Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1901, Image 1

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Portland, -
VOL. XLL NO. 12,535.
h ssHKPWfe.
Rubber and Oil-Clothing, Boots and Shoes.
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. K. lEARr" tT1Ant
F. M. EHEPARD. 'JR.. TreMUwe.
J. A. EHEPARD. Secretary.
Best of Clear
Havana Cigars.
Shaw's Pure Malt
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BllimaUer & HoCtl, 108 and HO Fourth Street
Sol Distributers for Oregon
Fifth and Washington Sts. . . . PORTLAND, OREGON
E"irt-GIass Check Reitnnrant
Connected With Hotel.
J. P. DAVIES, Prcs.
St Charles Hote
American and European Plan.
Enables You To Play Your Piano
The Pianola will enable you to play your piano even
if you do not know one note from another.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeo'lan Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Pork. Portland, Or.
tvVsx Sole Arents for th PUnoU; also for the Stelnfrajr. tho Cbftio an th Smiraoa
It Mast Be Recognized by tlie Con
stitutional Convention.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
As a result of a conference between
President McKinley and Secretary Root,
supplemental Instructions were sent to
General Wood to call attention of the
Cuban constitutional convention to the
Importance and necessity of including the
requirements of this Government In the
constitution. It 1b demanded that the
Monroe Doctrine shall be recognized; that
Cuba shall not mortgage the Island to
any foreign power; that the United States
be given the right to establish naval sta
tions at Havana, Guantanamo, Nlpe,
Cienfuegos, and the right to maintain at
least a part of the present military force
In the Island, and that the United States
shall assist Cuba in maintaining a stable
On account of the situation In Cuba
there has been renewed talk of the prob
ability of an extra session of Congress.
The President has reiterated his desire
to have Congress take action In relation
to Cuba at the earliest possible moment,
and advices received from General Wood
within the last two days are said to be of
such a character as to make an extra
session practically imperative.
The Cuban planters now In Washington
trying to have the duty taken off tobacco
imported from Cuba into the United
States, and to obtain other modifications
of the tariff In favor of Cuban products,
have been advised to go home and tell
their people it is Impossible to grant them
any such favors, because until a Cuban
Government has been organized, a reci
procity treaty cannot be negotiated, while
Cuba has nothing to give In return for
concessions, and there does not seem to
be a disposition on the part of any one
in Cuba to grant any concessions to the
United States. An effort is being made
to use this opportunity to open the eyes
of the Cubans to the necessity of favor
ably considering the demands of the
United States as to the provisions of the
new constitution.
Senator Morgan, chairman of the com
mittee on interoceanlc canals, agrees that
it is necessary for the United States to
retain coaling and naval stations in
Cuba. Information recently sent to his
committee by Captain Sigsbee, Chief In
telligence Officer, shows that there are
In the West Indies IS ports under the
control of Great Britain, four under
France, two under the Dutch and two
under Denmark. Of the British ports,
the most important are on the Islands of
Bermuda and Jamaica. To offset these
stations on the southern side of Cuba is
essential. Senator Morgan says the
strength of the British outposts show the
wisdom of the Navy Department in se
lecting naval stations in Cuba, and em
phasizes the necessity of this country re
taining possession of them.
His Threat to Hold Up River and
Harbor Bill Not Prudent.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. The threats
made by Frye and Hanna that the river
and harbor bill is in danger if the ship
subsidy bill Is not passed. Is having an effect
In the House contrary to what the friends
of the ship subsidy expected. Members of
the House who are Interested in the river
and harbor bill, say that if the latter bill
is held up for the subsidy bill, the action
will be remembered when the subsidy bill
roaches the House and there will be re
taliation. Maurice Thompson Still Alive.
Maurice Thompson, the author. Is still
living, but his death is expected at any
73-75 FIRST ST.
Packed Twenty
Five In a Box.
Rooms Single
Rooms Double
Rooms Family
. 3c to $1.50 per day
$L0O to $2.W per day
.$1.50 to $3.00 per day
C T. BELCHER, Sec. and Treas.
