V do pref ........102
Ontario & West.. 32?iN. T. Air Brake..l53
O. R. & N 42 (North Am. nev).. 70
do pref -76 IPaclflc Coast 52,,3
PcnnsjHanla ....152 do 1st pref......fc8
Reading 32' do 2d pref C2
do let pref 72 jPaclflC Mall 30
do 2d pref 42 ' People's Gaa 10im
Rio Gr. Western. C5 IPressed Steel Car.. 33X
do pref ....... 03 I do pref .......... 741Z
St. Louis &. S. F.. 38, Pullman Pal. Car.lOJt
do 1st pref 82 Stand. Rope A. T.. 34
do 2d pref 65 Sugar 130i
St. Louis S. W.... 26 do prer 120
do pref 5SvfcTenn. Coal & Iron. 52
St. Paul 151W U. S. Leather 128
do pref 1924I do pref 74
St. Paul H 0 125 U. S. Rubber 19
Southern Pacific. 44VI do pref 50V5
Southern Uy 23 Western Union ... RSfe,
do pref 7&5xRepubllc Iron & S. l&N
Texas & Pacific... 2a',i do pref C4H
Money, JExchnnRC, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. Sterling
on London, CO days, $4 SSJ; do, sight,
NEW YORK, March 5. Money on call,
firm, 2-3 per cent; last loan. 2 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 3U4H per cent.
Sterling exchange. Arm, with actual
business in bankers' bills at $4 S7$a4 S7V4
for demand, and at $4 S444 S4i for 60
Posted rates, 54 834 S54 SS.
Commercial bills. $4 S3J4 83.
Silver certificates, 61S63c. - .
Mexican dollars. 49c. . ,.
Bonds Government Irregular; state, m
active; railroad, irregular.
LONDON. March 5. Money, WSSL per
cent; consols, 97 7-16. y ,'
Foreljrn Financial Xcvr.
NEW YORK, March 5. The Commercial!
Advertiser's London financial . cablegram
Tho'ugK. business was slack on the stock"
markeJU'here -today, the tone was Urm.
Thiswas duii in part, to a ..growing Im
pression that pace -negotiations are- pro
ceeding with the Boers 4n Souh Africa,
and that an announcement is possible any
day that definite terms have been made.
American shares, . like' pur own, were in
active, but hard. All day there -was a
good inquiry for Union Pacific stocks,
Chesapeake & Ohio and Ontario & West
ern. Stocks In London.
LONDON, March 5. Atchison. 5S&; Can
adian Pacific, 34; Union Pacific preferred.
6; Northern Pacific preferred S93i; Grand
Trunk, 7; Anaconda, 10.
Prices for Cereals In Enropcnn and
American Portsf
'SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. Wheat,
quiet. Barley, firmer; but spot advanced.
Oats, quiet, but steady. .
Spot quotations were!
Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 95c; choice, 95c;
milling, 97c$l 024.
Barley Feed, 6572&c; T)rewing, 774
Oats Black for seed, $1 lOgl 20; red,
$1 251 45.
Call board sales:
Wheat No afternoon session.
Corn Large yellow. 5M51 17&.
Clilcnjro Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO, .March 5. Had the wheat
market more than the barest spark of life
left In It, it would have shown a more
decisive response to the various pieces of
Intelligence ordinarily influenced in deter
mining prices. May opened unchanged
at 75Viioc, and on a bit of outside buy
ing advanced to 7575a - A few thou
sand bushels offered on this rally sent
the market back to 75VcJ where it steadied
and for hours together brokers had scarce
ly enough business to keep them awake.
Toward the end of the session a commls.
sion-house wanted to fill an order, and the
price was bid up to 75?ic, when the gong
eounded. The trade- was actually made
at 75j4. high price of the day, after the
close, but the official close remained at
75sc, being i$l$sc over yesterday.
Corn was less dull than -wheat, but the
market at that was quiet enough. May
closed Uc lower," at 40c
Oats were dull and neglected. May
closed unchanged, at 25&c.
There were few transactions In pro
visions and the market was dull In all de
partments. May pork and rlDB closed a
shade down, and lard unchanged.-
The leading futures ranged as follows:
March 50 73 f 0 74U 50 735 50 4
April 74$ 745 74 74
May .. 75Vi 75?t 73.
March., .....,- 39WN39Vl 3SMi S9
May .V.: 40 , -1 4C. .40A
' . OATS. .
M'arch. ....... 2i. 2414 24 24i
May - -23i . 20V4 258 25Mt
,.,, MESS POKK. , ,
March...... ..... ....... 13 95
May 14 15" 14 15 14 10 14 13
v . . , 1JAUQ.
Iarch '. , 740
May 7 476 7 47J5 T42V4, 7 45
JUly .':.....'.. 7 524 ' 7 62a 7 50 7 50
March '... ..', 700
May 7 07& Tiff' ' 7 024 7 05
September ...-7 20 7 20 7 17 720
Cash quotations were as follows:
Wheat No. 3 Spring, 67&72c; No. 2 red,
73$ 76c
Corn No
Oats No.
