Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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$600,009 THE LIMf
No More at ! his Session for
Columbia Jetty4
No Mistake Vi'as Made In Annonnclng
Figures of Cenxan of Oregon
Citiet No Boom in the
Report Tills Time.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, The river and
harbor committee. In executive session
today, had under consideration some of
the Oregon projects. Assurance Is given
that a sufficient amount will be appro
priated for the mouth of the Columbia it
Insure the undertaking of the approves
project, but the amount alloted Is not yet
decided upon. Inasmuch as the engineers
recommend but $600,000, It Is not possible
that the amount will exceed that sum.
Siuslaw has been completely dropped
from the bill, but other minor Improve
ments, it Is understood, are retained, with
Yaoulna yet to oc considered.
CcnsuH FlBurcH Correct.
The Census Office has again gone over
the enumerators' returns for Doth Salem
and Eugene and affirms the announce
ment of Saturday, that Salem's population
Is 25S and Eugene's 323C. It Is thought
there is no error as regards Eugene, but
dcubt exists as to Salem, owing to some
misunderstanding or oversight on the
part of the supervisor for the first dis
trict. When the state was divided into
enumerating districts, he asked for nine
enumerators for Salem, It being under
stood that each enumerator should make
returns for 1050 to 1500 persons. The de
partment thinks that in making returns
c-rtaln districts properly belonging to
Salem have been classed as separate precincts.
glary. There are also four civil case3 on
the docket requiring a Jury, of which the
case of Dr. A. E. Kockey vs. William H.
Hazard, Is the chief.. In this case Rockcy
claims a balance due him from Hazard of
f300 out of a total fee of $1500 for per
forming a surgtal operation upon the
defendant Hazard avers that the fee is
extortionate, and that the agreement to
pay was obtained while he (Hazard) was
In a weakened pbyslcial condition, and in
capable of making a ratlon'al business
Snper-j Isor Winn Believes Figures
for Ensrene and Salem Are Correct.
ALBANY, Or., Dec. 10. Census Super
visor Winn says that the figures given In
icsterdaj's Oregonian of the population
of the principal cities of Oregon, so far
as this district Is concerned, are according
to tho recent enumeration. Including Sa
lem and Eugene, and he belloves are sub
stantially correct. Great care was taken
to make them complete, and in some
cases there was a. revision of the enumer
ate in. The figures show only the popu
lation Inside the city limits, and do not
Include the suburban population outside
the limits of the different cities, which in
some cases, particularly that of Salem, Is
considerable. In some cases since 1S90 the
boundaries have been materially changed
cont-acted rather than Increased. The
year 1S90 was In the boom period, when
most of the cities were spread out. and
In some cases the census was undoubtedly
ridded In order to assist in the boom
spirit of the day. This year every effort
was made to secure the actual population
of the different cities, and It was to the
interest of the enumerator as much aa
any one else to secure the full population
of his subdivision, and there Is every rea
son to believe this was done. The popu
lation of Albany is at least 1000 less than
has generally been estimated, but con
servative people believe that the figures,
SI i are substantially correct, while those
cf 10 years ago were probably higher than
the city was entitled to.
3Iovenient bs Citixens and Officials
of Lewis County, WashinRton.
CHEHAUS, Wash. Dec 10. A meotlng
sf to be held at Swofford. 40 miles east
of Chehalls, on the Cowlitz River, in
Lewis County, Saturday, to ask the Leg
islature to help the county and citizens
of the territory Interested to build a
good road to that point. Tcere is Already
a good plank and rock and gravel fosjej
extending from Chehalls about 20 milts
east toward Swofford. Hon. George Mc
Coy, Representative-elect from Lewis
County, and the newly elected Board of
County Commissioners held a meeting
Saturday night to consider the matter.
The Commissioners have about $5000 which
Is available to apply on this road, if
other money can be added to build a per
manent road. There Is plenty of reck up
that way, and It is a good country
through which to build a permanent rock
Four Chehalis saloonkeepers today
pleaded guilty In the Superior Court to
the charge of keeping their plaoos open
Sunday Two Centralla men have been
convicted. All v. ere fined $30 apiece, and
all other cases of that nature now pend
ing against them were dropped.
Napoleon Bornlcr, who was recently
found guilty of simple assault, but recom
mended to be given the full penalty of
the law, was fmsd &00 and sentenced to
serve six months in the County Jail. Hl
offense was shooting at a Deputy Sheriff
who was attempting to arrest him.
AfterTItle Passes From the Govern
ment Mining: Claims Are Same
As Other Realty for Taxation.
