THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1800. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER CALVIN HEILIG. Manager. Two nights only. Thursday and Friday nights, Dec 20 and 21. THE LEADERS. PRIMROSE AND DOCKSTADER. The only true exponents of black-face comedy, and their great MINSTREL COMPANY. Prices Entire lower floor. $1; balcony, first six rows. 75c; last six, 50c; gallery, 25c; boxes and loges, $7.50. CORDRATS THEATER JOHN F. CORDRAT, Manager. "Week beginning Sunday, Dec 23.' Christmas and Saturday Matinee. T. DANIEL .FRAWLEY And his company, presenting this extraordi nary repertoire; Sunday. Monday and Christmas Matinee. THE GREAT RUBY"; Christmas night and "Wednesday. "THE MIDDLEMAN"; Thursday, "THE SPORTINO DUCHESS": Friday. "MME. SANS GENE": Saturday Matinee. "TRILBY"; Saturday night. "CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO." METROPOLITAN Portland's down-town theater. Third and Yamhill sts. Clarence H. Jones, manager. Phone Grant 741. This week, with Saturday matinee. JOSEPH MULLER presents the sce nic revelation UNDER SEALED ORDERS. Dramatized from Rudyard Kipling's noveL A wealth of stage mechanism. New songs. New dances. A great company of players. The first time here. Next attraction "A Bell Boy' PRICES JUST THE SAME. FREDERICKSBURG SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. ALL NEW PEOPLE. ALL -NEW PEOPLE. ALL' NEW PEOPLE. EPPS AND EPPS. TRUSTY AND TRUSTY. Colored Quartet. THE THREE VALARES. Acrobats. Gymnasts. BERLIN SISTERS. "Swrll" Singers. ADMISSION FREE- ADMISSION FREE. ATJCTIOX SALES TODAY. At residence. 007 Second St., near Sherman. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auction eers. At Central Auction Rooms, cor. Alder and Park. Sate at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. Of the residence at 655 Flanders st. at the Courthouse door at 11 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. . OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Spe cial conclave this evening at 7:30 - o'clock. Order of the Temple. -CHARLES HUSSEY, Rec WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion' this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. All M. M. are cordlallyi Invited to at tend. THOS. GRAY, Sec MACCABEES. ATTENTION! The funeral of Sir Knight C. .W. Smith will be. held at F S. Dunnlng's undertaking parlors Thursday. Dec 20, at 2 P. M. All Maccabees expected to at tend. F. IRELAND. R. JC. Alblna Tent. No. 71. GRAND BALL GIVEN BY JUANETA CIR cle. No 275. Saturday, December 22, Arti sans Hall.- DIED. SMITH In this city. Dec 17. Charles W.. son of Thomas C. Smith, engineer Alblna ferry. aged 28 years. Funeral this afternoon from Dunnlng's undertaklnr parlors. East Sixth and East Alder. Friends Invited. KEMP Thomas R.. Jr.. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kemp, of Glencoe. Or.. Dec. 18. 11)00, at 1:30 P. M.. at the rcsld-nce ot his sister, Mrs. A. H. Wensley, 4SC East 12th st. Funeral Friday, 10:30 A. M. Friends ln lted. ROBERTSON In this city, Dec 10. Thomas Robertson, aged S3 years, S months. 5 days. Funeral services at Miss Falling's residence. Fifth and Taylor. Friday. 1:30 P. M. BULL At his home. Dedham. Mass., Dec 12, Arthur Edward, beloved husband of Ada Sut ton Bull. EDWARD HOLMAX. Undertaker.4th nml Yamhill ats. Rena Stlnson, lady assistant. Both phone No. SOT. Flnley.Ivlmbnll fc Co.. Undertaker. Lady assistant. 275 Third at Tel. i. F. S. Dnnnlng, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. X.ady" assistant. Both pliorics. NEW TODAY. A carload and a half of Oregon turkeys We aro asking all our friends and the public to help us at this time. So many have arrived and are arriving, we are puzzled to know what we shall do. An auction sale Is Inev itable. Mean'vnlle everything goes at any old price Chlckns bv the tralnload. Vlnce's Market, Fourth and Alder. $2 50 TO $5 CASH PRESENTS GIVEN BY the Crown Clothing. Company to every pur chaser of suit or overcoat. $17.50 values $12 50; $15 values $11. $12.50 values $0.85, $10 values $7.50. Boys' suits, overcoats, mackintoshes, umbrellas. 254 Morrison St., near Third. TP ARRiVE, Carload of Eastern corn-fed turkeys; flnt large, fat corn-fed Iowa turkeys. See the La Grande Creamer-. Both phones. 204 Yamhill st. near 3d. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! We will have them direct from the man that raised the One Southern Oregon corn-fed turkeys (not coM-storaye Eastern), which go at the lowest wholesale price, so place your order early with the PACIFIC MARKET & GRO. CO.. Both phones. 3G4 Washington- st. Turkeys AT THE WHOLESALE PRICE. We will hare COO corn-fed turkeys consigned to us for Christmas trade. Just as nice as the one you got of us Thanksgiving. Leave yor order by Saturday If possible. We deliver everywhere. PORTLAND MARKET CO.. 170 Third st. bet Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Grant Sfi. We save you money on everything. FOR TODAY 2 doz. good eggs, 45c, bet creamery butter, O0c square, good, swert dairy butter, 40c roll; 2 lbs. clean currants. 25e, hard-wheat flour. S5e sack, every sack warranted. Order your turkey now Everyone buying a turkey from us will tvcHve one quart of cranberries free. You can save money by trading at our store. Everything cut. 3 lbs. candy. 25c; 2 lbs. of mixed nuts, 25c. To get a good turkey, order now. OREGON CASH GROCERY CO,. 232-234 North 14th st. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OP THAT ' Handsome Residence, 655 Fland ers Street, ox Thursday, Dec. 20, at 11 A. M., at the Court House Dpor. We arc lntrncted by the mort. gngce to lell by public auction .the large handsome residence, J55 Flan der street, near Twenty-first, on Thursday, December 20, at 11 o'clock A. M., nt the Courthouse door. Thin splendid mansion contnlns hand some double parlors, with open fire place, reception-hall, library, large dining-room, butler's pantry, con veniently arranged kitchen, bed rooms, well ventilated and well lighted, several of -which can he thrown Into suites, bathrooms nnd tollet-rooius, full basement, furnace, etc This desirable residence con tnlns 18 rooms, has been recently put in thorough repair, and Is now paying; In rent O per cent on $12,000. The ground upon which It stands Is vredge-sbaped, and has a frontage of GS Xeet on Flanders street. Buy ers are Invited to attend this sale on Thursday morning, December 20. nt 11 o'clock, at the door of the County Courthouse, or call on me at mj- salesrooms, 411 Washington street, tor further information. S. L. X. G I LSI AX, Auctioneer. & NEW TODAL CALIFORNIA OIL WILL MAKE A -FORTUNE for you. Your money is absolutely guaran teed against loss, a,nd you may make $100 tor every dollar Invested. Ask E. A. Clem & Co.. 140 3d st. what they know of the Dia mond OH Company. DIAMONDS. PEARLS. PRECIOUS STONES, jewelry made to order, old gold taken In Tlngry. the Jeweler, con Morrison and Second, over the Famous. FOR SALE-30 SHARES OF STOCK IN DAL las City Bank; par value. $3000. Write Oscar Hayter. Attorney-at-Law. Dallas, Or. HAINES' TEA STORE Fifth st., opposite Postofflce. Toys free. Come and see th Immense 'Christmas tree loaded with" toys In our win dow. On Saturday they will be given, nway. one with each purchase of 25c or more. Only one to each customers. Come early. If you want to have your pick, as these, presents will soon go We have a large line of fancy china at low prices and many novelties. Get your wife one- of our pretty dinner sets. 60 pieces for $3.75. $4 75 and $5.95. Our 10c. 15c. 20e and 25c counters are loaded with nice presents, cheap. Special table for articles used by gen tlemen. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS and In all parts of the city and suburbs, for sale at lowest prices, and can make better terms than others, as we handle property owned principally by mortgage companies. Call and see our list, as we have some special bargains on hand, and will drive you out to see the property. It will cost jou nothing to look It over, (irlndstaff &. Blaln. 240 Stark street. BUSINESS PROPERTY Very soon. 120 10th St.. near Washington, 25x100, with S-room house. Nob Hill. Corner 17th and Flanders, COx 100; buy this and build flats; big thing. "" Quarter or half block; very close In; best location far fiats and very cheap. Lot me show you this. R. M. WirniTR. 233 Stark st. VERY DESIRABLE LOT WITH 2 HOUSES S. E. COR. 3D AND MONTGOMERY STS. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.. 227 Stark Street. NEW THREE-STORY BRICK BLOCK. ON Hastings st. Vancouver. B. C. with cement basement, 125x25. for sale; present owner will take a 10-year lease of same; this will bring over 10 per cent on Investment. Ad dress box 51S, Vancouver, B. C J . J BEST BUY IN MULTNOMAH 8-room house, full lot $1300. Don't miss this chance. Hoi la day's Add. 6-room house, modern in every respect; choice location; great bargain 512 Commercial building. A LARGE LIST OF FARM AND CITY PROP erty. business chances, etc See us before buying; Canadian Employment and Real Es tate Office.-' 226 Morrison, room 10. $2500 MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE; well-located; will give Immediate posses sion, or take one or two years' lease at $25 per month. R 36. care Oregonlan. $C50-LOT 50x160 FEET . IN HOLLADAY'S Addition, two blocks from car. Phone Blue OCT. or 340 East 12th st. north. FOR SALE CHEAP- 5-ROOM HOUSE AND lot: plenty fruit. S01 East Ninth north, near Tach. FOR SALE FARSIS. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF 87J ACRES for sale.; well watered; good soil; 30 acres bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land, Douglas County. Or ; low price and easy tcTnv Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco. Gal. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL part- of Oregon and Washington, payments made to u!l purchasers. For full particulars as to x-arlous properties, apply to MacMaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester block 40 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED: GOOD buildings, orchard, water, etc 226 Mor rison. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE NEW TRUNKS FOR FUR nlture of any kind, or for old trunks. At 22S Morrison St.. trunk factory. E. U. Phil lips. Hood 221. EXCHANGE FINE STRONG BUGGY, practically new. or Altamont horse, for car penter work or cash. V 42, care Oregonlan. FINE MANDOLIN TO EXCHANGE FOR services of men's tailor. Address M 36, care Oregonlan. ; To Trade 40-ncre Imnrovrd ranch near Ke!o. Wash Make offer. McPherson. Gllman Hoj. FOR REXT FARSIS. FOR RENT A MILK RANCH OF 18 ACRES; good S-room house, and barn: also good farm for rent. C Hellman. Uellman's sta tion, Woodstock car line. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Will furnish you timber, scrip. Government, schooj, deeded or claim lands, mill sites, log ging, wood and tie chances, help you In any way. Write us. J. J. Martin & Co., 001 Oregonlan building. Portland. Or. WASTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT. 5 TO 7 room: cash or Installments. 612 Commer cial block. HELP WAXTED 31 ALE. WANTED FOR U. S ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can tpeak. read and write English. Recruits are eieclally desired for service In Philippines. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer. Third and Stark sts.. Portland. Or. COLUS1BUS CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT; P. Loral 1, 14S Fourth. Headquarters for cooks, waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 751. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR WORK OR business location, sec Canadian Agency, 220 Morrison. Loggers' headquarters. YOUNG MAN FOR CLEKICAL WORK AND collecting; state experience, references and salary expected. S 44, care Oregonlan. WANTED A FEW GOOD MACHINE MEN. Apply at Doembecher Mfg Co , East 2Sth st. and O. R & N. Railway. YOUNG MAN UNDER 30 TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Inquire 24 North Second St., next to Volunteers. WANTED-STOUT BOY FOR GENERAL DE llvery; must be familiar with city. Call 307 Washington. BARKER. $2 25; Al 2ND FOR IDAHO. $50; woodehoppers, S0c: kitchen help, call. Drake. 152 First. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged -machines. Singer; White, New Home, and Wheeler t Wilson, at astonish ing low -prices. 