n ir mot Ifiivimitfmr K? $tmn VOL. XLL XO. 12,537. PORTLAND, OREGON, PRICE FIVE CENTS. n I IK M m -m srrKjK r mimk JmJ m. m''Wm'4 w& 7 W GSS' -.Jjtr y jp !ss r SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. . . - . , . . - "WRITE US BEFORE PLACING TOUR ORDERS FOR RUBBER BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE CRACK-PROOF. SNAG-PROOF MINING BOOTS. Rubber and OH-CIothlng, Boots and Shoes. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE. Prsiant. T. M. EHEPARD. JR.. Treftrurw. J. A. BHi-PAKD. 6ecretrjr. Cameras at Reduced Prices PREMOS, POCOS, RAYS, ETC Wc want to dose out all on hand now before our new stock arrives. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. 144-146 FOURTH STREET, PORTLAND, OR. Shaws Pure Malt The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of Barley and Rye BllimjUer & Hocfl, IOS and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oroaos HOTEL PERKINS Pifth and Washington Sts. . . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single 75c to 51.50 per day First-CIasH Check Restaurant Rooms Double .....$1.00 to $2.00 per day Connected With Hotel. Rooms Family $1.50 to $3.00 per day J. P. DA VIES, Prcs. St. Charles Hote CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American tnd European Plan. Enables You To Play Your Piano TfTeTTfri67d wTITenable if you do not know on note from another. - M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company Aeolian Hall. 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park.PortlandjOr. We are Bole Agents for th Pianola: also for t he Stelnway. tho Chase ant the Emenon Pianos. HARD LABOR FOR LIFE. Sentence of the Rebel Officer Who Captured the Yorktown Party. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. According to mail advices from the Philippines, Captain Novico, the Insurgent officer who com manded the band which captured Lieu tenant Gillmore and party, has been sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life, on the charge of having per mitted one of Gilmore's party to be burled alive. The victim was a Bailor named McDonald. Surrender In Bulncnn District. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. News of an other Important surrender in the Philip pines Is contained in the following dls patch received at the War Department j from General MacArthur: "Manila, Feb. 15. Adjutant-General, Washington One hundred and twelve rifles and 1500 rounds of ammunition sur rendered at Haganey, February 13, mostly from supply secreted In contiguous swamps. The Incident is important, and indicates a great reaction favorable to American interests In region of Bulacan, heretofore one of the worst In Luzon. The result Is accomplished exclusively by the long -continued, intelligent and per sistent efforts of officers of the Third Infantry." EiiBiiRemenls "With Insurgents. MANILA Feb. 15. Colonel Cronln and 0 of the Thirty-third Regiment have lo cated 100 insurgents at Candon, South II ocos. Captain Green, with 50 men, met a force of the enemy at Santa Maria. The insurgents, who were commanded by Tlno, hid behind stone walls on a steep mountainside. There was hard fighting for three hours. Then Tino abandoned his position and retreated southward. Gold discoveries of some importance have been made In the Province of Le panto. Killed hy a Tiger. INDINAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 15. Albert Neilson, aged 15. employed as an animal keeper at the Zoological Garden, in this city, was killed by a Bengal tiger today. He entered the tiger's cage and was at tacked by the beast. A terrible strutnrle followed, in which Neilson was torn in a hundred places. Red-hot irons were ' today's fires created considerable excite thrust into the bloodthirsty animal, but mcnt, and have resulted In the police and not until seven bullets had been fired Into j detective force around the big hotels be lts body did It release its hold on its , ins mode than doubled. The police de victim. Neilson was dragged from tne , partment believes that organized attempts cage more dead than ally and was hur- aro beInK made to create panlcs ln Uie rled to the City Hospital, where he died , hls hotels" for the purpose of robbery as he was being carried in. The tiger was , and the utrnost efforts are beins made to not fatally wounded. Neilson had been dlsrnvor fhn micn,nc employed by the Zoo company three years. He was In charge of the Hon cubs, and It is supposed opened the tiger's cage by mlntake. Admiral RodRcrN Receives Order. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Orders Issued from the Navy Department today direct Rear-Admiral Rodgers to hoist his flag on the cruiser New York. February IS, and proceed to the Asiatic station, where he will relieve Rear-Admiral Kempff as sen ior squadron commander on that station. Kear-Admlral Kempff will "remain ln the capacity of Junior squadron commander. The New York will proceed to Asia. New SnRar Refinery. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 15. Adolph Se gal, who has associated with him several wealthy capitalists, will build upon the Delaware River front here one of the larsest sugar refineries In the United States, which will be operated lndepen- dently of the American Sugar Refining Company. . 73-75 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treat. American plan $1.23. $1.50. European plan M)c 75c. Sl.75 $1.00 you to play your piano even r DECLARATION OF WAR. Said to Have Been Made by Seven Nations Against China. TIEN TSIN, Feb. IE. It Is reported hen that seven nations today declared war against China. LONDON, Feb. 15. The Tien Tsln dis patch regarding the declaration of war against China by seven nations is not confirmed from any other source. Pos- j slbly this is only another version of the lUUlUiCU UUllliliA UIUllliLLUill. Cause of the Deadlock. TIEN TSIN. Feb. 15. It is asserted that the real reason for the deadlock In Pekln s the difference of opinion between the foreign envoys and the military authori ties, the former favoring a withdrawal of the troops to Tien Tsin, and the latter urging a forward movement. It is re garded as possible that a certain power may advance Independently, should the deadlock continue. Another German Expedition. BERLIN. Feb. 15. The Berliner Tage blatt publishes the following from Its Pekln correspondent: "A big expedition, comprising only Ger mans, has been ordered out for eight days, leaving only the marine battalions in Pekln." Germans Not Withdrawing. PEKIN, Feb. 15. Count von Waldersee has Issued a formal denial of the pub lished statement that the German troops are leaving China. He says he could not move pne without Instructions from Ber lin, and that those have not been re ceived. More Chicago Hotel Fires. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Four small fires, all of which are believed to have been of incendiary origin, were discovered to day at different times on as many 'dif ferent floors of the Hotel Majestic, which adjoins the Great Northern Hotel and which Is under process of renovation. Fol lowing the evident attempts at Incendiar ism last night in the Palmer House, the i Grent Northern nnd the Hotel firnc discover the miscreants. Selection of Rons Not Confirmed. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 15. Four mem bers of the Board of Regents of the Uni versity of Nebraska, two being absent. , declined, this enlng, by a tie vote, to confirm the selectfoa by Chancellor An f drews, of Professor AE. Ross, recently j of Leland Stanford University, as lecturer . on sociology. Regents Morrllkand Good j said they were not prepared, ln the ab I sence of full investigation, to admlthe wisdom of his selection. Supporters of Professor Ross say his confirmation !s merely delayed, and that the full board will act favorably. No Clew to Robber. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15. The police have no clew as yet In the matter of the $3S00 diamond robbery on the Oregon ex press yesterday, in which Mrs. F. H. I.Osgood, of Seattle, lost all of her Jewelry, i Detectives are of the opinion that the I gems never reached this city. N II BERTH TRAP Sixty-five Miners Are Entombed. NO HOPE FOR THEM Accident Near Unlon.on Van couver Island. CAUSED BY EXPLOSION OF GAS Only Exit Is the Month of the Shaft, Whicli Is Filled With a Hufre Vol ume of Smoke Relief Men-Bare IXave Been Begun. VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. 15,-Slxty five miners are Imprisoned in No. G shaft of the Cumberland coal mine on Vancou ver Island. The only exit Is the mouth of the shaft which Is filled with a hugd volume of flame. There is considered to be no possibility for the unfortunates to escape. Their doom is practically cer tain. A partial list of the entombed min ers follows: W. B. Walker, overman, married, leaves wife and two daughters: his two sons, George and William, being also killed. John Whyte, miner, married, leaves wife and four children. Thomas Lord, miner, single. James Balllday, miner, single. E. Duncan Monro, married, leaves a wife and large family. W. Snedden, miner, leaves a wife and large family. Peter Bardeson, miner, married, leaves wife and two children. Bono, single. R. Fleck, married. L. Slmondl, married. Andrew Smith, single. D. M. Davis, single. A. Maffo. D. McGinnis. Jim