Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Counted at a Joint Session of
the Senate and House.
3Ioat at the Session, of ..the , Upper
Honte "Wan 'Devoted to Presiden
tial Xomipntions House Con
sidered Sandrr Civil. Bill.;
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The ceremony
of counting the electoral vote for Presi
dent and "Viee-President cast at the elec
tion last Fall took place In the hall of
the House of .Representatives at 1 o'clock
today it a Joint session of the House and
Senate. The method of countlng-the vote
Is prescribed with great detail by the stat
utes, and was followed literally today.
Great crSwds throhge'd the "galleries to
witness IHSTnte'fesVlne spectacle.
At 12:45 proceedings In the House were
suspended, and Ave rows of seats upon
the right of the hall were vacated for the
members of the Senate. At 12:68 o'clock
Colonel Itamsdell, Sargeant-at-Arms of
the Senate appeared at the main door op
posite the Speaker's desk and annouhced
the President pro tern, and members of
the Senate. The rnembers of the House
received them, while page boys carrying
the caskets in wlrich the electoral returns
were deposited took them to the clerk's
Senator Frye. President pro tern, of the
Senate, -aseendod the rostrum and took
his place at the right of Speaker Hen
derson to preside over the joint session.
Fx-VIoe-Preeldent Adlal E. Stevenson
presided over the joint session when the
electoral vote was counted four years
ago. Immediately below Speaker Hen
derson and Senator Frye at the clerk's
desk were the tellers of the two houses.
Senators Chandler, of New Hampshire,
and Caffery. of Louisiana, and Repre
sentatives Grosvenor, of Ohio, and Rich
ardson, of Tennessee, flanked on either
hand by the secretary of the House, Mr.
Bennett, and the clerk of the House, Mr.
McDowell. Still below them on the floor,
the other officers of the House and Sen
ate ranged themselves In front of the
marble --restrum.
Senator Frye rapped loudly for order
When all were seated. .
"The Senate and the House of Repre
sentatives at the United States." he an
nounced, "are In joint session pursuant
to the Constitution and laws of the
United, States ,for opening the certificates
and counting the votes of electors for
President and Vice-President of the
United States. If there is no objection
the formal portions of the certificates will
be omitted. The certificates of the State
of Alabama will be read by the tellers,
who will make- a list of votes therefrom."
Thereupon Senator Chandler read In ex
tenso the certificate of the vote, of Ala
bama,, giving 11 votes for "William Jen
nings Bryan, of Nebraska, for President,
and 11 votes for Adlal E. Stevenson, of
Illinois, for Vice-President. When Sen
ator Caffery was about to read the cer
tificate of the State of Arkansas, Senator
Cockrel!, of Missouri, addressed the chair:
"Can we not dispense with the reading
of these certificates," he asked, "and have
simply the result announced? I think
we can trust the tellers."
This remark created general laughter.
Senator Frye said c6nsent already had
been given to dispense with the formal
reading of the certificates, but he thought
It might be necessary ta read the cer
tificate of Arkansas, owing to a slight ir
regularity. This showed that one of the
electors had been absent and that the
Governor had appointed a substitute. The
certificate was not challenged, however,
and the tellers proceeded "to announce the
A lapsus linguae by General Grosvenor,
when he announced the vote of Colorado,
created a general outburst of merri
ment. He announced that Colorado had
cast four votes for William' J. Brvan, of
Nebraska, for President, and four for
Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, for
Vice-President. "Oh, oh, no!"shouted Mr.
Itiehardson, one of the Democratic tellers,
while the members and spectators joined
In the laughter that followed. Mr. Gros
venor corrected the error.
The certificates were not uniform and
the operation of opening the bulky pack
ages and seeking out the result was at
tended with many delays. When Mary
land's eight 4 votes were announced for
McKinley and Roosevelt there was a
slight ripple of applause, and the same
response was made to the announcement
of Nebraska's vote. Genecal Grosvenor an
nounqed the vote of the President's own
state, but It created no demonstration.
Upon the conclusion of the announce
ment of the vote, the tellers formally an
nounced the totals. Senator Chandler an
nounced the total vote cast as 447, of
which William McKinley. or Ohio, re
ceived for President 92; William J.
Bryan of Nebraska lfw, , and of which
auwuere xiooseveit, or. rsew xorK, re
ceived for Vice-President '292, and Adlal
E. Stevenson, of Illinois, 165. Thereupon,
In accordance with the statute. Senator
Frye proclaimed the state of vote as de
livered to him. This announcement of the
state of vote by the President of the
Senate "is by law a sufficient demonstra
tion that William McKinley, of Ohio, has
been elected President, and that Theo
dore Roosevelt has been elected Vice
President for the term beginning March
4. 1901, and will be entered together with
a- list of the votes on the journals" of the
House and Senate. The count of electoral
votes having been completed and the. re
sult declared, the joint -meeting of the
two houses is dissolved and the Senate
will now return "lo its chamber."
A tremendous outburst of applause then
swept over the galleries. The Senate
then filed out of the hall and the cere
xnony was ended. , . r.
