U "'- n Portland, Oregggj wtmw VOL. XLL NO. 12,542. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. jns (Bttgmttitti. Mmm HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE OLD OVERHALT WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND Under governmeut supervision with government stamp over cork of each bottle, guaranteeing QUALITY QUANTITY AGE MEDICINALLY PURE Distributers for the Northwest BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., PORTLAND, OR. - - ' FHIL, METSCHAN. Pre. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON change: of European Plan: Canadian money taken at par from our customers. llbfi gP)i fd(S fkmff m r gssp ! & Tfjkfss-rS HONEYMAIN, DeHART & CO. FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS THE PORTLAND FORTLTCND. w AMERICAN PLAN s SjSS- Cgjg COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families axd single gentlemen. The manage ment tvIII be pleased at all times to shoTT rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish bath establishment la the hotel. H. C. DOWERS, Manager. Library Association of 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals $5.00 a year or $1.50 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions Hours From 9 A. M. to 9 f. M. dally, except Sundays and holidays. What's the Use Of spending years of patient, laborious effort trying to learn to play a piano when by means of the Pianola you can gratify every musical longing? If you will como in we will convince you of the truth of this statement. Write for catalogue. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for Aeolian THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S WHISKY ROTHCHILD BROS. Agts. Oregon, Washington, Idahe, 20-26 NORTH FIRST ST. a EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MackS Co. 86-88 Third St., OpjKsIte Clumber of Cenmerce C. W. KNOWLES. XIr. STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGJ! management $1.00, $1.50t $2.00 per Day THIS WOODLARK TURKISH BATH CABINET Four Kinds $5, $7.50, $10, $12 All Good Furnishes In your awn home a Turkish or medicated bath for three cents. It will cure sleeplessness, grip, malaria, obesity, and all blood dlstases. Let us tell you about them at our store. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. POPULAR-PRICE DRUGGISTS Fourth and Wuhlnten Sts. DIRTY BATHROOMS. TILED BATHROOMS ARE CLEAN "We carry a full stock of tile for bath rooms, kitchen sinks, tile floors, vesti bules, etc A full line of mantels, grates, andirons, 6park guards Are sets. Use our Ideal Metal Polish for keeping things bright. EsUmates given on electric wiring, in terior telephones and call bells. The John Barrett Co. TeL Main 122. 91 FIRST STREET Only those who have more money than they know what to do with CAN AFFORD to buy a cheap article. Those who have no money to waste and wish FULL VALUE for every dollar spent always buy the SUPERIOR Stovesand Ranges Manufactured by Bridge, Beach Xr fr a firm lAhrtcf namaolnna l";v:u;;:"c- i:-" is a uuaiaiucc in ilscii. vrc are sole agents. OREGON W $3.00 PER DAY and upward. to Portland STARK STREET Bet. 7th and Park the Aeo!in Company Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park. IS I905 FAIR A GO? Portland Electors Shall Settle the Question. LEGISLATURE HAS SO DECIDED Council Is to Submit Matter of Two Mill Tax at Next Election Con gress Aslced to Appropriate for-Xatlonal Exhibit. SALEM, Or., Feb. 2L Both houses of the Legislature today passed a bill, pre pared by City Attorney Long, to author ize the Common Council of Portland to submit to the voters at the next general municipal election the question of levying a special tax of two mills for the pur pose of raising money to be donated to the 1005 Oriental Exposition. The bill provides that it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the County Court to provide ballots for the election In the following form: "For the levy of a special tax. the money when collected to be donated to the Oriental Fair to be held in Port land In 1903. Yes, no." It shall be the duty of the County Clerk to provide a special ballot box and separate ballots and the votes upon the question shall be deposited in a sep arate ballot box upon being received from the voters, and the expenses shall be paid out of the general fund of Multnomah County. The Mayor and Common Coun cil, upon the collection of the funds, shall turn tho same over to the board of di rectors of the Oriental Fair. In the House, on motion of Represent ative Eddy, Mr. Long was granted the privilege of addressing the House upon tho subject, and made a brief but spir ited speech which met with approval. Mr. Long raid: "I ask your indulgence on three prop ositions, ono to pass a resolution author izing the Governor to appoint a com mission to take charge of the exposition. I will ask that another resolution be passed requesting Congress to make an appropriation for the fair, and third, 1 will ask you to pass, under suspension of the rules, a bill authorizing the City of Portland to levy a 2-mIU tax for the purpose of assisting In