Crosette, single, tMr'X . JogephAlllspn'dflveAfer? " ''George" and' William Wj shirjsinele: Walker, drivers, eons of overman. Turnbull, tlmbcrman, leaves a wife. Dctntls of Disaster Meager. Details of the disaster are meager. The Cumberland mine is near the village of Union, about 60 miles north of the town of Nanalmo. The only telegraphic com munication from Union is by a single government wire, and little Is known of the tragedy ln the mine except that a terrible explosion occurred ln No. 6 shaft of the Cumberland about 11 o'clock this morning. Following the explosion the shaft caught fire, and the C5 miners who were working half a mile from the en trance were caught ln a death trap. A relief party from No. 5 shaft made a brave but futile attempt at a rescue. They were headed oft by ehe fire and could not reach the imprisoned men. The attempt at rescue was made through No. 5 shaft, but the flames prevented any development of the perilous venture. The Cumberland mine Is one of the properties of the Union Colliery Company, situated near Comox and reached from Union Bay by the private colliery railway crossing the Trent River, on which the memorable bridge disaster occurred a year or two ago. It has been singularly for tunate heretofore In Immunity from dis aster and was counted an especially safe mine to work In by reason of the char acter of the formation in which the coal Is found there, nnd - manner In which it had been opened up. No. 6 shaft, the scene of the disaster, was bottomed in October. 1S8S, at a depth of S14 feet. It is well constructed and timbered, with a mud wall, the pit bottom being timbered with 12x18 sawn hulks, built solidly to gether, 16 feet wide and 12 feet high. The shaft Is located close to the railway, and the ventilation of the mine Is effected by a 14x5-foot Gulbal fan. which, when run to its full capacity, gives 83,000 cubic feet of air circulation per minute. The air enters by the haulage slopes, and Is divided Into separate splits, the main split being at the point where No. 2 branches off the main slope, part of the air going down each slope. Further down each of these slopes the air Is again split, and sent to the workings cast and west of the respective slopes. A second explosion occurred in No. 5 shaft tonight, but it had been expected, and all the men had left the workings. There were no casualties. This explosion prevents any further efforts being made to rescue the entombed miners through No. 5 shaft. Relief Train Starts. Immediately on receipt of the news to day at the head office of the Dunsmuir Company, here, a special train was made up, and proceeded, at 1:15 o'clock, to Nanalmo. James Dunsmuir, Premier of the province, and the principal stockhold er In the mine, is not yet home from Ot tawa, but his confidential representative, A. L. Lindsay, his son, Robin Dunsmuir, Mr. Little, the superintendent of the mine, and Inspector of Mines Morgan left on special. At Nanalmo, which was reached this evening, the Dunsmuir steamer Joan awaited them, and on her they will pro ceed 60 miles by water to Union Bay, the remaining six miles by land to Cumber land to be made on the Dunsmuir colliery railway, and the scene of the accident will be reached by midnight. Even should the rescuing party reach the Interior of the wrecked workings to night, there is little hope for any of the men locked up in the shaft. John Brynon, 'ex-member Provincial Parliament, brother-in-law of the Premier and ex-manager of the mining portion of the Dunsmuir business, says that scarcely any hope can be held out for the men. The only way in which any of them could escape would be by reaching some remote portion of the workings to which the fatal gases ind smoke could not pene trate. The gas of a coal mine, he said, did Its' work In a few minutes. Hence, the hopelessness of the task of saving men who had been In it for hours. The last report of the Inspector of Mines pro nounced the shaft as complying "with the regulations governing coal mines. Dr. "Walker, the colliery surgeon, will join the party of officials at Nanalmo, and will accompany them to the scene. BROKE OPEN A DEPOT. Crusaders at Goffi, Krh Will Be Prosecuted by the Railway. TOPEKA. Kan.f Feb. 15. Temperanco people broke open the depot at Goffs, Kin., early this morning and destroyed a large quantity of liquor that was left thero by an afternoon tfain. Missouri Pacific officials say the crusaders will be prosecuted. Today was the limit fixed by the cit izen's committee for the "Joints" of To peka to be out of business. As far as can be ascertained, the orders of the citizens have been