THE MOENTNG OBEGONIAN, FHIDAT, FEBRUARY 15, 1901. OPENED BY THE KING First Parliament of the New Reign Assembled. WITH FULL STATE CEREMONIAL Spectacular Procession From Buck ingham Palace to House of Lords The Speech From the Throne Pomp and Scrimmasres. LONDON. Feb. 14. The first Parliament of the reign of King Edward VII was opened this afternoon by the Klngr m person. His Majesty was accompanied by Queen Alexandra, the Duke of Connaught and many others of the royal family. The last state ceremony of the kind occurred In 1S61, when Queen Victoria opened Par liament, accompanied by the Prince Con sort, and since the death of the latter nothing to equal today's pomp has been witnessed In London In connection with the opening of the Legislature. Not since the wedding of the then Prince of "Wales and Princess Alexandra has the gorgeous state coach used today been seen In the streets of the capital. In this coach today the King and Queen rode froni. Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster. The route of the royal party, which lay through the Mall, the Horse Guards Parade, "Whitehall and Parliament was guarded by 50,000 soldiers. Thousands of Londoners packed St. James' Park, bordered the route of the procession and filled windows, stands and roofs. The cortege was short, but spec tacular. The royal coach, drawn by eight famous cream-colored Hanoverians, with postilions in red and gold liveries, and footmen leading the horses, which were covered with trappings of morocco and gilt, was preceded and followed-by life guards In full uniform, with silver breast plates and red plumed helmets, and a small escort of gentlemen-at-arms, In his toric costumes. Immediately surrounded the vehicle. St. James Park was densely packed, the Wcst-Bnders crowding together. 'The long steps below Carlton House Terrace Were a SOlid msss nf npnnlo TV nnnoe. slon moved through a sea of heads and a continuous glitter of red and gilt The spectators were thickest around Bucking ham Palace, pressing against the Iron fence for hours before the procession started. In the meanwhile the Horse Guards ar rived and formed In line from the palace entrance to the principal gate. The mem bers of the royal family. Including the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. the Duchess of Cornwall and York, the Duch ess of Argyll, the Duke of Cambridge, Princess Henry of Battenburg and Prince and Princess Christian of Schlesswlg-Hol-steln. drove out In plain two-horse coaches, with two footmen In scarlet cloaks half an hour before the procession formed. When the six-horse coaches car rying the household appeared, the Horse Guards mounted bands struck up "God Save the King," the people uncovered, the state coach rolled out of the archway In the center of the palace and was greeted with roars of cheering. The Horse Guards took up positions In front and behind the state coach. The heroes of the crowd were the members of Strathcona's Horse, who are just back from South Africa, and who came in several four-horse brakes, carrying their carbines and wear ing Informal slouch hats and khaki over coats. They alighted In front of the pal ace and marohed down the line to a position- a short distance from the palace, where they were drawn up while the pro cession passed. The King saluted them most cordially, and the people cheered them repeatedly. From Buckingham Palace to the House of Lords the procession proceeded with out a hitch, at a walking pace. All along the route hats and handkerchiefs were waved, and the greatest enthusiasm was displayed. The approaches to the houses of Parliament -were black with people, who were kept In their places by Irish and Scots Guards. The King and Queen quickly got out of the state carriage, which came to a standstill at the royal entrance beneath the Victoria tower, and went up the marble stairway into the rob Ing-room. Outside the roblng-room. In the royal gallery which leads to the House of Lords, were 500 persons, chiefly women, who had been waiting patiently for hours on stands especially erected for the cere mony. Among them were many people and Commoners, who were unable to g6t places within the chamber. In the House of Lords. After some delay the robing-room doors swung open and the nrocession. nlroadv formed up, moved slowly ahead, through the dingy gallery- No funeral could have been quieter. The aristocratic spectators wore perfectly still. Slowly the heralds' marched towards the upper chamber. The sight of an usher, walking back wards, heralded the approach of the King. The Duke of Devonshire, president of the Council, immediately preceded him, carry ing In his arms the cushion on which rested the crown. Lord Londonderry, with equal dignity, clasped the sword of state. The King was half down the gallery be fore the women remembered to courtesy, and then black skirts rustled ceaselessly and noble heads were bowed. Smiling genially, the King bowed right and left. He never looked better. His huge ermine cape gave an enormous breadth to his shoulders and set off the healthy color of his face. Queen Alexandra, wearing an ermine cape and with a small diamond crown, formed a remarkable contrast to her hus band. The pallor of her face and her downcast eyes enhanced the Idea of mourning given by the long crepe veil hanging down her back and hiding the costly ermine. The ladles of the bed chamber, walking two abreast directly behind and deeply veiled, added a touch of sadness to the scene. This was quickly dispelled, however, by the glittering uni forms of the gentlemen-at-arms and high officers of the army. Before the end of the procession had passed out of the royal gallery, the King had entered the House of Lords, and the central feature of the day commenced. It was 2:15 P. M. before the King arrived in the chamber. Here, for once, the women were somber-looking, in black, re lieved only by their white arms and shoulders and the diamonds and pearls In their coronets, while the men, usually In black, were radiant with brilliant robes of scarlet and ermine. The Peers and Judges occupied the front benches. The monotony of this sea of red and white was varied by the uniforms of the Ambassadors, who, sitting en the Bish ops' beaches with their sashes of blue. criiueon