Not Much Bustncs "Wan Transacted
In Open .Session.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. When the Sen
ate convened today the chaplain made a
beautiful and touching reference to the
death of Mrs. Thomas a Piatt, wife of
the. Senator from New York. During the
greater jart of the day the Senate was
engaged In executive session, and in the
counting of the electoral vote. Late in
the afternoon, consideration of the agri
cultural appropriation bill was resumed,
but little progress was made. At a
njght session, beginning at S o'clock, the
District of Columbia code bill was read.
At the opening -of the session Clerk
presented the credentials of his colleague
Francis E. Warren, re-elected a Senator
from Wyoming, for a term of six years
beginning March 4, 191. '
In reporting favorably a batch of pri
vate pension bills Gallinger, chairman of
the committee on pensions, gave notice
to Senators that it would be useless for
them to introduce any more pension bills
at this session, as the committee on pen
sions could handle no more.
Money reported from the foreign rela
tions committee a Mil to prevent the sale
of firearms, opium apd intoxicating liquor
in certain Islands of the Pacific, and
asked for Its immediate consideration.
Morgan remarked that he dissented
from the report, and therefore objected
to consideration of the bill.
At 11:41 the Senate, on motion of Haw
ley, went lftto executive session for the
purpose of considering the nominations
for the ome of Brigadier-General,
At 12:50 P. M. the Senate resumed bus
iness In open session. A night session
for the purpose of reading the District
of Columbia code bill, was agreed to. The
Senate then proceeded to the hall of the
House of Representatives to participate
in the electoral count ceremony, resum
ing business at 2:05 P. M., when the re
sult of the electoral count was reported
for formal entry In the journal -of the
A resolution providing for the printing
of additional copies -of the report of the
Taft Philippine Commission was agreed
Pettlgrew, while not objecting to the
resolution, expressed the opinion that the
American people were entitled to the
facts with respect to the Philippines.
These, he said, the Taft report did not
contain. It was a partisan report, made
by a partisan commission, and he urged
that it was designed to conceal the facts
and convey a false Impression to the peo
ple of the. situation in the Philippines.
Foraker, chairman of the committee on
Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, called a
bill relating to the retirement of the Ha.
wailan coinage and currency. He ex
plained that the old Hawaiian Govern
ment had issued $1,000,000 of silver coins
in dollars, half dollars, quarters and
dimes. Against 272,000 of the amount,
silver certificates had been Issued, the
$272,000 of silver being retained In the
Treasury. The purpose of the bill was
to substitute silver coins of the United
States for the Hawaiian coins, both being
of the same weight and degree of fine
ness. "The bill is all right," interjected
Cockrell. It was passed without further
Hale, Chandler and Tillman were named
as conferees on the naval appropriation
At 2.20 o'clock the Senate again went
into executive session. At 4:15 o'clock the
doors were opened and consideration of
the agricultural appropriation bill was
resumed. The amendment relating to the
seizure of imported foods, drugs and
liquors, In case they should be found to
be adulterated Injuriously, which was dis
cussed at length yesterday, was agreed
When the committee amendments pro
viding for the mapping of the soils of the
Unltqd States was reached, Teller pro
tested that no such project ought to be
authorized. It would prove to be not
only a gigantic task, useless as to prac
tical results, but It would Involve an ex
pense ultimately of millions of dollars.
He moved to strike out the provision. It
precipitated considerable discussion and
was not disposed of when, under its spe
cial order, the Senate, at 5:30 o'clock,
took a recess until 8 o'clock.
The District code bill was read from
8 P. M. to 10:20 o'clock, when the Senate
adjourned without completing the read
Little PrOBress Made "With the San
dry Civil Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The House
devoted today, excepting an hour and a
half consumed In counting the electoral
vote and promulgating the result of the
Presidential election, to the sundry civil
appropriation bill. General debate upon
this measure was completed, but little
progress was made with the bill. Fif
teen of the 134 pages of the bill were
disposed of.
The sundry civil bill was taken up
when the session opened and Bell (Dem.,
Colo.), a member of the appropriations
committee, began a speech on the ex
travagance of the present Congress. He
said the people had become alarmed at
the rapid growth of expenditures. So cal
lous had Congress become to vast in
creases in the appropriations, he said,
thatit was considered almost disreputa
ble to call attention to the extravagance
of the Government. He produced figures
to show that in a single decade the per
capita cost of carrying on the Govern
ment machinery had Increased from $4 75
to over $10.
Cochran (Dem., Mo.) also made an at
tack upon the recklessness or the appro
priations in this Congress. He declared
tha,t the total for the next year, if reck
oned In fulj, would exceed the appropria
tions of 1S64, when the Federal Govern
ment had 1200 ships on the sea maintain
ing a blockade from Galveston to the
Chesapeake, and a million men on land
engaged In the most tremendous mili
tary enterprise In the history of the age.
Later, speaking of our policy In the Phil
ippines and China, Cochran said:
"Talk about progress and Christianity.
If progress and Christianity mean march
ing under many flags of plunderers and
the swords of Christian soldier? dripping
in the blood of plundered people, It is
time to quit or fling away the masquer
ade and say, 'Progress has turned free
booter, Christianity slumbers and God Is
dead.' " (Democratic applause.)
