Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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February Exports Make
Good Showing.,
Dip Steamer Is Palled Out of the Mud
and Meets Further Trouble Mov
ing Colombia River Lightship
Sknrpsno'n Lost Manifest.
The British steamship Buckingham,
which tvos released by the Government
several days ago, and has since been ly
ing Idle in port, cleared yesterday for the
Orient "by -way of Puget Sound, with 12,855
barrels of flour, valued at $36,000. While
scores of vessels have in the past come
around from Puget Sound to secure full
or part cargoes of wheat, flour, etc., this
Is the first case on record where a steam
er went from Portland with a part cargo
to finish out on the Sound. The reason
for this singular move is on account of
the accident to the steamship Goodwin,
-tvhich was obliged to put back after leav
ing the Orient, and her nonarrlval haa
caused an accumulation of overland
freight at Tacoma.
February was a short month but, despite
this fact, Portland succeeded in dispatch
ing four steamships with flour, three of
them going to the Orient, and one to
South America. The Increase in facili
ties, however, has not kept pace with the
demand for space on the steamers, for
during the month just drawing to a close
Portland dealers sent over 20,000 barrels
of flour to the Orient by way of Puget
Sound, and over 23,000 barrels were shipped
to San Francisco to go foreign or take the
place of flour which waa sent across the
Pacific. The advent of the new lino to
the Orient will enable Portland to secure
credit for much of this business which is
now credited to the ports from which it is
last shipped, and not to the port where it
Hoodoo Still "With Her, Though, and.
Propeller Is Fouled "With a. Line.
The big British steamship Almond
Branch was released from her resting
place over on the east side of the river
yesterday morning. The hoodoo which is
lianging over the craft "still Is sitting,
still is flitting" around her decks, how
ever, and in backing otrf of her last pre
vious scrape, she backed into another
by picking up a steel cable with her pro
peller, Jamming it so tight that the big
screw refused to revolve.
The, Larveqt; Queen went up to help the
Gamecock drag the big steamer out of
the mud, and the presence of this craft
alone prevented another costly rampage
around the harbor. A big steel cable, used
in making the vessel fast, trailed over
the stern and was picked up by the pro
peller. It was wound up so tight that
it brought the engines to a dead stop, and
about the same time the Gamecock's
wheel got tangled up In another line. This
left the big steamer helpless, and she
started to drift down on a fleet of Kamm's
stern-wheelers, which were lying at Tay
lor street. The Almond Branch is a
veritable bull In a china shop when she
starts to mix matters with light river
steamers, and there was a great scurry
ing of the latter as soon as it was learned
that she was helpless. The Harvest
Queen held her, however, and she swung
into the dock without doing anything
worse than to carry away the flagstaff
from the -stern of the Athlon. Lines
were sent ashore in the meantime, and
the steamer was made fast at the foot of
Salmon and Main streets. It was ex
pected to free the big ship from her latest
trouble last evening, and if all goes well
she will resume her journey through the
bridges this morning. The bridge was
open to foot passengers yesterday, and
is apparently not so badly damaged as at
first reported. ,
Series of Accidents Befnll Skarpsno's
Manifest of Cargo.
Tho attempt of the steamship Skarpsno
to save a, .few hours' time in leaving the
Orient on her last inward trip, has re
sulted In an apparently endless amount of
trouble for her agents, and the consignees
of the Eastern freight which she brought,
In her haste to get away from. Yokohama
the steamer left without the copy -of her
manifest, which shows the names of the
consignees and the destinatio'n of several
thousand packages of freight. This man
ifest was sent forward on the steamship
Goodwin, en route for Puget Sound, but
when the steamer was disabled, and put
back to port for repairs, the manifest was
taken out of the mail and sent on the un
fortunate steamship City of Rio de Ja
neiro, which went down in San Francisco
harbor last Friday morning. Meanwhile
the freight is held tip Indefinitely, it being
impossible to do anything with It until
duplicate manifests can be received from
the other side.
Stranded Vessel Haa Progressed One
Hundred Feet Inland.
