12 THE MOftyiyq OKEGONTAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1901. iei9a ii & m Eyes tested free of charge by com petent optician. Artistic Picture Framing at Popular Prices. b Watches cleaned and repaired. jos, m 0" - 3te&4&' LAST DAY OF KITCHEN FURNISHING SALE TAKE ELEVATOR TO THIRD FLOOR Ladies' Jacket Sale Closes Today You took about half of them yesterday, leading us to ex pect a final clearance by to night. No wonder they have gone rapidly. $2.98 each for jackets reaching $12.50, $1.50 each for jackets worth $7.00, is a most remarkable offer. These garments being representa tives of last winter's best styles. THE PRICES ARE ALMOST SENSATIONAL 50 women can share in this offering today. A $5 Piece Carries great buying power here now in Mackintoshes Thai's all we ask for fine double texture storm coats. Men's and Women's Good looks, good service and comfort, AT LESS COST THAN SUCH MACKINTOSHES WERE EVER KNOWN TO SELL FOR BEFORE. Interest Is unabated in our Sale of Tapestry Portieres One to three pairs of a kind, values, $2.75 to $12.00, now $2.30 to $9.60 pair. While some lines have been closed, many choice styles still remain. Enough to vit ally interest every housewife whose home needs brightening. Childs' Imported Cotton Hose IO Cents per Pair For a little while until this small lot of garnet and myrtle hose is gone. Fine ribbed, full finished, splendid wear ers. Sizes 5 to 8K. ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Indian Shopping Baskets Is now on sale in our notion aisle, first floor. All sizes 6 to 15 inches. Prices 4-Oc, 50c to $1.75 each. Japanese Baskets In great variety. Sizes 4K to 12 inches. Prices 5c, 10c to 50c each. MOVED FROM BRIDGE Almond Branch Rescued Only to Ground on Bar. SITUATION WORSE THAN EVER Cable Broke rad the "Whalebaclc Had """ a KaiToiv Escape From Another Serious Collision "Wltk Morrison-Street Structure. The big British whaleback Almond Branch was pulled away from the Morrison-street bridge yesterday, but is in a worse position than ever, as it -was im possible to set her Into deep -water. She lies about 150 feet off the foot of Belmont street, bow on to the shore, with a gravel bar under her nearly amidships. She is hard aground, with the river falling rap idly. "While the relief work was in prog ress one of the cables broke and the whaleback was carried by the current towards the bridge. If she had not grounded on the bar, she would probably have carried away the first span east of the draw, and crushed the river steamer lone into smithereens. Early in the morning the river steamer Ocklahama was sent to the rescue. She held the whaleback oft the pier until the spar which had been put out to protect the Vulcan was removed. The Almond Branch then settled against the pier and the rip-rap work protecting it, and it was expected that she would remain there for a few days. Shortly after the Ock lahama was dismissed and the Gamecock, a less powerful boat, was called. A steel cable was stretched from one of the piers of the Madison-street bridge and made fast to the stern of the Almond Branch. This was done to hold the whaleback in position. Another cable was stretched from the Gamecock to the bow of the whaleback, and the crew of the Almond Branch worked by a windlass the third cable, which was made fast at Wolff & Zwlcker's dock. The Gamecock puffed end tugged and the Almond Branch added ihe power of her propeller. The stern of the whaleback swung with the current into the bridge, knocking the bridge-tender's house into the river and ripping out a section of the sidewalk and timbers. After hard work the bow of the w hale hack was turned up stream, and If she inaa naa steerage room she would have made deep water and been out of danger. The Gamecock pulling due south, could not help matters. Had she been able to veer to the west shore, she could have drawn the Almond Branch into the main channel. "With the Gamecock tugging on the cable and the lone towing at the bow, the whaleback was pulled 275 feet away from the bridge. Suddenly the cable to the "Wolff & Zwicker dock gave way, and the ponderous whaleback drifted steadily towards the bridge, pulling the Gamecock with her and resisting the power of the lone. The lone was on the bridge side of the Almond Branch, and it looked as if she would be reduced to kindling wood. The Almond Branch's bow cleared the upper end of the bar and started to swing around in the deeper water inside. The stern meanwhile grounded, and the swift current sweeping down against the bow, sent it around with great force, thus fas tening the stern still more securely. An anchor was let go, but it had little effect, and the headway of the vessel was not $ checked until the bow grounded. The whaleback drifted 75 feet before the bar stopped her. In the afternoon the Sarah Dixon was called, and, with the lone and the Game cock, made an effort to pull the Almond Branch off the bar. It was unsuccessful. The steamers stopped work at 3 o'clock. A Mintakc Corrected. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. (To the E&' itor.) I beg to correct the state ment in your paper of some recent date in regard to me returning to the Island of Cebu to nurse the lepers. That is a mistake, as I am not under any circum stances going to that section of the Is lands. I regret the worry it has caused my many friends in the United States. Miss Ella May Clemmons Is Interested In the Catholic mission work, but I am not, in any way whatever. In regard to Mr. Schwiohtenberg's statement. I fear not the death of leprosy, as that all lies with the highest powers, and If it be my doom to In six years be a leper. I much prefer that death on a lone Island to being his wife. If you will please set my friends at rest, by stating that I am not return ing to that section of the Islands, I will be most grateful. IAURA W. SCHWICHTENBERG. i SEEDMEN'S BUSY SEASON. Great Activity In Portland Jiovr Chicken Supplies Allied. Seedsmen are doing a rushing business now filling orders for all parts of the country, but are not nearly so busy as they expect to be a month hence, when everybody will be In a hurry for seeds for the Spring planting. They find their busi ness increasing yearly, and it is now un usually large for this season. There is not much changing of fashions in the seed business, the same kinds of seeds practically are In demand year after year, but the business is occasionally livened up by the Introduction of novel ties. A large amount of grass seed has, of course, been sown during the past Fall and "Winter, but there will be a steadily Increasing demand for such seed for two months or more vet. One firm has pro cured for free distribution in small par cels a soecles of brome grass specially adapted to low grounds, which they ex pect will find favor here. They had an offer for all they had at a high figure, but prefer to give out samples and let all have a chance to try the grass. The seeds men of this section cannot sell goods far ther East than Idaho, for here they come In competition with Eastern dealers, who have the advantage in freight rates, but they are working up more trade in the territory they do cover. The vast amount of clover seed and other grass seeds Im ported into the Northwest, as compared wain tne small amount raised here, is re markable, and indicates that more atten tion should be given to the raising of sucn seeas nere. Seedsmen now ery generally carry poul try supplies, and find their business in this line Increasing every year, as people throughout the country begin to'give more attention to the poultry business, and to find that It is profitable- and one thing that cannot be overdone. Some Import poultry supplies on a large scale incu bators and brooders by the carload. In fact, one dealer here received four car loads of such articles, which, it is assert ed. Is the largest single shipment of such goods ever made to one firm. They also keep ground bone and oyster shells, and several kinds of bone-grlndlng or slicing machines, which cut up green shin bones Into thin shavings, which are much rel ished by hens. Dealers in blooded chick ens say that they sell 10 now where they used to sell one a year or two ago. The varieties most in favor are the Plymouth Rock and "Wyandotte. The best evidences of the increased attention given to the poultry business in this section is the small quantity of eggs imported, and tho iact tnat even at the present time fresh ranch eggs are plentiful and cheap. There is no danger of there being too many egga produced In the Northwest, Chickens can be hatched and brooded by machinery, but eggs cannot be made by machinery. It has been stated that at the East eggs are made by machinery, but they are not quite satisfactory, and under no circum stances can they be hatched. The people of this region