BOISE, Idaho. Dec. 10. Mining proper
ty, title to which has passed from the
Government to private parties. Is subject
to taxation In this state exactly like any
ether form of property. This point has
Just been decided by the Supreme Court
in the case of O. J. Salisbury, respondent,
vs Carl Lane, Assessdr. appellant. Un
der this decision a mining claim is no
longer a mining claim within the mean
ing of the statute of exemptions, after It
haj been passed to patent, but becomes
property. The decision is of far-reaching
Importance, affecting most. If not all, the
valuable mining properties of this state.
The aggregate value of these properties
Is very large, and if It is added to the
assessment roll of the state it will make
a material Increase in the taxable prop
erty. The cas In which this decision has been
rendered grew out of the assessment by
the Assessor of Custor County of certain
News. The property consists of 320 acres
of placer ground and several promising
quartz propositions. The placer ground
so far as it has been tested yields on an
average of 15 cents to the yard. Work
will bt begun at once, preparing for the
Spring run, a.nd among other Improve
ments contemplated by the late purchaser
Is a telephone line from the mine to
Obnoxious Obstruction at Dilley
Clandestinely Blasted Ont.
HTLLSBORO, Or., Dec. 10. It is reported
here that the Dilley dam site bad a sec
ond experience with dynamite last night
or early this morning. This Is the site re
cently purchased by the settlers above the
dam, who paid SU5Q for the. property Jn
order to have It removed, A sawmill com.
pany which had Its plant below this dam
succeeded In getting a temporary Injunc
tion against Its removal, and one- night
after the papers were served an attempt
was made to blow out the obstruction,
but failed, owing to the failure of the fus
to Ignite. The mill company then put q,
watchman on the ground, and upon his
leaving, early this morning, the second
and successful attempt to blast the dam
was made.
Louc How, the Chinaman who was liv
ing with Gue Sale, who was murdered at
Rajelgh, this county, last week, was last
night brought from Oregon City and
lodged In the Jail at this place, on an ln-
One Million Two Hundred Thousand
Fry Turned Loose.
ORE-GON CITY, Or., Dec 1. Thomas
Brown, superintendent of the state hatch
ery on Salmon River, a tributary of the
Sandy, returned today, having completed
his season's work. The total product of
this season's, catch was LSCO.OM yeungr
chinook salmon, which have been turned
loose In the river. While the cateh of
eggs was not large, Mr, Browa Is well
pleased with the results, considering the
unfavorable conditions existing. On ac
count of the extreme low water, but few
salmon reaohed the Immediate vleinlty of
the hatchery, and many of the eggs had
to be secured below and carried a dis
tance of two miles, about 25 Indians being
employed to assist In the work. He also
says that St will be necessary to close
tho Sandy River against logging and the
floating of tlos for two months In the
year. In order to make that stream, and
Its branches a good place to take salmon.
Mr. Brown sas that the rush of logs and
ties down the stream at certain seasons
of the year causes immense numbers of
the salmon o go back to the Columbia
River. The loss In hatching this season
was only about 5 per cent.
"Will Stnrt With 500 Cows Instruc
tion in Methods to Be Given.
MONROE. Or., Dec 10. At the farmers'
meeting held here Saturday, the business
men joined In, and It was stated by Man
ager George D. Goodhue, of the Salem
Creamery Company, that sufficient In
ducements were held out to warrant a
decision in favor of the erection of a
creamery nt this place at once. The plana
are to have this branch of the dairy In
dustry In operation by March of the com
ing year. The enterprise has a guarantee
of 503 cows to start with, and this num
ber will bo increased to 1000 during the
first year's run.
Manager Goodhue says that there will
be no obstacles In the way of introducing
hand separators in this section, and his
company is prepared to accommodate Its
patrons with such terms of sale as will
place these machines within the reach of
every farmer In this vicinity. Thera will
be no hand-sklmmed or graduated cream
taken at the new factory. The cream
used Is to be either from the separator
operated by the patron, or from whole
milk delivered at the factory and there
A three days meeting of farmers Is to
bo held early in January, during which
final arrangements for the construction oz
building will be made and an educational
course In grades of cattle to be used,
feeding, silos, etc., will be given, Dr.
WIthycombo, of the Oregon Agricultural
College; C. H. Markham, of the Southern
Pacific Qopvpany, and several others will
De here au,nlngthe meeting.
AVallnee's Railroad Scheme.
H. S. Wallace of Junction, promoter of
the Corvallls Southern Railway, was In
Monroe, Saturday. In the Interests of his
company. He placed before tho business
men here his plans and also his plea for
a $25,000 bonus and depot grounds. The
bonus asked is to be In the nature of a
loan, the amount to, bo repaid to the lend
er by service over the line when It Is
completed. According to the statement of
Mr. Wallace, he has placed bonds In New
York for $400000. the money to be forth
coming when terminals, depot grounds,
right of way and a $200,000 bonus Is -secured.