American plan
European plan
.$1.23. $1.60. $1.75
. 50c. 75c. $1.00
Chinese Officials Refuse to Commit
PEKIN; Feb. 13. At least three of the
Chinese to whom Emperor Kwang Hsu
sent a choice of suicide in pursuance of
the demand of the powers for their pun
ishment with death, have declined to com
ply, and the Emperor has withdrawn his
request that they should destroy them
selves. His Majesty now telegraphs
Prince Ching that when he agreed to the
terms of the Joint note, the latter only
required that the punishment should fit
the crime, and he argues that if the worst
i or tne guilty aeserve death, the others
l should be punished in other ways. The
rorelgn envoys, on the contrary, say that
even those who are least guilty deserve
death, and as there Is no worse punish
ment, all must suffer that penalty. Un
less the court changes its views, no Im
mediate settlement is possible.
Barefaced Robbery.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. A dispatch to
the Herald from Tien Tsin says:
The French and Russian Consuls raised
their respective flags over the salt heaps
belonging to the merchants of the Salt
Guild, a month after the occupation of
the city, and have since refused to allow
the owners to approach the property.
They have, however, offered to sell it
back at three-quarters of its market
value, which amounts to millions. At a
meeting today, the merchants came to the
conclusion that such barefaced robbery of
private property was not committed with
the approval of Paris or St. Petersburg,
and drew up a memorial cable dispatch to
the Czar and President Loubet.t setting
forth their grievances. All the commer
cial classes In China are waiting to learn
whether the Boxers or the allies are more
dangerous to their Interests, and will act
accordingly. .
Russians Lost Heavily.
LONDON, Feb. 13. A special dispatch
from Shan Hal Kwan, dated February
11, says the Russians lost 40 men killed in
an engagement at Kiao Chou. and that
they refused the assistance of the allies.
It is hoped that the arrival of Walter
iHllller (adviser to the British military au
thorities in China at Jfekin) will expedite,
the negotiations with the Chinese court.
The Japanese Consent.
BERLIN. Feb. 13. Field Marshal Count
von Waldersee, telegraphing from Pekln,
says the Japanese have given their assent
to handing over the Pekin-Shan Hal
Kwan Railroad to the British.
Paper Mills Burned.
APPLETON. Wis.. Feb. 13. The Klm-
i berley mills, of the Klmberley & Clark
Paper Company, located four miles from
this city, was damaged by fire tonight
to the extent of between $400,000 and $500,
000". Fully covered by Insurance. The
mills, which are valued at over $1,000,000.
were at one time threatened with entire
destruction. Assistance was sent from
Appleton. While assisting at the fire F.
Cowle. superintendent of the plant, was
seriously Injured. The Klinberley mills
rank among the finest In the West. The
mills were built in 1S93 and were the most
complete In the country. Chief E. L.
Anderson, of the fire department, was
overcome by smoke and suffocated before
he could be reached.
Death of Senator Piatt's "Wife. '
NEW YORlc, Feb. 13. Mrs. Thomas C.
Piatt, the wife of United States Senator
Piatt, died early today at her apartments
In the Fifth-Avenue Hotel, after a long
Illness. Senator Piatt and his three Bons
and their wives were at the bedside, -Mrs.
Piatt's affliction was a nervous affection
of the heart.
Change in Commission Is
Viewed With Disfavor,
President "Wilcox and Charles E.
Ladd Decline to Serve "With Pro
posed New Appointees Rea
son for Antagonism.
Much regret and not a little Indignation
was expressed in this city yesterday over
the radical change In the personnel of the
Port of Portland Commission as proposed
by the Smith bill now before the Legis
lature. No reflections were made on tho
motives or the 'character of the men
named to supplant the present members
of the board, but general regret was ex
pressed that such an Important work was
to be taken out of the hands of expe
rienced men who had made such a fine
record In thelf positions, and turned ov?r
to an Inexperienced board. President
Wilcox, who was retained on the board
by the new bill, last evening wired to
Salem that he would not serve on the
new board, as the new bill had crippled
the efficiency of the board to such an ex
tent by supplanting the men with whom
he had worked to such good advantage
with new and untried men, that he no
longer felt inclined to give his time to
the work. He stated that he has nothing
against the new men personally, but ne
thinks the work which har been per
formed by the present commission entitles
it to more consideration than had been
shown in the new bill. He does not think
that the Port of Portland should be
dragged into politics and when It started
In that direction he declines to follow it.
Charles E Ladd also wired his refusal
to serve and gave reasons similar to
those of Mr. Wilcox for refusing to serve
on the new board. Both of these gentle
men, who nave greater property and com
mercial interests at stake than any other
member of either the present or the pro
posed board, have cheerfully given a
great deal of their time to this work for
the past two years, and have worked
in harmony for the best Interests of the
port They were willing to continue the
work so long as It was kept out of politics
and experienced, good men, in every
way representative of the city, were kept
on the board with them.