Cochran also argued that from any
standpoint the "game" in the Philippines
was not worth the cost. "We have al
ready." said he, "spent money enough
there to build the Nicaragua Canal, to
construct what new warships we need,
and we are today no nearer peace than
when the first gun was flred."
Richardson (Dem., Tenn.) also com
mented upon the vast total of appropria
tions at this session, which, he said,
would reach $S00,000.000. Four years ago,
when President McKlnley's administra
tion began, the annual appropriations
were about $470,000,000. He conceded that
appropriations would increase, but why,
he asked, this prodigious increase of
over $300,000,000. The war had been over
two years and could not be charged with
these Increases, for the Increases were
not confined to the Army and Navy ap.
propriation bills. There was an Increase
In every one of the appropriation bills.
"Did you not vote for the river and
harbor and the appropriation bills?" he
was asked.
"What It I did?" replied RIchardBon. "I
could not stand here and hold back ap
propriations, for liabilities have been cre
ated." Moody (Rep., Mass.) challenged Rich
ardson to point out a single appropria
tion in the sundry civil bill that could
be omitted. Richardson said he would
do so.
"While the gentleman Is talking about
cutting down expenses," observed Moody,
"I will ask him whether he did not vote
for a Soldiers' Home in Tennessee."
Richardson I did. It passed unanimous
ly. I believe.
Moody It did not. I voted against it
Did not the gentleman also vote for the
Bowman act claims?
Richardson I did.
Moqdy The gentleman and I agreed on
the necessity for holding down appropria
tions. The trouble is that he always
votes for them, while I vote against them.
Proceeding, Richardson pointed out as
one of the appropriations which should
be omitted $136,000 for the rent of tem
porary quarters for the New York custom
house and criticised Gage for his course
in connection with the sale of the old
Corliss (Rep., Mich.) spoke in favor
of the construction of a Pacific cable.
Upon points of order made by Olm
sted (Rep.. Pa.), the appropriation of
$115,000 for a tender for the Inspector of
the Ninth Lighthouse district, $115,000 for
a tender for the engineer of the Ninth
Lighthouse district, $120,000 for a tender
for the Tenth district, $100,000 for a ten
der for the Thirteenth district, and $30,000
for a tender for the Sixteenth district
were stricken from the bill. Olmsted said
these appropriations were not authorized
by law and he was simply following the
teaching of the chairman of the appro,
priations committee In standing by the
letter of the rules.
At 5:45 the House adjourned.
Paris Seamstresses' Strike.
PARIS, Feb. 13. Today was fixed for
the opening of the strike of the seam
stresses. Only 1000 girls, however, left
work. Bands of tailors and seamstresses
paraded the Rue del Aplz all day long.
There were no disorders until bands of
students began to arrive as the evening
advanced. These lustily cheered the
girls and the police then cleared the
Some Criticism of the Promotion of
Generals Bates, Wood, Grant
and Bell.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. The Senate
held two executive sessions today, with
the result that all the Presidential nomi
nations to the office of Brigadier-General
were confirmed. The nominations which
caused discussion were those of Generals
Bates, Wood, Grant and Bell. Senator
Pettlgrew criticised General Bates' nomi
nation because that officer had negotiated
the Sulu Hreaty, which treaty he attacked
sharply. Senators Teller and Rawlins
also joined in the criticism of the Sulu
treaty. They referred especially to Its
recognition of the institutions of slavery
and polygamy, which, they claimed, were
repugnant to the taste of the people of
this country, as well as to the Constitu
tion. No one,, however, made objection
to General Bates' confirmation when the
time for a vote was reached.
The criticism of General -Wood was con
fined to the fact that his military record
is not extended. Senators Bate and Jones
objected to the nominations of Generals
Wood, Grant and Bell, on the ground that
their nominations constitute a breach of
the Tule of seniority in the Army, and
exceptional emphasis was laid upon Gen
eral Wood's nomination on that account.
It was held to be unfair to other officers
who had seen long service in the field.
Senator Pettlgrew contended that Gen
eral Wood was without practical expe
rience in the art of war and as a leader
of men. He siid the General had gone
into the Army as a contract surgeon, and
had done very little fighting. If, he said,
tha. sort of favoritism was to be con
tinued, the West Point Academy might
as well be abolished.
Among those who spoke in support of
the President's right to appoint as he had
done were Senators Cockrell and Pettus,
both Democrats, who said that, as the
law conferred the discretion of selecting
officers regardless of the rule of seniority,
and as the selections in this case ap
peared to have been wisely made, they
could not see their way clear to cast their
votes against his nominations In this par
ticular instance. Senator Lodge upheld
the nominations. He said that criticism
of a man who had done so much for the
country as General Wood had done at a
critical time is preposterous.
