Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 25, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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lounty and City Expenses
Largely Reduced.
mlttee te reduced from 13000 to J1800. A
number of changes are made In the sala
ries of minor officials. Including those in
the Are department. As a rule the sala
ries in the -Are and police departments
are not disturbed. The Municipal Judge
will receive only $1200 next term Instead
of $1SOO. and the Mayor's salary next term
is fixed at $2000. It Is now $3000.
In the Water - works portion of
the city charter the sections re
latins to the appointment of com
missioners in 1905 to succeed the water
committee have been stricken out, and
th committee shall hold office during the
pleasure of the Legislature. The City
Treasurer Is made the custodian of all
lowed by him. Every demand requiring Board of County ""Vrmeriy"
.v, in h m,i mit of the treasury stores the board as It existed formerij.
t first ro to the Auditor for approval. that is. the County Judge and two Lountj
He Is empowered to administer oaths.
and cannot allow claims of any officer
or employe for time during which he has
absented himself during office hours. He
is required to establish a standard sys
tem of book-keeping, to examine ail ac
counts, and every officer of the county
Is required, under oath, to lile with him
Itemized statements of his accounts each
month. This law will unquestionably be
of great value in keeping down the ex
penses of the county.
"The fee law. passed as Senate bill
38, provides for the fees of the Clerk of
funds, Instead of a separate treasurer to J the County Court. UEee,'c,er
KcKtoratlon of Office of County
Clerk Will Save Fully ?10,O0O a
Year Snmmary of Im
portant Luvca.
Many laws effecting Portland and Mult
nomah County were passed by the Legis
inttKA ....i ..o Mia -tcuitc if nctmt of them
therp will bo a considerable saving to the
taxpayers in the matter of county and
municipal expenses. The act consouuai- the offices of Clerk of the uountj
O ourt. Clerk of the Circuit Court, and
Recorder of Conveyances will reduce the
tost of these three departments not less
than 510,000 per year. The salary of the
Incumbent of these offices now is $3500
each, per year. Two of these are cut off
"by the consolidation act. and the salary
of the County Clerk, who is to perform the
duties, now attended to by the three of
ficials, is fixed at J2500. beginning with
July, 1902. This will effect a saving of
$8000, and the reduction in deputies' sal
aries will make up the remainder.
Three deputies are provided for at a
salary of $100 ench ner month. These
are to serve as chief deputies, one each
in the Circuit Court, recording depart
ment and County Clerk's office. Five
other deputies, one of whom shall be an
efficient stenographer, are provided for at
a salary of J75 each per month, and ad
ditional deputies by order of the County
Court, whose compensation shall not ex
ceed $2 50 per day. Concerning the duties
of the office, the bill provides: "Each of
such deputies shall, before entering upon
the duties of his office, take the same
oath of office taken by his principal, and
such oath shall be indorsed on the writ
ing by which he shall be appointed, and
shall be filed with the County Clerk and
be a public record. Each such deputy
shall be continuously employed in the dis
charge of his duties of his office for at
least eight hours of each judicial day,
and may be directed and required to do
and perform any work or duty pertaining
to the office of the clerk, and either of
such deputies may be and serve as crier
of the Circuit or County Court for saw
cgnty if appointed crier by such court,
but no additional compensation snail oe
allowed or paid to any such deputy for
serving as such crier. And it shall be the
duty of such clerk to so dispose, direct
and employ all deputies and additional
help In his office In such manner as to
complete the work thereof with the least
practicable expense to b,Is county."
The clerk is required to file a bond for
JSo'OOO with two sureties.
be selected by the committee. The sec
tions stricken- out are as follows:
"On the first day of January, 1905, if the
water-works and lighting plant herein
provided for are, in the Judgment of ne
committee, fully completed ancV ready for
use, there shall be selected as herein pro
vided, five persons for the purpose of
maintaining and conducting said water
works and lighting plant, who shall be
styled Individually 'the "Water Com
mission,' and are hereinafter re
ferred to as the commissioners
and the commission, respectively, and
thereafter the power and authority here
by given to the city to keep, conduct and
nintnin Tratur.wnrkfi and lighting plants
therein shall be exercised as hereinafter
provided by said commission, and. during
the construction of such water-works and nbnf ?Tirt until delivery thereof.
said committee shall have the power and
authority conferred on said commission d
the provisions of this act. Members of
the "Water Commission shall not be en
titled to receive any compensation.
"The commissioners shall be selected In
the first instance by the committee from
their own number for the several terms
of two. four, six, eight and 10 years; but
in case a sufficient numoer uiwcui , "
consent to serve as such commissioners,
the remainder may be selected from the
i.i o-tio !. nt thr eitv. and tnere-
after the commissioners shall be elected
by the qualified voters of the corporation;
In case of a vacancy arising otherwise
than by the expiration of a term, for tne
remainder of the term, but in case of the
expiration of a term for the 10 years
nuvt Vinrpnfter."
