Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Programme in Senate Will
Be Same as Last Week.
Establishment of Ship Subsidy, ns
Regular Order Displaces It This
Measure and Hay-Pnunccfote
Treaty Will Occupy Time.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. The Senate
will continue to give ila attention to the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty and the ship sub
sidy bill during the present eek, taking
up first one and then the other as may
suit the convenience of those who may
wish to speak on the two measures. Dur
ing the last session of Congress the Nica
ragua Canal bill was made the special
order of business for Monday next, but
the establishment of the ship bill as the
regular order will have the effect of dis
placing the canal bill, preference being
given under the Scnato rules to a regu
lar order over a special order. It la un
derstood that Senator Morgan, who has
charge of the canal bill, will not press
that measure until the treaty for the ab
rogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty
Is disposed of. On this account, the
friends of the ship bill do not appre
hend that he will make any opposition
to the continuance of the consideration
of that measure. He has, indeed, said
that he would be content to allow his
bill to follow closely in the wake of the
ship bill.
Three or four Senate speeches are prom
ised in opposition to the subsidy bill, and
it Is expected that most. If not all of
these already in sight will be made dur
ing this week. Among those who prob
ably will speak on the subject are Sena
tors Clay, Vest and Berry, all of whom
oppose the bill. Senator Vest is an es
pecial advocate of free ships.
There are differences of opinion as to
what effect the taking of a vote on the
fortification amendment to the treaty will
hare upon the time of disposing of that
instrument, but a majority of the Sena
tors express the opinion that the vote
upon the treaty itself will follow very
eoon after the vote upon the amend
ment. The Indications are that the
amendment will be adopted and as thus
amended the treaty will be ratified. Op
ponents of the treaty "will offer other
amendments, but they do not count upon
having them favorably acted upon.
The Senate will not sit Wednesday on
account of the centennial celebration of
"the establishment of the seat of gbvern
"ment at Washington, and there is a post
sibillty of adjournment from Thursday
until Monday of next week
ix the house:.
Reduction of War-Tax and Appro
priations Bills Will Likely Pass.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. The pro
gramme in the House for the coming
week contemplates the consideration and
passage of the legislative, executive and
judicial appropriation bill and the bill
for the reduction of the war revenue
taxes. Wednesday will be dies non. so
far as legislation is concerned, as on
that day the exercises in connection with
the centennial celebration, of the removal
of the seat of government to Washington
.. will be. h$d in the .House. , y
s. The legislative.' appropriation. oili is not
lexpected to consume more lhan two
Nlays at-most, probablyonly one, and the
.leaders xpect, that, the "remainder of the
eek will suffice to pass the war revenue
- kirreduetIon act.
It la nrobable that sneclal Interests
which do not; receive the consideration
of the bill, which they think they are
entitled to, will attempt to amend it.
This Is especially true of the brewing in
terests, which hope to secure a. further
reduction of the tax on beer from $1 CO,
a barrel as fixed by the, committee, to
$1 35 a barrel. A plan has been organ
ized by which these Interests believe
they can accomplish their purpose. In
order to secure this reduction, which
will amount to about $7,000,000. that
amount of .revenue must be attained and
those members who are working for a
further reduction on beer will advocate
the retention of the tax on bank checks
and discounts which amounts to about
the same sum. It is understood that
many of the targer banks are not op
posed to the retention of 'this tax on
the ground that It reduces the number of
small checks presented for payment and
thus reduces the cost of the clerical
force in the banks. Most of the Repub
lican members of the ways and means
committee do not helleve a successful
fight can be waged against any feature
of the committee's bilk
DeleKote Wilcox Opposes Importa
tion to HnvrnH.
HONOLULU, Nov. 30. Statistics of im
migration for the past few months show
that there is a considerable movement of
Orientals away from the Islands. During
the jAst.ttiree months, the departures of
Japanese'iSr Japan have exceeded the ar
rivals by over 700, and over 400 more Chi
nese have gone home than have comb
her. The steamship Aorangl, from Vic
toria, this week, brought the first lot of
laborers that have been received here for
some time. They are Italians. Only 80
were in the lot, but it is understood that
more will come if these make a favor
able report . ,
The question of getting negro labo
from the Southern American States is bo
lng warmly discussed. There is great op
position to importing negroes Jn some
quarters. Delegate Wilcox has declared
himself strongly opposed to it, and he
will work against it. He declares that If
negroes are brought here it moans the
end of the Hawaiian race.
This city has just passed through the
heaviest rain storm experienced In many
years Five and a half inches of rain fell
In 12 hours on the night of November 25,
and the result was some large floods In
the residence districts.
The bark St. Katherine arrived here
day before yesterday from San Francisco,
having been SO days making the trip. As
a result of the slow journey, she lost 120
hog?. which wera overcome by heat and
died on the way. The brig W. G. Irwin
and barkentine Planter have also arrived
after equally long trips. All the vessels
report an absence of trade winds.
Hawni' has celebrated for the last time
the day known to Hawaiian history as
Independence day. It Is November 2S, on
which date, 75 years ago. England and
France entered into a mutual treaty rec
ognizing the Hawaiian Nation and agree
ing to respect it as independent. This fol
lowed after the cession of the islands to
Great Britain upon demands made by the
Lord George Paulet, and the subsequent
restoration of the monarchy by Admiral
Thomas. When the Legislature meets it
will probably abolish the holiday.
