Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    "PWWFr" -'
Harry Morse Unable to Load
at San Francisco.
Union Men Join With the Longshore
znen VeMKel Takes on Bnllast
and Stills Under Police
, Protection.
SAX FRANCISCO. March E. The ship
Harry Morse sailed for Astoria today in
ballast under police protection. The Morse
Is under charter to the Alaska Fisher
men's Packing Company, and the crew
had been shipped at that port -with the
"understanding that they were to load the
ship here. They were Interrupted In this
work by the refusal or the union team
Bters to haul freight to the vessel, in
sympathy for the complaining longshore
men, and the captain of the Morse was
notified by the charterer to return in bal
last to Astoria.
Eventful Voj-hrc of the Only Vesnel
of the Vcneznclan JFuvy.
KEW YORK, March 5. The ship's com
pany that left this port, January 2L in
Jay Goulds. former yacht, Atalanta, trans
formed Into the gunboat Restaurador,
tinder Venezuelan colors, and equipped
with Fhowy naval uniforms and hope of
attaining Venezuelan commissions, have
returned home on the liner Philadelphia,
They were gone a little -over a month, al
though they were expected to deliver
the boat to the Venezuelan Government
In 10 days. The yacht was sold to the
Venezuelan Government early in Janu
ary, and constitutes the entire Venezue
lan Navy. Her armament consisted,
"when she sailed, of four six-poundei
Hotchkiss guns, a three-pounder, and
two two-pounders, and she was loaded
"With ammunition. Captain Jeremiah Me.
xithew, was In command; under him were
45 men.
The first night at sea the ship ran
Into a storm which damaged her con
siderably and raged four days. It was
decided to run Into San Juan, but the coal
had given completely out before that port
was reached. The cabin furnishings,
which had been In the yacht since the
days of Jay Gould, were dumped Into
the furnaces: fancy wood panelings, por
tieres, carpets and tables, and finally the
provisions such of them as would burn
rapidlyt went into "the hrcF.
In San Juan the Restaurador lay from
January 3 to February C being repaired
end refitted. After departure from San
Juan, according to the story of one
of the crew, the vessel was ordered to
bombard the town of Carupano. held
supposedly hj the rebels. The guns had
been trained en the town when It was
learned from a fiug that the town had
been recaptured by the government.
Short' after this a number of prisoners
-were p.ttcea on board the little gunboat.
Amon? the prisoners wis the Insurgent
general commanding in that part of the
country. He had been sentenced to be
shot, but it had been decided to send
him to I-a Guayra and thence to Caracas,
where the sentence was to be carried
out. He was hopelessly crushed and spoke
to nobody. As long as the boat was vis
ible from the town his wife and daughters
stood upon a high peak of rocks gazing
after him.
The vessel ran aground on the island
of Coche, in the Straits of Margarita. She
stayed there until early in the morning
of February 12. She was pulled off by a
tug and a German and a Dutch steamer
that happened along. On the same day
the vessel touched at three other small
ports, two of which were "Waunda and
Cumana, at which she took on more pris
oners and soldiers.
The ship got into La Guayra February
13. She was no sooner in port and the
prisoners and soldiers discharged than
the Government put the skipper, his ottt
cers and most of the men ashore. They
were paid in Venezuelan silver, which was
eventually exchanged by the authorities
at 80 cents on the dollar into American
Characteristic Misrepresentation by
a Pujret Sound "Authority."
The Seattle correspondent of the New
Tork Commercial is entitled to the medal
ior faking. If juggling with statistics
will make Seattle one of the great Ameri
can exporting ports of breadstuffs, this
young man may be depended upon to do
it. In a letter published In the Commer
cial of February 2S, he clashes Puget
Sound among the five principal wheat
ports of the country in January ship
ments. The truth is that the five prin
cipal ports in January were, in their or
der: Galveston, New Orleans, New York,
San Francisco and Portland. Shipments
Irom this port were l,oiu,:35 bushels. Pu
get Sound was sixth In rank, with 1,502,359
bushels. Portland is far ahead of Puget
Sound in wheat exports. Its record for
the seven months ended February 1, make
It the third wheat port in the United
States. New York Is first, and Galveston
second. Portland's shipments for the
seven months were 7.593.9S7 bushels, com
pared wljh 5.55S.374 bushels on the-same
date in 19-30. Puget Sound is the seventh
port, with 4,791,462 bushels.
Jetty Work Incrcancs the Depth of
Water to 15 Feet.
COQUIL.L.E, Or., March 5. Work under
the present contract on the north Jetty
at the mouth of the Coqullle River has
been completed, and Manager H. S.
Schwatka Is closing up the affairs of the
contractors. The jetty extends out about
300 feet. Before It was constructed the
average depth of water on the bar at high
"water was about nine feet. Now it Is
about 15 feet. The increased depth of
water has resulted In -securing for the
Coqullle t-no of the best ocean steamers,
to run between the river and San Fran
cisco. Chartered for Alaska Trip.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 5. The Taku. In
let Packing Company and some of the
companies having their headquarters In
Portland have chartered two steamers to
take supplies to their Alaska canneries.
The steamer Ruth Is expected to arrive
here about March 20, and the Charles Nel
son will come soon after April 10. They
will be loaded at Portland and this place.
The Mulr-Glacler Packing Company has
closed a contract with the Pacific Coast
Company for a steamer to take supplies
to Its cannery on Frederick Bay, Alaska.