have eaten enough of limed and stale Eastern eggs in days gone by, and hope for the future to be supplied with the genuine Oregon article, which can always be told by the stamp on each egg or a muddy hen's foot, SPRING OYSTER BEDS 'OPENED Almost every oyster fit for use this sea son has been cleared from the beds, and for two weeks the ojsters arriving are those Intended to remain and grow for another jear, and, of course, are very small. The Portland Oyster Company have opened their beds In deep water earlier than formerly, and report they are in better condition than they ever saw them. A very large white oyster, plenty of meat, is shown today, and they expect Sunday and next week to be smothered with orders. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Bnbr Is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and tine that old and well-tried remedy Mrs. Vlnslows Soothing Srup. for children teething It soothe the child, softens the gums allajs all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. Nobody can be too careful In avoiding Orlppe." Be prepared to shake It off. To do this, use Carter's Little Liver Pills resularlr. One pill after each meal. Carry them in jour test pocket: Carter's Little LUer Pills. Take them regularly, on" pill after each meal, and you are safe against "Grippe." Smml List of Today's Bargains GREAT SELLING OF I SEPARATE SKIRTS All-wool Serge Skirts, in black and navy, latest spring fashion, flounced or seven gore flare styles, all percaline lined. Reg' ri a g M W.J3 J -"-' - w WW M'fclVW W(5 ular price $6-50. Today only, at Kid Gloves Our $1.25 3-clasp Theodora Suede Kid Gloves, fillet em broidered, black, slate, mode, beaver, tan T 98c PAIR UMBRELLAS Priced at $1.65 o Instead, of $2.50 and $3.00. V, Fine assortment of handles in o Dresden, pearl and fine fancy woods; silk, serge and fine gloria coverings. HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' unlaundered, all lmen, hand embroidered hand-- 01 ALU kerchiefs, today only, EACH :: 2000 Vds Wide Percales " Navy, cadet, gray, white and black. Reds newest spring t designs. Today only, -M at J2I YARD 17c Ribbons Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 4 inches wide, pink, blue, maise and white. Regular price 25c yd, at , YARD STATIONERY '60 sheets and 60 envelopes of fine vellum finish Paper, .in violet, azure, blue and cream tints. Regular price JA 35c, for LJL' Violet Perfumed Ink, bottle 5c LEATHER GOODS Ladies' Pocket Books, leather lined,with inside compartment, alligator and seal. Reg- on ular price 35c, at ukjZ Mennen's Borated -i Talcum Powder. . . JL3C Wool Soap 5c Cake Unequaled for washing laces, woolens and all delicate fabrics. :: Irish Point Lace Curtains . ;; - New Spring Designs. Regular rfo ? r price $3.50 pr Today only, at tpflKJ j3r Tess of the d'Urbervilles, cloth bound, $1.15. (Book department.) 100 bargains in fine groceries last chance today. (Basement.) Usual Saturday evening concert. (Third floor.) Persian Flannelettes Just arrived, 50 pieces of handsome new Persian 'flan nelettes in Persian effects, stripes and dots, all the new shades for waists or dressing gowns, 16c the yard. Foule 50c yard The new waist fabric for Spring, plain colors only. It's a light-weight French flan nel, all the best shades. We have been cutting off many waist patterns last few days. 50c the yard. Sale Extraordinary of 9000Men'sCollars qc Qjr EA 1200 Men'sCuffs IOc EACH PAIR. m 15 Discount on Oriental Rugs Do you need a rug? There is, money saved in buying one of these handsome Orientals. Its life. is many years, always retains its colorings and the older it grows the more you value it. Here's a large stock to select from Kazaks, Sar oucks, Kermanshahs, Bokaras and others, all sizes. 