securing funds for the fair. The citizens of Portland will go down in their own pockets and raise 5500,000 toward the project, and "Wash ington, Idaho, California and Nevada will all give ua material assistance There has only been one exposition ever given In Oregon that brought outside people to our state. I had the honor of being su perintendent of that exposition. We were told that 5000 people could not be brought to the state, but, gentlemen. In one day wo entertained 15,000 visitors that came to Portland to see our exposition." The resolutions which Mr. Long. sought to have adopted were read and concurred In without dissent, after which unanimous consent was asked by Orton, of Mult nomah, to Introduce a bill the one re ferred to by Mr. Long In his address. The bill was rushed through Its several read ings and passed wltnout a dissenting vote. The resolutions are as follows: Resolved by the House, the Senate con curring, that the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon hereby Indorses the centennial of the Lewis and Clark Expo sition and the Oriental Fair to be held at the City of Portland In connection therewith during the year 1005. Be It further resolved that the state will give Its substantial financial aid thereto. Sec 2. That the Government be and he Is hereby requested to appoint five commissioners to represent the State of Oregon In connection with said celebra tion, and that they be, and they are hereby authorized, to fully represent the state In all matters In connection with the celebration and In preparation and presenting the state's exhibit at the same, and to report to the next Legislature their doings in the premises. Sec. 3. Be It further resolved, that sis ter Pacific Northwest States be requested to join with the state of Oregon In hold ing said fair, and that they be requested to make state exhibits at the same. The resolutions passed both houses. Whereas, the State of Oregon and the people of the City of Portland and of the Pacific Northwest States have pro vided the means for holding a centennial exposition In honor of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Coast in the City of Portland during the year 1903, and Whereas, it is believed that the hold ing of 3Uch an exposition will be of great material benefit to the people or the Pacific Northwest and to the general Government of the United States and of all Oriental countries, therefore Bt it resolved that Congress be and they are hereby requested to make a suitable appropriation for a National ex hibit at said fair, and also that proper acts be passed and proper resolutions b presented to the Oriental countries and to the foreign governments and the Do minion of Canada, requesting them to make an Industrial exhibit at said fair. Be it further resolved, that our Sen ators and members of Congress be and they are hereby requested to use every effort In their power to secure the proper legislation by Congress to carry out tho spirit and Intent of this resolution. The resolutions passed both houses. The resolutions and bill were pushed through the Senate by Senator Sweek. ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION. Dr. Cook Talks of Past and Future Expeditions. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the Antartlc explorer, has Just re turned on the Oceanic from a visit to Bel glum. In Brussels he attended a meeting of more than 100 scientists Interested In the recent Belgian expeditions toward the South Pole. All of them contributed something for the report of the venture, which Is being published by the Belgian Government. "This report," said the explorer, Ms the official record of the expedition, the his tory of which has already been published. There will be 11 volumes. One of them, contributed by me, contains a vocabulary of 3000 wards of Yaghan language, the tongue of the Inhabitants of Terra del Fuego. Three Antarctic expeditions are now being fitted out on the other side. The one from England will start In August, going south of Australia, and the German explorers are to start at about the same time. The Swedlsl expedition will leav that country later." Dr. Cook Is not going with any of them. He has been exploring for years and now means to rest. Dr. Cook said that the Belgian Govern ment will present 30 sets of the report to various Institutions in this country, among them Harvard and Tale. Another passenger on the Oceanic was J. A. Farquhar, the owner of the steam ship Newfoundland, which was captured by the Mayflower during the war with Spain, then hauled into Charleston harbor, condemned and Anally released. Still an other passenger was Corporal Cronyln, late of Strathcona's Horse. UNCIVILIZED WARFARE. Boers Charge the British With Bar barous Treatment. PORT ELIZABETH, Wednesday, Feb. 20. The following proclamation has been Issued by President Steyn and General Dewet: "Be It known to all men that the war which has been forced on the Transvaal Republics by the British Government still rages over South Africa; that all the cus toms of civilized warfare and also the conventions of