Post Exchange System Promotes
Health and Morals of Soldiers.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. A report of
General J. C Breckinridge, Inspector
General United States Army, to the Lieu-tcnant-Gencral
commanding the Army.
orges an increase of the Inspector-General's
Department, In order to put it on
a moro efficient basis, and also calls at
tention to the uncertain and lamperlnjs?
effects of dtalle$ instead of .permanent,
officers in that department. .
turtjnr- chanter of the report i de-
voted to conditions In the Philippines, set
ting forth the Initial lack of a properly
organized system of land transportation
in the islands, and scarcity, of well
equipped pack trains, ana Improvements
effected in those conditions.'
"The evolution of the Army ration"
is dwelt upon at some , length. General
Breckinridge also touches upon the suc
cess which sugar and sweets have at
tained as a part of the soldiers food,
especially in the tropics. The success
that has attended the establishment of
post exchanges at garrisons throughout
the country is noted, and it is stated that
the consensus of opinion in the Army
generally Is that the present exchange
promotes the morals, temperance, disci
pline and health of the men. as compared
with the former Tegime. Sales of liquor
are confined to soft drinks, beer and
light -wines, a radical departure from the
old system; when whisky was one of the
articles Issued by the Subsistence De
partment. Fees, in Indian Liquor Cases.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Representative
Jones, of Washington, has Introduced a
bill, general In character, which provides
that where Indians are summoned as
witnesses to give testimony in cases where
charges are brought against individuals
or other parties for selling intoxicating
liquors on Indian lands, such Indians shall
bo entitled to mileage and other costs
only when they aro In no way incrimi
nated. Such Indians as have purchased
liquors under these conditions, or have
furnished other Indians with money for
making such purchases, will be cut olt
from this allowance. The bill, however,
provides that all Indians, Incriminated
or not, shall be obliged to give testimony
whon called upon.
To Amend Pension Lairs.
WASHINGTON, Dec 9. Representative
Jones, of Washington, Is seeking to
amend the pension laws by lifting from
the soldiers the necessity of proving that
the disability for which they seek pen
sions did not exist prior to their enlist
ment. His bill on this subject provides
that In all cases where the services of a
soldier were accepted, and he was mus
tered into the Army, no further ques
tions should be asked concerning his
physical condition prior to enlistment.
In many cases the soldier of the Civli
War has been prevented from securing a
pension because of his inability to prove
that his disability did not exist prior
to his enlistment.
Otis Not Looking for Position.
WASHINGTON. Dec 9. It can be defi
nitely and authoritatively stated that the
report that General Harrison Gray Otis
is In Washington seeking an official ap
pointment is without foundation or fact
General otis hlmseir is authority for the
Statement that he has not ntinllpri fnr
any appointment whatever under the Ad
ministration. He is not in Washington
on an office-seeking mission, and declares
mat mere is no warrant whatever for the
published statements to the. contrary, as
the Los Anceles Times eniracen his en
tire attention.
Sixth Annual International Contest
Opened Today in NeTr.Yorlc
NEW YORK, Dec 10. The sixth annual
international six-day bicycle race at
Madison-Square Garden was started at
midnight tonight, before over 6000 people.
The race Is held under the auspices of
the American Bicycle-Racing Association,
and 14 riders of international reputation
began the 142 hours' grind- They repre
sented as many pairs who will race for
the six days as teams. No man will oe
allowed to ride on the track more than
12 hours in any day. but the two men In
teach team, may relieve one another at
any time that suits them. At the end
of the six dayB Tacing 54000 In prizes will
be distributed among the riders. Long
before Soclock the crowds began arriv
ing at the garden, and by the time the
pistol sent tho men off on their journey
the seats around the track and the great
space Inside the rail were filled. The
track this year is banked very steep, and
is several feet higher at the outside than
that of last year. The management saw
fit to do this in order to prevent "loaf
ing," which was much in evidence at the
previous races. This will make the race
much faster continually, but probably
will cause many spills.
Following are the pairs who were count
ed In time to start in the race, the man
first mentioned In leach pair being the one
who started first for the team:
C. W. Miller, Chicago, and Robert Wal
thour, Atlanta: Hugh McLean, Scotland,
and. Arthur McLean, Scotland; Oscar
Aronson, Sweden, and Oscar Babcock.
New York; W. C. Stlnson, Boston, and
Frank Waller, Germany; John Dubois,
Brocton, and Lloyd Krebs, Newark;
Harry Elkes. Glens Falls, and Floyd Mac
Farland, San Jose. Cal.; Harry Bloecker,
Brooklyn, and Frank Albert; Jean Gou
gpltz, France, and Caesar Slmmar,
France; Karl Klser, Germany, and Fritz
Ryser. Germany; Rudolph Miller, Italy,
and H. Aucoutrlor, Italy; Charles Tur
vllle, Philadelphia, and Louis Glmm.
Pittsburg; T C. Colgan. Trenton, and
Dlckerson; Burns Pierce, Boston, and
Archie McEachern, Toronto. The Law
son brothers, John and Gus, sent their
entry In too late, and did not start.
