Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Ammctncnti Tonight.
the Alley."
Reopexino op Schools. Portland pub
lic school children reported to their vari
ous teachers yesterday morning and were
assigned to new rooms as per promotion
at the close of last term. The pupils were
then given the rost of the day off to pur
chase the necessary new books. Many
children trade their old books off to the
pupils who follow them, while others dis
pose of them at the second-hand stores,
to be again bought by other children. A
second-hand school book's value lies In Us
present condition, and few of them pass
through a term without being defaced by
Ink blots, scribbling, amateur drawings
or the loss of leaves. The cost of new
books and blanks ranges from 50 cents for
the primary or "1 A" grade to $1 9-1 for
the "S A." The "9 B" Is the highest class
taught In Portland graded schools, and
graduates from that pass on to the High
School. Teachers and pupils will formally
enter on their routine duties this morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
Crrr Tax Compared 'With Codntt.
Multnomah County taxpayers, whose
property lies outside the city limits of
Portland,, will be let off with 17.2 mills
this year, against 28.7 city property-owners
have to pHt up when paying taxes.
There are exceptions In districts where
special school taxes are levied, but some
districts, such as No. 28. do not levy this,
and so get oft with 16.5 mills loss than
city folks. Country property will pay the
5.7 mills state levy. 5 mils school, 4 mills
county. 1.5 county board, and 1 mill scalp
bounty tax, this year, making 17.2 In all.
City property-owners, In addition to this,
pay 10 mills city tax, 4.5 city school, 1.5
Port of Portland, and 0.5 City Park levy,
making 1G.5 mills more, for the privilege
of owning property in town. This means
a total of $33.70 on every $1000. against
$17.20 paid by those outside the city.
Christian Endeavor Union. The ex
ecutive committee of the Portland Chris
tian Endeavor Union will meet at St.
John's Presbyterian Church, Seventeenth
and Marshall streets, tomorrow. Rev. H.
S. Templeton will give an address on "The
J07 of Service." The following officers of
the First District Union are invited to
Join In the meeting: President. B. S. Win
chester; -vice-presidents. Rev. Henry Mar
cctte, Rv. C. T. Hurd nd Rev. J. A.
Gibson, secretary. Miss Lizzie C. Farmer;
treasurer, William M. McGowan; direc
tors, B. L.. Stowell, W. A. Currle, Miss Ab
by L.amberson. U. D. Scott, George O.
Watklns and Mrs. C. T. Hurd; lookout
committee. Miss Anna Charleson. W. D.
Scott, O. O. Hall, Edward Shearer.
'George T. Murton.
Like February, 186G. -Four weeks of
sunshine Is not common at this time of
year, and few Webfeet expect such a
streak. The month of February, 1S66. was
very similar to this one, according to
County Commissioner Showers, who was
speaking on the subject yesterday. He
said there was no rain then until the 2Gth
day of the month, the weather being like
it has been of late bright, sunshlnlng
days and .starry, frosty nights. Mr. Show
ers knows he is right, because he had
a hired man helping him clear land on
the East Side, and was obliged to keep
tally of his time. The previous portion of
that Winter was marked by a heavy fall
or snow, which thawed off In the clear
ings, but remained In the woods until to
ward Spring.
Returned to God's Country. William
Berrls, a Portland man, who left Oregon
over a year ago with his family, "never
to return," Is now glad he Is back again,
after spending the better part of 12
months In Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado
and Arizona. In the latter territory he
took a mall contract to run a few miles
out of Phoenix, but the weather was so
disgustingly hot and dry that he got
out of It as quick as he could. Dry
weather and bad water seemed to be the
rule everywhere, he said, and he used to
dream at night about ilowlng pitchers of
Bull Run. He Is now satlslled that there
is no country on earth as pleasant as
Oregon, and he will not go wandering
an" more.
Business Moving North. North Sixth
street is being duly recognized as a com
ing business thoroughfare, and many
building changes have been made along
its front within the past year. Work
men began tearing down a brick dead
wali on the northeast corner of Sixth and
Hojt yesterday, to transform a big ware
house Into a modern factory and store. A
show-case factory which now employs 35
hands on Front street will move there
as soon as the necessary changes are
made, and will increase its force to 50
har.Js. An up-to-date front will take the
rlice of a 50-foot width of dead wall,
heretofore facing Sixth street.