Mr. Wilcox is strongly In favor of a
drydock for this city and Is anxious that
it should be built at once while the people
are In the frame of mind for building it.
He objects, however, 'to haying the dry
dock proposition being used for the pur
pose of throwing good men out of an
important service in which politics should
cut no figure.
Pilot Patterson, who is named as one
of the new board, was apparently well on
the "Inside" of the plan for making the
wholesale change, as he was offering to
bet two to one before the Legislature
met that there would not be a single
member of the old board In office after the
Legislature adjourned. His candidacy 's
apparently of recent date, as since the
Legislature has been In session he ap
proached a well-known citizen and asked
him to make an effort to get on the new
board. The man approached stated that
he had no knowledge of the work to be
performed and did not think he was
eligible. Patterson then Informed him that
it was unnecessary for him to know any
thing about the matter, as all that was
required of him would be to "do as
Hughes directs." Failing in his effort to
find a candidate of this kind, Patterson
has apparently decided to fill the bill him
self. Personally there Is no objection to
Patterson, but his efforts In behalf of
the compulsory pilot bill show him to be
out of harmony with the best Interests of
the port; and for that reason, those who
are endeavoring to lighten the expenses
of ships coming to this port view his ap
pointment with misgivings.
While Mr. Williams declined to discuss
the matter, it is stated by men In a posi
tion to know that the fight against him
was made simply as a punishment for his
effective work in ridding the port of the
compulsory pilotage law two years ago.
WTien the lumber company represented by
Mr. Williams entered the export lumber
trado a few years ago, they endeavored to
obtain concessions from the pilots that
would enable them to make lumber In
competition with Puget Sound mills. The
river pilotage alone on a cargo of lum
ber amounted to over 2 per cent of the
total value of the cargo, and as the mills
were running on small profits, they en
deavored to secure a reduction. This the
pilots refused, and In order to continue
cutting lumber for the export trade, Mr.
Williams was forced to seek legislative
aid in having the obnoxious and unnec
essary law repealed. This angered Pat
terson and his fellow pilots, and they
have been camping on the trail of the
lumberman ever sincft. Mr. Williams oc
cupies a position In the lumber trade simi
lar to that of Mr. Wilcox in the wheat
and flour trade, and it was of the ut
most Importance to his business that ships
should be secured at the best possible
rates arid that their delays In the river be
reduced to a minimum.
In pursuing this policy, with the aid
of their associates on the Port of Port
land Commission, as It is now consti
tuted, they have achieved signal sue-'
cess and the work is- progressing more
satisfactorily and showing better results
than at any time In the history of the
commission. The general opinion among
Portland business men is that the much
needed drydock should not be used to
further personal or political ends and that
it can be secured for Portland without
Impairing the efficiency of the Port of
Portland Commission by substituting un
trained men for those who have made a
good record in their positions.
Funeral of Colonel Shavr.
WATERTOWN. N. Y., Feb. 13. The re
mains of Colonel Albert D. Shaw, Con
gressman from this district and late Commander-in-Chief
of the Grand Army of
the Republic, were interred in Brookstde
cemetery today with military honors.
After private funeral services at the fam
ily residence, the body of Colonel Shaw
laid In state at the Armory, where thou
sands of citizens viewed the remains.
Blizzard in TVetv York.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Feb. 13. Northern
and Central New York are many feet
deep In the worst blizzard of the Winter,
and in some respects in recent years. Over
a territory extending from Rochester to
Utlca, and from Watertown to Ithaca,
the ground is white, although it is not ex
ceedingly cold, and the fine snow drifting
makes travel dangerous. In the cities
snowplows and shovel gangs are keeping
the street-car tracks in semlpassable con
dition, but in the country districts the
roads are drifted to such depths that
travel is practically Impossible. Specials
from outlying towns say that worse con
ditions have never existed. In some cases
communication with, other villages except
by wire is entirely cut off. Two freight
trains on the New York Central crashed
together at Jordan while the storm was
at its height. Neither was seriously
GroTringr Opposition Abroad to Am
erican Commercial Advancement.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The general
survey of foreign trade, Introductory to
the volume of "Commercial Relations
With the United States," which formed
the subject of special letters ' from the
President and Secretary of State to Con
gress, has Just been published by Fred
erick Emory, the head of the Bureau of
Foreign Commerce and compiler of this
matter. In the shape of a special number
of the "advance sheets of consular re
ports." As the title indicates, the survey
is a compact presentation of the most
Important and Instructive features of the
enormous mass of trade information
which has been collected by United States
consuls throughout the world during the
past year. The publication says that
along with a natural note of satisfaction
in the annual reports of our consular
officers for last year, there Is a strong
hint of a most strenuous competition and
opposition to American trade advance
ment abroad, which may finally counter
balance our superior advantages to a
considerable extent and check our prog
ress in the world's markets, unless we
equip ourselves meantime for the ulti
mate phases of the struggle.
