THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 30, 1901. LOVED NOISE TOO MUCH THIS IED TO THE ARREST OF FOUR BURGLARS. Tbey Insisted on Ringing the Gonsi of Stolen Alarm Clocks, to Neighbors' Annoyance. Their foolish practice of setting the gongs In alarm-clocks ringing led to the arrest, yesterday, of J. W. Murray, John Dunning, Frank Mace and George Murphy, charged with being Implicated In the rob bery of E Janofskl's store, 205 Front street, last Monday. One of the doors -of Janofskl's store was forced and these articles stolen: Four alarm-clocks, six re volvers, three watch movements, two open-face, cheap watches; 24 pocket knives, several watch chains and kid gloves. Detectives Snow and Kerrigan were placed on the case, and In the course of their Investigations heard yesterday that some of the boarders in a house near First and Main streets were furious because other boarders In the house were continu ally ringing bells In alarm-clocks. One man said: "The gongs have been ringing for hours. I've got a headache from the fool business." "Alarm-clocks were stolen from Janofs kl's place," said Snow to Kerrigan, and they waited around that Main-street house until it was supposed the admirers of the iilarm-clock gong music were In session. "Blrr-r-r" suddenly sounded from an upstairs window, and the detectives rushed to the room, but the lookout man saw them coming and he Jumped from an open window to the ground, a distance of 20 feet, and escaped. Murray, Dunning, Mace and Murphy were all in the room, bending over a collection of alarm-clocks In full blast watches, watch chains and revolvers, all of which were subsequently Identified by Janofoski as having been stolen from his store. The prisoners were taken by Snow and Kerrigan to the police station, where an other prisoner named Joseph Morales, de tained as a suspicious character, was be ing examined. Morales had been arrested on Monday night by Detectives Day and Weener. and no sooner had the other four prisoners sat down near Morales than Mace was observed to pass some thing to Morales, and the latter placed his right hand on his breast. Just as quickly, a detective who had witnessed the little passage-at-arms, took a re volver from under Morales' vest. "Why did you pass that revolver to Morales?" was asked of Mace. "I ain't sayln nuthin'?" Mace replied. The police are now working on the case, as It Is believed that Morales previously knew the other four prisoners. It is Re lieved that Mace gave the revolver to Morales believing that Morales had' al ready been searched. Mace, the police think, did not wish to face a charge of carrying a concealed deadly weapon. Morales was arrested by Day and Weener last Monday as he stood In front of a Third-street store window, gazing Intent ly at little gold nuggets in a glass bottle. Morales' eyes were glistening, and as the police knew him to be an ex-convict In California and heard he was looking for souvenirs in Portland, before he left for San Francisco, he was arrested as a bad man. Then he was told that the gold nuggets were hollow, not solid, such as dentists use, and that their total value was $3. "I thought they were solid nug gets, worth 575," explained Morales, with a crestfallen air. The police said that Murray, Dunning, Mace and Murphy wore armed with re volvers when arrested, and that they re sisted capture. One prisoner had to be knocked down, while the others were cowed by the detectives' revolvers. Six of the atolen watches' were found in a stove, which was partially filled with pa per. Detectives Snow and Kerrigan after ward visited a house near First and Clay streets, where they arrested Charles Jones, Joseph Baton, George Lewis and George Martin, charged with vagrancy. These prisoners were shown to all police men In the city, and were tokl that they must leave town today, else they will be sent to Jail as vagrants. Prunes In the Rntlon. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., Jan. 2S. (To the Editor.) Referring to the ed itorial In this morning's Oregonlan, headed "Up to Prunegrowers." you are respect fully Informed that dried fruits have been a component of the Army ration for about two years past, prunes forming, by or der, at least three -tenths of the allow ance. I have purchased many thousand pounds of these for use of troops in this country, Alaska and the Philippines, and for the transport service. -Apples, peaches and apricots are also furnished. Very re spectfully. JAMBS X. ALLISON, Purchasing Commissary. NEW TODAY. BEST CREAMERY, 50c New grass California butter 40c and 45c Fine sweet dairy butter 85c and 40c Country butter 30e Fresh ranch eggs.. Eastern eggs, 2 doz 35c Arbuckle and Lk coffee, 2 lbs. for 25c 00c tea Tor 35c Eastern and Oregon hams "ibyjc All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Don't ask for credit. See the LA GRANDE CREAMERY 204 Yamhill Street. IDAHO MEAT MARKET Best Eastern lard, S-lb. nail 5C Sirall pall home rendered lard i5C Best salt perk 10c Sugar-cured bacon 12Ac Heavj bacon Il2Uc Sugar-cured ham (small or large) JllSfee Leg or loin of mutton I He Nice lean pot roast of beef ge Tork chops ia- Pork sausage """ IK Beefsteak in. Sirloin steak vuX Special prices to hotels. " Restaurants and boarding-houses. JOE NASH, Prop., oar. First and Main. feo. Baker&Co. Tomorrow, Thursday, at 10 A. M. AT CENTRAL AUCTION ROOMS, cor Alder and Park at., we are Instructed to sell the almost-new furniture, carpets, etc. removed from 175 12th st . comprising: Couohes; oak rockers, with leather seats; oak center tables lace curtains, portieres, IS shades, body Brus sels carpets; sideboard; extension table; set dining chairs; mantel beds; modern oak bed room sets, springs and mattresses; iron beds, full size and three-quarter, complete, with springs and mattresses, four pairs pillows, odd dressers; chiffoniers; good cook stove; household treasure, 11 Welsbach burners, and other effects. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. On Friday Next Feb. I, AT 118 GRAND. AVE., cor. Alder st.. East Portland. We have received Instructions from Messrs. Harvey & Mason (who will dissolve partnership) to sell their stock of furniture, etc. comprising. New and second-hand couches. In velour: bed lounges; tables; chairs; rockers, bedroom sets; beds, center tables carpets, crockery; household treasure; kitchen safes, larre xlnc bathtub; Ave cook stores; ranges; air-tight stoves; sewing machines-step-ladders, etc Sale at 10 o'clock. QEO. 'BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Preliminary Notice, We shall sail oa TUESDAY. FEB. 5". 91500 worth of very massive walnut furniture, finely carved. French, plate mirrors and marble tops. Full particulars next Sunday. OECJ. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Both paene& TO EXCHANGE. To Trade 40-jacre Improved ranch near Kelso. Wash. Xaie Set. McPherson. Oilman Hotel. mftttoii aflle DAH.T METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT PORTLAND. Jan. 20.-8 P. M- Maximum temperature, 52; minimum, temperature, 34; river reading at 11 A. M.. 4.5 feat; change In the past 24 hours, 0.5 foot; total precipita tion since Sept. 1, 1900, 24.10 Inches; normal precipitation since Sept. 1, 1000. 20.00 Inches; deficiency. 1.06 Inches; total sunshine Jan. 23, 7:00; possible sunshine Jan. 23, 8:30. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Fair weather continues in the North Pacific States this evening. The temperature has re mained nearly stationary during the last 24 hours, except In Southeastern "Washington, where It has fallen 8 deg. The winds are mostly from a northerly direction, and light to brisk In force. The Indications are for fair weather in this district Wednesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight Wednesday, January 30: Oregon, Washington and Idaho Continued fair weather; winds mostly northerly. Portland and vicinity Fair, with .northerly winds. A B. WOLLABER. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND CALVIN HEILIO. Manager. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Jan. 30, 31, ,'Feb. 1. The Greatest Succes In Dramatic History, Lelbler & Co.'s Great Production of Hall Calne's Powerful Play, THE CHRISTIAN." "THE CHRISTIAN." Prices Entire lower floor, $1.00; balcony, first 3 rows, $1; second 3 rows. 75c: last 0 rows, 60c; gallery. 25c; boxes and loges, $10. Seats now selling. CORDRAY'S THEATER Week commencing Sunday evening, January 27. Matinee Saturday, -Stupendous Production "of the Romantic Amer ican Play, "NORTHERN LIGHTS." "NORTHERN LIGHTS." "NORTHERN LIGHTS." "NORTHERN LIGHTS' A page from American history. Powerful cast of characters. Types of manhood new to the stage. New scenery and wardrobe, and a. thrllllngly Interesting play. Usual prices. METROPOLITAN THIRD AND TAMHILL STS. Phone Grant 741. Clarence H. Jones. Mgr. PORTLAND'S DOWN-TOWN THEATER. This evening at 8 o'clock and all week: mati nee Saturday, Lorln J. Howard presents THE MERRY KATIE EMMETT CO., In her greatest success, "THE NEW WAIFS OF NEW YORK." See the big railroad bridge scene; see the wonderful fire scene; see the thrilling swing for life. Now scenery, elec trical and mechanical effects. Prices never change Next attraction. "KIDNAPED." FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. NEW FACES FOR THIS WEEK. LEONIE AND LEONIE. athletes; MISB HATTIE WARDE, balladUt; MISS LOUISE KEESING. vocalist; the greatest of European club Jugglers. GILLEN BROS., In what is conceded by press and public the greatest act of Its kind In existence; the armless wonder. C J. HUBER, doing cartoonist work, also oil painting, with his feet: the greatest novelty ever Introduced at this house; MISS MAY LEONDOR. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's salesroom, 182 First St., at 10 o'clock A. M. ' J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Regu lar meetlnE this (Wednesday) evening. Grand ave. and East Pine st. Third degree. Visitors welcome. W. W. TERRY, Rec Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE; NO. 40, A F. &c A. M. Special communica tion this evening at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Refreshments. J. A. NEWELL. Sec SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'olock. As the Grand Master Is going to pay us an offlelal visit this evening, a full attend ance is desired. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD, Sec BORN. DEVERE To Mr. and Mrs. Claude O. Devere, 535 Yamhill St., a daughter weighting 0 pounds. DIED. PAXTER At Spokane, Wash., Jan. 29, 1001, George Paxter, aged 27 years, brother of Dr. Frank Paxter. of this city. The body will ar rive In this city today at 7 A M., and be tal.en to Flnley. Kimball & Co.'s funeral chapel Interment will lake place at Minne apolis, Minn. EDWAHD HOLMAN. Onaertalcer,4th and Yamhill sts. Renn Stlnson. lady assistant. Both phones No. COT. Finley. Kimball & Co., Undertaker. I nd nuilHtant. itTTi Third st. Tel. f). NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment loans. MacMaster & BlrreU, 311 Worcester blk. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. NICE G-ROOM COTTAGE AND TWO LOTS, $1000. Good 5-room house and lot, $030; near Hunter's Station, Mount Tabor. Fine Mount Tabor residence costing $5000, now $2250. 74 acres. 50 clear; nice house and barn, orchard; running water, close In; big gest bargain ever offered; $2200. Charleson & Staub, 245Vi Morrison St., room 12. For Sale Prune orcharas, 21 and 30 acres, al most adjoining, 3200 bearing trees; Italian. Petite and a few Silver; some uncultivated land In both; dwelling, etc.; In Red Hills, near Turner, Marlon Co.; fine view; to be sold jointly. $28S0. Address H. W. Klrkpat rlck. care Standard Box Factory. Portland. SPECIAL SNAP 52 acres on Base Line rood, OH miles east of Willamette River; will sell in 5-acro tracts. $50 an acre and up. We are Instruct ed to sell only a few Acres at this price. Grlndstaff & Blaln. 240 Stark. SOME BARGAINS 51250-NICE SIX-ROOM house, furnace heat, all In nice order, Port land Heights. $000 Large house, on Peninsula; house alone cost to bulid $2S00. Room 220 Ablng ton building. BEAUTIFUL FOLDING BED. BEVELED edge. German glass front: cost $125, will sell for $40 if taken at once; bedroom set and other household furniture, almost new; must be sold at once. 400 East Ash st., corner Grand ave. LARGE TENNESSEE MARBLE SODA fountain, silver mountings, Ice tank, six syrup tanks, two quarts each, one dozen holders and glasses; one dozen plated spoons; sell very cheap 33 Grand ave. A LARGE LIST OF FARM AND CITY PROP erty. business chances, etc. See us before buying Canadian Employment and Real Es tate Office. 