The vessel is expected to arrive here
about April 1.
Recovered From the Rto.
SAN FRANCISCO, March o. The body
of a Chinese sailor, undoubtedly one of
the crew of the Rio de Janeiro, has been
picked up on the Marin County side of
the bay. It Is expected that other bodies
will soon drift ashore.
Sngrnr Steamer Stranded.
RALEIGH. N. C. March 5. The British
steamer Camperdown, bound for New
York with 20.000 sacks of sugar, 13 strand
ed near Cape Lookout shoals, seven
miles from, the beach. The llfesaving
crew has made three unsuccessful at
tempts to reach the vessel. A wrecking
tug has been ordered from Norfolk.
Everything indicates the total loss of the
Tillamook Marine Tierrm.
TILLAMOOK. Or., March 5. The tug
George R. Vosburg and the schooner C.
H. Wheeler, which were detained by the
rough weather, crorsed out Sunday. The
schooner has 500,000 feet of spruce lumber
on board.
The steam schooner Acme sailed Sat
urday with 425,000 feet of lumber, which
she loaded at the Truckee mill, at Hob
sonvllle. The steam schooner Chlco arrived in to
day to load lumber at the Truckee mill.
Verdict for Innurnnce.
SEATTLE, March 5. The Seattle Steam
ship Company yesterday In the Federal
Court was given a verdict of '$10,656
against the Fireman's Fund Insurance
Company. An award of $1 was also made
to settle a claim of $14,000 by the steam
ship company for an attempt to save the
steamer Laurada. The suit grew out of
the loss of the Laurada in the Fall of
Bark Sclllnn Founders.
ORAN, Algeria, March 5. The Italian
bark Sclllan, from Pensacola, December
IS, for Genoa, which was yesterday re
ported to have been wrecked near Oran,
and six of her crew lost. Is now known to
have been abandoned and later to have
foundered. Part of her crew have reached
Marine Notcn.
The Brltjsh ship Helga arrived up yes
terday, and is at Victoria doclc She
comes in ballast to Kerr, Glfford 5c Co.
The German bark Professor Koch
cleared for Queenstown or Falmouth for
orders yesterday, with 87,317 bushels of
wheat, valued at 54S.944. The shippers
are Kerr, Gifford- & Co.
Two vessels of the October grain fleet
have arrived out, the British ship Cen
turion, at Grimsby, March 1, and the
British ship Penthesllea, at Queenstown,
March 3. The Centurlan sailed October 2.
with 10,449 centals of wheat and 52,116
centals of barley. The Penthesllea sailed
October 17, ttlth 62,256 centals of wheat,
valued at 562,300.
Helen Lundberg. as administratrix of
her father, Charles G. Lundberg, who died
In New York, in 1S9S, has brought suit
against the Newport News Shipbuilding
Company, at Norfolk, Va.. for $100,000 for
infringements on patents of certain de
vices for Increasing the speed and safety
of ocean-going ships. An injunction has
been applied for.
Domextlc and Forciprn Ports.
ASTORIA, Or., March 5.-CondIflon of
mouth of the river at 4 P. M., smooth;
wind, northwest; weather clear.
New York, March 5. Sailed Kaiser Wll
helm der Grosse, for Bremen", via South
amton; Bovic, for Liverpool.
St. Vincent. C. V., March 5. Arrived
previously Hyson, from Tacoma, for
Liverpool, March 5. Arrived Servia,
from New York; Tunisan, from Portland.
Glasgow, March 5. Sailed Sardinian,
from New York; Peruvian, from Portland.
Bremen, March . Arrived Oldenburg,
from New York.
Sydney. N. S. W Marcn 5. Arrived
previously Aorangi, from Vancouver, via
Honolulu and Brisbane.
Auckland, March 5. Arrived Ventura,
from San Francisco, via Honolulu and
Queenstown, March 5. Arrived Lake
Superior, from St. John, N. B for Liver
pool. Yokohama. March 5. Sailed previously
Kvaren, from Hong Kong, for San Fran
cisco. Boulogne, March 5. Sailed Batavla,
from Hamburg, for New York.
Seattle, March 5. Arrived Steamers
Elihu Thomson and Excelsior, from Val
des. Sailed March 4. Steamer Victorian,
for Skagway.
Port Hadlock Arrived March -4. Bark
entine Willie R. Hume, rrom Port Town
send. Eureka Arrived Marcn 4. Steamer Al
liance, from Astoria.
Manila Sailed Feb. 24. British steamer
St. Bede, for Portland.
Tocopilla Sailed March 3. Schooner
Ruth" E. Godfrey, for Port Townsend.
Gable Arrived March 4. Schooner Alice
Cooke, from Port Townsend.
Queenstown Arrived March 3. British
ship Penthesllea. from Astoria.
Grimsby Arrived March 1. British
steamer Centurion, from Portland.