"Three Commissioners shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business;
the commission shall meet at a time and
place to be appointed by the committee
and organize oy tne seiecuim ui -""-man
and clerk as herein provided in the
case of the committee, which chairman
and clerk shall have the same powers and
perform the same duties In regard to the
commission as the chairman and clerk of
.. ,..tttn Virive and are required to
perform in regard to the latter, and there
after the commission sua. .-... -
city for the transaction of business reg
ularly once a month on such a day and
hour thereof and at such a place as It
may provide, and otherwise as often as
may be deemed necessary and conven-
"When the commission is selected and
organized as above provided the commit
tee shall turn over the water works light
ing plant to It and all property pertaining
thereto, together with all the books, pa
pers and accounts relating to the con
struction or purchase thereof, as the case
may be. and the commission shall there
upon take possession and charge of and
manage, conduct and maintain the same.
and In so doing it may auer, niuc
Commissioners constitute tne - ooumy
Coutr. The Commissioners receive a pr
diem of J3 for the time actually spent
on county business.
"There are two other bills concerning
county officers, which were probably
passed the last day. but have not been
reported. One Is House bill 90, regulat
ing fees in Justice Courts, and House
bill 215. regulating tne employment- ui
clerks In Justice Courts. There are prob-hk-
nth.r bills affecting Multonmah
Downing, Hopkins & Co.
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
-. w.. .ni rooiincrs of dlsappolnt-
pmmtv mnrp or less but" these are the I . . ! , nTnnnlirn has served
most important. t0 bring out one salient fact, wnicn ii
more highly valued oy nis iruu """"-
of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff, and
will certainly wipe out the deficits of the
first three offices named, and probably
make them all revenue producing. It will
go a long way towards making up the
deficit In the Sheriff's office. In the law
Is a provision under which, if a person
desires a trial by Jury, he must deposit
a Jury trial fee within a certain time, or
his rlcht to a Jury trial shall be deemed
to have been waived, and the cause may
then be tried by the court. This will
operate to expedite the trial of Jury
cases, so that all may be set early in
the term, and the Jury soon discharged.
tip law which was known as Senate
bill 10 provides that in this county the
Jury lists shall contain at least 500 names,
and for the drawing of additional Jurors
from the regular panel Instead of by
special venire. A special venire may be
ordered, but the persons called must be
on the tax-roll and have the qualifications
of regular Jurors. When this Is done,
unless the persons summoned live more
than two miles from the Courthouse,
they will not receive fees, thus doing
away with a notorious abuse. "When the
Jury is drawn, it must be done in open
The act known as Senate bill 64 provides
that the four Judges of the Circuit Court
In this district, or any two of them,
may act In joint sosslon for the trial
or determination of any matter before the
court, including the trial of Jury cases,
and that the Judges may regulate the pro
cedure of the court by rules or other
wise as they may deem best. Uuder
hu law th eases mav be set so that the
Jury business will be dlvjded and cleared
up very rapidly.
"The law known as House bill 66 places
the Coroner of Multnomad County on a
salary of $1000 per annum, and requires
that all fees collected by him shall be
paid to the County Treasurer. It pro
vides that when witnesses reside within
two miles of the place to which they are
summoned to testify at an Inquest shall
not receive fees nor mileage, this being
the same law that applies In criminal
ooo tvi loir wIU result In a con
siderable saving In the county each year.
"wrmei. hill 97 nrovidcs mat in uie
City Anniw. rfB "".:."?., ,. hn. The
"Outside of the City Charter the most J" wIth It an effectual refuta
important bill affecting city affairs was i trumped-up charge of the
House bill 54. amending the Bancroft JfuestlonkWe use of money by. him. Ve
Bonding act- As amended, the applicants aimost a mathematical proof of this
for the bonds are compelled to pay the luslon ln tne fact that although a
.. . i. ,!,. mnv TPilPm JinV ' . . .mi. n n.knto Pltl-
mierest aim we --. -
bonds nt par on any date which Interest
is due. This measure will save me cu
many thousands of dollars, as under the
old law the city was not only compelled
to pay the Interest, but there was no
way to redeem the bouds, -or call them
In until they had run the full term of
10 years, and the Interest rate was mount
ing up alarmingly.
"Senate bill 321 created the charter bond
for the City of Portland, which Is author
ized and empowered to prepare a charter,
and to submit it to the people at the
next general election, and If approved oy
them, to go to the Legislature for rati
fication. This bill is regarded important
. it will irlve this body of men time to
consider the matter and get up a charter
suitable to the city's needs.
