Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 18, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday the First Day
of the Season,
Strict Observance by Catholic and
High. Chnrch Epincopallans Spe
cial Religions Work In First
. 3Ietliodlst Chnrch.
Lent, with penitence and prayer. Is at
hand. Wednesday will be the first day
of the Lenten season. Society will rest,
and the round of parties and dances
will cease for a time.
Lent will be observed by nearly every
Christian denomination but will be rig
orously observed by the Catholic church
nnd the high church party of the Prot
estant Episcopal church. In the Cath
olic churches the vestments and altar
cloths will be of purple, the emblem of
penance. The music at the celebration
or "high mass will be simple and solemn,
not elaborate, and the sermons will call
the congregations to fasting, prayer and
deeds of charity. The pastoral letter
of Archbishop Christie has already ap
peared in The Oregonlan. Beginning on
"Wednesday, there will be low masses at
C:30, 8 and S o'clbck A. M., and every
"Wednesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, there
will be a rosary, sermon and benedic
tion. Every Friday evening at 7:30 there
will be a "Way of the Cross" and bene
diction. This wJll continue until Holy
"Week, when there will be special devo
tional services on "The Passion of Our
Lord," on Holy Thursday, Good Friday
and Easter Saturday. Then will come
the glory and awakening, on Easter
Members of Protestant Episcopal
churches, and especially those who are
high churchmen, will conscientiously
keep Lent. They will not have the nu
merous Lenten services of the Catholics
to attend, it is true, but special Lenten
j-ervlces have been arranged. As a prom
inent Episcopalian expressed it, yester
day: "Lent is a time to know the Inner
man. It is the time to step up to a higher
level, to examine the motives which pre
vail strongest In us. The central Idea
of Lent is to revive and to Intensify all
the Christian graces and activities we
have." A pastoral letter has been sent
by Bishop Morris to the congregations
of the diocese of Oregon. In part, it is
os follows:
"I am most anxious that this season
of Lent, now so close at hand, shall prove
to you all a blessed help In your reli
gious life, and to this end I avail myself
of the following wise and most fitting
counsels of the bishop of Missouri to
his people, with the hope that you will
lay them to heart, and strive to make
these swift-flying days a positive gain
and advantage in the great work for
which life was given: 'The chief purpose
of this season set apart by the church
Is to intensify, deepen, broaden and re
peat the special Christian acts which
make the most for growth in the spirit
ual life. Keep in the atmosphere of
prayer, control the temper, master the
appetite toward God, think of self and
what you are toward others, be patient
and gentle, forgetful of self, serene and
watchful.' "
At Trinity Episcopal Church, on Ash
Wednesday, there will be a morning
service at 10:30 and an evening service at
8. There will be the usual Sunday serv
ices, and holy communion at S A, M.
On weekdays, the services will be: Mon
days, at 4:30 P. M.; Tuesdays, at 4:30 P.
M.; Wednesdays, at 10:30 A. M. and 4:30
P. M.; Thursdays, at 4:30 P. M.; Fridays,
at 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Methodists will also keep Lent. In
the First Methodist Church reminder, is
sued yesterday, this notice appears: "It
Is now the season of the year, according
to the calendar of the church, when
every Christian body goes Into special
religious work. On Wednesday, the Lent
en season begins and the Christian world
commits itself to religious enterprises.
bpeciai revival meetings will be held
at the First Methodist Church every
evening this week, except Saturday.
The Presbyterian, Baptist and other
churches also are in line for a special
season of religious work.
A Pioneer's Recollections of Other
"This Winter is very similar to that of
1856 'writes Gust Murhard. an old set
tler from Vancouver, Wash. "Still that
Winter was milder, as the peach trees
were in full bloom by the last of Febru
ary, and the only snow we had was a
light fall between Christmas and New
Year's. I have noticed ever since my ar
rival In Portland in the Fall of 1S55. that
If a Winter is Inclined to be mild, and
the wind goes to the cold quarter the
northeast at the change of the moon, it
soon veers to the southeast and south,
and vice versa, when the Winter is In
clined to be cold.
