THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1901. FOR ItEVT. Hornet. TO RENT A lovely, new C-room flat, No. 4 Union avc ,515 per month. Nice 5-room cottage. No. 40 East Eighth st north; $12. Beautiful new cottage. Willamette. $3 per month. R. H. DUNN, 149 -First fit. i FOR RENT FIRSlwCLASS 8-ROOM MOt ern house, cor. East Sixth and Main sts.. $21; also new .modern &room house. East 2Sth -and Irving sta., ?13. C. -H. Korell. 233 Mark st. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS. ON CA ruthers St.; modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. "legler, Oregonlan oHlce. NICE FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; small family of adults; 7 roonis. 445 Fifth street. FOR RENT A C-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER East 12th and East Oak. Apply 173 Third st Fnrnlshd lioutei, $S PER MONTH AND UP; COTTAGES. FUR nlshed complete Xor housekeeping. Telephone J. Landlgan. any time -except P. M. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED, FOR rent, -348 "Grant, -corner Seventh. House Tor RveMt Furniture lor Sale. n1 'tte nr 5 room cottage, fur- nlshed complete, for sale; a bargain. In quire mornings. 167 Park. More. WELL-APPOINTED HALL, FOR .MEETINGS of trader unions or similar bodies; rent low. Apply Musician" Mutual Association. 110 Fourth, cor. Washington, dally. 12 to 2.. STORE FOR RENT ON WASHINGTON ST.. b "ween Fourth and Fifth; cheap 'rental. BUSINESS CHAJSCKS. ATTENTION, PHYSICIANS-MEDICAL AND Yurgleal practice In Tine city In Montana, $0000 to $7000 per annum, for sale; or will take partner to represent me; -must .go -to Germany to settle up estate, also -for Btudy; fine, cozy offices; $1500 to $2000 inquired; In cluded over $3000 Good accounts, of ivhlch at least 05 per cent is sure to be -collected -flrat year; rare opportunity for -a -German. X 33, care Oregonlan. MERITORIOUS ENTERPRISES FINANCED. STOCKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN. GUARANTEED AND SOLD. Patents mar keted under business conditions. ADVICE GIVEN AND PLANS OUTLINED for -effective handling and financing of any merit orious invention, business enterprise or proj ect requiring additional capital for develop ment. R. BUXTON. 134 Van Buren St.. Chi cago. Money made in this enterprise. I can give you a written guarantee against loss in -on in vfcstmcht made In -oil stocks. Portland to be a big oil center. You can invest from $10 up. W. J. Curtis. 214 Commercial Block. GENTLEMAN OR LADY PARTNER WANT ed tor private dining-rooms. In three-story house, full -of roomers. The Leader, corner West Park and Yamhill. BOARDING - HOUSE. FIRST -CLASS; 4S rooms; receipts $1000 month; retiring ac count of health: good juoperty -In -part pay ment. C 20, -Oregonlan. FOR SALE GROCERY: EIGHT-YEAR Es tablished trade; on 'good corner; bales $1250 per month: $2000. or will invoice. Y 31. Oregonlan. TOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property An Interest In a. ood-pa.y4ng and well-equipped hydraulic mine. B 37. Orego nlan. SALE AND RENT-3 STORES. STOCK DRY goods, hardware or groceries; good location: paying; by owner: ;part'-tlme. Box 3221. city. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A WELL-PA V ing business for small -piece -of land near town. Address E 30, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store. For particulars eee Allen & LcwU, 4C Front St.. Portland. -Or. SALOON FOR SALE. DOING GOOD Busi ness, and roomlnc-house. combined. Call at 233 First st. PARTNER JN PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY; S100: experience not necessary. N 32. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE CANDY STORE; ONE OF THE best in city. Address B 35, resonlan. FOR SALE LODGING-HOUSE. 26 ROOMS; snap. Call 215 Cqmmprelal.block. HOTEL FOrt SALE OR RENT. INQUIRE O. P. McLaughlin. Sheridan. Or. PHYSICIAN WOULD LIKE TO HEAR OF A location. U 28. care Oregonlan. I'fKSOaAL. C. Gee-o, great Chinese doctor, successful! treats catatrn, lungs, stomach, lner. kldnej. female troubles, and alt private diseases with powerful, harmless Chinese roots, herbs, narks, eta. that are unknown to medical sci ence in United States. -Consultation free Charges reasonable, bend stump Tor symp tom blank. Address 132 3d SL. Portland, Or. THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON DRAMAT IC Club will produce a comedy drama, en titled, striking -Oil,' in the- Elks' Hall, "Wednesday evening, jTeb. 20, under the au spices of Union No. 2. Members and friends lnited. Admission, 25c. Social dance fol lowing the drama. Grand time for all. SO WOMEN WANTED IRREGULAR, PA1N ful or stoppages, leucorrhoca (whites) and all diseases pertaining to change of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 2J0i Vamhill at-, Port land, Or. Prlvato waiting-room lor ladles. Consultation freo Call or write, inclose 10 2 -cent stamps. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps jour clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. THE PORTLAND CLUB.. INC , A PLACE OF amusement and recreation for gentlemen. lJi) Fifth st. and 291 & Alder. The caifo In con nection carries the best line of liquors and cigars the world produces. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2. 3 months. $3. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodaid & Clarke. Portland. Or. DARLING SANITARIUM. ML Tabor; private; especially for treatment of -women's diseases and confinements, terms moderate. Ad. Dr. Darling. Mngr., Cambridge Bldg., Portland. WHY SUFFER? NO MATTER HOW LONG standing or how many remedies tried, the vjreeK itiieumaxi?ra -Tire -win cure you. Call, write or phone L. T. Lewis. Airt.. 1504 5th. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at 32seH' Pharmacy. "227 Morrison st.. bet. 1st and 2d. WE PRINT 30 CALLING CARDS. PROPER sire nd tvle, 26c; 250 business cards, $l. Brown & Schmale. 223 First st.. Portland. MRS PROF. WHEATLET HOWE. INDIAN medium, born with double veil; future re ealcd. 1324 Third, room 5. rORESTERS' BALL. TUESDAY. FEB 10 Tickets, C9c Knight's drug store, 12C Sixth street. Accordion plaiting: reduced prices. Mme Kcl logg's School of Dressmaking. 14 Lewis bldg. MRS. DR. McCOY. ' olectrlc treatments. 3S3V4 First st. cor. Alder, rooms 3S and 38. MARRIED? ir not, why not? Matrimonial pa per, 10c Lock Box COO. Portland. Or. CENTURY DICTIONARY. S35. AT THE OLD ooTU"Morc. sai lamnin street. SPECIAL NOTICES. X'ortlaud Saviners Bank. RECEIVER'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF AN order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, de partment No. 3, Hon. John B. Cleland. Judge, entered on the 21st day of January, 1901, In the suit of Cleveland Rockwell, plaintiff, vs. Portland Savings Bank ct al., defendants, and also of an order of the Superior Court or the State of Washington for the County of Clark. Hon. A. L. Miller. Judge, entered on the 24th day or January. 