and greens of all shades, made a welcome change. The United States Am bassador, Mr. Choate. as usual was prom inent on account of his plain evening drew. He was accompanied by Mr. Car ter, the second secretary of the Embassy, and Mr. Cutting, private secretary of the Ambassador, similarly attired. Mrs. Choate was with the Ambassadors' wives. All present arose as the royal proces sion entered, and all eyes centered on the Queen's dress, which. It could be seen. In spite of the ermine cape, was of deep black and glittered with Jewels, while across her breast was the ribbon of the Order of the Garter, her husband's latest tribute. "When their majesties reached the throne, the Lord Chancellor stood on the King's right. On the Queen's left was Lord Londonderry. Lord Salisbury stood at the foot of the throne. In the state chairs were the Duchess of Corn wall and York, Princess Charles of Den mark, Princess-Christian of Sohleswlg Holstein and the Duchesses of Connaught, Fife and Argyll. The Dukes of Con naught and Cambridge stood near Lord Salisbury. "With a motion of his hand the King signalled that the distinguished gather ing should sit, and the Queen, whom His Majesty had gallantly led to the throne by the hand, was the first to do so. Her example was followed on all sides. Then the gentlemen ushers of the. Black Rod, after a deep obeisance, hurried to the House of Commons, and. In a few min utes, the Speaker, wearing his state robes and attended by the Sergeant-at-Arms and Chaplain, appeared at the bar. Behind them surged members of the House of Commons. Seldom has Great Britain's legislators presented such a turbulent spectacle. Several hundred of them struggled fiercely to get in a space which could scarcely hold 5ft persons. The King's Speech. In solemn tones, the Lord Chancellor administered the oath, with the King sit ting. The Lord Chancellor then, kneel ing, handed the King a roll, which he signed, after which all present once more stood up, and the King put on his Field Marshal's plumed hat, rose, and. In clear, ringing tones, read his speech, which was as follows: "My Lords and Gentlemen: I address you for the first time at a moment of national sorrow, when tHo whole country Is mourning the irreparable loss we have so recently sustained, and which has fallen with peculiar severity on myself. My beloved mother, during her long and glorious reign, has set an example before the world of what a monarch should be. It Is my earnest desire to walk In her fotsteps. "Amid this public and private grief It la satisfactory to me to be able to assure you that the relations with the other powers continue friendly. "The war In South Africa Is not yet en tirely terminated, but the capitals of the enemy and his principal lines of communi cation are in my possession, and measures .have been taken which will, I trust, en able my troops to deal effectually with the forces by which they are still opposed. "I greatly regret the loss of life and expenditure of treasure due to the fruit less guerrilla warfare maintained by Boer partisans in the former territories of the two republics. Their early submission is much to be desired in their Interests, as until It takes place It will be Impossible for me to establish In those colonies the institutions which will secure the equal rights of all the white Inhabitants and protection and justice for the native pop ulation. "The capture of Pekin by the allied forces and the happy release of those who were besieged In the legations, results to which my Indian troops and my naval forces largely contributed, have been fol lowed by the submission of the Chinese Government to the demands Insisted UDon by the powers. Negotiations are proceed ing regarding the manner In which com pliance with these demands is to be effect ed "The establishment of the Australian commonwealth was proclaimed at Syd ney January 1 with many manifestations of popular enthusiasm and rejoicing. My deeply beloved and lamented mother had assented to the visit of the Duke of Corn wall and York to open the first Parlia ment of the new commonwealth In her name. A separation from my son, espe cially at such a moment, cannot be other wise than deeply painful, but I still de sire to give effect to her late majesty's wishes as evidence of her Interest, as well as my own, In all that concerns the welfare of my subjects beyond the seas. I have decided that the visit to Australia shall not be abandoned, and shall be ex tended to New Zealand and the Dominion of Canada. "The prolongation of the hostilities in South Africa has led me to make a fur ther call on the patriotism and devotion of Canada and Australasia. I rejoice that my request has met with a prompt and loyal response and large additional contingents from those colonies will em bark for the seat of war at an early date. "The expedition brganised for the sup pression of the rebellion Jn Ashantee was crowned with signal success. The en durance and gallantry of my native troops, ably commanded by Sir James "Wllcocks, and led by British officers, have overcome both the stubborn resistance of the most warlike tribes of West Africa and the exceptional difficulties of a climate and season of the country In which the oper ations were conducted. The garrison of Coomassle, which was besieged by the enemy, has been relieved af te,r a prolonged and gallant defense. The principal Kings nave surrendered, and the chief impedi ment to the progress of the development of this rich portion of "West African pos sessions has now, I hope, been finally removed. The suffering and mortality caused by the prolonged drouth In a large portion, of my Indian empire have been greatly alleviated by a seasonable rain fall, but I regret to add that In parts of the Bombay presidency, distress of a se rious character still continues, which my officers are using every endeavor to miti gate. "Gentlemen of the House of Commons The estimates for the year will be laid before you. Every care has been taken to limit their amount, but the naval and military requirements of the country, and especially the outlay consequent upon the South African War, has Involved an In evitable Increase. "The demise of the crown renders It nec essary that renewed provision shall be