"When I first came to Portland we usu
ally got the cold spell about December
17. and the freeze-up of the rivers gave
away in the fore part of January with
a big flood. October was usually called
the Indian Summer, and February was
also a pleasant month. This rule seems
to have undergone a change, perhaps from
the clearing of the land."
The Weather Bureau has no account of
climate in the Northwest prior to 1871,
so Mr. Murhard's statement cannot be
compared with the official record. Scien
tific observers, however, do not permit the
moon's changes to enter their calcula
tions, as these are not given credit for
having any Influence on the climate.
Weather Indications are now based upon
conditions existing in distant localities,
where storms have well-defined paths!
Winter storms usually strike this country
on the coast of Northwestern Washing
ton or "Vancouver Island, and travel east
ward or southward according to the baro
metric pressure at points in the interior.
The conditions cannot be telegraphed from
any point on the ocean, and so very
sudden changes may take place 100 miles
to the westward of the coast without the
knowledge of the Weather Bureau. This
necessarily renders forecasts faulty at
"Guessing by the moon has been rele
gated to the past by the modern observ
er," said a weather official yesterday,
"and If there was anything to connect
weather changes with the moon, scientific
men would have long since figured it out.
However, there are many good people who
still go their pile on the weather predic
tions in the almanacs, which are based
upon the changing quarters of the moon.
In fact, one of our volunteer observers
on the Oregon coast is quite a crank on
the moon's nhases, and Insists upon be
ing supplied with a lot of patent medi
cine almanacs every year. Sometimes he
makes startlIng,predlctions from the al
manac, and foretells dire storms for the
Northwest coast which never materialize.
This failure of Nature to keep her prom
ise to him does not discourage him. how
ever, and he is up and smiling with an
other storm predction in a few weeks
"The Weather Bureau is likely to hear
quite frequently from any miscalculation
It makes In regard to what the climate
will be on a certain day, but its numer
ous truthful predictions are quickly for
gotten. The patent medicine almanac
will continue to have its supporters
throughout the generation, although nine
tenths of Its guesses fall to reach the
Favorable Prospects In First and
Third Districts.
Prospects are good for large fruit crops
this year In the first and third horticul
tural districts. The trees have passed
through the Winter In fine condition and
the approach of Spring finds them bright
ly barked and strong, and the buds well
developed. The apple tree anthracnose,
one of the worst fungus diseases the
Oregon orchardist has to contend with,
is less prevalent than formerly In the
first district,, and the pestiferous San
Jose jale seems to be" disappearing.
The third district has had exceptionally
favorable weather and the Indications
point to a record crop.
Writing from Dllley, Commissioner
Wilbur K. Newell, of the first district,
"The season of 1900 was very favorable
Y ZiiJtlLrn.r y! III I V jwHpy
CORVALLIS. Or., Feb. 17. Herman Tartar, '02, who will represent the State Agricultural College In the Intercollegiate ora
torical contest, Is 19 jears of age" He was born at Airlle. Polk County. January 4. ISS2. His father la Nicholas Tartar, a profes
sional school teacher, who attended the Agricultural Coll-se for three 3 ears about 23 j ears ago, and who has since been engaged In
teaching In Polk County. The jounger Tartar graduated from the public school at PeDee, Polk County, at the age of 14. For the
next two jears he was employed at farming In the -vicinity. He matriculated at the Agricultural College three sears ago, and en
tered the agricultural course. In vhfch he Is now a junior. At the college he has earned hlu way, for the first two jears as an as
sistant on the farm, and this ear at janitor work about the buildings. He has cry high grades In all his classes, and Is a bright
joung man. His appearance la the local contest for representative was his first attempt In oratory. His subject was: "The Trend of
SALEM, Or., Feb. IT. Raymond E. Kerr, who is to represent "Willamette University In the state oratorical contest, to be held at
Conallls. March 15. la a brother of Professor Loran A. Kerr, of the department of natural science, of the university. He Is the son of
an attorney of Miami County. Ohio, his home being at Tippecanoe City, in that state. After graduating from the Tippecanoe City High
School, the town of his birth, he spent two echool years at Ohio "Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., and completed the work of the
first term of the Junior jear. He came to Salem in September last, and has since been a student at Willamette UnUerslty.
for the growth of fruit trees, even If
the crop was not all that had been expect
ed. The weather in the Fall was Ideal
for the proper ripening of the new wood,
nnd the trees entered the Winter In the
best possible condition; hence the out
look at the present time Is as favorable
as could be asked for. Trees that have
been well cared for show a bright, clean
bark, and very strong, well-developed
fruit buds. Reasonably favorably wea
ther during the Spring will insure a
bountiful fruit crop for Oregon.