226tJ Morrison, room 10. WANTED REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR EASTERN investor, must be cheap; no agents. C. W. LaBarre. 232 Oak. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. WE BUY AND SELL TIMBER IN LARGE or small tracts and deal in land scrip. The Syndicate Company. 209 California building, Tacoma. FOR SALE 100 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND; 7.000.000 to 8,000.000 feet of good fir. Ad dress F L. Stevens. Oak Point. Wash. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block. FARM3. DAIRY. FRUIT, ETC.; ON COLUM bla, or will rent. Drawer 4, Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. S0-ACRE IMPROVED FARM; HOUSE. TWO barns; large orchard, bearing; store and postofflce; want good party, will make spe cial Inducement. MONTAGUE & BORDEN. 22S Stark. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A WELL ASSORTED GROCERY stock in one of the best towns In Willamette Valley, cause of selling, poor health, all cash trade. Address 0 10. care Oregonlan. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies, etc. Coast Agency Co., 206H Stark st. STEAM WOOD SAW, ENTHIELY NEW. complete, $325. including team and harness. H L. Searls, Montavilla. FOR BBST DRY SLAB. OAK. ASH AND FIR wood. Hoover, 313 Water (t. Phones Oregon South 631; Columbia S3. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot ot Morrison at. Phone 193. Z CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep-. lng Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 23 word. 23 cents, etc. No discount for audition! Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "Net? Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents! etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, ono balf; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this ot flee, should always be inclosed in sealed envel opes. .No stamp Ic required on such tetters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for er rors in advertisements taken through the telephone. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE CHEAP; SECOND-HAND SUR rey and two top buggies. 254 Third St., cor. Madison. Magic lanterns, new, second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck, 131 Post, San Fran. STANDARD-MAKE PIANO FOR SALE OR mp-V. In good condition. L 13, care Oregonlan. NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, $180; COST $400. Weber, $50; 3 squares, $23 each. 104 First. HORSES FOR SALE By L. O. RALSTON. Residence, COS Market; bam, 037 Jefferson. $1C FOR A NEW OAS RANGE: $3 CASH. balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 F'tth. TWO DOZEN PLYMOUTH ROCK HENS, layers, $0 dozen. Vlnce's Market. SORREL MARE; QUIET, GOOD WORKER; $12.50, Vlnce's Market, TWO DOZEN LANG SHAN PULLETS, $0 dozen. Vlnce's Market. HELP WASTED-aiAIiB. WANTED SALESMEN TO REPRESENT one of the largest and bost wholesale tailor ing houses in the country, exceptional facil ities and liberal Inducements ottered to par ties doing a large tailoring Business; tit and workmanship guaranteed, or we take back goods without argument; Spring line, which is the best ever offered to the trade, Is ready for shipment. Wilson J. Osborne Cp, tailors, Van Buren st. and Fifth aw, Chicago. SALESMEN FOR OFFICE SPECIALTIES, by sample. Easy seller; liberal term; we help you start; exclusive ter.; earn $!i0 week ly; catalogue free. Model Mfg. Co., Dept. 31, South Bend, Ind. BY FEB. 1; TWO INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG men to travel for wholesale house, good sal ary, permanent position; will require fc25 to begin. Address V 13, care Oregonlan. "LIFE OF QUEEN VICTORIA," COMPLETE authorized edition; best terms; complete out fit, mailed for 15c. S. C. Miller & Co., Mar quam building. Portland. FOUR MORE CREW MANAGERS WANTED; also good local agents for country towns in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. 303 Wash ington. WANTED A BRIGHT. ENERGETIC BOY TO learn furniture business; small wages to be gin. Address, stating age, R 24, Oregonlan. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR WORK OR A business chance, see the Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison. Loggers' headquarters. WANTED BRicKMAKERS; SOBER, EXPE rlenced brlckmaUers, with reference. 413 Marquam building . WANTED BOY. FAMILIAR WITH ALBINA and East Side. Portland Oyster Co., 549 Morrison st. BOY WANTED TO LEARN ARCHITECT ure; no wages first year. M 22, care Orego nlan. Worklngman's Barber Snop; haircut 15c, shave 10c. 7 chairs. Ed Denniston. 205 Morrison st. ACME EMP. BUREAU. 245H Morrison, phones Oak 006, Col. 2S7. Help free to employers. GOOD JOB PRINTERS WANTED. Baltes & Co.. 228 Oak st. HELP WANTED-FE31ALE. 2 WAITRESSES. THE DALLES. $17, FARE here; 2 city; 2 cooks, camp, $40 to $50; 3 city, $1S to $25; housework. Idaho and city. $12 to $25. Canadian Parlors, 220J4 Mor rison; THOROUGH HOUSEKEEPER AND GOOD cook; good home and good wages to the right woman: German or Norwegian preferred; must give references. Call 414 Yamhill st. Experienced teacher in shorthand and type writing has opened an evening class for be ginners. Pupils wishing to enter, address at onco M 10, care Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY TO HELP WITH HOUSE work and teach three children; good home and wages to right person; country. Address B 21, care Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN LADY CAN HAVE good home In German family of two by t assisting In light housework. 010 Qulmby. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. Apply forenoons, 447 E. 12th st. north. Irylngton. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR WORK? CALL and see what we have. Canadian Parlors. 22GH Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK AND sewing. Apply In mornings from 10 to 12. 153 N. 20th st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook. Call 705 Irving St., cor. 24th. EXPERT WAIST AND SKIRTMAKERS wanted. Teesdale, 484 Burnslde St., S. W. cor 13th. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; small family. Apply 775 Gllsan. LADY COMPOSITOR WANTED. AT CHAS. E. Potter's Rubber Stamp Works, 20S Al der. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. Apply 421 Seventh st. ACME EMP. BUREAU, 245U, MORRISON, wants house girls; good places, good pay. GERMAN GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework; wages $15. 715 Corbett at. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO WORK IN OF flce. Address N 21. care Oregonlan. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN Fmall family. At 400 North 22d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call at 374 Morrison st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. 569 West Main st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, 300 SEC ond st. SITUATION WANTED 3IALE. Bookkeeper! and Clerks. WANTED A POSITION BY MARRIER MAN age 25. as bookkeeper or office man; have had eight years' experience in fire insurance, real estate and brokerage; references. Ad drss A 10, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION IN GRO ccry; 10 years' experience; good salesman: best references furnished. D IS, care Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER, WITH A speed of 130 words new matter, desires work in evenings; own typewriter. O 22, care Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND COR respondent In English. German and Spanish desires position. Address K 22, Oregonlan. TOUNG MAN WaSHES POSITION WITH good retail house as salesman; can give ref erences. T 22, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHES A POSITION AS clerk, in or outside work; best of references. U 22, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION; LONG experience In business. V 22, care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO MILL AND POWER COMPA nles Any one In need of steady, temperate and competent machinist, engineer and elec trician, please call or address Engineer, 340 Tslxth st-. Portland. GOOD YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS Posi tion to do cooking or any kind work. G 22, care Oregonlan. AB ENGINEER, WATCHMAN OR ANY Po sition of trust; reference given. L 22, care Oregonlan. A POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS" MAN COOKi hotel or restaurant. J 22. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. LADY WISHES -SITUATION AS HOUSE keeper for widower with children. Call be tween 10 and 4, 434 nth st. SITUATIONS WANTED FBiBAUE. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN OF Ex perience, to do cbamberwork or light house work. 3C5 North ISth. A YOUNG GIRt, WOULD LUCE POSITION, assistant In office or as talloressl 314 Good nougb building. LADY PIANISTE WANTS A POSITION TO play piano. Address W 22, care Oregonlan. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES LIGHT HOUSE work in small family. 2S9 North 17th st. GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO GENER al housework. 44T-Kearney St. BY GOOD WOMAN COOK; GOOD WAGES. Q 22, care Oregonlan. WASTED-AGENTS. "VICTORIA QUEEN AND EMPRESS," A complete biography and history of her time. Four years in preparation. Agents wanted, extra terms: freight paid; credit given. Out fit now ready; sent free. A great oppor tunity. Write, today, Zleglcr Co., 521 Monon building. Chicago. AGENTS EVERYBODY IS MAKING MONBr. Are you 7 We have something exceptional and salable. Workers guaranteed $50 weekly. Address Dept. E. 44 Murray St.. New York. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED UNCANCELLED ONE AND TWO cent stamps, stamped envelopes, with corner advertisements; quote prices. .American Co., 527 Sacramento St., San Francisco. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes. 02 North- 3d. Phone Hood 517. Orars promptly atunded to. SHEEP MEN. TAKE NOTICE I WANT TO buy 1500 ewes In Eastern Oregon or Idaho. J. Dannells, 271 Fifth St., Portland, Or. SCHOOLGIRL TO WORK FOR HER BOARD; family of three adults; good home; centrally located. D 10, care Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLAeS, GENTLE COW, good milker and fresh; broken to lead. 253 Hamilton ave. j Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc. Kutner ft Co., 32 N. Third. Oregon phone Cay 630, WANTED 100 MORE BELGIAN HARES. Vlnce's Market. FOR RENT. Rooms, THE SPALDING. S. E COR. PARK AND Alder t.. under the management of the owner Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-bouse In the Northwest; cholca rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 288 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight In all room's; bath included; most reasonable terms; transient solicited. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; , references. The La Porte, 170H Third, cor Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms. $1.25 per week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FIRST-MORRISON Rooms, suites, single, housekeeping. One hotel, two private houses, central,. ELEVENTH. 253 NICELY FURNISHED front alojve room, suitable one or two gen tlemen; modern; private family. DESIRABLE SUITE: ALL MODERN CON- vemenccs, 484 uurnsiae, one diock north o( Washington, cor. 13th. 105 14TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; heat, bath and telephone.; breakfast given If desired. WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 129 14th, between Alder and Washington. PLAIN. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM (private family), $5 per month. 454 Colum bia st. 414 YAMHILL. CORNER 11TH PLEASANT rooms, for gentlemen; all modern conven iences. THE BONITA. 89 7TH. NEAR .LIBRARY Furnished rooms; breakfast served If wished. Furnished rooms, with or without board. 350 Madison, cor. Park. Mrs. A. M. Houck. Unfurnished rooms; all modern conveniences; private family: references. 269 14th. R lonis With Bonril. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 13TH YEAR; rooms, with board; enameled bath tubs; use of library: Woman's Exchange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C. Ueorge, super intendent. 