Captain Boberts, who has the contract
for moving the lightship from Its resting
place on 3Corth Beach sands, to Baker's
xj. y, m u.e cny jesteraay, ana re-
ports very satisfactory progress. The
ports very satisfactory progress. The
vessel has been lifted out of the sand, and
moved inland over 100 feet, and at the rate
of progress now being made, the craft will
be in the waters of Baker's Bay several
days ahad of contract time. The plan
of moving the ship overland was discussed
at the tkne she was first wrecked, and
from the success the last contractors are
enjoying, it is apparent that the ship
would have been back on her station
months ago If this plan had been carried
out from the start. No difficulty is ex
perienced in lifting the ship high enough
to clear the slight- rise in ground between
the ocean and the bay, and the work is
progressing on much the same lines as a
housemover's task.
Paget Sound Disaster Costs Under
writers Many Thousands.
The Almond Branch is not the only
member of the Branch family which is
interesting the underwriters at the pres
ent time. The Puget Sound Tugboat
Company, which towed the disabled Elm
Branch into Puget Sound a few months
ago, has just been awarded $6000 salvage
for passing a line to the disabled steamer
from the tug Tyee. The decision was
handed down by Judge Hanford, at Se
attle, last Saturday, and In it he makes
the following award to the crew:
Bailey, captain, $G00; mate. $300; chief
engineer, $300; second engineer, $200; each
of the 10 members of the crew, $73; the
Chinese cabin boy, $25.
Schooner C. JI. Wheeler Carries Over
Half a Million Feet of Lumber.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Feb. 22. The tug
Geo. R. Vosburg and the lumber schooner
C. H. Wheeler, belonging to the Nehalem
Transportation Company, the latter hav
ing on -board a, little over 500.000 feet of
spruce lumber, left for San Francisco this
afternoon. This Is the first cargo of lum
ber shipped from Tillamook City and the
largest vessel ever here. The scho'oner
Is 145 feet in length, and this Is her sec
ond trip from Tillamook, her first cargo
of lumber having been loaded at Nehalem
and she made a quick run to San Fran
cisco and return In tow of the tug. Mr.
J. A. Taft shipped the lumber, which was
manufactured at the Tillamook and Da
vles mills.
The recent improvements made by the
Government In Hoquarton Slough now
make navigation safe for vessels with the
above carrying capacity, and no difficulty
was experienced in towing the C. H.
Wheeler down the slough and to sea. On
the return trip the schooner will load
freight at San Francisco for the mer
chants in Tillamook City, as freight
charges are considerably lower from that
city by this line of boats than from Port
land and Astoria, consequently they are
taking advantage of them and ordering
their goods from San Francisco Instead of
A Montreal Falter Discovers Ship
wrecks Never Heard Of.
MONTREAL., Quebec. Feb. 25. Harry A,
Scott, chief steward of the steamer Kio
de Janicro, who was among the lost in
the disaster at the Golden Ga'te, was a
son of a farmer at Brandon, Manitoba.
His friends had often predicted such a
fate for him, but he laughed at them and
pointed to his record. During his 10 years'
service at sea he saw four ships wrecked
and each time escaped In safety.
"When 19 years old. In June, 1S90, he
shipped In the steward's department on
the old Islander, of the Canadian Pacific
line, trading between Victoria and Van
couver. In less than a year the Islander
was on the rocks off Plumpas Pass.
Scott soon found a place as watchman
on the steamship Queen, of the Pacific
Coast Steamship Company. For nearly
two years the ship had ordinary sea
luck. Then, one foggy night, the Queen
foundered on the rocks off Sitka. Alaska.
Bedroom steward of the steamship Mari
posa, of the Oceanic Company, was Scott's
next billet. The Mariposa was caught
In a cyclone between Sydney and Auck
land and had been given up for lost when
she limped into port a wreck. On another
trip, while Sarah Bernhardt and her com
pany were aboard, there was a mutiny
on the Mariposa, in which the steward's
department sided with the officers and
beat the rest of the crew after a hard
Scott's next berth was assistant steward
on the Pacific Mail steamship City of
New York, trading from San Francisco
to Panama. On the 13th trip the vessel
went ashore on the rocks off the Golden
Gate. Many lives were lost. Scott helped
save the passengers. The company recog
nized his heroism by appointing him
chief, steward of the. Rio de Janeiro. On
the first voyage on the ship the machin
ery was disabled, and she had to refit at
Hong Kong. She ran Into a typhoon on
the second trip and was blown 1C00 miles
off her course. Her third trip with him as
chief steward ended on the Golden Gate
rocks last Thursday.
The foregoing Is mostly "rot." The
Islander was never wrecked anywhere.
She struck a rock in Plumper's Pass in
1S95, but did not sustain serious Injuries.