"With each succeeding year a larger
per cent of first-class fruit Is produced.
The severe Winter of two years ago. and
the other discouraging features of the
business have about eliminated the or
chards planted on unsuitable lands, or
put out during boom times for specula-
tive purposes. The old orchards of
pioneer days are rapidly being removed,
and the orchards that now produce the
most of the fruit have been carefully
planted and tended by men who are mak
ing fruitgrowing their business.
"During the past season the apple
tree anthracnose, the worst fungus dis
ease we have, was much less prevalent
than In the preceding season. The San
Jose bcale also was less numerous than
usual, partly owing to vigorous warfare
against It, partly to natural causes.
On the whole, present conditions and
prospects are satisfactory."
Commissioner A. H. Carson, of .the
third district, writes from Grant's Pass:
"At this date the fruit crop promises
large for 1901 In Southern Oregon. Var
ieties of all kinds are full of fruit buds,
and the temperature during the Winter
thus far h'as been favorable for them.
lor mem. i
Up to date there has been no extremely ' "" " r " A": , " "(L ' Zy,"
. , j,j v, wnf tthi i we must consider those who are fighting
warm weather during tne inter, witn ) . . .. .v.-. .v.
sudden changes to freezing, to do fruit , fiL J5 nthI
trees any harm, and unless the climatic ' the uniform of rebellion, wear the
conditions should occur later I predict ' f?,.?1?! flA5
an Immense crop in this section this und" the flag of pracUcal atheism And
year. We have had some snow In the 1 no "Z of attainment, no loftiness
valleys that remained on the ground , of scholarship, no open-handed liberality
for a short time, and the mountains are ve a man who Is In rebellion
covered at this date. My observation is i fnsi 5?' " ls " necessary l so
that when we have plenty of snow, trees through riot and waste to come to fam
Wlnter much better than with a warm, lne and helplessness: It Is only neces-
open Winter, and the sharp freezes while
the trees are In bloom
In March and
April hardly ever occur
the snow."
when we have
TISM: Keep
the F'lreii Burning?
Party Altars.
PORTLAND. Or., Feb. 17. (To the Ed
itorsIn yesterday's Issue Mr. Allen ad
vises the Democrats of the Legislature
not to vote for Judge Williams, but for
some one else, provided he be a Repub
lican. If the Republicans could agree
on Judge Williams I think they would
honor themselves and the state. But if
there be not one Republican in the stat
on whom they can agree, what Is the
matter. Just for variety's sake, with a
few Republicans joining the Democrats
to elect a Democrat Mr. Inman, for
I think a man should never sacrifice
principle to party, but I also think a
man should never sacrifice party to some
other party's family quarrel. The Repub
licans have an overwhelming majority.
They can elect any one they please. If
they cannot arise above political faction,
I see no reason why a Democrat should
help either, and if the Democratic pha
lanx has the balance of power, let the
Republicans come to them.
I for one am tired of Democrats being
eternally expected as a matter of course
to help pome Republican faction out of a
hole. C. E. S. WOOD.
Sunday Blaze Costs ?200.
A defective flue caused a $200 blaze last
night at J. Bingham's house, on Eight
eenth street, near Everett-
Don't wait until you are sick before
trying Carter's Little Liver Pills, but get
a vial at once. You can't take them
without benefit.
The O. R. & N. Is storing about 1000
tons of Ice at La Grande. It Is trans
ported from North Powder.
"The Difference Bettven "Wrong; and
Sin" Discussed br Rev. H. "W.
KelloRgr In Other Churches.