1901, In the 6u!t of John Harrington, plain tiff, vs. Portland Savings Bank, defendant, upon the petition of the undersigned, receiv er, L said receiver, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, without reserve, all of the assets of the said Portland Savings Bank. Insolvent, remaining unsold at that time, said sale to take place in the hall of the sixth story of the Commercial Building, at the corner of Second and Washington streets. Portland. Or. and to begin at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 2d day uf April. 1001; and If said assets are not disposed of tn said day. said sale to be continued -from day to day. and to begin at 10 o'clock A. M. on each day. Information as to said assets, and exarnl r nation of abstracts of title to real property can be had at the office of the undersigned, room 505. Commercial Building. The said assets are bubstantlally as fol lows. t6 wil: REAL ESTATE IN OREGON. Multnomah County. Lots 1 and 2. block 19, City of Portland, subject to a mortgage for $140,000. Lots 1 and 2, block 142, Carutbcrs Addition. SPECIAL NOTICES. SW. of Sec 14. T. 1 S., R. 5 E.. 160 acres. Beginning at a point on the base line 430 feet E. of the AX corner of Sec 5, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. and being all "the land llng between the N. line of right of way con vecd by W. -S. Ladd and C. A. Ladd to Barnes Heights & Cornell Mountain Railway Co. by deed dated .Nov. 12, 1J&2, and the baso line, and containing 10 acres, more or less. In Sec. "5. T. 1S , it. 1 E.. except beginning at a Ftak 215 feet E. and 42 4 feet S. of the NW. corner o' Sec S, T. 1 8, K. 1 E., thence -running S. 2 dee. 57 inln. W..60 -feet: tlicnoe S. -87 dec. $ mm. E. 100 feet; thence i N. 2 d$g. C7 mm. E. 50 feet; thence N. 87 4 deg. 3 mln. W. 100 feet to the place of Designing, aiso. excepting u public roaa 3U iceL.uldc .running through said 10-acre tract. One-half Interest, more or less. In the fol lowing property, held by Richard Nixon as trustee: Commencing at a point 544 'eet W. of the SW. corner of block 72 In Caruth fcxs Addition to Caruthera Addition to the City of Portland: running thence S. Z00 foet: thence W. 327 feet: thence N. 200 feet: thence E. 327 Xeet to the place of beginning. J cuiiuumug j'. acres. AlfO. a tract urns " of the S. extension of Sixth street. S. of F. A. Hoffman's -S. boundaiy.' E. ot W. O. Al len's tract, and N. of Marquam's Gulch, de scribed as beginning at a point on the E. line of the original W. O. Allen tract 200 Tcct distant . of the S. line of F. A. Hoff man's tract; thence E. 200 foet; thence at right &ngle N. 200 feot. ttvsnce W 2J0 feet; thence S. 200 feet to -place of begin ning, containing L19 -acres. Lots 2, 2. 4. 10. 11. btock 1, Albee's Subdi vision of lots S. 29. Glenhavcn Park, and lots 0. 4. 5. C. I5i block 7. Morgan's Addi tion to Glenbaven Park. n. or is. t of w. J.4 of sw. y of sw. ; N. of W. V- or E. b of SW. i.i Of SW. ; E. H of NW. yt of SV. ; "E. of SE. of NW- M. Sec 20. T. 1 S . R. 1 E. Lots JO. 50. -block 12; lots 21. 25. 21. block 14. lots 2. 3. 8. 9. 10. 10, block 10: undi vided of lot 21. block 8. Highland Park. Lota 3. 4. hlnck 42. Cartrfa Addition. Block 75. Carter s Addition, and tract ad- i joining, to tne nortn. . The undivided H of the donation land -claim or Cuthblrth and Perllna Stomp, noti fication Jo. 312, described xlb the SW. of the NE. Vi and the KV. lb. of the SE. i. and lots 1. 2, 3. 4, Z. ii. 7. -8. 'J. 10. In Ste. -C. T. 1 N.. -R. 1 K.. containing 310.01 'aeres. excepting tben-from tho eight-acre tract con veyed to the Portland University. Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, "block Y: lots fi -xrA 15. Wock 40; lots fi 7. 10. 17. trtock 72. lotJ 2. 3, block 'JO. Jot u. block 101: lots 14. 15. 10. block 102; lots 15, 1C. 17. 18. block 111. Sell wood. Lot 1, bloSk 23. Carson's Heights. Block 7, Third SSectrlc Addition to Port land. Undivided Vt of N. V- of iNW. of SE. Vi of SE. , S. H of S-5r. U Of NE. li of SE. Vi of Sec 29. T. 1 "S.. R. 1 E., containing 10 acres. SW, V. of Sec 20, X 1 X, E. I W. Tract A, 'Grover's Addition. lrfits 44. 45, 40, 47, 4b. b'.osk 5. First Elec tric Addition to Portland. Undivided 2-3 of S. . NW. J4 and S. . and NW. of NE. of Sec 29. T. 2 N.. R. 1 W., COO acres. Lot 15. block A. subdivision -ot block '26, Southern Portland. Beginning at a point on the section line "bet-ween Sees. 10 and 15. T. 1 N,. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian, whldh point - S.74 chains JS. of the NW. corner of said -Sfc 13; And running thence E. along safd Sec line 3 37 chains; thence S. 10.32i chains; thence W. 3.37 chains; thenc N 10 32Va chains to the place of "beginning, con taining 3.48 acres, more or 1ttu. E. H f NE. "U oT SE. i. Sees. 7. IS. T. 1 S.. R. 8 E.. containing 20 acros, less .G ocrea. Undivided Vj of block 14, North Portland. Commencing at an iron nlpc n the fc-ec-tioh line running N. and S. through" Sec 10. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. Willa-mette Meridian. whU'h 1 point la N. 5 mln. W. 13SS 46 feet from the -section corner between Sees. 19 and 30, running thence N. 5 mln. W. on the raid -section line 1301.54 Teet to Hn iron pipe st the -Jyi-sectlon corner In the center of sctlGn 19; thence westerly on the -bcctlon line running E. and W. through Sec 19 a dl tance -of 1820 tcct to an Iron pipe: thence S 5 mln. E. 1004 24 feet to an Iron pipe; thence N. SB deg. 45 min. E. 1320 feet to place of beginning, containing 39.48 acre. Blocks B. 00. 01. 03. CS. C9. Palatine Hill; lots 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 10. block UD; -blocks 100 101. and lota 9, 10, lL block 102. Palatine Hill No. 3. Lots 6. 7, S, 9, 10. block 6, Marcnmont Addition to Eaut Portland. Lot tl. T. block U, Couch Addition, subject to a claim of $4500. 7-30 Interest In 100 acres lenown as the Brazee tract. Sec 7, T. 1 N., R. 1 fe. An undivided 1C-4S Interest In lot 1, Sec 20 and -lots 1. 2. 3. 5. and the E. of the NW. 4. Sec. 21. T. 1 N.. R. 1 'E.. lew about S acres, the said Interest amounting to about 3G acres. W. V. of tract C, Grover's Addition. J0& acres In Sec 5, T. 1 S., B. 1 E, on 2J. side of Canyon Road, and E. of County Poor Farm. Yamhill County. S. 14 cf SW. U nd S. of SE. of Sec. 14, T. "2 S.. R. Q'W. Coos County. E. -cr-Sec. 1G. T. 29-S.r R. 11 W. " Klamath Count'. 10.2G3 acres, more or lees In T. 3d" S.. R. 7 E.t T. 37 S.. IL K E.. T. 37 S . R. 7 E.. T. 38 S.. It. 7 E.. T. -39 S., R. 8 E.. T. SS S., R. 8 E. 1 Marlon County. N. " of "N. and SW. of NW". V. of Sec 1H; NE. and N Vt of NW. 14 and ftit. y. 01 .-sw. Vi 01 &er. : sb. 'A or sec 18: all of Sec 3C Jj Ins N. of Sanflam River. h T. 9 S., R. 4 E.. containing 1270 acres. Columbia county. 20S0 acres in T. 4 N.. R. C W. 9C0 acres In T. 5 N., R 5 W. SW. V of Sec 22, T. fi N.. R. 3 W. Washington County. -N. Vi -of SW. of Sec JJ2. T. 1 S., R.. C W . SO ncres. SW. 4 of Sec 16. T. 2 N., R. 4 W.. 100 acres. Commencing at the distance of 10 chains in a courwj due W.-from the SW. corner of a CO-acre tract of land heretofore sold nd -conveyed to Isaac Barnes by James Barker, being also th southeastern corner of a tract of land heretofore told and conveyed Xv Eli "rabt'th M. Campbell and John Campbell to Henry Hart, thence -N. SO rods, thence W 20 rods; thence S SO rods; thence E. 20 rods to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less: also all the following Beginning at the RE. corner of a tract of land deeded by James Barker to Erlck Fa Eerstrom. by deed bearing date Cth oay of November. 