Men Don't Want to Seine. Although
there are a number of Idle laboring men
in Portland, they do not care to go fish
ing on the Alaskan coast, even when $45
a month and board are offered and free
transportation thrown In. John Nelson,
who Is In the city trying to secure 40 men
to work seining at a point 300 miles south
of Skagway, thinks he will have to go to
San Francisco to get help this year.
Sclrlng Is supposed to be the pleasantest
kind of salmon fishing, as horses are
kert to do the heavy work of hauling the
seines ashore. Mr. Nelson said he did
not care whether the men had previous
experience or not.
Portland Public Library. The month
ly meeting of the board of directors of
the Portland Public Library was held
yesterday afternoon In the City Hall, with
a full attendance. The library is in a flour
ishing condition, and its growth in so
ahort a time is little less than remarkable.
t3 say the least. The report of the li
brarian showed a total enrollment of 707
members. The total attendance for the
month was 7112, and the dally average
was 245. The total circulation of books
was 1660. There were received 123 new
books during the month, of which 116
were donated and 7 purchased.
Incorporation. Articles of Incorpora
tion were filed yesterday by I. H. Bing
ham, F. B. Hotbroolc and C. J. Bingham,
for the Bingham Land & Water Company.
The purpose of the enterprise Is set forth
as to least-, purchase and divert water
from running streams and lakes, build
dikes and flumes, for general irri
gation purposes, as well as to conduct a
general farming and real estate business.
The capital stock Is JM.O00, divided Into
Street Lighting Contract. The con
tract for lighting the city for the next
twj j ears following February 2S, will en
gage the attention of the Board of Public
Works, at their meeting this afternoon.
The Portland General Electric Company
is the only bidder, and Its offer is $53,000
a year. No additional lights are consid
ered In this bid. though many are being
applied for.
Veterans' Sons and Daughters. At
the meeting ef the Sons and Daughters
cf Irdian War Veterans, to be held to
night at the G. A. R. Hall, there will be
an election of officers and the charter
membership roM will be closed. All sons
and daughters, veterans, their wives and
widows, are requested to attend.
The Wisdom of Htpatia." This
drama will be repeated on Wednesday
evening at S:16 P. M. at 444 Washington
street by members of the Universal
.Brotherhood organization. Admission. 25
cents Proceeds for humanitarian work.
Enforcement League at Work. A
sub-committee of the Law Enforcement
League met yesterday and revised the
proposed constitution and by-laws, which
will be voted on at a meeting of the
general, committee tomorrow.
Dental work free, at college, corner
Fifteenth and Couch streets, except a
small fee to cover cost of material for
those in moderate circumstances.
For Rent. Store. Sixteenth and GHsan.
Max Smith, Vienna. Cafe. 251 Morrison.
Thb Trinity Guild social tea Is indefi
nitely postponed;
Has Few Bad Accounts. Yesterday
was the last day of grace for the payment
of water rates for February, and the of
fice. In the basement of the City Hall.
was thronged during business hours.
Lines of men women and children led
from each of the two cashiers' desks, as
the payers waited for their turns to reach
the man who took In the cash. A great
many householders always put off paying
their water bills until the last day,, and
then lose considerable time in waiting
when they finally appear at the water
office. There are some, however, who
don't even do as well as this, according
to a water works official and they put It
off until the 12th or 13th. when their water
Is summarily turned off. Then they ap
pear at the office and pay 50 cents extra
for having the life-giving fluid turned on
again. For an institution as large as the
-city water works. It has the fewest bad
bills of any concern in the city, and in a
collection of over $20,000 a month less
than $5 Is lost. Occasionally some house
holder will move out of town, owing part
of a month, but this Is the extent of losses
from bad accounts.
New Hotel at Long Beach. Ex-City
Treasury Hacheney returned yesterday
v ' y '
from Long Beach, where he and a son
were rusticating for a few days, while
the rest of the Summer resort Is pretty
well deserted. He enjoyed the trip, how
ever, and said It was a good remedy for
la grippe, as the sea breeze soon drives
all vestiges of It out of the system. A
large hotel Is being built about four miles
from Ilwaco, by Arthur and Watt's, of
Portland, for the accommodation of next
Summer's seaside visitors. It will be a
three-story-and-basement building, he
said, and the construction and furnishing
will cost about $50,000. Although a frame
building. It will be a substantial affair,
and will be provided with electric lights
and have Its own water plant. The build
ing Is about 300 feet distant from the rail
road track, and half a mile from Tioga
Station. The projectors expect to have
it all ready for the first seaside sojourn
ers this season.