2, 3SJJ39i4c; No. 2 yellow.
2, 25fi25ic; No. 2 white,
Bye No. 2. 53c.
Barley Good feeding, 45c; fair to choice
malting, 4S56c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1 5S; No. 1 Northwest
ern, $1 CO.
Timothy seed Prime, ?4 40.
Mees pork Per barrel. $13 9514 00.
. Lard Per cwt..-$7 27i4J7 40.
Short ribs Sides, loose. $7 00g7 20.
Dry salted shoulders Boxed, 6U66&C
- Short clear sides Bcfxed, $7 357 55.
Sugar Cut-loaf, $6 29; granulated, $5 72;
confectioners' "A," $5 59; off A. $5 44.
Clover Contract grade, $10 75.
Butter Fairly active; creamery, 15522c;
dairy. 1019c.
Cheese Quiet, 10Ullic.
Eggs Active; freeh. 14c.
Receipts. Shlpm't.
Flour, barrels SO.OoO
Wheat, bushels 124.000
Corn, bushels 537,000
O&t. bushels 4S5.O00
Rye. bushels .. 0.000
Barley, bushels 48XM
Chicago Wheat Situation.
F. Gl Logan's Chicago grain letter to R.
TV. McKInnon &. Co., yesterday, said:
"Wheat another day where the news
appeared to favor lower prices, and the
market stubbornly refused to respond.
Foe a matter of several weeks the price
has been persistently held above 75c for
.the May future. Judging by experience,
the news will eventually turn. In favor of
holders, and an advance of more or less
consequence will result. It Is certainly
significant that the fact of the bear news,
which "has been in evidence for the last
couple of. months, that prices have been
maintained so stubbornly. We are in
clined to think that 41 will pay to buy
wheat on weak spots."
Liverpool Grain Mnrlcct.
LIVERPOOL, rarch 5? Close Wheat
Spot dull; No. 1 California', 6s 3df No. 2
red Western Winter, 5s lid; No. 1 North
ern Spring. 6s. 2&d. Futures, quiet; May,
5s Ud; July, 5s lld.
Corn Spot, quiet; American mixed, new,
3s 9i4d; do old, 3s lld. Futures, quiet;
March, 3s 9d; May, 3s 9Vid;July, 3s 9d.
Wheat and flour In Paris, quiet; weather
In England, rain.
LONDON, March. 5. Wheat cargoes
on passage, quiet ajid steady; cargoes No.
1 standard California, 30s 4&1; cargoes
Walla Wlla, 2Ss 6d; English country mar.
kets, quiet.
Xew York Grnln and Produce.
NEW YORK, March 5. Flour Receipts,
25,000 barrels; exports, 14,735 barrels; mar
ket little steadier, but not quotably higher.
Wheat Receipts; 46,000 bushels: exports,
57,000 bushels. Spot, dull, firm; No. 2 red,
0-sc f. o. b. afloat; 7Sc elevator. Options
opened easy at a decline of 4Uc under
disappointing cables and foreign selling,
rallied on bullish weather, which made a
ccarcity of sellers without increasing de
mand much. Shorts were the best buyers
throughout the session. The close was
stead at net unchanged prices to ic high
er. March closed at 79Hc; May, 79ic;
July, 79Vic.
Wool Dull.
Hops Quiet.
Available Supplies of Grain.
NEW YORK, March 5.-SpecJal and
cable communications to Bradstreet's
show the following changes -in available
supplies, as compared with the last ac
count: .
Wheat, United States and Canada, east
of the Rockies, decreased 1,799,000 bushels.
Afloat for and in Europe Increased 1,400,
000 bushels.
Total supply, decreased 399,000 bushels.
Corn, United States and Canada, cast of
the Rockies, increased 1,729,000 bushels.
Oats, United States and Canada, east of
the Rockies, Increased 642,000 bushels.
Tacoma TVneat.
TACOMA. Wash.. March 5. Wheat, c
lowerj bluestem, 57c; club, 5414c.
The British ship Peng Wern cleared tp.
day wjth a cargo of wheat and lumber for
'South Africa. l
'SAN FRANCISCO, 'March R--Wool
.Nevada ,ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 1013c;
Valley Ofe'gon, 14gl5c: Mountain lambs,
9jJ10c; Sari.Joaquln plains, &?T7c; Humboldt
and Mendocino, 10llc.
Hops 1M0 crop, 1520c.
Mlllstuffs Middlings. -5t6020; bran, $15
Hay Wheat, $JXgl8; wheat-and oats. $9
12; best 'barley, 5769 "50; alfalfa, $769 CO;
compressed wheat, $913 per ton; straw,
3547Vq per bale.
"Potatoes River Burbanks, 35ff60c; Sali
nas Burbanks, 75cS$l 15: Oregon Bur
banks, 65cS$l; Early Rose, 60S75c; sweets,
Onions $2 50g3 50 per cental.
