Portland, X Oregon. tttttt mtwrn VOL. XLL NO. 12,534. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1901. PRICE FIVE CENTS. jb MliSgggiKypaS. We Invite the trade's Inspection of our lino of Bar Fixtures Of newest and latest designs. Catalogue and prices furnished on application. ROTHCHILD BROS., - 20-26 North First St. Cameras at Reduced Prices PREMOS, POCOS. RAYS, ETC We want to dose out all on hand now before our new stock arrives. PHOTOGRAPHIC-GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. 144-146 FOURTH STREET, PORTLAND, OR. (v PHIL MET3CHAX. Pros. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON chance: of European Plan: YOU CAN HAVE PURE Here yon hare an abso lutely pnre baking: powder tor 25c per pound. We nave and are supplying hund reds c I families. Let us apply yon. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Fourth and Washington Sts. Popular-Price Druggists. Pare chemicals at our store. 1 k85& v5ii sijj fil fit gafiiaj fyy HONEYMAIN, I FOURTH AMD POHTLHND. so AMERICAN PLAN A i-Lj- A I ', COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage ment vrlll be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Tnrkish bath establishment In the hotel. U. C. BOWEKS, Manager. Library Association of Portland i2?5 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals $5.00 a year or $1.50 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions Hours From 9 A. M. to 9 f Ji. dnilv, except Sundays and holidays. Enables You To Play Your Piano The Pianola will enable you to play your piano even if you do not know one note from another. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aco'ian Company Aeolian Hall. 353-355 Washington Street. cort Park. Portland. Or. V ire Sol Agents for the Pianola; alio for the Steinway. Pianos. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 Third St., Opposite Chamber ! Conacrce C W. KNOWLES, Mgr. 5TEEETS. PORTUfiD, ORE031 management $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day BAKING POWDER ! Here Is the redne of the United States Agricultural Department chemist, with our prices, for each article: Pure cream of tartar, 2 pounds ? .SO Pure bicarbonate of soda, 1 pound 10 Pure corn starch, 1 pound .10 Total $1.00 Sift well together and keep dry. , . TILED BATHROOMS ARE CLEAN We carry a full stock of tile for bath rooms, kitchen sinks, tile floors, vesti bules, etc A full line of mantels, grates, andirons, spark guards Are sets. Use our Ideal Metal Polish for keeping things bright. Estimates given on electric wiring, In terior telephones and call bells. The John Barrett Co. TeL Main 122. g, FIRST STREET Only those who have more money than they know what to do with CAN AFFORD to buy a cheap article. Those who have no money to waste and wish FULL VALUE for every dollar spent always buy the es Manufactured by Bridge, Beach & Co., a firm whose name alone is a guarantee In itself. -We fare sole agents. ALDER STREETS OREGON 9 $3.00 PER DAY and upward. ft the Chase an the Emerson PORTLAND HAILED AS FRIENDS Filipinos Warmly Welcome American Commissioners. ON THEIR FIRST TRIP NORTH Judge Taf t and His Associates Hare Gone to Bacoler to Organise a Provincial Government Bulu- can "Will Next Be Visited. SAN FERNANDO, Province of Pampan ga, Island of Luzon, Philippines, Feb. 12. Bacolor and all the towns adjacent to the railroad, which names tfre historic on ac count of the fierce battles of the earlier periods of the American occupation, turned out to welcome the United States Philippine Commission aa it proceeded northward, on Its first trip to organize provincial governments. At every sta tion, including the hamlets where the train did not stop, there were bursts of music from the native bands and cheers for the American commission and the par tldo federate. The crowd at Malolos, the former seat of the Insurgent government, was smaller, in proportion to the popula tion, than at the villages. At oil the stops addresses were delivered by natives, and responses were made by Judge Taft, the president of the commission; Profes sor Worcester, General Flores, Chief Just ice Arellano and Dr. Tavera, president of the Federal party. The natives repeat edly declared the people were beginning to understand the purpose of the Amer icans, adding that the commission's acts showed Its promises would be kept. Judge Taft told the people of the towns in Bulucan Province that a provincial government will shortly be established there. The American party alighted at San Fernando, passed under an arch of welcome and was greeted by the military and hundreds of children leaving Amer ican flags and singing "HjiII Columbia." The entire American party was then driven to Bacolor, capital of the Province of Pampanga, where they will be cordial ly entertained tomorrow, and until apply ing the provincial government to Pampan ga, there will be a public discussion of the laws enacted. General Grant received information that a band of Tarlac Insurgents is approach ing for the purpose of harassing the peo ple of Bacolor. He has sent scouts out after them. GUAM IS RECOVERING. Admiral KempfC Reports on the Loss of the Yosemitc. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. A report has been received at the Navy JDepartment from Bear-Admiral KempfC, of the Asiatic station, who was sent from Manila to Guam to investigate the effects o the disastrous hurricane a few months ago. The report covers details already made public, and concludes as follows: "In regard to the loss of the Tosemlte, the vessel's bow appears to have struck a shoal spot while dragging from her orig inal anchorage to the reef under the bluff west of Soumaye, causing a heavy leak. Here the vessel struck stern first. When the wind shifted suddenly from north to east, the Yosemlte swung around on her stern as a pivot. The vessel drifted to sea after losing ground tackle and being blown off the reef near Soumaye bluff." A later report, in the shape of a letter dated December 17, from the Governor of Guam, reads as follows: "The Island of Guam is doing as well as can be expected. A considerable num ber of the lumber houses have been re built, and the greater part of the popula tion Is now under cover, with a more fair degree of comfort. The reconstruction of the masonry houses Is progressing, and tile and iron roofs are being repaired and replaced. There have been Issued 60 far to the needy about 100 tons of provisions, all of which has been provided by the Island treasury. The immediate necessity of re building houses has diverted for the pres ent a large amount of labor which could otherwise have been employed In the fields and ranches. There has not yet been a case of typhoid on the Island this Au tumn." The Quartermaster-General Is informed that 48 of the 107 bodies of soldiers and marines brought to San Francisco from the Philippines on the transport Warren have been applied for by relatives for pri vate Interment in different parts of the country. UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. Eight Officers and Seventy Men Give Up the Fight. MANILA, Feb. 12. An Insurgent Colo nel, Simon Techon, seven Insurgent offi cers and 70 men, with 60 guns, have sur rendered unconditionally to Captain Cooles, of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, at San Miguel de Mayumo. In a fight at Slbuyan, Batangas, the rebel General, Malbas, Is reported to have been killed. Six Insurgent officers and 20 men were captured. Mariqulna is the scene of an immense peace meeting of the Federal party. The "Women's Peace League met at Judge Taffs house today. Senorlta Po ble attempted to Introduce a resolution requiring the release of the imprisoned insurgents. Mrs. Taft and other ladies spoke on a resolution urging the insur gents to surrender. This was adopted In stead of Senorita Poble's. Pope and Philippine Friars. LONDON, Feb. 32. A dispatch from Madrid siys that the Pope has deter mined that the proceeds from the prop erty of the friars In the Philippines, if the friars sell the property and leave the Islands, will go Into the treasury of St. Peter's. His Holiness permitted the fri ars to hold estates for the support of the missions and if the missions are aban doned the church will devote the money to the support of missions elsewhere. The Spanish Ambassador to the Vul can. Senor Pldat, who was recently ap pointed to the post, has intimate rela tions with the Pope, and will soon begin to discuss the questions affecting the In terests of Spanish church orders. Offered a Judgeship. JONESBURY. Vt,, Feb. 12. Ex-Lieutenant-Governor Bates was today of fered the position of Judge in the Phil ippine Hands and he will accept the appointment. The salary will -be $5500 per year. Carter Seeking Release. LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Feb. 12. A motion was filed in the United States Cir cuit Court here today for the release of Oberlln M. Carter, ex-Captain of Engin eers, from the Federal prison, pending the appeal of his habeas corpus proceedings case In the Supreme Court of the United States. The court set Friday next as the time of hearing the arguments. Carter's attorneys assert that it will be at least two years before a decision in the- habeas corpus case can be reached in tho Su preme Court. In that time Carter will have served his sentence and the habeas corpus proceedings will afford him no re lief. It Is understood that in the event the court sustains the motion, relatives of the prisoner will furnish bonds to the extent of $100,000 If required. s TO ENLARGE ITS SCOPE. Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln League Slay Become National. COLUMBUS, 0.,Feb. 12. This after noon, a conference was held to consider the proposition to enlarge the scope of the Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln League, which has up to this time been a purely local organization. About 300 Democrats, the greater portion of whom were from Ohio, were in attendance. There were representatives also from Pennsylvania, "West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Missis sippi. Congressman Lentz acted as chair man of the conference. He said it had been suggested that the league be reor ganized along state or National lines, and invited the views of those present Willis J. Abbott suggested that a committee of five be appointed on constitution, to amend the present instrument so that it would apply to a state and National or ganization, and a motion to that effect was adopted. It was agreed that the next meeting should be in Buffalo, during the Pan-American exposition, and it wasge clded to appoint a committee represent ing each state in the organization to have charge of the Buffalo meeting. ST. LOUIS REPEATERS. The Arrested Gang Released by the Police. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 12. The 0 or more men who are alleged to have come from Chicago for the purpose -of acting as re peaters at the Democratic primaries yes terday were released from custody by the police department today. Assistant Chief of Police PIckel said today that Maurice Fitzgerald, of Chicago, was the leader of the Chicago party. Fitzgerald, he said, corroborated the statement of Charles G. Brown, of St. Louis, that a member of the House of Delegates of this city ap proached him last week to go to Chicago and secure p. gang of repeaters there. "We left Friday night," says Brown In his confession. "We got into Chicago Saturday morning and went on the West SIdo to Burns' saloon, at 544 West Madi son street- I told Harry Locatell, bar tender In that saloon, to get a few men who had sense enough not to say any thing. We got the men through Locatell and came down here Sunday morning. The Delegate was with us. I Introduced him to all of the men. I fixed these men with money and planted them at the ho tels. Fitzgerald and I were to meet the Delegates at a saloon Monday morning." This confession, it is stated, will be used before the grand Jury. Women Voted at Primaries. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 12. The pri mary election In Kansas City, Kan., to day, was remarkable because of Ihe ac- tivlty of tho Trcmbrt -voierC, , JTevej" be- "foro since the women of Kansas were given suffrage, which makes them eligible to vote at municipal and school elections, has there been such Interest manifested as at present in the Mayoralty contest. Eighteen hundred women registered this year to vote at the primaries, and many others voted today who registered last year and were not required to register. Many women clerks were In evidence at the election booths. The saloons were closed during the progress of the pri maries. Against Capital Punishment. TOPEKA, Feb. 12. The bill providing for a restoration of capital punishment in Kansas was killed today in the state Senate. The agitation favoring capital punishment started after the recent burn ing of the negro, Alexander, by the Leavenworth mob. For an Eight-Hour Day. DENVER, Feb. 12. The state Senate today passed on third reading the bill for the submission of a Constitutional amendment to authorize the enactment of a law limiting a day's work in mines, smelters and mills for the treatment of ores, to eight consecutive hours. Conger "Will 'Accept. DES MOINES, la., Feb. 12. Major E. H. Conger, Minister to China, has cabled to an Iowa friend that he will accept tho Republican nomination for Governor of Iowa, but will not make a fight for it, CARNEGIE-MORGAN DEAL. New Company Will Dominate Lalce Ore-Carrying Trade. PITTSBURG, Pa., Feb. 12. A rumor reached here today that the proposed Carnegie-Morgan deal contemplates the consolidation of the Pittsburg Steamship Company, a Carnegie concern, the great Rockefeller ore fleet, and the fleet of the American Steel & Wire Company. The new organization, in that case, will domi nate entirely the ore-carrying trade of the Great Lakes. It was stated by one of the minority stockholders today that the deal is of much greater significance than has even been reported. He refused to specify, explaining that he Is bound by a promise not to disclose certain facts that came to his knowledge through com pany channels. 'At the Carnegie building, an official said that an official announce ment would be made the latter part of the week. An afternoon paper here prints a story today that the hitch In the final arrange ments In the Carnegie deal is over the po sition to be occupied by Mr. Frlck. It is said Mr. Morgan is anxious to place Mr. Frlck at the head of the new com bination, and Mr. Carnegie is for Presi dent Schwab. Friclc and Schwab in New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 12. H. C. Frlck and C. M. Schwab, president of the Carnegie Steel Company, breakfasted together to day at the Holland House, and had a talk which lasted over two hours. Both re fused absolutely to be Interviewed. "Watching American Interests. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The training ship Lancaster left LaGuayra today for Santa Lucia. The Dixie left Santa Lucia yesterday for IaGuayra, there to await the return of the Lancaster and keep watch over American interests at that port. The state department has had no recent advices from Minister Loomls re specting the asphalt controversy, hence it is assumed that there has been no change in the4 situation. Transport Rawlinsr Floated. WASHINGTON. Fob. 12. Quartermaster-General Ludington has received a tele gram from Quartermaster -Ham, on the transport Rawlins, which' ran aground in the harbor of Santiago Sunday saying that the vessel has been floated. The Rawlins Is to bring a battalion of the Tenth Infantry to Newport News. ANARCHY IN SPAIN Madrid Is on the Verge of a Revolution. DISORDERS IN OTHER CITIES Signing of the Civil Contract In Con nection With Coming Marriage Deep-Rooted Antagonism to Count of Caserta. MADRDD, Feb. 12. Whispered remarks, which are not supported by tangible facts, say that Madrid Is on the verge of a tu mult. The government, however, Is calm ly proceeding to carry out the details for SENOR PI Y LEADER OF THE SPANISH REPUBLICANS, MOVEMENT IS THE PRELUDE the wedding of the Princess of the Astu rias to Prince Charles of Bourbon, but the street corners, the clubs and the hotel corridors teem with disturbing stories. The new shout, "Long live the army!" Is the most serious sign. Should It take a real hold on the people, and should the fever reach the army Itself the outcome would be threatening. The current talk represents the army as being dissatisfied, and as announcing that It does not Intend to take up arms against the people, so long as their opposition Is directed against the Jesuits and the Count of Caserta. The feeling against the former Is largely polit ical, but a real and deep-seated antago nism exists against tho ex-Carllst leader. The decision of the high court today fa voring the contention of the Mother de Ubao case, giving the daughter Into her charge and releasing her from the con vent, Is likely to have a soothing effect. The signing of the civil contract In con nection with the coming wedding at the palace today was a simple ceremony, and was witnessed only by the members of the royal family, the court officials, the Ministry, the Count of Caserta and his family and the chosen legal witnesses of each party. There were no Invited guests. At 9 o'clock, the assemblage gathered In the Queen Regent's reception-room, In which had been placed a table containing writing materials. The Regent entered, escorted by court attendants, and followed by the Infantas Isabella, Eulalla and Ma ria Teresa, the Princess of the Asturias, Prince Charles of Bourbon, the Count and Countess of Casterta and their three iloimhtorc! tha TtiilrA nnd "Duchess of Cala bria, Prince Jennaro, younger brother of I the Count of Caserta, the suite of tne Count of Caserta, consisting of Prince Bella Rocca and Marquis Imperlale, all members of the Cabinet, and Generals Weyler, Echagne, Bertal and Azura, chosen as witnesses for the bridegroom. When all arrived. Marquis del Vadlllo, Minister of Justice, acting as a notary public for the government, read the doc ument and announced the formality to be that of signing it. The Princess of the Asturias first signed, using her full legal name. Prince Charles of Bourbon fol lowed, and then the Queen Regent, tho members of the Cabinet, and the Generals, who witnessed the Instrument on behalf of the Prinre. When all the signatures had been appended, the Minister of Just ice placed his seal upon the document, and the ceremony was ended. The document will be published tomorrow In the Official Gazette. This afternoon, about SCO students, led by a woman, and bearing French and Spanish flags, assembled In the Puerla del Sol and started cries for the army and against the Jesuits and Count of Ca serta. They were quickly dispersed, but continued reassembling In various parts of the city. The afternoon was one of continual manifestations, though without serious incident. This evening, 200 mount ed civil guards are parading the Puerta del Sol with drawn swords, preventing any collection of people. There can be no doubt that the feeling of the populace Is deep-rooted, needing only a successful leader to encourage the people to menacing deeds. Owing to their attitude, the torchlight procession sched uled for this evening was abandoned, the authorities fearing that it would lead to a clash. The suppression of El Pals was due to Its virulent attacks upon the Count of Caserta, which had the effect of arous ing antl-Caserta sentiment. The course taken by El Imparclal in declining to print a description of the court ball on the ground that "It Is no time for such festivities when all Spain is so sad," has caused a great Impression, and has in creased the feeling against the forthcom ing marriage. The Republicans held several meetings yesterday to celebrate the anniversary of the proclamation of the republic. The Progressists endeavored to march In pro cession to a meeting of the Federals, but the police barred their road and compelled them to disperse. The meetings were en thusiastic The provincial prefects now announce that tranquillity has been restored in the various departments. Republican banquets were held yesterday at Saragossa, Pam peluna, Cadiz, Valencia