18S2. and duly recorded; thence running northerly on the eastern boundary of said tract 3 chains and 37 links to the center of Barnes County Road; thence N. S3K 5e2 chains and 25 links; thence S. GO deg.. 3 chains and 15 links to the "W. boundary of Erl-lc Fagerftrorn's land, thence southerly following the western boun dary line or said tract 2 chains and 13 links to the SE. corner of same: thence -easterly C chains to the place of beginning, all 4n Sec 1. T. 1 S.. R. l W.. and containing 13V4 acres. Clatop County. SE. 4 of S"c 12. T. 3 N.. R. -C W. SW. ii Of Sec 3; SE. Vi of Sec. U. T. C N.. R. G "V. ICO acres In T. 7 N., R. C W. Lots C, 7, and NE. of SW. of Sec 19. T. 9 N.. R. C W., 01.19 acri-.. W. or lot 3. block 1, Including frontags: W. H lot 10. block U lots 4. 5. . block 2. including frontage; lots 7. 8. 9, 10. 11 32, block 2. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. S. G. block 3. includ ing frontage: lots 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. block 3; 4ots 10. 11. 12. block 11: lots 1. 2. 3 7 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. block 12; lots 1. 2. 4. 5 G. 7. 8. 0. 10. 11. 12, 3. block 13; Jots 3. 4,' 5 G, 7. S. block 14;. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 0, 9. block 17: lots 1. 2. -3, block IS. all In AWerbrook Addition to Astoria. Clackamas County. Sec la T. C&.R.3E Lots 12. IS. 14. 13 1C. block 2: lots 1. 2. 14. block 4: lots t$, 7. S. block 3; lots 12. 33 block fi; lots 3. 4, block 7, all in East Ore gon City. Umatilla County. Blocks 212, 278, Resurvey Addition to Pen dleton. Grant Count'. SE. M of SW . S. V, of SE. V. and N. V, of SE. . Sec 35. T. 9 S.. S. 2S E.. Grant County, containing 200 hews. Interest in Monumental mine Nos. 1 -and 2. together -with the tunnels, tunnel rights, etc REAL ESTATE TN STATE OF WASHING TON. Klickitat County. W. or NW. Vt and W. Vi of SW. ij. Sec 11: NW. y. and SS. of Sec. 15; NE. of Sec 22. and N. Vi of NW. Yil N. Of NE V Sec 23, T. 4 N.. R. 20 E.. contain ing S00 acres. Whatedm County. Undivid'd i of 33. Vt of NW. K. Sec 17: 13. of NE. V.. Sec 18, T. 3S N it. 3 E. Lots 28. 29. block 19, Canfleld's First Addition to Whatcom. Lou 15. 1G, Woo'k 2. original towns It of Blaine. Block 24. Mountain View Addition to Seml ahmoo, save and except a strip 17 feet wide off the W. of said block. Lots 1. 2. block 0, White's Park Addition to Drayton. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 7. 8. block 3S, Blaine Land Co.'s First Addition to Blaine. I.ot 18, block 7. Martin's First Addition to Blaine. Thurston Count-. NE. of NE. Vi and E. & of SE. U. Sc. 15. T. 15 N.. R. 1 W.. 120 acres. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, and N. H of NE. 11. and SW. U of NE. U. and NW. of SE. W of Sec. 14. T. 10 N.. R. 1 W., 2SU.S2 acres. Lewis County. W. and the W. of the E. v, of Sec 12. T. 13 N.f R. 1 W. Clark County. Block 1. Kaufman & Cabel's Addition to Vancouver. 2 undivided 1-20 Interests in blocks L 2. and W. V4 Of Mock 8. Riverside. Chehalls County. Lots IS. 14. block 8. Lawrence Mooney's Corrected Plat of Montssano. Lots 5. 0. 9. 10, 11. 12. bloclc 17, Peterson. Lots 13, 14. 15. ltt 17, 18, 1U. 20. 21. 22 23. 24, block IL Leybold & Ashberg's Addition to Elma. Beglnnlng at a point 3'i fpet N of J?W. corner or lot 1, block 1, In Rcnton Addition to Monteisano; thence weterly along We county road a distance or 290 Sttf, Whence S. 1200 feet, more or les. to the N. line of the property owned, by the S. D. Longhead Estate; thence E. 2G0 feet to the W. Hno of said Renton Addition; thence N. lfioo feet, more or less following the W. line of raid Renton Addition to the place Of be ginning, containing 5 ares. Stevens County. SPECIAL KOTICI3S. Blocks 4. 5. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. V. 14. IS. 1G. 17. 18. 19. -Sprlnpilale. J SE. U of Sec. 34. T. 30 N, R. 40 E.. ex cepting "therefrom a tract of larnd described as follows: Commencing at the NW. 14 of KAid Sec. 34: thence E. 1S0O feet: thenoe ti. uo icei; inencc v lvu ieei. inancc .-. 200 feet to the -plaec of "beginning, "the quan tity -of 4and 4n said Sc 34 Jierpby convejed being SO acres, more or less. King County. Lot 3. Mock 11, H. R. Holmes Addition to S attic. Lots 13. 14. blo:k 3. Hazelwsod Addition to "Seattle. Lot 1. block 4. Central Arid I Hon to Seattc Okanogan County. About 7-10 luterest In Oregon Qnartz Min ing "Claim & ueen Anne Mining Claim, with flump; -anil tramways. BILLS RECEIVABLE. Principal due. Allyn. F. E 23'00 Anx-s, G. E.. Robinson. E 473 00 Arment. J. A.. Shurtleff. W. T., Oranne. Paul A. LOCO 00 Anfleron. C M. and Laura B .... 2.100 Oi Albtna Sash & Door Factory 2,300 tw J Endorsed by W. C and J. 7. Salmon. Anderson. J. A. , 3.SC7 40 Collatral 150 shares stock -An derson Stock. Co. Brush. C L. ... ,.. 2,247 20 Collateral: Note executed by Patrick and M. E. Kelllher for ?2450. Borlhwlck. A. E- Batty. Geo. S.. Interest - ,... 2.167 C3 (S Claims in Bankruptcy.) Borthvvlck. A. E.. Batty. Geo. S... 4,030 4)0 (Sec Claims In Bankruptcy Endorsed by K. C Stratton. Borthwlck A. E. -...1,300 00 See Claims la Bankruptcy.-) Endorsed by R. L. Durham. Borthwlck. A. E. 2.134 00 J (See Claims In Bankruptcy.) Endorsed by R. L Durham. Borthwlck. A. E.. Bat:y. Geo. S., "Stratton. H. C. Durbam, R. L..... 1.G00 00 xSie Claims In Baclcruptcy.) . Borthwlck, A. E.. Batty, -Geo. S.. Burhara. R. L.. Stratton, H. C 220 GO Batty. Geo. S 2.CU0 00 (See Claims In Bankruptcy.) indorsed by J. E. Frick. Batty! Geo! s. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!! '200 R3 j Battj-. Geo. S 125 00 Batty, Geo. S l.GbC 60 Collateral The following notes: , N. F. Berry. $110; N. F. Bbrrj'. yilO; N. F. Berry. $110: Ida M. Curtis. $275: Ida M. Curtis. $273; Samuel J. -and Mtry E. Cu-tl?, ?300; "Samuel J. and Mary E. Cur tis $300: S. 3. Currfr. $1115; 8. J. Curtis $1G5: Eddie Dexter, $100 ; Eddie Dexter. 5109: Eddie Dexter. $700; "Eddie Dertcr. $1C0: Miles Dicks, $12 50; Almont Grubb. $200; Ira Honeyvt-ell. $2G2 30; Ira Hone well. $262 30: Lester Jones. $30: Lester Jones, $10 C2; Les ter Jones, $90 63; W. H. Loom Is. $27. V. H. Loomls. $279; C E. Marshall. $25. Hugh Munlon. $33 33; Hugh Munlon. $J3 34: Hugh Munlon. $3-1 34; J. P. and J. J. McElfresh. $170; 3. P. and J. J. McElfresh. $170. Win. New burn. $145: Geo. 6 Norwav S220: Ceo. O. Norway. 3220; E and HInda Royal, $79. L. "". Royal. $2o; Jatnes Vance. $130; C E. Warner. $330; C. E. Warner. $330. Edward A. Boblttt 537 50 Endorsed by N -A. Cornish. EI Ira R. Barchus. John H. Barchus 95 00 Win. E. Brown w 270 CO Chenowcth Park Fruit A3n....... 11.723 00 John Baj'B. Ivdwln D. WhUney. E. J. Jeffery. James A. Varney. Chen owcth Park Fruit As"n. ........... 3,000 00 (Sec Claims In Bankruptcy.) Ella P. Carson, R. B. Wilson..... 5G0 73 A. L. Carson ... 