Vegetables Green peas, 2g7c; string
beans, 6Sc per pound; asparagus, 615c
Citrus fruit Mexican limes. $7 5XgS CO;
common California lemons. 50c; choice,
$2 25; navel oranges, 30c$2 25 per box;
pineapples, $2 D03 per dozen.
Banans i0c$l 50 per bunch.
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 10511c; do
hens, 1213c per pound; old roosters, $4G'
4 60 per dozen; young roosters, $56 50;
fryers,, S5S5 50; hens, $45 50 per dozen;
small broilers, $3Q4; large do, $55 SO; old
ducks, $45; geese, $1 501 75 per pair.
Green fruits Apples, choice," $1 25 per
box; common, 30c per box.
Butter Fancy creamery, 18c; seconds,
17c; fancy dairy, 15c; do seconds, 12c.
Cheese California, full cream, 914c:
Young America, 10c; Eastern. 1516V$c.
Eggs Selected, 12ci ranch, 13c -
Receipts Flour, '10,760 quarter sacks;
wheat, 2220 centals; barley, 92S5 centals;
beans, 1S71 sacks; corn, 1750 centals; pota
toes, 2241 sacks; bran, 2773 sacks; hay, 407
tons; wool, 79 bales; hides, 429.
CHICAGO. March 5. Cattle Receipts,
2500. Market for steers stronger: butch
ers stock opened firm, closing easier.
Good tp prime steers. $56 05; poor to me
dium, $3 G0f4 95; stockers and feeders,
strong, $2 754 60; cows, $2 704 20; heifers,
$2 754 50; canners, $2 10!ff2 70; bulls, slow,
$2 5Q4 25; calves, steady, $4g6 25; Texas
fed steers, $404 90; do grassers, $3 354; do
bulls, $2 03,50.
- Hogs Receipts today, 1S.0O0; tomorrow.
32.Q0O; left over, 3000. Market 5c higher.
Downing, Hopkins Si Co,
Room 4, Ground Floor
opened strong, closed easier. Top, $3 62;
mixed and butchers', 55 405 6214; good to
choice heavy. 55 50ff5 624; rough heavy.
'$5 355 45; light; $5 405-57; bulk of sales.
55 505 StM.
Sheep Receipts, 10,000. Market lor sheep
str6ng and' active; for lambs, steady to
strontr. Good to choice wethers, $4 2504 5;
fair tp fair mixed, 544 33; Western sheep, .:
54 ,304 35; Texas sheep, 52 503 To; native
lambs, $L50go 25 Western lambs, $55 23.
OMAHA, March 5. Cattle Receipts,
2900; market, strong: native beef steers,
545 35; Western steers, 53 80g4 60; Texas
steers, $3 00g3 S5; cows and heifers, 53 23Q
4 25; canners, 52 003 25; ..stookers and
feeders, $3 254 50; calves, $4 Xg6 75; bulla
and stags. $2 50S4 20.
Hogs Receipts, 7600; market, closed
weak; heavy1, 55 3&5 42; mixed, 55 325 35;
light, $5 305 37; bulk of sales, 55 323 37.
Sheep Receipts, 6100; market, steady;
fair to choice yearlings, $4 404 75; fair to
choice wethers, '54 WQi 50; common and
choice sheep, $3 53 85; lambs, $4 255 75.
KANSAS CITY, March 5". Cattle Re
ceipts, 6000. Market, steady: Texas steers,
$17SS4 75; Texas cows, $2 75S3 75; native
steers, $4 50g5 60; native cows and heifers,
$3 5Q&4 75; stockers and feeders, $3 SO
5 00; bulls. 53 00&H 50.
Hogs Receipts, 11,000. Market, SglOc
higher: bulk of sales 55 35S 45: heavy.
$5 40gS 50; packers, 55 355 45; mixed, $5 30
05 45; lights, 55 20S5 35; yorkers, $5 20
5 35; pigs. $4 75515.
The Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Match 5. Speculative ac
tivity in tin was again lacking In metal
circles today, and this, together with a
further loss of 1 In London, depressed
the local market for tin materially. It
opened about 20 points down, and failed
to react throughout the session, closing
weak at 52Sg2fr25. At London the close
was weak at 119 for spot and 113 15s
for futures.
The lead market at London was rather
irregular and unsettled all day, closing 10s
lower to 132 6s. The local situation, how
ever, remains dull and featureless at
$4 374.
The copper market was inactive and
nominal, business here and abroad being
light, closing prices being respectively $17
for Lake Superior and $16 624 for casting
and electrolytic, andl "0 10s for spot and
71 Is 3d for futures.
Domestic iron markets continue without
important features'-at old prices. At Glas
gow tho closing ptlce of warrants was 52s
lOd, and at Middlesbbro, 45s 9d.
Spelter was unchanged at London and at
New York, with trading of a hand-to-mouth
Bar silver, 61Hc . . .
