"s"T3C4'W' HB-T 'V'S 10 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1901. ' ?TP-'" ' l -fW 94"?-"'W Z" ' ' CHARGE ON SHIPPING "Bill to Restore Compulsory .Pilotage .on the River. PILOTS PRESSING THE:MEASURE Port of Portland Benefited toy the Removal of the Unnecessary Tax Shipowners Have Withdrawn, Arbitrary Discrimination. Representative Orton -will introduce a bill In the Legislature to repeal the law of 1S, -which abolished compulsory pilot age for ships between Portland and As toria. It was reported yesterday that Representative Driscoll would Introduce the bill at the request of Larry Sulli van. When seen at his meat market. Mr. Driscoll said that he would not in troduce such a bill, and that he did not eee any reason why Mr. Sullivan's name should be associated with the measure. "Three pilots," said Mr. Driscoll, "called on me -and made statements in favor of a bill to repeal the law abolishing compul sory pilotage. These were Messrs. Pat terson, Gray and Emken. I took them to Representative Orton, chairman of the labor committee of our delegation, and Senator Hunt, and introduced them. That ended my connection with the matter." Representative Orton was seen at ms printing-house. He said that as the bill pertained to labor It would naturally come to his committee. Representative Schu mann, he said, had handed him the bill. "The bill will bo introduced by me," said Mr. Orton, "but this does not Imply that the delegation will favor It. The pilots ask a hearing and we cannot very well deny them one. But the burden of proof will be upon them. They will have to come before the proper committee at Sa lem with their arguments. If they con vince us that they are being wronged they will get redress. It the bill should have the effect of making Portland a more expensive shipping port than Puget Sound. I do not think it will get the vote of a single member of the Multno mah delegation. "We are trying to build up a great shipping city here, and I sin cerely hope that nothing will be done to give us a set-back." It is understood that the argument of the pilots for repeal will be the same as that which they urged two years ago against abolition of compulsory pilotage. It will be remembered that they pub lished a Tambllng, ungrammatlcal, rhap sodical pamphlet, complaining that If the fees were taken away, they, the real worklngmen, would be deprived of their dally bread. This effort and the services of a lobbyist are said to have cost the pilots a "jackpot" of about 5S000. A fund of this size was raised and placed In the hands of a trusty for application In the proper-sized sMnplasters at the right time. The trusty, so the story goes, put the money In his jeans and kept It there. The pilots are now going among mem bers of the Multnomah delegation with the tale that every important port of entry in the world, except the Columbia River and Puget Sound, has compulsory pilotage. This Is true only In a meas ure. Many Important ports have com pulsory pilotage, but one pilotage takes the ship from the ocean to the port, whereas. In the Columbia River, two pilotages were necessary prior to 1899 one from the ocean to Astoria, and another from Astoria to Portland. The pilots skillfully evade this point when passing their complaints upon members of the Legislature. It was the compulsory pilotage between Astoria and Portland that the Legislature knocked out. Under the old law the pilotage on a ship was $2 per foot draft, and 2 cents per ton of registered tonnage. Thus a 2500-ton ship, drawing 15 feet Inward bound, paid $S0 from Astoria to Portland. Going to sea drawing 23 feet, she paid $90 from Portland to Astoria. Total. $176. "While $176 Is not a large sum to a Liver pool shipowner, it added to the port charges of his ship, and was made the pretext for an arbitrary discrimination against Portland of 1 shilling 3 pence In a charter. Tacoma and Seattle shippers got ships for 40 shillings, whereas the Portland shippers paid 41 shillings 3 pence. The extra shilling and 3 pence came out of the pockets of the wheat producers of the Willamette Valley and the Inland Em pire. When compulsory pilotage was abol ished, the Columbia River was put on a level with Puget Sound, and the English shipowners showed their appreciation