4,373 00 Collateral The following notes: Frank E. Cnrson. $300: Wlnsenc Dcrvorah, $300; Abraham Fuhrer. ?5S0. W. S. Hulvor. pjOO; Chas. K. Hcniy. $200: Haehlen Bros., $300; John Knapp. $25, Haehlen Bro?.. S00; Florence Mclntoxh. $3f0: C W. Klaus. $300; A. U. Marsh, $510; W. H. Norman. $400; T. C. Powell. $."W0; Tlrercse Stomp fer, $S00; J. T Stewart. $300: H. A. Turner, $75; H. A. Turner. $300; T. J. TSrtman. $350; W. Wal ler. $300; David G. Wallace. $300; Judgment against C. A. and ltoa Brandcs for $304 43. C H. Chase 40 85 C H. Chase 4S7 34 Endorsed by H. R. Dunlway Lumber Company. Fannie G. Curtis. Ed. D. Curtis.... ISO 00 Sam'l Coulter in iw no Sam'l Coulter ..., 29,'91il 001 bam I coulter 7,760 00 Collateral 10S 17-18 shares of Northwestern Coal & Trans. Co.; 459 93S shares Takou Mining & Milling Co. L. M. Cox... 440 00 J. W. and J. M Chown 2,200 OO -N. T. Collett. flora L. Collctt 100 00 James E. Colbert. H. B. Nicholas.. 142.50 1 R. B. curn -- .- .- 2,000 00 Compton & yontajrue .., ;.. 379 00 (See Claims In Bankruptcy.) Wesley B. Crewdsen 800 00 Collateral Note executed by C. W. Johnton. $2750. A. E Dearborn, E. W. Allen.... 180 09 See Claims In Bankruptcy.) D. F. Dryden -.. 00 00 D. P. Drjdcn 150 00 Secured by claim In bankruptcy against Jos. D Monthyon for $470 35. John B. David 15,284 70 Collateral 0 shares First Na tional Bank of Pcmrroy, Wash. Mar' Dfmpscy 280 00 Mar' Dempsey 15 73 Payment guaranteed by Mar C. Bogers. Collateral 10 haran 7tock Port Ipnd Industrial Association. John R. Duff (John R. Duff dead) see claims against decedents, Eli zabeth A. Duff C50 00 Elisabeth A. Duff 54 ?jq John R. Duff. E A. Duff 2.000 00 H. R. Dunlway Lumber Co. 3.G00 o H. R. Dunlway lumber Co. 71,050 00 H. R. Dunlway Lumber Co., IL R. Dunlway 3.C30 00 Collateral The following notes: Thos. G. and Mary J. Davidson. $300: Thfts. G. and Mary J. Da vidson, $300: Thos. G. and Mary J. Davidson. $500; Thos. G. and Mar J. Davidson. fl00; Thos. Q and Mar- J. Davidson, 4300: Thos. G. and Mary J. Davidson, $300: Thos. G. and Mary J. Davidson. $300; R. W. an Trump. 4H 11; P. L. xa. worth. $3C2: Hetzler Bros., $378; Hetsler Eros., $373 75; L. Relch--elderfeT. S23S 50; 150 shares stock Brower it Thompson Lumber Co. S- V- S"-1331 , .20,181 O0 R. A. Frame, A. W. Stowell 24 30 Collateral The following note: TL X Browning, $214; G. W. and Emallne Walker. $100; J. H. and Francis Mallles. $225; M. E. Sykos. $115; Wm. C. Walde. $220 30: W. A. Charles, $73. TIallle Burk w qq Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Mrs. F. D. Richardson 00 00 Indorsed by Frame ii Stowell. P. J. Colton. Mrs, P. J. Colton....... G0O0 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. W. J. -Carter so oq Indorsed by Frame &. Stowell. J. D. Henry. Geo. P. Edwards 200 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Wm. Eisen 100 CO Indorsed by Frnme & Stowell. H. A. LaBarre. W. a Cow-Kill 380 OO Indorsed by Prame & Stowell. Clara "E. Randolph. R. IL Randolph. CO 00 Indorsed by frame & Stowell. O. s. ho 300 00 J inuorHca ay frame & stowell. A. C Denprce .. 400 00 Indorsed by Pramo -& Stowell. W. C Cowglll 275 00 IndonJed by Frame & Stowell. J. F. Edwards tjoo 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. L. R. Carpenter, C B. -Carpenter.... 33 30 Indorsed by Framo & Stowell. C A. Van Houten 300 00 Indorsed by Prame & Stowell. James D. Forraan ... ....... 50 00 Indorsed by Frame & StowolL H. L. Browning 5 OO Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. J. V. Allen. Julia H. Allen 100 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Geo. B. Strelt 315 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Martin Joansan ..- 100 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. W. S. Runyon. C J. Anderson SO W) Indorsed by rrame & Stowell. J. M. Thatcher 3 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Henry S. Burnett 350 00 Indorsed by Frame Stowell. Ella Williams, M. A. Waldron B0 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Jennie Browning. H. L. Browning.. 120 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. A. II. Dover 30 00 Indorsed by-rame & Stowell. W. A, Dudley 76 00 Indorsed by ITrame & Stowell. JL F. Schumann, J B. Schumann... 61 CO Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. C Cannlchael. H. E. Carmlchael.... 200 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. The Review, Arch Mohtclth 100 W Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. L. T. Simpson. W. B. Welch CO 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Rubenow 130 00 Indorsed by Frame & Stowell. Mrs. H. C, Wcstlake 70 00 Indorsed by Frams & Stowell. Jorgensen Jorgan. Mattle Jorgenscn. 230 00 Indorsed by Framo & Stowell. W. H. H. Grant. L F. Powers g0 00 S. A. Gunst 2G0 09 John GUI 300 to John GDI 300 "00 John Gill ..-. 900 00 Collateral 20 shares stock Mes-ton-DTert Book ilanfg. Co. C C Grimes S03t3 C. C. Grimes. Maud E. Grimes 1,395 OU Collateral Trust certificate signed by R. L. Durham for MeG GO. E. L. Grimes, C. C Grimes, Theb. H. Llcbe .......... 3653 J. N. Hamilton. Mrs. C Hamilton, (J. N. Hamilton dead. See claims against decedents) 00 00 Tom. R. Harris. J. V. W.Montajruc. 77.71 Nellie J and F. W. D. Holbrock.... -BOO 00 R. J Hendrlc Elfle B. Hendrle 4l5 00 Win. llahn, Alvle Hahn 1,534 00 SPECIAL NOTICES. Jonn Hale 11.000 00 John Hendricksen 70 00 f!. W Hnriwii i An.1-rnn 1 Ki IXJ Nicholas Hahn, N. K. Raman 14u 00 T. r.. .-. .... 'MU KM T. N. Hugces ............. llxl (jU T. N. Hugnes .. 1SJOOJ Mrs. Agnc liblst. J. A. Mather Scu 00 I. Itiaci. Fred Seaman. Wm. S. D. Daniel .... 200 00 ImerMtMoual Mill , 3,31 DO Endorsed by Ftfd C. Pettlbone. J. Johnson. G. Anderson 3S 00 Jofferys & White. Eugene D. Whft. & Go. 30 00 Richaid Krumnf 00 00 ' Collateral Note Ida and Rich ard ivrumpf, TfH) 00. Wm. Xfcpus 400 00 C. W. Knowles 3,2A wu C W. Knowles, Jonathan Bourne, Jr. .7! 5,000 00 C. W. Knowles 3.0H0 OO Chsfi. R-Levv .. .l.tWa 0- J. P. Looney Sum u0 I Llnnton Mfc. Co 7.573 30 Joiu C Lta-u.-e lrtO W UiAiutdale. J. P. 0 210 on Fred T. -Merrill ,..... 2.4ol It! Collateral The following T.otcs: i. W. Graft. V. L. Abrams. $10 trj; C. P. Cthcart. $lu G3; Jeste Fernle. $1U; Jesse 'Fcrnlty. $lo- Gto. A. Hall. J. A. Betd. $2ii; D. W. Hiddleton. $20. E. oa. Morse, $7i, Geo. Steel. C. V. Hlnchliftfi. $13 13; W. Stanton, 3. JIary McCj-thy 100 00 M. McCarthy. Jas. McCrtby .,. 280 00 (See claims against decedents.) A. F. Miller 1.0D0 00 A. F. Miller 82 00 Mr. Isabella Morrow ...... ..... 550 OO E. W. Moore .. lOO'OO A. Montclfh. J. T. Sttrwart 30 u0 Thos. K. ICcLean-.....-. 300 O0 Thosi H. McLean SttO 0J J Collateral 2d mortgage on lot 1, block 2. Valentine's Addition to Seattle C O. Morgan. J. P. Carson.......... 230 00 O. V. Monroe 1.5J9 flJl Collateral Notes: N. H. Smith. $26o; John & C. Moll. -5ISSO; B. F. 1'arki.r. $J30; George Johnson, ?14i.3a. Wm. R. Maffett. Jr ,...'. 820 43 Northwest Lumber Co.. H. R. Dunf- way Lumber Co 300 00 Nortlmest Lumber Co 00 00 Northwest Lumber Co., 400 00 W S. Norton : 96&O0 Paul A. Oianne. J. A. Arment 1.300 00 E". C. Owen 80 00 Port Townsend Steel Wire & Nail Co "C.421 40 Indorsed by J. M. & L. D. Lively. Collateral 30 shares stock Flrnt National Bank. Athena. Fred C. Pettlbone.. .