"Senate Joint resolution No. 3, which
passed both Houses, provides for a con
stitutional amendment, which. If adopted.
will give all cities the right to prepare
and adopt their own charters.
"Under the bills referred to. the salar
ies have been generally reduced, but
the greatest saving Is in the doing away
with unnecessary expenses, and requiring
every one to pay for the work done, be
It little or mucn. at is ocuocu ..
under the working of these laws the
County Court, which is largely responsi
ble for the running of affairs, can keep
the expenses down to a minimum. These
bills represent a spstematlc effort to
place the affairs of tho county on a dus
lness basis."
..h,i. ttisti ho is stilt a private ..
zen ln community where he Is both re
spected and beloved. Had the charges of
his defamers been justifiable he would
have found little difficulty ln attaining his
goal, for our legislative gladiators presexu
a varied assortment of marketable goods,
such as rarely adorn a political grab-bag.
It Is probable that Mr. Corbctt could do
much for Oregon as a Senator. It Is cer
tain that he is doing much for Portland
as a citizen. The circumstances permit us
to continue in the sunshine of a cer
tainty. A- F- T'
The money market remains steady. The
private rate of discount has risen to
The Municipality of Kiel has voted a
loan of 12,000,000 marks.
Scientist Bound for Sumatra.
NEW YORK, Feb. 24. On the North
German Lloyd steamship "Werra, which
left today for the Mediterranean, was a
party of scientists bound for Sumatra to
view the eclipse of the sun on May IT.
There were 3S members of the first party,
among them being Professor Alfred E.
Burton. Professor George L. Hosmer, Har
rison W. Smith and G. H. Matthes.
BusIucmn AVn Moderate,
Tone Whs Good.
but the
Dr. Ccnnott, the Weil-Known Electrical Authority,
SaysThore Is Hot a Caseof Weakness. Lot
1gor or ttolity in Man or Woman Thet Cannot
Be Cured by tho Proper Application of Dec
tricity. and Will Forfeit Sl.000 for a Case Hb
Electric Belt W ill Not Cure Tho United States
Government Kea Ghen tho DoctcrtheExcltisivo
Lie of His Method of Applying Electricity as a
Reward for His Discovery.
No nutter with wht ailment you are afflicted.
Nature Is always Joins her ,Mel best t0 B,ake oa
strong and well again; out
Nature must ce auea. tor
In four cases out of five
shhas beenlmposeJupon
Electricity Is Nature's own
remfsJy. and. vhen It Is
Corbctt nnd Ills Place ln the
Itcceat Contest.
LONDON. Feb. 24. Last week the stock
orphnnFP ,u onlv a moderate business.
hut thi tone was trood. The reduction in croccrlv arrlleJ. will cur:
the rate of the Bank of England stlmu- . eerylll which may afflict
lated purchases for Investment, but con- manUnJ. My isethoJ of
tolsw-ere lower on the week. American aPP!jIngEectr city to the
sots were umer uu wl cv- ,, nf human system Is my own
securities were the only weak section or; dlscovw..aniaSsI JwarJ
the market. They fell sharply in the early t lhe UnIted states Govern-
nnrt nt h week, thus encouraging nQt nsenthas clvenmcthset-
only realizations, but also some bear ac- elusive use of this method
tlvitv Later the market hardened on fa- a method which has
u u . -LKiitr tne "'" nrnnaKr. nf the 1 proven so effective and
vorable reports of the proBeso of tne uraUve to rIsss
steel combine negotiations which icu to ro8n nnd women that the
some local buying on this side, u nus. Mme ci ny E!CCtrjc Belt
while Quotations were from 2 to 4 points isalmostahouselioldword.
-- i. .v,,. niniil nhnvo the! I IcnowIIUctrlcltvasacnH-
lower on ine tuut, n..;. -.-- .. :, ,,:. rwH,. n.i, nt , .! itirnt for
h!ch I recommend It. and therefore I will guarante
PORTLAND. Feb. 24. (To the Editor.)
The clearing away of the Senatorial bat
tle smoke reveals no striking change in
thrt development of Oregon politics, nor
purchase of supplies no contract may be does it endow the state wun iresn aasur.
jiuiLiia-c ui ou . .... j.. .i...i.- I n.fArmn in th future. Th
entered into except, auer uuc "w
month, and five other deputies, one
whom receives 130 and others ?S0 or JS5.
In the ofllce of the Recorder of Convey
ances the chief deputy Is paid $1500 per
year and five deputies or copyists about
$70 each per month. The Clerk of the Cir
cuit Court has a chief deputy at $1800
per year, four deputies, being one ln each
of the departments of the Circuit Court
at $S0 each, an additional Journal clerk
in the equity department, and three gen
eral ofllce deputies.