335 Morrison et., Marquam building. $4OQ0-GENTLEMAN ENGAGED IN OTHER, business offers interest in established hard ware business for cash or city real estate; good chance for some one. P. O. box 740, city. Slightly used hand-made sideboard, bookcase, wardrobes, several stoves, also new furni ture; couches from $3 up. repairing, carpet laying, draping C. M. Hoeber, 209 Fourth. FOR THE FINEST IMPORTED CANARIES. goldfinches, slsken, and talking parrots, go to 313 Washington; Just the thing for Xmas. 25 COWS AND HEIFERS FOR SALE; PART are Jersey, all young; some fresh, others with calf M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplier, etc Coast Agency Co.. 266 Stark at. FOR SALE ELEGANT CHRISTMAS HE glna music-box. with 65 tune sheets; bargain. 'Inquire 255 North 16th st. FOR BEST DRY SLAB. OAK. ASH AND FIR wood. Hoover. 313 Water at. "Phones. Oregon South 651: Columbia S3. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st. Phone 1S9. Magic lanterns, new, second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullaxd & Breck, 131 Post. San Fran. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH. balance $2 per menth. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth at. Snaps New upright piano $140, Chlckerlng $00, one $30. organ $2S- Upstairs. 104 First st. FIRST - QUALITY SEALSKIN JACKET. Maine Loan Office. 70 North Third. DRY SLABWOOD. 4-FOOT. $1.50 PER CORD. Dorrance Bros., 972 Macadam. Pianos. FOR RENT A NICE UPRIGHT PIANO. C. F. Plnnptoa 201H Slcrrtson et. HELP WAXTED MALE. WANTED A POPULAR MAN EMPLOYED by the O. R. & N. Co. or Oregon Short Line to represent us 'during his leisure moments; $50 rer week for next year easily made by right party. Address In confidence G 43. Ore gonlan. WANTED CIGAR SALESMAN FOR ORE gon. Washington and Idaho. January 1, 1001; none but experienced men need apply; com "munlcattons strictly private. Address F 36. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GENTLEMAN OF GOOD AD drcss. capable of Interviewing business men by appointment on a high-grade Eastern pub lication. Address, with references, E 43, Oregonlan. GOOD OPENING FOR RELIABLE. ENER getlc men as solicitors; permanent employ ment, and good chances for promotion; with an old-established corporation. P 42, care Oregonlan. SALESSIAN THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTED with the manufacturing trade In Oregon and Wash.; liberal commission. Address M., 1121 Howard st, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED FURNITURE SALESMAN ON commission, to sell an A No. 1 line of hall racks and cheval glasses. Address A. Ren esch & Co., Cincinnati. O. MAN AND WIFE TO TAKE THREE NICE 4y furnished housekeeping rooms. In ex change for board: reference. For particulars Inquire 313 First. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE BOY WANTED for general housework; must understand cooking: two In family. Apply 565 Irving, near 17th. i , y, , Worklngman's Barber Shop: haircut. 15c shave 10c; 7 chairs. Ed Dennlson. 205 Morrison st. WANTED-500 MEN TO TRY A 5c SHAVE nr Mf hnir ! t T. North Second st. HELP WANTED FESIALE. WANTED GIRL TO COOK AND DO HOUSE work in small family; mutt be good cook; jio washing. Take "S" car. get oft at Aber nethy st.. go two blocks west. P. W. Gil lette. Learn the celebrated Pemln Shorthand. Short, simple, rapid. Personal and mall Instruc tion. Behnke's Commercial College, Com mercial bldg.. Washington, cor. Second. WANTED A FIRST-CLSS GIRL FOR GEN rral housework; Swedish girl preferred; wages $25. Apply today at .Portland Cracker Co.. 11th and Davis sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED SMITH - PRE mier operator and stenographer, at once. Ad dress, with references and salary expected, B 43. Oregonlan. 4 H WAITRRSSES. IDAHO. Al SERVICE. $25. call today; arm W. for city. $5; cook for mill hands. $30; domestics, etc, call. Drake. 152 First. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED FOR GEN eral housework; must be good cook; two In family. Appl.' befor; 3 o'clock. 5S5 Irving, near 17th. WANTED BRIGHT. NEAT - APPEARING woman, about 30. to devote 8 hours per day to agreeable work. E 3D. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work and sewing. Apply In morning, 332 10th. cor. Market. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; "small family. Apply In forencon at 760 Hoyt st., near 23d. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT GENERAL housework and cooking In small family. Ap ply 330 Washington st. UP-TO-DATE AND ALWAYS IN THE lead: plenty of work on band. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. W ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 433 East 10th st. north. Take Irvlngton car. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work; none other need apply, at 225 11th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR PA per box making. Howe. Davis & Kllham, 111 2d st. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Mrs. Piatt, Prettyman Station, Mount Tabor. WANTED A COOK IN SMALL FAMILY. Apply In forenoon at 723 Gllsan st. A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general housework. 769 Irving rt. GIRL rOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; FAM lly of two. 6S5 Gllsan st. Gin.L FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; SMALL, family. 509 West Main. SITUATION WAXTED SIALE. AS NIGHT WATCHMAN OR SIMILAR work; can attend boilers. Address Chas. Stewart. C21 Powell st. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY. WANTS POSITION in family, do plain cooking, housework; no washing. C5 North Third. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE WANTS SITU atlen to help cook and do housework. Taoo, 393 Flanders st. SITUATION WANTED BY JAPANESE. TO do housework: wages no .bject. S 43, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY. WANTS POSITION In any place, to help cook, housework. W 44. Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY. WANTS POSITION to do housework and help cook. G. Azuma, 209 Couch. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO plain cookln: or any kind work. F., 333 Flanders. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework or help cook. T 43, care Orego nlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED engineer and machinist. S 42, care Orego nlan. SITUATIOX WAXTED FESIALE. Bookkeeper nnd Stenographers. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 3 YEARS' experience wishes position by first of year; good city references. Address Miss Coulter, C13 East Seventh. SHscellnneous. WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF WORK BY the day. G31 Union ave. north, upstairs. A LADY WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Call at 402 Water st. WAXTED TO REXT. WANTED SUITE OF THREE UNFUR nlshed rooms; preferably between Madison and Stark sts.; East or West Side. Address D 42, care Ortgonlan. WANTED-NICELY FURNISHED S OR 10 room house; modem; near Hotel Portland; reference. X 42, care Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH ed rooms, centrally located; state price, etc C 42. care Oreronlan. IV AXTED .MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A LOAN OF $6000. SECURED BY mortgage on the finest new residences In the city; worthv with grounds. $15,000; rate not exceeding 5 per cent Interest will be paid for a. term of three or five years; principals only need replly. J 42. care Oregonlan. WANTED LOAN OF $13,000. AT 6 PER cent Interest per annum, for five years; mortgage will be given on three farms, com prising over 1000 acres of land In Polk County of the best quality and highly im proved. K 42, care Oregonlan. WANTED A SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITER (Remington or Smith-Premier): must be In Al condition. Address, with sample ot work and price, V 43, care Oregonlan. WANTED STOCK CLOTHING. FURNISH lng goods, and hats; would take shoes also. Address confidentially. G 29. care Oregonlan. HIGHEST PRICES PAUJ FOR MEN'S CAST- off clothing and shoes. 92 North 3d. Phona Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. Ranted highest prices paid for second - hand furniture and stoves, at 2S3 First -st. Oregon phone South 114L YOUNG MAN WANTS BOARD IN A RE spectable private family, centrally located. B 42. care Oregonlan. SOME ONE TO SHARE A FREIGHT CAR to San Francisco or Oakland. R 43, care Oregonlan. DEBTS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ANT where. Address 518 Chamber of Commerce. Second-hand furniture, stoves, etc Kutner & Co.. 32 N. Third. Oregon phone day C80. LOST AXD FOUXD. LOST XF THE MAN WHO STOLE MY valise from steamer Bailey Gatxert. Sunday morning. Dec 2. will return same to toot Alder st., he will receive $5 reward and no questions asked. It not returned, he will be arrested, asbeb known. Thos. G. Keaae. FOR REXT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under tho manasmont of tha owner, Helen F. Spalding The must complets apartment-house In the Northwest; cholc rooms, tor gentlemen or gentleman, and wlfa; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 2SS THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single- or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath Included; most reasonable terms; transient solicited. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FIRST-MORRISON Rooms, suites, single housekeeping. Central. Furnished house for sale. Two lodging-houses. "THE NEWCASTLE. 3. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references.. The La Porte. 170V4 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean, neat rooms. $1.25 per week up; transient. 25c day up; transient solicited. NEWLY FURNISHED BAY - WINDOW room; modern conveniences; private family. Inquire 255 11th st., near Main. 170 10TH ST.. NEAR MORRISON NICELY furnished room, private family; telephone and bath: service reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR OF flces or dressmaker; central. Q 43, care Ore gonlan. Victor House Newly furnished and unfurnished rooms; transients. 171K Front, cor. Yamhill. ROOM FOR RENT. WITH OR WITHOUT board: Use of telephone and bath. 131 10th. THE BONITA. 7TH ST. FINELY FUR nlshrd rooms: modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; USE BATH, and phone. 330 Fifth st. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 13TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; uso of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, super intendent. 510 Flanders st. THE COLONIAL. 1G5 10TH ST. DOUBLE and single rooms, with first-class table and service: table boarders can be accommo dated. ONE OR TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS. WITH board; everything new; gas, bath and tele phone. 1SS Seventh st.. near Yamhill. ELEGANT DOUBLE PARLORS. WITH ALL conveniences and best of board. The Ster ling, 535 Couch st. PLEASANT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH ed rooms, with good board; reasonable. 321 Sixth st.. cor. Clay. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH ALL conveniences and board. The Sterling. 535 Couch st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. 141 West Park. cor. Alder. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; closets, pantry, sink, bath, store room; no children; first floor. 48S Everett. FURNISHED SUITES HOUSEKEEPING rooms; other furnished single and large bed rooms. 320 Front, cor. Clay. 3SS JEFFERSON FLAT. 4 ROOMS; ALSO suite large rooms, furnished complete; bath; central location; references. THREE BOOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed; Jan. 1; no small children. Box 516, city. I FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOSIS. $8 per month. 595 Fourth St., cor. Sherman. 175 11TH ST. SUITE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; reasonable rent. 40S MAIN FRONT ROOM AND SMALL kitchen: references; no children. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 171 FROXT, between Morrison and Yamhill. Houses. HOJIESEEKERS I AM CONTEMPLATING the erection of a row of " central loca tion on car line: wl. build to suit tenants, and tease to responsible parties only. Ad dress M 40. care Oregonlan. A WELL-LOCATED S-ROOM RESIDENCE, beautiful grounds. Apply premises, 312 Cher ry st., after l P. M. tiv.w -wrmsF? .tttst rmtpr.'FrrRn- -fnn- l& Sern In even nattlcular: 8 rooms, attic 730 Overton st.,- near -23d. , FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. QUARTER block. East 11th and -Market. Inquire 320H Front st. 9-TIOOM HOUSE. ACRE LOT. ON MOUNT Tabor car line; low rent. Calror address 229 Sixth st. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. HALL ST.. WEST Side. $14. Montaguo & Borden. 220 Stark. Furnished llonsc. $10 PER MONTH. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR nlshed complete, for housekeeping, 10S Pen noyer st.. near Macadam. FURNISHED HOUSE. INQUIRE 173 EAST Sixth, cor. Tamhlll. FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. 72t$ EVER- ett st. FOR RENT STORE. 