LONDON, ilarch 5. Bar silver, steady,
2S3-16d per ounce.' ",
t Boston Wool Market,
BOSTON, March 5. The wool- market
here shows but little change this week.
There has been a fair amount of wool
changing hands, while prices In the ter
ritory grades hav'e favored the buyers.
Values, as a whoje, are no.t materially
changed. As uiuaT, the bulk of the busi
ness was in territory grades. Fine me
dium and fine scoured, staple-In, Is quoted
at 4a46c. TeVrltorV wools scoured basis
Montana, ipe n)eVIlum 'and fine, H'&ISp;
scoured, 42jI44c; sta'jeV 4546. Utah, Wy
oming and Idaho, fne medium and fine,
12gl4c; scoured, 41$$jl3c; staple, 454Sc
Coffee and Snamr.
NEW YORK, March 5. Coffee Options
closed weak, with prices 2030 points net
lower; sales, 49,750 bags, including- March,
$6 206 25; April, $ 25; May, $6 35: July,
$5 45; spot Rio easy; No. 7 invoice, 7,,c,
nominal; Cordova, S012Vc.
Sugar Raw, weak; fair reflningf 3c;
centrifugal, 95 test, 4tfc; refined Steady.
Kerr York Cotton.
NEW YORK, March o. Cotton' closed
steady, with prices "unchanged to 4 points
Pleasnnt Home Notes.
PLEASANT HOME. March 5. There "is
a boom In this locality, and building lots
are in demand. Improvements costing $13,
000 will be undertaken. J. L. Thorp has
purchased an acre and he will shortly
begin construction on a handsome dwell
ing. Mr, Chase has sold' an acre to the
blacksmith, who will put up a shop and
cottage. He has sold an acre to two
others, who will put up dwellings as
soon as the weather will permit C. Ma
son has finished his shop building, and
will begin, on his. new residence in a few
days. Orlando Zeek will shortly put up a
dwelling and cottage. E. M. Carpenter
will soon begin construction on his new
dwelling. Proctor & Beers have bought
two lots and will put up a large store
building as sobn as the weather will
permit, and It will be used as a general
merchandie store. Energetic business
men have undertaken to push improve
ments here, and have made it possible 'to
get hold of buildings lots -so tha't Im
provements could be -made. Tracts" are tor
be platted and thrown dpen to Improve
ment, and Pleasant Home promises to
become a thriving village It is 18 miles
from Portland, and on. the main road
to Mount Hood. ,
The entertainment for the benefit of
the Orient School was a great success.
It was given In G. A. R. Hall, which was
packed to Its Utmost capacity. Even
the hallway was occupied. Thei'e was
apprehension that the floor might give
way with the great crowd, but there was
no danger. "The Quadroon" was the
play given. Those deserving mention
were Katie Maxwell, S. E. Hunter. Louise
Maxwell, William Miller, Jennie New,
Mrs. Feathcrstone. C. M. Lake. Frederic
Grover. Howard Lake, Prlscilla Miller.
After paying expenses, there will bo $50
to turn over to the. public school.
German Methodists.
The past week has been one of consider
able Interest to the German ilethodlsls
of Portland. Two associations, one of
clergymen and the other of laymen, met
at the Second Methodist Episcopal
Church, cornor Stanton and Rodney
streets, for the purpose of discussing sub
jects of vital Interest to the cause Of Ger
man Methodism. The convention organ
ized by electing Presiding Elder H. F.
Xiange as chairman, and Carl Jans as sec
retary. The first session was held Mon
day evening, February 25. and the last on
Thursday, February 2S, and there were
three sessions each day. The following
churches and Sunday schools were repre
sented and furnished topics for discussion:
Bethany and Phillips, by George A. Jahn;
Cornelius and North Yamhill, H. Hansen;
Logan and Clarks, Julius Traglio; Mil
waukee, Georgo S. Roder. H. Bottemlller,
H. Henneman. the Misses Rose Tcharner,
Clara. Henneman and Lydla Botemlller;
Portland, First Church, Carl Jans, L.
Schumacher and A. Klippel; Portland,
Second Church. C. A. Prlesing, H. Hart
meler. M. Petersen. O. Doehring, and Mrs.
Lydia Masman; RIdgefleld, Wash., J. G.
Mohring; Seattle, Joseph Schwlertllch;
Salem and Stayton, J. C. Jahn; Tacoma,
Wesley Roder; Walla Walla, W. J.
Dyspepsia In Its worst forms will yield
to the use of Carter s Little Nerve Pills
aided by Carter's. XJttle Hvr Pills.. Dose,
one of each after eating.
