THE M"QRXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12, 1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND A slightly better feeling In the local wheat market yesterday was the only feature of special Interest In the trade situation. In. the produce department receipts were quite liberal, but there was no change lnprlces There was quite a large consignment of Japanese oranges received yesterday.' Some of them came from the Orient by way of San Francisco and some by way o Puget Sound. The Portland commission men have appar ently not yetdearned that Portland has a better steamship service o the Orient than Is. enjoyed by atny other port on the Coast except San Francisco, These com mission men delight to get up and claw the air and roar when one of their cus tomer sends down; to San Francisco for a bill of goods, but when they Import oranges from the Orient by way of either San Francisco or Puget- Sound.'lhey are seftlng an example -In civil patriotism which their ldcal retailers cannot be blamed for following. -Receipts of poul try have been very light this week, and prices are ruling steady. Eggs are trembling in the balance, and a few days of mild weather would probably result In sending them down a notch In spite of the approachulng Christmas holidays. Bank Clearing;. Exchanges. Balances. ...$547,705 $104,833 ... 205.489 63,724 ... 200.345 43.8S1 ... 443.972 112.043 Portland Tacoma Spokane Seattle . PORTLAND MARKET?, Grain, Floor, Btc New York wheat, after a dull and unin teresting session yesterday, closed half a cent higher than on Monday. Liver pool futures were also a little better, but as a prompt shipment cargo of 'Walla "Walla sold at a shade less than 2Ss 6d In Liverpool, there was, not much incen tive for an increase in bids in this mar ket. Fifty-three cents was generally quoted, with some dealers going half a cent better, and some actual sales being made at 54 cents. The movement Is quite restricted, and the outlook favors light business and low prices. Another cargo cleared yesterday, and two others finished loading. Wheat Walla Walla, 5SS4cr Valley, nominal: blnestem. 565Sc per bushel. Flour Best grades. ?2 9033 40 per oar rel; graham. $2 CO. ' Oat White, 4345c per bushel; gray. 4l??42c. Barley Feed, $15315 50; brewing, $16 $16 50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $15 50 per ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts. $17; chop, $16. Hay Timothy. $1212 50: clover, $7 t9 50. Oregon -wild hay, $C7 per ton. Butter, Egrss, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 50jJ55c; store. 2532c per roll. Eggs Eastern, 2225c; Oregon ranch, weak at 30c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 2 7503 50; hens, $3 50&4 50, ducks. $3 505 50; geese, ?58 per dozen; turkeys, live, ll12c; dressed. 1214c per pound. Cheese Fqll cream, twins. 1313&c; Young America, 1314c per ppund. Vesretables, Frnlts, Etc Vegetables Parsnips, E5c; turnips, 75c; carrots, 75c sack; onions, $1 501 75; cab bage, $1 251 50 per cental; potatoes, 50 65c per sack; sweet potatoes, lc per pound; celery, G065c per dozen; Califor nia tomatoes, $1 25 per box. Fruit Lemons, $2 503; oranges-, $2 50 Z for navel; $2 002 50 for seedlings, per box; pineapples, $4 506 per dozen: ba nanas, $2 503 per bunch; Persian dates, 7e rjpr nrmnrt? riAarc Tnrtfrn run hnT- t- pies. 50cSl 25 per box; grapes', Muscatj ?vctg.; j.oiuiy, 44 per dox. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 56c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, SS'-lc: pears, 89c; prunes, Italian, 67c; silver, extra choice, 57c; figs, Califor nia black, 5c; figs, California white, 5 7c; plums, pitless, white, 7(gc per pound. Sfeat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers ana ewes, sheared, $3 50; dressed, 6&Jc per pound; spring Iambs, 3?4c per pound gross, dressed, 7$J7&a Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5 C05 75t; light, $5; dresbed, 56Vic per pound. Veal Large, Gg66c per. pound; small, 7Sc per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $3 50JH: cows. fZZ 50; dressed beef. 0fi)"c per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 12c per pound; picnic hams, 9c per pound; breakfast bacon, 13H15c: bacon, 10U ll&c: backs, 10Uc; dry-salted sides, 9U 10c; dried beef, 15c; lard, five-pound pails, lOc; 10-pound palls. 10&c: 50s. 10&c; tierces. 10c per pound. Eastern pack (Hammond's): 'Hams, large, 12c; me dium. 12Uc; small, 12c; picnic hams, Pc; shoulders, 9c; breakfast bacon, 134 15c, dry-salted sides, 5610Uc; bacon, sides. lOVieilc; backs, lie: butts, lOc; lard, puie leaf, kettle-rendered. 5s, 10c; 10s, 10?c: drj'-ealt. bellies. 10i4llic; bacon bellies, liyei2c; dried beef, 15c Groceries, Nntti, Etc. Coffee Mocha.. 232Sc; Java, fancy, 26 32c. Jaya. good. 20 24c; Java, ordinary. IS -j 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. lS4f20c; Costa Itica. good. lGffO&jCosta Rica, ordinary. 10lil2c per pound. Columbia roast. $12 13; Arbuckle's, $13 25: Lion. $13 13 per care. Sugar Cube, $6 S3; crushed. $6 60; pow dered. $5 95. dry granulated. $5 75; extra C, $5 25. golden C. $5 15 net; half barrels. Uc more than barrels; maple, 1516c per pound. Salmon Columbia River, one-pound tails. $1 50g2; two-pound tails. $2-2552 50; fancy one-pound flats. $2j2 5; V-pound fancy flats $1 101 30. Alaska, one-pound tails. $1 401 b0; two-pound tails. $1 90S $2 25. Nuts Peanuts. C7c per pound for raw, 9c for roasted; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen: walnuts, lOfllc per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory .nuts. 7c: chestnuts, 15c: Brazil, lie: Alberts, 15c; fancy pecans, 12 14c; almonds, lSfJlic per pound. Beans Small white. 