The relative cheapness of American
products has given them pre-eminence, it
Is Bhown, and the remarkable growth of
the foreign demand for our Iron and
steel Is cited as a striking Instance of
what undercutting in prices will do. For
eign observers, particularly British and
Germans, are shown to be keenly alive
to what Is being accomplished by the
greater efficiency of our Industrial meth
ods and exhibit a purpose to profit by
them, and then to fight us with our own
weapons. A great number of expressions
from various sources are presented, show
ing the wholesome respect and fear with
which the powers of the world look upon
the United States In the trade arena. The
concentration of capital, our suddenly ac
quired financial Independence, the excel
lence of our foreign, consular service and,
as most important, the valuable prac
tical business education which our sons
receive are reasons advanced by foreign
commentaries' forour remarkable ad
vancement In trade. The Importance of
building up a merchant marine to further
our trade with foreign nations is dwelt
upon at some length, and the benefits of
direct steamship transportation are emphasized.
Invitation to President McKinley
May be Wittiaravtrn,
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Feb. 13. Ae general
executive- committee f the caafcuurate
icuiuuu una auupita a. resuiijnoa wiin re
gard td th Invitation to President Mc
Klnley to be present at the- reunion which
will be held in Memphis in May, in which
it declares that this committee recognizes
the unwritten law of the United Confed
erate Veterans, that neither the officers
of said organization nor the host at the
reunion has authority to Invite any other
than a Confederate to participate in such
Four Millions Are Starving.
SHANGHAI, Feb. 33. The Governor of
Shen Si Is appealing for aid In behalf of
4,000,000 inhabitants of the famine-stricken
Civil government was established in Pam
panga Province. Page 1.
General Davis will conduct the Carman
Carranza Investigation. Page 1.
An Insurgent band has been broken up.
Page 1.
The electoral vote was counted at a Joint
session of both houses. Page 2.
The Senate resumed consideration of the
agricultural bill. Page 2.
The House made little progress with the
sundry civil bill. Page 2.
The Senate confirmed the appointments of
Brigadier-Generals. Page 2.
A state of siege has been proclaimed at
Madrid. Page 3.
Disorders In Spain continue. Page 3.
An address of loyalty from the City of
London was presented to King Edward.
Page 3.
Pelt Dewet Is at the Cape trying to bring
about peace. Page 3.
The Jeffries-Ruhlin flght will be post
poned. Page 2.
Guns were used in a saloon raid at Win
field, Kan. Page 3.
Charles M. Schwab Is to be president of
the new Morgan steel company. Page 3.
Pensions for Oregon Indian War Vet
erans has been left out of the substi
tute bill in Congress. Page 5.
The Oregon Equal Suffrage Association
has Issued an open address. Page 7.
NortUiTest Legislatures.
The Multnomah' delegation at Salem in
the Portland charter matter has left
the municipality limits unchanged and
reduced the salary of the City Treas
urer. Page 1.
Routine proceedings of the Oregon.Wash
Ington and Idaho Legislatures Wednes
day. Pages 4 and 5.
The Multnomah delegation in the Legis
lature has reported a substitute meas
ure for reduction of tho salary of the
Sheriff. Page 4.
The Oregon Legislature is considering
three warehouse bills. Page 5.
The only change In the Senatorial situa
tion at Salem yesterday was the vote of
Democrats for R. D. Inman. Page 4.
The Poorman bill at Salem, fixing re
sponsibility of railroads for injuries to
employes, has been defeated In the
House. Page 4.
The move In the Washington Legislature
for reconsideration of the Preston rail
road bill has been, voted down. Page 3.