According to this plan. Eugene Is
to give $100,000: Corvallls, $30,000: Monroe,
$23,000, and Junction City, $25,030, and each
place gives its depot grounds and right
of way besides.
Indians Have It and May Have
Spread Gcrnn.
SPOKANE, Doc. 10. Discovery was
mado today that smallpox exists in a
small camp of Indians In the outskirts of
this city. One death has occurred, and
three Indians are down with the disease.
These Indians w ere strays from the Coeur
d' Alone and Spokane reservations. When
tho disease broke out a part of the en
campment returned to the Coeur d'Alenc
reserve, and it is reared tney nave oar
rld the disease with them.
To Lisht and Hejt the City With. 'nis
Ptanl-Mny Be. of AdvAatare
to tie State.
SALEM. Or.. Dec 10,-A crew of men
began this morplnjg on the work of setting
poles for the electric light lines of the.
Salem Light, Power & Steam Heating
Company, in this city. The work was com.
rnenced at the corner of Front and Ferry t
yCCu. near tne yaplia Lumbering
Company's office, and the line of poles
extends north from Ferry street through
Lie line business blocks on the weat
s'dv of Commercial street.
The commencement of this work at
tracted wide attention, and no end of
comment. There has been a general feel
ing In Salem for some time that the new
electric light company has been bluffing
in Its talk of a rival electric light plant,
in tho hopes of forcing a compromise from
the Salem Light & Traction Company, or
Its successor, the London & San Fran
cisco Bank. But those who saw the work
In progress this morning do not express
the opinion that It is a part of a bluff,
game The poles are by far the largest
and best In the city, and are being put In
at great expense. The line is being run
through the business part of town, where
the best of the electric lighting patronase
Is found.
There has been considerable speculation
as to the location of the new company's
power-house, but nothing pf a definite na
ture has been learned. F. R. Anson, who
Is at the head of the new company, I3
keeping his plans to himself. The fact
that the work on the line was begun near
the Capital Lumbering Company's saw
mill seemed to confirm the rumor that
the electric light plant will be operated In
connection with the saw- mill. A. N.
! $F-- vV PjTMI,Sr&l
i Ssiumn
Go at once to your Druggist
get a bottle of . .
And begin the easy march to Health,
Wc will mall you a sample bottle free on receipt of postal card.
Menlfon this Paper.
WARNER'S SAfE CURS CO., Rochester, N.Y.
Hughes was arrested by Marshal Thorn
ton ml Matlock and taken before
Moores. the mill company's manager, was 1 Recorder Williams, who admitted him to
asked this morning whether sucn Is to be bail In the sum of 5500.
tue programme, ana ne responded that no ; Hughes and Herren have
ucai u( u4l imiuic iijLa uccii uuacu,
though there has been some talk between
Mr. Anson and himself on the subject.
This would lead to the supposition that
perhaps teems satisfactory to Mr. Anson
have been offered, and that a deal may
be closed later by his acceptance.
The Importance to Salem of the new en
terprise that has been started lies In the
benefits that may be dorlved from compe
tition In the production and sale of elcc-
had three
trials over the ownership of a horse, and
at the last term of court a jury awarded
the horse to Herren.
Repairing: State Road.
The long wagon road from Heppner to
the Interior, on which the state expended
$14,000 so as to give the people of the
John Day country an outlet to the railroad
here, got out of repair pn account of the
heavy traffic Mayor Gilliam and Mac
,!.. j 1, .u,-" i.r,.. t Clarke have Just raised $10S1 by subscrlp-
.k.n..,.i. 1- 1 v,".. . iii,. a tlon to Day for repairing the road. Half
ailll 1CJU1L Ikk X. LllLUIliLTl li&LI! UL IIkUL l&l u - " . -
power to individual consumers, and to
terspersed with selections by the Glea
and Treble Clef Clubs, and a double quar
tet from the Chemawa Indian School.
Most of the delegates lert for their homes
on the 1:10 P. M. train.
Speaking of the convention, Secretary
Smith said:
"I was most agreeably surprised with,
the condition of things here In Oregon.
The convention was a grand success and
compares most favorably with the largo
gatherings of the East. I never sat
among a more earnest and energetic set
of fellows than I have during the post
few days, and I am highly pleased with
the condition of the Y. M. C. A. work
in the Northwest. The University of Ore-
thls monev will be used for paying , gon nas a Drignt tuture. me student
a . t -J J V.A aVia ' YwwTv le wAmni rt I n talltrrAn vY
thA Rtnt Institution's which nre pxtno've lr repairs JUSI comiiieieu. uim mc uwt i ., . .v...--. .u..,..0v.,.w ,w
tne State institutions, wnicn are . ; . Cnrtntr men ArH n.-nmn x-nA tho work dona
i 11411. Will UC USUI U" 114 W .w... wj"-o. I -
nere is 01 a very nign standard, 'ine
university Is to be congratulated upon
having such an able and upright man as
Dr. Strong for its president."