of the action of the Legislature by with drawing the discrimination. Nothing has been so beneficial to the port of Portland as the act of 1S99 abolish ing compulsory pilotage. Ships have been promptly moved, which Is one of the es sential requirements of a big port. The standing order of the masters of the O. R, & N. towboats Is to "get the ship through." If there Is acoldcnt or de lay the company Is responsible for It. If there must be lighterage the company pays for It. Under the old method the co?t of accident, delay and lighterage fell on the ship Abolition of compulsory pilotage took money out of the O. R. & N treasury, as It had pilots In Its serv ice and was In the pilotage business. "When the .bill was pending men interested i-Ih lb welfare of Portland as an export, ing port explained to the officials of the comoany the benefit that would result If the unnecessary tax on shipping were Temoved. Believing that the general In terests of Portland were of far more 1m portarce than the revenue from pilotage, the company offered no objection to the bill. Understanding this, the pilots are now telling members of the Legislature that the company Is the ole beneflciary of the a.ew conditions. Whatever effect this statement may have in some quar ters. It has made no Impression upon Representative Orton. "I understand," he said yesterday "that the O. R. & N. Co. is Indifferent In this matter, and that It Is not taking sides. It seenw to me that the subject is one that concerns Portland ind the tributary producing country." crippled with rheumatism, fell into the fireplace of his cabin, and, unable to ex tricate himself, was badly burned. He had leaned up against the fireplace and supposes that his crippled arm gave way, but does not himself know exactly how he fell in. His boy was asleep in the cabin at the time but could not "be im mediately wakened. Wnca finally roused he extricated the old man. The 3-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Golden, of South Salem, met with a serious accident "Wednesday. The child was In a baby carriage near a stove. An older child accidentally upset the buggy, throwing the Infant upon the stove, caus ing serious burns. CLASSIFICATION WAS. FAULTY TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL. Dr. Wise "Will Give n Series of Tnllcs on Great JcvrUh Leaders. Rev. Dr. Stephen S. Wise will preach this evening- on "Old Age Its Rights and Its Responsibilities." The subject of next Friday evening's sermon will be. "The Aspirations and Opportunities of Youth." In the future Dr. Wise expects to begin a series of addresses on some of the great leaders and teachers of Israel, including Moses, Isaiah, Johannan ben Zakkai. Malmonldes and Spinoza. D. Soils Cohen gave a very pleasing and Instructive talk to the pupils of the re ligious school at the Temple, last Sunday morning. The next in this series of In formal addresses on modern and religious themes will be given on Sunday, the 27th Inst., by Dr. Thomas L. Eliot. Last Sunday morning the young ladles of the congregation formed themselves Into a society to be known as "The Altar Guild." th object of the society being to provldo the decorations for the altar at eaoh service on the Sabbath or holy days. In the future. The following were elected officers of the society: President, Miss Rae Selling; vice-president. Miss H. Lauer; treasurer. Miss Florence Kohn; secretary, Miss Clementine Hlrsch. Accidents to OreROn People. A serious accident occurred Sunday night near Leland. An old man named -Gordon, who has for years been badly FIGURES OF ELECTION VOTE CAST IJT OREGON FRECTTfCTS IN KOVEHBER. Snows Relative Strength ox t Po litical Parties in the StateBe tails and Total Given. Following Is the vote by precincts In Oregon at the Presidential election No vember 6, 1900, the record being for the elector of each party who received the largest total of votes in the state: Secretary of State Refuses Summary of Multnomah's Tax-Roll. Secretary of State Dunbar has objected to the summary of the Multnomah assess ment roll for 1900, as returned by Clerk Holmes, of the County Court, because the classifications of property do not conform to the statute. The Importance of the matter lies in the fact that a wrong classification