The Hou of the Oregon Legislature has
adopted a system for fixing state taxes
for next 10 years. . Page 5.
Commercial and Marine.
Day of liquidation in Wall street. Page 11,
Activity in wool in the Boston market.
Page 11.
Another' big ship overdue from Hong
Kong. Page 10.
French bark Nantes wrecked. Page 10.
Portland and Ylcinity.
New Port of Portland bill Is viewed with
disfavor. Page 1.
Death of Mrs. Rhoda C- Henderson, a
pioneer of 1S46. Page 12.
Free rural delivery will be inaugurated at
Gresham tomorrow. Page 8.
"Sandy" Olds, who murdered Emll Web
er, died of paralysis. Page 8.
Insurance company asks for a new trial
against Tom ConneU. Page 8.
Home Delegation Considered
Its Provisions.'
Salary of Itexx Treasurer Has Been
Reduced to $1800 Pay of
Auditor and Attorney Was
SALEM, Feb. 13. The Multnomah dele
gation met last night to consider the
Portland charter, and made but little
progress, although the meeting was a
long one. It was decided not to change
the present boundaries of the city limits.
It was agreed to reduce the salary of the
City Treasurer to $1500, to take effect at
the end of the present term, the chief
deputy to receive $1200 and the clerk, $900.
The question of the salary of the City
Auditor was discussed, also the City At
torney's. The present salary for each of
these officers is $2400 per annum. Senator
Josephl stated that he thought the Aud
itor ought to have $2400, as the position
is a very responsible one, and Mr. Mays
assented to the proposition that $2400 was
not too much for a good City Attorney.
Senator Josephl called attention to the
fact that City Attorney Long was suc
cessful In winning a number of important
cases for the city. WhUe the question of
salaries was being discussed. Representa
tive Orion said he was opposed to a re
duction of any salary where It was not
excessive until the term of the Incumbent
had expired. These men were elected with
the understanding that they should re-c.-'ve
such salaries. The members pres
ent approved of the Idea that all changes
take effect after the end of the present
terms. Mr. Mays stated that he did not
have the memorandum of the salaries rec
ommended by the Taxpayers' League, and
the matter was, therefore, postponed to
be finally disposed of at the meeting to
night. City Limits.
Concerning the change of the city lim
its, after considerable talk, It was deter
mined to let the Charter Commission pro
vided for In the new charter dispose of
the matter. The majority of the delega
tion decided that they could not spare
sufficient time at this late day to make
the changes intelligent, as It was an ex
tensive undertaking. There were numer
ous petitions and remonstrances on file
regarding proposed extensions of the
boundaries. Representative Thompson
stated that there was a remonstrance,
containing 200 names, against the annex
ation of Mount Tabor.
Representative Orton said It would be
best not take In Mount Tabor now. It
might be all right to include part of the
'thickly settled district, but it would be
impossible to draw the line except with
great difficulty. To take in portions of
the territory would Interfere with chil
dren attending schools, and some of them
living close together would be in the city
limits, and some out. "The City & Sub
urtan Railway Company," said Mr. Or
ton, "which has a park on top of the
mountain, would, no doubt, like to have
the extension made to get police protec
tion and electric lights."
Representative Nottingham said there
was no doubt Mount Tabor ought to be
taken In. There was a big remonstrance,
but It was signed by people who don't
live there, "the uncles, cousins and the
Representative Josephl said the exten
sion of the city limits was a b!g responsi
bility, why not leave it to- the Charter
Commission of 33, who are provided for
by the charter. Eleven are to be appoint
ed by the Legislature, 11 by the Mayor
and 11 by the City Council. Senator Mays
favored this plan.
Representative Heltkempker said he
was not In favor of taking in any more
territory, but in favor of cutting out.
Notlngham moved that the boundaries
remain as they are. Representative Smith
seconded the motion. Orton said Mount
Tabor needed relief, better sewerage and
so on, but It was better to leave It to
the Charter Commission.
Heltkemper objected. He said he re
ferred particularly to section 13, which
was acreage, and the people were being
eaten up by taxes, and wanted to be
taken out of the city limits. Notting
ham's motion prevailed, Thompson and
Heltkemper voting In the negative.