4?4c; large white. S$(J4c. bayou, 3c: Lima. Cc per pound Grain bags Calcutta. $066 12 per 100 for spot. Coal oil Cases, lSijc per gallon; bar rels. Kite; tanks, 13a Rice Island. 614c;. Japan. 5J,sc: New Or leans. 46isc: fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops New orop, 12Hc per pound: 1S93 crop, 07c Wool Valley, lS14c; Eastern Oregon. 1012c; mohair. 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25$35c. medium-wool, 30350c; long wool. 60c$l each. Tallow 4c: No. 2 and grease, 2g3c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. L 16 pounds and Upward, 1415c: dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 16 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds- 1516c; dry-salted, one third less than dry flint; salted hides, tound -steers, 60 pounds and over. Sc: po. W to 00 poimds, Tc. do. under 50" pounds and cow a. 7c; kip, 13 to 30 pounds, TgSc: do. veal, 10 to 14 pounds. Tc; do. dalf under 'Q ppunds, 7; green (un salted. lc per pound less: culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, hair slipped, weather-peaten or grubby), one third less. Pelts Bearskin each, s to size, $50 $15; rubs, each. $15; badger, each. 50c; wildcat; 2575c: housecat. 625c: fox, common gray. 40cr$l. do. red. $1 753 50, do. cross. $2 SOg: lynx. $34 50. mink. 40c (?T75; marten," dark Northern, $5il0: do. pale pine, $24; muskrat. S612o: skunk, COSOc; otter tland). $SS: panther,., with head and claws perfect. iWZ; raccoon, 25 GKQai wolf, mountain, with head perfect. FINANCIAL NEWS $3 505: wolverine.. $2'505?6; beaver, per skin, large, $6g7; do, medium, per skin, 4S5; do small per skin, $12; do. kits, per skin. $123. EW TORK STOCK 3IARKET. Heavy Demand With Trndlnjr Very Widely .Distributed. NEW YORK. Dec 11. The demand for stocks today was so large, so urgent and so widely distributed, as to suggest a recrudescence of the "bullish enthusiasm of the period immediately following. the election. The mdtives of this buying, and the strength of the whole market, were somewhat mysterious. The Anthra cite group had its own partlcufar cause of strength In the circumstantial asser tions of the passing control of the Penn sylvania Coal Company tothe Erie Rail road and the consequent frustration of the plan for a.newrallcoad from the coal regions to tidewater to satisfy the idea of the Independent"" operirxors regarding transportation rates. The' threatened con struction of this road has Toog beep a bug bear to the" anthracite companies and the adjustment of Anthracite affairs Involved in the abandonment of this plan would be pf- great Importance- as was plainly shown by the buoyanco of all the stocks In. the group. No authorltatlvex.connrma-j l tion could be had of the reports cur rent, Dut the record or the tape was strongly confirmatory, the galps In the group running from 1 to 3 points. There was some demand for London -account on the opening of a new account incident to the settlement, but this buy ing Is called professional arbitrage oper ation, and may originate either In New York or In London. The most marked effect wae produced on Southern Pacific, I which opened up 1 and advanced later to 43. closing at the -highest. The be lief has prevailed in Wall street that there vas a pry heavy short account In some of the railroad stock's lor which Western speculators t ere liable, the spec ulation extending also Int,o the Steel stocks.. The bear account 4p the latter group has been aimed at by the advance this week, and may have been reached In the railroad group today. The money market outlook continued threatening so that the supposition Is -aroused that to- day's buying Is for 4he account of financial-interests which are' independent of the ordinary resources of the money mar ket . The Subtroasury has already taken from the market this week the sum of $2.20S,000, so that the Inroad on the re sources of the batiks promises to be as great this week as it was last week. The London money market was not affected today by yesterday's sharp drop In the sterling exchange here, and exchange rates fell a further fraction. This may foreshadow an- acquiescence Jn the New York demand for gold." ' The shipment from, .India to London of $2,500,009 In gold In payment for silver may be Inter cepted, and diverted to the New York market as was done with the last eiml lar shipment, but Its' arrival In New York would be too remote to 'affect the present situation, "even if It wfere ascer tained. Whatever the motive, the strength In stocks was well maintained to the close, except in the Steel group. The bond market was Irregular. Total sales.-'par 'vnlue, $4 045,000. United States refunding 2s, coupon, ad vanced H-per cent on the last call. BONDS. XI. S. 2s ref. reg.l04vJN. Y. Cent. lsts...lOO J .-do coupon 1044 j Northern Pac 3s.. 70Vi 'do 2s, reK.rt...103i, do 4sl4v......105y, . i.uuijuu ivjrrgoa .av. .isis. .imi do new 4s. reg..l3S i do 4s 102 do coupon 138 I Oregon S. L. Cs....l24 do old 4r, reg... 11441 do con. 5s 117 , do coupon , ll&H Rio Gr-W.' lsts.100A do 5s. rcgr,......ll2tst. Paul consols... 175 do coupon ..;:..T12St P C &. P. l6tsl204 Dlst. Col. 3-G5s...l24fct -do 5b .. 122 Atchison adj. 4s , &SilUnIon Pacific 4s... 107, C. t N.W. con."7sl33H 1Vli. Cent. Ists.... 87; do S. R, debi Ss.121 (Southern Bac 4s,. S2g J?-u.&- G, 4s ... lOlfc! West. Shore 4s 115 'Gen. Electric Ss.. 142 j i X- -u '-t STOCKS. " - . . The total sales of stocks today were 811,700- snares. xne closing quotations were: Atchjson -,..... 3dhlWabash 0U do cref .... S4 .. L. do. pref ... 22 , do .nref, ........ STui An a nr ti. Can. Pacific S0,yis, 6entral ...... 11 - vu.u. cuuuimi ... ryu . .-, C. Ac M. Lt.. IHj" -ucb. unio .tin pwura Aenue 110 Chl. Gr. Western. 