Fatal Coush Syrnp.
Unknown to Its parents, a child of J.
L. Yeagers, 2 years old, got hold of a
bottle of cough syrup, drank most of It
and died.
patrons of the electric Hsht company,
much cood will result trenerallv. It has
bean suggested that competition may j
make electric light as cheap in Salem as j
transportation Is between Portland and
Astoria. Such a reduction In lighting
rates would certainly be profitable to the
State of Oregon.
It Is said that two electric light com-
Ipanles cannot live In Salem. That would
probably be true If the present business
were to be divided between them. But
since the Astoria Railroad has found ft
profitable to operate with a 25-cent fare
between Portland apd Astoria, it is not 1
ssra? .ncas. Bsstar2 a?. LriTir.5
OREGON CITY Dec 10. Grant B. Dimlck, Mayor-elect of Oregon-City, was born
on the D. R. Dimlck donation land claim. G miles south of Oregon City. March 4.
lSf9, He was educated in the public schools. McMlnnvllle College, and the State
Normal, at Monmouth. He was admitted at the bar June 1, 1SS4. since which time he
has been practicing law at Oregon City. Ho served two years as Deputy District
Attorney of the Fifth District.
Ready for City Election,
FOREST GROVE. Or., Dec 10. Tho City
Council has selected L. S. Parker. R. W.
MoNutt and H. H. Clark for judges of
tho city olectlon. to be held here the
first Monday in January, and J. C Clark
and John A. Thornburgh for clerks. The
officers to bo elected are a Mayor, three
Councllmen for two years. Recorder,
Treasurer and Marshal.
patented mining property belonging to
Mr. Salisbury. The Assessor was proceed
ing to sell the property for taxes when
formation charging Him with, the murder.
How had gone to Portland, and was kept
in confinement for several days, -when evi-
Mr. Salisbury paid them under protest, dence sufficient for an Information, was
Charged With Stealing Articles
From the Post Hospital.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec 10. Private
Moss, of tho Hospital Corps, Vancouver
Barracks, was placed under arrest today
on a charge of larceny, and will be tried
before a military court-martial. For
some time past the officers at the post
hospital have been missing blankets and
other articles from the hospital, and this
morning City Marshal Norton was called
In for consultation regarding the matter.
During the consultation the Marshal's
suspicions were aroused by the peculiar
actions of Moss, who was also in the
room. The Marshal, In company with
Constable Thomllnson, Immediately set to
work on the case, and within an hour
thev had located a number of the articles
stolen and also ascertained that Moss
was the man who had left them, at the
saloons where they were found. Upon
their return to the hospital. Moss was
not to be found. A guard, however, wa
sent after him. and soon overtook him on
the road leading to La Camas. He was
brought back and placed in the guard
house, where he will remain until his
Cirenlt Court Docket.
The docket was called in the Superior
Court this morning, and cases which will
be heard at the jury session of the court,
which will convene tomorrow, were set
for trial. The criminal cases to be triea
are. State of Washington vs. Loren Sew
ard for mayhem: State vs. G. H. Eck
h ird, for assault with a dangerous weap
on State vs. Patrick White, burglary,
and State vs. John Sankonan, Jr., bur-
"Dry" Day In Junction City.
JUNCTION CITY. Or.. Dec 10. Yes
terday was the first "dry" day in Junc
tion City for years. Business houses and
saloons were closed.
The machinery Is being placed In the
Weatherly creamery, and it will be in
operation in about a week.
Oregon Note.
Coyotes are numerous in the vicinity of
Sparta, Union County.
Building materials have arrived, at
Sheridan for a new depot.
A Baptist church organization has been
effected at Klamath Falls.
E. H. Carman has sold his sawmill near
Wallowa to Biggs & Cook.
Two Corvallls boys got drunk last week
on gin left on the grave of a Chinaman.
Kiddle Bros., of Island City, shipped
several carloads of hogs from Elgin
The milk separating plant which oper
ated at Stayton last Summer will be
shipped to Albany.
Two saloon-keepers were fined $10 each
at Junction City. Saturday, for violation
of the Sunday-closing law.
George Ehrhardt has taken 2u00 sheep
from the west to the east side of the lake
in Surprise Valley for the Winter.