The question of the selection of the
clerk for the Boards of Police and Fire
Commissioners, and a clerk for the Chief
of Police and Municipal Court, was con
sidered. It wa decided that the Com
missioners appoint the former and the
Mayor the latter. There was more or
less talk about the advisability of the
consolidation of the two commissions,
which it was said were recommended by
the Taxpayers' League. Senator Joseph!
opposed the plan. The matter was left
somewhat In an open condition.
Representative Thompson, Just prior to
the adjournment of the meeting, arose
and stated that he was unavoidably ab
sent from the meeting Monday night,
when the Port of Portland Commission
was named. Mr. Thompson said he had
no particular candidate, but Alblna
should be represented, and Captain Spen
cer was an experienced river man, a large
property-owner, a"nd would make a good
Senator Mays said he mentioned the
name of Captain Spencer Monday night,
but some of them thought he was too
much of a "kicker." Thompson retorted
that it was good to have a "kicker" on a
board sometimes. The remark was also
made that It was a mistake to drop Colo
nel McCraken, who served eight years on
the commission.
Petitions signed by several hundred per
sons, asking for the enactment of a law
to compel street-car companies to provide
passengers with seats, was read before
the Multnomah delegation last night. The
petitions recite that the cars are over
crowded, especially In the evening, when
tired workers are returning to their
homes. It is asked that a bill be passed
requiring car companies to provide pas
sengers with seats before collecting fares,
and to charge only 2 cents fare for
A letter was read from the W. C T. U..
earnestly urging the passage of the bill
abolishing child labor during school
months, because every child has the right
to an education. The same society recom
mended passage of the bill prohibiting
the sale ot cigarettes.
The Manitoba Hallway Denl.
WINNIPEG. Manitoba, Feb. 13. The
definite details of the railway contract,
which has just beep signed with the Can
adian Northern by Premier Roeblin, nre
given out. The government has leased In
perpetuity from the Northern Pacific
Its Manitoba system, paying rentals for
30 years, with the option of purchase at
$7,000,000. The company agrees to reduce
all passenger rates in Manitoba to 3 cents
a mile. The company also agrees to
compete Its line to Port Arthur by Octo
ber 1, and will construct or secure the
construction of a line from Sprague, a
point on the Rainy River road, to Duluth.
This is designed to ensure a Winter route
for wheat. On the question of payment
of interest on the bonds which the gov
ernment is to guarantee on the Rainy
River Railway, the company is to do It
if the earnings enable It to do so. If not
the government must pay the interest.
May Be the Outcome of the Imposi
tion of the Countervailing: Duty.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The State De
partment and the Treasury Department
are being deluged with telegrams from
vast business interests protesting against
the imposition of the countervailing duty
on sugar 'mported from Russia. Nearly
all of the correspondents urge that such
action on the part of the United States
will prove ruinous to our export trade
with Russia, which already has attained
large proportions, with promise of an in
crease in the future, as the Siberian rail
road and new trans-Pacific steamship
lines are opened up. Inquiry at the de
partments shows that the Secretary of
the Treasury took this step, as set out in
his letter yesterday, with great reluctance
and only after the most patient investiga
tion into the merits of the case. It was
fully realized that the result of the de
cision to Impose the differpntlal duty
would injuriously affect the American
trade in agricultural Implements, ma
chinery, railway material and rolling
stock and of the other great staples of
export to Russia. But it appeared that
there was no way out of it If the law
was to be enforced, and the Secretary was
obliged to negative the Russian conten
tion that the Russian Government actual
ly paid no bounty on export sugar, such
as would subject It to the United States
countervailing duty. Attorney-General
Griggs, however, decided that the Rus
sian Government practically paid a boun
ty on export sugar, and Secretary Gage
was obliged to Instruct the Treasury offi
cials to collect an additional duty on Rus
sian sugar, amounting to the bounty,
which Is calculated at a little less than
1 cent per pound. The Russian Govern
ment has given notice that If the attempt
Is made by the United States to lay this
countervailing duty. It must respond by
Imposing the maximum tariff rates upon
American exports to Russia. We are now
enjoying the minimum rate, and in many
cases the maximum would be absolutely
prohibitive on American exports to Rus
sia. It is said at the State Department that
this is the situation today, and that all
that can be done is to wait for the next
move en the part of Russia. The one
event that might change the situation In
a manner to wipe out the issue is a de
cision by the United States courts to the
efrect that the Russian sugar Is not bounty-aided,
and it is stated that every op
portunity will be afforded by the Treas
ury officers for the speediest possible de
termlnatlon of tht question through a
test case upon the first Importation of
Russian sugar.