19ft C.rB. & fl 136U do pref National Tube G1W .103 EXPRESS (Yl.'S tin nrif ". r.T Aduns . Ml -Chi. Ar njt Til uau. pC.- R. I. & Pac...ll4i, American ....... .1C5 United tntes . . ... 51 Chicago i N. W..109J, WeHs-FarKO ,V."."l33 S",.w, K ou "'" ailbUKL.LAEOUS. Colo Southern ... OUIAmer. Cotton 1011.. 30; do-1st -pref. .t... 42J4! do'Tifcf 01 do 2d pret 17 lAmer. Malting .... 5 Del. & Hudson. ...118 I do pref 20 Del. Lack, i W..184 Amer. SrpelU &. R. 55)4 Denver &. Rio Gr. 25, do pref 07"? do pref SOlAmer. Spirits 2.' Erie 17,1 do pref 17 do 1st pref 4sAmer. Steel Hoop. 20 Gr. North. pref...lSl 1 do pref ... ... 77 HockinB Coal .... 18K Amer Steel & W. 42 HtocklnE Valley .. 30) do pref 85 Illinois Central ..125 Amer. Tin Plate... 45V. Iowa Central ..... lB? do Dref iov. do nref . 44 (Amer. Tobacco ...107 . 37:1 do pref 130 105 1 Anaconda M. Co.. 4771 211 I Brooklyn R. T 72 JWtftColo Fuel S. Iron. 52? Lake Erie & W, do pref . Lake Shore .... Louis, k. Nash.. Manhattan 1 . Met. Mex. St. Ry 1C7 1 do pref 1)0 Central .l$ Federal Steel 52 Minn. & St. LC;UU 5il do pref .".""" 7I do pref 101 IGen. Elbctrln ..: i7ifZ Missouri Pacific .. OMji Glucose Sugar' 1711- . 521.4 .100 . 221 -aioDfie cs unio.... -Mfii ao prer ... M.. K. & T.sT lnwint. Paper . w . l. .-.ysj. aw im . t Viv Jersey Cent.l44H La Clede Gas 70 00 prei .K -,,! ao pref ... 72fc New York Cent. ..14 National Biscuit .. rwsj do nnf ni Norfolk & West 42 8l3 uo pref National Lead .... 18- Northern Pacific. 71'J VI .do pref 72K, do nrrt (Ik. Ontario" . West... 20 O. R. & N 43 do Tref ........ 70 ,nraai ieei .... 7 do pref at N T. Air Brake.. Irir. North American .. 18 Penn lirnnl't T-ISi. Roadlnc .......... 21V do m pref.I! do lstref OOHI do 2d pref.... i-Bcine coast r,7 85 05 Rio Gr. "Western. 05 do rref ... .... 05 Hf A nMf 1AIL Pacific Mall 44H People's Gas 98 rresseu aieei Car. 40 St. Louis & S. F.. 10Vi do 1st pref..... 75 UPullman Pal. Carisoi uo prei ta do 2d prof 49H St. Ix-uls S. W. . ir.v iptand. Ro-oe & T... K :HEar 120 do pref .-. ss St. Paul An nrpf ....12i.;fTenn Coal & Iron. 62U .iiutiu s. leather 13V4 St. Paul & 0 120 do pref 75.4 IT S. Bubbcr 2S do pref SOH Wexturn Tnlti cos. Southern Pacific. 42T4 Southern Ry lsu An Ttrr fislz Txas & Pacific. 20V JRepuMlo -Iron &s". 1& union Pacific 72H do pref 05 do pref alHlAmal. Copper .... 02& Mney, Exchanee, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 11. Sterling On London. 60 days. $4 S6H: sight. $4 SSt. Drafts-Sight, 25c; telegraph, 5c . Mexican dollars,. 504S51c. , NEW YORK, Dec lL Money on call, 44 to 6 per cent; laHt loans. 44 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 41i5 per cent. Sterling exchange, weak, with actual bus iness inbankers bills at $4 S4s4 S4Vi for demand, and at $4 S0?i for 60 days; posted rates, $4 Siu$4 S3 and $4'85fN $6; com mercial bills, $4'P0U. Silver certificates. 684i65c Mexican dollars, SOlc Government bonds, firm. State bonds. Inactive. Railroad bonds, irregular,! - LONDON, Uec. JL Consols, 97. Stocks In London. IONDON, Dec. U. Atchison; 404; Ca- niiuiua x-uciuc i; union .racinc, pre ferred. S3?i; Northern Pacific preferred, S5&; Grand Trunk. 16&; Anaconda, 9T,! Foreipn Financial 7Vtr. NEW YORK. Dec. lL--The Coramercial Advertisers Londdn financial cablegram says: The'markets- here" were rather more ac tive today and .there was a better ten dency, although there Is beginning to be talk of more Government borrowing for Transvaal expenditures, which are so ex cessive that "they cannot be covered by temporary expedients, but demand a big issue of consols. This, however. Is simply popular surnuoe. '" f Americans formetl an excellent market, the London contingent buying steadily while New York strongly supported the market.' ' Erias continued 'to' lead, the Morgans buying freely. Northern Pa cifies and -St. Paul were scarce. Ana conda rallied "with Americana, notwith standing a Teported' "fire. Money rates were unchanged. Silver was firm, on French tenders for 00.000 kilos. THE GRAUf 3IAUKETS. Prices for Cereals In Enropea aad American Ports. SAN FKANISCG, Dec 11. Wheat and barley quiet. Oats strong and active. . Spot, Quotations were: Wheat Shipping No. 1. 97&c; choice, 97ftc; milling, $1 6161 3: Barley Feed, 72&75c; brewing, 77 SOc. J Oats Gray, nominal; black, for seed, $1224130: red, $130145. - Call board sales: Wheat May, $1 0351 bid; cash, 9715c. Barley December, T&cbld; May, 72c bid. Corn Large yellow, $1 lOgi 12. Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO. Dec "11. During the forenoon the wheat market contented itself with "holding merely stea'dy under the encour agement vouchsafed by Northwest ad vlees, where receipts were smaller, and on the expectation of a moderate world's visible decrease. January opened, un changed to He higher, at 73 to 734c, and sold during the first hour to T3V4c A frac tional recession from this point followed, but later New York reported 53 loads taken for export, 10 of them from Chicago, and Bradstreefs world's visible figures showed a decrease of 2.1S4.000 bushels, all of which Influenced shorts to cover. In consequence, May rallied to 73gc and closed firm, WSte higher at 73g73Xc Corn was firm but Inactive. December closed '.4c higher, at 36&c. May left off a. shade up, at 3G36&c. 'Oats3 remained In a state of coma. May closed unchanged, at 23-aC Provisions edrly were moderately active and firm. Hog receipts were heavy and shorts took the opportunity to cover and secure profits "Without sending the price up materially. Later, when this support was withdrawn, prices sagged and the close was easy. January pork and lard, closed 5c down and ribs 10c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: ' ' " '"WHEAtf. ' ' Opening. Highest. Low est. Close. December $0 69 $0 70V $0 008 $0 70M January 70S 71 70? 