observed. W. C. T. U. Endorse Mrs. Nation. CHICAGO, Feb. i5. Tne Record today says: "Mrs. I. M. N. Stevens, president of the W. C. T. U.; has sent the following message from her "home In Maine to Mrs. Caroline Grow and Mrs. Chapin. edi tors of the Union Signal, the official or gan: 'Print as many good things as you can of Mrs. Carrie Nation she certainly has accomplished much. It was the first indorsement that lias been given Mrs. Nation by the W. C. T. U. officers." "Wrecked Three Saloons. PERRY, Kan., Feb. 15. Fifteen women, followers of Mrs Nation, at 6 o'clock this evening, with axes and hatchets, wreck ed three "Joints." The last visit, thit to a drug store, ended ln ope of the wom en being severely burned by breaking a bottle of carbolic icld over her hand. The sum total of th raid was 20 barrels of whisky, 62 kegs and 20 cases of beer turned into the street, and $S00 worth of fixtures destroyed. Injunctions Against "Joints." TOPEKA, Ivan.,. Feb. 15. Judge Hazen today took up the other nine Injunction cases filed Saturday against the "Jolnt lsts," and allowed all of them. He has allowed 18 out of the 19,cases filed, re fusing the one against the Moezer Ice &tCold Storage Company. The injunc tions cover all the large "Joints" on or near Kansas avenue. The cases will come up at the next terra of court. Closed on Short Notice. TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 15. Today at Olpe, Kan., a large company of 'women, headed by the ministers of the town, waited lipon the "Jointists" and gave them Just 15 minutes ln which to close. The women were armed with Hatchets, and threatened to smash the fixtures. The "Jointists" closed Immediately. The same process was repeated at Cottonwood Falls. Raided. Two "Joints." PECK, Kanl, 'Feb. 15. About 100 Prohi bitionists, rnon,women randiChlldrenr-HV' Lajt (incitement prevailing. PUSHING BOERS BACK. All-Day Fight Between the British and Dewet. COLE3BURG, Cape Colony, Feb. 15. .Plumer's column engaged Dewet between Colesburg and Phlllpstown, February 14, and gradually pushed the Boers back. Ten of the British were wounded during many hours of fighting. An occasional dead Boer was found. The engagement Is be ing continued today. All the males at Grafsfonteln have ar rived. There Is plenty of evidence that they were assisting the Boers. Mcthucn Scouring the Country. CAPE TOWN, Feb. 15. For a month, Lord Methucn has been scouring the coun trv between Kuruman and the Transvaal, bringing ln women and children, cattle and food from all the farms. General Smith Dorcey occupied Amsterdam and Tungs yesterday. The Boers occupied Murraysburg, Cape Colony, February 7. Albert Cartwrlght, editor of the South African News, who was arrested Feb ruary 7, charged with seditious and de famatory libel, was yesterday held for trial, ball being fixed at 2000. Mllner and a Consul Quarreled. BERLIN, Feb. 15. The Merllner Tuge blat refers to a "severe quarrel." which, It alleges, recently took place between Sir Alfred Mllner and Herr von Llndcquist, German Consul-General ln Cape Town, re garding the brutal treatment of a German inhabitant there. According to the Tage- blatt. Sir Alfred finally showed the Ger man Consul-General the door, refusing to see him afterward. French Captures a Larjre Force. LOURENCO MARQUES. Feb. 15. It Is reported that General French has cap tured a large Boer force ln the Ermelo district. Victorians Sail for the Cape. MELBOURNE. Feb. 15. The Fifth Vic torian contingent, 1250 men, sailed for South Africa today. THE CARNEGIE DEAL. Minority Stockholders Satisfied With the Arrangements. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. A Wall-street news agency says that the minority stock holders of the Carnegie Company met members of the Morgan syndicate In con ference yesterday and today, and that these stockholders were satisfied as to the price to be paid for their holdings. The same agency reports that the big deal Is closed so far as the passing of the con trol of the Carnegie Company Is con cerned. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Feb. 15. The Pitts burg Leader said this afternoon that from a reliable source it was learned that the deal with Andrew Carnegie will be closed today by the payment to Mr. Carnegie of J22.500.000 In cash. He Is to receive ln ad dition $1500 per share for his stock, and will be paid ln bonds. The minority stock holders will be paid In stock in the new company, receiving 150 per cent each of the common and preferred shares. The same authority says the officials of the other companies have submitted financial statements and the syndicate will deter mine from, these the basis upon which they will be taken Into the great combine. If ther statements -ore acceptable, the stockholders will be given certificates in the new company ln exchange for the old ones. Colonel Grcenleaf Ordered Back. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. Colonel Chas. H. Greenleaf, Assistant Surgeon-General, has been relieved from duty In the Phil ippines, and ordered to San Francisco as Chief Surgeon of the Department of California. SHIP BILL DOOMED Opposition WIN Not Permit a Vote to Be Taken. TELLER MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT Unanimous Consent Will Not Be Given This SessionAdvocates of The Bill Accept the Challenge Perkins Speech. WASHINGTON. Fob. 15. That the op position to the shipping bill In the Senate will not permit a vote to be taken on the measure at the present session was made clear during the closing hours of today's TO BE FOUND IN TOMORROW'S PAPER. All the news that's true from everywhere. All the news that's fit to print from Oregon. Washington, Idaho anil Alaska, News Is written and arranged ln The Oregonlan so as to save the reader's time. Editorials giving a broad treatment to a wide range of subjects. Terse comment of subjects of passing Interest. "Stories" about people and events in and about Portland gathered by our report ers and special writers. Local subjects of Interest are explained ln the Sun day paper. DEPARTMENTS. China New Year and the festivities attending the Celestial celebration In Port land. A graphic description of the Oriental quarter of the city as It will ap pear Monday; typical illustrations and character studies by Artist Harry Mur phy. Frank G. Carpenter, the popular American traveling correspondent, "In the South Seas." In tomorrow's Oregonlan Carpenter tells all about Richard Seddon. the ruler of New Zealand, and leader of the new labor movements ln Aus tralasta. The text Is enlivened by photographs taken b the author. Multnomah Women's basket ball team as seen" ln a group photograph. News and gossip of local and general sporting, events. Half-tone cuts of two of the leading athletes of the Oregon State University. Nina Goodwin, the fashion critic, on "Paris Window Displays." She describes fetching combinations of colors, with pink the dominant tone. Elizabeth Cady Stanton has something to say on trailed skirts as microbe gatherers. "Norman Holt." a story of the Civil War, by Charles King, runs Into the 24th and 23th chapters ln tomorrow's issue. A synopsis of preceding chapters en ables new subscribers to catch the thread of the story at this point. "China's Doleful night." J. Martin Miller writes from Pekln that all the Chris tian world Is fattening on the misfortunes of the Flowery Kingdom. "Parks of Boston." A study of the system of the Hub's magnificent pleasure grounds, and the part that Harvard University has played In their develop ment. "Funny Things In Prose" and "Poems "Worth Reading." These departments will be up to their usual standard of excellence. "Ohio Pioneer Sports," by "Juanlta," cleverly Illustrated by Rita. Bell, and "Tricky Mr. Weasel," by an entertaining writer, will be leading stories on the children's page tomorrow. 'Longed to Be a Hare,,r" b7 Mary C Bell, wilt Interest the Juvenile readers of the next issue. 5" t, - - . Vr ' 4'i'i,.hhm'i ii t it . aptonlght Tnjisfess'onr For several dayst$habeeel 0WerceyiU!et?na itpOUid-Be aJfiealf o j&ih unanimous consent to taq u uiu uh" the measure, but not until late today was the frank assertion made that a vote could not be had. At the conclusion of several hours' consideration of tho bill. Teller announced his purpose to prevent a vote at this session. In an Impassioned speech he declared that he would not consent to any agreement to vote, and that it must be evident to the advocates of the bill that no vote could be had. This statement elicited a sharp response from Aldrlch, who Insisted that despite the declaration of Teller, the business of the Senate would proceed ln accordance with the wishes of the majority. Chandler asserted that the position of the opposi tion was preposterous, and Hanna, reply ing to Teller, became Impassioned ln his denunciation of the methods employed by the oppoaltlon to defeat the measure. Prior to these remarks, Perkins delivered an eloquent and forceful speech ln sup port of the bill, but pointed out what he believed to be defects ln It. He attacked especially the provision for the admis sion of forelgn-bullt ships. Earlier ln the day the agricultural appropriation bill was passed. Rev. J. J. Dolllver, of Fort Dodge. Pa , the venerable father of Senator Dolllver, pronounced the Invocation