THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1900. store open evenings until'chrJstmjis f Meier & Frank Co. Meier & Frank Co. Meier & Frank Co. Men's Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes in Great Variety. -25 Reduction on Hedallions and Framed Pictures. (Third Floor.) The Largest- Stock of Lamps to be Found in Portland. Olds & King OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. All holiday shopping can be done here conveniently, satisfactorily, economically and promptly, if you come early. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS EASY TO BUY, CONVENIENT TO SEND AWAY DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM First Floor. Kid Gloves As Gifts never come amiss. Many pairs are needed by every woman. We have them all, from heavy street Gloves to fanciest dressy styles, and in the fullest values. PRICES FROM $1 to $2.50 Pr. After seeing our Gloves you know the best has been seen. PRETTILY BOXED GIFT Handkerchiefs Newcomers, pure linen, hem stitched and embroidered 6 IN A BOX FOR $1.50 Initialed Handkerchiefs Richardson's pure linen, hemstitched 3 In box at 75c and $1 box. 6 in box, finer, $1.25 $1.50 box. and Lace trimmed handkerchiefs, dainty styles, from 25c up. Umbrellas are most appropriate gifts for Oregonians. No better makes, greater varieties or lower prices for such values can be found than right here. Men's Umbrellas from 65c to $10. Women's Umbrellas from 75c to $10. Silk Umbrellas for men and SPECIAL-. .t W.Uv) C3CII owing to a special purchase. Splendid $3.75 values. Great variety of handles. For Christmas Waist Patterns French silk embroidered flan nels in new styles and colors. These universally acceptable Christmas articles merit your attention. Leather Goods Finger Purses, Combination Books, Card Cases, Pocket books and Wallets, some sil ver and gold mounted; also silver mounted Chatelaine Bags. Music Rolls from 75c up. NAME STAMPED FREE in gold with purchase of $1 or over. Opera Glasses Three of the best French makes in variety of mount ings, with or without handle. Prices $2.50 up. Opera Bags and fancy silk Shopping Bags all colors. Stationery Paper and Envelopes in fancy boxes. Sterling silver Pencils and Pen-holders. Ebony Goods Sterling silver mounted. Mili tary Hair Brushes, Cloth, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Nail Files, Button Hooks, Shoe Horns, Blotters, Combs, Mir rors, etc. We Engrave Free THREE INITIALS ON UM BRELLAS COSTING $2.50 OR OVER. Perfumery in Imported and domestic. Much attractively boxed, baskets or fancy bottles. Toilet Waters and fine Soaps, Sachet Powder in envelopes, bottles or in bulk. Great Sale of Doll Carriages Take elevator to fourth floor. Special Doll Carriage Sale. Nto doll's outfit is quite complete without a carriage. Here is a special chance for them CO Cft each for $4, $4.25 and $1.50 for $1.85 Carriages. 0. OV $6 carriages. ' , C1 n . 85c for $1 Carriages. 1 Qft each for $2.35 and JI3U $2.75 Carriages. j 60c for 75c Carriages. , A splendid variety of sizes and styles. The finer grades nicely upholstered. Thousands of Gifts at Popular Prices j& j& j& Jewelry in All the Fads OF FASHION Can be found in our stock. Our goods are a)l the most artistic in design and workmanship. We confine our trade strictly to the jewelry business, and have the best and finest of Diamonds, Watches, solid gold Jewelry, also solid Silverware; tne dcsi makes of Plated Ware, finest Cut Glass in the market. We carry the best assortment of Optical Goods, Lorgnettes, Field and Opera Glasses. We give you better value for your money than any other estab lishment in Portland. While purchasing Christmas gifts call and be convinced. !1 If MWkimr - .