70$ May 73' 7J6 73 73S CORN. December .... C'i S0 30U 36W January .'..... 355? 35K -33 S5i May 35;i 30& 33J4 3CJ4 OATS. December .... 21U 214 21 214 May. ,.,,..... ,24 23JJ 23& 23 MESS POHK. January 12 25 12 35 1215 12 20 May 121c 12 15 12 05 12 07 LAKD.. December ....720 7224 715 720 January, 600 0 5 682J5 0 S7 May 605 7 00 OIK) B 02& SJIORT RIBS. January C32J4 C32U C22U 0 22? May 040 ff40 CJ0 C 32il tash quotations were as follows: Flour Quiet and easy. Wheat No. 3, C9S72c; No. 2 red, 71?b 74Jc Corn No. 2. 3631c; No. 2 yellow,' 36?ic Oats No. 2, 22c; No. 2 white, 254r26c; No. 3 -Ahite, 244eic. Itye No. 2. 4D160c Barjcyr-Falr to choice malting, 50069c Prime timothy seed, $4 40. Mess pork, $11 50ll 62& per barrel. , Lard, $7 127 20 per 100 pounds. Short ribs sides (loose), $6 256 50. Dry Salted shoulders (boxed), 5G6Mc. Short clear, sides (oxed), 563(j6 75. Sugars Cut loaf, $6 22; granulated, $5 70; confectioners' "A," $5 55; off "A," $5 40. Clover, contract grade, $10gl0 25. On the produce exchange today the but ter market was (quiet; creameries, 1524c; dairies, l3I3&c Cheese actfyei .lOVigll'ic. Eggs qtiiet; fresh, 26c . . ' , Pccelp.ts. Shipm'ts. riour. barrels SO.OuO 14.000 Wheats bushels .:.... ......107.OO0 21000 Corn. Jbusbiela j. -m,.,, ...297.&0O - - 83.000 Oats, bushels , 300,000 . 140.000 Re. bushel 8.00Q 20.000 Barley, bushels" 87.000 18,000 ?eiv Yorlc Grain and Prodnce. NEW YOR.K, Dec. 11. Flour Receipts S.013 barrels; exports, 28,395 barrels; mar ket steadier. . Wheat Receipts, 44,405 bushels; exports, 27.945 bushels; spot quiet; No. 2 red. 78Vic f. o. b., 76c elevator. Options were dull but firmly sustained on light offerings and steady English cables. Closed firm Ulic net advance- March closed 79fcc; May, 79Mc; December, 76Xc" Wool Quiet. Hops Quiet. Enropcnn Grnin Markets. LONDON. Dec. 11. Wheat-Cargoes on passage, quiet and steady; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 30s 3d; cargoes Walla Walla, 2Ss 9d. English country markets steady.' LIVERPOOL, Dec. lL Wheat Quiet; No. 1 standard California, 6s 2d; wheat and flour in Paris, quiet. French country .markets, part cheaper. Weather in Eng land, cloudy. Wheat, spot, quiet; No. 1 California, 6s d; No. 1 Northern Spring, 6s 2fca; No. 2 red Western Winter, 5s lld. Futures, steady; December. 6s lUid: March, 6g lid. Corn, spot, quiet; Ameri can mixed, -new, 4s l&d; do old, 4s 2d. Futures, steady; December, 4s 2Hd; Jan uary. 3s lOUd; March. 3s 9&d. Available Grnin Supplies. NEW YORK. Dec 1L-Speclal cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreefs show the following changes In available sup plies as" compared with last account: Wheat United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1S4.O00 bushels; afloat for and in Europe, decreased 2.000, O00 bushdf; t6tal supply decrease, 2.1S4.000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada east of the Rockies, increased 192.000 bushels. Oats United States "and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 422,000 bushels. "Wheat at Tncomn. TACOMA. Wash., Dec U- Wheat Dull and unchanged; bluestem, 5Jc; club, 54c. THE COTTOX REPORT. Statistician nyde Prononnces Report of Advance Information, n Fake. "NEW YORK, Dec 1L A special to the Times, from Washington says: The story originating In New York -hat advance information on the Government cotton report had been offered for sale on Sat urday on the Cotton Exchange came to the ears of John Hyde, statistician for the Department of Agriculture. "The story was a pure fake," said Mr. Hyde. "I have been occupied personally In getting the material for this report to gether and I "took care fnat It was not published prematurely. No one has as sisted in the work. The report has never been out of my possession. If anbody offered to sell what purported to be the Government report he must have made it 'himself for commercial purposes:" Mr. Hyde spoke of the New York story as a simple effort to Impose upon some body.. a the affairs of his bureau are so managed that It would o"e difficult it not Impossible for anybody having access to any part of the statistical work oT the bureau to make up a crop report without attracting attention and running the risk of a disgraceful exposure and dismissal. He says that the story' should not have been vreg&rjded seriously, as he had em phatically denied it on Saturday to sev eral persons who bad asked him if it were true. SAX FRAXCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. Uec 11. Wool Spring: Nevada. ll13c; Eastern Oregon, 10gl4c; Valley Oregon, 15gl7c Fall: Mountain lambs, 9lGc; San Joaquin plains, 6&Sc: Humboldt and Mendocino. 10312c Hops 1900 crop, 13Vi617c' -nu., uncai, yio ami wneat ana oats, I $9S12tt; best barley, $9 50; alfalfa, ?7 I Downing, Hopkins & Co. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor BOTH TELEPHONES 10; compressed wheat,. $913 per ton; straw, 3547t per bale. Millstuffs Middlings. $16 50319 50; bran, 14214 50 per ton. Potatpes River Burbanks. 0075c; Sa linas Burbanks S0cQ$l 10; Oregon Bur "banks, 65$J$1; sweets, 50S0c per cental. Onions $1 65 per cental. Butter Fancy" creamery. 2S29c: do seconds, 272Sc; fancy dairy, 2426c; do seconds, 1923c Cheese California flats. 10i4llc per pound; Young America. lli12c; East ern. 14?15c Eggs-rFancy ranch, 44c; store, 2Sg34c; Eastern, 2530c. Citrus fruit Mexican limes. $44 50; common California lemons. $11 75; choice 1$2(g2 25; navel oranges. $1 502 50 per box; pineapples. $203 per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, H12!c; do hens, H12Vc per pound; old roosters. $3 50 4 per dozen; young roosters, $3 754 25; fryers, $3 504; hens, $3 Ta5 per dozen; small broilers. $22 50: large do, $3g3 50; old ducks $3M; geese, $1 2531 50 per pair. Green fruit Apples, choice, $1 per box; common, 30c per box. Bananas 512 50 per bunch. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 20.33S; Oregon, 11.010; wheat, centals, 7550; bar ley, centals 6340; oats' centals 900; beans, sacks, 1644; potatoes, sacks, 4139; Oregon, 4940; bran, sacks, 560; Oregon, 5349; mid dlings, sacks, 1S3; Oregon, 390; bay, bales, 657; wool, bales, 12; hides, 376. EASTERX LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, Dec 1L Cattle Receipts, 6000. Including 500 Texans. Steady to slow; good to prime steers, $5 35g6 25 poor to medium, $4 10Q5 30; selected feed ers, $3 75g4 25; mixed stockers, $2 25J?3 65; cows, $2 605-4 15; heifers, $2 605 00; can ners, $2W&2 50; bulls. $2 5084 25; calves. $3 50g5 35; Texas-fed steers, $4 0O4 SO; grass steers, $3 25S4 00; bulls, $2 50g3 25. Hogs Receipts today, 40,000; tomorrow, 40,000; left over. 2500. Five and ten cents lower; top, $5; mixed and butchers, $4 60 8o 00; good to choice heavy, $4 70g5 00; rough heavy, $4 554 65; ljght, $1 654 97&; bulk of sales, $4 804 92. Sheep Receipts, 14,000. Sheep active, 10c higher; lambs 10ffl5c higher; good to choice wethers, $4 10g4 40; fair to choice mixed, ?3 5-34 10; Western sheep, $4 00 4 40; Texas sheep, $2 503 60; native lambs, $4 00go 75; Western lambs, $5 00g5 65. OMAHA, Dec l.-Cattle Receipts. 4200; market, slow; 1015c lower; native beef steers, $4 25U5 55; Western steers, $4 00 4 60, Texas steers, $3 253 75; cows and heifers, $3 004 25; canners, $1 75g2 25; stockers and feeders, $3 00g4 40; calves, $4 0OQ6 00; bulls and stags, $2 O0Q3 75. Hogs Receipts. 10,000; market, shade lower; heavy, $4 S0g4 85; mixed, $4 SO 4 S2; light, $4 S24 90; bulk of ,sales. $4 SO 4S2. Sheep Receipts, 2300; market, steady to strong; fair to choice natives, $3 S5S4 10; fair to choice Westerns. $3 704 00; com- mon to choice sheep, $3 60S 3 SO; lambs, $4 255 25. KANSAS CITY, Dec 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 10,000; market, 10c lower; Texas ste.ers, $1 004 43; Texas cows, $1 50S3 50; native steers.. $4 00g5 40: native cows and heifers, $2 604"25;. stockers and feeders, $2 5054 25. bulls, $2253 50. Hogs Receipts, 20.000; market, 5c lower; bulk, of sales, $4 S7&4 90; heavy, $4 StfJ 4 95; packers, $4 S5g4 95; mixed, $4 S24 90; lights. $4 S24 95; Yorkers, $4 S54 93; pigs. $4 SO SO. Sheep Receipts, 3000; market, steady; Iambs,v$4COS525; muttons, $2,0034-25. The Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec 11The general market for metals was again extremely quiet, though tin broke heavily at Lon don as the result of the bearjsh statis tical position both in this country and abroad. The close at London was- quoted at 110 10s. Locally, tin was weak and somewhat lower on bid prices, closing with sellers' at 12752S. Spelter ruled rather quiet, but about steady, at nominally unchanged prices here and In London, $4 22ti4 27 and 1S 15s, respectively. Lead was dull and nom inally quoted at $4 37. while lake copper, though unchanged, displayed an easy un dertone, following unsatisfactory advices from abroad, and closed easy at $17 for Lake Superior and $16 62 for casting. Domestic Iron markets ruled dull and nominally unchanged, despite firmer Eng lish markets, where Glasgow closed firm at 62s 3d, and Mlddleboro 56s. Locally we quote pig-iron warrants, $9 5010 50; foun dry Northern. $15 0016 50; Southern, $14 50 15 75; soft Southern, $14 00515 75. Bar silver, 64sc SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 11. Bar silver, 64c LONDON, Dec 1L Bar silver, 2913-16d. Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 11. There has been a fair Inquiry for wool this week, and the demand continues moderate. Manufac turers do not hesitate to buy where they are In need of raw material. Prices are about the same as a week ago. Territor"t scored basis, Montana and Wyoming, fine medium and fine. TTGlSc; scoured, 48c; staple, 503351c; Utah, fine-medium and fine, 1617c: scoured. 47048c; staple, 50c; Idaho, flnesmedium and fine, 15lSc; scoured. 474Sc; staple 50c. Australian, scoured, spot prices: Combing, superfine, new, 7375c; good, 6570 average, 6267c The Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec 1L The cotton mar ket opened at an advance of 4 to 7 points, and momentarily ruled firm on less of a break at Liverpool than hod been ex pected. Selling soon became quite gen eral; and the market sold off 1726 points from the top prices, after which there was a feeble rally on covering and profit taking. The close was steady, unchanged to 8 points lower. Coffee and Snjrar. NEW YORK. Dec 11. Coffee Options closed steady at a net loss of 510 points. Sales, 17,750 bags, including: January, $5 90; March, $6 0G3 10; May, $5 15(86 20; July, $6 25. Spot Rio steady; No. 7 In voice, 7c Mild quiet: Cordova, 9313c Sugar Raw steady; refined quiet. A Woman's Veneennce. BUFFALO, Dec 11. George Harmon, a stationary -engineer employed by the Stricture and posltsre appUeatton to lianKL It Is prepared In toft- form of Crayons or Pencils, smooth and flex- &!S?5 Every Man Should Know Himself. TbxBt. James AssK.'Slra St. Cincinnati, O. has prepared at pas . a in great expense an exhausUro Illustrated Treatise on too malojST f K" !W system, which they will tend to any male applicant, prepaid " St. James Aim'n., 244 St. Jamen MANHOOD RESTORED;":; --.. ..... THIS crettt vegosfc- B&e-tVltalhser. the prwtcrlpUee of a. famous French physician, trill aulcUr cw you et all nervous or dlse&Ma or the renrxtv erjrass. such as Lest Manhood, Insomnia. Pains In the Back, Seminal Emissions, ITer-rens Debility, Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhaastlng Brains, Varicocele and Constipation. It steps all looses by day or nicht. PraranU qulckac of dlscharg. which It not cheeked leads to Sper matorrhoea, and all the horrors at lmaotscT. CUPID ENK elunias tfaa smfmmM irrer, the klCneys and the Binary orra-ns of all unpcritlea. CUPIDESE strengthens sad re ctores small weak oixans. The reason sufferers are sot cured by Doctors is because CO per coot are troubled wltn Prostatls. CUPXDEE the only known remedy to cure without an operatlca. 