- 5.030 00 Collateral 100 shares stock Pu gs: Sound Loan. Tr. & Banking Co. W. R. Price a 206 00 H. :N. Potter , 3.200 00 Indorsed by J M. Leavens. Collateral Judgment 'against 7. Leavens for-$130. G. A- Prentiss. J. T. Stewart 200 OO The Portltnd Real Estate Co 113 05 Samuel Peterson. John Elston COO OO Geo. T. Mills. P. !. Isensee 100 00 L. P. W. Qulmby 310 00 L. P. W. Qulmby., 311 34 R. Rlegelmann, Maria Rlegelmnnn.. 200 Oo Cleveland RockwUl ...-.-.. 3.T74 00 F. . Rollo , 800-00 Collateral Note: EL C Rollo. J. A. Thomas. $230J. B. H. Robeison .. 343 00 Collateral Note H. H. Glass. $12 40. "" J. F. Salmon ..t. 1,000 00 Wm. Silt. L. M. Hurlburt.. Lellle SHI -. .... 300 03 W. C. Salmon 2W OO W C. Salmon -.. 450 OO Margaret A. Stevens ...'. 771 25 Collateral 20 shares stock Port land Savings Bank. Chas. N. Scott. Wm. A. Bantz 130 00 Amos Shockley .... 300 00 Amos Shocklcy 300 00 Security Savings Bank - 5,151 10 W. K. Smith. Jr .-.. 500 00 W. K. Smith. Jr .' COO 00 Collateral 80 shares 6took Wash. Reduction Co. W. Hampton 'Smith, A. W. Stowell.. 200 00 Mrs. Mary W. Stratton 23 0 Standard Box Factor- 300 09 J. D. Sutherland 114 IK) Collateral 5 shares btock Oregon Barrel Co. C C Stratton . 230 00 Collateral 2 shares stock Tularo Lake Land Ass'n. H. C. Stratton 17.041 00 A. W. Steen t G47 GO T. B. Trevett 552 CO Geo. S. & M. C Taylor 1,000 60 (Sec Claims In Bankruptcy.) Union Real Estate Si Imp. Co 421 20 Indorsed by C W. Everest and E A Serley. Christ TImm. Emma Tlxnra -50 00 J. B. Thompson : 39 00 B. -C Van Houten.... ........... 4.000 00 J. R, Williams. Amy Williams 110 00 W. A. Wetzell 11 00 Louis "Wagner. Jacob Wagner. ...... op 00 "Walla Walla Savings Bank ....."..., lG0Q 00 In'dorscd by J K. Eanrfston. Walla Willa Savings Bank 10.000 00 -Indorsed by J, K. Edmlstcn. Wilbur & Steel. John D. Wilcox. 3. W. Balrd 230 00 Wilbur A Steel. John D. Wilcox. I. W. Balrd -3.030 00 Collateral to last two the follow ing notes: S. Baue. Wm, McCon- nell. $180: S. Baue. Wm. McCon nelL $lh0; S. Baue, Wm. McCon nell. $IS0; S. Baue, Wm. McCon nell. $180. Lionel R, Webster. Geo. P. WaUl- nan 300 00 Geo. P. Wallihsn 1.000 00 Nathan Wagner, Emma Wagner.... 31 75 E. M. wneeier. J T, Stewart 720 00 W. B. Welch 359 00 Philip C Wadstvorth 32 40 Philip C. Wadswrrth 500 00 Philip C Wadsworth COO 00 Collateral The following notes: F. W Angus, $420; RolDh S. . Dutcher. 240. J. H. Talley. $3S3 3S: Edw A Veed, $430; Mrs. O. A. Whitcomb. $305. Mary A. Warren Michael "Warren... 700 00 N. B. Wilson .....i , 773 00 Indorsed by J A. Arment. Eugene D. White 1C5 00 Collateral Note: P. J. Bannon. E. K. Caywood. 51009 Edward F. and Mary fi. Wood....;. L400 00 James F. WaUoa 1,500 00 James F. Watson ,. 2.000 00 JUDGMENTS. Circuit Court. Multnomah County, Oregon. Geo. M. Orton $312 00 T. 1C Arnold LI98 75 Jonas Cuff .- 478 43 R. Morton. E. D. Wliite...:.... b0 22 U.S. G. Marquam. ...... ........... 972 G4 C A. L. Hughes 03 23 Lafayette Hughes 1... 411 00 J. T. Stewart 7.GS5 37 Ida & A. M. McKInnle 1,701 41 A. J. Knott, Geo. P. Greene, Geo. E. Bent - 5.830 00 A. J. Knott 2.239 25 A. N. Gambell 1,127 80 IL R. Lewis 2,010 00 Collateral 70 shares' "Lewis a Dryden Printing Co. H. F- Stevens, Cordelia A. Jonei.... 232 00 W. 33. Potter -,... 350 00 S. A. Neprach, H. B. Nicholas...... 8f,5 80 C. C. Gilchrist. O. V. Monroe 272 30 N. S. Dyirert 1.343 U3 J. IL E. Cramer 1.970 60 M. B. Rankin 3.G32 50 Northwest Cold Storage & Ice -Co- John D. Wilcox 1.S52 30 Mrs. Emma V. Newell 1,180 1$0 G. Anderbon. Sophie Anderson....... 1,210 30 W. J. Ross, Harriet P. Ross. Sam uel Forshaw. J. P. Keloid 4C2 SO W. W. Cdpeland ...-....- r... 543 80 Carl Knotb. Anna M4Cnoth. F. I. Morgan, IT. A. Hogue..... ....... 700 80 Robert Bell 3.C91 22 A. H. Morrill 874 47 Goo. S. Batty. R, L. Durham. H. -C Stratton '. . 1,883 04 F. H. Rosenberg .-.-. ,.... 1,078 31 Eugene D. White, Prank E. Hart. . . 3.026 02 Collateral Deflctency Judgment against A. J. Hansen1-for $730 22. Flora L. Collctt 2,087 00 Collateral 50 shares stock Ta coma Motor tc Railway Co. Barnes Heights & Cornell Mt. Ry. Co 4,100 10 Collateral Note of B. Campbell. A. H. Johnson, Thco. Llebe and C. J. McDourall. Including claim in bankruptcy against B. Campbell, and claims against the estates of A. H. Johnson and C. J. McDougnl. C. W. Knowles - 7.003 72 Circuit Court. Wasco County. Oregon. J. H. Phlrman ,....-. $2.31 00 Circuit Court. Tillamook County. Oregon. W. S. Runjon 24.849 30 Circuit Court, Clatxop County, Oregon. W. S. Runyon ,..... -..-. .13.SH8 70 W. C. Cow gilt, C. F. Sllter .. -113 15 . Circuit Court. Marion County. Oregon. &. L. Rees ..v v.... 17222 Circuit Court. Umatilla County, Oregon. D. K. Smith 2,711 95 Superior Court. Pacific County. Wash. Thos. Devlne 200 00 .Superior Court, Spokane County, Wash. B. F. Bureh, H. Brook 4.7G0 GG J. B. Blalock. R. C. Hyde. E. B. Hyde 12.3S0 00 -(See Claims In Bankruptcy.) S. C Hyde. E. B. Hyde 4.SO0 00 (See Claims In Bankruptcy.) D, B. Frothei insham. IS. Brook, Brook & Frotherlngnam, E. B. Kyds. B. T Burch LC34 G8 (See Claims in Bankruptcy.) A. C. Edwards, Mellnda Edwards, Minnie J. McCoy 1.543 15 Ellis H. Deans ....... .4 2.00H1 Superior Court. Clark County. Wash. P. C, McFarlane. C. L. Gray 2.623 75 Superior Court. Whatcom, -County. Wash. Morris McCarthy '. ....-. 70S 00 J. A. Martin .,....., 600 00 Geo. A. Hoyt. N. Balrd, N. A. Cor- nl?h v , SCO 0i 6ee Claims In Bankruptcy.) Hugh Eldrldge ...i i. .. -2.931 IK CI,AIMR AGAINST DECEDENTS. . , G. T. Donner , ,. 34 40 John R. Duff. Ellrabetb -A. Duff...... C30 00 (Sfe note of Elisabeth A. Duff.) John R. Duff. E. A.' Duff.-. .-.-. 2.000 00 (See noto of Elizabeth A. Duff.) .- , C. S. GRUIt .. 231 20 J. M. Hamilton, Mrs. C HamllUm.. 80 00 (See note of Mrs. C Hamilton.) Nclon Jones -i-.... 955 41 Collateral JO shares stock Na tional Bank ofHeppnfer. SPECIAL NOTICES. E. E. -Long 1.000 00 Collateral Note of B-. A. & G. Shlndler for $1C00. M. McCarthy. James McGarthy 2S0 00 (See note of M. 3lcCarthy.) P. T, Sharp C00 00 O. N. Denny 23G 00 CLAIMS 4N BANKRUPTCY. A. H. Miller 767 50 Frick. J. E ,. lS.53o CG Collateral 1C0 shares stock Bak er City National Bank. Sqiiler. J. N 7.92G 77 . Hyde, R. C. - , 11,897 78 E. J. Jeffery . 36.2G5 3J Collattntl 100 shares, stock- Port- land Savings' Bank: GOO shores stock Washington Reduction Co. W. S. Chapman 834 70 Collateral Note of H. P. ilc Gulrc Tor $103 43. Chas. Lucas 36 00 J. B. Blalock 11.897 78 (Same as R. C nyde.) J. E. Frlok. second claim 3.S3Q 03 John Bays ilncluded In E. J. Juffer.) ,. , Collateral Same as'E. J. Jeffery. E. n. Hyde 18.734 00 E. W. Allen .. G34 93 F. A. Bancroft..' 471 00 Jas. Lotan 3.113 4J E. D. Whitney : 14.634 43 Collateral 120 shares slock Chenoweth Park Fruit Association. J. F. Compton 369 75 4 Ceo. S. Taylor 1.7IM 22 E. A. eeley -. fi5G 1 Geo. A. Hoyt. N. Balrd, N. A. Cor nish. . ,......,.v,.,..,-. ,..., 4jC9 2S (See Judgments.) A. E. Borthwlck 1S.317 3G Geo. Harold 128 t'3 James Steel .... .. ... ..69rU4 53 Collateral Judgment against W. G. Steel and BenJ. HealJ for "$39S1 50; deficiency judgment against Oregon Paving" & Con tract Co. for $10,830 05., The fol lowing notes: Orcjjon Tavlng & Contract Co.. $10.o:'3 23; Chas. P. Cnuch, fbOOO. The follow Ins stocks: SOo shares Portland Con solidated St. Ry. Co.; IW) shares stock Oregon Pottery Co.;. 