The explanation was made on behalf of
the President that he especially desired
to reward General Wood for his services
in Cuba, and that he thought his rank
should be high in cas'j he should be called
to discharge other high offices In the
future. No roll-call was demanded on the
confirmation of the nominations. The fol
lowing nominations were confirmed:
James H. Wilson, of Delaware, and
Fitzhugh Lee. of Virginia, now Brigadier
Generals of Volunteers, to be Brigadier
Generals In the regular Army; Colonel
John C. Bates, United States Army (Ma-Jor-General,
United States Volunteers), to
be Brigadier-General; William A. New
cum, of Jackson, Oal., to be Receiver of
Public Moneys at Sacramento, Cal.:
Thomas Fraser, to be Registrar of the
Land Office at Sacramento, Cal.; Samuel
P. Bartlet, to be Collector of Customs
for the district of Little "Egg Harbor. N.
J.; Edward P. Seeds, of Iowa, to be Dep
uty Auditor for the War Department;
Frank H. Richards, of Alaska, to be Mar
shal for the District of Alaska, Division
No. 2; William B. Chllders, of New Mex
ico, to bo attorney for the Territory of
New Mexico: Lieutenant-Colonel J. R.
Campbell, Thirtieth Infantry, United
States Volunteers, to be Brigadier-General,
United States Volunteers; Colonels
to be Brigadier-Generals Loyd Wheaton,
George W. Davis, Theodore Schwan,
Samuel S. Sumner, Robert P. Hughes,
George M. Randall: also. Captain Leon
ard Wood (now Major-General, United
States Volunteers): Major W. A. Kobbe
(now Brigadier-General, United States
Volunteers): Brigadier-General Frederick
D. Grant, United States Volunteers, and
Captain J. Franklin Bell (now Brigadier
General, United States Volunteers).
The President today sent the following
nominations to the Senate:
Charles A. Boutelle, of Maine, to be
Captain on the retired list of the Navy.
Mary E. Sperry, to be Postmaster at
North Yakima, Wash.
And Their Effect on Registered
American Vessels.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Secretary
of the Treasury today made reply to the
resolution of the Senate of the 11th In
stant, concerning the shipping of the
country as affected by the ship subsidy
bill, by sending In a report from the Com
missioner of Navigation. The report In
cludes a complete list of the merchant
marine of the United States, the total
being placed at 23,333. Of these, 1330 ag
gregating a gross tonnage of 826,694 tons,
are registered for foreign trade, while
the vessels licensed for the coasting trade
number 22,003, of 4,338,145 groBs tons. The
Commissioner says there is no legal ob
stacle to any of these coastwise vessels
of more than 30 tons entering the foreign
trade, but that the length of the canal
lock would be large enough for larger
For this and other reasons, he finds it
impracticable to state the number of
coasting vessels likely to be registered
for the foreign trade under the shipping
bill. The number of American vessels In
the foreign trade eligible to subsidies
under the bill is placed at 1331, of which
964 are sailing vessels. The commlssiou-
says It is not practicable to say
whether all the vessels have complied
with the requirements that would en
title them to subsidies, and adds:
"In so far as there may have been in
the case of any voyage of any vessel a
failure to comply with any of the re
quirements of the bill, the total, $2,90997,
exceeds what actual subsidies would have
been if the bill had been a law.'
It is also stated by the commissioner
that the amendments of the bill relating
to the additional subsidies to be paid to
20 and 21-knot vessels will have the effect
of reducing the subsidies payable on
voyages of the St. Louis, St. Paul, Paris
and New York, Included in the tabula
tion by the sum of $221,106, He also
states that the number of vessels af
fected by the Senate amendments on ves
sels carrying cargo, part of which is
coastwise and part foreign, is small. The
provision applies to vessels plying from
New York to Colon, Panama to San
Francisco, and from Pacific ports to for
eign ports via Honolulu. The commis
sioner states that it is Impracticable to
ascertain the full extent to which Amer
ican capital may be invested in steam
ships under foreign flags to the extent
of owning a majority Interest.
Chairman Sperry, of the House com
mittee on alcoholic llqudr traffic, today
submitted a favorable report on the bill
restricting the sale of firearms, opium
and liquor to the aboriginal natives of the
Pacific islands.
No Action on Treaties.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. After a care
ful survey of the situation in the Senate,
the Administration has come to the con
clusion that there is little hope of the suc
cessful outcome this session to' the effort
that it has been making to secure action,
upon the impending reciprocity treaties.
Russian Student Trouble.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 13. The Ross
yls prints a telephonic dispatch announc
ing that 30S students of Moscow Univer
sity met In a hall, declaring themselves in
favor of obstruction, and succeeded In
stopping all lectures, as a protest against
the Kelfl students' sentences. Students
to the number of 352 met Monday at the
St. Petersburg Mining Academy and 190
voted to abandon their studies, while 140
voted a continuance of work. There were
22 blank ballots. No definite decision was
taken. The Government is enforcing
drastic measures against the continuation
of the student troubles. Of the students
condemned to military service, 183 have
departed for various cantonments, the
farthest being Trans-Caucasia. There is
a similar ferment in all the higher institutions.
Evidence Introduced at the Minne
apolis Trial.'
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 13. It was
the defense's turn today In the trial of
Frank H. Hamilton for the murder of
Leonard R. Day. His chief counsel, Rob
ert L. Penny, outlined to the jury what
he expected to prove.