at the opening of the session. A resolution authorizing the Indian commission of the Senate during the re cess of Congress to visit Indian reserva tions and Indian schools was adopted. A bill was passed appropriating $20,000 for the purchase of a replica of the bronze equestrian statue of General Washington by Daniel Chester French and Edward C. Potter, to be erected ln Washington. D. C. Consideration of the agricultural appro priation bill was resumed the pending question being Dolllvcr's amendment pro viding for the Inspection and certification of dairy products Intended for exporta tion. It was agreed to. Mallory opened the old fight upon seed distribution by offering an amendment proposing to strike out the provision for distribution of seeds and Increased appro priation for the purchase abroad of valu able shrubs, vines and cuttings with a view to adapting them to this country. Tillman proposed a substitute for Mal lory's amendment, providing, ln brief. that the appropriation made In the bill for the purchase of seeds be doubled. Tillman asserted that the bill provided a considerable amount for the Weather Bu reau, which was of insignificant benefit to the farmers of the country and for forestry, which had no direct connection with farming. To this statement, Beverldge took sharp exception, declaring that the South Caro lina Senator exhibited "dense Ignorance" in his statement as to forestry. Tillman, ln replying, spoke of "our wise friend, the new Solomon of Indiana." and Beverldge, In his retort, took occasion to say that "there are other farm imple ments besides the plow. There Is the pitchfork." After considerable badinage between the two Senators, Mallory's amendment was rejected and Tillman's proposition to Increase the appropriation for seeds and seed distribution from $170. 000 to $270,000 was agreed to, 23 to 22. Tho bill was then passed. Perkins Favors Subsidies. The Senate then took up the ship sub sidy bill. Perkins spoke ln support of the measure. He spoke, he said, as a life-long sailor and shipowner, although he jMd not possess a dollar's interest ln any vessel or In any line of shipping that would be affected one way or the other by the enactment of the pending bill. Dur ing the past two or three years there had been a notable revival In American ship ping, and If Congress and the people were wise enough to take advantage of the opportunity now presented and by well considered encouragement given to Amer ican shipowners and shipbuilders put our merchant marine once more on a sound foundation, the benefits to the country would be enormous. The granting of a subsidy would enable American ships to meet successfully foreign competition, and the increased competition among Ameri can vessels would result In a material de crease ln ocean freight rates. This re duction would be of advantage to Amerl- U can farmers and manufacturers so that the payment of the subsidy would be of direct benefit to those classes. The sub sidies granted by Germany and France had had this effect in those countries, he asserted. The extension of aid to the Pa cific Railroads, which had done so much for the development of the Western coun try, was a precedent for the pending bHL Perkins, however, criticised some feat ures of the bill. It ought, he said, to be amendod so bb to provide that the sp;ed of vessels entitled to this subsidy should be determined, not by a trial of four hours, but should be determined on a voy age as shown by the engineer's log. He declared he did not believe the subsidy could be Justified, unless It was paid only to American ships, built ln American yards by American workmen. Further along Perkins asserted that the entire subsidy proposed would be absorbed by the vessels now In existence and those contracted for. and. therefore. It could not promote ln its present form the In dustry of shipbuilding ln this country. An other provision of the bill which he did not think was "fair and "Just" was that which proposed to distribute 70 per cent of the subsidy in the Atlantic traiie anu only 30 per cent ln that of the Pacific. He felt. too. thnt no vessel should participate ln the subsidy unless at least one-half of Its crew were American citizens. Jones (Ark.) demanded a vote upon his .