At the First Congregational Church the
pastor. Rev. Arthur W. Ackennan,
preached on "The Frenzy of Wayward
ness." The sermon was one of the se
ries on the parable of the Prodigal Son.
The text was the fourteenth and fif
teenth verses of the fifteenth chapter of
Luke's gospel:
"And when he had spent all. there arose
a mighty famine In that land; and he
began to be In want.
"And he went and Joined himself to a
citizen of that country; and he sent him
Into his fields to feed swine."
The speaker said in part:
"Jesus has revealed to us In this par
able the very pit of self-assertion, the
frenzy of waywardness. Not that we
are to suppose that every sinner must get
to the bottom of It, but to show us the
danger which attends every downward
course, and also that even though a man
shall wallow In the depth of It the Fath
er still loves him, waits to hear his weak
est filial cry. or to learn of the first
manly resolution. First we discover that
the young man comes to a new choice.
Startled at his condition he must ask
what is best to do. Shall he go home
In the hope that the father will be mer
ciful? But that would be giving up all
that he had counted precious. Do you
not know how difficult that would be?
How that man would look about for some
way of escape that would involve less
self-denial? So men choose to turn their
backs upon the only way to the Father
and the better life; endeavor to discover
a way for themselves that they may re
trieve their soul's disaster without sub
mission and confession.
"The result of such a choice is beggars'-
Instead of humbling himself and
going back, he humiliates himself by
seeking protection of another. He glued
himself In desperation and frenzy; he
bound himself with hoops of steel, to
one who is confirmed In Ws intention to
do the deeds of darkness. Tou must not
allow the significance of that act to es
cape j'ou. Before this we have consid
ered how men drift on the current of
their own will with no definite antag-
. . v -cvwv,,,.. .t .... n v....
?' w "" "'"''"" " uppusmon u
the man leaps Into the far country and
goes over to the enemy.
"Then comes slavery. Jesus said that
a man who begs for service of , the evil
doer shall get a slave's task. Christ
says, 'Arise, shine!' the world says,
'Grovel In the mire.' Christ says, 'Feed
my sheep'; the world says, 'Feed the
swine.' Christ says, 'Preach the good
news'; the world says, T31ack my shoes.'
Have 3'ou ever thought of the difference
between John B. Gough, a little child In
his mother's arms, looking Into his moth
ers face with childlike Innocence, and
John B. Gough lying in the gutter with
a bloated face, bloodshot eyes and thick,
en-ed tongue, and a woman's tenderness
covering It all out of sight with a hand
kerchief? But the degradation of soul
Is as complete as this degradation of the
"And the end of it all Is a hungering
that may not be satisfied In the service
of sin. One may be filled, but not fed
by the food that ls thore to De had. It
ls not only the mark of the beast In the
forehead, but the heart of the beast, and
the appetites and disgusting peculiarities
of the beast that men come to. The
highest natures are capable of the deep
est Infamy. This was the father's son
and typifies the sons of the heavenly
Father, and now he ls come to be akin
to the hogs. Students of vice and crime
In these last days enable me to say that
In all probability the most degraded man
In Portland tonight ls a child from a
civilized home, and has had the bless
ings of civilization showered upon him.
The most degraded specimen of woman
hood In the city tonight ls probably a
white woman who has grown up In the
light of these last days; It would not be
strange to find that she is a graduate
of our public schools, and at some time
has been a pupil In come Sunday school.
"And here ls the kernel of the parable.
Jesus seems to say, 'Is that bad enough?
Has the young man gone far enough?
He has wasted himself until he ls help
less; he has consciously rejected the op
portunity of go"ng back to God; he has
tied himself up to an evil-minded man;
he has become the slave of sin, the bond
servant of unrighteousness; his soul is
starving while he seeks to fill it with
that Which will not feed him. Are you
satisfied, you Pharisees who despise me
because I am willing to receive sinners?
If so, the truth is that the father still
loves the boy; there Is no bottomless pit
of evil that Is deeper than the bound
less love of God." That Is the teaching
of this parable. The father In heaven and
In the hearts of men Is waiting tonight
for the return of the wandering sons,
though they may have gone to the ut
termost reach of the far country. He Is
throwing out his love lines and sending
his messages of warning and entreaty.