Reciprocity Commissioner Kasson was
asked today as to the current reports that
a commercial war might be precipitated.
Mr. Kasson said the object of Mr. Gage
was to secure a final ruling on the mat
ter, which would determine the policy.
Mr. Kasson regards the Secretary's action
as most conciliatory, and as the only
course leading to a final settlement, and
he hopes that Russia will see it in that
light and will await the determination
of the courts. He pointed out this might
be to the interest of Russia to secure a
final determination. The chances are
equal that the decision will be In favor
of Russia. It would be most unfortunate
if Russia should not consider this action
In a friendly spirit, but It Is so Intended
on the part of the United States. Russia
has a regular tariff schedule, but com
mercial treaties reduced rates are granted
certain countries. Although we have no
reciprocity treaty with Russia, she has
given us the benefit of the reduced rates.
Under such circumstances, it would be
unfortunate if at this time Russia sus
pended the lower rates and placed the
higher rates against our goods.
The Alaska Boundary.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The records
of the State Department contain nothing
to confirm the statement emanating from
Toronto to the effect that Secretary Hay
has protested aaginst the dispatch of
Charles Langeller from Canada to Lon
don and St. Petersburg in the prosecution
of the Canadian search for evidence to
sustain its contention relative to the con
tested boundary lines between Canada
and Alaska. As to the further statement
that the high joint commission is still
alive and subject to reconvention to con
sider this boundary question, it is said
that this is a question to be determined
at the pleasure of either government. The
rock upon which the commission split Is
well defined In the diplomatic charts, and
whenever one side or the other is pre
pared to consent to the removal of the
obstacle, there probably would be no ob
jection to recalling the commission to
life. In order that any Important and still
open Issues between the United States
and Canada, outside of this boundary
question, may be finally settled.
Imports nnd Exports.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The monthly
statement of imports and exports of the
United States for January, 1901, issued by
the Bureau of Statistics, shows: Mer
chandise imports, $69,100,194, of which $27,
373,454 was free of duty; decrease from
January, 1900, $5,700,000; merchandise, ex
ports, $133,390,032; increase, $15,000,000; gold,
imports. $4,161,012; Increase, $2,100,000; gold,
exports, $S,221,159; Increase, $2,600,000; sil
ver. Imports, $3,169,034; Increase, $1,000,000;
sliver, exports, $4,790,239; increase, $200,009.
Contracts for Cruisers.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Navy De
partment today decided to award to the
Bath Iron Works and to the Newport
News Shipbuilding Company the contract
for building each a protected cruiser, pro
viding they will do so upon the same
terms and conditions as were Included In
the awards already made to Neafie &
Levy for a similar ship.
Chonte Will Not Discuss It.
LONDON, Feb. 13. Ambassador Choate
declines to affirm or deny the report that
President McKInley has offered him the
office of Attorney-General of the United
States, in succession to Mr. Griggs.
Lavrson Secures the Old Defender.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. The World to
morrow will say:
"Thomas Lawson has secured an option
on the old Defender. The Boston copper
king is sorely pressed for a trial horse
for the boat he is building to take part
in the trial race. Mr. Samuels, who owns
the Defender, says Mr. Lawson took an
option on the boat in order to forestall
the attempts of other persons to purchase
the old champion." ,
Civil Government Established
in Pampanga Province.
Tuft Commission Will Next Proceed
to Province ot Pangn-jlnnn In
surgent General Surren
ders ISO Rifles.
SAN FERNANDO, Province- of Pam
pango. Island of Luzon, Philippines, Feb.
13. At Bacolor a bill applying the prov
incial government act to the Province of
Pampanga was passed In the presence of
a crowd which included representatives
of all the 20 towns In the province. The
appointments of the officers of the prov
ince were Immediately announced as fol
lows: Sekrlna Joven, of Bacolor, to bo
Governor until a successor shall be se
lected, a year hence; Secretary, Mariano
Cuanan; Treasurer, Lieutenant William
A. Goodale, of the Forty-first Regiment;
Supervisor, Lieutenant Lawrence Butler,
of the Forty-seventh Regiment;' the Army
service of both these officers expires In,
July; Fiscal, Juan Garcia. The salaries
were fixed as follows: Governor, $100;
Secretary, $1000; Treasurer, $2400; Super
visor, $1800; Fiscal, $13C0.