( 1 1 36 vJK- 2S& JL 'fcLfe I . '7T 41 Tit -4VSWJS.; 1 t and be convinced. yf l-ji$$i ii,llW&''. t t .IPtt'FI PRS AND 1 . & St i : opticians ('jmici6m((rt 284 WASHINGTON ST. J l f We made a special effort to bring together a great stock of sensible, attractive, appropriate gift goods at POPULAR PRICES. We succeeded in do ing so. Come here today andsee for yourself how much can be purchased with a very modest amount of money. j& J& j& j& j& j& j& J great plenty of finejl and mojl expenfive merchandise alsobut all rightly and moderately priced. j&j&j&j&j&j&j&j& This Christmas Store STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES Jit Cut Prices. Sterling Hooks. Darning Balls, Call Bejls. Baby Comb and Brush Sets, Match Boxes, Nail Brushes, etc. Sterling Mounted Real Ebony Articles Quality, -weight, fine bristles; artistic Sterling Mountings, and on all ar ticles a REDUCTION OP ONE FIFTH REGULAR PRICES, has made Real Ebony Toilet Ware the best-Eelling article in our Jewelry Store. Austrian Pottery From Paris Pxposition 75c and ?1.00 values, special, 58c 50c and 65c values, special, 39c. 40c values, special, 25c I Holiday Gift Books JI Meritorious Sale We sometimes wonder how it was that we managed to do the Christ mas business seemingly satisfactorily within the old Store limits. Certain it is that today's Christmas trade couldn't be taken care of without these five floors each a big store in itself. Shouldn't have room for either wares or customers. We've planned store arrangement to making buying easy for acquaintance or stranger, then floor managers are stationed all around to direct you. Toy Land Third Floor. 200 Elegant Holiday "Gift Books, bound in. gold and white, with Florentine cov ers, all gilt edge, illustrated, both poets and prose, all standard titles; regular price ?1.50, special 5C Jin Offer Approach' ing the Impossible An elaborate, elecant disnlav of exnnl site Pottery, the equal of which isj not shown by any of our art com- j petltors. Compelled to take them! out of the windows, we exhibit the balance in our Jewelry Cases. POPULAR BOOK SERIES 2500 Fine Cloth Bound Books.i fnr in red ribbed cloth bindings,?, T I gilt top $1.00 2000 Fine Cloth Bound Books, r? rnr dark binding, titles stampe'd J l"' in white; special $1.00 1500 Fine Cloth Bound Books. 2 for ing, gilt top $1.00 1900 St Nicholas, in red bind ing, 2 volumes, special per set $2,95 THE STAPlDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA and DICTIONARY Encyclopedia, Atlas, Dictionary, three in one, complete In ten superb royal octavo volumes; edited under the per sonal supervision of John Clark Rid path, LL. D., assisted, by OVER TWO HUNDRED CONTRIBUTORS AND DEPARTMENT EDITORS. Publish ed and sold at ?17.50 a set OUR CHRISTMAS OFFER $6.95 FOR - THE ENTIRE SET OF 10 VOLUMES Sale of Fine Holiday Umbrellas You can save from ?1.00 to ?2.75on an umbrella purchased today. $ 6.00 umbrellas at ....- $ 4.95 7.00 umbrellas at ...7. ..... .00 8.00 umbrellas at 6.95 9.00 umbrellas at . . i . : 7.75 10.00 umbrellas at ; 8.00 12.00 umbrellas at ....: 10.00 15.00 umbrellas at ....:.:.... 12.25 ttioe(tooi(e8oitiieettiis(((tttiiiieftt o CHRISTMAS PRESENT We suggest to you today a few of the . many practical and useful gifts to be fqund -at our large establishment. We are show ing a large and complete stock of Furs, Cloaks and Suits suitablefor Xmas gifts. Children's Sets ; "White and gray angora, American chinchilla and American stone marten children's sets. Regular price ?3 and ?3V50. T SPECIAL $2.25 Imperial Boas ' Fine Imperial Boas, made of stone marten and black, marten. Regu lar price, $5. SPECIAL $3.50 Near Seal Collarettes Extra fine Bear Seal Collarette, trimmed vrlth four full tails, nicely lined, fin.ely made. Regular price $10. SPECIAL $8.00 Special Sale on Silk Waists and Silk Petticoats SILVERFIELD The Leading and Largest Furrier in the West. 2S3-285 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Ill It NEW JAPANESE PLANTS . Japanese and Fine Christmas Goods of all kinds. See our complete line of BAMBOO Furniture. Prices low. THE K. N. KIRIYAMA CO., 311 MORRISON ST. Opp. Poslofflce, Portland, Oregon. "Wholesale1 and retail " Direct Importers CHRISTMAS FOOTBALL. Multnomah Will Piny Stanford's Sec ond Team. Negotiations for a Christmas game with the Stanford second football team were concluded yesterday by the management of the Multnomah Club eleven, and the game has been scheduled. Since the Uni