The' steamship Queen never foundered on
the rocks off Sitka and the Mariposa
was never anywhere near being a wreck.
The City of New York did not go ashore
on her 13th trip. The yarn Is decidedly
Valuable Bullion Cargo.
NEW YORK, Feb. 25. The British
steamer Chattcn arrived in the harbor
yesterday from Tamplco, with a cargo
consisting wholly of lead bullion con
signed to M. Guggenheim's Sons for their
smelter at Perth Amboy. The percentage
of gold in the lead is valued at $30,000, and
of sliver amounts to 520,000 ounces. The
whole cargo is valued at between 5450,000
and $500,000.
Domestic nnd Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 25. Arrived down
at 8 A. M., British ship County of Dum-
ingham, for Hong Kong and way ports by
I ..Jr.. - x.... o.a r-ti r
Condition of the
YHX UJL A UfjCb uvuuu
bar at 4 P. 1L, obscured; wind, east; rain
ing with fog.
Seattle Arrived Feb. 24. Steamer Port
Albert, from Manila.
Honolulu Arrived Feb. 16. Ship Chas.
E. Moody, from Tacoma; bark Carroll
ton, from Tacoma; schooner Charles E.
Falk, from Gray's Harbor; schooner Re
porter, from Gray's Harbor. Sailed, Feb.
15. Ship Roland, for Puget Sound.
Nanalmo, Feb. 25. Arrived Steamer
Milton, from San Diego.
Yokohama Sailed Feb. 7. Ship NIobe,
for Oregon.
Shanghai Feb. 25. Cleared Bark Col.
Hngrove, for Port Blakeley.
Seattle Sailed. Feb. 23. Steamer Dol
phin, for Skagway.
Umpqua Arlved Feb. 22. Schooner Beu
lah, from San Pedro.
South Bend Arrived Feb. 24. Schooner
Azalea, from San Pedro.
San Pedro, Feb. 25. Arrived Schooner
Corona, from Everett; schooner Alcalde,
from Port Blakeley.
Mororan Arrived Feb. 23. Steamer
Caithness, from Tacoma.
San Francisco, Feb. 25. Arrived Steam
er Tltania, from Nanalmo; barge
"Washougal, from Astoria. Sailed Steam,
er State of California, for Victoria.
Alexandria, Feb. 25. Arrived Auguste
Victoria, from New York, via Port Said.
Gibraltar, Feb. 25. Sailed Hohenzollern,
from Genoa and Naples, for New York.
Glasgow, Feb. 25. Arrived Astoria,
from New York.
Naples, Feb. 25. Arrived Fuerst Bis
marck, from New York, for Genoa.
Liverpool, Feb. 25. Arrived Belgenland,
from Philadelphia.
Sydney, Feb. 25. Sailed Mlowera, for
Brisbane, Honolulu and Vancouver.
Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and
nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either
one renders you miserable. Carter's Lit
tle Liver Pills cure both.
wu ,?iPMil5i '-? not a ,Je"aU:
JubstitutT diseases. Take no
Development Has Been Prosecuted
for Past Four Years "With. Scarce
ly Any Returns.
BAKER CITY, Feb. 23. A 10-stamp mill
was started last week on the Gold Hill
property, 20 miles south of this place,
four miles from Durkee, on the O. R. &
N. line. Few mines have been developed
In that region. Except the old Connor
Creek mine,' on the Snake side of the
ridge, there Is no other property In that
vicinity that ranks as a producer, and it
has been o long since the Connor Creek
property enriched Its owners that It is
comparatively unknown. The starting of
the Gold Hill mill is taken to mean much.
Those best informed on the district are
of the opinion that it will be followed by
the Installment of machinery and develop
ment of other properties.
The Gold Hill has a unique record. For
four years Its owners have been steadily
prosecuting development work on the
property, acquiring adjacent claims and
laying plans for extensive operations.
During this long period there has been a
constant outlay, and but for a very brief
period, when a small quantity of rich ore
was worked, there has been no Income
f om the mine. The record reveals a con
fidence and patience seldom exhibited ex
cept where properties give absolute prom-'
ise of great1 returns, and this assurance
on the part of the owners is the natural
explanation of their course. If the ground
contained a mine, they were determined to
find It. To any one permitted to pass
through the elaborate system nf develop
ment work, now far advanced, no doubt
will arise that the Burnt River Gold Min
ing & Milling Company has a mine. A
most conservative prediction Is that the
GoM Hill will be among Eastern Oregon's
prominent producers.