may raise the question of the validity of the state tax levy. The summary was made In conformity with the classifications used In the as sessment roll of Multnomah County, and, speaking with reference to the subject, Mr. Holmes said: "I do not think the Secretary of State can demand any more, than what the Assessor turns over to me. That appears to me to be the only thing I am required by law to give him. A sum mary means the footings obtained from the valuations of the Assessor, arid the classifications are as shown by 'the as sessment rolL It was accepted last year In this form, but the Secretary appears to be more particular this time." The letter of Secretary Dunbar to Coun ty Clerk Holmes declining to receive the summary is as follows: "Office Secretary of State, January 7. Dear Sir: I herewith acknowledge the re ceipt of yours of the 5th, inclosing the assessment roll of Multnomah County for the year 1900, as finally equalized by the County Board of Equalization, and Inclose you the same herewith for the rea son that the classifications as entered do not conform to the law. "I would respectfully direct your at tention to the provisions of the act of 1S99, which provides that you shall file a summary of the assessment of certain designated classifications. I also inclose you a copy of an opinion by the Attorney-General relating thereto, for your In formation. "In the summary as forwarded by you, 'miles of railroad bed' and 'miles of tele graph and telephone lines have been grouped: likewise 'steamboats, sailboats, sattlonary engines and manufacturing machinery and 'railroad rolling stock,' and "notes and accounts' and Bhares of stock.' "The value of 'miles of railroad bed,' 'miles of telegraph and telephone lines,' 'rolling stock,' 'steamboats, sailboats, sta tionary engines and manufacturing ma chinery,' 'notes and accounts,' and 'shares of stock' each should be extended sep arately, as called for on said summary sheet furnished you. Kindly make your classifications to conform with the law, and return to me at your earliest oppor tunity, so that the state levy of taxes can be made." The statute referred to Is as follows: "Within 20 days from the time the as sessment roll has been finally equalized by the County Board of Equalization, the County Clerk shall transmit to the Secre tary of Stato a certified copy of the summary thereof, showing the number of acres of tillable land In the county; the number of acres of non-tillable land; Im provements on deeded lands; town and city property; Improvements on town and city property; Improvements on lands not deeded or patented; miles of railroad bed; railroad rolling stock; miles of telegraph and telephone lines; merchandise and stock In trade; farming Implements, wag ons, carriages, etc; steamboats, sail boats, stationary engines, etc.; money, notes and accounts; shares of stock; household furniture, watches, Jewelry, etc; cattle, horses and mules; sheep and goats; swine; the gross value of all prop erty; exemptions, and the total taxable property of the county." The opinion of Attorney-General Black burn construing the law was rendered In a Lake County case, and at that time he said: "By this enactment the Legislature evi dently Intended that the certified sum. mary of the assessment roll of each county should Include only the classifica tions of property specifically set forth therein, notwithstanding it might be true that the assessment roll of the county, as equalized, might Include other and ad ditional classifications of property than those specified. The summary required by the act is not a certified copy of the summary that may be attached to the assessment roll of the county, but it is a summary of the classes of property mentioned In said act." County Clerk Holmes at first was of the opinion that it would be Impossible for him to furnish the corrected summary demanded, but he laid the matter before the Assessor, and fortunately Deputy As sessor Maxwell was able to make the segregations and new totals from the In formation at hand In the office. Said a well-Informed official, discussing this matter: "The stupid part of the whole thing appears to be that It makes no difference under existing circum stances whether the classifications In