5000 testi monials. A written guarantee tires and money returned If 0 bcxes docs not effect a pr ceaneat cure, tl.00 a box; fl for $5.00. by mill. Send for FREE circular and testiaoalaii. 1 Address DAVOL XEDICTME CO- P. O. Sox 20T0. San Fr&ncitco. CaL I 3arMle y AMrica- Titmur. Slxtbr as Wuhlnctcn- streets, Portland. Oe, Chamber of Commerce t Union Dry Dock Company, staggered from a hallway on South Division street and .fell to the sidewalk In a dying con dition, resulting from carbolic acid burns. Ho was taken to an accident hospital, where he died a few moments later. It was learned by the police that Harmon had been In the room of Mrs. Maggie Culp. The woman left the building through a Tear door, and the detective force of this city has been unable to find her. The -police were at first inclined ta believe that Harmon had committed suicide, but after an Investigation they state that they believe that in passion of Jealous rage the woman poured the acid In the mcuth and over the face of Harmon, whom they assume was sleep ing. It Is stated that Mrs. Culp had made threats to kill Harmon whom she knew was contemplating marriage to an other woman. JjI Unnar Chanp, the Hope of China. Leslie's Weekly. LI has saved the Manchu dynasty once before. It Is so long ago that most peo ple have forgotten that it was he who put down the famous Tal Ping rebellion, which raged through China from 1850 to 1S5S. This rebellion, starting In the moun tains north of Canton, swept through the whole empire. Its forces reached Tien Tsln on their way to the capital, and but for LI would surely have succeeded In establishing a new dynasty on the throne. Earl LI was the first Chinaman to realize the advantage of Western civ ilization, and ever since he called In the American, Ward, and "Chinese" Gordon, to help him put down the Tal Pings he has steadily remained the friend of for eigners and the most progressive of Chi namen. For 30 years he has had an English private secretary- He has kept a steam yacht for his trips on the Pi:l Ho and the Grand Canal; he strung the first telegraph lines In China down the Taku roaod from his Yamun to the forts at the mouth of the river; he developed the great Tal Ping coal mines, and Is really the builder of all the railroads now existing In China. , AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. Joe Hardman. St Louis Geo P Moore. San Fr .M E Balcony, San Fr W A AValker. Phlla. Harry Miller. Chco J M Kelly. N Y Mrs Ceperley. Vancvr E P McCornack & wf, Salem Miss Levy. Salem Miss Hortense Levy, do B A Ealrd, San Fran B H Carle. U S M H Serv ice Fremont Morse. San Fr A R Katz. N Y C F Brlgps, San Fran W C Gates, nf & nieeo Geo Hansen, San Fran W N Camp H C Wboro. San Fran G W Tackaburv Lou P W Eans. Vancouvr w W Chapln. Sacra mento J P Merrill. N T J M Merrltt. Los Angl S R Da-vldson. Seattle J.R McKee. Saratoga F O Blackwell. N Y Russell Tjson. Chgo C Nielsen. Seattle Mrs F W Vincent. Pendleton C S Jackson. Pendleton Mre Jackson & son. do M H Greenbaum. Clnn isville. Kv w B Dennis & wife, Spokane Fred A Davis, San Fr IJohn T Llghter,AstorIa THE PERKINS. Alta Clark. Muddy. Orl B J Blackel, Sharon Center. Pa F H 31auelt. Shlncle House, Pa T Fisher. Grand Junc tion. Colo Horace M Mecklln. East Orange. N J G W Clark. Muddy, Or Nicholas C Joyal, Seattle W L Hoggr, Seattle J C Wlllert. Tacoma aiamle Clark. do Oscar Thiel. do D W Price. Scappoose Frank Lucas. Monmth J v bimpson. do J H Elwell child. Vancouver D L Russell, "WashoU' gal. Wash B Halwaln, San rran W A Shorey. Beeklv Harry E Moran, North! laiama P A Bounds, do Mis Mollie Portoreff, SlUertoa, Or Mrs Gausram. do Mrs J C Wlllert. do Mrs Sparling. San Fr W R Watson, San Fr J B King-, Arlington Samuel Brozers, do YSanderson, Astoria. L G Saverott, Astoria F O Wood, Butte P Mcintosh. Tillamook J H Hamilton. Vancvr R J Burrows. Roseburg Alex Bremmer, Astoria E M Potter, Astoria J T Nestor. San Fran Mrs J L Hershner, Hood River W N RInehart, Spokane Mra W N RInehart. do Frat C W Fait. World's Wonder Mrs F C W Fait, do E H Harding. do W J Green. Spokane Mrs W J Green. do H E Da Is, do W W Houcfcland. S F James Shea. San Fran C H McGravy, Fargo Chas L Daily. Salem R H Barr. Palmer. Or Richard Balrd. North Yamhill Alice Gilbert. Chicago Ella. Wilkinson, do Geo W Llojd, Colorado Swings LA M Cornelius. Oak land. jai M L Hembrle. McMInn J s uioninser, Ja- lama Mrs Scott. Kalama John A Shea. Asent Primrose & Docks tad Minstrels H TV Gardner. St Paul Minn Jas Lytle. Hoquiam Mrs Lytle. Hoculam D L Millard. New Lon.