Alva Rowley was fined $30 at Klamath
Falls last week for carrying a concealed
weapon, and L Rowley $25 for disorderly
It is said that unscrupulous NImrods
are slaughtering the few mountain quail
that make their home in the canyons ad
jacent to Lakevtew.
Henry Boldelser, of Eeho, has been de
spoiled of a trapping outfit and a large
amount of household goods. The theft
was committed while he was away on a
trip. It is believed by a man named Hen
derson. A white man and a Chinese had a mix
up at Baker City Saturday, In which the
latter used a butcher-knife but got the
worst of the fray. The white man re
ceived a slash on the arm. Both were ar
retted. The Sumpter Water Company has em
ployed a force of men and sent out 47,000
feet of lumber to complete Its new flume.
This flume will replace tho old ditch that
carries the water from Wind Creek to
Pole Creek. It Is over a mile in length.
The following officers were elected last
week at John Day: Mayor, A. Hacheney;
Recorder, J. W. McCulloch; Treasurer,
Frank Hacheney; Marshal, Charles An
gell; Councllmen, W. M. Myers, J. D.
Combs, H M. Bashford, W. H. Johnson,
J. H. Fell and J. P. Johnson.
Tho sawmills at Hllgard of Short &
Casey, Shropshire Bros, and of Arnold
Bros, are employing about 75 men, and
are shipping an average of three carloads
per day, Utah is the -market at present.
They also have men in the" timber, pre
paring for a big season's run to com
mence in the Spring.
The debating team which will repre
sent Willamette University will be chosen
from the following: Misses D. Gans. Nel
lie Clark, Helen Calbreath. and Messrs.
G. R. Moorhead. Gabriel Sykes. G. W.
Aschenbrenner, H. W. Swafford, C C. Ba
ker, B. B Geer. R. C Blackwoll. Ennjs
Savage and R. B. Wllklns.
People of Eagle Valley precinct met at
Richland Monday of last week to discuss
the "new county" proposition. They re
solved to circulate a petition to the Leg
islature asking for a division of Union
County. The chair appointed a committee
of three to visit the other precincts n
the proposed new county and lay the mat
ter bef oro them for their consideration.
and then brought suit for recovery The
case was submitted to Judge Stockslager,
at Halley, on an agreed statement of
facts and was decided against the Asses
sor. An appeal was taken to the Supreme
Court, where the decision Is reversed.
Mr. Borah briefed the case and argued It
on the theory that the term "mining
claim" covers only possessor claims, title
to which has not passed from the Government.
Quotations of Mining- Stocks.
SPOKANE. Dec 10. The closing quotations
for mining stock3 today were:
Bid. Ask.
piacktall ...,
Butte & Bos..
D. T. Con
Evening Star.
Gold Ledge...
Golden Harv.
I. X. L. 15
Iron Mask
Jim Blaine... 3V4
L. P. Surp... IK,
Bid. Ask J
S?i 0?gP.
M. Tunnel.ll
lAiQuiln SO
5l4JRamb. Car.. ..20
tlk-.Kepubllc $56
GUlReeervatlon .. S
1,1 Rose. Giant... 21
tslSullUan .13
204jTom Thumb...lO
20) Waterloo 2
7t conjecture
Mtn. Lion ...20Vj 25V-jArner. Boy ..
Morn. Glory.. 04 5anTrade Dollar.
Morrison 2 3" Juno
Noole Five IHercules ....
Prln. Maud.. 1 1-N.I
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 10. Official closing
quotations for mining stocks:
found by the local officers here. Deputy
Sheriff Bradford went to Portland Sat
urday evening and took How In custody,
leaving Immediately for Oregon City to
avoid habeas corpus proceedings. He was
then brought overland to this place. He
will have his hearing next Friday.
May Get Supply icnr Knappa or Til
lamook Head.
I ASTORIA, Or., Dec 10. Engineer He
gardt, of Fort Stevens, has been looking
foi a uuarry where stone can be pro-
V&frir lleht . cured for building the extension to the i. iifeiii. ... r -,.. ,unhl rnpk fniinri thus
as to make room for both companies.
Marion County's A3essmcnt.
I and it is probable a great portion of the
I amount needed will be taken from tnere.
Testimony A&ainxt Man Charged
With Fred Clayion'a Murder.
VICTORIA, B C. Dec 10. News ar
rived today that George Scott, who was
a fellow-prisoner of O'Brien the trail
murderer of last Winter, gave evidence
December 3 at Dawson that O'Brien had
confessed the murders to him. and he told
of Incriminating conversations he had
with O'Brien.