San Francisco, March 5. Arrived
Steamer Fulton, from Gray's Harbor;
steamer Arago, from Coqullle River;
steamer Wellington, from Oyster Harbor;
schooner Lily, from Umpqua; schooner
Repeat, from Willapa Harbor; steamer
Alliance, from Portland; ship Isaac Reed,
from Seattle: schooner Western Home,
from Coos Bay. Sailed Bark Gatherer,
for Tacoma; bark Harrry Morse, for As
toria; schooner Mary E. Russ, for Coos
Bay; schooner H. C. Wright, for Puget
Sound; schooner Nettle Sundburg, for Sl
uslaw River; schooner W. H. Kruger, for
Tillamook; steamer Washtenaw, for Ta
coma. Queenstown, March 5. Arrived Oceanic,
from New York for Liverpool, and pro
ceeded without communication, owln& to
rough weather.
Lizard, March, 5. Passed Lahn, from
New York for Bremen.
Gibraltar, March 5. Arrived Werra,
from New York for Naples and Genoa,
and proceeded.
Hoqulam, Wash. Sailed March 4
Schooner Jennie Thella, from Aberdeen,
for San Francisco; schooner La Glronde,
from Aberdeen, for San Francisco;
schooner Charles R. Wilson, from Aber
deen, for San Francisco; schooner James
A. Garfield, from Aberdeen, for San Fran
cisco; schooner Vega, from Aberdeen, for
San Pedro; schooner Dauntless, from Ho
qulam, for Guaymas, Mexico; schooner C.
A. Thayer, from Hoqulam, for San Fran
cisco. The Governor and the Charter Veto.
PORTLAND, March 4. (To the Editor.)
In the matter of the veto of the Portland
charter by Governor Geer, I note that sev
eral of the criticisms of the Governor's
action refer to his apparent inconsisten
cy In approving other charter bills which
were not read In full on third reading
while he exercised his veto power on the
Portland bill because, among other good
reasons, legal complications would prob
ably arise, on account of the manner In
which the bill was handled on its third
reading, and thus involve the City of
Portland in embarrassing entanglements.
In justice to the Governor, I feel im
pelled to say that the cases referred to by
his critics are not parallel. It is a well
recognized proceeding of legislative ac
tion on the third reading of charter
bills to consider them by unanimous con
sent, to have been read in full, and the
journal will indicate nothing to the con
trary. By common consent the legis
lative body can do many acts In them
selves, not strictly lawful, which thereby
become legalized. But in the case in
point it Is well known to those who fol
lowed the proceedings and especially to
those Senators and Representatives who
took part in them, that not only -was
unanimous consent not given, but, be
cause of the efforts of nearly all of the
Multnomah delegation to have the char
ter passed without having been flrst
printed and opportunity given the people
of Portland to examine Its proposed pro
visions, decided objection and strenuous
protests were made against the high
handed method used, which was in di
rect controventlon of the provisions of
the constitution. The Governor had know
ledge of the flaws In the proceedings under
which the bill was said to have been
passed, and he would "have been dere
lict In his duty had he not taken notice
of the facts and by his veto placed the
seal of his disapproval upon such tyran
nical methods. S. E. JOSEPHL
In a List of; Forty Articles, Thlrty-
tivo ShoTT Gains la 1000, as
Compared With 1809.
WASHINGTON. March 2. The steady
growth in the exportation of manufac
tures and the extent of this prosperity to
all branches of manufacturing lines Is
Illustrated by a table just compiled by
the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, which
shows the exports, article by article, of
all the leading manufactures which have
been sent abroad during the calendar
year 1900. and comparing: the figures of
that year with two preceolng years. In a
list of 40 articles, 32 show an Increase in
1600 as compared with 1S39. and In nearly
all of the eight cases where a decrease Is
shown the conditions are exceptional. In
manufactures of cotton, for Instance,
there is a drop In exports of about J4.O00
000, but this Is due chiefly to the war con
ditions in China, which Is now our largest
purchaser of cotton goods. In bicycles
there Is a fall of $1,500,000, b.ut this Is due
to the general subsidence In bicycle popu
larity the world over. In the exportation
of malt liquors there Is a slight decrease,
also In starch, marble, soaps and fertili
zers. In all the other cases In the 40
principal classes of exportatlons of manu
factures an increase is shown, and In
many cases a large Increase. Iron and
steel, for Instance, show an increase of
over $25,000,000 as compared with the pre
ceding year 1699, and over $45,000,000 as
compared with 1S9S; mineral oils show an
Increase of about $7,000,000 over 1S99; cop
per, an Increase of $14,000,000; agricul
tural Implements, $2,500,000; cotton seed
oil, which Is officially classified under ag
ricultural products and not among manu
factures, shows an increase of $2,500,000;
chemicals, $2,000,000; and wood manufac
tures, paraftlne, scientific Instruments,
paper and manufactures of, and cars for
steam railways show an Increase of over
a million dollars each.
The following table shows the exports
of principal manufactured articles from
the United States In the .calendar year
1600, compared with 1S9S and 199:
Manufactures exported from the United
Iron and steel manufactures
Refined mineral oils
Copper and manufactures of
Leather and manufactures
Cotton manufactures
Agricultural implements
Cotton-seed oil
Wood manufactures
Paper and manufactures of
Scientific instruments
Tobacco manufactures
Vegetable fiber manufactures
Cars for steam railways
Books, maps and engravings :
Cycles -
Sugar and molasses
Spirits, distilled
India rubber manufactures
Zinc manufactures .. .
Oils, vegetable
Malt liquors
Clocks and watches
Musical Instruments
Brass and manufactures of
Glass and glassware
Paints and colors
Gunpowder and explosives
Soaps r
Marble and stone manufactures
Wool manufactures
Xo Time Lot In Preparing- for the
Buffalo Fair.