510 Flanders st. FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOMS; 8UITABLE for couplo; with excellent board; running water. At Mrs. Will R. Abrams', 304 Alder St., cor. 10th. 1. PLEASANT. SUNNY ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two; pleasant surroundings; homo cooking; central; reasonable. 475 Washington, cor. 14 th. YOUNG MAN WHO IS ATTENDING Busi ness college can get room and good board for $10 per month: references. F 22. Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board; very reasonable; new management. 1U5 Seventh, block from Portland Hotel. A SUITE OF LARGE. PLEASANT ROOMS, one single room; all conveniences; best of board. The Sterling, 535 Couch. NICE HOME TABLE BOARD; FRONT PAR lor bedroom, furnished: reasonable terms; op posite Courthouse. 22a Fifth st. THE POLONIAL, 105 10TH STREET One suite, second floor, front; also single room; table and service first class. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board, very reasonable. 195 Seventh street, block from Portland Hotel. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, EN SUITE or single; hot and cold water; with board. At 225 11th st. Housekeeping- Rooms, 72 SEVENTH. NEAR OAK LARGE SUITE housekeeping rooms, elegantly furnished; bath, phone; In private family. 372 FIRST STREET NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; sink, pantry; respect able people only; reasonable. FIVE OR SIX UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NOB Hill; all modern conveniences; no children; reference. 00 18th st. north. 409 MORRISON ST.. BETWEEN 10TH AND 11th Furnished housekeeping rooms: all con veniences; best location. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, FURNISHED and unfurnished; one with large corner room; rent low. 320J Front. l!47 FIFTH ST. THREE VERY PLEASANT rooms, furnished, for housekeeping; suitable for four. Ring left bell. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, partly furnished; furniture for sale; no chil dren. 414 Salmon. 205 WASHINGTON STREET FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; sleeping rooms, $1 per week and up. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath and phone; no children. 409 Taylor. 05 11TH ST A SUITE OF LARGE FRONT rooms, furnished, for housekeeping. FURNISHED SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; reasonable. 3-1Q Fifth. A NICELY FURNISHED FLAT OF 3 ROOMS, for housekeeping. 207 Park. FOR RENT FLAT OF 0 ROOMS, AT 20 20th St.; rent reasonable. Rouses. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. 426 BURNBIDE ST. ATKINSON, WAKEFIELD' & CO.. 229 STARK ST. FOR RENT COTTAGE AT MOUNT TABOR. 7 rooms, bath and basemeht: $10; fine place for family ot business man In city; two blocks from cor. Inquire at 5Q Seventh. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, AT 1000 EAST Washington. Sunnyslde. Inquire 1023 East Washington st.' $10 PER MONTH: A MODERN SIX-ROOM flat; bathroom, pantry and yard. 607 Hood street. Fnrnlnhetl Houses. $3 PER MONTH AND UP; 3 TO 0-ROOM cottages, furnished for housekeeping. Tele phone J. Landlgan. lnA.ll. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, NICELY FURNISHED, for rent, with; piano; reference required. Call C86 Clinton, East Portland. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT tags, Sa East 11th st., pear East Washing ton; $12. Stores. -STORE;- VERY CHEAP RENT; YOU CAN live In rear; good location for a fish .market, bakery or dellcatc-essen. Cor 10th and Over ton. J. Kraerocr, Commercial building. FOR RENT. IIonscN tor Rent Furniture tor Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM MOD ern house; electric lights; cheap rent: a snap, if taken at once; parties leaving city. 2-15 Lincoln st. 8-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT, TO PARTIES buying furniture; rooms all rented. Inquire 35 North Nlath. FURNITURE OF A 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale, cottage for rent. 110 East 11th, cor. Alder. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mailers' Notice. FRENCH BARK BOSS GET, CAFT. HOUEL becq, from Honolulu Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted ty the crew. Taylor, loung & Co., Agenu. Portland. Or., Jan, 2d. luul. FRENCH SHIP LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Captain Hede, from London Neither the master nor undersigned consignees of the above-named viusei will be responsible tor any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Portland Gialn Company, Consignees. Miscellaneous, UNITED STATES MAiSHAL"S SALE IN -AD. mlralty United States of Amenta. DUtrUt of Oregon, s. liy. vlttuo of a writ vetiutnonl exponas Issued out of the District Court of the United States for the DUtrict of Oregon, tested on the oth day uf January, luol, at the suit of Thomas Q. Thornton, as libelant. I will expose for ale at public auction, and will sell to the highest a.iu bst bidder, for cash, on Friday, the 1st day of February, 1001. at 10 o'clock in the torenoon of aid day, at the trout or cast door of the Post offlce building, in the City of Portland, Or., in said district, the summer Frederick K. Billings, her tackle, apparel and lurnltun. engines and boilers, and all prort belong ing to tald vessel In the po4ss4ion of the Marshal In Wasco and Gilliam Counties. No bid will be received tor less than $1800.00. Dated at Portland, in said district, this tsth day of January. Iu01. ZOETH HOUSUR. U. S. Mamhat for the District of Oregon. By an order of court made January 28. 1001. the eale of the above steamer Billing Is postponed until February 8, 1001. at thn same hour and place. Dated at Portland. Or , Jan. 29. 1001. ZOETH HOUSER, U. S. Marshal. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF TH-iS Stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company Portland. Or., Nov. 20, 1000. Pursuant to a resolution uf the board ot directors of The Oregon Railroad & Nav igation Company, notlue is hereby given that a special meeting ot the stockholders of The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be held at the office of the company, la the Worcester building. Portland, Or., at i'2 o'clock noon on January 31, 19ul, for the purpove of considering and determining whether or not article 3 of the articles of Incorporation ot said company shall be. amended by lnserttug after the words "ISth. A line from Elgin, in the State of Oregon, towards or to Wallowa, In said state," in the first paragraph of said article the fol lowing words, towlt; "10th. A line from Fairfield, in the State of Washington, to Wa verly, In said state. 