- . .Q -- & - "' V ". ""r HP"E- r commission ;pemalng3nrn3tloh; mqTfccbaTge the'JuAljyHcEtagEEss: committee irum 3iisiucwuuu ui uic . trust bill and that the Senate proceed to its consideration. Chandler an dAldrlch contended that the motion was not in or der, which was sustained. Pettigrew said It was well known that the anti-trust bill was passed by the House at the last session as a "political play" with no Intention that it should ever become a law. It was passed by the House, he declared, to be used as n club with which to get from the ungrateful trusts "contributions for .the campaign." Aldrlch. ln charge of tlie shipping bill, said a vote could be had upon the anti trust bill at once if It were honestly de sired. He then asked unanimous con sent that all amendments to the shipping bill be voted upon without further de bate. "You can get unanimous consent to take a vote upon the anti-trust amendment," said Jones. Teller's Declaration. "The Senator from Rhode Island," in terposed Teller, "knows just as well as I do that he Is not going to get a vote upon this bill. He knows that It Is going to be debated until the end of the session. He knows that he can't get a vote without unanimous agreement and there Is no hope of an agreement," Aldrlch replied that he had entertained strong hopes of securing a vote upon the bill at the present session. He had never heard until this moment that a vote could not be had upon the bill. Teller said there were propositions ln the measure that would afford a month's debate. He expressed the opinion that quite half the Republican majority in the Senate was opposed to the bill. "In all n:y experience here," said Tel ler, "there has never come a bill Into this Senate that carries on Its face such evidences of Jobbery. The Senators from Maine (Frye) and from Ohio (Hanna) do not expect to carry this bill at the pres ent session." Teller said, so far as he was con cerned, he had made up his mind that the subsidy bill could not be passed. He believed that It was kept before the Sen ate for the purpose of pushing aside oth er business ln order that there would be an excuse for an extra session to con sider those subjects and Incidentally to pass the shipping bill. He said that the Spooner amendment to the Army bill would require and would receive ample discussion and he believed that the Cu ban question, too, would be brought to the Senate's attention. "The question here," he said, "13 whether we shall keep faith with Cuba and the world. The Cuban question will be discussed at this session, whether the constitution they have framed shall come hero or not. There is a sentiment grow ing up and believed by certain influ ences and by newspapers of the country that we are to break faith with Cub. I propose to take up the resolution we adopted ln the last Congress and show that It expressed the sentiment of the people and the Executive of this Gov ernment." Aldrlch, replying to Teller, said the ship ping bill had not been used to delay the consideration of any legislation, whatever It might be. The opponents of the ship ping bill had discussed the measure as It had been presented originally and he be lieved that the people thoroughly un derstood that they had desired to filibus ter It to death, without any reference to the amendments of the majority. Chandler pointedly criticised the opposi tion to the shipping bill and said that "tho position of the Senator from Colo rado CTeller) and the Senator from South Dakota (Pettigrew) had taken were pre posterous." Heller Interposed to say that he had announced that a vote might be had on the bill and had advised the opposition that such a course was desirable. Chandler retorted If such advice had been given It must have been In secret; but Teller Insisted that he had given It ln open session. Adverting to Teller's asser tion that the bill could not be voted upon at the present session. Chandler said that the Senator from Colorado, after mak ing the announcement ln terms "with (Concluded on Second Page.) CHD OUADTITD DflAnn ruiiuHttuiLiiDumuj Portland Bill Introduced In State Senate, IT PROVIDES FOR 33 MEMBERS lidclxlature, Council and Mayor Each. to Appoint Eleven Members Re-. suit of the Board's Work to Be Submitted to People. SALEM, Feb. 15. The bill for a Charter Board of the City of Portland was Intro duced today by Senator Mays, and pro vides for a board of 33 members, 11 to bo appointed by the Legislature, 11 by tho Common Council and 11 by the Mayor. The Common Council is to make the ap pointments CO days after the act goes Into effect, and the Mayor shall make his se lections 30 days after those of tho Council have been made. The Charter Board Ehall meet and organize on or before June 1, 1301, and elect a chairman and clerk. Tho latter shall devote his whole time to the service and receive $100 per month, pay ment to be provided for by tho Council. The members of the board shall not re ceive any compensation. Meetings shall be held at least twice each month, a ma jority to constitute