He Is calling tho boys home tonight."
Rev. Dr. McLean On Its Influence On
At the Third Presbyterian Church. East
Ninth and Oak streets, yesterday morn
ing Rev. Robert McLean delivered a
sermon on "The Place of Conscience In
the Development of Civilization." His
remarks were based on the text. Acts
xxlv :16, "And herein do I exercise my
self to have always a conscience void of
offense toward God and toward men."
.In part he said:
1 "Napoleon BonaDarte was accustomed
to say that civilization traveled in a
powder car. In a measure this Is true,
for there Is no instance In history of a
nation lifting Itself up out of barbarism
Into civilization without some outside
agency. Such a transformation can be
brought about only from without, as the
power ls not latent. The contact of na
tions through war or other ways gives
rise to new Ideas and customs and cer
tainly develops the civilization of the
less enlightened nation. Whence came
the mighty civilization of Egypt? From
another country, for each nation has prof
ited by the civilization of its neighbor or
"From the teaching of the Lord Jesus
Christ comes the power that lifts up,
and It might be called the outside In
fluence. This power ls conscience, and In
it lies the Influence of Christian nations.
Let us look to the greatest examples In
history of the downfall of conscienceless
cities. In the palmiest days of Tyre and
Sldon, even while they were at the
zenith of their worldly power and glory,
the prophets predicted a final overthrow
of all their greatness. And tt was so.
Are they not as desolate today as the
Desert of Sahara? And why? But the
question almost answers Itself In their
records we find that they were without
conscience toward God or man. They
were cruel and savage as beasts In their
attitude toward captives. They were ab
solutely shameless toward God In their
art as well as conscienceless toward men.
True, the people were cultured and highly
skilled In art, but art cannot save. When
all the moral principles are disobeyed,
there Is no saving power, even if a
high state of culture and art has been
reached. The God-given power of con-,
science, which Is Innate in man unless
destroyed by him. Is what saves. Though
Intangible, we know It exists, for there
ls no one but has heard Its warning. It
13 the thing that says. "Thou oughtest,'
and lays the responsibility of sin on man
Through It God appeals to man. It Is
tho right which, together with reason
keeps him above tho beast. When con
science Is surrendered, human liberty
goes with It, It was this power that
sustained Washington through the long
struggle for Independence. There was
no possibility of personal gain for him
but a sense of duty buoyed him up
through the discouraging periods of the
"But for conscience, civiHza'tlon would
have been turned back and scientific
truth would never have been discovered.
For men who delve In those subjects do
It from pure love and devotion. When
human liberties are In peril, the men
of conscience are always to be depended
upon. It Is always these men who
bear the Nation through a crisis. In
fidels are too easily swayed and too
pliant to stand firmly when a belief be
comes unpopular. But men. strong in
religious belief and possessed of con
sciences, stand for the right, regardless
oi opinion.
"A certain materialism has crept into
iuu uu5infS3 worm, conscience. In a
great many cases. Is blotted out by the
endeavor of men to acquire wealth. Its
dictates are deadened as they push to
the wall the proprietors of smaller
businesses. No one has any right to
acquire riches at the expense of his
brother. His conscience ls dead when
he does it. God says that we owe some
thing to our fellow-mortals, and surely
this does not mean that we are to crush
him to the earth. If by so doing we can
grind a few dollars out of him. His
right to live must not be Ignored In our
efforts to pile up wealth.
'Some unscrupulous, conscienceless
people will go so far as to use the
church as a means of protection. We
have on record a certain church in New
York that for years has rented houses
for infamous purposes. Also, there is an
instance of a man putting his property
in the church's name to avoid paying
legitimate taxes. In all reform work
there is no success unless It ls based
upon conscience. If conscience, the eye
and ear of the soul, is dead, we cannot
be reached by the powers of religion.
or by any other power. The conscience
must be schooled, taught and developed
so that it Is our mentor and our safeguard."
Sermon by Rev. H. W.TCellops Point
ing Out tke Difference.