Will Hold a Bench Show. The board
of directors of the Portland Kennel Club,
at a meeting held last evening, definitely
decided, to hold a bench .show in ApriL
The date selected will probably be in the
first week, subject to the approval of the
executive committee of the Pacific Coast
Kennel League. Medals will be offered
for prizes, and cups to be donated by local
men Interested will aso be offered, subject
to the approval and rules of the bench
show committee, which will be selected
and have charge of all the arrangements.
The formation of a circuit of shows' In
the Northwest cities will make the annual
event largely attended by owners, with
dogs, from California and Puget Sound
cities. Great interest is being taken in
the show by local sportsmen, and there
Is prospect also for a larger exhibit of
Portland dogs than in last year's show.
Won the Prizes. The prizes awarded
at the recent A. O. U. W. Carnival were:
Fidelity Lodge, No. 14, most popular de
gree of honor; Miss Minnie Hill, most
popular lady In the degree of honor; Up
church Lodge, $100 prize banner as the
most popular lodge; Mrs. Eastman, $5
prUe for best loaf of bread, offered by
Mrs. Erlckson, of Fidelity Lodge; Miss
Lydia Graham, $75 bedroom set, put up by
1. Gevurtz, for winning number on vot
ing list; and Captain Edwards, most pop
ular man in the A. O. U. W. At the close
there was such a good social time and the
hum of conversation was so general that
the entertainment committee did not dare
to ask Mrs. M. C. Pennington and Mrs.
Dr E, H. Thornton, who were on the
programme, to read. This was a great
disappointment to their many friends.
Died Awat From Home. A man about
32 years old, who said his name was W
Merkendolier and sometimes Martin, died
last Sunday at St. Vincent's Hospital of
para.ysls. He was found in a semi-con-
sclous condition by the police about 10
days In the Whltechapel district, and could
not give a coherent account of himself.
In one of his lucid moment.; he said h l
was from California, and that he had
given his name incorrectly. He was with
out money, and had evidently suffered
privation. His body was taken to Dun
ning & Campion's undertaking-rooms.
Building on Quarter Block. An
eight-room dwelling on Seventh street,
between Morrison and Alder, was sneed-
Ily torn down yesterday, with the aid of I
a donkey engine and wire cable. It stood
on a lot belonging to C. A. Dolph, and its '
safety was threatened by an excavation
made for a basement on the Deady lot,
adjoining, at the corner of Alder. It is '
probable now that Mr. Dolph will join
with the Deady estate and that a three,
story business building to cover the entire
quarter block, 100x100 feet, will be erected
Needs of Seaman's Institute. The
needs of the Seaman's Institute were pre
sented to the public by Rev. H. W.
O'Rourke, in his sermon Sunday morning
at Trinity Episcopal Church. For the
proper keeping of the place he said $100
was needed, while only $70 was prom
ised. After the service $18 was received
in the plate at the door. Further dona
tions may be sent to Messrs. Balfour,
Guthrie & Co. Concord building. The
new chaplain. Rev. Charles Cummlngs
Bruce will be glad to show anyone over
the place.
Wants to Stock Oregon With Pheas
ants. Game Warden Qulmby has re
ceived a letter from Homer Davenport,
who has left tho East for a few weeks'
visit In Oregon, In which he wrote: "I
hope to see you, as I want to tall you
how I propose to stock Oregon with "the
Reeves pheasant."
Children for Home. One girl 5 years
old. very desirable; one girl 5& years,
one girl 10 years, one boy 3U years, one
boy 10 years, and one 14. Further In
formation may be received by writing to
I. F. Tobey, superintendent of Oregon
Children's Home Society, 60S Marquam
Golden Wedding. The golden wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harris will be
celebrated at their residence, 560 Hoyt
street, next Sunday afternoon, from 2 to.
5 o'clock. No formal Invitations have been'
issued for the event, but all their friends
will be welcome on the occasion of this
The "Evolution of Libertt." Social
science lecture, February 15. Friday, 8 P.
M. Unitarian Chapel, by Mr, Robert H.
Barracks Will Take on Life. An
nouncement that the Twenty-eighth Reg
iment of the new standing Army is to be
recruited at Vancouver Barracks will be
good news for the post and the town. All
the officers of the regiment will be sent
there for a temporary stay. Under Army
usage, recruiting for this regiment will
begin actively In the Pacific Northwest,
it being the policy to get men In the
vicinity of the station In order to save
cost of transportation. It is believed that
a full regiment can be raised In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. Whether the
Twenty-eighth shall be composed entire
ly of Pacific Coast men cannot now be
stated. It may be expected that recrult
'Ingr will begin at once. Vancouver will
once more be a scene of active life and
when Spring opens the barracks will fur
nish the people of Portland an attraction
of which they have been deprived for lo,
these many months.