15 off regular prices. New Arrivals "BECKY" OFF THE STAGE MRS. FISKE LOOKS LIKE THE "WILY WOMAN. GHCfitn at Woman's Clnb Reception Found It Hard to Get a Perfect VleiT of Her Feature. A little -woman -with a halo of red-gold hair, a singularly repressed manner, a warm, glowing skin, the soft flood of color suffusing the whole face quite im partially, a pair of wonderful eyes deeply shadowed by a black hatbrlm, all these hidden behind a heavily-dotted black veil that seemed Intended for the sole purpose of teasing the curiosity of the outsider these were what the 200 club-women saw when they shook hands with Minnie Mad dern FIske at the Woman's Club jester day afternoon It -was a tantalizing face. Puzzling, elusive lights flashed out now and then from the shadowed eyes. Mr3. Fiske Is more of an enigma off the stage than on. She remained seated most of the afternoon, and dealt In conversational amenities but sparingly, for she suffers from Insomnia and needs to husband her strength carefully for her night's -work. In hair and complexion she Is Becky Sharp over again, but her voice Is quite differpnt, softer and lower. In manner she shows more repose. Only now and then are there traces of Becky's nervous energy. She has the most mystifying eyes. In the role of Becky Sharp, it will be remembered, she keeps these half shut, which gives her a peculiarly feline expression. In her every-day manner one Is able tc look her squarely in the ce, but this does not help to solve the riddle of her personality, for they are Imperious one moment and appealing the next; there are always some depths only half revealed. One cannot even decide as to the color, so swift and lightning like are the changes In them, that all sense of color Is Ipst in the effort to, puzzle out their meaning. She impresses one as a woman of extreme nervous sensibilities, who Is always on her guard. Beside her was Madame FIske, her hus band's mother, a plump, comfortable look ing woman with the air of a good-natured Dowager-Duchess. Madame Fiske's home Is in New York, her son being edi tor of the Dramatic Mirror of that city. She is a well-known club-woman, having been one of the early members of Sorosls, and a personal friend of Mrs. Croly. Over In one corner of the roow was Mrs. Gilmore (Amelia Sedley), who hap pens to be a life-long friend of a former president of the Portland Woman's Club, Mrs. Levi Young. After tea and cakes had beenserved, the afternoon " came to an end with a bright paper on current events read by Mrs. Cae?ar Lombard!, the happenings of the past few weeks being very pleasantly commented upon. Among other things things she read the following lines con cerning the Filipinos: We are going to Ihe in cities! IVe are going to fight in wars! "We are going to eat three times a day "Without the natural cause! "We are going to turn life upside down About a thing called gold! "We are going to want the earth and take As much as we can hold! "We are going to wear piles of stuff Outside our proper skins! "We are goliur to bare dbeapes And accomplishments and sins! 9 m Spring costumes and wraps. New wash fabrics of every description. New foulard silks. Handsome laces for every use. Spring styles in hoys' cloth ing. Novelties in ladies' neckwear. Supply your collar and cuff needs today. You won't have another such opportunity in many months. This offering again illustrates the superior ity of our buying organization. The watching of the markets, taking advantage of every op portunity manufacturers offer to give the public desirable merchandise at a low price. The imperfections on these collars and cuffs are so slight that you cannot detect it. ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, 15c and 25c collars and cuffs, a saving of twothlrds and four-fifths of what you usually pay. m 9 Collars 5c ea, 50c doz. Cuffs 10c pr. m (SECOND FLOOR) Last Day of th Pure Food Show m si Today is the last day of the "Food Fair." That it has heen successful goes without saying. We know it has been of interest to thousands of housewives, many who have learned how to prepare new and tempting dishes. All the foojls and cereals demonstrated will be found on sale in our grocery department at all times. If you have not been a visitor to the "Food Fair" make it a point to come this afternoon or evening". Try peanut brittle at the "Food Fair" today. "Hawes" Hats For men. The new Spring shapes now ready. The same good quality, the same sat isfactory hats, always $3-50 each. "Qendron" Carriages O m H m m Q B BIER & FRANK COMPANY $IiIIlIIIIllBIIE2SSSE And go-carts. The most complete line ever shown in the Northwest, $4.25 to 35. (Third floor.) GEO. G. SMITH DROWNED MATINEE TODAY. Ke jt&rWa Bl V 4 SHH gi rSmiM 'VrfAt 2vj 1 EBHr " ' lss8 JBM fe4-v Y s4jp, ' - ""- 1 , - "Jvj?! BODY OF OLD STEA3IEU CAPTAIN FOUND IN THE IUVEIt. Gasoline Explosion Cnuscn a Hot Fire in nn Alblnn. Saloon J. J. Moore Dentl. The body of Captain George C. Smith was found in the river at the foot of East Alder street yesterday afternoon. He had been missing from his home, which is a