Rev. H. W. Kellogg preached yesterday
morning at the Taylor-Street Methodist
Church on the topic, "The Difference Be
tween Wrong and Sin." He chose as his
text, I John 111:9: "Whosoever Is begotten
of God doeth no sin." He said in part:
"This astonishing utterance can bear no
rational approval except that sin ls under
stood to be an action. It does not deny
the other facts concerning sin which allow
other definitions. Faults and deficiencies,
the remnant of a lower and beastly na
ture which still clings to all man's
thoughts, feelings and actions, are by pop
ular opinion catalogued as sins. The text
says, 'Doeth no sin,' describing a delib
erate action. Moral philosophers are In
clined to note four distinct elements which
enter into every action: first, the concep
tion of the action; second, the resolution
to perform It; third, design or purpose
of the action; and, fourth, the action per
formed. Moral quality la impossible ex
cept In the third, 1. e., the purpose'or mo
tive directing the action. Two men may
give to a third man $10. They both con
ceive of the action, both resolve to per
form It. and both really place the money
In the hand of the man. So far there ls
no difference in the moral quality of the
act. One, however, gives the money as a
bribe to be used in unrighteous work; the
other gives It for purest benevolence. The
difference ls only In the motive. We are
compelled to look here alone for the right
or wrong of actions. Here, then, ls to be
found the distinction between wrong and
sin. All eln ls wrong, but all wrong ls not
sin. Sin in action Implies guilt, and guilt
responsibility. This Implies knowledge
and deliberate Intention.
"The responsibility of men Is and ever
will be an unknown factor In human life.
So many elements enter Into It. Among
them are education and training. Those
we so often Judge to be criminals, when
better known are but wrong-doers, with
out much. If any, guilt. Temperament
and disposition often reduce to a very low
rank real responsibility, and excuse many
acts which in their effects are Injurious
to society. It is a commentary on the
considerate kindness of this age that we
are building hospitals, as well as prisons,
for so-called criminals, dangerous to so
ciety, but, nevertheless, not guilty. The
dawn of knowledge changes the entire na
ture of the act In Its moral significance,
although it may be no worse In Its ef
fects. What we did yesterday In inno
cence becomes a sin today. We know bet
ter now. The man who ls a destroyer of.
human life when enlightened becomes a
murderer. The act 13 no less horrible In
the one case than the other, except to
the man. Guilt now follows the act.
"I would not mitigate sin. I could not
If I chose. It ls too dreadful and de
structive in its course in history and in
human experience to allow any man to
wink at it. Guilt ls the most awful thing
a human soul can bear. It Is a raving
monster that terrifies and threatens at
every step. It follows a man and terri
fies him In the night and In the day. It
unfits a man. It will betray him and
crush his soul. The greatest productions
of literary skill and genius are attempts
to portray Its Insane sovereignty. Read
Shakespeare and Goethe for the best il
lustrations of this truth, and In their best
creations will be found but the pictures
of guilt. Experience has too often made
us aware of Its power. No sin ls to be
avoided. Sin is to be dreaded and never
to be excused. But there Is much that
common opinion calls sin, which Is only
wrong. No guilt can be attached to It.
for responsibility Is lacking.
"There are two lessons which this pres
entation of the, subject teaches us: First,
in reference to ourselves, that we should
not bear needless burdens of guilt. We
make, mistakes enough and by thought
less actions bring to homes and lives sor
row and affliction enough to make us
weep. But It need not bring us under con
demnation. We are to live with a pure
purpose. This we should do. The Spirit
of God which comes to those who are
'begotten of God' qualifies us to do this.
The Inner being Is rectified, purified, and
our intentions made sincere and right.
This is all we may expect to reach In
this present world In the perfection of
character. Mistakes may grow less with
careful training, but they will ever be our
sad lot here. But such a condition, con
sistent with blunders and wrongs, does
not exclude us from chlldshlp with God.
I wonder if that astonishing fact ls not
what made the writer exclaim: 'Behold,
what manner of love the Father hath
bestowed upon us that we should be called
the children of God! And such we are.'