Chamber of Commerce
C 1)111 man. Mllwk; JA P Armstrong, clty
M. C Benjamin. Denver; W F Kirk. Wash. D C
Mrs" A Delmas,. San FrlAndy McCarthy..,San F
F L Wheeler. N Yak J Da Is, San Fran
L Hen!?, S Y ICliaa Reuff & wf. city
V J Spencer Mrs E E McChrjstal &
O-F Elliott, San Fc sons,.Salt Lake
A C Bates, San Fr 'Joa E Cobb, Salt Lake
F E Whitney. SarS'Fr MrTb'Mrs Chas Glbley,
Frank Cavalll. 21 Y N Y
J C Ryan. ChtcaKo- Miss Mack. N Y
C C McCrJllus. NY T R Sheridan, Rosebrg
J R Kelly, San Fr 'FA Sutton wf. Pa
Marsaret Kelly. S F rMltfa Jessie Sutton. Pa
Ed C Manner. Stocktontlra C Prlchard. Lexlng-Edn-
Kelly. San Fr ton. Kv
C K Ttemler. St Paul iS C Thompson. St Paul
A F Lowenthal. N Y P L Sinclair. Tacoma
Mrs John 0'NI11 & Mrs Ralph E Cum-
chlldren. Butte J mlnjr'. N Y
C O'Brien, Butte Albert Dunbar, Astoria
R H Thompson. Chgo 1
Fred Brooker, North
Chas H Rend. Dufur 1
Mrs Brooker. do
Miss Copeland. Houltn
Mrs J W Howard,
Mrs A T Merwln. Win-
Con-all Is
Rev Miller. LexlnKton
iocrc. wash
Sarah Miller, do
Grace Stewart. Prlnevl
James A Bell. San FrJL B Reeder. Pendleton
Geo E Houck. RosebrsiMrs S Bruce, dan Fr
A J Goodman, lndp A C Fay, N Y
"N m M Bray, Oshkosh.' J A Brings. N Y
A Is I J "W Hull. Hoqulam
A . A'verly, San Fran G W Wise. Wjomlns
Mrs Averly. San Fran C W Henderson. S F
Mrs 8 C Linn, Ores Cj'iJ T EsleUman, Tacoma
A Vlsalla, Tacoma. . A E Shoswell. Tacoma
L B Mack, Walla W iWm McMurran. Bak Cy
Miss H Steele. Spokn fo F Shepperd. Centralla
Geo B Dukek, Mayvlll Miss B 11 Shepperd. do
J E Ramsay, do Mr McGevealson, Ta-
H R Ramsay, - do coma
T H MerrJtt. Tacoma jFrank Bldwell, Union
Wm Hettinger. Monte-Joha Galvln. Centralla
Mrs Galln. Centralla
Angus Cameron. Wascol
Phil H Kohl. wane.
w is Kurtz. Wclser
Geo L Bailey. Lcwlstn
E T Merrltt, Welser
L C Palmer. Bridal VI
H M. Cooper, Union
A A W Sly, Cal
F E Armstrong. Chgo
Perry Wiley. Tacoma
Mrs Wiley. Tacoma
I Lachman. Salt Lake
B. A Glfford.- Dalles
Chas L Iferdt. San Fr
J M Trangr, Centralla
S B Barker & wife,
Condon, Or
Miss Vera Barker, do
Mrs J F Belsacher, do
Eugene France, Aber
deen W H Norman, San Fr
J S Menefee. city
C M Hunt. San Fran
S M Smith. San Fran
Mrs L A Loomls & dtr.
R Drum, city
J A Howlston. Ihvaco
Frank Frlbault. Shoal
I water Bay
B E Armstrong-, do
E E Williams, Oreg Cy
Frank Menefee. Dallas
u a ourur. Dalles
Mrs Dufur, Dalles
J P Mampel. San Fr
Mrs Allen Bonebrake,
John E Chaffee, do
D W Bowers. Salem
It W Harrell, Detroit,
C. W. Knonles, Manager.
J T Apperson, Ores C;
C C Miller, city
H E Jacobson. city
B R Gray. Seaside
(Mrs Gray, Seaside
Mrs John O'Nclli.Butte
Chas O'Brien. Butte
L O Elliott, San Fr
J S Bradley, Bridal VI
Max Metschan. Tacoma
James Hcmmennay,
Cdttage Qroie
John C Leasure, Bak C
A R Decl. San Fran
u a smith, city
A O Btan, Albany
C M Pierce, San Fran
H S Burbank. LosAng
Mrs Burbank, do
Master Burbank, do
Jasper Vandran, Pen
dleton E P Hlllson. San Fr
M J Garland, San Fran
Mrs Frank Settlemler.
Sirs Garland; San Fran
Master Garland. San Fr
E H Flacg. Salem
Miss- Garland, San Fr
J J Spauldlng. Eugene
J It Blanchard, Louis
ville Leonard Jqhnson, Chgo
L M llatruopskl, As
toria .