Frltschka and LIngenfelter, the German
team; Maresca and Sassard, the Italian
team, and Nlkoden and Hoffman, the Ber
lin team, failed to qualify, and were not
allowed to start.
Speed will be the chief factor In the
race, for among the men are Harry
Elkes, the world's middle-distance cham
pion; Stlnson, who recently rode more
than 40 miles In an hour; Floyd MacFar
lapd, the handicap king, and Jean Gou
goltz, the swift Frenchman. To offset
these men's, brilliant rushes to tho front,
the slower ones will have to use all the
generalship at their command, and during
the week there will be many an interest
ing moment A man who falls Is lost,
for the pace probably will never drop
below 14 or J5 miles an hour.
' Shortly after the start the men showed
speed. The first lap was made with Elkes
in the lead, followed by Stlnson, Miller,
Aronson, Gougoltz, Dubois and Turville
In the order named, with the rest wen
bunched. With tho enthusiasm at Its
height, Gougoltz, on the -seventh lap,
broke into a wild spurt and gained 30 feet
on -Elkes. The latter and Stlnson, by a
spurt, caught up with him, but Gougoltz
held the lead to the jend of the first mile,
which he made n 2:29 3r5. The score at
2 A. M. was: Elkes and MacFarland,
49.2; Simmar and Gougoltz, 49.2; Pierce
and McEachern, 49.2; Babcock and Aron
son. 49.1; Waller and Stlnson. 49.1; Miller
and Walthour, 49.1; Frederick and Fisher,
49,1; Colgan and Dlckerson, 49.1; Dubois
and Krehs, 49; Klser and Ryser, 49; Muller
and Aucoutrlor. 49; McLean and McLean,
49; Albert and Bleecker, 4S.9.
Report That It Had Been Offered In
Advance Confirmed.
NEW YORK. Dec9.-A. story to the
effect that the Government cotton crop,
which will be made public tomorrow, has
been offered tq certain cotton brokers in
this city in advance, received corrobora
tion today. Frank B. Guest, head of a
cotton commission-house, sild tonight
that advance Information was offered to
him Saturday. He immediately notified
President Hubbard, of the Cotton Ex
change. The latter asked for a detailed
statement, which was given, and this
is to be used as a basis for FedeYal In
vestigation. President Hubbard said to
night that he would so to Washington
without delay and place the entire mat
ter before the proper authorities.
Talcs Ltx&tlre Brotno-Qolnlae Tablets. All
drurciiU refund the money tr It tails to cure
XL "a. Coa Blcaaxur Is oa i rft hex- 96c.
Greatly Reduced Deficit Is' Shoivn
..i iJoa-Jt Hint Free Rural De
livery Is- Here- to Stay.
WASHINGTON, Dec 9. Postmaster
General Charles Emory Smith has sub
mitted his annual report to the President.
In It the financial operations of the de
partment for tho last fiscal year are
shown briefly in the following statement
of revenues and expenditures:
Ordinary postal revenue $100,899,433
Receipts from money order busi
ness 1,455,143
Receipts from all sources $102,334,573
Total expenditures for the year.. $107,740,267
Excess of expenditures over re-
ceipts $ 5,3S3,6o9
The deficit for the year 1S93-1900 Is shown
to be $l,223,OSS less than the previous year.
The estimated postal revenue for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, Is $116,033,
012, and the estimated expenditure 512L
276,349. leaving a probable deficiency of
Rural free delivery, the report says,
has proved to be "the most salient sig
nificant and far-reaching feature of the
postal development."
Besides swelling the postal receipts, the
value of farms are enhanced, through the
necessity for good, roads and the oppor
tunity afforded the farmer to keep abreast
of the times by being put in closer -communication
with the outside world. The
isolation and monotony which has been
the bane of country life is sensibly miti
gated through the effect of rural free
delivery In placing the farm within daily
range of the Intellectual and commercial
activity of the world. The farmer is also
given cause to feel that he shares tha
governmental advantages of the towns
man, which stimulates his loyalty and
patriotism. 'JWith all these results clear
ly indicated by the experiment as thus
far tried," says the Postmaster-General,
"rural free delivery is plainly here to
Of the 21,000,000 of people scattered over
LO0O.0O0 square miles of territory, to whose
doors it is the task of the Government
to arrange to carry the mails through
rural free deliveryt Postmaster-General
Smith says that by the end of the cur
rent fiscal year one-sixth of them shall
have been served and 4300 routes In op
eration. The net annual cost of a com
plete rural free delivery system is esti
mated at $13,782,224. On this point the
report says:
"It will hardly be disputed that the
great result of carrying the postofflce to
ever)' home. If It can be accomplished at
such comparatively small cost, is an ob
ject well worth undertaking.
"This duty is emphasized and enforced
when we consider some other phases of
the postal question. In my last annual
report it was shown that if a class of
publications which now, under an evasion
of the purposes of the law, pay the second-class
rate of postage, were really
made to pay the third-class rate, as they
ought to do, it would bring an additional
revenue to the Government of $12,313,612.
The cost to the Government of this abuse
Is almost exactly equivalent to the esti
mated, cost of broad National rural free
delivery, and if It is a question between
favoring a very limited number of pub
lishers and favoring 21,000,000 of people
who live on the farms of the United
States, there ought to be no hesitation
in serving the many rather than the few.