Oregon's exhibit at the Pan-American
exposition Is being prepared by H. E.
Dosch, who will have charge of it while
at Buffalo. He Is having the shelving and
various partitions needed manufactured
In Portland, as this can be done Better
and cheaper here than In New York State.
The fixtures will be ready for shipment
by the 15th Inst., when seven or eight car
loads of exhibits will be sent forward as
a starter. The Exposition opens May 1,
and Mr. Dosh hopes to have Oregon's ex
hibit In readiness by that time, so that
the very first visitors to the building will
be enabled to judge of Oregon's varied
and extensive resources.
"There will be grains and grasses from
Oregon In the highest perfection," Mr.
Dosch said yesterday, "and there will
be an Immense display of fruits In pre
serve Jars, showing Its original size and
color, but not the taste, as the fruit will
be put up In fluid that destroys Its .nour
ishing qualities, and renders Its use
dangerous for the stomach.
"Their will be grains In all their plump
ness, and flour made by the various proc
cesses, and the many varieties of break
fast foods, meal, etc, will have a con
spicuous place.
"There will be rich ore from Eastern
and Southern Oregon, to show that this
is a mineral, as -well as an agricultural
and live stock and fishery state, and the
lumber exhibit will be extensive and
unique, as the big sawmills of Portland
will vie with each other In showing East
ern people how large the trees grow and
how many varieties of useful woods there
are growing wild out here.
"Woolen goods, blankets and fabrics
will also be in the collection, from the
woolen mills of the Interior, where prod
ucts already And extensive sale In ev
ery state cast of the Mississippi River.
Wool will be exhibited In all stages, from
the greasy fleece to the finished cloth.
"The forestry exhibit will contain Ore
gon trees and undergrowth, in their nat
ural state, and the evergreen nature of
the forest of the Pacific Coast will there
by be shown.
"We have over 10,000 square feet of
floor space, distributed among the build
ings devoted to agriculture, horticulture,
forestry, minings and the flne arts, and
the collection In the last mentioned build
ing will prove that Oregon people are not
unmindful of the arts and sciences, while
reveling In the plentltude of nover-falllng
crops, pleasant Summers and mild
Winters. I am confident that the state
will more than get Its $25,000 appropriation
back within a short time, as a result of
advertising its peerless resources at
Buffalo this Summer."
Negotiations for Debate Ended by
Scathing: Resolutions.
The Phllolexlan and To-Logelon debat
ing societies of the High school have put
on war paint and dug up the tomahawk,
and the next few days may witness some
lively encounters. Indeed the embrogllo
has already been put In motion by a set
of resolutions passed by the Phllolexians
March L In which the good faith of the
To-Logelons is questioned.
All this trouble arose over a challenge
the young men sent to the young women
to meet them In debate on the question of
the construction of the Nicaragua canal.
A debate between the two societies has
been contemplated for some time, and the
young men suggested this subject, with
the understanding the young women
should choose the side they desired to
uphold. A committee was appointed to
confer with the young women and to ar
range for the debate. The Phllolexians
declined to discuss the digging of the
canal, and suggested another subject. The
committee promptly accepted the change,
and. returning to the To-Logelons,
reported what they had done. The To
Logeions discredited the action of their
committee, and declared that If It had not
been given authority to make any differ
ent arrangement for the debate. This
aroused no little Indignation among the
members of the Phllolexians. Calling to
their aid their most sarcastic writer they
prepared long preambles and resolutions,
fitting the dignity of the occasion. In the
"whereases' and "inasmuches" it set out
that the To-Logeions had refused to abide
by their own agreement, and their ac
tion is characterized .as ''a palpable at
tempt to evade the question at issue."
These resolutions follow:
"Resolved, That the Phllolexlan society,
out of deference to tho evident desire of
theTo-Logelon soclety.declined to consider
further the Idea of a debute, until some
future and more fittlns time; and also
be It
"Resolved, That in order to avoid a
misunderstanding In the future, the Tc
Logeion Society be requested to furnish
its committees, appointed to treat with
this society, with credentials properly
certified, that this society may not again
waste Its time treating with irresponsible
When the resolutions were received at
the camp of the To-Logelons, tied up with
a bundle of arrows, the sachem Imme
diately called a council of the "skookum
men." There was a long and excited
"pow wow," and it was resolved to send
back to the teepee of the Phllolexians a
"defl" done up with powder and bullet,
I by the swiftest runner. It will reach their
. camp this week. And then .
' Reasons Why Mrs. Sltton Should Be
i' Elected School Director.
PORTLAND, March 4. (To the Editor.)
t When Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, speaking
i In behalf of the Woman's Club, makes tha
' statement that the club did not indorse
Mrs. Sltton as a candidate for School Di
rector, "because she is a woman," she
gives a rude shock to the voters who had
expected to support her.
' If the Woman's Club Is going Into poll
tics with the same old plea for their can
! didate, "that they believe her faithful
and honest," and all the other attributes
ascribed to every other candidate that
I ever entered the political arena, then we
' might ask. Why make a change? Does
not Mr. Warren possess all of there?
When the word went, forth that the
I Woman's Club was going to enter a wom
an candidate for School Director a very
popular chord had been struck, and we
hoped the canvass would be made wholly
and solely on the ground that the aspirant
1S9S. 1S93. 1500.