The County Auditor's act makes a small
reduction in salary. The Auditor will be
elected at the election in June. 1902. In
the meantime, the present Auditor, "W. H.
Pope, will remain ln office. The purpose
of the bill is to make the Auditor inde
pendent of the County Court or Commis
sioners by whom, under the present law,
he was appointed, so that he may be the
Auditor in fact as well as in name. He
is Invested with" additional powers relat
ing to the examination and approval of
all accounts and the financial nftalrs of
the" tax collection department, and is given
power to administer oaths as to the cor-
rectness of all claims presented against
the county, including those for salaries.
The meaning of the latter clause is that
public officials, either principals or depu
ties, will not be allowed any compensa
tion for time during which they are ab
sent from their duties.
The road supervisors act provides for
the election of road supervisors begin
ning with the election in June. 1902. The
section authorizing the County Judge to
remove the present road supervisors and
appoint others in their places to serve
until the election and qualification of their
successors was stricken out.
The County Commissioners' act deposes
Commissioner AV. B. Steele and restores
Judge Cake to his place on the county
board. The Commissioners are to receive
per diem of $3 for each meeting attended,
Instead of a salary of $109 per month each.
This was the compensation provided un
der the old law. The Commissioners are
required to meet at the call of tho County
Judge. This section was objected to by
the opponents of the bill on the ground
that It olaces the County Court in the
control of Judge Cake, who may call the
Commissioners to meet with him or not,
as he may see fit, to transact general
county business, or may do it all him
self If he chooses to, and thus remove and
appoint the men employea on the bridges
and Alblna ferry, nt the Poor Farm and
the Courthouse janitors. On the other
hand. It Is stated that the meaning of
this section Is simply to place the County
Judge at the head of the Commission
ers with power to regulate the number
and time of meetings. Commissioner
Mack is legislated out of office in July,
1902, two years being cut oft his term. It
is provided that a Commlgsioner shall be
elected in June, 1502, to take the place of
Mr. Mack. Commissioner "William Show
ers Is to serve his full term of four
The bill reducing the salary of "the
Sheriff from $4500 to $3000 was withdrawn
because of an irregularity, which It was
found, would cause Interference with
Sheriffs In other counties. Two bills were
drawn in relation to this subject. The
first was found to be unconstitutional, and
the second was no better.
J fee law was passed restoring the sys
tem of fees collected under the act of
16S2, which was repealed by the acts of
16D3 and 1895. . It provides for payment
according to the amount of service per
formed, and is expected to realize more
revenue for the county than the present
blanket fee system. The act applies to,
cases ln the County and Circuit Courts,
probate procedure, and recording of con
veyances. The increase in revenue, with
the saving expected to be brought about
by the consolidation aot will, it is ex
pected, make the office of the County
Clerk self-sustaining.
Tho features of the direct primary law
were published yesterday.
The City of Portland measures are the
Port of Portland act. the city charter.
the act providing that the question of I
levying a tax of 2 mills for the 1905 expo,
sltlon be submitted to the voters two
years hence, and an act fixing the street
car fare In the city limits, at not more
than 5 cents. The latter applies to Sell
wood. The Port of Portland act author
izes the committee to Issue bonds tor the
building of a drydock. to the amount of
$300,000. The commission is composed of
C. S. Ladd. Theodore B. Wilcox, John
MoCrakon. Ellis G. Hughes, M. C. Ban
feld. Ben Selling and B. S. Rellly.
The Portland charter makes a number
of reductions In salaries. The salary of
the Chief of Police Is reduced from $2400
to $18W. and the clerk of the water com
ment and public bidding. The law sets
out In detail the manner in which thia
shall be done.
"House bill 62 Is the bill consolidating
the offices of Clerk of the County Court,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Record
er of Conveyances, and creating the ofllce
of County Clerk for Multnomah County.
The act docs not go into effect until 1902,
tho fixnlratlon of the terms of the pres
ent officers. When the law goes Into
ances of preferment in the future. The
professional politician again triumphs
over the earnest devotee of true states
manship, and the futility of honest pur
pose around political campflrcs becomes
more apparent. In short, the muddy com
plexion of the United States Senate has
received a fresh Installment of pigment.
Perhaps the people of the United States
will some day conclude to eliminate the
nimoni Intabers of the trade, and supply
! the mill direct with Its Senatorial timber,
worst. It Is asserted that a large amount
of 4 per cent Union Pacific bonds were
placed in London last wees at iua.