S. K. Jackson was the first witness
called. JHe said that Day, whom he had
known intimately, spent a week In Mil
waukee at a hotel where the witness is
now employed. Day had made the ac
quaintance in Minneapolis of a girl in
the chorus of "The Burgomaster" Com
pany and had followed her to Milwaukee
and afterwards gone on to New York.
Jackson met him again in .Minneapolis a
few days before the stabbing. Jackson
testified that Day had said that during
his absence Hamilton had been keeping
company with the girl and he was going
"to do him up." Jackson testified that
Day carried a large knife with a long
The defendant, Frank H. Hamilton,
then took the stand. He sketched his
life substantially as his counsel had done.
Hamilton testified he had never touched
liquor before he went to Colorado, eight
years ago. In April, 1900, he came to
Minneapolis to work for the Times. Ham
ilton described In detail his movements
November 25, when Day was killed. He
went back to the Times office at 10 o'clock
that night and turned in his copy. At
11 o'clock he went across the street to
Starr's saloon, .where he had several
drinks. He realized that he was getting
drunk. After the saloon closed they went
to the West Hotel with some associates
to "get one more drink," as one of them
suggested. Hamilton stated positively on
direct examination that he had no ex
pectation of seeing Day. He denied that,
so far as he was concerned, there was
any ill feeling between them. After he
had entered the West Hotel he found
himself talking to Day, but could not re
member whether they had been Introduced
at that time.
"I think Day made an insulting remark
to which I took affront," Hamilton con
tinued, "and I asked him If he would
fight. He said I was too drunk. Then
Charles Force came up and said, Til fight
you.' The next thing I knew, Day and I
were clinched and I threw Day down.
Then we got up. I remember -that there
was a mix-up around us. Then some one
struck me with a club or a piece of Iron
on the forehead, and I lost consciousness.
I knew nothing of what happened after
that until I found myself chafing Day's
hands and later when the officer took me
Into the barroom."
Hamilton was shown the blood-stained
knife. He emphatically denied ever see
ing or owning it. He recalled no conver
sation with ex-Patrolman Rooney, who
made such damaging statements yester
day as to Hamilton's confession.
Dr. Charles A. Erdman, an anatomist in
the medical department of the State Uni
versity, gave it as his expert opinion that
not all of the wounds received by Day
were caused by the same Instrument. The
wound in the head was net made by the
big knife The fatal wound, he main
tained, which severed the sub-clavian ar
tery, was downward and forward, and
must have been struck from behind, over
Day's shoulder, or. If struck from in
front, the point of the knife must have
been held toward the person who held It.
Mars Nielson, a hack driver, who had
ofen carried Day around on his nocturnal
jaunts, testified to having seen a knife
In Dy's .possession less than a. year ago
which closely resembled the one in evi
dence. Dr. William B. Murray controverted
Rooney's confession story. He declared
that he was near during all the time
Rooney was present until the defendant
was taken away, and that he heard ev
erything that was said by either Hamilton
or Rooney. Hamilton, instead of saying,
"I killed him and am prepared to take
the consequences," as Rooney testified,
said, "I will go with you, and if I have
done anything I am prepared to take the
consequences." He examined Hamilton's
hands 'and cuffs Immediately after he ar
rived and found them without blood.
Cannot Get White Labor, and Has to
Employ Japanese.
ASTORIA, Feb. 13. Superintendent Mc
Gulre, of the Astoria & Columbia River
Railroad, expresses himself as much sur
prised by the action of the Astoria Coun
cil of Federated Trades with reference
to the employment of Japanese as section
hands on the road.
He says that he would like to meet with
the officers of the Council and have them
explain what they desire him to do. He
desires to know if they are willing to fur
nish sober and industrious men living in
Astoria to take the places of the Japanese
now employed, and at wages commen
surate with the work performed. He has
not received any official communication
from the Council, and will not take any
action until he does. In speaking of the
Japs loading and unloading cars, he said
that the company was practically forced
to do so to compete successfully with the
water transportation lines, which land
their boats at every wharf along the wa
ter front.
Inquiries for a Sailor.
British Vice-Consul Cherry has received
an inquiry for the whereabouts of Frank
H. Firth, an able seaman, who was re
cently discharged from the stranded Brit
ish bark Poltalloch. His parents In Ham
burg desire to find him, and Mr. Cherry
has a message from them for him.
Accident on a Steep
Near Butte.
BUTTE, Mont., Feb. 13. One of the
Northern Pacific freight trains, while
hauling supplies to the Alice mine on the
hill, got beyond control of the brakes
this noon and ran away. As a result
William Fidler, brakeman, is dead and
the following are injured: John Harden,
engineer, may die; John Cahlll, brake
man, bruised, not seriously. The train
was working up the steep grade of what
Is known as the Hill Line, leading to
the mines at Walkervllle, with lumber
and other supplies for the Alice mine. All
at once the wheels began to slip, and
when the air was applied the brakes re
fused to hold.
Teachers' Institute at Mllwaulcic.
OREG6N CITY, Or., Feb. 13. Arrange
ments are completed for holding a local
teachers' institute at Milwaukle, Febru
ary 23, with the following programme:
"The Geography of -North America," V.