$52,771,550 $105,00.047 $129.G33,4S0
47,592,299 59.425.913 66.305,871
34,7S9,8)3 43.042,786 57,548.700
21.916.S22 26.S09.S33 27,169,104
19.594.4S0 24.S5S.929 20.722,759
9.073.3E4 13.5U4.524 15.979,909
11,465.357 12.476,135 15.051.240
9.732.734 H.94U.S34 13,765,592
9,264,355 10.3S3.412 11,514,456
6.362.S71 ' 7.650.449 S.1S5.51S
5.57S.615 5,623,495 7,027,914
3.117,980 5.695,730 6.7SS.93S
5,115.440 7.S01.9S4 5.755.46S
5,135.464 5.200.62S 5.73S.167
2,662,592 4.21S.7S1 4.37S.7S8
1.542.706 2.103,699 3.355,423
2.427.205 2.744.4S3 3,264,722
7.092.197 4.S20.2SI 3.051.061
1.575.305 3,039.073 2,978.744
2.327.4S1 2.1S8.064 2.901.065
1,655,226 2.0S1.5SS 2.S0S.516
1,804.006 2.454.S12 2.772.662
1.172,124 855,753 2.316.9S1
2.09S.56S l'.SOl.SIO 2.313.115
1.S32.575 2,576.604 2.310.0S5
1,003.361 2145.437 2.132.903
1.S6S.979 ,1,KX),6U 2.104.319
1.594.619 1.9C0.2S9 2.112.516
1,237.027 1,607.072 2,'j68,072
1,23.919 1716.843 2.042.633
1.166,037 1,692.397 2.019.C92
1,392,211 1,676,023 1.766,735
1,335.130 r.772,936 1,679.074
1.842.220 TG00.763 1.556.9SI
1.020,810 1,231,6S6 1,429,733
C00.931 F5S.S56 1.35S.963
520.03 477.65S 1,207.655
for the office' , was !a ' womanly woman,
which would Imply hnt' she.was faithful,
efficient and capablef but It would Imply
more. It would'mealf 'that toie large ma
jority of teachers -wiruld be represented on
their governing boanf by one of their own
sex, one who could sympathize with their
weakness and appreciate their strength
and be a friend at the bar In the hour of
need. To the girl pupils it would mean a
sympathetlcwoman, moving among them,
upon occasions, to -whom they could un
burden their hearts, confide their school
girl wrongs and Injustices and feel she
had authority to act In their behalf. But
above all. does the thought of a woman
on the School Board appeal to mothers.
The home and the school are so closely
connected that the mother who thinks se
riously on the subject, must be loth to
have her children spend the greater part
of their waking hours In Institutions
where the gentle Influence of women en
ters not Into Its government, and Is en
tirely subject to men whose redeeming
qualification is "they are successful and
representative business men,"
It Is quite necessary to have such to
direct and control Its business, as th6 fa
ther takes charge of the finances of the
family, but It is Just ns necessary to have
a woman to look after the bodiiy com
forts, the sanitation and th morals of a
school as to have the mother In like ca
pacity In the home.
We know some men who look upon the
women of their own families as necessary
evils, and It is Just possible our present
School Board entertain some such opin
ion in regard to a woman In their midst,
and will fight this imaginary evil, but
they must admit the necessity of It if they
wish to have a well-regulated family. And
so let us, In spite qf the protest from
the Woman's Club, put Mrs. Sltton on the
School Board because she is a woman, and
because the vote and voice and protest of
a woman should be heard In all deliber
ations where women and children are con
cerned, and let us proclaim from the
housetops that we Intend to vote for her,
because she is a woman.
They Want a Market Place.
At the last meeting of the Evening Star
Grange, which usually meets in Independ
ence Hall, on the Section Line road, it
was decided to protest against the use
of the old Exposition ground in Portland,
owned by the city, for any other purpose
than for a public market. The grange
appointed a committee to Interview Mayor
Rowe, and express to him the views of the
farmers on the subject. Yesterday the
committee met the Mayor and had a long
consultation with him over the conversion
of the block Into a market place for farm
ers. It was urged by "the committee that
the farmers who bring berries, fruit and
other produce to Portland from the out
side have no general marketing place, and
have to stand on the streets with their
wagons. They urged that this block was
suitable for a market place, and would
be more useful for that purpose than for
any other. The building now standing on
the block would have to be removed, said
a member of the committee, and the block
simply planked for tho present. It would
then afford a very good marketing place,
where all the wagons from the country
could gather, instead of standing on. the
streets. It would be known where they
were to be found by the public, and would
be a great convenience. The committee was
cordially received by Mayor Rowe, and he
seemed to sympathise with their views of
the disposition of the block.
Standard for Onts.
M'KEE, Or., March 4. (To the Editor.)
A says there are 32 pounds of oats to
the bushel; B says 36 pounds to the bush
el, In Oregon. Please settle the contro
versy through The Weekly Oregonlan.
Under a law just passed by the Legisla
ture, 32 pounds make a bushel.
Out of It. MUs Swansdown has never list
ened to a sermon In her life. "I thought she
was a. regular attendant at church." "She Is.
But she has always belonged to the choir."
Detroit Frea Press.
Slayer Shall Receive Pay From
Connty, and It In Turn Ttto-
Thlrds From State.