Money was ln strong demand until Mon
day 4H to i per cent for a week. 4 per
cent, and on three months bills, 3 to 3;s
per cent.
Llent Business on Berlin Boerne.
BERLIN Feb. 24. The prevailing tone
nf th -Rnprso last week was firm, but the
volume of business was slight. The mar- j
my Celt to cure you; If it falls It does not cost you
a cent, tou cannot afford to experiment with un
known concerns and Inexperienced practitioners,
batterlne your stomach with drugs and nostrums.
You want to be cured at onca and without delay.
The cure my Electric Belt makes speak for them
selves. I can refer you to more than 20.000 well
persons who were once a badly off as you can pos
sibly be. My Electrical Suspensory Is free to every
male patient.
Yoa chotild by all raeana hot a my new book.
It is ell worth rending end docs not cot yoa
a cent. Yoa will corn sorretliins oboot your
self and stout Electricity if ) 011 will reed it.
ket for domestic government iuhuh . Dah1,,,,,' d.u
quiet, anu iraiis.uo UU, L.'VilltlC.lL 3 UlviLi li ubii
ernwn much more
List week were very small
The contlnu-
iuai newn. ......,.. -"-.-,. Most net bo classed with the many so-caiie-J electric
lng Interest of Investors In municipal si- j r0kf 0fferta to the public. IthasaQuadrupls
.x ii- . .- .,.. - I tha
.ill me iircbvm. unit iiiric 'c '" ... - - -- - - , tn imp
,t,. - A- i- -v. n .. r.,rt nri o-rtpnrt such works from time to time.
DllIl'U OL Wie V-ICTIt. ut UiC vuumj uu. ... .. - - ,,- -a
one chief deputy, who receives $150 per and may purcie S 1101.
ol icr wuiiw u.u muii-ivi -
from such works are sufficient 10 aeiray
the cost thereof, and as the growth of
the city and wants and convenience of the
Inhabitants thereof may require: and the
committee may turn over a completed por
tion or portions of such to the commis
sion before the final completion thereof
by it, and as fast as such portion is so
turned over to the commission it mwt ac
cept the same and conduct and maintain
it accordingly.
Ail mnnw collected or received by the
commission for the use and consumption,
or otherwise, shall be deposited with the
Treasurer of the city, who shall give such
bonds, in addition to the bonds herein
provided, as the Councllmen may require,
who shall keep the same separate and
nuart from the other fiinds of the city.
and pay It out on the order of the chair
man of the commission, countersigned by
the clerk thereof, and the holder of uny
overdue Interest coupon of the bonds
aforesaid upon tho presentation and sur
render thereof, and not otherwise."
This Is made to fit the water committee
Instead of commission, by another section.
The salary of the clerk Is fixed at $1600.
it new ins . owvw . .ho t-nnl mnv once more
effect a very substantial saving win oe eThy of tho bMt efforts of our
'""House bill 1S9 abolishes the present ' most honorable citizen.. Whatever Mr.
..-itine wac shown hv the enormous over
subscriptions of the Munich loan, several
hundred million marks being offered for
the 9.000,000 marks wanted at 4 per cent.
The treasury bill were heavily sold upon
New York account, breaking the quota
tions 20 pfennings.
American railroad securities wcro neg
lected with the exception of Northern Pa
cific, which was rather active.
Iron shares were fairly steady.
A Few Facts Concerning the .
City and Counts' Will Be More Eco
nomically Governed.
In an interview on the saving In county
and city affairs which will be effected by
recent legislation. J. N. Teal, secretary
of the Taxpayers' League, said, yester
day: "The laws which were enacted by the
Legislature concerning this county are
quite numerous, and of very great im
portance, both ln the financial aspect
and in the changes made In administra
tion. It would he hard to estimate in
dollars and cents the savings that will
be made when the laws get In full opera,
tlon, but it will certainly be many thou
sands of dollars a year. Some of tne
laws apply directly to the whole Btate.
The first one is that In relation to the
levy for the state tax. Thja is Senator
Booth's bill. The assessed value of the
property for the five preceding years was
taken, an average struck, reduced to per
centages among the counties, and that
percentage Is the basis for the next five
years. During this period the County
Clerks of the respective counties will re
turn annually to the. Secretary of State
certain expenses of the counties, the av
erage of which will furnish the basis
after five years. This method is purely
arbitrary, but has this good effect: It
does away with a State Board of Equal
ization', encourages economy In the ad
ministration pf county affairs, and leaves
no excuse for Assessors to do otherwise
than assess fairly and equitably,
"Another law which Is general In Its
application, but which will cause a great
saving In Multnomah County is that
on assessment and taxation. Lnder this
act, the repeated copying of the roll and
levying on property, which have been
sources of great expense, have been done
away with. It also has provisions which
do away with the technicalities under
which so much property has escaped tax
ation in the past by reason of mistakes
or errors ln description. It provides for
the payment of taxes twice a year, on
May 31 and November 30, and ln case of
delinquency provides Dotn ior interest,
at 12 per cent, and a penalty of 10 per
cent, and allows a rebate of 3 per cent
for payments In full, If made on or be
fore April 15. It contains numerous pro
visions for correcting the roll, and for
assessment by the Sheriff of property
which has not been assessed. Advertis
ing the delinquent list Is not abolished,
but the price Is not to exceed 25 cents
a line. Certificates of sale are required
to be Issued to purchasers at Sheriffs
salest who bid the lowest rate of Interest.