A. Davis, of Damascus; "First Year
Work in Numbers," Mrs. Mollie Hanklns
Strelght, Oregon City; "Discipline, Aims
and Methods," County Superintendent,
"Clackamas County History," Eva Emery
Dye, Oregon City. Other numbers will
be furnished by members of the aillwau
kle school. The committee having the
Institute in charge consists of J. C. Zln
ser, T. J. Gary and Miss Fannie G. Por
ter. Four applicants for state papers are
being examined by the County Superin
tendent. The ChewEucan Post, of Paisley, Lake
County, has appeared In Its Initial Issue.
It Is neatly printed and shows there is
a wide field for enterprise In Its district.
Date of the Content Will Depend on
the Decision of Judge Hollister
in the Injunction Case.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 11-There is every
Indication that the proposed boxing match
will not be pulled off at Saengerfest Hall
next Friday, There is as much debate
about time and place as there is about
the decision of Judge Hollteter that is to
be rendered tomorrow noon. As soon as
Judge Hollister renders his decision, the
managers will have a conference and will
lay tlrelr plans for the future. It Is un
derstood that If Judge Hollister grants
the application for a permanent injunc
tion, the postponement will be for soma
weeks, so as to allow time to carry (he
case through the Circuit Court and thence
to the Supreme Court for final settlement.
If Judge Hollister shall refuse an Injunc
tion on the ground that a court of equity
has no jurisdiction in such cases or any
other grounds, the pbstponement is not
likely to be for more than one week, and
it' may be only to the first of next week.
While there are reports about Governor
Nash having three or four regiments un
der marching orders, it is not believed
here that any troops will reach the city
this week at least. All -concerned in
bringing off the fight Insist that they will
not attempt to proceed If a permanent
injunction Is issued against them, and the
general opinion is that such will be the
rendering of the court.
Troops May Not Be Sent.
COLUMBUS, O.. Fe"b. 13. The belief pre
vails among those most, conversant with
the situation that there will be no neces
sity for sending troops to Cincinnati. It
is said that Governor Nash has received
assurances from the directors of the
Saengerfest Athletic Association that, In
view of his determination to prevent the
fight, no effort will be made to bring it
off, even though the decision of the court
should be favorable to them. Governor
Nash would neither affirm or deny the
Elected State Officers nnd Appointed
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 13. The second
day's session of the state camp of the
Modern Woodmen of America was a busy
one. The following state officers were
elected to serve for two years:
E. W. Hand, Spokane, state consul; M.
N. Turner, Concord, state adviser; N.
A. Klarell, Port Townsend, state banker;
C. B. Kegley, Pullman, state clerk; S. F.
Bagley, Lynden, state escort; W. A. Bow
en, Parker, state sentry: W. J. Loundl
gan, Dayton, state watchman.
The following were elected delegates to
the National convention, which meets in
St. Paul next June:
Delegate-at-large James G. Dickson,, of
Spokane; delegates H. B. Hoyt, Seattle;
W. H. Mitchell, Cenfralla; F. G. Fisher,
Tacoma; W. F. Loche, Whatcom; W. J.
Honeycutt, Waitesburg, and M. N. Rich
ardson, North Yakima.
The retiring officers were all remembered
in separate resolutions, Including Dr. F.
S. Miller, head physician, and C. D. El
liott, state deputy head consul.
fC'p.vernmcnt to Use Them for Service
on Alaska Coast.
SEATTLE, Feb. 13.-Major Ruhlen, in
charge of the" United" States Quartermas
ter's office here, has received instructions
from the department at Washington to
invite bids for the construction of one
seagoing tug and two 400-ton lighters, to
be used In handling Government supplies
at Nome and St. Michael.
The boats will be finished in time for
use this season in the north. The bids
will be closed on Saturday night, as the
work will probably be a rush order. The
tug will be SO feet long, 17 feet beam and
four feet draught. The amount of busi
ness done by the Government In the north
warrants building the craft, Instead of
depending Upon private contracts.
Interest in New Enterprise.
OREGON CITY, Or., Feb. 13. The co
operative butcher shop enterprise has cre
ated a lively interest in all lines of busi
ness. The merchants think they see in
this movement &. menace to all kinds of
business, as the promoters have already
intimated that, if this proves a success,
they will proceed to organize co-operative
stores of all kinds, and the promptness
with which the stock for the butcher shop
was subscribed lends considerable strength
to the Idea.
Conservative men say they hope the co
operative enterprise will be abandoned,
because the result Is certain to be disas
trous td the "best Interests of the" town.
The superintendents of the mills have
been asked to use their influence to dis
courage the movement, but they have so
far declined to Interfere In any way.
The Woman's Relief Corps, of this city,
gave a basket social and dance at the
Armory last night which was largely at
tended and was a social and financial suc
cess. Baskets sold for fancy prices.
Murderous Assault With Razor.
SEATTLE, Feb. 13. Mad with the ef
fects of liquor and at the time infuriated
with the thought that his companion had
robbed him of a sum of money, James
Flood attacked James Dorcey with a ra
zor In a room in the Globe Hotel at 10
o'clock today, and by the narrowest mar
gin possible a murder was averted.