The abuse should be uprooted as a public
duty; the National delivery should be un
dertaken as a public policy, and when,
through the overthrow of the wrong, the
right can be established without the
slightest additional "burden, the appeal be
comes Irresistible."
The effort to eradicate the: abuse of thel
ru-mfnl nrnvlslofis for second-class mail
matter, the Postmaster-General assumes,
Is not made in order "to change the pol
icy of the present law or to abridge the
privileges it confers upon the regular
and legitimate publications for the dis
semination of public intelligence." But
instead, says the report, "it is only sought
to cut oft the abuses which the law never
contemplated, and which have crept in
through the ambiguity of Its provisions,
or through doubtful interpretations that
have opened a wide door for wrongful en
tries. It is aimed at the serial paper
covered books at the private 'house or
gans,' at the spurious trade Journals and
Eheets of an exclusive advertising char
acter: at bulk distribution which is false
ly called subscription, and at the re
peated turn and overturn by news agents
of unsold periodicals. There Is no ob
jection to serving these purely private
enterprises through the malls, but there
Is no reason why the Government should
carry them at the second-class rate of 1
cent a pound, involving a dead loss to It,
of millions of dollars a year, when other
articles of the same kind rightfully pay
the third-class rate of S cents a pound."
The Postmaster-General says some ad
vance has been made in wiping out the
abuse above referred to.
Tho report says that the postal service
In the new Island possessions of the
United States has been materially ad
vanced and strengthened. "Unfortunate
ly," says the report, speaking of Cuba,
"its administration was stained for a
time by frauds and peculations of the
most shameful character. But this was
the crime of the agent, and not any
fault of the system. The system was
such that the frauds and peculations
could not have been committed by any
one official, however dishonest. They were
made poaslble only through the collusion
of officers who should have been a check
on each other, apd who entered Into a
conspiracy by which the safeguards de
pendent on a careful plan of -checks were
thrown down. When the facts were
brought to light, Immediate action was
taken to right the wrongs and arraign
the wrongdoers. The offense of those Im
plicated was more than infidelity to the
confidence reposed in them and more than
ordinary malfeasance in office. Its turpi
tude was enhanced by the fact that it
was the betrayal of a trust held for a
people who were our wards, which car
ried peculiarly sacred obligations, and It
merits the severest condemnation. The
cases have passed to the custody of the
courts, and early trial is expected."
The Improvement of the last few years
in the money-order system has been con
tinued and even enhanced, says the
Postmaster-General, and free delivery ex
tended. The report of the Second Assistant Postmaster-General
is cited to show the in
crease In the number of routes over which
mail Is transported, and the good effects
to the service of the order of last Feb
ruary prohibiting the consideration of bids
for star rotite contracts, where the "bidder
resided off of the route he was bidding
A reasonably satisfactory mall service
Is being furnished the people of Alaska,
and the number of complaints Is surpris
ingly small. Arrangements have been
mad for weekly service over the two
overland routes-
Senator Kuykendall's Objections.
Junction Times.
By request Senator Kuykendall has a
very interesting communication in The
Oregonlan relative to the primary sys
tem of nominating officers. We are in
favor of the primary system, provided It
can be so arranged that the object of the
law will be served. We have worked
under the primary system in two different
states, and the objections advanced hy the
Senator in regard to population Centers
did not obtain there. Usually the county
scat had so many candidates that the
ones from the outside were successful.
However, when the vast territory of Lane
is considered, its two mountain ranges
and raging rivers, the Senator's objections
are entitled to serious consideration. The
wishes of the people should be first served,
and while county conventions are enjoy
able, a sort of reunion" of enthusiastic
followers. It has Its objections. Delegates
Will pool issues and sometimes the ticket
Is simply, to a certain extent, a pyramid
of swaps. The majority of the people of
Oregon, irrespective of party, are in fa
vor of electing United States Senators
by a direct vote, and why not nominate
"by a direct vote? It Is a poor rule that
will not work both ways.
The County Assessors Ml&rat Do
Their Duty Impartially.
SALEM, Or., Dec . (To the Editor.)
The rivalry among the several counties
of. the state as to which shall pay the
legist proportion of state taxes is fast ap
proaching the acute stage.
Prosperity has been proclaimed through
out the country for tho past four years,
actually exists at present, and bids fair
to continue for some time to come; yet
the assessment rolls of the different coun
ties show constant depreciation in prop
erty values. Had the breezy Nebraskan
known this, he might have made better
use of It as a campaign Jeremiad than be
did of the negro clause la -our state con
stitution. Not content with tho efforts of the As
sessors to reduce valuations, some of the
county authorities, seeing the depreda
tion (?) of, property In other counties, as
reported to the Secretary of State, have
hastened to moke an additional horizontal
reduction, of a certain per cent on values
before making returns to the state offi
cers. At this juncture comes the eloquent
Senator from Clackamas County with a
bill printed in The Sunday Oregonlan
of December 2, and to be introduced at
the next session of the Legislature, pro
viding for the election of Assessors in
several districts in each county. It is the
abandoned project of precinct Assessors
in a new dress,
Tho proposed measure will not rem
edy existing obnoxiqus conditions, but
wUl tend to aggrevate them. Whereas,
the contest to escape state taxes Is non
carried on among the counties, under tho
scheme above mentioned it will be con
tinued and multiplied among different
sections of each county. Now the re
sponsibility for the present state of af
fairs ia divided among 33 County As
sessors, while the proposed law would
scatter it among a much large number of
Individuals, none of whom would feel
the weight of It enough to control him in
any great degree. Carried to Its logical
conclusion, the process would soon make
tho payment of etate taxes scarcely more
than a voluntary contribution, when the
mendicant state should ask alms.