If these certificates are found to be void
by reason of the act of any officer of
the county, the Treasurer of the county
muBt redeem them. Three years are
given ln which to redeem. Under this
act. every jollar of taxes due should be
paid. It t Impossible, in a brief state
ment, to give all the provisions of this
act, or to pet forth the saving which will
be made under Its operation. A law was
also passed making state taxes payable
twice a year.
"One of the most important measures
directly applicable to Multnomah County
was that creating the office of County
Auditor. Heretofore, this officer has been
appointed by the County Commissioners.
After 1902. he will be elective, with a
term of four years. The present officer
is continued In office until the next elec
tion. Under this act. the Auditor Is re
quired to give $20,000 bonds and he I
made responsible for illegal claims al-
THE PRIVATE PRACTITIONERS find it an' utter impossibility to compete
with us unless their work is an improvement over that generally turned out by
them It will not stand to be COMPARED with that turned out by the
SPECIALISTS to be found at the NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS. No wonder
our COMPETITORS are driven to despair.
Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen
Patients in This City Alone
waited on at the New York Dental Parlors in one year
When the public know the difference, they will choose the best every
time There is NO ONE who will have poor work done when it is possible to
have the BEST DENTAL WORK done at a much less cost than for poor work.
That is the reason OUR PARLORS are always filled with' people who ap
predate these facts. We spend our time d money to secure GOOD
DENTISTS to do our work, and will have no qUiers. .WE SOLICIT COMPETITION,
which we believe is the life of trade. WE WILL AGAIN DRAW THt Al
TENTION OF THE PUBLIC to each of our
Power UattervnnJ hassoir.silken.chamoli-covcrej
sponge water-cl'amberelectrodes which crnnot bum
anJ blister a? Co the bare metal electrodes used on
atlother makes of belts. It has Interchanteabla
battery cells anJ can ba renewed vrhen burned out
for only 75c; no other belt can be renewed for my
price and when burned out Is worthless. Aiy Elec
trical Suspensory free to each mala ratlent. I
absolutely guarantee mv Belt to cure Varicocele.
and nil Weaknesses In clher;ex: restore Last Visor
and Vltalltv; euro Rheuiratlsm In every culse. Kid
ney. Liver "nnd Bladder Troubles. Chronic Constipa
tion. Nervous and General Debility. Dyspepsia, all
Female Complaints etc.
If you have n oW-styte lltit, send It to ro as
half-pa) ment for one of mine.
Vfrite to-dav. Sacredly confidential. I have writ
ten a book. "The Flndlnc of the Fountain of Eternal
Youth." which will teilyou all about It. Sent free,
postpaid, for the asking;. Advice without cost.
Sold only by
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
6 to ll Lnlon Block. Denver. Colo.
and Union Pacific
Union Depot. Sixth and J Streets.
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:00
A. M.; arrives at 4:30 P. M.
For Spokane. Eastern Washington, and Great
Northern points, leaics at O f. M.; arrives M
7 A. M.
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:00
P. it.; arrives at SUu A. M.
Water lines acneduie subject to change with,
out notice.
ov...v.. DIVISION From Portland. leav
Ainauurta Lock at b P. il., sail every 5 day:
Coiumoia. sun.. Jan. -T. Wed,, i-'eo. 0: toiU.
I bcb. Hi Tues.. Feb. -i. Fri.. March S- Leo.
W. Elder, Frl.. FeD. 1. iton.. XD. 11; iuura.,
Feb. St. sun.. Mar. 3; Weu.. March 1J.
K'rnm S.-in Sail eVeO' 3 days.
I Leave s"iear-street iler -4 at 11 A. M.: Co
lumbia, sat. eb. S; Tues.. Feb. V2; Fri.. leD.
S. Mon.. Mar. 4; mura.. iiar. it. ""V a
Eider. Tliurs.. Feb. T. Sun., Feb. IT; wea..
teb. 27; bat.. Mar. a. Tu... Mar. 10.