Episcopal Semi-Centennial. On the
ISth of May Trinity Episcopal Church, of
Portland, will celebrate Its semi-centennial.
On that date, in 1S51, Rev. Jamos Rich
mond, the first Episcopal missionary to
Oregon, held his first service In the ter
ritory, and organized the first parish. He
mmtt0'fflZBm$ -
thus recorded It in a report to the board:
"We arrived at the mouth of the Colum
bia Saturday. May 10, about noon, and,
fortunately for us, for this time, the
same steamer took as up to Portland,
where we arrived by daylight, Sunday
morning. As there was no place provid
ed, I did not officiate on that day, but on
Sunday, the ISth, I preached in the
Methodist house of worship, baptized the
Infant daughter of the Rev. St. Michael
Fackler, and presided at the election of
wardens and vestrymen and the organiza
tion of a congregation In this place. It Is
called Trinity Church, and Is the first
Episcopal congregation ever organized In
this territory."
Lenten Season Close at Hand. The
first day of Lent this year Is Ash Wed
nesday, the 20th Inst., and Archbishop
Christie has Issued Lenten regulations to
be observed during the season of peni
tence and prayer. Special Lenten decora
tions are to be made on Wednesdays and
Fridays. During the whole of next month
the prayer to St. Joseph will be recited
, after the annual prayers of the mass. On
tne 24th lnst. the collection for the In
dian and colored missionaries will be
taken in all the parish churches. Easter
Sunday occurs on April 7.
Multnomah Club Won. Last evening
In the Y. M C. A. gymnasium the Mult
nomah Club Indoor baseball nine defeat
ed the Y. M. C. A. team by a score of 16
to 10. The features of the game were the
Multnomah nine's heavy hitting and clever
fielding, which won them the game. The
gymnasium was well filled with specta
tors, and both teams were well supported
by rooters.
David Monnastes' Will. The will of
David Monnastes was admitted in probate
yesterday. To his nephew, Henry W.
Monnastes, Is bequeathed $30,000, and the
residue of the estate to. Mary S. Mon
nastes, except a few small bequests. Mary
S. Monnastes and Henry W. Monnastes
are named execu'ors In the will. Then en
tire estate Is valued at $75,000.
Worth Remembering. When any life
insurance agent tells about the financial
strength of his company, remind him that
the Equitable Life has a surplus of over
$66,000,000. Then ask him, "What is the
surplus of your company?" Equitable
Life, strongest In the world. Oregon
branch office Oregonian building, L. Sam
uel, manager.
For artistic framing try The Little Art
Shop, 315 Macleay bldg., 4th and Wash.
n""t ".L rreV" peo?i? wl" ?
Northwest In effect every Tuesday from
February 12 to April 30.
They are the lowest In years.
.If vou have an friends who are talking
?f Cnminfir West. send me their names and
t "1i."v.c "UI P i eaeiiuiiives iook tnem
up furnish them advertising matter re
serve berths see that they have a quick
and comfortable trip.
A. C. SHELDON, General Agent.
Burlington Route. Portland, Or.
Fine Furs
Call at N. Y. Mer.
Co., 05 Third.
Prompt relief In sick headache, dizzi
ness, nausea, constipation, pain in the
side, guaranteed to those using Carter's
Little Liver Pills.
Foulard Silks
Handsome range of styles. Quali
ty guaranteed. Quantity limited.
Prices 50c and 75c
Plisse Silks
We set the price for 1901 at 75c
Nothing more need be said.
New Today!
Choice remnants of silks suitable for waists or trimming.
Al! kinds of dress goods remnants, table linens, towelings,
flannels. All pretty cheap.
McAllen &
Colonel D. B. Buali Say Hla Paper
Published the First Mention of
Lincoln for President.