made for the civil list. I place unreserv edly at your disposal those hereditary revenues which were so placed by my predecessor, and I have commanded that the papers necessary for a full consider ation of the subject shall be laid before you. "My Lords and Gentlemen: Proposals will be submitted to your Judgment for Increasing the efficiency of my military forces. "Certain changes In the constitution of the Court of Final Appeal are consid ered necessary in consequence of the in creased resort to It wntch has resulted from the expansion of the Empire during the last two generations. "Legislation will be proposed to you for the amendment of the law relating to education Leclslatlon has been pre pared and If the time at your disposal proves to be adequate It will be laid be fore you 'for the purpose of regulating the voluntary eale by landlords of occupying tenants In Ireland; for amending and con solidating the factory and workshops acts; for the better administration of the law respecting lunatics; for amending the public health acts In regard to the water supply; for the prevention of drunkenness In licensed houses and public places and for amending the law of literary copy right. "I pray that Almighty God .may con tinue to guide you In the conduct of your deliberations and that he may bless them with success." After the reading of the speech the pro cession was reformed, the King proceed ed to the roblng-room, unrobed and left Westminster In the state carriage. In the same order as It entered. An Unusual Scramble. After this there ensued In the House of Lords a rush and scramble without prec edent In the history of Westminster. The crowd In the state gallery poured Into the chamber. Peers and Peeresses strug gled to get out, and other members of the nobility, less lucky, waited to see the place In which the great ceremony had been held. Almost half an hour elapsed before the confusion was over and the distinguished people were able to find their carriages and return home. The absence of the Duke of Cornwall and York from the ceremonies today Is explained, to have been due to a cold. It Is denied! that he has suffered a relapse. On the resumption of business In the House of Lords, the Lord Chancellor read the King's speech, and the Marquis of Waterford moved the address In re ply. He Is perhaps, the .youngest mem ber to which the honor has ever been accorded. Lord Manners seconded the motl6n. Lord KImberley, Liberal leader, afterfcompllmentlng the mover and sec onder of the . address, said the House needed no further assurances that the Kins "would follow in the steps of his mother, and proceeded to express dissat isfaction with the conduct of the war in South Africa- He said the present condi tions in South Africa filled him with ap prehension. The government has been liv ing in a fool's' paradise. Unless they enabled General Kitchener speedily to terminate the war, the situation could easily become more dangerous. If the government attempted to put the whole military system on a more satisfactory basis, they would receive every support from the Liberals. Lord Salisbury rose leisurely, and add ed his congratulations to the mover and seconder of the address, and proceeded to refer to the manner in which the country's loss had been received through out the world- Continuing, Lord Salis bury said the country could now hope confidently that the promise given by the King that he would follow In his moth er's steps would be fully and abund antly borne out. If so. It would be the greatest triumph for the people of the monarchy and for the name of the Brit ish union. Dealing with the war, Lord Salisbury thought there was nothing un usual In the length of the campaign. He referred Lord KImberley to the Indian mutiny and the American war, between which and the South African campaign there was a great resemblance. In Bos nia, It took two years and the whole power of Austria to conquer the peas ants. Where great enthusiasm and per sistency existed in a country like South Africa, months must elapse before tran quillity could be restored. Therefore, he did not believe there was any real ground for the discontent or apprehensions ex pressed by Lord KImberley. It was four years before the whole efforts of that very Intelligent and most efficient community, North America, was able to bring the war of secession to a final and successful issue. He would bo glad to hear Lord KImberley repudiate all Idea of asking the Government to alter Its conduct toward the enemy. It was the business of the Government to put Its whole heart and strength to the task before it. A not numerous, but noisy faction, tried to make out that the English pepple were not hearty sup porters of the war, and urged the Gov ernment to adopt action short of what was Implied In carrying the operations to a successful Issue. If the enemy were allowed to retain any portion of their Independence, It would Involve in cessant, continuous warfare. Unless the British were masters and conquerors of these territories, there was no hope of abiding peace. What the country should do with the power when obtained was another question, but It was perfectly obvious that the first purpose to which the enemy would put any powers granted them would be to accumulate new forces and new arms, to await a fitting oc casion for a new attack. If Great Britain slackened her efforts It would be an avowal to the world that her frontier could be Invaded in the most insulting manner and that the Empire was power less effectively to resist it. If Lord KIm berley could Impose his opinion on his party generally. It would be a great ad vantage to the Empire, as It would dis pel the Impression" in South Africa that an Important party movement in their favor existed In this country, and it would help to bring to an end the Insane resistance which was bringing desolation and misery to two territories. The address was agreed to and their lordships adjourned until February 19. The House of Commons, after a brief recess, reassembled, and a message was brought in from the King, thanking the Commons for their address of sympa thy on the loss of his mother and their expression of dutiful attachment to his person. During the formal business, the members condoled with each other on the Injuries received in the scrimmages early in the day, during their attempts to reach the House of Lords. Among the measures Introduced, Gerald Balfour, president of the Board of Trade, gave no tice that at an early date he would in troduce a bill to amend apd consolidate the law concerning literary copyright. The Speaker, having read the King's speech, H. A. Forstler, Conservative, who was in the uniform of the yeomanry, moved the address in reply to the speech from the throne. After a reference to the change of sovereignty, Mr. 