Both men had been out on a spree all
night and had just entered their room,
when suddenly Flood turned upon his
roommate and accused him of stealing $50
of his money from a coat pocket. Dorcey
denied it. Flood whipped out a
razor, and made a. slash at the aston
ished Dorcey. A gash an inch deep and
the full length of the fleshy part of the
arm was cut. Terrified beyond measure,
Dorcey screamed frantically for help. Pro
prietor Hewitt came in and 'tried to make
peace. In his mad fury Flood turned
upon him with murder in his eyes, But
did not succeed in cutting him, and was
Court Assessed Costs.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13. The United
States Court of Appeals has made an
order assessing the costs In the case of
John I. Tornanses and William A. KJell
man to Alexander McKenzIe. In making
the order, the court stated that In the
opinion delivered on February 11, it was
understood the settlement had been made
in all the contempt proceedings. As a cor
rection in the case cited, McKenzIe will
be required to pay the costs, which will
probably amount to $1200.
Shortage Was ?1040.
TACOMA, Feb. 13. City Controller Lis
ter today completed the examination of
the books in the treasurer's office and
found the shortage of Norman W. Mills,
late clerk, was $1946. Ex-Sheriff MIIIb
father of the young man, has repaid the
full amount of the shortage, and it is
understood there will be no prosecution.
Peculiar Arrest.
SEATTLE, Feb. 13 James A Taylor
reported to the police headquarters
Monday that he had been robbed In a sa
loon box by a woman of the town of a
large sum of money. Taylor did not hesi
tate to .give the captain on duty his true
name, and that is the reason that he Is
today a prisoner at the station, held on
several charges.
For some time Detective Lane had been
Pint Presbyterian Church of Gretruboro. Co.. and lis Pastor and Elder.
The day was when men of prominence
hesitated to give their testimonials to
proprietary medicines for publication.
This remains true today of most proprie
tary medicines, but Peruna has become
so Justly famous, its "merits are known to
so many people of high and low stations,
that no one hesitates to see his name In
print recommending Peruna.
The highest men in our Nation have
given Peruna a strong indprscment. Men
representing all classes and stations are
equally represented.
A dignified representative of the Pres
byterian Church in the person of Rev. E.
G. Smith does not hesitate to state pub
licly that he has used Peruna in his fam
ily and found it cured when other reme
dies failed. In this statement the Rev.
Smith is supported by an elder in his
Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor pf the "Presby
terian Church of Greensboro, Ga., writes:
"Having used Peruna in my family for
some time it gives me pleasure to testify
to its true worth. My little boy, 7 years
of age, had been suffering for some time
with catarrh of the Ipwer bow.els. Other
remedies had failed, but after taking two
bottles of Peruna the trouble almost en
Am a aH11 Vitfnf 'frty tVlA aftmA TTIftn. and
yesterday, late in the day, when Chief
Meredith came to the station and heard
the boys there mention the name, he
quickly made up his mind that this might
be the man wanted. Taylor soon came
In in sink that $25 he had out UD to in
sure his appearance at the trial of the
woman be given him, as he had made up
his mind to drop the prosecution. The
chief then accused him, and Taylor de
nied being a bigamist, but .admitted oth
er charges.
Charged With Embexslement.
SEATTLE, Feb. 13. N. E. Hawley, of
Bremerton, formerly treasurer of the
Puget Sound Ship Caulkers' Association
of Bremerton, is in Jail here on a charge
or having embezzled thtf-funds of theas
sbclatlon. He is short $70.- He says the
money remained in his hands after the
old association broke up, and he does not
know to whom to pay -tne'money.
Telegraphic Brevities-.
Floods at La Paz cos.t many lives and
destroyed' property worth $1,000,000.
Yaqul Indians broke away from Mex
ican troops and, ace ravaging ranches.
Over 100 Milwaukee divorces are invalid,
because the fees have not been paid.
The headless and mutilated body of a
man was found in the rear of a Columbus
Joe Gans was awarded the decision over
"Wilmington" Jack Daly in the fifth
round at Baltimore.
Alfred Stead, of London, son of W. T.
Stead, 1b en route to Indianapolis to wed
Miss Mary Hussey, of that city.
The Ameer of Afghahlstari has written
an extremely sympathetic letter to Lord
Curzon, on the occasion of the death of
the Queen.
Although the brief appointing the Rev.
M. C. O'Brien bishop of Maine has been
suspended, he has the ""best chance out
of three candidates.
W. R. Crosby, of O'Fallon, 111., was
high gun in the 14 events at the Indian
apolis shoot. He broke 207 out of 210.
Each event was at 15 targets.
Frank Crawford, .aged 16, was shot and
instantly killed by his brother, Charley,
aged 14 years, at BAllngee, W. Va. Frank
objected to Charley going out hunting.
Otto W. Meysenburg, formerly president
of the Wells & French Car Company, of
Chicago, Is dead at his country home,
Alma Sieta, Cal., at the age of 52 years'.