20th. A line from Port land, In the State of Oregon, to su Johns, in said state. 21st. A line from a point near Wardner. In the State ot Idaho, to the .Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head ot Dead wood Gulch, In said state." W. W. COTTON, Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FROM and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts or contracts entered Into by any person or persons In connection with the management or working of the fish oil and guano business carried on at Blaine, Wash., and Astoria, Or,, under the name Of T. H. Wymonde, unless such debts or contracts are authorized In writing by myself or my agents, Messrs. W. A. Ward, of Victoria, B. C, or Messrs. W. A. Anderson & Company, Limited, of Vancouver, B. C. Dated this -23th day of January, 1901. George De La Poer Beresrord. By Davis, Marshall & Mac nelll. his Solicitors. FINANCIAL. $100,000 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE 8E curlty; any amount at 0 per cent up. West ern investment & Loan Co., 2d floor, 243 & Morrison t., between Second and Third. l.UAIS UlTHOLT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel -mortgages, personal or talary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant S60. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, READ estate and all kinds of securities. 123 3d at.. C. H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office, MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commissions, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co., 002 Commercial blk. $5- AND UP, IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds ot security. W. A Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. LOANS ON UKNITUK12, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates; private, S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500; ON ALL classes of security. K. I. Eckerson Se. Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 883. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other good securities. W. H. Nunn. 311 Macleay Blk. Phone Main 622. $200,000 'lO LOAN AT 5&, 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. U. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. m. Holl, room U Washington bldg. Loans on all kinds of securities. Gold dust bought. W. J. CurtU, 214 Cummercial block. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc., low rates. See us flrat. Mann & Co., 604 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith, 3 Ch. ot Commerce. State funds loaned 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Com. m6ney to loan on chattel securi- ty. Phone Red 2833. Frame, 519 Marquam. $500, 7 per cent, $1000 up. 0 per cent; or any sum required; low rates. Ward, Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. ON real estate. Plympton. 291 Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCES'. WANTED MAN WITH $200 OR $300; LESS will do; one with horse and buggy preferred; good profit to be made; Investigate; give par ticulars about ability, employment, etc A 20, care Oregonlan. BOARDING-HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS; 48 rooms; receipts $1000 month; retiring ac count of health; good property In part pay ment. C 20, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN AN OLD establlshed printing house; to thoroughly practical printer of undoubted character. Ad dress P 22, Oregonlan. 1 : , FOR SALE BLOCK, GOOD DWELLING house and hardware, tin, stove and farm Im plement business. Inquire of Jerry Williams, North Yamhill, Or. TO THE RIGHT PARTY, LADY OR GEN tleman, will sell one-half Interest In res taurant for $150; a fine opening. H 22, Ore gonlan. SALE AND RENT 3 STORES, STOCK DRY goods, hardware or groceries; good location; paying; by owner; part time. Box 3221, city. LARGE PRINTING PLANT, PORTLAND, doing good business, $3500; one-third value; to settle estate. K 47. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store. For particulars see Allen & Lewis, 40 Front st, Portland, Or GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT FOR SALE; 'half cash, balance time. Apply 247 Burnslde. HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT. INQUIRE O. P, McLaughlin Sheridan. Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST POCKETBOOK, CONTAINING POST offlce orders and certificate of deposit on Can adian Bank; payments have been stopped. Return to Oregonlan office, and get reward. FOUND LADY'S PURSE. AT UNION DE pot. Owner can have Fame by calling at 120 l3th and paying for "ad." LOST MONDAY EVENING. ON MORRISON, black marten collar. Return 703; East 23d, cor. Tillamook. Reward. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. WITH IN ttlals -'J. G. W." Please return 65 Sixth, and receive reward. PERSONAL. C. GEE WO. GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR. Now Is your chance to get cured at smalV cost. Special prices for 3. days. Guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lungr rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, female diseases; $ to $50. All diseases uot men tioned, $1 up. Send for blank circular; In close stamp 132V4 Third st.. Portland. Or. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES- WE call for. sponge, press and deliver one suit of or clothing each week, sew on buttons, sew up rips, for $1 per month. pyeingr steam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co., 34T Washington Both phoner. DURING JAM'AT AND FEBRUARY I will make ycur dresses la the latest style at less than my usual prices; llrst-class work. lime. L Moller. 345 Wasblrgtoa at,, room 2. I'UUSONALS. 33 WOMEN WA.NTED-IRREGULAR, PAIN ful or 'stoppages, Uutoiihot. t whites) ami all dueuses pertaining to change of life, cured by old Dr. Kslcr. -SO ft Ysmhlll st., i'uri land. Or. Private waitlns-rovni :r ladle. Consultation free Call or write. lucJo4e 10 2-cent stamps. Superfluous hair, moles ana other racial blem lhp 'movtd with els trie ueai; perms, ner.t :uc: otectrio m-i-ae for wrinKIn. Portland Electrolysis I'arior. 