The Fatherly love, so broad and free,
pities us, and docs not blame us. 'Ho re
membereth that we are dust.' So we re
duce life to a beautiful simplicity under
God. who iooketh not as man upon the
outward appearance, but who Iooketh on
the heart,'
"The second lesson for U3 to learn is
to be careful of condemning the actions
of men when we can know so little of
their Intentions This secret room of tho
soul cannot be entered by any other. My
self and God alone know whst ls going
on where purposes are created. The near
est friend Is excluded. Sometimes It
would bea relief If we could admit an
other to Inspect it, but we cannot. The
very keepers of the doors which attempt
to admit you are susplcloned. To express
our inner motive is to betray our true
eelf. Why, then, should we with so much
of recklessness sit In cruel Judgment on
men's guilt? Another fact, one forever
concealed from view, might change our
blame to pity or praise. Public men are
more exposed to this cruel censure than
any other class. But either they become
too stole. Indifferent or grieved, often lose
respect for the people who unjustly con
demn them. No true man but feels sen
sitively the wrong or unjust blame, how
ever little he seems to care for it,
"The world ls full of bitterness and
cruel feuds, because of misunderstand
ings. These may be lessened only by a
stricter observance of this law of consid
eration. This scripture covers It all: 'Let
us love one another.' If God's great love
can still retain us In the family In spite
of our Injurious actions to others, when
done In purity of purpose, our love for
others will supply many a needed factor
In making up a judgment concerning oth
ers quite different from what hatred and
envy would do. If this could be done, how
this heavy-weighted old world would be
lightened of Its Ills and sorrows. On a
stormy night I was called Into a de
serted part of a big city to visit a house
of death. There was unusual bitterness
of grief gathered at this bedside. I went
J into the street from the scene meditating
i on the world's conditions. As I stumbled
through the dark, passing an old, dilap
idated building In a lonely- place. I was
attracted by a song coming from a win
dow above me. I think It must have been
from two little girls. They were singing
In the Sweet Bye-and-Bye.' I stopped
In the pouring rain to listen. It was like
a song from heaven, a voice of hope, sing
ing over the dark world Its message of
assurance that a time ls coming when
grievances shall be healed and many
wrong3 explained, in the land that ls
fairer than day.' "
Sermon by Rev. W. S. Gilbert, of Cal
vary Presbyterian.
Rev. W. S. Gilbert, of Calvary Pres
byterian Church, yesterday morning
preached on the topic, "Optimist or Pes
simist?" As his text, he chose Deuter
onomy xxxlv:l, "And Moses went up
from the plains of Moab unto the moun
tain of Nebo to the top of Plsgah, that
Is over against Jericho, and tho Lord
showed him all the land."
In part, he said:
"Aside from Christ, there Is no one
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In history that has done so much to di
rect the world's life as Moses. His splen
did achievement of leading probably
3,000,000 people across desert for 40 years,
developing within them a strength of
character and religion that the centu
ries have not erased, has never been i
equaled. His statement of God's law and
adaptation of It to men and to affairs ls
equaled only by the Sermon on the
"The work that had been assigned to
him was faithfully done. The leadership
of the people fell upon a younger man.
and now he was led up from the plain
to a mountain and was permitted to see
the land Into which he should not be
permitted to enter. He saw a glimpse
of what was to be the whole land of
the great promises of God.
"We are today at the borders of a
groat future, Into which we, perhaps,
shall not be permitted to enter. It is
our privilege to get a vision of that land
from God's point of view. Who la there
that does not often wonder what shall
be? What are to be tho changes In the
world during the century now begin
ning? From the plain we cannot see nor
will we enter far, but from. Nebo's sum
mit we can see the land, though not
the varied details of its conquest.
"Shall politics become more and more
corrupt? Will there be a truer brother
hood, or does tho world move on to a
keener selfishness? Who ls to rule the
future of promise, Canaan or God's peo
ple? Will lawlessness be tolerated, or
will righteousness rule? Will chaos re
turn? Will the people again return to
bondage? Never! God reigns. The hosts
of God may be only yet at the borders,
but that kingdom of heaven ls already
lifting the world. Man's will ls still
free, but his heart ls being won. The
covenant between God and man ls sure.