An excellent tunnel site has been chosen
for the base of development work done
under the present management, oft which
Colonel James A. Panting Is the guiding
genius. He holds the office of manager,
and has full charge of the work. The
main tunnel is driven Into a hill, afford
ing, beneath the apex, 1000 vertical feet.
This tunnel is now In a distance of 2150
feet, gixing a depth of between GOO and TOO
feet. From the main tunnel drifts and
crosscuts have been run on both sides,
opening up leads Intersected.
The first tunnel to the right, after enter
ing, was started off after a stringer that
showed fair values. After following this
for about 200 feet a big ledge, called the
Contact vein, was encountered, and the
drift was driven on its foot wall for a
distance of GOO feet. At this point, a cross
cut, on which work Is still progressing,
was commenced. Already the Crosscut Is
over 16 feet In length, and the hanging
wall of the big ledge Is not In sight. Along
the course1 of the drift on this ledge, and
for the distance traversed In the crosscut,
a good quality of low-grade ore was
found, which can be handled profitably In
a large mill operated on very economical
plans. The last four feet of the crosscut
has been In a rich pay streak of base ore
that now promises to be a mine within
Itself. The crosscut Is now In what ap
pears to be a horse, against which the
pay streak lies. As there is none of the
heavy talc found in other parts of the
mine on the walls, Colonel Panting Is ccn
fident that the formation encountered Is
simply a horse, and expect on the other
side cf it to enter again Into ore, perhaps
a continuation of the rich pay streak al
ready encountered. He states that no sur
face Indications of this mammoth ledge
were found, and it does not seem to lie
in the right direction for the main lead
or outcropping mother lode, for which the
main tunnel is being driven. Professor J.
J. Liddy, whq Is now engaged by the
company, pronounces the conditions of
the vein discovered exceedlnglj favorable
for extensive development soon. The gran
ite foot wall and formation above are re
garded as strong marks of permanent and
good values.
The next drift from the main tunnel,
after the Contact drift. Is on the Spring
Gulch vein, to the right. This is a small
vein, averaging less than three feet In
wJdth where opened up, but Is the richest
ore found in the Gold Hill mine,. The
ore milled from the property was taken
from the Spring Gulch. Immediately aft
er the Burnt River Gold Mining &. Milling
Company took charge it milled a quantity
of ore taken from this vein, realizing $16,.
000 from the patch. This ore averaged $27,
mill tests, and was taken from a point
near the surface. Deep sinking is expect
ed to Increase values, although as the wa
ter line Is close, trie free-milling qualities
will doubtless change to base. Over 400
feet of drift has been driven on this vein,
and a small amount of stoping done near
the main tunnel. It Is the purpose of
Colonel Panting, soon as the main tunnel
cuts the mother lode and a sufficient test
Is made In that direction, to sink on the
Spring Gulch, by means of a winze In the
main tunnel. By the time he Is down 250
feet, he believes this most promising body
of ore will be much wider and a marvel
of richness.
A tunnel continued from the east drift
on the Spring Gulch crosscuts the forma
tion about 600 feet and encounters an Im
mense body of low-grade ore. One body s
known as the Jumbo vein, which runs
from 10 to 20 feet In width, and has as
sayed about $5 free milling. A drift has
been driven along this vein for a few
hundred feet to develop Its length. Ad
jacent to this Is a blanket of mineralized
rock, from 300 to 400 feet wide, which has
assayed about $3. Much of this body Is
a sort of quartzlte. Through it run string
ers or seams of quartz, some of which
contain good values. From the work done
In the tunnel cutting the body. It appears
the entire blanket could be worked In a
large mill adapted to treating low-grade
material. If such Is ever found to be the
I case, the ore could be quarried, rather
than mined, as there is a great mass of It.
The main tunnel cuts the Gone Goose
vein a short distance beyond the Spring
Gulch. A drift 350 feet In length has
been driven on this ledge, with the re
sult of opening up some good ore. An up
raise of 200 feet from the drift has been
made, and on either side enough stoping
done to test the general character of the
body. It Is the purpose to upraise here
to the surface for air, and to demonstrate
more fully the amount of ore between the
drift and surface, a distance of 675 feet.