15-10 Lewis blag., tot. Park and Mor fnone iirown ts67. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY Is guaranteed to restore gray hair to natural color without dye; promote tho growth, cure dandruff. Wr F. Hanebout the well-known hairdresser and wlgmaker, 308 Washington st-, sole agent. WANTED INFORMATION FROM ANY 6JE who con lve some trace of one Allen 1. Austin, who came to Org-n and Wnlla Walla, Wash., aver 30 yearj ago. Address E, Austin, San Francltco. Cat. THE IORTLAND CLUU., INC. A PLACE OF amusement and recreation for gentlenwu. Ut Fifth st and 2U1H Alder. The cafe In con nection carries the best line of liquors und cigars the wor'd produces. A GOOD-LOOKING MAN. 35. NO BAD HAB its; doing a good business, and $0000 In cash, wishes to correspond with marriage able lady, with some means, - Box 341, Seat, tie. Wash. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROU erts Nerve Globules, On& month's treatment. $2; 3 months. f3 Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Wocdard & Clarke, Portland. Or. PRIVATE' SANITARIUM FOR women's dis eases and confinement: best care, reasonable; comforts home; country cases sollaltetl. Dr. Darling, Mgr.. Cambridge bids.. Portland YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eysscll's Pharpiaqy. 227 Morrison st,, bet. 1st and 2d. PILES PERMANENTLY CURED WITHOUT operation: no pain, no detention from busi ness; no carbolic acid used. Box 517, city. WE PRINT 30 CALLING CARDS. PROPER size and style 25c, 250 business cards. $1, Brown A Schmale, 229 First St.. Portland. WE WANT TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO fill. Come and see us. Knight's Drug Store, 120 Sixth st. SCHOOL BOOKS. BOUGHT. SOLD AND Ex changed. The Old Book Store, 229 Yamhill. MARRIED? If not. why not? Matrimonial pa per. 10c. Lock Box 6C0. Portland, Or. MRS. DR. McCOY. electric treatments. 133V4 First St., cor. Alder, rooms .18 and 39. THE OXYGENOR KING CURES WITHOUT medicine. 2004 MorriBon. room IS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abdominal Bandages. McCLURE-S SANITARY BANDAGE FOR women has no equal. 417 Marquam building. Aecordlon Plnitinc Accordlan and knife plaiting, at clearance sale prices, during January, at 349 Morrison st. Assnyers and Analysts. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist; goid dust bought. 201 "4 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST, gold .dust bought. 22814 Stark st. Astrolbglats. DR. BENJAMIN, astrologlst and phrenologist, located 203 First st. Phone Clay 542. Attorneys. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland, Or. Bnbbltt Metal and Solder, W. -W. Blaney, mfr., 100 N. 10th, Portland; best quality; lowest prices. Tel. South 111. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers. 133-35 3d st. Carpenters and Builders. J. A. MELTON. JOBBING. CABINET WORK, store fixtures. 307 Stark. Both phones. Cblropodlsts and Manicuring-. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVEST. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky blcjg, 3d & Morrison. Ore, phone Grant 10. Civil Engineer und Surveyor. ALFRED F. SEARS. CIVIL ENGINEER; railroads, waterworks, sewerage and Irriga tion. 233 Sixth St. Clairvoyants. Mme. Dr. Herzog, from Berlin, scientific re vealer; tells entire life, past, presont and fu ture: consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given; good advice, sure nelp; mistake Impossible; Imports genuine gypay love powder. Fee $1. letter $2. 363 Alder. Coal Dealers. VLLCAN COAL CO.. dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st., near Gllsan. Ore. tel. Red 1760. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front St.. near Main. Port land, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or EVERDINO & F RELL. commission, butter, eggs, chickens d farm produce. Portland. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C. Bayer, 205 Second st. Dentists. Dr. Stryker, 141 1st. cor. Alder. I. O.' O. F. Temple. Phones pregon Clay 322; Col. 703. Eyeing- and Clenulng H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. Tel. Red 131. Electric Supplies. Western Electric Works: house wiring, bell work, repairs, motors, dynamos. 305 Wash. Elocution. DRAMATIC ELOCUTION AND MUSIC BY London graduate; good stage for practice. Mrs. George Smythe. A. O. U. W. building. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 280 East Morrison st. Hair Drenslna- and Manicuring:. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 160 FIFTH, OPP. P. O. Switches a specialty. Phone Hood 014. Harness nnd Snddlcs. BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, findings and shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hydropathy. Dr. G. M. Keller's Hydropathic Institute, Pied mont, Portland. Or., rheumatism and kindred diseases successfully treated; best references. Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living; fixed pay ments eliminate doubtful "dividend." J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y, 12-qi5 Marquam bldg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., 102 First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agent. International Book Concern, 392 MORRISON ST. PUBLICATIONS AND periodicals in all the principal languages. Iron Founders, Mach'sts. .cuip B'ld'rs. WOLFF & ZWICKEP. IRON WORKS, C. J. Reed and F. Wolff, receivers; designers and rofis. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and mHllng,mac.hlner7; JeJtcel pipe, '"' Junk Dealers. r Best prices paid for junk, bottles, rubber, etc. L. Shank. 312 Front. Pfaont South 991. Mnsnnicc. PAOLA VAPOR BATHS. FOR RHEUMATISM and kidney trouble. 180 Third St.. room 7. Marble nnd Granite Works. WEEKS. 720 FRONT: LARGE. SELECT .stock of monuments. Finely finished granite monuments at wholesale prices, when shipped to order, direct from Eastern quarries. See us and save money. PORTLAND MAR'BfcE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu, 2tia, 1st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mining Machinery. Ouumwa fatniftg tiwUtj, uynam, motors. v n.uu. lc. T.tum & Bowen. 29-35 First t. Minhiff. HH AlVirvA uOLD MINING ASSOClA uaa u the i3i mining inVvstmeht oa iae Cvut. ior MirtiwUiar see uaggart. 