100 shares stock East Side Ry. "Co.; claim in bankruptcy against Geo. . A. Steel & Co f or 53G.45.J 71. E. T. Johnson..., -. 1.CS4 05 FURNITURE AND MISCELLANEOUS AS SETS. 1 largo safe In Canadian Bank of Com merce. 1 small safe In Canadian Bank of Com merce. 48 feet counters In Canadian Bank of Com merce, (Said articles in Canadian Bank of Com merce subject to a lcse to Bank of British Columbia.) 47 .feet counters to Wells. Fargo & Co. Bank. 3 large double bookkeepers' desks In Wells. Fargo & Co. Bank. 4 canf-scatcd chain In Wells, .Fargo & Co. Bank. I -flat table In Weill. Fargo & Co. Bank. 1 old coin table In Welts, Pargo & Co. Bank. 4 high oflloe stools In WeUs, Fargo &. Co. Bank. ' ' 2 revolving office -chairs In Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank. , . v . . 5 tufted leather ' upholstered chairs hi Well". Fargo & Co. Bank. 1 -CoUblc flat-top desk in Wells. Fargo & Co. Bank. 1 "feather upholstered sofa In Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank. 1 -check file in vault In Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank. 1 letter file in vault In Welli, Fargo & Co. Bank. . 1 book-case In Welts, Fargo ts. Co. Bank. 3 outside desks for cr jtomers ln Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank. ,- 1 settee In "VA ell?, Fargo & Co. Bank. 2 umbrella stands hi lls, Fargo & Co. Bai1-- . . ., 23 feet or railing and two gates In uclls, Fargo & Co. Bank. (Said articles In Weill, Fargo & Co. Bank subject to tx leavj to said bank.) 2 metai racks. 1 settee. 1 mechanical ledger. 11 canc-ueated chajrs. 5 large leather upholstered chairs. 2 reollng ofn-e chair. 1 stenographer's chair. I roll-top wainut desk. 1 nat-top walnut desk. 1 stenog rapher's desk. 1 Yo-.1 typewriter. 2 oil paintings. 1 hall clock. 1 Utter press and stand. G silver Coin boxes. 2 gold .coin boxes. 1 coin table! 1 Webster's diction ary. 1 City Directory. 1900. 1 Rand !fc Me Nolly's Atlas. 1 Lewis tk Dr den's Map of Portland. 3. baggage tjruck. 1 filter. 1 looking-glass. 2 large note pouches. 2 small note -pouches. 1 black walnut office table. 1 com truck. v STOCKS. 150 shares First National Bank, of Blatne. 30 shares First National Bank, of Athena, Or. 100 shares Citizens' National Bank, of Spo Tcane. . 15 shares Hepptfer Building & Loan Asso clatlon. 50 shares National Bank, of lleppner. 5 -shares Cltlcens 4Ual Estate -At Invest, roent Company. 1 share Sunnyslde L'and Si "Improvement Company. . ' 30 shares Puget Sound "Loan- & Trust Com pany. DO shares First National Bank, of Arling ton". 30 sharei Kins County Bank. . 10 shares Installment Homestead Associa tion, or Portland. " " 15 shares First National Bank, of Inde--pendence. 7i! shares Portsmouth Real Estate Com pany. 50 shares "Moscow National Bank: -CO shares FarmeTJ & Traders' Eank,-ot Johnson, Wash. , 70 shares. Port Towncnd National Bank. 40 shares Wlllamet Iron Works. 471 shares Salem Light & Power Company. 50 shares First National Bank, or BUlnt. $7000 of first mortgage gold bonds of the Arlington Mining Company. Portland. Or., January 23. 1001. RICHARD NIXON. Receiver Portland Savings Bank. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF Government Supplies to Alaska. Quarterraas-. ters Otllee, Room 421 Pacific building, Seat tle, Washington. February 4. 1901. Propos als In duplicate win be received at thin oitlce until 11 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, February 20. 1901. and then opened, for transporta tion of Government supplies from Tacoma and " Seattle. Washington, and other Puget Sound pota, to St. Michael. Cape Nome. Pert Val dtz. and po'nts on the Yukon River In Alaska during the open season of navigation ot 1901, alfo for transportation via Skagway over the White Pass Jfc Yukon Railway and river boats to points -on the Yukon River at and -below Fort Egbert. The right is reserved to accept or reject any and all proposals or ports there of. For detailed Inf-rrmatlon relative to serv ice required apply here. Envelope contain ing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for transporting Government supplies to Alasl-a." and addressed, George "Ruhlen, Ma jor and Quartermaster. U. S. Army. OFFICE PURCHASING COMMISSARY. VAN-. couver Barracks, Wash., Feb. 18.. 1001. Sealed proposab-. subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Wcdnf"day. March 20, 1301, and then opened for furnishing and delivering subsistence stores, at" Portland. Or , or Seattle, Wash., at such times and in such quantities as may be required during the months of April and May, 1901. Information and blank forms of proposal will be furnished to established dcAlcrs on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed. "Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and addressed Major James N. Allison. C. S. ilaxterii' IVotlce. 8. S. ALMOND BRANCH. CAPTAIN ANDER son. from Manila Ncltlier the -captain nor the undersigned coaMgnees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the rrew. Taylor. Young &. Co., Agents. Portland. Or., Feb. 15. 1001. Miscellaneous. MONITION IN THE UNITED STATES Dis trict Court, for the District of Oregon Tho United States "vs. 149 School -Bookn .No. -45J2. In obedience to a warrant of seizure to me directed. In the abcve-oxrtltlt-d cause, I have reried and taken Into my possession the fol-" lowing described property, which I. L. Pat terson. Collector rf Customs for the collec tion district of the Willamette, tchted as for feited to the use of the United States, tow It. 140 school books. For the causes set forth In the libel of Information, now pending in the United State District Court for the district of Oregon, at Portland, Or.. 1 hereby give notice to all persons claiming the said de scribed property, or knowing or having any thing to say why tlu- tame should not be con demned and. forfeited, according to the pray er of the libel of information, that they be and appear before the rsatrt court, to be hld In and for the district of Oregon, at th United States Court room. In the City of Portland, on the 4th day of March. 1901. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. If 'the samcshall be a day of Jurisdiction, oth erwise on the next day of Jurisdiction there after, then and there to Interpose a claim for the same, and to mako their allegations In that behalf. Dated Portland. Or.. Jan, 31. 1801. 7-OETH HOUSER. U. S. Marshal. Dis trict of Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THXT FROM and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts or contracts entered Into by anv person or persons In connection with the management or working of the fbh oil Shd guano buJlness carried on at Blaine. Wash., and Astoria, Or., under the name of T. II. Wsmonde. unless such debts or contracts ara authorized In writing by myself or my stents Messrs. W. A. Ward, of Victoria, fi. C. or Messrs. W. A. Anderson & Company. Limited. Of Vancouver, B. G. Dated this 23th day of January. 