Of course all taxation Is more or lees
odious. It is and always will be human
nature, la bodies politic as well as In
natural persons, to avoid taxes and try
to impose them upon others. The vice
of tho present system is that the state is
made to suffer in its revenues from this
ever-present condition without the least
power to control it. The late State Board
of Equalization had many demerits, but
it had the merit of being a step toward
giving the state some control over the
valuation of property for the purposes
of state taxation. Unless the preBent sys
tem of listing and valuation is reversed
or otherwise greatly improved, direct tax
ation for state purposes will have to be
abandoned and the state revenue raised
by some scheme of Indirect taxation
probably by an enlargement of the sys
tem of 'licenses now in use as to in
surance companies, medical practitioners
and other occupations;
If the state Is to raise revenue by di
rect taxation, it should, by Its own offi
cers, directly list and value the prop
erty to be taxed. It is idle for the state
to prescribe the rate of taxation with
out having at the same time the power to
fix the value to which the "rate is to be
applied In computing the amount of taxes
to be collected. If you will allow me to
fix the value Of my taxable property, as
my County Assessor does now. I will give
you. tacting tor the state, free rein to
fix tho rate of state taxation. As you
increase the rate I wll decrease my val
uation, perhaps to the vanishing point.
To establish the rate, to enumerate the
objects of taxation and to fix their yalues
are three elements necessary to the Just
-and proper exercise of the power of
raising the public revenue. For state
purposes they should never be separated
in execution but should all be controlled
by state authority.
Instead of diffusing responsibility Into
infinitesimal parts as the proposed law
would do, to the detriment of the public
service, authority ought to be lodged with
the Governor to appoint assessors for
each county or. perhaps better, for each
of certain specified kinds of property In
cluding all that should be taxed.
Each assessor should be appointed with
reference to his qualifications to Judge
of the value of the property he is to as
sess and should be, as far as possible,
disinterested in the result of his work.
The responsibility for equal and uniform
taxation would be centered In the Gov
ernor and could not be avoided or trans
ferred to another. The result would cer
tainly be beneficial. It could not be worse
than present conditions. G. H. B.
Will Not Ride in America Until He
Clears Standing In England.
CHICAGO, Dec 9. Jockey Tod Sloan
declared hero today that racing associa
tions of America need not prepare to re
fuse him a license to ride; that he does
not Intend to ask any club in this .coun
try for. the privilege of taking mounts
until he has either cleared his standing
with the Jockey Club of England, or been,
absolutely turned down. Sloan has de
cided to practically risk his future repu
tation on the treatment he gets when he
returns to England next Spring.
After reading the report that Tom Will
iams, of the California Club, had cabled
to England to secure additional informa
tion on the case with the idea of refus
ing to allow Sloan the privilege to ride
at Oakland If the facts warranted It,
Sloan said:
"Mr. Williams is a splendid turfman,
and if he has cabled to England for in
formation, he probably does it sincerely.
However, I don't Intend to ride at Oak
land or any other California track. I am
going to California for recreation. I have
been fully prepared for the reports that
followed the word from England. A
fellow has to stand for them, A lot of
people are asking questions and In such a
way as to make it appear there Is more
behind the caso than is now known. This
matter cannot be fully settled until the
Jockey Club of England makes a more
complete statement or at least gives of
ficial notice. That will not come prob
ably for several months, or until I apply
for a license."
The West Doesn't Want It.
Minneapolis Journal. Rep.
The Journal heartily concurs In the dec
laration of the Republican platform re
garding the Importance of a strong mer
chant marine, and in the views of the
President favoring proper legislation to
that end, but it is opposed to paying
shipbuilders millions of dollars a year
for many years in order to accomplish a
result which, from present Indications,
will come about in due time through the
operation of natural causes. The Journal
docs not believe that any considerable
number of the people of the Middle West,
of the Northwest, or of the South are
In favor of the pasage of a ship-subsidy
bill, and It believes the, better the ques
tion is understood the fewer people will
favor it. It is a measure for the benefit
of a comparatively few, and while it
would largely Increase their profits and
give an artificial stimulus to the develop
ment of an important brapch of Industry,
there is reason to believe that ship
building will continue to 4 prosper and
grow without it-
John C. StrunJe. of Middle SraltjiffeliVPa-, Is
Is 94 years old, and bas sever been outside the
conntr In which he was "born.
Worst Feature Is Involvement of
Cabinet Minister Honors to Rear
Admiral Bcardsleyi
YOKOHAMA, Nov. 20. The whole em
pire is ringing with the Toklo munic
ipal scandals, the worst feature of the
case being the Involvement of one of
the Cabinet Ministers. Party feeling,
which always runs high here on, thq
slightest friction, is now especially In
tense, and It Is at present Impossible
to .predict the outcome. It would be
particularly unfortunate If, "Just at this
Juncture, when International questions
are of such supreme Importance, and
the government is In hands' amply cap
able of managing them, a comparatively
trifling matter is to be allowed to throw
the control Into feebler hands.