barge moored north of the Morrison-street bridge on the East Side, Ahere he lived with his cons. An inquest tas held last evening and the verdict was accidental drowning. Captain Smith dis appeared Wednesday evening, but no con cern tv as felt for him as it as thought he was visiting friends. He was an old timer and was well known. Years ago he was a river captain. For a number of years he lived in Stephens addition and was elected to represent that ward in the old City Council of East Portland in 1SS0 or 1SSL At one time he owned con siderable property on the East Side. He w.as 63 years and 8 months old. The funeral will take place from Dunning's at 2 o'clock- this afternoon. Death of Powell Valley Pioneer. J. J. Moore, a pioneer of Powell's Val ley, died of paralysis at his home, 10 miles from Grant's Pass, on the morning of February 15. He wasr born near Lex ington, Ky.. June 15, 1S19, and In 1S23 moved to Clay County, Indiana. In Au gust, 1841, he was married to Miss Sarah" Ann Waldron, and started with his family for Oregon In 1853 by ox team, arriving In the Fall of that year. He took up a donation land claim in Powell's Valley, where he lived till 1S63, when the family moved to Southern Oregon. A wife and eight children survive him. The children axe: Mrs. R. A. Hart, Mrs. D. J. WHHts and E. A. Moore, of Portland; Mrs. M. -Jess, Mrs. It. McDonald and S. D. Moore, of Grants Pass; Mrs. S. S. Ames, of Ashland; and Mrs. M. Walcott, of Independence. VEDDI1N Ann W. G. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS 22-23 Washington Bldg. COR. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS. FINE FUR GARMENTS G. P. RUMMELIN & SONS MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 126 Second St., near Washington Alaska Sealskins Our Specialty. Russian blouses and Eton Jackets, with bishop or bell sleees and shawl collar. In broad tall. Persian lamb and Moire Astrachan. trimmed with able. chinchilla, ermine, mink and. marten. Xewest styles In caps, collarettes, animal scarfs, four-in-hand scarfs, boas, muffs. etc. Highest cash price paid for raw furs. CLARY' SPECIAL "LITTLE LORD FAUXTLEIIOT" THE ATTRACTION AT CORDRAT'S. c Ian?er Coray has remembered his small friends In arranging the repertoire of the Shirley Company at Cordray's this week, and there to not the slightest doubt that they will turn out In iery large numbers to se "Little Lord Fauntleroy" presented by the Shir ley Company at the matinee at his theater this afternoon. This Is a pla which eery child should see and which children of a larger growth will appreciate. The story of the little American boy who finds himself heir to an Earldom Is always absorbingly Interesting, no matter how often told, and the character, as played by little Verna Felton. Is sure to be at tracthe to the children. A reception will beheld after the play to give mothers an oppor tunity to have their children meet little Verna, who will wait on the staue to shake hands with and talk to all her little admirers. Dlaoaaalns: Popular Evil. . At the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, East Twelfth and East Taylor streets, a series of discussions of popu lar evils was begun Thursday evening:. "Gambling" was the subject. There was a large attendance, and many addressee were made on the necessity of warning tho young against gambling. Dr. J. J. Dalton, the pastor, made the principal address. THF IFAI055 329 WASHINGTON I IlL Irlll Under the Imperial Hotel White Laundered Shirts, UJ& to 17 39c Carpet Slippers, 4 to 1 0 24c Dongola Shoe for ladies, extra good value for wear and comfort, only SI. 49 Turkey Red DoIIIs, 18x18, per dozen 85c New Gilt Buckles, each 25c Men' Collars, standing or turn-down, each 5o Eat Side "Sottsm. E. I. Thorp, substitute carrier In the rural free delivery district Just estab lished at Gresham, has taken the place of one of the regulars who has resigned. This gives him a permanent place. Mr. Thorp is an old Portland newspaper man. An Interesting programme was rendered last evening at the United Brethren Church, East Fifteenth and East Morri son streets, by the Young People's Chris tian Union. Rev. F. E. Coulter, the pas tor, made a short address on the "Life and Character of George Washington." Dr. "Wise, room 614, The Dekum. Student Expelled for Plagiarism. Chicago Times-Herald. PRINCETON. N J.. Feb. lS.