Geneva and The Hague are not obse ed by the enemy, who have not scrupled, contrary to the Geneva con ventlon, to capture doctors and .ambu lances and deport them In order to pre vent our wounded from getting medical assistance; that they have seized ambu lances and material appertaining thereto; that they have not hesitated to have re course to primitive rules of warfare, con trary to the solemn agreement of The Hague, to arrest neutrals and deport them and to send out marauding bands to plunder, burn and damage burghers' private property; that they have armed Kaffirs and natives and used them against us in the war; that they have been continually capturing women and children and old and sickly men, and that there have been many deaths among the women because the so-called Christian enemy had no consideration for women on a sickbed, or those whose state of health should have protected them against rough treatment. Honorable women and tender children have not only been treat ed roughly, but have been Insulted by sol diers, by order of their officers. Moreover, old mothers and women have been raped, even wives and children, and the property of prisoners of war. even killed burghers, has not been respected. In many In stances, the mother and father have been taken, the houses left unprotected, and all have been left to their fate, an easy prey to ravages." The world has untruthfully been in formed by the enemy that they have been obliged to carry out this destruction be cause the burghers blow up the railroad lines, cut the wires and misuse the wh.Ue flag. Nearly all the houses in the repub lics have been destroyed, whether In tha neighborhood of the rallroid or not The alleged misuse of the wh'ie flag is simply a continuance of the everlasting calumny against which the Afrikander has had to strive since the time God brought him Into contact with the Englishman. Rob bing his opponent of goods only does not satisfy him; ho is not satisfied until he has robbed him of his good name also. "They state to the world that the re publics are conquered, and that now only here and there small plundering bands are continuing the strife In an irresponsi ble manner. This Is an untruth. The- re publics are not conquered. Tie wifr Is not finished. The burgher forces of the two republics are stilt led by responsible leaders, as from the commencement of the war, under the supervision of the gov ernments of both republics. The fact of Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener choos ing the term 'marauders' In designating burghers does not make them such. When was the war over? Perhaps after the battles In which irregulars captured the enemy and totally vanquished them. The burghers would be less than men If they allowed the enemy to go unpunished after ill-treating their wives and destroying their houses from sheer lust of destruc tion. Therefore, a portion of the burgh ers resent 1L Cape Colony will not only wage war, but will be In a position to take reprisals, as It has already done. In the case of ambulances, therefore, we warn the officers of His Majesty's troops that unless they cease the destruction of the property of the republics, we shall wreak vengeance by destroying the prop erty of His Majesty's subjects who are unkindly disposed. But In order to avoid being misunderstood, we hereby openly declare that their wives and children will always be unmolested, In spite of any thing done to ours by His Majesty's troops. We request nothing from our brothers in the Colony, but call on them, as well as on the civilized world, to as sist, in behalf of our joint civilization and Christianity, In putting an end to the bar barous manner of the enemy's warfare. Our prayer will always be that God. our Father, will not desert us In this unrigh teous strife. STEYN AND DEWET." TO THE BITTER EXD. Botha Advised His Men Never to Surrender. STANDERTON. Fob. 21. A deserter, who has arrived here, relates that Commandant-General Louis Botha assembled his men February 2 and addressed them declaring that they should never sur render, so long as there were 500 left. He would always be ready to lead them, he said. Botha reminded them that the American colonies fought for more than six years to secure independence and appealed to them to fight as long or even longer, if necessary, until not even a man was left. Some of the burghers replied that they did not see how they could fight much longer, as the British were destroying all the crops and capturing all the cattle and sheep while the ammunition was nearly exhausted, save about six rounds. "When this Is gone," they said, "where shall we got ore?" General Botha replied that the Lord would provide them with the means of fighting. Boers In Distress. LONDON, Feb. 21. A Pretoria dispatch dated February 20 says: Eight hundred Boers passed Plennar's River yesterday morning In the direction of Nylstroom, a point 75 miles north of Pretoria, and ori tho railroad between Pre toria and Pletersbury. It is supposed they proposed discussing the question of deserting and surrendering. They were In a deplorable state: their clothing was In rags, and many were riding donkeys, while others trudged afoot. All appeared to be In the greatest distress. Plumer Pursuing DcTret. LONDON, Feb. 22. Dispatches to the Dally Mall report a Johannesburg rumor that Commandant-General Botha Is suing for peace. "General Dewet will evidently try to recross the Orange River." says a cor respondent. "He Is greatly depressed by the dogged pursuit, and "he wept when told of the British approach." On the other hand, an official state ment issued in Cape Town says It is ex pected that General Dewet will cross Into Grlquland West and that Colonel Plu mer Is In close pursuit. Discharges In Bankruptcy. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Judge Brown, in the United States District Court, granted discharges In bankruptcy to Daniel A Llndley, formerly of Field, LIndlcy, Welchers & Co., grain and stock brokers, who failed In 1S91; liabilities, $3,101,577. and Albert B. Rodcr, president of the Orinoco j Iron Company; liabilities, $345,255 PERFIDY OF CONSULS Foreign Officials in Manila Aided the Insurgents, UNEARTHED BY THE POLICE Representatives of Italy and Uru guay Are Incriminated by Docu mentary Evidence Provincial Officers Inaugurated. MANILA, Feb. 21. The police claim to have obtained documentary evidence which they allege tends to Incriminate Francisco Reyas, Italian Consul at Ma nila, and Manuel Peypoch, Consul for DEATH OF EX-SENATOR LOS AXGELES, Cal., Feb. 21. Ex-United States Senator Stephen M. White died at his residence In Los Angeles at 4 o'clock this morning, after a short lllnass. He had been suf fering from ulceration of tho stomach, but his condition was not' thought to be dangerous. After midnight he began to show alarming symptoms, and sank rapidly. Since his retire ment from the United States Senate, seeral months ago. Senator White had been living In Los Angeles, attending to his legal business. Stephen M. White was born In San Francisco, January 10, 185.1; was brought up on a farm, and 'educated in Santa Clara College. He studied law, and was' admitted to the bar In 1874. He was District Attorney of Los Angeles County from 1832 to 1SSG. He was State Senator and President pro tern, of the State Senate from 1SS0 to 1S00. and during 1SSS-1S0O acting Governor of the state. He was elected temporary chairman of the National Demo cratic Convention at St. Louis In 1SSS. and was made permanent chairman of the Chicago convention In 1S00. Uruguay, in aiding the Filipino Insurg ents. The evidence has been submitted to General MacArthur. Francisco Reyas is also prominent as a banker, broker and merchant. He Is the principal stockhold er In the Manila Street Railway Com nanv. He Is charced with the circula tion In the Philippines of a newspaper called "The Filipinos Antes Auropa." pub lished In Madrid by his brother, Isabolo de Los Reyas. Manuel Pevnoch. the Consul tor Uru guay In Manila, Is alleged to have acted as a medium for the exchange of money In Manila used under the direction or tne Insurgent general. Trims. Disclosures connecting Mr. Baioas, man ager of the branch of the Spanish bank in Manila, with the Carman transactions, appear insufficient to warrant his ar rest. Manuel Lopez, millionaire shipowner and brother of SIxto Lopez. Angonclllo's sec retary, has been In Jail for several days on a charge of purchasing quantities of cattle from the insurgents of the Island of Mindoro. The provincial officers of the provinces of Tarlac, Pangasinan and Pampanga have been Inaugurated. Chief Justice Ar ellano administered the oath In the pres ence of the commission. Judge Taft said to the provincial officers that they were subordinate to General MacArthur, but not to the minor military officers having no civil functions. Judge Taft then pre sented the new officials to General Mac- Arthur. The first cargo of hemp from Manila to San Francisco has left this port. The transport Logan, from VIgan, Northern Luzon, has brought to Manila Major-General S. B. M. Young and eight companies of the Thirty-fourth United States Volunteer Infantry and nine com panies of the Thirty-third United States Volunteer Infantry, all homeward bound. HOLDINGS OF THE FniAnS. Secretnry Root's Answer to a Reso lution of Inquiry. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Secretary Root has made answer to the resolution, of the Senate calling on him for Infor mation as to the extent of the holding of lands by religious orders In the Philip pines, and as to any declaration made by him or obligation assumed respecting the disposition of these lands. The Secretary, by way of answer, re fers to the President's instructions of April 7, 1000. to the Philippine Commis sion, directing the commission to endeav or to Investigate the land title of re ligious orders and to endeavor to afford justice and settle these In a manner to safeguard property rights "and equities. It is added that no one in behalf of the United States Government has entered In to any obligation, other than that set out In the peace treaty in regard to these lands, nor has any policy been an nounced. The Commission has stated the result of its inquiries, under this In struction, in Its report, especially In the sub-divisions entitled, "the friars," "pub lic lands" and "land titles and registra tion." The Commission has especially In vestigated the San Jose College claim, and referred it to the Supreme Court of the Islands. Civil Government Xear nt Hand. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2L According to the latest advices from the Philippine Commission, the time for the establish ment of civil government In the Philip pines is near at hand. It was stated at the War Department that civil govern ment will be established as soon as Judge Taft reports that the conditions In the islands justify such action. It is gener ally understood that Judge Taft will be the first Civil Governor of the Islands, and that General Chaffee will succeed General MacArthur In command of the military forces to be retained there to as sist In the maintenance of order and the enforcement of law. MRS. NATION IN POLITICS. She Will Edit a Paper Devoted to the Xegro Cause. TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 21. Mrs. Carrie Nation is to enter politics and to become the editor of "The Smasher's Mail," a paper to be run in behalf of negroes. She has refused tempting offers to lecture, and will remain in Topeka and help elect a "clean man" for Mayor at the Spring election. These matters were announced by the crusader from her cell in the Coun ty Jail today, after one charge against her, that for smashing the Senate saloon, two weeks ago. had been dismissed d Judge McCabe. She Is still being held WHITE, OF CALIFORNIA. on the charge of breaking into Moezer's cold storage plant last Sunday. A delegation of the "home-defenders"' called on Mrs. Nation In her cell at the jail to talk about nominating a city ticket for the election this Spring. Mrs. Nation, who has decided to become a citizen of Topeka, at least for a while, was enthusi astic. "We decided," she said, "to nom inate a clean man. a man who does not drink, smoke or blaspheme. No others need apply." The newspaper that Mrs. Nation intends to edit will be published by "Nick" Chiles, the negro jointkeeper, who signed one of Mrs. Nation's bonds last week. David Nation, Mrs. Nation's husband. Is coming to Topeka to help his wife with the enterprise. Mrs. Nation once edited a paper in Warrensburg, Mo. Mrs. Nation says the paper will be published for the special needs of the negro. It will con tain news about the temperance cause in Kansas, and will devote much space to letters Mrs. Nation receives from her ene mies and her sympathizers. Mrs. Nation will write the editorials. Mrs. Nation refuses to go on any more lecture trips. A circus and theatrical man has adver tised that he has secured Mrs. Nation for a theatrical trip. Eastern papers telegraphed Inquiring about this matter. Mrs. Nation announced that she would not allow herself to be made "a fool of for $1,000,000 a minute." THE CARNEGIE DEAL. The Underwriting Syndicate. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. The Evening Post has tho following today: "Negotiations towards financing the steel deal reached the stage today where the principals were in active communica tion with bankers over the formation of an underwriting syndicate. These ar rangements are well under way, more than one Important down-town bank re ceiving word from influential quarters that any disposition to join the pool must be made known to J. P. Morgan & Co. at once to Insure consideration." Articles of Incorporation. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. According to the Mall and Express, a copy of the charter of the new steel company, with its cap ital placed at 5SOO.000.OCO. was taken to the office of the County Clerk in Jersey City this afternoon. The same paper says it may be stated on the highest author ity that J. P. Morgan has succeeded in satisfying all the large interests concerned with the combination. Movements of Trnnports. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 21. A cargo of 5000 tons of general supplies for the Army in the Philippines was taken by the steamer Wyofleld. which sailed yesterday for Manila direct. The freight transport Samoa, which carried horses from this port for the German Army In China, and was later purchased by the United States Government for the transport service, left Nagasaki on February IS for this port. The transport Bufford, with returning volunteers on board, left Nagasaki for San Francisco on February 19. The In diana. Meade and Pennsylvania, also bringing volunteers, are due here with in the next few days. TODAY FOR CHARTER Portland instrument Comes Up for Final Passage. HOUSE ALMOST SURE TO PASS IT Was Taken Up Last Xlght, and, After Considerable Parliamentary Spnr- ring, Was Referred Back to Multnomah Delegation. SALEM, Or., Feb. 2L When Speaker Reeder announced this evening that Sen ate bill 206, the Portland charter, would be taken up under special order, there wa3 a buzz of excitement In the crowded lobby. Drlscoll promptly moved