The controversy on the municipal scan
dals Is developing a curious and char
acteristically Oriental state of affairs in
the matter of newspaper libel suits. Thel
noei iaws nave heretofore been practic
ally Inoperative on account of the sys
tem of vicarious atonement in common
vogue, every native paper having a dum
my editor whose only function is to go
to jail whenever his paper ls sentenced
for UbeL The result Is a flood of per
sonal abuse which can be stayed only by
an elaborate system of blackmail, the
moro unscrupulous of the Journals corn
billing both the disease and remedy In
their plans of attack upon public and
private reputations.
The association of Japanese journalists
has started an nntl-crUelty crusade, hav
ing for its Impulse the extraordin
ary silence of the European and Amer
can papers upon the Russian and French
outrages, especially the massacre by the
forces of the former nation upon the
Amoor River. It Is noted; by the foreign
press here as somewhat extraordinary
that the chief protest against these coun
tries should emanate from a "heathen"
nation, and from one to which the West
em wdrld was only a short time ago
reading moral lesons upon barbarity and
administering the severest rebukes for its
want of civilized spirit and methods In
the conduct of warfare. The Buddhists
have been stirred into unwonted activity
by the Chinese situation. One evidence
If this Is. the Issuance of an excellently
written pamphlet In English entitled "an
appeal to all ecclesiastics in the world,"
asking the latter to revise their methods
of missionary Work so as to help China
Instead of seeking to overthrow her so
cial life and thus bring on moral chaos.
Rear-Admiral Beardsley, of the United
States Navy, is the recipient of many
attentions from the Japanese,' as he war
a member of Perry'a expedition, naVlng
been a midshipman at the time the land
ing was made at Uraga, .which led to the
opening of Japan to the world. In con
nection with bis visit a movement Is on
ifoot to mark by some fitting monument
the spot made historic and famous 'in the
annals of the empire.
Said to Be Presentation of PoTrers'
Agreement to Ministers.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. The next im
portant step In the Chinese situation will
be the formal presentation to the Chinese
plenipotentiaries of the agreement arrived
at between the representatives of the
powers at Pekin for reparation for the
Boxer outrages. In Just what manner
this wilL be done, Mr. Conger has not
informed the Stato Department, although
the probability is that the document will'
be handled to the, Chinese by the- dean of
the diplomatic corps. As has been .stated,
the telegram Is simply a statement of the
terms upon which the powers will nego
tiate with China for final settlement, and
is laid before then Chinese officials as a
"matter of form. The negotiations for final
settlement will come later, after the Chi
nese have been given a reasonable oppor
tunity for the consideration of the con
ditions laid down byhe powers. The
complete agreement deciphered from the
code is now in the hands of the Presi
dent. Officials decline to make its text
public in advance of the receipt of In
formation that it had been formally ac
cepted by the powers, although the ad
vices which have heretofore come from
Mr. Conger leave no doubt that this
will be the case. The essential features
of the agreement already have been out
lined in the press dispatches.
Envoys So Take, Removal of General
Tunjr, Fn Hstangr.
PEKIN, Dec. 9. All the foreign envoys
except Sir Ernest M. Satow, the British
Minister, have received instructions from
their governments agreeing to the Joint
note proposed at the last meeting. An
other meeting will probably be called for
Tuesday next. Should the British Minis
ter have received his Instructions to sign
the Joint note by that time, communica
tion will be immediately opened with
Prince Chlng and Ll Hung Chang, who
are in dally touch with the court by the
Chinese telegraph.
Prince Chlng says Emperor Kwang Hsu
is ready to return as soon as assured
that the negotiations, will allow him to
come under conditions consonant with
his dignity and Bafety.
The removal of General Tung Fu Hsl
ang from the command of the Chinese
forces surrounding the court is consid
ered by the foreign envoys to be a very
Important step, as showing the real de
sire of the government to come to terms.
His banishment Indicates that the court
recognizes the expediency of obeying the
demands of the powers.
Russia Says This Nation Brought
About Existing: Entente.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 9. The Novoe
Vremya, in an article evidently inspired
referring to the recent dispatches from
Dr. Morrison, in tfekin, to the London
Times saying all the credit for securing
softened terms is given by the Chinese
to the Russians, remarks:
"The credit for the existing entente
really belongs to America. England be
grudges President McKlnley his Just
prestige because he has emphasized
America's friendship for Russia."
The Russian Journal regards the altera
tions which America has procured in the
peace preliminaries as of the greatest Im
portance. Execution of Ya listen. Is Certain.
LONDON, Dec 10. "General 'Chaffee
wrote a letter to Count von Waldersee,"
says the Fekiri correspondent of the
Morning Post, "complaining of the re
moval by French and German troops of
the astronomical instruments from the
waU of Pekin, but the letter was re
turned, to him on account of Its tone. He
has notified the foreign envoys that all
persons are prohibited passing the Amer
ican guard on entering the south gate
of the palace owing to the frequent eases
pf looting. The Ministers are offended at
this individual assumption of authority,
"Yeng Lu, who is now acting as the
adviser of the Chinese Court, enjoys the
favor of the Empress Dowager and Is
forming regiments which may be trusted
to defend the court,
"I am informed that the execution of
Y.u Hsien is certain whenever the envoys
demand it."