1901. George De La. Poer Beresford. By Davis. Marshall & Mac jneilL his Solicitors. . , OrFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., February 14. 1901. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 O'clock A. M.. March 14, 1901. and .then opened, ror printing at, these headquar ters during fiscal year ending June 'JO. 1902, U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposal: Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing. proposals should be marked "Proposals for printing." 'and a-dHresSed J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abdominal Ramln-fcs. McCLUKEls SANITARY BANDAGE FOR , women has no "equal. 417 Marquam building. Acc-onntlnj-r Exlicrt. Geo. T. Murton. 07 Cbamber ot Com. I'hone Brown -trill. Aci-uunlx t-xuuilneU. boots kepi. Aascri aul A-ialjta. J. it FlbK. iUiNcKAi. AbSAlKit AND chetnWt: guiu du.-t buugnt. lo- v asulngion. PAI-t. KAL.1IKL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST, geld dust bought. 22b Stark st. AKtrolo-clHts. DR. BENJAMIN, astrologtst and plirenologlst. located 2024 Flnt st. I'hone Clay 342. Attorneys. J. W. RANSOM., ATTOkNEY-AT-LAW AND counrlor. fciaXeJ JanK' Portland. Or. Babbitt Ulctnl and Solder. W. W. Blaney. mfr.. 100 N. loth. Portland, best-quality, lowest prices. Tel. South 111. Hook Stores. J. Tc. O.IUL ,v CO.. w HoLCbALE AND RE tall bockseler and htatlohers. ia3-:a M iu JCajn-jitet-a auC .U-uiitlcrti. J. a. Aifc.Li'v.r;. obj:;o. cabinet woks. store nxtures. ".Jf ijtarK. Both pnonej. ClilropodlAttt h1 Manlcaring. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. THE otuy ncieiiCiitc cmropudists. i arlurs 3ni Aliky b.0... Ml ,c MoirUon. Ore. pnonj Uiant Id. Clulr-voj nntM. Mme. ijr Ht..xug. trotn Beriin. scientific re v4ilr: tells -i.tire tile. pat. preeu: and ru ture; cvnrti.ta.loii on all affilr; nujhtni; ex-Ct-iiTcd. uatoea Men; gooa ttdvl.-e. sure Help, mUtake Jmposnible; imports -genuine gypsy loVe powder. Fie $1. letter $2. .Hi. Aldr. Coul Dealers. i l CAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coats. Also foundry cuke. Front M.. near Cliian. Ore. tet. Hud lltjU. Coniinl-4Klnn Slercbnnts. HRRMAX JiETZGER. PURCHASER OF umcj, vM-ita. iun. ittxii. monair, tauovv, oia rubber aud old tnetal. and general lotnmU sion "merchant. Front bt, near Ms In, ''Port land. Or. Cash advance on const-; nrnenu. TAILOR. VOUNG it CO., SHlf BICOKEHS and commission merchants. Sherlock bids.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO cuce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or EVEKDING & FAItRELL. commloBion, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland Cornices Sk-rIljrUrri. METAL SlCYLlGHTS. -GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 256 Second at. relng anil Clc-tnliijr. H. W. TUHNEtt, PROFESSIO.NAL DYER and cleaner. :!01 17th. Tel. Red 131. ICfleetrle Sniiplics. Western Elfctrtc Work: house whtng. beR -work, -replrs. tnotorn. djnamos. .053 Waah. JUlcctric Lltcbt RatltK. DEKUM TREATMENT ROOMS. DEKUM blug. Ladles' houra. 9 to ::, gents'. 3.30 to 9. Fence and IVIre "Work. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 289 East Morrison st. Furniture Factories, Furniture, turning, mouldings, wood work a specialty. Calof & Goidcnbrg. 311 Front. Hair Opessini; and Manicurlnjr. KOSENTHAL SISTERS. Zl0 FIFTH. OPP. P. O. Switches a bpectalty Phone Hood. t14. Harness and Saddle. 3BEYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, findings and shoe stort supplier, leather of ail kinds. 7.1 Front tt THE -GEORGE LAWRE-JCE CO.. WHOLK ?ale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and faddlery TiBrdware. 72 Front t Hydropathy. Dr O. M. Teener's Hydropathic Institute, Fled- mnnt 9nrt!r.d. Or.: rheumatism n.1 felmln, dlteases successfully treated; t-eferenctu. Iron Founders, 3Iach'ts, flili- B'ld'ri. WOLFF & -XWlCKER IRON WORKS: C. J. , Reed and F. Wolff, receivers; designers and mils, or pupsy hteamboats, marine, mining and milling "machinery: riveted steel pipe. Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost frt.teroal so ciety of N. W.: protects the living; fixed pay ments eliminate doubtful "dividends." J. L. Mitchell Sup. Sec'y. C12-C15 Marquam bldg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First tst. Bod & Arnold. General Agents. International Book Concern. 392 MORRISON ST. PUBLICATIONS AND periodicals In all the principal languages. Jank Dealers. Best prices -paid for Junk, bottles, rubber, etc. L. Shank & Co.. 312 Front. Phone South 991. Mining- 3Iaculnery. Ottumwa mining hoists, dynamos, motors, saw mills, etc Tatum & Bowen. 29-33 First st. "Marble And Granite "Works. WEEKS. 720 FRONT: LARGE, SELECT stock of monuments. .Finely finished granite monuments at wholesale prices, when shipped to order, direct from "Eastern quarries. Se us and save money. PORTLAND "MARBLE WORKS, marble. gran Its and stone work. Schanrn & Neu. 2(5 lt. olBslcal. Lersons 50c. piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin instruments tor sal. Mrs.Mnrtln. 1044 1st Osteopathy. Dr. IL B. Northrup. specialist In nervous and chronic disease, suite 41C Dekum bldg. 3d and Wash. Examinations free. Tel. Main 349. TUasaagre. LADY OIVES MASSAGE TREATMENT. Call at, room IS. 190 Third St.. cor. Taylor. PAOLA VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE BY lady from New York. 3S9& Third, room 7. Itleulcai. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallsu has opened up bis office at .147 Front, and will- sell his medicine oj usual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Patents. T. J. GErSLER. S14-S1S CHAMBER OP COM. Domestic and foreign patents secured, etc For'Zand Hiding; Clabs. L1RY AND BOARDING; LADIES' AD gentlemen s saddle horses. 334 Jefferson. Oresron Vlavi Co. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to -women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis, Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rateb low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country t-oiirign-ments. Tel. Or. Main 777: Columbia 070. " Plialcla-ns and Sarjceona. DR. CORA C TALBOTT. SPECIALIST: 13 years-' experience in diseased of women; lat est lrorn.d method In the treatment of all female troubles; patients treated successfully by mall, OBlce 1S1 First st. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Consu!tatioa and diag nosis free. 317-513 The Dekum. Portland, Or. DR. JAMES DiCKaON", SPECIALIST IN K1D ney and skin dU-eases. Odd Fellsws Temple. Palml-itr-f. Larsen. the pa!mlu and occult ftudent, will give scientific readings., acordlng to methods of palmistry ; readings. 50c Last month per manently In the city Room 21o" Alfsky bldg. CHEIROMA. THE CELEBRATED PALMIST. glvvs scientific lite readings-, past and future. Parlors 23 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Wash. . i Miss A. M. Stevenson., scientific palmist and psychic ,reads past, present future. i$0j 1st. MRS. L. BURHANS. scientific palmist, room 60Logus block. Grand ave. and Eait Wash. Pawnbrokers. Uncle Henry. 