SALEM. March 1. The full text of the
new coyote scalp bounty law, which has
displaced the old law, Is as follows:
Section 1 Any person who shall here
after kill, within the the State of Ore
gon, any wildcat, coyote, mountain Hon,
panther, cougar, gray wolf, or timber
wolf, shall be entitled to a bounty of $2
for each of such animals as hereafter
Sec 2 Every person having In his pos
session any scalp or scalps of the above
named animals, may present the same
to the County Clerk of the county in
which said animals have been killed, and
mak an affidavit relating thereto, and
subscribe and swear to the same before
such officer, which said affidavit shall
slate the number of scalps so presented,
the kind of animals from which said
scalps were taken, the time when said
animals were killed, that the county In
which said animals were killed Is the
county In which their scalps arc pre
sented, and that the affiant killed the
same, and that the same were not fos
tered or whelped In captivity prior to the
killing thereof, and the said County Clerk
may. If he deems It advisable, require of
such person such corroborative testimoni
es to him seems proper concerning the
truth set forth In such affidavit; provided,
that In counties having no County Clerk,
said affidavit may be made before the
Clerk of the County Court.
Sec. 3 Upon the presentation of the
scalps as aforesaid, and the making of
the above-mentioned affidavit, the officer
taking such affidavit shall retain posses
sion of such scalps and issue to the per
son making the affidavit and delivering
the scalps as aforesaid, taking his receipt
therefor, a warrant signed by him and
attested by the seal of his office, and
drawn upon the general .fund of the
county treasury, which said warrant shall
show the date of the presentation of the
scalps and affidavit, the name of the per
son presenting the same, the kind and
number of scalps presented, and. the
amount to which party shall be entitled;
such warrant shall be paid in the same
manner as other warrants drawn upon
the general fund of the county treasury.
Sec 4 The County Clerk or other officer
to whom such scalps shall be delivered
shall carefully preserve the same until
the next meeting of the County Court of
his county, when he shall present the
same to such court, together with a state
ment showing the number of scalps re
ceived by him. the number and amounts
of the warrants drawn by him, and the
names of the persons to whom issued.
And the said County Court, upon being
satisfied as to the correctness of said
statement, shall cause said scalps to be
destroyed by burning the same to ashes.
Sec. 5 On the flrst day of every month
the County Clerk or Clerks of the County
Courts, as the case may be, of the respec
tive counties of this state, shall prepare
and transmit to the Secretary of State
a statement of the whole number of war
rants drawn by him. In pursuance of this
law-, showing the date and number of
each warrant, the amount thereof, and the
person to whom the same Is payable, and
the total sum of such warrant. Upon the
receipt of which statement. It Is hereby
made the duty of such Secretary of State
to draw his warrant upon the general
fund of the state treasury for two-thirds
of the amount of the total sum of the
county warrants, as shown by the state
ment received from the bounty Clerk or
Clerk of the court as aforesaid; and
transmit the same to the County Clerk or
Clerk of the County Court, as the case
may be, from whom the said statement
was received. Said warrant shall be
drawn payable to the proper county, and
shall show for what purpose the same
shall have been drawn, and shall be
paid In the same manner as other war
rants drawn upon the general fund of the
state treasury.
Sec 6 A scalp within the meaning of
this act shall consist of both ears of the
animal, connected by a strip of skin that
grew between them two Inches In width,
and all whole and intact.
Sec 7 Any person swearing falsely or
to any false statements contained in any
affidavit required by this act, shall be
deemed guilty of perjury.
Sec 8 Every person having In his pos
session a certificate issued by a magis
trate or notary public, under the pro
visions of the act approved February 18,
1SS9. but not attested by the County Clerk,
shall present the same to the County
Clerk of the county In which the said
certificate was Issued, and make the affi
davit as provided by section 2 of this act.
whereupon the County Clerk of such
county shall issue a warrant as prescribed
by section 3 of this act. .
Certificates canvassed as provided bi
section 8 of the act approved February
18, 1S99. prior to the approval of this act,
shall be presented to the Secretary of
State, who shall Issue a warrant as pro
vided by the act -approved February 18,
1S99, upon the "bounty fund."
Sec 9 An act passed by the 20th reg
ular session of the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Oregon, and approved
by the Governor of said state on the 18th
day of February, 1899, and entitled "An
act empowering County Courts to levy
taxes on sheep, and also on real and
personal property, to create a fund for a
bounty on coyote, wildcat, mountain Hon
or cougar, and wolf scalps; also provid
ing for the necessary affidavit to be taken
before a notary public or magistrate of
the precinct In which the animal or ani
mals are killed; and providing also for
the evidence of such killing; and pro
viding for the manner in which such
bounty shall be paid; and providing for
a penalty for the violations of any of
the provisions of this act, and declaring
an emergency," Is hereby repealed, and all
other acts in conflict with this act are
hereby repealed.
Sec 10 Inasmuch as the present law
relating to bounties for the distribution
of wild animals is entirely inadequate,
and there being an urgent need 'for an
adequate law relating thereto, an emerg
ency Is deemed to exist, and this act
shall take effect and be in force from
and after Its approval by the Governor.
Representative Nottingham Defends
His Position In the Matter.
PORTLAND, March 4. (To the Editor.)