Steamer Habsalo leaves Portland dally, ex
cept sundaj. at J:0O P. iU. on Saturday at
lo:oO P. M. Returning. leaves Astoria aali,
except Sunday, at 7.1W A. M.
i Steamer Ruth, for Salem, independence and
way cioints. leaves from Ah-treet Dock at 4
A M. on Mondays. Wednesdays and .fcriaavs.
Returning. Uaves Independence at G A. M.,
and stiiem at a A. M.. on luesdays. Thursday
and Saturdays.
Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at 0 A. M.
on Tuescays. Thursdajs and Saturdays. Re
turning, leaves CorvallU at 0 A- M. on Mon
Uays. ednesdays and Fridays.
Steamer Elmore, for Oregon City. Buttevllle.
Champoeg. Dayton and way landings, leave
Portland Tuodays. Thursdays and Saturdays
at 7 A M. Leaves Dayton for Portland and
way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday
at J A. M.
Steamers, ltavo Rlparla at 3:40 A. M. dally,
arriving at Lewlston about fP. M. Returning,
leave Lewlston at S:30 A. M.. arriving at Rl
parla same evening. A. L. CRAiu.
General Passenger Agent.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connectins steamers for Manila. Port Ar
thur and Yladivoatock.
For rate and full Information call on or
dress offlc!nl3 or agents at O. K. & N. Co.
way to perfect manhoud. The VACUUM
TREATMENT cures juu without medicine uf
all nervous or diseases of the generative or
gans. uch as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
varicocele. Impotency. etc. Men are quickly re
stored to perfect health nnd strength. Write
for circulars. Correspondence confidential.
Safe Deposit Rldr.. Seattle. Wash.
ftJ!a..iija irA'agfiifcotgas
EAST via
O OGroiiSHAsxw-:
UrA Rf-TEs jnl
Depot Klfth nml
I Street.
mrsrs n? C raTTMYSvA TYJ.Q 1 1 .1.$
...,.... ,; ; ..'Utrf WUy-WrJk,i2ZSjLiS3
Biz 6 is a non-rof'ODOKi
i remedy for Gonorrhoea,
Gleet, spermatorriMcft,
Whltef , unnatural lii
chargei. or any mnnnima.
IPrtTtDU eonujloe. tlon of mucous men
iTrtEEmsCHEHlCAlCn. branei. n-attrlngeni
iOXClMAn,o.r-l SoIdbyDrnegiiti,
or sent In plain wrarper,
hr extrei. nreoaid. foi
VK -" OCo V! V-. or S bottles, ?2."i.
.y w rirrrlrr iint on ICGUClf.
w-..-.. --
8:30 P M.
3:30 A. M.
lalt5Jj- 1
o j;l iw c.t ta ltristare
O 2
B V '
V B.3.A. 7. r
e v "v. vy i
4:00 P
7:30 A M
Il4;60 P. M.
for Salem, ltos
ourg. Ashland, Sao
r a m e n to. Ogden.
San Francisco, Mo
lave, Los .Angeles.
El Taso. New Or
leans and the East.
At Wood burn
(daily except Sun
day), morning train
connects with train
for MU Angel, sll
v e r t o n. tJrown
vllle. Sprlngtl eld.
and Natron. and
evening train for
Mt. Angel and sll
Albany passenger
Corvallls passenger
Sheridan pass'gr ..
7:43 A. M.
7:20 P. M.
10:10 A. 1
115:30 P. M.
118:25 A. 21
In Gold Crown and Bridge
In Treating Diseased Teeth
and Children's Teeth
In Extractlnrj Teeth Abso
lutely Without Pain
In Plate Work or Mechan
ical Dentistry
In Gold Filling, Also Irregu
lar Teeth
vnvn'mvniymTn rr j .xvv.wv iv
I 3linHBfffXimvjrAJW ' ..,,jrf-7l7,n.,.ij,i,.,jil- i MivXVJ','h rrj THti&ciJmi
k miMM7&r J24
mwm Mywm?mfflmrx . mr
wmmmmmsrsr t
xVJiias 7Mmr w
m YWm ikJ
'A $ ?k
U 'A l Z?"-'
. I mJ
iiKrsSSs XvvVi,,HWffi
,fj&wimmmi .tuwmzzy
rtIrnHU1WJ9&&tZWJJJWUiU))mWtXfXV'; 'VMX2Xi.