-George "Washington Kehr, of Harrisburg, Pa., has been dismissed from the university for gross plagiarism Ih a speech with which he won the first prize In the junior ora torical contest last June. The offense has just come to light In a peculiar man ner, and because of the rarity of such scandals at Princeton, has caused a stir among the students. V Kehr-was one of eight contestants, and on the decision of the judges was pre sented with the $100 prize during the regular commencement exercises. The Princeton Literary Magazine in Its next publication, which "was In October, 1900, printed his oration. The Lafayette Touchstone, the liter ary magazine of Lafajette College, re ceived a copy of the paper among Its exchanges and the editor recognized the oration as one that previously came out In the Gettysburg Mercury, the publica tion of Pennsylvania College. Explana tions, were demanded of the Princeton "Lit," the affair was put Into the hands of the faculty, and on being confronted with the evidence Kehr confessed. In order to absolve Itself from all blame In the plagiarism the "Lit" publishes the following letter from Kehr: Managing Editor of Nassau Lit: My Dear Sir: A great injustice has been done by me to Mr. Heilman of Gettys burg, to the university, my class and es pecially to those who took part In the oratorical contest last June, and all who are proud of belonging to an institution where the principles of true Christian manhood are taught, I want to frankly confess the gross plagiarism of which I am guilty and remove any censure that may be brought upon your magazine, for upon me alone devolves the crime." Kehr was In the class of 1S91 and would have graduated next June. It was at the time as a matter of surprise that he won the prize, as he was pitted against men who had always been the best in thelr class. Kehr could hardly be so considered. ported, but possibly It is necessary. Thera are some things I do not know, but I do know how to make biscuits. If I should make biscuits like those made last night I could not hold my job longer than one day. C. H. B. The result of the special election to change the boundaries of King County near Tacoma and at the mouth of tho Puyallup River, resulted In a unanimous vote for the transfer of about ten sec tions of land from King County to Pierce County. A Professional Protest. PORTLAND, Feb. 19. (To the Editor.) In today's paper Is. If not an interesting, certainly an amusing account of how biscuits were made at the cooking school last night. I do not blame the teacher for not wanting her name printed. The mixture used for biscuits would come nearer filling the bill for pie dough than for biscuits. Then, even tlieough the proper proportions of ingredients were used, the biscuits could not possibly oe good after remaining In the oven 15 min utes. They were what I call kiln dried. In The Oregonlan of January 12, one lady advocated Importing a teacher of household science. I then thought It strange that such person should be lm- MAKE THE CHANGE Before Coffee Wrccki Yon. "The right man came along one day when he told me that coffee drinking was the cause of my gastritis, nervous ness, torpid liver, and trembling hands that Interfered with my business, that of mechanical drawing, but coffee was my only habit and I loed it so that I did not see how I could gle It up. "If he had not been so enthusiastic re garding the relief in his case by leaving off coffee and taking Postum Food Coffee I could not have mustered up will power enough to abandon my favorite beverage. "I left off coffee that day at lunch and had a cup of Postum. It was made good and had a rich, dark color, with a deli cious flavor that I could not tell from regular coffee. It pleased the eye, smell and palate, so I had It each day at the restaurant for the noonday lunch, and discovered a decided improvement In my condition, hut it was not until I left off coffee for Breakfast and used Postum in Its place that real relief set in. Now I am free from gastritis, headaches, and fully appreciate the value of tho 'nerve ease.' No more trembling hands and no more nervous prostration. I am well, and feel that I should say to others who are being poisoned by a beverage thit they do not suspect, 'coffee.' 'Make the change before the poison works destruc tion In j ou." " This letter is from a New York me chanical draughtsman. Name can bo furnished by the Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd. at Battle Creek, Mich.