Scott testified that while In prison
MT. AA..-.J UIbm TTTVnn Vi v YlH
County Clerk W. W Hall today com- I Mr. Hegardt will, however mae further J
luveausauuua m . asked if bullet marks had been found.
pleted the summary of Marlon County'3
assessment roll for the year 19CO, and wll
file It In the office of the Secretary of
State tomorrow. It shows the following
. .. w .. . - - s, ,t
Acres tillnble land. 174,627 $2,390 572 days ago he dragged ner ancnor ana it
Acres nontillable land. 316 042 L1S7.731 fouled the old Government cable and
Improvements on deeded lands S97.3S4 broke it. It has been found impossible
Town and cltyjots' ,... S16,Sa , to-pick up the ends". This cable was used
Improvements "on same 778,313 , hv the Western Union to connect Astoria
Later he asked. "Did anybody give mo
..i,'"'?. s sets: ssr-sf-sissv swat
give me away." O'Brien denies the story.
was anchored In the lower harbor a few
Imnrovements'on'lands not deeded -13,000
Railroad bedj 115;jnlres-.."ii:.-.... 259,-865
Telegranh. and. telephone- lines,
1S9 miles ,v,'. ........1. .,.... 9.477
Street railways, 134 miles 8.90O
Rolling stock .., 51999
Merchandise U....7.A.... 318,673
l-arm implements.:..... .- 19S.41S
with Long -Beach.
.$0 05! Justice
Alpha Con
Best & Belchex1..
Caledonia ,
Challenge Con ...
on. Cal. & Va...
Crown Point ...
Gould & Curry..,
Hale &. Norcross
NEW YORK. Dec 10. Mining
closed as follows:
.$0 02
2Mexlean 20
S)Oecflental Con ... 4
lOOphlr , 09
2SOverman 11
2(Potoal 13
3MSaagc S
21 !??. Belcher 2
15Slerra Neada ... 29
57SIIer Hill 5
1 40! Standard 3 00
11 Union Con 23
53Utah Con 0
20jYollow Jacket .... 23
stocks today
Brunswick $0 11
Crown Point ....
Con Cal & Va...
Dead wood
Gould & Curry...
Hale &. Xorcross.
1 23
Iron Silver
Mexican . . .
Benton County Man Held to Circuit
Cburt on Larceny Charge.
CORVALLJ.S, Or.. Dec lO.-In Justice
Holgate Court this afternoon Chester
Rust was bound over to the April term
of the Circuit Court on a charge of lar
ceny. The testimony showed lhat the de
fendant had stolen and butchered a cow
that belonged to a neighbor named Ben
nett. Rust is about 20 years of age, has
long resided in tho vicinity, and has a
wife and child. In default of $250 bond
he was sent to jail.
Tho First Methodist Church was packed
again this afternoon, and was again
crowded tonight at the temperance ad
dresses of Colonel Holt, of Chicago. For
admission tonight, a 15-cent fee was ex
acted, the proceeds to go to the benefit
of the local organization of the W. C. T.
U., under the auspices of which the lec
tures are given. The attendance at the
lectures is from every class of citizens,
and the Interest manifested Is very great.
The crowds are the largest that have been
brought out on any occasion In years, save
In commencement time at the college
Several hundred have signed the pledge
Strike on Fourth of July Creelc and
a Stampede.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec 10. A special
to the Chronicle from .Nelson, Wash.,
brings news of a stampede up Fourth of
July Creek, a branch of the Kettle
River. Shot gold han -oeen discovered
J. P. Sloner, a car- painter ot Portland,
announced to the police last night that
he had been held up by two masked men,
and that one of them held a pistol In his
fnn. xrhu tho nthpr took $42 50 from his
Money ..,..,.... 3122 J pockets. Where the hold-up Is said to
SharaofStocW " n'ws ave taken place was on a much-fre-
SSfS.-fviL'.Sir"!' 'l ouented street In the lower end of the
iiuuaci.ujuiuuiii.uic.viv. .ii.oo -.- - . .- ,. . , j.,..intinn paiuraay. xie it;
e"es "!2L muIes. tt"5 iwujcuy. as e uu'" .,irr, .w ! County, and had lived at Forest Grove
uaiue, iu.&iB , len'ts. ot tne men, ine ponce arc sacimi.i .... . 10
Sheep 47,516 the hold-up, and are Inclined to believe , aD0Ut ycars-
Doers. 6 T 53A 1 ... .u .or Vol "-n-mVilofl nwav his I
gPl?' ?S H" i money, as It Is known that he had been
Swine, 5SS1 11.20;. ,,,;, M,nPr in the evenlnir.
Shinxle 31111 Burned.