versity of Oregon team was compelled to cancel Its Christmas game rlth Multno mah, the clubmen have been anxious to get a match with some outside organi zation. The proposition received from the Fturdy Stanford second team for a holi day game was therefore gladly received, carefully considered, and yesterday a definite answer telegraphed to the college eleven to lave Palo Alto for Portland next Saturday, arriving In Portland Mon day morning, so as to rest up a day be fore the hard battle the eleven will haye in prospect. A game with the atanrord 'varsity eleven was out of the question, as the Stanford faculty, like .that of the Uni versity of Oregon, had forbidden a holi day tour to the men that had won the annual intercollegiate game from Cali fornia. But the second eleven was read ily granted permission tor a trip on ac count of tbeir faithful work during the season. The rivalry between the tlrst and second teams this year at Stanford -was Intense. Two of the players of the sec ond or college eleven, as It In called, in distinction rrom the 'varsity, were great ly superior to their first team opponents, but were Ineligible to play In- the Thanks giving game, being barred out as special students. The second eleven had Its reg ular captain and its code of signals, and used to play like demons against the 'var sity, occasionally scoring in practice games. In the Stanford-Nevada game, when the 'varsity was unable to score and their opponents had run up five points, the bleachers voiced the general attitude of the students toward the 'var sity's poor playing by continually calling out, "Put in the second team." The Stanford second team players have been anxious to show their prowess, and the game with Multnomah's experienced eleven will give them ample opportunity. The college eleven can De counted upon to give a quick, clever exhibition of the popular sport. . Sate of First Oregon. Court. PORTLuVND, Dec 17. (To the Editor.) I have Just read Hon I. P. Graver's article, entitled "Lawyers of Oregon Fifty Tears Ago." appearing In your Sunday edition of the 16th last. This article Is perhaps of more Interest to me than to most, as I was more or less Intimately acquainted with all the parties mentioned, and as the subject Is one which may become of historical In terest, I wish to correct one of the dates given by Mr. Grover; that Is, the date on which the first court was held by Judge Pratt under the territorial law, which convened on September 17. 1S19, instead of March. 1S59, the writer being the Cleric thereof. This court was the first held by Judge Pratt In Oregon, and therefore the first court held, under the civil law of the United States on the Pacific Coast. All the counts' records, excepting those of the ProbaterCourt, were destroyed by the burning of the courthouse in Lafay ette In 1S5C. There has, however, recent ly been discovered among the papers of tjie late M. P. Deady a bar docket, made by myself for -the use of the court, hear ing the date stated above, September 17, 1S49. which Is now on file with the Clerk of the County Court of Yamhill County. Tours truly, AHIO S. "WATT. Elegranf Variety of Satchels And leather soods at Harris Trunk Co. Wagon loads and wagon loads of toys going" out of here every day. Seems as though we were supplying Santa Claus with his entire stock fop the children, of the Northwest. Well, he couldnt buy at a hetter place when considering the variety and prices. Games Ldnew. Not an old game in the store. The new don't cost any more here than the old in other stores. Xrnas Linens A set of pretty tahle linens would please any housewife for her Xmas present. Here you find John S. .Brown & Son's famous make none hetter in the world, and prices are where quality and economy meet. Is overflowing with suit able .articles for Christmas gifts. Lamps Solid Silver Dinner Sets Cut Glass Berry Sets Plated Ware Statuary Fancy China Bric-a-Brac Presents for Men A splendid gift to give any man is a House Coat or Smoking jacket. The difference between the two is only imaginary. If the man to whom the