Colonel D. B. Bush, who lives on the
corner of East Burnside and Fifteenth
streets, was one of the men who helped
bring about the nomination of Abraham
Lincoln to the Presidency. He is a vet
eran of four wars, and a prominent mem
ber of the G. A. R. of Portland. At pres
ent Colonel Bush lives In retirement, en
joying the respect of his many friends,
and his letters are from prominent men
throughout the country. In 1SG0 Colonel
Bush was publishing what was known as
a Whig paper at Plttsfleld. Pike County,
111., at a time when it took courage to
edit that kind of a paper. One day John
Nlcolay, who afterwards became private
secretary for Lincoln, "dropped into the
Colonel's office and the latter Invited him
to write an editorial. Up to that time Lin
coln's name had been mentioned for the
nomination only for the Vice-Presidency.
The editorial. Colonel Bush says, was the
first mention of Lincoln's name for the
Presidency. Here it is, as published. Feb
ruary 8, 1860:
For President, 1860, Hon. Abraham Lincoln,
subject to the decision of the Rational Re
publican Convention:
We are very confident that we express the
almost unanimous sentiment of the Republic
ans of Pike County in the announcement that
we make at the head of this article a senti
ment founded not only on their personal at
tachment to. and admiration of. Mr. Lincoln,
but prompted also by a careful estimate of
his qualifications, both as to his fitness and
availability, to be chosen as the candidate
for President in the coming campaign.
It is conceded that the States of Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois will
be the decisive battle-ground in the approach
ing contest, and that of these Pennsylvania
and Illinois are the most hopeful for Repub
lican success. While we believe that Mr. Lin
coln would be as acceptable to the Republican
voters of Pennsylvania as any man whose
name has as yet been mentioned, we know
that he is beyond comparison the strongest
man for the State of Illinois. We do not state
this as mere speculation; the fact is suscept
ible of demonstration by figures. Give us
Lincoln as the candidate, and we promise the
electoral vote of Illinois for the 'Republicans
as a sure result. It is due to the growing in
terest and power of the West that the Na
tional Republican Convention shall give her
a candidate on the Presidential ticket, and to
no man in the "West does the honor more pre
eminently belonc than to Mr. Lincoln. From
the Introduction of the Nebraska bill to the
present time he has fought the extension of
slavery as the champion chosen and pitted
against the great apostle of squatter sover
eignty himself, and wrested triumph after
triumph from the little giant for Republican
ism in the West. We shall have yet one
more battle with the delusion of Douglaslsm
in the State of Illinois, and with no man's
weapons can we arm ourselves as securely or
fight as successfully as with the arguments,
offensive and defensive, which Abe Lincoln
has furnished us. Whoever may be the choice
of the politicians, the people of Illinois are
undoubtedly fcr Lincoln. They know him.
honest and capable, a man of simple habits
and plain manners, but possessing a true heart
and of the noblest intellect In the land. He
maintains the faith of the fathers of the Re
public, he believes in the Declaration of In
dependence, he yields obedience to the Consti
tution and laws of his country. He has the
radicalism of Jefferson and of Clay and the
conservatism of Washington and of Jackson.
A great bread-maker. Store this flour
In a clean, dry place. Warm thoroughly
before using.
Elegant meals, perfect cleanliness and
service, reasonable prices. Portland Res
taurant, 305 Wash., between 5th and 6th.
Everything first-class; service perrect
E. House's Restaurant. 128 Third street
Your Ills can easily be overcome. Femo
Lenes Is the greatest strength-giving ton
ic yet discovered for all womankind. All
druggists. Femo Lene Medicine Company,
Portland. Or. Price. 50 cents.
Osteopathy Defined.
The science of treating disease through, a
techncal manipulation by which the operator
intelligently directs the inherent recuperative
resources within the body itself to the restora
tion of health. It rests upon the theory that
every diseased condition not due to a specific
poison Is traceable to rorae mechanical dis
order, which If corrected will allow nature to
resume perfect work.
Rooms 532-3-4.
Hours: 9 to 12. and 2 to 5.
Evenings and Sunday, by appointment.
Show Printing, Catalogues, Briefs,
Books, Periodicals, Blank Bcoks, Sta
tlonery, Commercial and Small Printing
F. W. BALTES & CO., 228 OaK St.
C.T. PREHIN, Dentist
Crown and bridge work. 131 Third at., near Al
der. Oregon Tel. Clay 803. Vitalized air for
painless pxtrartlns
Printed Parascinc
Equal in appearance to silk. A
' fabric guaranteed for souna wear.
Special 25c yard.
French Llama Cloths
Superior to wool challies for wear,
style or color. On sale today at
!5c a yard.
Kimball and
Weber Pianos
Everybody knows their good
ness. They need no advertising.