the Multnomah County assessment roll, from which the summary was prepared, con form precisely to the statute or not, or of any other county; nor does It appear that the Secretary of State or other state officials In making the state tax levy re quire any summary or Information what ever, except what the total valuation of the taxable property Is In the different counties. There is now no State Board of Equalization, and the state officials have no authority In any manner to raise or lower the valuation on any kind or description of property; consequently, what necessity exists for them to know what merchandise has been assessed at. or town lots, or anything else? When the State Board of Equalization was in power there was some need of all of this, as It could increase or lower the valuation of any class of property, and frequently dld so. Now all the state officers have to do Is to ascertain the total assessed value of all the property In the state, calculate how much money the state will require to run the government for the year, etc, and make a tax levy accordingly which affects all sorts of property and each county alike. "The summary law appears to be a use less one under present conditions, but the present fuss was perhaps not all for noth. ing, because several years ago the as sessment was disputed In the courts In tax-collecting time because the classifica tions did not agree with the statutory requirements, and the collection of taxes was much disturbed and delayed, pending a decision on the case by the Supreme Court." So long as the statute says a summary shall be furnished, it is perhaps best to hew straight to the line to avoid possi ble subsequent legal complications. Baker Connty. cw or .ar 5-3- PRECINCT- 2 8 Sg ag 3r ? S 8 ft 2.2 s-S. - a r oPo- :-,:o 3 ; : : . j- Baker No. 1 131 126 2.... 3 Baker No. 2 214 200 3.... 15 Baker No. 3 94 61 4 1 2 Baker No. 4 101 76 8 .... 2 Depot 63 85 4 .... 5 South Baker Si 46 "Virtue 15 11 North Powder ......... 9 6 .... 1 .... Haines 37 48 1 1 3 Rock Creek 38 47 4 Willows..: 24 17 1 WIngvllle 23 29 1 Pocahontas 16 49 1 1 .... McEwen 32V 37 5 1 1 North Sumpter 971 144 3 .... 2 South Sumpter 146 189 3 .... 1 Bourne 66 78 1 Alder 14 15 1 Express 52 56 3 Weatberby 23 18 1 Huntington 89 66 1 1 .... Connor Creek 13 7 Rye Valley 16 15 Bridgeport 17 13 Parkers 32 S3 .'. Cleary 20 40 Unity 11 53 Total 1458 1615 40 6 41 Creole County. r 2 H a- e- r 5P c Is-m-o5 Sir PRECINCT. 23 8 3 53 SS K srE 25" ? 2.2 ssss" : s : 3 : o t : : : S : s : Rear Creek 7 11 1 Beaver .,.... 16 12 Bend ,.... 4 4 Black Butte . 20 27 3 1 14 Camp Creek 14 10 Cross Keys 19 i Cherry Creek 1 Hardin ...., 16 9 1 Hay Creek 47 12 2.... 1 Hay Stack 42 19 .... 1 .... Ireland 13 7 Johnson Creek 16 17 Maury 8 8 McKay 23 14 Mill Creek 7 8 1.... 1 'Montgomery 4 9 5 Newsom i 14 24 Ochoco 14 11 1 Prinevllle , 130 120 8 .... 4 Summit Prairie 5 2 Upper Trout 34 16.... Willow Creek 21 7 .... 1 .... Total 4743S1 16 3 21 Not counted. Judges and clerks did not certify to tally sheet. Boufflos. Benton Connty. Corvallls No. 1 81 54 9 Corvallis No. 2 122 93 12 1 1 Corvallls No. 3 118 77 9 .... 1 Corvallis No. 4 46 44 6 .... 1 Fairmount 54 45 4 .... 2 Soap Creek 33 44 .... 1 1 Kings Valley 40 47 1 Summit 25 10 1 Blodgett 25 21 1 Wren 29 12 Philomath 120 110 85 1 .... Willamette 39 52 Alsea 43 51 4 Bellfountaln 110 40 Monroe 46 64 Total 931 764 81 3 7 Clackamas County. Abernethy Barlow Beaver Creek Borings Canyon Creek Cascades Canby .. Clackamas Cherry ville Canemah Damascus Eagle Creek Garfield George Harding Highland Macksburg ... Molalla Milk Creek IMarquam Mllwaukle Maple Lane Needy New Era Oswego Oregon City No. 1.. Oregon City No. 2.. Oregon City No. 3.. Pleasant Hill Slevers Soda Springs Spxlngwater ... Tualatin Union Viola West Oregon City .. Total 223111641 118 4 16 3 1 4 1 5 8 13 3 2 2. 