I note In today's paper that "Taxpayer"
is criticising my statement in regard to
the June election. He says that the elec
tion of the Mayor and Common Council
was an indorsement of the charter. If
this be true, he should say that the elec
tion of Governor Geer was an indorse
ment of the constitution of the state of
Oregon, or that the election of McKIn
ley was an Indorsement of the Constitu
tion of the United States. I cannot under
stand such reasoning as this. How the
election of an administrative officer could
affect the organic law is beyond my com
prehension. "Taxpayer" had better
scratch his head. He says that the prin
cipal object was to change our present
efficient Fire and Police Departments, and
turn them over to Incompetent people.
Our first selections for the Police and Fire
Departments were C. E. S. Wood and W.
E. Robertson, both of whom refused to
serve. We then selected men of equal
ability and good standing, who have Just
as much interest In the city as "Tax
payer" doubtless has; and when He talks
about the risks he Is simply drawing on
his imagination.
With regard to the omission in the light
ing plant that was in the charter, will
say that as soon as our attention was
called to the matter we had It replaced.
There was no Intention on the part of any
member of the delegation to do what the
gentleman accuses us of doing, and we
know the people do not think there was
any such intention on our part.
The city cHarter, If It had not been
vetoed, would have saved the city over
$25,000 per annum, and we would have had
the system of the. city so regulated In
caring for the streets that they would not
have been a disgrace to us. as they are
at present, and as they always will be
under our present system of property-owners
keeping the streets in repair. This
matter was thoroughly discussed before
we went to Salem, and even the heavy
taxpayers of the city agreed with us that
we should put this in our charter.
"Taxpayer," at the close of his article,
again reiterates the foolish statement
that the election of the Mayor was an
Indorsement of the charter. We contend
that we were elected in the interests of
economy, both in city and county. We
have fulfilled every pledge made to the
people; we have reduced county expenses
fully $100,000 per annum, when the laws
passed by us go Into effect, and would
have saved the city $25,000 more If the
Governor had not vetoed our charter. Be
sides, we would have had. decent streets.
We could have sent monster petitions to
the Governor, but understood from those
very close to him. Just a few hours before
his veto, that he had said emphatically
that the Portland charter was a purely
local matter, and that the question of our
having a right to make such a charter was
settled at tho election last June, and fur
ther settled by an overwhelming vote In
the Legislature, and for these reasons he
would not interfere. But something
caused him to change his mind very sud
denly. C. W. NOTTINGHAM.
" -
Mnrrinsre License.
Samuel A. Herlng, 34; Delia Pfluger, 23.
Building; Permit.
Mr. Carr, alterations to house on
Fourth street, between college and Lin
coln, $950.
Contagions Diseases.
Ralph Sharkey and W. Sharkey," 3S3
Benton street, diphtheria.
Also six cases of measles.
Birth Returns.
March 1, to the wife of Herman W.
Pauling, Union block, First and Stark
streets, a boy.
March 1, to the wife of W. Grant Mc
Leod, Irvington, a boy.
Death Returns.
March 3, Thomas Mackie Smith, 755
Johnson street, 58 years 9 months 15
days; Brlght's disease.
March 4, James Barry; 620 Front street,
63 years; heart disease.
March 4, Aphaona Kubler, 1052 Macadam
street, 76 years; liver complaint.
March 3, James Kllleen, 611 Third street,
58 years; liver complaint.
March 4, Curtis Welding Lawrence. Cat-
lln street and Hawth'rne avenu;, 1 month;
March 4, Lotan Mixer, Home for the
Aged, 84 years; acute diarrhea.
Real Estate Transfers.
Phoenix Land Co. to Laura Rickert,
lot 3, Prune Place, March 4 $ 300
Phoenix Land Co. to George Johnson,
tract 11, 5 acres, Prune Place
March 5 300
Columbia Real Estate Co. to L. P. and
Jessie B. Lindgren, lots 26, 27. 2S, 29
and 30. block 9. Peninsular Addition
No. 2, March 5 125
William M. Ladd, administrator A. H.
Johnson estate, to F. W. Isherwood,
lot 4, block 20, Watson's Addition.
February 19 300
Mattle B. and Claude H. Miller, to
same, same, February 12 l
William Oelsner to A. F. Green, lot
9, block 4, Lincoln Park Annex, Feb
ruary 1 125
A. B. Manley and wife to Allen F.
Green, lot 4, block 4, Lincoln Park
Annex, February 12 150
Thomas Connell and wife to Theresa
CKrist. 2.76 acres, Foster Road,
March 4 . i. 1500
Samuel B. Edwards to Joseph W.
WIntermute, 14 acres, section 7, T. 1
S. R. 3 E., March 5 1
5- B. Edwards to Daniel M. Strebln
W. of NW. of section 7. T. 1 S.,
R. 4 E., February 14 2500
F. M. Kerns to H. G. Odell, 4 rods
by 42 rods, Hampton Kelly D. L. C,
March 5 400
City of Portland to Ursula Yager,
west half of lots 7 and 8, block 23S,
Portland, March 4 l
Philip Z. Yager and wife to Martin
Foster, 25xb7, being part of lots 7
and 8, block 23S, Portland, March 5.. 1750
J. Thorburn Ross and wife to Frank
A. Willard, 2 acres, B. F. Starr D.
L. C, February 26 440
Same to Ida M. Fortner, 3 acres,
same, February 26 660
George F. Heusner, Northwest repre
sentative of the New York Central and
Vanderbllt lines, with headquarters in
Portland, has resigned.