Victoria Replies to Kins Carlos'
Messase at Banquet Satarday.
LISBON, Dec 9. King Carlos has re
ceived from Queen Victoria the follow
ing telegram In response to tho one sent
Dy tis .Majesty yesteraay: i ,-
"I am greatly touched hy your kind
telegram. I sincerely thank you, my dear
nephewtvfor It, and for the good wishes
you entertain toward me and mine It is
,wlth:the greatest pleasure ..that Irecog
alze the- cordial -and friendly understand
ing between Portugal and England."
After cordial farewells to the Portu
guese ofacjals, and an exchange of sa
lutes, the British "squadron sailed at noon.
At Saturday's banquet on board the Brit
ish battle-ship Majestic, when King Car
los, Queen Marie Amelle and Prince Luis
Philippe, together with members of the
Cabinet and other dignitaries, were en
tertained, by Vice-Admiral Rawson, the
Portuguese Premier, De Castro, toasting
"Queen Victoria and" Great," Britain. '
saluted "the alliance that has long exist
ed in treaties and has been confirmed in
recent acts."
He said the significance of alliance was
"an assurance that bur rights .will be
respected and our dominions maintained."
Slr.H, G., McDonnell, tho British Min
ister, in responding, thanked the gov
ernment ot King Carlos for the "friendly
attitude, maintained with such correct
ness, toward Great Britain during the
war in. South Africa, .which has been
warmly appreciated by the government
of Queen Victoria." "The confirmation of
alliance which unites us Indlssolubly,"
said the British Minister, "Is here in
the presence of the Channel squadron.
Ancient ties are drawn closer, by recent
events. Tho British Government desires
that a firm and durable alliance may be
over maintained." In conclusion, he pro
posed "the prosperity of Portugal and
the happiness pf the royal family."
Netherlands Disavows Responsibil
ity tor Kind Letter of Minister,
THE HAGUE, Dec 9. The Govern
ment of the Netherlands bas instructed
the Dutch, Minister In London, Baron
von Golsteln van Oldennaller, to dis
avow In the name of the government
all responsiblUty for the letter addressed
to Mr. Kruger by the president of the
Chamber of the Staats-General. Dr. A.
van Naamen van Fomnes approving his
"noble purpose" and expressing a hope
that the independence oi.the two Dutch'
Republics would be secured.
Czar Not Disposed to Assist Krager.
LONDON, Dec 10. "Mr. Kruger re
ceived a message from the Czar Friday
night," says the correspondent of the
Times at The Hague. "It was couched in
very friendly terms, but the fact that
its existence has been kept .a close secret
Is sufficient to indicate its author's In
tention to abstain from any active stops
tending toward Intervention. The Czar
naturally pleads his illness as a sufficient
excuse for not Interfering.
"Mr. Kruger when cheered by the crowd
on his return from the cathedral today
turned and roundly rebuked thos'e near
him for such a desecration of the Sab
bath." American Locomotives Accepted.
LONDON, Dec 10. The Daily Mail has
received the following hy mail from Its
Calcutta correspondent: The Porte' com
missioners recently invited tenders for
locomotives. The lowest English tender
quoted 1514 for each locomotive and
wanted nine months to complete the or
der. The lowest American tender quoted
1260, and asked for six months. The
latter was accepted, subject to the ap
proval of tire government.
United States as a World Porrer.
BERLIN, Dec 9. The National Zelt
ung devotes its first page today to a
carefully prepared editorial dealing with
the United States as a world power.
After pointing out the enormous prog
ress, economically and politically, of
America In the world's affairs, the edi
torial declares that In both respects the
United States is arrayed against Eu
rope. . i
German Menibcrs. Arbitration Court.
BERLIN, Dec. 9.-The German members
of the international 'coUrt of arbitration
at The Hague -will 'bet Dr. Blngner, pres
ident of the Senate of the High Court;
Herr von Frantzlug, Councillor of the
Foreign Office and Councillor of the High
Court, and Professor von. Bar, of the
University of Goettiagen. -
Czar Continues to Improve.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 9. A satis
factory bulletin Issued at-LIvadla today
concerning the Csar's condition says:
"His Majesty's weight is increasing,
and the organs affected by typhoid have
returned to their normal condition."
Funds for British War Purposes.
LONDON, Dec 10. "We believe," says
the Daily News, "that the government
will propose In the House ot Commons
to go Into committee of ways and means
for raising money for war purposes. This,
may lead to considerable discussion."
Arab! Pasha Will Be Pardoned.
LONDON, Dec 10. The annlversap- of
the accession of the Khedive, says' the
Cairo correspondent of the Dally Express,
will he signalized by the pardon of Arab!
Pasha, who will thus be enabled to return
from Ceylon.
Souvenirs of Lord Nelson Stolen.
LONDON, Dec." 10. Sev.eral .relics of
Lord Nelson, including his watch and
many of the medals awarded, him, were
stolen fromthe Greenwich Hospital Sat
urday after" the- attendants left. The po
lice have no trace of the thief.
(Continued from First Page.)
ture,.acd these laws It follows strictly.