513 Ciiumber of Commerce. Muslcnl. Lectvins uj-."..taiu. guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments tor Ale Mrs. Martin, lot), 1st ,!vntbn.t;, ... t. J. UE1SLEK SH-lo CHAMBER OF COM. Domettk. and fureign patents secured, etc PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE olulut, ha opened up bis ofhee at 34 Frein, aud will sell his medicine 04 usual. JJm uinrs tor all kirtdi bf Chronic diseases. Por'Znnd RIcIipk Clubs. LiNr.i.l A-w ivJ.u.DlNG. LADIES' AND gentlemen's- saddle horses. 354 Jefferson. Osteopathy. Dr. R. B. Northrup. specialist In nervous and chronic dib.aia, suite 410 Dekum bldg, 4d and Wasu. Examinations tree. Tel. Main 349. DR. L. U. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 4UU Oregonlan b.dg. Phone Oak 421. W. A. Rogers. D. O.. grad, of th original A. T. Still School. 333. Marquam. Tel. Main 37. Oregon Vlavl Co. Lcvvla bldg.. Park and MorrUon. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Storujre. OVISRLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insuranee rates low; s.orage rates reasenablo. Careful attention cltn to country consign ments. Tel. Or Main 777: Columbia 670. Restaurants. First-class meals, check system; white labor. Perkins. 103 Fifth. D. H. Brown, prop. 11 i Safes. SAFES. JAILS. BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES? both new and second-hand. Lookouts opened ana general repairs, j. s. Davis, oa Third. Specialists. Bertha A.Trulllngr. specialist; complexion, scalp treatment, manicuring. Parlors 23-20 RUssel bldg . 4 th and Morr. Phon Front 375. Pnivubrolsers. Uncle Henry. 43 N 3d. cor. Couch, loans money; bargains In unredeemed pledges. Physicians und Snrjjcons. DR. CORA C. TALUOTT. SPECIALIST; 15 years' experience in diseases of Women; lat est impruved n.tthwl in the treatment of all female troubles, patients treated successfully by mall, otttei. tbife First st. Dr. Flera A Brown, diseases ot women and children a specialty Consultation and diag nosis free. 5l7-51b Die Dekum. Portland. Or. Da.. JAJUi DiCrt.tiON. SPECIALIST IN K1D ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows Temple. Pnlmlstry. Lareen. the palmi&t, kcientltic lite readings ot all leading events In life, 50c. past and fu tuie. for gain or loss. 216 AlUky building. CHElKOMA. THE CELEBRATED PALMIST, gives scientiOe life readings, past and future. Parlors 25 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Wash. Mrs. L. BUR1IANS. scientific palmist. 91 Grand ave. Headings, 50c and $1. Room 50. Miss A. M. Stevenson, scientific palmist and psychic, read past, present, future. JU0 1st. Showcases and Store Fixtures. bi,t-.. tui.oKaoN &: CO.. FRONT AND Wa jlngton sts. Spiritualists. MRS WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOX ant and JycnU life reader; consult her on buslneza affairs, love troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; readings dally, 00c and up. lU7ft First St., office 7. Consult the best. Mi.b btk.r...f. bi iKlTL'AL LIFE KEAD er; sittings dally. 221 Morrison St., rm. 22. Mrs. C. Cornelius, medium. 200 Goodnough, bldg.. Filth ar.d Yamhill. Tel. Brown 441. StoruK'e and Transfer. fcSTOKAiK Al LO KATES CAN BE HAU at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Stoves, Rnnrcs, Houttchold Il'dwnre. Hardu are. -eole agt. Universal stoves, & ranges, housefurnlshlng goods. J. J. .Kadderly. 141 1st. Tents and Awnlngi. PUHTLAN'D TEAT & AWNING CO.. TENTS, sails, awnings. 220 Ankeny. Tel. Grant 1301. Turkish Baths. New lurklbii Lmtn parlors, modern appliances, gents only. S25 Caamb-er Ccm.. J. F. King. Turkish baths, modern; open V A. M. to 5 A. M. 300 Oregonlan b.dg.. J. D. MoKlnnon. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and DavU sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PuKliA.iD TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THlKD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust ana agency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN.... President H. L. P1TTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS.... Vlce-Pre. c. J ALS'iyCft.. J. O. GOLTRA.... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President ......' A. L. MILLS Cashier B. W1THINOTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALvuRi Letters of credit issued, available in Europo and the Eastern States. .... ,.,., Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Christian!. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collegtlons made on favorable terms. unn t ilLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all. points on favorable terms: Letters of credit Issued available in P,,rnn, and the Eastern btates. Stent Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer soid on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis Denver, Omaha. San Francisco andvart ou" points in Oregon. Vashlngton. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia- m.,B Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. tuzm t ? VARGO & CO. BANK tj TW BARNES CASHIER JOHN MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit issued, available in all parts of the world: MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK SUin PORTLAND. OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON .....President R.L DURHAM Vice-President r W HOYT Cashier rsVo'w HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust boughh LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark- streets. Head Office. 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase ot merchandise In any elty of the world. Deals !n foreign and domestic ex change. Accounts of country banks recelveo Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWQRTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND" OAK STS.. PORTLAND, Or. J, Cl AINSWORTH ,.,... President PERCY T. MORGAN Vice-President R. W. 8CHMEER Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Interest paid on time deposits. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE UNITED STATES- NATIONAL BANK- Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts' Issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President - T1TLER WTODWA" Vlf-President JACOB KAMI! Cashier F. C. MILLER