'Forstler said he hoped the House would remember the dignity of the King's position, and deal generously with the civil list Sir An drew Agnew, Unionist, Edinburgh, sec onded the motion. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the Liberal leader, took up the political par agraphs of the speech from the throne. He said the House must not shut eyes to the gravity of the situation In South Africa which, he said, presented formida ble difficulties. Neither in South Africa was there any Idea of flinching. The question was, had the Government ade quately realized the circumstances and adequately provided for them. The House would not hesitate to vote anything neces sary to clear the colony of invaders, but when that was accomplished, then was the moment to make to the people of the two states such terms of settlement as. while securing for the Empire all they were contending for, would assuage their fears, save their dignity and restore their personal rights. If they were to keep South Africa, they must win the confi dence of the Dutch. He asked If It were true that General Kitchener had asked for more troops 11 weeks ago. A. J. Balfour, the government leader, admitted that the government had not foreseen that the leaders of the Boers would be so Ill-advised in their own in terest and the Interest of their country as to continue the struggle. The gov ernment, he said, had exceeded Lord Kitchener's demands rather than fallen short of them, adding that the Boer leaders "knew perfectly well that If they lay down their arms, their persons and property will be respected and equal rights granted to all." "More than this," continued Mr. Bal four, "the Boer leaders know that as soon as It becomes possible, free Insti tutions will be adopted. Her Majesty's government holds that It would be per fect Insanity to grant all the Institutions of self-government while the effects of the war are still visible. We have put our hand to the plow and shall not withdraw it. The war will be continued until It comes to the only conclusion consistent with our honor." Rostand Sues Mansfield. NEW YORK, Feb. 14 Justice Fitzger ald, In the Supreme Court, has reserved his decision on application for a referee to take testimony in an action brought by Elizabeth Marbury, as agent, agiinst Richard Mansfield to recover royalties on the play "Cyrano de Bergerac." The plamtlii claims that Mr. Mansfield ob tained the American rights to the play from Edmcnd Bostand, the author, on an agreement of a royalty of 5 per cent on the first $5000 of gross receipts and 10 per cent on all receipts over 510,000. Ex-Judge Dlttenhoeffer represented Mr. Mansfield, and he argued that there was nothing dueBostand, as the play was public property. He also called attention to the case now pending In the United States Court In Illinois, In which action Samuel Eberley Gross Is suing both Mans field and Rostand on the claim that "Cyr ano de Bergerac" was pirated from the play "The Merchant Prince of Corvllle." The counsel said that all the expense of defending that action had been borne by Mr. Mansfield. ' Memorial to Insersoll. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. A movement Is on foot to establish at New Rochelle a pub lic park in memory of Robert G. Inger soll. Dr. E. B. Foote, of Larchmon; Wilson McDonald, of Yonkers; Captain George W. Lloyd, of New Rochelle, and the members of the Brooklyn Philosophi cal Society are behind the movement. Steps toward the acquirement of the land are now uhder way. The park will bear the name, of Colonel Ingersoll and will provide also a site or the Tom Paine monument. SPANISH ROYAL WEDDING MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCESS OF ASTURIAS AXD PRIXCE CHARLES. Madrid, Under Weylers Martial Law, Was Forced to Remain Quiet Cabinet Crisis Expected. MADRID, Feb. 14. In the chapel of the Royal Palace, In the presence of the royal family and all the aristocracy and oSl claldom of Spain, Dona Maria de las Mercedes de Bourbon y Hapsburg, Prin cess of Austurias, was today wedded to Prince Charles of BoUrbon. Shortly after 10 o'clock the guests be gan to arrive at the palace, mounting the grand staircase and traversing the long corridors, lined on each side by hallberdlera In red coats, white trousers and black leggings, to the entrance of the chapel, where the palace guards, by thoroughly perfected plans, escorted each person to a proper seat. Every arrange ment was accurately made. There was no crowding and no Jostling. The diplo matic tribune was first filled. Among the early comers were Bellamy Storer, United States Minister, and Mrs. Storer, S.- S. Cickles, the secretary of the United States Embassy; Attache Bowler, and H. Sum mers, the United States VIce-Consul-Gen-eral at Barcelona. When the" chapel finally filled, a scene of wondrous color ing, due to the brilliancy of the dresses of the court ladies, and the elegant uni forms of officers and diplomats, was dis played. Just as the cathedral clock chimed 11 the strains of the Broscle march pealed from the organ, while the bridegroom's party entered and took seats before the altar between the tribune on each side. Prince Charles wore the simple uniform of a Captain of artillery, but displayed also the Order of the Golden Fleece. The Duke of Calabria wore a similar uniform, covered with Spanish and Italian decora tions. Prince Gennaro was In the uni form of a cadet, and the Count of Caserta In ordinary evening dress. The Countess wore a cream-colored court gown, and her three daughters' dresses were re lieved with head and neckwear of white lace. After a moment's waiting the more imposing cortege of the bride arrived. It was preceded by all the court