5M0KB88B 11
iiLMrrff:fSAf7ffffzsfffffiSffjftrufffn.,itf'rJTs mj.szszzy 'jsw
ril UWffl&M i&
iHIUfiiWtfJftt tiZJ
7yfcmiMr '.v r &
VSHM 5.V S?l
5jl A
s.k ZZ1
We Use the Double Suction Plates for Flat Mouths
Set of Teeth $5-00
Gold Filling $1-00
Best Teeth, S. S. W..,. : $8.00
Gold Crown .'. $5'00
Silver Filling $ -50
. - I
0 1
0 I
0 I
i A Berth
! Costs $5.00
Dally. IIDaiiy except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on aie between Portland, Sac
ramento and san rram:is.o. Net rates lit tlrst
cul-i and U e.ond -h". mciuoing sleeper.
Rates and ticket to Eastern i,oiuia ana Eu.
rone Also JAPAN. CHINA. HuNuLULU and
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained lrom J. B.
KIKKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Thlra street.
Passenger Ucyit. tuut of Jeflerson street.
i v( for Oswego ually al 7-2u. a:40 A. M.;
v. u 1 M a.2. 4.4U-. o.Vj. b.JJ. 11 -W P. M.;
inrt ii-oo A. M. on Sui.Uus only. Arrive at
vrtlin dally at '.:. 3.30. M0.30 A. M.;
wr 3 10 U. i". i-40- 10W "- "' V2l4i
Alii daily, except Monday. a.3o and 10x05 A.
MiJanvebUfoJraDaIuir' dally, except Sunday, at
n.frt 1 M Arrivi .It Portland at 'J.30 A. M.
5 Passenr tln leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon
davs Wednesdays nd Fildays at 2.45 P. M.
Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sunday.
a 11. MARKHAM.
Gen. Frt. Si Pass. Ast.
No Pain ! No Gas ! No Cocaine !
No Sleep-Producing Agents!
Nowhere on earth is the subject of Dentistry so thoroughly .'understood
and so much care experienced as by the directors of this magnificently
appointed office.
New York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or.
There Is a tourist as well as a
standard sleeper, on the St. Louis
Special, which leaves Portland uauy f
at 11:S0 P. M.
It Is not so line to look at as a
palace sleeper, but It is just as good
to ride In. It Is clean and comfort
able; has wide vestibules and toilet
rooms. It runs through to Kansas City,
and the berth rate from Portland is
only J5.00.
Second-class tickets are honored.
Drop in and let us tell you more
about it.
TICKET OFFICE: Cor. Third and SlarJc Sts.
R. W. Foster. Tlckat Agont
Ticktt Office. 122 Third 5t ' Phone 680
No. 4
0:0O P.M.
The Fljer, dally to and I ARRIVE
from St. Paul, aiinne-1 jj0 3
apolls. Dulutn. -mcaso
and all points East.
7:00 A. M
Throuch Palace and Tourist Sleeper. Dlalni
and TBurfet Smolcins-Llbrary Cars.
For Japan. China and all Asiatic polnta will
leave Seattlo
About March 4th
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Pacific Coast Steamship Co,
S:00 A. M-
7:00 P. M.
For Maygers. Rainier,
rialaWnie. veilport.
Clifton. Astoria, War-!
rcnton. Flavel. Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Plo. Seaside.
Astoria ana seainore
Astoria Express.
11:10 A. M.
0:40 P. M.
Ticket ornce 235 Morrtfon st. and Union Depot.
J. C MAYO, Gen. Pass. Act., Astoria. Or.
Lncly Always In Attendance.
Hours: S to S. Sundays 10 to 4.
The Company's steamships .
and AL-K1 leave TACOMA
11 A. M.. SEATTLE 9 P. M..
Feb. 4. U. 14. ID, U4. March 1.
0, 11, 10. 21. 20. 31, Apr. &.
Steamer leave every fifth day
thereafter. For further In-
a 1 (.mniinn nhtuin Comuanv's folder.
1 Tho Company reserves the right to change
e steamers. s,allins dates and hours of sailing
I without preious notice.
AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington St..
Portland. Or. F. W CARLETON N. P. R, R.
' Dock Tacoma: Ticket Otllce. (SIS First ave..
Seattle. M. TALBOT. Comm'l Ast.. C.V. MIL
9 L.ER Asst. Gen'l Agt. Ocean Dock. Seattle;
noODALL. PERKINS & CO.. GeaU Agents,
1 9 Baa Francisco.
STR. HERCULES takes the place of
RAILEY GAT2ERT iAlder-street Dock).
Leave Portland dally every morning at T
tfclock. except aunday. Returning, leave As-
;orla every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday.
Oregon phone Main 331. Columbia phone 231.
Altona and Poniona
Dally tex. Sunday) for Independence. Salera
and all way landings. Leave Portland :43 A.
M.; leave Salem i A. M.. Independence. 4 A,
M. Offlce and dock, foot Taylor U.
ftJ. ,13vwS',3