23 21 Canyonvllle Looking Glass .. Cole's Creek .... Umpqua Roseburg ., Deer. Creek West Roseburg . Cow Creek Mt. Scott Millwood ....,.., East Umpqua ... Myrtle Creek ... CRlddle Calapooia -Keuogg Elkton Pass Creek Perdue Ten-Mile Camas Valley ... Wilbur ... Comstock Scottsburg Gardiner, , Oakland Yoncolla Glendale Civil Bend Lake Total 66 30 7S1 114 79 88 30 15 23 44 145 59 S6 26 24 71 3 32 47 20 81 821 82 77 112 48 24 1910 1624 75 17 53 Lane Connty. PRECINCT. Bohemia , Bailey , Blanton , Blue River , East Cottage Grove., West Cottage Grove Creswell Camp Creek , Chesner , Coyote Eueene. North. No. 1 Eugene, North, No. 2.. Eugene, south, No. 1 Eugene, South, No. 2 Elmlra Fall Creek Florence Five Rivers Fair Mount Gate Creek Goshen Glentena Hazel Dell Herman Heceta Irving Jasper Junction. North Junction, South Long Tom Lost Valley Lake Creek Lane Mohawk Middle Fork McKlnzIe Mabel Mapleton Mound Pleasant Hill Richardson Spencer Siuslaw , Springfield Saginaw Thurston Willamette Walton Wallace Zumwalt a 2CJ IK 3,815 a 9 2s 3 rJ- P Harney. Burns Harney Drewsey Curry Diamond .... Happy Valley ,. Alvord ,. Lake . Crane Creek . Saddle Butte Wild Horn Poison Creek Island Silvles Pine Creek Catlow Pueblo Warm Springs Total 372 387 135 140 40 20 28 49 18 14 12 10 7 6 3 11 17 20 7 12 35 20 23 12 9 10 11 14 9 5 5 19 ""5 "i9 8 6 17 1 .... 1 .... 2 1 '.'.'.'. '"i '.'.'.'. '"iY.Y. "i '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. '"i '.'.'.'. YYY. '"i Y.Y. YYY. '"i 2 323 No election. Grant. Clatsop Connty. A "WINTER ROUTE TO THE EAST. The climate of Utah and Colorado Is temperate the year round, and clear skies and sunlit days are as proverbial In Win ter as In Summer. The mean annual tem perature In Salt Lake City or Denver Is about 55 degrees, and the average annual precipitation 14.77 inches. With such in consequential precipitation there can be little or no trouble from snow in the dis tricts traversed by the Rio Grande West ern Railway, and its Immediate connec tionsthe Colorado Midland or Denver & Rio Grande Railroads. In fact Winter adds but new grandeur and charm to the travel scenes, and in fuses an element of variety and beauty to the unsurpassed wonders of nature along the Great Salt Lake Route Tickets to all points East may be obtained at 253 Washington street- Astoria No. 1 86 50 3 1 18 Astoria No. 2 118 45 5.... 6 Astoria No. 3 Ill 66 2 1 1 Astoria No. 4 174 0 8.... 7 Astoria, No. 5 140 100 2 1 10 Astoria, No. 6 123 54 4 1 5 Astoria. No. 7 87 40 5 1 17 John Day 21 1 Svensen 20 22 1 WalluskI 19 5 New Astoria 72 24 Warrenton 41 8 4 Clatsop 24 20 Seaside 70 43 2 Melville 20 1 Chadwell 24 20 1 Youngs River 13 17 Olney 28 21 Knappa 23 17 2 1 1 Clifton 30 3 Westport "... 25 13 1 Vesper 16 4 Jewell 18 11 Mishawaka 13 10 Elsie 6 10 Push 7 3 Total 1329 68S 38 6 66 Colnmbln. Connty. Auburn Apiary Beaver Falls Clatskanle ... Deer Island . Goble Marshland ... Nehalem Oak Point ... Rainier Scappoose ... Union Warren Total 863 403 31 12 1 18 ............ 5.... 9 '"iYYY. '"i i 3 3.... IYYY. YYY. 3 31 5 30 Coos Connty. Bandon Burton Prairie Coaledo Coos City Coos River Coos River, North Coqullle City Deer Park (no returns) Dora Empire Cltv Enchanted Prairie Four Mile Lake Marshfield. North Marshfleld, South Missouri Myrtle Point Newport Norway Parkersburg Prosper Rlverton Rowland Prairie South Slough .... Sumner Ten Mile Total 111531 8S8 53 60 19 14 11 27 12 197 16 25 15 14 13 44 81 29 95 27 3S 47 27 3S 17 6 9 71 141 13 Canyon City 95 61 1 .... 3 John Day 81 19 1 2 1 Marysvllle ..' 26 9 Union .'.. 141 92 4 .... 12 Long Creek 61 56 3.... 1 Fox 31 30 2 2.... Hamilton 61 21 1 .... 2 North Fork 69 19 .... 1 1 Susanvllle 53 52 2 Willow 13 11 Warm Springs 21 12 l Olive 16 20 2 tBear Valley 15 12 South Fork 41 23 Middle 47 13 3 .... 1 Rosebud ..., 38 18 Granite 99 131 Austin ... 3 14 Total ,, 911 613 15 6 26 Jackson County. Applegate East Ashland West Ashland .... Barron Big Butte Central Point Climax Dunn Eagle Point Flounce Rock .... Foots Creek , Gold Hill Jacksonville Lake Creek ........ Meadows East Medford West Medford .... Mount Phoenix Pleasant Creek ... Pooh Pah Rock Point Roxian Sam's Valley Sterling Table Rock Tallent Trail Union Watkins Willow Springs ... Woodville 39 185 175 2S 10 44 22 78 80 7 12 80 122 23 7 1361 99 26 55 I 52 17 12 33 20 9 75 9 37 10 22 29 I- Total 11565 57 95 76 28 20 76 12 30 56 3 34 103 94 19 22 121 96 36 67 44 46 23 35 63 14 35 61 23 47i 24 41 34 1525 Total 25212037 1331 71 48 2 H nj; P05 rm Wi .- syrtii 3 2-5 Morrow Connty. PRECINCT. Heppner Mount Vernon Gentry lone Daisy Lexington Lena Dry Fork Matteson Cecil Eight-Mile .... Pine City Alpine Wells Springs . Total 723 35S 411 a 8 K 3 53 H 9 S -1 C-l o2 RS 4 23 Polk County. Lincoln County. Alsea 68 22 1 .... 