41 FIRST ST.. COR. Ah R. L. Gllsan 420 Chamber Commerce. PEHSOXALS. SEE OUR LADIES' HALF TIGHT-FITTING box coats. In black, gruy. tan and caster. They have style In material. In shape, in fit and finish. $1 pr week bujs one of those beautiful garments. Our assortment of cloth capes Is big. and prices are the lowest ob tainable in the city. Terms, 50 cents to $1 per week. AS Xmas gifts, see our new al bums, new fancy boxes, new vases, new ornaments, new clocks, new dinner sets, new banjos, new mandolins, new violins, etc Everything sold for cash or easy payments. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO.. 383-300 Washington st. 129 women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful periods; Ieucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured hy old Dr. Kessler. cor Second and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. 417 women called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2a. stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new sysUm. C. GEE WO. GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR. Now Is your chance to ge"t cured at small cost. Special prices for 30 days. Guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma. lung, rheumatism, nervousness, stnmach. liver, kidneys, female Clseases; $5 to $50. All diseases not men tioned. $1 up. Send for blank circular; In close stamp. 132 Third at.. Portland. Or. STAR HAIR REMEDY IS GUARANTEED To restore gray and faded hair to natural color, cure dandruff, stop falling, grow new hair. One preparation for all shades proves conclusively It Is not a dye; no stain to scalp or linen. Paris Hair Store, 308 Wash ington, sole agent. Also headquarters for tho finest switches at moderate prices. SQULE BROS., PROFESSIONAL PIANO tuners. tone and action regulators. Experts In all delicate repair work. Years ot experi ence with the- leadlnr Chicago houses. Rea sonable prices, by the year or otherwise. Re member the address. 221 West Park, cor. Salmon. Telephone Brown 1000. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for, sponge, press and deliver' one -suit of ' your clothing each week, sew on buttons, sew up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co.. S47 Washington. Both phones. RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25: NICKEL OR gold-filled frames, with beat lenses, $1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c. Eyes tested free, by competent optician: fit guaranteed. Port land Jeweler and Optician. 132 First at., be tween Washington and Alder. THE PORTLAND CLUB. INC.. A PLACE OF amusement and recreation for gentlemen, 130 Fifth st. and 291 Alder. The cafe in con nection carries the bes( line of liquors and cigars the world produces. WATCHES CLEANED. 75c: MAINSPRING. 75c: clocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted one year. The Portland Jeweler, 132 First st. Phone Black 937. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents. Woodard Clarke, Portland. Or. WATCHES. DIAMONDS, SOLD ON EASY payments; nice line to select from. Call and see them and get terms. Established 1S90. W H. Lesh. 513 Dekunr bldg. Open -evenings. WANTED-GOOD MEN AND WOMEN TO work for the Co-Operatlve Brotherhood; good results for your labor. Address W. E. Jones. 291 Alder st. Portland. Or. FUR GARMENTS RESIODELED. HALF price; best sealskin Jackets. $100; references. G. Konlgsberg. 210 Allsky bldg. Furs bought. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st.. bet. 1st and 2d. ALL KINDS FUR GARMENTS MADE TO OR der. Temodellnr a specialty. Schumacher & Stoller, 426 Washington st. Phone Clay SOL PERSOXAL. Private sanitarium for women's diseases and confinement: best care: reasonable charges; comforts home: country cases solicited. Dr. Darling. Mgr.. Cambridge bldg.. Portland. WE PRINT 30 CALLING CARDS. PROPER alze and style, 25c; 250 business cards. $1. Brown & Schmale. 223 First st.. Portland. WE WANT YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO fill. Come and see us. Knlsht's Drug Store, 12 Sixth at. Amateurs to loin company singers; $25 week. Newman' Tht-utr'cal Agency. 7th and Alder. Ostrich feathers curl'd and made over. 50 N. Seventh. Phone West 1243. and will call. BOOKS. OLD AND NEW. BOUGHT AND sold. The Old Book, Storey 220 Yamhill. THE OXYGENOR KING CURES WITHOUT medicine. 290 Morrison, room IS. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Su pervising Architect. Washington, D. C. Dec 5. 1900. Sealed proposals rnll be received at this dffice until 2. o'clock P. M. on the 7th day of January, .SOL and then opened, for the plumbing and finish of the toilet rooms for the U. S. Custom House building at Portland. Or.. n accordance with drawings, and specification, which will be furnished at the discretion of the Supervising Architect, at this otnee. or at the office of the Superin tendent of the building at Portland. Or. JAMES KNOX TAYLOK, Supervising Arch itect. OFFICE PURCHASING COMMISSARY. VAN couver Barracks, Wash.. Dec 11. 1000 Scaled proposals, subject to usual condi tions, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. Friday. Doc 21. 1900. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering subslstense, stores. In such quantities as may be re quired, at Portland. Or.. Seattle or Van couver Barracks, Wash., during January. 1901, Information and blank forms of pro posals will be furnished to established deal ers on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for subsistence stores," and addressed MAJOR JAS. N. ALLISON. C. S. Stockholders' Sleeting. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of The Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company Portland. Or.. Nov. 26. 1900. Pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors of The Oregon Railroad & Nav igation Company, notice Is hereby, given that a special meeting of the stockholders of The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be held at the office of the company. In the Worcester building. Portland, Or., at 12 o'clock noon on January 31. 1001. for the purpose of considering and Uetermlnlng whether or not article 3 of the articles of Incorporation of said company shall be amended by Inserting after the words "18th. A line from Elgin. In the State of Oregon, towards or to Wallowa. In said state." in the first paragraph ot said article the- following- words, towlt: "10th. A line from Fairfield. In the State of Washington, to Wa verly. In said state. 