Every effort Is made to secure attorneys
who can be relied upon, and the greatest
vigilance is exercised in order to avoid
losses due to bad titles or poor values.
The work of bringing order out of the
chaotic condition of the records, which'
work was .begun by Clerk E. P. McCor
nack, has been continued by his success
ors, and the present incumbent is per--fectinK-a
complete -set of records in his
office. But in spite of the greatest vigil
afice and the most perfect system of record-keeping,
losses will ba sustained, and
outside expenses must be incurred. But
it is believed that J40.00Q per year is too
heavy a loss to the school fund Interest
on account of outside expenses and losses
by bad loans, and that this i sum' can be
reduced $25,000 or perhaps 530,000 per year
by giving the board greater liberty in the
Investment of funds and by providing
that county and state indebtedness shall
be paid with money borrowed from the
common school fund: Whether anything
can or should be accomplished In this di
rection is a timely question, and one
worthy" the attention of members of the
President's Message Tpo Longr.
.Chicago Tribune.
The annual message of the President
should -be. a state paper of interest and
value which, every American should read.
It should 'contain only matters of such
paramount importance as to deserve that
the President of this great Republic should
oall the attention of the National legisla
ture to them. If this principle governed
the writing of messages most Americans
would read them and be, instructed there,
by. As it ia, the pnly faithful students
of most of the messages are the proof
readers. The day before a message is
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Light Green Hair
Do you "want this color for
your tair ? Tbca -we can't help
you. But if you vant your
gray nair restored to tne beauti
ful dark, rick color it used to
have, Aycr's Hair Vigor vill
give it to you every time". You
know it's not a dye, it's a
hair-food. There is no need of
looking old Before your time.
If you do not obtain the benefit yon desire
iromma of the Ylftor, -write the Doctor
about it. He will tell you jnst the right
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printed every business man says he means
to read it. When he sees- the columns
and pages it covers he sighs and puts
It by, to be read at a. "more convenient
season" a season that never comes.
President McKlnley has broken many rec
ords. "He will save himself much labor
by making next time a Presidential mes
sage record. He can do that by leaving
"out of the message he is to send" to the
iext Congress a year hence everything:
contributed by his Secretaries that Is not
important and interesting, and trusting
to his own arts of composition alone.
Then his message will be read through by
ten thousand people where only one reads
It through new.
American i Enilly Rout Filipinos-
Recent Engagements.
MANILA, Dec 9. While the captures
of supplies and the occupation or new
pointy are quite numerous, the engage
ments Involving actual fighting are com
paratively few. Apparently the Insur
gents are falling back at all contested
points, sacrificing their possessions in
mdst cases and satisfied to save them
selves. A detachment of the Forty-seventh In
fantry from the Island of Catanduanes,
off the southeast coast of Luzon, relin
quished an attempt to land near Pan
dan On anchoring, the Americans wera
Ared upon by 60 riflemen, and after a
short engagement they cut the anchor
chain and sailed for Catanduanes with
two killed and two wounded. The names
have not yet been received here. Cap
tain R. T. Ellis, of the Thlrtv-thirrl In
fantry, captured in the mountains near
Barbar a large quantity of Krag, Mauser
and Remington ammunition, together
with a. signal outfit, a" printing press
and other equipment. All of this was de
stroyed. Thirty rifles and several hun
dred cartridges were secured at Vic
toria. A detachment ot the Fourth Infantry
captured Major Garlon and three officers
of lower rank in the town of Pasay.
Another detachment destroyed GeneraJ
Ugul's camp. The enemy had fled, but
the Am'e-icins subsequently rounded up
25 Insurgerts. General MacArthur has ap
proved the death sentences passed upon
several addltlqnal prisoners convicted o
murder, arson and pillage. In a few other
instances he has commuted death sen
tences to imprisonment.
Correspondent Snjs It Is Becoming
Increasingly Hopeless.
LONDON, Dec 10. "Reliable advice?
from Manila show that the position of
the .Americans is becoming increasingly
hopeless" says the Hong Kong correi
spondept- of the Daijy MaIL "Money la
freely subscribed to purchase arms &n3j
ammunition that are Imported Xor the inJ
surgents. The Americans will never cap
turq the real contraband-running vessels!
While in order to flatter the official vlcTwr
that trade Is flourishing goods are per
mitted to be freely imported to Manllal
they are distributed from that point td
the insurgents, who are murdering and,
pillaging all native sympathizers with tho
Montana's Official "Vote.
HELENA, Mont., Dec 9. The official
canvass of the vote in Montana shows
the following result:
Bryan, 37,146; McKlnley. 25,375; Debs,
70S: Woolley, 298: Donnelly, 118.
Dinner Sets
Lovely Limoges French China
Delicately tinted translu
cent French China. Gold
handles and clouded gold
edges. Price them and they
axe, yours. Single .pieces sold
as well.
Sets for Sfce,cr
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Dresden Decoration
Primrose Decoration
Many other Decora'
Our Prices
Just Like Finding -Money.
Great Eastern Tea Co.
326 Waxh. St., bet. Sixth and Seventh
23 First Street, near Salmon.
Tutf s Pills
Cure All
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good digestion; sound sleep; a
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An absolute cure for sick head
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Tutt's Liver Pills