Max Metschan, connected with the In
ternal Revenue Service, at Tacoma, and
a brother of Philip Metschan, of this city,
is at the Hotel Imperial.
H. C. Wortman, of the firm of 01d3.
Wortman & King, has returned from a
two months' visit to the Eastern markets,
where he has been superintending the
purchase of Spring goods.
NEW YORK. March 5. Northwestern
people registered at New York hotels to
day as follows:
From Portland F. Beamles, at the
Union Square; J. C. Olds, at the West
minster. From Seattle E. L. Carlson, at the Cos
mopolitan. No other soap in
the world is used so
much; or so little of
it goes so far.
All norts of people use FearV soap, all sorts
of stores idl it, especially druggist:.
S09 Washington St.
45 Cents
Gallon Pall Fancy Table Syrup.
60 Cents
Gallon Open Kettle New Orleans Molasses
60 Cents
Gallon Best Sorghum Molasses.
15 Cents
2 Cans Standard Corn or Tomatoes.
25 Cents
S Cans Good Oysters.
25 Cents
4 Pounds Evaporated Apples.
25 Cents
4 Pounds Best Italian Prunes.
7i Cents
Pound" Fresh Soda Crackers.-
15 Cents
Pouni Fresh Roast Costa Rica Coffee.
A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and
Effectual Cure for It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating, accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings a
formation of gases, causing pressure on
the heart and lungs and difficult breath
ing, headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
ness and a general played out. languid
There is often a foul taste in the mouth
coated tongue and if the interior of the
stomach could be seen It would show 1
slimy. Inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and obstinate
trouble is found In a treatment which
causes the food to be readily and thor
oughly digested before It has time to fer
ment and irritate the delicate mucous sur
faces of the stomach. To secure a prompt
and healthy digestion Is the one neces
sary thing to do and when normal di
gestion is secured the catarrhal condition
will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Harlanson the safest
and Dest treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet, composed of diastase
aspetlc pepsin, a little nux. golden seal
and fruit adds. These tablets can now be
found at all drug stores under the name
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not be
ing a patent medicine, can be used with
perfect safety and assurance that healthy
appetite and thorough digestion will fol
low their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. Booher, Chicago. 111., writes
"Catarrh is a local condition, resulting
from a neglected ccld In the head, where
by the lining membrane of the nose be
comes inflamed and the poisonous dis
charge therefrom pasbing backward Into
the throat reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrh of the stomach. Medical
authorities prescribed for me for three
years for catarrh of the stomach without
cure, but today I am the happiest of
men after using only one box of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot find appro
priate words to express my good feeling.
I have found flesh, appetite and sound
rest from their use."
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest
preparation as well as the simplest and
most convenient remedy for any form of
indigestion, catarrh of stomach, bilious
ness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloat
ing after meals.
Send for little book, mailed free, on stom
ach, troubles, by addressing F. A. Stuart
Co.. Marshall. Mich. The tablets can be
found at all drug stores.
like Grandmother used to make
will mean more to the coming
generation than it docs to us
even; because people didn't have
when we were boys and girls.
You can never appreciate just
how much better a perfect crust
makes the pic until you have
once laid aside hog fat long
enough to try WHITE COTTO
LENE. Being a tasteless, odor
less and neutral vegetable prod
uct, it is the b'est shortening and
frying medium.
TheN.K. FairbcnX Company
Chicago Sole Manufacturers.
PPPP? Our dainty booklet.
1 --. ..A i.ubUc secret."
mailed free to any a!dres3 For
two 2c stamps r.e will send free
our 125-paRe reap book." Homo
Helps," edited by Mrs. Uorer.
P.S. No hog fat in Cottolene.
we make
TT.-nV.-'5 ?mtti Pnnlrrrl Oatmpnl
AvoIS drying- Inhal
ants, use that which
cleanses, and heals
the xnambrano.
4a such a remedy,
easily and pleas&ntly.
Contains no mercury
nor any other Injuri
ous drug-.
It la quickly absorbed.
Give Relief at once.
Allays Inflammation.
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores th
Bnee of Tast and SroU. Regular Slse. CO
centi; Family Size, $1.00 at Drugetots" or by,
malL '
gLUBBOTHJJKg. C9 'Warren Street. New TorM
Vacuum treatment. A positive cura
without poisonous drugs for vic
tims of lost manhood, exhausting
drains, seminal weakness and errors
of youth. For circulars or infor
mation, call or address. Vigor
Restorative Co.. 203 "Washington
street. Correspondence confidential.
Ortirlniti and OnW f3nnln
SAFE. Alirarircliable Ludle.. u Drnrrlit
in RED nt Gold mrtallta boie mled
jrlthblnerlbboa. Tnke no other. Rrfaao
Ianceron Sab'Ulatlon and liulta.
tlan. Bar or Tonr rrnrlt. or n.l4c. la
rtaM fer Pnrtleulur. Tcatlmonlala
aad "RcHer for Lai I eV (n Utttr. by re
turn Malt. 1 0,000 T-ttaooial- Sold by
DrsxrUU- C1lli)iMt.flhii.'nlral Co-
KeeUta tM piptr. Xadlaoa Sq oare, 1W LA., f A,
WL zm.
r 8-Sl!
" $
anfltWiTi in Asi