All the families of earth shall be blessed.
We may not live to see It, but from
Nebo's mountain we see It already.
There Is vast conquest before the host,
but God lead3 on. Many generations
and centuries may pass away, but God
leads on, and the kingdom of the world
shall become the kingdom of our Lord
and of his Christ!
"Let us get above the plain, above the
monotonous level of life, and get a wider
view; not an ethereal. Impractical, un
earthly view, but a glimpse of the vast
horizon of God's domain. On the street
we see the things of the street. Feeling
only the hard competitions of the busy
life, we say, 'The world is hard; there is
no sympathy or love.' The trickster
concludes that all of life ls a trick. Men
who have met disappointment, who have
had every plan thwarted, easily turn
pessimist. When we get above the plain
and come Into a higher viewpoint,' we
come to see that the world ls not all
desert, nor murmuring, nor restless
pitching of tents, but we see a final tri
umph for God and the promise.
"Wonderful as is the present, mar
velous as has been the past, Nebo's
height reveals a transcending future.
The best things are to come. Shall we
be optimist? Yes, forever yes. Man may
be cowardly and may despair, and may
even seek, to thwart the right and the
truth, but God reigns. From man's
plain we might despair, but from God3
height we are sure of victory. The splen
did triumphs of Christianity the world
around are not dreams. The conquest
ls .long and hard, but the land ls ours.
"From Nebo's 'height the earnest, ri
pened life loves to look into the land be
yond. Moses saw the rest that yet re
maineth to the people of God, that In
heritance, incorruptible, undeflled and
that fadeth not away; and with his life
faithfully lived and his duty done, he
rested there in the mountain with God."
A Ratloral Commentary on Her
Coarse of Action.
Pacific Baptist (Portland), Feb. 13.
This woman seized her hatchetand at
tacked the drinking "joints" of her town.
Sho demolished the furniture and emp
tied the liquor Into the streets. She
was arrested and put In jail, but the
court decided her Insane and refused to
let the case come to trial. Now she la
a lion with the lecture bureaus, and with
some extreme temperance advocates.
There is no doubt that the business of
selling Intoxicants is outlawed In Kan
sas. The barkeeper handling liquor over
his counter was as much a law-breaker
as a burglar or thief. His business had
no claim to protection of any sort. But
had this woman any right to take the
enforcement of law into her hands? The
mirrors and doors which the smashed
were property which the saloonkeeper
had every right to own. He, as an Am
erican citizen, had a right to a fair trial,
and any punishment before such trial
ls a violation of one of the most sacred
privileges. Mrs. Nation represented the
same spirit that moved the mob at To
peka a few weeks ago when a negro was
burned. Her acts did not Involve the
same cruelty, but they Involve the samo
principle. Mob iaw can never be justi
fied. If laws are bad, or the officials dc
not enforce them, the remedy is with
the people to make better laws, or to
put faithful men Into office. Falling In
this, there remains the last remedy, rev
olution, but revolution, to be respected
and work any real benefit, must be de
cent and orderly.
In saying this there Is no intention to
question the motives of Mrs. Nation or
those who cheer her methods. They ar
sincere and they have great provocation.
But all the more reason for care rnat
every move be orderly. Great reforms
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are not accomplished in that way. Tho
Munster rioters were sincere, and had
Just cause for Indignation and vengeance,
but the cause of the reformation was
more hindered than helped by their Icon
oclasm. Luther neither battered down
church doors nor dMnoH.ihv! lmjitrpj
John Brown was sincere, but with all his
heroism It ls doubtful whether his rash
act at Harper's Ferry In any way helped
tho slaves. Lincoln and those associated
with him committed no act of lawless
ness In their whole campaign for free
dom. There may be a place In reforms
for the work of Mrs. Nation. She is
surely awakening the press to an agita
tion of tho whole rum curse that must
do good. But for Individual women to
attempt any imitation of her methods, or
for any body of reformers to indorse
them, will only result in Injury to the
great cause they love. Nowhere ls cool
headedness and law-abldlngness so much
needed as In a battle forreform.
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