20th. A line from Port land. In the State of Oregon, to St. Johns, In said state. 21st. A line from a point near Wardncr. In the State of Idaho, to the Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head ot Dead wood Gulch. In said state." W. W. COTTON, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE RIVERVIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION The annual meet. lng of the members of the Rlvervlew Cemetery Association will be held at the First National Bank on Monday, the 14th of January, 1901, at 3:30 P. M. A general attendance is desired. All owners of family lots In the- cemetery are members of the association and entitled to participate. WILLIAM R, MACKENZIE. Clerk. Masters' Notice. SS. CHING WO. CAPTAIN DAVIES. FROSI Yokohama Neither the captain nor the un dersigned consignees ot the above-named ves sel will be responsible for any debts thatr may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, Young & Co., Agents. Portland, Or., Dec, 18. 1900. Miscellaneous. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants, "class 36," the same having been drawn upon the general fund, that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of funds." from Feb. 3. 1900 to March 1. 1900. both dates Inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the Countv Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after tho date of this notice. Portland. Or.. Dec. 18. m00. THOS. SCOTT BROOKE. County Treasurer. SHIP POLTALLOCH TENDERS ARE IN vlted from responsible parties to float this "vessel ashore at North Spit. WHIapa Har bor, on the no cure, no pay principle and place her at-a safe anchorage. Bids must bi delivered to Cartaln Young, at South Bend. Wash., not later than noon December 21. Lowest or any tendsr not necessarily ac cepted. BUSIXESS CHANCES. SAWMILL MEN. ATTENTION I WILL SELL very cheap if sold at once) my entire saw mill, consisting of a double circular mill, capacity 10.000 feet per day; planer. 6x24. Fay; all In good running order: only 9 miles from Portland. Address, for particu lars. A. N. Davles. Tlgardvtlle. Or. WANTED-AN Al OFFICE MAN TO TAKE position of trust and Invest from $5000 to $15,000 In a well-established wholesale and manufacturing business In Portland. This will stand close Investigation. References re quired. Address O 42. care Oregonlan. ALL ROOMING - HOUSES. GROCERY stores. SALOONS. CIGAR or CANDY stores, country HOTELS or merchandise In fact, everything that Is for sale. 13 listed with us. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. WANTED WORKING PARTNER WITH $200 in new branch of old-stabllshed business, with large and best patronage; $2.50 per day guaranteed to start. V 44. Oregonlan. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR ABOUT SS00 cash: clfrar. fruit and confectionery business, at Invoice; owner going Into larger business. L 41. OregonMn. DINING-ROOM. KITCHEN AND 10 BED rooms. with furniture: will take rent In table board- A. B. Slanley. 442 Sherlock build ing. Phone Grant 1061. BUSINESS FOR SALE GOOD GENERAL merchandlse business In bent town In Eastern Oregon: good reason for selling. Address box 473. Pendleton. Or. WANTED A LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO invest In a legitimate enterprise: $125. For particulars write H. G. M.. care Jos. Supple, ship builder. FOR SALE OLD. WELL-ESTABLISHED restaurant, central; cheap rent; good trade; owner leaving city; no agents. T 44, Orego- nlan. ADVERTISER WANTS BUY A COMS1ISSION business or half Interest with some reliable firm. Address N 42. care Oregonlan. PARTNER -WITH SMALL CAPITAL JOR theatrical business In city; a money-maker. "W 43. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING CORNER SA loon; will sell very reasonable. Inquire 215 Third. BUSIXESS DIRECTORY. Abdominal Onndages, McCLURE"S SANITART BANDAGE FOR women has no equal. 417 Marquam building. Accordion and Knife Plaiting'. Also binding furnished and skirts rebound, $1. Miss Gould. S01 Marquam building. Assaycrn and Analysts. J. H. FISK. . MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist: gold dust bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 223 Stark st. Attorneys. EDWARD T. TAGGART. ATTORNEY -AT-law. general practice. 518 Chamber of Com merce. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. Babbitt Metal and Solder. W. W. Blaney. mfr., 100 N. 10th. Portland; best quality. lowest prices. Tel. Hood 745. Barber Supplies. Manufacturers, and Importers of barbers' sup plies, G. N. W. Wilson. 80 6th St.. Portland. Book Stores. J. K. GILL Jfc CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and stationers. 133-35 3d st. New and second-hand school and misc. books bought, sold and exchanged. 225 Morrison. Carpenters and Builders. RHODES & BUCKNER. BUILDERS. JOB bers, store fitters. Phone Black 914. 330 Stark JACOB KRIMBEL. MOVED TO 553 STARK; store, office fitting and general Jobbing. J. A. MELTON: JOBBING. CABINETWORK, store fixtures. SOT Starke Both phones. BUSINESS DlRSCTORYv Brass Foundry. i 'General Jobbing and repairing; brass and com position castings. C A. Francis. 2S2 E. Water. Chiropodists and Manlcnrlns WM. DEVENX & MA.U& DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors o01 Allsky bldg., 3d i-MorrUon. Ore. phone Grant 10. Clairvoyants. Mme. Dr. Herzog. from Berlin, scientific re vealer: tells entire life, past, pretest and fu ture; consultation, on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given; good advice; sure help; mistake Impossible; Imports gesutne gjpsy love powder. Fee. $1. letter. $2. 363 Alder. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry, coke. Front st., near Gllsan. Ore. tel. Red 17C6 Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front st.. near Main. Port-, land. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duco merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter, Jggs. chickens and farm produce. Portland. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Bayer. 2o5 Second st. Dancing1. MISSES MATTINGLY. ACADEMY OF DANC ing. 269 South 14th. Class or private lessons. Dyelnc nnd Cleanlnc H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER and cfeaner. 