1 Beaver Creek 8 11 8 Big Elk 15 8 Elk City 19 18 3 Five Rivers 13 6 .... 3 Little Elk 19 18 3 .... 7 Morris 16 7 2 Nashville 22 14 .... 1 .... Newport 63 29 Slletz 83 25 Tidewater 7 19 1 Toledo 106 62 1 1 16 Yaqulna 33 27 1 Total 472 265 8 5 36 Malheur County. Vale Star Summit Crooked Creek Barren Valley Ontario Nyssa Owyhee Malheur Three Forks ... Junction Red Butte Castle Rock . Bully Carlile Stone Jordan Valley . Snake River ... Total I 47S 4S6; 1 1 181 6 Marlon County. Josephine Connty. North Grant's Pass.. South Grant's Pass.. West Grant's Pass... Wolf Creek Mount Reuben Gallce Leland Merlin Lucky Queen Murphy Williams Slate Creek Kerby Oak Flat Althouse Waldo 192 S8 18 .... 7 146 122 6 1 4 101 70 6 1 11 53 31 1 6 9 23 28 48 49.... 1 1 66 63 2.... 5 8.: 26 43 2 .... 4 52 57 1 1 .... 44 57 2 1 4 SO 44 4 .... 1 5 11 36 30 1 33 42 2 919 744 45 5 37 Klamath County. Sprague River 14 20 Langell Valley 25 22 1 Lost River 33 24 1 Poe Valley 9 25 3 1 Dairy 41 11 2 Tull Lake 57 58 1 1 .... Snow 25 14 Plevna 41 18 1 3 .... Llnkvllle 141 94 4 1 .... Klamath Lake 3 7 1 Wood River 39 31 Total 42S 324 8 8 4 Lake County. SI Curry. Chetco Mountain Rancb Pistol River Gold Beach Weddcburn Ophir Port Orford Slpes Floras Creek Eckley 2u.ule Creek Big Bend .v. ..... Quosaten Jerry's Flat Total 305 162 16 No election held. Gilliam. Arlington Blalock Condon Ferry Canyon Idea Lone Rock .... Mayville iMatney Rock Creek ... Frail Fork ... Willow Creek Total 1 4191 843J 22! I::: Silver Lake 35 31 Summer Lake 10 21 Paisley 48 27 Crooked Creek 19 11 North Warner 24 6 .... 1 1 South Warner 24 14 1 South Lakevlew 69 25 1 North Lakevlew 119 35 Drews Valley 16 1 Goose Lake 34 16 Cogswell Creek 30 36 Thomas Creek 28 11 .... 1 .... Total 456 233 1 2 2 Linn County. Albany East Albany West Albany North Brownsville South Brownsville Center Crawfordsvllle ..... Fox Valley Foster Halsey North Harrlsburg . South Harrlsburr . Jordan North Lebanon .... South Lebanon .... LaComb Orleans Price Rock Creek -.. North Sclo South Sclo Shelburn Syracuse Santiam Sweet Home , Sodavllle Shedd Tangent Tallman Waterloo 74 10 1 3 96 10 1 3 100 24 .... 7 77 15.... 1 49 27 S5 4.... 1 35 15 2.... 47 7 40 4.... 8 75 15 1 2 88 2 .... 1 66 1 2 1 100 1 1 .... 93 4 3 2 104 10 2 2 72 10 7 1 41 12 98 8 .... 4 26 5 69 1.... 6 67 4 .... 11 59 1 2 27 66 59 2 .... 3 75 2 80 10 2 2 91 18 .... 2 59 11 37 64.... 1 1 1997 228 2593 Aumsville Aurora . Breitenbush Brooks Buttevllle Champoeg Elkhorn Englewood Fairfield Scott's Mills Gervails x.oreb Howell Hubbard . Jefferson Maclcay Marlon Mehama Monitor Mount Angel Prospect Salem No. 1 Salem No. 2 Saiem No. 3 Salem No. 4 East Salem ..orth Salem South Salem Sidney Sliver Falls South Sllverton ... North Sllverton ... Sllverton St. Paul Stayton Sublimity Turner oo&burn Yow Park Total 131121231811871 19 89 Douglas Jackson Salt Lake Spring Valley Eola Rlckreall 'South Independence. South Monmouth .... Buena Vista Suver Luckiamute Bridgeport East Dallas McCoy South Dallas North Independence... JNortn Dallas Rock Creek Middle Independence. "North Monmouth Falls City Total 11631 991 102 54 67 bo 3S 45 76 44 82 59 44 24 71 38 96 43 94 54 80 8 50 45 65! 5.... 1 2 5 4 4 1.... 3 .... 2 10 3 1 1 3 3.... 17 .... 5 12 1 9 4 7 12 1 5 2 .... .... 1.... 4 10 1 1 15 7 .... 102 23 19 Yamhill Connty. PRECINCT. ffd 5. "5? c Amity Baker Creek Bellevue Carlton Checowan East Dayton West Dayton Dundee Falrhaven La Fayette North McMlnnvllle South McMlnnvllle North Newberg .... South Newberg ... North Sheridan .... South Sheridan .... North Yamhill West Chehalem .. Whlteson Willamette Wlllamina Total 421 4S 69 41 H is H S3 67 104 119 144 109! 94! 40 S2l 61; 25 37 99 49 - 15S311Z3a 5C! S o 3i 164 m 3 :3 41 38 ROBBED A FARMER. Tillamook County. Nehalem ........ Foley Garibaldi Bay I... Barnegat Tillamook Hoquarton Falrvlew South Prairie ... Netarts Carnahan Blaine Beaver Sand Lake Hebo Union Little Nestucca Dolph Total 623 313 2.... 1 '"2YYY. YYY. 11 '"7 '..'.! '..".". 11 1.... 2 4 11 1 1 4 20.... 1 1 2 1 5 .... 17 1 .... 2 Umatilla County. Multnomah County. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. 11. 20... 21... 22... 23... Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. 