Should ore continue as now Indicated, a
large quantity of it, giving good values,
will be available here for the mill. Most
of the Gone Goose ore Is free milling.
The face of the main tunnel Is nearly
700 feet below the surface. Between the
veins mentioned and where work now Is,
there are three or four veins of varying
size which are unexplored. One of these
is 2S feet "wide, and give assay values
about the same as the blanket of mineral
ized rock lying off to the east. "Within
the next 375 feet, it Is expected that the
mother lode will be cut, as enough sur
face work has been done on It to give a
fair idea of the dip. A peculiar incident
found in the main tunnel Is the presence
of a well-deflned stringer along the side,
which continues through the different
veins heretofore cut. This 16 believed lo
lead direct to the mother lode, where
great thlnes are expected to be found. On
the surface this big vein shows a width
of about 20 feet, and has assay values of
54. This is taken as a sufficient guarantee
of good showing with greater depth which
will be had when the big tunnel cuts IL ' value of the deposits are definitely ascer
If the vein In perpendicular, there will be i tained.
over 1000 faet of backs. j The Wisconsin Gold MInlns Company is
What bewilders any one entering the 1 pushing work on the 200-foot tunnel on
Gold Hill .Is the maze of veins cutting I the ledge of the Hello property, In Sump
through the ground. As in the case of ! ter district.
tne blanket, where there Is no denned ,
vein, all the rock seems to be highly min
eralized. A veritable network has been
cut by the big tunnel and minor crosscuts
from the sides. On the entreme right is
the Contact, next to it the Spring Gulch,
then the Jumbo, the Blanket adjacent,
then the Gem, Bonanza, Senator Jones,
Gone Goose, Judas and Lookout, all of
which have been cut at considerable
depth. Those yet to be tapped, but
known to exist from surfaec work, arc the
Old Jerry. Tellurium and the mother lode
The strike of the big vein Is northeast
and southwest, as Is usual with the larse
ore bodies In this region.
At the present time, the company has
3SS2 feet of work done In the big tunnel.
Besides this, at least 500 feet of surface
work Is on the property, some of which
was done by previous owners. All this
represents a big expense, which few con
cerns would have courage to undergo be
fore returns began. Up till the present,
including purchase figures, it Is estimated
that the company has expended about
$150,000 on the Gold Hill mine. Four years
of intelligent development work where
signs were not any too favorable at times
has opened up ore bodies of good prom
ise. Now work Is being pressed In the
face of the main tunnel, in each drift on
the Gone Goose, and in the drift of the
An excellent system of ventilation has
been provided by means of a fire blast and
four-horse power gasoline engine. The
engine pumps a strong current Into the
different drifts, and the exhaust Is has
tened by the fire blast, giving pure air In
a very short time after "shooting." When
sinking commences on the Spring Gulch,
It Is the purpose of Colonel Panting to
syphon water accumulating In the shaft
to such depth as Is possible In that alti
tude, and use the little engine for hoIsU
Equipment on the Gold Hill consists of a
10-stamp mill, complete, .with ore-crusher
and four Johnson concentrators. Stamps
weigh 1000 pounds each and have rapid
stroke. The dally capacity of the mill is
from 30 to 35 tons. A 50-horse power boil
er and 45-horse power engine provides the
required power for operating all machin
ery. Coal Is burned, as wood cannot be
had at reasonable cost, but as tho price
of coal In wholesale lots Is low, the fuel
problem is not a material one. The mine
Is only four miles from Durkee, and less
than two miles from the O. R. & N.
track. A switch and spur Is to be put
In, which will bring railroad transporta
tion within three-fourths of a mile of the
mine. Water Is had in sufficient quanti
ties for the mill the year around. The
mill Is located In a small canyon less than
a half mile from the tunnel site. Ore Is
hauled In wagons, but as the pull Is all
down grade, great loads are possible each
The Burnt River Gold Mining & Milling
Company has very large holdings about
the mine. Including its numerous quartz
claims, it now owns a total of 1050 acres.
Two small farms Immediately below the
mill are a portion of the property. An
excellent water right for -power purposes
has recently been secured, and the man
agement expects soon to be able to In
stall an electric power plant capable of
furnishing not only Its own mine with
power, but numerous other properties.