TACOMA. Dec 10. A shingle mill owned
by the Western Manufacturing: ConsS;
was burned tonight. Loss. m,000mrv
Wan Wnsblnston County Boy.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. Dec. 10. A mes,
sage from Nez Perces, Idaho, today, says
that Burt Bowlby. who was operated on
there for appendicitis, was burled there
Saturday. He was bom In Washington
. 623.517
Gross value all property.
Total taxable property $7,121,751
In 1S29, Marion County's assessment
summary showed the following valua
tions; Acres tillable land, 179,267 $2,694,164
Acres nontillable land. 327,923 1,320151
Improvements on deeded lands.... 6S3.923
City and town lots ... 9S3.S64
Improvements on same 934.955
Improvements on lands not deeded 17.410
Miles of railroad bed, 113 28?.765
Rolling stock 52,629
Telegranh and telephone lines,
15S miles 8574
Merchandise 326.356
Farm Implements 192.620
Money 79.612
Notes and accounts ., 365,582
Shares of stock. 713 55.717
Household furniture 347.SS9
I Horses and mules, 7230 lMSfio;, jv.Cuj ........................ iu,n3
Sheep and goats, 25,203 37,814
Swine, 6395 12.012
Ontario $0 00
Ophlr G3
I'lymeutn 8
Quicksilver 1 25
do prei 7 oo
ipira .emuu ... i.1 i ii. .. .i nn. .1 .-i j
Standard . 3 90 1 "vbuuuuiuuuiu8 iv iu wc cuuic yarn.
Homestake CO OOlUnlon Con 20
Yellow Jacket
BOSTON. Dec 10. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 0 00
Allouez M. Co.. 2 25
Amal. Copper.. 91 75
Atlantic 24 00'
Boston & Mont. 325 001 Santa Fe Coo
Butte Beaten 79 00'Tamaraok 2S3 00
Cal. &. Hecla... SIO OOlUtah Mining.... 33 50
Centennial 15 7uW!3ona. 3 25
Franklin 15 OifllVoHerlnes 45 50
Humboldt $ 25 00
usceoia i so
Parrott 47 50
Qulncy 174 00
B oo
Notes of Oregon Mines.
The Dry Gulch Ditch Company, of Eagle
Valley, will soon have a large force of
men at work on Its ditch. The Intention
is to have water running by Spring.
The Gnat's Pass Journal says, that the
Champion Mining Company, which owns
the Rising Star and Eccentric properties,
on Williams Creek, will build a tramway
for conveying ore to the mill, a distance
of 1& miles.
A continuous ledge SON feet in length
is said to have been proved by the re
cent work on the Xora.B. group, owned
by the Xora B. Mining Company, pf
Sumpter, and situated in the Ibex dis
trict. Five surface assays are reported,
averaging $6 per ton.
Fifty-five men left the employ of tho
Cornucopia mines Wednesday night, and
the works are shut down Indefinitely.
The trouble has been brewing for some
tlrria over differences in the dining-room
of the boarding-house. The men declared
that the force of waiters was insufficient,
according to the Carson Tocsin.
C H. Park, who has a bond on the
Golden Wedge, reports since his return
from the property at Gallce that In tun
neling in on the property about 100 feet
a ledge of rich rock was discovered, that
measures between walls 5 feet, says
the Grant's Pass Journal. He has not
had It assayed, but thinks It will average
from $200 tp $400 to the ton.
Tho interest of Walter Brown in the
Quartz Gulch placer ground and quartz
properties was sold last Wednesday to
Messrs. Kllnk and Roddick for a con-
slderatlon of $4000, says the Canyoa City
Diggings In that vicinity have been se
cretly worked by George Amett, an old
miner, for three or four years. It Is es
timated he has cleaned up $10,000. The
strike extends on both sides of the British-American
Bridpre Watchman Arrested and
Molds Found at Spokane.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec 10. Edmund
Hansen, alias H. Larkee, believed to be
the leader of the gang of counterfeiters
operating here, has been captured. Han
sen v,T3s a bridge watchman for the
Great Northern. In his shack were found
counterfeiters molds and letters ordering
gold and silver bullion. Near by in a
cache in the rocks many stolen articles
were found, Hansen protests complete
Son Accidentally Destroyed Father's
Eye and Nose.
M'MINNVJLLE, Dec 10. At Loban's
mill, west of this place, yesterday, Joseph
Draper lost an eye and was painfully shot
through the nose and tongue by the
accidental discharge of a shotgun In the
hands of bis son. The father and son
were standing about 20 feet apart when
the accident occurred.
1 A. C. Hnrrii. of Mnrion County.
j SALEM. Dec 10. A. C. Harris, aged ol
I vears. died at the residence of Silas
Jacksonville Paylnsr Debts.