that the bill bo read by title under suspension of the rules, and was met by Story with the objection that no one knew what the bill contained. Driscoll withdrew his motion, but Colvlg promptly renewed the motion. Story mide the same objection, when Orton stated that with one exception the members o the Multnomah delegation knew the con tents. Mr McCraken Insisted that the bill should be read. He said not one In 1000 people of Portland knew what the char ter contained. Nottingham denounced tho effort to force the bill to be read entire as simply in the interest of obstruction. Black of Coos moved that the bill go over till tomorrow night Tor consideration. Lost. Tho motion to suspend the rules and read the bill the first time by title passed. Then the bill wis read a second tlmo by title. Story offered an amendment to the bill, and insisted on Its being read. The speaker ruled a motion to refer out of order, as there was an amendment pending. The reading of the amendment offered by Story was commenced by Reading Clerk Wilson. It was, as a mat ter of fact, the entire taxpayers' charter. This sudden coup, which was strictly in accordance with parliamentary tactics, created Immense consternation among tho Multnomah delegation. There was no parliamentary way to stop the reading. A movement was started to lay tho amendment on the table, but when It was discovered that it would tako the wholo bill. It was abandoned. After the reading had progressed for an hour. Story with drew the demand that the amendment ha offered De read, and moved that It be re ferred, with the bill, to the Multnomah delegation, with leave to report at any time. The bill will be reported for flnnl passage tomorrow. It appears to be plain that it will pass. THE CUBAN CONSTITUTION. Signed 7y All the Delegntes Except Cisncros, the Antl-Anierlcnn. HAVANA. Feb. 21. The Cuban consti tution, first submitted by the central com mittee to the convention at the public si -slon of January 21. was fiigneu today. Tho President and Vice-President signed firrt and then the delegates. Senor CIsneros created a sensation by refusing to sign. Sevtral delegates endeavored to dfseu nlo him from his course, but he was immova ble. As the delegates retired, Scnor Tamayo remarked: "We are all Cubans. Senor." and Senor Cisneros replied: "Ye.-, when the time comes to fight the Ameri cans, we will fight them together." Senor Capote. President of the conven tion, will deliver the document to Gensrul Wood tomorrow. A copy In English wl.l then be sent to Washington. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS Philippines. Consuls of Italy and Uruguay at Manila are accused of aiding the rebels. Page 1. Officers hae been inaugurated in Tarlac, Pangasinan and Pampanga Provinces. Page 1. The first cargo of hemp has left Manila for San Francisco. Page 1 Congreii. Hepburn, in the House, denounced hazing. Page 2. Itemr for extra compensation for House employes caused a row. Page 2. The House passed the general deficiency appropriation bill. Page 2. The Senate eliminated the pneumatic tuba appropriation from the postoffice bill. Page 2. Foreign. Unless all the powers agree, there will be no more land concessions in China. Page 2. Dewet and Steyn issue a proclamation, to the world protesting against British cruelty. Pagel. Twenty-one patients perished In a hos pital fire In Kobe. Japan. Page 3. Domestic. Ex-Senator White, of California, is dead. Page 1. Mrs. Nation Is going to edit a negro pa per. Page 1. Many persons were killed and Injured in a train wreck near Trenton, N. J. Page 3. Xorthivest Legislatures. Portland charter bill comes up for final passage in Oregon. House today. Page 1. The question of a 1003 Portland exposi tion is to be submitted to a vote of tho people. Page 1. Idaho Legislature asks that Chinese ex clusion law be extended 10 yeaTS. Page 4. Representative Dresser tells why he will not keep his pledge to vote for Mr. Corbett for Senator from Oregon. Page 1. Provision to prohibit fishtraps In the Co lumbia and Its tributaries has been cut out of Oregon Senate bill. Page 4. Washington House passed resolution to Investigate State Printer's office. Page o. Bill to Increase membership of Washing ton Legislature from 114 to 123 passed both houses. Page 5. Pacific Count. Fire did $75,000 damage to the Clatsop mill at Astoria. Page 4. Salem suburbs will get rural free deliv ery next month. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Review of the iron and steel trade. Page 11. Wall-street market is less active. Page 1L Cargo cleared for Antwerp direct. Page 10. Wireless telegraphy at sea. Page 10. Oceanic steamship stock forced down by an assessment. Page 10. Weekly bank clearings. Page 8. Portland and Vicinity. Board of Trade will send committees to meet homeseekers. Page 12. Commander-in-Chief of Spanish-American War Veterans advocates one National organization. Page 8. Several athletic events scheduled for to day's holiday. Page 10. Postal officer arranging for mail delivery from Troutdale. Page 10. Sellwood residents rejoicing over 5-cent fare. Page S.