officials, who advanced amid an Imposing sound of trumpets. King Alfonso, dressed In the simple uniform of a cadet, with a small sword at his side, led the way. He walked erect, and firmly, his healthy appearance giving denial "to the rumors recently cir culated that he was ailing. Having knelt at the altar, he turned to salute the diplo mats. Then he kneeled again and bowed In the direction of his grandmother, who watched the ceremony from a private tribune In the Queen's chapel. Then came the Queen Regent and the other members of the royal family. In the front row before the altar stood the Count of Caserta, Prince Charles, the Princess of Asturias and the Queen Re gent; in the second, the Countess of Cas erta, the King and Archduke Eugene; In the third, the Duke and Duchess of Cal abria and the Infantas, and In the fourth, Prince Gennaro and his sisters. The Queen Regent, in a robe of light cream, wore the crown. The Princess of Asturias was In white. The ceremony lasted half an hour. Mass followed and the cardinal blessed the rings and coins placed In the bride's palms, and the hands of the bridegroom above her. He placed the rings In the hands of the bridegroom, who placed them In the hands of the bride, saying: "I give thee this guerdon in token' of marriage." The bride replied: "I ac cept." The cardinal wore ancient vestments, richly studded with gems and pearls, dat ing from the reign of Ferdinand. At the conclusion of the mass, the cortege re traced its steps the King with the Count ess of Caserta, the Queen Regent with the Count of Caserta, the bridegroom with the bride, and Archduke Eugene with the Infanta Isabella. The entire cere mony was simple and effective, and was conducted without a hitch of any char acter. When Madrid awoke it found Itself un der military rule. A proclamation was posted announcing the enforcement of martial law, owing to the inability of the civil authorities to cope with the disturb ances. Mounted troops patrolled the city and occupied every strategic point, and a demonstration toward the palace on account of the wedding was" thus nipped In the bud, and no disturbance of- any kind occurred today. Immense crowds surrounded the palace during the cere mony, but not a word of disrespect was 'overheard. After the ceremony, the May or Issued an appeal to the populace, ask ing for calmness. General Weyler has issued a proclama tion prohibiting persons gathering in groups. Any one found Insulting or in juring the troops by word or deed will be tried by court-martial. Parents or guard ians permitting children to roam In the streets will be heavily fined. Military subjects on furlough who take part In disturbances will be court-martialed. Persons injuring railways or other means of transportation, and persons interfer ing w'ith or Inciting workmen will also be court-martialed. The air Is full of a Ministerial crisis, but there appears to hae been no meet ing of the Cabinet this evening. The Count and Countess of Caserta left Madrid at 8 o'clock. Their departure was without special incident. The train will proceed with the greatest circumspection, .owing to the fear of treacherous attack. Prince Charles and the Princess of Astu rias will remain in Madrid for the present. Madrid is quiet tonight. The weather this morning was perfect. The city was absolutely calm, but there were no decorations, and no flags or bunt ing were displayed, except on official buildings. The people were attired In fes tival dress. The civil authorities resigned their powers to the military, and cavalry regiments replaced the civic guards and patrolled the streets. Excitement prevailed In Barcelona and Granada, and the gendarmes were rein forced. At Malaga, some French priests on their way to Brazil landed to see the town. A mob hooted and threatened the priests, who hastily re-embarked. Toe mob then stoned the offices of the Clerical paper. A policeman was wounded by a revolver shot. The Prefect eventually succeeded in re-establishing order. Disorders at Valencia. VALENCIA, Feb. 14. Serious disorders occurred here yesteniy. In a fight be tween rioters and tby gendarmes a num ber of shots were fired. One person was killed and one wounded. Rioters took the Jesuit College by assault. The doors were broken In, but the police, on charg ing, were received with a storm of stones. One person was killed and numbers were wounded. Further troubles are reported from Bar celona and Granada, Rioters at Alicante stoned the City Hall and Provincial Coun cil. British Compliment to Morsan. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. The Herald says: According to a cable report received in this city. British Investors have just paid an extraordinary compliment to J. Pierpont Morgan. Several men, It is said, have insured their property at Lloyds against loss by the death of Mr. Morgan, paying for the insurance the exceptionally high premium of 3 per cent for three months, or at the rate of 12 per cent a year. It has been the custom of British property-owners to Insure themselves against loss by death of the reigning monarch. In the lifetime of the Queen her subjects have frequently taken the precaution of insuring themselves against loss by her sudden death While no di rect verification of the report could be obtained la this city, it is generally con ceded that Mr. Morgan's remarkable-position as the supporter of properties which have an international Interest rould ren der It a practical Idea for "some persons to insure themselves against loss by his death. Mr. Morgan Is 64 years of age. THE PRESIDENT IS PLEASD Tatt May Be- Rewarded "With the Governorship of the Philippines. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. A special to tha Times from Washington says The President Is greatly pleased with the recent news from the Philippines. He has been confident that the work done by President Taft would tell as soon as It became known that he was a man determined to ad minister affairs Justly and gener ously for the Filipinos, and he did not, therefore, pay much attention to the rather gloomy and discouraging reports made by General MacArthur, who had been quoted as referring to the situation as chronically bad. The report that the President Intends to make Judge Taft Civil Governor of the Philippines in case Congress shall pass a resolution giving him authority to regu late affairs there entirely In his discre tion until Congress can make specific laws for the Islands, Is probably the expression of a wish entertained by the President when Judge Taft went to Manila. The gratification of the wish depends first upon the action of Congress and next upon the consent of Commissioner Taft. When Mr. Taft accepted the appointment to the commission, he declared that he could not think of going to the Philippines for a longer period than 18 months. His plan was to accomplish as much as was possible In a year and a half and return to practice law In Ohio. Some assurances have been given to the President, It Is understood, that Mr. Taft, having become deeply interested in the task he has accepted, will reconsider his desire to return home, and consent to stay long enough to make good his own sug gestion that the difficulties presented in the Philippines were so great that no man could fall to. win credit for overcom ing them, and that It would not be worth while to go there merely to deal'With easy and commonplace problems. JUSTICE BREWER'S VIEWS. Conclusions of Congress a Second ary Matter. NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Feb.-14. Justice David J. Brewer, of the United States Su preme Court, touched upon the Philip pines problem In his address In the Dodge lecture course In Yale. He said: "I have been over 36 "years on the bench, and no one, Indirectly or directly, ever has hinted that any decision" I might make might be for my own benefit, either socially, pecunlarly", politically or other wise. If I had wanted to do wrong I should have been obliged to go out and hunt for the tempter. "We enter the new century under changed conditions; we have been isolat ed, but now commerce is carrying us, whether we will or no, to the ends of the earth. China, that great mass of effete clvllzatlon, turns with abundant faith to this Nation In Its time of distress. "Many people are today wondering what the outcome of the Philippine War will be. The press and the halls of legis lation resound with the momentous ques tions Involved In the settlement of the status of the islands. A solemn sense of responsibility fills Congress. It is, how ever, a secondary matter what will be the conclusion of Congress, the policy of the Administration, or the decision of the Supreme Court, provided the people of this country measure their Intercourse with the residents of these Insular pos sessions by the Golden Rule." Accepted Philippine Judgeships. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-C. A. Wlllard, of Minneapolis, and J. C. Cooper, of Fort Worth, Tex., have accepted positions as Judges of the Supreme 'Court of the Phil ippines. Henry C. Bates, of St. Johnsbury. Vt; Fletcher Ladd, of Lancaster, N. H.; F. F. Johnston, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; L. R. Wlfly, of St. Louis, and A. F. Odlin, of San Juan, Porto Rico, have accepted positions as Judges of the Court of First Instance of the Philippine Islands. It is understood they will sail for Manilaabout April 1. 1901. Colombia and the Cnnnl. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. General Rafael Urlbe, the Colombian revolutionary lead er, at present in this city, has announced that he will Inform the State Department at Washington that the Colombian Gov ernment had no right to give the French Panama Canal Company an extension of time in which to finish building the Pan ama Canal, and that therefore the United States cannot acquire the company's rights and property. He Is led to take this step, he says, by the report that Dr. Carlos Martinez, the Colombian Secretary of State, who ar rived In New Yorrk from Colombia on Tuesday, will go to Washington, in the interest of the French Panama company. Robbed of ?3000 Worth of Jewelry. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. Mrs. F. H. Osgood, of Seattle, who arrived In this city on the Oregon express this morning, has reported to the police and railway of ficials that she was robbed during last night of $3000 worth of jewWiry. She stated that the gems were In a leather bag which she suspended from her neck, but that they were taken while she was sleeping. The police officers have arrest ed a. man on suspicion. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 14. Lawrence V. Hill, about 20 years old, Is under ar rest here on suspicion of being con nected with the robbery. No trace of the Jewels was found on him. Banish Indies Deal. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 14. Important developments In regard to the sale of the Danish West Indies are expected shortly. It Is said In well-informed circles that the Foreign Office is about ready to send a definite and favorable reply to the United States. King Christian, It Is un derstood, gave assurances that while he preferred the islands to remain Danish, if the circumstances could be Improved, he would do nothing to prevent their transfer. The Rlgsdag has apparently concluded that enough sacrifices have al ready been made for the West Indies, so it Is unwilling to give the further appro priations necessary to retain their pos session. Flfrnt at a Dance. DENVER, Feb. 14. A special to the Re publican from Santa Fe, N. M., tells of a fatal shooting affray which occurred at a dance in Hanover, Grout County. Do lores Hernandez and Pablo Baca engaged In a duel with pistols In the ballroom. Hernandez was shot three times and will probably die.- Esplrfon Sapata, an on looker, was Instantly killed, and Baca was shot In the hand. Hernandez and Baca were arrested. The cause of the shooting is not given. Conference on Revenue BUI. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. The first conference on the revenue reduction bill was held today, the Democratic members attending as well as the Republicans. It led to a general discussion of both meas ures, but none of the items was' taken up in detail, nor was the conference produc tive of anyjgeneral results In the way of agreement. No exact time was fixed for re-assembllng, but It was understood a meeting tonight be called on Saturday. - "WEBFOOT" HARD WHEAT FLOUR. Used by housewives because of Its goodness and economy. Makes the most bread and makes It most nutritious. For sale at all grocers.. DEWET IN CAPE COfONY ENGAGED "WITH A BRITISH FORCE STBAR-PHILIPSTOWW. Tvitchener Reports That He Crossed the Orange River at Sand Drift Boers Near Cape Town. LONDON, Feb. 15. The War Office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener: "Pretoria, Feb. 14. Our troops are now engaged with Christian Dewefs force north of Phillpstown, which we hold, De wet having crossed the Orange River at Sand Drift, apparently moving west. "French, reporting from a point 25 miles southeast of Ermelo, states that a large force of the enemy is being driven on the Piet Rief, their efforts to break back having so far been frustrated. The Innlskilllngs charged the enemy, who left five killed and six wounded on the ground. Ten Boers were captured, and there was a large capture of wagons, carts and cattle. Our casualties were one killed and five wounded." The Evening News prints a dispatch from Cape Town, dated Thursday, Feb ruary 14, which says: "The government here is advised that Christian Dewet and ex-President Steyn eritered Cape Colony and occupied Phil lpstown. The British attacked them yes terday and drove them out of the town with loss." CAPE TOWN, Feb. 14. A Boer com mando crossed the Orange River yester day. In the Phillpstown district- It is re ported that Dewet was in command. Van Wyksvlel was occupied Monday by 300 Boers, who were retreating from Cal vlnla. The Boers are reported In force 24 miles west of Carnarvon. A Boer con voy of 63 wagons and 45 prisoners has been captured north of Amsterdam. Boers Near Cape Town. LONDON, Feb. 15. It is reported from Cape Town that the wife of Commandant Botha left Pretoria with a military escort to endeavor to get her husband to surren der. The Boers tried unsuccessfully to de stroy a culvert near Cape Town. Se'vera fighting ensued, the Boers leaving three killed and 23 wounded. The British lost one killed and two wounded. Boers "Worsted at Aberdeen. CAPE TOWN, Feb. 14. Fighting Is re ported to have taken place near Aberdeen Friday and Saturday last, the Boers being worsted. REXEWAY OF HOSTILITIES. China Said to Be Making: Prepara tions for More Trouble. LONDON, Feb. 15. The Tien Tsln cor respondent of the Standard, wiring yester day says: "The situation in Pekln is again becom ing complicated, and the prospects of a settlement are more remote than ever. It Is believed that Sir Ernest M. Satow will take decisive early action. Count von Waldersee Is reported to have sent an ultimatum to the Imperial court. All ap pearances Indicate that China's Immova ble obstinacy is Intended to facilitate the active preparations she Is making for a' renewal of hostilities In the Spring." RuHso-French-Amerlcon Alliance. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 14. The Rus sian press is greatly pleased with the declaration of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Delcasse, regarding the Russo-French-American understand ing. The Novoe Vremya says: "The United Stares attaches Itself to the Franco-Russian alliance for the same rea sons which united the latter because they pursue common alms, whose realizations will benefit all." The paper expects a closer understanding, which will strength en reace. The Novostl expresses Itself In the same tone, but holds the opinion that American politics are too changeable to Inspire com plete trust, Japan, more than the United States, being entitled to a leading role. In her conduct in China she displayed great tact and won universal esteem. There has been no friction between the Russo-Japanese troops. The Novostl an ticipates a more complete understanding between Russia and Japan, culminating in a permanent alliance. Negotiations at a Standstill. PEKIN, Feb. 14. No official communi cation has yet been made to the foreign envoys by the Chinese plenipotentiaries on behalf of the court. At present, the negotiations are no further advanced than they were at the meeting when the Chi nese plenipotentiaries agreed to the death of Prince Chwang and Yu Slen. Private dispatches from Slnan Fu say that a strong opposition has developed among the officials to an agreement to the demands of the powers, as well as an opposition to the reform edict. Several memorials have been presented to Em peror Kwang Hsu urging lilm to refuse further negotiations and to promote those whom the foreigners desire executed. On the other hand, it appears that Shan Chi Tung, the Viceroy of Hankow,, urges the Immediate commencement of reform. IRISH PARTY UNITED. Will Fight Every British Question in Parliament. LONDON, Feb. 14. John Redmond, in the course of an interview this even ing, said: "While the Commoners and Peers were jostling each other today In haste to pay obeisance to Edward VII, every Irish member deliberately abstained from any participation in the pageant. The Irish National Party today unanimously decid ed that In consideration of Ireland's pres ent position, the Irish members would take no part In the ceremonies Inaugur ating the new reign. For the first time In 10 years, 80 Irish members met in a united party In Westminster today and determined on a vigorous campaign against the new King. They intend not only to discuss Irish questions, but to interfere in every British question which may arise. "We propose to expose tho Iniquity of the Boer War, .and to make a general assault upon the whole line." This evening, Mr. Redmond received a message from Boston signed by Mr. O'Callahan, saying: "Members of the United Irish League, of Boston, bid the Irish Party Godspeed In beginning the fight." Nihilist Rumors in St. Petersburg-. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 14. Since the Czar's return from Llvidia, the political police have displayed unusual activity. There have been many house searches and arrests, particularly during the last fort night. This energy occasions uneasiness and Is accounted for by rumors regarding conspiracies. P. M. Melukoff, the cele brated historian, author of a three-volume history of Russian literature, and of a his tory of the period of Peter the Great, and editor of the Russian edition of the Fer man Encyclopedia, now being Issued, was arrested Monday. Kaiser Thanks the Sultan. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 14. Emperor William, in thanking the Sultan for the reception of the mission sent to attend the Inauguration of the fountain erected by the Emperor in Constantinople, to com memorate his visit and that of Empress Augusta Victoria, says he considers it a fresh proof of the Sultan's friendship. Quarrel for Gojam Throne. RASKIBUTIL, French East Africa, Feb. 14. Tekla, King of Gojam, northwest of the kingdom of Shoa, recently died of poisoning, and two pretenders are now Quarreling for the throne. Emperor Sleae Uk has dispatched an. army to restore peace. Favorable to German Interests. BERLIN, Feb. 34. The decision of Ly man J. Gage, United States Secretary of the Treasury, to impose an additional duty on Russian sugar, has caused & sensa tion here, tho leading papers Interpreting It as favorable to German Interests. Edward's Visit to Germany. LONDON. Feb. 15. A dispatch from Portsmouth says the royal yacht Victoria and Albert has been commanded to take King Edward and Queen Alexandra, to Germany, and It is expected that the Brit ish channel squadron "will form the escort. DEADER THAN CLEVELAND. Prominent Oregon Democrat's Esti mate of Bryan. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. James D. Robinson, a prominent Oregon Democrat, In an interview here, says that all the talk of Bryan again being the candi date for the Democratic party Is non sense. He says he will be before the convention, but the Democrats will not nominate him, as he Is deader than Grover Cleveland. Senator Shoup has secured a favorable report on his bill to convert old Fort Sherman. Idaho, Into a branch Soldiers' Home. Delegate Price, of Skagway, is In Wash ington endeavoring to secure a reversal of the decision of the Secretary of the Interior In the Skagway townslte case. Representative Wilson, of Idaho, today Introduced a bill providing that all pro ceeds from the sale of public, lands shall be devoted to the construction of Irri gating reservoirs in the state where such sales occur. TO BE REORGANIZED. (Continued from First Pise.) not to exceed $30, detectives $S0, patrol men 70. A personal liability clause pertaining to the Commissioner was Inserted. The captains and Jailer are required to give a bond, but not the patrolmen. There la no specific number of police provided for The Chief of the Fire Department shall receive 5150 per month, assistant chief $100, district engineer $100. superintendent fire alarm telegraph $100, foreman steam engines $30. engineers $1000 per annum, drivers $S40, foreman hook and ladder companies $840, extramen $240. suppiy wagon driver $S40, relief driver, $840, relief engineer $1000, repairmen fire alarm de partment $900. The clause "not to exceed" Is used In reference to all salaries. There shall be no removals for political reasons. The members of the Fire De partment are made ex-officlo members of the police force, for the purpose of mak ing arrests. The civil service clause is withdrawn, and men may be removed for cause. Senator Hunt called attention to the suits of policemen now pending, who were removed when the funds were law and who might win their cases. He did not believe it was a good plan to have a law that those men cannot be removed. It Is provided that the Board of Public Works In purchasing supplies shall In all cases advertise for and receive competi tive bids. The next section to be considered are those relative to the water works. The charter will contain a section con tinuing the present Board of Public Works in office until the next election, when the board shall be elected. The city engineer Is removed as a member of the Board of Public Works. All Commis sioners are to be made personally liable for their actions tho same as the Common Council. To Reclaim Arid Lands. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. The House committee on Irrigation and arid lands to day voted to report with an amendment on the Newlands bill providing a com prehensive plan of Government aid In re claiming the arid sections of the arid land states. The aid is accomplished by devoting the receipts from public land sales in these states to the purposes of reclamation. These receipts amounted this year to about $4,000,000. A sub-committee was appointed to prepare the bill In Its final form, with amendments. Con siderable opposition was developed on the ground of growing expenditures of the present Congress and on Constitutional grounds. i To Stop Cone Rushes. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 14. The Yale faculty has abolished the time-honored custom of granting a holiday to the undergraduates on Washlngton'3 birth day. The action of the faculty has ex cited much discussion among the under graduates, and an attempt will be made to have the day restored. February 22 Is annually the date when the Yale soph omores wear high hats and carry canes for the first time, and when the freshmen "rush" the sophomores and "take'' the fence. The fierce fights at the fence and in and about the campus have made the custom unpopular witn tne proiessors. The Rice Poisoning Cose. NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Professor Witt haus, the chemist, has not yet made his supplementary report to the District At torney In the case of William. Marsh Rice, the Texas millionaire. Several months ago he said he had discovered traces of mercury In the old man's stomach. Until the result of the chemist's quantitative analysis Is known, the Coroner's inquest cannot be held, nor does the District At torney know whether to seek any Indict ment for murder or for grand larceny or forgery against Albert T. Patrick, who has been confined in the Tombs for months. Bad Coughs I u There are'hundreds of cough medicines which relieve coughs, all coughs, except bad ones! The medicine which has been curing the worst of bad coughs for sixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Now you can get a trial bottle of Cherry Pectoral for 25 cents. Ask your druggist. Three sizes : 25c, 50c, $1.00. If your druggist cannot supply you. send us $1.00 and wo will express a large bottle to you, all charges prepaid. Be sure and give us your nearest express office. T. C Aye Co., tow ell. Mast.