Prior to the passage of the bill, Judgo
Taft explained the frame work of tha
Philippine government, which the com
mission was erecting. The natives sug
gested the amounts of the salaries. At
the close of the session. General Grant,
who is called the "Father of the Fam
pangas," said he rejoiced that his children
were large enough to take care of them
selves. He added: "We Pampangas are as
patriotic as any Americans." The re
mark was greeted with applause. Tho
first general provincial government under
American rule has thus been hopefully
The commission will proceed next to
tho Province of Pangaslnan, In which Is
situated Dagupan, the terminus, on tho
Gulf of Llngajen, of the Manlla-Dagupan
Major Maximos Angeles today surrend
ered 120 rifles at Hagonoy, Province ot
Another Rebel Gang Broken Up.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The following
cablegram today was received at the War
Department from General MacArthur at
"Colonel Simon Tecson, seven officers, 71
soldiers, 50 guns, 2000 rounds of ammuni
tion, surrendered unconditionally Febru
ary 11, at San Miguel de Mayumo, Luzon.
This breaks up the group of Insurgents
heretofore operating in the mountains east
of Gulacan: removes from Northern Lu-
fzon" the last formidable organized force.
excepting In the first district. Rigid en
forcement of the proclamation of Decem
ber 20, and spontaneous action of people
through Federal party In behalf of police
self-protection, are producing most satis
factory results; encouraged the hope that
entire suspension of hostilities will occur
at an early date."
The Carman Investigation.
MANILA, Feb. 13. General Davis has
been delegated to conduct the investiga
tion of the charges against D. M. Car
man, the American contractor, who, with
his partner, Theodore Carranza, a Span
ish merchant, was arrested February 6
charged with furnishing supplies to aid
the Insurgents. The evidence against
Carman ,1s accumulating.
During some fighting recently. In the
mountains of Tayabas, about 60 miles
southeast of Manila, 16 Insurgents were
killed and Important captures were mad
A number of insurgent officers have sur
rendered to Captain Long, ot the Marino
Corps of Sublg.
A quantity of ammunition ha3 been dis
covered in the house of a merchant at
Developments in the Carter Case
Point to a National Scandal.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Feb. 13. De
velopments In the Oberlln M. Carter caso
late this afternoon point to a National
scandal which, his attorneys claim, will
equal the noted Dreyfus case of France.
John H. Atwood, Carter's local attor
ney, received word that should Carter ba
admitted to ball by the Federal Court
Friday, he will be Immediately arrested,
so as to prevent his going to Savannah,
Ga., where he would demand a civil trial,
which, he asserts, would prove his com
plete Innocence of the charges for which
he was convicted. Officers, it is said, aro
on the way to arrest him should the court
grant ball, but an effort will be made to
have the court refuse to admit him to
bail, as there is a strong desire to keep
him from going to Savannah. The inten
tion of the officers Is to effect Carter's
arrest and take him to New York, whero
other contractors are implicated for al
leged defrauding of the Government, and
holding him thero'until the Supreme Court
passes upon his application for habeas
Carter's application to be admitted to
ball will be argued before Judge Hook,
of the United States Court. Friday morn
ing. He has flled an affidavit setting
forth that each day that he Is kept ia
confinement lessens his chances ot proving
his innocence, as several of his witnesses
have died since he has been in prison.
He also states that the confinement ha3
impaired his health and in the event ot
his acquittal, he would be entitled to In
demnity from the Government for unlaw
ful confinement.
Croyrn Prince of Denmark Opposes
the Sale.
LONDON, Feb. 14. The Copenhagen cor
respondent of the Dally News says:
"The Crown Prince of Denmark opposes
the sale of the Danish West Indies to the
United States. At a meeting of the repre
sentatives of the budget committee and a
syndicate that desires to develop the Isl
ands, a compromise was agreed upon to
the effect that if the matter is not settled
with the United States before March 4
the budget committee Is to reject the sale
and to support the schemes of the syndi
cate." "Four Hundred" Ilorae Sale.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. What has become
known as the "400" horse sale, began in
Madison-Square Garden today. The stal
lion Gayton, "King of tho Allertons"
(2:8), was purchased by Karl Flatnlk,
of Vienna, for $4000. Anaconda (2:02 at 7
years, went to E. B. Rice, of Boston,
for $00.