Mrs Wm Barker, do
Mls3 Barker, do
G L Field. San Fran
L M Harrison. Tacoma
Airs fcpauldlng. do
ML;a Spauldlng. do
H C Smith. Astoria
Mrs Smith, Astoria
W G Howell. Astoria
E M Eldrldge. city
L A Lord, Spokane
Mrs Lord. Spokane
J A Schott, San Fr
J Bins. St Louis
C Tlmmons, Astoria
j-Mrs Harrison, Tacoma
B B Birch, Tacoma
E McCIarcy, Stella IJ G WeSst, Stella
C H Wlnnett. NY H L Simpson, Leb
Mra M E Kennedy, 1 ' Hhon
Dunsmulr G B Colton, Lebanon
John Phillips. SIlvertnfMlss Grace Dodge.
Jasper Phillips, do - I Sandy
J W Geer. SUverton iW J Hamilton. Cascds
M E Pendleton. ButtcviMra W-J JIamllton. do
John Morgan. Moro j Samuel Aplln. Dllley
II E; Osborne, otty OI T Wilson, Dayton
J S Menefee; ctty IChas A White, Scott's
Bert Wheeler. Troutdi Mills
It S Baker.-Forest Or 1L O Baker, Oregon
ijnat js tJougnerty, A iriedman. do
Geo M Brown, city
A Richards, city
Mrs J R Mudge. Sea
side Mrs W E DavK SU
verton J N Rice, Clatakanle
T E Coe & wf. clty
E J Barnes, Astoria
W J Kinder. Astoria
H L Kllck. Oregon City
G r Gciser. balem
A H Sommers. Sllvertn
H Ester. Chicago
Frank Cox. Dalles
2 Hall, Dalles
Hugh Glenn. Dalles
Mrs Dr Bllllngton.
Cle eland
W G Odell. Dallei
Ada Slmcox, Dalles
F II Miller. Cathlamet 5" T Nicholas, ut& dr.
R H Schamp, Oak Pt I Dalles
Frank Macy. Astoria M M Dobbins. Qulncy
F J FllppIn.ClatskanlelR II Crlm. city
Mis M Fleming. Stella.MIss Rces. city
isora umgnam, city .11 a carpenter, wasn-
Bert Stranahan. city
J S Wllkle. McMlnnvl
Carl Hoffman. Forest
J I, Luis. Astoria
r E Miles, Scott's MI1N
J A Frutt. Scott's Mills
Lee Earker, Vancouvruohn Levy, do
O L Barbour, WoodbrnIO Lynch, do
W C Arthur. McMlnn iH N Watson. Spokane
n D Wilson. Pomcroy II E Smith. Glencoe
H Rlclnl. city
Thos Delne. city
Elmer Hackctt. Ka-
W R Murphy. Cham-
Mr & Mrs G Ran, De
troit. Mich
A A riucklger. Toledo
Mrs Andrews. Vancouvr
U B Conner, Dayton
ijiiis 1 Kenoids. Cal
Alex Jones & wf. As- U B Hill & wf. Stella
torla C RIffey, Kelso
R Lavelle, Vancouver
Hotel Brunnvrfck. Seattle,
European; first-class. Rates. 75c and up
One block from depot. Restaurant next
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up.
Donne'ly Hotel. Tacoma..
Rii"onan nlan Rnfc. Vc -nrt UP.
ir.n and woman. Dees your face flush and are jom
Hmbi shaky and weak? Do you feel that yoiir Energy,
'forsaklncyou? '-These aii
NiturVs framing x your
Manhood Is. rapidly .ailing.
Electric! tylsjthe only known
:oro for the'ss weaknesses.
As appllea by toy Electric
Bslt the cure is guaranteed;
' it falls I -will refund every
tent you pay for It.
Is of Qoadrapla Multiply
3g Power. Entirely dlffer
mt, and must not be con
founded with other electric
tells. Has toft, silken,
lhamols overed spongo
t!ctrodes which do not
turn and blister as do tho
iar acta! electrodes used
tn all other cukes of belts.
My Belt can be renewed for
.nly75C when burned out; no other belt can b rev
iewed for any price, and when burned out In worth
less. GUARANTEED TO CURB all Weaknesses hi
tlther sex; restore Vitality; cure Rheumatism In any
Vrra, Varicose Veins, Kidney, Liver ard Bladder
Trouble. Constipation. Dyspepsia, all Fsmala Con
tlalnts, General and Nsrvous Debility, etc.
Write to-day for my book, "The Finding of tho
Fountain of Eterral Youth." Sent free, postpaid, for
lbs asking. Book will tell you all about It. Sold only by
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt' Co.
S to 11 Union Bloclc, Denver,1 Col.
No Cure
No Pay
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
TREATMENT cures you without mediema of
all nervous or diseases of the generatlva or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drain;,
varicocele, lmpotency, etc. Men arc quickly re.
stored to perfect health and strength. Writ
for circular. Correspondence confidential.
Bare Derrfwtt Itlde Seattle Wah.
Vladivostock Port Arthur
SS. BRAEMAR will be dispatched from Ta
coma nbout April 7. ,
For rates and space reservations apply to
Qeneral Agents, 202 Oak st.
Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets.
Leaves for the Bast; via Huntington, at 0.00
A M.; arrives at 4:30 P. M.