and Malaga. Senor PI y Margall, leader of the Federal Re publicans, speaking yesterday, 6ald he be lieved the present movement was the pre lude of a grave revolution. Snrngossa Cafes Closed. SARAGOSSA, Feb. 12. A man Injured in yesterday's demonstration died this morn ing. The theaters and all the cafes are closed, and over 30 arrests have been made. The prefect has taken the most se vere measures to maintain order. Arrests at Valencia. VALENCIA, Feb. 12. Three men ho tried to force the doors of the Jesuit col lege have been arrested. INVITATIONS TO SUICIDE. Chinese Officials May Disregard the Emperor's Order. PEKIN, Feb. 12,-Prince Ching and LI Hung Chang have received a long dis patch from the court which they have not disclosed to the foreign envoys. It is understood, In addition to the recent celebrated reform decree, to contain an account of how Emperor Kwang Hsu has sent a choice of methods of suicide to all MARGALL "WHO SAYS THE PRESENT TO A REVOLUTION. those named for punishment by the en voys, closing with the Inquiry whether Prince Ching and H Hung Chang think the envoys will be satisfied. It Is under stood that the Chinese plenipotentiaries, In their reply to the court, said, the for eign envoys could not object strongly to an accomplished fact, but they would probably Insist upon the sentence of exe cution being published throughout the em pire, and possibly upon the heads of those condemned being exhibited at various points. It Is very seriously doubted In Chinese circles here that General Tung Fun Slang will agree to commit suicide. The army worships him. He has absolute "control of the Mohammedans and Is believed to be one himself. He refused to allow the dlsbandment of 5000 men and the Em peror ordered him far from the court. To attempt his execution, it is thought in Chinese circles, might mean civil war. The Proposed French Expedition. PARIS, Feb. 12. The French Foreign Office has not yet received an official re port of the Von Waldersee-Ballloud inci dent at Pekin but it admits there may have been slight friction between the two commanders. As to the reported Intention of the French to occupy Shan Si, the Foreign Office officials say there Is no founda tion for the report. The French troops have orders not to penetrate into Shan SI, as the government thinks such a step would be quite impolitic and tantamount to Invading an entirely new country. General Voyron, the Commander of the French forces in China, telegraphs that the railroad from Pekln to Pao Ting Fu was Inaugurated February 10. A special train which left Pekln that day returned February 11. The French and Belgian officials were present at the inauguration. China's Protest Ignored. PEKIN, Feb. 13. This morning the for eign envoys met and the matter of in- I demnitle3 was mentioned, especially as bearing upon damage done to the per sonal property of farmers. The reply of the court protesting against what Chi nese describe as the "inconsistency of the death penalties required by the powers" was also discussed. The envoys resolved to Ignore the protest and decided that it was desirable to proceed immediately to the delimitation and organization of the diplomatic quarters. Chinese Towns Occupied. BERLIN, Feb. 12. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee, telegraphing from Pekln under date of February 11, says that from Pao Ting Fu onward, five of the chief places in the district lying within the German sphere have been occupied permanently by one company each to protect the inhabitants from robbery and oppression. Chinese Envoy Not Acceptable. LONDON, Feb. 13. Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times from Pekln yesterday, says- "Sir Ernest M. Satow has informed the Chinese authorities that the British Government declines to accept an obscure official like Chang Po Hal, the literary j chancellor, as special envoy to carry con- aoiences to Lonaon on the death of Queen Victoria." ' Said to Be a Blind. SHANGHAI, Feb. 12. According to the North China Daily News, the Chinese say that the acceptance of the condition of the powers by the Chinese peace plenlpo tentaries was merely a blind and that a large force of Chinese Is proceeding to Tai Yuan Fu to oppose an allied expedi tion. Communication Threatened. LONDON, Feb. 12. A special dispatch from Shan Hal Kuan says the lines of communication of the Russian garrisons at Kiao Chau (Kin Chou) and elsewhere are threatened and that they have urgent ly requested reinforcements to repel the attacks of brigands. JUDGE WHQLETHING The Multnomah Delegation Would So Make Him . NUMBER OF BILLS TO THIS END He Would Make Nearly All Appoint ments, "Would Be Reporting Of ficer or Auditor and Practical ly Sole Head of Government. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 12. The Multnomah County Judge seem to have been select ed by the citizens' delegation as a man especially well qualified to run the affairs of the county, as by the various bills Introduced and approved by this delega tion, he Is named as the sole head of near ly everything connected with the county government. By House bill No. 78 he la empowered to appoint all of the road supervisors and remove those now In of fice at once He Is also authorized to di vide the county in suitable road districts, and may Increase the number of districts, now eleven, and thus Increase the volume of his appointive power In this direction. By Senate bill ISO he Is given authority to appoint two persons to serve with him as a Board of Election Commissioners, which shall appoint all judges and clerks of election. This, however. Is a general law for the whole state. Senate bill 183 provides that the elec tion commission shall make the official canvass of votes. The bill restoring Judge Cake to his place on the Board of County Commis sioners of Multnomah County, provides that the commissioners shall meet with the County Judge for the transaction of county business, at the call of the Coun ty Judge, who might call them to his as sistance very seldom. The County Audi tor Is required to report to the County Judge. In the public administrator's bill, which has been withdrawn, it was stated that Judge Cake should appoint the public administrator. No bill has yet been introduced placing the County Judge in charge of tho bridges and the Poor Farm, including the appointment of the County Physician, but this unintentional omission will no doubt be attended to before the session ends. To relieve the public mind it may be stated that Judge Cake has not yet mounted hi3 throne, as these bills have not yet been passed. Secretary Hay Is "Worse. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Only four members of the cabinet were present at today's meeting and no business was transacted. Secretary Hay Is confined to his home and Attorney-General Griggs, Secretary Root and Postmaster-General Smith are out of the city. Secretary Hay, who did not experience as much relief from his short Southern trip as was expected, was obliged to remain at his home today, because of a servere cold. Assistant Secretary Hill Is discharging the duties of the Secretary of State. Adjutant-General Corbin is Acting Secre tary of War today, in the absence of Secretary Root, Assistant Secretary Melklejohn and Lleutenant-General Miles. Maurice Thompson Unconscious. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind., Feb. 12. Maurice Thompson is now unconscious, and his physicians have given up all hopes. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS Philippines. The Taft Commission has gone to Northern Luzon to establish provincial governments. Page 1. The natives received them enthusiastically. Pago 1. Eight officers and 70 men surrendered at San Miguel. Page 1. The rebel General, Malbas, was killed at Slbu- gan. Page 1. Congress. The House passed the Army bill. Pago 2. Consideration of tho sundry civil bill was be gun by the House. Page 2. The House struck from tho Record Sulzer's charge against Heath. Page 2. The Senate Is considering the agricultural bill. Page 2. Foreign. Spain Is passing through another critical period. Page 1. The civil contract in connection frith the com ing royal Spanish wedding was signed. Page 1. Rioting students In Madrid were dispersed by the police. Page 1. Thousands have died from the plague In West ern Siberia. Page 2. Domestic. Lincoln day banquets were held In many East ern cities. Page 3. Mrs. Nation got a chilling welcomo in Chi cago. Page 3. Preparations continue for tha Cincinnati fight. Page 3. Sensational testimony was introduced la tho Hamilton murder trial. Page 3. A minority stockholder In Erie Railroad seeks to restrain company from carrying out Mor gan's deal. Page 10. Northwest Legislatures. Multnomah delegation would give County Judge almost unlimited power. Page 1. Multnomah delegation will favorably report Port of Portland bill. Page 4. Oregon legislators are still unable .to agreo upon a Senator. Page 4. Oregon Democrats will today vote for Inman for Senator. Page 4. Three railroad bills went down in the Oregon Houso yesterday. Page 5. Governor Rogers blocks the anti-railroad com bine of Washington politicians. Pago 4. Pacific Coast. Astoria Federated Trades declared boycott on Astoria & Columbia Railroad. Page 4. Smallpox quarantine against Southeastern Alaska ports has been declared off. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. French grain ships from Portland. Page 10. Steamer Billings' machinery to be used in new boat. Page 10. Commerce of the Great Lakes. Page 10. Heavy reinsurance on overdue ships. Pago 10. Advance In sugar expected. Page 11. Portland and Vicinity. Chamber of Commerce will -send trustee- to Ba lem to push the drydock. Page S. Board of Public Works are short $10,000 la electric light fund. Page 12. Lundeen acquitted of shooting & boy Hallow een. Page 12. Homer Davenport, the famous cartoonist. Is visiting Portland. Page 10. Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club electa di rectors. Page 8. Attendance at public schools yesterday was 10.505. Page 12. Lincoln memorial services at Centenary Meth odist Church. Pago 7.