In many respects, the Gold Hill is a
model Eastern Oregon mine. In size of
equipment, it Is yet small, but In arrange
ment of the forces at hand, Colonel Pant
ing has shown admirable skill. He ha.
the property fitted up with the comforts
of a big ranch. Colorado miners, accus
tomed to hunt the precious metal up about
the snow line, would stand In open
mouthed amazement to behold the homo,
like arrangements of the Gold Hill. Colo
nel Panting has a comfortable home for
himself and wife, with a young orchard
near. A large hennery, containing enough
fowl of every description to supply the
camp with fowl and eggs. Is carefully and
scientifically attended to. A small herd
of finely bred cattle, particularly Jerseys,
yield a surplus of milk and butter, and
will soon furnish fresh beef for the mine.
A well-kept stable, containing draft ani
mals for heavy work and a few good saddle-horses
for the Colonel, his wife and
daughter, would command the attention
of an admirer of good stock. A kennel of
thoroughbred hounds. Including a swift
stag, some greyhounds ""and a young fox
hound, for keeping the pack on the trail,
gives the camp the aspect of a Southern
centleman's country residence. And the
lw.4MvlnH .. Via .tMltt raelilannii le .!
micitui Ui. nie La.Luiij ikjiuun... .- t.-
peted with trophies of the chase, Includ
ing bear, cougar and coyote skins, while
neatly mounted fowl ornament the walls.
An arsenal of six guns, one of which Is
the new Mauser pistol and carbine, Is the
Colonel's hunting weapons. Mrs. Panting
and daughter each have their weapons,
which they use with the skill and cour
age of trained huntswomen. A coyote
hunt with the pack or gallop over the
hills, accompanied by visiting friends, Js
common diversion for the household.
Notes of Oregon Mines.
The Buckeye group, near Baker City,
will be equipped with a hoisting- plant.
Considerable mining excitement Is re
ported from Bridge Creek, Wheeler Coun
ty. Rich rock has been struck In the Buffalo
mine, yielding over $200 to the ton, say3
the Granite Gem.
The miners at the Golconda are on a
strike, the grievance being the appoint
ment of a new foreman.
A four-horse team started Saturday
from Baker City for the Baisley-Elkhorn
mine, with a large boiler.
In the Ashland mine, a full crew Is em
ployed, sinking the main shaft, which will
soon reach the 700-foot level.
The 10-stamp mill at the Brazos mine.
In Pleasant Valley district, owned by Al
Gelscr and the Blewetts, started up last
The work of prospecting the Sixes coal
fields. In Curry County has been resumed,
and will be continued until the extent and
Work at the Ood mine, located near
Jacksonville, Is progressing, and prepara
tions are being made to put in machinery
in the early Spring.
Ore from the Dixie Queen mine, on
Foots Creek, which yields $100 to the ton,
owned by Fltzglbbon, of Gold Hill, is be
ing treated at Houck's stamp mill.
Three carloads of ore from Ashland
Creek Canyon are being got ready for
shipment to the smelter. The last ship
ment brought satisfactory returns.
Work at the Gypsy Queen was tempo
rarily suspended last week. The entire
camp Is suffering with grip. Manager
Hamilton sent out a new force to resume
operations at once. '
Three hundred and fifty feet of the 500
feet extension to the tunnel on the Dia
dem property Is completed. The tunnel Is
now In 550 feet, giving a depth of 350 feet,
200 feet are yet to be driven.
J. P. Province and Frizzell & Somers
have located quartz claims on the recent
rich discovery, near Mitchell. Mr. Prov
ince has christened his claim the Christ
mas Eve. and Frizzell & Somers have had
their claim recorded as the Iron Stone.
Two carloads of machinery for the Oregon-Colorado
Mining Company were re
ceived Thursday, says the Sumpter
American. One car contained the entire
machinery- for the sawmill; trie other con
tained the boiler and parts of the new 10-
stamp mill for the Quebec properties.
The Standard Gold & Copper Mining
properties, on Dixie Creek, are making a
good showing, and will soon be In the
shipping class. The properties of this
company are: The Spotted Horse, former
ly known as the Copper King; the Black
Horse, formerly known as the Copper
Queen; the Standard, Side Issue and
Morning Glory quartz claims.
A. W Dunn, vice-president of the Cop
peropolls Copper Company, Is authority
for the report that arrangements have
been completed for driving a crosscut tun
nel 1000 feet In length on the Copperopolis
properties, and that machine drills will be
Installed at once for that purpose. The
properties of the company are the Cop
peropolis and Protection claims, located in
the Quartzburg district. They have been
developed by 300 feet of short tunnels and
open cuts.