12. Precinct No. 13. Precinct No. 14. Precinct No. 15. Precinct No. 16. Precinct No. 17. Precinct No. 18. Precinct No. 19. Precinct Iso. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. 24. Precinct No. 25. Precinct No. 26 Precinct No. 27 Precinct No. 28 Precinct No. 29 Precinct No. 30 Precinct No. 31 Precinct No. 32 Precinct No. 33 Precinct No. 34 Precinct No. 35 Precinct No. 36 Precinct No. 37 Precinct No. 38 Precinct No. 39 Precinct No. 40 Precinct No. 41 Precinct No. 42 Precinct No. 43 Precinct No. 44 Precinct No. 45 Precinct No. 46 Precinct No. 47 Precinct No. 48 Precinct No. 49 Precinct No. 50 Precinct. No. 51 , Woodlawn Peninsular , Portsmouth St. Johns , Columbia Mount Tabor , South Mount Tabor Woodstock Lents Kilgaver , Montavilla Russelhrllle Rockwood '. Falrvlew Troutdale Gresham Powell's Valley Hurlburt Brower Bridal Veil Warrendale Reeders ....... Willamette Slough .". Holbrook ...1 Llnnton Sylvan Mount Zlon Bertha West Portland Total 1994814436 455 176 20S 127 216 178 201 153 166 184 258 187 150 189 202 233 128 189 88 151 113 122 178 194 155 162 204 61 156 130 111 195 79 103 143 200 84 166 198 227 194 223 227 145 167 163 101 160 190 174 154 116 121 68! 63 35 39 13 58 45 40 21 100 36 28 56: 63 77 76 56 27 77 10 16 4 So 37 47 23 44 47 SOI 111 103 107 35 50 152 113 96 51 51 69 48 61 64 49 14 109 67 49 61 25 72 52 66 20 61 71 49 103 26 40 67 90 43 63 81 62 72 101 112 C2 44 67 121 83 95 78 107 72 65 33 18 27 6 72 24 39' 27, 11 53 20 14 15 30 n 53 26 12 22 2 6 6! 28 17 18 12 16 14 12! Adams Alta Alba Bingham Springs Cottonwood Echo Encampment Fulton Gllllland Hogue Helix Juniper McKay North Athena South Athena North Milton South Milton Mountain Pendleton North Pendleton South Pendleton East Pendleton .... Ruddock Union Umatilla Uklah Valley Vansycle Vinson Weston East Weston Willow Springs Yoakum Reservation Total 19751638 130 Union County. Allcel ....... ..i..i. Antelope Bed Rock Big Creek Camp Carson Cove Cornucopia Copper Butte East Eagle Eagle Valley North Elgin South Elgin Hllgard Island Iron Dyke , La Grande, No. 1., La Grande, No. 2., La Grande, No. 3.. North Powder Perry Pine Valley Sanger Starkey Sparta Summervllle , Union. No. 1 Union, No. 2 Totals I 512116461 57 10 67 Thrown out. Wallowa County. Enterprise .... Joseph Lostlne Wallowa Prairie Creek Paradise Lost Prairie .. Grouse Promise Pine Creek .. Imnaha Park Divide Trout Creek .. 142 104 3 1 2 76 63 78 88 4 1 1 114 98 7 2 .... 35 28 2 1 .... 64 49 1 1 2 27 29 19 13 1 16 18 1 25 13 13 14 1 7 18 1 6 4 29 20 1 .... 1 651 559 21 6 7 Waaco County. Sherman County. Blglow Grant Wasco Monkland .... Moro Grass Valley Rutledge .... Kent Total 451 385 82 19 2177711 5 S9 1..., 1 100 23 25 25 87 18 1 1 70 4 .... 1 31 5 14 4 lS5l82l8 Falls Vlento West Hood River .. East Hood River.. Baldwin Mosler West Dalles Trevltt Blgelow East Dalles Eight-Mile Columbia Nanseiie Deschutes Dufur Ramsey KIngsley Tygh Oak Grove Wamic Bake Oven Antelope Boyd South Hood River Mountain Total 11576(10381 85 12 Edward Beacon and John Casey Ar rested at Tacoma. Detectives Ford and Cordano left yes terday for Tacoma to bring Edward Dea con, alias Watson, and John Casey to this city to answer for the larceny of a gold watch and $250 from W. Moore, a Southern Oregon farmer. The police say the prisoners met Moore In a First-street hotel, and, after several drinks, robbed him of the watch and money and his trousers. Casey, however, left his own trousers in place of the pair he took. After this, Moore went to a hotel, where he was relieved of $90. and R. W. DeWltt was arrested for this robbery. Deacon and Casey were sailors on a ship which Is now lying at Victoria dock. Four days before the ship arrived at As toria the captain disappeared, and It 13 feared that he wa3 drowned or thrown overboard In a scuffle. The police are working on the case. When Moore was at the police station a check for $6800 was found on him. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Real Estate Transfers. Lydla and Clementina Rodney to B. Wistar Morris, trustee, lots 1 and 2, block 301, Couch addi tion. January 10 $57C0 00 Lenora and Charles P. Hogue to Portland! Crematory Association, 2 acres, City View Park addition, October 25, 1900 1200 00 O. Hemmlngston to F. C Johnson, N. of lot 4. block l Mount Tabor Villa, October 7, 1S95 125 00 United States Mortgage & Trust Company to Charles Dlerke, par cel land, Flanders street, near Twenty-third, December 21 6000 CO Caroline Durkhelmer and Kaufman Durkhelmer to Sophie Durkhelm er, lot 8, block 240, Portland, Juno 2, 1899 ICO Sheriff for R. H. Thompson to Thomas Connell, block P, Caruth- ers' addition, October 5, 1899 67 CO Sheriff for same to same, block 104, Caruthers addllton, October 5, 1899 33 82 Sheriff for same to same, lots 1 to 8, inclusive, block 104; lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, block P; lot 7, block 102, Caruthers' addition, December 20, 1900 153 36 Chief of Police to Thomas Connell, lot 7, block 102, Caruther3 addi tion, December 19, 1900 27 CO Allience Trust Company to Rose Gullliaume. 50x87, Washington, December 21 6800 00 Bulldlner Permit. Harry Howard, two-story house, Nine teenth street, between Northrop and Overton, $3000. Contngrlous Disease. iZ Haynes, 367 East Oak street, meas les. William Klein, 642 East Seventh, measles. Mabel Adams, Seuwood; ecaTletlna. James Allison, 52 Harding street. Albino, diphtheria. Charles Meyers, 147 Twelfth, street, ty phoid. Birth. Returns. January 8, boy to wife of John B. Ester, 1293 East Eighth, North. January 3, girl to wife of WlUlam N. Robinson, 207 Hall street. Death. Returns. January 8, Johanna Borran, 33 years, 615 East Clay street; pulmonary tubercu losis. January 9, Esther Markstrom, 2 months, 435 Everett street; pneumonia. January 7, John G. Sells, 78 years, Pea Insular Station; old age. January 9, Henry Crosier, 71 years, St. Vincent's Hospital; fracturo of hip. Marriage Licenses. Joseph H. Gump, 27, and Nettle Mur phy, 24. George E. Quiggle, 31, and Fannie E. Gregg, 19. Amello Cottardi, 22, and Maria Quelr olo, 21. PERSONAL MENTION. John Paul Dana, of the New York Sun staff, and nephew of the late Charles A. Dana, Is at the Portland. W. J. Hodgins and B. W. Copeland, ad vance agents of the "Husband on Salary" Company, are registered at the St. Charles. Charles Carter, J. J. Cartwrlght and ex County Clerk Test, of Ontario, are at the Imperial. They will attend tho meetings of the Legislature In the Interest of tho county-seat removal from. Vale. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Northwestern people registered at New York hotels to day as follows: From Portland S. Z. Mitchell and wife, at the Albemarle. From Seattle C Watson, at the Im perial; O. C. Clemens, at tho Gllsey. Accident Company Settles Judgment. TACOMA, Jan. 10. Tho sum of $9125 was paid Into the Federal Court today by the Preferred Accident Insitrance Com pany, of New York, on a Judgment in favor of Sarah McMillan, whose husband John McMillan, was killed by accidental discharge of a revolver In Spokana in February, 1900. 36 Washington County. Beaverdam Beaverton Burton Columbia Cornelius Dairy Dllley East Butte Bast Cedar Creek Gales Creek .. Mountain North Hlllsboro North Forest Grove... Reedvllle South Hlllsboro South Forest Grove.... South Tualatin Wapato Washington West Butte West Cedar Creek...., Total 1655llI14l 126! "Wheeler County. Fossil 146 62 2 1 2 Mitchell 66 62 2 Shoofly 77 2 3 Wagner 21 30 1 Wlnlock 19 12 1 Lost Valley 13 5 1 2 1 Ward..... 4 10 Clarno 22 S Twickenham .... 16 7 Bridge Creek 8 9 Mountain 13 10 Rock Creek 14 21 .... 1 1 Waterman 7 5 Total :426it3l 1CJ 41 I 9 ears Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. Pears' shaving soap is the best in all the world.' All sets of people use Pears' soap, all sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists. 5CIEXCE SETTIiES IT. Dandruff Is Caused by a Germ That Saps the Hair's Vitality. It Is now a settled fact that dandruff Is caused by a germ. Falling hair and baldness are the result of dandruff. Dr. E. J. Beardsley, of Champaign, 111., got hold of tne new hair preparation, New bro's Herplclde the only one that kills the dandruff germ. He says: "I used Herplclde for my dandruff and falling hair, and I am well satisfied with the result." Dr. J. T. Fugate, of Urbana, I1L, says: "I have used Herplclde for dan druff with excellent results. I shall pre scribe It Jn my practice." Herplclde kills the dandruff germ. Physicians as well as the general public say so. uiife kjSKb.1