Only necessary to state where
they can be found and that is
In New Music Building
Graves & Co., 124 Sixth
Purchasers of
Stock at Mnsic and munlcnl rooiU,
have rnqyed the Immense stock of
the Allen Co.' innate from Flrat to
their new store, 122-120 Sixth street.
"We have jn t received nil the late
popular, up-to-date music by ex
press from the East. Regular price,
50 per cent, off, on popular music
norr prevails.
Wholesale and Retail Music Dealers
Is seen it Indicates the most per
fectly constructed Piano that skilled
labor and lorscst cash capital em
ployed in the business can produce.
Call and examine our Immense
stock of elegant Pianos and Organs.
Easy terms.
31 1 ALDER ST.
Strained Vision
Brings on bad eyes. Aid the sight
by resting the optic nerve with a
pair of our easy glasses. They act
as a restful stimulant, relieve the
strain and bring back health. You
can change your glasses, but not
your eyes. Take care of those you
have that their use may not be de
nied you in old age.
Eye Specialist.
No IVlore Dread
of thC Dental Chair
late scientific method applied to the
gums. No eleep-producing agents or co
caine. These are the only dental parlors In
Portland having PATENTED APPLI
ANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill
and apply gold crowns and porcelain
crowns undetectable from natural teeth,
and warranted for 10 years. WITHOUT
THE LEAST PAIN. All work done Dy
20 years' experience, and each depart
ment in charge of a specialist. Give us
a call-, and you will llnd us to do exactly
as we advertise. We will tell you In ad
vance exactly what your work will cost
SET TEETH ,. , , . .$5.00
DCn,. wMrm
fe Eh
New York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison Sta.. Portland, Or.
HOURS-8 to 8; SUNDAY8. 10 to 4.
G14 First Avenue, Seattle. Wash.
Teas, Matting. Rugs, all kinds Silk Goods.
Underwear. Crapes, Shawls, Ivory Carving-,
1 Spring jfcat Siiles 1
tfn 7)t3rt There are styles suitable for
Sii tSMUlvz aI fgces gnd hea(JSj an(J the
variety Is wide enough to make selection easy.
Derbies in black, rich brown and stone shades,
$2.50 to $5.00
fn Soft Jtats Zl7t f rnd ,ort"
ment of Fedora and low
crown shades In pearl, brown, nutria black and
stone $. 00 to $5. 00
Sole Aprents for Yoiimans Hats.
Vonmnns Hats Lead Everywhere,
pmcc aorwifij ffATrmifiFfDmmfii
Largest Clothiers
Cor. Fouith and Morrison Sts.
Saint Helen's Hall
A Boarding and Day School for Girls, Port
land. Or. The next term opens Friday. Feb
ruary 1. For catalogue or further information
Call for an explana
tion of how to obtain
a dozen of our line
photographs in ex-
rtlionrpfl fnr n HtHA rtf vrmr Qnnro HmA
Strong's 20th Century Studio, Goodnough
nrC r RRflWN EYE and ear diseases
LT. C, L- DIU II n Marouam big., rooms 020-7.
With Which Is Amalgamated
Capital paid up. $8,00.0.000 Reserve, $2,000,000
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards, and interest allowed on
minimum monthly balance. Rates on application.
E. A. WYLD, Manarjer.
in ill illii I iill g IB
kJriT B I jiTiTGal
2223 ;v
.egetablePreparationfor As
similating theToodartdRegula
tjng the Stomadis andBowels of
Promotes DigesHon.Cfaeeiful
ness andRestContalns neither
S)njm,Morpuine norHmaral.
ot Narcotic.
fcape afOldlk-SAMUZLPrrCHm
PtmxfJan Sm
JtirmSttS -Ctqnfitd
Sucrrr .
hbtojr" nary.
Aperfect Remedy forConslipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
new Stork.
h.Mmi III! III. Illili llili iiiii.ihi i., ...l,, i:i , i ,in,
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New shapes and
shades for the coming
season are now dis
played in our hat department.
In the Northwest
(Corner Entrance)
Iw. ,H YEAR,
The next term will open Monday. Feb. 4 al
0 A. M. Classes will be opened at the begin'
nlns of the term in Algebra. Geometry. Latin.
Greek, Lngilsh History. Roman History. Phys
leal Geography. Chemistry and Botany. Spe
cial students received for one or more studies,
If taken with the regular classes. For oata.
logue address PORTLAND ACADEMY. Port,
land. Or.
lie DcJKim Building
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