gift is to he given is a smoker, the garment is a smoking jacket. If a non-smoker, why, it's a house coat. Every man needs one wants one whether he is a smoker or not. Our stock is the largest and most reason ably priced in the city. $5.00 to $15.00 Handsome variety of -Silk Suspenders, sterling silver buckles, $1 to $5 pair. Initials engraved free of charge. Special lot of Hen's Umbrellas and Canes, sterling trimmed, all prices, Initials engraved free. Just received the latest in French Neckwear, for Ladies and Hen. ' Novel designs. $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. In wondrous variety. We are offering exceptional val ues in the best qualities. Prices the lowest to be found in the city. Handkerchiefs Busy places these days are the handkerchief counters.. Every style, every quality at a range of prices sure to please all. . s Suggestions for Christmas gift givers Battenburg tidies, scarfs, center pieces, all sizes. Hexican drawn work, in scarfs and center pieces. Pin cushions, sofa pillows, work baskets, and dozens of pretty novelties. (2d floor.) . "Perrin's" gloves in all sizes and shades. "Every pair has our guarantee to give satisfactory "wear. $1.50 to $2.50 a pair." EIER.& FRANK CO. y''&'fcV-''V M or the Dental Chair TEETH 'EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELYWITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or co caine. . These are the only dental parlors In Portland having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable frotn natural teeth, and -warranted for 10 years, WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. .All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years experience, and each depart ment In charge "of a specialist. Give us a call, and you willJlnd ns to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you In ad vance exactly what your wprk -will' cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH $5.00 GOLD CROWXS S5.00 GOLD FILLINGS $1.00 SILVER. KILLINGS 50c fan pl a raesft v,l Sb5 h mmmpc. mAi New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. HOURS-S to S: SUNDAYS. 10 to 4. BRANCH OFFICE: 614 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. fellow: 309 Washington 51. 12 Cents Pound Best Soft-Shell English Walnuts. 15 Cents Pound Best Mixed Nuts, 5 Cents Quart Fresh Roasted Peanuts. 8 Cents Pound Plain, Mixed Candy. m Cents Pound Fancy Mixed Candy. 18 Cents Pound Choice Chocolate Creama. 5 Cents Pound Good Dry Fopcorn., 1 5 ,Cents Pound Best Shredded Cocoanut. 25 Cents Three Pounds New Dates. FRIEDLA GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS AN ELEGANT SELECTION OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, TOILET SPECIALTIES, PRECIOUS STONES, FINE UMBRELLAS AND NOVELTIES. Our stock. Is large. "We lake pleasure In showing it, and our prices, quality considered, are the most reasonable. DIAMONDS. "These gems have life in them; their colors speak say what words fail of." George Eliot. "We have a particularly nice display of fine Diamonds, both loose and mounted, and invite any one interested in 'these scintillating beauties to come and examine them. Every article guaranteed. 9 Q 268 Washington St. -s Open Evenings. tttot(Gtatitttiie Carroll'o for Choicest Chocolates Carroll's far Christmas Canes Carroll's for Cheapest Caudles e r,- ., ,.. H ire jjchu. uutcn r uiiun. - g Retail, 333 Wash. Wholesale, 69 1st. a -S CHRISTMAS AT THE NEW SHOP Everything- that suggests holiday time, . The richest Neckwear display ever made in Portland. Countless variety, in Men's Handkerchiefs, both silk and linen, with initial. A choice showing of SMOKING JHCKETS Lounging Robes and Bath Robes; Fancy Suspenders and Imported Canes and Umbrellas. Novelties in Silk Pajamas and Night Robes. Full line of the latest styles in Hats and Caps. OPBN BUBNINOS THIS 3sBBIC M I C H F 1 FURNISHER AND HATTER !? OIVIll I 258 WASHINGTON ST. -- COSTLIEST BECAUSE BEST. M. STACUELBERG & CO.'S LelandStanford HAVANA CIGARS ESPECIALLY PACKED FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. ; SH :- AT, YOUR DEALER .-...$