Convincing proof of the great possibili
ties in placer mining in the Sumpter gold
fields was shown at the Bank of Sumpter
last week. There were displayed about
100 nuggets, ranging In value from $1 30
to $300 each, specimens from the Winter
ville placer grounds, In the Bonanza dis
trict. One particularly interesting speci
men was an oval rock, about the size of
a man's fist, literally covered with gold.
From present indiclatlon, much attention
will be devoted to placer mining this sea
son. The heavy fall of snow this Winter
assures plenty of water for operations.
Is known all over
the r orld. It will
be found In al
most every family
medicine chest
For half a century
Indigestion, Constipation,
Liver and Kidney Trouble,
Malaria, Fever and Ague.
Sold by all druggists and dealers gener
I B"'' ce mat a Private Revenue Stama
I I jtu. IIia i.. Al. l..,
j j mm 1110 mu ui UIO PCUUCU 1
It's not a new variety of headache.
It's the old pain consequent on condi
tions which result from study, confine
ment, and careless eating. It is only
one symptom of a derangement of the
stomach and organs of digestion and
nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures headaches by curing the
diseases which cause them.
"I -was troubled -with very frequent headaches,
often accompanied by severe vomiting," writes
MUs Mary Belle Suaiiaerton. of San Diego, Du
t1 Co.. Texas. " Bowels were irregular, and my
toruach and liver seemed continually out of
order. Often I could eat almost nothing, and
sometimes absolutely nothing, for twenty-four
houra at a time. I -was entirely unfit for work,
and my whole system seemed o run-down that
I feared a severe sick spell and was very much
discouraged. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's
Ooldea Medical Discovery, and did so with such
satisfactory results that before finishing the
third bottle I felt perfectly able to undertake
the duties attending public school life, and con
tracted to do so. I most heartily advise those
suffering with indigestion, and its attendant
evils, to give this great medicine a fair trial."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep the
bowels heolthv.
Enclose It to Me With
Ten Dollars
'And I will furnish you all complete,
ready for use, my 1901 Model No.
superior in make, quality and
power to any belt offered by other
dealers for which they charge $40.
Has no equal for the cure of
Nervous and Physical Debility,
Exhausted Vitality, Varieoce le,
Premature Decline, Loss of
Memory, Wasting, etc., which
has been brought about by early
indiscretions or later excesses.
"Write today for my latest books, "Health In
Nature." and "Strencth; Its Use and Abusa
by Men."
Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts.
im.immi if'J'V ' IUIJI IJ ''
' '--- - ' .....
"No time to
putt the corlst"
Emergencies call for ac4Joi.
Judgment calls for
Kill the Germ that is Destroying
the Hair Root
For Sale by Druggist. Price $1.00.
Every Weak man or woman can be re
stored to perfect health and vitality by
Drooer application of Electricity. Dr.
Bennett, the great Electrical authority,
has written a book, which he sends
free, postpaid, for the asktmj. His
Electric Belt and Electrical Suspen
sory are the only ones which do not
burn and blister and which can be re
newed when burned out. Guaranteed
to cure Varicocele. Lost VIeor and Vi
tality. Kldnev. Liver and Stomach
Disorders. Constipation, etc. Write for book today
8 to XI Union Block, Denver, Colo.
., .I. -
IJU&ltfS I
FUR! H All I
Purity above SLs t
V i"and Dealers. Wf '
The Blninnner-FraJsSc fM h,
3 Distributers. Portland. Or. If j
' ' " --"''-"fir '- r-1 jiTWoyifrAdr
.jfljdf 1
oraii BIU6
Jl Ik.
ifpf i II fill
Tfot a. dark office in the building;
absolutely fireproof; electric lights
and artesian Trnteij; perfect sanita
Hon and thoroush ventilation. Ele
vators run day and night.
AINSL.IE. DR. GEORGE. Physician... C0S-G09
AXDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law. . U12
ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. L. Powell. Msr.Sutl
AUSTEN, F. C, Manager for Oregon and
"Washington Bankers' Life Association, of
Des Moine3. la. 502-503
MOINES. IA.; F. C. Austen. Mgr... 502-503
BAYNTUN. GEO. R., Manager for Chas.
Scrlbner's Sons 515
BEALS EDWARD A., Forecast Ofilclal U.