301 17th. Tel. lted 131. Electric Supplies. Western Electric Works; house wiring, bell work, repairs, motors, dynamo. 3U5 Waah. Electrolysis. A beautiful Complexion may be had by treat ment at the hands of the renowned Mrs. F. Constance "Wallace, the expert on facial massage, which treatment will positively re move wrinkles, pimples, freckles, moth patches, blackheads, tan and sunburn; hollow checks filled out; scalp scientifically treated. Room 70 Lewis bldg., Morrison and Park sts. Fence and. Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson, 233 Eaet Morrison st. Hair Dressing and. SlanlcurlnsT ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 160 FIFTH. OPP. P. O. Switches a. specialty. Phone Hood 914. Hardware and Carpenters' Tools. HIGH-GRADE SIACHINISTS TOOLS. LOG gers supplies, farm Implements. H. C. Cole man. 03 3d st. Harness nnd Saddles. BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, findings and shoe store supplies; leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE" LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hemorrhoids. PILES PERMANENTLY CURED WITHOUT operation; no pain, no detention from, busi ness; no carbolic acid used. Box 517. city. Insurance. Order of Washington, .foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W-; protects the living; fixed pay ments eliminate doubtful "dividends." J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Scc'y, 612-615 Marquam bldg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FHIE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Boyd & Arnold. General Agents. Iron Founders, Mach'sts. Ship R'ld'rs, Smith & Watson Iron "Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quartz and saw mills; mlsc machinery. Front and Halt. Wolff & Jwlcker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and mllllne machinery; riveted steel pipe. Manufacturers ot Ladles' Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy nhlte goods, silk underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co., 333 Morrison. Magnetic and Mental Healing;. I Mrs. C J. Mapls, magnetic healer (Weltmer method), office treatment and college courses given. 221 Guodnough bldg., 5th & Yamhill. Mnrble nnd Granite Works. LARGEST, BEST STOCK OF MONUMENTS In city, at cost, to reduce stock before mov ing down town. Weeks, 720 Front st. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran - lte and stone work. Schanen &. Neu. 268 1st. Slassage. "THE SNOWDEN" TUB AND VAPOR baths, massage, electricity. 1.31 Fourth, near Alder. Phone Red 421. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE, BY A LADY from New York. 189 Third st., room 7. Select massage aryl magnetic treatments; lady from S. F. Parlor 20. 208 Stark st. Mining Machinery. Ottumwa mining hoists, dynamos, motors, saw mills, etc Tatum" & Bowen. 29-35 First at. Medical. LADIESl CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other Send 4c. stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallst. has opened up his office at 347 Front, and will sell his. medicine as usual. Medi cines fox all kinds of chronic diseases. Greek Rneumatlsm. Cure: Imported direct from Greece ,L- T. Lewis, Agent. 150 Sixth, st. Mnslcal. MISS MARION T. PETERS CONTRALTO: open for engagements; lessons given; pupil of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer. Res.. 429 Salmon st. Lessons 50c: piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments tor sale. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st Sin si cal Instruments. DON'T SPEND ONE DOLLAR TILL YOU have seen these bargains One handsome wal nut cose upright. $125; one superb mahogany upright, only $19S; $6, $8. $10 month; one smooth-toned walnut case organ, $27. an other, better $37. Call. Dollars saved are dollars earned. C A. Whale's Piano and Organ Warerooms, 128 Sixth st., cor. Alder. Oregon Vlavl Co. Lewis bldg-.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures .o women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. Dr. W. A. Rogers and Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduates under Dr. A. T. 8111, the founder of Osteopathy; consultation and diagnosis free. 532-3-4 Marquam bldg. Phone Main 27. Dr. R. B. Northrup. specialist in nervous and chronic- disease, suite 416 Dekum bldg. 3d and Wash. Examination free. TeL Slain 349. DR., L. B SSIITH,. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 409 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 42L Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist; scientific life readings, of all leading events- In life. 50c; past and -future, for gain or loss. 216 Allsky building. SIRS, L. BURHANS. SCIENTIFIC PALM 1st. 01 Grand ave. Readings, 50o and $L Room 50. SItss A. M. Stevenson, scientific palmist and psychic- reads past. present.future. 309 1st. T. J. GEISLER. 814-818 CHAMBER OF COM. Domestic and foreign patents secured, etc Portland Riding Clubs. LTVERY AND BOARDING; LADIES' AND gentlemen's saddle horses. 354 Jefferson. Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 The Dekum. Portland. Or. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID sey and akin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. DR. CORA C. TALBOTT. 181 FIRST; 13 years' experience In diseases ot women. Specialists. Bertha A. Trulllnger, specialist; complexion, scaln treatment, manlcurinr. Parlors 23-20 Russel Bldg., 4th & Morr. Phone Front 375. BUSINESS-DIRECTORY. Picture Framing. WE FRAME PICTURES FOR ALMOST nothing. Call and sea me. Hartz. 228 1st. t Restaurants. First-class mea.s; check system; white labor. Perkins. 108 Fifth. D. H. Brown, prop. Sales. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT.. OPEN lng lockouts, repairs. Two 4-toa safes, with chests, half price. J. E. Davis. 66 Third. Shov7.nses and-S tore-Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Washington sts. Spirltunllsts. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and -psychic life reader; consult her on business, affairs, love troubles, absent friends; good advice on mines; readings daily. 50c and up. 107 First st.. office 7. Consult the best. MRS. STEVENS. SPIRITUAL LIFE READ er; sittings dally. 22j t Morrison at., rm. 22. Mrs. C. Cornelius, medium. 205 Goodnouga bldg.. Fifth and Yamhill. Tel. Brown 441. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to wmntry consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia 676. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C M. Olsen. 123 First. Tel. office Main lost: Black 801. Storage and Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN' BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Stoves, Ranges, Household U'dwnre. Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves A ranges: housefurnlshlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st Tents and Awnings. PORTLAND TENT & AWNING CO.: TENTS. sails, awnings. 229 Ankeny. Tel. Grant 1301. Turkish Baths. New Turkish bath parlors; modern appliances: gents only. 625 Chamber Cotru. J- F- King. Up-to-date Turkish and Vapor Balh "PoJlors.'" 30O-1-3. Oregonlan bldg.J, D. McKmnpn?- United States Pensions. E. W. ALLEN. 513 CHAMBER OF COM merce, pension attorney, 20 years' experience. Watchmakers and Jewelers. Beck, the Jeweler: headquarters for bargains. 207 Morrison at., between Front and First. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N". Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. ' FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages-, personal otf salary ee curlty. at low rates. C W. Pallett. 'JXS Corn, merclal block. Tel. Grant 650. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. REAL estato and air kinds of securities. 123 3d St.. C H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office. $5 AND UP. IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room. 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. $90,000 TO LOAN. AMOUNTS $200 UP. LOW cst current rates. Western Investment & Loan Co.. room 10. 245 Morrison st. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates; private. S. "V. King., room 45 Washington building." LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500, ON ALL classes of security. R. L Eckerson & Co.. room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay SS3. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, C, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc, low rates. See us first. Mann. & Co., 604 DekUm bldg". MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURI ty. Phone Red 2S53. Frame. 519 Marquam. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W, E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Cham, or Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE-. curity. Room 4. 209 Fourth st. M1XIXG. Oregon mining stock exchange. chamber of commerce building. open call 10:30 o'clock a.m. daiit. Reliable Brokers. F. J. Hard & Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. Oregon phone 810; Columbia phona 239. Rountree & Diamond. Portland, Or., 241 Stark st. Phono Grant 291. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST company: OF OREGON, 109 THUtD faTKEET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BKNJ. I. COHEN ..President H. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS.... Vlce-Pre E. J. ALSTOCK. J- O. GOLTRA.... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated. Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS Cashier ...G. E. WITHINGTON Assistant Cashier ., J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C ALYOKD Letters ot credit Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern States. .,- , . Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sola on New York. Boston. Chicago. St- Louis, St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the- principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to 'suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Fxankfort-on-the-Moln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St, Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu- Collections made on favorable terms. LADD &. TILTON. BANKERS .i3 a , ESTABLISHED IN 1859. . Tramact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on f&yoraDlo terms Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and the Eastern States. sold to New Yrkhlngton. Chicago. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points in. uregon, vcaauuigiuu. j. .--tana and British Columbia. -n ..v..,-, nii nn London. Paris. -Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS FARGO Sc CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,250,000 JOHN jfvALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER 5, "2--iV"V" ...-"-'"" (San Franqlsco.) R.M. DOOLY CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER' (Portland.) General Banking Business .transacted. Ex change sold, and "Letters of Credit Issued, available In all parts: of tho world. 4 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK I PORTLAND. OREGON". J. FRANK WATSON .President R.L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT s, ...... Cashier GEO-W.HOYT ... Assistant Caaolex TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING . BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits.' Drafts and letters of eredlt. issued, availahl In all parts of the, world, Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber ot Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office. 71 Lombard street. London. CAPITAL AUTHORIZED $2,500,000 CAPITAL PAID UP ..... ,.. 1.400.000 This bank .transact, a .general banking, bust, ness. makes- loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and tha purchase of merchandise In any city ot ths world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Accounts of country banks received. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Manager, AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak sts. J. C. AINSWORTH President W W.PHILLIPS Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the princi pal cities in Europe. Also facilities for tele graphic transfers. Collections made on favor able terms on all accessible points. SAFE UEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with tho bank. Safes rented on easy terms. THF. UNITED STATES" NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. . Drafts issued available In all cities of tha United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President ,... JACOB KAMM Cashier p. c. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA TAmTTP PABTT1T. rmn nsu. reserve "".v.iriirjirrr. 'soo.'ooa Head Office, 60 Lombard street, London. Com'l Block. 244 Washington st., Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Manager.