a quorum. It is made the duty of the board within nine months of the date of Its organization, to preparo a charter, which shall be signed ln tripli cate by the members. One copy shall bo given to the Mayor, one copy transmitted to the Secretary of State, and the re maining copy shall be retained by tho chairman of the board. The charter shall be published twice a. week for five weeks in a dally newspaper, and one month shall elapse between the election at which the charter shall be submitted to the peoplo and the last publication, or the board may publish the charter ln pamphlet form, at least 10,000 copies to be distributed. The Common Council shall provide for the payment of the bills. The charter Is to be submitted to the voters at the elctlon in June, 1902. If it carries it shall be sub mitted to the next Legislature for ap proval or rejection, as a whole, without power of alteration or amendment. PARIS MEDAL SCANDAL. Result of the Inquiry Xats the Cem .dnct cf the California Cosialsloa SAGRAMBNTO. CaL, Feb. 15. Tho as sembly committee, which has been Inves tigating, the conduefsof the jDaUfornla cbnlsslQnatithbarlsLExpoBltlanl'pre-'-r goVitakt,CfiAexnfety Tho report cnHclTessomtt u1jtEusof the. commission's- acts. It la claimed -that with the money expended a much more effective exhibit could have been. made. Regarding the matter of medals, the re port says: "The testimony indicates that tho gross est frauds have been committed upon tho exhibitors, and It is incumbent upon tho commission to see that each exhbltor defrauded by these non-official medals should be given regular official medals from the French authorities, or the money returned, as the Individual exhibitors may elect. The commlssoners are mor ally, and b,y their bonds should be legally, make good to exhibitors ln full for tho found frauds of employes. We think that this entire medal transaction is a matter for some judicial tribunal to tako cognizance of." Nothing Done at Cabinet Meetlnjr. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. The meeting of the Cabinet today was devoid of public Interest. The members remained in ses sion less than one hour and transacted no business. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS Congress. A vote will not be permitted on the ship sub sidy bill this session. Page 1. The Senate passed tho agricultural bill. Page 1. Filibustering prevented the transaction of busi ness In the House. Page 2. The House committee on elections confirmed Wilcox's right to a seat. Page 2. Foreign. The British are driving Dewet back from Phll lpstown. Pago 1. It Is reported at Tien Tain that seven nations declared war against China. Page 1. Spain Is again quiet. Page 3. Domestic. Maurice Thompson Is dead. Pago 3. Tlie Saengerfest Athletic Club paid its forfeits to Brady and Madden. Pago 3. Captain Carter was refused ball by a. Federal Judge at Leavenworth. Page 3. Northwest Legislatures. Bill for Portland charter board of 33 members was Introduced In Oregon Senate. Page 1. Oregon Senatorial contest Is still unsettled. Mitchell Is expected to enter race next Tuesday. Page 4. Oregon House passed bill consolidating Mult nomah County offices of Clerla of Circuit and County Court and Recorder. Page 4. Port of Portland bill passed Oregon Senate. Page A. , Railroads ask to present their side against reduction of rates In Informal Joint ses sion of Washington Legislature. Page 8. Idaho House voted to maintain martial law ln Coeur d'Alcnes. Page 4. Idaho House decided not to visit Olympia. Page 4. Pacific Coast. Sixty-five miners are entombed In mine near Union. Vancouver Island, with no chanc of escape. Page 1. The Mann system of water ditches in the Bo nanza. Eastern Oregon, mining district have been bonded for $00,000. Page 10. Northwest Representatives in Congress have united on Vancouver as mustering-out place for Thirty-fifth Regiment. Page 3. Commercial and Marine. Record price for a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. Page 11. Weekly trade reviews. Page 8. Wheat market continues In unsatisfactory shape. Page 11. Otto Glldemlster a bonanza for relnsuranca speculators. Page 10. Skarpsno brings a full cargo from the Orient. Page 10. Almond Branch ln port for lumber. Page 10. Fur seal are scarce. Pago 10. Portland nnd Vicinity. Chamber of Commerce protests against putting the Port of Portland Into politics. Page 8. Free rural delivery started through Powell's Valley. Page 12. Oregon's lobby at Washington have prepared a satisfactory amendment to Indian War Veterans' pension bill. Page 7. Fully 600 homeseekers come through to Port land on the cheap rates. Page 8.