S. Weather Bureau .010
BENJAMIN, R. "W. DentUt 3U
BINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Phys &. Sur.4I0-U
BROOKE, DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surg. .. .708-709
BRUERE. DR. G. El. Physician... 412-4 13-4H
CANNING. M. J C02-603
CAUKIN, G. E.. District Agent Travelers'
Insurance Co 71S
CHURCHILL. MRS. E. J. 710-717
COFFEY. DR. R. C. Phys. & Surgeon... 700
CORNELIUS, C W.. Phys. and Surgeon...20J
COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life 30U
COLLIER. P. F., Publisher; S. P. McGulre,
Manager 415
DAY, J. G. & I. N -....318
DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co
Physician 713-714
Physician... 012-C13-5W
DWYER. JOE E., Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel, Mgr.; F. C. Cover. CashIer...30G
EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder street
FENTON. J D.. Physician and Surg.. 009-010
FENTON. DR. HICKS C; Eye and Ear 511
FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 500
GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts
man ...600
GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club,
GEARY. DR EDWARD P.. Physician and
Surgoo-i 212-213
GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon.. 709-710
Mutual Life Ins. Co 404-405-408
GODDARD. E. C. & CO., Footwear
Ground floor, 129 Sixth street
GOLDMAN. "WILLIAM. Manager Manhat
tan Life Ins. Co.. of New York 209-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 817
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C, Phys. & Surg.504-505
IDLEMAN. C. M., Attorney-ar-Law.416-17-13
JOHNSON. W. C. ,. 31C-310-31T
KADY. MARK T., Supervisor of Agents
Mutur.l Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 604-605
LAMONT. JOHN, Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 600
LITTLKFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon.208
MACKAY. DR. A. E., Phys. and Surg.. 711-712
MARTIN. J L. & CO., Timber Lands... C01
McCOY, NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 715
McFADEN-. MISS IDA E., Stenographer.. 201
McGINN, HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law. 311-12
McKINNON, J. D.. Turkish Baths .300-301-302
MILLER. Dll. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon 608-609
MOSSM.VN. DR. E. P., Dentist 312-313-314
New York; W. Goldman. Manager. . .209-210
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents. WH-603
McELROY. DR. J. G.. Phjs. & Sur.701-702-703
McFARLAND, E. B.. Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co GOtl
McGUIRE. S. P., Manager P. F. Collier.
Publisher 413
McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law 500
York, Sherwood Glllescy. Gen. Agt... 404-5-0
NICHOLAS, HORACE B.. Att'y-at-Law..715
N1LES, M. L., Cashier Manhattan Life In
surance Co., of New York 209
Dr. L. B. Smith, Osteopath 40S-409
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217
Ghormley. Mgr. 303
Ground floor, 133 Sixth street
H. Marshall. Manager 515
QUIMBY, L. P. . W., Game and Forestry
Warden 407
ROSENDALE. O. M., Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 315-510
REED JL MALCOLM. Opticians... 133 Sixth st.
REED. F. C. Fish Commissioner... 407
RYAN. J. B., Attorney-at-Law 417
SAMUEL. L., Manager Equitable Life 300
CO.; H. F. Bushong. Gen. Agent for Ore
gon and Washington 301
SHERWOOD. J. W., Deputy Supreme Com
mander K. O. T. M 517
SLOCUM. SAMUEL C. Phys. and Surg...70O
SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 403-400
STUART. DELL. Attornej -a t-Law.... 617-618
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E., Dentist 704-705
Special Act. Mutual Life of New York. .400
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-611
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU... 907-908-909-010
DIST.; Captain W. C. Langnt. Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A SOS
C Langnt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A..S10
WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Life
of "New York 400
WILSON. DR. EDWARD. N.. Physician
and Surgeon 304-305
WILSON, DR. GEO. F.. Phys. &. Surg.700-707
WILSON. DR HOLT C, Phjs. & Surg.507-508
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-414
A fevr more cleeant olllces may "be
bad 1J- applying: to Portland Trust
Company of Oregon, 1O0 Third St., or
of the rent cleric In the building.
No Cure
No Pay
way to perfect manhood. Tha VACUUM,
TREATMENT cures ou without medicine o
all nervous or diseases of the generative or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
arlcocele. impotency, etc. Men are quickly re
stored to perfect health and strength. Writ
for circulars. Correspondence confldentlaL
Safe Deposit Bldg.. Seattle. Wash.