JACKSONVILLE. Or.. Dec 10. The
town of Jacksonville having paid off the
first series of bonds of $7500 Issued to aid
In construction of the Rogue River Val
ley Railway, has decided to call In tho
second series of $5000 and refund the debt
at a lower rate of interest. The "present
bonds bear S per cent interest, whereas
it is believed the new Issue will be taken
at a rate not exceeding S per cent, inter
est payable annually.
Tho regular term of Circuit Court con
vened here today. The civil docket is un
usually light, aad thera aro no criminal
Gross value all property .
Total taxable property $7,923,013
Illnesi of Secretary Dunbar.
Secretary of State Dunbar has been con
fined to his bed for over two weeks with
an attack of malaria and typhoid. It
was announced today that the fever has
left him, but his physicians say he will
not be ble to go to his office before Janu
ary 1. As this is the season in which the
Secretary's biennial report must be pre
pared. It Is especially Inconvenient for
him to be absent from his office work
at this time. Mr. Dunbar's Illness was
perhaps brought on In part by too close
application to his work, for he is at his
office early In the morning, and. after
giving personal attention to much of the
detail work of his department during the
day, returns and works several hours by
Trvo Lodges In One Hall.
The Salem lodge of Elks has recently
made an agreement with Chemeketa
Lodge I. O. O. F., by which both these
orders will occupy the lodgeroom In the
new Odd Fellows' temple. This arrange
ment Is very agreeable to both orders, for
It reduces expenses for the Odd Fellows
and gives the Elks an Ideal place of meet
ing. The only cause for repret Is that it
is found Impossible to carry the mounted
elk through the door of the lodgeroom.
This elk Is the prize won by the Salem
lodge at the street carnival In Portland,
It Is so large that It cannot be placed in
the new, lodgeroom.
Rural Delivery From Albany.
Special Agent H. J. Ormsby, of ho Post
office Department, today received from
Washington the papers in the application
of citizens of Albany for a free rural de
livery system at that place He will ex
amine the proposed routes Immediately
after closing up his work In Salem.
Yonng Woman's Arm Broken and
Child's Skull Fractured.
LEBANON, Or.. Dec. 10. Yesterday af
ternoon Richard Bennett, a section hand
on the Woodbiirn-Natron Railroad, was
riding with .his family and wife's sister
upon a railroad velocipede upon the rail
road track near Tallman Junction. His
wife's sister was holding Mr. Bennett's
4-year-old child on her lap. When the
velocipede was under good headway the
young lady's dress was caught in one of
the wheels, and she was thrown violent
ly to the ground, breaking her right arm
and fracturing the little girl's skull. A
phslclan from this place was summoned,
who removed a small piece of the child's
skull and raised other parts that were
pressing against the brain. The child Is
In a critical condition, but the phjslclan
has hopes of Its recovery.
gambling earlier In the evening.
I rpnrq
Articles of Incorporation of the Central Fletcnex.f near Hayesvllle, last night
Drug Company were filed In the County
Clerk's office today. The capital stock is j
$a0. and the Incorporators are jonn
Erickson, J. A. Gutzen and Frederick
The officers and crew of the revenue
cutter Commodore Perry were paid ""ofC
today by Deputy Collector of Customs
Exchange of Felicltntions at
University of Oregon.
EUGENE, Dec. 10. The special assem
bly at the University of Oregon this
morning was attended by a large number
of students and T. M. C. A. delegates.
After the usual religious exercises. Dr.
Strong told of the great benefit that the
meetings bad proved to the association,
and the distinct Impression that the con
vention has left upon the University of
Oregon. He paid special tribute to Sec
retary Smith's stirring address of yes
terday and his strong plea to college men.
President Lee, of Albany College, Secre
tary Hanna, and Secretary Stone each
made short addresses, and International
Secretary B. F. Smith spoke for a half
hour upon tho work of the college T. 31.
C. A.
The programme of the morning- was in-
tGKT ft
I3 $gg
fv" .Aw"" -d
r" .....,4
Borden's ConJensed Milk.Co.HY
Bw I win
Used by people of refinement
for over a Quarter oi a, century.
Heppner Man Charged "With B I tins;
Neighbor's Ear OK.
HEPPNER, Or., Dec. 10. Late last night
Mat Hughes bit off a piece of Claude
Herren's ear. Herren was coming out of
Matlock's saIoon when Hughes stepped
In front pf him and asked if he had ap
plied a certain foul epithet to him last
Spring. Herren did not deny It, and
Hughes asked him how he wanted to
fight. Herren told him he did not want
to fight, as he was' no match for such a
large and powerful man, and while they
were discussing the matter Hughes seized
j him and bit off part of his ear. Later on J
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