- don. wash P M Williams. Seattle1 Mrs P M Williams, d Mrs M H Williams, do Mrs L B Marrlman do Geo H Hall. Berkeley Mrs S W Cloutler. Chemawa. Or H W Stoner, La Grnd Wm Hepolnger, Mon- tcano. Wash H C RInehart. Sum mers Hie. Or C H Buckley. GrassVy D :?. McLauehlln, Preston. la E McGonlgle, Delmar. Iowa Bruce Haines. Elsht Mile Mrs Haines, do Mls Haines. do P Hennlnger, Mosler Mrs T C Marquardson, The Dalles A H Roberts, Los Angl J H Aitken. Huntlngtn Geo A Sparr. New Lon don, Wash THE IMPERIAL. C W. Knowles, Manager. A B Breumer.Lonc Beach C C Palmer, do J D Day. N Y S G Whitman. Wallah Vr Whitman, do C M McKelllps. Cor- vallls Bliss L Darlcy. Salcxn Chas A Gray. Salem Mrs Gray, Salem Mrs A S Gibbons. Jack sonville Miss L Gibbons, do Miss D Gibbons, do W Kuykendall. Eugene Geo H Rowe, Cathlamt H B Barker, Sumpter Mrs Barker, Sumpter Ida Wallace. San Fran S D Emerson, San Fr Geo E Jones, Chicago Mrs Jones. Chicago J M Jack. Grs.ngellle. Idaho Mrp Jack. do A E Green. Aberdeen C F Miner. Baker T S Cooper, N Yakima John S Mitchell. S F E Ferguson. Astoria J G Smith. San Fran G M Apple. San Fran Mrs Apple. San Fran J D Cook. Jacksonville J F Eggert. Han iran William Reld. San Fr B G HInman. SanDiego! Mrs HInman. uo Henry HInman, do F F Plow den. San Fr S F Newhard. LaGrnd Mrs Newlands. do A T. T.vmjLn. do Miss Mattle Randolph, SnnVane Mrs F M Z F Moody. Dalies J J Rubensteln. Prlne- vllle Mrs Rubensteln. do Miss Rubensteln. do E H Deer. St Louis p W 'Rernavs. San Fr Chas H Green. San Fr' Tntin Ttf Ttrihr- Pendlcta Miss Taliaferno, St L notel Brnnnwick. Seattle, European; first-class. Rates. 75c and up. One block from depot. Restaurant next door. Tncomn Hotel, Tncoma. American plan. Rate3. $3 and up, Donnelly Hotel, Tncoma. European plan. Rates. 50c and up- MEN No Cure i '" fr1 No Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE. A positive way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures you without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, impotency. etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Write for circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO. rooms 4T-49. Safe Deposit Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. Cured While You Sleep, in 15 Days. beneath tho son. reduces Ducts, stopplog Drains and stomach, bat a direct local the enUre urethral tract. "Gran-Solrent" it not & Bnildin;?, CinclnnntI, Ohio. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Union Depot, Sixth, and J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECXAX." Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:00 A. M.; arrives at 4.30 P. M. SPOKANE FLYER, For Spolane. Eatem Washington, and Great Northern points, leases l 8 P. iL; arrUes at 7 A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leac for the East, via Huntington, at 9:00 P. M.; arrives at b.40 A. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. OCEAN AND 'RIVER SCHEDULE. Water lines schedule subject to change with out notice. OCEAN DIVISION From Portland, leave Alnsworth Dock at S P. M.: sail every 5 days: Geo. W. Elder. Dec 3, 13. 23; Jan. A 12, 22. Columbia. Dec S. 13. 23: -Ian. 7. 17. 27. From San Francisco Sail eery 5 days. Leae Spear-street Pier 24 at 11 A. M.: Co lumbia. Dec 4. 14. 24; Jan. 3. 13. 23. Geo. W. Elder. Dec 9. 19. 20; Jan. 8. 18. 23. COLUMBIA KIYESl DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, ex cept Sunday, at 8 00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10.00 P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7.00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEMV OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Independence and way points, leaiei from Ash-street Dock at C A. M. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Returning. leaes Independence at 5 A. M., and Salem at 8 A. M.. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. CORVALLIS AND ALBANT. Steamer Modoc leaves Portland at 0 A. M. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Re turning, Corvallls at 6 A. M. on Mon days, Wednesdajs and Frldajs. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Oregon City. Buttevllle, Champoeg, Dajton and way landings, leaves Portland. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at" A. M. Leaves Da j ton for Portland and, 'nay points Mondas, Wednesday and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWlbTU.:. IDAHO Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves Rlparla dally at 3:40 A. M.. arriving at Lew lston about 3 P. M. Returning, the Spokane or Lewlston leaes Lewlston dally at 8.30 A. M., arriving at Rlparla samo evening. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent V. A. ECHrLLING. City Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. 60 Third sL. cor. Oak. STEAMSHIP LINE TO THE ORIENT CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. For rates, accommodations, etc, apply to OREGON RAILROAD - NAV. CO.. Agents. Portland, Or. EAST ,IA SOUTH Leave I Depot Pltth and j Arrlve A. f7llXCLli OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem, Rose burg. Ashland, Sac r a m e n to, Ogden, San Francisco. Mo Jave. Los Anseies. El Paso. New Or leans and tha East. At Wood burn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Ansel. SI1 v e r t o n. Browns ville. Springfl eld. and Natron. and evening train for Mt. Angel and Sil verton. Albany passenger Corvallls passenger Sheridan pazs'gr .. S:30 P. M. 8:30 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 0:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M 7:30 A. M 114-50 P. M. 10:10 A. M 5:50 P. M 8.25 A. M Dally. I Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first clas and $11 second class. Including sleeper. Ratc and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also IAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leavn for Oswego dally at 7J20, 9:40 A. M.: 12.30. 1:55. 3:25, 4.40, 0 25, 8.30. 11 :3Q P. M.; and 9.00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at '6 35, 8.30, 10 50 A. M.; 1:33. 3:10. 4:30. 0.15. 7.40. 10 00 P. M.; 12:40 A. M. dally, except Monday. 8.30 and 10J05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 5.05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mon days, Wednesdas and Fridays at 2.45 P. M. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. P KOEHLER. Manager. a H. MARKHAM, Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO ...VIA... 0Vpfo5V UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. TWO TRAIN5 DAILY TO THE EAST NO CHANGE OF CARS to Denver. Omaha. KonsnJ Cily and Chicago. Only Four Days To New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington. Palace Sleepers. Tourist Sleepers. Dining Cars, Library Cars. Free Recllnlng-Chatr Cars. Steam Heat. Pintscb. Light. Fast Time. Union Depots. Baggage checked to destination. CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third Street Portland, Oregon J. H. LOTHROP. GEORGE LANG. Gen'l Agent. City Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Steamers Aifooa and Pomona Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence, Salem and all way landings. Leo.e Portland 6:45 A. M.:'leave Salem 7 A. M.r Independence. 0 A. 1 M. Office and dock, foot Taylor at UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. j OREGON SHORT LIME R. R. CO. OREGON R. R. &. NAVIGATION CO. g TRAVELERS' GT7XDB. The Yellowstone Park and Pioneer Dinlng-Car Route Leave. I'flloa Depit, ih 13 i i StS Arrive. No. 12 1:45 P. M. Oterland Express for South Bend. Aberdeen. Hoquiam, Cosmopolls. Olympla. Tacoma. Se attle. North Yakima. Rltnllle. Spokane, Pullman. Moscow. Lew lston. Grangeville, Rossland. B C. Butte. Billings. Fargo. St. Paul, Minneapolis. Chi cago. Boston. Tash ingtcc. D. C, New York, and all points east and southeast. Kansas CI ty-St. Louts Special for Tacoma, Se attle. North Yakima, Rltnllle. Spokane. Rossland. Lewlston. Helena, Butte. Billing. Deadwood. Denver. Omaha, St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago. Washington. Baltimore, New York. Boston, and all points east and southeast. No. IP 7:00 A. Ai No. 4 ll:so P. M No. 9- 7:50 P. M Baggage checked to destination of tickets Union Depot connections In all principal cities. Through car service via Northern Paclflo Burllngton Route, train No. 4, for Omaha. St Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Quick time and uneqt.aled accommodations. The only line running Pullman standard and Pullman up holstered tourist sleepers, the finest In the world. Portland to Minneapolis and St. Paul without change. For any additional Information, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, maps of routes, etc, call on or write to A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, "53 jlorrlion St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon, OT? VI . IvA 7 i.XPKa rjrvr i Ai-ir 1 m;m aMaLawanaM AND SOO L3NE FIRST-CLASS AND TOURIST SLEEPERS DAILY PASSENGERS BOOKED TO AND FROM ALL POINTS EAST ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP OFFICE For full particulars apply to ' H. H. ABBOTT, Agent. 146 Third at., Portland, Or. E. J. COYLE. A. G. P. A., Vancouver, B. C JfREgrNORWERW Ticket Office 268 Hsrrben SI 'Phone 680 LEAVE. No. 4 COO P.M. The Flyer, daily to and from St. Paul, Minne apolis, Duluth. Chicago and all points East. ARRTVH No. 3 7:00 A. M Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Library Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP RIOJUN MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle About January 7th Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. For Maygers, Rainier, Clatskonle, Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War- ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. renton. Flovel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Pk., Seaside. Astoria and Seashore Express, Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. 8:00 A. H. 7:00 P. 1L naoA.Jt 8:40 y. ar. Ticket office 235 Morrison st. and Unlon.Depot J. C MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agt, Atorla, Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamships Cottage City, City of Topeka and Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M.; BHATTLH 0 P. M., Dec 1, er-u. 10. 21, 20. 31; Jan. 5. 10. 16. 20, 23, 30; Feb. 4. Steamer leaves every fifth day thereafter. Further Information obtain company's folder. The company reserves th right to change steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington st, Portland. Or.: F.W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. JDock. Tacoma. TICKET OFFICE. 618 First ave.. Seattle: M. TALBOT, CommL Agent; C W. MILLER, Asst. GenT Agent, Ocean Dock. Seattle. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., Gen. Agts San Francisco. ' Hong Kong, via Yokohama and Kobe. Due at Portland as follows: SS. MONMOUTHSHIRE Nov. 28 SS. MILOS .' Dec 28 SS. SKARPSNO .. Jan. 23 For freight or passage apply to I M. Stevens & Co., Inc. 6-S-10 Columbian bldg.. Third, and Oak: sts. OREGON & ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO'S Steamer "EVA" will sail about January i from Portland to Hong Kong and other Orien tal ports. Route shipments "Care Oregon & Oriental Steamship Co , Portland." For cargo space reservation' address J. CAMPBELL. General Agent. Portland. Or. 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. HERCULES takes the place of BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock), Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phone Main 351. Columbia phone 351. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH CTViOm PILLS unci ana only Genuine. SAFE. AlwiTittlUM Ladle, uk Drafrlt W UlliUlilsXER'S UNOUSK 1b RED d1 Gold ntani boi Mm!t4 with bias ribbon. Take no other. Rernie Jaccroni clitttnUoit end Imita tion. Boy tt jar Draaiiuor m&4r. la ,u??f,.r PnKleulars, Temttaontals t ''RxJIof fwr Ladle,' in letur, re. tars Malt. 1 0.OOO TenliMBltiJ. Stllky H Bngslnm. Chleh Mter Ch O. Heatlea till ppi aiaaucn Uaare, yHII.a 2Ai ii Stenorti ?-o V IT