For Spokane, Eastern Washington, and Great
Northern points, leaves at OP. M.; arrUea at
7 AM.
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 9.00
P. M.; arrUes at bMU A M.
Water lines schedule subject to changa with.
out notice.
OCEA.V DIVISION From Portland, leae
Alnsuorih Dock at ii P. M., sail every 5 daja,
Geo. W. Elder, Sun., Mar. J, Wed., March ii.
Sat.. March ZS, Tues., Aprlt 2, Frl., April 1-.
Columbia, Frl., March o, Mon., March IS,
Thurs.. March ZS; bun., Marcn 7.
From San Francisco Sail exery S daja.
Lfcue Sriar-street Pier 2i at 11 A M.; Co
lumbia. Mon. March. 4; Tnurs., March 14,
St-n., March 4: Wed., April J. Sat., April IJ.
Geo. W. Elder, Sat., March J); Tues.. March
11), Frl.. Murch 2U; Mon., April b; Thurs.,
Marcft 18.
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, ex
cept Sunday, at b.uu P. M.; on Saturday at
10.00 P. M. Returning. leaes Astoria dally,
except Sunday, at 7.00 A, M.
Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Independence and
way points, leaves from Ash-street Dock at G
A M. on Mondays, Wednvidai and Frldaj j.
Returning. leaes Independence at Z A M..
and Salem at U A M.. on Tueadaja. ThUradajs
and Saturday s.
Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at 6 A. M.
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Re.
turning, leaves Corvallls at 0 A. M, on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Steamer Elmore, for Oregon City, Buttevlll.
Champoeg, Dayton and nay landings, leaiej
Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
at 7 A. M. Leaes Dayton for Portland and
way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday
at 0 A M.
Steamen, leae Rlparla at 3:40 A M. dally,
arriving at Lewlstun about 3 P. M. Returning,
leave Leulston at 8.30 A M.. arriving at Rl
parla same ev entng. A. L. CRAIG.
General Passenger Agent.
. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar
thur and Vladlvostock.
For rates and full Information call on or
dress ofnclals or agents of O. R. & N. Co.
EAST via
Depot Klftli nntl
I Streets.
for Salem, Rose
Durg. Ashland, bac
r a m e n to, Ugden.
San Francisco. Mo
Jave, Los Angeles.
El I'aso. New Or
leans and the East.
At Wood burn
(dally except Sun
day), morning train
connects with train
for ML Angel, Htl
v e r t o n, Urowns
vllle. Sprtngn eld.
and Natron. and
evening train for
Mt. Angel and bll
verton. Albany passenger
Corvallls passenger
Sheridan pnss'gr ..
StfO P. M.
8:30 A M.
7:43 A M.
7JM P. M.
4:00 P. V
7:30 A M
i 4:50 P. M.
10:10 A M
113-30 P. M.
3-3 A. M
Dally. IIDaliy except Sunday.
Rebatx tickets on wale between Portland. Si--ramento
and aan Francisco. Net rates xt7 tint
clsu8 and 5lr second class. Including sleeper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points anu Eu
AUSTRALIA Can b obtained from J. U.
KIRKL.VND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third stroet.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leavn for Oswego dally at 7.20. 'UHO . M.;
12-J0. 1:B6,3JS. 4.40. o.23. b.du. ll.JO P. M.;
and 0:00 A. M. on Suuuay only. Arrive at
Portland dally at 0 J3. .30. 10.CO A M.,
1:33. 3.10. 4:30. 0-15. 7.40. 10.00 P. M., 12.40
A. M. dally, except Monday. &:30 und luiol a.
M. on Suudays only.
Leava for Dallas dally, except Sundy. .t
5-03 P. M. Arrlvt At Portland at 9:30 A M.
Passenger train leaves Dallas for Airllo -Mon.
days. Wcdnendays nd Fridays at 2 46 P. M.
Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sunday. .
Gen. Frt. St Pass. Agt,
Ticktt Office. 122 Third 5L Phone 680
No. 4
fl. 00 P.M.
The Flyer, dally to and
from St. Paul, Minne
apolis. Dulutb. Chicago
and all points East.
No. 3
7:00 A M
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining
and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars.
For Japan. China and all Aslatlo points will
leave Seattla
About April 1st
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygers, Rainier,
Clatskanle, Westport,
Clifton. Astoria. War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gearhart Pk., Seaside.
Astoria and Seashore
Astoria Express.
8:00 A M.
7.00 P. M.
11:10 A. iu
0:40 P. M
Ticket ofilce 233 Morrison st. and Union Depot.
J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or.
STR. HERCULES takes the place of
BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock).
Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7
o'clock, except aunday. Returning, leaves As
toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday.
Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone J31.
x Steamers
Aliona and Pomona
Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence, Salem
and all way landings. Leava Portland 0:45 A
M.; leavr balem b A. M.; Independence, 7 A.