43 N 3d, cor. Couch, leans money: bargains In unredeemed pledge!. llLM.Miib DIltUCTOKY. Itestnuruuti. First-class meals, check system, thlte labor. Perkins. 10S Fifth. D. H. Brown, prop. Safes. SAFES. JAILS. BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, both new and second-hand. Lockouts opened and general repairs. J. E. Davis. tiU Third. bliowcuaes ulid Store i i-vtai'e. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borj.-ei.oii & Co.. Front and -Washington sts. Sj.iIrltun.Hsts. MRS WALLACE. RELIABLE CLA1H OY ant and pbcn!. life reader; consult her on buslntss allatrs. love troubles, absent friends; Good advice on rained; readings daily. Goo and til i. 107v tlrst st.. office 7. Consult th bst Storn-e and Transfer. Sl'Oi A-.E AT LOU KA1ES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel'd storehouse. 31 North Front. Stoen. KaiiKTfa. Hoicx-iiold Il'divnre. Hardware, sole agt.. Universal stoves Jc ranged. housrfurnLhlng goods. Ji J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Turkltih Bntlit. New turnia uatti parlors, modern appliances, gents only. 526 Cnamber Com.. J. V. King. Turkish baths, modern, open 9 A. M. to 5 A. M. SOO Oregonlan bldg.; J. D McKtnnon. Tents and Avrninsra. P Tt.'OCn TEXT & AWNING CO.. TENTS, sails, awnings. 220 Ankeny. Tel. Grant 1301. Tinning; and lloufine;. ALL KINDS TIN WORK AND STOVE HE palrlng Schulze Bros.. 10 J Grand ave. "VVliolesale Grocers. AIJ.E.N & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis t3.. Portland. Or. FIXA.CIAL. $100,000 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property in Ongon and Washington at lowest rates itcal estate bought and sold. Western lnvestm't is. Lean Co.. rm 10. 245a Morrison. WntiuLT 1'uBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgage., personal or salary ie curiLj. i,i iow rates. C. W. i'allett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Gran, JsSl. LOANS IN SUMS FROM S3 TO S500; ON ALL classes of stetfrlty. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay bS3. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other Securities, lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bid-. Phone Hood 415. LO.NS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, READ e&tale and all kinds cf securities. 12S 3d St.. C H. 1 nompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Otllee. $3 AND UP. IN SUMS TO SUIT. ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commissions, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co . C02 Commercial blk. fnj -loo TO LOAN AT 5',4. 0. 7 PER CENT. Citj and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN. G AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Snaw & Co., 243 Stark st- LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN Vroperty and all other good securities. W. H. Nunn. 332 Sherlock building. $.500, 51000. $1300. $3000 ON REAL ESTATE. Newton McCoy, room 715 Oregonlan build ing. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. room 9 Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc., low rates. Se us first. Mann & Co.. GC4 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. C per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smltn. C Ch. of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURI ty. Phone Red 2353. Frame. 519 Marquam. Loans on all kinds of recutltles. Gold dust bought.. 214 Commercial blk. Tel. Hood 403. MONEY TO LOAN, fi AND 7 PER CENT. ON rpnl pt3tr PUmpton. 20114 Morrison t. LDST AND FOUND. WILL THE LADY WHO GOT MY PEARL handled umbrella at Olds & King's Int Wednesday noon please return fame to Title Guarantee & Trust Co . Chamber of Com merce, and get her own umbrella In ex. cham-e? Mrs" T. T. Burkhnrt. ALL ROOMING - HOUSES, GROCERY stores. SALOONS. CIGAR or CANDY Btores, country HOTELS or merchandise In fact, everything that ts for -ale Is listed with ua. JENNINGS & CO SOON. MORRISON ST. LOST-rLARGE GOLD RING. EM30SSED ON same. American eagle, holding Hag in eacn talon. Manila. Aug. 1.1. 1S9S. Return to City Chop Hon, 13 North Third street, and receive reward. LOST-RING; DIAMOND, TURQUOISE AND tooHh setting, valuable on account of tooth. Return 53 Washington building and receive jew ard. LOST RED IRISH SETTER BOG. 8 MONTHS old. Return to 193 North 19th. Reward. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. . 109 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and asency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. A- S. NICHOLS.... Vlce-Pre. E. J ALSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA.... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent cf tho United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President a. a. aiiL.La Cashier G. E. W1THINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier. W. C. ALVORO Letters of credit Usned. available In EuropS and the Eastern States SlKht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis, St. Paul. Oman-, San Francisco and the principal point's in the Northwest. Sicht and time bills drawn la sums to suit on London. Pari. Berlin. Frankfort-on-tho-Maln Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christ lanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu, i Collections made on, favorable terms. i ,nD f TH.TON. BANKERS UA ESTABLISHED IN 1S39. Transact a t.en-ral Banking Business. Interest allow ed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabla terms Letters of. credit Issued available In EuroDO and the Eastern States. Sicht Exchange and Tehgraphlc Transfers n?ABn New York. Washington. Chicago. St. J0',,, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and yarl o polnK Oregon. , a,hIngton. Idaho. Mon- taxcnangryordCorondon. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. n.PI -r o FARGO & CO. BANK ATi CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... .53.230.000 9Ani J VALENTINE PRESIDENT HHMFR S KING MANAGER HOMER - - (gan FranclBco.) n TFABARNES CASHIER VAtt-c F MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER jour (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change Tsold. and Letrers of ,Credlt issued. Sllble in all Parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK MERCUj' PORTLAND. OREGON. J FRANK WATSON .....President R lVdURHAM . Vfte-Presldent R.W HOYT - Cashier rVo W HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING 1" BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office. 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of tho world Deals In forergn and domestic ex change. Accounts of country banks recelved Irterest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL Ba5K CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS.. PORTLAND. Or. J. C. AINSWORTH President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER. -.--'. ..Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING. EUdl- Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPAK'IMENT. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available in all cities of the United States and Europe. President , TYLER WOODWARD Vtciwpresldent JACOB KAMM Cashier .F. C. MTLLER