Margin McClure, convicted of assisting
in the wreck of the Rutland, Vt.. Aler-
chants National Bank, was sentenced to
seven years in the county house of cor
rection. From an ash barrel that had been con
signed $o a dump at Plalnfleld, -N. J.,
Colonel Julian Scott, the well-known art
ist, has rescued a death mask of Na
poleon. The. German Reichstag passed ta the
second reading the China, bill and Its ac
companying financial bill, including in
demnity for the expenditure Incurred by
the expedition.
Paul Deschanel, president of the Cham
ber of Deputies, was married to Mdlle.
Gerrr.alne Brice, daughter of Deputy
Brlce. President Loubet acted as one 'Of
M, Deschanel' s witnesses.
M. F. DwyeK of Brooklyn, has bought,
of James B. Clay, of Lexington, a black
yearling by Handspring, dam Mendrolt'.
and a black filly by Handspring, dam
Nor Mantle, for $25,000 "and $1500 respect
British importers of dutiable merchant
dise are clearing enormous quantities of
teas, spirits and tobacco. The dally re
ceipts from the customs duties oh tea
for the past few days have reached 72.
000. Fire In the five-story block in Boston
occupied by William H. Blood & Co.,
shawls, cloaks, etc.; Creed & Co., fancy
goods; Edward Buller & Co., linings, and
M. H. Pulaski & Co., embroideries, caused
a loss of $150,000.
John W. Dickinson, of Newtonvllle. a
note broker, was arrested In Boston for
Ttrtr are entirely free from It
It may develop so slowly as to cause
little, it any disturbance during the whole
period of childhood
' It may then produce irregularity of the
stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh,
and marked tendency to consumption
before manifesting itself In much cutaneous
eruption or glandular swelling.
It Is belt to be sure thai you are quite
free from it. and for Its complete eradica
tion you can rely on
timmFm SmrmapmriHm
The best of all medicines for all humors.
tirely disappeared. For this special mala
dy I consider it well nigh a specific. As
a tonic for "weak and wornout people It
has few or no equals." Rev. H. G. Smith.
Mr: M. J. Rossman, a prominent mer
chant of Greensboro, Ga., and an elder
In the Presbyterian Church of that place,
has used Peruna and In a recent letter to
the Peruna Medicine Company, of Colum
bus, "Ohl6, writes as follows:
"For a long time I was troubled with
catarrh of the kidneys and tried many
remedies, all of which gave me no relief.
Peruna was recommended to me by sev
eral friends, and after using a few bot
tles I am pleased to say that the long-looked-for
relief was found and I am now
enjoying better health than I have for
years, and can heartily recommend Pe
runa to all similarly afillctPd. L Is cer
tainly a grand medicine." M. J. Ross
man. If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of- Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
alleged complicity In the wrecking of the
South Danvers National Bank of Pea
body. In default of $25,000 ball he was
committed to jail.
American tenders for the British ex
chequer bond are very small. ' probably
under 1,000,000. Germany Is the largest
foreign tenderer and France Is next. It
Is understood that the postoffice savings
bank gains the bulk of the bonds.
Albert Pltcalrn, president of the Third
National Bank of Pittsburg, while tem
porarily demented from overwork, wan
dered from the Markleton Sanitarium and
spent the night in the Allegheny Moun
tains. When found his hands, feet and
ears were frozen.
The spread of the plague .in Bombay Is
increasing. There were over 2000 deaths
during" the" past Week, o which '923 are
known "to haW been dUe to the .plague.
The Government is deWtfrig lts'attontlbn
to succoring the "sick rather than to pre
venting the spread -of the disease.
Winners at Oakland- were: Dunfree, Sea
Lion, Victoria S. Flamero, Frank Bell,
Sir Hampton; at Tanforan, Vassal, Sis
ter Jeanie, Lothian, Joe Frey, Slide, Wy
oming; at New Orleans, The- Bronze
Demon, Lady Curzon, Dlvertlsement, Ar
dita. Bright Night, Sadie Burnam.
Indian Agent Stranahan, of the Nez
Perces agency, states that the census
shows that the tribe now numbers 1640, of
which 430 are male adults.
I rrnrA mr CCll H ITDP mnfi
valuable than a life insurance policy.
It not only cures colds in the head,
colds in the lungs, colds In the bones
but it wards off dangerous diseases
such as grippe, diphtheria, pneumo
nia, and consumption. nUNYON.
Muayon'i RheumttUm Cure i:Idom fails to relier
in one to three hbur, and cures in a few days.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all
forms of indirection and stomach trouble.
Munyon's Couch Cure stops courhs, night sweats,
allavs soreness and speedily heals xhe lungs. ,
Munyon's Kidney Cure quickly cures pains, in the
Dick, lomi or groins, and all formsof kidney disease.
cKyon!sViUlUerrestoreslostpowersto weak men.
All the cures are 5 cents, at any drugstore.
Dlnnyon's Guide to Health should be in th
hands pf every mother. It will help hem to'kaow
the Symptoms of every disease ana tell them the
ptoper treatment. Sent free to any address.
Muayon, New York and Philadelphia.
Positively cured by thesd
Xittle Pills.
They also reUeve Distress trora Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hcai Jy Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drarsi.
ness, Bad Taste in the MouuVCoated Tongue
fain in the Side, TORPID I2VER. Then
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
fimall Pill. Small Dos,
Small Price.