M. Office and dock, foot Taylor su
ft SUNSET -n
Wn routes jr
Pacific Coast Steamship Co
The Company's steamships
KI leae TACOMA 11 A. M
SEATTLE U P. M.. March 1.
G. 11. 10. 21. 20. 31, Apr. 5,
10. 13, 20. 23. 30. May 5.
Steamers lea e every fifth day
thereafter. For further In
formation obtain Company's folder.
Th Company reserves the right to changa
el earners, sailing dates and hours of sailing,
without previous notice.
AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington st..
Portland. Or, F W CARLETON. N. P. R. R.
Dock. Tacoma: Ticket Ofilce. CIS First ave..
Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Agt.. C.W. MIL
LER. Aist. Gen'l Agt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle;
OOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen'l Agents.
Ban Francisco.
"Sot a dnrlt ofilce In the liulldlngj
absolutely fireproof; electric llfrlits
and nrtcntnn vrnterj perfect snnlta
tloii nntl tlioronih ventilation. Ele
vators ran day und night.
AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Physician... C0S-G03
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law...C13
AUSTEN. F. C, Manager for Oregon and
Washington Bankers' Life Association, of
Des Moines. la C02-003
MOINES. IA: F. C. Austen. Mgr... 602-503
BAYNTUN. GEO. R.. Manager for Chas. ,
Scrlbner's Sons ., 013
BEALS EDWARD A. Forecast Official U.
S Weather Bureau .910
BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 3U
BINSWANGER. DR. O. S., Phys &. Sur.410-U
BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surg....70S-70O
BROWN. MTRA. M. D 313-J14
BRUERE. DR. G. E.. Physician... 412-413-414
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers'
Insurance Co.. 71S
CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J. - 710-717
COFFEY. DR. R C. Phys. & Surgeon... 700
CORNELIUS.. C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon. ..200
COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life 300
COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGutrc,
Manager 413
DAY. J. G. & I. N 318
DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co. .CQ7
DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714
DRAKE. DR. II. B.. Physician... 512-513-514
DWYER. JOE E.. Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel. Mgr.; F. C Cover. Cashler...300
EVENING TELEGRAM 323 Alder street
FENTON J D.. Physician and Surg.. 509-510
FENTON. DR. HICKS a; Eye and Ear.. .611
FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 500
GAL VAN I. W. 11.. Engineer and Draughts
man COO
GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.
GEARY. DR EDWARD P.. Physician and
Surgeon 212-213
GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon.. 700-710
Mutual Life Ins. Co 404-403-400
GODDARD. E. C. & CO.. Footwear
Ground floor. 129 Sixth street
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat
tan Life Ins. Co.. of New York 209-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law....G17
HOLLISTER. DR. O C. Phys. & Surg 504-505
IDLDMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law. 410-17-18
JOHNSON. W. C. 315-310-31T
KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 004-C03
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 600
L1TTLEFIELD. H. IL. Phys. and Surgeon. 200
MACKAY. DR. A E.. Phys. and Surg.. 711-712
MARTIN J L. & CO.. Timber Lands... 601
McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 715
McFADEN. MISS IDA E. Stenographer. .201
McGINN. HENRY E. Attorney-at-Law.311-12
McKINNON. J. D.. Turkish Baths.300-301-302
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon ,.CW-603
JIOSSMAN DR. E. P.. Dentist.... 312-313-314
New York; W. Goldman. Manager... 200-210
Mark, T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents. 604-003
Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. Phys. & sur.701-702-703
McFARLAND. E. B.. Secretary Columbia
TMeplione Co. COO
McGUIRE." S. P., Manager "P. F. Collier.
Publisher t3
McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law 500
York; Sherwood Glllespy, Gen. Agt... 404-5-0
NICHOLAS. HORACE B., Atfy-at-Law. .715
NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Ltfo In
surance Co., of New York 209
Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath. 408-403
QREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-210-217
Ghormley. Mgr. 303
...Ground floor, 133 Sixth street
IL Marshall. Manager 51S
QUIMBY, L. P. W.. Gape and Forestry
Warden 407
ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 515-518
REED &. MALCOLM. Opticians... 133 Sixth st.
REED. F. C. Fish Commissioner 40T
RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 41T
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life.. ..306
CO.; H. F. Bushong. Gen. Agent for Ore
gon and Washington 501
SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supremo Com
mander K. O. T. M. 317
SLOCUM, SAMUEL C. Phys. and Surg... 700
SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 408-400
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law.... 617-613
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 701-703
TERMINAL CO ."...700
Special Agt. Mutual Life of New York.,403
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-011
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU... 907-908-009-010
DIST.; Captain W. C. Langflr, Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A 803
C Langflt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A. 810
WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Life
of New York 403
WILSON. DR. EDWARD. N.. Physician
and Surgeon 304-305
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg.706-707
WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.507-503
WOOD. DR. W. L., Physician 412-413-414
A feTr more elegrant offices may ho
had by applying to Portland Trust
Company of Oregon, 100 Third at., or
of the rent cleric in the hnlldluc
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